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The Portland daily press. [volume] (Portland, Me.) 1862-1921, March 29, 1883, Image 4

Image and text provided by Maine State Library

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Wit and Wisdom.
Lord Reginald Sandsdenler (In answer to
confidential remark of liis host): Twenty
thonsand pounds worth of plato on the table,
SirGorgius? I wonder you ain’t afraid of be
ing robbed!” Sir Gorgius Midas: “Robbed,
my lord! Good ’evens! I’m sure yer lordship a
too bonnerable lieveu to think of siclt a
thing!”—Punch. _
Byron never uttered truer words than when
he said, “Physicians mend or end us.” But
while doctors disagree, all the world has agreed
that there is no remedy equal to Dr. Bull’s
Cough Svrup. _
During the dessert a young Marsellais re.
counted that he had had a miraculous escape
from a frightful shipwreck, “yes," he said,
“15 of my friends were in a ship; it capsized,
and »11 were swallowed up by the waves.”
"And how,” asked some one present, “ware
you able to escape from this tbrrible accident?” '
“Oh,” he replied calmly, “1 was in another
Some people are always running for the
doctor when the least thing is the matter with
themselves, or their children. Of course, the
doctor likes this, for he gets well paid for it
But there are many occasions when the judt
cions use of Pkhry Davis’s Pain Killek will
do all the doctor can. Mr. R. V. Miller, of
Syracuse, N. Y., says he has for twenty years
used Pain Killek for miscellaneous family
sickness; and that it is so valuable that it
ought to bo kept in every house.
An Austin clerk took in a bad $10 bill and
his employer, who is a very severe man, threat
ened to deduct it from his wages unless he
shoved it off on some other customer. He said
that he did not intend that the firm should
lose it. Next morning, when the proprietor
came down, the clerk met him with a beam
ing smile and said: “Hurrah! I shoved that
bill off on a fellow. The firm won’t lose a
cent.” “On whom did you palm it off?” X
threw dice, on account of the firm, with a
member of the legislature for it and we lost.”
—Texas Siftings.
Has Received Universal Endorsement
JVo other preparation possesses such remarks
ble properties for embellishing and strengthen
ing hair and rendering it dark and glossy. It
•ures baldness and eradicates dandruff.
Burnett’s Flavoring Extracts are the best.
The fault o| the animal: “I do wish cattle
would glow larger," sighed the Chicago belle;
“my shoeB pinch my feet.”—Washington
A mystery explained: “Strange,” remarked
Mr. Brown; “I have rang at Mr. Smith's door
three times this week, and I didn’t succeed in
raising anyone. I guess the family is out of
town.” “Possibly,” replied Mr. Jones;
“but Mr' Smith was telling me just now that
she could tell your ring among a thousand.”
—Boston Transcript.
A Portland lady said: “I owe my success in
cooking pudding, biscuists, doughnuts, dump
lings, cakes, &c., to Congress Yeast Powder
It never fails and that is what I can't say of
some others I have used.”
Pavonia.Boston.Liverpool.. ..Mch 28
Antilles..New York.. Porto Rico... Mch 28
Circassian.Portland... .Liverpool_Mch 29
Gellert.New York.. Hamburg_Mch 29
State of Nevada—New York. .Glasgow..... Mch 29
City of Puebla.... .New York.. Havana.Mch 29
Egypt. .New York..Liverpool... Mch31
Devonia...New York..Glasgow .. ..Mch 31
Salier.New York..Bremen.Mch 31
Helvetia ... .New York.. Liverpool... Mch 31
Newport.New York..Havana.Mcb 31
Canada.New York London ..... Mch 31
Valencia.New York. .Laguayra—Mch 31
Wyoming.New York..Liverpool_Api 3
Servla..New York. .Liverpool.Apl 4
Amerique.New York..Havre.Apl 4
Brooklyn.Portland.. .Liverpool.Apl 5
Britanic.New York .Liverpool_Apl 6
Alaska.New York. .Liverpool—Apl 10
Dominion.Portland... Liverpool.Apl 19
Sin rtsrs. .5.47
San sets.6.23
High water, tp m?.. S.U5
I Moon me*... morn
WEDNESDAY, March 28.
Steamship Eleanora, Bragg, New York—mdse to
Henry For.
Seh Kate McKinnon, (Br) McKinnon, Barrington,
in ballast.
Brig Ysidora Eionda, Jones, Porto Bico—Natter,
Kimball A OS.
Seh A O Gross, Greenlaw, Baltimore—Berlin
Mills Co.
Sen Marion Draper, Bailey, New York—Berlin
Mills Co.
Sch Vicksburg, Kendall, New York—E Clement
A Co.
Sch Charlotte Bnok, Smith, New York— Berlin
Mills Co.
Seh James Ford, Nickerson, North Boothbay, to
load for Philadelphia—J Nickeison A Son.
Seh Louisa Frances, Thorndike, Bockland—Ken
•ell A Tabor.
8ATT.KD—Brig Ysidora Eionda.
Seh Lizzie J Clark, of Camden, 48 tons, has been
purchased by Shepherd, Jones A Co, of Bockport,
for the lime business.
Sid fm Delaware Breakwater 28th, barque Dar
ing, for New York.
Ar at Charleston 27th, sch Cassia Jameson, from
Sid 27tb, seh Jas T Morse, for Boston.
Ar at New Orleans 27tb, sch Robert Graham, fm
Cld at Darien 27th, sch Carrie 8 Bailey, Bath.
Ar at Bavana 28th, barque T L Swett, Griffin,
Bowling. (Jan 12.)
Ar at Moville Mch 27, steamer Caspian, Thomp
son, Portland for Liverpool, (and proceeded.)
Ship Bence, Adams, at Philadelphia from Liver
pool, reports some heavy weather on the passage,
and lost and split sails. Brought over an English
Barque Surprise, Averill, from Iloilo for N York,
put into St Thomas Mch 26 iu distress.
Brig Orbit, Nash, at Philadelphia from Cardenas,
reports heavy weather on the passage and had every
thing movable washed from the decks and is now
leaking three inches per hour.
Bid fm Boothbay 26th, seh Rebecca J Evans. Kel
ley, southern shore.
Ar at New Fork 27th, sehs Titmouse, from Port
land, bound south; Louise A Rosa, Boothbay for do;
Cora Louise, Harpswell for do; David Crockett, im
Portland for do.
SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 201h, ship Anna Camp,
Erickson, Departure Bay.
Cld 27th, ship Rufus K Wood, Norton,Cork.
PORTLAND, O—Ar 15tb, ship Chesebrougb.Hunt,
Philadelphia. '
APALACHICOLA-Cid 20tb, sch T S McLellan,
White, Philadelphia.
PENSACOLA—Ar 24th, sch Chas FUeyer, Po
land, Port Spain.
FEBNANDINA—Cld 19th, sch St Johns, Mat
thews, Port Spain.
JACKSONVILLE—Ar 22d, seh Flora Condon,
French, New York.
