Newspaper Page Text
VOL- PORTLAND, ME., SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 14, 1863. 4 NO. 201. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS Is published at No 82$ EXCHANGE STREET, in FOX BLOCK, by N. A. FOSTER A CO. Term*: The Portland Dailt Preps is published every morning, (Sundays excepted), at *6,00 per year in ad vance, to which will be added twenty-five cents for each three months’ delay, and if not paid at the end of the year the paper will be discontinued. Si ugle copies three cents. The Maine State Peem is published every Thurs day morning, at *2.00 per annum in advanoe: *2.26 if paid within six months; and *2.60, if pa/meut be delayed beyond the year. Hate* of Adverti*inie: Transient Advertisements, *1.00 per square, for three insertions or leas; exceeding three, and not more than one week, *1.26 per square; 75 cents per week after. One square every other day one week, *1.00; 60 cents per week after. Exhibitions, Ac., under head of Amusements, HAOO per square per week. Special Notices, *1.60 per square for first week, *1.00 per week after. Business Notices, in reading columns, 12 cents per line for one insertion. No charge loss than fifty | cents. Legal Notices at usual rates. Advertisements inserted in the Mains State Press (which has a large circulation in every part o the State) for 88 cents per square in addition to the above rates fbr each insertion. Transient advertisements must be paid for In ad vance. MT All communication* intended for the paper j thoul d be d i roc ted to the “Editors of the Press* ’ and thoao of a bioneM character to the Publishers. tFT“The I'oRTLAKD Daily and Maivb State rnsaa Office, in Fox Block, No. S2$ Exchange Street, ia open at all hour* daring the day and eve ning, from 7 o’clock in the morning to 9 in the evening. EF* Job Priwtiso of every description executed , with dispatch; and all business pertaining to the of i c«* or paper promptly transacted on application as j above communications! Letter from the Twenty-Seventh Maine. Camp General Caret, Va., / Feb. 6, 1863. J To the Editors of the Press : Never having seen in your column? anything emanating from the 27th Maine, and know ing your paper has, deservedly, a wide circu lation In our State, and alao in our army, I felt that a letter, which hat at least brevity to recommend it, may prove measurably accepta ble. The headquarters of our regiment are in the barracks formerly belonging to the 4lh Delaware, Col. Grimshaw, in whose brigade we were for a while after arriving at our pres ent location from Camp Seward, Arlington Heights. The l’otomac lie* a mile distant to the northeast, and Alexandria three miles dis tant in the same direction. Our duty here, so far, ha* been to guard a picket line a mile or two below us, and running across the country from northeast to southwest. At first there were three regiments of us engaged in this du ty, the 111th New York and 4th Delaware be sides ourselves; but both the others having gone down, the whole duty devolves upon its, and we have had sole {tassesaion for nearly two months. At times, the duty is rather on erous ; but as a whole wc bear the fatigue well. There has been an unfortunate disagree ment for some time among our officers, regi mental and line, which finally resulted in the dismission of CoL Tapiey from the service. This state of affairs lias doubtless been at the bottom of our present backwardness in drill; ! for to speak plainly, I cannot say we are as proficient as we should be for a regiment five months in the field. But we trust under the new regime, in the four mouths remaining, to fully equal other regiments from Maine In the matter of drill, which is all we are willing for r moment to concede ourselves lacking in. We hope soon to see the eagle strap surmounting the shoulders of our Lieut. Colonel, M. J. Wentworth, a man iu every way fit for the -.1 - I f 1,. A_ L. ...: l • a __ 1 sure. [Col. Wentworth's appointment was an- i nounced yesterday.—Ens. VltEse.) The health of our regiment has been good; , only 12 or 14 deaths have yet occurred. The hospital steward, Marshall Hodgdou of Saco, died of diphtheria some ten days since, and his body was sent home. His successor, John Come, of Berwick, has arrived and assumed the duties of his station. Diphtheria is a dreaded disease here, too often proving fatal. Typhoid fever is another scourge. Among the many lamented victims of the latter dis ease, none had more numerous or sincere mounters than Lt. John 1L Came, 1st lieuten ant of Co. C. He was snatched aw ay in the prime of youth, idolized by his aged parents, regarded with a peculiar affection by a circle j of brothers and sisters, and possessed the es teem and respect ol ail who came in contact with him. His was one of those ever cheer ful, kindly dispositions which win regard from one, as it were insensibly and without effort. Retiring and reticent, it required considerable intimacy to become thoroughly acquainted with the man; but the acquaintance once formed was sure to grow into a lasting and cherished friendship. He left a lucrati^ busi ness and a home surrounded with every com fort, to j^o to his country's aid, and although lie died in a sick bed, his life was as truly laid down for his country as if he hail fallen in the deadly breach. As a soldier, had he lived, he would have made his mark.liavlng a natural ap titude for, and an iuiuitive perception of a sol dier's duties. As a man, lie was In-loved and respected by all who knew him, and the death of such an one is a loss to us all. His sickness was long and very w earisome, but he bore up i with the cheerfulness and heroism of a martyr, aa he was. His body was taken to Buxton, I his native town, by his Iwother, Isaac S. Came of your city. Another brother Charles G. Came, is now associate editor of the Boston Journal, | and was formerly, in the palmy days of the ! Advertiser, editor of that paper. Of the sub ject of my sketch It may lie truly said that In I life