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WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEC. 24’ men, we all understand to be the merest delusion. Th, v le. them into the legislature after that legisla ture'ha; been wrongfully made up, and after it ™ discLa -god in an unfair and partisan wsJi “c spon.-i lie duties of legislation; after they hate seat ed tl o Governor by an election, there having been none a' the polls; after they have tilled the state of iice-- a tor they have taken possession of both branches of llie legislature,-then they let in your ' representative from Portland to look on and or?,test, their hands actually tied in their inabil ity to do anything effective. (Applause.) 1 say such a remedy and such an appeal is the merest mockery. ;)n”a'“l“v it is lidding insult to injury. (Ap DlauseT 1 had no doubt when the information was giv™ to the public as it was in all the leading jour nals of all parties that the men I bad voted foi in this city were defeated, that they lacked some seven hundred votes, if I recollect right, of an election. Mr Talbot went on to give Ins views of she con stitution and the laws, differing somewhat from the chairman, but giving it as his opinion that no pre cedent case can be found to justify the conduct of the canvassing hoard in disfranchising Portland. Whin the scrutiny of the returns, he said, was given to the Governor and Co lucil, it was never supposed it would ho po possibleto elect to the office of Gov ernor a man who in the blindness of partisan feeling would disregard all the plainest principles of jus lice 1 think that the Governor and Council are not to cocsider anything outside of the returns. (Ap* vlause ) He then reviewed the worst eases oi out rage. and closed by sugaestiug that the proper renw edy is an appeal by the unseated Representatives to the Legislature itself, and in ease that fails, to the peopleat the ballot box ne*t September. HON. NATHAN WEBB was then introduced and received with hearty applau e. He said he rejoiced ou reading the ca 11 to find it was signed without regard to former political or party association; that this was a meeting to ex press the indignation of the people at what they believe and know to be a violent blow at their liitio est and an assault upon their institutions, and de structive of the fundamental idea of the government we have been so proud of and under which we have lived so successfully for a hundred years. Mr. Webb went on to express the opiniou that the acts of the canvassing board are illegal and arbitrary, unjustified by law and equity. He closed a broad and able discussion of the issue with counselling moderation in act and speech. At the conclusion of Mr. Webb’s remarks the Hon. A. A. Strout, one of the defranchised representatives, stepped to the front of tho platform and was received with a whirlwind of applause. Mr. Strout said; Less than four months ago the people of this city jissembled for the purpose of expressing their choice for state and county offices and for select in'* their Senators and Representatives to the Legislature of the state. They had an important duty to perform, both because of the gravity of the issues involved in the campaign and and because of the importance to the city of subjects of legisla tion likely to arise Involving the fixing of the val uation of the property of our citizens for the pur poses of taxation for the next ten years, and other business interests of great moment to all. Besides it was the highest right exercised by a citizen living under a free government—the right to have a voice -in the enactment of the laws regulating his liberty, his property and his relations to society, and the right to assist in choosing the public servants in trusted with the duty of the execution of these laws. The discussion which proceeded the election had been full and exhaustive, and although it is now no ticeable that one party at least took but little part in these public debates, the people came to the elec tion with an intelligent appreciation of what men and what measures they preferred. You know the result. By a majority of nearly 700 votes the citi __ r.U.otoH tlvo niAn whom t.hp.v flftnir ed to represent them in these various offices of trust and that verdict stands to-day and will stand as the will of the people in spite of the machinations and shameful disregard of duty of the reckless, and in most cases irresponsible men who assembled in the Council chamber at Augusta for the purpose of thwarting that will and reversing that* decision. And now this tribunal of self-constituted judges have denied to the Representatives of your selec tion the certificates of their election aud in other instances have issued their summons to men] who have not been elected to the offices they were called to fill. To us personally this act of injustieeis of very little importance. Had we been permitted, we should 1 trust have discharged the duties of repre senting your interests fearlessly and concicntionsly. and that in this regard we should have represented with equal fidelity the interests of all, v hatever may be their partv|politics or religious faith. [Great Applause.] But in the deeper and more comprehen sive disaster involved in this assault upon represen tative government and public morals and good faith all personal and private considerations vanish and are swallowed up in an indignation at tliej public wrong perpetrated upon the people at large^and in our anxiety for the future of Republican institu tions. And now whv are wo thus deprived of our rights? it is not charged—at least not publicly charged— that the election was not fairly conducted and that any citizen was not allowed to exercise liis right of voting as he wished and for whom he wished. All , the requirements of the law touching the calling and conducting the election were complied with, so far as the people were concerned. The vote was fairly aud correctly counted and publicly announced, and at the close of the day no one had auv doubt as to the result. It had not then occur red to our law abiding citizens, accustomed as they are to believe that their will would be respected by tbeir servants, that a Governor and Council would be found base enough—would dare to seize upon the State and set aside for partizan purposes the will of the people as expressed at the polls. But very soou the air was full of rumors of their plots and to-day we are astounded to find that this city, with all its business and commercial interests, is unrepresented in the House of Representatives^ Now what is the pretext for this outrage? The constitution and laws provided that the clerks of cities shall make a record of the lists of votes given in the several wards and that a return thereof shall be made in to the Secretary of States office in the same manner as selectmen of towns are required to do. What is the purpose of this return? The constitution and laws make answer. It is .that the Governor and Council shall examine such returned copies of such lists, and that they shall issue a summons, twenty days before the first Wednesday in January “to such persons as shall appear to be be elected by a plurality of all the votes returned.** That is the lan guage of the constitution. The Legislature by subsequent enactment have al lowed the amendment of defective returns in accord ance with the record. Now I hold in my hand a certified copy of the last return from this city. It shows the original to have been properly signed, al though 1 believe this certified copy, being made on one of the new blanks gotten up to suit the tn^te of t*rree njnires appear forlhe sigua ture of the aldermen. Uur aldermen did not fall in to that little trap. Some other citieS did. 1 will read the return. (Mr. S. reads.) Now does it not appear who was elected by a plurality of the votes? Yes, it appears that the live Republican Representa tives, beaded by the esteemed and lamented Moses M. Butler, were elected by a clean majority of near ly 6even hundred votes. At the bottom of the list are written the words “Scattering, one hundred and forty-three.'’ They were so entered in accordance with a custom which lias prevailed in all reports and returns of this kind since the formation of this State, where the scattering votes were so few that the result would not be changed. And it turned out in the investigation which followed in the presence of the Mavor and Aldermen of this city that all the e<l all the different persons voted for except Ward one. From that ward, which threw' a Democratic majority, the clerk inadventantly returned “scatter ing fourteen.” But fortunately lie preserved and returned the original ballots to the city clerk, and upon a recount iu the presence of Mayor, Aldermen and clerk of the ward every scattering vote for Sen ators and Representatives was accounted ,for. So there was no iraud and no mistake iu fact. That, at Augusta, I offered to show to the Governor and Couneil. And yet upon this miserable pretext, which added, substracted or disregarded, made no difference in the result, a pretext which is without even color of law, this city has been disfranchised. And now let us see. I hold in my hand a certified copy of the return of last year, it is the return by which Edmund Dana, Jr., .Melville p. Frank, Darius H. Ingraham and Frederic Fox, all belong ing to the opposition, held their seats: .men by whose votes the name of Governor Garcelon was sent to the Senate and by whose aid he now holds the seat he has disgraced by his action. That return contained precisely the same defect which is now held by tbe Governor and Couin 1 io be fatal. It was good enough then to enable these men to take their seats and elect Garcelon and the state officers, including Mr. Gove, but it is not good now. Fatally defective! Is anybody deceive! about that? In stead of that return's being defective, I say to you that, in my opinion, if an indictment should be found against the Governor and Council for a cor rupt conspiracy against the institutions of free gov ernment, and contained n# more material error than that found in this return, they could not escape, on the ground of informality, the punish ment they so richly deserve. And now what is our duty as your representatives? I have not consulted with my colleagues, but if they are of the same mind that I am, we shall claim the seats to which 3 011 have done us the honor to elect us and use every honorable means to carry out your expressed will. [Prolonged applause.] We hope that the opposition will repudiate this action, taken 1 believe in the interests of a few reckless and des perate men, and without consultation with the con servative men of their party, and save the State this humiliation and disgrace. 