Newspaper Page Text
MISCELLANEOUS. WAR CLAIM AGENCY. $100 Bounty Money, Burk I’ay, And Pensions. rilHF. undersien^ is ptepared to obtain from the A United States Government, £100 boui. tv'Money, i Back Pay, &c., for heirs of Officers or Soldiers dying in the U. S. service. Invalid Pensions, Established for Officers and Soldiers, wounded or disabled by sickness contracted while in the service of the United States, in the Jine of duty. Pensions Procured for widows or children ol Officers and Sol diers who have died while in the service of the Uni ted States. Prize Monoy, Pensions, bounty and Back Pay cu lected for Seamen and their heirs. Pees, for each Pension obtained. Five Dollars. All Claims against the Government will rece prompt attention. Post Office address SETH E. DEED? Augusta, Me. (Office No. 9 State House.) REFERENCES : Hon. Lot M. Morrill, Hon. Joseph B. Hall. U. S. Senate, Sec'v ol State, Hon. James G. Blaine, Hon. Nathan Dane, scp20J& wl4tf State T reasurer. Trusses ! Trusses ! Trusses ! THOS. G. I.0RING, A potliocar y , - AND PRACTICAL TRUSS FITTER. Devotes personal attention to the application of TttUSSE' to Adults and Children. SHOULDER BRACES and ELASTIC STOCK INGS constantly on band tyi be Poor liberally considered. ocl8 Wanted. A YOUNG MAN. a College graduate, desires em ployment a* a TEACHER, or otherwise. Caa give the best of references. Add less Box 21'19. Post office, Portland. ocl7d&u3w T H E BEST COFFINS UMti/rs, To be found in this city, of every description, finish ed a till trimmed In the Neatest Style, - ARE AT- « C. II. BLAKE'S, No. 39 UNION STREET. And will be sold cheaper thau at any other place in the city. ROBES FURNISHED TO ORDER. -C. II. B. also manufactures SHOW-CASES, DESKS, AND DRAWER-WORK, Of even- description, including Taylor’s Self flpppoRTixo Drawer, the best Kind ever made. 5T Ail orders for itepairing Furniture, Varnish ing. Upholstering, (’hair Seating, Glazing, ice., i promptly attended to. ju!31tf New Works ! NEW EDITION OF CASEY'S U. S. TACTICSj Army Regulations. HALL L. DAVIS. S3 Exchange Street Sect. 27.1M2. dtf TODD'S LVX SOLIS H A I Fl_ DYE! TIIE market has been flooded for years with differ ent a tic es called Hair D\ es. which have never sa'istied the expectations of purchasers. The nk plus ultra has been reached at last in TODD’S HAIK DYE, and the artic e has given entire satis faction to every person who has used it. It coulains no injurious ingredients, ar d gives the hair a beauti ful rich brown or black co’or. Directions for using —which are very *imp:e—accompany each bottle. One supeiioritv ot Todd’s Lux Solis hair Dye over all others i», you do not l.a.e to cleanse the hair or wash it beiore or after using 11re d> e. ar.d there is but ouc kind to be used, ai d that can be put on the same as oil and water, without any trouble, unlike all oth er dves that have two or three different kinds to be applied every time u*ed. This dye is peculiarly adapted for cotaring ladies' hair, because you do not have to wash out the dye after putting it on. Unlike will color long hair, which other dves cannot do. Give this new article a trial, as we know you will use no other after once using this. &T For sale only at TODD’S HAIR-DRESSING ROOMS, No. 74 Middle, corner of Exchange Street, •eptlfltf METROPOLITAN DINING SALOON. 14 and IS Exohange Street, PORTLAND. A.71 OS S7IITH, ... Proprietor. DiLii vr r a n e< • ROAST. ORDER. Roast Beef,.26 Beef Steak,.26 Roast Lamb..18 Haiti and Eggs.25 j Roast Chicken.21 Fried Mackerel,.16 ' Broiled Chicken,.87 " Codfish.16 “ liadbut,.15 EXTRA DISHES. BOILED. Boiled Mutton, with Cold Pr'd Corned Beef, 18 Caper Sauce.25 Beef's Tongues.18 Boiled Ham.18 Mutton Chop,.18 PUDDINGS. PASTRY. RELISHES. Custard Pie.6 Tomatoes.0 Apple Pie,.8 Cucumbers.8 Bnuash Pie,.8 Onions.0 Mince Pie,.0 Squash,.8 DRINKS. Coffee.0 Tea,.6 I Draught Ale.6 Porter,.fi Open every Sunday from 8 to 1, and from 2 to 6 o'clock. iu!29dtf SherilTs Sale. Cumberland, as: fllAivEN on Execution, ai d unless previously re X deemed, will be su’d at 1 ub’ic Auction to the highest bidder, on Moi.dav, the 1st dav ot Decem ber, A. D. 1852. at the Post Of! ce in Sacca.api a Vil lage, in the town of Westbiook, in the County of Cumberland, at ten o’clock in the forei oon. all the right which Thomas Ake-s ha- nr had on the twen tieth dav of Ms c i, A. D. 1802. at 12 o'clock noon, to redeem the following described teal estate, the same having beer, attached on the origii al writ: A certain piec<* of 'ai.d with a’l the bui'dli gs the oon, situated in Westbrook at Saccarappa Village, in said Conn v, on Brown stieet, and boui ded os follows, rir: Beginning at the most sout erh con er of a lot of laud that So omon L. E’der sold to Stephen Co e, at a stone a>.d post; thei ce i ortli seventv-eig t aid one-quarter degrees east to a spike in a white oak tree, and thence to a stone on the i ortherly cor net of •aid iot, e'even rods and eight links; thei ce south thirtv-two and oi e ha'f degrees east tinee rod* to a white oak stump ai.d stoi e; thence south twenty-two degrees ca-t two rods a: d uine'een links to a s»oi e Ana comer of Smith lot: the ce south seveiitv-nii e and oue-quatter degrees west thirteen rods, to Facto ry street, so called, to a stone; northwesterly by said last i am d street five rods, seven and one-half links, to the first mentioned bounds—being the samepropertv that r>cs‘on Dr bought of Mar* Plimer, and ovsaid !»a coi ve ed to Thomas AVeis, a d the same now occupied b' -aid A^e*. The above d*»sc ibed rea* estate being subiect t«> a ino tgage to Preston Dav, to secure the pavm**nt of tire’' •> hun dred dollars, as pm- deed of December 7‘h. 1857, re c-irdod in Cumlx-rand Kngistrv of Deeds. volume 284, pa gel 57: a d the-aid Dav bv hi? assi o nun t of said mortgage to Ivorv Harelton, on tin* 23d dav of Ju'v, 1859—consideration eight hundred do lars—rr cor ed in < umbeilai d Registry of Dwris, volume 294, page 421: and now due on said mortgage four hundred dol a s. a* d interest on the same from the 1st dav of Muv. 1802 Roferei ce to said Reri-tiv be i»«f had for a par ticu’ar description of the -aid prem ises and the said mortgage. Further particulars at the time and place of sa’e. Dated at W st brook, October 3Vh. A I). 1882. 20m*>w ^' *-^KkER, Deputy Sheriff. rivi!: -nb-tf «i.4 •[-«!■. .ri ,, i , >. m, P 1 CM cel l ed. 1 m -» ’ n ! ■ , T,', n d tah • uno- lieise’ t i , „ Adu.i. i-*taTi> o the c- *Te of SAMI’El 1AX0MN. late of Port’and in fire nt rnmher’ai <1, de ceased, b' giving boid le n\\ di oc*«: «ho the fo -e ret.ueets a’l pereoi s who a . • deh»ed to the-aid deceased’s e?*ate:o make im nod ate pa met»; a; d those who have airy demands theicoii, to exhibit the •aiuo for settlement to ^ . rERSIS E. HANSON. Portland, Oct 21,1802. 