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The Portland daily press. [volume] (Portland, Me.) 1862-1921, December 24, 1879, Image 1

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-MUMT— ^ _r^■■ >-f,,, , „, ,,,,, rrnwHi i mu min ■■.; nr’r"*'-^^’^^^'v^r/MigTrvrTWgrTiiiiir<M^iTrMrrrr»rmTW-irHMBMTrgiiM—— ■mu > m n nw-.-„y-»irr-.trar.>•^.■nnaa^^tncrs• i-r^K*i»wrr,-r~^r.-w»r>nctt————————
_ ______ --- I ■ ■ ■■■ ■■ I ■■ ————— I —
gy —
Publb&hed every dny (Sundays excepted) by tbe
AT 109 Exchange St., Portland.
Trrms : Eight Dollars a Year. To mail subscrib
ers Seven Dollars a Year, if paid in advance.
s published overy Thuum-*. v Morning at $2.50 a
year, if paid in advance at $2.00 a year.
Rates of Advertising : one inch of space, the
length ©f column, constitutes a “square.”
$1.50 per square, daily lirst week; 75 cents per
week after; three insertions or less, $1.00; continu
ing every other day after first week, 50 cents.
Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents;
one week, $1.00: 50 cents per week after.
Special Notices, one-third additional.
Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction
Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; throe inser
tions or less, $1.50.
Advertisement* inserted in the “Mainf. State
Press” r. iivo a lar*v < ircnls.. i in every part
of the State), for $1.00 per square f. r 'ii ; iiecrtjon,
and 60 cents per square for e.;i vi> Mih-.iequeni inn r
Address all communications to
FRANK CURTIS.Lessee and Manager.
Bee. 23, 24 and 25, Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday.
The Celebrated Comedian,
Supp^rteJ by
Miss Emma Torn and His Comedy Com’y,
A Picture of New England Life.
Sale of seats, Saturday, Dec. 20. del9dlw
Thuisdiiy EYTiiiiiK, Dec. 251 Sr,
W. ir. SAY WARD, Impersonator,
LEON REACH, Pianist.
This combination is entirely original and every
member an artist.
Evening Tickets 25 cents. Reserved Scats 50
cents, lor sale at Stockbridge’s ai:«i at the door.
Concert at 8 o’clock. <le23dtd
lin iMtuinii ARcmsoom nisd Night.
Magician and Ventriloquist,
now in his
53d Year before the Public, with magic,
Nlyaitery and Fun.
POPULAR PRICES: Afternoon, Children, 15
and 25 cents. Children buying tickets for after
noon performances can have them for 10 cents.
EVENING—Admission, 25 cents: Reserved Seats,
35 cents. Tickets ready at Box Office, Music Hall,
on and after TUESDAY MORNING, Dee. 23u.
Secure them in time. de23d3t
Tickets, admitting gent with ladies, $1.00. Oys
ters and other refreshments served to order—Rob
inson, caterer. The last half of the present term of
evening school commences on Tuesday evening,
Dec. 23d. Come and learn the Bohemian (heel and
toe) Polka. _ _ ae22dtf
— BY —
— AT —
Friday Evening, Dee. 23, 1870.
Tickets 35 cents; to bo obtained at Stockbridge s,
Loring,Short & Harmon a, Sturgis',and Hinds' Drug
Store, corner Pine and Brackett Streets. <ie23d4t
3 Classical Subscription Concerts
No. I—Piano Recital by W. II. Sher
wood, of Bostou.
No.ii—Piuuo Recital by Ernst Perabo of
Bosloa. „ , .
No. 3—Concert by Beethoven String
Quartette of Bostou.
i .. ... Knno o Vrvnolist Sunscnotiiin to
the course §2.00. List at Stockbridge’s. de23tf
Fraternity Dances!
Friday Evening, Nov. 28, Wednesday Eve
nings, Dec. 10,31, Jan. 14,28, Feb. It,
Portland Fraternity.
Gen.rai Committee.
T. C. Hebsky, Esq.. President Fraternity.
Samuel J. Anderson, Esq., Vice President.
I-:. A. Noyes. Treasurer.
Hon. Geo. Walker, Mr. S. E. Spring,
Hon. a. E. Stevens, Mr. I. P. Farrington,
Hon. Geo. P. Wescott, Mu. Geo. S. Hunt,
Hon. Jacob McLellan, Mr. II. N. Jose,
Hon. Wm. L. Putnam, Mr. Geo. W. Woodman,
Hon. I. Washburn, Jr., Mr. Chas. McLaughlin,
Mr. Wm. 1. Thom, Mr. John N'. Lord,
Mr. Nathan Webb, Mr. J. S. Winslow,
Mr. Chas. E. Jose, Mr. J. P. Baxter,
Mr. s. T. Pullen, Mr. 3). W. Fessenden,
Mr M P Emery, Mr. Lewis Pierce,
Mr. W. F. Milliisen,
Committee on Entertainments.
Fred K. Farrington, J. H. Drummond, Jr.,
Wm. Senter, Jr., E. D. Noyes,
E. C. Jordan, Wm. II. Schumacher.
p. T. Griffin,
Tickets for the course of six evenings, admitting
Gentleman and Ladies. $5.00: to be obtained of the
Committee on Entertainments. Evening tickets, ?J.
Music by Chandler’s Full «luailrille Rand.
noill_ eodtf
On and after Monday, Sept. 1^1871), the Steamer?
Forest City and New Brunswick will (alternately
leave FRANKLIN WilARF, Portland, daily at 7
o’clock p. in., and INDIA WHARF, Boston, daily,
at 5 o’clock p. m. (Sundays excepted)
Passengers by this line are reminded that they se
cure a comfortable night’s rest and avoid the expense
and inconvenience of arriving in Boston late at night.
Tickets and Staterooms for sale at )). u.
YOCNij’S, 272 Middle Street.
Through r ieketa to New York, via the various
Rail and Sound Lines for sale at very low rates.
'Freight taken as usual.
j. il. CttVI.Ii, Jr., tiearral *«eiit.
New Ycrli to Sjueeilslown and IKvcrpooI
City of Berlin, 54‘J1 Tons I City of Montreal 4400 Ts
Citv of Richmond,4(507 '• City of Brussels 2775
City of Chester, 450(5“ | CityoCNew York 2ol>0
I'iiese magnificent steamers are among the strong
est largest and fastest on the Atlantic, and have
every modern improvement, including hot and cold
water and electric bells in staterooms, revolving
Chairs in saloons, bath and smoking rooms,! 1 rue
^Fur rates of passage and other information, apply
to tons <>• da in, Agent, 21 Broadway, N. Y.
or to T I*. TK LOWAN. 422 UoajrrM fit.,
0 -al POltrUAND._ codly
For Teaks’, Lout,', Little Chebeague aud
Gt. Chebeague Islands.
