Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY PRESS. | ... -- POBTLAITD, MAINE Tuesday Morning, December 16, 1862, ——* »»*-— The Portland Daily Press has the largest regular circulation of any daily paper in the oity. The Distress in Lancashire. The suffering in the cotton manufacturing districts of England shows no signs of abate ment. By this time it is estimated tliai 300, 000, representing more than 600.000 persons, are dependent on charity for daily bread.— These 30O,OQOhauds earn, when at work, some- \ thing near $815,000 a week; these figures j measure approximately the gross sum of want ( which appeals to the world’s bounty, but give no hint of the pain and shame, pain of hun ger, and shame of beggary, they represent. A clergyman near Manchester says he found in one house nine persons, who had been with out Are for seven days, and whose only food tor that time had been six pounds of oatmeal; in another were ten persons, who had lived a week on eighty cents; in the next were eight grown persons without food, or the means of procuring it; the wife had just given birth to twins, and one of them had died. Close on the heels of famine creeps pestilence. “The true spotted typhus fever,’’ says the London Lancet, “the famine fever, a dire concomitant of prolonged dearth, is slowly but surely ex tending its ravages in the Lancashire district.” This fever is caused by long exposure to cold or moisture, nnd by irregular or deficient diet. It can only be subdued by attacking and re moving these causes. Such is a faint outline of the bare physical facts which characterize the Lancanshire fam ine. The temper of the operatives is admira ble. For a time they were very unwilling to receive assistance; but since the vast calamity has enveloped the whole community this nat ural repugnance has given way. Jo ask aid is no longer a private and |>eculiar disgrace.— A correspondent of the London Times for Nov. 27, thus describes the patience and cour age of these poor people: Many of them were dejected, indeed almost prostrate. Many showed in their faces the terrible struggle through which they had pass ed before consenting to accept relief. One, a decent shopkeeper, showed me his books to prove that his whole profits fora week hail on ly been 6d., and asked il'I thought he had done very wrong to come on the committee. Anoth er spoke cheerfully, as he hoped that an Eng lishman might feel justified iu accepting chari ty to save his family from starving: but while he spoke he turned pale, a spasm crossed his face, and he rose suddenly and left the room, while his wife burst into tears. Everywhere I met the marks of terrible mental suffering. But nowhere did I find any complaint against the upper classes, any sense ofinjustice, or of having been hardly used. Never was there seen a nobler simplicity of endurance. The ordinary legal provision for the main tenance of paupers cannot be expected to meet the necessities of so great a disaster. Lanea shireseems to be doing all that could be ex pected of her in her corporate capacity. The rates could not tie advanced much further with out ruining the smaller ratepayers. The man ufacturers are doing more than any other class for their workmen. One large firm distributed food and money among them at the rate of $600 a week; another has spent in provisions, coal, and soup very nearly $3000; several have furnished outdoor labor for a part of their hands; one young man just beginning business (and doubtless others not reported,) having nothing else has given his time and energy without stint; another is working up cotton, which he could sell without trouble at a profit of ten cents a pound. “Nnw,” said a small manufacturer, who had bought yarn lor his weavers, and was ofi'efed an advance of $1500 on the lot, “Naw, I bowt it to keep ’em going, and they shall have it.” It has been a general opinion that this dis tress is occasioned by the American war. That is not the case. Since the visit of M. Felix Foncon to England, and the publication of his article in the Paris Presse, it has become more and more apparent that nothingcould be worse for England than the raising of the blockade, and the free importation of more cotton. This view is adopted by English newspapers. The Liverpool Courier says: Of the cause of this lamentable distress we think that the non-supply of American cotton is not the proximate one, though it is popular ly assigned to be such. The closing of many mills was, we apprehend, a necessity laid upon their owners, in consequence of the diminished demand for their manufactured goods, all available markets being glutted by the heed less energy ol excessive exportation during the last four years. Under these circumstances, if. mnnnt trnlv nlliurmi flint flu* diffli'iiltiou connected with the non-exportation of cotton from America have as yet fairly commenced. “We don't want cotton,” said an eminent Manchester salesman, "we want markets for the goods that encumber our warehouses," and ho S|K>ke out the exact state of the Manches ter case, probably up to the present time. The misfortune which lias befallen the op eratives would equally have teached them through the ruin of their employers, had this continent remained at peace during the last year. The war, which is the financial salva tion of the manufacturers, is so far from being a cause of the suffering of their workmen, that without it the miiiowners would no longer l>c in a condition to relieve the misery which would no less have come upon that district. These people are our friends; they are our kinsmen. The English hatred of America is only political; so far as the hatred of de mocracy pervades the English people, there is little hope of sympathy in our national troub les, but the working men as a body do not share that hatred. They are consistent in their opposition to slavery, which has never presented itself in the daugerous guise of an ally to their political hopes. One employer called together his hands, told them ho- could no longer give them work, ami referred to the American war as the cause. “We don't mind suflering a bit,” was the reply, “if we can only set the poor slaves free.” We cannot let these men and women starve. Something, however little compared with their needs, we can do. On Saturday $100,000 had been raised in New York. One firm offered a ship of 1800 tons burden to carry the supplies—an offer equiva lent to $20,000. A. T. Stewart gave $10,000; Gerritt Smith, $1,000; a gentleman, who did not communicate his name, 1000 barrels of flour and $7000 in money. Similar move ments are in progress elsewhere. It chills the warm heart ol the nation to learn that the T. B. Wales, offered by her owners last Wednes day to a committee of the Boston Board of Trade, for the purpose of conveying a cargo of provisions to the poor of England, has been burned by a Confederate steamer sailing from an English port and manned by Englishmen. But the sufferers of Lancashire are not respon sible for this. We are blessed with full har vests; we have