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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. VOL. 1. PORTLAND, ME., SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6, 1802. N0 142. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, JOHN T. GILMAN,» JOSEPH B. HALL, ! Bdltor8* is published at No. 8ft} EXCHANGE STREET, in FOX BLOCK, by FOSTER, OILMAN and HALL, Under the firm name of N. A. FOSTE R A CO. Ter in s: The Portland Daily Press is published every morning, (Sundays excepted), at 90,00per year in ad vance, to which will be added twenty-five cents each three mouths’ delay, aud if not paid at the of the yoar the paper will be discontinued. Single copies three cents. Hates of Advertising: Transient Advertisements, 91.00 per square, for three insertions or less; exceeding three, and not more than one week, 91 25 per square; 76 cents per week after. One square every other day one week, 9UtX); 60 cents per week after. Exhibitions, fcc., under head of Amusements, $82.00 per square per week. Special Notices, 91.60 per square for first week, 91.00 per week after. Business Notices, in reading columns, 12 cents per line for one insertion. No charge less than fifty cents. Legal Notices at usual rates. Advertisements inserted iu the Maine State Press (which has a large circulation in every part of the State) for 38 cents per square in addition to the above rates for each insertion. Transient advertisements must be paid for in ad vance. jy All communications intended for the paper should be directed to the “Editors of the Press,” and those of a business character to the Publishers. iy The Portland Daily and Maine State Press Office, in Fox Block, No. 82} Exchange Street, is open at all hours during the day and eve ning, from 7 o’clock in tho morning to 9 in tho evening. gy Job Printing of every description executed with dispatch; and all business pertaining to the of fice or paper promptly transacted on application as above Saturday Morning, Dec. 6, 1802, A SERMON, Delivered Thsukigiving Day, Nov. 27, 1862, in Free Street Church iu this citv, and repealed by request the Sabbath afternoon following, bv Rev.Georoe W. Bosworth, D. D., Factor. Text:—But I will aiug of thy power, yea. I will ting aloud of thy mercy iu the moruiug. for thou hast been mv delenae and my refuge In the day of trou ble. —tl'Sa LX Lix. 16. The experience of mercies always demands the expression of gratitude; and more loudly when mercies are mingled with judgments. Nothing can be more base for a people in the day of trouble, than to fail to acknowledge th« protection and deliverances which God accom plishes for them. This Psalm is a lesson on such matters. It is made up of prayer ami praise. It was com posed by David to celebrate his escape when Saul caused his house to be surrounded by sol diers who were ordered to kill him when he should come out.—1 Sain., xix. This event formed the commencement of Davitl's loug continued flight, during which he experienced unheard of dangers and nameless sufferings. This Psalm was composed during this gloomy period, and therefore makes mention of deliv erances obtained, while it implores the contin ued interposition of God in his behalf because of the enemy. Its allusions and sentiments are general, that they may lie appropriated by ail who may be similarly situated. Mark well the moral basis of the Psalmist’s addresses to Gml. He addresses God in a most filial main. or. “Gray God.” “God Is my defense.” “ TUo God of my mercy shall prevent me.” “ Thou hast been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble.” “ Un to Thee, O my strength will I siug: for God is my defense, the God of my mercy.” Hero we behold the subdued emotions of a mel low hearted child turning unto the great * Father in confidence and cheerful hope. And In every great calamity in which God's peo ple participate, they have been heard to ad dress Him as their God, and to cry unto Him for deliverance. Moreover, David urges his own innocence as to the enemy which has risen up agains t him. “ The mighty are gathered against me ; not for my transgression, not for my sin, O my Lord.” He meant uot to say that his afflic tions, as coming from God, lmd no justiflea > tion in himself, but that he had given the ene my no just ground for such violent treatment. It was an appeal to Omniscience as to his in nocence in respect to Saul. Aud being inno cent he could properly plead witli God to dis comfit and overthrow him. Ills prayer is the cry of injured and persecuted innocence, seek ing redress of Him “ to whom vengeance be longs.” Nor can the assailing party in any conflict reasonably hope for the divine inter rsitiou in their behalf, for their success. God always on the side of the innocent, and the wronged. He may use the wicked as the rod with which He chastises his people; hut He will never help the wicked to accomplish their purposes. These two facts correspond with the double character of the Psalm. In the ex ercise of filial love, David acknowledges deliv erances, while, conscious of inuocenceund the rectitude of his cause, he implores God for final and complete success. Is not this Psalm suited to us as a nation in trouble? Our euemy, without just cause, lias hrnnoiit. unnn us fruont fvilumitios unit throat. ens yet greater ones. But Goil hath wrought extraordinary deliverances already for us, which demand the exercise aud expression of devout gratitude, and thanksgiving. While the night yet lingers we may say with David, “ I will sing of thy potcer, yea, I w ill sing aloud of thy mercy la the morning: for thou hast been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble.” And I propose to notice some Iff the events of the war now pending which call for devout thanksgiving. 