_ Oil and after Monday, Oct. 20,
l [Cl m Steamer Minnehaha will leave
the Kant Side Custom House \Yhf.
^ ■ s»wr.-l-^r frw (jt. Chebeague and the above
* landing* at 7 a. in. and *J.30 p. m.
For PEAKS’ ISLAND at 10.80.
'J’his time table will be in force for one week only,
ocl 8__tf
£ T. P. McGOWAN, £
s.ninny weekly from Boston and New York. Drafts
“r^rdufard, issued on the^Ro^Btmk of
^oclMtf Vonhndlik
Buffalo Robes...§
Wolf Robes.
Buffalo Robe.2.00 to 3.00
Large, Dark, Whole Skins, Unlined
Buffalos..$4.50 to 6.00
Large, Dark, Whole Skins, Lined
Buffalos. 6.00 to 8.00
Extra Best Whole Robes, Unlined,. 7.oO
< “ “ Lined.... 9.00 to 11.00
Gray Wolf Robes.. U-50 to 13.50
Extra Nice Wolf Robe. 14.50
Bargains secured in this lot.
Real Seal Setts. .40 ^?9‘99
Gents' Real Seal Caps. 7.00 to 13.50
Ladies “ “ 5,0C to 15.00
Imitation Seal Setts . f.OO to 6.00
Ladies’ Imitatiou Seal Caps. 1.25 to 2.50
Gents’ “ “ “ . 2.00 to 5.00
Children’s Setts of Furs.75 ceuts to 5.00
“ Fur Caps.25 cents to 2.00
Astrachan and Coney Sets of Furs S3.50 to 3*00
Fur Trimmings from.25 cents to l.Zo
Good Blankets for.. ■ • • • • Sl-00
Square Blankets. 1-50 to 3.B0
Extra Square Blankets.4.00 to 5.CO
Surcingles.'..25 cts to 05 cts
$3.5 0 Silk Hat in Exchange—entire new stock,
■o.sn-g .$3.00 lO $b.UU
Gents’ Cap's'.'.'.'.'.50 cents to $1.00
Men’s Scotch Caps.VIV’VA'1
Shawl Straps.15 to 50 cents
Trunks .$1.00 and up
Metis Caps'. . . i.50 cents to gl.OO
Bovs’ Caps.25 cents to $1.00
Umbrellas.60 cents and upwards
Silk Umbrellas a specialty.$2.60 to $6.00
Men’s Kid Gloves, warranted... • • ■ • SI .60
Uulinod Dog Skins, all shades.7o cts to $1-50
Men’s Lined Kid, with and without Fur Top,
75 cts; $1.00, $1.25 and up
Men’s Kid Mittens.75 cts up to $2.50
Ladies’ Kid Lined Gloves, and Mittens—plain
wrist, spring wrist and gaunt left wrist.
price.$1.00 to $-.00
Gents' and Ladies’ Fur Gloves, all kinds, from
$1.25 to $10.00
237 middle St., SI gw of Mold Mat.
de24 _
Ulster and Overcoat Weather
-AL iBJ !I3»
Can’t Furnish These Garments,
And if $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00
ain’t cheap for a good warm
And if a poor man can’t afford to pay tlie above prices
for an overcoat, why can’t he afford to
purchase one of our nice
Cotton Flannel Lined Grey Overcoats
JF'OO. sa.oo
And if parents wish to give Holiday Presents to their
children, why don’t they buy nice, warm Clothing
PhiladelplKisi & UTew
in connection with OI.lt t'OliOAi stAIl.
boston to the south.
Semi-Weekly I,iue, Quick Time. Cow
Kates, Frequent departures.
Freight received and forwarded daily to FALL
ItiVi..:, there connecting with the Clyde Wtentn
crs, sailing every WEDNDSDAY and SA1UL
I)AY to Philadelphia direct, connecting at
Philadelphia w ith Clyde Steam Lines to Charles
ton, 8. C., Wushingtou, 1». C., *"Corge
loien, O. C., Alexandria, Vo., and all Kai
and W ater Lines.
Through Rates named and Bills of Lading tven
from any point in New England to Philadeiphi
For rates of Freight, and other information, apply to
D. D. C. SUNK, Agent,
196 Washington Street, Boston, Mass
Win. P. Clyde A Co., General Managers,
No. 12 So. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia.
After an absence of three and a half years I have
returned to Portland and leased the Photograph
roomi recently occupied by J. U. P. Burnham,
I am prepared to carry on the business in all its
branches in the best style of the art.
I hope to see all my old friends and a good share
of the public in general. MY PRICES WILL BE
I have a line assortment of Frames, Velvet
Pnhfecpn non lx, Ac., &-c.j all will be sold very
A. 3»I. illcKEIIEY.
dec 15 eod&w2w
ie,:0-” an<] “ZFL.” 7,001
Is the Number of my 'Trade iTlark^JitYE! AND
StOC'KV’and all infringements will be prosecuted.
It is unequalled for Laiug, Throat and ITIalar
ial diseases, being Purely Vegetable and’com
bining the excellence of the ‘‘Bugar l!iiBew and
the ‘*Choice*t Cereal*.’ Why take disagreeable
drugs when this most Delicious Cordial will
produce more satisfactory results? Sold by Druggists
and Grocers. Uly Signature is on every Cicu
iiine bottle. Price, $1. N. VAN BEIIj, 88
Chambers St. N. Y. sc!7eod3mo
Every regular attache of the Press i3 furnished
with a Card certificate signed by Stanley T. Pullen,
Editor. All railway, steamboat and hole managers
will confer a favor upou us by demanding credentials
of every person claiming to represent our journal.
Wo do not read anonymous letters and communi
cations. J he name and address of the writer are in
all cases Indispensable, not necessarily for publica
tion but as a guaranty of good faith.
We cannot undertake to return or preserve com
munications tnat arc not used.
The Indignation Meeting.
The indignation meeting held at
City Hall last evening is so fully reported
in our news columns that extended com
ment is unnecessary. It was large, earnest
and enthusiastic. i tie men gathered there,
apparently v,-;.hoist distinction ■! party,
fully realized the gravity of the situation,
and were for no hasty action nor violent
language. They knew that the city had
been deprived of its proper representation
in the Legislature, that the will of the people
of the State, as expressed in the usual and
legal way, concerning the' choice of tlieir
law-makers has been defied, and that the
decision of the ballot box had been over
thrown. They felt that grievous injustice
had been done, not under cover of laws
susceptible of various constructions, but in
Inominrrn o T-wl in.
tent; and they were sternly resolved to hold
the doers of the injustice to strict account.
The universal sentiment of the meeting
found its voice in the resolutions adopted.
