Mil*,-.—«>■„ ! -
“I Rave not Began lo Fight yet!”
The above language of the gallant and brave
Paul Jones, when the British commander ask
ed If he had strurk Ms flag and surrendered,
are. memorable words. Although his deck was
slippery and streaming with blood of Ills gal
lant crew, his guns every one dismounted, his
colors shot away, and his vessel gradually sink
ing, Paul Jones, witli an immortal heroism,
continued to tight.
“Do you surrender?” shouted the English
captain desiring to prevent farther blood-shed,
and seeing tlie colors of Bou Ilomme Richard
gone, supposing tlie American hero wished to
surrender. His answer was: “I have not be
gun to tight yet!”
The scene is thus described-There was a
lull in tlie conflict for an instant, and the bold
est held his breath as Paul Jones, covered witli
blood and black witli powder stains, jumped
on a broken gun-earrige, waving his Sword,
mid exclaimed, in the never-lo-be-lbrgoitcn
wqfds: “1 have not begun to light yet!”
And the result was, the tide of battle chang
ed, and in a few minutes the British ship
struck her colors and surrendered. Paul Jones,
leaped from Ills own ship, stood upon the deck
of tae British vessel a conquer and a hero.
What an admirable watchword for the hat- i
tie of life does the. aliovu stirring incident give
to every man. Reverse may overwhelm for a
time, despair may ask hope to strike her (lag, j
but planting the foot more firmly, bending the
back more readily to the burdens imposed,
straining the muscle, to the utmost tension, j
and bracing the drooping heart, let him who
is driven to the wall exclaim: “I have not
began .to light yet!” They are words of ener- j
gy, hope and action. They deserve, they will !
c (ininaud success. In tile darkest hour let
them ring out, and forget the past, tlie years
wasted and gone by, and give them as an
inaugural address of a new era. When tlie
misfortunes of life gather too closely around,
let your bottle-cry go lortit irotn the thickest |
of the conflict: “I have not begun to light
yet?’ and you will find your foes fleeing from
the new strength imparted, and yielding the
vantage as you press forward in the haute
A 1’AltlSI AN ISTOKY. — About a UoZI'll [
years ago,a man rather shabbily dressed, but
bear,ng the marks of distinction, entered a
cafe of modest appearance in the Faubourg
St. Germain, and asked for a cup of coffee and
a roll. This he swallowed rapidly, as if press
ed by extreme hunger, and then slowly retired,
without, however, seeming to avoid the de
mand *<>r payment. The waiter, stupe fled,
hastened to inform his mistress, a widow bur
dened with a family, but u kind-hearted wom
an, of what had taken place. The latter, who
had observed tils air of dejection of the .stran
ger, Immediately replied, "It is all right, I
know the gentleman.” Tlie next day the ’
strauger returned, asked for the same things, I
and retired hi the same in inner as before with
out paying. This continued lor about two
mouths, alter which lie was seen no more.—
About a month ago the widow was invited to
call upon a notary to receive a sum of money
which had been left to her by will. She could
not believe her good fortune, ami thought
there must be some mistake, wlun the notary
afforded her an explanation liy reading the fol
lowing passage from a will which he held in
his baud;—-‘I bequeath iKJ.OOUf. to tile widow
-, proprictoress of a cafe, (giving the ad
dress) to thank her for her generosity in giv
ing me a breaklu-t every day tor two months,
wituout demanding puyment, which it was
th in impossible for me to make. I was then
In misery, but since, fortune having smiled on
ma, it is only just that I should pay for the six
ty breakfasts to which I owed iny life.’”
Had His Eye Suit Up.—One Sabbath
afternoon, a Sunday School teacher olwcrved
two boys playing at marbles by the roadside.
He stopped, ti^d them how wicked it was, j
and succeeded in persuading the w orn one to 1
accompany him to school. The lad was deci
dedly a fast youth, of about eight years. In
the class among other tilings, the teacher told, !
that God made this beautiful world, and all
that la in it; we muat thank Him for the good
things we enjoy: He gives us our food and our
“Does he give me my clothes, too?” broke in
the lad.
“Yes; He gives us everything.”
“Xow, thar's where you got your eye shut
up; for ma’aui made these trowsers out of I
dad's old ones.”
“This medicine”’ said Dr. Squills, “after
having been taken for a tew days, will produce j
the change desired.” “What!” exclaimed the I
thunder-struck patient, “vou don’t say so, ,
doctor?” “It is a fact, sir, said the doctor;
“the science of medecine lias now reached——'’
“Well,” said the patient, interrupting him, "it
is wonderful! 1/ you’d said postage stamps,
doctor, I would not have said anything; but
the desired change, doctor, it seems impossi
Portland Mu tun I Fire Insurance
THE Annual Meeting of the above-named Compa
ny,'for Ine choice of officers and such other bus
iness as mav come before them, will be held at their
office, ou Monday, October 6th, at 7* o'clock, I*. M.
fer order,
sepeodtdEDWARD SHAW, Secretary.
Lutings, Serges, Elastic Gussettings,
50 Union, four door* from Middle Street,
jeSO—3md& w
out, Rosewood. Black W alnut and j
Oak Mouldings.
At low**t cBih price*, in qunntitie* to *uit the
trade. Ship Mouldings made and finished to i
order by MORRISON CO., i
Market Square.
Book, Card & Fancy Printing,
Photographic Frames.
GOT ARE or oval—every kind called for. These
being manufactured by ourselves, except those
necessarily imported, we can compete with any niai
ket for low prices. At wholesale or retail, at 2d Mai
ket Square.MORRISON k CO'S.
Kennebec A Portland Railroad Co.
mate Trustees of the first Mortgage Bondholder*
A hereby notify a meeting ot said i oudholders to
be hoi den at the Depot in Bruuswick, ou Wednes
day the eighth day of October next, at nine o'clock
lu the morning, to hear the Reports which mav be
offered, and to attend to any other business which
may come before them
_ JOHN i'AfTEN, iTruitee#*
Kennebec A Portland Railroad Co.
TUE Trutteot of the Second Mortgage Bonded- |
era hereby notify a mooting of laid Bondholder*,
to be holden at the Depot in Brunswick, on Wednes
day the eighth day of October next, at ten o’clock iu
*"e t0 hear the Reports which may be offer
ed, aud to attend to any other business which may
come before them.
_ , JOHN FATTEN, i Truit®«*
Brunt trick, Sept. 16, 1*2 *epl9eodtoct8
Xotice of Foreclosure.
N0®CB 1* hereby given, that the tubteriber,
Charles H. Osgood, of Portland, in the county
of Cumberland, ami State of Maine, claims by mort
gago, as Exaeutor of aud Residuary Legatee lu the
, "‘u<* ,t«etam«nt of Joahpa B. Ouuood. late
of said Portland, deceased, dulr approved and at
V10 lowing described real estate, to wit: a
certain lot of land with the buildings thereon stand
lnfc situated upou the easterly side of Clark street in
said city of Portland, and hounded as follows: Com
mencing at a stake upon Clark street, one hundred
and forty feet from Salem street (formerly Prospect
street), thence northerly by said ( lark street forty
feet to a stake; thence easterly eighty feet more or
less to land sold by William Prlorto Joseph B. Hainb- f
lln: thence by said land southerly forty feet, thence
westerly eighty feet more or lest, to the first men
tioned bounds. Said real estate was conveyed bv
Wiliam II. Purinton to John B. Carroll, by deed of !
mortgage, dated the third day of October, A .D ,
eighteen hundred and iil1y-fi\e. and recorded in Cum- i
berlaml County Registry of Deeds, Book 867, page
9h, Maid Carroll assigned the* same to the Ocean Iiisu
rance Company by deed, dated the twenty-second
day of January, A. !>., eighteen hundred and fifty
six, and recorded in said Registry Book,265,page 41 f,
and said Oc«*an Insurance Company, assigned tbe
same to said Joshua B. Osgood by deed.dated the fifth
dav ot January, A. I)., eighteen hundred and sixtv,
aud recorded in said Registry, Book 316. page 37. mid
the subscriber c’aims said mortga'e deed and the
premises 'h'rebv conveyed as the Executor aud Ken
>djmr LcgVoo of the said J.wlma B. Osjood, as
af.resaid. Hn condition of said deed of inert 'age ,
has been broken, bv reason whereof the subscriber
claims a foreclosure of the same, and gives this pub- i
lie notice thereof, according to the Statute iu such
case made and provided,
Dated this fourth dav of August, A. D. 18fl2.