been used to helping the fam ine smitten poor of the British Islands: ev en In tne midst of this terrible contest which now absorbs our energies, we can hut turn aside and listen to that cry. It is our duty, our pleasure, our pride. The general complaint against the land owners of Lancashire seems too well founded. Dr. Frederick Temple, Arnold's successor at Rugby, and one of the authors of that theo logical firebrand, the “Essays and Reviews,” thus writes to the Times : The landowners have not yet, as it seems to me, appreciated the greatness of the need. The landowner, like the millowner, has been enriched by the presence of the men who are now in want. But the millowner has risked his capital, has given his time and the labor of his brain to make hi- money. The landowner may have spent his time in social enjoyments, may have lived at I’aris or Italy, and yet, with out costing him an effort or a care, his prop erty has steadily Increased 111 value, because busy men have come near him to work. If the riches of the millowner are liable to the de mand of the operatives, much more are those of the landowner; and this terrible crisis has seriously damaged the former, while it has left the latter almost or quite unscathed. That the property of the county is well able to bear the burden there cannot be the slight est doubt. If Parliament is to interfere, the interference should consist in putting the bur den on the right shoulders, not in transferring it to the shoulders of the nation. If this be true, and the amount and nature of the evidence is conclusive, it is to be hoped that the burden will find the right shoulders; and so long as the shoulders are unprotected by this just burden, may the lash of a world’s scorn descend upon them. Let us not howev er hastily infer that we are discharged from all obligation liccause the property of Lancashire is able to bear the burden. The sufferers are not thereby relieved; and, remember, they are our friends. Time also must elapse before the resources of the county can be brought into full operation; and meanwhile the American contributions may save many lives even. The London Times and Gen. McClellan. It will be remembered that when Bull Run Russell, the “special correspondent” of the London Times, with Gen. McClellan’s consent to follow his army to the Peninsula, had snug ly stowed himself on board a government transport, with his carriage, bis horses, and servants, by order of Secretary Stanton he was directed to “walk the plank,” taking his traps with him, and was thus refused the priv ilege which he sought of hanging upon the HKins ui our uruiy uprrttuuup, umt mipii disparage ami traduce us before tile world in the columns of the Times. It is remembered, too, how he went off suddenly to London, dis gusted alike, of course, with Stanton's dis courtesy, and with republican notions of civil ity to swaggering attaches of the English press. From that time the Times, as was to lie ex : pected, fell to abusing our government in general, and the Secretary of War in particu lar. and to lauding nobody oil this side of the water—if we except the rebels—but Gen. Mc j Clellan, and those who have thought, through the weight of his name and influence, to break down the administration, and raise to life up on its ruins a dead and defunct party organi zation. But if any man ever had reason to pray, in relation to foreigners as well as na tives, “save me Iroin my friends,” that man is Gen. George B. McClellan. Not more dis creet than have been John Van Buren, Fer nando Wood, and the Bellast Journal, lias been the London Times, in its attempts to exalt McClellan a head and shoulders above all the rest of his countrymen; and not more trans parent have been the meanness and unworthi uess of the motives in one case than in the other. In the Times of Nov. £5th is an article in re ’ lation to Gen. McClellan, which is interesting i in showing how this European mouth-piece of slaveholding secession agrees with its sympa thizers on this side of the Atlantic. In the first extract we ask the reader to notice Hie statement that McClellan is the only Northern General w hom the enemies of the North re spect, and that he is the foremost man of a party coming into power: He (McClellan) is the foremost member of a party which is coming into power. He is the only man among the Northern Generals whom the enemies of the Iforth respect; and perhaps we may even say that he is the only man among those Generals whom the world at large respects. Vet, w hile lie is in camp surrounded by his friends, late one night a missive is put into his hands from a President who seems to have lost all influence, and from a Government w hich is sinking daily into con tempt, and immediately this powerful Gener al lays down his command, sinks into a private individual, and with a short farewell to his men, goes aw ay into retirement, and almost in to exile. In the following see how adroitly allusion is made to a coup d'etat, and how easily it might have been accomplished if American soldiers had been the ignorant, passive, unpatriotic hirelings that the Times imagines them to be, judging, probably by what it knows of the merceuaiy troops of its own country: He (McClellan) appears to lie the only man in America who admits that the law has any force. If McClellan had wanted precedents or pretexts for tossing his official dismissal in to his camp fire, neither was difficult to And, nor far to seek. If it w as proper to resist by IIIIIIUM j IUIVC lUf pwc'8 Ulc OU|mUUL‘ Courts, and to deny tbe halieas corpus writ in eases of arrest of American citizens, surely a great necessity might have beeu pleaded to firevent the action of a mere State Secretary's etter; and if the whole municipal laws and individual liberties ol'America are rightly sus pended under the plea of military exigency surely a similar plea might have justified a res olution of Gen. McClellan not to leave his ar my leaderless while in the face of the enemy. The Times seems to understand the feelings of the Democrats in this country; a'any rate, it speaks for them, and intimates that they would have applauded an attempt on his part to subvert the government: j To strike down this party then even at the head of the Army of the Republic was an act of vigor which might have had important con sequences had the General's ambition been equal to his opportunity. If Gen McClellan lull! refused obedience there is great reason to believe that the army w ould have stood by him, and that a large party of the Democrats tcould hare applauded him. Here follows more of the same kind, mingled with twaddle about “saving the Constitution” from the President’s violation; but the reader will probably agree with us that the Times’ respect for our Constitution, and its fear of its violation, are paralleled only by the demonstrations of Messrs. Van Ruren, Wood, «fc Co., in the same general direction. The Times says: ! To save the Constitution by force from the i forcible violations by the President would I have Ia?en