The citizens of Portland are resolved that
all jnst and legal means shall he taken to
undo the nefarious work of the dishonest
and corrupt canvassing board that has de
fied the expressed will of the people, and
refused to recognize the verdict given at
the polls. They believe that there is a
remedy in the law, and that remedy they
are determined to find and apply. But they
will countenance no violence, and disdain to
adopt the cry of the conspirators, that one
wrong must be met by another.
The Press gives its readers to understand
that Hon. Wm. L. Putnam and Hon. A. P
Gould have each given an opinion that some
decisions made by the Governor and Council
in canvassing the returns was not. in accord
ance with the constitution and law. We have
se-n no - wl: -talement by either id these gen
tlemen. It the Press will quote the particular
decision a-.d i;w statement of these gentleman
that it is not in accord with Constitution and
l .w, we shall hasten to publish it.—Argus.
The foolish impudence of the Argus was
not more clearly exhibited in the campaign
than it is in the above paragraph. Does it
think that because it has not published the
opinions of Messrs. Putnam and Gould its
readers are ignorant of them? The letter
by Mr. Gould to the Bangor Commercial it
has not dared to publish. The affidavits of
the selectmen of Webster and of Lisbon it
has not dared to publish. The reports'of
the associated press it has not dared to pub
lish. It deliberately suppresses all the news
that makes against the steal, and draws
upon that shallowest of sources of knowl
edge, its own information, for its specials
dated at Augusta and elsewhere. Does it
think its readers are stupid enough £o be so
d> ceived? They are not the fools it fondly
imagines. Let it publish the letter of Mr.
Gould, and the opinion of Mr. Putnam ex
pressed to a reporter of this paper. Its pat
rons have already seen them, hut for its own
interest it should show its readers that it is
a newspaper. They are beginning to have
sorions flonbts.
Tiki Democratic Brooklyn Eagle is out
spoken in its opinions regarding the steal in
this State. It says: “We are glad to see
that the Republicans of Maine are fully
alive to the great wrong that has been com
mitted against them. The Republicans of
Maine are called upon to vindicate the
rights of a majority of 1 he people to choose
their own agents, under laws of their own
devising. The logical ground for the Re
publicans of Maine to stand upon is this;
The voters of Maine have intrusted our can
didates with control of the Legislature.
This control has been taken from them un
justly. We will not submit to this, and if
you Democrats have chosen to do otherwise,
under similar circumstances, that is your
business and not ours. We trust, therefore,
that the Republicans of Maine will do all
that freemen can do, to maintain honest,
popular rule in their State. Their example
as a precedent to the Democrats will be
worth all it will cost, and we will have a
better security than exists at present, for thf
assurance that popular rule will not perish
in the hands of majorities—where alone it
can be made permanent and sure.”
Ix the opinion of the Springfield Republi
can there can be but one distinction, that
between honest men and thieves, in this
Maine business. It says: “A crime like
this should divide public sentiment info two
camps, not.of Republicans and Democrats,
but of honest men and scoundrels. An lion'
est man should have nothing but sound and
hot rebuke for the wrong. The time calls
in loudest tones to every man in the Demo
cratic party. Are there none in the falsely
constituted majority in the Maine Legisla
turn wlui will scorn t.o sharp, in a nartv
crime? Have the Maine Democrats, sons of
New England, sunk to the lowest level of
the most debased Southern communities?
They have it yet in their power to redeem
their State from infamy. Others can re
buke the crime, they alone can prevent its
Tite Democratic World says of the follow
ing resolution offered by Senator Hamlin at
the Bangor indignation meeting, “nothing
could better illustrate the truth of these
plain words than the recent perversion of
the popular will in Maine by Governor Gar
celon and his Greenback allies:”
“Resolved, That absolute acquiescence in the
will of tlio majority is a first necessity in the
existence and perpetuity of the Republican
form of government, and that a successful ef
fort to deprive the people of their votes is
treason against the Government and a crime
against liberty, tending to overthrow our free
That is very well; but unless the Demo
crats of Maine wish to be considered as the
accomplices of Gov. Garcelon they must
speak out in denial at once. Until then the
Greenbaekers will not be held solely respon
sible. ___
At a social meeting held by some of the
leading Democrats in this city immediately
after the late Presidential campaign, one of
the speakers claimed and proved that Charles
II. Chase was “the great American figurer.”
The title amused his friends at the time, but
did not appear to be particularly pleasing to
the Captain. Now that he taken such an
active part in figuring Portland out of her
representation he has a fresh claim to the
appellation and no doubt will take much
pride in it. Therefore let the non. Charles
II. Chase he known after this as “the great
American figurer.”
The New York Sun speaks of Garcelon as
“a Governor who has now made his mark
on the records of the State, and who has at
a single bound leaped into a conspicuous po
sition.” That is all true. Garceion has
made a mark on the records of the State)
and it is a smutch; and he has attained as
conspicuous a position as Jonathan Wild or
“the fool who fired the Ephesian dome.”
The outspoken utterances of the Chicago
independent Democratic Times on the ex
ecutive usurpation in this Stipte are refresh
ing reading. The Democrats are beginning
to know how it is themselves to have inde
pendent papers.
The Democratic New York World says of
the conduct of Austrian officials in the old
Polish province of Gal licit, “it would have
reflected no discredit on a Republican poli-*
tician in Louisiana or a Democratic politi
cian in Maine.” Those Maine Democrats
who have so freely condemned Louisiana
Republicanism will fully appreciate the
force of the comparison made by the World.
The opportunity which the Democrats of
Maine have to denounce the outrageous ac
tion of Gov. Gareelon and his party is fast
passing away. Silence here, as elsewhere,
is consent, and those who refuse to speak
will be held as accessories after the crime
was committed—that is, tlio3e w'ho are
not inventors, agents and accomplices.
The situation is growing very serious in
tliis State, and unless our counsels are actu
ated by great wisdom and prudence there
will be an outbreak. The wrath of the peo
ple is getting the better of their patience.
Judging by the expressions of opinion
which come from ail quarters there is but
one belief in regard to the course of our ex
ecutive—and the belief is that it is w'holly
unjustifiable and indefensible.
A little official information about the
fifteen hundred stand of arms ordered from
Boston by the Governor of Maine is now in
order. We want to know who the Revolu
tionists are.
The Democratic Louisville Courier-Jour
nal thinks Gov. Gareelon ought to be hanged.
That is too harsh. We don’t hang panel
thieves and confidence men in Maine.
Bow about those forty muskets promised
to Gov. Gareelon when he was in the city
the other day? Who made the promise and
what authority had he for making it?
Councillor Foster lias sneaked off to
Chicago. That city w ill now have a new
claim to be considered tne wicKeuest cny on
tlie continent.
