THE DAILY PRESS. PORTLAND, MAINE. Thursday Morning, Jane 26, 1862. -- REPUBLICAN NOMINATION. FOB GOVKBNOB, ABNER COBURN, Of 8KOWHBQAX. For What are the Kebels Fighting ? There are men occasionally to be met with —honest, it may be, but blinded, if honest— who continue to assert that the South has been forced into rebellion, in consequence of the unwillingness of the North to abide by the Constitution, and to respect its provisions and spirit. They even contend that the prevalence of anti-eiavery sentiments in the free States, the non-execution of the fhgltlve law, the pas sage of persona] liberty bills by Northern leg islatures, and the “culmination of all political evils” in the election of Abraham Lincoln to the Chief Magistracy of the nation, were grievances sufficiently aggravated to palliate, If not excuse, the South for taking up arms against the Federal Government. Of course, the Government, in its efforts to crush out the rebellion, is ploying the tyrant and despot, nnd should receive no sympathy from those who respect the rights of self-government. Who has forgotten the lugubrious articles with which a certain portion of the press teemed one year ago, In relation to this mutter; or with what apparent unction it was urged tliat the seceded .States were fighting, as did the thirteen colo nies in the War of the Revolution, for the right to govern themselves, and for civil liberty ?— And a portion of the English press, led by the “Thunderer,” have maintained, and now main tains, that the case of the South and that of the colonics are precisely parallel in principle, and that no man who defends the action of the latter can consistently condemn the attitude of the former. We have in mind two pnpers in this State, one of them now happily defunct, which took the ground, hut little over a year ago, that the South could not, without dishon or, submit to the majority will, constitutionally expressed, and that self-respect imposed upon her the duty of resistance to the authority of the Federal Government. A paper in Bangor even urged that a deaf ear and eohl shoulder should be turned towards the President’s pro clamation calling for troops to defend the Fed eral capital, even after Sumter had been re duced, and the relicl Secretary War had promised Ms friends to revel hi the capitol at WasMngton, and to float Ms rattlesnake flag over Fancnil Hall In less than ninety days.— And the same paper protested, in the name of the Maine Democracy, against that proclama tion, and declared that 54,000 Democrats in the State should refuse all response to such a call to invade the lights of a gallant people, who, like our Revolutionary sires, had uprisen in the meyesty of freedom to maintain their in dependence. A pajicr still further east, which last year supported the Wlutlirop Hail nomination and platform, anil to-day is urging the reunion of the Democratic party, “Wowing” for the Con vention whielt is to assemble in this city in August, and insisting that the Democratic party only can bring the nation out of its pres ent dilemma and save the country, as early as Jam, 1801—three mouths prior to the assault upon Stun ter—said: “That the fifteen Southern States will secede from the Union in a body there is no doubt. There is no other retort. Their honor, their integrity, their independence alike demand ft” Now we assert, and think we can- maintain beyond the reach of reasonable doubt, tliat the South has never had the least shadow of jus tification fitr even the slightest of her rcliel acts; on the contrary, her whole course in this regard has been without excuse; a wicked, premeditated, internal and Godlsss conspiracy to break up a government which has secured to them all their political itndcivil blessings, and which they were disposed to ruin, simply be cause their power to rule it had lieen taken from them by superior numbers, and by modes provided In the Constitution framed by their fathers as well as ours, and according to laws for which'tfcefr own representatives as well as ours had voted. Had we time and space, on this point, we would call to the stand a few illustrious witnesses, who would testify in a manner that ought to silence those who daily betray either their jierversity or their Igno rance, by asserting what is not true. In rela tion to the alleged non-execution of the fugi tive law, and the cause of grievance assumed to be found in such alleged non-execution, we would summon a man who w-as never accused of Hore-hcadedncss on the slavery (juestion—a man who, if he erred at all in his political [sol icy, erred in favor of the South and her insti tutions. We allude to no less a man than the late Stephen A. Douglas. In one of the last speeches lie ever made, if not the last, he de clared emphatically that no federal law had ever been more faithfully executed than that for the rendition of fugitive slaves, and that by no ad ministration had it lteen more scrupulously observed than by tiiat of Prcsdenl Lincoln, _sL. i__• j i.ii i “*v ‘VU uv uuu bUUU UCUI 111 power. Another illustrious witness—no more tender footed than Mr. Dongla*, and like the latter now in hie grave—is tiie late Thomas II. Den ton. Mr. D. asserts in his “Thirty Tears,” and those who heard him lecture in this State a few winters since heard lain reaffirm the statement, that more than thirty years since Mr. Calhoun deliberately formed the purpose to break up the Union and to establish a Southern inde pendent goverftment, and tliat neither slavery nor tiie slavery question had anything to do with inspiring such a purpose in his heart— The nullification trouble* of 1832 were design ed to ultimate in dissolution, the tariff ques tion having been selected as the cause of griev ance; and it was only because the Southern jieople could not be united on this question that the programme of disunion was changed, and the slavery question was sulwtitutcd for that of tiie tariff, with a view to unite the peo ple of tiii‘ South by a common