MISCELLANY. New Method of IUWn« Money. Wc have heard the following story related hy one who fully believed it* truth. Our neighbor, the Uongrcg-itiouslisi, ? ms to have an eipul conildeuce, and we copy uom il* col umn*: “A strange story is related concerning Rev. Ivory Hovey, who was settled in ‘Manomet Ponds,’ April 18, 1780, and continued pastor of this ancient church until November 4, 1803, when, a* their records say "Mr. Hovey died, aged eighty-nine, to the great grief of his peo ple.’ “His grandfather, who resided in England, was in moderate circumstances, but he loved tiie Savior, amt had an earnest desire that a son whom God had given him should become a minister of the Gospel. Such, however, were n limit, d means that he could not edu ca.o ills son lor the sacred office. In these days of solicitude, lie Is said to have been as sured in a dream that a grandson should enter the ministry and labor lor his Master. It chanced that on the occasion of building a barn lie sent his son, the father of Rev. Ivo ry Hovey, to the nearest village, to purchase uaiis. While returning home, as he was riding on horseback through a piece of wood, his saddie-bags being pretty well stored with nails, he was met by a highwayman, who or dered him to deliver up his sadille-bags of money. “Mr. Hovey determined that some pains should be takeu by the unwelcome Intruder, and hastily threw the supposed treasure over the hedge that bordered the roadside. The robber sprang from his horse to secure the piTire, when Mr. Hovey, leaving his own more tardy animal, sprang into the empty saddle and hastily drove homeward. “The highwayman called loudly for Mr. Hovey to stop, declaring that he‘was only in jest'; but (tie latter, replying ‘I am in tanient,’ drove forward, and on reaching home, found the saddle-bags of Ills new-found horse weil flllcd with 'ttlthy lucre.’ “This God-sent treasure was preserved with much care, and with It Her. Ivory Hovey was fitted for the miuistrv.” The Effect of Pardon.—In the garrison town 01' Woolwich, a few years ago, a soldier was abont to be brought belore the command ing officer of the regiment for some misde meanor. The officer entering the soldier’s name said, “here is-again. What can we do with him! He has gone through al most every ordeal." The sergeant major, M. B,, apologised for intruding, and said, “there ts one thing that Inis never been done with him yet, sir." “What is that, sergeant ma jor?” “Well, sir, he has never yet been for given.” “Forgiven!” said the Colonel, “here is his case entered.” Yes, but the man Is not before you yet, and you cau cancel it.”— After the Colonel had reflected a few miuutes he ordered the man to be brought before him, when he was asked what lie had to say rela tive to the charges brought against him.— “Nothing,’ sir,” was the reply, “only that I am sorry for what I have done.” After making some suitable remarks, the Colonel said, — “Well, we aie resolved to forgive you.” The soldier was struck with astonishment; the tears started from his eyes; he wept. The Colouel, with the Adjutant, and the others present, felt deeply when they saw the man so humbled. The soldier thanked the Colonel tor his kindness, and retired. The narrator had the soldier under his notice for two years and a half alter this, and never, during that time, was there a charge brought against him, or fault lound witli him. Mercy triumphed! Kindness conquered! The man was won!— [British. Workman. TnEit's cm.—“I say, cnp'n," said a keen eyed man, as he landed from the steamer Po tomac, at Natchez, “1 say, cap’ii, this ere ain't *U—I ve left something or nulher on board, that’s a fact.” ' “Them's all the plunder vou brought on board, anyhow.” “We’ll see, now ; I grant its all ’cording to list—four boxes, three chists. two brandy bot tles, a portrnony, two hams—one part used, three ropes of iiryuns, and one tea-kettle. But you see. cap’n, I’m kind of duhersome—I feel like as If sutliin’s short. Though I’ve count ed um nine times, and never took my eyes off on um sense I come on board, I feel there's somethin wrong somewhere.” “Well, stranger, time's up; you’ve got ail I know on, so jest fetch your old woman an’ five children out of the cabin, for we must be off.” “Them’s um! by hokey. Them’s um! I know'd I’d forgot suthin or nuther. The Unitarian' clergyman of Fitchburg. Ms., Dot long since prayed’ for the rebel- in this style:—“Ob God, we pray Thee to bless the rebels. Bless their hearts with sincere repent ance. Bless their armies with defeat. Bless their social condition by emancipation.” A Si.ender Thread.—A venerable and pious old lady, on reading in a hunker paper that “the salvation of the country depended upon the success of the Democratic party,” raised her eyes to heaven, and sang the fol lowing lines from Watts: “0 Lord, on what s slender thread llauf everlasting things!” Portland mutual Fire Insurance Company. THE Annual Meeting of the above-named Compa ny, for the choice of officer! and such other bus in®* a! mar come before them, will be held at their ofiae, on Monday, October «th, at 7J o’clock, F. M. Fer order. ■HiiOdtdEDWARD 8HAW, Secretary. BREED A TIKEY, — IMPOSTERS OF — LMtiBfa, Serges, Elastic Gussettings, AND FINDINGS, MANUFACTURERS of BOOTS & SHOES, ALSO, KID AND GOAT STOCK. SO Union, four door* from Middle Street, C.I.IUID. PORTLAND, ME j.q.tdkky. Jc3tt—3mdAw Book, Card & Fancy Printing, KKATLY EXECUTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE PRESS. Photographic Frames. CJQOARE or oval—every kind called for. Thecc k-7 being manufactured be ouraetve,. except thine ueceMarflv imported, we can compete with any mat ket for low pricea. At wboleaale or retail, at M. Mai ket Square_MtiKRlsuN k C O'8 IfidMinebec dc Portland Railroad Co. rflUF. Trustee, of the Fir«t Mortgage Bondholder, JL hereby notify a meeting ot said t ondboldsr,, to be holden at the Depot In Brunswick, on Wedtien day, the eighth day of October next, at ntue o'clock In the morning, to hear the Report, which mav be offkred, and to attend to auv other buiiueu which may come before them JOS. McKEEX, lTrn . _ JutlX 1'AfIEN, / Tr “**<*•■ Brunswick. Sept- lfh, 1961. Kennebec dc Portland Railroad Co. TUB Trustee, of the Second Mortgage Bondhold er, hereby notify a mealing of Mid Bondholder,, to be itoldeu at the Depot in Brunswick, on Wedueti d»y the eighth div of October uext, at ten o’clock in the morning, to bear the Reports which mav be offer ed, and to attend to auy other business which mav come before them. JOS McKEEX. IT , John fatten. }Tru,t«^ Brunswick, Sept. IS. 19 d*-od ai d sixty, t- dr^o bed in said Koifetr) . Book 815 pa rv 37, and the snb-mr.ber c alms said mortgage dot'd a. d rite pro’n w.'-illn* eb conveved as the Executor and Ros Iduarv Legatee of the said Joshua B. Osgood, as aforesaid. The condition of said deed of mortgage has been broken, by reason whereof the subscriber claim* a for^e’osure of the same, and give* this pub lic notice the eof, according to the Statute in such case mot: i d prm'hwl. Dated iUh *< itfd.n <' %> [> « Mit «iJk imD. JL.v.