a fair party cry. But McClellan has preferred to play the part of the model constitutional Democrat; he yields obedience even to Mr. Lincoln, that he' may show his zeal for the Constitution, and, with a smoth ered complaint of “doubt and coldness” in some quarters, he turns aside from the possi ble dictatorship to till his New Jersey farm. In the following is a very distinct intimation that McClellan has more confidence in Jack son and Lee. than lie has in Burnside, and that the latter's failure to cope with the rebel gen erals will afford gratification to McClellan. This is the kindness of the Times for the late commander of the army of the Potomac: A bold, patriotic man might have lieen daz zled by the glory or Impelled by the duty of daring everything in order to put an end to the present outporing ot blood and arresting the present rush to ruin; but so far as the world knows Gen. McClellan he was likely to I see things in a different light. While matters are going so well for him and his party there j is no need of any great coup. No doubt Gen. McClellan has confidence in Lee and Jackson j it we have not in Gen. Burnside, and he nat ! urally thinks that operations w hich lie did not believe to be wise to attempt himself could not be successfully carried out by the General who has superseded him. The Times, In the following, but too clearly I reflects the feeling of a class of disloyal persons ' in the free States, who would welcome nothing I with so much gusto as a defeat in Virginia; ! but that McClellan has calculated upon being re-called with augmented power, to “finish up the present decaying government,” we are not prepared to believe, though we do not doubt j “the thought” is “shared by a great many | others” with whom the “wish is father to the i thought A great defeat in Virginia would bring hack McClellan with augmented power and reputa tion, and would finish up the present decaying Government. Such inay be the calculations of the obedient General who formed the army of the I’otomac, and if such be the thoughts that swayed him they seem to be shared by a great many others. The Times goes on with a long rigmarole about panic in the New York stock market, the creeping up of gold and exchanges, all of which “uneasy feeling is doubtless complimen tary to McClellan, and must be (unsatisfactory to Lincoln”; flings at Gen. Halleck for his “long letter ofindictment against McClellan,” and finally winds up with the following some what ambiguous but pregnant language: Some of flic Americans evidently looked wistfully to Lord Lyons, who is just arrived at Washington; but it is clear that what Mc Clellan dares not soy. and Seymour dorrs not soy, would not he prudently said by foreign ers. 11’ it be true, as the Southerners boast, that they are massing their forces on the Rap pahannock to fight the greatest battle of the war. the fortune of such a battle may change all things; but in default of some fuel of this kind, the fire seems to lie sinking, and perhaps McClellan may he out of fashion and forgotten before the next Presidential election comes oil'. We have never desired to believe a word adverse to the strict integrity of Gen. Mc Clellan, nor do we uow believe that he can lend his countenance to the vile use that is be ing made of his name, or that he can be other wise than annoyed by such desperate men in the furtherance of a desperate cause. But if we are mistaken in this, if McClellan is satis fied to have suggestions of usurpation and in which such a course oil his part would tie hail ed by his soldiers and the members of a great party, then his removal did not take place a moment too soon. We go further, and say that were McClellan as pure as an angel, and as patriotic as long as he is young, possessed of the ordinary feelings of ambition, bas human passions and weaknesses, he would be a dangerous man at the head of an army, if for a moment he would give ear to the coun sels and suggestions daily made in his hearing, and evidently intended to corrupt his heart,to lire his ambition, aud to make him the instru j ment of wicked and designing men. New England Soldiers' Keliei Association. II. R. Warriner, President; J. B. Alvord, Secretary; K. Houghton, Superintendent.— Head Quarters, S. E. corner of Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets. This Association, formed for the purpose of assisting the sick and wounded soldiers from the New England States, in the U. S. Army Hospitals in this city, and such as may need aid while pussing through here on their way to the army or their homes, desire that those who are interested in the subject should fully understand the method adopted to carry out this purpose. Our plan is to appoint one or more visitors to each hospital, whose duty it is to see every New England patient, and by means of a prop er blank, get his military history, sanitary con dition and home address. We then endeavor to supply his necessities, ami as far as possible promote his general comfort. The names thus obtained are reported at our “Head Quarters,” with the name of the hospital nn<l number of the iraril and bed in which eacli each patient is to be found; then these names are entered upon the register for the State to which they severally belong. The subsequent changes, return to duty, and discharges or deaths are also duly reported and entered. The registers being oj>en for public inspection, any person, by application at our rooms, may readily ols tain the exact location of their friends from New England. If a patient is very ill, and not likely to re cover, the relatives or friends are notified, and the necessary instructions obtained as to the disposition of the body in case of death, in the event of which, if desired, we have the body embalmed and forwarded according to the in structions received, provided the family or friends defray the ex|>euses, which vary ac cording to the distance from $30 to $45. No charge is ever made for the services rendered by the association. The number of soldiers whose names are on our registers at the present time is about 2000, a large proportion of whom we have aided in in one way or another. The donations of money and clothing, thus far received, have mostly been contributed by natives of New England, resident in this city; but the daily increasing demand now compels us to ask aid from other sources, and we (eel that we have but to make known our wants to New England people at home, to so till our treasury, and stock our storeroom, that we shall be enabled to supply every worthy applicant. We there fore respectfully solicit from individuals and •Aid Societies” donations of money, hospital stores, and clothing ot all kinds, especially flannel shirts and drawers (red or gray), and woolen stockings. The demand for these lat ter articles is much greater than ice can sujt vly, yet the necessity fur their be inn sumdied in too apparent to need stating. All urticles of clothing tee give directly to the patient. Wines, jellies and preserves we mark with the patient's