Executor and JUcsiduary Legatee named iu the last
wii] Aud testament of Joshua B. Osgood. w8vr!8
Portland Wholesale Price* Current.
Expressly corrected for the Press to October 8.
An additional duty qf
10 pc is levied on all mer
chanuise not imported di
rect from the place qf pro
duction or growth.
Duty : 10 pc ad vad.
roan p lb.5J® 6}
l’ot.> .6 <© 7
G reen p bbl .... Il}@ 2
Sliced p lb.6 ® 8c
Coren p lb .4 <*) 6
Uucored p lb.2 g) 3
/>»</«/. 3) Pc.
pilot p 100 lbs. 85 5}
Strip.®4 41
Crackers per bbl.. .3*} 3j
Crackera, p 100 . 35 v.t*40c
Duty 4c p lb. _
Family p tb.17 («20c
Store ’.14 i®l6
Marrow p bush82 10^*238
IVu.2 r>*2 62
Blue rod.2 12«.2 37
i nitriles.
Duty : Sperm and Wax 8c.
Stearin* be, TaAloic 2}c
p lb.
Mould p lb.13c@13i
Sperm.28 ,*30
Duty . 4c p tb.
Vermont p tb.813) 94
New York.8j* 9}
Duty : From Hr. J’rorine
rt fret, other foreign Ri
tumcnous Si 10, all oth
er kinds 60c p ton.
Ciuubcri d ptou .S9}vg)
Duty • 5c p lb.
Java p tb 27 «2*c
St. Domingo.22 *23
Rio .24*22}
M<»clia.none. (
Duty: Tarred2]c. Manil
la 2\, (Mother 81 P W>
Ann-ncau P tb 13 * 13}
Kuairia.15V « H»
Manilla.12}.,* 13
Boi t rope, Bnsala 15: * 10
do. Manilla.12 }<*. 13
p bbl HI 80(3)135
Drug* nuri l>ye».
Duty : p lh — Oil < inna
mart 82, Oil Almonds and
Otto qf Itose HI 50. Oil
Bergamot, Cassia and;
('lores HI, Ifydriddate
Potash 7bc.Cantharides.
Mast be, ipecac. Rhubarb,
( ardamitns, Oil I.emon,.
Anisf and Orange, Io
dine 50c, Tolu and ( 'rtide
('amphor 3 *c, Re fined do.
4 *c, Tartaric Acid 2-V.
Cream Tartar, Citric
Acid. Shellac, (’opal, Da
mar and Hums used fir
tiki purposes l')c, Aloes.
riligris. Chforate of
Potash, Carb. Magnesia
6c, Borncic Acid. Yellow
Prmsiate Potash and
Red do. 10c. Liquorice.
Oxalic Acid and Sugar
of Least 4c. Asphattnm
and Bi-Chro. potash 3r,i
Si i g<> l}c, Epsom Salt *,
Liquorice Root, Ri-Carb.
Sotfa, Caustic Soda lc;
Castor OH 50c p 17a/..
Morphine 82 p Al
um 00c p cwt., (upper<is
50c p curt., Muriatic Ac
id lu Pc ad cal.. Spong
es, -lss(\feetida, 1 s 1 it
glass. F/or Sulphur.Sen
na. Arrowroot, Cinseng
20 pc. Bleaching l\nr
ders 3'H* p cwt. Sago
60c p ewt.. Sal Soda a ml
Soda .l*h jc P lb, ( rudt
Brimstone 83 and Rolf
do. 86 p toil, Alcohol 4oc
p gal.
Alum p lb.8 % 4c
Arrow Root. 17 ®40
Borax.22 «25
Brimstone (roll).. .4A(a 5
Bi-( arb. Soda.5) a 6]
Sulphur.6 ft 6)
Sal Soda.3 a 4"
Camphor.140a 160
Cream Tartar.3' a46
Logwood ex.101(a 12
Mawna .28 «36
Indigo. Mia, due.SI jo 1*
Madder..16c a 18
Opium.87}a 7}
Rhubarb.1 3> a 1 38
Alcohol.70 (<*72
Fluid.93 =96
Cainphene.2 60 a 2 70
Vitriol.12 ®
Duty Free.
Bran I Wood 13 ®
Camwood.4}® 4?
Fustic, Cuba.2 ® 2]
“ savaavilla 1? a 2
Hy pern to. ..A.4]® 5
( ampeaeby.2 ft
St. Domingo.l)w 1J
Extract \a 12
Xic Wood. (ft
Peach 44 .31® 4}
Red 44 . 8j® 3)
Saj>an 11 .2 ®
(Juercitron Bark.. .21® 2]
Red Sander*.3® 6
Duty : 3) 4>c ad red.
Portland, No. 8. 90 ®
44 No. 10.. 48®
Navy, 8’r, No. 8. none.
44 " No. 10. none.
Tent Duck,
U.S. 10 o*.60® i
“ 12 ot.69®
Duty : 80 4»c ad val.
Live Gee»e \> lb 60 ®65
Russia .25 ft
Duty . For 100 lb * foreign
caught — Herring 9 1.
Mackerel 92, Salmon f8;
and all other pickled in
bids. 81 6d D obi., other
wise 50c D cwt. From
Provinces free.
Cod large D qut. 831® 3J
44 tmail.2}g 21
Pollock.2 a 2}
Haddock, new — 1 a lj
Hake, new . .1 a lj
Horrinff.ShoreDbl.2Ja' 3
do. Labrador., none,
do. Sca!edDbx.85a4Ac
do. No. 1.26a»
Mackerel D bbl., 1
Bay No 1. 89}® 10
Bav No. 2.7 (a 7}
Ilgr No. 8.41 u> 5
Shore No. 1.9‘® 91
44 44 2.«i® (U
do. (medium).. .3;a 3j
do. (small) 2j®
Duty. Lemons, Oranges.
Panana and Plantains
20 De tsd val., Almonds
4c, and Shelled do. 6c l>
lb. Xuts and Dates 2c
Ms. Currants, Figs.
Plumy, Prunes and Rai
sins 6c D lb. Citron 80
Dc ad val.
Almond*—Jordan W lb.
Soft Shell.13 ®16c
Shelled.26 (<*3"
Currant*.12 ® 13
Citron .32 a.86
Pea Nut* 82j® 2\
Figs, common.... none.
New’ El erne.25c a
Lemon*. D case. 84 ® 6
Orange*.. none.
H ue D cask.
Bunch P box. 340u3 60
Laver.8 62 53 88
Date*.7 a 9c
Prmiff .8f.Ǥ10J
Kl#«r-Portland imp.
Superfine.*64® 63
Faney.6lit 6
Extra .Giet/ G|
Family.6va 63
Extra Superior-6}® 74
Western extras....6 ® 6*
** fancy.6J<a 6
“ superior. 7 ® 73
Ohio extra.64 a, 6j
" family.6j& 6j
Canada super No.l. none.
" fancy.none.
** extra.none.
" super'r ext. none.
Rye Flour.4i® 44
Com Meal .3 i t? 8?
Buckw’t FPr pib 2c,& 24
Duty : Com and Oatt 10c,
Rl.'« and Rarity 15c. and
Wheat 2^*c p bu. From
Br. Province*free.
Rvo.94 Jr 96c
Oats.40 a46
South Vol. Corn .70 a 72
Corn. Mixed.6« «70
Bariev.HO a62
Short* p ton.... J?17 n 19
Fine Feed .22 a24
Duty : Pouqh—free.
Polish, p ton... .?17o20
Dressed.30« 35
fi ii npowdrr.
. Duty : I’rtlnrrf rtf ttgg than
20c P n» . orrr 2*V fle
P It* and 20 pc ad rat
Bla<tinjr.S4! « 41
Rifle and Sporting 5] a 7}
Screw’d pnetT.*12 all
Loose.18 <* 15
New do. 12 o 14
II idet null Skins*
Puff/ : 10 pe ad cal.