1st. In any such enumeration we should never omit the singular unanimity and spoil taneouimens with which the North rose up to meet, and continues to resist, this monstrous rebellion. This universal up rising of the Free States was wholly unexpected by the South. They had contidently calculated that those here who had been their political friends and co-operators would, at least, refuse to take up arms against them. They reckoned the strength of their allies living in the Northern States, sufficient to neutralize the exertions of those w ho might be disposed to resist them by force and arms. They never expected to con front their old associates leagued so closely with their common political opponents. This fact shows this union of the North to be re markable. Scarcely less surprising was the spontaneous and universal up rising of the people here, to themselves. It was the theme of grateful men tion, and the cause of Bplendid outbursts of eloquence, in every speech from rostrum or pulpit. It was hailed as a phenomenon only second in marvellousness to the rebellion it self. Such a fusion of political parties, such a suspension of partizan strife, such a flowing together in the exercise and practice of a com l mon patriotism of those who. but a few mouths * previous, had been arrayed in conflicting sec tions in support of opposing platforms, was admitted to lie wonderful by all. We felt that some spirit from above was moving upon the heart of the multitude, calling forth those deep, moral sentiments of our common humanity, which will evermore take the side of truth and justice. We felt awe struck! This union at the North was far more spon taneous, prompt, and powerful than that at the South. Here it was immediate and almost universal, from the day of the bombardment of Fort Sumter. At the South there ere entire States which came slowly and reluctantly into the hostile confederation. From the other States there were many thousands who fled, leaving their homes and their possessions and B business, to escape violent treatment for not uniting in a rebellion which they disapproved. Many who remained and are now among the supporters of the Confederacy, gave in their allegiance and support with a hesitancy and reluctance most suspicious, and strangely in I contrast with the unanimous and spontaneous and simultaneous movement of the North. The reign of terror enforced in many parts of the South, and the necessity for the military con scription, go to show that the union of feeling and action there, have not in them that free spontaneousness which is so natural In true patriotism. In contrast with what exists at the South, even now, tile union witlr us is re markable. How promptly have our immense armies been raised! How cheerfully have lib eral bounties been paid! How wonderfully has the whole country worked and sacrificed, and jioured out treasure, to meet the necessi ties of the sick and wounded. In these bless , ed charities, neither party lines, nor denomi k national lines have been recognized. Here there a man has looked on coldly, or spok s.*^,«'couragingly. Here and there a treach p^y heart has been uncovered and overt acta i.-ivV'ihown a man or woman in alliance with the rebellious. Hut how few the numberl Is it not remarkable ? And this unanimity and co-operation sub stantially remains. It was to be expected that political questions and conflicts should come up, nnd that old party lines would bo reform ed. Hut a* yet there is no party the tear. As yet there is no party to declare for the rebellion, or for the Confederacy. Among the people, in the army, nnd out ot the army, there can be no such party. The patriotism of the North is too deep, and the love for our fret; institutions is too pure to render the form ation of such a parly possible. The men will be larld indeed who shall attempt leadership in such a direction, and will find they have reck oned without their host. Traitors and spies there are among trs 1n every State perhaps, and likely enough in every department of State, and in every portion of the army. What else could be expected from such vigor on the part of our enemies, and such leniency on our j ow n part. But the masses are one. The mass t es, ot all ranks, and conditions, and professions, *•••«« pvvwji aih-< v.vio * in.’ iiuitiiiiimj 13 i via tiveljr much greater and more powerful than was that found among the American people during the period of the Revolution. Yet the union manifested then was deemed wonderful. I doubt whether such a union on the part of the supporters of the government has ever lieeu witnessed in the whole history of rebellions. Tlie importance of this unanimity is beyond all computation. It tends to sustain our forti tude and patience. It is a powerful argument in favor of the rectitude of our cause. Were there among us a large and influential class who feared and felt that we were wrong, and should finally tail of the divine approbation, the hands and hearts of all would be weakened. Even if such were overborne and dared not speak, yet the knowledge that they had such convictions would do much to neutralize the ar dent zeal of many. The unanimous conviction of a great people is a tremendous force, not only among themselves, but a force which acts on foreign nations. It lias had incalculable in fluence in keeping foreign nations out of our domestic strife. Even our lata political dis cussions are viewed by the English Govern ment as indicating some slight prospect for her future intermeddling; a hope she will aban don when site finds that all parlies are substan tially one in the purpose to resist the rebellion. England will never interfere with us while we press our cause with such spontaneous unan imity. And I need not say that this continu ally acts against the South with tremendous discouragement. It is worth to us 50,000 men in arms at least. Could they see a division of sentiment and purpose among ourselves, their hearts would exult witli hope, and their arms would lie invigorated with new energy. Now then, tiave. we not cause for devout thauksgiviug to God for this prompt and so long continued union of sentiment and feeling concerning this struggle? It is one chief bul wark of our defense, for which we ought to be grateful to Him who moves the hearts of men. It excited our gratitude at the begin ning of the conflict, ami it deserves a deeper gratitude to-day. We are an united people. Tlie free States of the North have not I wen rent into alienated sections. Freedom's holy sympathies have yet proved stronger than the combined power of slavery. And while we thunk God tliat we are yet thus united, let us guard and cherish these sacred Immls. Let us be mutually forbearing aud conciliating, and courteous, and confiding, and unite more and more closely in those measures and exertions which are manifestly