19 w8w* MISCELLANEOUS. II . II. HAY, JUNCTION OF FREE AND MIDDLE STS., -DEALER IN Fine Chemicals, Pure Drugs, GENUINE MEDICINES, ENGLISH, FRENCH AMI AMERICAN PERFUMERY, AND FANCY GOODS. APOTHECARIES' GLASS WARE, FOREIGN LEECHES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES. SUPPORTERS. RRACES, ELASTIC STOCKINGS, tfc. -AI. SO VARNISHES, PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE-STUFFS, KEROSENE OIL, I.ARD OIL, And all other articles usually kept in a Drug and Lai lit establish men t. 1ST State Agent for DAVIS & KIDD’S MAG NETO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. eod&wtoctl KKST FOR THE WEARY. ANDERSON’S SPRING BED BOTTOM! Latent gi anted October, 1802. iD. K.. Frohock, GENERAL AGENT. Under United State* Hotel, Portland. miHS desirable mechanical arrangement has now X been iii use a tsulLcieiit length o I time to slew that it give* entire Staffed ion and actually ii the This invention is a step iii advance of all others in the Spring ft-tf dcjiarmii'iit, embracing a little more of their excellencies, and yet happily overcoming all their delects. It is flexible as hair, and yet so recu perative as to bring itself into place with great facili ty. It is adapted to the invalid, the aged and old. and aM who linger in suffering and weakness. They are made of good material warranted strong and du rable, aud not liable to get out of order. TESTIMONIALS : Commercial House, Portland. June 16,1862. Having introduced the “Anderson Spring Bed Bot tom” into mv house, after trial, I pronounce it to be an eas\ and healthy bed. I am using several kinds of spring bed bottoms, but consider the Anderson ftilly equal if not better than the best. K. J. DAVIS, Proprietor, We have introduced several of the Justly celebrat ed “Anderson Spring Bed Bottom” to our sleeping apartments. VV e give this spring bed bottom a decid- j ed preference over any and al of here we have over used. Our guests speak of them in the highest terms. We recommend their use to all hotel keepers who de sire the comfort of their guests. w. d. McLaughlin a son, May 12,1863. House, Bangor, Me. [From Hon. Josiah H. Drummond ] I am using the ‘Anderson Spring Bed Bottom,’ and I am verv much pleased with it. JOSIAH U. DRUMMOND. Portland, July 23, 1862. [From Hon. Lot M. Morrill.] Having used Anderson’ Spring Bed Bottom, I can eheertullv recommei d it as an excellent artie'e. Augusta. Aug. 5.1862. LOT M MORRILL. Having become tally satisfied of the benefit of the “Anderson Spring Bed Bottom,” 1 have purchased three of them at live dollars each, aud do most choer ftillv recommend them to the pubiic. Waterviile. May, 1861. Dr. N R. BOUTELL. Mr. D. K Frohock has furnished the beds in mv house with the “AndersOn Spring Bed Bottom,” anil I take pleasure in recommei ding this ar icle as the most convenient, economical and comfortable thing of the kind with which I am acquainted. A H ABBOTT, Principal of Family School, Little Blue, Farmington. I have had the unspeakable pleasure of sleeping on one of the “Andeison Spring Bed Bottoms” for the last three weeks, and must say it tar suipasses any thing 1 had anticipated. My w ile, who is feeble, has had no good rest for six mouths fill occup\iug one of these beds. She would not part with it on anv ac count. rev. John allen. Farmington, Feb. 28,1802. The Bed Bottom I bought of you ftillv merits my expectations, and is fully up to your high recommen dations. I would cheerfully recommend it to all who desire to improve their sleeping at a <nei ts. AI STAPLES, Augusta, April 15,1862. AN. WILLIAMS. Having tested the “Anderson Spring Bed Bottom,” I can cheerfully recommend it to all who are in need of such au article; ai.d I believe it to be superior to anything of the kind now in use. Waterviile, April 12, 1862. Rev. E. HAWES. Testimonials similar to the above have been re ceived from the proprietors of the following public houses- • Penobsot Exchange, Baugor. Franklin House, Bangor. Skow began House, Skowhegau. Lewiston House, Lewiston. Winthrop House, Winthrop. Elmwood House. Waterviile. Litchfield Corner House. Revere House, Vassal boro. Hallowell House, Hallowell. China House, China. Franklin House, Augusta. Cushnoc House, Augusta. Abbott’s School Farmington Eaton Boys' Boarding School, Kent's Hill. lullTdA w6m The Highland Boarding School for Boys. IS BETHEL, MAINE. THE Winter Terra of Thi, School will commence on the first Tuesday in December, and continue eleven weeks. . The advantages for instruction are excellent, and • re adapted to the immediate w ai ts of the pupil. For further information application mav he made to N.T.TRLE, M. A., Proprietor and Principal. October 21,18C2. oc28 tJ4w Quackery! I EARNESTLY caution all young men suffering from Nervous Debilitv, Ac., against endangering their hea th bv patronizing any of the advertising j quack*. You can fully recover "by the methods used bv the Adveitiser. and bv hundieds of otlieis, and in no OTHEK WAY. Rend a letter which J will send i you if you will send me a postpaid envelope bearing ■ v our addiess. Dnec» to EDWARD II. TRAVER, ocl6 dA w3in Lock Box, Boston. Mas*. Commissioners' Police*. THE undersigned having been appointed bv the f Judge of Piobate tor the County of C umbcr’ai d . as < otnmissioi eis to receive at d examii e all c aims I against the estate ot Cornelius B. Butler,la»e ofl’oit land in said County, deceased, heiebv give pub ic notice tliaf thev have appointed the third Mondays lespective'y of the months of January, Feb ua V, Ala chand Apiil. A. L). 1868. at ten o’c ock A. M . ai d the of ce ot John Neal, Esq., in said Portland, as the time and place for receiving said c aims and the p oof the eot. JOHN NEAL. i „ 19 w3w ALBERT M ERRILL. I ( om rB At a Count OK 1 kubate held at Portland, within ami for the County oft umberland, on the fiist inesdav ot October, in the year of our Lord eigh teen bundled aid sixtv-two, SARAH J. HOI KIN'S, named Executrix in a cer am insti umei t, pu potting to be the 'a«t Will ai d lesiament of Edwa d N. Jo dan, lae ol Westbiook, in sa d Count), deceased, having piescnted the same foi Piobate: It wri§ Ordered, That the said Executrix give no tice to a'l persons inte ested, bv causing i otice to be pub’ished three weeks successively in tlie .Maine •State I -ess, punted at Poitiand, ihat they mav ap pear at a Probate Court to be he’d in said l or land, on the first I nesdav of November next, at ten of the chick iii the forenoon, at d show cause, if anv thev ha.e. whv the said Ii stiuiuent sliou’d not he proved approved, at d allowed, as the last Will and Teeto incnt of said dec«*ase<l. WILLIAM (i. BARROWS, Judge. A true copy. Attest w3wl»* ELcKNK Hl'MPHREY, Register. of FortM loxure. NpOTICE is heiebv given that the subscriber. Wil iam M Ha'1. of Oxf'o'd, in the C ounty of Ox toid ami State of Maine, c’aiins bv moitgage an un divided third part of lot of ’ai d numbered fifteen in I he fi s» '«! <re Ea«t in tiie town of Seba mat d Coun tv n* f iimh<- at d, ii said State, to get 1 er with mo in divider1 ;»-i d <>f the mi ; p M’e-re oi Noith West i i n •> •! >’, 11 e mi’, hni'«!ii >rs n d rnnehiu i • o’ -nui n i*’ e. »• d tb.ei* nc e- of lai <1 theie II • a • i l“ii ti e same-o’d a d come eil me l> Jair.i J I . lia1', Jan. 20. 1ST>9. h his mort •a.'ei fi-i! o' *hat • a'e. »een ded ii- *he Cumbei’aid L 'i«f’v o* Deeds, hook 292. page 121. to which »ec o d I Veiebv lelei lo a further description of said propetty. Tiie conditio*1 of said mortgage ! a- t een broken, bv lea&on whwieof I herebv cairn a foreclosure of the same. WILLIAM M. HALL. Dated at Oxford, Oct. 27,1862. 