Newspaper Page Text
E urning (Capita) 1384 ★ 1923 Afr AIOUI Ml*. Published Daily Mood* y by 'H* CAPITAL PtJBLI SUING COMPANY TB EVENING CAPITAL la on sal* at tl> following place*: yon* W. Job** 32 "’eat Street In I taut tkaitw... M *at **•• Joorsa J. livU 7* Mori taud Aon SoL*b Ftfdmoyur fid Maryland avo. 'BraaWrd Confectionery" Kmc Ooorgo St WtQlotft TlrtilF. ..... Weal A Cathedral Mo W. B, ft A. NawaUUid, Short Line Terudnsi M. Mil lor 33+ Wool Street K Man dr Tl- 1 —* A Sown Avo., Eaatpuft Dr. Cnkn * B. fleukel...2 Maryland At*. Martin** .'.oaUol Store. Jb* wrat ►‘•reet Samaria Main a Uadrtlf Ht Delivered la AnnapuM*. KaatyorL <W onaotuwn olid Weal Aou;-<dio by ••arrbtr •or tt cent* par month. Tom eon have tu- (CVKMV*) CAPITAL mailed to yea wb*-n away f nei the <*liy by Itnvlinr your tut*'* and *Mr*ea at tbe offloa, for to itaio |**-r itmuih; Bt* par C>ar. payable in <*v n• * io i.> pcaUiißce tw Cbtusi Aio.a •<* 1 ’outt. ■ateard at amui*‘* i’oatoffioa ee fccoiiOCleee Matter. ■eeabee of The Anarlaird Preea Tbe Aeeoetntril I’reas la escla alvei/ entitled i<> the uae for re* I pobJf 'DtloD nf nil nroi credited to it or nut otherwise credited In thle naper and <m ike local aewa published hcrol.i. All rights of aa • public* (lon of apodal dia patsnea herein ar* alao reserved. FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1923. MI NT MATE PATIENCE While some persist in com plaints over the costs of sugar, building materials, coal and Cer tain other every-day commodi ties, it is a pleasant and honest duty to chronicle official action which may lead to price changes in articles more or less required in somebody’s life. In cheerful compliance with the mandate of the flexibility clause of the Fordney-McCumber tariff, the United States tariff commission is proceeding in or derly fashion to examine the costs of production here and abroad. Public notice has been issued of the commission’s deter mination to help the president by investigating all facts in connec tion with the tariff on the follow ing articles: Synthetic phenolic resin, smolcrnr articles made from synthetic phenolic resin, linseed oil, cresylic acid and briar-wood pipes. It is to be expected tliat the stnbkers who favor an old-fash ioned clay pipe will feel discrinu inated against in favor of the plutocrats who affect the briar pipe. Rut common decency on the part of the saner portion the public will 'insist upon pa tience* tariff oummissioii has a great task before it. ft must give tile 30-day notice of all hearings and then proceed with calmness and deliberation. W ith many thousands of ar ticles listed in the tariff sched ules, it is possible that all inter ested parties will not be reached the first day or the first century. But all will be taken care of in time. The commission, upon de mand, must consider the neces sity of revising tariffs on all ar ticles from asbestos to zaffer. It has the sworn duty of being just as fair to ferro-silicon as it is to turtles, Chestnuts are the peers of life-boats in the tariff, and the commission has no more right to ignore crochet needles than hand cuffs. If the commission learns that the infant dynamite indus try no longer needs protection, it must so find in voluminous re port. Should cheap foreign skele tons endanger the American skeleton producer’s business, it is clear the commission should have skeletons taken off the free list, where congress in its wis dom placed them. I he tariff commission is going on with its work. Sugar users and others must merely await their turns. APPROPRIATE The Congressional Library lacks funds to catalogue ragtime, or “low-grade* niusic as it is of ficially defined. "Ragtime is kept in the basement." says a Wash ington dispatch, which is a seem ingly appropriate depository for this Stuff. If a suh-hasement could be found, its interment would cause tflo avalanche of tears. But since the Library is com pelled to copyright all that is of fered. "the emotional grist from the dance-mill hoppers” will probably be ground out in large quantity. Ragtime is not very sensitive as to where it rejkoses in the Congressional Library so long as its wierd tones are ac