necessary for the support of the national government and the common weal. Another just cause of gratitude and praise is, our material prosperity. Perhaps never in the history of the Republic was this great er. The earth never yielded more bountifully. The manufactures of the nation were never more severely worked, or with greater profits. There never probably were so many men at work, actually producing or earning a liveli hood, as at the present time. Multitudes at home perform double labor, and thus supply tlie loss of the labor of those in the army, and support them by the extra toil. Probably the North was never richer in real wealtli than she is to-day. Rut a small frac tion of our gold aud silver lias been exported since the war commenced. For many months our imports of the precious metals have equal led our exports. The high rates of exchange are not the result of the scarcity of gold, but tlie result of its being kept in secure deposit, and of speculation. And even this high rate of exchange has, doubtless, mercifully pre served us from a large expenditure in needless foreign luxuries. It has aided us to keep our real wealth. And now it is aiding us in ex porting our natural products, which bid fair soon to reduce tlie present rate of exchange, as well as further to enrich us. Tlie war is indeed enormously expensive; but the paymeut of this expense is pratically but little more than tlie rapid circulation of immense wealth among us. The coun try, nt all events, the North is not wasted, nor is it in a process of exhaustion. Substantial prosperity reiyns eccryuthere. It is a wonder to ourselves. We arc just waking up to our own condition, and learning our real strength. It is an astonishment to our contemporaries of the Old World. The secret is threefold:— our vast accumulations, our inexhaustible nat ural resources: and the industrial habits and practical ability of our people. God lias beeu preparing the nation for this very crisis, a sure sign He means we shall succeed. We are able to I>ear the burdens resting upon us. Tlie institutions which we have cherished have produced habits and developed energies aud re kmirf'PH tl'lliclt Oil'll.In Ha to tiiii.ii tin. nouoiilt which these institutions are now suffering. Such a national spectacle was never before ex hibited, such prosperity in connection with such a war, and such a rebellion. The resour ces of the North have never before been un covered, the industry and business capacity of the nation have never been tested or compre hended. The Independence of the Free States both of the Soutli and Foreign Nations could never have been so clearly demonstrated as by the present exigencies. Our reserved resour ces, not only in money, but in the products of the earth,—the last and chief source of all wealth, and in the material for w ar both on sea and on land, have been Imt partially drawn upon, while they are being increased every month. In all this I see cause for devout gratitude, and sincere thanksgiving to God. He has giv en another fruitful season. He lues crowned the year now closing, with goodness, and caus ed our paths to drop fatness. Our pastures have been clothed witli flocks; the valleys al so have been covered over witli corn. He lias multiplied our men, stern, stalwart men who love to work and know how to make the most of their advantages. He lias raised up men of eminent practical wisdom to manage our national affairs, both ]iolitical and financial. He has thus laid the foundation for a hope of ultimate success which ought to inspire us with cheerfulness and gratitude. 3d. Important successes have been secured in the war. The enemy hies exhibited remark able energy, a fertility of expedients unantici pated, resolution and co-operation unlooked for, though not inexplicable. Their achieve ments are truly remarkable,unparalleled! The world cannot but admire; and we should Join in this admiration were not the grand aim and purpose so detestable and abhorrent. But not withstanding the enemy has commanded and combined sucli resources, fought on his own territory, lor tiis own independence of those whom lie hates, fought, ill many instances, lor life itself, and therefore with a desperation which cannot be expected on our part ordina rily, he has been defeated and driven back.— He has gained numerous victories; but the war, thus far, has gone against him. He has not maintained himself in a single State, the possession of which has I icon fairly contested. In Missouri, in Kentucky, in Tennessee, and in Virginia even, he has not maintained cren the dcfenxive with success. Iu each of these States he has made repeated attempts to drive back the invading army of the North, and has, in each case, signally failed, llis late attempts, both in the West and iu the East, to carry the war into the Free States, proved utterly un successful. I think it may lie set down as set tled that, thus far in the border States, the war has gone against the South. ®e strength, and position, and resources of the two armies to-day, viewed together witli their entire course, decidedly preponderate iu favor of the North. Then look at the actual aggressions which have been made, upon the territory and strong places of the Confederacy, and in no case lost again. Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk, witli the Navy Yard in active operation one year since, and the James river, the entrance into which was commanded by these places, are now all in our possession. The Sounds and entire sea coast of North Carolina may lie regarded as in our hands, together with no in considerable portion of the State itself. A most important foothold has boon obtained 1 in South Carolina at Hilton Head and Btau fort. The coast of Florida Is iu our posses sion, and portions of the State arc about to be colonized by northern agti-uituilsb. Pensa cola and its navy yard, one year ago a strong hold of rebellion, lias been secured. New Or leans is also ours. Galveston, with the entire coast of Texas is now in our hands, or within easy reach. Only a short portion of the Miss issippi waters remain under the coutrol of the Confederacy. Tennessee, Kentucky, and Mis souri have twice been delivered from the pres ence of hostile armies. Thus in nearly every State of the Confederacy the Federal govern