1 deprecate all violence. Revolutionary acts are only justifiable, when the cause is right, when the grievance is so intolerable that it can no longer be borne and where:there is no other redress. But there i3 another power, more potent than armed men, and that is an aroused and intelligent public opinion. On every side, from the pulpit, the press, and from primary meetings of the people, come the expressions of alarm ana cUsgnst which this astounding fraud excites. In his recent so called defence Gov. Garcelon speaks of this as the action of “enraged and discomforted politicians.” He is in erior—It is the voice uf the people calling him to an account for Ills betrayal of the trust they confide*I to his keeping. All the teachings of our past history, ail that is noble in tbe men who have preceded him rise up to condemn him. Fortunately the genius of the state and the fate of the republic do not depend upon the acts of the Gov ernor and Council. The peoplo constitute the state, and to their keeping and vindication we may safely entrust those institutions of free government which have been so rudely assailed by the man whose duty it was to defend them with their lives. [Great ap The Hon. W. W. Thomas, Jr. then submit ted the following resolutions: THE RESOLUTIONS. Whereas. At the recent election, the citizens of Portland, in the exercise of their constitutional rights, and in the discharge of a solemn and respon sible duty,united with the people of the State n the selection of State and County officers, and chose five Representatives to represent them in the Legis lature, to whose char/o they entrusted important and material interests. And, Whereas, The Governor and Conncil of this State, betraying the trust confided to them and usurping, for revolutionary’purposes, powers for which there is no warrant of law, and which properly belong to other and independent departments of the govern ment, have attempted to defeat and reverse the will of the people as expressed at the polls, and to de spoil our citizens of the right of full representation in the Legislature, thereby depriving them of their just share iu the enactment of laws which may im pose serious burdens and sensibly affect the future growth aud prosperity of our city, Therefore Resolved, That we deplore and denounce the un warranted and corrupt action of the Governor and Council and their political advisers, <*is a conspiracy to forward the selfish schemes of a few reckless poli ticians at the expense of honesty and fair dealing, as an outrage upon the people whose confidence and trust they have violated, and of whom they have proved themselves the unworthy servant-, as sub versive of representative government as revolution ary in its tendencies,aud as an insult to our citizens whose rights have been recklessly disregarded anti trampled under foot,without any justification what ever. Resolved, That this act, by which the popular will is defeated and the largest towns and cities iu the State are disfranchised, is the sure manifestation of that decline of public virtue and fidelity in high official station, which, if unchecked, will prove the sure precursor of the destruction of our republican institutions: that hitherto the history of the State Inis been unsullied by any great executive wrong, and that it is the duty of every good citizen to join in condemning a policy which seeks to obtain by craft and cunning, and under specious and unfound ed appeals to the tech idealities mid mere forms of law, political results which could not be reached openly and honorably at the polls. Resolved. That we believe that honest men of all parties will unite to defeat this great wrong, and we express the Lope that no one of our citizens will be found who will accept the emoluments and the at tending dishonor of an office to which he has not been elected by the people. MR. THOMAS’ REMARKS. Iii submitting them, tlio resolutions, Mr. Thomas said: This master from a State point of view lias been ably discussed and I will speak, fellow citizens, but. one word in regard to our own interests as citizens of Portland, ft is impossible for you to over-esti mate the importance of a full representation at Augusta in the Legislature at the next session. This city covers in area less than three square miles of territory, less than one ten-thousandeth part of the area of the State. But. such has been our ad vance in wealth, that these three square miles pay— it ha*? been said one-eiglith of the State tax; but the gent cman lias been too modest; it pays more than one-eighth of the whole State tax. Out ot every $8 assessed by the State on the cities * and towns of Maine, the city of Portland pays more than $1: to be specific, out of a State tax of less than $1)00,000 assessed this year you pay over $117,000. and you are disfranchised. What is to ba done at the Legislature? Among other tilings there is t * be a revaluation—a new valuation is to be placed on every town and plantation and city in the State. And what does that mean? That valuation is to be the basis on which you are to be called ou to pay taxes. Not for one vear, nor for two years* but for the ensuing ten years. And when a Legislature is to meet which is to frame the basis ol taxation on which you arc to pay your State tux for ten years to come, you rep resent ing more than one-eiglith of the whole taxable property of Maine, are disfranchised and have no voice in the House of Representatives to speak one word for you It is said the action of the Governor and Council is only preliminary; that they may let your Representatives in after awhile.; Yes, after the mischief is done. And how do they propose to let them in? They propose to let them in at the very heel of the season, at the back door of the Legisla ture. as a matter of courtesy. . . Fellow citizens, by seven hundred majority you elected your Representatives to march in on the first day of the session at the front door as a matter of right. (Continued applause.) The action that de prives you of representation is an outrage, and as it is impossible to overestimate the importance of your being represented in the next Legislature, so it is impossible to exaggerate the enormity of tlio out rage by which you are disfranchised on a pretext .ko thin that it will not bear the light of day. I move, Mr. Chairman, the adoption of the resolutions. (Continued applause.) The resolutions were then unanimously adopted. HON. NEAL DOW. Hon. Neal Dow spoke as follows: In the of the 22d, is an excellent article upon the great robbery perpetrated by the Governor and Council, in shamelessly and wickedly stealing from the people the results of the last election. But I was surprised to see in it an admission that the persons who have been falsely mid fraudulently counted in might properly for a limited time take the seats of those who have been fraudulently and wickedly counted out. The words are: ‘•On the first Wednesday of January next eight persons, who have not been elected to the Senate, whose only claim to a seat in that body consists in in bogus certificates from the Governor and Council will probably appear, take their seats and act in the organization of that body. It would seem that self respect would dictate ro these men after they had performed this duty to quietly retire and allow the men who have been legally elected to take their seats.” 1 do not see how honest and honorable men can possibly take those seats; even for a moment. If they present themselves at the State House, it will be with false and fraudulent certificates of election, in their hands. They know, every honest and intel- ! ligent man knows, that such is the o:ily character of 1 those certificates. There is not an honest and true word in them: then how can a man with any senti- ; ment of honesty in his heart, any se ise of honor in j his soul, join hamis with me vmains who nave sought to perpetrate this shameful, shocking crime. The doing of such a thing would be a proclama tion that in no matter involving integrity and honor could they be trusted, if the temptation to cheat, steal and rob were presented to them, The credi tors of such men can have. no security for the per formance of their contracts of whatever kind, if thev fancied their interests might be promoted by violating them. Banks should not trust them, no honorable man should deal or associate with them. To cheat, to steal, to robe, is to take what belongs to another without his consent,»and that is the whole of it. The Governor and Council have iaken the majority of the people's votes, and have handed them over to parties to whom they do not belong, in face of the earnest protests of those to whom they belong. It is a robbery on a gigantic scale of that which concerns the life of the nation. Let us see the men who will present themselves at Augusta, to condone this horrid crime and to share in it, and let us stamp them as particepts crlminis in this dread ful