name ami give them in charge of the “Lady Matrons” of the hospital, to be given out under the direction of the surgeon of the ward; therefore donors may feel assured that no article is misapplied, but that the sick or wounded soldier for whom it was intended gets the full benefit of every article sent to us lor distribution. Articles lor hospital use, such as Shirts, Drawers, Dressing-gowns, Slippers, Lint, Bandages, etc., are also solicited, and they will be distributed to such points as our visitors find most needy. Donations sent to us for general distribution from other than New England States, will be gladly received and faithfully given out, accor ding to instructions, or to those most in want. By the term “General Hospital” being ap plied to each one, the impression has obtained throughout the country that we have only one immense hospital here. The fact is, however, that we have about twenty, accommodating from 150 to 2000 patients each; therefore, a letter directed to the “lT. S. General Hospital, Philadelphia,” rarely reaches the patient to whom it is addressed. Those who do not know the exact one to which to direct their letters should send them to the care of this associa tion, who will have them promptly delivered. We cannot close this circular without add ing what we feel sure will afford comfort to those who have relatives or friends in the hos pitals in this city, viz: The assurance that the medical treatment and nursing which they re ceive is generally good, ami that in most in stances the latter is almost equal to what could be given them at home, (in many cases even better,) excepting of course the soothing care of the affectionate mother, w ife, or sister. Yet the absence of even these is in a great degree supplied by a noble band of truly Christian women, “Lady matrons,” whose vol untary devotion to the care and comfort of the invalid soldier commands the admiration and approbation of every benevolent heart. Dur ing his severe illness they sit by Ids bedside and endeavor to releive his pain or soothe his anguish, They w rite for him, read for him, and, if requested, pray for him. They also prepare for him those little delicacies so essen cial to his condition, and during his conval escence cheer him with their smiles and guide him by their counsels. The term “Lady mat ron” will hereafter be a syuonyme to many for “Angel ot Mercy.” Communications may be addressed to the Superintendent. Correspondents should in close a return stamp. Philadelphia, November 1,1802. ” Jp 'The printers of Paris have printed on vellum the orations of Bossuet. and have pro duced a book in a style of magnificence quite unequalled for typographical excellence. This volume they have presented to M. Berryer, in aeknowlegeinent of his defence of the body at a recent trial arising out of a strike. In order that no other copy should exist the forms were immediately broken up, and the volume will naturally become a treasure to the bibliomaniac. ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. j tJ” We are indebted to D. 1). Akcrman Esq., for late New Orleans papers. jy Col. John S. Phelps is dangerously ill in Arkansas, where he was sent as military governor. £yCapt. Ayer, with his battery, was in i the fight at Fredericksburg Saturday. He came out of it uninjured. ty The Bangor .Whig regrets to notice that dihpthcria is again prevailing with much fatality in many parts of the State. The report that the non. Edward Ev erett is seriously ill proves incorrect. He is however obliged to keep within doors, and un able to keep bis lecture engagements. ^y James McCulleu of SulBeld, Conn., who was awaiting trial for the murder of Jas. Drake, committed suicide in the jail at Hart ford on Saturday morning. Vallandigham the notorious was in N. York on Friday, and was complimented with a midnight serenade by Capt Rynders, Ben Wood, and other Democrats of the same gen us. jy Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, pastor of a Unitarian Church in Watertown,—a very gift ed man,—and Chaplain of the Mass. 16th reg- j intent, was one of the killed at Fredericksburg, i on Friday last. jy A fine new' bell weighing 1700 lbs., has ; been hung in the belfry of the Methodist j church in Bangor, to take the place of the , old one which had been broken while being rung. y The city council of Bath have refused to issue fractional scrip, aud they have also elected Washington Gilbert, Esq., a director of the Androscoggin Railroad on the part of the city. ^y Captain C. H. Smith of the class of ’57 Waterville Collece. is Provost Marshal of Frederick, Md. The Mail says Mr. S. was j formerly Principal of the Waterville High School. IStu Maine Regiment.—By order of the Secretary of War, the 18th Maine Regiment has been changed to "Heavy Artillery.” This ! change w ill require two new companies to be raised, and the old ones to be brought up to the artillery standard. Death of the Editor of the Adver tiser.—A dispatch received in this city yes terday announced the death of Eliphalet Case, Esq., editor of the Portland Advertiser, at Patriot, Indiana, on Sunday night. His dis ease was pneumonia, with which he was con flued about ten days. Et. Col. W. B. Sayles of the Rhode Is land 7th Regiment, was killed by a shell at Fredericksburg, on Saturday last. Col. Sayles was formerly editor of the Providence Post,, and will be remembered by many ofour read ers, as making one of the party that attended Mr. Douglas when he visited this State. The Bangor Whig learns that Gen. ; Sami. F. Hersey of that city, has paid up the w hole of the indebtedness of the bondsmen of II. D. Peck, the defaulting State Treasurer, amounting to about twenty thousand dollars, j Only about one-half of this amount is now due —the balance becomes due in about one year from this time. “If” That “everlasting fire” near Bath, In the peat meadow, is still burning. Yesterday we saw quite a volume of smoke issuing from the ground, and a spot not more than two ; yards across was bare, while the surrounding snow appeared to be nearly a foot deep. This tire, we were told, has been burning ever since last spring. jyBenj. F. Flanders, one of the Repre sentatives to Congress from New Orleans, is a printer by trade. He is a New Hampshire man, and graduated at Dartmouth College in the class of 1842. Shortly after, he went to New Orleans and was engaged in teaching, and was subsequently on the editorial stall' of the Tropic. ^Jp-The following cases of hospital stores were sent forward by express this (Tuesday) morning to our soldiers; 1 barrel to J. W. Hathaway, Washington ; 2 boxes do do; .*! do Sanitary Commission, do; 1 barrel Mrs. Eaton, do; 1 do Mrs. Usher, Chester Hospital; 2 cases Capt. Waldron,16th Maine Regiment; 1 do Capt. H. C. Little, 23d do; 1 do Mrs. McKay, Frederick City; 1 do Miss Pearson, Annapolis Hospital. The Progressive Age publishes from a private letter the particulars of the murder of Leblieus Moran, a Maine man, on the 21st of October, in Oregon City. Moran was stab bed w hile unarmed, by a cowardly secession ist named Strickland, w hose dislike for him seems to have been grounded on political rea sous solely. 