ment has obtained a prominent and important place, which may be made a base of yet fur ther aggressive o|>erations. These conquests extend around the entire coast of the Confed eracy, and through its western center. Indeed, there remain but four important places to be secured, in order completely to destroy their entire commerce, aud to put an end to their naval operations. Nor is this all; the occupation of those pla I P»*:t 11 V Witli 111- tlio limits**! n«ivil liirpn it our command last winter, has filled tlie enemy with fear and trepidation for the places yet in their possession. They make no secret of their solicitude. They see and feel that our enlarged fleet and army can easily finish the work which lias been so auspiciously commenced. And this fear is the precursor of the coming reality. The successes of our naval operations last season were of incalculable importance, and have not been duly appreciated. They weak ened the commerce of the Confederates amaz ingly, withered tlie confidence which they had inspired among foreigners concerning their ul timate success, and increased the effectiveness of the blockade so as to silence all foreign com plaint. And while these successes have had such depressing influence upon the opposition both at home and abroad, they have inspired a confidence in our army and navy which, if not abused, will prove of great value. Besides all this, it is most signifteautand encouraging that no place once taken lias ev’er been retaken by tlie foe. Ills losses have been dead losses. And these have surely been sufficient to show that he cannot sustain, even a war of defense. Every attempt to regain the grouud from which lie lias been driven has signally failed. His campaigns in Tern lessee and Kentucky and in Virginia have demonstrated his inability to recover himself, or to regain his power in those States, while his single invasion of free ter ritory, and hasty retreat, must have destroyed all his hope in that direction. This last fact deserves a fuller recognition. The Southern army marched into Maryland up to the borders of Pennsylvania, when as strong its it can ho|>o ever to tie again, when flushed witli victory, when animated with the hope of plunder, and with the not unnatural purpose of punishing us for the desolation which had followed the invasion of Southern territory, by coinmittiug similar depredations in the Northern States. Our army was in a languishing condition, disheartened, demoral ized, many of its licet commanders dead, and others inefficient, or even worse than that; yet nothing was accomplished by this bold at tempt, of substantial advantage to the Confed eracy, while, for us it is a demonstration that their successes will be confined to their own familiar fields. There has been evidently a limit set for the proud waves of this rebellion, which it cannot pass. As we review these successes ought we not to be devoutly grateful to God? May we not have been guilty of unduly appreciating them? Because we have noterushed the vital part of the monster anil extinguished ids life, may we not have been discontented and murmured, while we ought to have felt that God has done for us great tilings for which we should praise Him? May we not be like the ungrateful petulant child, who, because he cannot have all lie asks at the instant, refuses to accept the gilts which a judicious and kind pareut be stows-upon him? Alas! that we know not when God is blessing us! It was one of God’s lamentations over Israel, “But they knew not that I healed them.” We insist ou looking at single events when we ought to survey tlie combined events of the entire period. Tlie agent of a vast enterprise cannot stop to look alter every little thing. He must rely upon tlie main operation for ultimate success. So long as tlie grand event approaches we should be cheerful. 4. This enumeration of lilessimrs would be incomplete were I to tail to mention the mor al results already secured or likely to be se cured by this contest. Tile events of the past two years have revealed the weaknesses and the corruptions, and deficiencies of our na tional and social character, and our necessities in this direction. We begin to see that we have been too exclusively devoted to the pur suits of wealth and personal aggrandizement, and have criminally neglected the work of government. It lias long been one of our na tional sins not to hold our public servants re sponsible for their good character and the faithful discharge of their high trusts. The emoluments of office have not been duly bal anced by its responsibilities rigidly enforced. Base and unlit men have held posts of honor, only to dishonor them. The crimes of public men have not been suitably rebuked and pun ished. Ily such means the tone of public mor als has been lowered, good men have been disgusted with politics and neglected their po litical duties, and—a worse result still—l!c publican government had begun to sink in the estimation of many. The present trials are leading good and great men in all parties and professions, to search out these radical defects and diseases in the body politic. Already they have begun to expose them, tvs you will find if you will read their speeches, instead of the sensation rumors in the newspapers. Public attention will, I trust, be fixed on these evils, and their career will be checked. The sad lessons we are uow learning w ill help school statesmen, legislators, political economists, and diploma tists, who shall equal those noble men who were trained in the severe experiences of the period of our Bevolution.and bring to the ad ministration of national afiiiirs the highest wis I dom and fidelity. And surely whatever is ! working for us such a needed renovation de | rnands our gratitude. Already has the patriotism of the people been much purified and developed. The love of country slept in our bosoms because there was nothing to wake it: it languished because there was nothing to exorcise it: it was insi pid, and foolish, because never made sober, sturdy and discriminating by great trials. We boasted and bragged. Our self-adulation was often indiscriminate, and unreasonable,and dis I gusting to foreigners. But perils, and con flicts, and taxes, and blood have waked up and brought out our patriotism wonderfully. It is