19 w8w _THE MARKETS._ Portland Wholesale Prices Current. Expressly corrected for the Press to November 6. yin aiiniiimiui uuty rj 10 *'C is levied on all tner chanuise not imported di rec from the place of p\o due .oil or growth. A *lH‘n* Duty : 10 pc ad val. Pearl p lb.7 @ 8 Pot.6 7 Applm. Green bbl.$13 g> 1 Sliced p lb. Ate 6< Cored p lb. 4 Uncored p lb.2 3 11 reiitl. Duty. 30 pc. Pilot p 100 lbs. 854 @ 5 Ship.44 (fa 4 Crackers per bbl.. 3«,4 3 Crackers, p 100 . 35 ^40< Butter* Duty: 4c p lb. Family p lb.19 @21 < Store.14 (ft 16 Bean** Marrow p busli82 25'tt25l Pea.2 25>.a2 Blue Pod.2 12.g.2 3 4 nndlea* Duty : Sperm and ff'ar 8c St tar i lit 5c, Tallow 2j< p lb. Mould p lb.13c-&13 Siwrin.28 i«8U Chee*e. Duty: 4c p lb. Vermont p lb .. .10$(all Counrrv.9 it 9} Coal—{Retail.) Duty : From Hr. Provim csfrte, other foreign lii fume nous $1 10, all oth cr kinds 00c p ton. Cuniberl’d pton.$9V@ Winteash.8}(fl) Lehigh. Franklin. 8$^ Colfee. Duty : 6c p lb. .lava p lb .... .31 '«32 St. Domingo.28 i/t3 ' Rio .27 0/ 2 Mocba.34 3 Cordage* Du ft/: Tarred 2J<*. Manii fa 2\, all other p lb. American p lb 18 @14 Russia.13 a 13 Manilla.12 olJj Boitrope, Russia 10 «17 do. Manilla.14 j«.15 Cenienl* p bbl. Sl30cU3 Drug* and Dye*. Duty: P fb—Oil Cinnc mon S2. Oil Almonds an Otto of Pose SI 60, Oi Btvganwt, ('ctSsia an Cloves SI. Ilydriodat Potash 75c.Cantharidei Mastic. Ipecac, Rhnharl Cardamons, Oil Lem oh Anise and Orange, I' dine 60c, Tolu and < rud ( amphor 3 H?, Pthned di ie, / amine stew (Yearn Tartar, Citri Acid, Shellac, ('opal. D-1 mar anil Hum* usetf fo like pur/yoses l»lc, Aloei Verdigris, Chlorate o Potash, Carb. M'tonesi Cc. Boracic Acid, Yelloi Prussiate Potash an Bed do. 10c, Liuuorict Oxalic Acid ana Suga of Lead 4c. Asphalt nr and Bi-Chro. Potash 3c Sago Iks, Epsom Salt* Liquorice Boot, Bi-< art Soda, Caust c Soda lc Castor Oil 60c p ga1 Morphine 82 & oz., A, urn 60c p cict., ( oppera 60e p act.. Muriatic A< id 10 pc ad rat., Span{, e8, Assafcetida, I sir glass. E/or Sulphur.Set, na, Arriticrnttf. Ginsen 20 pc. Bleaching pnu d^rs 30c p act.. Sag 60c P act.. Sal Soda an Sod* Ash jc p lb, (Yud Brimstone S3 and Bo, do. 86 p ton, Alcohol 40 P g<M. Alum p lb.4 (3 5 Aloes.20 ®2£ Arrow Boot.17 t;aM Borax.28 ®8i. Brimstone (roll).. .4i® t Bi-Catb. Soda.6} Sulphur.6 (a f. Sal Soda....3 (ft 4 Camphor.140® IS Cream Tartar.35 a5fi Logwood ex.12: a 14 Ma/iieria.28 (a 8’ Indi jo. M’la, line. 81$,u 2 Madder.16c® If Opium. S8fg >■ Hhubarb.1 75a 2C A'cohoi. 87 ®9£ Fluid.1 03 e,l 1 Camphene. 2 76 ® Saltpetre.11 g2S Vitriol.12 ®> lire wood*. Jtutg : Free. Harwood.2i® Brazil Wood.13 g C am wood. 4 a 4 Fustic, Cuba.2 « 2 “ Sa\ an villa, li® 2 llvpernic.4j® t Logwood, Campeachy.2 ®2J 81. Domingo.1J® i Extract Logwood. 12<®14 Nic Wood. g Teach 44 . 8?® 4 Red 44 . 8jft 2 Sapan 44 . 2 g Quercitron Bark.. 21® 2 Bed Sandera.8 ® € BucK, Duty : 30 Pc ad cal. Havens .40c® Portland, No. 8 .90 ct “ No. 10.62® Navy, S’r, No. 3 79 44 ’ 44 No. 10. 61 Tent Duck, U. 8. 10 oz.60 @ 44 12 oz.60 g Fen I her*. Duty : 30 pc ad ral. Live Qoese p lb 60 ®6C Kusaia.26 g F iah. Duty : For 100 lbs foreig caught — Herring 8 1 Mackerel 82, Salmon 83 and all other pickled » 66/s. 81 50 P 66/., othet wise 60c p act. Frot Province* frei. Cod large p qut.. 833-3 4 44 small. 2fa2 Pollock. 2i« 2 Haddock.1 1 Hake.H « 1 Herrinir.ShoreDbl.33« 4 do. Labrador., now. do. Scaled pbx 806 3' do. No. 1 . 26g3C Mackerel p bbl., Bav No. 1. ... £91«9i Bav No. 2.6\ 7 Bav No. 8.4 * a 5 Shore No. 1.91 a 9 “ “ 2.7 do. (medium).. 8fa 4 do. (small).2$g Frail. Duty • Lemons, Oran get Banana and Plantain 2d i>c ad ral., Almond Ac, and Shelled do. flc ) lb. Xu ft and Ikites 2 p tb, Currantt, Figi Plums, P unes and 7?ai tins 6c P lb. Citron 3 pc ad ral. Almonds—Jordan p lb. Soft Shell. ... 13 „ i« Shelled.25 «3o Currant®.14 « 1 Citron.4" 6 42 Pea Nuts.S2f« Fiirs. common.... noi e. New E’eme ... .20c® 2 Lemons, 1* case £3 666 Oranges—Havana... 2 5 Raisins. Blue pcask. Black.Sfi ®lf Bunch p box. .300(6 8® Laver.8886.41 Da»es.7 ® 9 Prunes.8W« 10 Flour—l’ortlai d nisi Superfine.S6}® v Fancv.0 a 0 Extra. 7 Family.7 o' 7 Extra Superior... .74® 9 Western extras. .. .6?® 7 “ fhncv.7vS 9 “ superior. 7|\<f 9 Ohio extra.7 ® 7 “ family.8 (g 8 Canada super No.l roi e. S’LouisFav Brai @ Southern PI. do do 7-6 9 retapsco Family. .10®i0 Ib c Flour. . .44 n. 4 Corn Mea’.31® 3 Buckw’t Fl’r p lb 2cg 2 drain. Duty : Com and Oats lix Rye and Barley Wheat 20c p bu. Frot Br. Produces free. Rvo.’..94 695 Oats. 6 Ml South Yob Corn. 73 (679 Corn, Mixed.75 (679 Ba lev.on a 1 a Shorts p ton... .S22 6 2' Fine Feed.25 (6.21 drinrisioncH. Duty: Rough—free. Roush. p ton....91762f Dressed .30«3.r da n powder. Duty: Valued at less tha 2«V- p lb »>e. over 20c f p lb and 20 pc ad no/. B'astijie..1*44® A Hill"end Sporting ft] a 1 llnv. Press'd p net T.9M3 6 If Loose. 13 nV New do. 12 a U ll'd*'* ninl fi’ :iis. Dutu : 10 |>c ad ral. S'rm d t< r Hi ies 0 6 7 Ca’f Si-ins.9 al( Ca’cntta Cow— R’auffbtered.. 1 00®l “ t reen Salt ... 1 1561C Drv.90 a 1 c Sheep Pelts, C.r’n.956 Sheep Pelt®, Dry . 76@1 C Duty : 6c !b. Kiwi So.t, 1862... 14 @16 I run. Duty : Dig and Stamp £6, j Bar not exceeding a*60 fc># I ton value £17 4> ton, ex I ceeding S6<* 4» ton £18, less than j inch thick or j mare than 7 inches icide, rounds less than 1 inch or more than 4 inches in diameter, and squares less than t inch or more than 4 inches square 620, Railroad £12 50, Boiler anil Plate 826 i> ton. Sheet 2@2jc 4* ib and £3a5 V ton. Common.3J@) 3J “ Refined . .4<a> 4^ (Swede.6 @ Gi Norway.6J@ 7 ( ant Steel.22 @24 Herman Steel_14 @16 • KnglishtBlis.Steel.16 @17 •Spring.9 a 10 Sheet Iron, Engl 5Jci 6^ Sheet Iron,Russia 17 @18 do Rus iin’t. .13 @14 I in rd. Barrel, *> lb 11J'@1U : Kegs, p lb ll@lljc@llj| Lealher* Duty : 30 4>c ad cal. New York, light. 22 @23c ij do. md. wtt.. 25 @27 do. heavy.26 @27 | do. slaughter. 28 @30 • Amor. Calfskins 66 @79 ■iSl’ter Wax Loath.19 @. 20 Lend. Dufy Pig l$c t> lb. Am. l’ig lUOlb.SU9? Foreign l’ig.9' a 9f Sheet and l’ipe.. 10j u loj Lime. I tutu : 10 t>c ad val. Hock laud, cask .. .66 @70c Lumber—From \ard. Clear l’ine, No. 1.688"@ < do. No. 2 31 a) V do. No.3 24 @> do. No.4 14 He • Shipping Lumber. 1-t @ 16 Spruce.. .10 @ 11 Hemlock.8 @10 \ Box Sh'kg,(cash) 48 @60c ( lapb’ds, S ext . .S14 a 16 \ do. 1’ “ .. . 3*J @32 (Shingles, Ced. ext 2‘@ 3 I do. " No.l.2'« 2j ij do ext. l’ii.e 3| a 3| Lat hs. Spruce.... 1OtkaTl 25 - do. Pine.1 25 a 1 80 1 Red Oak Staves . .80 @35 1 Mol. Hhd. Shooks I & Heads, city. 3<X>@ Sugar do. city. 800@ ., do. do. c’try.l26@.l 50 .'Country Riff Mol. IIhd. Shooks. 2oft/J99?i - Slash. 1 tiOta.l 70 t loops.$28 «3>) liackinetack Tim ber. p tun.10%18 'I oln **(*». - /hity : 6c p gat. rjCii*ntucroi. jCaba clayed.33 ■‘7r36 H do. do. tart. .33 a • do. Muscovado 35 (g*38 " New Orleans. ' Portland Syrup, birds. 27 do. bbls 3) Vnilv r Duty: ('ut lc, Wrought 2c, Assorted Sc p tto. • Cask.3 80%400 Naval Store*. : Duty : Turpentine, flosin, Pt/ch, 7ti**20pc ad rat.. Spirits Turpentine 15c *: P .</<*'• - Par(ro'elan)p bbl..*13al6 Pitch (Coal Tar) $4: o’ - Rosin.18 ct20 - I'urpentino Pgal .270o2 76 • Oakum. ■Duty: Free. • American.8J% 9J 7 Oil. I hit it: Sperm, Whate and t\ other Fish Oils of for eign fisheries 20 pc ad vat.. Linseed, Hempseed and Pape seed 23c p gat., j Olive 63c, Salad 60c, Palm, Seat and Cocoa nut 10c p gat. Portland Kerosene IDuininat’g on HO %65c Machine.80% 82 iClarine... ) Spei m Winter.. 