cepted by the dancers. MR. HAWKS' MINUTE MES Those of us who had gathered the idea that Charles G. Dawes was a broncho-busting. oflP-the reservation sort of individual, are at a loss to understand bis latest foray into public atfairs. Mr. Dawes, early in politics, in banking, in the army, and in national budget-making, was noted for his extreme distaste for I bunk and his horror of plati tnde". Now he appear* befor. J the public in the rob of organ : izer of r’.ic Minute Men of th< r I Constitution. ;j This organization is to be con secrated t > the duty of obtaining J delegates to the national conven ij lions of next year who will vote fir incorporation in the plat -1 forms of planks pledging the par -11 ties to certain fundamental prill [ < SriLs. The principles include: . J Lncourage ment of respect for 1 1 L • and the constitution of the • j United States : condemnation of .nil influences and agencies tend . ing to breed class or religious hatred : assertion of the right of ’ individuals to associate within j the law for the defense of rights j and the promotion of economic, social and political interests; maintenance of the rights of citi zens to freedom from unlawful interference; declaration that loy alty to the government of the United States must be above and beyond that to any civil or in dustrial organization working for the interests of special groups of classes. : There isn’t anything in Mr. Daw'es’ list of principles which will be disputed. They sound as line and platitudinous as did the old-time spread-eagle ora , tor s tearful praise of the grand ’ | old flag. Ihe trouble seems to He in getting men and govern ments to express these fine prin ciples concretely. If Mr. Dawes 1 and his Minute Men have diseov ' rred a method whereby fine phrases in political reforms can step out into action, they will do 1 a great work. IN MEMORIAM I i J. WESLEY CARTER Much sympathy has been expressed for the parents of J. Wesley Carter, | the Annapolis student of Calvert Hall, Baltimore, who met a tragic death on Monday lust when uttempt-! . mg to board a moving car. Had he lived until the 7th of June, the boy | i would have celebrated his seven teenth birthday. He took great in terest in his school, and almost with his last breath said to the priest at bis ledsite, "Fattier, Calvert Hail is ■ i splendid school; the .very best." i J ••Mosey,” as he was familiarly known to his Intimate friends, had finished a portion of this year’s exams, and had a good passing mark. It was showing his mother his report, 1 f that probably delayed him the tioru* Jug of the accident that resulted in bis death, and the last thing he said lo her on leaving was ‘‘Don’t worry, mother. I am sure of making the re quired points, pass." He was de voted to his mother his first thought was of her when injured, and after telling them to “take me to the hos- Ilstal, quickly.” he said “Don’t let mother worry, tell her I am all right." The fondest hopes of the bereav ed parents wore centered in their first born, M’esley, the pride of their hearts and home, whose form was laid to rest yesterday in St. Mary’s cemetery, but whose momory will linger long in the hearts of those who loved him, and to whom he had en deared himself through his lovable nature and manly character. A FRIEND. C. M. T. CAMP OFFERS ADVANTAGES FOR BOYS ICantlnaed From Pm* I.) without defects which impair the free use or the limbs or greatly affect the general health. The age limits are frrm 17 to 24 years, inclusive. These limits do not apply to those who attended a pre-J viona camp or who have had prior military training. Tills Father Was Pleased Last year after the camps were Ivor, a father wrote: “I had a son at camp last Aug ust and I am wonderfully pleased with the results shown in him upon his return. He showed mark ed physical improvement and came home with a wholly different out look upon life, improved self-re spect and enlarged ideas of pa t riot ism and high respect for constituted authority of all kinds. I only wish that this service could l e so enlarged so as to give every boy in the United States the opportunity to take the course. I think it would be worth all it costs in improve rae*t of our young manhood. This lettel is written as an apprecia tion personally and to assure you that I will be glad to do anything I can to further what I believe to be a moat excellent work.” Hit son had entered the camp a bov. he came out a citizen. The per cei tare cf young men who return eac ailce 'er’lig year to take the next hip .er coutr'o is more than gratify- I tng. THE EVENING CAPITAL, ANNAPOLIS. MARYLAND. FRIDAY, MAY 25. 