treachery to free institutions, and turn our faces away from them, as from men infected with a loathsome, contagion, fatal alike to honor and to life. • Many years ago there was a great abandon ment of the Democratic party in this State by many of its members, men of honor, who could not and would not countenance its methods by remaining in it From that day it has been a hopeless minority here; but now it seeks to obtain a temporary ad vantage by a method which has had no parallel this side of New York, where elections have been car ried by habitual fraud, as all the world knows. Thomas Moore was Lord Chancellor to Henry VIII., high in the king’s confidence and respect. But he would not acknowledge the king as head of the church. His wife begged him and entreated him to yield, and pointed out to him that by only one word he could save his life and they could pass many happy years together. “But it would not be a true word, dear wife, and I~ cannot say it*,. His daughter threw her arms around his neck,in a flood of tears and stifled by sobs. “Oh, Margary,” ex claimed the father, “it would break my heart if thou should’st try to persuade me to do this thing.” “No, dear father,” she replied. “I would gladly sac rifice my life to save thine, but I would suffer a hundred deaths rather than thou should’st say a false word or do a dishonorable act.” “Ah! there spoke my own sweet daughter,” said the father, as he pressed her to his bosom. Thomas Moore was decapitated. His head was placed on London bridge; his danghter went in a dark, stormy night and brought it away. Governor Garcelon and the rest of you, can you understand such an act? That a man should willingly die if the alternative were to do a dishonorable deed or to say a false word. MR. ALDEN J. BLETHEN the last speaker of the evening was received with applause. He said that he supposed he had been invited here because he represented no political party; that last spring he connected himself with a party which he believed had principles of reform and independence of action at heart. His brief visit convinced him that he had made a woeful blunder. He con demned the action of the Governor and Council as unjustifiable, and recommended an agitation by the people, until those guilty of fraud sink so low in the political stream t hat they will never appear again. AbOWTfie surface. The meeting then dissolved, the audience as it dispersed giving vent to the indignation it felt at the executive usurpation in language +1+ mu nnwtoinlp fni*n!T»lo if nf ul nroiro vwi. lit©. ________________________ METEOROLOGICAL. INDICATIONS FOR THE NEXT TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. War Dep:t, Office Chief Signal ) Officer, Washington, D. C., > December 24, l A. M. ) For New England. falling barometei, northeast to northwest winds, stationary or higher temperature, dandy weather with rain or snow, possibly clearing away at the southern stations. SUNK AT SEA. Loss of Steamship Barussia on the Voyage to New Orleans. OVER A HUNDRED PERSONS DROWN ED. London, Dec. 23.—Part of the crew of the the steamer Barussia, from Liverpool, Nov. 20, for New Orleans, have been lauded at Queenstown by the British ship Wallowdale fjom Bassein. The steamship was abandoned in a sinking condition on the 2d inst. The Barrusia had 180 passengers, of which num ber 105 embarked at Liverpool and 75 at Corunna, and the crew numbered 4if. After leaving Coruu. na the 24th of November, she experienced terrific weather and sprang aleak on the 1st of December. The severity of the weather increasing she was abandoned on the 2d. abort 350 milos ssuthwest of Fayal. The captain and second officer remained on the sinking steamer. The crew and passengers em barked in eleven boats. The nine survivors have no hope for the other boats, having, before they sep arated, seen one boat capsize, drowning all its oc cupants. Queenstown, Deo. 23.—The survivors of tlie Borussia starten immediately for Liverpool. It ap pears that a panic occurred among the passengers and crew. The survivors state that no order to launch boats and prepare for abandonment of the vessel was given by the officers. The crew them selves lowered the boats without waiting for orders. A bout a dozen passengers got into the boats with a part of the crew. The remainder of the passengers went down in the vessel with the captain, second ffiate, three engineers, eleven firemen, three stew ards, one carpenter and two boys. One boat was swamped alongside the steamer and its oocupants, five men, drowned. The survivors state that at nine o’clock on the night of the of the abandonment of the vessel they saw a rocket ascend from a steamer and soon after her mast-head lights were seen sud denly to disappear. Only sixty persons left in the uoai3. Cork, Dec. 22.—One hundred and eighty-four persons were aboard the Borussia. The captain on seeing the danger and that all efforts to save the vessel would be useless, ordered the boats to be got ready. Some rafts were prepared and necessaries provided. Tne vessel was abandoned at night, there being then 10 or 11 feet of water in the engine room. Four or five boats were lowered about the same time, but owing to darkness and a heavy sea they were soon lost sight of each other. EUROPE. A New Ministry Wanted. Paris, Dec. 23. A report of the refusal of De Fteycinct to form a eabinet requires confirmation. A Victory for the English Liberals. Loonox. Dec. 23. The Times .acknowledges the Sheflield election to be a legitimate Liberal Victory. The Distress in Ireland. The mayor of Dublin has a telegram from the mayor of Adelaide, Australia, inquiring whether the distress in Ireland would warrant an appeal for their relief. The mayor replied affirmatively. CUBA. Incendiaries and Robbers to bo Executed. Havana, Dec 23.- Captain General Blanco has issued a proclamation announcing that incendiaries and robbers captured in disturbed districs will be be tried by verbal court martial and upon conviction sentenced to death. An official dispatch states the ex-insurgent chief Pavcho diininez lately pardoned took up arms again the 20th inst; and joined the insurgents from Sawvti in an attack upon Arroyo. Blanco’s troops repelled the attack, killing Jitninez with two lieu tenants and dispersing the rest, and capturing 1000 cartridges. |The Farragut Association. Philadelphia. Dec. 23.—At a meotingof the Farragut Association last evening, a committee was appointed to go to Washington, to urge the Senate committee to introduce a bill authorizing the pay ment to ihe officers and men composing Farragut's fleet, at bouuty for the destruction of the enemy’s vessels below New Orleans. MINOR TELEGRAMS. flard coal has beeen found at a depth of fwenty five feet, twelve miles north-east of Emerson., Man itoba. Advices from Fort McLeod of Nov. 30, confirm the reports of destitution among the Blackfeet In dians. Twenty-live have died of starvation. The claim of the Jeffersonville, Madison &. In dianapolis railroad for .$2 .000 for transportation L*f home guard troops aud for property destroyed by Morgan’s men during the war. has been file d at Washington under the new act of Congress. The residence of James Gleason, near Ayerstbwn, N. J., was burned Monday. Three children, two boys and a girl, perished in the flames. BY TELEGRAPH. THE GREAT FRAUD. GOV. GARCELON ACKNOWL EDGES ONE ERROR. He Says Hu Never Knew About Tbe Facts. COUNCILLOR FOGG PRO TESTS AGAINST ITS COR RECTION. Boss Pillsbury and Gang Pub licly Defend the Steal. A FUSION REPRESENTATIVE DENOUNCES THE FRAUD. Good Advice from a Prominent Democrat. PLENTY OP INDIGNATION MEETINGS Augusta, Dec. 23.—Hon. Lleweleyn Powers had an interview to-day with the Governor and Council in regard to the counting out of John Burnham in the county of Aroostook and the counting in of Al fred Cushman. He asks to have the decision chang ed and the summons recalled. The ground on which the Council made the decision was that in the return from the town of Ashland the name was spelled Buruam, the silent letter “H” being omit ted, and the Council declares that the votes so given could not be counted for Mr. Burnham. Mr. Pow ers contended that the two names, idem sonans,were murder a prisoner named Burnham could be con victed and hanged, though the name was spelled Burnam in the indictment. Several decisions of the Supreme Court of Maine sustain this view. Mr. Powers then called the attention of the Council to the fact that in the adjacent plantation in the same district Mr. Cushman’s Christian name was given in the return as Alford instead of Alfred, differing in orthography and in sound and not in fact the same name. Mr. Powers then proved to the Governor and Council that if both votes were counted or both rejected Burnham would be elected and he insisted to the Council that if John Burnam were counted out as a different man from John Burnham, then Alford Cushman should be counted as a different man from Alfred Cushman. Mr. Powers insisted on both or neither being counted. Gov. Garcelon admitted that Mr. Powers’ argument was unanswerable, and said that he had never before known the facts in the case; he said justice required that Cushman’s summons should be recalled and the seat given to Burnham. Mr. Powers showed him precedents where this had been done when a mistake had been made, as in tlii3 instance. Hon. S. S. Brown, of the Council, agreed with the Governor, and said it was an error to have counted out Burnham. Councillor Fogg differed from the Governor and Mr. Brown, and violently denounced any attempt to correct an error. He said the count must stand as declared, no matter how many mistakes or errors should be proved. Mr. Powers believes that Gov. Garcelon will not permit the matter to remain as it is but will take measures to have so obvious a wrong corrected. A Fusion Representative Denounces the Fraud. Bangor, Dec 23.