interest, so that, by this common bond they might, when ri|ieii ed for the work of evil, be drawn bodily Into the vortex of disuiuon. Another illustrious witness—now living— never infected with abolition feeling, and nev er suspected of the slightest Infidelity to the South, is Edward Everett. Mr. Everett has said over Ids own naint—and no man is more exceedingly cautious, or less likely to say what he cannot back by demonstrative proof—that the present re . llion is hut the culmination of schemes concocted more titan thirty years since by ambitious men of tiie South, which schemes they have never lost sight of, but have carefully cherished from that day to this. We give tiie substance of Mr. E’s testimony and not ills words. Dut passing from those opposed to the re bellion, we will introduce the testimony of a few witueSses who are the friends and abettors of the rebellion—men who know their own purposes, and are competent to define their own position. Eirst, we reier to Win. L. Tan cry and his celebrated Scarlet Letter, in which he boldly avowed bis programme! to disinte grate the Democratic party and to sciie upon means to inflame the Southern mind, to "lire the Southern heart,” and to “precipitate the cotton States into a revolution.'' Another witness is a somewhat celebrated divine in Charleston, S. C.—one llev. Dr. Smith, who, before the culmination of the re bellion wrote a pamphlet upon the “cause and the cure” of the troubles dividing the North and the South. We regret that wo have not his exact words before us, but we avouch that we do his meaning no injustice. Dr. Smith, in treating of the emote of the evils referred to, distinctly repudiated the idea that it was to be sought in the prevalence of anti-slavery sentiments at tlie North, or to the triumph of the Republican party, but emphatically de clared that the cause lay deeper and back of all such things, and was to Ik: sought primari ly in that “red republican, atheistical docu ment, the Declamation of Indepen dence!” and the cure or remedy was to be found only by ignoring the principles of that document—the principles of equality—and re cognizing amlucting upon a contrary princi ple. We have time to introduce but a single wit ness more, anti he a man of more brains, and confessedly more honesty, than are common to the leaders in the South. We refer to Alex ander II. Stephens, the Vice President under the rebel government. In a speech delivered in Savannah,alter his inauguration, he under took to set forth Uic reasons winch justified the rebel movement, and the mission of the Southern Confederacy. In that speech he paid a high tribute to the honesty of the men who framed the Constitution. lie said the Consti tution had lteen generally regarded at the North, and its provisions and compromises hail been respected. On this ground he distinctly disclaimed all reason to complain. Hut while the men who framed the Constitution were honest, he said they were mistaken. They be lieved in the natural equality of mankind, anti that freedom is the normal condition of all.— They acted on this itlon; believed slavery a social, moral and political evil, contrary to na ture, resting ui>on usurpation; and lielioving that it would soon pass away they ignored it in the Constitution as much as possible, and allowed the idea which possessed their own hearts, anti which they seem not to have doubt ed, to run through and give tone to their whole work. Mr. .Stephens says that in this they erred, and their error—a fundamental one he styles it—has corrupted the Constitution which they framed. The Southern Confederacy, he says, lias avoided this error, ami its chief corner stone is a recognition of the natural inferiori ly 01 uic coioreu man 10 me wane, anu ills rightful subordination to a white master; and it is the great mission of his government, he declares, to work out and establish this idea. We have extended this article far beyond the limits we intended it should occupy, and there fore shall add but a single word. The evidence is ample that the South is not in arms liecausc of any unwillingness on the part of the North to observe faithfully oiir common Constitution; not liecausc of the prevalence of anti-slavery feeling at the North; not because of the tri umph of the Republican party, but, destitute of the spirit of the fathers in their own hearts, they have repudiated the proud monuments which those fathers set up. and are determined to have a government that shall be in harmony with institutions which arc a libel upon the civilization of the age. In a word, the South •re lighting, not for liberty but fbr the perpet uation of slavery; not for human equality, but to establish human distinctions; not to bless themselves, but to curse others, and their triumph would he a victory of barltarism over advancing civilization; of darkness over light In all former rehellions the movement has been made by the pcojile—the masses—in the direction of a large freedom; in this the move ment is with ambitions leaders, to circumscribe freedom and to give a new lease to human op pression. The Neir Tariff. The following are some of the rates fixed in Hie new Twill* bill whieh lias Ileen reported from the Committee in the House c. Repre sentatives, namely:— On syrup of sugar, or of sugar cane, or con centrated molasses, two cents per pound; on all sugar not above number twelve, Dutch stan dard in color, two and a half cents per pound; on all sugar alsive number twelve and not above number llft.s u, Dutch standard in color, "two and three-fourth cents |kt pound; on all sugar alsive number fifteen and not above number twenty, Ac., three cents per pound; on all refined sugar in form of loaf, lump, crushed, pounded, pulverized, or grauulatcd, and ail other sugar above manlier twenty, Ac., live cents per pound; on molasses, six cents per gallon. On cigars valued at $5 jier thousand or lees, 35 cent* per pound; valued between $5 and $10, 60 cents; between $10 and $20, SO