Newspaper Page Text
M1 SC EL LAX V. An Adventure Down in Dixie. A correspondent writing to the Boston Journal from the IT. S. barque Restless, of the Charleston blockading squadron, relates the following interesting adventure: A little trip to the “main” was made a day or twro since by Master’s Mate James W. Rus sell, of this ship, a brief account of which may prove of some interest to your readers. Our Captain had received information from contrabands thut the mail between Charleston, Santee and Georgetown, passed two or three times a week, in the night, along a road about tlve miles inland, and determined to attempt its capture. Mr. Russell was detailed for this duty, and accordingly started on the afternoon of the 3d inst.. accompanied by two contra bands, called Jerry and Harry, who were ac quainted with the locality. They arrived at the main about sundown, and proceeded to the road where the mail was expected to pass. Close by was the plantation upon which the two contrabands had been slaves, and where their families still lived. One of them was sent to his hut to make inquiries about the mail, and soon returned with another negro, a slave, called Jack, w ho appeared very intelli gent, expressed a desire to la? free, and who offered to aid the enterprise in any way possi ble. Mr. Russell sent him to the mail station j near by, to ascertain what time the mail would pass, and get such other information as he could. Jack showed more shrewdness than ! many white people would have done. Poul try is sometimes sent by tin? mail carrier.— i Jack boldly entered the station, and inquired ' what time the mail came, saying he had some ; chickens to send. He found that it did not j come until the next night. After obtaining I all the information possible, he returned. Mr. Ptiafiftll Hutni'itiinidl In tt flit unil lutinir nsuniux/1 ! of the negroes on the plantation, and told tha the master and overseer were away, and no one to fear except the driver, was induced to go over to one of the lints to stay until the next night. He was very cordially received, and although it was quite late, a supper of boiled hominy and roast sweet potatoes, the best they had, was immediately prepared. There was soon quite a crowd of slaves col lected in the hut. All had heard of the Pres ident's emancipation proclamation, and made eager inquiries concerning it. They supposed that when Charleston should be taken the proclamation would be enforced. They all wanted to be free. There was among them a very old man, a great-grandfather. Notwith standing his age, he said he was obliged to go Into the field every day to his work or be cow - hided. The whip and the one who used it 1 will describe presently. The “best bed,” but not the “spare bed," for there was none, was given to their guest. It was a rough bunk with no lied save the lioards, a hard cotton pillow, and two very'old blankets, which ap peared to have been targets for Berdan’s reg iment. Ail the bedding they possessed was offered to him. A pitch pine knot served the Surpose of a candle. About midnight Mr. [ussell was aroused by a noise in the adjoining hut, where llarry was w ith his family, lie went out and found that the driver, who by some means had become apprised of the re'urn of the two contrabands, Was dragging Harry out of the hut by the throat, and belaboring him with a whip. This driver was a ferocious mulatto, over six feet high, very large, and extremely mus cular and powerful. The w hip lie used, which was made expressly lor him, was of plaited i cowhide, about ten feet lone, and one and a half inches in diameter at the butt, gradually tapering to the end. This whip was after wards obtained and brought away as a trophy. j Mr. Russell did not wish himself to lie seen, be cause it might frustrate his mail enterprise the next night., and so kept himself concealed ; for a while, but soon found it necessary to j interfere, which he did by coming forward and leveling a revolver at the driver’s head, caus- | iug him to drop both Harry and the whip, and run for his life. Mr. Russell thought it about time to leave, and taking the three contrabands started for his boat and rowed to Bull’s Island. He now concluded that there was still a chance for ttie mail, provided he made a bold push in the day time. A sharp lookout would be kept at the landing the next night. He star- I ted back again at noon, arrived at the lauding about 4 o'clock, left Jack in charge of the boat, with orders to keep concealed, and with the other two contrabands made his way back through the woods to the road, arriving before dark. Here lie remained concealed until aliout half-past 10 o'clock, when the mail came along. ; It was carried by one man, with a horse and | sulky. Mr. Russell,having stationed the two negroes, jumped out into the road with a pistol and commanded the man to stop. He reined . up at once, and asked what for. He was as sured he would not lie harmed, and told he would save all further trouble by alighting. He wanted to know by what authority he w as stopped. “By authority of the United Slates Goverment.” “ Thank God!" said the man, and jumped out, “lam glad of it. I hare wanted a rhanre like this for some time.” After searching the man and his sulky, Mr. , Russell tied the horse to a tree near the road aud proceeded w ith the man and his mail hags toward the boat. Upon arriving at the spot four mounted pickets were discovered a lew feet in advance, oil the watch. Mr. Russell's party concealed themselves until daybreak, When the pickets rode away. Upon giving the agreed signal, Jack, the new contraband, w ho had faithfully remained by the boat since the i preceding afternoon made his appearance, and a puli of a few hours brought them safely to the ship. The gunboat "flag" happened to be in sight, and the man and the mail bags were immediately dispatched to the Hag ship of the squadron. The contents of the mail, which was a large one, were not ascertained at the time, but Charleston papers of the4th(tbe duy the mail was taken)were obtained. They con tain very little uews. r A good deal of information was obtained from the mail carrier. I should judge him to hp mirul rpnrpspiitjit ivi» nf