Newspaper Page Text
PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. V0L- L PORTLAND, ME., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1802. N0. 87. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, JOHN T. OILMAN,! JOSEPH B. HALL, I BditoP8* Is published at No. 82) EXCHANGE STREET, in FOX BLOCK, by FOSTER, OILMAN and HALL, Under the firm name of N. A. FOSTE R & CO. T arms: The Portland Daily Press is published every morning, (Sundays excepted), at $5,00 per year in ad vance. liateH of Advertising: Transient Advertisements. $1.00 per square, for three insertions or less; exceeding three*, and not more than oue week, $1.25 per square; 75 cents per week after. One square every other day one week, $1.00; 60 cents per week after. Exhibitions, Ac., under head of Amuskmknts, ff .00 per square per week. Special Notices, $1.60 per square for first week, $1.00 per week after. Business Notices, in reading columns, 12 cents per line for one insertion. No charge less than fifty cents. Legal Notices at usual rates. Advertisements inserted in the Maine State Press (which lias a large circulation in every part of the State) for 38 cents per square in addition to the above rates ft>r each insertion. Transient advertisements must be paid for in ad vance. CTT* All eommnnioations intended for the paper should be directed to the “Editors qf the Press,” and those of a business character to the Publishers. lyThe 1*ortland Daily and Maine State l>D*aa In Hi .... it QOl __ Street, 1* open et ell hours daring the day end eve ning, from 7 o'clock in the morning to 9 in the evening. W Job Printing of every description executed with dispatch; and all business pertaining to the of I ce or paper promptly transacted on application as above. Col lectio* of the National Tai—Instruc tions to the Collectors. The collectors appointed under the recent act of Congress, to collect the national taxatre making their arrangements and will soon com mence operations. The Commissioner of Rev enue at Washington, has just Issued the fol lowing important regulations to the collectors at Philadelphia, which apply equally to col lectors in this locality: 1. All mechanics, except those who merely do repairs, must be registered as manufactur ers, and must take out a license as such if their annual sales amount to $100. 3- But mechanics and other manufacturers who sell their own manufacturers at the place where they are produced are not required to take out an additional license as traders. This does not include rectifiers, who must pay both licenses. 3. If manufacturers have an office, dejKit, store-room, or agencyjtt a place different from the place where the goods are made, or if they sell the manufacturers of others, hi addition to their own, they must pay a traders’ as well as a manufacturers' license! Thus, a tobacconist who both makes cigars and keeps lor sale gixxls in his line which he has purchased, must take out bolfi licenses. So must a druggist! wtio also makes patent articles, or medicines, Ac., for which lie has a private formula or receipt. 4. Persons keeping bar-rooms or saloons tor the sale of liquors must take out a liquor deal ers’ license. If they also furnish food, they must, in addition, take out an eating-house li cense ; and the sale of cigars, Ac., requires a tobacconist's or retail dealer’s license beside. Billiard tables require a special license, and bagatelle tables are reckoned as billiards. 5. Commission merchants, who are also ship or commercial brokers, are required to take out two licenses. 6. Grocers selling./Iour by the barrel,or salt by the sack, or any other article in the origin al package, are reckoned as wholesale deal ers. 7. Stamps must be attached to the papers requiring them at the time of their execution, and must be obliterated by the person writing his initials upon them. Telegraphic dispatch es must be stamped and effaced when deliver ed to lie transmitted. But railroad and tele graphic companies are not required to stamp their own dispatches over their own lines. 