S’ate.dOer Hides.. .6 (rf 6c
Calfskins. 9 «;10
Calcutta Cow—
Slaughtered.. 1 flfVJri 70
Green Salt.1 ll>^ 12T»
Dry.90 a 1 00
Sheep Pelts, Gr’u.80 ®61
Sheep Pelts, Dry .46 ^76
Duty 5c f> lb.
First Sort, 1862 .14 @15
I roit.
Duty : J*i(f and Stamp 86,
liar not exceeding $601>
ton value $17 ton, ec
ceediug 860 ton $18,
less than \ inch thick or
more than 7 inches wide,
rounds less than 4 inch
or more than 4 inches in
diameter, and squares
less than 4 incA or more
than 4 inches square $20,
flailnnui $12 60, hotter
and Plate $25 *> ton,
Sheet 2rt2£c tb and
$3.a 6 4* ton.
“ Relined . 3j@
Hwcde.5j @061
Nomay.61 a 01
Caat Steel.18 a lit
(•erman Steel_12Fal21
English Blis.Steel.16 j§164
Spring.8 (a 9
Sheet Iron, Engl 5 ra> 64
Sheet Iron,Russia 16 @18
do Rua im't . .11*3124
Barrel, !b.IO3IO4
Kegs, 4> ib. IO43He
Duty : 30 4»c ad ral.
New York, light. .20 @22c
do. ntd. wta...23 @25
do. heavy.23 a2b
do. slaughter. 20 «28
Amor. Calfskin* «3 o75
SI’ter Wax Loath, lu @174
Duty Pig lJcfTfb
Am. I'ig 100 lb.S7i}3 8
Foreign lie.7*a M
Sheet and i*i|H*_9 (3 9*
Duty : 10 *>c ad ral.
Rockland, cask 65 @70c
I .amber—From yard.
Clear Hue, No. 1.838 @
do. No. 2 34 @
do. No.3 24 3
do. No. 4 14 a
Shipping Lumber. 12 @14
Spruce.10 «12
Hemlock.8 a 10
Box Sh’ks. (cash). 45 ;«60c
< iapb’ds, Sext..$13 a. 16
do. !••«.. 30 o32
Shingles, Cod. ext 2§@ 3
do. “ No.1.2 'a' 24
do. ext. Cine 2l. 0 3f
Laths, Spruce.... 1 15 a 1 20
do. line. 1 ia 1|
Red Oak Staves 20 @35
Mol. Hhd. Shooks
& Heads, city. . 25f>« 2 75
Sugar do. city 260@2«0
do. do. c’try.l 25;* 1 60
Country Rill’Mol.
Hhd. Shooks... 1 25« l 35
Slash..12501 40
Hoops.$21 @23
i lacs met nek Tim
ber, |» tun.8 @10
M alasM* m.
Duty : (k? 4» gal.
«ienfugo*..350 0 33
( ubacTaved.30 o 31
do. do. tart 26 «27
do. Muscotado 32 336
New Orleans.
Cortland Syrup, hlid*..23
do. bbls. 25
Duty: CltMc, Wrought 2c,
Assorted 3c lb
' ask. . 3473300
Naval Store*.
Duty: Turpentine. Rosin,
Spirits Turpi ntiuc 15c
|» gal.
I ar(m keg*)tr gal.80c*f 1
l*ifch (Coal Tar) s*4)'«? *20
turpentine t>gal 245*250
On kiim.
Duty Free.
American..8J® 9J
Duty: Sperm, If kale and
other Ush Oils of for
eign fisheries 20 pc ini
rat.. Linseed, Hempseed
and Rape seed 20c gal.,
Olive 23c, Salad 60c,
Palm, Seat and Cocoa
nut 10c jp gal.
Portland Kerosene
Illumiiiat*£ Oil 42}*47c
Sperm Winter.. 1 05<i 170
Whale, ref. Wlnt.79 *80
do. (rude.73 *75
Grand Bank and
Bay Chakur. S19}£21}
Shore.18 *19
Linseed. 81 a 1»3
Boiled.1 ''4al 07
Lard Oil..... 86 *90
Dlive Oil.100*1 70
Castor Oil.165*1 70
Seatsfoot Oil.... 105*1 12
P bb).82 * 2}
Duty : Oti White lead dry
or ground in oil and He'd
lead 82 40 100 lbs.
Litharge 24c, Oxide of
Zind^c |i lb. Prussian
litue. I tnnilion, Chrome
Yellow, I'enetian Led25,
Spanish Brown dry 20.
in tat do 4>c ad vat.t Yel
low and other Ochres 60c
4* 10U tt>s, Paris White
dry 60c, in oil 8160,
Whiting 50c 100 lbs.
P’tPd Lead, in oil.89 *
Lewis Lead, •• .9}*
Boston Lead, “ . .9 *
Krench Zinc, “ ..8}* 8$
Ainer Zinc, 11 . 7 *
Bochelle Yellow.. .8 * 81
Hue. Ven. Ucd. .. .3 * 3}
Litharge.9 *
Bed Lead. 9 *
Duty Free.
Per ton Soft.1751185
Hard .100*1 66
Ground...5 00*6 50
Duty: Beef and Pork lc,
Lard, Bacon and Hams
2c, Butter and Cheese 4c
4> lb.
Ch’go Mess Beef S 12 ^14
Portland do. . .12}* 13
P'tPd ext. do. . 14 *14}
Pork, extra clear. 15}*16
Pork, clear. 14 * 14*
Pork, mess.13 *13}
Pork, extra do .. .14} *16
Pork, Prime. %_11 *11}
City Smok'd Hams.none.
Beet 4> qu'r p lb 5 (S 7}
Eggs, p doz 124*13
Potatoes. 43" bbl. Si}* 1}
Apples, dried, jp !b 2 j* 6c
( hie kens. Spring .10 *14
Lamb..6 * b
lurk its.12 *17
Geese.4 * 6
Veal.4}* 6
Pickles, 4> bbl-£7 j* 8}
Duty: Cleaned lie, Pad
dy 3c *> lb.
Bice V lb.6-* 7}
Portland distilled 45 *48c
SaJciatus p lb.6}* 7c
Duty In lulk 18c, and in
lags 24c (> 100 lbs.
Turk's Is., hbd.
(8 bus.).824$ 2}
Liverpool.2} a 24
Cadiz.2f* 22
Sacks Salt.1 20^,125
Grid Butter Salt. .20 *
Duty 20 ad vat.
Potato.2\a 2J
Shot-k# 100 lbs £93*10
noil p.
Duty : 35 pc ad val.
Loathe & Lore’s, Trow
bridge k .Smith’s Ex
tra No. 1 p lb. . 83(6 9
Family do.7]■% 71
No. 1.7 a 7?
Eagle No. 1.68? 5J
Crane's.9 94
Duty: dinger Jloot be,
frround Ginger 8c, Pep
per and Ptmento 12c,
Cloves 13c, Cassia 10c,
Cassia Duds 20c, Cinna
mon 25c, Mace and Aut
meas 30c p lb.
Cassia p lb.40 »42c
Cloves.24 £244
Linger, (Race)_24 626
(ringer, (Africa) 24 £26
Mace.80 £90
Nutmegs.76 £80
Pepper,.18 <620
Pimento.16 (618
Duty . Linseed 18c p 6m.,
Canary $1 p 6m., Mus
tard 3c p lb.
Herds brass.£2 (a) 2}
Western Clover.. 7?« 8c
Rod Top.*3 « 3J
Linseed.2 \ a
( unary.3jju- 3}
Duty • iffbido%c,not’ahtirr
An. 12 2*.<\ <dtore Ao. 12
antinttf tibore 15 3c/*6»»rr
Ao. 15 and not abort■ 20
3jc. above An. 20 and re
port l 4c p lb.
Portland A.SJa)
do. A A.8 *«j
do. Yellow. .none.
Extra Yellow.none.
Mnwovado.9\ a 10
do. in bond.74 6
Ha> ana lt> «»w n. .. l"ol2J
do White.. lit a 13
New (Mean?.10' a 121
Crushed . 13 a 18{
(•lannlated.13 613?