tlu* nmru int..lli_ geut portion of the poor whites of the South. He was over forty years of age, was born in Charleston, and had never been more than six ty miles from that city in his life. He said he liked the South for it had been his home, but now there was no chance for a poor white man, and lie was glad to leave. There were mauy others who felt as he did, but many be lieved if they should cotne within our power, they would lie imprisoned anil otherwise abus ed, and perhaps killed. The farmers in that vicinity believe that if Charleston is taken they will be driven away, their slaves liberated, and their lands confiscated. This carrier, of course, would have been compelled to join the army, had lie not been engaged in carrying the mail, which the law' will not allow to be car ried by a negro. Notice. THE Estate of Patrick Callun. lato of Portland, deceased, having been represented insolvent.the Judge ot Probate lias appointed the undersigned Commissioners in receive und examine all claims and demands against said estate. And all ]>ersons are hereby notified that the meetings of the Commis sioners for the above purposes will be held at Iho office of Frederick Fox, 64 Middle street, Portland, on the last .Saturday of each of the following months, via: November, l>i*ceinber, 18*12, January, February, March and April, 1863—from 2 to fi o’clock I‘. M., on each of those days. GEORGE E. R. JACKSON, I „_. . IRVING W. PARKER, j Commissicaers. Portland, Nov. 8. 1862. nov8 1. D. TIHKItll.I. A CO., FLUNIBERS, No. 27 Union Street, Portland, Me. Water Closets, Urinals, Force and Suction Pumps, Bath Boilers, Wash Boirls, Silver Plated If Brass Cocks, <Z all kinds constantly on hand. |y All kind* of fixtures for hot and cold water •et ud in the best manner. Alf order* in city or country pemonally attended to I. D. MERRILL. JOHN HUM). B. D. MERRILL. aup4dly db. c. H. o*uoo i>, gTSS** SURGEON If MECHANICAL t> e rv v i js t, No. S Clapp’s Block, Congress Street, OPP. OLD CITY HAM.,-PORTLAND, MF. Artificial Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver and Vul canite base 8md A woe LOAN TO THE TOWN OF (’ape Elizabeth. PROPOSALS will be received through Portland P. O., Box 375. until Saturdav, Dec. 20th, for the purchase of Bends isaued bv the town of Cape Eliz abeth, to the amount of Two Thousand Dollars. on eight years time, at the rate of interest of live per cent, per annum. The Bunds, with semi-annual coupons, are made pavable at Portland. JOSEPH S. PICKETT, Treasurer. Cape Elizabeth, Dec. 10.1862 decll tdeo20* I snnws———aa—a—————a—i——— MISCELLANEOUS. ZYLOBALSAMUM, The great unequalled Preparations for Restoring, Invigorating, lfenutlfying and Dressing the Ilair, Rendering It soft, silky and glossy, and disposing it to remain in any desired position ; quickly cleansing the scalp, arresting the fall and imparting a healthy and natural color to the Ilair. it never fails To Restore Grey Hair TO Its Original Youthful Color V\ w.©\ iv VK^e , But acts directly upon the roofs of the Hnir, giving them the natural nourishment required, producing the same vitality and luxurious quantity as in youth. Aov TkiwAvcs vvwA C\w\Avcw Whose Ilair requires frequent dressing the Zylobal samum has n«» equal. No lady's toilet is complete without it. Bold by Druggists throughout the World. PRINCIPAL SALES OFFICE 198 Greenwich Street, Hew-York City. dec 10 cod & v6u26 w aa ir mi tan Corporation Bonds, WITH COUPONS, Town Xotes ami Orders, AND ALL OTHER KIND* OF PRINTING, Neatly and Promptly Executed —AT THE— Press Office. FAIRBANKS' Stan da r d SCALES. These celebrated Scales are still made by the orig inal inventors, (AND only by then.) and are con stantly receiving all the improvements which their long experience and skill can suggest. They are correct in principle, thornughlg made, of the beat material a, and are perfectly accurate and durable in operation. For sale, in ever)* variety, as Hay, Coal and Railroad Scale*! BUTCHERS', GROCERS’. DRUGGISTS’, CON FECTIONERS- and GOLD SCALES! Beams, Weights,&c.,&c. With a complete variety of WEIGHING APPARATUS, — by — FAIRBANKS & BROWN, 118 Milk Street. .. .corner of Batten-march Street, Boston. Sold in Portland by EMERY & WATERHOUSE. oc25 3 5 YEARS. For more than twenty-five years has the well known FURNITURE HOUSE OF WALTER COREY, Furnished the mansions of the wealthy and tbo dwellings of the lowly, THE PUBLIC HOUSES, MERCHANT SHIPS, AND STEAMERS Not of Maine only, but of other States, with articles of Furniture suited to their various wants. AND NOW, At the old stand, 52 and 54 Exchange Street, With Increased facilities for manufacturing, BY STEAM POWER, With good workmen and thoroughly seasoned stock, j he can furnish the largest assortment of CUSTOM-MADE WORK, (Or made, at short notice, to any pattern customers j may direct,) Than can be found Elsewhere in the State. Purchasers for Cash may rest assured t fiat goods bought at this house will be made perfectly satiafac- 1 tory in price and quality. At this establishment may be found an extensive as sortment of Elegant and Plain Furniture, of the most desirable styles, comprising Rich and Medium Prid'd Drawiug Room, Parlor and Chamber Furniture, of every de scription. 1 eat her Beds and Mat tresses of all kinds, Common Furniture, Chairs, Look ing Classes, &c. The Be*t of Extension Tables, &e. Rosewood and Gilt Mirrors. Spiral Spring Beds, &c. IpliolMery Work Attended to n» uanal. N. B.—SHIP FURNITURE made to order. October 1st, 1802. tf Dissolution of < o|»nrfiftcrs|ii|>. ThTOTICE is hereby given that the copartnership .Lx hitherto existing between the subscribers under , the firm name of BROWN & PERKINS, is dissolv j ed by mutual consent on this 26th day of October, i The affairs of the late firm will be settled by W. T. Brown & Co. W. T. BROWN. Portland, Oct. 26, 18G2. KOBT R. PERKINS. Portland Match Company. rWIHE undersigned having assumed the business of JL the late linn of Brown & Perkins, and having 1 increased our facilities for the manufacture of our I Iff V If O V ED in A T C II, we are now prepared to supply the trade in large or ! small quantities with hii article which we warrant superior to any offered iu the market, it being the ONL Y RE LI A BL E MA T( II I V THE MA REE T, of American manufacture, for Son Use, bv not being impaired by age, dampness or change of climate; anti the proprietors, ever grateful for lib eral patronage received, fool confident that, by giv ing their personal attention to the manufacture,they will continue to merit the confidence of their former patrons and of the trade iu general. No. 24 Fore Street, Portland, Me. X. B. Bo sure and pot the PORTIAS T> MA TCH, as there are other matches offered to the trade pur porting to be our match. We have no connection with any other manufactory. W. T. BROWN & CO. nov25 d3w THE MARKETS. Portland Wholesale* Prices Current. Expressly corrected for the Tress to December 10. An additional duty <\f Hop*. 