-tiCO' a id Bosiduar Doga nan tec. iu the u»i wiii and testament of Jo*bua B. Osgood. w8w!2 I THE MARKETS. Portland Wholesale Pi Ires Current. Expressly corrected for the 1*rkps to October 8. .In additional duty gf l i fr»c m levied <»» aft mer eluiHiuet not imported di rect from the pUice q/‘pro duction or growth. A .hr*. Ihity : 10 pc ad val. Pearl p lb.6^@ 6* Pot...6 ig 7 Apple*. Green p bbl.Sljg 2 Sliced p lb .6 g 8c Corel* p tb .4 o, 6 Uncored p lb. ... 2 g 3 ■trend. Duty 3 • pc. Pilot p loo tbs.. .65 @ 6J Ship.f&4 4* Crackers |x?r bbl.. 3gJ 3$ C rackers, p 100. 33 g40c Uuitrr. Duty : 4o p lb Family p lb.17 520c Store ..14 gift Keans. Marrow P bu$h*2 10g238 Pea.2 2W2 62 Blue Pod.2 12g2 3. 4 n sidle*. Duty . sperm and Wax 8c. Stearine 5c, Tallow 21c t> th. Mou c Soda lc; Castor OH 60c V gal., Morphine $2 p oz„ Al u m 6oc p cirf., Copperas 60c p cart.. Muriatic Ac id 10 pc ad vat.* Spong es, Assafsxtida. Isin glass, Ftor Sulphur. Sen na, Arrowroot, (tinseng 20 pc. Bleaching Boar ders 80c p cart., Sago 60c p cart.. Sat Soda and Ash lc p lb, craute Brimstone e3 and Roll do. £6 p ton, Alcohol 40c p gat. Alum p lb.8 @ 4c Aloes.16 ®25 Arrow Root.17 ®40 Borax.22 a26 Brimstone (roU)...4<® 6 Bi-Cat b Soda.5j® Sulphur.6 ® 6J Sal Soda. 3 « 4 Camphor.140® 160 Cream Tartar.85 ®46 Logwood ex.1«)J;« 12 Ma/uesia.28 IndL'O, M'la, flnc Slf a If Madder.16c® 18 Opium.87$» 7! Rhubarb.1 Soul 8$ Alcohol.70 .art Fluid. 93 Catnphene.2 flft®270 i Saltpetre.10 ®20 I Vitriol.12® Dfewoed*. ! Duty. Free. BarWood .2J<2 Brari! Wood.18 « ! Cnriwood.4J® 4* ! Fubfic, Cula. 2 ® 2j *t Sevan villa lift 2 I Hypomie.4t.® 6 Logwood. Campeachy.2 ® 81. Domingo.1*® 1; Extract Logwood.il’® 12 Nic Wood. ® Peach “ . 3'® 4i Red •• . 81& 3) Sapan *' . 2 ji uuei citron Bark.. 21® 2} lied 'saiidtra.8 ® 6 l>ur <• Duty: 30 Pc ad vat. Ravens . 40c® Portland, No. 3 8<» g “ No. 10.48® Navy, S’r, No. 8 none. " " No. 10. none. Tent Duck, L\S. 10 or.60 @ “ 12 or.68 ® Feathers* Dutij: 30 pc ad val. Live Geeaep tb. 60 ®55 Russia .26 & Fish. Duty : For 100 lb* foreign caught — Herring PI. Mackerel 82, SaJmoti 83: and all other pickled in Ibis. 81 60 P Obl., other arise 60c P cact. From Provinces free. Cod large p cut. 83*® 3; '* small.2} a 2 Pollock.2 | 2, Haddock, now ... 1 ® 1 Hake, new.1 ® lj HcrrinE.Shorepbl.2j® 8 do. Labrador, none do. Scaled pbx86(3'40c do. No. 1 .25®30 Mackerel p bbl., Bav No. 1.89igl0 Bav No. 2 .T’ia 7$ Bay No. 8.4J.a 6 Shore No. 1.9j® 9* “ “ 2.6;®«1 do. (medium).. 3?® 8$ do. (small).2i® Frail* Duty: Lemons, Oranges, 2 lb, (hinrants, Figs. Plums, P n»nes and Rai sins 6c p tb. Citron 3? Pc ad ral. Almonds—Jordan p lb. Soft Shell 13 Stlftc Shelled.26 §30 Currants.12 <& 13 Citron. 32 a 36 Pea Xuts.82Lft 2J i Fi?s, common.... none. ; New E'eroo.25c@ Lemons, p case 84 ® 6 I Oranges. none. 1 Rai«ins, Blue p cask. Black.88 @10 Bunch p box 840ti9 00 Laver. 8 62 a 3 68 Dates.7 u 9c I'm w .8j§10l f'laar—Portland Ff.sp. Supeiliue.Shi'S. 6J Fa. cv.ida: 6 1 Exua.64 n 6i Kamil r.6V§ 6# i Extra Superior—6)§ 7? Western extras .. .6 §• flj " fanev... J>l(S 6 " superior. 7 § 71 Ohio extra.64 «t 64 " family.6p§ 6| Canada super No. 1. i.one. 41 fh. cv.lioi e. 44 extra.none. “ super'r ext.none. Rve Flour.4f@ 44 Corn M«*a>.Si'S'3} Buckw’t Fl’r p lb 2c § 2J <• rain. Duty: Corn and Oats lMc. Jlye aft d Farley 16c, and. Wheat 20c p bn. From Br. Provinces free. Rve.. .94 (S»f,j Oats .40 (a 46 South Yol. Corn. .70 <5 72 Com, Mixed.. .. .68 (5 70 Barley.60 «62 Shortx P ton. .. 817 a 19 Fine Feed.22 ^,24 (Jriiirislonrs. Duty : Bough—free. Bough, p ton. .817 a20 Dressed.3(4« 86 (4uiipowdrr* ■ Duty: Valued at less than 20c P lb 6c. over 20c 6cj t* tb and 20 pc ad ral. B’O'tHn n &}+ 41 Rifles* d Sporting 64<@ 7] line. Sc* ow’d p net T.812 '514 Loose. 18 n 15 I Xew do. 12 @14 IVides nn«V SUins* Duty : 10 pc ad ral. Stan’fitter Hides.. .6 Gf> 6e ; Calfskins.9 #10 I Cn’cnt*a Cow— K*an /Me’ 0<1. 1 60(51 70 I i reei >«a‘' ... 1 16« 1 26 Dr*. 90'iiOQ j Sheep 1 chs, i.i’n.30 i'«.£l I 8hoop Pelts, Dry .45 §76 Hop*. Duty : be ft fh. First Sort, 18:72... 14 f£l& I ran. Duty . Pig and Stamp #6, Bar not exceeding #5o p ton rain* #17 ton, ex ceeding #6 * p ton #18, lets than $ inch thick or more than 7 inches wide, round* tens than j inch or nwtrv than 4 incurs in diameter, and equarea 1*** than i inch or more than 4 inches $ qua re #20, Bait road $12 60. Boiler and Plate #26 p ton, Sheet 2«24c p fb anti $3a;5 4* ton. Common.3].@ *' It dined . 3itv Swede.6ig0M Norway.bk.W 64 Cast Steel.18*§19 berm an Steel_I2i«12} tnglisli lliis.Steel. 16 ^154 Sprinjr.8^9 Sheet Iron, Engl 6 •«/ 6$ Sheet Iron,Itussia 16 §18 do Kua iin’t 11^ §12} l.nrii. Ban el, 44 lb.10A104 Boas, 4» lb.lojalle I .eat tier. Duty : 4>c ad ral. New Vork, light. .20 ft22c do. tnd. wtt. 23 §26 do. heavy_23 §26 do. slaughter. 26 §28 A met. Caiiskins .63 §76 81’ter Wax Loath.16 tj&17} Brail. Duty Pig l}c p ft. Am. Hg 44 1U0 tt>.#7|@ 8 Foreign Pig.7f« 8 Sheet and Pipe-9 g 9i himr. Duty : 10 pc ad ral. Kockland, cask. 66 @70c I.amber—From Card. Clear Hue, No. 1 .#38 % do. No.2 34 a do. No. 8 24 :a do. No. 4 14 :a Shipping Lumber. 12 a 14 Snruce.10 (312 Hemlock.8 (3IO Box Sh’ks,(CMh).46 360c Clapb'ds, S ext #13 telS do. P “ . 80 §32 Shingles, Ced. ext 2V^ 8 do. •• No.l.S§ 24 do ext. Pine 2J § 3? Laths, Spruce— 116 a 120 do. Hue. 1|§ 11 Bed Oak Staves 20 a3o ft fiend*, city .2556 2 75 Suemr do. city. 25»»@270 do. do. c't’rv.l 25@160 Country Riff Mol. 11 ltd..Shook*.. 1256135 ^**h.1 25 a 1 40 Hood*.£21 @28 Llackmotack Tim her, p tun.8 @10 Moln «•«*»• Duty : 6c V gal. Ciei.fugo*.85c6 86 Cuba clayed. @81 do. do. tart. 26 617 do. Muscovado 82 @85 New Orient *. Portland Syrup, hhd*..28 do.' bbls 26 Nail*. Duty: <\it lc, Wrought 2c, Assorted 8c lb. Ca*k. 8 476300 Naval Store*. w Duty: Turpentine, Itosin, iHtch, Tetr 20 pc ad cal., Spirits Turpentine 15c P pal. far(iti kcg*)Pgal.80c@81 Pitcli (Coal Tar). £4$@ Rosin....18 @20 Iurpentiu** ga!. 2 4i>.u 2 50 i Oakum. Duty: Free. Ameiicau.8}<@ 94 Oil* Duti/■ Sperm, Whale and [ other Fish Oils of for eign fisheries 20 pc ad ra'., Linseed, Hemps* rd and Laitesttd23c gat., Otire 23c, Salad 60c, Palm, Seal and Cocoa nut 10c p gal. Portland hcumene lilumii.at'g Oil 42f@47c Machine.76 @ Claritie . Sperm Winter. 1656170 Whale. iel. Wint.79 @80 do. Crude.73 @75 brand Bank and Bav Cbaleur £19$@21} Shore.18* @19 Linseed. £1 @103 j Boiled.1'4@107 Laid Oil.86 @9U ! Olive Oil.1 0»@1 70 Pastor Oil.165a 1 70 Keatstbot Oil. . . .105@112 Oaioaa — P bbl.« @ 2J P bush . 75@80« Hainis. Out On White L ad dry or ground in oil and Htd Lead £2 4» p 100 lb*. Litharge 2$c, Oxide of Zinc 2ic p lb. /Russian Blue, l ermilion, Chrome Yellow, t'enetian /led26, Spanish Brown dry 20, in oil 80 pc ad ral., Yel low and other Ochres Me p 100 lb*. Paris White dry tiOc, in oil £160, Uniting 60c 4# 100 tbs. P’tl’d Lead, in oil.£y @ Lewi* Lead, “ . .9}@ Boston Lead, “ . 9 @ Flench Zinc, •' 8}@ 8} Amcr. Ziuc, " . 7 @ Rochelle Yellow .8 @ 8} Ena. Ven. lied 8 @ 84 Litharge.9 @ Red Lead.9 @ Plaster* Duty : Free. Per ton Soft.1 75@186 Hard.Itio@lo6 b round...60O@5 5U Provision*. Duty : Beef and Pork lc, Lard, Bacon and Hams 2c, Butter and Cheese 4c *Mb. Ch’go Mess Beef.812 @14 Portland do. . 12}@13 P’tl’d ext. do. . 