cents; over $20, one dollar per pound, and on all ci gurs valued over ten dollars per thousand, ten per cent ad valor urn in addition to above ates. In addition to the duties heretofore iin >»*od, there is to is- |>aid on the following ar ucies me additional sums named, to wit.: On liar and round iron, smelted or hammer 'd, oil the larger sizes fcj and on the smaller .5 per ton; oil Isiiler plate iron, $5 per toil; *n liollow ware glazed or tinned, one half cent s-r pound; on chain cables, 75 cents per hun !red pounds; noting to be classed ils a chain able, under one half inch in diameter; on mailer chains, one quarter to one half cent er pound; on sheet iron, $2, 2.50 and fci per on, according to thickness or number; on alvanized tin plates, galvanized iron, Ac., one ialf cent per pound. On that valued at seven cents or under, one >urth of one cent per pound; valued above liat and not above eleven cents, one-lmlf cent ■er |Miiind. On Wilton, Saxony, Aubusson, lx minster, patent velvet, Tourney velvet, and ipestry velvet carpets and carpetings, or ' irussels wrought in Jacquard machine, and zhole carpets, five cents per square yard; on irussels and tapestry Brussels, on treble in rain Venetian, three cents per square yard. On hemp or jute, two cents, and all other inds not provided for, live |mt cent.; on laukets five per ceut.; delaines of all kinds nil dress goods, three cents js-r square yard. On cotton gixids, plain, from one-fourth to no ceut per yard; on colord, printed, etc., ne cent per square yard, in addition to the iregoing; on s|*)ol and other thread, cotton, vc per cent.; on jeans,denims,drillings,ging ams, plaids, cottouades and pautalooii studs, • vc |s-r cent.; on brown or bleached linens, tc., live (s-r cent. In lieu of tin* duties heretofore im|>osed, icre is to Is- levied on brown and common time ware twenty percent.; on china and orcclain gilded, ornamented, or decorated in ny manlier, fitly [xt cent.; on china ami por ■ elain plain, and all other earlhern, stone, or rockery ware, thirty-live per ceut. Salt in icks or bulk, six cents per 100 pounds. All vessels are to pay a yearly tax often TltS (XT ton. In invoices of goods, if the Collector and icrchant agree, the tare named in the invoice • i to la-taken; but if the Collector dissents, then the real tare U to he allowed; lmt in no case Is an allowance to be made for draft. Goods in warehouse may continue for three years, as formerly. General Conference of Maine. Anniversary of the Maine Missiona ry Society.—The meeting of this society was held yesterday at !) o'clock, A. M. Reading of the Scriptures and prayer by the President Rev. G. E. Adams of Brunswick. The con gregation then united in singing the hymn, “Join all the glorious names,” 13,326. Rev. Dr. Tappan, Secretary, read the report of the Trustees. Eighty persons were com missioned last year as missionaries in 78 fields of labor, comprising 93 where churches are es tablished, and 21 places where there was no church. Hopeful conversions during the year, 247; received to the churches, 237; average congregations addressed, 10,000; gathered in to sabbath schools, 0000; revivals in 15 towns. A vote of thanks was passed to Rev. Dr. Dw ight, who had resigned the office of Presi dent of the Society, which he had W'ith so much acceptance filled, to which he very hap pily responded, adding some forcible remarks on the. great importance of this organization to Maine, to the country, and to the world. After singiug the hymn, “O’er the gloomy hills of darkness," in which the vast congregaiion most heartily joined, led by the noble tones of the organ, remarks were made by Rev. II. K. Craig of Bucksjiort, oil the topic, “To the poor the gospel is preached;” by Rev. D. Sewall of Bangor, a son of Father Sewall, on the second topic suggested by the President, “ Help those who help themselves;” followed by Dr. Tajv pan of Augusta, Rev. P. P. Thayer of Garland, and Rev. Joseph Fiske of Bath. The third topic, “Help those that do not help themselves,” was introduced by Rev. J. K. Ma son of Hamjiden, and Rev. Ray Palmer, D. I)., of Altwny, N. Y., formerly a beloved minister of Bath, in this .State, followed by a jialcrnal a|>|>eul in behalf of the. Missionary Society of Maine. The closing |»rayer and benediction was by Dr. Dwight of Portland. The officers of the society for the last year, wore re-elected. The anniversary of the Maine Branch of the American Educational Society w:u? held yes terday afternoon, at the High Street Church, at 2 1-2 o’clock. The meeting was opened by singing the hymn, “ Go preach my gospel,” Ac., in which the congregation joined, produc ing as tine an eflbct in congregational singing as we remember to have ever heard. Not withstanding the unfavorable weather, the church was tilled to overflowing, and the sing ing of this sacred piece by so great a number of j arsons, was in itself a most Interesting fea ture. After singing, the Throne of Grace, was addressed by Rev. Mr. Emersou of Andover. The Treasurer's Report of the Maine Branch Educational Society was then read, and on motion was accepted and ordered to he pub lished. This report !icing of a statistical na ture, we have thought proper not to give it in detail. The report of the Secretary of this so ciety was also accepted, as |ier motion. The Conference of Maine was then opened, by singing the hymn, “ O, speed thee on thy way,” immediately after which a collection was taken up. While the collection was lieing made, a let ter was read by Rev. Mr. Chiekering, from Rev- J. B. Adams of Gorham, alluding in a very affectionate manner to Gen. Howard. Reading of the Scriptures,' and prayer by Rev. Mr. Gilman. Report of Committee appointed to visit the Bangor Theological Seminary was read. This report was dwelt ujion at length by several distinguished speakers. Report accepted. The Report on Home Evanglizutiou was ,'C ccpted. Prayer by Rev. F. Horton of Rhode Island, Mr. Van Meeter, of the Howard Mis sion