Tut: cry of condemnation of the steal in
this State is growing louder ami louder. Al
ready the people of other States are begin
ning to wonder at our patience.
Conspicuous in that “rogues’ gallery” of
which the Rev. J. B. Hamilton speaks is the
face of Councillor Chase of this city. Note
it well.
Our New York Letter.
The Grant Recaption in Philadelphia—An
Ovation to the Hero-Tho Pageant-Gen.
Grant’s Plans—The Maine Steal—Person
al to a Cumberland Man.
New York, Dec. 20, 1879.
Our neighbors in Philadelphia have beou
fulfilling the offices of hospitality this week in
a superb way. It was meet that they should
complete the series of ovatious of which the
world’s hero has been the recipient for tho con
tinuous period of two years and five mouths. Jt
was in their city that Gen. Grant received the
magnificent send off which gave eclat to his de
parture to Europe and his journey round tho
the Globe. It was a Phildeipliia steamship in
which he sailed, and Philadelphia citizens who
united with heartiest accord in a chorus of God
speed when he bade good bye to his native
laud. It was natural that they should wel
come him back again with effusive greetings,
and their salutation was equally creditable to
themselves and to their eminent guest.
Tho pageant of Tuesday, the day of his arri
vul ltvillirmt. in BYhPflmn. Thft nrOP.fiS
sion was immense, the streets wore densely
thronged with men and women, whose ardor
the bleak winds of December could not chill,
flags and emblems waved from the house tops,
the air was vocal with cheers, aud the whole
scene was glowingly expressive of the grateful
respect in which the people hold the nation’s
benefactor. It seemed to be the ambition of
the inhabitants of this regal city to excel the
Pacific and the West in the splendor and cor
diality of their greeting, and though San Fran
cisco and Chicago can do this style of thing
marvellously well when they give their minds
to it, it is doubtful whether they could have
rivaled, and impossible that they should have
surpassed t liis crowning achievement of the
gallant Philadelphians. There was an earn
estness and fervor about the whole proceeding
that left no doubt of the sincerity with which
the tribute was bestowed. Moreover, there is
no city in the Union that lias more abundant
appliances for carrying out such au undertak
ing successfully. The population is much
more homogeneous than that of any other of
the largo towns, and the sentiment of loyalty
has always boen strong among them. The
birthplace of American independence is a re
markably fertile soil in which to cultivate the
graces of patriotism, and Philadelphia out
ranks all her sisters in political steadfastness
aud rectitude. Then again the rich men of
Philadelphia are noted for their liberality and
their readiness to co-operate in every good
word and work. They have numerous local
institutions that are highly creditable to their
taste and judgment, establishments that have
been endowed, and are supported by volun
tary contributions. They can entertain stran
gers agreeably at ail seasons of year and with a
variety of methods. Gen. Grant has been with
them five days; ho has been kept busy all the
while: after his triumphal entry on the 16th
he dined with Mr. George W. Childs, a gentle
man whoso fine personal qualities and bound
less munillconce have made him an object of
universal pride and honor among bis towns
men. Mr. Childs invited only a few of the
old and near friends of the ex-President to
meet him on this occasion. Foremost among
them was his comrade in arms, his old tried,
true and trusted friend, Gon. Sherman, whoso
genial face is always a thoroughly welcome
one in every social gathering. Gov. Fish,
who remained at the head of his Cabinet for
eight years, and boro himself so well that the
shafts of calumny fell as harmless upon his
reputation as they did upon that of the great
soldier with whom he was associated in the
conduct of State affairs—Ex-Govemor, ex
oecroiary, jzi.v-oeiia-'jr Duutvyou, uuo ui
ablest and best men Massachusetts has turned j
out in this century, ex-Secretary Robeson, who ,
has been traduced with greater persistency :
and more virulence than any man of his gen
eration, and yet against whom a Congressional
Investigating Committee after two years of
keenest search wore unable to discover a scin
tilla of inculpatory evidence—these were some
of tlie men who came from their homes to sa
lute their old friend on his return from his
wanderings. After the dinner was over, a
large number of visitors of both sexes came in,
and between the hours of ‘.) and 11 o’clock
there was much rustling of silks and dashing
of diamonds a? the fair cavalcade moved
on through the spacious halls or formed grace
j ful groups in the parlor, where Mrs. Childs
and Mrs. Grant were holding their levee.
It was an informal gathering, and therefore
all the more enjoyable; the rooms were well
filled, but there was at no time any more pres
ent than could move about with ease, and feel
comfortable ail the while. Late in the evening
Gen. Grant left the house for about half an
hour to visit the Academy of Fine Art. W hen
he returned the company had mostly gone
away, and those who remained had a brief op
portunity of hearing the General exercise his
conversational powers wherewith he is remark
ably well endowed. Altogether the occasion
was a delightful one, and could have hardly
failed to impress the participants in it who
came from other places, with a lively appreci
ation of the hospitality of Philadelphians.
So much for the first day. The subse quent
festivities were so elaborate and imposing that
space forbids more than a mention of them.
The Army and Navy greeted their old Com
mander and Mayor Stokely invited a thousand
or so of his constituents to spend an evening
with him. Then on Friday that large hearted
and universally public spirited citizen, An
thony I. Drexel- one of the best of men, rich
without arrogance, generous without ostenta
tion, acquisitive Without cupidity—gave a par
ty at his great house, which presented a con
tour of radiant beauty. The toilettes of the la
dies were exquisitely elegant, the music was
performed by a full band, the supper table was
replete with delicacies of every conceivable
kind solid and fluid, and although there must
have been a thousand persons in the assem
blage, while the affair was at its bight, there is
so much space in the Drexol mansion, that
there was no moment of the evening, when
there was any difficulty in circulating around
amid the resplendent throng. Besides the
General and Mrs. Grant, there were present,
Secretaries Evarts and Sherman, Levi P. Mor
ton of New York, George M. Robeson of New
Jersey, and Charles O’Neil and Win. D. Kelley
of Philadelphia, members of the present Con
gress, 1. Pierropont Morgan and Charles Lan
ier, bankers of New York, and all the leading
bankers, merchants and lawyers of Philadel
phia. The press of that city was represented
by John W. Forney, George W. Childs, Mr.
McMichae), anil Edward McPherson, and for
that matter I dare say tliero were lots of other
newspaper men present. Tiio coin ivialities
wore kept up (and so was Mr. Drexol) till a
late hour. It was very near midnight when
tiiu especial guest of the occasion took nis leave
and there wore quite a number whose stay was
prolonged beyond that time.
Gen. Grant’s engagements cover the whole
of next week, and he has already been obliged
to make known that it will not comport with
his plans of travel to make any more. Ho will
remain in Philadelphia till about New Years.