—The following letter from the fusion Representative elect of Hampden and Yeazie class will appear in the Whig and Courier to-mor row: Yeazie, Dec. 23, 1S79. To the Editor of the Whin and Courier: I wish to give expression in part to my feelings at the course pursued by the Governor and Council in counting out members of the Legislature legally elected. I have from the beginning publicly and openly denouned their course as a fraud which no liouuttt tnan yhotihi uphold, and I now 3»y that I Still denounce it and will not uphold it either by my voice or my vote, and 1 hope that every honest man elected on the fusion ticket will join with me in putting down this outrage. (Signed) E. Sproul. Good Advice From a Prominent Demo crat. Damariscotta, Dec. 23.—A call for an indigna tion meeting Friday was circulated today, and un animously signed. The feeling that the Governor and Conncff’s action must not bo submitted to is daily growiug stronger in this county, and many Democrats and Greenbackers unreservedly con demn the overturn. It has been rumored for a few days past that ex-Congressman E. Wilder Farley of Newcastle, opposed the Governor’s action. Mr. Farley has prepared . the subjoined statement for publication. Mr. Farley is an active Democrat, a gentleman of undoubted integrity, and much re spected by all parties for his sterling honesty. His statement is as follows : “Whatever may be the merits or demerits of the action of Gov. Garcelon and Council in issuing cer tificates of election to members of the next legisla ture, the existing situation of political concerns is to the best interests of the state. In my opinion there is one aud perhaps only one easy, just and honorable escape from this condition of affairs. When the legislature assembles there is likely to be little better than anarchy which will prove aestruc tive of all good legislation and plunge the people of Maine into a condition of unnecessary political ex citement and personal contention. It is this: Let every member who holds a certificate of election against a.clear and undisputed plurality of the votes of his district or county, rise in his place so soon as the two houses are organized, and declare that in his judgment that his opposing candidate was elect ed at the polls, aud refuse to take advantage of any technicality, aud resign his seat, t his being done I see no reason why each branch may not seat the rightful candidate before it adjourns for the day, and without even reference of the subjects to com mittee. This mode of settlement of an unhappy controversy is for the majority of the legislature as it will be constituted when it meets to determine. If adopted it may change the political complexion, but no matter for that if it is right. Let justice be done though the heavens fall. Indignation Meeting* in Brewer. Bangor, Dec. 23.—A largo and enthusiastic, in dignation meeting was held in Brewer this evening. The speeches vigorously denounced the outrage on the people and opposed any submission to it. The speakers were Manly Hardy, Rev. Messrs. .Sargent. Townsend and Beckwith, CoL Jasper Hutchings,^ Otis Gilmore, H. P. Sargent and Deacon George A Snow. Resolutions were adopted that the people should see that the wrong is righted at whatever cost. Indignation Meeting at Dexter. Dexter, Dec. 23.—An indignation meeting was held at the town hall last evening. It was a very bad night, but there was a large attendance, many ladies being present. A delegation came from Dover. The enthusiasm was the greatest ever shown in t-lie hall excepting at the war meetings. Charles Shaw was President, and C. W. Curtis, Secretary. The speakers were E. D. Wade, Major C. H. B. Woodbury, Dr. E. A. Thompson. Col. J. B. Peaks, the President and Secretary, J. II. Swan ton and Richard Nutter, Greenbackers, M. L. Ab bott Representative elect, J. D. Maxfield, captain of the Light Infantry, Allen Merrill, D. D. Flint, N. Dustin, Hon. Josiali Cjosby, H. L. Wood, T. P. Sawyer, D. W. McCrillis and Capt. C. A. Boulelle of Bangor. A letter from G. S. Hill, Representative elect from Exeter, was read. The general tone of the remarks was that submis sion to the outrage was useless and would only en nnnnrrA o ronpKt.inn • 111 at. thft HfiOnlo had tllC rCIllC dy in their own hands and must avail themselves of it. The committee on resolutions reported the fol lowing: 1— That the September election resulted in a popular vote for Hon. Daniel F. Davis, the Republi can candidate for Governor, of 21,000 over the Greenback candidate, and 40,000 over the Demo cratic candidate; in the election of 19 Republican Senators to 12 opposition Senators; in 90 Republi can Representatives to 01 opposition Representa tives; by which the election of Mr. Davis as Gover nor would be assured by a Legislature so constituted and the government in all its branches would be a Republican administration. 2— That the action of Gov. Garcelou and ‘Council in counting out eight duty elected Republican Sena tors and 29 Republican Representatives, and count ing in eight non-elected opposition Senators and 17 opposition Representatives, and disfranchising the people by giviug no representation at all in the case of twelve Representatives, thereby reversing the duly rendered verdict of the people, is a high-hand ed and unjustifiable proceeding, dangerous toJ their liberties, fatal if acquiesced in, and merits the re probation and abhorence of every honest man. 3.—That thereby live cities, Portland, Lewiston. Rockland, Bath and Saco, having a population of sixty-five thousand and paying one-quarter of the State taxes, are without representation and reduced to ciphers in the organization of the government for the ensuing year, and many towns and districts are in a still worse predicament, not by want of repre sentation but through a misrepresentation by men whom they have rejected at the polls. —That the men who have resorted to such means this year to perpetuate their power may be expected to do the same next year with additions and improvements whereby the electoral vote oi Maine for President and Vice-President, live Repre sentatives in Congress, the control of the Slate gov ernment till 1883, under the system of biennial elections, and the election of a United States Sena tor will be accomplished, all in contravention of the will of the people, and thereby popular government be at an end. 5—That we will resist these outrages by all hon orable means in our power; that to the insolent question, “What are you going to do about it?” we reply if there be no remedy under the forms of law then as in 177G the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large | for their exercise, and the people arc justified in in- j tesposing with an arm}' and resisting even to the ; shedding of blood. Indignation Meeting in Corinna. Coujnn’a, Dec. 23.—An indignation meeting was hold in Temperance Hall, Corinna, last evening. Owing to the bad weather the attendance was not large. W. I. Wcod was called to the chair and F. J. Whitney made secretary. Stirring speeches were delivered by Capt. C. A. Boutelle, F. C. Brett and Rev. R L. Howard of Bangor. The danger of the course pursued by Gov. Garcelon and Council wan portrayed in its true light. » No such excitement has existed in this community since the war. There w as a determination shown never willingly to submit to the abominable fraud perpetrated by Garcelon and Council. Appropriate resolutions were passed and a committee selected to act with other patriots, regardless of party,through out the State. At the close of the meeting three rousing cheers were given for the speakers and three more for Daniel F. D^vis. After an gable ad dress by Capt. C. A. Boittelle the speaker took the train to till an engagement at Dexter. Indignation Mooting at Dover. Doveii Dec. 23.—A large and very earnest meet ing of leading citizens of Dover and Foxcroft with delegations from numerous other towns, was held at Mayo’s hall this evening to denounce the count ing out conspiracy of the Governor and Council. Ex-Secretary of State Ephraim Flint presided, with a number of vice presidents. Prayer was offered by the Rev. C. A. Plumer. The meeting was address ed by A. G. Lebroke, of Foxcroft; Col. J. B Peaks and C. A. Boutelle, of Bangor; Rev. C. A. Plumer, and Rev. S. C. Whitcomb, of Dover; Hon. Charles Shaw, of Dexter, and W. P. Young, of Milo. The most intense indignation was manifested, and the meeting enthusiastically expressed a determination never to submit to such a reversal of the people’s will. Excitement throughout Piscataquis county is greater than has been known since the Rebellion and is not confined to one party; and the most con servative citizens are most earnest in declaring that the wrong must be righted. An executive commit tee of prominent citizens was appointed to cooper ate with the people of other communities. An Indignation Meeting to be Held at Rockland.. Rockland, Dec. 23.