he was beloved, and in death he sleeps wen. jnore anon. oiasmahoIT. Letter from the Nineteenth Maine. BEAtHtl'ABTEKS lttTU Me. VoW., i Near Falmouth, Va., Feb. 7, 18(13. ) To the Editors of the Press: Since my last communication, some changes j of positiou liave occured in the Grand Army, though we have made no perceptible advance toward the neighboring city of Richmond. The cry of “onward” lias been heard, sounding down from the North, the attempt to obey it has been made; the elements have successfully interposed—whether for the salvation of our ; army, or the permanence of the Confederate : position, we cannot tell—and an army whose eiiuat has hardly been seen in point of nnm bers,intelligence, and valor, lies, like a floating island, in a sea of inud, anchored midway be tween the loyal and the rets-1 capitals. But one cliauge, of any importance, has been made, namely, the removal of the ninth army corps to Fortress Monroe. Some por tions of the army have been obliged to change camp on account of the scarcity of fuel, but further than this—nothing. I forgot. A large army, such as Mr. Orphe us C. Kerr proposes to raise, consisting for the most part of commissioned officers, has been “deployed as skirmishers” through the towns and cities of New England and the North generally. I do not learn from any re sponsible source, that a general movement in that direction is determined upon during the coming season. When it is made, I tear the line of battle will not be very W'ell defined. Officers will be able to keep up with their commands, and straggling and “skedaddling” will lie “to the front.” The recent order concerning “leave of ab sence” and “furloughs” has been promptly re sponded to, and no evidence of love for home on the part of the army is wanting. Our full quota is already on the road, and Itefore anoth er Saturday night there will be many happi ly disappointed hearts in Maine. According to appearances there ia to be no difficulty in keeping the ranks of this home department of the army “full” and well “clos ed up.” The second batch of applications is all ready for the gantlet of “red tape” so soon as fifteen days shall have expired. During the inactivity consequent upon the rain, snow and mud. of the last three weeks, home and friends have been frequently thought of, and much discussed. The “ panic” will suliside w hen dry weather admits of the cus tomary company and battalion drills. With the furloughs granted enlisted men, quite a number of discharges have been inter mingled. In this act the welfare of the indi vidual and the army are both secured, as the cases arc those of permanent disability. A sad case occurred yesterday. One of our most worthy men, private Worthing, or Co. H.. had been running down with chronic diarrhea Ap plication was made for a discharge, and the papers were set in motion ten days ago. In the interim of suspense he had Ireen patient and even cheerful: but when he was at liberty was a larger freedom than his nervous system could bear, aud itta few hours he was forever at home. The regiment numbers fi',15 men for duty. There are absent twenty in the regimental hospital, nnd an equal number sick in quarters. Can any regiment of the same age show a bet ter record ? It is a matter tor gratitude rather than lor lioasting. The measles have appear ed in occasional instances among us, but do not spread as they have in other regiments. But we may boos/ a liulc. General Hooker recently ordered a minute inspection of the |*ai in m.u , urine, riouilllji, Knap sacks, tents, Ac., anil the inspection was made on Friday last. I learn from tin- lips of the inspecting officer, that the lath Maine and the 20lh Massachusetts stand,first in the divisions. So it stands on Me record. May the regi ment never deserve a less favorable report! I may add that there are fourteen or fifteen re giments in the division, all of which have seen more experience than we. Our men have received pay to 31st of Octo ber, but none of the noisy consequences of pay day have tieen observed yet. While I write the air is tilled with howlings from the adjoining regiment. Their sutler has just arrived with a fresh supply of whisky. We hope and believe better things of our men. Your correspondent W. furnishes you with the general news from tills vicinity, and I will not further trespass upon your coluinus. C. C onnly of Cumberland, Trkasckck's Omck, Jan. 20.1»8. STATF.MKNT of Costs of Criminal Prosecutions, allowed by the Supreme Judicial Court, at the November I'erm. A. It IsiB.made iu conformity with I the requirements of an actot the Legislature of kalue, entitled "An Act relating to Fines tnd ('oats of Crim inal Prosecution,," approved March 27th, 18M. 6 c g . U fs ** Prokoeution*. c-' £ < cz * tiencral Bill 938 30 8.J.C. 8.J.C, State r§. Alexander Foas, 77 " " Jaine* < ouroy, 4.40 99 M Nehemiah t . Rice, 4.40 99 •» In. o! N.Yarmouth, 1j 96 •• Miai Daria ct ai, 4.40 " *• h rancii* Muiphj, 4 40 Man. C. 99 Mijchil Nutting, 4 40 " 99 Richard It. Kobiiikou, 1.38 8. J. C. " Daniel C. Webb, 4.88 ” " Blown Thurston, 4 40 99 99 Richard H. Robinnon, 4.83 Mud. C. ** Liquor* claimed by nich'd R.Robinson, 5.18 99 99 Jotenh H. Faulkner, 4.40 8. J. C. ” Charles B. Paine, 4.40 *' •• “ “ “ 4 40 8Uan Hall, 4 40 .. .. 4.40 Satn'l X. Harden, 4.40 ” 99 John D. Woodbury, 4.40 " M “ M ** 4.40 *' •» Joseph u* P. Milter, 1 70 99 99 Daniel C. Webb, 4 83 " 99 Richard K. Kobinkon, 188 " 99 •faim * .licitillicitv, 4.»5 Liquor* claimed' by >amuel ( badwick, 483 Mun. C. » " John Roger*, app’t.. 4 40 ” •• John Conley, 4 40 *• •• John O Itaggn, 4 40 " •• Elia* M. Eastman and Eli*. Eastman, 4.40 S.J.C. M Do do, 4.40 • •• Albion G. Lewis, 4.83 •* Dennis McGoverin, app’t. 4 40 Mun. C. Samuel J. Hazrtton, 4 40 S.J.C.’ •• Ebea Pendexter, 4.40 Mun. C. *• Josephus C. Andrews, 4.40 M George Hall, 4.40 '* *• Rufus Porter, 4.86 S.J.C. •• Almou L. Emory, 20.28 ” " 13.08 Osgood Gore, 4.60 M »• James Noh lan, 4.60 " •* James Jones and Geo. M Pike. 4.40 Mun C. Frederick M. Libby, 4.40 S.J.C. M Walter Corbett, 4.40 ” •» John K Merrow, 34.22 M " “ “ “ 9 23 Harvey Freeman, 4.40 " •• Asa Humphrey, 4.40 Mun. C. *8 Certain intoxicating liquors claimed by J. F. Abbott. ’ 4 40 S.J.C. »' Ja* ltradley ,Jr.,app't,4.4o Mun. C. M Kob't K. Duddy, 4 40 ” ” Sam'iT. Dyer, " * 40 ” ” Thomas Breslin, •• 4.40 '• " Jeremiah Hagan, 16 10 S.J.C. " Levi 8. Givens, 62 70 Mun. C. ** Catharine Touro, 17.91 " M John C. Stickncy, 111.60 H •• •• ** .1 »• »• Daniel Ward. 15 59 S.J.C. ” Ralph T Haskins, 20.89 Mun. C. Joanna Met • rath and Ellen F. Murphy. 26 36 S. J. C. M Same, 0.&8 *• •• Same, 783 " ” Same, 7.48 •* •• Same, 7.43 ” ” Same, 7.43 '* M Isaac Smith. 48.16 Mun. C. ” Edward Jeflerds and Hubert Mai uey, 17.46 ” »» Jonathan Dow, 29 90 S.J.C. ” Same, 7.66 ” •• Jlrouca* Ocenv, 87.75 Mun. C. " Tiinot h\ Donahue and Eliza Treat. 16 20 S.J.C. Joseph W Lamb. 197.14 Trial Justice. " Dennis McGov'.rin et al. 9 78 Mun. C. Jaimw Conroy et als. 7.06 " ” Asa Humphrey et als, 9 13 *’ " Stephen Phinney 13 62 S. J. C. " Josephus P. Miller, 7.06 ” •* Lorenzo Merrill,app’t,8.17 Mun. C. " Jas. Mcl<aoghlin, •• 13.62 " *• Charles Daltou, 23 85 Trial Justice. ” Benjamin Green, 68.27 Mun. C. M Charles llewey, 15.46 S.J.C. " Lydia Phinney, 16.15 Trial Justice. " Wm. Cochrane, 6.88 S.J.C. 11 •1,186.87 THOMAS H. MKAD, County Treasurer. Fortland. Jan. 24, 1863. jan2*5 d£awfcw3w32 MW FALL GOODS For Gentlemen’s Wear. - AT No. 05.Middle Street ! ROLLINS & BOND HAVE BEKIt BBCBIVIMO New nod I>esirabl«* Style* ot Cloths, Clotliing, | -AND FURNISHING GOODS, Which they offer at Prices to miit the Time* ! lycallin before purchasing elsewhere, and see for yourself ! 95 MIDDLE STREEl. oc29dtf Rail Road Bonds. nOLDKHS of tho tscond mortgage Bonds of the j Kennebec and Portland Railroad Co., with all i Jb interoat coupons thereon due on the 16th of Oc tober, 18*52. are hereby requested to deposit the same Jn my hands, for which r<*ceipta will V given and hereafter exchanged for certificates of stock in the Ioktlaku A Krnnkbko Railroad, (a nctr organ• nation,) as soon as the books and certificates can be prepared in accordance with a vote of said Compa nj, kov 8. Hrt2. J. 8.CCSH1NG, 1 rraaurer Portland A Kennebec Railroad. Augusta, Dec. 16,1862 dec!8 dtf MISCELLANEOUS. Notice of Comvnissiont'rs of Insol vency TO CREDITORS OF THE ESTATE OF JONA THAN MOORE. WE. the undersigned, having bean appointed to receive and examine the claims of the credi tor* of the estate of Jouathau Moore, late of Port land, deceased, whose estate ha* been represented insolvent, give notice that six months from the 20th day of January curreut, have been allowed to said creditor* to exhibit and prove their claims, and that we will atteud to the duty assigned us at the office of Fessenden k Butler in said Portland, on the last Sat urday of the present mouth, and of the five next suc ceeding mouths. at 24 o'clock in the afternoon. Dated this 20th dav 1 f January A. D. 1863. M \f BI T! Fit I 8.W.’ LAURA BEE,| Commtaioner*. jandl d3w thcnwtjuue20 Loan to the State of itlaine. Treasurer b (irrirK, I Augusta. Feb. 4. 1863. } IN conformity with a Resolve of the Legislature, approved January 31. 1863, proposals will be re ceived at this office until 5 o’clock P. M.. the twenti eth day of February* current, for a loan of five hun dred and twenty-five thousand dollars, reimbursable in tweuty years, for which bonds of the State will be issued in sums of five hundred dollars and one thou sand dollars, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, yearly, and payable semi-annually The bonds will be issued daU*d March 1. 1863, with coupons attached for the semi-annual interest, paya ble both principal aud inter t, at the Suffolk Baiik, The money on said loan will be r oived at this of fice, Suffolk Bank, Boston, or cither of the Banks in Bangor or Portland. Persons desirous of taking the loan, or anv part of it, uot less than five hundred dollars, are requested to send their proposals to the Treasurer of State, at Augusta, specifying the amount rud terms. The proposals must contain no other fractional rates thau one-eighth, one-fourth, one-half or three quarters of one per ceutum Those persons whose proposals may be accepted, will be immediately notified. feb6 tfeb20 NAT IAN DANE. Treasurer. BROWN’S Portland Commercial College. LOCATED I960 in the Hanson Block, No. 161 Mid dle street. The rooms have recently been made new, and furnished neatly, and are the most pleasant in the city. One separate room for Indies. I pre sent my thanks for the extensive patronage, and Sromise as in the past, no pains shall be spared in the uture. 1 have removed from No. H4 to HI Middle street. The Principal lias had 2D y«*ar*' experience. Diplomas will be given to those Indies and (ientle men who pass through thorough oourses for Ac countants. Terms will be reasonable. My Institu tion is a branch of the Hon. Bartlett s t ommercial College, Cincinnati, Ohio, the first aud oldest in the United State*. My teaching and pi ns are wsoderu, and the most improved aud approved, as the Jirti clots business men have aud will testify. 