14 @14} Pork, extra clear.16}@16 Pork, clear.14 @14} Pork, mess.18 @13} Pork, extra do .. 14}@15 Pork. Prime.11 @11} flam*.10@llc Citv Smok'd Hams.none. Produce. Beet p qu'r p lb 5 @ 7} EtHi, V dor.12< a 13 Potatoes. bbl £1|@ lj Apples, dried, lb 2»@ be Pfnckens, Spring 10 @14 Lamb.5 @ 8 iuikies. 12 @17 Cecse.4 @ 6 Veal.... 4*@ 6 Pickles, p bbl—•7}@ 8} Rice. Duty Cleaned l}c, Pad dy }c p lb. Kh* p lb.. .6f@ 74 Portland distilled.45 @48c Siiltrn lus. Sail. Duty In bufk 19c, and in bags 24c p 100 tt>s. rurk’a It., hlid (8 bus.).82i(g 2J Liver] ool....2lo> 2| Cadiz.2iS 2| Seek# Salt.120^125 l»r*d Butter Salt. .20 & Starch. Duty : 20 l*c ad val. » earl.5j® 81 I'otato.2-tvg' 2j Shoi-plOOIbi Sy-alo Soap* Duty : 35 $>c ad ral. Lca'IieA buin'i, Trow bridge & Smith’* Ex tra Xo.l*> lb .. .85 a 9 Faii.ily do.71 So. 1. 7 £ 71 Jio.l.6?^ 6; Star.6*5 6? Ca*tile.12l£l«J Crane’*.9 & 81 Spice a. Duty: Ginger Pont be. Ground (winger 8c, Pep per and Pimento 12c, Cloves 15c, Cassia Ijc, Cassia Puds 20c. < nines man 25c, Mace and Nut megs 30c lb. Cassia fc* lb.40 ®42c Cloves.24 £244 linger, (Kace)_24 '^t2f> l.lnger. (Africa) 24 £25 Mace.80 £00 Nutmegs.76 £80 I’eppor.18 £20 I'iinento.16 jtl»3 Seeds. Duty Lin set d 18c V bu., ( unary 81 6m., Mus fard 3c !b. Hold* (>ra»ft.:?2 itv 2} Western Clover.. 7?® 8c lied Top.f.3 (a 3£ Linseed.20a. Canary.8\g> 8J Suigar. Duty Mebxtlo 2c,not above No. 12 2jc, above No. 12 and not above 15 3c,above No. 15 and not above 20 81c. above No. 20 and rt - jinetl 4c C lb. Cortland A . do. A A . .. .8? £ do. Yellow .none. Extra Yellow.noi e. Muscovado.9 * £10 do. in bond.71 'u liS'Hna B'own... 1<>«12J do. White . .11 nit 13 New Or lean*.10^3.124 Crushed . 13*«I3 • • rai n’ntiMi.13 m. 18} Powrieted .13 £.13} T nllmr. Duty : T-ft/ntr 1 pc. Sfiap Stock 10 J>c art raJ. Ameiican letined .81® 9o Hough.0h£ 6 Tcaa. I Twine* Duty : 20c 0 lb- fJuty: 36 pc ad vat. llyson.76c@$rl lotion &ail.GO «.GGc Young Hyson-7o @ 1 Max “ .40 »>o!oi |»c osteal. Loach. 3 <* 4 6'stklO’s la'si br'ds.08 @75c Dnmar.2J@ 8 do. medium. .02 @06 l Wool, do. common. 66 (a 68 ‘Duty : Costing 18c p lb ha)l ibs best br’ds.<«6 @78 and under 5 He, over l«c do. med.good 58 @00 ! to 24c p ft 3c, oi< r24c do. common...65 @58 j 9c p ft. Natural Leaf. ibs.*l @ lJIFkeoc.45 @56c Fancv, in Foil.lfa 2 Lambs.4G tci.53 Tin. Zinc. Duty: Pig 15c, Plates 2b Duty In blocks or pigs Pc ad rat. j ljc, in sheets 2c p ft, Banca, cash.38c@} ' manufactures of 30 pc St raits, cash.34 * a 3511 ad rat. PlBtw>('iiar.l.r.411 «lli Pigs and slabs.6j® 5$ do. 14 l.X. .13 @13{ Sheet Moss)maun. 91(^10 Coke.9la dj'Sheathing.90 @ Wood. ~ Kxchnngc. Hard, retail.884® 7 !London—60d.. 1 31 @132 Soft, 44 4}va 6 Paris f4 8o ^4 31 LEGAL NOTICES. Notice of Foreclosure of OTortfttiffe. VETUEREAS the Androscoggin Railroad Com pa VV av, on the twenty-sixth day ol September. A. D. 1858. authorized the issue ol certain bonds ot said Company to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, and a mortgage ot the pioperty of the Com pany to secure the payment ot tlie same; And whereas the said Company, in pursuance thereof, on the twenty eighth day of September, A. D 1*58, by its mortgage deed of that date, convp\ ed to Wiiiiam 1\ Treble. John Otis and Samuel Tick ard, ail in the State of Maine, as trustees for the holdets of said bonds, the Railroad of said Company thou constructed and iu its use, situated iu tho towns of Leeds ami East Liveimore, then in the County of Kennebec, but now iu the County of Audroscogjrin. and extending from Leeds Junction to Liveimore Falls, with aliit* depots, engine houses and fixtures, and the lands of the C'ompanv at each of said places, and along the line of said Railroad, and all its privi leges and appurtenances, its rolling stockJlti anchise, and all the other property of said company of every description, wbother real or peisoi.al,upon'the condi tion and for the purpose of securing payment of said bonds, the same being dated October 1st, 1858. and payable in ten years, with interest semi-aunuallv on the first days of April and October iu each of said years, according to the tenor of said bonds and cou pons annexed therefor, which bonds and coupons were accordingly issued by said Company. Refer ence is to be had’to said mortgage deed, recorded in the Registry of Deeds for Kennebec County, in book 190, page 142. for a more particular d scription ol said property and the conditions ot said mmtgage; And whcrea« the said Treble and Otis, having de ceased at a legal meeting ot said bondholders ho deL on the 20!h day ot September, I860. Jabe/ C. Wood man of To?tlftnd, and Thilip M StuLbs ot Strong were duly chosen trustees in thep laces of said TrebT. and Otis respectively, and Baid W oodman and Stubbs duly accepted said trust; And whereat the said Pickard, the survivor of the original tiustees, by his deed, dated January 16th, 1861, and recoided in tiro Registry of Deed* tor An droscoggin County, in book 23. pages 307 and 308. coityc'cd the aforesaid mortgaged property and franchise to t hoard Woodman, Stubbs and titans id l iokard himself, to bold upon the same trusts as aforesaid; And whereas the condition of said mortgage has bee# broken, and Samuel Wheeler, Seth Baas and or Hera of said bondholders, to an amonnt equal to mord than one third ot the amount of said Sort i>f different sums, liar e made application to us in writing, to have said mortgage foreclosed for con dition broken; Now therefore, we herebv give notice that for breach of the condition of said mortgage we claim a foiedosure of the same. SAMUEL PICKARD ) JABEZ C. WOODMAN,} Truatees. THILIP M STUBBS, ) §ept ember'll. 1862. w3w 13 Notice or Foreclosure. T)0FLIC NOTICE is hereby give that ThomavB. 1 Ooif and Samuel Trott, olTortlsud. C- imv of C'uiaMf)ah«L--Mtate ot Maine, by ttieir deed dated the tweh^fA'i^hih day of Augusr. in tbo year eighteen hu df« and iurttonit*. record d in tha l%inbetlai d Registry ol Deeds, book 229. page 496, couveyed iu mortgage to the undersigned, Green Walden, the following descnbed teal estate, to wit: A certain niece of land on 1 oak’s Island, iu said Toitai d, be ing aM of lot No. 2 oi: a p an recorded in said Regis try, book 06. page* 383. 884. 366. or so much of the said lot as was convened to the said Tr-1 s by deed da'ed August 31. 