BRUNSWICK—Ar 21st. scb June Bright, Barter,
Ar 22d, sch Almeda Wilty, Copeland, Philadel
Ar 23d, sch Wiliie L Newton, Pendleton, New
DARIEN—Ar 26ib, sch A L Henderson, Bender
sen, New Fork; Jennie F Willey, St John, NB;
Nellie, Drlnkwater, Bridgeport.
CHARLESTON—Ar 27tb, sch Jos Souther,Walt*,
Sid 27th, Jas T Moire, Topper, Boston.
BALTIMORE—Ar 27th, barque Augustine Kobbe
Ford, Orpbilla.
Cld 27th, steamer Walker Armlngton, Smith, lor
PHILADELPHIA—Ar 26th, sch Wm T Donnell,
Bassett, Boston.
Cld 2Btb, barque Nicola, Brown, Cadiz; scbs Al
bert W Smith, Berry, and Wm T Donnell, Bassett,
Boston; L A Orr, Brown, d«.
Ar 27th, ship Renee, Adams, Liverpool; brig M A
Berry, Lawrenoe. Bath.
Cld 27ih. sch Eva C Fates, Yates, Sagua.
At Delaware Breakwater 26th, barque Daring,
from CaHiarien for New York; sehs Carr on, from
Philadelphia for Havana; Clytle, from Baltimore
for Portland.
PERTH AMBOY—Sid 25th, sch Express, Hodg
don, Portland.
Ar 27th, sch City of Augusta, Johnson, from New
NEW YORK—Ar 24tl), sch Fannie E Wolston,
Marr, Savannah.
Ar 26th, schs Helen L Martin, Otis, Pensacola;
Vandalia, and Marccllus, Providence; Flora King,
Newport; Maud Mallock. Calais; Helen Thompson,
Thomas ton; E M Branscomb, and Wigwam, Provi
dence: Nettie Cashing, and 8 J GillMore. Rockland;
Gen Hall, do; A Peters, aud Alpine, Providence;
Wm Butman, Fall River.
At City Island 27tb, schs St Elmo, and America,
tor Rockland; Cbas K Sears, and Laconia, for Bos
ton: Python, for Providence.
NEW HAVEN—Ar 26th, sch Mary E Long, Or no
STONINOTON-Ar26tb, sch G W Hawley, Hart,
r^S9SSSS/ to.10*? stone for Baltimore.
BRISTOL—Ar 20th, ech Samuel Brown, Maddox,
Rockland. ’
derson.'New York~Ar 27tb’ '°b MarT Loui“' Ao
h2!bII,"SI(1 sell T Benedict, McCobb,
NFWpVu?,*' *? lo?d ':lttV ,0r P»r‘lan<l.
dik1ESMf™CVoc,kw“1 v'cLM°’«■<*■>
p/rmnd^New YofkTArl!7th- 8Ch C°n({r“8' ,m
HoinSenrfo?Ip?rtla^N~.A,r 26th- 8cLe Edw Wait*
m.Tm- d;r co'’*' Norwood, Arabov
j£j[ annOcY B ’ Job“«on, Wiscasset for Rap
Retarned, seb A llaudale.
Sld26tb, achs Harry p Percy, Laura If .Tones
Maud Malloch Mary Langdon, Mary, 5oi CarUon'
and A Havford. ’
EDQABTOWN—Ar 26tb, schs Luella a Snow
Snow, dames River for Rockland; Harmony Pater'
shall. New York for Belfast; Nettle Cushing,’Robin
son, Rockland for New York.
HYANNIS—Ar 27tb, sch Gen Howard, Brook
ings. Portland.
BOSTON—Ar 24tb, seb Elwood Harlow, King,
Old 24tb, sch Melrose, Lufkin, Rockland.
GLOUCESTER—Ar 26th, »ob William A Morrill,
Racket!, Portland for New Vork.
Sid 28ili, .oil Caroline Knight, Carlo, Rockland
for New York.
Ar 27th, B0h Lucy Bakor, Allen, from Rockland
for Warren.
At Yokohama Eel) 10, ahlp Susan Gillmora, Carv
er, une.
At Hong Kong Feb 20, ships C B Uazeltlne, Gil
key; B P Cheuev, Humphreys, and Guardian.
Fletcher, unc; barques Herbert Blaok, Treat, for
New York; <1 G Pendleton, Coloord, for San Fran
cisoo; Cuas G Rice, Smart, unc.
At Calcutta Fob 20 barque Sami Skolfleld, For
saitb, for New York.
At Iloilo Feb 7th, ship Mindoro, Hutohinson. for
Boston, ldg sugar; Suuiner K Mead, Park, lor Now
\ ork with 1,3uO ions sugar.
Ar kt Valparaiso Feb 14, ship Bombay, Peterson,
At Departure Bay Mob 16, ship Richard 111, Ad
ams, uno; barque 0 O Whitmore, Calhoun, do.
At Callao Feb 23, ship Belle O’Brien, Phiuney,
seeking; barque S R Bears©, Bernard, do.
At Iqulque Feb 24th. barque Beatrice Havener,
Mahoney, for Hampton Reads, ldg.
Ar at Buenos Ayres Feb 16, barque Meguuticook,
Hemingway, Rosario for Boston.
Sid Feb8, barque Heury Warner, Reed, Boston.
In port Feb 14, barques Syra, Petteuglll; Sami B
Hale, Haven; Auua Walsh, Appleby; B Webster,
Prince; John E Chase. Parks, and Stephen G Hart,
Pearson, (destinations uot reported,)
At Rosario Feb 1, sch Nabuui Chapin, Aroy, from
Ar at Rio Janeiro Feb If), barque Palo Ait?, Grlf«
tin, Brunswick. Ga.
Sid fm Aspinwall 16th, barque Boy Is ton. Small,
Cienfuegos; brig FJleu Muuroe, Green. Cardeuus.
Ar at Demarara Meh 0. sch Willie ft Lord, from
At Ponce Meh 6, ship Stephen Bennett, Doualass,
Arat Halifax 27th, steamer Oregen, Williams,
from Liverpool for Portland.
Ar at St Johu, NB, 27th, sch Ella Brown, Keene,
j Machias, to load for New York.
Cld 27th, brig M A Palmer, Traftou, Havana.
March 19, lat 40, lou 60, barque Investigator fin
New York for Trieste.
What a Misfortune to disfigure your silver
ware with liquid preparations of acids when
you can obtain Electro-Silicon, a perfectly
harmless silver polish, of your grocer or drug
gist. Send for sample or lf»o. for box. Ad
dress 72 John street, New York.
Iu Union, March 7, John Eastman and Miss An
nie Morse.
In Chelsea, March 25, Fred W. Blauchard of Gar
diner and Miss Olive Briery of Chelaea.
Iu Lisbon Falls. March 25, Isainh A. Ariery and
Miss Adelaide Chisholm, both of Bath.
iu Kocklaud, March 8, Maynard 8. Williams and
Miss Anuie K. Ulmer.
In this city, March '28, Alice J., w ife of Heury I.
Morse, and oldest daughter of Benjawiu F. Getohell
of East Machias, aged 38 years. Eastern papers
[Funeral on Friday afterttoou, at 2 o’clock, at
No. 3 Stetson Court. Burial at convenience of the
In West Baldwin, Marsh 25, Norman M., sou ol
Ira F. and Ida J. Burnell, aged 11 mouths.
