Newspaper Page Text
TOIiTAAND AND VICINITY. George F. Mouitox We are pained to be called to add to our record of deatbe during tbe past few weeks, at that Aceldama of our citizens, (the State of Virginia,) tbe young man of seventeen, whose name is at the head of this notice. Though not yet eighteen, be has been al most two years in his country’s service, with out hiving made even a transient visit to his now widowed mother, who resides and keeps • little shop in Free street. We learn that he has been specially oom mcnded during ail the term of bis enlistment, by both his captain aud tbe colonel of bie reg iment, the 17lb, Co. B, lor his regular habits and fidelity, both as a youth aud soldier, aud that he was held in more than ordinary esteem and regard by bis fellow soldiers. He wa9 about starting by direction, at that moment received from his captain, to ascerta’u wheth er the Indiana regiment was between his reg iment and the enemy—it proved it was— when he was pierced by a bullet from a sharp shooter, of which he seems to have died almost instantly. He was an only son—dutiful and affectionate—aud kepi his mother informed weekly of whatever occurred of interest to himself aud bis company, suggesting and ad vising whatever he thought would be useful in the management of her little business af fairs. In her deep affliction she is sustained by the ooneolation of a strong Christian faith aud a trust that his change lias been a happy one. Tribute of Respect Died, Monday, May 30, 1864, at Dougia8 Hospital, Washington, D. C., from a wound received uear Spotlsyl vania, Va., Major Arch Dorillout Leavitt, 16lh lleg’t Me. Volt. Whereas, by the providence of God we are called to mourn the lose of a dear brother, who freely gave hit life to the service of his country, tberefoie, Resolved, That while we bow iu submission to the will of God, in thus sadly afflicting us, we glsdly bear witness to tbe many uobie qualities, and luteliectua! abilities, of our brother, which gave him access to the hearts ol all who kaew him. Resolved, That iu him our Fraternity has lost an honored aud a worthy member, and tbe Nation an able aud zealous defender. Resolved, That as a testimonial of our re aped for tlie memory of onr departed brother we drape our badges for thirty days. Resolved, That a copy oi these resolutions be sent to the relatives of the deceased, as an evidence of our heartfelt sympathy in their grevlous affliction. Harhison M. Pkatt. Atrocertm I). SuAtx. J. Howard Mielett. Hall of X, of Delta Kappa Kpsilou, dune 28th, 1864. Municipal Court—June 29. Rodman Townseud waa adjugej guilty ou a search and seizure process, and paid a fine of $20 and costs. X. Webb, Esq., for the defense. Patrick Crosby, for keeping a dog without a license, was lined $4 51 and costs. Com mitted. Robert Burroughs, for keeping a dog with out a license, paid $5.17 flue and costs. Martin Kelley and Timothy Cochrane, lads of 13 or 14 yean of age, were brought up charged with larceny of a small quantity of lead from the Grand Trunk Depot. Kelley was acquitted, but Cochran was convicted and sentenced to thirty days Imprisonment in jail. Detection ok Spurious Bank Notes.— An iufAitibie guide to aid in the detection of counterfeit bank notes, something more than the usual ‘•Detector,” which cannot, by the greatest prudence, be made perfectly reliable, lias long been desired by business* men. Mr. Laban Heath has recently published a little volume which seems to entirely satisfy ibis want. In compiling tbit book he bas been favored with engravings from tba Bank Note Co., with which he it enabled to give to every merchant and accountant a standard of gen uine bank note engravings, with which b« may compare all bills coming into bis bauds, and readily detect the good from the worthless.— This system has received testimonials from the highest sources, and therefore la entitled to the greatest confidence. E. R. Russell, Foreign Money Teller of Suffolk Bank, Bos ton, says of tbit book, “I consider it the best work on the subject ever offered to the pub lic.” It is also highly endorsed by Cashiers and Tellers In the Manufacturers & Trader’s, ! Mechanics' International and Canal Banks, in this city. Mr. Heath or bit agent is now in town, and will call on our merchants wbo will do well to examine and test its merits. Galvanic Treatment.—We would call the attention of those seeking health, to the advertisement of Dr. W. X. Darning, in an other column of this paper. Dr. D. lias not been in this city quite 18 months, yet he has gained a reputation unparelled Injtbe history of medicine, in bis speciallity of treating chronic diseases. Dr. D. has had a thorough Medical Education and an experience of over twenty years as an Electrician. He has worked bard to dig out the hidden mysteries In the Vegeta ble aa welt as the Electrical Kingdom, and bos combined them In the form of extracts and and Electrical Medicines, together with Electro Magnetism. With these batteries combined he is able to purge the system thoroughly of all taints. Dr. D. does not use a common gal vanic battery, with a harsh, coarse, unpleas ant current, which makes it a dread to those that use U; but he uses a smooth, invigorat ing, stimulating, soothing, Electro Magnectlc instrument of his own Invention, leavlug the patient, after au application, In a quiet,yet In an Invigorated condition, which lasts for houss. Give him a call. Office No. 11,Clapp's Block, corner of Congress and Elm streets. • Festival.—The ladies of the Christian Commission have arrauged lor a Concert by tlie children of oar public schools, at the new City Hail on the morning of July 4th. A line opportunity will thus be afforded old aud young for rational enjoyment, ami at the same time enable them to contribute a little towards the relief of our suffering soldiers. At the same place, In connection with the Juvenile Couceit, tables w ill be furnished with such luxuries aud substantial:, as will solicit money from every body. To enable the ladies to render their refresh ment tables attractive and profitable, dona tions from the patriotic public will be required. We hope the "Home Guard' will send to the new City liaii strawberries, cream, cakes, flowers, aud also meats, Ac., so that ourladits who do the hard work may be encouraged •till to labor. The at he.-Manager Myers produces anoth er sensational drama this evening, trout the pea of John Brougham, Esq., entitled the “Peep O'Day.” I tit full of exciting situa tions—an Irish fair, characteristic dance by twenty-four people, delicious music aud lots of fun. The entire company are required in Us production, and we aball be surptised if it does not make a hit. The weather is now so cool that Deering Hall is a most agreeable re sort. A Card. The Irish American Belief As sociates return thanks to Mr. Mark I’. Eatery for the gratuitous use of Buxton Centre Grove on the occasion of their excursion June XI, 1884. Joh.v McKEN.Mv.Cor. bee. Portland, June 28,1884. Special Notice.