8. Arrangements will lie made with the col lector of his district to supply stamps to par ties desiring to purchase $.V) worth or over, at the rates of discount established by the Treas ury Department it. Notes and bills of exchange, drawn for a certain sum, with interest, will lx- stamped ac cording to the princi|>al sum. Foreign cur rency will be estimated at the real par of ex change ; the pound sterling, for instance, at the rate fixed for sovereigns, not at the nominal rate of $4 43 3-4, nor at the market rate of ex change, which is now something above the real I par. 10. On and after October 1, the following in struments must lie stamped: All agreements, appraisements, checks, sight drafts, promissory notes, inland and foreign bills of exchange, bills of lading to foreign ports, packages, Ac., per express, bonds, certificates of stock, or profit, of deposit in banks, of damages, and all other certificates,charter parties, broker's mem firmndums. (*onvpvRiirHs ninrtcruorfae loacoe tol. egraph dispatches, custom house entries and manifests, policies of insurance—life, marine, ! and lire, and renewals of same—passage tick- ! eta to foreign ports, powers of attorneys, prox- ; ies, probate of wills, protests, warehouse re- i ceipts, and written, or other original process ; for commencing suit, Also patent medicines, j perfumeries, and playing cards. In reference to public bouses and liquor j dealers exclusively, it is defined that in a tav- I ern or public house where liquor is sold licen ses must be takeu for each business, the li cense for the tavern to be according to the rental, and the license for liquor in all cases of retail, to be twenty dollars. By retail is un derstood to lie any quantity under three gall ons. To sell above that quantity is wholesale, and the license is one hundred dollars. Res taurants which furnish bedding, and which keep liquors, are required to obtain three li censes—first a tavern license, secondly a li cense for the liquor bar, of twenty dollars, and thirdly a license for the eating bar, costing ten dollars, when the receipts amount to, or exceed one thousand dollars per year. Hat ing houses are permitted to keep confection ery without an additional license. All dealers in liquor by retail are required to |>ay a license of twenty dollars |>er year._ The penalty for refusal or failure to take out. license is a line of three times the amount of duty or taj imposed by the law, one half of which goes to the informer. These taxes are, of course, in addition to the State and city li censes now imposed, and the accumulation of expenses will materially affect the smaller dealers who alsnind in every part of the city. ! The prosecution of delinquents is made im- 1 perative on the collectors, who hold the ; names and residences of all dealers, so that escape from the penalty is next to impossible. A Genuine Puritan Colony. In the years 1779-80, three families of Cape Cod went down into what is now Litchfield, Me., and settled, two brothers, Smith, with their wives, and their sister, with her husband. They were people who feared God. Far away in the wilderness with only two families beside themselves, they instituted Sabbath worship. They sustained it alone for many years. Oc casionally a preacher came among them. A ot till thirty years bad gone, did a home missionary labor continuously among them. In 1811,thirty-two years after their settlement, i a Congregational church was organized. It ; contained eleven members; five, of them were the two brothers, their wives, and their sister; six of them were the children of these broth ers and sisters. This church last year cele brated its semi-centenary. The whole num ber who have joined it is 186; 88 were from these three families; Five of its deacons ‘ have been from these families. It is supposed that ten at least of the descendants have entered or arc preparing to enter the ministry. This lit tle company would have their academy, a real Puritan iustinct. They have promoted tem perance, good morals, and “every good word and work. ’ Not one of the GOO descendants of these three families is known to have been of degraded moral character; it is believed that there is not a drunkard or a tippler among them all. Let little companies of Christians, in the small and new hamlets of California, learn much to quicken and encourage them; let parents especially believe, what hundreds of such Puritan histories may teaeh them, that it is well with the lamilies that are faithful to Cod; let them doubt not that there is a sub stantial bn«is for baptizing their children into tile same faith with themselves. The above facts w ill l„. found more at length in Tiie Con gregational Quarterly for July. Commerce of the Tutted States with Great Britain. Tiie returns of the British Board of Trade show that the imports into Great Britain and Ireland from tills country, between the 1st of January and the 1st of July were, in round numbers, 52 1-2 million dollars from Northern and$1,990,000 from Southern ports; against 62 millions in 1SG1 from Northern ports, and 105 millions from Southern ports. We copy t le sterling figures: 1862. 1861. Imports from Northern ports £1(1,536,857 £10.694,618 “ “ Southern ports 37U.566 21,082,161 This shows a loss to the Southern States of over 100 million dollars in exports, and a dim inution of bills on Europe to that extent.