1^"/*racticailg tauykt,** follows:—Book-Keeping, Navigation. Commercial Law, Native. Business and Ornamental Writing. Commercial Arithmetic, Cor respondence. C ard Marking. Ac. Teaching from Sriuted writing copies and text I took* are avoided. ♦ach .Student receives separate instruction. Intri cate Accounts adjusted. Certain evenings will lx1 devoted to Law lectures, if expedient. tW“Mr. B. would refer to a n-corn(inundation from his Students of this city who areactaug as bust news men. accountants, Ac . containing above four hun dred signatures.a part of which mai be seen in print in the hall at the entrance to his Rcoms, a few of which are as follows: We have been taught by actual experience, that the method of instruction pursued by Mr It N. Baowx.of this city, iu teaching the art of Writing, and the complicated series of liouk Keeping, has been eminently successful, and we take pleasure in publicly acknowledging our indebtedness to him for whatever skill aud facility in adjusting accounts we Khilip H»*nn Brown, Ja*. Olcutt Brown. Stephen i! ( umminirv W W. rhotna*. Jr., Samuel Chad wiek. Augustus Cummin**, Jmod B«*rry, John S. Russell. Fred. A. 1'riucc, John II. Hall, tieorge E. Thompson. John B Curie,Jr., Fred. II. Small, John II Stevens, ami 2h0 other* iy The service* of a Sea Captain t* secured to i teach Navigation, who ha* had 4o year* experience i a« a practitioner. fcl4 dA w3m33 SAIL CLOTH. BLIltBEI FLU KICK, TITB IUI STUPES. (A fubditate for Cotton.) I'SILIICB IV C AST AS. WITH Ell STRIPE, Of varioa* description*. ALL ntO.Tf A O No*. I TO 6. A LOO OR HARD BOLT ROPE CORDAGE, *C., For tale by LE MESURIER k CHAMPION. St. Peter Street,Qf’KBEC. kJf Sample* on hand, and order* taken by ^ J. T FATTEN A CO.. Oct. 11—6ra Front Street, Bath. SOZODONT fOK CL4ANSIS0 4 rKESERVlKQ THX Hardening the Gums PURIFYING the Hreath, imparting adrfightfully refreshing taste and feeling to the mouth, removing all Tartar, Scurf, and other impurities, u«e of To bacco, ke., from the teeth, t'ompletely arresting the progress of decay, and whitening such parts as have already become blackened by decay. The Sozodont is perfectly free from all ACIDS and other impuri ties which could have the least injurious effect on the enamel of the teeth, and Is prepared with great can* and scientific skill from a combination of materials— every ingredient of which is well known to have a beneficial eflbct on the Teeth and fiums. One trial of the Sozodont will convince the most skeptical that it is a preparation oj intrinsic merit A convenient. s(\fe, ejhcarious Dentifrice—one that should be in the possession of every one who cares for the preservation of his teeth. Now used and recommended by many of the most eminent Divines, Dentists. Physicians, Chemists, and scientific gentlemen of the day. Sold by Druggists everywhere at 60 cents per bot tle. H. H. HAY, DRUGGIST, Junction <\f Free and Middle Streets, AGENT FOR PORTLAND, ME. Sold in Qath by Dr. S. Avdersom k So*. HALL k RUCK.EL, feb2 eod3ra* Sole Agents, New York. Land in Franklin, Me. ABOUT 16,000 Acres of Land—supposed to con tain, on an average.about five thousand of stum page to au acre, of spruce, hemlock and pine, besides much hard wood, ami a go d growth o! young.thrif ty juniper—A pond or lake, near the centre, o. about 1000 acres, with a good water power at its outlet.— This pond flows, by the present dam. about 1000 acres of meadow, which can be put into grass, to groat ad vantage. by withdrawing the Ho wage. The Mill is but a short distance from tide water, where the Lumber is loaded. This property by mortgage fell into the hands of the present owners, who reside at a distance, aud tho land will be sold at an immense bargain to any ono who has the faculty and inclination to manage it. For Airther information applv to Col. J. L. Law rkncb. or to LEVI BARTLETT k CO., declfi dlawSw No. 2 Long Wharf, Boerov. _ INSURANCE. STATEMENT OF CONDITION —or TUB Atlantic Fire and Marine Ins. Co., On the thirty-brut day qf December, A. D. 1862, Made to the State of Maine, pursuant to the Statute ot that State, entitled “An Act to regulate Agen cies of Foreign Insurance Companies.” NAME AND LOCATION. The name of this Company is the Atlantic Fire and Marine Insurance Company, incorporated In 1*62, and located in tho City of Providence, stale o! Rhode Island. CAPITAL. The Capital of said Company, actu ally paid up in cash, is 8150.000 The Surplus ou the Hist day of Dec. 64.634 8204,684 ASSETS. Bank of Commerce stock, par value 850, market value 852*. 10,600 00 Globe Bank Stock, par 860. market value 860, 25.000 00 Continental Bank Stock, par value 850, market value 850. 20.000 00 Northern Bank .stock, par 8100, market value 8100. 16.000 00 Ntcchauics A Manufacturers Bank Stock, par 860, market value 860, 10.000 00 Lime Rock Bank, par value 860. market value 860, 12,30000 Merchants Bank, par value 850, market value 85o. 2,500 00 Amount due ou Bond, 800 00 Ain't due the Company on which Judgment has been obtained, 1,746 80 Bills 1 teceivable for Marine Premi ums. 645 50 i»ui- iiuiu ngriiie, 0,100 01 Cash in Hanks, J Cash 011 hand not deposited, J 2.77618 Interest money dne. and other as sets not above specified. 330 00 204,634 LIABILITIES. Amount of Losses adjusted and due and unpaid. None. Amount of losses Incurred and iu process of adjustment, reported, ou which no action has been taken, 11,489 Amount of Claims for losses resist ed by the Company, None. Amouut of Dividends declared and due and unpaid. 1,200 Amount of Dividends, either cash or scrip declared but not yet due. None. Money borrowed, 16,000 All other claims against the Com ny. None. Total amount of losses, claims aud liabilities, #27.601 State or Hhodb Island and Providence I Plantations, City and County «f Providence.] 8. Maurau. President. I. S. Parish, Secretary, of the Atlantic Fire and Marine Insurance C ompany, being duly sworn, depose aud say that tbe foregoing is a true, full and correct statement of the affair* of *aid corporation, and that they are the above describ ed officers thereof. 8 3l Al.' KAN, President. I. 8. PARISH, Secretary. The State of Khode I land, I City and County of Providence.**, ( Subscribed and sworn before me, this seventeenth day of January, A. D. 1&*>3. II kniit, Martin. A Commissioner tor the .'state of Maine for the State of Khode Islaud. OFFICE—No. 166 FORE STREET. Head or Lox<» Wharf.Portland, Mb JOHX W. NIUXttEK, A pent. Jan23 3weod JOHN E. DOW, Marine. Fire & Life Insurance Agency. j — Liverpool and London Fire and Life In snrance Co. CAPITAL AND 8UR1'LL’S (IVKit S10.000.000. . LorillardFire Insurance Co., of the City * of New York, No. 104 Broadway. ( CASH CAM r.\L AND SLR I’Ll" 8 OVKR SflOO.OOO. 1 Profits annually divided. 76 per cent, to the dealers. \ Charter Oak Fire and Marine Ins. Co., , Of Hartford, Ct. CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS #350.010. f Phenix Fire Insnrance Co., Or Brooklyn, Nei? Vork. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER S300.000. Hampden Fire Insurance Co., Or SrRlNMFIKLD, 31a**. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER #200,000. Conway Fire Insurance Company, Or Bo*ton, 31 as*. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER #200,000. Fiscataqoa Fire and Marine Ins. Co., vr oouin iianniLK. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER *300,000. Union Fire Insurance Company, Or Banoor. Mb. Cash Capita), paid in and invested according to law, •100,000. Commercial Mntnal Marine Int. Co. Kiw Yoke. CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS fO&O.OQO. iEtna Life Insurance Company, Or IIaRTroRD, Conn. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER •300,000. Ofllce—comer ol Exchange and Milk Streets - - - Portland. AGENT FOR THE Liverpool, N. York & Philadelphia STKA.MS1IIP COMPANY, — AND THE— Bay State Line of Steamers, VIA FALL RIVER TO NEW YORK, PHILADEL PHIA. BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON. TICKETS FOR SALK. fyiusure* Buildings, Ves-el* in port, Merchan dize, Household Furniture, Ac . agaiust lose by Fire. •100,000 taken on any desirable Risk. Losses paid at the Portland Office ALSO, LIFE INSCRANCE. Jan7tf KETI'KX OF T11E American Insurance Comp’y, Of Providence, R. I,, On the 81st day of December, 1862. INCORPORATED. MAY, 1832. Amount of Capital actually paid in, in cash. •160,000 INVESTMENTS. 1340 share* American Hauk stock, S6*.384 36 24 “ Arcade “ “ 600 0U 1 840 •• Hlackxtot.eCanal Bank Stock, 21.599 32 1 600 *• Commercial “ " 81,043 US m “ Eagle “ •* 18,66102 20 ** Mechanics *• •• 1.052 .Vt | 900 “ Weybomet “ •• 46.184 68 i 187 “ What Cheer Corporation “ 13.838 08 •200.352 86 Amount of bill* receivable, 17.o38 48 Amount of cash ou hand. 3.37] 35 Ain't ofcashiuthe hand* ot agent and other*, 9,881 78 Mutual In* Co. Scrip, 26 80 •230,670 27 LIABILITIES. Amount of Marine risk* outstanding, •446.731 00 Amount of Premium* thereon. 18.982 71 Amsuutof Fire Risk* outstanding, 5,620.243 00 Amount of Premium* thereon. 66,846 63 Amount of loan*, borrowed money and bank discount*, 5,754 20 Amount of other liabilities, including Dividend* unpaid, 3.948 70 Largest amount insured on any one risk, 15,000 00 A. O. PECK, President. W. HUMPHREY, Secretary. State 0/ Ithode /eland and Providence Pl»\ntation$. Providence, as —Iu the City of Providence this ■ 8th day of January, A. D. 1863. personally appeared Allou O. Peck. President,and Walker Humpnry.Sec retary of the above named Company. and severally ! made oath that the above statement bv them sub scribed, is. iu their best knowledge and belief true, * and that the amouut of capital actually paid in in ! cash, and invested exclusive of any obligations of ! the stockholders of any description, amount to the turn of one hundred thousand dollars. JOHN WILSON SMITH, Public Notary. C7*Mariue and Fire Risk* insured at lair terms. . - OFFICE - - - Mo. 166 Fore Street, HEAD OF LONG WHARF, PORTLAND. JOHN W. MUNGER-Agent. i jau‘28 eod3tv PROPOSALS. ~ PROPOSALS FOR WOOD. Office ok the A. A. q. M , U. 3. A., » Fort Preble, Msine. Feb. 4th, 1863. ) SKA LED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until Mundav. March 16th. 1863, at 12 o' clock M , for (WO five hundred cord* of hard, sea soned.merchantable wood—one hundred and twenty eight cubic feet to the cord. The wood to be deiiv. ered on the wharf at Fort Preble in lots of 60 cords or upwards, as may be required. All the wood to be delivered on or before the first day of May next. No proposals for less tb n fifty cords will be re ceived. Each proposal must be accompanied by the names of two responsible persons to enter into a sufficient boud for the faithful performance of the contract. Proposal* should be endorsed “Proposals for fur nishing wood to the command at Fort Preble." The Quartermaster reserves the right to reject anr or all bids not considered by him to be of benefit to the Government. All contracts will be submitt? 1 to the Quartermas ter General, for his approval. Bidders are requested to be present at the opening of the bids HENRY INMAN. 1st Lieut. 17th Infantry, R. Q. M., U. 3. ▲. feb7 dtd Proposal I* for Flank Howitzers. Ordnance Office, War Department, I Wash isoton, January 27, 18*3. J Proposals will be received at this office until 4 o’ clock f. m., on the 27th of February next, for fur nishing one hundred, or less, 24-pouuder cast iron Howitzers for dank defence. These Howitzers weigh, when finished, about 1,476 pouuds each, and draw ings exhibiting their dimensions can be seen at this office, or at the United {States Arsenal*. They are to be *ubject to the regular United State* inspection and proof, and none are to be received and paid for ex cept such a* pas* inspection and proof, and ai3 ap proved by a United States Inspector, to be designat ed by this office. Payments will be made on certifi cates of insDectiou and receipt*, to he given bv tke inspector, and rorwarded to this office. Bidders will state the number of Howitzers they propose to deliver (not exceeding one hundred.) the place of manufacture and delivery, and the price per pound, for the finished Howitzer; and no bid will be entertained unless it be from a founder regularly en gaged in the business, satisfactory evidence of which must accompany the bid. Any bidder obtaining a contract will be requirt-d to enter into bonds, with not less than two sureties, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, for the faithful fulfilment of bis coutract in all respects. The bonds must be acknowl edged before a jndge of a court of record, and the bondsmen most bcc-rtjfledbv the Judge of a District Court of the United States, or an Ordnauce Officer in charge of a United State* arsenal, to be worth the penal sum of the boud over and above all liabilities. The right is reserved to reject all proposals if the prices are deemed too