1904*200 Whale, ret. Wint 96 %1«K> do. ( rude.89 (a9U jo rand Bank aid Bay Chaleur. f21 %22 ‘Shore.2*' o21 It Linseed.$1 26 a 127 J Boiled.19&132 Lard Oil.1 06% 1 10 a;Oli\e Oil.1 75a 1 80 < astor Oil. 2 95 a 2 10 ! Neats toot Oil.... 106%112 Onions — P bbl.$2i% 2J p bush.96(o 100 l*n inis. I/uty : On White L ad dry !or ground in oil and Ptd Lead $2 4d p 100 lbs, Litharge 2Jc, Oxide oj Zinc 2|c p lb, Prussian Blue, Vermilion, Chrome Yellow, Venetian Bed 25, Spanish Brown dry 20, in oil 8o pc ad rat., Yel low and other Ochres 60c | p 10u tbs, Paris White i dry 60c, in oil $15(1, Whiting 50c p 100 tbs. J P'tPd Lead, in oii.$y3 u Lewis Lead, “ . lo«10j Boston Lead, " . 91% French Zinc, “ ..104*10$ lAnier. Zinc, “ . 8 %8i Rochelle Yellow.. 8 % 84 Lng. Veu. Red_3 % 34 I Lit bar ge.10% Red Planter. Duty : Free. Per tou Soft.1 80% 1 87 Hard.1 66% 1 75 O round.60U%660 Provisions. Duty : Beef and Pork lc. Lard, Bacon and /Jams i 2c. Butter and Cheese 4c p lb. ; Ch’go Mess Beef.$12 %14 i Portland do. . 124 a 13 - P'tl’d ext. do. . 14*4*144 i Pork, extra clear 164 %17 Pork, clear. 154u 16 t orn, mess. 13,0.14 Pork, extra do .. 13 i,a 144 \ Pork. Prime. ll'ftllj »llama.lCKg. 11c J Citv Smok’d Hums.none. Produce. Bed p tju’r p lb 6 @ 7J t‘ Egg*, p do7. 17 («18 I'otatoe*. iP bbl. lj Apples, diled, p lb.2j(a. 6c ( hfckei.i, Spring 10 ft 14 (Lamb .5ft 8 I utkies. 12 ^17 \ Geese.4 ft 6 j Veal...i oi.e. : Pickles, p bbl—$7f& 8$ Rice. Jhity: Cleaned 1 jc, Pad dy Jc p lb. * Bice p lb.7J ‘ Rum* * I ort ai d disHIled.50 ig.62c Saleratu*. ^a'datus p lb_65® 7c Sm It. h Ihity: In hulk 18c. and in buys 24c p lUO lbs. !lark’s It*., p hhd. : (8 bus.) .82?@ 3 l.i* eipool.2| ft 2J y 'adi*.none ^nek* Salt. none. r’d Butter Salt .20 m Starch. 2 Ihity . 20 pc ad ral. .1 earl. 5V® 7 ) Potato. 3 a 3v Shot-P 100 lbs 893ft 10 L) op.81 O'® Buck. 11 (fig 1 Soap# l Jhity : 35 Pc ad ral. • Leathe & Gore’s, Trow i bridge k Smith’s Ex tra No. 1 p lb . 83(«, 9 Kamilv do.7'ft 73 f No. I.'. 7 <t7j Eagle No. 1.6J « 6} f Star. 5. a 5] 1 Castile.12$ftl6 1 Crai-e’s.9 (ft 9j I Spice*. ♦ Ihity: (Unger Poof 5c, ( Ground Ginger 8c, Pep l per and Pimento 12c, ('lores 15c, Cassia 1 tc, ) Cassia Puds 20c. Cinva 1 m'*i 25c, Mace and Xut 1 megs 30c p lb. H’ula p lb.46 ® 47c ! Clove*.3»» o 33 \ Ginger, (Race)-30 £81 < it ger. (Africa) 3» |r31 . Mace.80 a 90 t Nutmeg*.80 g*5 1 Pepper. 23 ^24 I imei to.21 ^122 r Seed*. Duty : Linseed 10c p hu., Canary 81 p bu., Mus tard 3c p lb. Herd* Grass.824 (® Western Clover. l0« h Bed Top.83 « 31 Linseed.3 (it {Canary.3J « 31 Nn^ii r. Ihity: Melado2c,nnt\ahore j So. 12 21c, aboi'e So. 12 'ij and not ahovelh be.above cl -Vo. 15 ant! not above 20 3 4c, above Xo. 20 and re ‘ lined 4c p lb. 1 Portland A.91® 1 do. A A .9? «) do. Yellow 1 one. Extra Yellow ... ,r» ne. Muscovado.10$ > 11 do. in bond.84 <19 Ha* hi h B*ov n.. h $ « 12 c do. White .1olvyl34 New <Means.11 3' Crushed .14 1. 1U 0 <, ra» n’ated.14 «11J 6 Powdered.13J n 13', 0 T11 How. 4 Duty : Tattorr 1 pc. Soap 0. Stock 10 pc ad val. American refined 8I@ 9c Hough.5v<y 6 Tern*. Duty: 20c p lb. Hyson.. .7Gc@£l Young Hyson....75 (a 1 Oolong .66 (u 78 Souchong.50 (a55 Tobacco. Duty: Lear** unmanufac tured 25. all other kindt 35 pc ad raf. 6’s& 10’s beat br’ds.70 ^75c do. medium. 65 fa68 do. common. 60 a62 half tbs best br’ds 75 ;a80 do. mod. good 65 (ii70 do. common 60 (a 62 Natural Leaf. tbs.£l a lj Fancy, in Foil.1A(& 2 Tin. Duty: Pip 15c, Plates 2i Pc ad cal. Banea, cash.40c@ 41 Straits, cash.37A(«40 IMates-Char.I ,C. £14 al4A do. " I.X. . 15?^tl6 Coke.11 fall W ood. Hard, retail.S6}@ 7 Soft. “ .4i@ 6 1 Twine. Duty : 35 F*c ad vat. Cotton Sail.88 (£86c Flax “ .40 {u, Baleing.45 «-50 Hemp “ 42 a 50 i India. 20 a 25 Vn rninli. Furniture.82 (£■ 3 Coach. 3 qj 4 Damar.3$(«/ 3| Wool. Duty ('ostina 18c lb and under 5 L>c, orer 18c ' tn 24c |> lb 3c, over 24c I 9c t> lb. Fleece.45 (£55c | Lamb*.46 (£53 I Zinc. Duty: In blocks or pips 11c, in sheets 2c t» ib, manufactures of 30 |>c ad rat. Tigs and slabs.6$<® 54 Sheet Mosslinauu.. 10$all Sheathing.90 (aj Exchange. London—60 d. 142$ (£144 rarto.f 3 9(\u3 97$ , LEGAL NOTICES. STATE OF MAINE. To WILLIAM G. BARROWS, one of the Justices of the 1 eace tor the County of Cumberland, resi dent in the town of Brunswick, in said County: \rOC me hereby requested to call a meeting of the holdeis ol bonds ot the Kennebec & I'm tland Kail-road Company, secuied by its mortgage made to trustees therein-named, pursuant to a vote of said Company, passed at its annual meeting ho!den on Oct. 7. lAfi2, they having become, by viitue ot a fore closuie ol tbe right of redemption of said mortgage, tnembeiB of a company incorpmated by statute, chap ter titty-one and section fifty-seven—and the under signed aie tluee members of said last named compa ny—to be hohien at tlie Depot in said town of Biui.s wick, on Wednesday the filth day of November next, at ten ol tiie clock in tbe loienoon, to act upon the following ai tides:— First, to organize said company and to choose a cleik, directois treasurer, and other otLceis. Second, to adopt a code of by-laws. Third, to deteimine how future meetings shall be called. Fourth, to adopt measures to procure a final settle ment with the said Trustees, and a conveyance fiom them of all title and inteiest acquiied by them by viitue of said mortgage anti its foreclosure. Fifth, to authorize the directois, or other persons, to compromise, or pay, or piocuie delay of payment, of all prior demands, bonds, and claims, against the Kennebec and Cortland Railroad Company. Sixth, to authorize tbe directors, or other persons, to make an alignments with the trustees in possession of tlie tailioad. lespecting its futuie use. Seventh, to act on any other matter that may be presented. ETHER SHEI’I.EY, WM. D SEW ALL, N. M. Willi MURE, October 9,1802. STATE OF MAINE. CuMBEiti.AMi. ss.—‘To Win. D. 8e wall,above-named, THE foregoing application having been piesenfed A to me. requesting me to issue a warlant duected to one ot said applicai ts, to ca l a meeting «*f the bond-holders theieiu mentioned, said application is beiebv road* a pait of ibis waiunt, ai d yon art* di rected to notify a meeting ol the bond-lioldeis theie iu mentioned, at the time, and Ibr the purposes, and at the place, therein set forth, by publish! ig a notice ol said meeting, seven dav s at least betoie the time of holding the same, in each of the following news papers, viz: the I ortland Daily Press, published at the < ounty of Cumbei lai d, the Sentinel and I'iraes, published at Bath, in the County ot Saga dahoc. and the Kennebec Journal, pub.ished at Au gusta, in the County of Kennebec. Given ui der niv band at Brunswick, in the Countv of Cumbei ai.d, this tenth day of October, A. D. 18G!