He will take a day and night quietly mean
while to slip over to Jersey City, a car ride of
two hours, to visit his venerable mother. With
the exception of a cold, which is just what
might have been expected to result from such
continual exposure to changeful weather and
acute drafts as he has been subject to lately,
he i3 perfectly well. Ho weighs considerably
less than lie did when he went away but lie
lias simply got rid of his superfluous ilesh and
is more compact and solid than he was before.
He has a "Job’s comforter” on bis left hand
but it lias reached the crisis and will soon dis
appear. In manner and deportmont, be is the
same quiet dignified, unaffected gentleman that
he was before "a Continent beyond the sea
rose and uncovered before him.” .adulation
apparently has as little effect upon him as de
traction. Ho lias shown himself capable of
bearing both with an equanimity which is the
highest test oi true greatness.
Gen. Grant will proceed early in January to
Florida, the only State of the Union which he
has not yet been in. He will sail thence for
Cuba; then he will return to Texas and from
there he will go to Colorado. He expects to
get back to Galena in May, and remain at his
home there till he comes East to occupy his
summer cottage at Long Branch.
Among the many pungent aphorisms which
Gen. Grant has uttered in the course of his
public life, there is one that is peculiarly ap
posite just now. I can’t quote it literally, hut
the substance ot it is that the Republican party
has a strong assurance of perpetuity because
the Democrats, as soon as they get a foot-hold
in power, can generally be depended upon to
make some blunder which will bring upon
them public distrust and lead to their speedy
defeat. Now who would have supposed it pos
sible that they would have seriously undertak
en such a performance as is going on in your
State capital? If their enemies had wanted
them to advertise their baseness so that there
could be no mistake about it, so that anybody
could understand precisely how destitute they
are, not merely of principle, but of all sense of
shame, they couldn’t have asked them to pur
sue a course more absolutely certain to bring
upou them an avalanche of popular scorn and
disgust. The general impression here is that
their scheme must miscarry finally. There are
so many accomplices required to make it cus
cessful yet that there is where lies the chance
of its failure. Every man, for example, w'ho
takes a seat to which lio was not elected in
either house of your Legislature must wear
thenceforth a brand of shame which time will
not efface nor the waters of Lethe wash out. I
see names in the list, as printed in your paper,
of men whom I should deom it a cruel injustice
to suspect of willingness to participate in such
a crime. One of your own neighbors, well
known as a reputable citizen, is counted in as
Senator of Cumberland County. I have no
idea ho will consent to take the place. Even
if he were not the honesf, conscientious man I
presume him to be, I still think he is altogeth"
cr too sharp and sensible a person to imperil
his good name by mixing himself up iu such a
monstrous piece of iniquity. The essence of
all canvassing is to respect the intention of the
voter. Any decision that ignores that princi
pie, by whomsoever make, is an infraction of |
the right of suffrage, aud cannot be defended,
under any rule of ethics. As a Republican, I
am rather glad that the Democrats who are in
accidental possession of your Slate Government
have shown the country what-manner of men
they are, because I think that will intensify
the determination oi tnc people oi me .mk-ui
ern States to remove every taint of that kind
from our political system. But as a native of
Maine, I am grieved and mortified that a pro
ject so palpably violative of every tenet of hon
or or equity could ever have been concocted,
much less put into operation ill a Common
wealth which, until within little more than a
year lias been a perfect model of a self-govern
ing community. Still, I know tho stigma will
soon he wiped out and the noble State restored
to lior rightful place among the glorious sister
hood. Yarmouth.
Voice of the People.
What tho People Say Concerning tho
Tho Republican party in tho long run must
bo a gainer by this transaction.—New York
Tho whole affair bodes the rapid progress we
are making in Mexioanization.—Springfield
There must be a stern retribution in store for
the authors of this mischief and injustice.—
Lowell Citizen.
It is a disgraoo to the State which Democrats
can no more afford to let stand than Republi
cans.—Newburyport Herald.
There must lie some way-to defeat the plot
of these insolout usurpers, and the Republi
cans must find it.—Worcester Spy.
If the Maine conspirators had been bribed to
do it, they could not have devised a better
scheme for helping the Grant “boom.”—New
Haven Palladium.
Just as it began to look as if the Democratic
leaders in Congress had finally got a little
common sense hammered into them. Gov. Gar
colon and his Council come to tho relief, of the
Republicans.—New London Telegram.
rue disclosures m nuune
charges made some days ago that the Demo
cratic candidates were secretly given opportu
nities for correcting all clerical errors in re
turns affecting them, while tho Republicans
were denied the privilege guaranteed by law.
—Hartford Post.
Tho men, professedly independent or other
wise, who compare this doliberato Maiuo out
rage with the action of ttie Louisiana return
ing board in 1876, in checkmating proven out
rage according to law, are idiots or worse.—
Hartford Courant.
There is one name which overtops every oth
er infamous name in tho country just now.
The name is not a good straight Yankee name,
it is Garcelon. There is a widespread impres
sion that Samuel J. Tilden had a finger in the
Maine pio, and it is by no means improbable.
It is like that eminent strategist, and reminds
one of Cronin and Oregon.—Lowell Courier.
It is a fact that political trickery is viewed
differently in Louisiana and Maine. It is
taken as a matter of course in the one State,
but, in the other, the tricksters know better,
and are held responsible. Love of decency
and fair pla has not yet ceased to be a
strong sentiment in New England, and Garce
lon & Co. have made a mistake in supposing
that we have become so familiar with crime as
to embrace it.—Waterbury (Conn.) American.
Is it any wonder that the people of Maine
are holding indignation meetings and talking
about tight in?—Burlington (Vt.) Free Press.
The confederate brigadiers have got away
with Blaine, and the rebel tiag waves over the
capital of Maine.—New Haven Register
The vote elected a Repuplican majority, but
tho count elects a Democratic-Greenback ma
jority. If the Fusionists can get any credit
out of aping the tricks of Reoublican return
ing boards, nobody need grudge it them, for
they have paid for no less a price than the sac
rifice of manliness and honor. It is a dearly
bought victory.—Philadelphia Chronicle-Her
ald (Dem.).
The press is very emphatic in its comments
on the Maine outrage. Wo have seeu nothing
like it since tho war. Wo havo had no such
episode in the course of events in this country
since Anderson was fired upon under the float
ing tiag on Fort Sumter. And it concerns us
all. Rights are struck down in Maine that are
common heritage of Americans; without
which we are all at sea, and adrift.—Lowell
ancasof Promineafc Gitizen3.
The citizens of Portland met in City Hall
last night to express by their presence, and
through tho gentlemen who addressed them on
that occasion their condemnation of the pro
cesses by which tho noble old Pine Tree State
had been stolen by a Governor and Council
sworn to preserve the liberties of the people,
and who, by their late action at Augusta had
decided to defeat tho popular will mauifestcd
in September last at the polls.