10 pc is levied on all mer-Dutu : 5c p lb. chanuise not imported di-IFirst Soil, 1862.. .14 @16 rect from the place qf pro- I row. duction or growth. Duty : Pig and Stamp $6, A ftheift. liar not exceeding $50 p Duty : 10 Pc ad val. ton value $17 p ton, ex Pearl p lb.7£@ 8j ceodiny $60 p ton $18, Tot.7}<® 85 less than $ inch thick or Apples* morethan 7inches wide, Green p bbl.S14@ 1J rounds less than 4 inch .Sliced p lb.44 @;5ic or more than 4 inenes in Cored p lb. 4i@>o diameter, and squares Uncored p lb.2^j) 3$ less than 4 inch or more Bread* than Aincnes square $20, iMity : 30 pc. liaitroad $12 60, Boiler Pilot p 100 tbs. $64 @ 6j aud Plate $25 p ton, Ship.4* @ Ai Sheet 2@2jc p lb and Crackers i»er bbl.. s@'4 3? S3@5 p ton. Crackers, p 100 35 @40c Common.3J<@) 3] Butler* “ Refined . .4@ 4f Dutu : 4c p lb. Swede.6 @ 64 Family p lb.21 («23c Norw ay.6$@ 7 Store.14 @15 ,Cast Steel.22 @24 Beano* 'German steel-14 @16 Marrow p bush$2 25@2 50 EngIish|Bli*.Steel.10 @17 Tea.2 25@2 OO.Snring.9 @ 10 Blue Tod.2 12@2 87 :S licet Iron. Eugl. .5j@ 6| Cnudlen* Sheet Iron,Russia. 17 @18 Duty : Sperm and War 8c. do Rus im’t. .13 @14 Steanne 5c, TalU>w2^c l.ard. p lb. Barrel, p lb.104 (all Mould p lb.13ic@14|Kegs, p lb.10J@lljc Sperm.32 @o5 i Leather* Chrrse. 1 Duty: 30 pc ad ref. Duty : 4c P lb. New York, light. .28 @30c Vermont P lb. .. .11 @12 do. ir.d. wts.. .30 «31 Country.9J@l0i do. heavy.30 fa31 C oni—(Retail.) do. slaughter. 32 @34 Duty : From Br. Prorinr- Ainer. Calfskins 75 @85 es free, other foreign Bi- Sl’tcr Wax Leath.19 @ 20 tumenons $ 1 10, alloth- Lentl. er kinds GOc P ton. Duty Pig lie p lb. Cumberl’d ptou.$10@ Am. Tig p 100 lb.$94@ 9J Whiteash..9 @ Foreign Tig.9I@ 9] Lehigh.9@ (Sheet and Pipe.. lOlalOj Franklin. 9 @ Lime. Coffee* Duty : 10 pc ad rat. Duty: 5c p lb. _ Rockland, cask. 68 @75c Java p lb.33 @34c Lumber—From yard. St. Domingo.30 (@31 Clear Tine, No. 1.$38 @ Rio .32 @ 33 do. No.2. 34 a; Mocha.34 @ 85| do. No.3 24 @ Cordage* do. No.4. 14 w Duty Tarred2\c. Maml- Shipping Lumber.16 u 17 la 24, all other 34 p lb. Spruce..10 @11 American p lb.. 13 @14J Hemlock.8 @10 Russia Hemp.16J@17 Box Sh’ks, (catdi) 50 @66c Manilla.13 @134 Clapb'ds, 8ext..$14 « 16 Bolt rope, Russia .161 @17}' do. T “ ...30 @32 do. Manilla. 14 @16 Shingles, Ced. ext.23 Cement* do. “ No. 1.2 a. 24 p bbl.$130@135 do. ext. Tine 3j @ 3| Drug* and Dye*. Laths,Spruce_100@i25 man $2, Oil Almonds and Red Oak Staves 30 @36 Otto of Bos* * 150, Oil Mol. 11 lid. Shooks Bergamot, Cassia and & Heads,city. .276a287 (’lores £1, Hydriodate Sugar do. city. 276@2 87 Potash75c,CantMkrides. do. do. c’t'ry.l 25a 160 Mastic,Ipecac,Rhubarb, Country Riff Mol. Cardamons, Oil Lemon, 11 lid. Shooks... 1 60'dl 75 Anise and Orange, lo- Slash.160@160 dine 60c, Toluand (Yude lioous.£30 @32 ('amphor 90c, Refined do. Hackmatack Tim 4oc, Tartaric Acid 20c. her, p tun.10@16 Cream Tartar, Citric !Moln«»ra, Acid, Shellac, Copal,/Mu Duty : 6c 4* gal. mar and Cum* used f**r < 'icnfiigos.... , like purposes 10c, Aloes, Trinidad.40 @ 46 Verdigris, ('liberate of Cuba clavcd.36 a 36 Potash, Carb. Magnesia do. do. tart. 30 a 32 6c, RoracicAcid, Yellow do. Muscovado.36 @38 Prussia!e Potash and Hew Orleans. Red do. 10c, Liauorice, Portland Syrup,hhds..26 Oxalic Acid anti Sugar do. bbls 29 of Lead 4c, Asphaltum and Bi-Chro. J*otash 3c, Duty: ('ut lc, Wrought 2c, Sago 14c, Epsom Salts, Assorted 3c p ft. Liquorice Root, Ri-( 'arb. Cask. 4 60@4 76 Soda, Caustic Soda lc; \nvnl Store** f astnr Oil 60c 4* gal., Duty : Turpentine, Rosin, Mttrphine £2 p oz., Al- Pitch, 7Yir20pc ad ral., um 60c p cwt., Copperas s. Turpentine 15c 4>gal. 60c 4* cwt.. Muriatic Ac- Tar (foreign )|> hb).£)3al6 id 10 pr ad ral.. Spang- Pitch (Coal Tar) £41 a es, Assafwtida, I sin- Rosin.]fi7d20 glass. Flor Sulphur,Sen-Turj»eutiiiePgal 280,0.286 nn, Arrowroot, Ginseng Outturn. 20 pc, Bleaching Potr- Dufy : Free. ders 30c p c»rf., American.8]@ 9] 60c p cwt., Sal Sodaand Oil. Soda Ash^c P lb, (Yude Duty : Sperm, Whale and Brimstone £3 and Boll other Fish Oils rtf for do. £6 p ton, Alcohol 40c eign fisheries 20 pc ad P gal. ral.. Linseed, Hempseed Alum p lb.4 @ 6c and Rapesee*l23c p gal., Aloes.80 a 37 (Hire 23c. Salad 60c, Arrow Root.17 @40 Palm, Seal and Cocoa Borax.28 @80 nut 10c p gal. Brimstone (roll).. .44@ 6 Portland Kerosene Bi-Carb. Soda.6} @64 Dluminat'g Oil.80 @86c Sulphur.6 @ 6j Machine.80 @ 82 Sal Soda.8j<^ 4 Clarine. < amphor.14>«1 50Sperm Winter.. . 19R(a200 Cream lartar.86 @65 Whale, ref. Wint 98 al«i0 Logwood ex.12pal4 do. Crude.90 @92 Magnesia.28 'dS6 Grand Bank and Indigo, M'la, fine.£lf a 2 Bay Chaleur.. £26 @29 Madder.17c@18 Shore.24 a26 Opium.£9 @94 Linseed.£1 .*12 a 135 Rhubarb.200@ 226 Boiled.1 36«.l 40 Alcohol.87 a95 Lard Oil.1 06fel 10 Fluid.1 10 @125Olive Oil.176a 1st) Camphene. 290 (a Castor Oil. 2Q6a210 SaltiH-tre.11 @23 Neatsfrot Oil...lO&al 12 Vitriol.12 @ Onion* l> ye wood*. p bbl.£3|@ 8J Duty: Free. p bush.1 20@1 26 Barwood.2 fab Pnint*. Brazil Wood.18 @ Duty. On White Lead dry Camwood.4)@ 4? or ground in oil and Bed Fustic, Cuba.2 to* 2J Lead £2 40 p 100 tbs. 44 Sat an villa. lj@ 2 Litharge 24c, Oxide *\f Hypernic.4j@ 6 Zinc 2»c 4* lb, Prussian Logwood, Blue, Vermilion, Chrome Carn)>eachy.2 @24 Yellow, Venetian Bed25, St. Domingo.1 \ a 2 Spanish Brown dry ‘Jo, Extract Logwood. 12|@.14 in oil 8u pc ad ral.' Yel Nic Wood. @ low and other Ochres60c Peach “ .3?@ 4i 4> 100 lbs, Paris White Red 44 .3) a 3j dry 60c, <w oil £160, Sapan 44 .2 @ Whiting 50c 4> 100 lbs. Quercitron Bark.. .2j@ 2\ P’tl’d Lead, in oil.