1923. POCAHONTOS LODGE TO BE INSTALLED twill Pa*o 1.1 ’'’raanship fn the Hunting Grounds 'it Maryland that it at one time held, •mutely, the best tribe, with the best degree team, and largest membership of any in the State. l.oenl Tribe Oldest Chesapeake Tribe is the oldest in the United States, as its predecessor. Saint Tarnina Tribe, held its meetings on the same spot upon which the Red Men** Hall now stands, in the early part of the seventeenth century. The Improved Order of Red Men is a pa triotic. as well as a fraternal, as the colors of its country is ever present in its wigwam Fraternally it stands for Free-dom. Friendship and Charity, for the relief of the distressed, burial of the dead, and the education of the orphan, and from a patriotic stand point. it stands for the upholding of the Constiution of the United States. NAVAL OFFICERS ALL SET FOR GAME fCuntlMMl rra* Par# 1.1 Kurtz, commandant of midshipmen, and Commander Abram Claude, officer in charge of ships attached to the lo cal station.” All kinds of reports have emanated from the rival camps, as to whether the opposing twirlers will be “right” for the battle. It is re ported that both Lieut. Kirtland. who will servo them nn for Benedict offi cers. and Lieut. Krlner. who will be on the slab for the hoys of ‘‘single blessedness." have been indulging in n good bit of training on the quiet. Lieut. Hicks, a former Navy Btar, will he nn the receiving end for the mar ried men. and Lieut. McKay will per form this corresponding task for the bachelors. Some Of The “Stars” The final makeup of the teams has not l sen announced, hut it was learn ed today that among the married folks who hope to swat ’em out, and canter around the sacks there wiM l n Commander Cooke. Commander , McWhorter, lieut.-Com. Gillan). be | sides Lieutenants Kirtland and Hicks, I the "crack battery.” Other single J men who will be seen in togs. In j elude Lieut. Pickhardt, at first; Lieut. Parker on second; Lieut. Calhoun at. ! short; and Prof. Paul Dashiell at the hot corner. The rest of the players will be escorted to their respective positions at the appointed time, j The game will start at about 5 l o’clock, as it will follow the Navy? * University of Delaware contest. BILL GRUMP’S WIFE SAYS I guess i*’fj true one-hulf of th’ ( world don’t know how th’ other half liven, but ’taint us wlmmen’s fault. i Handsome is as don't get found out! 1 AY fU.eakiir of gettin’ found out that''* what scares most wimmin, but th’ men are much more scared of be in’ sued! I nover saw any man keep a grouch- !f he was well fed! An Innocent girl i 3 awful foolish to try and look wise, and a wise girl is an awful fool if she doesn’t try to look innocent. Most old maids are winttnin who laughed at men instead of with 'em. The only way for a woman to be popular with ether wimmin is to re member thut other wimmin like a chance to talk as well as she does. One good thing about these new fangled long skirts, they’re coverin’ up a lot of family skeletons! Men are just naturally fools, but *h biggest fool I know was a man who threw away his corkscrew when prohibition went into so-called effect! —Baltimore American. She Found Out Two women, previously unacquaint ed. were conversing at a reception. After a few conventional remarks the younger exclaimed; “I can’t think what has upset that tall man over there. He was most attentive to me just now. and now he won’t even glance at me.” ‘ Perhaps he saw me come in.” said the other. “He’s my husband.”—Bal tiniore American. AUTOS WASHED! I And Washed RIGHT All Enclosed Cars Cleaned by Vacuum Process Work Must be RIGHT And Prices RIGHT Up-to-Date Greasing Stand and Washing Stand EVERYTHING CASH! BROWNIE’S GARAGE 145 WEST STREET phone STMt. . I "" ■ J MIDDIES NEAR END OF SPRING SPORT PROGRAM <C*Btla**e FrtMß Fag* I.) of caring the morning as is generally tbe ca.