It was a grand audience that gathered on
tlii3 occasion—an audience composed for the
most part of the hard-working portion of the
community, men who “knew their rights and
knowing dare maintain,”—and, when the
long line of distinguished citizens marched
upon the platform, tho nppiause was loud and
lor.g continued. But when the Hon. Thomas
13. Heeu appeared u swelled into a magnin
cent demonstration. Among those present
were the long list of Vico Presidents men
tioned below, with one or two exceptions, sev
eral of our well known clergymen, besides
Hon. James Bailey, H. X. Jose, Esq., H. J.
Libby, J. W. Waterhouse, the Republican
members of the City Government, and many
others too numerous to mention with the space
at our command. The meeting was enthus
iastic in the extreme, and the various points
made by the speakers mot with hearty appre
The meetir. is called t > order by Hon.
Wilbur F. Lunt, who spoke us follows:
The inhabitants of Maine have always been law
abiding, accustomed to submit to their rulers and
to trust in the due administration of justice by their
lawfully constituted tribunals.
If their public officers usurp powers not delegated
to them by the constitution ana the laws, when the
courts are powerless to redress their wrongs, they
know there is still a supreme tribunal to which they
may confidently appeal, and that is, the great jury
I of the people, whose solemn judgment we now in*
j yoke upon au outrage the like of which has not
' been perpetrated since Mo watt bombarded and
burned the town. I will read the call for this
The undersigned respectfully invite their fellow
citizens of Portland, without regard to party, to
assemble in City Hall, Tuesday evening, Dec. 33d,
at 7.30 p. in., to give voice to the indignation felt
by all good citizens at the unprecedented outrage
jierpetrated in the recent nullification of the will
of the peop e, and the disfranchisement of this city
by the Governor and Council.
Mr. Lunt, in behalf of the committee nom
inated the following officers:
President—Hon. Israel Washburn.
Vice President*—W. W. Thomas, W. C.
Webster, Charle* McLaughlin, S. E. Spring,
Geo. W. Woodman, W. F. Millikeo, T. C.
Horsey, Benjamin Webster, W. S. Dana,
John M. Gould. Philip Henry Brown, Albion
Little, G. C. Chapman, W. D. Little, F. G.
Messer, A. L. Hobson, George P. Wescott,
George E. Davis, Geo. W. Beal, Daniel F.
Emery, S. L. Carletou, E. A. Xortou, Lyman
Kimball, J. P. Baxter, John B. Coyle, Jr.,
John Mains.
Secretaries—Stephen Berry and William T.
The officers wo unanimously elected.
Mr. Luut then introduced the President,
Hon. Israel Washburn, Jr., who was received
wii.li loud Applause. Mr. Washburn spoke as
Our fathers were accustomed in seasons of
nmnrifu’wnr Irk niiA.i tlioir lIlPPtilllN With
prayer and I invite the Rev. Dr. Carrutliers to
invoke the Divine blessing:
Let us pray. Oh thou Omniscient, All-wise and
Almighty God. We rejoice iu Thy perfect acquaint
ance with all our wants aud in Thy ability to supply
them all however numerous and varied and con
st uitly successive. We meet together this evening
under circumstances known to Thee so perfect by
that we need not in devotional addresses to specify
them. Thou soeestth patriotic anxieties that are
now pressing on so many hearts. Thou liearest,
though inaudible to human ears, the warm and
earnest aspirations iu reference to the interests of
our native or adopted land. We thank Thee for all
the privileges we enjoy iu this our country. We
thank Thee for all the holy influences, for the
Christian Sabbath, for the many sanctuaries which
adorn our country and bless its varied population.
We thank Theo lor the liberty, personal, social, po
litical aud religious conferred upon us, preserved to '
us by the sagacity and wisdom and patriotism of
those who have passed before us. And, we thank
Thee, gracious God, that in the great emergency
that now calls us together we can look to Thee for
guidance and direction. We pray that Thou wouldst
look in mercy upon the Governor of our State at
this momentous period of history as a State and as
citizens of this great country. We pray that Thou
in divine mercy may mercifully touch the
heart of that man and those associated with him as
Councillors, that they may, even at the eleventh
hour, correct whatever errors they may have com
mitted, and adopt such measures as shall be in ef
fect to tranquilize the minds of the people aud to
promote the happiness, unity and peace of the
whole community. We beseech Thee to bless the
President of the United Sta es and grant to all the
members of his cabinet a spirit of justice and of
wisdom and of abiding concern for the best inter
ests of the country. Preside, we beseech Thee, over
the deliberations of our national Legislature, aud
grant that all our privileges may be transmitted un
impaired to the latest posterity, and grant to us all
the blessings we need for our ourselves, for our rut
ers, for our country. Which we ask in the name Qf
Christ, and beseech Thee to do for us ^exceeding
abundance, above all we can ask or think, for
Christ’s sake—Amenv
At the close of Dr. Carrutliers’ prayer Mr.
Washburn proceeded.
Fellow Citizens—As I observed a moment ago, it
| was the custom of our fathers, especially in new
England mid in the old Commonwealth, in the time
of the revolution and the datk days preceding it, to
meet together iu their public assemblies to consider
the situation and to consult in respect to tlieir du
ties. It was an old Puritan custom to meet together
iu the hour of danger iu the town meeting and de
liberate as to the duty of the hour and tTie necossi
j ties of the situation. ■>
You remember that Paul Revere and his friends
; and copatriots met together often upon occasions
of this kind at the -‘Green Dragon” tavern in Dos
ton, and upon one occasion the .Sous of Liberty were
there in immense numbers, wrought up to the high
est pitch of patriotic indignation and sympathy with
each other. After the meeting he repaired to the
council of Sam. Adams and his friends, who in
quired of him: “.Mr. Revere, how many were there
at the Green Dragon?” “As many as there are
stars in heaven.” And ns numerous nearly, 1 am
glad to say. have the citizens of Portland gathered
here to-night In an emergency not less grave than
that; not only of greater importance but a greater
trial of patriotism because we arc now to consider
WIICIUCI IuulDlCttUJ W"™*"" ... '•
of the country which did not then exist. It then
remained to be brought into being. If after one
hundred years of experience, after the education of
all this time, the American people, the people of
New England, the people of Maine, are not com
petent, are not capable of taking care of themselves
and of preserving the rights and liberties that were
so dearly bought, then was that great example lost,
and then do we prove traitors to the cause of human
right and human liberty throughout the] world.
(Applause,) Bet ause I say to you, candidlv, coolly,
dispassionately, that in my Judgment there ha*
never been an hour since the Revolution offcmeh
real danger to the Constitution of the United states
as at this hour.
I do not read iu any history of tins country. I
have no knowledge or recollection of any occasion
where any body of men in any state have attempted
and designed so dangerous, so wicked a scheme as
that which is now before the people of Maine.