—Petitions were put in cir culation yesterday and have now received several hundred signatures, asking Mayor Love joy to call a public meeting of citizens for the purpose of taking counsel together and adopting such measures as may seem.requisite for redress of great public grievance imposed by the action of the Governor and Council • in rejecting ahe return of the votes from this city and refusing to allow its correction from the rec ord, and in their attempt to reverse the will of the people of the state as expressed at the polls in Sep tember. In response to this petition Mayor Lovejoy will to-morrow issue a call for a public meeting at Far well Hall, on Friday evening. There is universal indignation among the Republicans at the action of the Governor and Council and it increases as time tmetipg while. numbers of Democrats exnress con damnation of tlie “counting out” while others un mistakably feel a disapproval which they do not express. Councillor Monroe Snubbed. Councillor Monroe was in town to-day and met with very harsh words from some of his acquain tances, one citizen who had J been quite an inti, mate friend peremptorily ordering Mr. Monroe out of his place of business. The Augusta Fusionists Defending Gar celon’s Shameless Conduct. The fusionists met in Granite Hall this evening. Previous to the opening of the meeting a hand of music stationed in the gallery performed a series of airs. The hall was well filled, but was devoid of that enthusiasm which marked the indignation meeting of the Republicans. Ai Staples, Esq., called the gathering to order and Samuel Lancaster, Esq., was made president and A. J. Cameron, J. F. Pierce and C. D. Morton, were named secre'aries. Mr. Lancaster on taking the chair thanked the meeting for the honor conferred, and made quite extended re marks. He said jit had happened that the Gover nor in the solemn discharge of his duty and under oath has so determined the questions before him as to give dissatisfaction to some disappointed persons and hence the attempt to coerce the Executive. He referred to the denunciations heaped upon the Gov ernor and Council by the indignation meetings. There was not the first specific complaint by any body against the Executive. The counting was done according to law and nobody could find fault. The Republicans had been accustomed to' amend the re turns and this was why they wished to get at them tins year. Governor Garcclon read the Constitu tion, read his oath and counted the votes according to the Constitution and the laws. After the reading of a long list of Vice Presidents the following gentlemen were appointed to draft resolutions: R. W. Black, Lemuel B. Fowler, E. C. Allen, Wm. E. Lowell, John A. Potter. E. R. Pierce was the next speaker. He looked to the year 18G1 for a precedent of the scenes now being enacted. He deprecated the indignation meet ings. Said they would grow more violent and end in a mob. Governor Garcelon had not been proved guilty; he had done his duty. If the people persist ed in making armed resistance and there was not power enough in the stale to suppress It the United States would step in. The following resolutions were adopted: Ra&oltuuL That Governor Gnrcelon and hia Coun cil are entitled to and receive the sincere thanks cf the loyal citizens of Maine for resisting with manly firmness the formidable and persistent efforts of de signing politicians, banded together for the purpose to intimidate and coerce them into making, in sub serviency to their own partisan views and interests. tors and Representatives to tlie Legislature con trary to the mandates of the constitution and the laws of the State in harmony therewith. Resolved, That the coarse ami brutal abuse heaped upon the executive of the State by a rebellious par tisan press, and by rebellious partisan speakers at incendiarv and treasonable gatherings, by reason of the faithful discharge of a constitutional duty, is at once a disgrace to its authors, an outrage upon the ! officials assailed and an indignity to the people of Maine, whose honor is assailed in the person of its chief magistrate. Resolved, That differ as individual opinions may respecting the construction of the provisions of the constitution and laws regulating the count of the returns'of votes, yet the fact remains that the Gov- , ernor and Council, and they alone, are the tribunal entrusted with the power, discretionary and plenary in its nature, of declaring what persons from an ex- j animation of the returns in due form appear to be ' elected, and to issue summons accordingly, and i there exists no power inside and no rightful power | outside the government that can legitimatelyreverse, annul or override their preliminary decision, except j the two house3 respectively when they come to” a ! Anal readjudication or each contested case, and .all ' efforts meanwhile to set the doings of the executive at defiance and intimidate the members holding the j executive summons from taking their seats are | seditious, revolutionary and treasonable, and are punishable as such. Resolved. That the organized effort now being made under the leaderships of designing and un scrupulous parlizans to incite the people to count less deeds of violence and to open revolt against the state government by counseling a resort to force and arms, will, if threats ripen into acts, be nothing short of a rank rebellion, and the authors, aiders and abettors of it should and will be summarily dealt with as guilty of treason to the state. Resolved, That it is the imperative duty of every good and loyal citizen without reference to party predilections, of every friend of law and order and of constitutional government if unhappily the crisis shall demand its exercise, to standby and strength en the hands of the state authorities in the un avoidable task imposed by the Constitution and laws of upholding their supremacy against any and every attempt which may be made by the advocates of mob violence to subvert the constitutionally or dained government of the state and inaugurate civil war with all its concomitant horrors, and tills as semblage pledges itself to aid in doing so. Resolved, That the Associated Press, under its present management, is a nuisance that ought to be abated. It is in the hands of the conspirators or ganized for the overthrow of the government and teems with exaggerated aceounts of the magnitude and tlie character of their public gatherings, and with false statements touching the state of public sentiment in the different parts of the state. It suppresses all information unfavorable to them selves, all facts and documents in explanation or defence of the doings of the Executive, including the recent letter from the Governor himself, and is engrossed in efforts to inflame popular feeling by falsehood and misrepresentation to the pitch of mob violence and armed resistenee against public au thority. It is in fact a violent engine in the service of the rebellionists and is employed wholly for the advancement of treasonable aims. All decent news papers should withdraw from the rascally concern and all loyal citizens should discredit the truthful ness of its emanations. F. F. Pillsbury next spoke, saying they were as sembled because of this angry and evil disposed bureac oi war. au auacs upon me suite nouse would be treason, and that means death to the trait ors. Congressman Ladd made some remarks. The resolutions were read and Gov. Garcelon spoke. He asked them to sustaiu him and his col - leagues in their acts. A letter from Judge Rice, and brief remarks by Dr. Crooker and E. C. Allen closed the meeting. Fusion Senatorial Candidates in Andros coggin to Contest. Lewiston, Dec. 23.—Fusion^candidates for Sena tors, Tibbetts and Lane, have notified the Andros coggin Republican Senators who have received cer tificates that they shall contest their seats. They claim that the vote of Auburn should be thrown out. President Hayes on the Outrage. Boston, Dec. 23.—A Washington special to the Journal says that President Hayes, in conversation with Representative Williams of Wisconsin this morning, expressed himself decidedly on the Maine situation. He said that the Maine business was not going to succeed, if he were one of the Repub lican members of tbe Legislature be would sit there until September and use every device known to par liamentary law for the protection of the minority. All other business should be suspended until tbe wrong was righted. He would not resort to force, but he would endeavor to bring to bear upon theso gentlemen such n weight of public opinion that they could not escape or resist it. They should be thwarted in their revolutionary purpose until they were made to feel tint the will ot the majority, when properly and legally expressed, must control. He expressed the opinion that the good people of all parties, as the facts became known, would emphati cally condemn the outrage. General Butler Bossing the Counting Out Job. A Washington special to the Traveller says the belief gains ground here in best informed political circles that Gen. Butler is behind the scenes in Maine and that Garcelon and his Council are acting throughout upon his legal advice. The nicety of the technical points on which the count out is based savors strongly of that acute faculty for legal hair splitting for which the General is celebrated. Accidently Shot. Bangor, Dec. 23.—Henry Jiamsdcllof Lincoln, was found dead at tbe foot of Folsomc Pond this af_ ternoon, shot in the breast and head. He weut oui Sunday to look for an i otter he had wounded late Saturday afternoon. It is supposed he was aoci lentally shot, dying from wounds and intense cold. Elis age was 35, and he was unmarried. MAINE. Fire in Norridgewock. Skowelegan, Dec. 23.—A farm house owned and occupied by John W. Bates of Norridgewock, was destroyed by lire yesterday morning. Loss $700. Insured for $500. Fire caught from a stove pipe. MARINE NEWS. A Bristol Vessel Abandoned. Vine valid Haven, Dec. 23.—Schooner Rosie and Adra, of Bristol,Me., Hetcb, Perth Amboy for Port land, with coal, sailed from Vineyard Haven the 20tli. A strong nojthe-westerly gale drove her back from Nauset and she anchred near Cross Rigs light ship. Monday the wind veered to the eastward and blew a gale with a heavy sea and blinding snow. The sea bad a clean sweep over the vessel and caused a leak. She set the signal of distress and was abandoned. A life boat from the steamer John Hopkins took oft'the crew. AFGHANISTAN. A Slight Skirmish at Cabul. London, Dec. 23.