and Home for Wanderers, of New York, in speaking of Sabbath Schools, illus- | trated by producing several children from the neighborhood of the worst localities of our larger cities. The children sang from books provided by Mr. Van Meter, and we are pleased to say, the whole audience were " taken by storm,” and enjoyed the music in a very high j degree. The pieces sung were, “ Will you go to that beautiful land with me ?” and “There’s a light in the window for thee, brother.” We i would like to give a s)ieciineu of the eloquence of Mr. Van Meter, hut as we are so much pushed ibr room in our columns, we shall lie obliged to coudcnsc the full report obtained by us. Any contributions of cash or children’s clothing, Ac., sent to the Nubliatli School of the Free Street Baptist Church, will be most gratefully received by Mr. V. M., who will j leave town during to-dgy. Several resolutions, breathing patriotism In a very high degree, were now offered by Prof. Harris, on behalf of this Conference, and which being accepted, were voted to lie sent to the Secretary of State, to lie laid before the Presi dent of the United States. Uen. Howard, recently returned from Uie seat of war, now occupied the pulpit for a short time, and favored the audience with some of tlie most soul-stirring remarks. “One year ago.” said the General, “I left West Point in command of a body of men, and taking them South, we were soon in the engagement at Hull Hun.” He spoke of the religious feeling prevailing at that time in his own regiment but felt that all war was antagonistic to the Christian religion. While at Hladensburg lie had a brigade in his charge, and many of the men were professors of religion. “We held our prayer meetings,” said he, “but soou I no ticed a falling off. 1 have beheld the many good deeds of the chaplains of the different regiments, and know of their success in bring ing soldiers to Christ.” He s|xike in the most eloquent strain of the duties we owed as Christians and as men. He jxirtrayed in all of its fearful light the field of battle; and, ill speaking to the lailies, he said, “Ladies, keep up a steady front, fill up the ranks, for,” said he, “we cannot do without your aid;” anil call ing upon God to bless them all, he closed his remarks. We wish that every man, woman and child in this city, could have heard the Christian he ro, could have felt the enthusiasm and patriot ism w Inch he infused into that vast audience. Those who w ere prevented from attending this meeting, lost w hat they w ill seldom have an opportunity to hear, a most noble Christian soldier’s sentiments, delivered with all the pa- ; tlms and tire of oratory and Christian zeal. Alter singing the words of the Iiyum com mencing with “God bless our native land,” the ! meeting adjourned until evening at 7 1-2 o'clock. We regret, as we said before, to be compell ed to cut short the full report furnished us, hut time and want of space have prompted us i to this step. May the gixxl cause prosper. Androscoggin and Kennebec Railroad— Annual .Meeting. W.VTF.UVII.I.K, June 25, 1802. To the Editor of Uu' Portland Daily Press; The anniud meeting of the stockholders of the Androscoggin and Kennebec Railroad was held here to-day. The special train from Port land and way stations did not bring as many stockholders as usual, on account of the rain. The bondholders were invited to atteud this year with the stockholders, to get a fuller ex pression on the subject of consolidation. The President, John Ware, presided. The rc|K>rts of the Directors and Treasurer were accepted. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Nathan Wyman, Wm. Buxton and Joshua Nye,a com mittee to receive votes for a Board of Direct ors for the ensuing year, and the committee re ported whole numlier of votes 1099, all of which were for John Ware, Jediah Morrill, Ira Crocker, William Goodenow, Franklin Smith, Samuel p. Benson and Rufus llorton. The report of the Directors of this Compa ny upon the subject of consolidation with the Penobscot and Kennelicc Corporation, under act of Legislature of 1850; also the terms of the consolidation, were read to the stockhold ers lor their consideration, but no vote coidd be taken, and if the two corporations do con solidate, a special meeting of the stockholders of each will have to be called. If the two lines consolidate, the road will take the name of the “ Maine Central Railroad,”—but the sum of $75,000 must be paid to the city of Bangor be fore consolidation can take place, and it is pro poeed to raise this sum by subscription. Alter some consideration and debate upon the subject of consolidation, it was voted that “ it Is for the interest of the Androscoggin and Kennebec to consolidate with the Penobscot and Kennelicc Railroad, and the subject be lett with the Directors, with fiill power to act iu the premises.” It appears from the report of the Directors that this road has sensibly lilt the depression of business for the [wist year; the gross earn ings of the line having fallen oil' during the past year $04,203.14 as compared with the year previous. The expenses of operating the line during the past year have been greatly reduced, being $124,557.02—a reduction of $29,293.92, com pared wite the preceding year. The net earnings belonging to the Corporation, are $74,105.51, living a decrease from last year of $19,982.41. The net earnings have fallen far below the sum necessary to [my the interest on the indebtedness of the Company. The floating debt of the Company Is $131, 102,80, and licfore the consolidation can take pffopf tin* TVllluifitlM miict twin I)>n nU» T)nn gor $75,000, the amount they advanced to pay interest last April, otherwise the city will take possession of the road under the first mort gage, which becomes absolute next November. This will make the Heating debt of the Com pany, to wit: the debt which the Directors carry along $206,102230. It appears from the Superintendent’s Iteport that the number of passengers