-e with games at the college. TLe cadets arc now winding up the most, disastrous season in the history of the diamond sport at the college. It seems almost unthinkable, but the college lads have only won one game during the season. That was the opeaiug contest with the strong Fcrdham nine; after a hard fight. Their work in that battle augured well for a successful campaign, but they have been forced to accept de feat in all other scheduled games. “Plebe” Oarsmen Off Today The rowing crew of “Plebes,” or fourth class midshipmen, accom panied by Coach Richard Glendon, four substitutes, and attendants, left Annapolis at 2.20 o'clock this after noon. bound for Philadelphia, where they will compete in the Freshmen event of tbe annual American Henley regatta, to be held on the Schuylkill river tomorrow afternoon. The young embryo officers are in prime condition for the pull, and with a clean slate of victories in races of the early season on local waters, local , rowing enthusiasts count upon them being out in front at the close of to i morrow’s brush, which will be over the Henley course of a mile and five , sixteenths. Following are the statistics of the “Plebe" oarsmen: Sylvester. Denver, Col.; stroke, age IS, weight 178, height 6.03. DeWolfe. Dayton. O.; No. 7, age 20, weight 175, height 6.02. May, Gordo, Ala.; No. 6. age 19. weight ICS, height 5.11. ‘ Elliott, Iloulder, Col.; No. 5, age 19, weight 175, height 6.01. Lee, Front Royal, Y’a.; No. 4, age i 17. weight 168, height 6.01. Eddy, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.; No. I; 3, age 20, weight 175, height 6.05. l! Whelan, Stewart, la.; No. 2, age 20, I weight 165, height 6.01. •j Watson. Morrison, 111.; bow, age 20, | weight 170. height 6 02. , I Trafton, Henderson, Ky.; coxswain, , age 17. weight 114, height 5.04. Average weight, excluding coxs wain. 171 3-4. HIDDEN DANGERS i future Gives Timely Warnings Thai No Annapolis Citizen ( an Afford ; To Ignore. DANCER SIGNAL NO. 1 comes from the kidney secretions. They will warn yon when the kidneys arc weak. Well kidneys excrete a clear, , atnher fluid. Disordered kidneys solid a thin, pale and foamy, or a thick, red. iH-smeUing urine, full of sedi ment and irregular of passage. DANCER SIGNAL NO. 2 eoines from the back. Back pains, dull and j heavy, or sharp and acute* suggest | weak kidneys and fn that caae warn you of the danger Of dropsy, gravel and Brfght’s disease. Doan's Kidney , Pills are endorsed by thousands. Here’s Annapolis proof; Mrs. William E. White, 104 Charles 1 St., Annapolis, says: “My kidneys be came disordered and I felt dull and run down. I had no energy or anibl -1 tion. The action of my kidneys wan * irregular and annoyed me consider ably. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills from Green’s Drug Store. They strengthened my kidneys and my > I energy returned. I felt better in every way.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t sirn ■ ply as for a kidney remedy get Doan’s Kidney Pills —the same that Mrs. White had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y.—(Adv.) IN THE TAPI. Fit. BRINGS RESULT*. Notice To Taxpayers OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER. Notice is hereby given to all persons who hare not paid their City Thx hills for ttie I.evy of Ur_ >, _’. that unless these bills are paid by June :’>o. 1!XS!, the Col lector and Treasurer will proceed to d -! vertise all unpnid taxes for tax sale, as authorized by the City Code of Aunupolls. GEORGE F. QUAID. Collector sml Treasurer for the Levy of 1922. j m"5-td. E. O. LEAGUE ROOFING Spouting, Sheet Metal and Slat* Work BTOVBS AND FURNACES INSTALL*!