In Bath, March 24, Mrs. Mary Clark, aged
years 11 mouths.
iu Bath, March 24, Georgianna DeWolf. daugh
ter of Charles and Octavla DeWolf. aged 20 ydars
In Woolwich, March 19, of diphtheria, tiannal
B., wife of Hairison Savage, agsd 37 years.
In Woolwich, March 24, Ida Florence, daughtei
of Silas L. and Annie B. Savage, aged 4 years and
10 month*.
In Springfield, Mass., March 24. Samuel Harris
formerly of Yarmouth, Me, aged 80 year*.
In Augusta, March 27. Catharine, wife of Capt
Jacob Britt, aged 66 years 9 months.
In Waldoboro, March 19, Jacob Acborn, aged 81
years 4 months.
In Waldoboro, March 14, Mrs. Lucena Lermond
aged 53 years 3 months.
In Bristol, March 13, Mrs. Betsey Sproul, aged
94 years.
Iu Bristol. M..rch 13, James Thompson, agec
90 years.
jy*Tbe funeral service of the late Mrs. Clar
ence L. Marston will t*ke place this (Thursday
afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at her late residence, 211
Newbury street. [Burial private.!
Mi>s Helen L. Coe is bow prepared (o
accommodate a few more pupils in elocu
tion, and voice building. For terms, Stv.
apply at 211 Cumberland St.
feb24_ S*itf
Practical Business Course.
INSTRUCTION in a practical business course,
given by the undersigned, an experienced teach
er. For full particulars address
P. 0. BOX 1813. - - CITY.
mar 20 3>w*
Instruction in English mui Cl&ss
ie&l Studies.
g ven to private pnptis by the suutcrlbAt
143 Pearl Street
I»j24 <!tl
BIH1NEHS C .'r Hi -■ >.
Real Estate and Insurance
511-2 Exchange St.,
feb8 d3m
Herbert G. Brigp,
— or —
American & Foreign Faieiits,
No. 93 Exchange St, Portland. Me.
BP'All business relating to Patents promptly and
faithfully executed. Jul2dtf
for Gentlemen. L idles and Misses
M. Gr. p ; IiMBB,
5530 Middle Street.
marl7 dtf
To 1%\.
THREE floors In store No. 44d Fore street, w ftfa
steam power. Apply on the premises.
|an 12dtf R. DUN HAM ft SON.
A SMALL, neat, plearant tenement on Parris
Street, with Sebsgo. Rent $8.00. Apply
morning, noon or evening to Jf. A. JONES,
mar22dtf _203 State St.
Desirable Residence To Let,
FIRST-CLASS hou-e on State Street, rental for
three years or lea®, immediate possession can
be had. Inquire of G. W. YERUILL, 101 Middle or
15 Gray Street. Jan 1 Odtf
For Kent.
STORE No. 321 Congress Street, opposite Ply
mouth Church. The above offers a good
chance for an enterprising person in the Boot and
Shoe business. Possession given April 1st. B.
SIIAW, 48Vfc Exchange St. marSeodlm*
Photographi- Gallery to Let May 1.
NOW occupied by C. B. Cona?»t, 478 Va Congress
street, Portland, Maine. The above has been
occupied 18 years by Photographers and commands
first- class trade. Apply to
18 I - - St.
Store Nos. 117 &1I9 Middle St,
BELOW the Poet Offlco where all the large
Wholesale Jobbing Houses arc located, in dry
goods, Fancy and other Classes of goods. Kitted up
with two Counting rooms, Brick and Iron Safe, Ele
vator, Counters, Tables, Gat> and Water, with light
and airy basement all In perfeet repair. Heated by
a furnace. Inquire of H. E, THOMPSON 164
Brackett St. where the key* may,be found.
Invalids wlio are recovering vital stamina, declare
in grateful terms their appreciation of the merits as
a tonic, of Hostettei's Stomach Bitters. Not only
does it impart strength to the weak, but it also
corrects an irregular acid state of the stomach,
makes the bowels act at proper intervals, gives ease
to those who suffer from rheumatic and kidney
troub os, and conquers as well as prevents fever and
For sale by all Druggists aud Dealers generally,
mchl coa&wlmb
Absolutely Pure.
This Powder never varies. A marvel oi parity,
strength and wholosoniouess. MoreVoonomlcal than
the ordinary lilie s, and eannot l>e sold In competi
tion with the multitude of low test, short weight
alum or phosphate powders, Solti only in rann.
Royal Baking Powmsh Co., 10(> Wall St., N. Y.
tnchll , dlyr
ONE of the beat Provision Store* over offered in
Boston. Well located, doing a huge aud
profitable business, largely cash. Good teams
thoroughly equipped Offered for *ale on account
of ill health. Address T. S., care of Carrier No. 2,
Boston P. O , or for particulars apply iu person at
28 Cambridge St., Boston.
Furiu i’or Sale.
4T a great bargain. Situated on the line of the
P A O. R. K., thirty miles from Portland.
Contains 800 acres, a large portion of which Is
valuable timber land, and alone is worth more than
the price of the farm. It has a modern 1^ story
house, stable 40x00, barn 40x72, with commodious
outbuildings all in good repair, and a never falling
supply of running water, There are fifty acres
excellent tillage laud under a good state of oultiva
tion and cut-* about forty tons hay, and has one of
the best mountain pastures In the State. The land is
well adapted for any kind of farming, and is one of
the fiuest situations on the line of tho P. A O. R. K.
Price 17,000. For term* and oilier information
address OLIVER 1>. RICE,
No. ll*i Commercial street, Portland, Me.
mar 24 dtf
Business for Sale*
Excellent Book, Stationer) and
Fancy Good* Business. Estab
lished ten year*. Good clean
stock, steady trade. Ill licalih of
owner cause of selling.
m. b. kt:\mii( k & co.
n^r24dlw Saco, .Maine.
Large Farm for Sale in Wind
BY the direction of Hon. Henry C. Peabody,
.Judge of Probate, If not previously sold ut
private sale, will be offered at Auction, on WED
NESDAY, the Fourth of April next, at eleven
o’clock, A. M., on the premises, the Home Faun of
the late George W. Chute in Windham; consisting
of 12u acres of land, situated on the road running
North-East from the Railroad station at South
Windham, on© and a half miles therefrom, and
about the same distance from the Portland A Brulg
tou road, and ten miles from Portland. The farm
is in good oondition, well fenced, and produce# an
average hay crop of from 80 to 86 tons, aud ia fret
from white weed. There is a very large and good
pasture, and plenty of growth for needed firewood,
and several acre# of pine timber. On the farm arc
a two story house, large barn, commodious oub
buildings for all purposes, and four well* of water,
all under cover. The public road passes between
the buildings and a forty acre field, which is on a
southerly slope, with a brook at the bottom and the
shellering wood aud timber at the West sud North.
Ten cows and two horses have been kept on the
farm for the past veer, which leaves a large lot o(
minure with which to commence farming. The
pri. e set upon this productive farm amounts to lcs*
than Twenty -One Dollar# per Acre, and at that
price, the purchaser pay* nothing for the buildings
fences, timber nor the manure.