transported on the line the past year is equal in all to the transportation of 3,227,070 passengers, one mile, winch is a loss from last year of 27,020. Comparing the gross earnings of the road this year with those of last year, and the loss is rising 20 per cent. It appears that no passenger on the road has been injured during the past year and but one workman. The line of the road is in good repair and is perha|>s doing as well as the average of roads in New England. It has received but little from the transpor tation of' United States Troops, from its situa tion. • ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. ZUF" President Lincoln very unexpectedly made his ap[K-arance in New York on Monday evening last, and proceeded immediately to West Point where he met and held consultation w ith Gen. Scott, and returned as suddenly and as quietly as he had come. Curiosity was completely I talked in relation to the object of tlie visit. The Boston Station Ilouse of the Eastern linilroad, was burned on Saturday, to gether with several cars. Loss not far from $10,000. Z1T' The Lewiston Jonmal says that Hen ry M. Stinson, of the 5th Maine regiment, who was taken prisoner at Manassas nearly a year since, arrived at ltis home in Auburn, on Mon day morning. — Joseph Swcetsir of Biddeford, an old man near 70 years of age, is now confined in tlie county jail at Alfred for debt. So says the Journal. ZW~' The Clarion states that the s%'cping room of Mr. J. F. Pollard of Skowhcgau, was entered by a thief on Friday night last, and his pants carried oil', containing $'25 and a silver watch. A gold watch was hanging up in the room, but was not noticed by the rascal. — The St. John Freeman says ‘•The new Canadian Militia Law provides that ten thous rum Tnimurra snan ue cnrnni'ii, 10 ue uruieu twelve days in the year, anil paid 50 cents each for the men mid ft for tho officers. Six dol a year an1 to be allowed for uniform. Arsenals an' to bo constructed, and the military instruc tors sent out by the I inperial Government are to !»■ maintained. There is to lie a Brigade Major, with a salary of $400 for each Military District,” Edmund Bead, aged aliout twelve yours,wits drowned in the Kcnduskcag stream, uear Mer rill's Mills, last Monday alleruoon.—Bangor Whig. New Vessel.—Messrs. E. Longfellow & Son have a vessel on the stocks in this place, which will he ready for launching early in Ju ly. She is to be bark rigged, aud will bo about 3i"> tons.—Mac hi ax Union. ZJt " A hard-shelled friend of ours is ner vously anxious alxiut the color of the Press. We have felt no anxiety on this score only that It should lie read ! — It is an old saw that “a hair of the same dog will cure a canine bite.” On this prin ciple, we presume, it is proposed to revive and rcjuvlnatc the old Democratic party to restore the Union. — On the first page will lie found the inter esting historical address of Mr. Dodge, made at the Masonic festival; also an interesting ar ticle on our Iron-clad gunboats. On the last page Poetry and Arlemas Ward’s Courtship. Partobai, Cam..—Mr. Alfred A. Ellsworth, son of Hon. Jeremiah Ellsworth, of Bath, re cently preaching at Draeut, Mass.,has received an invitation from the Congregational Church and Society in Millford, Mass., to become their pastor. Mr. Ellsworth was a graduate of An dover Sctniuary, of the class of 1801. The Boston Journal very petulantly says if any one wishes to sec a remarkable case of great guns going off at half cock, let him read Earl Bussell’s aud Lord Palmerston’s re marks on General Butler's order relating to women, as given in our foreign dispatches. It is plain that these aud the other eminent crit ics of General Butler have no exact idea of what they are talking nlsmt, and they do not seem to lie conscious of the propriety of wait ing liir further information. The Hick Soldiers of Maine. We give the following letters explaining the objects of the new Maine Association In Wash ington, to benefit our sick anil wounded sol diers. Any articles intended for this Associa tion can he forwarded to Portland to the care of Mr. George K. Davis, who will forward them to Washington free of expense to the donors. We hope to see a generous response from all the principal towns in our State, to this call for aid to our suffering soldiers, tnd we would request the press of Maine to publish these letters:— National IIotel, ) Washington, June 22, 18G2. ) George II. Dari*. Keg., State Agent, Ac., Ac.: Mr Dear Sir:—Gentlemen from Maine, including our delegation in Congress, have had several meetings within the last two weeks to perfect an organization for the benefit of our sick aud wounded soldiers, and have chosen an Executive Committee, of which S. P. Brown, Esq., Navy Agent in this city, is Chair man, and A. D. Clark. Esq., whose note is herewith enclosed, is a member of the commit tee. You sec what Mr. Clark says in relation to sanitary articles. I start iu the morning for Manassas and that region to see our cavalry and artillery. This committee are trying to have Maine men all taken to one hospital, and there be attended by Maine surgeons and nurses. I hope it can lie so arranged. Six churches are now being lltted up in anticipation of the great battle of Rich mond. Very respectfully, your ob’t serv’t, Daniel Elliot. Washington, D. C., June 22,1802. Lieut. Col. Elliot—Sir: It has been sug gested that all sanitary stores coming to this city from Maine for soldiers, should come to the care of our own men, and as we are in want of some for our soldiers in the hospitals now, I would suggest that they come or lie di rected to the Chairman of our Execut ive Com mittee from our State, S. P. Browu, Navy Agent. We are in want of shirts, drawers, thin pants, slippers, stockings, light over gar ments of some kind, and should our folks have fruit of any kind, a small amount might be sent, and should there be a Untie soon, 1 think we should want a considerable amount of such articles as Is above