* AND REPAIRED OVK Hl-W NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the sub scriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Anne Arundel County. In Mary land. Letters Testamentary on the per sonal estate of CUZABETH M. C. SLACGIITF.It, l*t of Anne Arundel county, diveoned All persons having claims against the d*- ceased are hereby warned to cxiilbit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to tin subscriber on or Inf ore the l?th DAY OF SKPTBKBER, 19JJ. They may otherwise, by law. be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All t*er sous indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under mv baud this Ctli day of March. 1923. A. T. BRADY. Administrator c. t. a. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the sub ecrlber, of Anne Arundel county, .ms ob tsiiicd from the Orphans' .Court of Ann< Arnndel County, in Maryland. Letters Testamentary on the personal estate of ANN CATHERINE MII.UX, late of Anne Arundel county, <l*censed All persona having cliLus against >ho d* ceased are hereby warned to exhibit tin same, with the >ou*-uers thereof, to tin subscriber on or befoto the Mb DAY OF OCTOBER, 1923. They jnav otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefit of raid estate. AH i-er sons Indebted to said estate ure requested to make immediate payment Given under my hand this 27th day of March, 1923. VIRGINIA I. MI'LLAN, Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Npticn is hereby given that the sub scriber' has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Anue Arundel Countv, In Mary land, Letters of Administration on tin personal estate of JOHN L. HARRINGTON, late of Anue Arundel county, deceased All persons having claims against the de ceused arc hereby warned to exhibit flic same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber on or before the 18th DAY OF SEPTEMBER. 1923. They may otherwise, by law. be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All t*er sous Indebted to said estute are requested to make Immediate payment. Given under my hand this Gtb day of March, 11*23. CINA 15. HARRINGTON. Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Noth*# Is hereby given that the sub scriber, of Anne Arundel County, has ob tained from the Orphans’ Court of Anne Arnndel County, in Maryland, le-ttcrs Testamentary on tin- personal estate of JAMES . CONROY, tate of Anne Arnndel comity, deceased. All > eron having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned t<> exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber on or liefore the 2(at DAY OF NOVEMBER. 1923. They may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benelit of said estate. All per *--'>- '• de’wed t<> s**ld estate are requested to make immediate payment. tint l • under iny hand this 15th day >f May, 1923. HATH CONROY. Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the sub scriber, of Anne Arundel county, has ob mined from the Orphans' Court of Ann* Arundel county, in Maryland, Letters Testamentary on the personal estate ol CHARLES H. I’KTERS, Into of Anno Arundel county, deceased All persons having claims against tin* de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit llu with the vom-horM thereof, to tin subscriber on or before the 14th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1923, They may otherwise, by law. be exclude*' from all beuedt of atiid eatute. All pur- Mtn indebted to said estate all- IVqtlcsfc to make Immediate payment. Given under my hand this Btli day of May, 1923. MATILDA TIIOMVR. m-9-td. Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the sub scriber, of Anne Arundel eonnty, has ob taiued from the Orphans' Court of Anne Arundel County, iu Maryland, Letters Tea tameutary on the personal estate of THOMAS E. STRANGE, late of Anue Arnndel eottntv, deceased All persons having claims against the de ceimed ere hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber on or before the 26th DAY OF SEPTEMBER. 