— This 100 million dollars has been driven away to other countries by the war. The amount of British manufactures sent to us in return for our exports of produce, is— 1862. 1861. fo Northern ports £6,031,457 £6,006,228 To Southern *• 27.030 228,789 We have, in the first half of tills year thus imported| 1 1-4 million sterling in value more than in the corresponding period of last, year, when everybody lelt so very poor in compari son to what they do now. We import more at higher prices this year than at lower prices last year, and find it more easy to pay for the increased importation. The balance of trade wvcn vuuwii ttj, mu ii-.'sauuii bI Southern exports; and the specie which would have circulated in the South for her cot ton, has, instead, been sent to Europe, in the seven months ending :11st July, Great Britain received £5,5:18,821 in specie. Our own re turn* show that we have shipped to Euro|>e 143,207,352 in s|H'cie, up to the present time. < >ur exports of coni and flour—that is, from Korthernfport.—were 1,572,012 quarters wheat, and 2.078,000 cwts. of wheat, meat, and flour, in seven months; while only 40,482 cwts. of raw cotton were sent to England, against 6, 714,400 cwt«. in the same period. MISCELLAN EQUS. UNION FOREVER! RALLY TO THE FLAG! NEW EEGEUITS WANTED! Latest from Headquarters ! GREAT EXCITEMENT AT BCRLEIGIVS, 1G3 ATiddle Street. MILITARY' GOODS, Of every description, ECU SALE AT BURLEIGHL. Summer Clot Iting Is selling, regardless of Cost, AT BURLEIGH'S. MILITARY UNIFORMS, For officers, made to order, from the best material, with dispatch, and at low prices. CUSTOM WORK, Of every description, made to order and warranted to lit. The largest and best selected stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, - AM) - Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, -Ever offered in Maine, can be obtaiued at BURLEIGH’S, All of which will be sold so as to warrant entire sat isfaction to the purchaser. OUR STOCK OF CLOTHS AND TRIMMING GOODS Are unlimited in quantity, quality or price, and will be sold very low, at w holesale or retail, for cash. Buyers will do well to look at our stock before pur chasing elsew here, as it was bought before the great rise on goods. 163 Middle Street, JOSIAH BURLEIGH. Portland, July 22. 18*12. dGm Keniichcc A Portland Railroad t o. rilllK Trustees of the First Mortgage Bondholders A herein notify a meeting ot said Bondholders, to be Jmlden at the Depot in Brunswick, on Wednes day, the eighth day of October next, at nine o’clock in the morning, to hear the Reports which may he offered, and to attend to any other busint'ss which may come before them JOS McKKKN, I Tmoj/iM JOHN BATTEN, | Irut,,ces Bruuswick, Sept. 15th. 18*52. Kennebec A Portland Btailroad Co. rilUK Trustees of the Second Mortgage Boudhold A ers hereby notify a meeting of said Bondholders, to Ik* holden at the Depot in Brunswick, on Wednes day the eighth day of October next, at ten o’clock in the morning, to hear the Reports w hich may U* offer ed, and to attend to any other business which may come before them. JOS. McKEEN, |T..t JOHN TATI EX, !1 ru“l,'<'* Brunswick, Sept. 15, 18*12. »epl9oodtoct8 I'hnionrapliir Frames. CJQITARE or oval—every kind called for. Tbeiw beiua manufactured by ounudvea, except tlnwe necessarily imported, we can compete with any mar ket for low prices. At wholesale or retail, at 2*5, .Mar ket Square, MORRISON & CO’S. Gilt. Rosewood, Klsick \\ uliaut and Oak Iflouldiiigs. At lowest cash prices, in quantities to suit the | trade. Ship Mouldings made and finished to i jrder by MORRISON CO., Market Square. I _INSURANCE. P <) R T L A N P Mutual Fire Insurance Company. THIS Company continue to insure property on terms as favorable as those of any reliable com* pany. All policies upon which six premiums have been paid, arc renewed annually free of premium to the policy holder. Those desiring insurance will do well to call and ascertain the terms before* insuring elsewhere. Office 102 Middle Street. CHARLES HOLDEN, President. Edward Shaw, Secretary. June 23. eod3m ■ BATH MUTUAL Narine Insurance Company. OFFICE UNDER THE HAOADAllOCK HOUSE, FRONT STREET. THE President and Director* of the Rath Mutual Marine Insurance Company give notice that their Capital Stock amounts to #300,000 ; And that they are prepared to make insurance on the mutual principle, against marine risks, not exceeding $10,000 in any One Risk. DIRECTORS: John Patten, Wni. Drummond, (». E. R. Patten, Oliver Moses, Sam'l I. Robinson, E. K. Harding, M. F. (ianuett, Arthur Sewall, J. I*. Morse, J. II. McLellan, Lewis Rlackmer, I'nvid l’atten, las. F. Patten, S. A. Houghton, y. C. Jameson. K. K. IIARDINO, President, K. C. I1YDE, Secretary. Bath. July 3, 1802. dGin FIRE INSURANCE. WARREN SPA It KONV, Office 7 4 Middle, cor. of Exchange Sk, PORTLAND, ME., Agent of the following First Class Insurance Co’*: National Insurance Company, Of Boston. - - Cash Capital and Surplus, 3500,000. Republic Fire Insurance Company* Of New York. - - Cash Capital and Surplus. 