named. Please accept this as only a suggestion from a person who is a sympathizer with our sick and wounded boys. I am truly yours, A. D. Clark. Correspondence of the Press. Bath, June 25,1802. The Universalist State Convention is quite iarge. Him. Sidney Perham of Paris is Presi dent of the Council, and Rev. Giles Bailey of Gardiner, Clerk. The Report on Sabbath Schools, read yas terday afternoon by Rev. J. C. Snow of Nor way, was an able production, and presented manv facts ol interest. It is said that, never before has there been such a satisfaefory ex hibit of the work and prosperity of the Sun day Schools connected with the Universalist churches in this State. Last evening a meeting of war war held to consider the general subject ol the ** Religious Education of the Young.” Addresses were mode by lion. Mr. Perham, Rev. Messrs. French of Turner, Battles of Bangor, Gaines of Bethel, Hodgdon of Be Hast, and others. It was a spirited meeting. I looked in last evening at the Free Will Baptist meeting. There was a good atten dance ; a Ministers’ Conference was being held. I like tlie Press of course; it U a good looking paper and everybody says so. X. Y. Z. Fire in Acton.—On the 13th inst., the horn of Mr. Sylvester Loud was burned to the ground. There was in the barn at the time a sleigh and pung, aud some farming utensils. The tire originated from sonic heartless boys that were having some fun with a dog. They caught the dog and tied Some shavings to him, and then set tire to them aud set him loose. As soon as loose, the dog started for the Inm. where there was some hay, and in a few mo ments it was all on fire. Mr. Loud had just finished some repairs that he w as making on the barn. There were some carpenters’ tools in the tmni but the most of them were saved. Insured for $150.—Saco Democrat. BROKERS’ BOARD, BOSTON. JmmmTiT. $10,000 United St ate* Coupon-Sixes (1881).1001 $16,000 .do?.7.1<*I $20,300 United State* 7 3-10 Treasury Note*.106?. $10,000 .do...»3. lift? .do.10611-16 $| $37,000 United State* Demand Note*.104 $1,000 United States Registered Sixes (1802).101 $9,600 I'inted State* Five Twenty Coupon 6’s.. .1001 $600 United State* Coupon* (July). .107* $6,600 .do.1071 $16,624 American Gold... 108 $«| MAKUIED. In this city 25th inst, at St Stephen’* church, by i Rev William Steven* Ferry, assisted hr Rev lloratio Stebbin*, pastor of the First Fari*h, Mr John Henry Hall to Mis* Mary France*, daughter of Moses I IMumtner, Esq, both of this city. In this city 25th iunt, by Rev Wm R Clark. Mr Israel F Hutler to Mi*s Louisa Furintou, both of this city. fn Skowhegan 10th inst, Mr Washington Mack to Mi** Fmma A Chapin, both of S. In Howdofn 21*t inst. Mr OH* Goding, of Kowdoin, to Mi** Mel vina Demerce. of Canada East. In New Gloucester 22d iu*t, Mr George W Rich, of Gray, to Ml** Angle W Hailey, of New Gloucester. " DIED. In this city 21st inst, Mr* Thankful, wife of Charles II Sylvester of Co F, l*t Maine Cavalry. In Stamford, Conn. jrHh in*t, Marv,'wifc of David Thomson, of Gardiner Mas*, aged 43’ In Uarrolltou L, 6th inst, Otis H Douglas*, of Lis bon, a member of the 15th Maine Uegiment, ag«?d 19. In Newburvnort 21*t inst. Mr* olive widow of thn late Mr Samuel knight, of Peru Me. FOREIGN IMPORTS. WINDSOR. Sch Lark—110 ton* plaster30 bushels potato** to order. PARS BORO. Sell Brookville—115 tons plaster 1 tub butter A D Whidden. ST GEORGE. Sch Cercsco—00 M ft lumber N J Miller. PASSENGERS. In steamship Africa, from Boston for Liverpool— Robert Treat of Bangor; and 150 others. MINIATURE ALMANAC—Thursday, June28. Sun rises, morn.4 19 I length of days.15 27 Sun sets, eve.7 40 | lligu water, morn. 10 44 PORT OF PORTLAND. Wnlarsday* Jaac 25. ARRIVED. Sch Ceresco, Smith, St George NB. Sch Brookrllle, (Rr) Hatfield. Windsor NS. Sch Lark. (Hr) Macomber, Windsor NS. Sell Frances, Dobbin, Joncsport. Sch Shoal Water, Ryder, Bangor. Sch J C Waldron, Small, Bangor for Middleton Ct. j Sch Webhaunet, Fowler, Bangor for South Ber wick. Sch Texas. Ellis, Bangor for Harwich. Steamer Montreal, Prince, Boston. CLEARED. Steamer Parkersburg. Hoilman, New York, Emory & Fox. Sch Maryland, Knight, Baltimore, R G York A Son. Sch Dahlia, Kent, Bangor, master. Lateched—At Pembroke lOtli inst, bark N M i IIav’EX, of about 430 tons. She is owned in this • city, and is to he conimatid by Capt Hall, of this city. This is the third hark of at»out tho same size launched within a lew month* by Mes*rsGeorge Rus sell A Co. The Messrs Russel Is have just laid the keel for another vessel of Jon tons. Per steamship Bremen, at New York. Ar at London 9th.Irvine. Churchill, Boston. CUI 7th, Colloney, McCreary, and Rosa, Mimle, New I York. Ar at Falmouth 8th. John Runyan. Carver, Mataii- : zas; Samoset, Chapman..Sombrero; 9th. Mary C Fox, j Fredericks, Cardenas; Wilmington, Masters, Matau xas. Arat Glasgow 7th, Glad Tidings, Morgan, New York. Ar at Liverpool 7th. E Fleming. Ixnett, Charles ton; Kth, Georgian*. Baxter. 11 a\ a na. Sailed 9th. Harriet Spaulding, Booker, Rockland; Senator, Wal*h, New York. Per steamship Etna, at Jfcw York. Ar at Svduoy NSW March 20, Alice t auieron, Aus- ! tin, New York. Ar at Melbourne March 25, Simoda, Smith, New ' York. Arat Port Philip Heads April 25, Joseph Holmes, I Bangs, Boston. Ar at Hong Kong April 18, Julia G Tyler, Cooper, I New York. Sailed 18th, N B Palmer, Low, Now York. Sailed from Singapore April 29, Borneo, Bassett, Boston. Sailed from Calcutta May 8, Belle of the West, llowes. Boston. Ar at Shields 10th. Saxony. Sonne,-. Entered fcr loading at Liverpool 10th Inst,Monarch of the Sea. Spencer, and Francis B Cutting, Maloney, New York. FOREIGN PORTS. At Sliangfeao April 19, ship Nautilus, El well, for New- York, eld 17th: hark Carih. Bates, from Beaton, via Rio Janeiro, ar 7th, disg—ha* lsjeu sold for 16,000 Mexican dollars; sch Calliope, Kinsman, from Bos ton, ar 12th, disg. At Buenos Ayres 10th ult, ship James Nesmith, Watts, from Portland, disg. At St Thomas 2d nit, ships J