—The Viceroy of India tele graphs to-day that General Bright reports a contin ued advance of reinforcements. All is quiet at Pei zeron and convoys are p .ssing thence to Jagdulluk. The Kugianis are quiet. . .... A dispatch from Roberts at Cabul on the lJtn says there was a slight skirmish on the 18th, during which one or two of the principal Afghan leaders were killed. The British loss was one killed and two wounded. Snow fell there during the light, but is disappearing. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Portland Ouily Wholesale Market. Portland. Dee. 23. The market for Breadstuffs continue firm and prices fully sustained, but trade is light. The poul try trade is lively; good Turkeys are scarce, aud we quote them at lG^lSc; Chickens in good sup ply, many of which are of inferior quality and selling at 12@14c; Fowl are very plenty at 8@10c; Geese are coming in freely and of good quality. The indications are that an abundant supply will be in the market Wednesday, as large quantities are be ing shipped from the West aud Canada, and we predict a decline in prices. Eggs show a slight fall ing off at 23c. The following are io-day’s quotations of Flour, Graiu, Proi: 'ins. Ssc. flouo lirnni. Superfine.5 25@n 7.7 , Yellow Corn, Extra Spring..G 25@G GOI, car lots GJ XX Spring — 7 25@7 60|H. M. ®? Patent Spring , hew Corn ‘ M Wheats.9 50@9 75|Oats, Michigan Win- Sacked Bran . 20 00 ...V'.V nr.! KS7 7RI MMs... iffi2400 Low Grade . I Corn, bag lots.. 70 Michigan....6 25@6 75'Moal, ‘ •• r St. Louis Win- Oats, .. ter good.7 50@7 7o j Bran, * •• W nter fair. ..0 75@7 001 Mid’ngs, “ .. @25 Winter best. ..8 25@8 25 Eye. “ .. 110 Produce. Provswiou*. Turkeys . ... 10®18 (Mess Beef.. 10 50@11 00 Chickens .... 12@14 Ex Mess.. 11 75^12 00 Chickens 8|10 Plate.12 00@12 25 SS?.*::... • • • • «23 1 Ex Eiatc-12 7r>@13 oo Potatoes. .3 75@4 50 pork— gw potato Backs.. ..10 75S17 00 rrish notatoes, Clear.10 00@16 25 iar lots . 40@46e Mess.15 00@15 25 Oinou“ tjjbbl.3 60@3 75.Hams. 9%@12 orate. .2 00@2 25 S urd. Pound Hogs. • • 5@C Tub, P1 lb.8 Vs m 9 x.oundTierces, lb p..8%@ 8% Maine..®. Ilf^ .10 @10% Vermont. 12@14 Kegs .. .. K. V. Factory. 12&14 Bran*. Pea.2 20a Orances• Mediums.1 90@2 00 Pale: moMPbx 3 50@*00 Yellow Eyes..2 15@2 25 Vale. ■•iM»case 1“ 00 Butter. “ Pbox 0 00 Family, |> lb.. 27® 32 Lemon Store.. • • . VI% 2w Messina.4 50@5 00 Ap,*'c";l,-, ,n Paie mo.^4 00S4 50 green^.1 ^ 0 Peanuts— - do Eastern.. 5® 6-2 Wilmington.1 60ffll 70 Sugar. Virginia. — 1 50®1 62 Granulated.... @10 Tennessee... 1 20@1 35 Extra 0 . @ Wl Castana, ft.. ll@12c C. a8% Walnuts, “ 12 31 4c Syrups. r«66 Filberts, “ 12@13c| Pecan. '* ll@12ci FREIGHTS—To the West Indies there is very lit tie doing owing to the scarcity of vessels suitable for that business, in Grain freights there is noth ing to note and rates have fallen off consideral- j, about 5s $> quarter being the quoted price. Coast wise business is fair and good rates are obtained on Coal. We notice the following charters for the week ending December 23d: Brig St. Francois. Bsitland to Buenos Ayres, lum ber $14 00. Scbr ,T. Nickerson, Portland to New York, heads p. t. Schr Congress, New York to Portland, iron 1 7o ton. Schr Tcazer, New York to Dueksbury, coal 1 SO and discharge. Schr Nellie Chase, New York to Portland, coal at 1 25 and discharge. Schr Kranz, Baltimore to Portland, coal p. t. Schrs John E. Sanford, Bay State and Mabel Hall, New York to Portland, coal p. t. Brig R. M. Heslen, Portland to Havana, shooks and heads 29c, or Matanzas or Cardenas 26c. Brig Ernestine, Baltimore to Portland, coal 2.40. Brig O. B. Stillman, Portland to Cardenas, shooks and heads 25c. Schr Lizzie B. Gregg, Portland to Matanzas, sugar shooks and heads 2Gc. Schr B. L. Townsend, Boothbay to Philadelphia,, ice 75c and towed from Portland. Graail Trunk Elevator. The following is a statement of Grain at the Grand Trunk Elevator, December 23: Wheat. Peas. Oats. Eye. Cars. Cars. Cars. Cars. Balance in Elevator.. 150 63 13 IS Received. 6 156 57 13 23 Forwarded. 22 Balance. 134 57 13 23 Receipts of Maine Cenrnl. PORTLAND, Dec. 22. For Portland, 17 cars miscellaneous merchandise; for connecting roads, 33 cars miscellaneous mer chandise __. Daily Domestic Receipts. By water conveyance—1000 bush Commeal to G. W. (True & Co._ Boston Stock Market. [Sales of the Broker’s Board, Dec. 23.] First Call. ' 3 Portland. Saco and Portsmouth R. B.... 102 Cheese Market. Little Falls, N. Y.. December 22.—The sales of factory cheese here to-day amounted to 1000 boxes at 10%@12c; 125 boxes of dairy cheese were sold at 9@llc. Butter—sales of 75 packages at 19@23c. {Vew York Stock and Money Market. New York,Dec. 23—Evening.—Money ranged as high as 7, closing 5 per cent. ;prime mercantile pa per 5&6 per cent. Sterling Exchange weak 480% for long and 483@483% for short sight. Govern ments quiet and generally steady. The transactions at the Stock Exchange aggregat ed 214,700 shares. •jL'ne roilowing are to-day’s closing quotations of Government securities : United States 0’s. 1881. reg.104Vs United States (Vs, 1881, coup.....107 Vs United States new5’s, reg,.103 United States new 5*s, coup.103 United States new 4%’s, reg.106 Vs United States, new 4 V2’s, coup.106 Vs United States new 4*s,reg.103 United States new 4’s,.103 vs Pacific 6’s of 95 . ..121 The following were the closing quotations of Stocks : C iiicago & Rock Island.147 I llinois Central. 98 C.. B. & Quincy.125% Chicago & Alton. 99% Chicago ct Alton prefeixcd- ..118 New York Central. .127 Lake Shore.100% Michigan Central. 91% Erie.". 41 X'lrie preferred. 67%• Northwestern. 8(5% Northwestern preferred .102% M ilwaukee & S t. Paul. 72 New Jersey Central. 79% St. Paul preferred. 98% Union Pacific. 82 % Western Union Tel. Co.100% California Miuaug Stocks. San Francisco, Dec. 23.—The following are the closing Quotations of Mining stocks to-day: Alnlin. 634 Hale & Noreross.... 5-vs Alta. 1 Va Julia Consolidated. 114 Belcher. 2 Justice.27-32 Best‘& Belcher. 8% .Mexican.15% Bullion. 3Vs Northern Belle— 8% Ca';foraia. 3 Oplnr.lOVi ChoJar. 5Vi Overman. 2% Consolidated Va* .. 3 Raymond. 13-18 Eureka Con.10% Union Con.3814 Crown Point. 1% Sierra Nevada.18% Exchequer. 2Vs Yellow Jacket. 8 Gould & Curry. 4Vs Bodie. — Grand Prize.. .... 5-18 Imperial.13-18 Savage. 4 Potosi. 2Vb *Ex-div. Watertown Cattle Market. Watertown,Dec. 23.—Beef Cattle—receipts 312 head; supply light; prices ruled firm at last week's quotations: few heavy beeves, very choice, sold 7Vi 07Va; sales of choice 7 3507 50; extra 8 7507 00; first quality 8 0008 50; second quality at 5 00 a; 5 75; third quality at 4 0004 75; Store Cattle, Working Oxen pair $180; (Milch Cows and Calves at $200850; fancy Cows at $55085; Farrow Cows at §100820; yearlings at $7<0$14;two years old at $120$25; three years old at $200835; Western fat Swine, live, 5Vac \) lb; Northern dresseu vogs at 8. Sheep and Lambs—receipts 1256 head; market is dull and sales light; few fine flocks Lambs sold at advance of V20 lb; no demand for other kinds; sales in lots at 2 6003 50 each; extra 4 5005 50; Spring ambs at 4% 08c; Veal Calves 405V2 Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Dec. 23.—Hogs—Receipts 11,000 head; shipments 800 head; market weak and unsettled; oul\ few small dealers buying: choice heavy 4 500 4 70; light 4 4504 80; mixed packing 4 3004 50. Sheep—receipts 700; shipments 550 head; fair lo cal demandjinarket steady 3 100 4 40. Domentlic Market*. New YORK.Dec. 23—Evening.—flour—Receipts 18,731 bbls; opened dull and closed higher and rather more doing for export; sales 10,600 bbls; No 2 at 4 2505 10; Sup. Western and State at 5 30 @5 90;extra Western and State at 8 0006 25; good 10 choice do at 8 3008 26; White Wheat Western extra at 8 2506 75; fancy do at 6 80.08 50; ex tra Uhio at 0 1007 75; extra St. Louis at 6 000 8 50; patent Minnesota extra at 7 25^8 00; choice to double extra at 8 1000 00, including 4000 bbls City Mills extra at 6 0006 20-; 1400 bbls No 2 at 4 2505 10; 1100 bbls Superfine at 5 3505 00; 1. 800 bbls low extra at 6 06 05; 440 bbls Winter Wheat extra at 6 1008 60; 5100 bbls Minnesota extra 6 0000 00, closing firm. Southern flour quiet and steady; sales 800 bbls; extra at 6 15 a6 85; at choice 6 9508 50. Rye flour dull at 5 3005 Co for Superfine. Cornmeal dull; Yellow Western 2 75 @3 25; Brandywine at 3 3003 35. Wheat—ex ports 31,143 bush; receipts 25,650 bush; opened dull and weak, closing about lc higher;sales 1,37G, >00 bush; better export demand, including 622,000 lush on the spot; ungraded Spring at 1 34® 1 S'o 8 do at 1 40® 1 4_1: ungraded W inter Ked i juiet: State and Canada at 97. i'oru—exports 32, 308 bush; receipts 79,200 bush; the market opened duck and closed shade firmer with moderate trade; sales 307,000 bush, including 215,000 bush on the spot: ungraded at 02®05c: No 3 do Gl%®®GLe; steamer 0314 ®03% c; No 2 at 63%@64 in store; 1341,4 t/ OOe afloat; ungraded White 06c; steamer for December at 02% c; No 2 for December at 6414® 04V2c; January 02®0214c; l’cb 0214 ® 02%. Oats —receipts 37,930 bush; dull and rather easier; sales 02.000 bush; 49c for No 3;50c for do \Vhite:50e for No 2: 5114 ®52c do White; 50c for No 1; 52 @5214 do White: Mixed Western at 49® 50c: White Wes tern at 4914®5014e; White State at 50®' u«. Wbi jrUr steady and quiet; 200 hhds Cuba 6!4®7!4;fair to good refining quoted 7%®77/8c;refined unchang ed and in moderate demand. quiet and unchanged at 35®47c. Petroleum is unchanged and dull;united 1 10% ; crude in bbls 7% .a8%(-re fined at 8%. Tallow quiet and steady 6%. Fork shade firmer and rather quiet; 320 mess on spot at 12 50; nothing done in futures. ILard is stronger and more active; 1500 prime steam on spot at 7 80 7 87, closing 7 75®7 80 for old, 7 90 new. Freights to Liverpool more active: Wheat steam 4. i Chicago. Dec. 23.