3312,000. Relief Fire Insurance Company. Df New York. - -Cash Capital and Surplus, 3250.000. equitable Fire aud Marine Ins* Ct»., Of Providence. Perfect Security, which ought always to be the first consideration in effecting insurance, is here ot rered to the public, at the toircnt raten of premium Adopted by sound and responsible companies. Office in “Boyd’s Building,’’ opposite Post Office. June 23. d&wtf JUNCTION OF FREE ANI) MIDDLE STS., -DEALER IX Fine Chemicals, Pure Drugs, GENUINE MEDICINES, ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN PERFUMERY. AND FANCY GOODS. APOTHECARIES’ CLASS WARE, FOREIGN LEECHES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, BRACES, ELASTIC STOCKINGS, fc. VARNISHES, PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE-STUFFS, KEROSENE OIL, LARD OIL, And all othi-r articles usually kept in a Drug aud l“aint establishment. W Stale Agent for DAVIS & KIDD'S MAG NETO-ELECTKIC MACHINES. eod&wtoctl Family Groceries. E. G. PENNELL A «’0„ No. 300 Congress Street, I ■ A V V (.Lilli utnrn ■■ u nkni-e «.. .1 1.__ AX fresh ami prime assortment of every kind of family groceries, Such as Tea*. Coffee*. Sugar*. Spice*, pickle*, Ac., Having made arrangement* with some of our best dairies, we also intend to keep supplied with the CHOICEST BUTTER, To be found iu the market; also, Poultry, Vegetables, Eggs, &c. CP* 1000 doz. Eggs wanted Immediately. We respectfully iuvite a share of public patronage, and promise to give entire satisfaction to those who purchase of us. Sept. 11,1882. eodGw METROPOLITAN DJ.X1NG S^VLOO>T. 14 and 10 Exchange Street, PORTLAND. A .11 OS SHI ATI, - - - Proprietor. BILL OF FARE: ROAST. ORDER. Roast Beef,.25 Beef Steak,.25 Roast Lamb.18 Ham and Egg*..25 Roast Chicken.21 Fried Mackerel.15 Broiled Chickeu,.87 “ Codfish.15 “ Halibut,.15 EXTRA DISHES. RO l LED. Boiled Mutton, with Cold I'r’d Corned Beef, 18 Caper Sauce.25 B**ef s Tongue*,.18 Boiled Ham,.18 Mutton Chop,.18 PUDDINGS. PAS TR V. RE LI SUES. Custard Pie,.G Tomatoes,..6 Apple l'ie.G Cucumbers,.G Souash Pie,.6 Onions.6 Mince Pie,.6 Squash, . 6 DRINKS. Hoffee.6 Tea.G Draught Ale.6 Porter,. 6 ty* Open every Sunday from 8 to 1, and from 2 to 5 o’clock. jul2lkitf War Policies GRANTED to persons entering the Military or Naval Service, by Mutual Lifo Insurance Company, Hi F.NV VO it a. Gatih Fund !$.S,500,000. [Eight and a half Million Dollars.) W. D. LITTLE, Agent, scp2—tf Office 31 Exchange Street. BUSINESS CARDS. DOLE & MOODY, GENERAL Commission Merchants, AND WUOLEBALR DEALER8 IN PL0UR, CORN AND PRODUCE, No. 5 Galt Block Commercial Street, POKl*LAND, Mk. ANDREW T. DOLE. FRANKLIN C MOODY. June 23. codtf 2>Tew Drug Store! CROSMAM 4c POOR, HAVE taken store, No. 15 Middle Street* (Fox block,) and respectfully invite public at tention to their large and well selected stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Fancy Goods, &c., And solicit a share of public patronage, trusting that by furnishing the purest chemicals and best stock of drugs the market affords, and a careful attention In the dispensary department, to merit the confidence Gf the public. t'HAS. 9. CR08MAN. je24tf THOR. H. POOR. WILLIAM F. PARKER, UPHOLSTERER E TJ R N ITUR E, Louuires, Bedsteads, sritrxu-iiEos, mattresses, tew-cvsh IONS, fr., 148 Exchange Street, Portland. tr Hair Mattresses renovated. Furniture re paired and varnished, ( hairs re-caned in an im proved manner. Secoud-hand Furniture bought, lold or exchanged. jul80d6m H ANSO 3ST, SIGH AMD ORMAMEMTAL PAINTER, No. 31 Exchange Street, Portland, Me. t WIUCIBSUiKlIVU. -OIU J. L. WINSLOW, Agent, MAMTrAcrrREn or Steam Engines, Steam Boilers, A\D EVERY BESfRIPTIM OF IACHIMRY, Steam Cocks, Valve*. Pipe* and Connection*, Whole sale or Retail. STEAM AND GAS FITTING, Done in the best manner. Works 0 Union 8t., and 233 & 235 Fore 3t., jnl4dtf PORTLAND. ME. Ivl arble Work. J. R. THOMPSON, Is prepared to receive order* for Marble, Free Stone, Soap Stone, Marble Chimney Pieces. Monumental Work and Grindstones. Corner of Pearl nnd Federal Situ. je23tf PORTLAND, ME. n o m oval. C. D. BROWN, HAS RKMOVSD TO NEW STORE, No. 3 UNION WHARF, Where he will continue the Flour, Produce and Provision Business, AS HKKETOFORK. Portland. July 22. 18»?2. 