Powdered.13 (613i
Duty Tallow 1 pc. Soap
Stock• 10 pc ad rat.
American refined .8JS 9c<9 6
Duty 20c p lb.
Voting Hyson... .76 (« 1
Oolong .60 a76
Souchong. . .46 ia 60
Duty: Leaves unmanufac
tured 2b. all other kinds
35 pc ad rdl.
6’s& 10's best br’ds.68 ®75c
do. medium. .62 (®66
do. coniiuou. 66 (a&B
ha!Mbs best br’ds.66 ®78
do. mod. good. 68 @60
do. common... .66 ®68
Natural Leaf, lbs §1 a 1J
Fancv, in Foil.14® 2
Duty: Pip 16c, Plates 25
pc ad ral.
Ham a, cash.88c®
Straits, cash. 34361
I'lates-Char.Lf .811 all!
do. “ IX .13 «13J
Hard, retail.#6t® 7
Soft, “ .4] a 5
Duty: 85 0c ad vat.
Cotton Sail.60 366c
Flax •' .40 vs
u Baleing.45 s50
llemp “ ... 26 a)
India .14 ®14f
Furniture.52}® 2j
Coach.3 ri 4
Datnar.2 Is 3
Duty: Outing 18c p lb
and under 6 Pc, over 18c
to 24c p lb 3c, over 24c
9c p lb.
Fleece.46 <355c
Lambs.46 (353
Duty: In block* or piqt
| l^c, t'n Khects 2c p lb,
1 manufacture* of 30 pc
ad rat.
Tig* and slabs.of® 6}
Sheet Mnsslmann. 91 alO
London—60 d. 1 31 (31 32
Paris.y 4 35 ct* 31
Notice off Foreclosure off Mortgage.
TlfilERCAS the Androscoggin Railroad Compa
ct ny, on the twenty-sixth day of September, A.
D. 1868, authorized the issue of certain bonds of said
Company to the amount of one hundred thousand
dollars, and a mortgage of the property of the Com
pany to secure the pax ment of the same;
And whereas the said Company, in pursuance
thereof, on the twenty eighth day of September, A.
I>. 1S">3. by its mortgage deed of that date, conveved
to William T. Treble, John Otis and Samuel Tick
ard, all iu tin* State of Maine, as trustee* for the
holders of said bonds, the Railroad of said Company
then constructed and iu its use. situated in the towns
of Leeds ami East Livermore, then in the Comity of
Kennebec, hut now in the Comity of Androscoggin,
and extending from Leeds Junction to IJvei more
Fulls, with all its depots, engine houses and fixtures,
and the lauds of the Company at eacli of said places,
and along the line of said Railroad, and all its privi
leges and appurtenances, its rolling stock, franchise,
and all the other property of said company of every
description, whether real’ or personal.upon the condi
tion ami for the purpose of secuiiug pax meet of said
bonds, the same being dated October Is?, 1863. and
paxahle iu ten vears, with interest semi-annually on
tin- tiist days of April and October iu each of said
years, according to the tenor of said bonds ami cou
pons annexed therefor, which bonds and coupons
were accordingly issued by said Company. Refer
ence is to be had to said mortgage d»*ed, recorded in
the Registry of Deeds for Kennebec County, iu book
190, page 14*2. for a more particular d sci jption oi
said property and the conditions of said mortgage;
And whereas the said Treble and Otis, having do
ceaRcd at a legal meeting of said bondholders lioidoL
on the2<uh day of September, 18»3<», ,Ial»«*/ C. Wood
man of Tortiand. and Tliilip M Stubbs of Strong
were duly cho-en trustees in the place* of said Trebl.
and Otis respectively, and said N> oodmau and Stubbs
duly accepted said trust;
And whereas the said Ttekard, the survivor of the
original trustees, by his JM&I. dated January 16th,
18*31, and recorded in the Registry of Deed* for An
droscoggin ( aunty, in book 23, pages 307 and 8*«8.
conveyed the afore**ahl mortgaged property and
fia:idu>e to the said Woodman, Stubbs and tfie said
Tickam Uhoscif, to hold upon the same troop* a*
And w horens the condition of 6aid mortgage has
been broken, and Samuel Wheeler, Seth Haas iu *l
other%«if said bot.dividers, to an amount e»|ual to
inoreHUan one third of the amount of said mort
gage. in different sums, have made application to Us
in wriling, to haxe said mortgage foreclosed fbr con
dition' broken;
Now there lore, we hereby give not ice that for
breach of the condition of said mortgage we claim a
lbi * closure of the same.
JAKE/ C. WOODMAN.} Trustee#.
^September 11, 1862. w3wl3
Noticr off Foreclosure.
PITLIC KoTK E is hereby given that Thomas II.
frottaud Samuel Trott, of Tortiand. (County of
( umbei land, State of Maine, by their deed dmn-d the
txventy-eighth day of August, in tho year eighteen
Im <1 rAd and feiiVy-nii.c, record din the ( umlx-rlaud
Registry t)l Deeds, tiook 229. page 496, oativeyed iu
mortgage to the undersigned. Green Walden, the
following described real estate, to wit: A certain
niece of land on Teak's Island, iu said Tortiand, be
ing all of lot No. 2 on a plan record<*d iu said Regis
try. book 66, pages 3S3, 384. 386, or so much of the
said lot as was conveved to the said Tret s by deed
dated August 31, 184?, and recorded iu said Registry,
b«<ok 2m. page 531; also that the said Thomas Trott,
by his • eed » ated the 1st day of February, iu the
year 1863, recorded in said Registry, book 242, page
85, conveyed in mortgage to the undersigned, one
undivided hall of the above-described real estate;
That the condition of said mortgages, scveiallx, is
broken, by reason whereof the undersigned hereby
claim- a foreclosure of the same.
Cape E'izabeth, Sept. 10th, 18*52. w3wl2
Administratrix' Sale.
BY virtue of a license fiom the lion. Judge of
Probate, wifhiu and for the County of Cumber
land, I. the subscriber, administratrix of the estate
of David Knight. late of Utislield, in said County,
deceased, shall sell at private sale, on Tuesdav, toe
twenty-eighth day of October, A. D 1862, at ten o’
tbe real estate of the said David Knight as will pro
duce tlic sum of Two Hundred and Twenty-five Dol
lars, for the payment of the just debts of the said de
ceased. charges ot Admimstiation. and incidental
charge*. Said real e*tate is situated in Otistield
aforesaid, and i9 the homestead larm of said deceased.
Terms cash.
OLIVE W. KNIGHT, Administratrix
Otistield, Sept. 24. 1862. w8wl4*
ItHE Subscriber hereby give* public notice to all
concerned, that he has been duly appointed and
taken upon hitnself the trust of Administrator, with
the Will annexed, of the estate of
ELIZA BASTEEN, late of Portland,
In the County ot Cumberland, deceased, by giving
bond as the law directs; he thereloie requests all per
sons who are indebted to the said deceas'd’* estate,
to make immediate payment; and those who have
any demauds thereon, to exhibit the same for settle
Portland, June 17,1862 . 3w wl4
At a Court of Probate held at Portland, within
and lor the County ol Cumberland, on the third
Tuesday of September, in the year of our Lord eigh
teen huudicd and sixty-two,
Delight b. doughty, widow of Wiinam
Doughty, late of llarpswell, in said Conn tv, de
ceased, having presented her petit ion that Adminis
tration ou the estate of said deaf Med may begiauted
to Augustus P. Jordan of Brunswick :
It teas Ordered, that the said Petitioner give no
tice to all persons interested, by causing notice to be
published three weeks successively iu the 3Iaine .State
Press, printed at Portland, that thev mav appear at a
Probate Court to be held at said Portland, on the
third Tuesday of October next, at ten of the clock
in the forenoon, and show cause, if auy thev have,
why the same should not he granted.
A true copv. Attest,
_ *3w14* EUGENE HUMPHREY, Register.