March 20,1883. WM. GOOLD, Executor.
mar2> eodAw2wl2
11HE Homestead Farm of the late Albion P. Wood
in Gorham. Maine, three miles from Gorham
Village, one and a half miles from West Gorham on
the road leading to Spruce Swamp; containing 106
acres of tillage, pasture aud wood land of which
about fifty acres are under good cultivation. The
house Is two stories, has nine finished rooms. Eli
Id x 60, one and a half story. Barn 38 x 70 feet
all connected and In first class repair. There is a
good Orchard of about 200 apple trees; a never
falling well of water. Also a valuable timber lot
of about fifteen acres In Buxton, Maine, about twe
miles from West Gorham on the road leading from
West Gorham to West Buxton. 'The timber con
sists of about 125 M. Pine, 60 M. Hemlock and 50(J
cord* hard wood. The farming tools; Wagons,
Sleigh'. 35 tons first quality Hay and other proper
ty of the deceased are also for sale.
Inquire for fuller particular* on the premise# of
the subscriber*, JANE B. WOOD,
or at G. T. R. Round House of
TIMOTHY W. BURBANK, Administrator.
March 22, 1883. mar23d3w*
Farm For Sale or To Let.
ONE of the best farms in the County of Cumber
land, situated in Cape Elizabeth, knows as the
“Brooks Farm” will be sold at a great bargain. 8.
I*. CARLETON, Att’y at Law, 180 Middle St. Port
land, Me. marSdtf
For Sale.
A COVERED Business Wafeon been used one year
Enquire of C. A. BECK Ft ®D,
xcarSdtf 220 Federal 8treet.
FOB ^^ Ii33.
THE very desirable residence of the late Rev.
Zen as Thompson, situate» on Lincoln Ht.,
Woodford's Corner, Decring. Contains fine garden
and fruit trees. For particulars apply to
FRED II. THOMPSON, 38 Union St., City.
For salt*.
ONK of the best homeiots to Portland, bar ft nice
stable and stone for cellar now upon it; will
sell on time and advance (2500 to help build a good
house on the premises. For particulars call on
jan22dtf L. TAYLOR, 385 Congress St.
-1 Dec. 20, 1881.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Qa.:
I have delayed thus long In writing be
cause I wanted to make "assurance double
sure" in the trial of 8. 8. 8. in my own case,
and am most happy to report that it has en
tirely eradicated every symptom of the dis
ease from my system. Had I followed the
advice of Tom Swift in years gone by, it
would have saved me ten years of Intense
fluttering. I have not felt the least ret urn of
the disease, and can fully and truly recom
me d S. 8. S. to all fluttering from the
Hoourge, and especially to the physicians In
Macau, whe knew iny condition; and when
I can positively assure them that it has not
only relieved rae of pain, but has entirely re
moved every symtom of the disease from my
system, it ought to convince even them of its
infallible |i name to
qualities. be pub
1 do not 1*®* "•*’ B*. lished —
wish my ^ut yOU
are free to show my letter to those who
formerly knaw of my condition. It is a shame
that human kind should suffer from the
prejudices of physicians to anything not laid
down in the text-books. Let inc assure you
of my gratitude and believe ite ever,
Yours truly, U. C. M.
About four or live weeks ago I was afflict
ed with a very aggravated type of Blood Die
ease. I commenced using H. 8. 8. and after
taking the first, bottle felt so much relieved
that i bought five more, and am glad to say,
after using four of them, that I am entirely
cored, previously having been under medi
cal advice for several months
C. (Lit. Richmond, Va.
If you doubt, come to see us, and we will
CURE YOU, or charge nothing! Write for
parHoulars and a co y of the little book
•‘A sago to the Unfortunate Suffering."
Ask iny Druggist as to our standing.
KF*$1,000 REWARD will be paid to any
Chemist who will find, on analysis of 100
bottles of S. S. 8., one particle of Mercury,
Iodide of Potassium, or any Mineral sub
stance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Proprie
tors, Atlanta, Ga.
Price of Mmnll Niz<-, • 81.00
Lnrjjc Mize, - I 75
nov9 Th8&Ta1 w
"ii Mai m /
Du. K. C. WKsT’i Nkiivk and Brain Tiieat
MKNT, a guaranteed specificfor Hysteria, Dizziness,
< Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache.
Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol
or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Hoft
cningofthe Brain resulting in Insanity and leading
to misery, decay and death. Premature Old Age,
Impotenry, Weakness in either sex, Involuntary
Losses and Bpermatorrh'oacaused by over-exertion
of the brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Bach
box contains one month’s treatment. $1. a box, or
0 boxes for *5 •<»0; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of
I price. We guarantee Oboxea to cure any case. With
each order received for 6 boxes accompanied wit h $5.
#e will send the purchaser our written guarantee
to refund the money if the treatment doe» not effect
a cure. »/. U. WKlf die Co., Proprietor#, issue guar
antees through H. 11. IIAY & (JO., Druggists, only
agents, Portland,Me.function Middle and Free Bts.
-=1L_ i --
Wo propose to sell, if possible, within the next ten days
more Silks then have ever been disposed of at retail in
the same leugth of time in this city. In order to ac
complish this we shall hold a SPECIAL SALE, at
which wre shall offer some stupendous bargains.
We will not quote prices but will ask for a close inspection
and comparison. Our stock of Black Silks was never so large as
now. We carry Four Full Lines Of the leading uakes and
we feel confident that we can suit everybody who may be in want
of a Black Silk Dress.
S .KS.
The ladies all unite in saying that there never was seen such
a beautiful silk for the money as Ihe two grades we ure selling
for #1.00 and $1.25 per yard. In the two grades combined we
show more than seventy shades*
For beautiful shades and tints, these goods excel. Notwith
standing the immense demand for them our assoitment remains
unbroken. We have choice shades which can not be duplicated,
and every lady desirous of securing a dress from these goods
should do so at once.
We have just received a new Hue of Brocade Silks in Colors
and Black. The colors were all carefully selected to match the
plain shades in Gros Grain and Ottoman Silks. These goods are
very desirable this season, and when combined with the plain
material make a very handsome and effective costume.
Colored Cashmeres- We have a large and elceant
assortment of these goods in full variety of Spring Shades, from
39 cents to $1.00 per yard
, Armure Cords and Checks. This is something en
tirely new in Spring Dress Fnbrfcs; very rich in design and
choice production of shades.
We have now in stock a full line of all the new shades of
Nun’s Veiling and Albatross Cloths- One case Cot
ton and Wool mixtures 12 1-2 cents per yard ; never before sold
less ihnn 25c. This Is a great bargain and they are selling rap
We have just received some extra bargains iu these goods,
and are selling them at prices at which they were never before
We are making a specialty of goods for Men’s and Boys’ wear
and are showing some very choice styles in Spring Woolens.
Please call and examine these goods.
Eastman Bros.
<fc Bancroft.
492 & 494 Congress St.
mart! dtf
Portland and Worcester Line.