3m Boys, Boys, Boy*. PARTICULAR attention jriven to CUTTING and MAKING BOYS’ GARMENTS, by A. D. REEVES, - - Tailor, 98 EXCHANGE STREET. Portland, Aug. 6.18fi2. dly TWITfllELL A CHAMPLIN, Commission Merchants, - AND DEALER* IN FLOTJB AND PBOVISIONS, *5 Commercial St., opp. Thomas Block, roBTLAND, MK. John y. Twitcht-M. jut31(16in Ji'* I*, ('hnmplin. L. J. CROSS, 141 Middle Kirrrl, - - F.rlland. Me. ^.v Watch-Maker, N. B.—All work being promptly and person ally attended to, is warranted to give thorough satis faction. jc23tf AliDLH I fftilSKS (K I UM - DEALER* IN - Corn, Flour and Grain, HEAD OE MERRILL’S WHARF, Commercial Street, - - Portlaad. Me. ji'23tf WILLUn CAPEX, SIGN PAINTER, Half Way Down Willow Siren, PORTLAND, ME. June 23. d3m JOHN B. BROWN A SONS, Sugar Refinery, YORK STREET, FOHTLAND, ME. f JOHX L.YXC1I A lO. Wholesale G-rocers, -and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GRANITE STORES,....COMMERCIAL STREET, (Opposite head of Widgory's Wharf,) Portland, Mr. JOHN LYNCH. PELEG BARKEN, THO0. LYNCH. jc23dtf I. D. IfIFKKILL A VO., 3? L TJ At B E R S, No. 27 Union Street, Portland, Me. Water Closets, Urinals, Farce and Suction Pumps, Hath Boilers, Wash Hotels, Silver Plated tf Brass Cocks, of all kinds constantly on hand. All kinds of fixtures for hot and cold water »et up in the best manner. All orders in city or country personally attended to 1. I». MERRILL. JOHN BOND. 0. D. MERRILL. aug4dly L. II. TITCOMB, Apothecary, - AGENT FOR PALME R’S ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, -AL0O, Sheet Gutta Percha for Splints, AM) CRUTCHES, FOR SALE. SPECIMEN LIMBS MA Y BE SEEN AT 173 Congress Street, « - . Portland. aug4dtf BUSINESS CARDS. CHASE BROTHERS A CO Widgery’s Wharf, Portland, Me., IMPORTERS, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. sep&—3m JTf. RICHARDSON, DESIGNER AND ENGRAVER, NO. 841 MIDDLE STREET, One Door Kaat of Canal Dank. tr Order# bv mail or express promptly executed. augtteodSmlamw YEATOit A HALE. Commission Merchants, SHIP BROKERS, CHANDLERS — AND DEALERS IN — Ship and Cabin Stores, MOULTON'S BLOCK, Corner Commercial 81. and Long Wh’f, Portland, Me. JOHN YRATON, JOSEPH HALK. Particular attention paid to procuring Freights, and purchasing Cargoes and Charters for vessels. August 2, 18G2, d&w6iu7 JOHX W. PERKIN A (Oh WHOLESALE DBALKR8 IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, BRIGS, BYE STIFFS, GLASS TARE, VLTITT) KV.HOR-EWE OTT. 86 Commercial Street, Thomas Block, Jnl29dfcwly PORTLAND. ME. GRANT’S Coffee and Spice Mills, 13 A 15 UNION STREET, PORTLAND, ME. CONSTANTLY on hand, and for sale, at wholesale market price*, in the crude *tate or manufactur ed, every description of COFFEE, SPICES, CREAM TARTAR. SALE RATES, SWEET HERBS, ffc., *<?., Packed in every variety of package* to suit dealer*. {F“ Coffee and Spices ground for the trade at short notice. All good* warranted as represented. aug4—3meod&w J. GRANT. BREED A TIJKEY, — IMPORTERS OF — Lastings, Serges, Elastic Gussettings, AND FINDINGS, MANUFACTURERS of BOOTS & SHOES, ALSO, KID AND GOAT STOCK, 50 Union, four doors from Middle Street, c. h.brkeo. Portland, me. j.g.tukey. Je30—Smd&w WOODMAN, TRUE A CO., Importers and Wholcsalo Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Ooods, lANFACTlKERS AAD JOBBKES OF CLOTBIAfi, No*. 54 and 56 Middle Street, Portland. Geo. W. Woodman, Alfred Woodman, Seth B. llersey, Charles Bailey. aug20»l&wtf W. H. KENNEY A CO., - DEALERS IK MEATS OF ALL KINDSj Poultry, Vegetables, Country Produce, 4c., No*. 2, 4 & 6 Warren Market, Portland. W. a. SISSIT, A. W. PORTER. IT" Good* delivered in any part of the city, free of charge. sopG to J. 1H. BAKER, CORNER OF EXCHANGE If FEDERAL STS., - DEALER IE Choice Family Groceries, PROVISIONS, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, And Country Produce, tr llis friend* and the public are invited to give him a call. septlO—.3m Portland Mutual Eire Insurance Company. THE Annual Meeting of the above-named Compa ny, for the choice of officer* and such other bus iness a* mar come before them, will be held at their office, on Monday. October Gth, at 74 o’clock, P. M. i it orucr, •epeodtd EDWARD SHAW, Secretary. Shirts, Shirts. GENTLEMEN, IF you want a cheap and perfect fitting shirt, please leave your measure for Mrs. A MOFFOTT's cele brated Oval Yoked Shirts, made from the best cloths, and good custom work, at the very lowest prices. CF* Remember the place, MRS. A. MOFFOTT’S, No. 27 Market Square, Order* respectfully solicited by Mr*. Moffett, who will pay personal attention to the same. aul2dtf BOOTS, SHOES^ & RUBBERS. E. SHAW A CO., No. 88 MIDDLE STREET, As usual, keep constantly supplied with fresh SHI and fashionable BOOTS aud SHOES, in eve f ry variety and style for gentlemen s and la wear, and invite all their old customers and the public generally to give them a call w henev er they desire to replenish their “understandings.