184i, and tecorded in said Registry, book 204, page 531; a’so that the said Thomas it ott, by his end < ated the 1st day of Febiuar', in the year 1868, recorded in sard Registry, book 242, page 85. conveyed in mortgage to the ut designed, one ui divided halt of the abo\e-rie*c>ibetl tea’ estate; That the ooi.ditjou of said mortgages, seveially, is broken, bv reason w heieof the undersigned hereby claim- a foreclosure of the same. GREEN WALDEN. ( ape E Laborh, Sept. 10th. 1862. w8w 12 Administratrix' Sale. BY virtue of a license from the lion. Judge of Trobate. within and tor the County of Cumber land. 1. the »ub«ci)bcr, administratrix of the estate of David Knight, late of otislieid, iu said C ounty, deceased, shall sell at private sale, on Tuesday, the twenty-eighth day of October, A. D 1862, at tcu o' clock in the loienoou, on the premises, so much of thcivai elate of the said David Knight as will pro duce the sum of Two Hundred at d Twenty-five Dol lars, lor the pa\ merit of the just debts of the said do ivn-c-u, cihmjtcv ui AUDlUwlilllIUU, Rlifl n.CHICl.Tai charges. Said real os'a'e is situated in Otis Held aforesaid, and is tbe homestead latm of said deceased. Terms cash. OLIVE W. KNIGHT. Administratrix. OHstield, .Sept. 24, 13G2. w3wl4* f|>HE Subscriber heieby gives public notice to all JL concei nod, that he has been du y appointed and taken upon lnmseif the tiust of Administrator, with the Will annexed, of the estate ot ELIZA BASTEEN, late of Fort’ai d, In the County ol Cumberland, deceased, by giving bond as the law diiects; he thereioie requests all pei sons who are indebted to the said deceased's estate, to make immediate pav ment; and those who have any demands thereon, to exhibit the same for settle ment to BENJAMIN KINGSBURY, Jr. Portland, June 17,1&G2. 3w wl4 At a Court or Probate held at Portland, within and for the County ol Cumberland, on the third Tuesday of September, in the > ear of our Lord eigh teen hundred and sixtv-two, Delight b. douguty, widow of William Doughty, late of llarpswel], iu said Countv, de ceased, having presented her petition that Adminis tration on the e?ta*e of said deceased may be gianted to Augustus P. Jordan of Brunswick : ft wa* Ordered, that the said Petitioner give no tice to all persons interested, by causing notice to be published three weeks successively in tbe Maine State rreas, printed at Portland, that thev mav appear at a Probate Court to be held at said Port/and, ou the third Tuesday of October next, at ten of the clock in tbe forenoon, and show cause, if any they have, why the same should not be graufod. WILLIAM G. BARROWS, Judge. A true copy, Attest, _w3wl4* EUGENE HUMPHREY, Register. At a Court or Probate held at Portland, within aud for the County of Cumberland, on the third Tuesday of September, in the year of our Lord eigh teen hnndred aud sixty-two, MARK H. BUNNELL. Executor of the last Will aad Testament ot Matthias Libby, late ot 1 ort land, in said County, deceased, having presented his first account of administration of said estate for pro bate, also his private account against said estate for probate and allowance: It teas Ordered, That the said Executor give notice to all persons iuteiested, by causing notice to be pub lished three weeks successively in the Maine State Press, printed at Portland, that thev mav appear at a Probate Court to be held at said Poitlai.d, on the third i uesdav of October next, at ten of the clock iu the forenoon, and shew cause, if auy they have, why the same should not be allow ed. WILLIAM G. BARROWS, Judge. A Irue copy, attest: wS\vl4* * EUGENE HUMPHREY. Register. At a Cocrt or Probate held at Portland, within and tor Die County ol Cumberland, on the third Tuesday of September, in the \ ear ol our Lord eigh teen hundred ai d sixtv-two, * MARTHA ADAMS, Widow cf John Adams, late of Falmouth, in said C< untv, deceased, having presented her petition for the assignment of her Dower in the real esinte of which he died seized : ft teas Ordered, that the said 1 etitioner give no tice to all persons interested, bv causing notice to be published three weeks successively iu the Maine State Press printed at Portland, that thev mav appear at a Probate Court to be held at said 1’ortiaLd, on the thiid Tuesday of October next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, and shew cause, if any tbev have, why tbe same shon’d no* be grai ted. WILLIAM G. BARHoWS, Judge. A true copy, Attest. w8u 14* EUGENE HUMPHREY. Register. At a court or Probate held at Portland, within ai d for the County ol Cumbet land, on the thiid Tuesday ot September, in tbe v ear o! our Lord eigh teen hundied at.d sixtv-two, * RICHARD SMALL, Guardian of James F. Ger ry, mil or heir of Elliott Gerry, late of Limerick, deceased, having presented his’ thiid account of guardianship ot said minor for probate: It teas Ordered, That the said Guardian give no tice to a*l persons interested, by causing notice to be published three weeks successively in the Maine State Press, printed at Portland, that thev mav ap pear at a Probate Court to be held iu said Por land, on tbe third Tuesday of October next, at ten of tke clock in the forenoon, and show cause, if any they have, why the same should not be allowed. W1I 1 liU 12 11 I IMli.ll’U T .. A true copy, Attest: w3wl4* * EUGENE HUMPHREY. Register. fllHE Subscriber hereby gives public notice to all A concerned, that lie has been July appointed and taken upon himself the trust of Administrator of the estato of DANIEL W. ANTHOINE, late of Windham. i« the County of Cumberland, deceased, by giv ing bond a* the law directs; he therefore requests aTl per sons who are indebted to the sail! deceased’* estate, to make immediate pay menl: and those who have any demands thereon, to exhibit the same for settlement to JOHN WKMI. Windham, Sept. 16, 1*12. w3wl4* AT A Couktop I’UOBATE held at Portland, within and for the County of Cumberland, on the third Tuesday of September, in the year of our Lord eigh teen hundred and sixty-two, UALI’li HUTLEIt, Jr., Guardian ofOliu It. Paine, minor heir of Melinda C'uinner, late of Wav lie, in the County of Kennebec, deceased, having pre sented hi* first account of guaidianship ol said minor for probate: It trax Ordered, That the said Guardian give no tice to all persons interested, bv causing notice to be published three weeks successively, in the Maine State Press, printed at Portland, that they may ap pear at a Probate Court to be I eld at said Portland, on the third Tuesday of October next, at ten of the clock in the torenoon, and show cause if any they have, w hy the same shoo'd l ot be allow ed WILLIAM G. HARROWS, Judge. A true copy, Attest : w3w!4* EUGENE HUMPHREY, Register. OFFICIAL. Assessors’ Notice. VTOTB ll in hereby given that I have been appoint* xy ed Ast-essor of Taxes for the First t ongresHonal District of the State or Maine, under the Act of Con grew, approved July 1. A. D 1862. entitled "An Act to pi ovule internal revenue to suupoit tlie Govern* merit and to pay interest on the public debt." 1»* compliance with the provisions of said Act and instructions of the Commissioner op Internal Revenue, 1 hare divided said District into eleven divisions, and appoint an Assistant Assessor in each, as follows: The 1st division comprises the towns of York Wells, Kennebuuk, hciinebtinkport, and the citv ol Biddelord; Joseph Dragoon, Jr., of York, Assist ant. 2d division, the towns of Kittery. Eliot, Sontt: Berwick. Berwick nd North Berwick; Theodorj A. Rollins, of South Iieiwick, Assistant. 8d division, the towns of Lebanon, Sanford, Al fred, Acton, Shapleigh and New Held; John 8. Par ker, of i^ebanon, Assistant. 4th division, the towns of Saco, Davton, Lvman and Waterborough; John Gains, of Saco, Assist ant. 6tli division, the towns of Buxton, Hollis, Liming ton, Limerick, Cornish and l’arsoustield; Charles E. Weld, of Buxton, Assistant. 6th division. Wards 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the city ol Portland; Samuel Small, of Ward 4 in said city Assistant. 