£10a Red Sanders. 3 @ 6 Lewis Lead, “..10j@10J Dark. Boston Lead, 44 . ,9J@ Duty : 30 pc ad ral. French Zinc, 44 . J0(a>10$ Ravens.45ca> Amer. Zinc, 44 . 8 «8J Portland, No. 3..90 @ Rochelle Yellow.. .3 @ 3) “ No. 10. .6*5 @ Eng. Ven. Rod-3 @ 3] Navv, S’r, No. 3 89 Litharge.10@ 44 * 44 No. 10. 66 Red Ixad.1(*@ Tent Duck, Planter* U. S. 10 oz.60 @ Duty . Free. 44 12 oz.66 @ Per tou Soft.1 76‘al 78 Feathers. Hard.1 60@1 62 Ihity 30 pc ad ral. Ground.500a660 Live Geese P tb .60 @65 Provisions. Russia.25 @ Duty : Beef and Pork lc, Piah. Lard, Baron and Hams Duty : For 100 tb* foreign 2c. Butter and Cheese 4c caught — Herring £1. p tb Mackerel £2, Salmon £3; Ch’go Mess Beef.£12 a!4 and all other pickled in Portland do. . 124 a 13 bbls. £1 &o P bbl., other- P’tl’d ext. do. . 14* a. 14 4 wise 60c pete/. From Pork, extra clear. 164 @lf Prorincesfree. Pork, clear. 15lal6 Cod large p qut. £4a 41 Pork, mess. 13tal4 44 small.3@ 3l Pork, extra do ... 13’J a 144 Pollock.2i « 2] Pork. Prime. It hill Haddock, .lj« 14 Round Hogs.6] ?a6| Hake, .1 56@1 7* Hams..10 a 11c Herring,Shorepbl .4 d 4J City Smok’d (lams.none, do. Labrador., none Produce, do. Scaled4>bx 33a40c Beef p qu’r p tb. 6 (® 74 UU. O. I.007 ... n ffl 1JJ Mackerel p bbl., Potatoes, phhl.Sl 42a 1 62 Hay No. 1... .§10Fall Chicken*, Spring.8 'a 10 Hay No. 2.7}« 8 Lamb .5 g 8 Hay No. 3.b)% 6 Turkic**. 9 a 12 Shore No. 1 .... 10«{a. 11 Geese.9 @10 “ “ 2.7]@ 7| Veal.none. do. (medium).. .4* a 4J Pickle*, p bbl_§74® 84 do. (small).8(0*3] Rice. Fruit* Duty: Cleaned l^C, Pail Duty : Lemons, Oranges, dy jc p lb. Bananas and Plantains Rice p lb.74 20 pc ad ral., Almonds Rum, 4c. and Shelled do. Gc p Portland distilled.63 (266c lb. Xuts and hates 2c Salrrntua. rib. ('urrants. Figs. Saleratus p lb.6j@ 7c turns. Prunes and Rai- Suit* sins 6c^%» lb. Citron 80 Duty . In bulk 18c, and in Pc ad rat. bags 24c p 100 lbs. Almond*—Jordan p lb. Tuili's Is., p hhd. Soft Shell.20 (222c (8 bus.).§2 80®3 26 Shelled.26 (280 Liverpool.2 6fta3 00 Currant*.16 a 16 Cadi/.none Citron.42 245 Sacks Salt .none. Pea Nut*.S2j«24 Gr’d Hut ter Salt .22 ^ Figs, common.... none. Starch. New Kleme.18c a 22 Ihity 20 pc ad ral. Lemon*, pbox. .§2Jfa 3 Pearl.64® 74 Oranges— Iiav ana. . . 2 60 Potato.4 « 4: Raisins, Shot-piOOlbs §9JalO Blue pcask.15)® 16 Drop.§104-2 Black.§8 a. 10 Buck. ll‘® Hunch p box. 4 KVa4 15 Son p. Laver.4252 4 50 Ihity . 36 pc ad ral. Dates.7 (2 9c Leathe k <iore’s, Trow Prunes.8pa l0J bridge k Smith’s Kx Flour—Portland insp. tra No. 1 p lb_9] 2 9? Superliue.§62 6] Family do.8j a- 84 Fancy.6J 2 6) No. 1.ft Kxtra.6f2 7 Kagle No. 1.Gj® 6} Family.7 ® 7| Star.54 a 5} Kxtra Superior-712 84 Castile.12^ 216 Western extra*-61% 74 Crane’s.9 294 “ family-74<@ 8] Spier*. “ superior. 7j® 8* Duty: Ginger Root be, Ohio extra.7 % 7] Ground Ginger 8c, Pen “ family.8 @ 8] per and Pimento 12c, Canada super No.1. none. ('loves 15c. Cassia 10c, StLouisFnv Brands.8 (2 9 Cassia Iluds 20c. (inn a Southern III. do do.7j@84i mon 25c, Mare and Xut Pctansco Family. .102 10] megs 30c p lb. Rye Flour.4J®> 44 Cassia p lb.45 ®47c Corn Meal.4J® 44 Cloves.83 .235 Buckw’t Fl’rpib 2c@ 2] Ginger,(Race)_80 «31 Grain. Ginger, (Africa) 30 231 Duty : ('orn and Oats lOc, Mace.80 (a 90 Rye and Harley 15c,and Nutmegs.90 (a92 If heat 20c p bu. From Pepper,. 25 226 Hr. Provinces free. Pimento.22 (a.24 Ryo.952-1 00 Seed*. Gnts.60 2 55 Duty: Linseed 16c p6u South Yel.Corn. .84 2.86 Canary §1 p bu., Mus Corn. Mixed.82 2 85 tard Sc p lb. Barley.80 285 Herds liras*,.§24 221 Shorts p ton-§22 223 Western Clover) 10e o 11 Fine Feed.25 @27 Red Top.§3 a 3] Grindstone-*. Linseed.3 a Ihtty : Hough—free. ('unary.8J@j 4 Rough, p ton. .. .§17 5 20 Sugar. Dressed.80(285 Ihity : Melado2c,not\abore Gunpowder. AV>. 12 24c, above Xo. 12 Duty Valued at less than and not above 16 3c,above. 2t»c p lb Gc. orei' 20c 6c Xo. lb and not above 20 P lb and 20 pc ad ral. 34c. above Xo. 20 and re Blasting.§44 a 6 ; fined 4c p lb. Rifle and Sporting.b\@ "4 Portland A.9jj® Hay. do. A A.9i2) Pre***’d p net T.§18]®;16 do. Yellow, .none. Loose.16 ®16) Kxtra Yellow.. .. none. IlidcM and Skin*. Muscovado.104(511* Duty : 10 pc ad ral. do. in bond.HI 29 Slaughter Hides.. ,6F®74© Havana Brown_10* a 12 CalfSkins.11213 do. White . .124 2134 Calcutta Cow— New Orleans.11}§18| Slaughtered. .1 802200Crushed.14 2 14? Green Salt.1 60(2 1 76 G ranulated.14 @144 Dry.120® 1 30 Powdered.14 @144 Sheep Pelt*, Cir’n.95® §14 Tallow. Sheep Pelts, Dry .76^1 00\Duty • Tallow 1 pc, Soap | Stock 10 pc ad vat. ' American refined .8I@ 9c Soft, “ .4J@ 6 Hough.6A@ 6 Twine. Tran. ’ Duty: 35 pc ad rat. '■ Duty : 20c P lb. Cottuu bail.83 @86e Hyson.75c@81 Flax “ .40 @ Young Hyson....76 @ 1 “ Haloing.45 «-60 , Oolong.67 @80 Hemp “ -42 @ 60 I Souchong.60 @56 India. 20@ 26 Tobacco* Varnish* ! Duty: Leaves unmanufar- Furniture.82 ® 3 tured 26, all other kinds Coach.3j.@ 6 86 \*c adval. Damar.3j@ 4 •’s&lO’sbest br’ds.70 @75c Wool* do. medium. .66 @68 Duty: Costing 18c f> lb do. common. 60 @62 and under 6 t>c, over 18c ia1 fibs best br’ds.78 @80 to 24c p lb 3c, orer 24c do. mod. good.66 @70 9c p lb. do. common.. .60 @62 Fleece.45 (3555c Natural Leal, tbs 81 @ li Lambs.46 @53 'ancv, in Foil.lja 2 Zinc* Tin. l>uty : In blocks or pigs Duty: Pig 15c, Plates26 ljc, in sheets 2c p lb, j pc adval. manufactures if 30 pc ! tauca, cash.43c@ 44 adval. .trails, cash.40 @42 Pigs and slabs.5J® 61 ’lat€8-Char.I.C.812T.al3 Sheet >.osslmaun. Ili@l2 do. **■ I.X. .16 @16 Sheathing.90 @ 'oke.llf@12 Exchanvr* Wood* London—60u. 1 44 @147 j lard, retail.87@ 7J Paris.,/3 82$@8 90 STEAMBOATS. Portland and New York Steamers. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. The splendid and fast Steamships i “CHESAPEAKE,” Capt. Willktt, : and “PARKERSBURG,” Captain Huffman, will, until further notice, ( uu as tollows: Leave Browns Wharf, Portland, every WEDNES DAY. and SATURDAY, at 4 P. M.. and leave Pier • North River. New York, every WEDNESDAY nd SATURDAY, at 3 o’clock. 