—Portland Division No. V, 8. of T. will hold an adjourned meeting on this (Thursday) evening, at 8 o'clock. A punctual attendance is requested, as busiur-ss of importance will come before the Division. Per order, 8. J. Lord, U. 8. &TR Majse.—The veterans of this regi ment, who returned Tuesday, were yesterday furloughed until the 8th of July. Most ol them returned to their homes yesterday. “Board Bills and Landlords.". Mb. Editor:—Tour correspondent (•), either unintentionally or otherwise, suppress ed several material facta In his account of the disclosures ot Hildreth. If the public have any interest in such matters, they have an in terest in knowing the whole truth, and It Is not a little amusing to see the efforts of little minds, through garbled and one sided statements, to try to iujure those connected therewith, either as Attorneys or Magistrates. First. The plff. himself tcstiSes that Hil dreth offered him (the ireditor) the bank I book In question, showing a deposit of $60, in St. John, 11 he would release him from arrest, but, not believing it of any value, he refused to take it. Secoud. That when he sent for Mr. Hovey to act as his attorney, aud told him of the book, Mr. H. at once asked him why he did not offer it to hia creditor; to which he re plied that he had done so and he (the credit or) refused to take it. Third. It did not appear in evidence be fore the sittiug magistrates, that Mr. Hovey had ever received a siugle dollar from the avails ol said deposit or book, although one of the magistrates (Merrill) suggested to the creditor's attorney, that he should examine Mr. Hovey on that point—that they could not infer it without proof—but the attorney declined. Fourth. The debtor offered to assign to the creditor all the interest be might still have in said book and deposit, If any. which assignment, one of the magistrates (Meriill) thought by the Slh aud 15ib Sec. of Ch. US of the liav. Slat., entitled him to ba released from arrest. But this assignment would, of subject to his attorney’s claim for disburs meats and services wiiioh did not seem to suit the interests of the creditor, who bad made the mistake of locking his debtor up in jail, instead of takiug the accurity offered him, au l which, he now suspects, Mr. Hovey made available as cash. He will undoubted ly be wiser next time. So much for this tempest In a teapot. Serenade.—While at Augusta yesterday afternoon, the Band of the 17th U. S. Infan try called upon Gov. Cony, at the State House, and treated him to one of their best serenades. The Governor invited them into his private room. The musicians suffered, however, for they lost their chance at the 1st and ltd tables at the hotel, and were obliged to put up with sole-leather steak and cold potatoes. Grant's Coffee and Spice Mills.—W« learn that Mr. J. Grant has recently estab lished • new Spice Mill out of the city, which in addition to his facilities in town, will enable him to meet any demands which may be made npon him. Mr. Grant is well known to our merchauu aa a successful aud obliging inanu facturer, and his Coffee and fcpices are second to none. Incendiary Fibb in Saco.—An unoccu pied building, owned by Chas. Hill, formerly used as a slice factory by Daniel K. Somes, and standing in that part of Saco known as “Somesville,” was destroyed by tire Tuesday nlpM. Boss,$500; uninsured. Tut uuiou preparatory lecture will be held at Third Faiish Church Thursday evening. Kev. Mr. Walton will preach. BY TELEGRAPH -to mm KVfcNlifU PAPUKft. l'rom AVtr Orleana. New York, June 29. The steamer Cahaw ba, Iroui New Orleans 21st, has arrived. New Orleans papers of the 21st contain the following: The rebels have withdrawn from Tnnlea Bend. Another steamer was considerably injured below Bayou Sara by a rebel shore bartery.— No lives lost. The health of New Orleans is excellent (ien. Banks has issued an order that all shipments of gold to New Orleans must be deposited with the Assistant Treasurer, to be delivered to consignees or merchants only up on stlislaclory assurances that it will not be used iu contravention of the regulations of the Treasury aud War Departments. The steamer Electric Spark Iraa arri vad at New Orleans. Cold at New Orleans on the 21st, 104 pre- i mium. Cotton was quoted at 1.10, with light busi ness. Sugar aud ipoiasse* active; lair sugar 20 1-2 a 21c. Molasses So a 90c. thf Armff bvfor. ItlrkmfnA. HEAirqcAitTKitH Armt Potomac, 1 June 28. ( All quiet at the front. Our left wing swung round and took possession of the Weldon Hsilroad, about four miles from Petersburg, without opposition, it is believed the enemy's lines have been somewhat contracted since Friday, and the opinion prevails that a lorce has bueu sent to meet aud drive back liunier. Almost nightly attacks are made on some part of the Iretted line iu front ol the Uth corps, but tinting our men on the alert aud ready for'them, the rebels quickly retire. It was at first thought that our loss would be over 600, but 1 ha~e benn informed that it will not reach one-fourth of this number. Our forces fell back to their supports near the btidge, and subsequently crossed with the en tire traiu without further loss. Tha rebels made uo effort to follow up, and it was thought that they had suffered severely or they would have done so. There are now about 5,000 sick and wound ed at City Point, aud they sutler much ft o n best. Fearful Railroad Accident at Belaid, Cana da—Fl/ty Fertont Kitted. St. Hilaihk, C. E , June 20. A fearful accident rccurrid on lb-Grand Trunk Railway ttiia morning. An emigrant train, consisting ol eleven car*, with 854 Ger man emigrants, went over the B.-lold bridge early this morning. At 8 15 A. M. thirty-four dead bodies bad been recovered, and between thirty and forty taken out badly injured. The train from Quebec lias been delayed in conse quence. One car baa not beeu sufficiently reached to allow the dead to be takeu from it. The engineer went down with the engine, but escaped with slight injuries. A dreadful res ponsibility appeals to rest ou tills man for vi olating the M inding order to stop. Only two living beings have been rescued from this car. The depth of water where tile accident occurred is about leu feet The con ductor, Thomas Finn, was killed. The fire man is also supposed killed. St. Hilaire is uineteen tniics from Montreal. Later.— Fifty persons were killed and a great many wounded in the railroad accident near Beloid, C. E. Urnrral Sherman's Loss., Ky., June T8. Tlie Medical Director of Gen. Sherman's army telegraphs that our entire loss will not exceed 1 ,.7)0. | Col. Watkins was not captured at Lafayette, ami Col. Faulkner, teported captured there, has arrived at Chattanooga. Urn. Hooker <■«{ WousM. Ntw York, June 2». . It was Gen. Marker, not Gen. Hooker, who was mortally wounded lu the recent attack by Ueu. Sherman's army. Advertise.