Arrangement of Trains.
r-„. „ On and alter Monday, Wcl. HI,
I NNA,Passenger Traino will leaye
Fawgw{P.nl»ad at 1.30 a. nt., and
” ““"1.03 a. m., arrlring at Worcester
at 2.16 p, m. and 7.30 p. m. Returning leave
Union Depot, Worcester, at 7.30 a. tu. and 11.16 a.
m., arriving at Portland at 1.26 p. m. and 6.46 p.
For Clinton, Aycrj June., Fitchburg,
Nashua, I swell, Windham, and ho
ping at 7. JO a. in. and 1.03 p. in.
Far Manchester. Concord and point*North, at
1.03 p. m.
For Rochester, Mpringrale. Alfred, Wn
rrboro and Naca Hirer.7.30 a. nt., 1.03
P- nt., and (mixed) at O..JO p. m. Returning
leave Rochester at (mixed) 8.46 a. m., 11.16
a.m., and 8.36 p. m.; arriving nt Portland
(mixed) 0.40 a. m., 1.26 p. m. and 6.46 p. m.
For «orhnn^ Nnccnrappn, Cumberland
Mills, Westbrook and Woodford's,
at 7.30 a. m., 1.03, «.30 and (mixed!
*0.30 p. in.
The 1.03 p. m. tt tin front Portland connect* at
%ye~ dune, with llewnt Tunnel Route for
11 (Weet, and at Union Depot, Worcester, for
New Yorlt rla Norwich Line, and nil ruil,
U.Mpriugdeld, al«o with N. Y. A N. K. at.
R.(r,8turner Maryland Route”) for Pbilndcl
Kkta, Baltimore, Washington, and the
oulh and with Boston Ac Albany H. U. for
tne West.
Gloio connection* made at Westbrook Juue
vltji through tralmof Me. Contra) K.K., and
at GrandTrunk Transfer Portland, with through
trams of Grand Trunk 11. k.
Through tlokete to all point* South awl Weet, at
Depot office* and at Hr.ilQi* k Adams’ No. 22 Ex
s hangs Street.
• Does uot stop et oodford’i.
J. XV. PETERS. Supt.
Boston & Maine Railroad,
On anil aft«r Monday, Oct. 10. 1882,
I*T**«iitl 8.46 a. tu., 1.00 and 3.30 p. in.,
£2",s!V”3arrirlng at Hot ton at 1.16, 6.1(5
-“—and 8.00 p. m. RONTON FOR
PORTLAND at 0.00 a. m., 12.30 and 3.30
p. in., arriving at Portland at 1.00, 6.00, and 8.1k)
ORCHARD BEACH, 8,45 a. m.,
3.30 and 5.40 p. m. (See note,) FOB
BUNIt et 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 3.30 and 5.40 p. in.
FOR WEI.I.N at 8.45 a. in., 3.30 p. m. (See
El.l. at 8.45 e. ui., 1.00 and 3.30 p, m. FOR
NEW MARKET at 8.46 a. m. 3.30 p. m.
N. II., 8.46a. m., 1.00 and 3.30 p. m. FOR
ALTON BAY at 8.45 a. tn., 3.30 p. m. FOR
(rla Lawrence)at 8.45 a.m. (rla New Market
Jet.) at 3.30 II. in. MOHNINU TRAIN
LAND at 7.25.
Note—The 1.00 p. m. train from Portland
will not atop at Scarboro Beach, Pine Point, Old
Oichard Beach or Welle except to Tube
Puseengcra Far Boston. Pnrlor Carson ail
through train. Seat* aeenred in advance at
Depot Ticket Office.
hf Che 1.00 p. m., train from Portland con
nects with Heuud Line Nteaatrrs lor New
York and all Rail Line* for the Weal, and the 3.80
p.ni.. train with all Rail Lines for New York
and the South and Wer t.
Portland Far Baatau and Way atatlons at
1.00 p. in. Hasten Far Portland at 8.00 p. m.
Trains on Boston St Mains road connect with all
•teamen running between Portland and Bangor,
Rockland, Mt. Desert, Macblaa, Eaatport, Calais,
St. John and Halifax. Also connect with Grand
Trunk trains at Grand Trunk Station, and Maine
Central and Portland A Ogdenburg trains at Trans
fer Station.
All trains stop at Exeter ton minutes for refresh
ments. Elrst class Dining Room* st Portland,
Transfer Station, Exeter, Law rence and Boston
THROUGH TICKETS to all points West and
South may be had of M. L. Williams, Ticket
Agent, Boston Si Maine Depot, and at Union
Ticket Office, 40 Exchange St.
J. T.PURSER, Gen. Supt.
8. II. STEX ENS, Gen. Agent, Portland.
Eastern Railroad.
Commencing Sunday, October 15, 1883.
Train* leave Portland
At 9 a. at. Dally (Night Pullman) tor Saco.
Blddaford, Kennebunk, Kittery, Ports moot!.,
Newburyport, galena, Lynn and Boston, arriving
at 6.30a. m. Aepeelal gleeping Car will be
ready for oeeupancy in Portland station, at 9.00
p. m. (Sunday nights ilp. m„ and i* attached to
tide train for Boeuan.
.11 N,4L a. m. for dlpe Eli sabeth, Searboro, Saeo,
Btddeford, Kennebunk, Welle, North and South
Berwick, Conway Junction, connecting for all
stations on Conway Division. Kittery, Portsmouth,
Newburyport. Salem, Gloucester, Roockort,
Lvnn, Chelsea and Boston, arriving at 1.16 p. m.
t 1 p. m. lot Cape Eiiiabeth, Searboro Saco
Biddeford, Kennebunk. Wells, No. Berwick So
Berwick, Conway Junction, kitterv, Portsmouth
New bury port.Salt m, Lynn, Chelsea and Boston.’
arriving at 6.10 p. m. connecting with Sound and
Rail Lines for all Southern and Western point*.
Trains leave Bosiee.
At 9.00 a. m. and arrive in Portland at 1.00
m. At 13.30 p. m. and arrive m Portland at 6;0
p. in. At 7.00 p. m. (daily), anti at rive in Portlan
at 11.60 p. in.
Palltaao Parlor fore.
On trains leaving Boston, at 9.00 a m.
12.30 and 7.00 p. m. and trains tearing Por'land
8.46 a. m„ and 1p.m. (Through Pullman Sleep
tug Care on trains leaving Boston at 7.00 r m
and Portland at 2.00 a. m), *
Tkrsegk tickets ta all peieu Weal uad
MMtk may be had of J. M. French, Ticket Selier,
Eastern Railroad Depot and at Union Ticket Office
40 Exchange street.
Pallaeaa Car Tickets far Beau and
■ertkeeald at Drsei Ticket OMre.
New, ttm-elaes dining room at Portsmouth.
Through trains stop 10 minutes for meal*.
General Passenger and Ticket Agent,
0. W. S a SHORN. .WasterWjpcrtutloe.
OclB die
vyAKTs. ~~~
Y17TLL buy a manufacturing machine shop with
v r control of a machine, well established in the
market. This will bear investigation. Part of
purchase money mtv remain on mortgage. Ad
dress T. p”H.