high, or if, for any cause, it is not deemed for the public interest to accent them. Proposals will be sealed and addressed to "Briga dier General James W. Kipley. Chief of Ordnance. Wa-hington, D. and will be endorsed "Propo sal for flank Howitzers ” J. W. RIPLEY. Brigadier General Chief of Ordnauce. jan3> eodtfeb27| PROPOSALS FOR ICE. Medical Purveyor* Office, » Washtmotor, D. C., Jan. 22, 18*38. f SEA LED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until Monday, the 23d day of February, 1*3, at twelve (12) o’clock M.. for furnishiug the Medical and Hospital Department until the 1st day of January', 1864. with a supply of pure ICE, to be delivered at the following place-, to wit: Hilton Head. South Caroiiua. Hewbern, North Carolina. Fortress Monroe. Virginia. Pensacola, Florida. Nashville, Tennessee. New Orleans. Louisiaua. St. Louis, Missouri. Cairo. Illinois. Washington. District of Colombia. Memphis, Tennessee. As the quantity required at the respective post* is not precisely known, bidders will state the quantity of ice they can furnish, where it i.- gathered, price per ton of 2000 pounds, and within what period they cau furnish the ainouut or tln-ir bids. Although it is desirable that bidders should propose to furuish the whole amount required at any one of the placet proposed to be supplied. Bidders will state what facilities they possess, if any, tor storing the ice at the posts they propose to supply. The ice must be of the best quality, subject to the inspection and approval of the officer in charge of the post where it is delivered. The full name and post office address of the bidder must appear in the proposal. If a bid is made iu the name of a firm the names ot all the parties must at>|K-ar. or the bid will be con sidered as the individual proposal of the party sign lug it. Proposals from disloyal parties will not be consid ered. and an oath of allegiance to the United 8tat<w Government must accompany each proposition. Proposals must be addressed to llcury Johnson, M. 8. K.. U. 8. A., and Acting Medical Purveyor, Washington. D. C., and should be plainly marked “Proposals for Ice.” The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, shoflld it be awarded to him. must be guaranteed by two re spon-ible persons, whose signatures are to be append ed to the guarantee, and said guarantee must accom pany the bid. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court or of the United 8fates District At torney . Bidders must be present in jierson wbeu the bids are opened, or their proposal* will not be considered. Bonds iu the sum of h\e thou-aud dollars, sigued by the contractor and both of hi- guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder uih>u signing the coutract. Tons of Hiuirwttet. We.-, of the county of-and State of -. and-, of the county of-and Mate of -, do hereby guarantee that -— is able to fulfill the contract iu accordance with the terms of his proposition, and that, should his proposition be ac cepted, he will at once enter into a coutract in accor dance therewith. Sbou d the coutract be awarded him, we are pre pared to become his sureties. To this guarantee must be appended the official certificate above mentioned. The 8urgeon General reserves to himself the right to reject any or ail bids that he may deem too high or unsuitable. HENRY JOHNSON. M 8 K.. U. 8. A.. ft*b9 tft-b*3 Acting Medical Purveyor. Proposals for IS, 10, an* M lack Cannon. ORDNANCE OFFICE, WAR DEPARTMENT, 1 Washington. January 27th, iv«3. | Proposals will be received at this office until & p.ji., on the 27th of February, 1863, for furnishing 13, 10 and 8 iuch cast irou cannon, to Ik* made iu conform ity with drawiugs to tie supplied by the Ordnance Departrnent, aud with the following specification*: One 10 inch trial gun is to be mail.- of w arm or cold blast charcoal irou, to be cast hollow and cooled from the inferior, aud to hat e a tenacity of metal of not less than 80,000 pound* jier equate Inch, to be deter mined by testing specimens taken from the sinking head of the guu, aud from a cylinder cast from the same heat, and from metal of the same quality as that from winch the gun is cast. This cyliuder i* to be cast on erd, in dry sand moulds.and i* to be 72iuches M*l». with an elliptical Imue of 24 inches greater and 18 inches lesser axis. The specimens are to be cut from the gun head, a d a slab. 4} inches thick, from the cyliuder by planes parallel to. aud equi-distaut from the axis of the cylinder, aud the lesser axis of the base. The Ordnance Department will teal the specimens, furnish the ammunition, and prove the t ial gun, which must be ready for trial as soon as {KMsible. aud not later than three months from the date of the con tract No contract will be given, nor will* the trial gun be paid for, unh*ss it shall endure a proof of 1000 rouuds, with serv ice charges of powder, of which2U0 rouuds will be with solid shot, aud 800 rounds with shells. The testing is to be doue fVee of charge to the contractor, but he will be required to furuish proper facilities for testiug, such as convenient ground,stor age for ammunition, a butt in which the projectiles w ill be embedded aud saved.and the requisite force for handling and firing the guns. Ail the cannon are to be made of the same quality of iron as that of the trial gun, and the Ordnance Department is to have the right to test the iron daring the process of fabri cation of the caution, tor which purpose the founder is to furnish, free of charge, at least one' speciiueu from the head of each caution, and slabs trom cylin ders. as before described, at the option of the De partment, not to exceed one for every ten cauuou. Each caution is to endure the regular proof and in spection for guu# of the same calibre; and none are to be received or paid for but such a* are approved after inspection and proof, w hich will tie received at the fouudry w here mrde. Bidders will state the uum bers aud calibers of the cannon they propose to fur