1*. M. These vessels are fitted ui» w ith fine accommodations or passengers, making this the most speedy, safe and « omfortabie route for travellers between New York nd Maine. Passage 85,00, including Fare and State dooms. Goods forwarded by this line to and from Montreal, Quebec, Bangor, Bath, Augusta, Eastport and St. John. Shippers are requested to send their freight to the (earners asearly as 3 1*. M., on the day that thep eave Portland. For freight or passage apply to KMiiKY h FOX, Brown’s Wharf, Portland. H. B CROMWELL &. CO., No. 86 West Street, New York. Dec. 6,18 3. dtf M O N '1' KEAl, OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO’S Weekly Mail Line. mONE of the following first-class, power <^~rl A M ERIU A X. N<»R W i;o I AN. JURA, fiCSH&Sl BOHEMIAN. ANGLO SAXON. NO VA SCOTIAN—will sail from Ouc‘bec every Satur day morning, for Liverpool, via Londonderry. Passenger* leave Portland per Grand Trunk Trains with United States mails, every Friday, at 1 15 I*. M., connecting with Steamer at Quebec every Saturday morning. Passage to Liverpool, Londonderry or Glasgow: Third Class. *35. First Class. *77 to ?92—according o accommodation,—which includes tickets on Grand Trunk Railway. Prepaid and retnrn tickets issued at reduced rates. Excursion tickets to the World's Fair, out and back, *186. t Apply to Kdmonstone, Allan A Co.. Montreal, or to J. L. FARMER. No. 10 EXCHANGE ST., PORTLAND. June 23.1862. dtf rrht'fqr THE WEARY. ANDERSON’S SPRING BED BOTTOM! Patent granted October, 1862. ID. K. Frohook, GENERAL AGENT. Under United Slate* Hotel, Portland. 1H1IS desirable mechanical arrangement has now . been in use a sufficient length of time to shew that it gives entire satisfaction aud actually is the more valued the more it is used. This invention is a step in advance of all others in the Spring Bed department, embracing a little more of their excelrennes, and yet happily overcoming all their defects. It is flexible as hair/ and yet so recu perative as to bring itself into ptace with great facili ty. It is adapted to the invalid, the aged and old. aud all who linger in suffering and weakness. They are made of good material warranted strong and du rable, and uot liable to get out of order. TESTIMONIALS : Commercial House. Portland. June 16. 1862. Having introduced the “Anderson Spring lied Bot tom” into my house, after trial, 1 pronounce it to be an easy and itealthy bed. 1 am nsing several kinds of spring bed bottoms, but consider the Anderson fully equal if uot better than the best. N. 4. DAVIS, Proprietor. We have introduced several of the justly celebrat ed “Anderson Spring Bed Bottom” to our sleeping apartments. We give this spring bed bottom a decid ed preference over any and all othere we have ever used. Our guests speak oQthem in the highest terms. We recommend their use to all hotel keepers who de sire the comfort of their guests. w. i> McLaughlin a son. May 12,1863. Franklin House, Bangor, Me. [From Hon. Josiah II. Drummond.] I am using the ‘Andcrsou .Spring Bed Bottom,’ aud 1 am very much pleased w itb it. JOSIAH U. DRUMMOND. Portland, July 23,1862. [From Hon. l^ot M. Morrill.] Having used Anderson’ Spring Bed Bottom, I can eheerfuliy recommend it a* an excellent article. Augusta. Aug. 6. 1*62. LOT M. MORRILL. Having become fully satisfied of the benefit of tbo •'Anderson Spring Bed Bottom,” 1 have purchased three of them at five dollars each, and do most cheer fully recommend them to the public, tfaterville, May, 1861. Dr. N. R. BOUTELL. Mr. D. K. Frohock has furnished the beds in my house with the "Anderson Spring Bed Bottom,” and 1 take pleasure in recommending this article as the most convenient, economical and comfortable thing of the kind with which 1 am acquainted. A. II. ABBOTT. Principal of Family School, Little Blue, Farmington. I have had the unspeakable pleasure of sleeping on one of the "Anderson Spring Bed Bottoms” for the last three weeks, and must say it far surpasses any thing I had anticipated. Mv wife, who is feeble, has had no good rest for six months till occupying oue of these beds. She would uot part with it ’ou am ac count. Rev. JOHN allEn. Farmington, Feb. 28,1802. The Bod Bottom 1 bought of you fullv merits my expectations, and is fully up to your high recommen dations. I would cheerfully recommend it to all who desire to improve their sleeping aiaiintenis. AI STAPLES, Augusta, AprillS, 18G2. A N. WILLIAMS. Having tested the “Anderson Spring Bed Bottom,” I can cheerfully recommend it to all who are in need of such an article; and I believe jt to be superior to am thing of the kind now in use. Waterville, April 12,1862. Kkv. E. HAWES. Testimonials similar to the above have been re ceived from the proprietors of the following public ! bouses- - Penobsot Exchange, Bangor. Franklin House, Bangor. Skowbegan House, Skowhegan. Lewiston House, Lewiston. Winthrop House*, Winthrop. Elmwood House, Waterville. Litchfield Corner House. Stoddard House, Farmington. Revere House. Vassalboko. Hallowed House, Hallowed. China House, China. Franklin House, Augusta. Cushnoc House. Augusta. Abbott's School Farmington, i Eaton Boys' Boarding School, Kent’s Hill. iuU7d&w6m COAL & WOOD, CHEAP FOB CASH, DELIVERED TO ANY I’AUT OF THE CITY. | SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH, j UAZELTON LEHIGH, ' COLERAINE LEHIGH, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, JOHN'S, THE GENUINE LOBBF.RT, Pure and Free Burning. CUMBERLAND COAL FOK SMITHS’ USE. THESE Coals are strictly of the best quality, and warranted to give satisfaction. Also, for sale, best quality of Nova Scotia and other Hard and Soft Wood. . The public are requested to cad, as we are deter mined to give good bargains to those who pay cash. Office, Commercial St., head of Maine IIhf. SAWYER & WHITNEY. jul31tf Gilt I nimt s. FOR PORTRAITS OR LANDSCAPES of any size or style desired—latest patterns and best workmauship-^-made to order by MORRISON & CO., 26, Market Square rhoto£rzi|»lii<’ <*oods & Clipniiculs. OUR stock in this department is complete, com prising every article used in the art. MORRISON & CO.. une24dtfw8t 26, Market Square. Oil llstiid. A CONSTANT supply of best Extra Deep Gold Leaf, and at low rates at 36 Market Square RAILROADS. KENNEBEC AND PORTLAND R. R. WI NTER ARRANG EM EX T. £2*22*7^523 On ami after Wednesday, Nov. 19th, 1862, passenger trains will leave as fol lows : Augusta