7th division. Wards 5, 6 and 7 of said city of Port land, Augustus F. Gerrish, of Waid6, hi said city Assistant. 8th division, the towns of Westbrook, Falmouth, Gorham, Scarborough and Cape Elizabeth; Davil Torrky, of Westbrook, Assistant. 9th division, the towns of Bridgton, Sebago, Ba’d win, Standish, Naples Hanison and OtLiield; Loi C'. Nelson, of Bridgton, Assistant. 10th divisiou, the towns of New Gloucester, Gray North Yarmouth, Cumberland, Windham, Casco and Raymond; Skwall N. Gross, of New Gloucester Assistant. 11th division, the towns of Freeport, Brunswick Harpswell, 1’ownal and Yarmouth; Hezekiau B Means, of Freeport, Assistant. The act under which these assistants are appointed took effect ou the 1st dav of September instant. Citizens icsiding in the large business centres ol this district have doubtless read it, and can hence form their own conclu-ions iu relation to its provis ions; but as theieare many in the agricultuiai sec tions who mav have been unable to obtain a copy foi examination. 1 wish to call their atteution to some ol its pi inciples. Soon after the rebellion broke out, Congress found it necessary to assess a small direct tax on the sever al States, to maintain the credit of the country. The States being authorized to assume the pavmentof the sum demanded of them, had the power to assess i! ujmjii me propeny within ineir limit*. Farm* and other real estate being, from their na ture, more exposed than other objects of taxation would suffer severely from the constant draft foi money, cieated in sustaining the government during this war, and thev could not long endure the burden a direct tax wou’d impose upon them. Maine's proportion f that tax has been liquidated and paid In older to provide in part for the future expenses of the war. Congress wisely determined tc r*ise monev ftom the people without State inferven tion, and without raxing the producing c asses. Tc effect this object, aid to make the tax equal in every State, they have passed what ha* been termed an Ex rise Act. l'aacing bv the farmer, the mechanic, the fisherman, the lumberman, and many other pursuit! so essential to our prosperity as a people, this ac1 levies its light contribution*'upon *n© we 1th, tin luxuries, the pleasures, aid business of the conutrv It confines its operations chieflv to the cities, towin and villages, and gathers its revenues from the chan nets it* which floats the money of the country. It does not tax real estate of any description, noi with a very few exceptions, personal property. Tin excess ovc 4ft ounces of silver spoons or plate, anc riding carriages of all descriptions, va’uea with tin harness at £75 and upwards, must be assessed. Witl the exception of these two items, theie is not piob abb a farmer nor a mechanic in this district, withii the art. These are taxed at a sum so inconsidcrab.'i that ft is to be hoped every citizen who desires thi perpetnitv of his government will, in this terrible cri sis of its affairs, assume clieer AiJly bis proportion o its necessarv burden*, and if he is fortunately thi owner of an artie'e liab’e to be assessed, put a va’ui upon it which shall bring it withiu the act. It niai be the onlv opportui itv he will ever ha>e to contri btfte a dol'ar for the preservation of his gover ir.ent Tlte professional man — the retail tiader w o*< sale, exceed one thousand doiiais per year—the man ti fact me* of anv article the sa'es of 'which excee< six hundred dol'ar* per year—the hotel keeper—th< mau whose ycariv income exceeds six bundled doi lars. and severs1 other employ melds are to be assessed it is presumed all such are eonveraant with the pro visions oi this act. 1 would call their attention to sections from six ti eleven, inclusive, and section fffty-eight. These sections impose the duty upon every persoi llabe to be assessed tor a tax or license, to call immr diatelv upou the assistant assessor and make up am *ign their se.eral assessments. If they r.eglect so ti do. he is required t© Increase their tax fifty per cent, and no discretionary authority is vested in the assis taut or the assessoi to make any abatement of thi amount, See nation 11. It will be pei cm rad by a careful examination o these sectioi.s, 'hat c ougress. lelyii g upou the patri otism of tlte business men of the country, proceedei upou the hypothesis that every one liable to be taxe< would substantially assess himself, ai d sign the bill fixing fho amount he was topav. If the act, there tore is complied with, the assistant assessor is but i recording ofl cer, w ho receives ai d properly enter the lists ueiiieicd him by the ciiiren. and his duty ii ic ation to fixing a valuation upou objects liable t< taxation, is rather advison than absolute. In orde how ever to pi event the selJish, the indifferent, or tb traitorous, irom escaping their pioper proportion* o the public butUeu, ( ougtess has fixed the penaltic for their ucg ect, prescribed in section 11. Having been intrusted by the Ftoaident with th duty of teeiug that these tax liats are properlv pre pared, and seasoi ahlv uelive ed to the co lector o this district, 1 r«‘*pectfti!lr request SI) good citizen within it to call upon the assistant asset sor of the assessment district where they reside, am deli er him rists as requited in the sixth section c the act. He will give a.J poisons the neces»arv ic | lot mat ion to et ah e them to comply with its provii ions, and furnish blanks there tor. MATH L G. MARSHALL. Assessor's ofl.ee, City buildings, I 1 ortland, &ept. 1, 1S62. f septl0eod3w Police of Foreclosure. T^OTICE is hereby given that the subscriber, Jo*k 1.1 ua R. Hawke*, of Windham, in the County o Cumberland and btute ol Maine, claim* by mortgage two certain tracts ol land ai d the buildings thereon situate in said Windham, beiug the same conveved ii mortgage to ¥ tank D. Hanson bv Samuel K. Kemp by his deed of May 5th, A. D. 1867, tecorded in th Cumberland Registry ol Deeds, book 292. pasre 2ft£ which mortgage was dulv assigned to me bv the *ai< Frank D. Hanson, the 14th day of June. A. D lft6i as will appear bv assignment thereof recorded in sail Registry .book 294. page 147. to which records I here by teler, for a more particular description of sail property. The condition of said mortgage ha* bcei broken, by reason whereof 1 hereby claim a ioreclc sure of the same. Dated at Windham, August 27th. 1*2. wswu JUSULA K HAWKIS. Sheriff's Sale. rnmirrlanrf, «*. Arorar 18th, 1WS It Ah EX on Execution and will be sold at i'ubii Auction on Thursday the twenty-titth dav o September, A. D.19CS. at ten o’clock iu'tbe forenoon at flic Sheriff 'a oti ce in Portland, in said county, all the right in ei|Uity which Moses Morrill, of Bux ton, in the county of York, has to redeem the follow tug described real estate, riz: A certain piece or par eer of land, with the buildings thereon,as it now standi situated in said 1'ortland, and bounded as follows commei cing on the easterly etdelire of Slate street at the westerly corner of laud of Margaiet lteevei thence easterly bT said Reeves' land sixtv-eight feel more or less, to land of H. W. k A. Drerlng, thenc uotherly ar.d easterly by said Deeringa’ Hue nineteet artd one half teet, more or less, to a point that wi] strike the centre wall through the block of building thereon, tlrenoe through the centre of said wall t State street, tlrci ce on State street to the bounds be gun at. The same ldug subject to a mortgage den dated Oct. 16tb, 1868, and tecorded in the Cumbo lar d Registry of Deeds, ro1. 