—An exchange says if any person In business would succeed, he must let the people know where he la and what he is about; and a business that will not pay to advertise in these times Is not worth puraulug. Many persons have an idea that after they have been tome time in business it Is not necessary to advertise lutlher. But that la an idea suited to dead meu, and not to those who mean to compete lu the struggle* of life. Do they suppose that nobody moves Into town or come9 In to trade ? That nobody la born here'.* That the tamo people are pur chasing now that did ten year* ago? i7 James Clark of New Turk and John Dixon of Portsmouth, were up before U. 8. Commissioner Qackett in Portsmouth, on Tues day on a charge of tempting Six marines to de •ert from the Kittery Navy lard. Thep were ordered to recugaU* Ik the turn of ft 000 tot their appearanoe before the C. t. Circuit Court i Ik city, on the 1st of Qetobet next. BY TELEGRAPH tom Portland Daily Press. -. '■■■"■ — XXXVIII 00NSEES8—Fint 8eu«ion. Washing ton, June 2V. SENATE. A resolution was adopted instructing tha 1 committee on the Conduct of the War to iu* : quire what progress Lad been made iu tbe construction of gunboats contracted for iu 1802, and whether oilier vessels like the Cbl mo nad been contracted for. A bill was passed allowing Mary Kelly, the widow of a Union rebel spy whe was hanged iu Richmond, a navy pension, Mr. Suuuier reported that the Foreign Com mittee was unable to affirm whether the mes sages of tbe President aud the documents rel ative to Mexican affairs were of sufficient im portance to justify publication, aud moved that it tie reiened to tbe Printing Committee, widcb was agreed to. After debate a resolution was passed declar ing Messrs. Fishback aud Baxter not eutilled to scats lrom Arkansas. The bill amending the Pension act, extend ing its provisions to the wives and children of colored soldiers,&c., was taken up and passed. Mr. Fessenden reported from the Commit tee ol Conference on disagreeing amendments to the Tarifl' bill. Raw cotton is excepted lrom duty. On brimstone the Senate receded. On spices the Senate receded in part, most kinds being advanced. Stems are reduced to 10 cents. The lax on sail is 18 and 24 ceuts. The report w as adopted. Mr. Couucss introduced a bill for the sale of miueral lauds, aud extending the right ol pre emption thereto. The bill to reimburse Pennsylvania was amended so as to pay all the militia eugaged in repelling invasion thereirom, of whatever State. Mr. Wilson, from tbe Military Committee, reported the House bill to provide lor a na tional militia. A committee of conference was appointed on the Pacilic Railroad bill. Leave ol absence was granted to Messrs. Collamer and Grimes on account of Illness. A joint resolution was adopted requesting tbe President to appoint a day of national hu miliation and pray er tor the suppression of the rebellion. a tic ocunic uric iuuiv u inns. EVENING KESHION. The Senate considered the joint resolution asking of the President the cause of the mili tary order for the suppresion of the Cincin nati Enquirer in Kentucky, and requesting the President to preveut such eucroachuieuu on the freedom ol the press iu future. Mr. Cowan favored the resolution, stating that he had come to the conclusion to oppose these iufriugmeuU of rights in future. Mr. Lane of Iud., favored the order, saying that we had dealt to lightly with a treasonable press. Alter further remarks the resolution waa lost. Yeas S, nays 25. The yeas were Buckslew, Carlisle, Cowan, ' Davis. Hendricks, McDougall, Powell aud Riddle. On motion of Mr. Wilson the Senate took up the House bill further to provide for aud calling uutlue national forces. The following ameudmeuts of the commit tee were adopted:— Striking out substitute in the first section which proiliies for bounty to volunteers, thus excluding substitutes from the benefit of tbe bounty, and changing Ihe mode of payment of the bounty from one-half on being muster ed in, oue-fourh at the expiration ol half of the term of service, and one-fourth at the end of said service, to three equal payments of one-third iuterest, striking out the clause which allows full bounty to persons discharg ed from service by wounds or sickness, reduc- j ing from 00 to 40 days as tbe period allowed after tbe call for fitting tbe quota without a draft. Mr. Hendricks offered an amendment, pun ishing officers by dismissal with forfeiture of pay and allowances for knowingly enlisting minors under sixteen yeareof age. Adopted. Mr. Brown moved to strike out the third section, which |>ermits State executives to send ageuts into States in rebellioB to recruit Adopted. Mr. Sherman moved to amend by inserting the words “duty of the President," instead of “lawful lor the Executive of any of the States,” and providing that such troops mry be armed, organized, Ac., aud receive bounties, which was adopted. Mr. Powell offered an amendment, to con flue each State to recruiting withiu its own lines. Agreed to. The bill was reported to the Senate and passed.—Adjourned. HOUSE. The amendments by the Senate to tbe bill regulating prize proceedings, and the resolu tion that Mr. Schenck is entitled, and not Mr. Biair, was adopted. The Arkansas election case was taken up; the majority and minority reports, and the resolution from the Election Committee, were read. A long debate ensued, and the whole subject was laid on Hie tabic. The Civil Appropriation bill was then taken up. The amendment that no witnesses shall be excluded on account of color from United States courts, was adopted in concurrence. The Senate’s amendment prohibiting the coastwi-e slave trade was agreed to. The Ilouac here took a recess. EVENING SESSION. The committee of investigation of the affairs of the X. Y. Custom House, was authorized to ait during tbe recess of Congress. The bill to organize aud regulate an Engi neer Corps, was passed. The House concurred in the action of the 1 committee of the whole on the Senate’s amendment* to the civil appropriation bill. Mr. Mallory of Ky., offered an amendment providing that negro testimony shall only be admitted in Federal courts, in States, tbe laws of which authorize such testimony—disagreed by 47 to 00. Tue Senate's amendment to which Mr. Mollory proposed his amendment was concurred in i)7 to 4T. Mr. Morrill of Vermont,made a report from tbe committee of conference, on the disagree ing amendment* to the tariff bill which was concurred in. The House agreed to the amendment of the Senate, to the bill to exteDd the contract for carrying tbe Overland Pacific Mail. The House adjourned at 10 1-2 o’clock. From the Army before Richmond. Baltimore, June 2D. A prominent officer ol’ the Christian Com mission sends the following to the editors of the American '‘T am just from the front this morning. Everything looks very well, and the troops are in tine spirits. Y ou may tie as sured of this, as 1 have beeu in personal con tact with huudreds, both la the reserve and iu the rifle pits. I had an interview with Uen. Grant on Monday alternoou. He iscoulldenl