refreshing, amid the terrible moral winter now upon us, to see this beautiful flower,—these delicate crocuses springing up from beneath the snow in prolusion, true harbingers of spring. Our young men are catching tlie holy tire, and the noble impulses they are now cher ishing, and the stern training they are now re ceiving, the national experience they are now I working into their characters, cannot fail kto render them worthy to receive and fit to dis charge the responsibilities of free men and cite izens of a mighty republic. Our political and social institutions are be ing subjected to new tests Which promise the most favorable result. The process is, of ne cessity, long and fearful. But the progress of civilization and Christianity has always been slow, and attended by violence. Let us not, however, look only on the sail scenes of the conflict, and refuse to be comforted by the prospect of ample compensations for ail that is to be sacrificed or suffered. The trial now pending is developing and ex posing to the nations, tin; inherent power of Republican institutions, in a remarkable man ner. The ability of our national system to de fend itself from domestic enemies lias already astonished tire world. The young giant of the west has already displayed a vitality more vig orous and buoyant .and a wiadom more mature, than anything exhibited in the history ol na tions. This demonstration is already begin ning to produce its legitimate influence in moulding the sentiments d feelings of the old world in our favor. On •successes are fast compelling the nations who fave hated us to respect us, England at Hrst *ewed our strug gle with wavering sentiment Soon,—and it was not strange—old disllk. i and deep-rooted prejudices came to the surface, and the lead ing expressions and •iivill-L_ rations were de cidedly in sympathy v * the confederacy. There were expressions fly the government, but these were too faint, o he thunder of the opposition was too louil to allow of their being heard. But already a pou i ful reaction has commenced. Powerful writ, in Europe have looked beyond the itnmediat i deplorable con sequences, to the nature of the conflict. And every serious effort to understand 'the nature and purpose of the gigantic struggle, brings with it new reasons (or modifying most of those opinions which were hastily advocated by the popular organs of English opinion at its'first outbreak. The Westminster Review for Oe toner says—--i ne symptom* 01 reaction in Eng lish opinion arc now. as might lie expected.lic corning every day more decided; the time which has elapsed has allowed of study, the requisite information has been acquired, and before long, in spite of exasperated feeling, a more full measure of justice will lie meted out to the North than it lias yet received at Eng lish hands." This reaction has been led on by several powerful works by leading minds in Europe which have discussed our present struggle in a masterly maum r. And it is the more grateful as it is the is re valuable, be cause it lias been the result, ot of our own exertions or agencies, hut the obtruding merits of our cause, and in pile of foreign prejudices, and of tlic stead « \ertions of do mestic enemies. It is tie- w y ne ebb of a powerful tide which no pew on earth can ar rest. The friends . . r.i_ ive Christian civ ilization will throw tbemseh . upon its rising waves, followed by the rr, illloi.. of the common people; and the proud i 1 isiei and minions of monarehs will not Is' far oqtiiiid. Meanwhile we know full w I, that the strug gle now pending is a legitiu and meritnble conflict between the two kinds of civilization which have been working togstliar in our na tional system from the outset, each kind ex treme in its character,—the hut form of re publicanism and the worst form of slavery. No constitution, no administ atiou has ever, or can ever bring them into easy co-operation. They are in their nature and Influence, unlike and antagonistic. They arc ‘lie flesh and the spirit which war against each other. 'This an tagonism is not in the rrtcei, but in the systems. They never worked in harmony, ami never will. Our present conflict is t’.- severest and most demonstrative trial of the relative strength anl vitality of these two forms of civ ilization, mat the world has. ever witnessed. Eu i v day increases the inter- st with which it is viewed b/ reflecting men 1 uh at home ami abroad. As the conflict ad» .^. s each party is forced hack upon its reserved resources. Neither will surrender till exhausted. The in teference of other nations willouly bring such nations into the ring, and increase the scope and fury of the contest. The issues cannot be thus changed. Nay, such intervention in be half of the South would only serve to range monarchists on the side of tyranny, where they are supposed by many to belong. And the result woulifbe one grand and awful con test between freedom and oppression. And, at length, the world is destined to know which Is the more powerful. Which is destined to triumph ?—is a question of tremendous inter est, the greatest question now before the world. That is destined to be answered by the turning of another: Which can command tlie greatest resources? Both parties are cou lldent of ultimate victory. We shall see which is disappointed. Should it prove in the end, that freedom gradually withdraw- from slavery its vital valves and its main reliance j should the youthful Hercules lift Antonis from the ground and squeeze him to death in his arms, tile world, at all event- the lovers of freedom throughout the world, will have occasion to thank God for the desperate experiment and dreadful encounter. Already the grand crisis approaches, It is wonderful how steadily it lias moved along, as if propelled by some di vine, unseen band. No one can rejoice in the rivers of blood and tears on which this enter prise is borne ;but shall we not rejoice in the con viction that these bloody sacrifices will obtain a glorious redemption, liotli for our nation and for multitudes ol tin-enslaved? I thank God that tlie results promise to be a rich compensation for all they shall cost. I bail in the distance an auspicious morning. I begin to hope that the solid foundations of tlie fathers shall yet sustain a superstructure worthy of