1 he assault was quite unprovoked Moran was a cooper, and iormerly worked in Belfast. rar-we are informed that a new Sugar House, for the purpose of re-hoi ling molasses, similar to that in this city owned by Messrs. J. B. Brown & Sons, is about to lie erected in Brooklyn. New York, to be under the charge of 1). II. Furbish, Esq., formerly of this city, who has had many years experience iu Mr. Brown's house. The drawback allowed on the exportation of Rum and Alcohol, has greatly increased the demand for the residium left" iu manufac turing West India molasses. £y*Complaiuts have been made by privates of the 7th Maine Regiment that they have not received their pay for six months ; that their rations are neglected—some days having none at all, and Sunday night that they had no supper—and that they have not been sup plied with vegetables at all. since they have been here. We know not whether there is j any truth iu these complaints or not. If true, they should be remedied immediately. If not true, they should be contradicted by authori ty, as the complaiuts have been made rather public. We publish to-day the circular of the A'etc England Soldiers’ Relief Association at Philadelphia. The Superintendent wishes us to call the attention of the community and especially of the New England Aid Societies to the fact that all articles of clothing sent to this association are given directly to the sol- ■ dier. Woolen shirts and stockings are now greatly needed. It is our duty here at home ' to devise and put iu operation some speedy method of supplying these wants. We have also received from this association a list of Maine soldiers iu the hospitals of Philadelphia and vicinity, which will appear to-morrow and every mouth herealter. Restoration of Liuut Houses.—We are glad to learn that the United States Govern ment is taking the preliminary steps for the restoration of Commerce with our Southern ports, by an evamination of the present state of extinguished lights on that coast; and for this purpose have detailed Win. A. Goodwin, Esq., Acting Engineer in charge of the Maine and Massachusetts Eight House Districts.— If Mr. Sumner ever publishes a new edition of his well-known speech on the “Barbarism of Slavery,” we think he can find a new and striking illustration iu the fact that, iu the slaveholders’ rebellion, they destroyed no less than 128 Light Houses, Light Boats, and Bea cons ; which was the otUcial number so re ported by the Light House Board. ]?Y TELEGRAPH ! -TO THE ETEKIMG PAPERS. -- The evening papers yesterday contained no later telegraphic intelligence from Fredericks burg, and, in fact, not so late intelligence as we gave yesterday morning. The telegraphic reports were accounts of the battle on Friday and Saturday, sent to the New York papers of Monday by special corresjiondents. These rejiorts do not vary from the dispatches we have before published, though more particular in the details. Thu correspondent of the New York Herald sjicaking of the battle of Satur day gives the following account of General Franklin’s attack: Stonewall Jackson occupied the right wing, Lougstreet the centre, Gen. Lee and Stuart the lelt, while Gen. A. P. Hill's corjis acted as the reserve. * Lee’s reason for occupying the left was lie cause he could be on his guard against Sigel, who threatened to outflank Him by way of Culpepper. The entire rebel force was estimated at 200,000 men, and occupied a front of not less than 20 miles, The troops were tor the most |iart veterans who hail fought through the pe ninsula campaign, while the officers were the ablest the South could produce. The disposition of the Union forces occupied the whole of Friday night and Saturday morn ing, and Gen. Burnside was anxious to com mence the attack at as early an hour as jiossi ble. Saturday morning came with a dense fog; however, the disjiosition of the Union forces had been made, and Gen. Burnside de termined to commence ojierations, fog or no fog. On the left Franklin moved his column, consisting of the 1st and tith corps, just before sunrise. Skirmishing commenced a few minutes after daylight on the extreme left. A rebel battery opened on our troops, and the Uth New York State Militia regiment was ordered to charge and lake the cannon at the point of the bayo net. The order was obeyed with alacrity, but after a tierce struggle they were compelled to fall back. At this critical moment Gen. Tyler came to their aid with a brigade. Assisted by Tyler's brigade, another attempt was made to storm the rebel batteries, but without success. — The tight now became general on the efl ireme ten, atm another desperate enon writ made to capture the rebel battery by General Tyler’s brigade, but the fire of the reltels was so withering in its effect our brave fellows were unable to gain any advantage. By noon, the whole of Franklin's corps en gaged the enemy, and a desperate effort was made to turn the enemy's position and drove him beyond the creek. Gen. Franklin com manded tin; movement in person. The reltels maintained possession of some small hills, but gradually fell back. During the afternoon the reltels came to a stand, and for a time assumed the offensive, but were bravely met and repulsed with heavy loss. It was at this time that some 300 of Hill's command fell into our hands. The enemy contested every foot of ground, and it was only by the hardest kind of fight ing that he would be compelled to change his position. Tlie obstinacy with winch the reltels held possession of their ground rendered General Franklin’s task a very difficult one. He bad to cope with Stonewall Jackson, hut the Union commander was- not discouraged. He had driven the enemy back several roils, and old Stonewall met his match this time,and at sundown Franklin had succeeded in driving the enemy nearly a mile, and his troops occu pied the Held during the remainder of the night. The movement on the left was a com plete success. Z A special correspondent of the Boston Commercial Bulletin took passage for Eng land on the same steamer with Maury and other rebels. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Notice.—The Annua! Meeting of the Portland Society of Natural History will be held at its Hall ou Congress street, Wednesday Dee. 17, at 3 P. M. II. W BRYANT, Dec 14 —til Recording Sec’y. Deafness Ccekd.