nish on the foregoing specifications and conditions; the place where they are to be made; the time of com mencing delivery and the rate ol deliverv per month thereafter, and the price per pouud or per guu, for the finished cannon. No bids will be eutertaiued uulcss trom founders actually engaged in the busi ness, evidence of which must accompany the bid. b ailure to deliver at the specified time will subject the contractor to a forfeiture of the amount to be de livered at that time. Each party obtaining a contract required to enter into bonds, with proper su reties, for its faithful Ailfilment; and a transfer of the contract to another party will cause its eutire forfeit ure. Bidders will be required to file with their bids a bond in the penal sum of uot less than 980.000, signed by uot less than two persons, conditioned that if the bid is accepted, the bidder shall comply with his proposal, and faithfully and fully perform what he proposes to undertake. The bon’d must be ac knowledged before a judge of a court of record, aud the bondsmen must be certified by the Judge of a District Court of the L'uited States, or au Ordnance officer in charge of a l’uited States arsenal, to be each worth the penal sum of the bond over and above all liabilities. The right is reserved to reject all pro posals if the prices are deemed too high, or if for auv cause it is not deemed for the public interest to oc ceut them Proposals will be sealed and addressed to “General J. W. Kinley, Chief of Ordnance. Washington, D.C.," aud will be endorsed “Proposal* for heavy cauuou." J. W. KIPLEY, Brigadier General Chief of Ordnance, jatid) eodtfcb27 Dissolution of Co-partnership. WE. the undersigned, have this day bjsmutual consent dissolved partnership. STEVENS, BIBBER & CO. Portland, February 4, 1868. feb6d3w BUSINESS CARDS. JOBS T. ROGERS & CO., General COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AHD WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Flour, Provisions and Produce Ho. 129 Commercial Street, PORTLAND, Ma. JOH3IT. ROGERS. CH AS. B. ROOKRft. January 1st, 1863. janl 3m L. J. CROSS, 141 Middle Street, . - Pertlaed. Me. gx Watch-Maker, „ 1 „ V. ■All work being prompt), tnd pereon allv attended to, u warranted to rive thorough wMe faction. feUtt NM Coats, Pauls, Vests, Jackets, JO. Ladies’ Riding Hnbits, Ac., Cut, made and trimmed by A. D. REEVES, - - Tailor, 98 EXCHANGE STREET, Portland, Augusts. 1862. dly TOWN AND Oorr>oratioxi "RnniiPt — 9 WITH COUPONS, Town Motes and Orders, AID ALL OTHER RIRD1 Or PRINTING, Neatly and Promptly Executed —AT THR— Press Office. “Home Again!” THE undersigned would inform his old friends and the public, that after an absence of twenty five years, he has returned to his native place and purchased of Mr. Thomas Hie hards his interest in the Washington Street Bakery, where will bo manufactured tho tarlrtiee of BREAD found in (imilare(tabli»hmcut(; mud hr hope, by clone Application to bueiues., and an endeavor to please, to merit a.hare of patronage. HI. BRA DISH. GOon FAM IL J' FLOl'R by the barrel, or In leaa qnantttiea*__ dec»tf S. L. WINSLOW, Agent, HARCrACTTRRR Or Steam Engines, Steam Boilers, j in met NMsimM or iicmm, Steam Cocks. Valves, rtpesand Connections, Whole- j sale or Retail. STEAM AND OA8 FITTING, I Done In the bent manner. Worka 6 Union St., and 233 ft 233 Ton St., _Jnltdtf PORTLAND. ME. WILLIAM A. PEARCE, P L. U M BKR, - MAKER OF FORCE PUMPS AND WATER CLOSETS, No. 134 Kxchanue .Street, Cortland, Mb. Warm, Cold and Shower Baths, Wash Bowls, Brass ■, and Silver Plated Cocks. INVERT Description of Water Fixtnre for Dwell- 1 J ing Houses. Hotels. lSiblic Buildings, Ships,Re., I arrauRi d and set up in the best manner, and all or ders In town or country fhithfhllv executed. All kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to. I ( amttautJv on hand. Lead Cipes and Sheet Lead, and Beer Pumps of all kinds July39dly ^V. D. REEVES, The Taller, — BAB JVBT RETURNED PROM — NEW YORK AND BOSTON, With a large and well (elected Stock of Cloth*, C&Mimere* and Vetting*! Also a fill) assortment of Military Olotlxa, And i( prepared to make them up at (hort notice. Call and See, AT No. 98 EXCHANGE STREET. Portland, Sept *4. ISO. dtf IF YOU -WART THE Best Ambrotype or Photograph, DO not Ml to rail at No 27 Market Square, where they take PERFECT LIKENESSES, and war rant eatiafactiun. at prim- thick defy competition. N. B.—Large Ambrotype. only Fyftrm Cml$. TRANK A LEWIS, 37 Market Square, h’d Preble St. July 14th. 1S« d,f Bovs. Bov*. Bov*. A. D. REEVES, - - Tailor, #* EXCHANGE STREET. Portland. An* «. 18<a. dly JOHN LYNCH A CO„ Wholesale Q-rocers, - A NI> - COMMISSION- MERCHANTS, GRANITE STORES.COMMERCIAL STREET, (Opposite bend of YVidgery* Wharf,) Perllend, Me. jo«» inr«, mleu ukim, this, ltece JoMtf DOLE A MOODY, GENERAL Commission .Hcrrhants, AHD WHOLISALK DKALISH 111 FLOUR, OOBN AND PBODDCE No. 8 Gilt Block Commercial Street, PORTLAND. Ml. AKDREW T. DOLE. rRAEELIE 0 HOODT. Ja"< »■___eodtf JOHN B. BROWN A SONS, Sugar Refinery, i YORK STREET. PORTLAND. ME JeSSdtf JOHN W. PERKINS A CO., WHOLESALE DEALER* 191 Paints, Oils, Varnishes, BRICS, HI STI FFS, CLASS V1U. FLUID, KEROSENE OIL, Ac., 86 tom mi-rein I Street, Thomas Block, Ji«9dkwly PORTLAND. ME J. D. CHENEY, gj^MELODEON Harmonium Manufacturer, 186) U1D‘ LE STREET. NB.— J. D. C. bu received more first promt amt • for best instruments than any other maker la the State. Or Repair in* and Tuning promptly and peraoa* ally attended to. wl> 7 _MEDICAL. II. II. 11 A y7 — -- • ~ . JUNCTION OF FREE AND MIDDLE 8T8.t -DULM IV Fine Chemicals, Pure Drugs, GENUINE MEDICINES, ENGLISH, FRENCH AN) AIIRICAN PIRTCIIKT, AND FANCY GOODS. APOTHECARIES' GLASS WARE. POREIOH LEECHES, SURGICAL IKSTRUME.VTS, TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, BRACES, EL ASTI e STOCK IK OS, fe. VARNISHES, PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE-STUFFS, KEROHE!