them. The expectations of oppressed humanity which have long hung upon the fortunes of the lte pulilic, shall not be put. to shame. The morn ing daw neth. Brigiit streams of rosy light illumine tlie ea-t. And what if tlie dawn be long in bursting into perfect day ? What if it lie an oriental dawn w hich commences near midnight ? It shall lie followed by an oriental day. T he long and cheerful hours of that cloudless day shall give tlie emancipated mil lions opportunity to demonstrate that their cause w as worthy of all this toll, this sacrifice and blood. A contest so dreadful and thorough shall need no repetition. There are some plants which blossom but once in a century. Generations must culti vate them w ith benevolent luuids, iu patient hope, and lie grateful for their growth. Their joy must be the joy of anticipation;— sympathy with the joy of coming generations. Be this our joy, if need lie. We w ill thank God that this fearful conflict is not all to be lef t to our children. We will rejoice that we may do and sutler something lor our race which w ill be worthy of being remembered. We will tliauk God that we may contribute something to tho vital values ol the world. I.. J. UlONKi, 141 Middle Slrrrl. - - ... Me. /"e Watch-Maker, N. It.—Ail work beintr promptly and person ally attended to, is warranted to give thorou ' lis faction. J. Id. WINSLOW, A gout, MANUFACTURER OF Steam Engines, Steam Boilers, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY, Steam Cocks, Valves, Pipes aud Connections, Whole sale or Retail. STEAM AND GAS FITTING, Done in the best manner. Works 0 Union St., and 233 & 235 Pore St., JnUdtf PORTLAND, ME. I. D. WLItltlLL & CO., 3? 35 XT M 33 35 K S, No. 27 Union Street, Portland, Me. Water Closets, Urinals, Force and Suction Pumps Bath Boilers, Wash Bowls, Silver Plated tf Brass Cocks, of all kinds constantly on hand. All kinds of fixtures for hot and cold watei set tin in the best manner. Alt orders in city or country personally attended to I. D. MERRILL. JOHN BOND. P. D. MERRILL. aug4dly BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN LYNCH A CO. "Wholesale (3-rocers, -and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GRANITE STORES.COMMERCIAL STREET, (Opposite head of Widgery's Wharf,) Portland* Mr. JOHN LYNCH. PKLKO BARKER, THOB. LYNCH. _Je28y HENRY L. PAINE & CO., ~ (Formerly WILLIAM C. 1IOW & CO.,) -Dealers iu Coal, Wood and Roofing Slate, 275 Commercial Street, Opposite Smith’s Wharf..Portland, Ms. HENRY L. PAINE, ) WILLIAM C. HOW, ) novl tf JOII\SO\ A CHEKEBY, - DEALERS IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, FRUIT, VJ5QMTABLES, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, 291 t'ousros* Street, Portland, Me. «-p6—3m W. II. KENNEY A CO., - DBALEK9 IM - MEATS OF ALL KINDS, Poultry, Vegetables, Country Produce, Ac., No*. 2,4 A 0 Warren Market, Portland. W. H. KENNEY, A. W. PORTER. iy Goods delivered in any part of the city, free of charge. septt—3m A.. D. REEVES, The Tailor, — HAS JDST RETURNED PROM — NEW YORK AND BOSTON, With a large and well selected Stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings! Also a full assortment of Military Cloths, ! And is nrenared to maki< them tin »t «hnri * Call and See, AT No. OS EXCHANGE STREET. Portland, Sept. 24, IS®. dtf L. II. TITUO.MB, Apothecary, -AGENT FOR—— PALMER’S ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, -ALSO. Sheet Gutta Percha for Splint*, AND CRUTCHES, FOR SALE. SPECIMEN LIMBS MA T BE SEEN AT , 373 Congrcss Street, ... Portland. aug4dif IF YOU -WANT THE Best Ambrotype or Photograph, DO not fail to call at No. 27 Market Square, where they take PERFECT UKKNKSSLS, and war ! rant satisfaction, at pricer vhicli duty competition. N. B.—Large Ambrotype* onlf/ Fifteen Cents. TRASK A LEWIS, 27 Market Square, h’d. Preble St. July 14th. 18C2. dtf CHASE BKOT1IEKS X CO*, Widgery's Wharf, Portland, Me., IMPORTERS, # AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. §ep6—3m WILLIAM A. PEARCE, PIdU M B i: Ii, -MAKEU OF FORCE PUMPS AND WATER CLOSETS, No. 121 Exchange Street, Portland, Me. Warm, Cold and Shower Baths, Wash Bowls, Brass and Silver Plated Corks. INVERT Description of Water Fixtnre for Dwell J lug Houses, Hotel*. Public Building*. Shin*, ice., arranged and net up in the beat manner, and all or | der* in town or couutrv faithfullv executed. All kind* of Jobbing promptly attended to. Constantly onlmml, Lead Pipes and Sheet Lead, and Beer Pumps of all kind*. juK2Bdly Trunks! Trunks! VALISES. PORTMANTEAUS, -AND i Carpet-Bags, DURAN'S MANUFACTORY, No. 10.-, MIDDLE STREET. A LAP u and Fashionable Stock of the above ar ticle* ma> be found at tbit* establishment, com prising every description for a traveling outfit. Ju.' *). 1&2. dtiiu J. It. DLltAN. J. ,11* BAKER, CORNER OF EXCHANGE If FEDERAL STS., - DEALER IN Choice Family Groceries, PROVISIONS, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, And Country Produce, ! gy His friends and the public are invited to give him a call. septlO—8m Marble Work, j. r. thojipso nr, Is prepared to receive orders for Marble, Free Stone, Soap Stone, Marblo Chimney Pieces, Monumental Work and Grindstouee. Corner of Pearl and Federal St».. je23tf PORTLAND. ME. II. C. LOVELL Ac SON, — DEALERS 1 N— Foreign mid Domestic DRY GOODS, 1—0 Middle Street, Would inform the pubiic that having purchased the stock of S. B. G O W E L L, And taken the store recently occupied by him, (129 Middle Street,) are prepared to furnish Mr. Dowell's former customers, at> well as their ow n friends and the public, w ith NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS, and at AS LOW PRICES as the same quality and st\le can be purchased, at any other place in the city. rrXo trouble to show goods: call and «ee before purchasing elsewhere. ocl8 TWII'CIIELL A CHAMPLIN, Commission Merchants, -AND DEALERS IN FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, j 85 Commercial St., opp. Thomas Illock, PORTLAND, ME. John Q. Twitchell. juldldOm Ja s P. Cbamplin. BOOKS & STATIONERY.' S. II. COLES W ORTHY, lias removed bis stock of BOOKS, STATION KEY, PICTURES, Picture Fnnej, Piper Hin inn Finrj Goods, 4e„ 4e„ TO No. 92 EXCHANGE STREET, Next door above the Rri< mh and American Express Office, where he will ace imnndate all who may be iu want of goods iu his liu*\ at very low prices. Book-Binding and Picture-Framing, Done iu ally as usual. GENUINE HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES, For sale at t' e above store by M. SUAVE Y. Physicians and Families upplied with Medicine* and books. Cases renewed and vials refilled. June 24. 