of the result. He says there can be but one result, the defeat of the euemytur the enemy’s ! retreat from Petersburg, and then their com- ' plete overthrow. Extensive preparations are in progress, aud soon the country will more loudly applaud the genius and executive abil ity of Grant ami Meade. I was surprised to find some of our Union men despondent when I arrived at Baltimore this morning. Y'ou can safely assure you readers that there is no occasion lor iL Arrival of Wounded Sold Lera. Washington, June 28. The steamer Keyporl has arrived from City Point, bringing the Armv mails and the 3d N. Y". Excelsior liegiment, 112 men, whose term of service has expired. The Keyporl hail on board 12 or 15 rebel prisoner*, but turned them over to the author ities at Fortress Munroe. She brought up the. bodies of Capt. Keen, 20lli Maine, Lieut. Hammond, 58th Mass, aud Lieut. Colby, 32 1 Maine. The steamer Thomas Morgan from City Poiut, with 250 wounded soldiers was ordered to return to Alexandria, where the wouuded were placed in hospital. l ariou. Item.. New Turk, June 29. The bark Goethe, from Oporto, spoke 28th, at noon, lorty-Uve miles east of Eire Island, the boat Vision, hence for London, going off with all sails set. Twenty-five hundred tons of Scranton coal were sold at auction to-day Tor t9.25all.40 per ton. Brig. Gen. Taylor, Commissary of Subsist ence for the Army, died lit Washington this morning. He was a younger brother of Ex President Taylor. Main* Telegraph Company. Banooh, June 20. At a meeting of the stockholders of this , Company, holden Id this city to-day, the fol lowing named gentlemen were unanimously elected Directors for the ensuing year, vli:— Hiram O. Alden, James White, Belfast; Al bert W. Paine. Jacob A. Smith, Albert Hol loji, Bangor; Jas. S. Bedlow, Wm. P. Merrill, Portland; Aaron Uayden, Eastport; Edward O’BrleD, Thomaston. At a subsequent meet ing of the Directors Hlron O. Alden, Esq., was elected President, and Wm. P. Merrill Secretary and Treasurer for the ensuing year. Xm* Tork Market. Niw Vox*. Jun' 29 Cottoa—(s higher! (alee liOU bxlee et 146 mr middling upland.. Hott/—emle« 8 ) 000 bbla; State end ru rx oit.d end 60*l00d higher; Sup- rfine State 9 10* 1060; Extra du 816*820; chum. <lo 826*825; Kound nocp t>hk> 9 4ualo60; choice do 8 66* 9 26; Superhue Werteru 8 60*9 45; Extra 8 00*9 46: Southern—higher; aalea 160-j bole: Mixed to good 10 26*18 60; fancy and extra iO96*1266; Cauxoa 50(*75 higher; telee 1400 bbl.; onmmnn Extra 10 00* 11 25; extra good to choice lu 25*11 26. Wheat—xclt.d and 10* 6c higher; «alf«210,0r0 bu.hele: Chicago Spiing 2 20*28J; xi.traiikee club 2 29*2 26. Corn—.alerU OJO both; new mixed We.teru 1 62 @1641, dosing quiet. Oats—firmer; rate* Canada at 9&ft98o Beef—firm; -ales' 80 bbla: me** 15 (Mg 16 00. Pork—higher; sates 7*6 bbs; new mess 48 7&g| 46 61. I ard—higher; sale# 1480 bbla at 10i§lS}o. Butter—2c higher; State at S3 a, 42c. Whiskey—firmer; «a*e» 6000 bbla at 1 73'gl 86. Petroleum—excited; rales 8000 gallons r« fined in bond 90c; 60 bbla refined tree 96; crude 4f<547c. Freights to Liverpool—steady; Hour loju; grain 4ft }d f\»r wheat in ship’s bags. Wool—firm. Stock Market. Naw Yoaa, June29 Second Board — Stuck* lower. Michigan Central. 133} Michigan Southern. 964 Illinois Centra] scrip,...13 ; Chicago k Nottb Western. 64s Cleveland k Toledo,.142} Chicago k Hock Island.1121 Hudson.137 j fcirie,...114J New York Central.134} auicksiiver Mining Co,. 7b nited States 6-20 coupons.102 United States one yea i certificates new.. 92} Cumberland Coal Company preferred. 67 American Cold.240^242 THE GOVERNMENT LOAN $200,000,000. Thi* Loan is authorized by Ac: oi Congress ot March4th, 1964, which provide* for is Rkdempiion iv Coiv, at any period not leaa than ten por more than forty years trom its date, at the pleasure of the Government. Unt 1 its Redemption, five per cent, interest is to be paid semi-annually in ocin. Its Exemption from State and Local Taxation adds from one to three p< r cent, per annum to ita value The Rate of Interest on th e loan, although but five por cent. In coiu is as much greater in currency as tho difference between the market value of cur rency and gold. As a Rule, the five per cent, specie secutitif* of all solvent governments are alway * par or above, and currency now funded in the National Loan, will bo worth Ita faee in gold, besides paying a regular and liberal percentage to tho holder. No Securities cjfer so great inducements, it is be lieved, as the various descriptions of U. 8. Bonds, la ail other form of indebtedue-s.the faith or alii ity of private parties or stock companies or separate communities only is pi. dged lor payment, while for the dents of the United S’ates the whole prcpeity of the country is holden to secure tho payment of both principal and interest in coin. The Fundtd Debt of the Uuiied States on which interest is payable .n gold, on the 3d day of March, 1864, was $768,966,010. The Interest on this debt lor the coming fiscal year will be $46,967,12.), while the custom* revenue in gold for the current fiscal year, ending June 30th 1864, hat be n to far at the rate ot over $100,0 9,000 per annum, au am>uut largely lu eEce*4 ol the wants of the Treasury for the pay nu nt ot gold interest. The e bonds in *y be subscribed for iu sums from $60 up to any magnitude, on the same terms, aud are thus made equilly available to th*small<»t lend er and the largest capitalist. They can be c invert ed into money nt aoy moment, and the holder will have the benefit of tho interest. The authorised Amount of tbi* loan i* Two Hun dred Million Dollars. The amount of sub criptions repoMvdto the Treasury at Washington, is over $70,000,000. Snbteription. will bertceirrd in currency by the Flret National Haul,, Portland, Maine, A.YD BT ALL SATIOSAL BASKS which are depositaries of l'ublie money, arid all Betfcc able Battle and Bankert throughout tha country, (acting .» ageuts of the Na tional Dep jsitary Banka,) will furaiab iurther iufor eaatiou on npplicatJ n nnd Aford Retry facility to Subeeribcri. juneTidkwlw Proposals lor Loan. TfiKAACAY DAFSATAIHT, | June X5, 1*64 f SKA LED offers will be recieveo at this Department uader the Act of Match 3. 1863. until uuou ot Wednesday, the 6ih ol July 1*64,I »r bonds ot the United Matt s. to the amount of fropo ais lor Loan, dated eth instant, in© bonds ilib sr aa annual interest ot six per centum, pajablc peuii-autiuaJly iu coin on the first da>s » f July and Jsuuaty oi eaeh year, and redeemable alter the 30th of June. Ie8l. Each offer must be for fifty or one buidie^ uoilars, or some multiple of one nuodred dol are and mud •tarn the sum, indui Itia premium, offer© i f»r »ach hundred dollars in bonds, or lor hf y, when theofhr is tor no more than fifty. » wo per cent of the prin cipal, excluding premium, of the wbuie anu uutof leied must be deposited, as guaiautv lor payment of subscription it accepted, with the f r« a.