—Flour nominal. Wheat is active, firm and higher; No 2 Red W'inter at 1 31® 1 33; No 2 Chicago Spring at 1 3114@1 31% cash; 1 32V8®1 3214 for January; 1 3214 for February: No 3 Spring 1 14; rejected 97V2C. Corn is in good demand and shade higher at 40c for cash ;4014c for January; 40%c February; 4014c May rejected at 37% c. Oats in good demand and shade higher at 341/2c for cash; 84%®35c for January; 35%cFeb ruary; rejected 32c. Rye firmer 79% @80. Barley easier 88c. Receipts—19,000 bbls flour, 114,000 bush wheat, 218.000 bush corn, 53,000 bush oats, 0,000 bush rye, 28,000 bush barley. Shipments-21,000 bbls flour, 18,000 bush wheat, 02.000 bush corn, 29,000 bush oats, 1,900 bush rye, 11,000 bush barley. A t the afternoon call of the Board, Wheat closed in good demand and V2®%c higher. Corn active and firm and %c higher. Oats are stronger and 14c higher. Pork strong and at 13 00 January; 13 8214 asked February. Lard in good demand 21/2 higher St. Louis, D. 23.—Flour easier. WTieat is lower; No 2 Ked Fall 1 32% ®1 3314 cash;. 351s®l 35% for January; 1 40® 1 40% for Feb; No 3 do^ 1 24. Corn is lower at 35%®3514c cash; 35V20 for De cember; 30®30% January; 38c Feb. Oats higher at 87%c for cash and December. Rye quiet at 81c bid. Barley unchanged; choice 85®90c. Pork is firm 13 09 cash; 13 00®13 0214 January. .Lard is higher 7 35. Bulk Meats strong. Receipts—3,000 bbls tiour, 47,000 bush wheat, 78.000 bush corn, 5,000 bush oats, *2,000 bush rye, 7,000 ousli bailey. Shipments—8,000 bbls flour,| 75,000 bush wheat, 9.000 bush corn, 00,000 bush oats, 0000 bush bar ley, 0000 bush rye. New Orleans, Dec. 23.—Cotton in fair demand; Middling uplands 11% c. Memphis,Dec. 23.—Cotton firmjMiddling uplands 11% c. Savanxaii, Dec. 23.—Cotton quiet and firm; Mid dling uplands at 1214c. Mobile, Dec. 23.—Cotton firm; Middling uplands at 11% e._ European Markets. r ____ T-.,, „ 00 10 OI\ D 07 tip. for money and 97 1-10 for account. London. Dec. 23—12.30 P. M.—American secu rities—United States bonds, new 5s, 106Vs 5 4Vfes at 10914; 4s, 100Vs; Erie 42V2. Liverpool,Dec. 23-12.30 P. M.— Cotton market firmer; Middling uplands at 6%d; Orleans 7d; sales 10,000 bales; for speculation and export 1000; re ceipts 27,100, American 17,200. Liverpool, Dec. 23—12.30 P. M.—FlouralO 0@ 13; Winter Wheat 11 2@11 7; Spring Wheat 10 3 @13 ; Californi average 10 8@11 7; club do at 11 0 @11 10; Corn at 5 10; Peas at 7. Provisions, &c., —Pork 80; Beef 82; Lard 37 3; Bacon at 38a39; Cheese at 05. Tallow at 37 0, at Lor Ion at 49. SLADE’S ENGLISH MUSTARD and CONGRESS Yeast Powder received the Award at the Mechan ics Fair. Both are pure and standard articles, and sold by most every grocer in Portland. Try them and you will have no other. MABR1A6EM In Windham, Dec. 20, by W. H. Varney, Esq., John P. Frink and Miss Emily Dudley, both of Gor ham. „ In Bridgton, Dec. 17, by Rev. O. M. Cousens, llio mas Freeman Severance and Miss Carrie L. Dresser both of Lovell. In Bridgton, Dec. 20, by Rev. O. M. Cousens, Sami G. Burnell and Miss Lizzie A. Wood, both of Bridg ton. __ DEATHS. In this city, Dec. 22, at the residence of Capt. Haven, Milton D. Cleveland, aged 18 years 3 months and 12 days. His remains were taken to Rockland. In this city, Dec. 23, Mrs. Mary A., wife of Daniel S. Jones. ... [Funeral on Thursday afternoon at 2Vz o clock. Burial private.] , „„ lu this citv, Dec. 23, Richard Thomas, youngest sen of Patrick and Rosannali Connelly, aged 2 years 24 days. , _ . [Funeral Thursday afternoon at 2V2 o clock, at No. 31 Danforth street. In this city, Dec. 23, John Wall, aged 50 years. [Funeral this Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock, at No. 10 Market street. In Cranberry Isles, Dec. 15, suddenly, Mrs Emma, wife of Albert Gilley. In Metucben, N. J., Dec. 18, Airs. Susan, wifo of Stephen T. Fowler, formerly of Portland, aged 05 years. Hp-The funeral of Michae Joyner will take place Thursday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock from his late residence. . depabti be of ocean steamers name from for date. Gallia.New Y'ork..Liverpool —Dec 24 Amerique.New York..Havre.Dec 24 Alps.New York..Kingston.Dec 24 Frisia.New York. .Hamburg ... .Dec 25 City nf Montreal.. .New York.. Liverpool... Dec 2o Dominion.Portland.. .Liverpool— Dec 2o Saratoga.New York..Ha#ana.Dee 20 City of Alexandria New York. .Vera Cruz... .Dec 27 Victoria.New York..London.Dec 27 Germanic.New York. .Liverpool ... .Dec 27 Ethiopa.New York..Glasgow.Dec 27 Montana.New York..Liverpool....Dec 3D Algeria.New York..Liverpool —Dec 31 Baltic.New York. .Liverpool.Jan 1 Lako Winnipeg.. ..Portland ...Liverpool.Jan ^ Circassia.New York..Glasgow.Jan 3 Republic.New York. .Liverpool —Jan 3 Wyoming.New York..Liverpool ....Jau 0 Scythia.New York..Liverpool —Jan < Westphalia.New York. .Hamburg.... Jau 8 Brooklyn.Portland.. .Liverpool.Jan 9 MINIATURE ALMANAC ....DECEMBER 24. Sun rises.7.34 I High water. 7.51 Sun sets.4.25 | Moon sets. 4.03 AT A TsTTn.Wft. OJRT OF PORTLAm TUESDAY, December 23. Arrived. Steamer Falmouth, Hall, St John, NB, via East port for Boston. Steamer City of Portland, Pike, Boston for East port and St John, NB. Cleared. Sch Mercv T Trundy, Crowley, New York—Berlin Mills. Sch Linnet, Gray, Belfast—Kensell & labor. Sell Atlantic, Gray, Bellas—Kensell & Tabor. Sch Arrival, Farnnm, Boothbay—D Choate. SAILED—Ship Kingsport; barques Cedar Croft, Persian; brig Henry P Dewey; schs A Ii Weeks, Ad die Ryerson, Abby Weld, Chalcedony, and others bound east. Some’ westerly bound coasters started and put back. ggjf-The Custom House will not be open for the transaction of business on Thursday, Dec 25th, (Christmas.) FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT. W1SCASSET, Dee 10—Ar, schs J H Miller, Blag don, and I> L Sturgie, Boston; Isabella, Lewis, and Niger, Merry, do. , „ _ . Dec 18—Sid, sobs Sami Fish, Teel, for Savannah; Emeline, Roberts, Portland. . „ Dec l'J—Sid, sch Keren Happuch, Lewis, Friend •ShDec 20—Sid, sch Irene E Mcservey, Wall, Savan nah. CRANBERRY ISbliS, Dec 17—Ar, schs Baker, Bunker, and Neptune, Bunker, Portland. ;,|8I of Vessel* buill on the Kennebec Hir er in 1S?9. Ship Theodore II Allen, 1537, by T J Southard & Son, Richmond. Ship Soltaire, 1531, by E Sewall, Bath. Shiti Manuel Llagnuo, 1732, by 3 McDonald,Bath. Barque Havana. 049, by Wm Rogers, Bath. Barque A C Wade, 522. by Wm Rogers. Barque Guy C Goss, 1572, Goss, Sawyer & Paok nI*Scli B W Morse, 558, bv I) W & 11 F Morse, Bath Sch F L Schepp, 1 US, by Thos Hagan, Bath. Sch Chas A Briggs. 757, by Goss & Sawyer, balb. Sch Hattie S williams, 8U7, by Goss, Sawyer* Packard. Sch Chas H Tricke.f. 281, by Goss & Sawyer. Sell Quaker City, 510, by Goss & Sawyer. Scii Reuben S Hunt. 182. by Deering & Donnell. Sell Mentor, 82, by C Y Mlnott, Phipsburg. Sch Nellio V Ropes, 290, by Goss, S & P. Sch Nellie T .Morse, 4G0. by B W * II F Morse. ^'..1. TJ Duller 1177 ItvTW) U’liltaflPtl]. Sell Parker M Hooper, (577, by I) (J Blaisdell. Sch Bertha F Walker. (580, by Goss & Sawyer. Sell Serena It Soper, (503. by Goss, S & P. Sell Mabel L Phillips, 831, bv Goss & Sawyer. Sch E C Allen, 499, by Goss & Sawyer. Sch S P Hitchcock, 603, by Adams & Hitchcock. Steamer Mt Desert, 457, by Goss, S & P. Steam barque Mary & Helen, 420, by Goss, S & I*. Barge Juno, 254, by Wm Rogers. FROM MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. Ar at New York 22d, seks Geo Iv Hatch, Murphy, Caibarien; Azclda& Laura, Mayaguez. Ar at Liverpool 20th inst, ship M 1* Grace, Wilbur San Francisco; barque (5 M Stanwood, Webber,New York; 21st, snip Arcturus, Kelley, Norfolk. Ar at London 18tb, barque Almira Robinson, Given, New York. MEMORANDA. Ship Corsica, Henry, from New York for London, before reported, put into Seilly Dec 22, leaking bad ly: 2(500 bbls oil were thrown overboard. Brig Benj Carver. Colson, from New York for Portland, with coal to H L Paine, is ashore on Long Island and likely to be a total wreck. Crew saved. She is an old vessel of 155 tons and is owned in Searsport. M _ Brig Black Swan, which went ashore at Chatham 22d, registered 190 tons, was built at Bueksport in 1853, and hailed from New York. Sch Rosa & Adra, (of Bristol, Me) Hatch, from Perth Amboy for Portland, was abandoned 22d on Nantucket Shoals. The crew were taken off by the steamer J S Hopkins and landed at \ ineyard-llavcn The schr was left at anchor. Wreckers have gone to her assistance. Sch Sarah E .Jones, Nash, from Elizabetlinort for Boston, with coal, sprung a leak of 2000 strokes per hour and lost jibs, on Nantucket Shoals 21st. Sch Redondo, of Ellsworth, lost an anchor and 45 fathoms chain on Nantucket Shoals 21st. Sch .Jed F Duren. of Calais, while at anchor on Nantucket Shoals 22d, was run into by schr Carrie Wallace, (or )Valker) and had stern badly stove. Sch Freddie Eaton, from Calais for New York, is ashore at Greenwich Point. BOIIEHTIC FORTH. SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 14th, ship Samuel Watts, Lcrmond, New York. Ar 21st, ship St John, Smalley, Liverpool via Cal lao: Edw O’Brien, Henry, do. Sid 21st, ships Pactolus. and Gold Hunter. GALYLSTON—Cld 22d, barque Halcyon, Dickin son, New York. v NEW ORLEANS—Ar 17tli, ship Gettysburg, Call, Liverpool; Henry 3 Sanford, Sleepor, Calcasieu. PORT EADS, LA—Ar 22d, ships John Patten, Hall, Buenos Ayres ; Lizzie Moses, Koazer, from Bordeaux. Sid 22d, brig Carrie Bertha, for Boston. PENSACOLA—J*r 22d, sch St Croix, Haskell, Aspinwall, to load and return. SAVANNAH-Ar 17th, sell Mary A Power, Sim- ! inons, W'iscasset. Ar ISth. sell A W iley, Gilchrist, Weymouth; An uie Lewis, Colson, New York. CHARLESTON—Ar 21st, sch F A Magee, Tre worgy. New York. Ar 22d, barque Adelia Carlton, Grant, Barbadoes; sch A B Berry. Look, Boston. WILMINGTON, NC—Ar U>th. sell Belle Brown, Hunt, Rockport. *1 RICHMOND—Ar 20tli, sell G M BrMiiard, Ken niston, Boston. < FORTRESS MONROE—Passed out 21st, barque Josephine, Stahl, for Matanzas. BALTIMORE—Ar 22d, schs Ada J Simonton, Hall, Boston; C Hanrahan, Whittemore, Portland; Sarah L Davis, Cottrell, Charleston. PHILADELPHIA—Ar 20th, brig Jeremiah, lord. Sagua. Ar 22d, barque Ocean Pearl, Ileuley, Cardenas. Ar at Delaware Breakwater 22d, sell