At a Court of Probate held at Portland, within
and for the County of Cumberland, on the third
Tuesday of September, in tbe year of our Lord eigh
teen hnndred and sixty-two,
MARK H. DUNNELL. Executor of the last Will
aad Testament of 3iatthia* Libby, late of Port
land, in said County, deceased, having presented his
first account of administration of said estate for pro
bate, also his private account against said estate for
probate and allowance:
It teas Ordered, That the said Executor give notice
to all persons interested, by causing notice to be pub
lished throe weeks successively in the Maine Mate
Press, printed at Portland, that they mav appear at a
Probate Court to be held at said Portland, on the
third luesdavof October next, at ten of the clock
in the forenoon, and shew cause, if auy they have,
whv the same should not be allowed.
A true copv, attest:
w3wl4* EUGENE HUMPHREY. Register.
At a Court of Probate held at Portland, within
and for the County of Cumberland, on the third
Tuesday of September, iu the \ear of our Lord eigh
teen hundred and sixty-two,"
MARTHA ADA3IS, Widow of John Adams, late
of Falmouth, in said C< uuty, deceased, having
presented her petition for the assignment of her
Dower in the real estate of which he died seired :
It tens Ordered, that tiie said Petitioner give no
tice to all persons interested, by causing notice to
| be published three weeks successively in the Maine
State Ptcss printed at Portland, that thev n»a\ appear
at a Probate Court to be held at said Portland, ou
the third Tuesday of October next, at teu of the
clock in the forenoon, and shew cause, if auy they
have, why the same should not be granted.
A true copy. Attest,
w3w 14* ' EUGENE HUMPHREY. Register.
At a Court of Probate held at Portland, within
, and for the County of Cumberland, on the third
Taesdav of September, in the j ear of our Lord eigh
teen hundred and sixtv-two,
RICHARD S3IALL, Guardian of James F. Ger
ry, minor heir of Elliott Gerry, late of Limerick,
deceased, having presented his* third account of
guardianship of said minor for probate:
It was Ordered, That the said Guardian give no
tice to all persons interested, bv causing notice to bo
published three weeks successively in the Maine
State Press, printed at Portland, that thev mav ap
pear at a Probate Court to be bold in said l’or land,
on the third Tuesday of October next, at ten of the
clock in the forenoon, and show cause, if any they
have, why the same should not be allowed.
A true copv, Attest:
w8w 14* EUGENE HUMPHREY, Register.
THE Subscriber hereby gives public notice to all
concerned, that he has been Uulv appointed and
taken upon himself the trust of Administrator of
the estate of
DANIEL W. ANTHOINK. Into of Windham,
in the County of Cumberland, deceased, by giving
bond as the law directs; he therefore requests all per
sons who are indebted to the said deceased's estate, to
make irum<‘diate payment; and those w ho have any
demands thereon, to exhibit the same for settlement
Windham, Sept. 16, 1862. w3\vl4*
At a Court of Probate held at Portland, within
and for the County of Cumberland, on the third
Tuesdav of September, in the year of our Lord eigh
teen hundred and sixty-two,
I > A I.P II It I "I I.ER, .1 r . Guardian of < din B Paine,
lV minor heir of Melinda Cumner. latent Wayne,
in the County of Kennebec, deceased, having pre
sented hi- first account of guauliauship of said minor
ior probate:
It teas Ordered, That the said Guardian give no
I tice to all persons interested, bv causing notice to
' be published three weeks successively, in the 3!aiuc
: State Press, printed at Portland, that they mav ap
peal a? a Probate Court to he I old at said Portland,
on the third Tuesday of October next, at ten of the
clock in the forenoon, ami show cause if any they
have, why the same should not be allowed.
A true copy, Attest:
w8wU* EUGENE HUMPHREY, Rogister.
Assessors’ Notice*
MOTICE is horebv given that I have been appoint
1.1 ed Assessor of Taxes for the First Congressional
District of the State of 31aine, under the Act of Con
gress, approved July 1, A. D. 1862, entitled "An Act
to provide internal revenue to supi>ort the Govern
ment and to pay interest on the puulic debt.”
In compliance with the provisions of said Act and
instructions of the Com mission fu of Internal
Revenue, I hare divided said District into eleveu
divisions, and appoint au Assistant Assessor in each,
as follows:
The 1st division comprises the towns of York,
Wells, kennebunk, kcunebunkport, and the citv of
Biddelord; Joseph Bragdon, Jr., of York, Assist
2d division, the towns of Kittery, Eliot, South
Berwick, Berwick mid North Berwick; Theodore
A. Rollins, of South Berwick, Assistant.
3d division, the towns of Lebanon, Sanford, Al
fred. Acton, Shapleigh and Ncwfield; John 8. Par
ker, of Lebanon, Assistant.
4th division, the towns of Saco, Dayton. Lyman
and Waterborougb; John Gains, of Saco, Assist
5th division, the towns of Buxton, Hollis, Liming
ton, Limerick, Cornish and Parsouslieid; Charles
E. Weld, of Buxton, Assistant.
6(h division. Wards 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the citv of
Portland; Samuel Small, of Ward 4 in said city,
7th division, Wards 6, 6 and 7 of said citv of Port
land, Augustus F.Geuribh, of Waid6,iti said city,
8th division, the towns of Westbrook, Falmouth,
Gorham, Scarborough and ( ape Elizabeth; David
Torrey, of Westbrook, Assistant.
9th division, tlie towns of Bridgton, Sebago, Ba’d
win, Staudiah, Naples, Harrison and Otistield; Lot
C. Nelson, of Bridgton, Assistant.
10th division, the towns of New Gloucester, Gray,
North Yarmouth, Cuiul»erlauri. Windham, Casco and
Raymond; Sew all N. (i rosa, of New Gloucester.
11th division, the towns of Freojiort. Brunswick,
llarpswol), powtial and Yarmouth; Hkzkkiah B.
Means, of Freeport. Assistant.
The act under v Inch these assistants are apjiointed
took efleet on the 1st dav of September instant.
Citi/miH residing in the large business centres of
this district have doubtless n-ad it, and can hence
form their own conclurious in relation to its provis
ions; but as there are many in the agricultural sec
tions who may have been unable to obtain a copv for
examination, 1 wish to call their attention to some of
its principles.
soon aner the rebellion broke out, Congress found
it necessary to assess u small direct tax on the sever
al States, to maintain the credit of the country. The
Staff* being authorized to assume the pavmeiit of the
Mini demanded of them, had the power to assess it
upon all the property within their limits.
f arms and other real estate being, from their na
ture, more exposed than other objects of taxation,
would suffer severely from the constant draft lor
money, created in sustaining the government during
this war. and they could not long endure the burden
a direct, tax would impose upon them.
Maine's proportion • f that tax has been liquidated
and paid. In order to provide in part for the future
expenses of the war, Cotigress w isely determined to
rose money ftom the people without State interven
tion, and without taxing the producing c asses. To
effect this object, and to mukc the tax equal in every
State, they have passed what lias been termed an Ex
cise Act. Passing by tbe farmer, the mechanic, the
fisherman, the lumberman, and many other pursuits
ro essential to our prosperity as a’people, this act
; levies its light contributions upon the we Ith, the
luxuries, the pleasuw*. and business of the country.
It confine* its operations chiefly to the cities, towns
and villages, and calhers its revenues from the chan
nels in w hioli floats the inom-v of the country.
If doe* not tax real estate of any description, nor
with a very few exceptions, personal property. The
excess ove.-4$ ounces of silver spooii* or plate, and
riding carriage* of all descriptions, valued with the
harness at £76 and upwards, must be assessed. With
the exception of these two items, there is not prob
oblv a farmer nor a mechanic in this district, within
tlieact. I lies** are taxed at a sum so inconsiderable
that it is to be hoped even' citizen who desires the
perpetuity of Ids government w ill, in this terrible cri
sis of its affairs, assume cheer fullv his proportion of
its necessary burdens, and if he is fortunately the
owner of an article liable to bo a*84*g«'d, put a’value
upon it which shall bring it within the act. It may
be the onlv opportunity no will ever have to contri
bute a dollar for the preservation of his government.
Tbe professional man — the retail tiader wi om
sale; exceed one thousand dollars per year—the man
ufacturer of anv article the sales of ’which exceed
*ix hundred dollars per year—the hotel keeper—the
man w hose yearlv income exceeds six hundied dol
lars. and several otlier employments are to be assessed.