-u-er of the United state- at Washington, or with the Assistant Treasurer at New York. Boston, i’hilad Iph.a or til Lou s. or with Desfgua ed Depositary at Bal iruore, Pittsburg .Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, or Buffalo or with any National Uaukiug A©*ociaiiou au* bor.z* d to receive deposits which may couseut to transact the t usiuers without charge. Duplicate cortific«to of deposit w! 1 be ia*uc i to depositors by the effic r orassowiation recoiving ‘hem: tne originals of wuicb must be forwarded with the offers to the Depar mciit ▲ii deposits should be made in time fur ad vie* of of fers with certificates to reach W ashington not lator than the morning of July 6. No offer not accompan ied by its proper certificate of deposit wid be con sidered. The Coupon and Registered Honda issued will be of the dofiominatnA* ot *60. *100. *600, and «1 odu. Regi-tered Bonds of *5,b00 and *10,000 w ill also bo Issued L required. All offers received will be epened on Wednesday, the 6th of July, by the Beore ary or one of thu Aseit taut oecrttans*. The awards will b* ma le by the Beoretsry to the highest offerers, and notice of ac ceptance or decimation will be iinru -diat*ly giveu to the resp ciive offerers and iu case oi acceptance, bonds of the descriptions aui denominations prefer red will be ©out to ti>e»ub«criber* at t e • ost ol the Def arrmettt, on final oaymeut of instalments. The original deposit of two per cent will bo reckoned iu the last iustalment pa d hy successful offerers, and will be immediately r, turned to thou whose offers may not be accepted. The amount ot aecApted offers must be deposit* d with tus Treasurer or other officer or aseo< i«tiou au thorized to act under this notice on advice of acc< p taece of offer, or as follow*: one-thi a ou or be ore the 10th; one-third on or before the lot hi and the ba’anse, including the premium and original two per cent deposit, on or » eiure the 20th of July. Inter est on Un-’i will beg^n with the date of deposit. Uartles nrefering miv pay the accrue! !utcrv*t fretn date wi bend. July 1, to date of dejiosit. offers under this notice shoo'd be endorsed “Offer for Loau,“aad addressed to the Beereiary of the Treasure. Ho offer will be considered at a less rate of premi um than four per cent. 8 1\ ('HAS*-*, Secretary ot t» e t reasury. tW Notice to officer© receiving deposit* under this advertisement: The preliminary certificate of de posit of tw-« percent wst sot be credited upon your aecounU current, as it is to be included in the final deposit. June W • d k w July b worus hdoui tue rortland Healing Institute. THE treatment pursued at the above named In stitute com induced Oo'cbt-r lh**3 by Dr. Hum phrey T Packer oi Cambridge, and is uow no 1 i g* era matter of experiment The Dr.aiih ugi. a •tranter to the oitlaai a of PortlaLd, hi* gradually but silentlv won hi. wav t j th * hearts of iheneopu without a word »-f counncudatio, f. om a tiugfo per son save one from the For Hand Daily press. It wa not Irons any wan* of names which migh have been used as references such as the following:— *ev. t A Ka'ou Hon Alfrtd Anthon* of Provioonce, K I , A. K. Newton formerly editor of spirit* »LAge. L. B Monroe. Prof of Elocution, Boston, but the Dr. very modeatlv prefertd to wa t until he eould give the people of rortland some home trstiou u bebe\ iug t.iat bis eflorts wou d be appreciate-! in due time Such uow appeara to be the e*t-e beyond the exp« c tatioo of fits Dr. hi-a elf. if there are auv * ho a*e now doub ing whether they had be ter put 'heto ! •••vs uadtr tuo care ot the I>r and receive the tr-at m*nt puisued at the Institute we. citizen** of Purt laud, cordially invite all such to call upon u.* and J learn more ftilly » 1 at we know f the l>4. and ti e trealm* ut pursued by him and hi* wife. I* r u*t j now be remembered that Mrs h U 1’aeVcr has be i come permanently ass. aiated with 'be Dr in the la j bora o hi* profession. This lady brings wi*h her th- expo ieure of mcr-than eleven ye»rs practice j with di-ease which affl‘c*ed on>y tne female orgm ! i«ra lo her Is committed tie care of the /emai* l)*p irtment. Those rie-iring fur her inform* Ion are invited to call on the snbscrib* rs or at the lnsti : tute corner of Cougress and Chestnut streets, near N* w t i v Ilail. I C. L Coos. 85 Pari* afreet. Ma. A Mas KuAscia H Chase, S3 Brown St., •Uii P. McCoiLopoa. % Mb die street, L. 8. Da si kl*. 11 Myrtle street Portland, June 24, 1W4 —TuASaJt» Gm s Portland Laundry Dons ALL KINDS OF FAMILY WO»K. Or ders left at F. A SMITH'S, No. 115 Federal i 8t., wlP bo promptly attended to J«87dlw* SAM’L LEWI8 Dean’* Drum Cor a. DEAN ’8 Drum Corps will promptly attend to all orders for D-umming for Parades, Marche*, Ac, | All order* to he left at D White’s -tore, Markel Square 8 Dm, Drum Major _ E I HALL, Clerk. ! Boarntn?. i A BBSPECTIABLE. private, flrat-claa* Boarding I J®*1 °P***&> being newly fitted up, at fi ! £*•• •**••{» ft,r gentlemen with or without theii i ftaillw. Suits ot room* forfamiliee. Jua«28dlw< hWTi iwliwi MISCELLANEOUS. I NOTICE -TO Till— BOOKSELLERS! —AMD — Country Merchants of Me. Wholesale Book Store! —AMD — PUBLISHING HOUSE. ___ I BAILEY AND NOYES, Booksellers and Publishers, Nos. 50 and 58 Exchange Street, Portland, Maine, Are now fully prepared to Supply the Trade! —AT THZ—| Lowest Wholesale Prices. By special coutrnct, recently made with the Bci t’nnnd New York Fubliahera, wc »r* enabled tc •apply any end All of tho School Books, llied in thi. State, on The Most Liberal Terms. o Haring purchased the STuasoTrrv Flatus from O. L. Saviors k Co., of this city, srs shall in fu ture publish she valuable Series of Scuool Bonus heretofore putllshtd by them. This series, tojeth er with our former publications, will mats the fol lowing List:— Norton's, Weld and Qnaekenbos’ Gram mar, The Progseuive Grammar, By Weld k Quackeaboa. e The Progressive Parsing Book, By Weld a Quaekaaboa. Weld's New Grammar, Weld's Grammar, (Old Edition.) Weld’s Parsing Book, Weld’s Latin Lessons and Reader, Xolbrook's First Book ia Arithmetic, Jackson's Arithmetic. B. k N., also publish IIbek]man’s Anti-Arqu* lakStbtrm or Rapid Mercantile Writing, In Eight Paris, with printed eoplet nt the head of each page, in enact imitation of the Author's bcuu tiful style or PENMANSHIP. Wo call special attantioa to tbaea New Writing Books, Aa they art admitted to bo the most practical Copy Books ever offered to the public; and they are bow being rapidly introduced, having the fail endorse ment of tfau SiperiitwJenl if Public Scknii if tlw Stale if Ian. Besides the above list which we publish, pur Npec ikl contracts arc for the following books:— Progressive Series of Readers and Spellers. Hillard's Series of Readers ft Spellers. 