288. page 816. given b tire said Morrill to Da id Hall of 1'ortland, to secut pay merit of twenty-ore liundted dollars, as lollowi viz: seven bur died dollars in ot.c year, seven bund red dollars in two rears, and seven hut, dred dollar in three years, with interest senri-ani ualiv. Suhjee also to another mortgage deed, dated Xov' 24th. 1881 ai d recorded in Cumber ar d Registry of Deeds, bool 288. nage4*1, given by the said Morrill to Emil' Boothby ol said 1'ortland, to secure pay merit ot four teen hundred and tiftv dollars, lu three veara, will interest, reictence to said deeds being hereby bad. Further particulars made known at tire time am p’acc ot eaV aug21u8wl0 OREM KIX'C. Deputy Sheriff. vuuin^c ■■■Tillius i [CLEMS* SUMMER CURE -A5D Howes’ Cough Pills, By the concurrent testimony of many suflerers, th fact has been established, that for the cure of DIARRHCLA OR DYSENTERY In person* of all agea, no medicine has ever come t the knowledge of the public, that so effectuallx doc it work and at the same time leaves the bowels in ai active, healtby condition, as CLEM’S SIMMER CURE. That for Children Cutting Teeth, if troubled wit Diarrhea or any irregularities of the bowels, all otb er remedies are insignificant, as compared with CLEM’S SUMMER CURE. That for Children tioub’ed with Canker in raoutl or stomach, or mother* suffering from nursing »or mouth, a safe and Speedy euro is effected by the use e CLEM’S SUMMER CURE. That for Cough*. IIoar*enes<* and Bronchial affect Iona, there is no remedy extant that so universal! affords relief us HOWES’ COUGH 1’ILLS. That for a Tight ness or Wheezing in the Chest Tains iu the side, or a long standing Hack, the bea remedy is HOWE’S COUGII TILLS. That as an expectorant and ameliorating agent li cases of Phthisic, Whooping Cough, and Coufirme* Consumption, the public have already roudered thei united verdict in favor of HOWES* COUGH TILLS. CLEM’S SUMMER CURE is a pleasant, agreeab) decoction of Roots and Barks, aud contains not particle of Opium or Druo of any sort. It alway does good, and never does harm. " By their works yk shall know thkm.** j G. C. Goodwin k Co., Boston, General Agents New England. H. II. Hav, Portland, and B. ¥ Bradbury, Bangor, Genera) Agents for Maine. OT*Sold by Druggists ami Merchants general]) HOWES fc CO., Proprietor., iswftnuol Belfast, Ma *ki RAILROADS. KENNEBEC AND PORTLAND R. R. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Commenced April 14th, 1802. rgwffig?-^n Passenger trains will leave daily, (Sun urtfjr^ngTJjavs executed) as follows: Augusta iur Bath, Portland and Boston, at 11.16 A. M., connecting at Brunswick with the Androscoggin Railroad for Lewiston, Livermore Falls, Wilton aud Farmingtou. Leave Portland for Bath and Augusta at 1.00 P. M., connecting at Brunswick with the Androscoggin trains for stations on that road: and at Auirusta with the Somerset it Kennebec Railroad for WatcrvlHo, Kendall’s Mills and Skowbegan, and at KendaM'i Mills with the Pouobscot & Kennebec Road for Pitts field, Newport and Bangor; arriving same night. Monday Morning awl Saturday Evening Trains. On Monday trains leave Augusta at 5.30 A. M., and Bath at 6.30 A. M., for Portland, connecting with the 8.45 A. M. train for Lowell and Boston. Leave Portland on Saturdays, at 8.15 P. M., on ar rival of train from Boston, for Bath aud Augusta. ST A OR CONNECTIONS. 8tagos leave Bath daily (Sundays excepted) at 3.00 P. M., on arrival of train from Portlaud and Boston, for Wiscassct, Damariscotta, Waldoboro', Rocklaud and Thomaston. Stages leave Augusta daily (Sundays excepted), foi Belfast, on arrival of train from Portland aud Bos ton. Tickets sold in Boston for all the stations on the Kennebec ft Portland, Androscoggin, aud Somerset k Kennebec Roads. Freight traius run daily between Augusta and Port laud. B. 11. CUSHMAN, Manager and Superinteude&t. Augusta, April, 1862. jui,e23dtf ANDROSCOGGIN RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monday, Mav 6, 1862, trains will leave Portland for Lewiston anu rai iiin.gtou via Brunswick, at 1 P. M. Leave Farmingion for Lewiston, Bath and Port land, via Brunswick, at 9.15 A. M. Leave Lewiston for Bath and Portland via Bruns wick at 11.46 A. M. Freigbt trains daily between Portland and Lewis ton. STAGE CONNECTIONS. Stage leaves 8trtckland’s Ferry Tuesdavs, Thurs days and Saturdays, for Livermore, Canton, Peru and Dixlield; returning opposite davs. Stage leaves North Jay tor East Dixfleld, Dixfleld, and Weld, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; returning opposite days. Stage leaves Farmington or Now Vineyard. New Portland ai d kingtield, on Wednesday s and Satur davs, returning on Mondays and Fridays. Stages leave Farmington daily, for Strong, Avon and Phillips. Passengers for this route will take the cars at th« Portland, Saco k Portsmouth, or hem ebec k Port land Depots, in Portland. 8. W. EATON, fiup’t. Farmington May 6,1862. juno23dtf THROUGH TICKETS' To Chicago. Cincinnati. Cleveland. Detroit Toledo, St. 1'acl, La ('home. st. Locis, New Orleans, or suv part of the WEST, SOUTH OR NORTH WEST ■ T THE ERIE RAILWAY. Via Bueealo, Dunkirk, and Niagara Falls This road is broad guagk and is provided wit) New and Splendid Sleeping Cars. Q^l'ickets sold in Portland at lowest Boston ratw 1*7 W. D. LTITLE. Agent. Office 81 Exchange Street. QT* You can save money by securing tickets at thii j office. June 28. dawtf ; I r i . i i > r * r i i f mills desirable mechanical arrangement has no» 1 X beeu in use a suthcieut length ol time to sirs that it gives entire satisfaction aud actually is tin more valued the more it is used. This invention is a step in advance of all others ii I the Spring Bnl department, embracing a little non of their excelrencies, ai d ytf happily oveicominga) their defects. It is flexible as hair, and>etsorecu i perafive as to bring itself into ptace with great tacili tr. It is adapted to the invalid, the aged and old i and all who huger in suffering aud weakness. The: are made of good materia! wan anted strong aud dti I ruble, aud uot liable to get out of order. i , TESTIMONIAL*: j Commercial House. Portland. June 16.1962. 1 Haring intiodueed the “Auder»oii Spring Bed Hot 1 tom” iuto mv house, after trial, I pronounce it to to au easv aud healthy bed. I am using several kind of spring bed bottoms, but consider the Audersoi felly equal if not better than the best. N. J. DAVIS, Proprietor. We have introduced several of the Justly eelebrat ed "Anderson Spring Bed Bottom” to our aleopiiii , apartments. We give this spring bed bottom a decid f ea preference over any and all othere we have eve used. Our guests •'peak of them in the highest terms We recommend their use to all hotel keepers who de •ire the comfort of their guests. w. d McLaughlin t son. May 12,1863. Franklin House. Bangor, Me. [From Hon. Josiah U. Drummond ] I am using the 'Anderson Spring Bed Bottom/ am I am very much pleased with it. JOSIAH H. DRUMMOND. » Portland, July 28,1862 [From Hon. Lot M. Morrill.] i Having used Andeison’ Spring Bed Bottom, I cai > ehecrfullr recommend it as an excellent article. Augusta. Aug &. 