“ E. S. A t’o. are agents for the Leavitt and Wilcox A Gibbs SEWING-MACHINES. uug5—bind A RMY AND NAVY TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, - BY - A. D. REEVED, - - - Tailor, 98 EXCHANGE STREET, Portland. Aug. 6. 1SC2. dly WILLIAM A. PEARCE, P L, U M 1J K R , -MAKER OF FORCE PUMPS AND WATER CLOSETS, No. 124 Exchange Street, Portland, Me. Warm, Cold and Shower Hath*. Wath Bowls, Brass mol Silver Plated Cork’s. I,WERY Description of Water Fixtnre for Dwell J ing Houses, Hotels. Public Buildings, Ships. Ac., arranged aud set up iu the best manlier, ami all or ders m town or country faithfully executed. All kinds of Jobbing promptly attendee! to. Constantly ou hand. Lead Pipe* and Sheet Lead, and Beer Pumps of all kiuds. ju)>29dly J. D. CHENEY, ggrStet MELODEON llarinoii iuin Jlannfhcturer, 135) MIDDLE STREET. NIL—J. D. C. has received more first premiums • for best instruments than any other maker in the State. tV Repairing and Tuning promptly and person ally attended to. wly7 Pier and mantle mirrors. WITH Oval, Square or Eliptical frames, with Rosewood. Black Walnut or Gilt finish made to order, of any si/e, style or design, of new and elegant patterns; also cheap Looking Glasses aud plates re-sot in old frames, by MORRISON a Co., 20, Market Square. BOOKS & STATIONERY. BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS! Manufactured and for Sale by BAILEY A NOYES, 56 AND 6S EXCHANGE STREET, PORTLAND. Journals, Ledgers, Invoice, Sales, Memorandum, Cash, Record, Dockets, Letter*. Masonio and Church Collectors Books. We make to order cverv kind of Rlank Book used by Banka. Insurance and Railroad Companies. Ho tela, Steamboats, Factories and Couutiug Houses. STATIONERY. Letter, note. Cap and Record papers, F^nvelopes— white and buff, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, 4c., 4c. Ev ery article at lowest rates. Wit Buy ron Cash and SXLL CHEAT. BAILEE 4 MOVES, 56 and 58 Exchange Street. Portland, Jane 23.1862. dtf EXCHANGE ST. gg BLANK BOOK AND STATIONERY, -AXD PAPER HANGING WAREHOUSE ! Established la 1825. Premium Blank Books on hand and made to order, of every variety of style aud finish. From our long experience, we are enabled to oflbr to the trade and our customers better bargain» in quality and prices, than can be found in any other establishment in the State. Our stock of STATIONERY Is with Mid W>natiuaf Aim fvom *L'.. oign and American House*, and embraces every arti cle needed for public offices. Counting Houses and private uses, and at lotrrit prio n. ROOM PAPERS Of every variety, quality and price, embracing all ibe various styles of gold papers mauuhKtured, to gether with a full stock of Satins, mediums and com mon papers—the largest stock to be found in this market, at lowest market prices. School Books of •very kind in use at wholesale prices. HALL I. DAVIS W Exchasuk .''Titan. Portland June 23, 1W2. 8. H. COLES WORTHY, lias removed his stock of BOOKS, STATIONERY, PICTURES, Picture Friars, Paper Bucinu Finrj Goods, it., it., TO No. 92 EXCHANGE STKKET, Next door above the British and American Express Office, where he will accommodate all who may be in want of goods in his line, at very low prices. Book-Binding and Picture-Framing, Done neatly as usual. GENUINE HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES, For sale at the above store by M. SEAVEY. Physicians and Families supplied with Medicines and books Cases renewed and vials refilled. June 24. 1862. eodfim GRAVESTOAEM. GOOD Bargain* will be given to those who wish to purchase t. ravestone* or Monument* of anv description. Those who will favor me with a call shall be satisfied that they are buying a good article at thelowest price. Shop on Forest Avenue, near Evergreen Cemetery, Stevens* Plain*. _ je30—3m J. H. COOK. PLEASURE PARTIES. Excursionists visiting the islands, supplied with stores at the shortest notice. Orders solicited. 180 Fere Street aenr foot of Kiehaage* C ALDER WOOD k BECKETT. Portland. June 23. dtf GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Notice to W ood and Lumber mer chants. FROM November 1st, 1*62, to Mav 1st, 1963. the raft** of freight on all descriptions of lumber and timber will be advanced 25 per cent. No tire wood will be convened between October 1st, 1862, and May 1st. 1*3. An advauce in the rati** of tire wood will take place next summer, but in con sequence of changes in the arrangement for conducting the wood business, which are about to be made, the Coui|>atiy will not be able to take tire wood from certain place* on the line, so that should any parties make contracts for fire wood to be carried on the railway during the next season, they must understand that they will do so at their own risk, aud that the Company will not feel themselves bound to carry it. Due uotice will be given of the rates of freight, and from what statious fire wood can be carried next summer. C. J. BRTDGE9, Managing Director. Montreal, August 1. 