It is presumed all such are conversant with the pro
vision* of this act.
1 would call their attention to sections from six to
eleven, inclusive, and section fifty-right.
Tliese sections impose the duty upon every person
liable to be assessed lor a tax or license, to call imme
diately upon the assistant assessor and make up and
sign their several assessment*. If they neglect so to
do. he is required to inciease their tax fifty per cent.,
: and no discretionary authority is vented in the assis
tant or the assessor to make any abatement of this
amount. See section 11.
It will be perceived by a careful examination of
these sections, that Congress. relying upon the patri
otism of the business men of the country, proceeded
upou the h> pothe.-is that every one liable to be taxed
would substantially a."*ess himself, ai d sign the bills
fixing the amount lie was to pay. If the act, there
fore is complied with, the assistant assessor is but a
recording officer, who receives and projierly enters
the lists delivered him by tbe citizen, and his duty in
telation to fixing a valuation upon objects liable to
taxation, is rather advisory than absolute. In order
however to prevent the seftish, the indifferent, or the
traitorous, from escaping their proper proportions of
the public burden, Congress has fixed the penalties
for their neglect, prescribed in section 11.
Having been intrusted by tbe President with tho
duty el soeiug tlwU4be*v tax iiats are properly pre
pared. and seasonably delivered to tbe collector of
this district, I respectfully request all good citizeus
within it to call immediately upon the assistant asses
sor of the assessment district where they reside, and
deliver turn lists a* required iu tbe sixth section of
the act. He will give all peisous the necessary in
formation to enable them to comply with its provis
ions, and ftimish blanks therefor.
Assessor’s office, Citv Buildings, I
Cortland, fcopt. 1, 1862. I
Xotice of Foreclosure.
TACTICE is hereby given that the subscriber. Josh
it ua K. ilawkes, of Windham, in the County of
Cumberland and State of Maine, claims by mortgage,
two certain tracts of land and the buildings thereon,
situate in said Windham, beiug tbe same conveved in
mortgage to Frank D. Hanson bv Samuel R. hemp,
by his deed of May 6th, A. D. 1867, recorded iu the
Cumberland Registry of Deeds, book 292, paire 265,
which mortgage was duly assigned to me by the raid
Frank D. Hanson, the 14th day of June, A. D. 1859.
a.* will appear bv assignment thereof recorded in said
Registry, book 294, page 247. to which records 1 here
by reler, for a more particular description of said
property. The condition of said mortgage has been
j broken, by reasou whereof 1 hereby claim a loreclo
I' sure of the same. •
Dated at Windham, August 27th, 1862.
Sheriff's Rale.
Cumbrrland, n. Acor»T 18th, 1882
| tllAKKN on Execution, ami will be Mid at l’ublic
Jl. Auction on Thursday the twenty-fifth day of
! September, A. D. 1362. at ten o'clock in’the forenoon,
| at the Sheriff’’* iu Portland, in said county,—
. all the right iti equity which Moses Morrill, of Bux
I ton, in the couity of York, ha* to redeem the follow
| ing described real estate, via: A certain piece or par
cel of land, with the buildings thereon,a* it now stands,
situated in said Portland, ami bounded as follows:
commencing on the easterly sideline of State street,
at the westerly comer of laud of Margaret Reeves,
theuco easterly by said Reeves’ land sixty-eight feet,
more or less, to land of 11. W. k A. Deer ing, thence
not her ly and easterly by said Dealings’ lino nineteen
and one half teet, more or less, to a poiut that will
strike the centre wall through (lie block of buildings
thereon, thence through the centre of said wall to
j State street, thence on State street to the bounds be
i gun at. Tbe same being subject to a mortgage deed
dated Oct. 16th, 1868. and recorded iu the Cumber
land Registry of Deeds, vol. 288, page 365, given by
the said Morrill to Da\ id Hall of Portland, to secure
: payment of twenty-one hundred dollars, as lollows,
| viz: seven hundred dollars iu one year, seven bund
! red dollars in two years, and seven hundred dollars
! iu three years, with interest semi-annually. Subject
; also to another mortgage deed, dated Nov. 24th, 1868,
and recorded iu Cumber and Registry of Deeds, book
288, page 481. given by the said Morrill to Emily
> Bootfiby of said Portland, to secure payment of four
teen hundied and fifty dollais. in thiee >ears, with
interest, to said deed* beiug hereby had.
Further particulars made kuown at the time aud
place of sale.
aug21w3wl0 OR EX RING, Deputy Sheriff.
Courage Invalids !
Hovres’ Cough Pills,
i By the concurrent testimony of many sufferers, the
{ fact ha* been established, that for the cure of
In persons of all ages, no medicine has ever come to
the knowledge at the public, that so effectually does
it work and at the same time leaves the bowels in an
active, healthy coudition, as
That for Children Cutting Teeth, if troubled with
Diarrhura or any irregu'arities of the bowels, all oth
er remedies are insignificant, as compared with
That for Children troubled with Canker in mouth
or stomach, or mothers suffering from nursing sore
mouth, a safe and speedy cure i.« effected by the use of
That for Coughs, Hoarseness and Bronchial affect
ions, there is no remedy extaut that so universally
affords relief as
Thai for a Tightness or Wheezing in the Chest
Tains in the side, or a long standing II auk, the best
| remedy is
That as an expectorant and ameliorating agent in
eases of Phthisic, Whooping Cough, and Confirmed
Consumption, the public have already rendered their
united verdict in favor of
CLEM’S SUMMER CURE is a pleasant, agreeable
1 decoction of Roots and Barks, and contains not a
! particle of Opium or Drug of any sort. It always
| does good, and never doe* harm.
“ By their works ye shall know them.”
G. C. Goodwin & Co., Boston, General Agents for
New England. II. II Hav, Portland, and B. F
Bradbury, Bangor, General Agents for Maine.
LJr“Sold by Druggists and Merchants generally
HOWES it CO; Proprietor#,
Isw6mnol Belfast. Ma mi
Commenced April 14th, 18G2.
ORiEiBB5g23 Passenger trains will leave daily, (Sun.
w^W**n lilWida vs excepted) as follows:
Augusta lor Bath, Portland and Boston, at 11.15 A.
M., connecting at Brunswick with the Androscoggin
Railroad for Lewiston, Livermore Falls, Wilton and
Leave Portland for Bath and Augusta at 1.00 P. M.,
connecting at Brunswick with the Androscoggin
trains for stations on that road: and at Augusta with
the Somerset k Kennebec Railroad tor Waterville,
Kendall’s Mills and Skow began, and at Kendall's
Mills with the Penobscot k Kennebec Road for Pitts
field, Newport and Bangor; arriving same night.
Monday Morning and Saturday Evening 7'rains.
On Monday trains leave Augusta at 6.30 A. M., and
Bath at 6.30 A. M., for Portland, connecting with the
8.45 A. 31. train for Lowell and Boston.
Leave Portland on .Saturdays, at 8.15 P. 31., on ar
rival of trail! from Boston, for Bath and Augusta.
Stages leave Bath daily (Sundays excepted) at 8.00
P. 31., on arrival of train from Portland and Boston,
for Wiscasset. Darnariscotta, Waldoboro’, Rockland
and Thoinastoti.
Stages leave Augusta daily (Sundays excepted), for
Belfast, ou arrival of train from Portland and Bos
Tickets sold in Boston for all the stations on the
Keunebcc k Portland, Androscoggin, and Somerset
k Kennebec Roads.
Freight trains run daily between Augusta and Port
land. B. 11. CU8M31AN,
Mauuger and Superintendent.
Augusta, April, 1R62. juiicSSJdtf
Kggqggn On and after Monday, Mav 5. 1862,
W9Btr>>l» leave Portland for Lewiston
and kaniiington via Brunswick, at 1 P. M.
Leave Farmington for Lewiston, Bath and Port
land, via Brunswick, at 9.15 A. M.
Leave Lewiston for Bath and Portland via Bruns
wick at 11.45 A. M.