for Bath. Portland and 10.46 A. M., connecting at Bruuswick with the Androscoggin Kailroad for Lewiston, Livermore Fails, Wilton and Farmingtou. Leave Portland for Bath and An gust a at P. 31., conuectiug with the Androscoggin trains at Bruns wick for Lewiston, Livermore Falls, Wilton and Far mington; and at Augusta with the Somerset & Ken nebec Railroad for Vassal boro’, Waterville. Ken dall's Mills and Skowhegan; and at Kendall’s Mills with the Penobsoot k Kennebec Railroad for Burn ham. Pittsfield, Newport mud Bangor. Tickets sold iu Boston for all the stations on the Kennebec & Portland, Androscoggin, and Somerset & Kennebec Roads. For Bangor and Stations on t lie Penobscot A Ken nebec Railroad, passengers will purchase tickets to Kendall’s Mills. BTAGE CONNECTIONS. Stages leave Bath daily at 3.00 P. M., for Wiscas set, Dutnariscotta, Waldoboro’, Warren, Rockland and Thomaston. Leave Augusta for Belfast, at 4.00 P. 31., or on ar rival of of train from Port land. B. 11. CUSHMAN, 3Ianageraud Superintendent. Augusta, Nov. 15, 1862. novl8 York A Cumberland Railroad. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. j Dn and after 3Iondav, November 10, ¥ w' 'dP^trains will leave as follows, until farther orders: Saco River for Portland at 6.36 and 9.16 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. Leave Portland for Saco River at 8.00 A. 31., and 2.00 and 6.16 P 31. The 2.00 P. M. train out. and ths 9.16 A. 31. train into Portland, will be freight trains with passeuger cars attached. Stages connect at Sacearapna daily for South Wind ham. Windbum Centre and Great Kails. At Gorhain, for West Gorham, Standish, Steep Falls, Baldwin, Hiram, Limington, Brownfield, Fryeburg, Conway, Denmark, Lovell, Brivlgtou, Ac.. Ac, At Buxton Centre, for West Buxton,Bonny-Eagle, South Limington, Limington. Ac., Ac. At Saco River, tri-weekly, for Hollis, Limerick, Ossipoe, Newficld, Parsunsfield. Effingham,f reedom, 31adison, Eaton, Limington, Cornish. Porter. Ac. nov 13 ALEX’R BAILEY, Jr., Sup’t. ANDROSCOGGIN RAILROAD. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Qfcflm imago an*i after Monday, May 6, 1862, rains will leave Portland for Lewiston and Farmington via Brunswick, at 1 P. 31. Leave Farmington lor Lewiston, Bath and Port land, via Brunswick, at Q.15 A. M. Leave Lewiston for Bath and Portland via Bruns wick at 11.45 A M. Freight trains daily between Portland and Lewis ton. PTAOE CONNECTION!!. Stage leaves Strickland’s Ferry Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, for Livermore, Canton, Peru and Dixfleld; returning opposite davs. Stage leaves North Jay ior East Dixfleld, Dixfleld, and Weld, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; returning opposite days. Stage leaves Farmington .or New Vineyard. New Portland and hingticld, on Wednesdays and Satur days, returning on Mondays and Fridays. Stage* leave Farmington daily, for Strong, Avon and Phillip*. Passengers lor this route will take the cars at the l'ortlat d, Saco A Portsmouth, or Kennebec k Port lami Depots, in Portland. S. W. EATON. Sup’t. Farmington May 5, 1862. june23dtf GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Notice to Wood and Lmnber Mer chants. FROM November 1st, 1862, to May 1st, 1868. the rate* of freight on all description* of lumber and timber will be advanced 25 per cent. No tire wood will be conveyed between October 1st, 1862. and May 1st. 1803. An advance in the rates of fire wood will take place next summer, but in consequence of changes iti the arrangement for conducting the wood business, which are ahoot to be made, the Company will not be able to take tin* wood from certain place* on the line, so that should any parties make contracts for tire wood to be carried on the railway during the next season, they must understand that they willdosoal their own risk, aud that the Company will not feel themselves bound to carry it. Due notice will be given of the rates of freight, and from what stations tire wood can be carried next summer. C. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. Montreal. August 1. 1862. aOdtf iH THROUGH TICKETS To Chic ago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo. 8t. Paul, La C&oms, St. I.ouia, New Orleans, or any part of the WEST, SOUTH OR NORTH WEST, BY THI ERIE RAILWAY. Via Buffalo, Dunkirk, and Niagara Falls. This road is broad guaoe and is provided with New and Splendid Sleeping Car*. UJFTickets sold iu Portland at lowest Boston rate by W. D. LITTLE, Aoewt, Office 81 Exchange Street, rr You can save money by securing tickets at this office. June 23. dawtf [Copyright secured.] The Great Indian Remedy FOR FEMALES. DR. MATTISON’S INDIAN EMMENAGOGUE. Ml ci-khrated F'emak MltBriH, possessing virtues uuknown of any thing else of the kind, and proving effectual after all others have failed, is designed for both married and sin ale ladies, and i* the very best thing Known for the purpose, as it win bring on the monthly sickness in cases of obstruction*, from any cause, and after all other remedkVof the kind have been tried in vain. OVER 2000 BOTTLES have now been sold without a sina/e failure. yt vJM AM when taken as directed, and without £$», yJ'-'JEL the least injury to health in any case. - fr 'll is nut up in bottles oi three different strengths, with full direc 1 tiorv# for using, and sent by express, closely sealed, to all parts of the country. MIKES—Full strength. *10; ball strength, £6; quarter strength, S3 per bottle. rr/// ;MEMHMl— This medicine is designed ex jW> ssly for obstinate cases, which all other remedies of the kind hare failed to cure : also that it is war ranted as represented in every respect, or the price trill be refunded. HE WAFIE OF I MIT A TIOXS ' None genu ine and warranted, unless purchased directtu of Itr. M. at his medial Institute for Special Diseases, No. 28 Tuion street. Providence. H. 1. Ifr-T his Specialty embraces all diseases of a pri vate nature, noth of MEN and WOMEN, by a reg ularly educated physician of twenty years’ practice, giving them his whole attention. fcirt onsultations by letter or otherwise are strict ly ctmfdentiaJ.nud medicines will be sent by express, secure from observation, to all parts of the United States.' Also accommodations for ladies from abroad wishing for a secure and ouiet retreat, with good care, until restored to healtn. CAUTION.