Whenever was it that a commanding majority in
both Houses of the Legislature, not a mere ma
jority over a tie vote, but a commanding, decisive,
large majority representing the votes ami will of the
majority of the people, was set aside by persons act
ingas their servants, ami that will defeated :is it
now is intended to l>o. They sometimes refer us to
Louisiana as a precedent, but. gentlemen, you will
see at once that it is no precedent for this most con
spicuous wrong. In that case there was a law of
the state constituting a returning board, which by
the terms of the law were clothed w ith judicial
power. They had the power by the law of the state
to determine who were by the votes east the elect
ors. In that case they were clothed with judicial
powers, wbile in this ‘case the duties and power of
the Governor and Council are only ministerial, it
is no precedent, and L venture to say that you can
find nowhere in no state any precedent for a trans
action like this.
Now, 1 am here to-night, not to indulge in violent
or extreme language, not to stir you up to anything
like mutiny, but 1 wish you to indulge me for a few
minutes iu some plain talk leading to a considera
tion of the actual facts in the case before us. We
want facts; we want to know precisely where we
are and upon what grounds our rights and privileges
and our liberties arc invaded and sought to be
wrested from u*.
In the first place it will occur, 1 think, to any
man that there is something wonderfully strange
tha:|a tliyig has been done this year that in fifty nine
years before has never been done. There is no sort
of doubt that in the returns from the State of
Maine for every year since William King was Gov
ernor, through the administrations of l’arris, Lin
coln,Dunlap and ail those men there has never been
a year but therejliave been precisely the same de
fects, the same faults and defaults that there are
this year, and which were not held to destroy and
defeat the will of the people. Isn’t it more than
strange that iu all these years all these men have
been in error? That Governor King, who was Pres
ident of the Constitutional Convention, and who
may well be supposed to know and understand what
was intended to convey as to the power of the Gov
ernor and Council that they should establish prece
dents in counting the votes, which were all wrong,
and that every Governor and Council has been
wrong ever since until this year.
1 saw in the Argus this morning a statement that
I had been guilty of an act similar to that which
Governor Garcelon lias committed in numerous
cases, viz., in rejecting the majority candidates
for the Senate in Washington County ujmn purely
technical grounds, and giving the certificates to mi
nority candidates of our own party. The Argus has
bttt-n strangely deceived. There is no precedent of
that kind. There was u<» question ever raised in
resnect to Senators, but there was a question raised
at that time in respect to two county officers. Sheriff
and Judge of Probate- The returns were not hid
den or concealed. Parties interested examined
them and appeared by counsel, Bradbury and
Meserve, but upon the precedents pursued by all
mv predecessors, the certificates were issued to the
men who were elected, ami that decision whatever
it was was readily acquiesced in from that moment.
There is another case which the Argus did not
state, and that was in that same year before the
same council and as a result of the same election,
the question was presented whether the Democratic
candidate for Congress from the district of York
and Cumberland, had been elected or whether John
M. Goodwin bad been elected. It was a very close
election, tlie majority wasn’t m >re thru; on*- hun
dred, ami it would have been an easy matter to
have counted out Col. .Sweat, the Democratic
• undid ite. There were half a dozen different posi
tions lakun, either one of which would have been
stronger for counting Sweat out of office then any
one of the grounds taken by Governor Garcelon for
turning out Republican members of the legislature
thin year. Anu yet purely ami simply as a matter
of justice and dutv, the Governor and Council gave
the certificate to ihe man who appeared to be the
choice of the people.
Mr. Washburn then preceded to discuss the con
stitutionality of the law of 1877, allowing amend
ments to the returns, the inconsistencies in Gov.
Garcelon’s letter of defense, and some of the legal
remedies which in his opinion were open to the par
ties who have been wrongfully deprived of their cer
The chairman then introduced lion. Thomas
B. Reed, who was received with long and con
tinued applause:
My Friends .—The citizens of Portland have often
met here since these walls were raised in multitudes
as large as this. This hall has witnessed the begin
ning of great commercial enterprises, has echoed
with the strife and exultation of all political par
ties and has throbbed with the amities and suc
cesses of a great civil war, and yet, although I feci
my duty is plain to say nothing to-night in the na
ture of exaggeration, I know that I should do in
justice to you as well as to my own feelings if I did
not declare that in my judgment this occasion on
which we meet together here is more serious than
any meeting we have ever held before. The very
principle upon which our institutions rest are to-day
upon trial. They are as seriously and as effectually
on trial as on the battle day of Gettysburg it was on
trial whether there should perish out of this land a
government of the people and by the people.
It is a fundamental principle of our system of
government that every man is the equal of every
other ana hence tnat we snouiu do eomroneu omy
by majorities. It does not matter bow large or how
small the majority may lie, if it be but a majority
of one, it is as sacred in the eyes of the true patriot
as if it was a majority of millions. [Applause]
Whenever things have come to such a pass that any
set of men cau deliberately set aside a decision of
the people and lie tolerated therein then the end of
our system of government has come. Therefore I
say tnat our institutions are to-day upon trial, and
for one I believe in their ultimate victory. [Ap
l come here tonight in no partisan spirit. 1 ‘ barge
this thing ujK>n no party to-night. The only men
who are guilty now are the misguided men who have
committed the crime. If any party is to i e covered
with guilt on account of it it must be by the acts of
that party itself (applause) by their undertaking to
stand up for them or to stand behind them - and I
say it is to the credit of our fellow citizens, to their
intelligence and to their houeor that thus far no
man even of the political parties which these men
are supposed to represent, and which 1 think they
really misrepresent, has stood up to sustain them. I
wish we could go further and say that they had
come openly and publicly, as they do privately, and
denounced it.
Now, my friends, I come hero with no epithets up
on this subject. I come here with no declamation.
Adjectives are cheap. If the deeds of these men do
not damn them our words never can do it. There
fore it is our duty, here and now, to discuss facts,
and I have come here for that purpose. During the
last year we have had a great campaign, unsnppass
ed and unequalled in the history of the State of
Maine. We met the enemy upon their own ground;
we discussed their own subjects, and I apj»eal to
every man here if we did not have as fair, as hon
est as pure an election as was ever known in the
history of the State of Maine. (Applause.) When
wc got through that election every organ of public
opinion, every newspaper of every shade of politics
declared that the opinion of the people of the State
of Maine was Upon our side to tne extent of nine
teen Senators out of thirty-one and ninety Repre
sentatives out of one hundred and ttfty
one. This victory, thus universally conceded,
thus admitted on all hands, has been overturned
Of course you have had a spectacle utterly unlike
anything iu the history of this State. This is not
the tirst great test, this is not the first close and bit
ter fight that we have had, but never until to-day
has any Governor—Whig or Federal, Republican
or Democrat, been summoned to the bar of public
opinion for a crime like this. [Great applause] That
our Governor realizes that he has been summoned
witness his defense, tirst published. I am told, in
the New York Sun, four hundred miles away. He
found it necessary to justify himself even to the
constituency of Tweed. [Laughter.] Now' it is nat
ural that there should be an excuse; there never
was a crime committed against liberty in the his
tory of the world except by men who are voluble
in reasons for doing it.