—Mrs. M. G. Brown will be at the Preble House for one week. A remarkable case of deafness cured in twenty four hours by Mrs. M. G. Brown, Professor on the E e and Ear. and proprietor of Poor Richard's Eye Water. ‘‘I, Bartlett J. Decoster. No. 2 Hall's Court, Port land, give this certificate, to codify that t have been deal from a child, and for twelve years past bate been quite deaf. 1 have spent hundreds of dollars, without receiving any benefit whatever. Last Sat urdav I went to the Preble House and made arrange ments for Mrs. B. to treat me for deafness. In 24 hours after her first application I could hear every voice in the bouse. I can uow stand in the cellar and bear the clock lick in the parlor. Grateful to God for his great deliverance, I heartily commend her mode of treatment to all who sutTer as I have done.” Every kind of diseased and weak eyes, also Catarrh, healed, and a cure warranted. Charge* moderate. MRS. M. G. BROWN, Nov. 18—tf 410 Arch St., Philadelphia. A Good Spring Bed has become an almost Indis pensable article, not only of comfort and necessity, with every family, while the united testimony ol Physicians has placed their healtliftiluess beyond question. No invalid should be without one. As an evidence of the superiorty of COREY'S "PREBLE" SPRING BED overall others, is the fact that the demand for thii Spring Bed is quadruple that of auy other kind. October 1. 1862. tf SOMETHING NEW.—Please call and examine Mrs. Toy's Patent Corset Skirt Supporter, which is a new and very desirable article. It is a Corset, Skirt-Snpporter and Jlithop combined. La dies and Misses using it need no other of either. Price 91.25, which is cheaper than the Corset alone, and serves the wearer as both. For sale only by II. C. LOVELL & SON. Agents, novll edtf 129 Middle Street. DR. P. P. ql'IMUY, would give notice that he ha returned to Portland, and can be found at his Room, No. 18 International House, Tuesday, August 12th, where he will atteud to all wishing to cousul him. First Examination at office.9200 Each subsequent sitting at office,.50 City Patients, first Examination at residence,. . 2 50 Each subsequent visit at residence,. 1 00 August 16, 1862.—tf Physician and Surgeon.—11. A. LAMB, M. D., Othco, corner of Congress and Chestnut Strecti Portland. Me. Particular attention paid to Surgery, including diseases of the eye and ear. augT—d6m Dentistry.—Dr. JOSlA11 HEALD, No. 241 Con gress Street, tirst door east of 1st Parish Church, Portland, Me. augTdly Dus. LOCKE & KIMBALL, Dknti&tb, No. 117 Middle Street, Portland, Me. augl5—ly BROKERS* BOARD. Salk op Stocks.—Boston, Dec. 15. 1862. 3.000 United States Coupou Sixes (1881).1041 7.600 .do.104J 1.700 United States 7 3-10 Treasury Notes.104 6.000 U S. Certificate of Indebtedness,. 97} 700 United States Five-Twenties. 99} 13,000 .do..100 5.000 United States Demand Notes.126} 14.<M)0 American t.old.132 1324 6.000 .do.132} PORTLAND POST OFFIC E. mail arrangements. WESTERN—Arrives at 12.49 and 7i P. M. Closet at 7.45 A. M. and 1 30 P. M. EASTERN—Arrives at 1.50 P. M. Closes at 12 M. STEAMBOAT MAIL—Arrives from Kastport Me., St John NB and the British Provinces.Tuesday morn mornings. Closes Thursday at 4 P M. EUROPE—Closes every Saturday at 1.30 P. M. CAN A DA—Arrives at '1.60 P M Closes at 12 M. COUNTRY MAILS—Arrives about 5 P. M. Close at 9 P. M. C ^“office open daily (Sundays excepted) from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. On Sundays, from 8$ to 9} A. M. ii iitmi:n. In Windham Dec 14th, by S. M. Baker. Esq., El bridg* Allen and Mrs. Eliza A. Allen, both of W. In Pittstou Nov 13th, Dau'l McMuffieof Winthrop, and Miss Sarah E. Stevens, of 1*. In North Anson Dec. 2d, George Cults, Jr., aud Miss Louisa J. Gould, both of Now Portland. In Brewer Doc 10th, Capt Heury C. Snow, of the 7th Me. Reg., and Miss A. N. Burr, of B. DIED. Iii this citv Di e 14th, Clara Kingsbury, daughter of Geo. L. and Clara I'. Norton, aged 3 mouths 17 days. ; IT"Funeral this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. In Buxton Nov. 27th, by drowuiug, Franklin, son of David ami Eliza A. Flood, aged In years 5 mos. At Alexandria, Ya., Dec 6th, Thomas p. Hall, aged 24 vears, son of John Hall, of Woolwich. Me. fu Peru Dec 9th, Mrs. Elleu, wife of Gilbert Bailey, aged—years; 13th, of diptheria, Carroll Irish, aged 12 years. In Brunswick Nov 28th, Mr. David Lincoln, aged 72 years. In Brunswick Dec 1st, Lewis T., youngest son of Joseph and Joan Sylvester, aged 29 years 9 uios; 6th. Mrs. E. K. Lord, aged 62 years; 7th, 3Irs. Hannah Merry man, aged 79 vears 1 mouth. In Topsmam Nov 19th, John Gould, aged 62 years. MINI ATI RE ALMANAC. Tuesday.December 16 SUN. I HIGH WATER. Rises.. .7.23 | Sets.. .4.29 | Morn’g 6.46 | Kven’g 6.15 MA1UNE NEWS. POUT OF PORTLAND. Monday* December 15* ARRIVED. Sch Brier, Rich, Bucksport for Baltimore. Sch Lake, Connor, Buck«port for Boston. Sch Lion, Furbish, Rockland for New York. Sch Ben Franklin, Patterson.Wiscasset tor Boston. Steamer C hesapeake, Willetts, New York. CLEARED. Bark W E Anersou, Reed, Cardenas, by H I Rob inson. Brig Eudorus, Haskell, Cardenas, Phinney k Jack- j son. s Sch Abbie E Willard, Conley, Havana, Thomas ' Asccnsio k Co. Sch W'hite Sea, Jones, New York, by R G York k Son. It was the brig Hampden (of Bangor) and not the Hammond, from which the signal rockets were sent up, when the pirate Alabama escaped from 31artin ique. DISASTERS. Ship Albert Gallatin, from Calcutta for Boston, be fore reported touched at St Helena, had experienced heavy weather off the Cape of Good Hope, and was leaking. Ship Chapin, from Boston for San Francisco, be fore reported at St Thomas In distress, was leaking badly, aud would have to be discharged to make re pairs. Brig Elizabeth, Trimble, fm New York, was wreck ed at Vara < ruz on the 6tli ult. The E. was 196 tons register, built at Warren, Me., in 1862, rated A2, and owned in New York. Brig Cuba, (of 3tillbridge) Ray, from New York, was wrecked at Vera Cruz on the 29th ult. The C. was built at Millbridge in 1851, 199 tons register, and rated A2. Brig Nathan (of 3(achia«) 3!eans, which cleared at New York Sept 18th for 3Iinatitlan, was wrecked on Aracada reel on the 24th ult The N. was 233 tons ■ register, uum at .uaoman in i.'vxi, ana raiea az. DOMESTIC PORTS. NEW ORLEANS—Cld 1st, barks Anna, Wheeler, and Ninevah, Stack pole. New York. BALTIMORE—Ar 11th, schs Lucy A Orcutt, and Village Gem. Boston. PHI LADELPHI A-Ar 12th. brig* Allston. Saw yer. from Fortress Monroe; W II Parks. McAlevy, Alexandria; sch Harper. Coombs. Baltimore. ELIZABETHPORT—Cld 10th* sch Cora, Kelley, New Bedford. NEW YORK—Ar 12th. brig Almore, Iloffses, from Miuatitlan. Ar 13th, ships Guy Mannering. Dollard. Liverpool; Challenger. Wilson. Rotterdam; barks Teresa. Fos ter, St Thomas; lAmpligbter.Morris. Port Roval SC; schs Josiah Achorn, Hatch, and Amanda Powers, Robinson, Rockland for Elizabethport; Louisa Dyer, I Jameson, Rockland. Cld 12th. ships Champion, Borden, for Melbourne; i Colombo, Lathrop, Boston; brig H Hopkins, Leer- ' hofT. Vera Cruz; schs Shooting .Star. Ilersey, Pem broke; Angelina, llix, Rockland; Hattie 31 Mayo, I McFarland. Boston. Cld 13tb. brig Rush, Babbidge, Havana; sell Mary Alice, Perrv. Rockport. Also cld 13th,ship Powhatan. Lnnt. Buenos Ayres: | rclis Saxon, Cassidy,for "St John NB; C Wilcox, Mc Fadden. Calais;*.I Achorn. Hatch, Boston. Sid 13th. ships Union, and Bernard; brigs Julia E A rev, and E A Reed. [By tel.] Ar 16tli. bark Essex, from Havana; brig ! Young America, fm Para. PROVIDENCE—Sid 12th, sch Leo. Gordon, for I Portland \ ia Boston. NEWPORT—Sailed 12th, schs Princess. Hopkins, | Bucksport