8argent's Series of Readers ft Spellers. Colton’s ft Fitch's Geographies. Brown's Grammars. Green!eari Series of Arithmetics. BLANK BOOKS, STATIONEJHY —An>— ROOM PAPERS! A FULL ISTOCK Always On Hand 1 N. II. —Uookaellera or Country Dcalera who are not oomio( to the city, may write to naetailof about what amount they purchaae at a time, and wa will N;ud them a LIST OF PRICES. It wad ted. Bailey <5z> Noyes, Publishers and Booksellers, 56 and 58 Exchange Street, Portland, Is/Te. maytUSa Portland Army Committee OM TUB u. S. Christian_ Commission. Chairman, T. R. Qajee, reoatraaStoroa Mils Mid dle atra- t Tiwasjarr Cyrus Sturdivant, rawdria Monty at 71 . Commetolal .treat. Soorelary Henry H. B urgent, raoatraa Lattara at ! 80 Commercial street. | junelwH " * W*■ *•*»**• EN TE KT AIN M EiV TS. «AQiiMmiocEoiir loipifAS^iViV ** Qolossal Golden P* ® C P o p © o p r* jr S' o 0 p r+ 1 » r ®un ..Miuosi * Vix Anran 4c ( o in again appearing before the people of America, deaire to state that their present Menagerie contains AN ENTIRE NEW C ollection of Animal* - that were captured by or un der the immediate supervi sion and direction orthegreat Van AmburgkMimself And are the prgQfcts of an expedition to The lev Region* of the Kotik Pole, The Pampas of South America. The Desert* of Afnca. And the Jungle* of Am. a All of which were rinsed to contribute «he choicest speci mens of Animated Natnre to he lonnd within their respec tive realms. They arrived la N. Y late In the Fall of '« where an unparalleled and moat tlinmphant success a wailed them. Flushed with new lanrela of ancceaa a trav elling paraphan&Ita was de signed of the most transcen dent magnificence possible to — - conceive which through their immense resonrses sprang into existence as If by magic. Cage* nf the moat gorgtau descrip tion ; Wagon* of the mod tartly character; Hornet* of surpassing “ beauty and elegance; Horses tf the bed Arabian Uood; Mammoth variegated Camas* of immense proportion ; And an entire retmue of unequalled rzctUenc* an hart to be seen. f Homan Intellec coulo not in its grandest moment ef codcepilon originate any thing mors grand and dia lling to behold. The verita ble van Amburgh, (whom en vious persons Irom his long abaenee from Amarica have taken advantage, end canaed the press to announce his de ersir) will accompany the ve^VTl exhibition and heed the TUI JT/T UMFHAE PEOCESSION ^^^****on its entrance lo the piece . . of exhibition which will rep In splendor A Moving Panorama Nearly one mile In length. VAN AMBURGH The original Lion and Tiger Tamer. Tha following list was ta- j ken from iU« living Animal* S/\ thf»m*«lve* in the Company* JU \ Builritnr. (w® A Ml Mro tdwny \ N. Y . on the C*2J of Mar. li, and therefore may bo cou*id- jfJL A Oorrfr* 1x4 of A nnth : ^ \ Prof ljnsworthy’s Trained Animal*: 1 African Lion. A» a tic Li *n, Nauud- V ian Uom«m, Rratilluti Tiger. IW* > ;il Leopard' Senegal Leopard. South A- M \A aaririn Jagutr. performed If Li..i at each entertain mint. 1 Living Giraffe, only one in Amer/a; l Great Performing l!!rph*nt, Tipu* KMBrQlk \ 8 iib. exercise l i » Frank \»*ft; \ Black Afri't n, nine feet high; ^n|\ X A. Grey <>»'ri*h ; Zo*r» Pair of White Bear; yifcoj Lions; /.*•, W California Gnarly Hear, very I irge , Roagal laopirlanl Young, African \ Panther, English Fallow Iktr, hil ver Stripei llyet'. African h;>.*t*< J Hyena. American INruhar or Pun < ; Poonah or HinUx*u\n Bear, only one in America; African Lion. Ast atic Lion, Bengal Leopard, Young Lion 5 jrotra old, |tr>gilian Tirer. 8. A. Jaguar. African leopard. Roy. al Bengal Tlgyr, only one nAiwir Burmeia or hacml ( ow, Ice or Polar Bear, Itocky Mount*.in Wild Cat. Japanese Markin Swine, African Gaxelle. Virginia Pessom, Ameru-an Black Bear, Chin-s* and Meirm Doga, N«w Median l Kutirao, Afri can Cr.'wne 1 Cr^ne. Black Wolf, Grey Wolf, Egypt**n Goose, Afr. -n P r canine. vrry nra: fl!u~ >Wml Hill Crane. White St *rk, rery l»rgr. Black Swan, Aln a t Pelican, Span ish and American 1»*U, Silver ■ ' uh Slacaws. Amarir*.* Eagle, Aipac ca Sheep. Cash a-re 5h»en, Whit * Lama, Tiger Cat, lied and Yellow Crest Cockatoo*. Parrots ar.l i>»ve* : Mopkaya anl ,:■*. J r.a Mare-M * Guinea Pt;e. Ant-Eater and t a m«ndi. LuNy'n an I While 1 a.-^d nrticr, Wood i and Carrier Dorns. !.>n? .arnv* 1 Gihhons. R. ‘.ft ■ * Mount ain IN N-r, A ••.trait.** Sh-'l firwueH'. Whna R-*s and Mir**. Wiidak Kiris. Black Bqwtrr ». tV*. atil*. \frt-*n Gi* r Parr.*:«, Taw; • Prrrots, L«»ve lirU, African Ring Naek Paroquetu, Au«tniian P *-ella, Lori Parojuetu, T-m Cra-iU Utr.; Parrots, S. A. Pareg*. Cfcinee* t ar nquatts. King pod t2*»c-*n Parr t«. Rosa Cockatoo, ftatin R*- j-* lSr>. quett. Europ-'ay Jey «, Juat added the Great AC I K *U t >i Hlttll *H« re . M«ts t of x-% in* *-*ns • nu •• >• i Bird* of every ysrirtr «-id p • Prrf. Jitig lit.* proc***elc*n on its arr the pine** of exhibition, m bn «een the POLOS VI, <r11 DEN OH VlllOT oonuiuui^ Otto lioas'e Cwto liasw Will Exhibit on WESTERN PROMENADE, noar the Art anal, Monday and Tuesday, July 18 and 18. I>oor,op«a l}«ndTJ Atri, ion only i", mot,— Ho holt pne*. juoo2H-I9 30Julyl3-lM;-l«-!S41? Festival at CSorhain. fllllK citizens of Cerham m l hold a Strawberry JL festival and Pair, lor the benefit ot'the Army f hrbtl n < oram esion. W't1ru*tl»y an l 7A«r«diiy, June 29 and 3 b i lie tair will te opened %t the Acad* emy Hall at ‘4 o’clovc I* H on WVdue*day, arwl continue during the (''lowing Uav. An exhibition of 1 lb * au.x will be given at the Town 11*11 on Wed~e* »ay t ve* log. ati o’clock On Thursday Brining a Musical K itertaiament will bf* go on at th Congregational t hu;ch. b* M II X. i arumet a >d J unit* Usher, aiu H*Mr* John L 8haw. John M"rgan and U 8. Ddtvar a. Refreshments. inulodlng 8»rowb**rriot and Cream, will be tor *aleat*be Academy during the fai*. 8iugl* Ticket- entitling th*> holder to a*inis»i.>n to the lair, or to either ot th * Kv nlug E-ib‘rtanmieut*. lSceatt. Package* o: ft ticket* tor uuvlie* 6)c'urj. 0 ticket* 70 cents An extra *rmiu «ill bo ran over the York and Cumberland H. H on Th'iraday. leaving Portland at 6 o'clck P. M and returning after toe Concert. t|Tick‘ta from Port and forth* whole trip, 1 clad* lug admi«»lou to the Concert. 50 ct*: Saocareppt, 40 cant*i Buxton Contra. *0 oet.*; Bar Mills 4»CT*.will be for awl-at the store* of H l*aekard. Bailey k Noya and ea-born A Carter, In Portland, and at Peuaell A Allen's 8accarappa. PorO-derof Cornm of Arrangement*. Gorham June 27, 19*34 —tl It First Trot of tlic Men son, oyxb LINOS TROTTING PARK. For One Hundred Dollars t * -gr 8CARRORO', Maine, July l»t, 1804, Or*. rt to Drive. G- 8 8wa*ay, names R. M. Lady Addlngtota: J. O Nell, Names It. M. hmua Grant: Le*t31nfl to liarne*a Lady Addington Is th* same marc that xrottad or«r tbi* eoursc last September. wtuuln/ thr*e straight basts over Topav. £tnmu G aut trotted at State Ea r Portland,UatfUL driftn by Laac Wwod* mtf of New York, bo ng one of the most stirring race* during the Pair. The other hor*e being driven by Ha*rev Bradley of B.aton. Trotting to oom&noe i at 2fto'olJck PM. 8YLVANU8 LlNG. ■neSTdtd Proprietor. ENTEKTAiNMENTS. Strawberry Exhibition! The l*orll iiid Umfctil(ur*lSolely WilJ be d an Exhibition of Strawberries, — AT — Mechanics’ Library Boout, — ON — Thursday Eve’ng, Juue 30, At 7J onloek. TUaytff.rdmfolluwia* Pieuiiume — “"•» *« rarletin.. _ • beetroot rarlettai... •*£ “•*< ««*!