$. WM. G. BARROWS, Justice ol the 1 race. Pursuant to the fotegoing Warrant to me directed, I heiebv notify the holder* ot boi ds mentioned ai.d leleried to in the fotegoing application ai d war rant. to meet at thedepot in Brunswick aforesaid, on Wednesdav. the tilth day of November next, at ten ot the clock in tiie forenoon, lor thenui)H»ses in said application set forth. WM. D. SEWALL. Bath, Oct. 10, 1862. dti.ovo At a Court of Probate he’d at Portland, within and for the County ol Cumbei land, on the thiid Tues day of October, in the year of our Lord eighteen bunded and sixtv-two, SARAH J. HOI KINS, named Executiix and re siduary legatee in the last will ai.d testament of Kdwaid N. Joidau, late of Westbrook in said Coun ty, deceased, l aving in w tiling declined to accept said tiust ol Executiix. and picsented her petition that admit istia ion with the will am exrd on the es tate ot said deceased may be gianted to Hitam H. Dow, of said Westbrook": It wan Ordered, That the said Petitioner give no tice to all pei sons inteiested, by causing notice to be published thiee weeks successively in the Mail e State new, piii ted at loitland, that thev may appear at a Probate Court to be be d at said Poit and, on the third Tuesday of Nev ember next, at teu ot the clock in the toiei oon, ai d show cau-e, if any they have, why tlie same should t ot be giai ted. WILLIAM G. BARROWS, Judge. A true copy, at»est, 19 w8w* EUGENE HUMPHREY Register. At a < ourt of Probate hold at Portland, within and tor the County ol Cumberland, on the thiid Tues day of October, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred ai d sixtv-two, RAL1 H 1UTLEH, Jr., Administrator of the es tate ot Isaac Waite, late ot Poit and in said ( ounty, di-cea-ed, having piesented ins petition for. license to sell ai d convey a mortgage inteiest in cer tain nal estate, dcsciibed in said petition, an advan tageous off'-r having been mane theietor : It mo* Ordered, That the said Petitioner give no tice to all persoi.s inteiested, bv causing notice to be published thiee weeks successively in the Maim* State Pi ess, print t d at Port ai d, that they may ap pear at a p.obate Court to be he'd at said 1 ortland, on the tliiid Tuesuav of November next, at ten of the dock in the toiei oon. ai d show cause, it any thev have, why the same should not be gianted. ' WILLIAM G. BARROWS, Judge. A true copy, at lest, 19w8W" EUl.ENE HUMPHREY, Register. At a Court or Probate held at Portland, within and lor the County of Cumbei lai d, on the tiist Tuesday of October, in the y ear ol our Lord eigh teen hui died ai d sixtv-two, JOHN WEBfc, AUministiator of the estate ol Dan ie W. Anthoine, ate ol Wii dham, in sa:d County, deceased, havii g picsented his petition lor license to se.l ai d convey certain Rea. Estate of said deceased, 1 as desciibed in said petition, an advantageous oiler having been made tlieieior, It true Ordered, that the said Administator give no tice to all persons interested, by causing notice fo be published three weeks successively in the Maine State Press printed at Portland, that thev inav appear ai a Probate Court to be held at said Portland, on the tiist l uesday of November next, at ten ot the clock in the forenoon, and shew cause, if any they have, why the same slum'd not be granted. WILLIAM G. BARROWS, Judge. A true copy, Attest, vv3nl$» ' EUGENE HUMPHREY, Register. lor the* County of t umbei land, on the third Tues day of October, in the vear of our Loid eighteen hut dred ai d aixtv two’, I^BENEZEK WELLS, i.amed Executor in u cer J tain Instrument purporting to be the la.-t Will and Testament of Cornelius Dillingham, late of Free port in said County, deceased, having presented the same for probate: It urns Ordered, That the said Executor give notice to » I (versons interested, by earning notice to be pub lished thiee weeks successive)} in tlie Maine State Press, printed nt Portland, that thev niav appear at a Probate C ourt to be he d at said Portland, on the thiid Tuesday ot November next, at ten ot the clock in tire toiei oon, ai d show cauM- it any they have, why the said Instrument should i ot he piOv’ed. ap prover!, ai cl allowed, a» the last Will and Testament of said deceased. WILLIAM G. BARROWS. Judge. A true copv, attest, 19 v 3w EtcEN E HUMI‘H REY. Register. At a Couit of Probate held at Port and, w ithin and lor the Count} of Cumberland, on the third Tues day of October, iu the year otour Lord eighteen hu dred ai d sixtv-two, I^BENEZEK WELLS, Guardian of Relief Mariam, ot h leeport, in *a.d County, a peison non com pos mentis. l>av ing presented his account of Guardi anship ot -a d waul for probate: It iron Ordered, That the said Guardian give notice to all pvrsoi s interested, by causing notice to be pub lished thiee weeks successive y in the Maii e State Press, printed at 1 ortla: d. that they ma\ appear at a Pioba’e C ourt 10 be lie d at said I’ortlano, on the third Tuesday of November i ext. at ten of the clock in the forenoon, and show cause, if any they have, w hy the same should not be a lowed. WILLIAM G. BARROWS, Judge. A tun* copy attest, 19 w8w EU( ENE HUMPHREY, Register. rilHE Subscriber hereby gives public notice to all X concerned, that she has been dulv appointed and taken upon hereelt the trust ol Administratrix of the estate of ISAAC H. CENTER, late of Portland. In the County ol Cumberland, deceased, by giving bond as the law directs; she therefore teejuests all jversons who ate ii debted to the said deceased’s estate to make immediate pavmeiit; and those who have an v demands thereon, to exhibit the same for settle ment to CAROLINE H. CENTER. Poitland, Sept. 16,1882. w3wl8* — ; At a Court ok Probatk he’d ot Portland, within aid for the County ol Cumberlai d. on the liist Tuesday ol October, in the year of our Loid eigh teen hundred at d sixty-two, rYDlA ANTHOINE. widow of Daniel W. An J thoit.e late of Windham, in said County, de ceased. havii g presented bet petition for an allow ai ce out of the peisonal Estate ol whioh lie died pos sessed , , It trci* Ordered, that the said Petitioner give no tice to all persons interested, bv causing notice to be published three weeks successively in the Maine State Press, printed at Portlai d, that tfiev niav appear at a Probate Court to be held at said Portland, on the liist Tuosduv of November next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, and show cause, if any they have, why the same should not be granted. WILLIAM G. BARROWS, Judge. A true copy. Attest. w3w!7* ' EUGENE HUMPHREY, Register. At a Court ok Probatk held at Portland, within ami for the County of Cumberland, on the tirst Tuesday of October, in the year of our Lord eigh teen hundred and sixty-two, 171 LEAN tilt ALLEN. Executrix of the last Will ^hi d Testament ol Josiah Alien, late of Gray, in said Countv. deceased, having presented her first ac count of admit istration of said estate for probate: !t iron Ordered. That the said Executrix give notice to all persons interested, bv causing i utice to be pub lished three weeks successively in the Maine state Pre«s, printed at portlai d, that thev mav appear at a Probate Court to be held at said Portlai <1. on the ; ib st uosriav of November next, at ten of the dock in the forenoon, and shew cause, if any they have, I why the same si oil'd not be allowed. WILLIAM G. BARROWS, Judgo. I A true copy, attest 1 w'SwlT* ’ EUGENE HUMPHREY. Register. _RAILROADS. KENNEBEC AND PORTLAND R. R. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Commenced April 14th, 1862. Passenger train? will leave dally, (Sun 1 a\ s excepted) as follows: Augu.