1862, eod6m New Works ! NEW ED riON OF CASEY'S U. S’. TACTICSj Army Regulations. HALL L. DAVIS. 53 Exchange Street Sect. 27.1862. dti HOTELS. “ELM HOUSE.” THE undersigned respectfully informs the public that lie has leased the above House, on Federal Street, Portland, '’id iuvitts the travelling community to call and see if he knows "how to keep a hotel." Clean, airy rooms, good beds, a well-provided table, atten tive servants and moderate charges are (he induce ments he holds out to those whose business or pleas ure call them to the "Forest City." JONATHAN BLISS, Proprietor. Portland, Ang. 19, lHfiL*. dlt BATII HOTEL, By O. M. PL V M M J>: 886, Wasbixioto!. St., Bath. •#*Term« 81 per d»y Stable connect, * Bath, June 23, 1832. dtf SAGADAHOCK IIOIM], Alfred. Carr, * * Proprietor. BATH, MAINE. pd&XM TIIE City of Bath is one of the healthiest localities on the coast of Maine—delightful fiMH'l !/ **,ua,e4* 0,1 f*10 Kennebec, twelve miles L£S^LM from the sea, and affords one of the most Inviting retreats from the dost and turmoil of our large cities. The siAUADAHOCK is one of the finest, most spa cious, and best appointed Hotels in the State, located within thaee minutes walk of the Depot, Steamboat Landing, Tost Office, C ustom House. Ac., being di rectly in the business centre of the C ity. Terns* Moderate by the Week or Day, Bath, June 23,lb*J2. dtf CENTRA!. HOUSE, i E. O. Mayo, • * - • Proprietor. P ASS AD DM KE AO, MAINE. |THE subscriber would very respectfully an Inounc«> to tiie Btmetosa friends, and fba ■public generally, that during the temporary —Jcompu.sorv -ii-ji. ;i*i«m of Yds busitw-ss he -irni-hed this well-known house anew, and is , oow better than ever prepared to wait upon his cus tomers, and hope* by strfet attention to their wants | to merit a continuance oi the patronage which he has : hitherto received. E. t. MAYO, l’assadumkeag, Jane 23, 1«82. dAwtf Tlio NXocIol Cook! AN AIR TIGHT STOVE Willi Two Oven,. The gre»t«t of modem improvement* In the line of Cook. Stoves, EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Manufactured by the Barstow Stove Company, Whoso Castings stand unrivalled throughout New England. The senior partner of the Company, whose experi ence of nearly a quarter of a century in the btove j Manufacture, says—that by an AIR TIGHT STOVE we mean a stove so perfectly flttod aa to place the j draft of the stove entirely within the control of the ; person using it; euabliug him to preserve either a i wood or coal tire tor manv hours, by simply closing the draft slide, thus securing great economy in time, | and in cost of fuel, a* well as avoiding the dust con sequent upon rekiudling. ROASTING AND RAKING. But the novel—the peculiar feature ot the MODEL COOK—that which distinguishes it from all others— is the additiou of a Ventilated Roasting Oveu with! l the body of the stove and in front of the tire: *o ar ranged that it can be used separately for roasting, or (by the removal of a simple plate) in connection with I the larger oveu for baking. Wherever these stoves have beeu used, they have I given universal satisfaction. FOB SALE BY F. A. HOWARD, —DEALER 121— Stoves, Furnaces and Ranges, From the celebrated Barstow Stov* Co. a i-ompieie Aisonmem oi HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Re|{M(<'n, Ventilators Ac. -ALSO, AO EXT FOR The Vetrifled Water and Drain Pipe. UND33H Lancaster Hall. Sr All kinds of TIN and SHEET IRON WORK done to order, at short notice. uov20 WAR CLAIM AGENCY. 9100 Bounty Money, Buck Pay, And Pension*, THE undersigned is prepared to obtain from the United State* Government, #100Bounty Money, Back Pay, & c., tor heirs of Officers or Soldier* dying i iu the U. S. service. Invalid Pension*, Established for Officer* and Soldiers, wounded op , disabled bv sick ness contracted while in the service ol the United States, iu the line of duty. Fonslons Procured for widows or children of Officers and Sol diers who have died while in the service of the Un* ted States. Prize Money, Pensions. Bounty and Back Pay c<* 1 acted for Seamen ami their heirs. Fees, for each Pension obtained, Five Dollars. All Claims against the Government will reeo prompt attention. l’o»t Office address SETH E. BEED1 August it. Me. (Office No. 9 State House.) REFERENCE*: Hon. Lot M. Morrill, lion. Joseph B. Hall. U. S. Senate, Sec’r of State, Hon. James t i. Blaine, Hon. Nathan Dane. sep2Qd&vvl4tf State Treasurer. flIHE subscriber hereby gives public notice to all A concerned, that he ha* been dulv appointed and taken upon himself the trust of Admiuistrstor of the estate of SAMUEL NORTH. late of Westbrook,in the County nt mmberland,mer chant, deceased, bv giving bond a* the law directs; ho therefore request* a!! person* « ho are indebted to the said deceased’s estate to make immediate pay ment; and those who have anv demands thereon, to exhibit the same ior settlement to NATHANIEL BROWN. Westbrook, Nov. 18,1802. 23 w3w* _INSURANCE. BATH MUTUAL Marine In«iii*anre Company. OFFIC E UNDER THE SACUDAHOCK BOUSE, FRONT SIREET. T'MmrtMriJSdrmli?'***0” of ,he Mutual upiiSs?«i sunSaSr p*njr *iv* 1 ,i“ #200,000 ; And that they are prepared t.» make Insurance on the mutual principle, a.-iiiiwt marine ri-kv, not exceeding #10,000 in any One Risk. DIRECTOR*: John Fatten, JFm. I), mond. O. E. R Patten, Olner Moser, Sant I I inson, E. h Harding, M Ki.ani.Hl, Arthur > *J|. J. 1*. Horse * J. H. Mcl»llan, Lewi* Black mer, J»«ivid I’atten Jas. h . ratten, fcj. A. Houghton, (..Jameson. E. K. HAKDIMi, President, Bath, July 3. IS«K- C UYUEd^eret>fy Mutual Life Insurance. New York Life Inanrnnre Comp’y, Established in 1M5—Net Capital over TWO MILHOUS AND A QUARTER. THIS Company has paid since its organization to Widows, Orphan, aud Creditors of the Assured upwards of ' Twelve Hundred Thousand Dollars It Is one of the OMcst, Safest and most .Successful Life Companies In the United State*, and affords to Persons w ishing to participate in the henellis of Life Insurance, advantages smutted, and in some re spects not equalled by any other in this couutry. Strict Economy -Otre in its Bisks, amt Safe Invest ments. characterize its management. » purely mutual company, all its urnjlls being divided Among its member** ftiinuillr lu Addition to All the various form# of H’holi Liw*, Short Ter*. Endowment and Avkcitt policies which it iwuw, we invite tptcial nttentum to Anew frat ur? iu Life Insurance introduced by this Company Home two yearn since, vis: the taming of Life Policiwr not subject to Forfeiture, and upon which the premium- cease at the end often years, whereby under any and all rir.