• -arlely . ' 5 * l>aor» opeu et 8 o’cluc. p. jj Cjtnpjt il.n opeu to e'w.Loirin «h„ »Ll ell luleie.ted aie inrittd 1. a leLd ** c#“,r7 lu^UtT •■•■-Wisi.T.fcr,. 1? AIR! -foam BENEFIT OF THE S0LDIEB&. The “Little Acorns” Will bold a A air at tba NEW CITY* HALL, Oa the AIUfujmb aad Stewing of Wodneada/ and Thuradaj# J*** SR 6 t »M. Tue pr&cauda will bo girta fwr t o ralief of the ock and tfouudod doldiar* of war Army. Kefrashoteuu for sale i • tbe iw.m f hatafeer. ^ U. d- Ialaatry. _6J^Nck«u 26 o.bti. janeJSdtd 1‘KOnE.HADE CONCElsT —roa rax BENEFIT of the SOLDIERS. APB'S* UK AbU Convert will uy the "'e Acorut," u. the Arealng et the i earth et Jaljr, at the NEW CITY HALL ! flofr ahmabt. foreale la the Senate Chain bar Muec by be Baud at the I7.h U a laSntry. D.nclog ta eoramenee a* »j o cluok T-eketa Vt ], nett ltd Sew opera holse fi LANCASTER HALL. SPRAGUE & BLANCHARD’S MINSTRELS! OPEN EVERY EVENING. An Entire Change of Programme. LOVE, or the Rivals ! Adm Ml'in i* e«nre, Beaerred Beale eO cewta. J. BPRAliUB, 1 majl7 f M. BLANCUAHB. i July iStli, 1804. Grand Excursion Buxton Centre Grove ! | ARCAXA LODOI, R«. 1, I. o. Of GK T. Will mike their ennnel Extortion te the xkere I nmed benatifnl (irore on TIESDIT, JCLT Kh, |S«I. ▲ Hind of Basic will socompany the parly, aad Speaking. Dancing. Foot Ball. 8irir**. Re., wiil be furrlsh-J without extra charge. Raftwahrecata fa cbaadaea»frr«ftteaa the frond Furr out and Back,.30 neat*. Tara »rare York A rnmberland Depot at fl and j 10J A. H .and 1$. Rnturo.ce, lea*<i Baxtoa at Si and 5f o'clock. C rmmiffe+nf Amamg*mcmt» V. G. Rich, * B. A. Sawyer, Andrew Camming f. JctTdlw ■U1A 4, YKC.'i. I-'IRE WORK, OK ererr doKriptlon, u lov u Boetes er Rew Yerk prior., nch u 1 Rocket*, Ronton Candle*. Scroll Wheel*, Flow Pole. Blue Light*. Bengolia*, Vertical Wheel*. Pin Wheel*, Her pint*. Floral SheUt.TarbUHona, Gra**hoppert, Triangle*, Jtine* and Bomh*. TORPEDOES, beet anility—tail ene.t. ETRE rktl klM. >o.l. Coee. Ceorkeri, CORK M A!»K8. n.) -‘rlr, end prior, Alow Mkteb, Raw •IIX Kir, Work,—Bed. Whit, •>, Ri<, , 4 8p,ii(’. t«, partlmlvly ,d»pt*d for ledtee. Ih-r Ml be led i, the c*j or nif ht time. IRON A&B BRASS CANNON! (Piklgree* ratter*,) Torpedo A Cracker Pistols, Iron Cracker Pistols, Pistols, FLAGSof all Sizes! —AT— Chns. Day, Jr.’s. * . , St.*® the .’ar*eit ateeartoient ef Fisnina Tackle To be (band (■ lie city: Kiy *od Beil Rod,. Biaboo Rod,. C»e Red.. CHek and RaltlpIrlnxReeda.tUk L'rae- Braid'd tad Tel.led—Common Hook,, ddl B.x,., bleb Bukeia, Ely Hook,. So. _ . CSAS. DAT. J».. JineCeodtoJnlyt 114 EUdieetrew. Carriages, Carriages! Firmly Baill amt EeaUy Piniehrd. J. P. LIBBEY, Ho. 20 Problo St., OFKKR.8 Ibr sale, at bio eatab)tehm*at, a varist) of < arriagea mada In the neaieet and moet tab slant >al manner. The aeeortmeat ecmpnece All tbs diH rent atylea ef Ugbt (arriagea. aad ttay will be Mold 00 the moat ferarable terms Ferae as infeed lug te pnrcbaaa Carriage# will Slid it ft*# tbeir iafar cat to c#H and eaamlna b®f*re baytag a aewbera j Juuegkitf For the Island*. i n.MJiftwJai. Ilititmwn .•-IgiguAnf-CASCO Will v»m farther notice I I AliU W .ear, Baroham * Who* far Teak'I amt t.aahlng'a la,end. at» and 10 (9 A. M, aad i and 8 X 1*. 8. Kefaralog will leave Csdung a liitad at It Wand U It A M.. aad8 4* and Alt P M TleketailAoeote, down ant tack. ChCdree It eta. Jane 8 dtt 47 k hCtltELH Prime ITcetera miked, ear I t)U goof Kh II K Itoot.a 4001 Boah.lo tajre of ft at iw» >'«arrMr 8<mlh+rn f «'><•«• c ern n. Cargo of »rh L. W Piero*, new Undlag *» X*. Hi Comm.-rial aboet. end far ,ale he JanedleotHw F.De'DU. BUBbIX. nmrioiODliil. VSIT.AXCiE yonogmia wh* ku heea a loag time from tho Ktt era tttatre. wlahe* to he la tioducid poong r >lorrd Ladf of thla rite Oblrot mntnal tmprot.ment Whoeeeeer wrtua to tbia ronog man. goto Iwaotp doliart leaned, u bar anowe’rd letter. Aldreaa up.o . ruoatraoa, C. S itramer laoneme*, Wm‘*m htlf B.ookadlng b<].adroa, <iy»lobu*.AU. Jnneti llw* Dissolution. THE arm of Howard A fltioat. a* Atror.oeaaod C .nno.:lo<* a' Law. la thla day dlwoleed by mo tual ooa.oat, Either pertrer will attrad te Item* th-mant of of the ha.I urea of tha la<a drte Mr. Howard will a mtlnao to oocepy oStoil Hi ll* otrros. over I’aeo Book • Mr arroat wji e.-c-py office 10t Middle akrael. e.ipoalte heed *1 Pinch a r*«t. -lo«>ra (liowaaw. _ . . _ ••want C. iTBowr Per-.eod. Jena *T lbt* -dim Notlfa*. Till# die 1 giro to m» twa tew a. t J aad Ckao Kardall, tnelr time, I > eel and ired for them aelrm; 1 ahOil not elalra their war-, or pep theb debta. r C. KASUel.L. Kee r la le.Me Witam., Harp PUiaborr Mary i l*1ilehare Jno*S7. Iffid. Jooeffi GUNS, RIFLES, | REVOLVERS, And all the Aecom-.-enlmeate F I * II ■ A « TACKLE! The Hrtt Aemr.-men* la the City Q. L. BAILEY, 42 Exchange St. April 8T eedtl P E N S IONS! It) UNTIE 8! Ara attained lor Woaadod ioldloro dll.bireed and tho fkienda of doeoatod aelllera who ore enlNled lo tho oamo bp BVliON D. TCKHILL, iltaruj ui (totaUtt, * 1a !L* li«k Sir*, 1 Portland, April IS. 1884. »>Wn— I AUCTION SALES. InMion kule cf Permut lo Cat Timber la Eamta ,n Grand Fall#, N. u. Tt) IRE will be aold at public amotion at tba OtSaa •f Hoary Hatley A C« , atraat, Pori. 1 laud, Maine, on Tl.u vilny, June Beth, 1VA, at lu u alt ck a. m. to cue e a cocci ru. fcjcenaea Noa « and t ,o cut timber ta , la Cana da,on tlw aorth-wmt bra ah ol iba river St John— wu#i« it i* iolers<*ctt<J by u>* b«juij<l*r> iii.* l* tu*tu bt»te Vi ’UalLtF-*ttl)d LAUidClifM I*I* *i. r,av*r*° *,;1 not to eActed. luv««m . by 2^ oijitM eucii ®ide, ur 4o t^uar* nUic*. accrmiu parcel vi fcrai k*i»le slum ted <u Grand fc*.]*, iu tb«> Cuuuty tl Victor!*, ulu at UL* ^•seut time ct.up td and by W». B .9 ' f**1 tomuly owned by Gi vr** Yc*i>«, •onUinlutf Uirav »v8; acre* or i&or* will* kiUadlnn* «ft iL* at me Tor iurtner particular* Irouirt^ of tb* nuclionoer w Mkkbkr, iliiCMek it to., h'ortinnd kninn mtytaOdUwtojuoeytthondtojBnrtti Ifttidcg « uniugta, Ati., ui Auctiun. ON Saturday. July ild, at It o'clock A. M. sa i Jra* cG*et, •w* sbaJl Mil Uorto*. Cama***, *• 1 *« iroed H*'t«s, *u* Cary*]), two lop %!•* ’•a, fio* GodcUrd do, on* ('otiurd Wt^oo.oiu Jeti **^*t»ndon* tipiwi two lwo>*hittied < liam** w. k«. Janate^did “A,Llkir k co- AUUTJoaaroai. Guard Ian'* hale of Real Estate. lJI-,v.^'A-''* *• » Hat» fro® tba Hon John A. oou,l7 ? J“f‘* frebara tor Cuaebarlarlf »ai«» * * 1 otic, that I tl all ul.r roc et io'iSk /v? on,2 * 'M®7 Ju,> ’ A U , .Mt. common and' oi.’dt?,!!'® eur-tight yort. ia wtth ,b. d wruf^^'er. - «' » ««'“** *«* it lend and. lormtrly .he promriv, ci*1 hlin atrial, l in ed. an I numbered JT»n r.L V *LkM ^ << •«-“* s.,d oc. .igh.h :'r;“ , tePd a, PortlandOu.u^ day of«.y £ D. ^r,.“.’koala . BAILKT * CO-.A-rti-.