-ia ior Bath, Portland and Boston, at 11.15 A. M.f connecting at Brunswick with the Androscoggin Hailroad for Lewiston, Livermore Falls, Wilton and Farmington. Leave Portland for Bath and Augusta at 1.001*. M., connecting at Brunswick with the Androscoggin trains for stations on that road ; and at Augusta with the Somerset & Kennebec Hailroad for Waterville, Kendall’s Mills and Skowhegan, and at Kendall’s Mills with the Penobscot & Kennebec Hoad for Pitts field, Newport and Bangor; arriving same night. Monday Morning and Saturday Evening Traint. On Monday trains leave Augusta at 5.30 A. M., and Bath at 6.30 A. M., for Portland, connecting with the 8.45 A. M. train for Lowell and Boston. Leave Portland on .Saturdays, at 8.15 1*. M., on ar rival of train from Boston, tor Bath and Augusta. STAGE CONNECTIONS. Stages leave Bath daily (Sundays excepted) at 3.00 P. M., on arrival of train from Portland and Boston, for Wiscasset, Damariscotta, Waldoboro’, Hock laud and Thomaston. Stages leave Augusta daily (Sundays excepted), for Belfast, on arrival of train from Portland and Bos ton. Tickets sold in Boston for all the stations on the Kennebec k Portland, Androscoggin, and Somerset & Kennebec Hoads. Freight trains run daily between Augusta and Port land. B. il. CUSHMAN, Manager and Superintendent. Augusta. April, 1862. jnne23dtf ANDROSCOGGIN RAILROAD. HUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Dn arul afYtr Monday, May 6, 1862, aeSEr rain* will h?a\e Portland for Lewiston anu fa. uiii.gtou via Brunswick, at 1 P. M. Leave Farmington for Lewiston. Bath aud Port land, via Brunswick, at 9.16 A. M. Leave Lewiston for Bath aud Portland via Bruns wick at 11.45 A. M Freight trains daily between Portland and Lewis ton. STAGE CONNECTIONS. Stage leave* Strickland’s Ferry Tuesdavs, Thurs days and Saturdays, for Livermore, Canton, Peru aud Dixfield; returning onjMisite davs. Sta re leaves North Jay ror Last Dixfield. Dixfield, and Weld, on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays; returning opposite days. Stage leaves Farmington or New Vineyard. New Portland and KinglieM. on Wednesdays and Satur days, returning on Mondays and Friday*. Stages leave Farmington daily, for 'Strong, Avon and Phillips. Passengers for this route will take the cars at the Portland, Saco k Portsmouth, or Keni <*Ih-c k Port land Depots, in Portland. S. W. LA TON. Kup’t. Farmington May 6,1862. iuueSUdtf GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. IV'otice to Wood und I.umber .tler rhnnts. I^ROM November 1st, 1862, to Mav 1st, 1863. the rates of freight on all descriptions of lumber and timber will be advanced 25 per cent. No tire wood will be conveyed bet ween October 1st, 1802, and May 1st. 1803. An advance in the rates of Are wood will take place next summer, but lu consequence of changes in the arran gement for conducting the wood business, w hich are about to be made, the Company will not be able to take tire wood from certain places on the line, so that should any parties make contracts for tire wood to be carrier! on the railway during the uext season, they must understand that they will do so at their own risk, aud that the Compauy will uot feel themselves bound to carry it. Due notice will be given of the rates of freight, and ' from what stations tire wood can be carried uext [ summer. C. J. BRYD(iES. Managing Director. Montreal, August 1.1362. aGdtf mm THROUGH TICKETS i To Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland. Detroit, Toledo, st. Paul, La Crosse, St. Louis, New Orleans, or auv part of the WEST, SOUTH OR NORTH WEST. BY TUB ERIE RAILWAY. Via Buffalo, Dunkirk, and Niagara Falls. This road is broad quage and is provided with New aud Splendid Sleeping Cars. £^nTicketa sold in Portland at lowest Boston rate by W. D. LITTLE, Agent, Offlce 31 Exchange Street. You can save money by securing tickets at this office. June 23. # dawtf At a Court of Probate held at Portland, within and lor the County ot ( umberland, on the thiid Tues day of October, in the year of our Lord eighteeu bundled and sixty-two, I^LIZA W. SOULE, Administratrix of the estate J oi Kiaicis B. Soule, laie of Freeport in said County, deceased, having presented her first and final account ot administration of said estate lor pio bate: It was Ordered, That the said Administratrix give notice to ad poisons interested, by causing notice to be published thiee w t^eks successively in the Maine Stale Press, printed at Portland, that they may ap pear at a Pi "bate Couitto be held at said Portland, on the third Tuesday of November next, at ten of the clock iu the loienoou. aud show cause it any they have, why the same shou.d not be ahowed. WILLIAM O. BARROWS, Judge. A true copv, attest, 19 w3w* EUOENE HUMPHREY, Register. AtaCouitot Probate he d at Portland, within ai d for the County ot Ctimbetland, on the thiid Tues day of October, in the year ot our Lord eighteen hundred and sixty-two, 4 BB1E L. L. NdRTH, widow of Samuel North, 1\. iate of Westbrook iu said Count}, deceased, having presented her petition lhat admin isti at ion on the es:a eot said deceased mav be gianted to Na thaniel Blow n, ot Corham in said County, Esquiie: It was Ordered, That the said Petitioner give no tice to all pentons interested, by causing notice to be published tluee weeks successively in the Maine State Press, printed at 1 ortiand, that they mav ap pear at a l iobate ( ourt to be held at said Poitland, on the third Tuesdav of November next, a: teu of the c ock iu the toienoon, and show cause, it auy they have, why the same shou.d not he giant ' W ILLIAM C. BARROWS, J i ge A true copv, attest. 19 w3w* EUOENE HUMPHREY, Regi. « r. At a Court of Piobate held at Portland, within i d for the County ol Cumberland, on the third I’ • s day of October,iu the year of our Loid eigh: <u hui dred und rixfv-two*, JOSEPH LIBBY, Administrator of the estate of Catherine F. Hasty, lateol Scarborough in said | County .deceased, having pieeemed his first ai d fii al aiiouiii ui auiimifi i mil'll ui »«iu • — 'an- iur pronaie: It was Ordered. That the said Admit irtiator give notice to all persona intetested, by causing notice to be pub'ished three weeks successively in tlie Maine 6tat»- Press, printed at Portlat d. that they m*v aj» pear at a Piobate < '« urt t«» be field at said Portland, on the third Tuesday ot November next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, ai d show cause if any they have, why the ?au*e should not be allow# d. WILLI Ail G. BARROWS. Judge. : A true copy, attest, 19 \v3w* EUGENE HUMPHREY, Register. At a Coikt of Probate held at Portland, withiu and lor the County of Cuniberlai d. on the hist Tuesday of October, in the v ear of our Loid eigh teen Inn died su d six tv-two, T OUlSA L. DYER, niece ai d heir-at-law of Gus i XjtavusG. Chu*chill, lotmeily of Portlai d, in said County, having piesented her petition lepieseitiig ' that said Gustav us G. ( tiuichill was aat beoid fiom by ai v member of his family or re alive in November, A. D. Pv4. mote than seven vraia ago, and piaving . that adimi istiation on his estate may be gianted to j Libeity B. Den ett, of Portlat d, atoi esaid. It teas Ordered, That the said Petitioner give no | tice to all persons inteiested, by causing notice to l be published three weeks successively, in the Maine State 1 ress, printed at Portlat d, that they tnav ap pear at a Piobate Court to be ! eld r( said Portland, on the first Tuesday ot November t ext, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, and show cause if any they have, why the same should not be giai ted. WILLIAM G. BARROWS. Judge. A true copy Attest: w3wl7* EUGENE HUMPHREY. Register. milE subscriber hereby gives public notice to all A cot cerned, that be has been duly appointed and taken upon himself the trust of Administrator ol the estate of WILLIAM DOUGHTY. late of Harpsuell, it# the County of Cumberland, de ceased, bv giving Lot d as the aw ditects; he there toie i ernes ts all persons who are indebted to the said deceased’s estate, to make immediate pavment: ami those who 1 ave any demands thereon, to exhibit the Mme for settlement to AUGUSTUS r. JORDAN. Harps well, Oct. 21,1862. 