*E OIL, LARD OIL, And all other articles usually kept ia s Drug and l*aint ertabliahmcnt. ‘ *' W State Agent for DAVIS ft KIDD’S MAO NCTO-ELEtTRIC MACHINES .odftwtoctl UK.HlUHEh’ Eclectic Vertical Infirmary. Eltahlighed for Ike trealmcnt i\f thnge digram in txdk tern, refuirimff Erptrienct, Skill, Honor and delicacy. PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS -Dr. Hughe, has fora number of year, confined hi. attrntkm ts Uieeaec. of a certain clue. During hie practice be haa treated tbouaauda of cane*, and In no inatanea ha» he met with a lailnre. The n uiediee are mild and there is no iuterruption of busiuts. or chance of diet. Dr Hughe, ie in couatant attendance from 1 in the morning until 10 at night, at hia office, t Tem ple atrect. Charge# moderate, aud a care guaranteed in all caare Separate roSma. ao that no one will be ieen but the Dr. hitnaelf. Hia remediea cure diaeeae when all other remedie. fhil: eurea without dietine. or real net km in the habiu of the patient: cures with out the diaguating aud aickening effect# of racist other remediea cure# new case. In a few hour.: care, with out th. dreadful eoMec)ueat effect# of mercury, bat I. rare to annihilate the rank and poiaonou. taint that the blood ia rare to absorb, unlew the proper remedy is uaed. The ingredieuta are entirely vegeta ble. and no injurious effect, either coimtitutionalTy or locally, can be canard by using them. YOUNG MEN. who' are troubled with seminal weakness generally caused by bed habit, ia yoetb. the effect# of which are paia and diiunam ia tbo head, forgetfolnr... sometime# a ringing In the ears, weak eyea, etc., terminating in conanmption or to **"d| if neglected, are speedily and permanently All correspondence strictly conldential aad will a returned If desired. Address „ „ DR J. B HUGHES. Bo. 6 Temple Street, (corner of Middle), Portland. rVSend stamp fer Circular. Jail—dftwtn Eclectic Ylrdical Infirmary. to thFTadies. DK. HUGHES particularly invite* all I iditt wht n«?d a medical adviser, to call at hk rooms. No. STrmple Slrrst. which thev will find arranged for tboir especial accommodation, b P.r m* RenoratiniMMlieinNirrnrittl led in efficacy and superior virtue in regulating all Female Irregularities. Their action is specific aad certain of producing relief in a short time LADIES will find it invaluable in all cases of ob structions after all other remedies have been tried tm vain It is purely vegetable, containing nothing ia the least injurious to the hetJUi, and may few takea with perfect safety at all times 7 Sent to any part of the country with foil directions, by addressing t>R HUGHES. No. 6 Temple Street, corner of Middle. Portland. N B—LADIES desiring may consnlt one of tholr own sex. A lady of experience in constant attend ttnoe-_ jnlldawtffe DR. E. <2. GOULD'S Pin-Worm Syrup Is the first and only remedv ever offered to tbe mb* lie for the effectual removal of the Ascaridea, or 1‘ia Worms, from the human system. The high reputa tion it has established in the last two years, and the fact that it is fast sap ‘feeding all other worm reme dies, is the best test of its great merit. fcf It affords HELlEt in twenty-f'nur hours, must am entire curt it warranted, when taken according to directions, which accompany each bottle. This Syrup is also a most valuable family cathartic, to be always used when phrsic Is required', especially children. It corrects the secretions, gives tone lo the stomach and bowels, assisting nature in her efforts to restore health. It is purely <\f Vegetable Extracts, and always sq/fc an*1 reliable. Sold in New York by Hall k Ruc hsl.218 Gre wich street; in Boston by C. Goopwiw k C#., 12 Marshall street, and other Wholesale Druggists. .Sold in 1'ortlaud by U. H. HAY aud all tbe princi pal Druggists. deed 8m TODD'S LUX SOI IS HAIR DYE! THE market ha* been flooded for rears with difler eut articles called Hair Dves, which have never st is tied the expectation* of purchaser*. The wa CLue ultra ha* been reached at last in TODD'S HAIU DYE, aud the article has given entire satia aetion to every person who ha* used it It contains io Injurious ingredients, and give* the hair a beaati ul rich brown or black color. Directions for using -which arc very simple—eccompeuv each l>ottle. One superiority of Todd s Lux Bona Hair Dye over 11 other* is, you do not have to cleanse the hair or vash it before or after u-ing tbe dv e. and there is bet •ue kind to be used, aud that can \>e pat on the same vs otl ami water, without any trouble. unhk.» all oth r dye* that have two or three different kinds to be ppfied every time used. This dye is peculiarly dapted for coloring ladies* heir, because yon do not •eve to washout tbe dye after putting it on. Unlike will color long hair, which other ye* cannot do. Give this new article a trial, as we now you will use no other after once using this. fT“ For sale only at TODD'S HAIR-DRESSING ROOMS, t o. 74 Middle, corner of Exchange Street* scptl&tf WAR CLAIM AGENCY? ilOO Buimt) .Money. Buck fe*y. And Peasions. A rUF. audrntixurd i. prepared to obtain fro* tha United State* tioreranwut, *100 Bounty Money, .*rk Tat. kc . b>r heir, of Uffleera or Soldier, dr tax i the U-S. .erviee. ■ Invalid Pensions^ ri.bll.hed for Offleer* and Soldier*, vea^ed or teablad hr *icknew contracted while in the tervloe f tbe United Slate*, in tbe line of duty Penslona rocured Tor widows or children of officers and Sol iers who have died, while in the service of the Unit d State*. Prise Money. Pensiou*. Bounty and Back Fay col* *cted for Seamen and their heir*. 9 Fm, for each IVuxion obtained. Five Dollars. All Claims against the Government will receive rompt attention. Fo*t Office address SETH E. REED? (Office No. 9 State House.) * ’ RRFKRKWCSa: loo. Lot M Morrill. Hon. Joseph B. Hall. V. S. Senate, Sec'v of State* Ion. Jamex G. Blaine, Hon. Natban Dane, sepSOdhwlitf State Treasurer. REWARD ! FIVE DOLLARS will be given fbr the detection end conviction of any person or persons stealing a per* from the doors of our subscriber*. docSft PUBLISHERS OK THE FRES8.