Webster Clark, Knp perholdt; J I* Whitney, Avorv, and Globe, Baker, getting ready for sea; Martha Whitmore, Preble, repg; schs Mary Helen, Hutchinson, fin Rio Janeiro, ar 27th. wtg orders; Frances Art hernias, Mitchell, fiu Msehias, nr 23d. disg. Ar at Pictou 12th inst, sch Germ, Wilson, East port (and cld 13th for Pembroke); l«th. Adelaide,Sprague, Boston (and cld 17th for Pembroke). Cld at Halifax 21st inst, she Banner, Thorne, Port land. SPOKEN. March 12. lat 17 N. Ion 35 W, bark Glide, McMuI lan. from Salem April 23 for Bombay. May 2, lat 1 S, Ion 84 E, ship Good Hope, Miller,ftn Calcutta March 18 fcr New 1 ork. Mav 8, lat 28 N, Ion 38, brig Onward, I'ongally, ftn New York April 9 for Kio Janeiro. May 23, lat 37 10 N, Ion 46 60 W, ship Sami Unssell, Winchell. from New York Mav 10 for Hong Kong. May 24. lat 37, Ion 18. ship Nathl Thompson, Hick man, from Cadiz May 18 for Ihwtou. June 3. lat 48 35. Ion 17 25, bark Searsbrook, from London for New York. June 6. lat ft), Ion 9 12. bark W A Banks, Bartlett, from Havana for Antwerp. June 17. lat 27 45. Ion 09, brig C II Kennedy, of Lubec, steering WSW. DOMESTIC PORTS. SAN FRANCISCO. Ar June 9, ships Storm Hood, Callaghan and Hong Kong; 10th, Competitor,Leekie, do. Sailed 9th, ship Romance of the Sea, Clough, Hong Kong. BALTIMORE. Ar 23-1, bark Lac/ Elizabeth, Nichols, Havana; brigs Frances Jane, Kirch,St Johhs PR; Montrose, Caribbean Sear Eliza M Strong, Strong. Havana; schs Myers, Rhoads, and Golden Rod, Bishop. White House Ya; Messenger, Fogg, Bangor; Christiana, Knight, Portland; Star,-, Gardiner. PHILADELPHIA. Ar 23d, bark B Fountain, Keller. Matanzas; brig J Boyd, Kilpatrick. Saco. Cld 23d. brigs Delhi. Darnaby. Demarara; Andrew Peters, Watts, Matanzas; C U Jordan, l'lumer, New Orleans. NEW YORK. Cld 23d. schs Hurd. Snow, Port land; S K Hart, Kent, Biddeford. Also cld 24th, ship* Surprise. Ranlett, Hong Kong; W F Schmidt. Sears, Antwerp; Chancellor, Spencer, Liverpool; bark Nabob, Thurston. Shanghae; brigs Three Sisters. Hanna. Constantinople; Laura,Atkins, VeraCruz; sch Medford, Hopkins Belfort. Ar 24th, shins E Sherman, Hicbbom, Havana; Charter Oak, Carver, Matanzas: barks Edward Ever ett, llarding, Belize Hon; Helen Maria, Marshall, Ctenfuegos; Amelia. Munroc, and Linden, llowell, Havana; Houston, Share. Sagna; N Boynton, Miller, Providence; West Wind, Buber, Stonington; brigs William R Nash, Small. Menton. Spain; Kentucky, Carver, Matanzas: sfhs William Sceor, Foster, Bar celona ; llero. Carter, Calais. BOSTON. Ar 25th, brigs John Stevens, Hopkins, Remt'dios; Ambrose Light, Stahl,Sagua; sells rorest, Wood, Ellsworth; Elizabeth. Soule; Tarnuin. Wood; Caspian. Smith; Brilliant. Pendleton .ana Citv Point, Donald, Bangor; Illnminator, ( reamer, and Henry A, Wade, Waldoborn; sloop Radiant, El well, Bangor. Also ar 25th, schs Ratxn. Holt, and Tngwasaa, Pat ton, Ellsworth; Grecian, Abbott. Bangor. Cld 25th, sch White Sea. Littlefield, Philadelphia. Also cld 25th, sch Olive Elizabeth, Hamilton, Port land. PROVIDENCE. A r 24th, brig Financier, Haskell, Bangor; sch Jacob Raymond, Long, Gardiner for Pawtucket. NEWPORT. Ar 23d, schs Flight, Gibbs, Somerset for Philadelphia; 24tli, Amazou, Sean, Bangor for New York. * NEW BEDFORD. Ar 24th, sch Tiger, llarding. Saco. SULLIVAN. Sailed 23d, schs Grecian, Abbott, and Uuion, Foss, Boston; La Plata, Stratton, Now Bedford. PEMBROKE. Ar 22d. sobs Del Norte, Bel more. New York; Emma Wadsworth,Norton,Boston; 24th, Amanda. Keller, New York. Sailed 23d, sch l»el Norte, Dinsmore. Luhcc. BANGOR. Ar 22d. ships Majestic. Newcomb, Portland to load for Bristol E: 23d. Mountaineer, Wilson, Thomaston to load for Bristol E. Also ar 23*1. brigs Hudson, Griffin, Searsport; Chas Heath, Loud. Boston; schs Josiali Achoro, Frank Maria. Packet, and Triton. New York. Cld 23d, schs James Bliss. Hatch. Proridence; Jane Woodbury. Coombs, and Aurora. 1 terry, Salem. DAMARISC'tfTTA. Ar23d. schs Lizzie. Poland, Boston; Sarah. Elizabeth, Webber, Portland. BATH. Ar 24th. brig Forrestor, Murray. Vienna Md; schs Comet, Morse, and Somerset, Poof, Boston; Hope A Susan. Munson, Portland; Mary Fletcher, -, Delaware City. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS^ EATON BO A KOI NO SCHOOL, FOR liOYS. KENT’S HILL, - - READ FIELD, ME. Til K SECOND QUARTER of the Summer Senion of till. I natitutfcm will commence MONDAY, JULY Slat. Thin i« a Family School, and the beet of reference cau be given. Rmr scut for a Circular. H. M. EATON ft SON, rmnricton, AMOS H. EATON, UrtnelpaJ. LLEWELLYN A. LUCE, Assistant. June 26th, 1862. d2w Trout & other Fishing Tackle. ALSO, Grx*. Riplk*. Revolvers^CcTi.iutT and 8porting Good* generally. Repairing and Steu&il Catting attended to m usual. G. L. RAILKY, edtf 42 EXCHANGE STREET. E>r. John O. MO tlt PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, W foort St., Corwvr of Howard, Boston, is consulted daily from 10 until 2, and from «to H in the cveniug, «u all diaiaws of the Urinary and Geuital Organs, Scrofulous Affections, Humors of all kinds, 8ores, Ulcers and Eruptions, Female Complaints, Ac. An experience of over twenty years’ extensive prac tice enables Dr. M to cure all of the newt difficult case*. Medicines entirely vegetable. Advice Fro©. June 23, 1S»3. «u3awftm FIR E IS8UBAICR WARREN SPARROW, Ogee 74 Middle, ear. of Exehauge St., CORTLAND, ME., Agent of the following liner Clubs Insurance Co's: National Insurance Company, Of Roeton. • - Cub Capital ami Surplus, 4600,000. Republic Fire Insurance Company, Of New York. - - Cash Capital and Surplus, 4312,000. Relief Fire Insurance Company* Of New York. - -Cash Capital and Surplus, 4230.000. Equitable Fire and Marine Inn. Co., vi rrotmrnw. Perfect Seccrity. which onght always to he the first considered ion in offocting insurance," it here of fered to the public. at the lotrt st rate* vf premium adnpt<>d by sound and responsible companies. Office in "Boyd’s Building,” opposite Post Office. dAwtf_ _ A CARD. _______ • The Crystal & Masonic