20 w8w* Notice of* Insolvency. * THE undersigned having been appointed by the Judge of Piobate tor the County ot Cumberland, Commissioners to receive and examine the c airns of the cieditors to the estate of Daniel W. Anthoine, late of Windham, in said County, deceased, hereby give notice that >ix months from the 7th #Iav of Octo ber, A. D. 1962, will be allowed to said creditors for bringing in their c'nims ai d proving their debts, and I that thev will attend for the put pose of receiving such claims ai d p»o##f at the dwelling house of El btidge Sav wood, in Windham, on the last Thursday of October, November. December,and January,fiom one till four o’c’ock in the afternnou. SEWARD M BAKER. I Commis J A MKS l.O WUN 11ANSON, | sinners. Windham, Oct. 7,1862. w3wl7* Notice* of* Insolvency. THE undersigned having been appointed bv the Judge of Probate for the County of Cumberland, ComniRdoneis to receive ami examine the claims of the ceditots to the eslate of Dai iel Ingersoll, late «»f Windham. in -aid County, deceased, hetebv give no tice that six month* Bom the 7th day of October. A.D. 1862, will b»* allowed to said ci editors for bunging in • heir c'nims and proving their debts, ami they will attend for the pm nose of receiving such claims and proofs at the dwelling house of fhailcs HunneweBa. in Wit d! am, on the last Fiiday «>t October, Novem ber, December, and January, fiom one till four o’clock m tic a Per i oon. JOHN WEBB. \ n KDWAlfl) ANDERSON,} Windham, October 7th, 1662. w8w!7* _MEDICAL. BLIXDXESS CURED. A Remarkable Case of a boy who was cured by DK. II. J. KOV VI O V Of Scrofulous Ophthalmia, as the following facts will show: afl^'TOK a long time the boy’s eye-lids had been entirely closed. His case was consul ygf.TV*'ered almost hopeless. The boy was put un "T der the care of Dr. B., and alter great pa tience and perseverance, with his electrical treatment and with other curatives, he was able to lift his eye lids, when it was discovered that a false membrane had formed and covered the entire eyes. This was removed by Dr. Boynton, and the boy's eye-sight is now entirely restored, and his eyes stronger than ev er before. This should be known to all persons who are similarly afflicted. Although I understand that the Doctor has for many years, in his operations on these delicate organs—the eye and ear, met with em inent success, he has not deemed it necessary to keep blazing before the public his surgical skill in this par ticular part of his profession, but has been silently performing cures, many of them of a remarkable character.” tJf* Certificates from numerons of his patients will testify to his successful operations, all of which may be seen at his ofhce. No. 369 Congress Street, Portland. d&w»Jw7 DK. IR’fillES’ Eclectic Medical Infirmary. Established /nr the treatment </ those diseases in both sexes, requiring Experience, Skill, Honor and delicacy. PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS.—Dr. Hughes has tor a number of years confined his attention to diseases of a certain class. During his practice he has treated thousands of cases, and in no instance has he met with a failure. The remedies are mild, and there is no interruption of business or change of diet. Dr. Hughes is in constant attendance from 8 in the morning until 10 at night, at his, 6 Tem ple street. Charges moderate, and a cure guaranteed m all cases. Separate rooms, so that no one will be seen but the Dr. himself. His remedies cure disease when all other remedies fail; cures without dieting or restriction in the habits of the patient; cures with out the disgusting and sickening effects of most other remedies; cures new cases in a tew hours; cures with out the dreadful consequent effects of mercury, but is sure to annihilate the rauk and poisonous taint that the blood is sure to absorb, unless the proper remedy is used. The ingredients are entirely vegeta ble. and no injurious effect, either constitutionally or locallv, can be caused by using them. YOUNG MEN, who are troubled with seminal weakness, generally caused b^ bad habits in vouth, the effects of which are pain and dizziness in the head, forgetfulness, sometimes a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, etc., terminating in consumption or in sanity if neglected, are speedily and permanently cured. All correspondence strictly confidential aud will e returned If desired. Address DK J. B. HUGHES, No. 6 Temple Street, (corner of Middle), Portland. tySeud stamp for Circular. jull—dAwtfS Eclectic Medical Infirmary. to theTadies. DIC. HUGHES particularly invites all Ladles who need a medical adviser, to call at his rooms, No. 6 Temple Street, which they will find arranged for their especial accommodation. Dr. HJs Eclectic Renovating Medicine* areunrival 1<h1 in efficacy and superior virtue iu regulating all Female Irregularities. Their action is specific and certain of producing relief iu a short time. LADIES will find it invaluable iu all else* of ob structions after all other remedies have been tried in vain. It is purely vegetable, containing nothing iu the least injurious to the health, and may be taken with perfect safety at all times. Sent to any part of the couutrr with full directions, by addressing t)R. HUGHES, No. 6 Temple Street, corner of Middle, Portland. N. B.—LADIES desiring mav consult ore of their owu sex. A lady of experience in constant attend ance. julldawtfa STEAMBOATS INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. EASTPOKT, CALAIS & St. JOHN, FALL ARRANGEMENT. Change of the Day* of Sailing. gtna» THE Steamer “New Brunswick,” apt- E B. Winchester, ai d Steamer New England,” 1 apt. E. Field, will leave lor East port aid St.John every Monday and Thursday, (instead of Tuesday and Friday as hereto foie), commencing Oct. 2d. The Steamer “New Brunswick” will leave Railroad Wharl, toot State Street, every Monday at 6 P. M. Returning, leaves St. John every'Thuisdav at 8 A. M. Steamer "New England” will leave Railroad Wharf, foot State Street, every Thursday at 6 P. M. Returning, leaves St. John every Monday at 8 A. M. Positively no freight received after 4 o’clock I*. M. on the day of sailing. Through ticket are sold by this line, connecting at East part with stagecoaches lor Machias. and with steamer i^ueen for Holbinston, Calais, St. Stephens and St. Andrews, and at the latter plac«- over rail way for Canterbury; Woodstock and Huulton Stations. We also ticket through per steanv rs ami railways for Wmdsor, Halifax, I-Hgby, Fredericton, Sussex, Moncton, ShedUtc, Prince Edvards Island, 1‘ictov, North Shore if New Brunswick, Mirimichi, and Bay de Chaleur. Sept. 24. 