Ada F Ames, Achorn, Hayti, (and sailed fur Philadelphia.) NEW' YORK— Ar 22d, schs Edith B Coombs, Coombs, Jacniel 22 days; sebs C A Ropes, Hillyard, Eastport; Sarah C Smith, Banks, Boothbay; Petrel, Knight, Thomaston; W P Ritchie, Freethy, Boston; Seth M Todd. Norwood. New Bedford; L Holway, Bryant, and Sarah Wooster, Gulliver, Providence; Sabao, Thompson, do. • Ar 23 d, barque Beatrice Bowlby, Mary port; sen Joshua Grindle, Freethy, Port Spain, Cld 22d, ship Anna Camp, Gardiner, Blaye; hark Carrie E Long, Park, for Corunna; S II Nickerson, Kimball, do; brigs W'auban, Spencer, Pernambuco; Irene, Yates, Cardenas. M FALL RIVER—Ar 19th, sch Hattie S Collins, Crosby, Amboy. NEWPORT—Ar 22d, schs WTn McLoon, lingers, New York for Portland; N J Miller, Lewis, do for Boston; Adrianna, of Bath. VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 20th, sch B t Walker, Burt. Boston for Baltimore. Ski, sells II Curtis, Julia Elizabeth, Wreath, It M Brookings, Etta M Barter, July Fourth, Almeda, Bedondo, Westerloo, J Strout, Ernest T Lee, Zicova. Olive Branch, Forest City, Jed F Duren, M L New ton, Sami Nash, and others. EDGARTOW N—Ar 21st, schs Elouise, New York for Boston; 11 Curt:s, and Ida Hudson, dobfor do. In port 21st, schs Silas McLoon, Spear, from New York for Salem; Charlie & Willie, do for Portland; Ella, do for Salem; Lucy Baker, Amboy for Boston; S P Adams, New York for Salem; Willie Luce, Bal timore for Boston; Laura T Chester, fm New York for Camden; Ned Sumpter, from Rockland for New York. w t. Also in port, selis Bedabedec, Knowlton, Malden for Boston; Idaho, Peck, New York for Boston; Ruth llodgdon, Elbridge Gerrv, Susan, Janies Free man, John James, Telegraph, Moses Eddy, S J Lind sey. Senator Gilines, America, Mabel Hall, Ruth Tapley, and the arrivals of the 19th. HYANNIS—Ar 20tli, sch Marbinger, W'ontworth, New York. „ , , BOSTON—Ar 22d, schs Elvira, Watts, Hoboken; Metropolis, Roberts, Vinalliaveu. Cld 22d, sch Grecian Bend, Godfrey, Ponce via Portland. Cld 22d, sch H M Foster, Walker, Demarara. In port, brig St Francois, for Portland, to load for South America. „ , SALEM—Ar 21st, schs Nellie Doe, Trask, Phila delphia for Danversport; L J Clark, Decrow, Lin colnville for New Bedford; W H Archer, Bellatty, Boston for Ellsworth. MILLBR1DGE- Ar 18th, schs D P, Strout, and Fred & Jack, Leighton, Portland. FOKttlCiN POUTS. Sid fm Singapore Nov 1, barque IT A Litchfield, Drummond/Marseilles. Sid fm Batavia Nov 1st, barque Albert Russell, Carver. Cheribou, to load for LTuited Kingdom. In port Nov 1, ships Oneida, Eaton, for roast, to load sugar for Channel at £2 10s; Veiitus, Stetson, disg: and others. Sid fm Cardiff 20tb, ship El Dorado, Brown, for Rio Janeiro. _ .. Ar at Liverpool 20th, steamer Lake Nepigon,Scott Portland. , Ar at Queenstown 21st. shin Gatherer. Thompson, San Francisco; 22d, San Joaquin, Drmkwater, iroin San Francisco. [Latest by European steamers.] Ar at Alicante Nov 30, Evanell, Hicbboru, from New York. . . , Sid fm Cheribon Oct 2S, Goodcll, French, United States. _f , . Sid fm Cadiz 2d inst, Sarah E Kennedy, I'ickett, New York. Old at Singapore Nov l9t, barque I£ A Litchfield, Drummond, Marseilles. Ar at London 9th, Moonbeam, Dunham, fm Tova Islands. Ar at Reunion Oct 28, Jennie B Gilkey, Gill* y, Cadiz. Sid fm Samaraug Oct 24. Antioch, Hemingway, Sourabaya. Ar at Singapore Dec 8th, David Brown, Colcord, New York. SPOKEN. Nev 20, lat 40 25, Ion 34 45, barque “Arcturus,” of Ellsworth, with loss of sails and rudder head. Dee 5, lat 81 S, Ion 89 W, ship St Joseph, Kales, from Arica for Falmouth. SPECIAL NOTICES. GEO. A. HARMON’S No. 517 Congress St., MECHANICS’ BULBING, a large assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, — AND— J ewelry, FINE PLATED WARE, STERLING SILVER WARE, Large Slock of Neck Chains, Lockets, Pendants, Gold and Fine Plated Jewelry, Amethyst, Cameo, Tur quoise, and Sand Rings. Ladies’ Gold Watches, Getst's Stem Winding Watch $8.50. Rogers’ Plated Table Knives $3.50 per »©z. dels sndlw FIVE GENT CIGAR is tlie best at its price in the city. For sale at Sclilotterbeck’s Drug Store, 501 CONGRESS STREET. Open Twenty-Four Hours a Hay. UCUO ouuu Christmas Goods TODD & MORSE, 177*7 Street, (First Poor from Excliango,) Have In stock for the Holidays Gold and Silver Watches, a fine lot of Finger Kings, Ladies’ Gold and Plated Neck Chains and Lockets, Bracelets, Cuff Buttons, Sets, Ear Kings, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Silver Napkin Kings and Hugs. Solid Gold and genu ine Amethyst and Garnet Slone Kings for $3.00, $3.35 and $3.50 each. Peep O'Day Alarm Clocks and all other Clocks lower than any place lit the city. Don’t forget. TODD & 3IORSE, 177 middle Street, First Door from Ex deli) change Street. dsnlw Solid Gold Amethyst and Garnet Kings ONLY $2,25, at McKENNEY’S, 531 Congress Street. dels sndlw We have just closed a contract with a large Cotton Mill for all the REMNANTS — OF — F8R3E 40 IHCH Unbleached Cottons Made during the next year. They' will be shipped to us about the first of eaih month. A sample bale is now in stoek and will be sold at Sc PER YARD. Eastman Bros. 534 CONGRESS STREET. delO sndtf Ladies’ and Gents’ Gold Watches AT BOTTOM PRICES, AT McKENNEY’S, 531 Congress Street. dels sndlw IN LOOKING FOB GALL AND SEE DUB NEW iF» 3Z>. Clicncy c&? Co. 258 miDDfiE ST., del3sn2v7 Over filay,» iDi ny Store. Children’s Band and Stone Rings, SOLID GOLD, ONLr §1.00. McKENNEY’S, - 531 Congress Street, dels sndlw SPECIAL NOTICES. ^Tliese extracts are unequalled for the toilet. Each xlor is distinct, delicate and natural. They are put n, in half-pint bottle*, glass-stoppered, at $1.60 >acli, or sold by the ounce for 20 cents. Among the nany odors wo have: Kmn. Itouquet, Patchouly, F'—iii.gipnnni, Poud l.ily, trope, Boudelciia, d)a«iuine, B*«e hfraniiim, Joc key Club, Y'iolcttc, 7Bu*Ic, Weui Cud, New .71 own Hay, White Kow, ©cenu Nprny, YVoori Y iolet, Yluug-Ylaug. The above extracts are equal, if not better, than Lubiu’s or any imported, and are remarkably cheap when we consider that each $1.50 bottle contain* eight times as much as Lubin’s, which retails for $1 GEO. C. FRYE, COB. CONCRE** & FRANKLIN 8TS. nolO M W4F *n2m HEY I> ROCK, Dunlin, Rladiug & .'lining Powder, Pune, Caps and Electric Ifavtiug Machine*. Agent for Tallin & Rand Orage Powder Co. T. xr. DAVIS, Cor. Federal tend Temple Wt*., Portland. del9 sndlw Dont buy worthless imitutious of the Peru o’ Oil v Alarm Clock hut buy the genuine artiele, at McKEJiNEV’S 531 Congress Street. del8 nnlw FINANCIAL. United States, State, City, Town and Railroad Bonds ISoaajglat and Sold by Woodbury & Moulton Cor. Middle & Exchange Sts. augC «odtt ST. LOUIS, HANNIBAL & KEOKUK R. R. CO. First Mortgage 7 percent. Bonds DIE 1917. Issued at $12,000 per mile of completed road; $10,000 cash per mile already paid in on stock sub scriptions and expended ia construction. Principal and interest payable in New York, cou -“1* ** WV.VMV.. We offer a balance of $500,000 of these bonds at 90 and interest, reserving the right to advance price without notice and recommend them as a safe invest ment. AMERMAN A BVRWELL, Banker*, deSdlm NO. 16 BROAD ST., New York. Liie Insurance. MONEY TO LOAN on life and endowment insurance policies; the same bought atreasonable rates. Address nollsndtf P. O. Box 1019, Portland, Me. (Members N. Y. Mining Board,) FINANCIAL AGENTS, Dealers and Brokers in MINING AND OTHER SECURITIES, INTO. 54 Wall St., NEW YORK. W. H. Stephenson, J. L. McKeeveb. .REFERENCES: Cashier Phoenix National Bank, New York; Cashiers of all National Banks in Port land, Me.; Cashier Second National Bank, Bangor, Me. de2dtf State, City and Town Bonds AND GOV’T SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. SAMUELHANSON, Banker and Broker, 194 MIDDLE STREET. je4 eodtf 100 DOZEN We have just bought man ufacturers’ stock and offer One Lot Boys’ Ties - 10c “ tt a n m a a a - 17 U 44 44 44 . 29 44 44 44 44 _ “ “ Men’s “ - 25 44 44 44 44 . 44 44 44 44 . gg 44 44 44 44 _ t).| These are all first-class goods which will he found much under usual price. Owen, Moore & Co., del 9 'tf MERRY CHRISTMAS! AT STUBBS BROS.’ you can ttiul everything pretty and attractive for presents in the ART LINE ! r Pictures Framed Neatly iu all tlie Leading Styles. Come early and avoid the rush. Remember the place, at STL BBS BROS’, 1C TEMPLE ST. do22 ___d3t STOMSGTOflf ~ IJ.\i: FOR NEW YORK. AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS. This is the Only Inside Route Avoiding Point Judith. Steamboat Express trains leave Boston front Bos ♦ IV .T> T> .1-1 il.r flvnnnt <nn,iotr at 5.30 p. m., connecting at Stoniiigton with the en tirel> new ami superb Steamer Rhode Island, every Monday. Wednesday and Friday, and with the ele gant and popular Steamer Stoniiigton, every Tues day, Thursday and Sat unlay, arriving in New York nlwny* in advance of all other line*. Bag gage checked through. Tickets procured at depots of Moston & Maine and Eastern Railroads, and at Rollins Adams’, 22 Ex • change St., and W. D. Little & Co.’s, 49Vis Exchange Street. L. W. 5TLKINS, D. S. BABCOCK, Gen. Passenger Ag’t, New York. President, octi dtf All Premiums at STATE FAIR, 1879. LAMSON, Artist Photographer, Opposite Falmouth Hotel, ' PORTLAND, ME Up can Bight only. no4dtf DRESS MAKING! 3© SALSM ST. Low Prices previous to removal to ^ Congress Street. Will tit Basques for 50 cts, Wednesdays free. The art of cutting taught. Would take one more apprentice. Work secured after learned. Refers l*y permission to MRS. A 13ALT< )N, 28 Spring St. oe2M3m Cleveland & Marston, 138 EXCHANGE ST., Have jia^t received for the Holiday Trade , a Hue assortment of Portable Stand*, Drop Eight*,' Lamps, Shade*, Acid nod C ut Globes. Bronzes Ac. delOdlw E. IV. FUESUHLUi & BROS. Advertising Agents, (ISO W. FOFBTH ST., CI.VeTOATI. Estimates furnished free* Send fo**Circular.