—It has been estimated that over Uco hundred thousand dollars are paid to swindling quacks annually, in New England alone, without any benejit to those who pay it. All this comet from trusting, without inquiry, to men who aie ahkt> des titute of honor, character and sk.l), and w hose only recommendation is their own false and extravagant assertions, in praise of themselves. If, therefore, you would avoid be in g humbugged, take no man's word, no matter what his pretensions art, but MAKE INQUIRY:—it will cost you nothing, and may save you many regrets; tor, a* advertising phy sicians. in nine cases ou. of ten, are bogus, there is no safety in trusting any of them, unless yon know who am! what tbev are. |y Dr. M. will send free, bv enclosing one stamp as above, a pamphlet mi DISEASES Or WO MEN. and on Private Diseases generally, giving full information, with the most undoubted rejerences and . testimonials, without which uo advertising physician or medicine of this kind is deserviug of AM Y COX FWEXCE IVHA TEI Ell. jyOrders by mail promptly attended to. Write your address plainly, and direct to DR. MATTISON, as above. deed ly TODD'S LIT SOLIS HAIR DYE! THE market has been flooded for vears with differ ent articles called flair Dvcs. which have never satisfied the expectations of purchasers. The nk plcr ultra has been reached at last in TODD’S IIAIR DYE. and the article has given entire satis faction to every person who lias used it. It contains no injurious ingredients, ami gives the hair a beauti ful rich brown or black color. Directions for using —which are very simple—accompany each bottle. One superiority of Todd’s Lux Softs Hair Dye over all others is, you do not have to cleanse the hair or wash it before or after using the dve, and there is but one kind to be used, ami that can \>e put on the same as oil and water, without any trouble, unlike all oth er dyes that have two or three different kinds to lie applied every time used. This dye is peculiarly adapted for coloring ladies’ hair, because you do not have to wash out the dye after putting it oh. Unlike will color long hair, which other dyes cannot do. Ciive this new article a trial, as we know you will use no other after once using this. | v or sale only at TODD’S UAIll-DRESSING ROOMS, No.74 Middle, corner of Exchange Street. sept 10tf Book, Card & Fancy Printing, NEATLY EXECUTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE PRESS. MEI7ICAL. H. 11. II A Y, JUNCTION OF FREE AND MIDDLE STS., -DKALKR IS Fine Chemicals, Pure Drugs, GENUINE MEDICINES, ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN PERFUMERY, AND FANCY GOODS. APOTHECARIES' GLASS WARE, FOREIGN LEECHES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, BRACES, ELASTIC STOCKINGS, tc. VARNISHES, ^PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE-STUFFS, KEROSENE OIL, LARD OIL, And all other articles usually kept in a Drue and Paint establishment. VT State Agent for DAVIS t KIDD S MAG NETO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. eodiwtoctl * ISiraWBmMMMI DR. E. C. GOl'LD'S IF3in-'Vvrorm Syrup If the first and only remedy ever offered to the pub lic for the effectual removal of the Ascarides, or l*in Wonns, from the human system. The high reputa tion it has established in the last two years, and the fact that it is fast«up rseding all other worm reme dies, is the best test of its great merit. tP*It affords RELIEF' in twenty-four hours, and an entire cure is warranted, when taken according to directions, which accompany each bottle. This S>tntp is also a most valuable family cathartic, to be always used when phvsic is required, especially for children. It corrects the secretions, gives tone to the stomach and bowels, assisting nature in her efforts to restore health. It is purely of Vegetable i Extracts, and always safe and reliable. Sold in New York by Hall k Ituchkl.218Green wich street; in Boston by OKo. (*. Goodwin k Co., 12 Marshall street, and other Wholesale Druggists. At retail by H. H. HAY, Portland. de<*> 3in POOR RIC HARD'S EYE Sr EAR, WATER! | TO'O Organs of the human system are more impor tant to health and comfort than the Eye and Ear, and yet uonc are less understood or more neg lected . They seem to pass even common observation, and yet every part of the body is dependent upon them for life and health. Poor Richard*!! Eye and Ear Water Is a new and rare discovery, which it most wonder ful in its operations, putting to blush the old systems j of treatment, which have quite as often done harm as good. Below we give the certificate of Rev. P. 8. ! Hen»on, Pastor of the Broad Street Baptist Church, 1 Philadelphia. If auy one has doubts as to the value of this remedy, they may learn more of its practical value by addressing a note of inquiry to Mr. II. Philadelphia. Oct. 17,1862. From iujnries received in my right eye, w hen a boy, a chrouic inflammation had been produced, in consequence of which I suffered constant martyr 1 doin. Every moment of my wakiug life was embit tered, and I was frequently unable to sleep at night. A variety of remedies had been resorted to with out success, and I entertained the purpose, as a last j resort, of having the ball taken out of its socket, in j the hope of thus finding relief. In the meantime, most providentially. I noticed one day iu a shop window a bottle of POOR RICH j ARD’S EYE WATER. 