18i52 dtf C. C. EATON. Agent. M ON1REAL OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO’S Weekly Mail Line. m ONE of the following first-class, power , ful Sterner.: HlBF.ttMAX, XOKTil <- T1 rrv-AMKKlt A.N,M)KWE(,IAS, JI KA, BUHKMIAX. AM, LU SAXON. NO VA ©t oi IAN—will sail from Quebec every Satur day morning, lor Liverpool, via Londonderry. Passengers leave Portland per Grand Trunk Trains with United States mails, every Friday, at 1 16 P. M., connecting with Steamer at Quebec every Saturday morning. Passage to Liverpool. Londonderry or Glasgow: Third Class, §86. First Class, §77 to §92—accoiding to accommodation,—which includes tickets ou Grand Trunk Railway. Prepaid and*return tickets issued at reducer! rates. Excursion tickets to the World's Fair, out and back. §186. Apply to Edmonstone, Allan k Co., Montreal,or to J. L. FARMER. No. 10 EXCHANGE ST., PORTLAND. June 23. 1962. dtf Portland und New York Steamers. The splendid and fas^Steamship “C1IESAI EAkE,” Captain Sidney Crowell, will until ftirther notice run _as follows: Leave Browns Wharf, Portland, every WEDNES DAY', at 4 P. M . a? d leave Pier 9 North River, New Y ork, every SA ITKDAY . at 3 o'clock. P. M. This vessel is fitted up with tire accommodations for passengers, making this the most speedy, safe and comfortable route for travellers between New York I and Maine. Passage $6.00, including rare and Stare j Booms. Goods forwarded bv this line to at d f-otn Montreal, Giiebec, Bangor, Bath. Augusta, La-tport and St. I John. Shippers are requested to serd their freight to the s <amer before 3 P. M., on the day that she leaves j Po and. For trei/ht or passage applr to EMERY k FOX. Brown's Wharf, Portland. II. B. i ROMWELL k CO., No. 8*5 West Street, New York. June 23. 18 2. dtf At a Court of Probate he’d at Portland, within and for the County of Cumberland, on the thiid Tues day of October, in the year of our Lord eighteen hut dred and sixty-two, JOHN WEBB, Administrator of the estafe of Dan iel W Ai tl.oii e. late Of Windham in said Coun tv, deceased, having presented his petition tor license to sell and convey eertaiu real estate of *aid deceased, as described in said petition : ft «vat Ordered, Thas the said Administrator give I notice to all persons interested, b> cauaing notice to ! be pub’ished three weeks successively in the Maine I State Pi ess, printed at 1 ortland, that they may ap pear at n Probate Court to be held at said Portland, on the third Tuesday of November ten of the e’ock in the forenoon, ai d show cause, if any they have, whv the same fhould not be granted. WILLIAM G. BA BROWS, Judge. A true copv, attest. 19 w3w* EUGENE HUMPHREY. Register. F|1 HE subscriber lierebv gives public notice to all 1 concerned, that he has been dulv appointed and taken upon himself the trust of Executor of the last will and testament of LOIS WINSLOW, late of Westbrook in the Count' of Cumberland, de ceased, bv giving bond as the aw directs: he there foie requests »ll peisoi s who are indebted to the said deceased’s e-tate to make immediate pav moi t; and those who have any demands thereon, to exhibit the same tor settlement to HENRY M. MINOTT. Westbrook. Oct. 21. 1862. 19 w3w* Notice of Foreclosure. .VOTICE is herebv given that the subscribers. Otis x. v T. Hall, of Cambridge. Massachusetts.ami Peter B. Hall, of Windham. County of Cumberland anrl State of Maine, c aim bv mortgage a certain lot of lard and the buildings the* eon. situate in Sebago in said Corn tv of Cumberland, and being part of lot numbered fifteen in the ti»st range East in said Seba go : said pat cel lying on the easterly side of North West River, and being the same lot so’d and convey ed to us bv Levi B. Dyer. December 10, 1867. by his mortgage dead of that date recorded in the Cumber land Registry of Deeds, book 284. page 400. The conditions of said mortgage have berm broken, bv reason whereof we hereby claim a foreclosure of the same. OTIS T. II ALL. PETER B HALL. Dated at Windham, Oct. 27, 1862. 19 w3w* Eiernlrix' Sale. BY virtue of a license from the Honorable .Fudge of Probate within anrl for the County of Cum ' beriand, 1. Jane W Jordan. Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Sam’l J. Jordan,late ol Cum berland in said County, deceased, sl all sell at public auction on Wednesday, the 28th dav of November, A. D. 18d2. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon, at my 1 dwei’ing house in said Cumberland, so much of the Real Estate of the said deceased a* will bring the sum M tour hundred and fifty dollars, for the pa • nient of debts and charges of administration. Cumberland, Oct. 20.1862. 18 w8w* PRINTING. REMOVAL! THE BOOK -AND JOB PRINTING E stablishment % FOSTER Sr CUSHING, Has been removed from the office over Casco Bank, to the office of the DAILY PRESS, CORNER OF MIDDLE AND EXCHANGE STS. FOX BLOCK, Directly orer the Magnetic Telegraph Offlee. Fourth Story, where all rarietiee of Plain and Fancy Job Work, Will be promptly attended to on the moet libera teruu. ENTRANCE--8a) EXCHANGE STREET, Orders left at the counting-room of the Dally Frees tod Maine State Frees, bead of first Sight of stairs, will be promptly attended to. LV The office is supplied with FAST PRESSES AND STEAM POWER And it» capacity and facilities for do'ing work in good style are equal to any in the City or Stato. ». A. FOSTER * CO. July 17. lfW. M THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS STEAM POWER Book and Job Printing Office, No. 821 EXCHANGE STREET, Fox Block, - - Second Floor, PORTLAND, MAINE. The Proprietors of the Pout laud Daily Fnaoa respectfully insite attention to their facilities tor exe eutinr, in beautiful style, esary description of BOOJ AND JOB PRINTING Their Establishment is tarnished with all the proved modern machinery, and their assortment of Book and Fancy Types, Is adequate to do any work demanded In this State Baiineai Car da of Every Variety, Style and Coat. PRINTED AT SHORTEST NOTICE. BILLHEADS RULED AND CUT IN THE NEATEST MANNER. Billets a Circulars In Every Variety of Type _ BANK CHICKS, MATES. AM BILLS OF LAMM. TAGS PIERCED WITH HOLES A GLUTEN ED WHEN DESIRED. Policies Printed and Bound ft>r Insurance Companies. Deeds, Law Briefs, Equity Cases, And other LAW DOCUMENTS executed with Dispatch. Bronze, Colored, and all other kinds of Printing, Executed In tmste to euit the moet fhetidloui. WEDDING AND ADDRESS CARDS Our Stylo are unaurpaaaed. SHOP BILLS, PROGRAMMES, AND ALL SORTS OF HAND BILLS. Portland. June W. 1*^2._ daw Photographic Frame*. ClQUARE or oval—every kind called for. Three ; being manufactured b v on reel vre, except three neceeearilv imported, we can compete with any mar ket for low pricca. At wholesale or retail, at 2«. Mar ket Square. MORRISON k CO’S. Old Frames Ke-Gilt, AND RENEWED by MORRISON k TO. Photographic Goods A Chemicals. OUR stock in tbit department is complete, com prising ever>' article u*ed in the art. I MORRISON A CO., ! junettftfwSt 16, Market ^oart.