1923. They mny otncrwlse, by law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All per sons Indebted to said estate are requested to mnke immediate payment. Given under my hand this 20th day ol March, 1023. R. LENA STRANGE. Executrix. AN ORDINANCE T< add n section to Article 38 of tin City Code, to be designated as Section 2ft. A. to follow immediately after Section 2T of such article. Section 1. eR i testablished and ordain ed by the Mayor, Counselor and Alder men of the City of Annapolis, that a new Heetlou he added to Article 38 of tile Cltj Code, title. Streets, to be designated aV See Mon 25-A. to follow Immediately uftci Station 25, and to read ns follows: Section A. It shall not be lawful foi any person or persons, or body corporate to place upon auv of the public streets lanes or alleys, footways, or pavements of the City of Annapolis any goods for sale, or receptacles used In connection with the same, or stands or containers of any kind, except ns provided In thin sec tl*n. Such goods, receptacles, container* ami stands shall be plm-ed only in am h ; way that they shall occupy not more Hist twenty-live per cent of the width of the footway directly adjacent to the building occupied by the person so placing them and shall In no ease he placed within si feet of the outward edge of the curb oi any street. No permanent structure slial be placed for such purposes without firs* obtaining a permit from the City Council unon the recommendation of 'the cit* Commissioner. Every person violating any provision of this section shall be punished by a tine of not less than on* dollar or more than ten dollars, toztber with thp costs of the action, to be re covered ns tines and costs are now re covered. Section 2. And he it established or'b'lned by the authority aforesaid June 15 S Bha " take t O* Approved May 14, 1923 ... , SAMUEL JONES. Attest; Mayor EMMA ABBOTT GAGE Major. City Clerk. (Seal.) AN ORDINANCE For tbs purpose of fixing and estnblLh * • tax to rover the cost of making connect loti with newer oa Munroe Court. Section 1. Be It established and or dained by the Mayor, Counselor and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis that a new section be added to Article 38 of th* city Code of Annapolia. to follow Sectkn 9 Article, and to read ns follows n 10 w Ail owncr * of property abutting on Munroe Court shall be as ! um of dollars, or as much thereof as necessary, for the purrmsc of covering the cost of the outlet from tin main sewer to a point near such abutting property, affording easier access to said sewer, and all portions of this sewer b*>- y.*nd the '1 attached to main sewer and i coune*>ttng with abutting property shal le considered the sewer of the owner of such abutting property. Section 2. Aud be It established and ordained by the authority aforesaid that this ordinance shall take effect from the cate of passage. Approved April 18. 1923. .... . SAMUEL JONES. Attest; Mavor EMMA ABBOTT GAGE. City Clerk. ’ SPRING IS HERE. ARE YOU 100% EFFICIENT ? 00 YOU TIRE EASILY? & J TONERS % MAKES A DIFFERENCE- A IN A DAY x&S Radutt* contains Far ten deys. Dont let 'A DIME A DAY STAND IN YOUR lAY For health aid couplet* happinea A STRENGTH BUILDING TONIC IR&HN-THE-BLOOD For nale everywhere ,*r triU post paid on receipt of |irice. TIIE I'KONTIC DRUGGISTS, INC. Itsiltimnre, Yd. WILLIAM 11. MOSS ... Auctioneer PUBLIC SALE —OF— VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS Situate On .li-fli-rwin st., \nn:ipnll, Mil. I'nder and by vlrture of a power of sale contained in n mortgage from Ureil Si hocn. dateil the 19tli day of August. 1919. recorded among the Land Records •f Anne Arundel couuty in Idber \V. N. W No. lft. folio 222. I will offer at public "■*• j-* Court House Door, Anunpolis. Md., on Tuesday, May 29, 1923, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M.. -lie following projierty: AM those four lots of ground situate oi. 'he northeast side of Jefferson street. An iKpoila. Maryland, with a frontage there on of 173 feet. With a d.-ptli of 13ft feet to a lifteen-fool alley, designated as Nos 18. 19. 20 and 21 on the plat of the ''Kip t*r Estate" made liy E. Lin-v Chinn. Purveyor, and tlleil ill Plat Book No. 1. Section 1. folio ift. of Anne Arnndel comity. Being the same lots of ground conveyed to the said Fred S< liocn bv Fredericks W. Kliqier, Surviving Execti lor and Trustee, by deed dated the mi, lay of August. 