_r •_fV*__ „..A I mottar
The Governor lias come forward with his defense
and von will notice that out of some thirty-seven
cases where the will of the i eople has been reversed
l— etui ruu-tic.iilara tii hut one Thu wh*U« tnlr
ty-six outskleof that we depend fur oar information
not upon the official statement of tho Governor and
Council hut upon the enterprise of newspaper men
and individual examination. The Governor's de
fense is only a broad generality—that he acted “ar
cofdiug to the forms of law.” Whenever you hear
that expression you will alw'avs notice that the man
unconsciously puts the emphasis on the “/onw.”
(Applause.) Now my friends 1 propose to ask you
to consider two or three cases with me.
Law is no mystery. Law is the guide of the conduct
both of tho individual and of the government. Law
is founded upon common sense. Law is the perleo
tion of human reason, and if it was not administered
by fallible men we should realize the dream of the
old English divine, and law would indeed be the har
mony of the universe. Laws are made for the govern
ment of men like you anil ine—therefore if you and
1 will give our attention to them we can u*d< rstaml
them, especially laws relating to our own govem
Now the object of every provision for the countiug
of votes is to ascertain the will of the people as they
have declared it at the ballot box. There is no pro
vision ot the law which is made for the purpose of
tripping anybody up. There is no provision of the
law which Is made for the purpose of suppressing
the opinion of the people as delivered at the ballot
box. Its whole scope and tendency is to express
that opinion, and for fifty-nine years under our con
stitution it has, without a single exception, always
expressed that opinion. Is it not singular that for
fifty-nine years we have no statesmen until my
friend Charles H. Chase became a member of the
Council. [Laughter.) Was the path of salvation
closed to men until John B. Foster left the lnsur
auce business long enough to ornament and auorn
the Council. [Laughter.]
1 will not enumerate the names of all of these
great men. It might possibly be too much for you
to carry an ay in a single evening. (Applause.) But
I ask you to take home to yourself as men of sens©
and wisdom this question: Was there never any
honesty? Was there never any knowledge of the
law to be found in Augusta uutil these gentlemen
kiudlv consented to serve u«.
My*frieu<ls, the provisions of the constitution with
re*2ard to elections are few aud plain an > simple.
Governor Washburn has read them to you, and 1
need not repeat them. In a single word, where the
return is fairly fhade, humanly speaking, the Coun
cil are bound to count it and bound to give the cer
tificate to the man who appears to be elected. Now
let us see how they have performed that work. 1 hey
have nothing to do with matters which are^not in
the return, i had intended to go over a number of
cases, but I do not propose to keep you from gentle
men who will interest you all to-night.
In the first place there is the case of the city of
Portland which you know. Here is a city which
pays one-eighth of the taxes of the State of Maine.
In the return from that city, the object of which
was to declare the will of its citizens there were
found a return of scattering votes instead of giving
tho name of John Jones or John Smith or who
ever was voted for. We had a majority of bOO and
... .. ... noB 0.1.1..J tr» tho highest
Democratic candidate’s vote it would not have made
a perceptible ripple in our majority. Do you be
lieve for an instant that our constitution and the
people who framed it intended to shut out such re
turns as that? _ ...
Mr. Reed then reviewed the cases of Lncrryneld.
Gouldsboro, Skov began and Farmington, and clos
ed as follows: , . .
Now my friends 1 have no advice to otter as to tie
tails of how we shall meet this thing in particular,
but a committee has been selected of distinguished
and honorable citizens of wide experience, to take
this matter into consideration, and to do the right
and best thing, to sustain by every appearance of
public sentiment these Representatives who
have been nefariously counted out in their
honest, honorable and legal attempt to obtain
restitution of the rightsof which they have
been deprived ami of which you as well as
they have, been robbed. Don’t let this be a mat
ter of a day. Let your feelings dwell upon it. Let
you minds be thoroughly imbued with the naturo
and character of thin transaction ami take it home
to yourselves and acquit yourselves like men and
like citizens of the State of Maine.
The lion. George F. Talbot, the next
speaker announced, was heartily received, and
went on to say:
Mr. President:—-I think 1 have not been known to
this assemblage as an habitu6 of the platform. 1
claim no knowledge of the arts of shaping and ginn
ing public opinion. 1 come here as an humble citi
zen to express my approbation of the objects of this
meeting. !f it had been proposed to call a public
meeting here in the precinct where the unwarrant
able action of the Governor ami Council has done
the greatest harm and the greatest injustice, in my
judgment, to call a meeliug only ot the aggrieved
citizens,—l mean the citizens especially aggrieved
by the rejection of the men whom they had elected
to office to sit in the office where they could repre
sent you, there would be nothing to be said as to the
propriety ot such a meeting. I would make no ob
jection to the indignation, however deep and how
ever loud. You li:ive a right to be offended. It was
thought, however, Mr. Chairman, better to call a
meeting of the citizens of the city, without respect
to partv, and under that call 1 am present
First of all, to have a perfect good understanding
with my fellow citizens who listen to me, let me de
liuo my position. I voted for the candidates who
have been unwarrantably counted in, against the
candidates who have been unjustly ami unconstitu
tionally eouuted ou$. (Applause.) My good friend,
Mr. Jose, who seems to like tne just as well its
wheu we agreed better in politics, looked around for
a Democrat to attend ami make a speech here, lie
was quite hopeful that he had succeeded in captur
ing one or two specimens of tlie kind, but they have
all slipped through his fingers but myself, amt 1 re
gret that he has to show me here to-night as such an
immature specimen. (Laughter and applause.) But
that indignation which 1 have not hesitated to ex
press in private to all my friends, as to what 1 deem
a great political wrong ami outrage, 1 am willing to
come here and express. (Applause.) I am not going
to range over the entirety of this great grievance; 1
know too little about it. 1 shall confine myself in
the few words 1 have to say mainly to the matter
mentioned in the call for the meeting, aud that Is
the practical disfranchisement an l dental of repre
sentation to the city.
1 am aware the Governor and Council say "our
decision is only a preliminary one; the constitution
allows tut ample remedy to the excluded members;
the Senators excluded can go to the Senate, w hich
is under the constitution judge of the election or Us
own members; the Representatives excluded can go
to the House which, under the same constitution, is
judge of the election of its members.” 1 his, gentle

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