1862. LOT M MORRILL. Having become fully satisfied of the benefit of th •'Anderson Spring Bed Bottom,” 1 have puichasc< i three of them at live dollars each, and do most cheer ftaflv recommend them to the public, j Waterville. May, 1961 Dr. N R. BOUTELL. 1 5Ir. D. K Frobock has famished the beds in m house with the “Anderson Spring Bed Bottom/’ am I take pleasure in recommending this article as th most convenient, economical and comfortable thinj of the kiud with whieh 1 am acquainted. 1 A H. ABBOTT, I Principal of Family School, Little Blue, FarxnAigton I have had the unspeakable pleasure of sleeping 01 ! one of the "Anderson Spring Bed Bottoms" forth last three weeks, and must say it liar surpasses any ; thing 1 had anticipated. My wifb. who Is leeble, ha ! had no good rest tor six months till occupy ing one o I these beds. She would uot part with it on ane ac ! count. Rev. John allen. Farmington, Feb. 28, 18H2. The Rod Bottom I bought of you frilly merits m; expectations, and is fullv up to your high r*-comnieii dations. I would cheerfully recommei d it to all wh desire to improve their sleeping ai ai tn et ts. At STAPLES. > Augusta. April 16,1862. A. N. WILLIAMS. [ Having tested the “Anderson Spring Bed Bottom.' I can cheerfully recommend it to ail w ho me in bee of such an article: ai d I believe it to be superior t anv thing of the kind now iu use. Waterville. April 12. PW2. Rev. E. HAWES. Testimonials similar to the above have been r« ccived from the proprietors of the following publi houses- - i er.obsot Exchange, Bangor, i I Franklin House, Bangor. > | Skowhegan House, Skowhegan. f ! Lewiston House. Lewiston. Winthrop House, Winthrop. Elmwood House, Waterville. Litchfield Corner House. * Stoddard House, Farmington. Revere House, Vassal boro. Hallowell House, Hallowell. China House. China. Franklin House, Augusta. Cushnoc House. Augusta, t Abbott's School Fartaington. Eaton Boys’ Boarding School, Kent's Ilill. )ull7d& w6m i PENSIONS, BOUNTY MONEY, Back Pay, Ac., FOR service in the present war. obtained for Soldier and Sailors, their Widows and Heirs, from th© Uni ) ! ted States Oovt-rmucut, on application in person o t ‘ by letter to , BRADFORD St HARMON, No. 88 Exchange St., Portland, Maine. Having devoted our attention exclusively to the Pen siou business for the last twenty years, and having reliable Agency in Washington, we are enabled t prosecute all claims against the (.overt ment wit1 promptness and despatch, and on very reasonabl terms, making no charge until the claim is obtained FREEMAN BRADFORD, Z. K. HARMON. ' Portland, June 30th. dltwtf. MEDICAL. ni,i\i>\j:s* ciked. A Remarkable Case of a boy who was cared by DR. II. i. BOYWTOlt, Of Scrofulous Ophthalmia, as the following facts will show: "FOR a long time the boy's eye-lids had IHg^been entirely closed. His case was consid reT^ered almost hopeless. The bov was put un. der the care of Dr. B., and after great pa tience and perseverance, with his electrical treatment and with other curatives, be was able to lift his eye lids, when it was discovered that a false membrane bad formed and covered the entire eyes. This was removed by Dr. Boynton, and the boy’s eye-sight is now entirely restored, and his eyes stronger than ev or before. This should be known to all persons who are similarly afflicted. Although I understand that the Doctor has tor many years, in his operations on these delicate organs—the eye and ear, met with em inent success, he lias not deemed it necessary to keep blazing before the public his surgical skill in this par ticular part of his profession, but has been silently performing euros, many of them of a remarkable character. ty" Certificates from numerous of his patients will testify to his successful operations, all of w hich may be seen at bis oftce. No. 309 Congress Street, Portland. d&wtfin? Eclectic tledical Infirmary. to thTTadies. DR. HUGHES particularly invites all Ladies who need a medical advisor, to call at his rooms. No. 6 Temple Street, which they will find arranged for their esitecia) accommodation. Dr. U.’s Eclectic Renovating Medicines are unrival led iu efi cacv and superior virtue in regulating all Female Irregularities. Their action is specific and ce^in of producing relief iu a short time. flaDIES will dntf it invaluable in all cases of ob structions after all other remedies have been tried in vain. It is purely vegetable, containing nothing in the least injurious to the health, and may be taken with perfect safety at all times. Scut to any part of the country with full directions, by addressing t)R. HUGHES, No. 6 Temple Street, corner of Middle, Portland. N. B.—LADIES desiring may consult one of their own sex. A lady of experience in constant attend tnro (nil_2m DR. HUGHES’ Eclectic medical Infirmary. Established for the treatment ef those diseases its both sexes, requiring Experience, Skill, Honor and delicacy. PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS.-Dr. Hughes has lor a number of years confined his attention to diseases of a certain class. During his practice be has treated thousands of cases, and in no instance lias he met with a failure. The remedies are mild, and there is i.o interruption of business or change of diet. Dr. Hughes is in constant attendance from 8 in the morning until 10 at night, at his ofl.ee, 6 Tem ple street. Charges moderato, and a cure guaranteed in all cases, Separate rooms, so that no one will be seen but the Dr. himself. His remedies cure disease when all other remedie* fhil: cures without dieting or restriction in the habits of the patient; cures with out the distrusting and sickening effects of most other remedies; cures new cases in a few hours: cures with out the dreadful consequent effects of meicnrv, but is sure to annihilate the rank and poisonous faint that the blood is sure to absorb, unless the proper remedy is used. The ingredients are entirely vegeta ble, and no injurious effVct either constitutionally or locallv, can be caused by using them. VOUNl* MEN. who’ a*e troubled with seminal weakness, generally caused by bad habits iu yo«rh. the affects of which are parti and dizziness in the head, forget Ail ness, sometimes a ringing in the ears, , weak ej es. etc., terminating in consumption or in | sanity if neglected, are speedily and permanently cured. ATI correspondence strietlr confidential and will bo ! returned If desired. Address DR. J. B. HUOHES. No. 6 Temple Street, (corner of Middle), Portland. OT“8eiid stamp for Circular. Jull— dA w3n>& I ‘‘BUY ME AXD I’LL DO YOU^GOOD !” ! _ Health and Strength Recared, BY THB trtl or THE GREAT STRING AXD SUMMER MEDICINE, Dr. Langley’s ROOT AHD HERB BITTERS. CtOMTOSED of SirMiwrini, Wild Cherry. Yellow ' Dock, Prickiey Ash, Thoroughworl, Rhubarb, i