1 had never heard ol it be 1 fore, but determined to try it, and did, with the most delightful results. In a very few days the painful irritation was removed: I could bear the strongest | light, and went forth to the enjoyment of a new life. I now keep a bottle of it always in the house, and if 1 my eye seems at all disposed to annoy me. I give It a I dose, and that is an end of it. 1 would not be with out it for any amount of money. I take Occasion to say, further, that my wife used to suffer severely at times from protracted pain iu and over her eye*, and she has found Poor Richard’* Eye Water a sov j ereign specific in her case, giving her almost instant relief. Grateful to God for the benefit that I have personally received, I cannot but commend the prep aration to all who have been sufferers like myself. P. 8. HENSON, Pastor of Broad Street Baptist Church. Residence 1430 Poplar St., PhiUulelphia. HF*Xumerous cert.ticates of a similar character might be furnished. Poor Richard’s Eye and Ear Water Is truly a Sovereign Remedy for Inflamed and Dis ruru r.yn. uim > isiol. aim h c»k tuyrs, uraineaa, Noise in the Head. Catarrh, Rheumatism and Neu ralgia, with all kindred diseases. It is parsed into : the ear by a small glass tube, which, together with the Water, may be obtained at the principal Drug Stores in this city. Puk e 25 cents fer Bottle. Tubes 6 Cents. II. H HAY and W F. PHILLIPS, Wholesale ; Agents. MRS. M. G. BROWN, Proprietor, novl3 dtfiu No. 410 Arch St., Philadelphia. DK. III GHEV Eclectic Jledical Infirmary. A'gtahfiahnl for the treatment tf thone diseases in both *exes, requiring Experience, Skill, Honor and delicacy. PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS.—Dr. Hughes has for a number of years confined his attention to disease* of a certain class. During his practice he ha* treated thousands of case*, aud in no instance ha* he inet with a failure. The remedies are mild, aud there is no interruption of business or change of diet. Dr. Hughe* is iu constant attendance tYom 8 in the morning until 10 at night, at his office, 5 Tem ple street. Charge* moderate, aud a cure guaranteed iu all case*. Separate room*, so that no one w ill be scfii but the Dr. himself. Hi* remedies cure disease when all other remedies (hit; cure* without dieting or restriction in the habits of the patient; cure* with out the disgusting ami sickeniug effects of most other remedies; cure* now cast's in a row hour*: cures with out the dreadful consequent effects of mercury, but is sure to annihilate the rank and poisouous taint that the blood is sure to absorb, unless the proper remedy is u-ed The ingredients are entirely ^ ta ble, and no injurious effect, either constitutionally or I locally, can be caused by using them. YOUNG MEN. who are troubled with seminal ' weakness, generally caused by bad habits iu youth, the effects of which are pain and dizziness in the head, forget fillin'**, sometimes a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, etc., terminating in consumption or in sanity if neglected, are speedily aud permanently cured. All correspondence strictly confidential and will e returned If desired. Address DR J. B. HUGHES. No. 5 Temple Street, (corner of Middle), Portland. tySend stamp for Circular. jull—dAwtf3 <lnark<‘ry! ¥ EARNESTLY' caution all young men suffering 1 from Nervous Debility. Ac . against endangering their health by patronizing any of the advertising quacks. You can fully recover”by the methods used by the Advertiser, and ty hundreds of others, and ' in no other way. Read a letter which I will send I you if you will send iik- a postpaid envelope beariug your address. Direct to EDWARD II. TKAVER. ocl6dAw3m Lock Box. Boston. Mass. Eclectic Jledioal Infirmary. TO THE LADIES. DR. HUGHES particularly invite* all Ladies who need a medical adviser, to call at his rooms. No. 6 Temple Street, which they will find arranged for their especial accommodation. Dr. H.'s Eclectic Renovating Medicines are unrival led in efficacy ami superior virtue in regulating all Female Irregularities. Their action is specific aud certain of producing relief iu a short time. LADIES will rind it invaluable in all eases of ob struction* after all other remedies have been tried in vain. It is purely vegetable, containing nothing in the least injurious to the health, ami may be taken with perfect safety at all times Sent to auv part of the eouutrv with full directions, by addressing t)R. HUGHES. No. 6 Temple Street, corner of Middle, Portland. N. B.—LADIES desiring may consult one of their own sex. A lady of experience iu constant attend ance. Julldawtf8 PRINTING._ REMOVAL! THE BOOK JOB PRINTING Establishment FOSTER Sr CUSHINOj Hu bees removed from the office over Cuco Beak, to the office of the DAILY PRESS, CORNER OF MIDDLE AND EXCHANGE STS. FOX BLOCK, Directly otot the Magnetic Telegraph OMce. Fourth Story, where all rarletiee of Plain and Famg Job Work, will be promptly attended to on the moot libera terms. ENTRANCE - EXCHANGE STREET Orders left at the counting-room of the Daily Frees and Maine State Frees, head of flnt flight of stairs, will be promptly attended to. XT The office Is supplied with -a— FAST PRESSES AID STEAM POWER And It* capacity and tacilttlee fbr doing work in good style are equal to any in the City or State. N. A. FOSTER A CO. July 17.180. dtf THE PORT!AID DAILY PRESS STEAM POWER Book and Job Printing Office, No. Ml EXCHANGE STREET, Fox Block, - • Second Floor, PORTLAND, MAINE. The Proprietor* of the Poxylaxb Daily Pa nee reaper t tally Invite attention to their taeUMea lbr exe cuting, in beautiful style, every deecrlption of BOOI AND JOB PRINTING Their Establishment la tarot.bed with all the proved modern machinery, and their aaeortmeat ef S Book and Fancy Types, Ie adequate to do any work demanded in this State Business Cards of Every Variety Style and Coat. a PRINTED AT SHORTEST NOTICE. BILL-HEADS RULED AND CUT IN THE NEATEST MANNER. Billet* A Circular* In Xrery Variety of Type. BAH-CUCIS. NOTE, AM BILLS 01 LAMM. TAGS PIERCED WITH HOLES A GLLTENED WHEN DESIRED. Policies Printed and Hound for Insurance Companies. * Deeds, Lew Briefs, Equity Cases, And other LAW DOCUMENTS executed with Dispatch. Bronze, Colored, and all other kinds of Printing, Executed in taate to >ult the moat Sutidioaa. WEDDING AND ADDRESS CARDS Our 8tyle* are nnaarpaaaed. SHOP BILLS, PROGRAMMES, A SO * ALL SORTS OF HAND BILLS Portland. June 26. 18*3. dnw Photographic Frame*. CJtlUARE or oval—every kind called for. The** O Deine manufactured by ourselve*. except three necessarily imported, we can compete with any mar ket for low price*. At whuleeale or retail, at 88. Mar ket Square. MORRISON A CO*S. PLEASURE PARTIES. EXCURSIONISTS visiting the Islands.supplied with stores at the shortest notice. Order* solicited. 180 Fare Street near feel ef Eiehaaft. CALDERWOOD A BECKETT. Portland, Jane 28. dtf