„ . No. 4 Franklin Avenue
mar2»dlw^ _ East Somerville. Mass.
TWO rooms partially furnished in a private fam
ily, up town. Ad tress W. care Press Office,
stating locality. _ inar2gd3t«
House Wanted.
UP town, In exchange for one down town, which
is thoroughly built of brick, 3 stories with ell
16 rooms, eaxily arranged for 2 Families. Will pay
a liberal boot for the right place. Apply to
mar8eod3w»180 Middle St.
W tiled.
LA DV Agents for Portland and vicinity to can
vas for the-LADIES PROTECTOR”—UA en
tirely new Invention exclusively for ladies’ use
Sells to every lady who has the rnoner. All ladies
need it—none have It. First time worn twill save
its price In reduction of wash bills. Ladies are en
thuslas.Je over It. Retails for *1 no. Exclusive
territory given. If you want a pleasant, permanent
business that will net you JMOO a month, address
CO., 760 Ijikc St, Chicago, 111.
_ e,xlSt
AFCRNISHKO Itont or Cottage on Peak's Island
.tones' l.amlirg, for tlia season of 1 KS3. Ad
dress “M. It. F.," Iliis nlHoe. mar2bd 1 w
TATANTKD.—Cadies and young men hi city or
' * country to take a light work at their homes;
any one can do It; work sent by mail; good salary;
distance no objection; no canvassing, address with
•tamp, IRA Iil’KT, Ho* "17b, ltoston, Mass.
A FI RNISliKl) house, for a small family, without
children, near the line of the horse cars and
in the weetern part of the City preferred. Answer
P. o. Ho* 17ho.^waraihUiw
You Can Have Work
AX your own home, whole time or spare mo
menu, in a new btidnesa whero no peddling
or travelling Is necessary $5 to $10 a day can be
made. One dosen samples sent free to commence
on. Send lOo (stiver) or four Scent stamps for ad
vertising and postage, and address plainly,
JONES A- 4:0.
noslimf nlc. ITIrh.
margg __dim
13AKMKR and Wife to carry on a small farm.
Wife must bo a good butter maker. Address
Bo* No. 1213, Portland P. O. inarddtf
Rent Wanted.
A small convenient rent in cen
tral locution, or n t'onsc conven
ient for two Ninnll families.
Address KENT,
Tress Office.
GOOU Kuergetlo Canvassers to sell tho Faglo
Wringer on Installments. Men who can give
good reference or security can have outside territo
ry to bandlo. Address No. 33 Temple St.
no* 16 dtf
of oil kiutlft, in Ike
R STANLEY & SON, Importers,
Also, (icneral Managori for New England,
Summit Mineral Spring Water,
angle) ,t
Bound Brook Route*
New York, Trenton & Philadelphia.
Stations ia Philadelphia
Philadelphia Sc Readinn R. II.
Express Trains. Double Track Slone Bates
Be nra M bar tieucu (at any railroad or (Mam
boat ofllca in Now England) 'i»
nil WstfiliiuKimi Ntreel, ItosiAii.
ta i «i!t cd. P«M. A id out ij. LL. R. o .J
On itnd after HON DA V. Oct.
lOtli, Fussnisrr Trains will rim
as follows
Leave Potilnnd for Ynuceboro, HI
John, Halifax end thr Previa eex
Si. Andrew., Si. Stephen, Fredericton
Aroostook Count,, all itatlong on II. a
Piscataquis K. tt.. and.for Hanger, I
Bncksport. Dexter, Belfast and Mkow
begna, 1.25 v. in., 1.80 p. m., til.15 p.m
Waterrille, 7.00 a. m. 1.25 p. m„ 1.80p. ni
l.iiOo,' in., *5.16 {>. m. and on gatnriiaya only
at 11.16 p. m. Rockland, and Knox A
Lincoln H. B., 7.00 a. m., 1.80 p.
to.; Auburn nnd Lewiston. 8.16 a, m..
1.26 p. Eh., 6.06 p. m, Lewiston via
Brunswick 7.00 a. m., fll.16 p. m.;
Farmington, Phillips Nlonmoutb,
Winlhron, Headfleld, West Waterrille
and North Anson, 1.26 p. m., ami Farming
ton via Brunswick, 7.00 a. IB.
From Halifax, 8.10 a. m., 8.16 p. rn.; at,
John, 8.15 a. m., 8.30 p. in.; lloaiton, 10.30
a. rn.; St. Stephen. 10.46 a. m.; Bncksport,
o. i’O a. in., 6. p. m,; Vuucrboro, 1.35 a. m
1.30 p. ni. Bangor, 7.16 a. m., 17.4.7
p. m. Orxter. 7.00 a.m., 6.10p. m. Belfast
8.30 a. m., 3.05 p. m.\ Skowhegaa, 8 20 a. in.
3.15 p. m.; Waterrille. 9.15 a.m. 1.06.. *10.00
S.m.; and Monday, only at 6.16 a. m Augusta,
.00 a.m 10.00 a. m., #2.46 p. in., tlO,55 p. m,;
Gardiner, 8.17 a. m., 10.18 a.m., «3.07 p.
111.14 p. m. Bath. 8.66 a. m.. 11.00 a. m.,
•*.00 p.m.,and (Saturday* only at 11.66 p. m.
Brunswick, 7.26 a. m.. 11.30 a. m.,
•4.30 p. m., *12.35 a. rn., (night.) Rockland,
8.16 a. m., 1.15 p. m., Lewiston, 7.20 a.m.
11.10a. m.,*4.15p. m. 11.20pm. Pbillipo.6.65
a. m. Farmington. 8.20 a. m.; W'inthrop
10.13 a. in. being due in Portland a* follows:
The morning train* from Angnjta and Bath
8.85 a. in. Lewie ton, 8.40 a. rn. Tbe day
train* from Bangor, uni all Intermediate station*
and connecting road* at 12.46 and 12..45p.
m. The afternoon train* from Waterrille,
Augusta, Bath, Rockland and Lewiston at 6.40
p. m. Tbe Might Pullman Kxpree* train at 1.60
a. m.
t Sleeping Gars attached, run dally, Sundays In
eluded, between Boston and Bangor,
t Kuna through to Bangor every morning, and Bkow
begun Sunday Morning, but not Monday. Does
not run to Dexter. Belfast, Bncksport, or 8t
John Monday morning
•For Portland only.
Limited Tickets flrmt and seeond class fnr
Sr. Jehu and Halifax nn a ale ni reduced
PAYSON TUCKER, Gon’l 8upt.
P. E. BOOTHBY, Gen'l. Pass. A Ticket Agt.
Portland. Oct. 16,1882 octiadtf
Grand Trunk Railway of Canada,
ON and after MONDAY, October 23d,
IMNil, trains will run as follow*:
For Auburn and Lewiston,7.20 a. m„ 1.15
and 6.15 p. m.
For Gorham, mixed,7.40 a. m.. and 4.00 p.m.
For dloatreal, Quebec and Chicago 1.30
p. m.
From Lewiston and Anbnrn, 8.40 a. m.,
12.25, 3.16 and 5.60 p.m.