Maud take, Dandelion, Ac., all of which are so com j poui dod as to act iu concert, and assist Nature in , eradicating disease. The effect of this medicine is most wonderful—It acts directly upon the bowels and b ood. by removing all obstructions from the internal organs, stimulating them info healthy action, renovating the fountains ol > life, purifviug the blood, cleansing it horn all htimora ! and causing it to course through every part of the body; restoring the invalid to health aiid usefulness. i They cure and eradicate fiom the system. Liver Com '■ p aint, that main wheel of so many diseases, Jaun dance in its worst forms, all Billions Diseases and : foul stomach. Dyspepsia, CostirencM. all Kinds of Hu 1 mors. Indigestion, Headache, Dizziness, Piles, Heart , burn, Weakness. Pains in the side and bowels, Flatu j tetter. Loss of appetite, and a torpid or diseased Lir ; or, a disordered stomach or bad blood, to which all are more or less subject in Spring and Summer. More than 20.000 persons nave been cured bv this medicine. It is highly recommended bv Physicians everywhere. Trv it and rum will never regret it. Sold bv all dealers in Medicine everywhere at oaly 25 and 3S cents per bottle. Ordeis addressed to judldim . i INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. 1 EASTPOKT, CALAIS A St. JOHN, FALL AKIIAXOEMEXT. Change of the Day* of Sailing. jttwp THE Steamer "New Brunswick,'* apt. E B. Winchester. ai.d Steamer England.” < apt E. Field, will leave lor East port and ht John every Monday and Thursday. (instead of Tuesday and Friday as he ret o , lore), com met ci ng Oct 2d The Steame "New Brunswick" will leave Railroad Wharf, loot State Street, every Mondav at 5 P. M. Returning, leaves St. John every Thurtdav at 8 A. M. Steamer "New England" will leave Railroad Wharf, foot State Street, every Thursday at 8 P. M. Returning, leaves St. John every Monday at 8 A. M. OT* Positively no freight received alter 4 o'clock P. M. on the day of sailing. Through ticke's are sold by this line, connecting at Eastport with stage caches for Mackias. and with steamer Cuceu for llobbinston, Calais, St. Stephens and St. Andrews, and at he latter plac- over rail way for Canterbury, Woodstock and Moulton Stations. We also ticket through per steamers ami railways fbr Windsor, Hah far, Inyby, Fredericton, Sussex. Moncton. Shediac. Prince Edwards Island, Pictou, ‘ North Shore qf New Brunswick, Mtrimichi, and Ban tie Chalewr. Sept. 24.1862. dtf C. C. EATON*. Agent. MONTREAL OCEAft STEAMSHIP CO’S Weekly Mail Line. I m ONEofthe followln, (Iret-clXM, power fttl Sttwmtr, HIBERNIAN, NORTH CT. ITT* AMERICA X. NORWEGIAN. JUBA. rcHSSHEiUoiiEMiAN. anglo saxon. no va si. tuiAN —will Mil fiom every Sutur dav mo11.Hic, tor Livcipool, via Londonderry. I Passenger, leeve Portland per Grand Tiui.k Trein, > with L'itjted State, mails, even- Friday, at 1 IS P. M-, t connecting with Steamer at (.uebec every Saturday morning. PaiM.'c to Liverpool, Londonderry or Glasgow: ridid Class, *35 Fiitt (Tast, *77 lo *92—accoidiug to accommodation,—which includes ticket, on Grand i Trunk Railway. i Prepaid ai.d return ticket, issued at reduced rmtea. Excursion ticket, to the World’, F’air, out and i hack, *18«. r Apply lo Edmouitone, Allan k Co., Montreal, or to J. L.. FARMER. No. 10 EXCHANGE ST., PORTLAND. June 23. 180. dtf Portland and New York Steamer*. m The splei did and fast Steamship "CUESA1 EARE." C aptain Sidney ^3322* C rowell, will uutil farther notice run Lea*e Browns Wharf, Fortlard, every WF.DNES l DA Y. at 4 P. M.. and leave Pier « North River. New ► York, every SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock, P. M. This vessel is fitted up with flue accommodations for passengers, making this the most speedy,safe and comfortable route for travellers between New York and Maine. Passage 93,00, including Fare and State » Rooms. ChkkIs forwarded by this line to and from Montreal. Cuebec, Baugor, Bath, Augusta, Eastport and St. John. Shippers are requested to send their freight to the steamer before 3 P. M., on the day that she leav es Portland. For freight or passage applv to F.MK.RY A FOX. Brows'* Wharf. Port’ard. 11. B C ROMWELL 1 CO., No. 86 We*t Street, New York. June 23. 1863. dtf WANTED. A MAN to run a Stationary Engine. Inquire Blake’s Bakery. Congress Street. August 30. #dlw On Hand. A CONSTANT supply of bust Kxtrm Dwp Gold Leaf, aud at low rates at » 20 Market Svjuarr. HOMESTEADS FOR $20. THE MISSOURI LAND COMPANY h»ve pur chased from the llauniba! k St. Joseph Kailroad Company a large tract of land in Northern Missouri adjoining the flourishing town of Hamilton, t aldwell County, for forming and manufacturing purposes, and have divided their property into lots and forms. They are offered to subscribers in shares of £20 each. Maps, with Bill information, can be had by calling on EDWARD SHAW• Agent, 10*2 Middlk Struct, 1*oktlahd. ' June 23. dtf PR INT IN_ REMOVAL! THE BOOK JOB PRINTING E stabli.sh.ment FOSTER 6r OUSHINOj Hu been rcmored from the oflee orer Cuoo Bank to the office of the ' DAILY PRESS, CORNER OF MIDDLE AND EXCHANGE ETE., FOX BLOCK, Directly orer the Megnette Telegraph Oflee. Feerth Story, when ell reriettee of Plain and Fancy Job Work, WUl b« promptly ntt-nded to oa tho mod libera term*. ENTRANCE - - MJ EXCHANGE STREET, Order* left at the counting-room of t* Dally Preee and Maine State Preee, bead of int tight of etalra, will be promptly attendod to. tJT“ The office i* eapplied with ** PAST PEES8E8 All) STEAM POWER And It* capacity and fhcUitiee for doing work la good ■tyle are equal to any la the City or State. X. A. FOSTER * CO. July IT. 1M. dtf TXE PORTLAMD DAILY PERM STEAM POWER Book and Job Printing Office, No. S2i EXCHANGE STREET, Fox Block, - • Second Floor, PORTLAND, MAINE. n» Proprietor, of the Pottud tan* Paaee reepect fully invite attention to thyk thefllttn fcr exe cuting, la baaatlflil etyle, eratydenerlpUoa of BOOK AUD JOB PBUfTDfQI TMr Establishment h Unwished wKb «U tbs ap. prorsd modsra machinery, and their smortmsat sf Book, and Fancy Types, Is adequate to do any work demanded la tUa Stats. Easiness Cards of Every Variety, ■ Style and Cost PRINTED AT SHORTEST NOTICE. BILL-HEADS RULED AND CUT IN THE NEATEST MANNER. Billets A Circulars In Irery Variety of Type. im-cncis. wits, AM HUS or lasim. TAGS ITEBCED WITH HOLES A ULl'TENED WHEN DESIRED Policies Printed and Bound A»r Insurance Companies. Deeds, Law Briefs Equity Cases, ▲nd other LAW DOCUMENTS executed with Dispute h. Bronx*, Colored, and *11 other kind* of Printing, Executed In taut* to ault the moat batldioua. WEDDING AND ADDRESS CARDS Oar Stylet are npearpeteed. * SHOP BILLS, PROGRAMMES, A WO ALL SORTS OK HAND BILLS. Portland, June 26, 1862. dew CONGRESS STREET SEMINARY, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND MISSES. Miss E. L. Whittier, • • Principal. THE AUTUMN SESSION wUl commence Sept. Sth. and Continue 15 wcvki. Prior to July 21*t, full information can be obtained of the Pii’ cipal. 840 Congress Street. Hoar* from H.ul o‘ciock. except Saturday*. After that time tri plication may be made at 40 State Street Portland, June 28. 18©. 2awl0w