^ JaaelP—dtd etionaaca. Valuable Real Estate. u burl, I'laU- H' For Sale. **» TO cloaa tba aetata ol tb* late Char 1m Jordan. w, of-r for aale tt a following da-crib- d proyariy Wharf end »lata, eotap lalng about ninety tkoa.ud !»« e>lau, with a ft n,age of one hundred tweaty ala fcet on Coinmeicial atteet. with tie luMtega th» eon. four iota cn tha wrated, aide ot IVI ****** ® 100 each; a lot adjoining on Para aareet, ,k feet front. «5 lent derp; let on Fn.k vlrtat 3*. *'■ 8tor' o" corner of Park and York atraat b»*0; aewco tage heme til York .treat lot 9i by SO; a lot of land on state ttraei Sf feet ’root. oentainlng about ten thoaaand Art. with a taitrm houaain the rear; two and a lull a*ory medtrn built honae t» Y* k atrt et, containing 11 room* ana. 'V5? *°t: '"ttaga bou-a No » Tyng etieeOot Wky lO.eottagah.amHo 11 Trog atraat, large lot; the above property »lll be aold ua racy trrave. and mi not preetourly di.p .-d of. will b» aelu at Aoetlonon laaaday. July llth.atll o'oioek lame roreoaon on the premier. For partlcnlara apnly le ihatubarnl er». CH AilLfcfi JOBDAS, JunaUltd OkBUNtBJOBOAj. EDWARD R. PATTEN, rommlssion Merchant * Auctioneer, Haa removed to tho rpactoua atom u KkCbange 8tre<t. four docra b-low Merobsnt’a JCzolmnga. WUI reeelva eoaeignmeata of KerabaadiM ai deaortptloe. for pnbile or private tale. neu. • f Beal batata Vaaaala. • orgoee, Stool, and Van. thandlva eoiidted. Cork udvancaa vaee. with prompt aalea and retnrna. acblt dly At XjAuo’m RUeYien Warehouse \ NO. « TREE ST., PORTLAND. TL'ST returnrd from New York with • Urn u. •orimoat of BASKETS, bo‘h Trtveling and Work. AIm a large let of BIRD CAGES, All \ete Pattern*. Alto, rant of varied, kind*; Wl • WIndew Vreena—pnmted tn colon and plain. A lira* urct of All kind* of JKITCHEX GOODS, Aa v«o«l, Wo den Wire of All kind*. Childrmft Cmrr.-atjtt.lojt kc. • AH Sold Cheap for W>tr Timet. Judo 14.—dSw For ECarpswoll. TWO TBtrS n4ftv ( fin fap irrr|fof ) The safe au4 fiat Steamer “Clinton,” C. KELI.Ft,V, Master, Having brem thoroughly renin* r*Atted lor light f tUhtand pas will commerce her recel.r rtpa to ilarpsRrji MONDAY, the »>th Uut..lP#r. iag Custom Home H barf, et 8 H) a If ti d t F 4. Leave hatpawt'A At U«G A. tt. end h V. M. •• Ihr aoAth aide of C be beegee It'iudiMl fere each way. flarrswrii £3 Cf» ( hcbeepac 40cta. <aeor,ino Hckefa te flarpawell and tack. 7t eeata ChcteAgtfeLi and mod back gneta. LObi k 6Tt BDiVAST, Age*te, Jn.U-dlf TJCo.anroUl.tnM. “The Best is the Cheapest." Try ono ol J-MSHTi Cm* Bogota Hats! TOP WILL LIKE IT. me But to be found la the City. ^ R R H \ , 1S1 Middle airaat. Jan* 19—dtf TO THE AFFLICTED I or. w. Oemms, Medical Electrician, B*. 11 Clapp's Black, JO EM EE OMCQMOSESE AMP ELM MTEMMTE WOULD raapectfallr acaoance te tha aitiaraa al Partlaad cad Ticinltj, that be baa,nt r leaatad ia thi* eltj. Daring the eleven aettot hat wahna been In town w• bar, cured aoae ad ha werat forma of diaeaeeln perauna who bar* tried liber forma of treatment la Tala, and enrin a pa tiaataia to abort turn that the sanation la one. takad. do the, atay eared ? To nnaaer thia auaatioa eawt.lauy that all that do not rUr en> will lector the toooad time for nothing Dr. D. ka* been a practical Elcetrtotan ft r twenty > a* yearn. and laaiao a regular graduated phjatciaa hnotrleitr to perfectly adapted to chronie ■"-titti •a the form of aarroator tick beadacbe: neuralgia U the heats antremitlra; eonanmpUoa wbta a tha eente stage* or where the Innga an not fell* ■nrelmd; aent* or chronic rhentnattrm, acrornla bin ItoMaaa. white awaiting*, apical dtoeaaaa. enrratiin if th* apt**, contracted mnaelaa, dtotorted limb*. ytin or paraljnto. t»* Vita*- Daac*. drain**.. «am wiring or hcaitasoj cfapeech. drapepala, Indiana. t^>a, neamipaticn and liver complaint. pile*— w* can <*trr caao that can be p renewed: aathmn, bronchi. kjjMd^rneTTw of the cheat, tad all form* af feme:* By SUeotrlolty Th* Sheematte, tha gouty. tha lama and Um lets •ap with Jej, and mcaa with th* ngiiitv end «i*et,*L tj of youth; th* haated brain la ocoied; tha from dtUa Umha reatrred. tha nnaeatb delermlttoa ry i hlatois* eoBvprWd to vigor. vwkBMi ♦© ibviglh; th# blind Aids to •##, th# dr#/1# h#cv «#4 .h# afeiAfed Ibrm to mov# mprl»ht; th# bfemfehm ot ’o#fh at# ob’ltsnUd; th# accidemts of motor# in# W«U4; th# atluiltlM of qM u9 o tv feted sfe AR Acttrv eugmUtkm feAtoutoed. LADIES Tba hneneeld hand* aad that; weak stomach#: aaa aad wsak backs; aerroat and tick bcadaabsi Uaalaeaa aad swimming in tba bead, wttb ladlgea -l' « aad eaaatlpatloa of tba bowels; pala ta tba stde aad back. leacorrtMM, (ar white*), felling at tba wotab wttb Interna! tsneert; tcmora, polyene, aad a)l that long train ot dlaaaaaa will Had ta Electric, tty a tara meant af earn. For palatal menatraatior, toa protaaa mecatraaUon. and all of those Ion* lb a >f tronblaa with yonng 'ad lea. Electricity It a rtrta a •pacldc aad wUl. la a short tlaaa. restore I he rnSaras ta the rigor of health tw n't hawe aa Mlactro-Chans seas I fwaralaa tat extracting Hlacra: Poison th,at the arsteea. melt as Hnreary. Antimony, Arsenis, be. Vlaadreda ate »ra tronblcd wlthitif 'otota, weak backs. and »ars ine otberdtfllealUi.'a. the dire, t eaaao ef wbiab. ta tins easee eat of tan. la the edict ofpoboaoaadraea, at be restored to artarn! erreogtb aad rigor by tba aw of fr. ra tre to eljtt Paths Oft on hoars from S ealaet s.r. la 1 M,| If t| aad? Kira. r'anaattattra area tyltlaed ISPROVKD hK KT SI PPI RTltl! AXO crriST tx PAX DSP. Mmt. dFKOiari'et tbe altaotino of the !adl-a of for last, to h*r new lm\ rosed Skirt Sap r.’fsr and t bent Ka pander, irttngarery term tat* <-n Ung around ibe a m. the usual som .letni oral! other Uiaixs So Uoy would health .at it tar Ibe support of Sktrta utosio, altar ssirig Ik. salt la af grtat sap |i rt to Ibe hack )t also eg. parasfh»ebr-l. t>rn gtliena ibe long- ard stomach, aed will remedy a sery bad habit ol at- oping Also, a b-aat ful atyWof taat. tedtapr cab's ta a lady's toilet. Al-o Nr ladies • Ruling with Prolan <aa Uieil or bearing down, she has a supporter tua 'ta oiu.HtoMy fee iramerd for this di- nesting aom. plaint which medclne feiiato rra b. It haaavM)aali '* la fer aaperivr to the many meehunico supportsra □aed to taeli eases. Bring the tar u perfect y. It ta free from pads and kteel, andena'a* bo Imtatloa ; girts aotntarr aad rat-, with each an amoaat af tap oort yea would not think it pratible to do It. Also d! sapportrro for lierrl* or Bitp'nra. Also, tlontb men's Hraeeawltb Husp ndete on tba •erne pm alula as ladlsa. Mrs HFII> will take pleaaare ta showing tba aberatoall w* a a ill tarot bar with a oall at bar Boome So. t8 Deufortn St . or at ladies' rea.dercea If dsalred Onlera cun ta left with htl-s F (Sill. HOCUS *o j Clapp's U rck. or wttb IdtAIU-U CLAth, Ko 11 Ma-kot rifcare _taffdiwihemotlucFf GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY^ Excursion Tickets I Imwii UM. Good to Botnnte lor. }«t. T>»R Tt«k«a aad treoeral tctanoaHon apply ta Mm r efflee of tbe Br.tlsb aad Amartaaa Expreaa 0*_ » Exchange rtrtnt fuaeMtadJ^