From Gorham, mixed, 9 40 a. m., 5.10 p. m
, F™® Chicago. Msatrea and Quebec,
12.35 p. ids
Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on night train and
Parlor Gar* on day train between Portland and
Tickets sold »t Reduced Rales,
To C’nnndn, Detroit, Chicago, .TIilwaukrr
C mrtunati, at. I.oois. Omaha, Magiu
rw w. Pant, Mall Lake City,
Denver, Man Francisco,
act! all points in tbe
iVertbirevi, Wr«i and Month went.
JOSEPH HICKSON, General Manager,
W. J. SPICER. Superintendent. octTdti
Portland &OgdensburgR.R.
Only line llirough in Same Day
bi rlwctoa, vt„
On and after Holiday, Sov. 13th,
***** •*«"*■«« Train* leave Portland
until farther notice
*•** A. .H.—For Fabyan’s. Littleton, Lancaater
and ah point, on B. C. M. B. K., St. Johnsbury,
Burlington, Ogdensburg and all point* on O. A L.
C. K. K., Newport, Sherbrooke, Montreal and all
point* on South eastern Railroad and branches.
** **• JI* — From Fabvan’r and intermediate
Troiax arrive is Portland :
10.50 a. M.—from Fab vans.
lO.fK) y9 m.— from Montreal, Ogdensburg, Burling
I ortiand1 November 13, 1»82, novlSdtf
Romford Falls & Km-f;field
. b.att.roai>.
«*■• =-=^ia Leave Canton for Portland and
'^SfUwtoton, 4.16 and ».so a. m.
I--. - Leave Portland for Canton, at 7.30
a. tn. and 1.30 p.m.
Leave Lewiston at 7.10 a. m. and 1.67 p. m.
Stage eonnoeticn* with Byron, Metioo, DlxfleU
Peru, Livermore, West Stunner and Turner
„ , OTIS HAYFOR1) Snpt.
Portland, Oct. 16. 1883 octI4dtf
a f KAMKltS.
General Ocean 8t#amer Ticket Office.
FOB sale of passttage tickets bv the White Star
C rniard. Anchor, Slat*, American, Red Star,
North German Lloyd, Hamburg. American, Rotter
dam, Amsterdam and Italian lines, all tirst class
fast passage steamers, to and from all points in
Europe. Cabin, 1M Cabin and steerage oiuward anti
prepaid tickets from Portland at lowest rates.
Steerage prepaid tickets from iuiand places in En
rppo1 to Inland planes in the United States. Ster
ling and Scandinavian exchange at lowest rates
Choice Cumberland and Acadia coal for sale by th *
cargt*. For cabin plau*, cirwulars, sailing schemes
&c. and other information apply to ,f L. FARMER
Agent, 22 Exchange St. P. O. Box 97#.
»M>10 _dly
. , Grand Excursion. leave New York
-''‘b, dune 1st, dune 13th aud June 30th,
l»8d, t*n.»age Ticket, by all Atlantic
■■ennsetw. Special facilities for securing vood
berth,. Tsuriil Ticket, for individual travel
leiv In t ur.pr hv all routes, at reduced rate*.
t eak*. Kxriir»ieui»t. with Map, and full par
ticulars. bv mail, 10cls. Address TltilS. COOK
A- WON, J6I It road it n v,N. V. feblSWsS17w
Estimate* sf Cost for Tonr. to uuy pari of
„ Europe nnd the Orient.
TU'KktS cheerfully imparted and
lU.KKlitlSSl ED. l ull iiariiculars in monthlv
rroret, with maps sent froe. Address AMERICAN
way, New A ork. t. A. BARATTONI. Mnaager.
iu«tr24 _ cod3m*
Book Binder.
WM. A. «|UIRCY, Rm. l|, prlntrr.
IVOTL‘ « *" ® K K E HV OIYi-Y, that the
^xof,'»1rofhaS *— duly Appointed Kaecu
CHARl.ES HUMPHREY, late of Yarmouth,
jn the County of Cumberland, deceased and
has taken upon herself that trust by Using
bonds as the law directs. All nSIraf
haring demands upon the estate of said deceased
ar® ,r.ei\u. r®' , f"*xblblt the same; and all persons
inout to l° ,Hili *re callo't upon to make pay
Yarmouth, Mar. 17,1883. ,w»aiUw»w W
TV^1!3? ff1 ®KREBY OIVKN, that
ulor o* th? WUU(r ***“ dUly ‘Tl'ointed W
GEORGE AY. CHUTE, late ol Wludbaoi,
in the County of Cumberland, deceased, and has
J5*upon himself that trust by giving bonds as
the law direels. All persons having demands upon
the estate of said deceased are required to exhibit
the same; and all persona indebted to said estate are
called upon to make payment to
Windham, Mar. Bill, 1883. marl ft ilawBwTh*
1Y the subscriber has been duly appointed >n,i
Uken upon himself the trust of AdminStriSi
tic bonis non with the AVill auuoxed iVumi,U8tTHtor
M ARY A..N DAY, late of Portland
In the County of Cumberland, decau^.i i
bonds ns the law directs A11,8'V,<m
mauds upon the estate of said deceasedXV« ?Hr
ed to exhibit the same; andallSSSS’taA.fcW?'
said estate are called upon to rX piytuent to
,t^;;^eS,tuiu"Ad-"'r <• 3,non\uh
Portland, Mar. S, 1883. mardlawSwTh*
— AND —
Direct Steamship L.ine.
Every Wednesday and Sat*
Every Tuesday and Friday.
,>2, -- From Long Wharf, Boston, 3
-AfySL—Civ P- m. From Pine Street Wharf
rl! Afc.'Cfii Philadelphia, at 10 a. m.
insurance one-ha!f the rate of
: £*Uln*vessel.
Freight for the West by the Penn. K. B.. and
Sooth hy connecting lines, forwarded free of com.
Pownge Ten Uollnr, Round Trip 818.
_ _ , Jleala and Boom Incloded.
For Freight or Passage apply to
. H. B. aA.HHsov Agent,
de31tf 70 Long Whnrf, Boelon.
Royal Mail Steamships,
Performing service. between Lirerpool flj Glas
gow, and Halifax, Portland, Boston L Baltimore,
wltli calls at Moville, Queenstown, Galway Si
— sail from —
Portland for Liverpool.
via Halifax.
Caspian,Capt. Thomson. ir> Mar.
Circassian, Capt. Smith. 21* Mar.
Sardinian, Capt. Dutton. 12 April.
For Glasgow Direct*
NeaiorUn* on or about 10 Mat.
Scandinavian, on or about 20 Mar.
Buenos Ayrcau, on or about 27 Mar.
For passage apply to LEY K& ALDEN, General
Passenger Agents, 16 State St . Boston, and E. A«
WALDRON, 40 Exchange 8t., T. P. McQOWAK*
422 Congress St., or for passage or freight to H. &
A. ALLAN, Agents, No. 1 India St., Portland.
feb'J d'Ju2
PACIFIC RAIL 8. 8. (0.
-•'**"? - AMPaN, CHINA,
Maadwlcb Isiaada, .tew XealsaS «a«l
fco®1 New Wk on 10th, 20th and
d<>th of each month, carrying passengers for San
Francisco and all of the above ports.