1862. a6dtf COAL & WOOD, CHEAP FOR CASH, DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH, HAZEL TON LEHIGH, COLERAINE LEHIGH, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, JOHN'S, THE, GENUINE L ORDER Y, Pure and Free Burning. CUMBERLAND COAL FOR SMITHS USE. THESE Coals arc strictly of the best quality, and warranted to give satisfaction. Also, for sale, best quality of Nova Scotia and other Hard and Moll Wood. The public are requested to call, as we are deter miued to give good bargains to those w ho pay cash. Office, Commercial St., head of Maine Whf. SAWYER A WHITNEY. julSltf Notice ot* Foreclosure. "NJOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber John IN M. Parker, of Scarborough, in the County of Cumberland, ami State of Maiue, claims by mort gage a certain tract or parcel of land w ith the build ings thereon, situated in -aid Scarborough and bounded as follows: beginning at the Sacearappa road, so called, and running south eighty-seven de grees east forty-live rods, by the couuty road leading from Buxton to Portland, to a stone; thence north forty five degrees east live rods, to a stone; thence north forty-two degree* west, by one McLaughlin's land, thirty-one rods, to a stone; thence north eigh ty-seven degrees west twenty-five rods, to said Sacca rappa road; thence south six degrees west, bv said Saccarappa road, twenty-five rods and eighteen links, to said county road, the first mentionod bound; reserving one quarter of an acre deeded by me to Robert Gustin. Said real estate having been on ftie twelfth of August in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fifty-nine conveyed in fee and in mort 6ago to the subscriber bv John S. Larrabee of Scar orough, by his deed ot1 that date, recorded in the Registry or Deeds for Cumberland County, in book 29*>, page 3t». the condition of .-aid mortgage is brok en, ami the subscriber, by reason thereof, claims a foreclosure of the same, for a breach of the condi tion, according to the statute in such ?ase made and provided. JOHN M. PARKER. Scarborough, Sept. 17. 1*62. w3w 14 TENEMENTS WANTED. M WANTED—Convenient tenements for the accommodation of two small families, in respectable localities, and within ten min utes' walk of tiie Post Office. Rent uot to exceed from $150 to 175 per annum Address Box 42. Post office, or apply at the Count ing Room of the Daily Press,Fox Block. Portland, Juue 23. distf ^ HOTELS. central house, E. O. Mayo, .... Proprietor. PASS ADUMKE AG, MAINS. THE mtacriber would »ery r.wpecttallT tn nounco to hi* numorou* friend* »nd the public generally, that during the temporary _^compulsory suspension «»f his business he Turn shed this well-known house anew, and is now better than ever prepared to wait upon his cus tomers, and hopes by strict attention to their wants to merit a continuance of the patrouage which he haa hitherto receives!. £, (i. MAYO Passaduinkeag. June 23,1862. dftwtf CITY HOTEL, . . PORTLAND. AMASA T. C. DODGE, HAVING assumed the proprietorabip of this house, promises to spare no paina to accommodate its former patrons, as well as liis old friends and the public generally. Having had an experience of sixteen yean, he thinks he ran now "keep a hotel.’' This house is one of the l*esi in the city, and very pleasantly located on Cougicss, corner of Greea Portland. Aug. 23, 1862. d3wfcw8m “ELM HOUSE.” I THE undersigned respectfully informs the public that he has leased the above House on Federal Street, Portland, and invites J_i the travelling community to call and see if he knows “how to keep a hotel." ('lean, airy rooms, good beds, a well-provided table, atten tive servants and moderate charges are the induce ments he bolds out to those whose business or pleas ure call them to the “Forest City." JONATHAN BL1S8, Proprietor. Portland, Ang. 19, 1862. dtf AMERICAN HOUSE, Boston, Mass., A TS the largest and best arranged Hotel la EE&nlthe New England States; is centrally Ioea RJaLStcd. aud easy of access from ail the routes of |sSHBtrmve|. 