Freight traius daily between Portland and Lewis
Stage leave* Strickland's Ferry Tuesdays, Thurs
days and Saturday*, for Livermore, Canton, Peru
and Dixfielri; returning opposite davs.
Stage leaves North Jay for Fast Dix field. Dixfleld,
and Weld, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays;
returning opposite days.
Slage leaves Farmington .or New Vinevard. New
Portland and Kiiigfield, on Wednesdays and Satur
days, returning on Mondays and Fridays.
Stage* leave Farmingto'u daily, for Strong, Avon
and Phillip*.
Passengers for this route will take the cars at the
Portland. Saco k Portsmouth, or Kennebec k Port
land Depots, in Portland. S. W. EATON, Snp’t.
Farmington May 5, 1862. june23dtf
To Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit,
Toledo, st. Paul, La < iio»*k, St. Louis,
New Orleans, or any part of the
Via Buffalo, Dunkirk, and Niagara Falls.
This road is broad quage and is provided with
New and Splendid Sleeping Cars.
£SP~Ticket§ sold in Portland at lowest Boston rates
W. D LITTLE. Aof.nt,
(tjflce 31 Exchange Street.
MT You can save money by securing tickets at this
June 23. dawtf
mills desirable mechanical arrangement has now
X been in use a sufficient length of time to sin w
that it gives entire satisfaction and actually is tlie
more valued the more it is used.
This invention is a step iu advance of all others in
the Spring lUil department. embracing a little more
of their excolrencies, and yet happily overcoming all
their delects. It is flexible as hair, and yet so recu
perative as to bring itself into pface with great facili
ty. It is adspted to the invalid, the aged and old.
and all who linger iu suffciiug and weakness. They
are made of good material warranted strong and du
rable, and not liable to get out of order.
Commercial House, Portland, June 16. 1862.
Having introduced the "Anderson Spring Bed Bot
tom" into mv house, after trial, 1 pronounce it to be
an easv and healthy bed. I ain using several kinds
of spring bed bottoms, but cousider the Anderson
ftilly equal if not better than the best.
N. J. DAVIS. Proprietor.
We have Introduced several of the justly celebrat
ed "Anderson Spring Bed Bottom" to our sleeping
apartments. Wo give this spring bed bottoms decid
ed preference over any and all othore we have ever
used. Our guests speak of them in the highest terms.
We recommend their use to all hotel keepets who de
sire the comfort of their guests.
May 12,1963. Franklin House, Bangor, Me.
[From Hon. Josiah 11. Drummond.]
I am using the ‘Anderson Spring Bed Bottom,’ and
1 am very much pleased with it.
Portland, July 23, 1862.
[From Hon. Lot M. Morrill.]
Having used Andeison’ >pring Bed Bottom, I can
cheerftiliv recommend it as an excellent artie’e.
Augusta. Aug. 5. 1862 LOT M MORRILL.
Having become fully satisfied of the benefit of the
•‘Andejnou Spring Bed Bottom," 1 have purchased
three of them at five dollars each, and do most chcer
ftillv recommend them to the public.
Waterville, May, 1861. Dr. X. R. BOUTELL.
Mr. D. K Frohock lias furnished the beds in my
house with the "Anderson Spring Bed Bottom," anil
1 take pleasure in recommending this article as the
most convenient, economical and comfortable thing
of the kind with which 1 am acquainted.
Principal of Family School, Little Blue, Farm.ugton.
I have had the unspeakable pleasure of sleeping on
one of the "Anderson Spring Bed Bottoms" for the
last three weeks, and must say it far sut posses any
thing I bad anticipated. My wife, who is feeble, lias
had no good rest lor six mouths till occupy ing one of
these beds. She would not part with it on anv ac
count. Rev. JOHN ALLEN.
Farmington, Feb. 28,1862.
The Bi^ Bottom I bought of vou fullr merits mv
expectations, and is fully up to vour high recommen
dations. I would cheerrolly recommend it to all who
desire to improve their aleeiditeai ailments.
Augusta, April 16,1862. A. X. WILLIAMS.
Haring tested the “Anderson Spring Bed Bottom,"
I can cheerfully recommend it to all who are iu need
of such an article; ai.d 1 believe it to be superior to
anvtiling of the kind now in use.
Waterviile, April 12, 1862. Rev. E. HAWES.
Testimonials similar to the above have been re
ceived fiom tho proprietors of the following public
houses- •
Peuobsot Exchange, Bangor.
Franklin House. Bangor.
Skowhegan House, Skowhegan.
Lewiston House, Lewiston.
Wlnthrop House, Winthrnp.
Elmwood House. Waterrille.
Litchfield Corner House.
Stoddard House, Farmington.
Revere House. Vassalboro.
Hallowell House, II alio well.
China House, China.
Franklin House. Augusta.
Cushion* House. Augusta.
Abbott's School Farmington.
Eaton Boys' Boarding School, Kent’s Hill.
}u)17d& wfim
Bark Pay, Ac.,
F)R service In the present war. obtained fbr Soldier*
tnd Sailors, their Widows and Heirs, from the Uni
ted States Government, on application in person or
by letter to
No. 88 Exchange St., Portland, Maine.
Having devoted our attention exclusively to the Pen
sion business for the last twenty years, and having a
j reliable Agency in Washington,’we are enabled to
pros4*cute all claims against the Government with
Jtromptncss and despatch, and on rcry reasonable
ei ins, making no charge until the claim is obtained.
Portland, June20tb. dfcwtf.
A Remarkable Casa of a boy who waa anre<l br ■
dbj h« n nonto^, (rJ
Of Scrofulous Ophthalmia, as the following facts will
"FnR a long time the boy’s eve-lids had
been entirely closed. His rase was consid
*4frgy^-ered almost hopeless. The bov was put un>
der the care of Or. B., aud after great pa
tience and perseverance, with his electrical treatment
and with other curative*, he wasgbfbto lift Iris eye
lids, when it was discovered that a false membrane
had formed and covered the entire eyes. This was
removed by Dr. Boynton, and the boy’s eye-sight is
now entirely restored, and his eyes stronger than ev
er before. This should be known to all persons who
are similarly afflicted. Although I understand that
the Doctor has for many years, in his operations on
these delicate organs—the eye and ear, met with em
inent success, he has not deemed it necessary to keep
blaring before the public his surgical skill in this par
ticular part of his profession, but has been silently
performing cures, many of them of a remarkable
jar Certificates from numerous of bis patients
will testify to his successful operations, all of which
may be seen at bis
No. 369 Congress 81 reel, Portland*
Eclectic Hectical Infirmary.
to theTadies.
DR. HUGHES particularly invites ail Ladies who
need a medical adviser, to call at his rooms. No.
5 Temple Street, which they will find arranged for
their especial accommodation.
Dr. H.’s Eclectic Renovating Medicines are unrival
led in efficacy and superior virtue in regulating all
Female Irregularities. Their action is specific aud
eefVkin of producing relief in a short time.
LA DIES will tiiul it invaluable in all cases of ob
structions after all other remedies have been tried in
! vain. It is purely vegetable, containing uothing in
the least injurious to the health, aud may be taken
with perfect safety at all times.
Sent to any part of the country with full directions,
by addressing DR. HUGHES,
No. 6 Temple Street, corner of Middle, Portland.
N. B—LADIES desiring may consult one of their
own sex. A lady of experience in constant attend
ance. _’ jull—8m
Eclectic Medical Infirmary.
Established for th»‘ treatment of those diseases in
both sexes, requiring Experience, Skill, Honor and
for a number of years confined his attention to
disease# of a certain class. During hi* practice lie
has treated thousands of cases, and in no instance
ha* he met with a failure. The remedies are mild,
and there is no interruption of business or change of
diet. Dr. Hughes is in constant attendance from 8
in the morning until 10 at night, at his office, 6 Tem
ple street. Charges moderate, and a cure guaranteed
in all cases. Separate rooms, so that no one will be
seen but the Dr. himself. Ills remedies cure disease
when all other remedies fail: cures without dieting
or restriction in the habits of the patient; cure# with
out the disgusting ai d sickening effects of most other
remedies; cures new cases iu a lew hours; cures with
out the dreadftil consequent effects of mercury, but
is sore to annihilate the rank and poisonous taint
that the blood is sure to absorb, unless the proper
remedy is used. The ingredient# are entirely vegeta
ble, and no injurious effect, either constitutionally or
locallv, can lx- caused by using them.