for Philadelphia; Julia Newell, Trott, fm • Portland for New York; C B Jones, do for fialti . more I FALL R1VER—Ar 11th, sch Nath’! Chase, Doane, ' New York. J Ar 12th. sch A 31 Eldridge. Philadelphia. NEW BEDFORD—Sid 13th, sch 31 A Reed.Kelley. . New York. NANTUCKET—8!d 12th, sch Triton, Freeman, for Rondout. BOSTON—Ar 12th, brig Lagrange. Murcl:. Calais; ! , schs Pearl. Kellev. Elizabethport; N C Ilarri*,Leigh ton. Rondont; Honj Franklin, Shaw. Calais; Antiet am. Irons. Cherry held; Edward King. Cox. from { Dennysville: Huntress, Hallowed, do; Ratau, Davis. Ellsworth; Python, iNgood, Bluehill; ocean Belle, Sawyer, Jonesport; Julia Grace. Philbrook. Orlaud ; Brutus, E!well. Bangor, and Diadem, Black, Bangor; Charm. My rick. Elizabethport. Cld 12th, brigs Ada Purves, Croscup, for Havana; Nebraska, Clark, New Orleans; Hayward, Green, j • for do. t Ar 14<h. sch Superior, Robinson. Kcnnebunk. j Ar lotb, ship Gentoo. Freeman. Talcahuauo- bark j Oc«*au Favorite. Tibbetts, Buenos Avres; Sachem, r Atkins. Havre: brigs Virginia. Card. Baltimore; LT Knight. Park. Philadelphia: A F Larrabee, Carlisle, 1 Elizabethport; Mecosta. Dunbar. New York; schs Daniel Breed, Hart, Bangor; Emeliue, Colby, from Wiscasset. ( Cld 15th, ship Harriet, Mooney. N Orleans; brigs (Chasfelain. Warren. Martinique; 3Iouticello, Gov erns. Port Paix; Faustina, Berry, 3Iatanzas; schs H Hooton, Kidder. New Orleans; Eliza Otis, Ryder, Belfast: Excel. Tarbox. Bath. | GLOUCESTER—Ar 11th, schs Mars Hill, fm New | York; Pcniuuah ft Josephine, Higgins, 3(t Desert ! for New York. * NEWBUR Y PORT—Sid 12th, sch Julia A Gamage, I Brewster. Bucksport. FOREIGN PORTS. At Leghorn 24th ult, ship liaughton, Percy, for Boston soon. Ar at Deal 24th ult, ship Talisman, Thompson, fm Callao for Loudou At Deiuarara 15th ult, bark Princeton, Seeley, for New York. At Mutamoras 21th ult, bark Win Wilson, for New York. ldg. At Vera Cruz 1st inst, ship Western Empire. Mc Laughlin, from New York, disg; brig T B Watsou, i Wallace, dolio; Beaver, Tuffs, fm New Orleans, do; ' sch Cordelia. King, do. and others. Cld 2Sth. bark P C Alexander, Colcord, for New York. At Cardiff 29th ult, bark Amanda, Larrabee, for Bassein ai.d Manila At Casteimaiu, no date, brig Fannie Butler, (from Bangor) ldg. tor New York. At Martinique, no date, brig Hampden, (not Ham IU”IIUI IIVIU “"6 At St Thomas25th ult, bark Fame. Kennedy, unc; brig Alamo, Steele, fin Machias, (ar 17th) disg. Ar2I*t nit. bark Ju*tina, Forest. Kin Janeiro, (and sailed 23*1 tor Baltimore.) At Keiuedios 1st inst, brig Moonlight, Wooster, for Bostou 2 days. Sid from Last Harbor 29th ult. brig Emily Fiaher, Staples, for Near York. SPOKEN* Sept 25. lat 20 30 S. Ion 68 88, ship Kliphalet Gree lev, Cutter, from Akyab for Falnmuth E. "Dec 5. lat 36 >13. lou 75 10, bark Northwood, from j New York fur Vera Cruz. Dec 10. no lat, Jtc. w as leeo, bark Oceau Home, from Matauzas for Portland. KJWr OF LETTER! REMAINING in the Portlana Post Office Decern tier In, uncalled lor. Sfir-lf auy of these letters are called for, please say j that they are advertised. ^P^All letters advertised are subject to an extra ! charge of one ceut. Sec. 5. Asd be it further exacted, That lists of letters remaining uueallcd tor in any postolhce in any city, tow n or village where a new-paper shall be printed, shall hereafter be published once only iu the ' j newspaper which beiug is.-ued weekly, or ofteuer, • shall have the largest circulation within the range of i I delivery of said office.—Lairs ttf the I'nitetl States. LADIES’ LIST. Aiken Ann M mrs Leavitt Martha mrs I Allen Abby Lynch Marv mrs i Abbott Estella A Leighton Phebe inra ' A lieu George 31 mrs Lord Screen L mrs J Adams Sophia E mrs Lowe Susie S Abbott Woodbury U mrs Libby S Elleu ' Barnes Aun Butler mrs Libby Win F mrs. Cape E j Butter Abigail Locke Worthingtou uira ! BlauchaidC W or C N mrs .Msrstou Anna mrs Blown C S 3la\well Anna iura Bourk Catherine mrs 31itchell Almira mrs Boyd “ Meserve Abbie Berry Charlotte S mra—2 3laxwell Aiinira Bates Coiistantiue Mehir Bridget mra, to be Bickford E A forw’d to Mary Curriu Brackett John mrs 31a»ou Katie mrs 1 Brooks Mary N 31ortimer Lizzie A ; Bennett 3Iary Moulton Esther 1 j Buzzell Mary Megareu Jane •• Jane 3lci oiough Jane P Brown Neheuiiah mrs Morri*ou John mrs Clover Augusta mrs McKeekide Lois mrs Cripps Amos C Merrill .Martha A mrs ( unary Abby L 3Ierrill Mary E mrs Cashiuau (atherine Morrill Martha 31 mrs Crossman Caroliuo McCarty 31 B mrs Crockett Georgie A McDonnell Mary, care of Croell Jesse mrs Martha Jane Tibbets Chapmau Matilda ntrs McCarty Maggie S Cummings Nancy A wid’w Main-man Martha J Chase Sarah L tnrs Murshall Mary EC Crockett Sarah J mrs 3litchell Mary E Carver Sarah A Moore Sarah G mrs Dow Alice Norton Albert inrs Dyer Abby—Cape E Noyes Susie B Drake Dr mrs Orr Patience mrs Dutamle Ella l’earl C mrs, care of mrs Dennis* Elizabeth Bowers Dresser Elleu A mrs Price Lizzie Dow George W mrs Perrins Eliza, care mr j Davis Georgie Brown Duuiiiug llatt e Pickering Fannie M Dyer Hannah 31 Paringtou Jos mrs, for j “ “ P—Cape E miss F Mogtorth “ Josephine Palmer 3Iary S—Cape E DoleJas S inrs,WestbrookPatridge Nathan ntrs Dyer Martha mrs Peirce S A or 11 mrs Davis Matilda M inrs, for I’m man Win B mrs I mrs Isabella Boucher Uevalion Lottie Louise. ' f Dyer Kachall inrs care inr Nichols • Dyer 31artha A mrs Keuiick Eli/a A mr* • Eaton George O mrs Kobinsou Eliza mrs (No 7 Edwards James S mis Milk st)-3 Eames Linda Kyan 31arv (Spring st) Estes M A Kussell 31 S mrs I Foley Annie, for Margret Roberts 31 arc ret mrs I llorrignn Richards 3latgret mrs Flagg li K mrs Kobinsou Sarah (Green at) [ Fensicy Eliza A mrs Rice $aroh inrs Fuller E or C Stearns B K uirs Fisher Nellie Stevens ( has F mrs Fell Ellen Shedd Caroline NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Friend Ida Flora 8h.-dd Dianna M Irrnch l.-bceca A Damtl mra Fnwt Roth mra SpoSbrd Ellen M 1 Orant Eliza Steven. Ellen .arland Emily Smith Emily E mr. Oardiner Elua D Smith E J mr»-( »pe E Oilman »lore J Shaw Edward E mra Oraen A Staple. F mra Oardner 8 A mr. Stephen. Fauatina U Harri. Augustus mra Smith Uu.tarua mra llarmon Annie P mr. Sterling Jane T Hauler Adeliza 8 mra.for- Smith Jane merly “ 8 Nichols Shaw L 8 lleath Flora Snow Makeda Moldon llatiio G Shaw Mary mra Harlow Mary Scott Mary mra Harmon Matilda mra Swarger Fhebe A mra llazclton Mary mra Sawyer “ •• •• Hooper Honina mra Sis© P Augusta mra Higgins K«-ul>en mra. C ESweetser Sarah mra Hat tie* Susan mra—2 8 wear* Sarah A mra Hogau Thomas mra Swift Vira A Hartford Malty A mra Staples Wm mra •leaning* Delia I Taylor Annie 8 JordanEben mra-CapeE Turner Mara E mra—2 Jobnaon Lizzie M mra IVkerman Mary mra Jom»a Elmira Tufts Kuby H Jonea J M mra Viniug Elizabeth mra Johnsou Sam 1 M mra Varney k« becca G Judkins Sophs F Wheeler A nd’w mra.CapeE Jordan Mlnteley mra.C E Waterhouse C A mra ** “ “ Waterhouae Charlotte Knight Dorcaa C mra Wood E M mra Kimball Harriet N mra Worth Nellie mra K uight Maria B Winslow Lizzie Knapp Samuel mra M’bittier Ellen 8 