1919, recorded among the •foresnld Laud Records in I.lber \V. N \V. No. 18. folio TUB MS <*l-’ SALK: Cash on ratiliention of the sale by the Court. A deposit of $290.00 will be required *f the purchase or purchasers on the day of sale, balance to bear interest at the rate <r 6 |,er cent tier annum. Taxes to he adjusted to tin date of sale. For further particulars, apply to. WINRO.N G. OOTT, Attorney Named iu Mortgage. m-9.1ft,1.5,22,25.2(1-28. Annapolis, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS^ Notice is hereby given that the sub serf her, of Anne Annuli*! cointv, Inis ob* taiued from the Orphans' Court of Anne Arundel County, in .Maryland. Letters of Administration on the personal estate <>f JOHN F. Bit OWN, late of Anne Arundel enmity* deceased All jx-rsona having claims against the do cease*! are hereby warned fo exhibit tin same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber on or before the 20th DAY OF AUGUST, 1023 They may othertvlse, by law. be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons Indebted to snld estate are requested to make Immediate payfnent. Given uuocr my hand tlds 2utli dnv *<r February, 1923. ' ELIZABETH FORD, A*!:ii'nisrratrix. NOTH E TO CONTRACTORS The Incorporated City of Annapolis. Maryland, will receive bids until 12 o'* lock, noon, June 2. 1923. at Annapolis, Mary land, for the <s>nstructloii of sewers, as follows: About 3.128 feet of 111-inch and (i 72 feet of 8-lncli. with suitable appurten ances. all In aocordamv with plans and specifications prepared by C, K. Miller. Ktiglncer, Annapolis, find now on file with the City Clerk. All bids must be accom panied with certified checks, approximate ly In the amount of ft per cent, of the bid. made payable without recourse to the Clt\ of Annapolis. Md. The city reserves the rigid to reject any and all bids, to waive defects, and to accept any bid. AH bid* must be In sealed envehqies. marked on the outside "Sewerage Bids." anil ml dressed to Mrs. Emma flag**. City Clerk W. B. & A. ELECTRIC RAILROAD MID-CITY TERMINALS Half-Hourly Service Morning and Evening Between Annapolis. Baltimore and Washington an d Camp Meade, (Washington and Camp Meade passengers change at Naval Academy Junction.) LEAVE ANNAPOLIS West Street Station 510. *5 50, 8.20. x. 50, x 7.50. 8.20. 020 10.20, 11.20, A. M„ 12.20. 1.20. 220 320 v4.Ga 5.20, 0.20, 7.00, 8.20, 10.20, Leave Naval Academy Gate to minuter earlier; Btnto House Station, Bladen Street and College Avenue, aeveu (7) minutes earlier Connecting at Odentnn with P, It. R. ANNAPOLIS SHORT LINE DIV. Bladen Street Station 5.20 A. M and half-hourly thereafter at 20 and 50 minutes after each hour uuti> 6.00 I*. M.. then at 7.50, 8.50, 9.50. 10.5<i and 11.50 P. M. 5.20 and 5.50 A. M. trains daily except Sunday. LEAVE BALTIMORE—W., B. tt A. <5 ' 35 ',, 7 ,? 5 -, fi 35 * , 0 - 35 - 10-35. 11.35. A. M. 12,2°* 1-35- 2 35, 3.30. x 4.05. 4.35. *505 All trulns receive or discharge passenger* at local points between Annapolis and Naval Academy Junction and st Ship ley and Linthlcnm on signal. ANNAPOLIS SHORT LINE DIV. Howard and Lombard Sts. 5.15 A. M. and half-hourly thereafter at 15 S’?? 45 minutes after each hour until then at 7.15, 8.15. 9.15, 10.15 11.15, P. M.. and 12.15. A. M 5.15 and 5.45 A. M. trains daily except Sunday. LEAVE WASHINGTON 5.00. 6.45. 8 00. 9.00, 10 09. 11 00, A. M., 12.00. 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, x. 3.30, 4.410. x 4.30. 5.00 6.00. 7,00, 9 00. 11.00. P. M.. 12.10 A. M.. x—Daily except Sunday. For tickets and information apply atom city ticket offices: West Street Station. Carvel Hall. Short Line Statiou, Bladen Street. Carlson & Carlson 1* GLOUCESTER ST. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Agents for Johns-ManvlUe Asbestos. Estimates Cheerfully Given. PHONE Try an ad In TIIE EVENING CaPJ TAL. It pajs! LOST - Lost—l ester lay. somewhere lx tu .• , p Graduate School MU ,t Hoinew M e*: street. buneh of kcx * jm . please return to Capital ofth e. I | street, small white and black f.‘.\ t.-r --hind leg bandaged. Reward If r. :'. to J. ,1. biehlc, 172 West street. FOR RENT ►OK HINT Furnished apartment rooms and bath; j?o Brlm-e V *trs>i. Bhoue ViT-J. tok rent \.-u house. *i\ rooms bath; I.H-atcd near o'tibr of town • lushed. |75; tinfiirniahed. !h;ft i.' )ls slon after June ft. Phone 808 M. rO itRNY No. 277 \\ *•* monthly. Apply B. J. \\ l( . School street. I OR RUN I pislx-d moms for light h..n*. k.