YOUNG MEN. who are troubled with seminal
weakness, generally caused by bad habits in youth,
i the eflects of which are patu and dizziness in the
j head, forgetfulness, sometimes a ringing in the ears,
j weak eyes, etc., terminating in consumption or in*
j sanity if neglected, are speedily and permanently
I cured.
All correspondence strictly confidential and will be
I returned If desired. Address
No. 6 Temple Street, (corner of Middle),
ry*Send stamp for Circular. Jail—d£w 3n&
Health and Strength Secured*
Dr. Langley’■
ClOMPOSEDof Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry. Yellow
' Dock. Prickley Ash, Thoroughwort, Rhubarb,
Mandrake, Dandelion. Ac., all of which are so com
pounded as to act in concert, and assist Nature in
eradicating disease. '
The effect of this medicine is most wonderftil—it
acts directly upon the bowels and blood, by removing
all obstructions from flic internal organs, stimulating
them into healthy action, renovating the fountain* ol
life, puiifying the blood, cleansing it from all humors
and causing ft to course through every part of the
body ; restoring tl»e invalid to health and usefulness.
They cure and eradicate from tliesystotn. Liver Com
plaint, that main wheei of so maiiv disease*, Jaun
dance in its worst forms, all Billions Diseases and
foul stomach. Dyspepsia, Costiveness, all kinds of Hu
mors, Indigestion. Headache. Dnrrinese. Piles. Heart
burn, Weakness. Pains iu the side and bowels. Flatu
lency, Loss of appetite, and a torpid or diseased Liv
er, a disordered stomach or bad blood, to which all
are more or less subject in Spring and Summer.
More than 90,000 persons have been cured br this
medicine. It is highly recommended by Physicians
even where. Trv it and vou will uever regret it.
Sold bv all dealers in Medicine evenwhere at only
26 and 3$ cents per bottle. Order* addressed to
GEO. C. GOODWIN A CO.. Bobtow.
j June21d4m
I »■■■ ■. gg —a
Change of the Day* of Sailing.
tfsnm** THE Steamer “New Brunswick,”
L... -ily^chaCCapt. E B. Winchester, aud Steamer
England,” ( apt. E. Field, will
! leave lor East port aud St.John every Monday and
Thursday, (instead of Tuesday aud Friday as hereto*
fore), commencing Oct. 2d.
The Steamer “New Brunswick” will leave Railroad
Wharf, toot State Street, every Monday at 5 1’. M.
I Returning, leaves St. John every Thursday at 8 A. M.
Steamer “New England” will leave Railroad
| Wiiarf, foot State Street, every Thursday at 6 I*. M.
j Returning, leaves St. John every Monday at 8 A M.
ty Positively no freight received after 4 o'clock
{ P. M. on the day of sailing.
Through tickets are sold by this line, connecting at
East port with stage coaches for Machias, and with
I steamer Queen for Robbinston, Calais, St. Stephens
! aud St. Andrews, and at the latter place over rail*
i way for Canterbury; H'ckhI stock aud Ilvuiton
I St at it ms.
We also ticket through per steamers ana railways
j for Windsor, Halifac, Ihghg, Fredericton, Sussex,
Ahmcton, Shttlicsc, Prince Edwards Island, Cictou,
j North Shore «f Sew Brunswick, .Mirimichi, and
i Bug de Chaleur.
Sept. 24. 1802. dtf C. C EATON. Agent.
Weekly Mail Line.
ONE of the following tint-class, power
ful Steamers: HIBERNIAN. NORTH
NA »1 OMAN—will sail from Quebec every Satur
day intoning, for Liverpool, via Londonderry.
Passengers leave Portland per Grand Trunk Trains
• with United States mails, every Friday, at 1 15 P. M.,
| connecting with Steamer at Quebec every Saturday
i morning.
Passage to Liverpool, Londonderry or Glasgow:
! Third Class. 886. First Class, #77 to 882—according
to accommodation,—which includes tickets on Grand
Trunk Railway.
Prepaid and return tickets issued at reduced rates.
Excursion tickets to the World's Fair, out aud
back, 8186.
Apply to Kdmonstone, Allan k Co., Montreal, er to
June 23. 1862. dtf
Portluud und Vn» Vork Steamers.
The splendid and fast Steamship
“CHESAPEAKE,” Captaiu Sidnkt
Crowell, will until farther notice run
ias fallows:
Leave Browns Wharf, Portland, every WEDNE8
l DAY, at 4 P. M . and leave Pier 9 North River, New
York, every SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock, P. M.
This vessel is fitted up with tine accommodations far
passengers, making this the most speedy, safe and
comfortable route for travellers between New York
aud Maine. 1 as&age #5.00, including Fare and State
Goods forwarded by this line to and from Montreal,
j Quebec, Bangor, Bath, Augusta. East port and St.
i John.
Shippers are requested to send their freight to the
! steamer before 3 P. M., on the day that she loaves
I Portland.
For freight or passage apple to
EMERY ft FOX. Brown's Wharf. Portland.
H. B. CROMWELL k CO., No. 86 West street,
I New York.
j June 23. 1862. dtf
! -
\MAN to run a Stationary Engine. Inquire
Blake's Bakery, Congress Street.
August 30. *dlw
On Hand.
k CONSTANT supply of best Extra Deep Gold
lm. Leaf, and at low rates at
26 Market Square.
chased from the Hannibal ft St. Joseph Railroad
otnpany a large tract of land in Northern Missouri,
djoiuing the flourishing town of Hamiltoii, Caldwell
ounty, for farming and manufacturing purpose*,
nd have divided their property into lots and farms,
hey are offered to subscribers in shares of #90 each,
laps, with Bill information, cau be had by calling on
102 Middlr Street, 1'orti.akd.
Juno 23. dtf
PR'I N’T I JTG2 " *
.? iff
R IB-BC O V -la!
• Vi** ,ftV 1*> rt*-*»Y »7i$WJ «J.l f:.of >C >.}j{
. . > ifmi, -. no -w-idj II lo ,.p-.i ,r „a ndol
| v>ln« -; w! -nil fiif-A t-.MT. t /• HT
J OR VUlltMft
,f* .ifyrtt bin 019 w>»
Hu been removed from the office over Cseeo Beak,
to tbe office of tbe
Directly oeer tbe Magnetic Telegraph Offee. rearth
Story, where all earletlea of
Plain and Fancy Job Work,
Will be promptly attended to on tha moat liberal
Order* left at the eounting-room of tbe Daily Frew
and Maine State Free*, bead of Irat light of Main,
will be promptly attended to.
tr The offee ii (applied with JB
And its eapaeity and IheiHtief for doing work in good
Myle are equal to aay la tbe City or Stole.
». A. FOSTER * CO.
July 17. IMS d«f
Book and Job Printing Office,
Fox Blook, • • Second Floor,
n» Proprietor, of the fonun Daily run
reepectftiUv invite attention to their (heilitie* tor ex*,
eating, in beaatilU etyle, every deeeription of
Their Eetabl Inherent le fhrniehed with all the ap
proved modern machinery, and their aaeortment ef
Book and Fancy Types,
I, adequate to do nay work demanded In thia State.
Business Cards of Every Variety,
Style and Cost
Billet* a Circular* In Every Variety of Type
Policies Printed and Hound Tor
Insurance Companies.
Deeds, Law Briefs, Equity Cases,
And other LAW DOCUMENTS eaecated with
Bronze, Colored, end all other kinda of
Prist inn
I . . *
Execated In taata to anit the moat Awtidlona.
Oar St> lea are anenrpaaeed.
Portland. Jane 18.1881. daw
Miss E. L. Whittier, - • Principal.
THE Al'TCMH SESSION will commence Sept.
8th. and Continue 15 weeks.
Trior to July 21st. fall information can be obtained
of the Principal, 849 ConfreM Street llonr* from
8 »o 1 o'clock, except Saturday r. A fieri hat time ad*
plication mav be made at 40 State Street.
Portland, June 28. 1802. lawlOw