Steamers nail from San Francisco regularly for
Japan, China and Samdvrieh if lands, New Zealand
and Australia.
For Freight, Pawage, sailing lists and further
Information, apply to or address the General Eaa
f . Cm »ABTLFTI Ac CO..
tio Miaie Mfrewt. r*» Hroa«l Mg.,
♦ or to W. D. LITTLE
! IsAHdtT nt Maehan/e flt.. Portion -
if Tb* etesmers of thi. Line will
_ V.idT • vs run daring, the winter season
fortnightly between this port and
I aGBaKSSafaLiverpool. The vessels are Clyde
| oQiit, full power*d and have superior acconimoda
[ tjon for cabin and steerage passengers. Prepaid
ticket, are issued at reduced rates to those desirous
of bringing out their friend*. Date, of sailing from
Portland to Liverpool direct:
•SARNIA, Capt. Lindali. .22Mar.
DOMINION. Capt. Dale . 24Mar.
BROOKLYN, Capt. M.GIbson. .'.Apr
•OREGON, Capt. Williams.7Anr
TORONTO, Capt. .Jo*. Gibson.l»Apr.'
•SARNIA, Capt. Lindali. 3May
mu or fashag*.
. • *50.00. & *60.00 Gold.
Cabin, return.*90.00 & *110.00 Oold.
Intermediate..*40.00 Gold
Steerage. J25.00Gollf
* ( °-’ General Agent., Graal Trunk Freight 0«
ees. foot of India street. nolttdtmyl
• These Steamers do not carry Cattle or Sheep.
” Summer Service ™
127® DAYS from Land to l-and. Extra Weekly
Only direct line from Galway and I. laser irk
Accommodations unequaled. Cabin *70 audSyo
Intermediate, Nit*; Prepaid steerage. 831.
^jr information, &c., apply to l.tv,: A- A I,
407 Broadway, N.Y.;or E.
A*W AEDB0N.40 Exchange St., X. f». Vic
GOWAN, 433 Congress St., Portland.
marl3 dtf
Fastport, Calais, Hie., st.
John, N.B., Halifax, .V. S., Ac.
two tripsTper WEEK.
OA \ . Dj;< . 4II, Flna.
•*. IW« Liar Will
■ ■ a,7T- , a«ilPM.d Wharf,
---- -- 'trt-?;, every Monday
VJ? ** 6 p. m., for Eaatport and s£
John, with connections xor Calais. Robbie aeon at.
Andrews, Pembroke. Houlton, Woodstock. Grand
Men an-, Caznpobelle, Digby, Annapolis, Yarmouth
Windsor, Halifax, Moncton, Newcastle. Amherst
Pictou, Shediac. Bathurst, Dalhousie « hAr
tottetown Fort Fairfield Grand Falls, and othet
stations on the New Brunswick and Canada, Inter
?i2?n»1.,nW|?d8?r,a,?.d^axiapoliB’Weaters Conn
^ea’_ R*** Roads, and Stage Kant**.
Or Freight received up to 4 p. re. and any in
formaHon regarding the same may be had al tha
office of the Freight Agent, Railroad Wharf.
For Circulars, with Excursion Routes, Tickets
State Rooms and further information ar piy at
Company g Office. 40 Exchange St. P*M* **
^ . T. C. HEI BEY. Fresident, and Manager
—c _____dtf
Maine Steamship Company
Semi-Weekly Line to Xew York.
SteamersE.eanora and Franconia
_ until further notice leave Franklin Wharf
Portland, every MONDAY and THURSDAY at*
p. in., and leave Pier 37, East River New *Vr»rV
every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 4. p m ' ’
rheme steamers are fitted up with fine aecemoda.
tions for passengers, making this a verv mn
and comfortable route for travelers between New
\or^ MAine. Daring the summer months thesa
“2™" »iU touch ,t vILeyard u”ven on tbSr ^
®nge to and from New \ ork i *•> -l-ji m
State Room. $5; meal4 extra Goods
Portland or NeW York?!^^ g*gBlgy
1^™^°™“:°“' »p t>’z to
, R ;., general Agent, Portland
*Lf • AMES.ig’t, Pier 3*, K H. New York
Ticket* and State Boom* can be oht*5Li«?i<»
Exchange Street. From Dee.!? “ lMf
sen gem will be taken by thl* line. y decSdt?*^
One Trip per Wt-ek, resumed,com*
mencing Feb. 23, 1883.
The Steamer CITY OF Rrrw
.1 w,‘i ,44V4 M*ehl«port exaiv Horn
u-nTl r"l“*’ »' 4-3tf t-uiehingat intermjkH.7
WIttuSoSon *' Rr k«»»4
s«r and iu«r l^nSdTnn eyeA ^?,,,.V0r Ha"
Landing* tor rilttullSt «»*S«r and Hirer
rotlS'«r^rt„n“U °r
k. Ccshinc, o£Hti225.A«“«-IVrtUnd
^ortland. Dec. 7. 1882. ^ (U,
fare 31.00.
Brooks * m xlt«rafte!jtearoKvvR *ml Joh"
Portland, at 7 o-oIm/, ” * K.AN K , IN WHJlBF,
Boston, at 6 o-olSS?mPm ‘ ;m,J,NI>IA WI|ABF
Passengers by»Ms in”1' ««»Pted>.
core a «5torUkU',K,y
Kjg* o.Tr^tV^^
^^fmrnSSSSSSS^ for ,a)# “ D- «.
Bail Ld*'Sound'ijuMfor^i,0^1 **“ U“® v“‘o»*
PreigUt taken as usual.
J. B. (OVLK.Jr., lieacral Agent.
—--- Ul*
aJl dangers f rom iceberg ^?K^eri^£ou^avo*'*i,18
ouralou JUd WHl Su[®t',„C^"n *rt« “>'1 *80; K>
aallinga are.uTll/wV.’ Stwr“*« « Uw rates. n»
uorinanw..jan 20
B&itio.,, .Km*, i
Ur t Uni* ... h\»h irk
4%*SSg £21%S
urn » kvl 'mi"Htvtho 'h,UBr“l Ocean Steams’ '
KiohangoStreet.(don’t mistake
number) at the sign of the big Locomotive ‘i ®.
seut reduced r.tos by tbeOuimrd and othe , LrB:
clasa mall steamers coming dlfect aer. 'o ° ,
on the warm tlulf Stream route, the.
danger* from loo ami icebergs. I (.an seI1
steerage passage tickets from Qo „
d*rry and UelfMt forgat.OO; ’.jublto gol’ti? r't
don, Bristol, Cardiff and .talway ifj2oP,.’:uLol^
burg. Antwerp, Havre, Mwnheim Anatlo ' Haln.
terdam, t’aris, Bremen and Har 1,*t'r<^®.n’'
Copenhagen, Christiana, Christ! 00;
Trondhj.m. Uoteboris. Mai I no, j!*r**n
derlk half tare. Sterling and Soami,': i;
change at k>w rate*, j, FAHmpo1”?W*“ **"
Jon «4dtt

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