- central location. Apply 8..\ , office. For KF\r S Various. Monterey avenue. West \ poll*. FOR RENT New. unfurnished thr., apartment: 29 Mmirw Court. W<-st strx-t. FOR RENT I'or the summer m modern furnlshetl house, six i (MIM s ttarage. Very reasonable terms t., , ; party. Plume sip; it. FO* hi \i : ment. six rooms and bath, i Naval Academy. Phone sst; t: FOB RENT i naval officer ern six-room, iinfurnlshe*! house i la. Phone M. uok Hist ftarnls ! modern eonvenliMieea. Applv ; street. UOIt HUNT Four room house hot ami .add water. Eleetrie ||.o, gas range in kit.-hen. Applv ?1 u,. street. Foi HIM It tractive new liollß**. 3!St Severn avenue, East port. For him Modern furnished apartment; tile bath ami pur. h p. min t.! FOR SALK FOR SALI munlilliatloll I.M-k fitted Inside with .instable tilting drawers ami Outside finish In dark green. ,\n ~ lent piece of furniture for auv ..t* having large bookkeeping outfits or v . able papers to be tiled. Phone .Yin. UOK SAI.I-: Overland touring .-ar; n,,, !H>, Driven about 10.(10(1 miles. ' Hyman Zelko, Kvettiiig Capital oill.V . 11!" FOR HALF. Flve-passcngcr touriur reasonable price. Telephone Navy I. ___ ttt" 1 FOR BALK OR KIM Two pianos. Apply 47 Maryland avenue. ' - ma| FOR hale Two Angora goats iu*>? t.- -1 I and kid, elglit mouths old. old u well broken. Also snrrey ami new of harness: slft. Apply' Thomas 1.1 lugs' old stand, foot of Main street. i , !lC| FOR HALE—I 922 Model Overland: in p. , feet shop*-. Uor.l tires for sale to 1 reismiabie price, (’all o*9-M, or '/. \t rlken, 19 W.Midinmt iiTenue, ARnoT"*"' FOR SALK—Dry pine cord wood; $7 cord. Phone 1824-1-lft. I (*K SALE Dwelling, No. 17 mil st •• seven rooms, bath and attic. Apply Maryland avenue. FOR K\LE- -Furniture for six-room In.i • Complete. Phone 9U5-U . FOR RALE—Wilcox amt Gibbs Antonis: sewing ma.-him-: iu perfect order. <* full set of attueluuents. Cost $lO7. i’ri W 83*t. Apply 21 Northwest street. n..‘ idk h \ i.i 171 acres; bulldlnj S**ittli River road, near Parole Stall Apply John F. Martin, 47 Maryland t p FOR SII.E -No. 480 Chesapeake avert J Two-story tlwelllng. seven rooms * , bath; rnnolng water; hot ami cold: ! 3 water heating system; gas ami eh-: | lights; two lots; fruit trees. gr.iKfJ Terms. n.Jo WANTED BANTED—Woman for general limi- 1 w*rk. Apply 53 Maryland avenue, ii.. | WANTED—Experienced salesbulv. <; salary to start with. Apply The L* 51 West street . !i.|| DIED vcmmmmmmmmmsMurwmrm H ORTHINGTON —At her h*>ale. Ann a l!s. Md.. May 24, I**23. EVELYN M*' TON. wife of the late Eugene Wort hi’ *j ton, ami da tighter of George Taylor 3 Hllzahetli Barroll Jenkins, of Baltlai Services from St. Amies Church. A ; Saturday afternoon at I *' CARD OF THANKS We desire herewith to thank ever- % for th*‘lr numlM'rless klmlmsscs da: . nnr bereavement by the death of <ur loved son, J. Wesley Carter, anil (*• *vA press appreciation of the floral tril* ' sent at the time of his funeral. MU. AND Mlts. JOHN WIX- I CARTER, PROCLAMATION B HEUEAS, the President of the t'r States of America has expressed the B that, in accordance with the custom 1 reaily established, through the syml>**i the Poppy worn on Memorial Dnv. r people of these United States shall .2 i . pay their tribute to their soldier <!>• Slid, WHEREAS, the Veterans of I'-t- j|; Wars, which organization has been ■&s& ally designated t<* support the I'-'-JiS movement, will cause to l*e sold P*>l'"S| to be worn on Memorial Day in - 'lffl memoration of the heroism of our W lVar dead, the proceeds <*f such *ie be _us*-*l for alleviating the condition |p their disabled i<imra*les NOW. THEREFORE. I. SAMI' JONES, Mayor of Annapolis, ea*. *1 ii-Be tlie citizens of this city giv*- tlfc sinrere i-o-ojK-ratlon to this cense J has for its pur nose the comment ora ti * ; -SS the sa*Tific*-s of those who gave their ! jfl or their health In the defence of ttlil country. (Signed) SAMUEL JONES f|§ Dated: M *v'm May 24. 1!r23. m-’iS Square Deal Garage ALL WORK GUARANTEED! G. F. (Irish) MolUen, l*rp. GENERAL REPAIRS, STORAOI AND WELDING Cornhill and Fleet Ste., Annaiioli**, Telephone 73ft. 'TI