Larrabee Angeliue mra Wescott Ella Low Nettie M'alton Fannie Libby Ann M M'alker Georgia A Leavitf Lizzie A mra Wood lone 8 laoavitt Eunice mra Walker I J mra Lowe Eugenia M'are or Wane. Julia AorX Larrabee Frouie Williamson John mra Leach Fauny Whitemore Susie E mra Lawrence Hattie X mra GENTLEMENS’ LIST. Ashton BenJ F Libby H O or W O Andrews C L Lyman J F Andrews E H Leighton Joseph Allen Geo W.for miss Ma- Liuch John tilda Spiller Leighton John Abbott Geo L Lord James U capt_2 Arnold James H Larrabee John 8, for mi— Atkinsou J B Abbie F Deeriug Alley Sam’l capt Lees Michael Boyutou It Pickett Lovejoy Morse Boulten house Bel ford capt Lock N C for John G Stuart Laehy Patrick Briggs Cushing A co meaara Libby s iiut liven Brackett Byron B Lord Saiu'l L capt—2 Baker Chaa.for miaa ift*> Lord 8 J ry Baker Libby Theodore Brown Calvin 8 Lincoln M'm Blanchard C W or C N Locke M' Browning C H Merrill Andrew A Baugh E P Miles Beni C Burk Edward Mitchell Beuj F Bailey Frank J Monson C K, for H F Brown F Monson Baker George C Moody Cha* B Booth by Horace B Melcber ( has C Bahemau J Cabrin Max field (. has. for miaa Ul.nwl...* I ■ 1 XMT U_U.IJ Blake John—2 Max tie Id ( has, for miss Blake Johu F Auuie S Maxfield Brazier J, for miss H R Merer C W Brazier McCarthy Dennis,for an Balom La Fontain Patrick Flaherty Boyle Peter Mitchell Dan’l L. druggist Bridges S B McMillan D miel capt Baretow Thomas Mackgillcuddy Dennia Bow leu O H Mergill Dauiel Cressy Alfred 3Iorrison D F Cass Chas Moulton Geo W—West'k Chism k Cobb messrs .Marnuis George Crosby D VV capt Macdonald ilugh—2 Clark David P Maxwell James H Cloudman George Mavbury John ColbeyGeoH Milliken J. for miss Ad Caldwell Hennr die E Milliken Cotter John—2 Mason James 8 Carney or Karney John Macone John Clark Jos, for mrs Luc in- Merrill Lorenzo da Clark Mckennev Laflfcyette Case Justus L Murray Michael jr C J W Merrill, Hayden k Whit Clarey Martin iiig messrs Counelly Martin,for Bridg-McCav Mick et Connelly McDonall Neil Chenery Martin McNay Patrick Coburn Moses R 3Ic< abe “ for John Collins Patrick Mullor Clifford Patrick Merritt Phenies Chandler P L Montgomery Robert ( arter Reuben W McGuede .Stephen P Chamberiain T F,for miss Moody Sylvester C Lizzie A Small Moody Wm F Clanp Willard, for miss Martin Wilbur F Ellen B Clapp Merrow or Murrow An Carleton Wesley W drew—Cape Elizabeth Clark Wm Noble Cbas W Courteney Wm Nason Chas 8 Chick Wm Prof, care of Nve E A Dr Hanson Nixon James Durkin Owen bee Courier Davis Chas K, Westbrook O'Brien Daniel, for miss Deer rar—2 Mary Judge Darcy Edward OTorner Korean Daiue George Oakes John—Cape Elis'h Donovan John Odiou L L, for mrs Ester Drener J P Foster Donolioe James Parks Asa—shoemaker Dock rev James R Paine Chas W Davis N L Patterson Cbas T Dee ban P Plummer David 0 Deer in g Phineas Pride David— W est brook Dean Supply Pearce Geo D, for BenJ Dyer Simon, for mrs Wm Collicut 11 Jose Plummer H E Dow 8 II Phillips Isaiah Dana 8 H PeafleM J M or I M Dean S B Palmer J M Dana S Howard Prime John E Dutton Thomas Pond Jarhes Dunning Washington Parmeter John Kmraond J M _Philon John A Ewing Thomas Piper J 8 Ewiug Wm Peduzzi Peter Foss Albert Pierce Sam’l A Foster Barzilla B and Peudleton Washington M Cbas W Rogers Chas A, for capt Frost Frank Geo W Wentworth F<>«dick&Scamman messrs Randail G A,for miss Fan Forsyth Geo R nie 8 Watson Frances Horatio N Randail Geo F, for mra FoggJ R,tor mrs 8 F Fogg Erastu* Gould Fomaith Jno W Richardson Horace H Falor Johu A Randall Joseph P Fuller L A Robinson J Foster Le Ror A Ross John C Francesco Poghetine Sig- ltollins M M uore Raud Michael Fliuton Thomas Ray Samuel Fox Wm O Randall Simeon Fitts Win H Richardson Thos.blaek'th Freese Washington Rideout U Rev, for Mias Green B F Addie Rideout Gilman C J, for mra 8u- Ross Wm san T Gilman Ruby Mathias Gardner Christopher capt Sweet Albian Gordou Chas F Smith CWril C Green Daniel Shaw Chas ET Glidden E A Seymour Felix Gross Edwin R Smiht Frauk H Griflfci Edward, for miss Smith Frank E Ellen J Libby Suow Giles GaJ I alter Edward Stone Geo W, Cap. E Gazette Servilo Henry H Garcelon Harvey for Wm Spring Isaac A Garcelou Stuart James A GilJis Joseph Sawyer Joshua Grady Martin Spencer John Goodrich R S Smith James heirs of, of Gordau Solomon T, att'y Spear Joseph F at law Servia James Heron A Smith Jonas Haskell A F capt Swett Marshall Hall Arftus Sawyer X V Heuricksou ( has A Sherry F.for John Woods Harris C'has A Sieveus R S llainlett ( has C Sawyer 8 K. for miss S Higgins Charles, for mrs liattie Robbins Greeuleaf Elder Stearns Varus liarttord Darius Strout Wallace Hill Fred master Steel Wra A Itoagiand llenry C Stacy Wm Hall James Y Stowell mgj D Howarth Jno of Augustus Stowell llowley James Trueworthy A cel E Hynes Owen Tracy A J or A 1 llersey Simeon Thompson Christopher C Hovey Theodore Thomas (' eapt Hayden Wm J—2 Trask E P Hattre Wm R Turner Henry W llegarty Michael Thomas Joel W llauso » M. tor miss Hal- Tetinaut James dah J Hanson Vol’s colonel 11th Maine Hadley M S—2 Vote Z 1 ope Hiltou John or Ralph, Wyman Alfred B Westbrook Washburn ( has E Jewell C H—2 Wyman ( has H Joushton George W W'oodsome ( has H Jordan Jonathan Whittemore C Jacobs John capt, for Geo Wilson E A Hill Whitnev Elias.for mrs Eli Jones Lemuel F saE Whitney tC t heights Jordan UM Watts G G Joy >am’l w Williams Henry H M Johnson Sam’l W " llenry •* S M Worcester Ira KushawLJ Webbjrl Ready Edmoud Wolfe John Relioch Fullerton Wiggins John U or W Knight Fort or Pert, care Wescott Jeremiah or capt Wiunith Whitmore Joseph Knight Henry, for mrs Wiuslow J C, for Peter Sophia S huight Godfrey Kily John Whalen Michael Keene James 8 Ward 2 Patrick Kelley Janies—2 Ward Patrick, for mrt Ma Kearns Thomas, for John ry Coutou Joyce Waterhouse Sam'l—2 Kearns Thos, for Patrick Weymouth 8am'l Conuely Weston 8 B KnightL L.soap manufrs Whiteman Thos B Lowell ( has ki Winslow Wm H Lobdell Chas •* Walcott Wra Henry capt Lang Caleb X master Young Alouzo Lovejoy Emery W York Andrew Lovejov H Young Thou G eapt Luce Henry P SHIP LETTERS. John E Pendleton, on board brig Annandale John W Peirce, barque Bonaveuture. steward capt Harriman James Welsh, mate steamer Blue Bonnet N A Reed, capt brig Billow John P Teuuey, capt baique Indian Belle R B Blaisdell. capt sch L* D Webber cant, sch Sarah Eliza Steward or the brig Farana Holman F Patterson, brig A P Flukcr 8 P Lord, capt “ “ J^ues H Lord, capt " " Java Wilson, baique Jane, capt Tavlor Wm Webb. . of St John Steward Wm. barque Queen of the Lakes James Beast. British barque Jane Loudon Thos Goodman, capt ** •* '* Isaac H Horner, capt sch Nimrod Facey capt. barque Olive—3 James Jones, capt Facey, barque Olive W F Smith, S Jewell, John Hooper, “ “ capt Facey Hiinclark mr •lames Lamnsoii. baroue Ocean Home James Mitchell, brig J l’alledo. capt Long Job Rack lit!' jr. sch Superior-2 John E Farr, sch Sarah, eapt Haskell Joseph W Bickford, brig N Stowers S M Dodge, capt brig Volant Wiuthrop i'ard. brig Virginia ( has Patterson, sch Willie G C apt Berry of ship William. A. T. DOLE. Postmaster.