Journal. THE publication of this paper will be resumed in July and be issued regularly on tbe 1st and U»th of each month. Subscriptions and communications in the U. State* must he sent to THE CRYSTAL. PORTLAND, ME., Those in C anada to W A I KK VI 1.1.K, C. E. The first number will cuutain a lull report of “Thu CkxtexmalCelkuuatiox.” Those (Wring extra I copies of that number please address as above. CYRIL PEARL, Editor. OFFICE PORTLAND ADVERTISER. dA w2w | W.Uw» PROPOS ALS will be receive*! by the Committee on Streets, Skle-Walks and Bridges, at th© Civil Engineer's office, until Tuodav tile 8th day of July iH-xt, for tlie removal of the Hies or Dolptuus in the Harbor off Victoria W’harf. 8. W LARRABEK. Chairr-An. Cdher dalies please copy. j« 2otd Old Frames Ke-Oilt, AND RENEWED by MORRISON k CO. On Hand. A CONSTANT supply of best Extra Deep Gold Leaf, aud at low rates at 2rt Market Shuars. Photographic l.uodtt 4c Chemical*. | Ol'R slock In this «b |*artinent is complete, com prising every article uwii in the art. MORRISON k CO., juuetHdtfw.Jt 28, Market Square. Pier mid Mantle Mirror*. WITH Oval, Square or Kliptical frames, with Rosewood, Black Walnut or (lilt finish inadv to «*rd*‘r, of any size, style or design, of new and elegant patterns'; also clu-ap Looking Glasses and plates re-set in old frames, bv MORRISON & CO., 28, Market Square. €■111 Frame*. IjYOR PORTRAITS OR LANDSCAPES of any size or style desirod—latest patterns aud beat workmanship—made to order by MORRISON k CO., 96, Market Square. Photographic Frame*. CJurARF. or oval—every kind called for. These being manufactured by ourselves, except those necessarily imported, we can compete with any mar ket for low price*. At wholesale or retail, at 2t», Mar ket Square, MORRISON A CO'S. Oilt, Ko*rivood, Itlark Walnut and Oak Moulding*. VT lowest cash prices, in quantities to suit the trade. Ship Moulding* math* and finished to ' order by Mt>RKISt >N CO., Market Square. MISCELLANEOUS^ 1STew Drug Store ! CHOSJIASI * POOR, HAVE taken store. Ns. 76 MftsMIe Street* (Fox Block.) and respectftilljr invite nnhlic at tention to their large and well selected stock of Drug*, Chemicals, Fancy Coeds, Ac., And solicit a share of pnhlic patronage, trusting that by furnishing thejpurest chemicals and best stock of drugs the market affords, and a careful attention in the disuensary depaitment, to merit the oonfldenco of the public. CRAB. r. C'KOPMAff. je24tf THOU. H. POOR. EDWARD P. RANKS, 73 EXCHANGE STREET, N«w Custom logic ui Post Office, PodlsW, Iiiie, DEALER Iff CHRONOMETERS, WATCHES, —AXO— SILVER SPOONS AND FORKS. CUPS, BITTER KNIVES, TIIIXBLIU, NAPKIN KINGS, SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES, PLATED TEA SETS, CASTORS, AND CAE* BASKETS, BUTTER KNIVES, ft SPOONS. Shell and Horn Comb., Fan,, Cano., Aeeordooa*, Wallet., Card Cam, Table and Pocket Cutlery; Teeth, Hair, and Shaving; Karina Cologne, Labia'. Extract.; CLOCKS. Quadrant., Spy Clave., Barometer., Surveyor.’ and Mariners’ Compave*, Gunter’s Seale*. Divider., Parallel Rule., Protractor., Drawing Instrument., Land Chains, Thermometer., Linen Proven, Opera Clave*. Chart., Bowditch’. Navigator, Blent’* Coart Pilot, Nautical Almanac., Sumner’. Method, Ship Master’. Assistant, Sheet Anchor, Seamen’. Friend or Manna), Ship Muter’. Guide, Expedition. Meuurer, for Freight, fc«., Ac. Watch., nad Jewelry Repaired. CHRONOMETERS, REPAIRED AND RATED. WTime determined by fixnrtt. M-1 Portlaud, June 33, 1813. dZtawft wtf EXCHANGE ST. jjjj BLAH BOOK AID BTATIOBEBY, —***— PAPERHANGING WAREHOUSE ! ErtaUliM la IMS. Premium Blank Books on hand and made to order, of erery variety of style and finish. From our long experience, we are enabled to oflbr to the trade and our customers bettrr bargains in quality and prims, than can be found in any other mtaiWishamut hi the State. Oar stock of STATIONERY la •elected with the greatest cam from Urn hast For eign and American House*, aad embrace* erery arti cle needed for public office*, (locating "-nir aad private use#, and at fewest prims. room rmn Of erery variety, quality and price, smhrcstag all the various style* of gold paper* manufactured, to gether With a IWI stock of Satins, mediums and com mon paper*—the large* stock to be found in tbb market, at loarest market price*. School Books of every kind in ase at wboleaalo print. □ALL L. DAVIS, S3 Exmanoa Stuit. Portland Jane % 1883. H. H. HAY, — DIALII II Fine Chemicals, Pure Drugs, / CENU1NE MEDICINES. hlbl nnn a.m ahiicaj mfiini, AND FARCY GOODS, APOTHECARIES' GLASS WARE. FOREIGN LEECHES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES. SUPI'OIITF.RS. BRACES, ELASTIC STOCKINGS. Ac., -A LAO VARNISHES, PAINTS, OILS, And Dye-Stuffs, KEROSENE OIL, LARD OIL, And nil other nrtielee anally kept fen a Drag mad 1'aiat Eetebllahmcnt. tT~ State Agent ftxr DAVIS A KIDD'S MAG NETO-KLECTHIC MACHINES. jiSS laid S. n. COLES WORTHY, Ho removed hie stock of BOOKS, STATIOKEEY, PICTUEE8, Pirtirt FrMM». P»frr Imim fmn tot, U, kt., TO No. S3 EXCHANGE STREET. Next door above the Rritleh aad American Kxpreee < >»ee. whore he will accommodate all who may Be hi want of goode la hie line, at very low prices. Book - Binding and Picture - Framing, Done neatly ae usual. GENUINE HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES, For sale at the above store by M. SEAVEY. Phyeielane and Kamil lie supplied with Medlclace lad book. Clan* renewed and vial* refilled. Jane M. 1*3, eodfim TO ARMS! SIXTEENTH REGMIENT. 15 Recruits Wanted Immediately. To till n)i a company from CUMBEULANI) COlINTV, To serve three years, unless sooner discharged. Better inducements are offered than ever 1* fore. •160 BOUNTY AT TIIE END OF TIIE WAR, And ItiU ACRES OF LAND. Together with £2.00 Bonus, and a month’s Adtauco Pay authorized by Congress. Recruiting t Hftce at Ptifle Corps Armory, OLD CITY 11ALL, PORTLAND. I3F" Pay and Rations commence on the day of en Hstment JOHN M MARSTOV. t IIAS. L. Mr A L LISTER, j* 341 f Recruiting Officers.