-nmsianres tho money paid cannot be lo-t, but tbe original design of the assured he attained, either in whole or In pert, In onset proportion to the amount of premium paid. No better evidence is needed of the prosperity and success ol this Company than the fact showu by tho recently published official reports, viz: that IT ISSUED A LARGER NUMBER OF LIFE POLICIES DURING THE rEAR mi. THAN ANT OTHER COMPANY /.V THE Further information will be chpprfolly ftmilahed ou application by mail or otherwise to WARREN SPARROW, General Aqkht for the State of Maihr. Office No.7 4Middle M.,opposite PoMoftiie. TortUnd, Oat. 17,1832. ocl7 diw FIRE IN S D R AN C £. WARREN SI*ARROW', Oflac 14 Middle, car. ef Rxckaaga *«.. I’OKTLAND, ME., Agent ofthe following FiRwrClA** luimranea Co', : National Inaorance Company. Of Hostno. ■ ■ Coali Capital and Sarpltu *500,00*. Republic Fire Inaarance Companr, Of New York. - - Ca-th Canital and Surplu*. *312,000. Relief Fire Inaurnnre Company. Of New Y'ork. - - Ca»h Capital ami 6arp!t». *.50,000. Equitable Fire and Marine In*. Co., Of Providence. Perfect Security. which ought ale ay* to he the nr*t codridGfntkm in effecting In*uranee. is here ot* fered to the public. at the lowest rate* prcnhsm adopted by sound and r»ejHMtible companies. Office in “Boyd’s Building,'* opposite l’ost Ofi.ce. June 23. dftwtf —mmamm-rnmmmmm _ OFFIC 1 A L _ CITY or PORTLAND. In the Year One Thousand Right Hundred mm,d Six/yd’co. AN ORDINANCE relating to tin Ordinance en titled Au Ordinance amending the Ordinance on Health ” Be it orda ned bp the Metpor, Aldermen, and Onn num 1 “un! flu. (.'ity if I'ortUukd, in Citu Coun cil oaf ambled, at follow* •— Section!. That an Ordinance entitled “An Or dinance am udiug the Oidinarco on Health” ap proved June Ifh, HrW, be ami the same ii hereby re* peabd. Section 2. That sections I9. 2rt, 2l 22 aud 23, of the revised Ordinances on Hoahh bo, and the same are hereby revived and in full force, provided, that any person may cause his own swill to be removed in such rnaum r as he deem proper, upon obtaining therefor, a permit from the City Clerk. Aud the City Clerk shall keep a record ot the permits so granted. . . I* Crrr UorNciL, Not 24.1W3. This bill hav<ug been read twice passed to be or dained. Nov. 25, l>S2—Approved hr the Mavor. Attest: J. M. 1IEA I II, City Clerk. no» 27 2w PrOpONRlN. Ordnance Office, War Department. [ Washington. November 24, l*«2 J SEALED l’EiU’UiiALS wili he received by this Department, uutil 4 o'clock, IV M.. ou the ninth day of lVeetnbcr next, for the mauulaeture aud de livery of the following projectiles, via: 5,000 ton-inch Solid Shot. l,0U) fifteen-inch Shelia. 1.000 ilfteeu-irich Battering Shot. The pi ojecriles to be made or the kind of metal, and inspected after the rules laid down in the Ord nance Manual, with the exception of tlie Battering ; Shot, which must be made of what is know u as gun metal. Drawings of these projectile* cau be seen at the principal arsenals of the United States, at tbo ordnance Agency. No. to Worth strict. New York, ami at tin* office. The projectiles are to be ilelivered, free of chargo for transportation, at the United Stages arsenal, on Governor's Island, New York harbor, where they will be inspected; and all such as mav bo rejected must be removed, by the contractor, imuusiiately after the inspection of each delivery Bids will be received for any portion of the qnan iity required. not less than BHO'of any one kind De I liveries to lie mad** at follows: One teurh. of each kind, withiu tiurty days after notification «»t accept ance of tid. and uot Ie>s than one tenth weekly there a .ter until all shall he ilelivered. Payment will la* made by the Treasury Departnent o the u-ual certificates of inspection aud receipt, aller each delivery. Bonds, with approved surety, will be required for tbo faithful performance of contracts. No bid will be eutt-rtained aides- it be accompanied 1 by au affidavit from the party making it. to the effect that ho is au iron founder, and that if his bid is ac ceded. the projectiles will be made at his foundry— limning it and its location; aud the right is reserved t< reject any and all bkls if deemed unsatisfactory for any cause. Proposals will be addressed to the undersigned at Washington r.ty, aud will be endorsed “Proposal* •»r l'rojectiles.” J AS. W. RIPLEY. Brig. Gen. Chwi ordnance. I1U> mi/-i l)i*M>liitinn of t opurl im-is Ilip. T\ToTirE '* hereby given that th«* eopartuersrifp ' IN IdtherJo ex1- ing h-• ween tin -ubscnbers under the lirra name of BIB >WN k PERKINS. is di«solv ed by mutual consent ou this 25th dav of October. The affair* of the late Arm will be settled bv W. T. Brown k Co \V T BROWN. * Portland. «>ct. 25,1?*3. RoBT R. PERKINS. — Portland Match Company. milE undersigned having assumed the business ©f I X the late Ann of Brown a P**rkm*. and having j increased our iuci.ities for the manufacture of oar in i» ito v e n w atcii, : we are now prepared to supplv the trade in large or small i|uantities with an article which wo warrant | superior to any ottered in the market, it being the I OXL r RELIABLE MAT< H IX THE MARKET. | of American manufacture, for Son Use, by not being impaired by age, dampness or chang* of climate; and the proprietors, ever grateful for lib eral natrouage received, teel confident that. by gir j ing tneir personal attention to the manufacture,they j will continue to merit the couttdeuce of their forme* patrons and of the trade in genet al. No. 21 Fore Street. Portland, lie. X. B. Be sure and get the TOR TL AXD MA TCHt as there arc other matches offered to the trade mir porting to be our match. We have no connection with any other maun factory. W. T. BROWN & CO, nov 26 U3w