11 the modern improve Mwanipnti aud every convenience for the com fort aud accommodation of the travelling public. The sleeping rooms are large aud well veDtilated; the suits of rooms are well arranged, and ompletely furnished for fhmilies and large travelling parties, and the house will coutinue to be kept as a first class Hotel in every respect. LEWIS RICE, Proprietor. Boston, January, 1862. PREBLE HOUSE, - - PORTLAND, Mlf. Si Inn led (’•ngrr««, rtrarr mi Preble Streets* THIS Ik the Urgent Hotel In the State, poa tewing all the modern improvements, and first claw in every appointment. TERMS MODERATE, FOR BOARD BY WEEK OR DAY. (’HAS* U. ADAMS, Proprietor* Jt*23- 3m BATH HOTEL, iiy M. HLUMMKB. 8*6, Wahhihoton 8t., Rath. •.♦Terms 81 per day. Stable connected with house. Bath, June 23,1*02. dtf SAGAOAHOCK IIOINE, AlfVed Carr, • * Proprietor, BATH, MAINE. THE City of Bith is one or tbe healthiest localities on the coast of Maine—delightful ly situated on the Kennebec, twelve miles _Irion the ecu. siol affords one of tbe moat 1 -r retreats from the dust and turmoil of our titles. sue Saoadahikk is one of the lineal, moat spa* eious, and best appointed Hotels In tbe State, located within thaee minutes walk or tbe Depot, Steamboat Landing, Post office. Custom House, Ac., being di rectly in the business centre of tbe City. Terms Moderate by tbe Week er Dap. Bath. J sue 23, 1882 dtf BANGOR HOUSE, BANGOR. ME.. O. M. SHAW, - - PROPRIETOR largest, most central House in the city. Keartt to Railroads and Steamboats. tF'HORSF.S AND CARRIAGES TO LET ms JulltJ—3m DIRIGO EATIHG HOUSE, No. 7 MILK STREET, - . . PORTLAND. MR. JOHN ROBINSON, Proprietor. Every Delicacy of the Keaton Served up at all hours. TURTLE SOUP, TUESDAY AND FRIDAT. BROOK TROUT a sal all kinds of GAME Served to order. PINE APrLE LEMONADE. STRAWBERRY LEMONADE -#*’ Frogs Served to Order. *.* Meals to Ksgi'lae Boakdses at Reduced Rstas. Open every Sunday bom 8 to I, and bora 1 to • o'clock. je23edtf , Photographic Goods & Chemicals. OUIC stock In this department is complete, com prising every article used in the art. MORRISON A CO.. June2«tfw3t 28. Market Square. Gilt Frames. TNOII PORTRAITS OR LANDSCAPES of any T uceuwu — I»ir'i puciuc 1UU uni workmanship—made to order by MOKRISOX k CO., 36. Market Square. Nolire of Forfflosnre. *NJOTXCE w hereby given, that the subecriber, il Charles H. Osgood, of Portland, in the county of Cumberland, amt State of Maine, claims by mort • gage, as Executor of and Residuary Legatee In the last will aud testament of Joshva B. OaoooD, late of said Portland, deceas'd, duly approved and al lowed, the following described real estate, to wit: a certain lot of land with the buildings thereon stand ing. situated upon the easterly side of Clark street in said city of Portlaud, and bounded as follows : Com mencing at a stake upon ('lark street, one hundred aud forty feet from Salem street (formerly Prospect street), thence northerly by said ('lark street forty feet to a stake; thence easterly eighty feet more or less to land sold by William Prior to Joseph B. tiamb liu; thence by said land southerly fortv feet, thence westerly eighty feet more or lean, to the first men tions! bounds. Said real estate was conveyed by Wiliam li. Purinton to John B. Carroll, by deed of mortgage, dated the third day of October, A. D.f eighteen hundred and fifty-five, and recorded in Cum berland County Registry of Deeds, Book 367, page W. said Carroll assigned the same to the Ocean insu rance Company by deed, dated the twenty-second day of January, A. D . eighteen hundred and fifty six, and recorded in said Registry Book, 411, and said Ocean lusuranco Company, assigned the ' same to said Joshua B. Osgood by deed, dated the fifth day of January, A. D., eighteen hundred and sixty, aud recorded iu said Registry, Book 316. page 37, and the subscriber claims said mortgage deed and the premises thereby conveyed as the Executor and Res iduary Legatee of the said Joshua B Osgood, as j aforesaid. The condition of said deed of mortgage has been broken, by reason whereof the subscriber ! claims a foreclosure of the same, and gives this pub lic notice thereof, according to the statute In such i case made aud provided, Dated this fourth day of August. A. D. 1863. CHARLES li. OSGOOD, Executor and Residuary legatee named in the last will and testament of Joshua B. Osgood. wSwll A. W. BANFIELD, (S-CWMor to P. J. ForrUtall and Mill, k Forriitmll, IMPORTER AMD DEALER 1M ENGLISH. FRENCH AND GERMAN. FANCY GOODS, Pocket and Table Cutlery, YANKEE NOTIONS. CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELS!, STATIONERY, TOYS, fcc., 28 and 80 Federal and 106 Congress Streets, ADDISON W. BAN FIELD. Boaton. P J FomRiiTAti can be found at the gbovc place, June 23. wly Book, Card & Fancy Printing, NEATLY EXECUTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE PRESS.