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PORTLAND AND MAINE ADVERTISER. No. 24, u* V*L. VIII.) PORTLAND (MAINE) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER SO, 1W55. [ITuolb. NX 383. From lhe :ind Commercial Remitter. J /r. 'fejers oris *Administration. TO detail the evils which have ac crued to the people of the United States, from the prefent temporifing and relaxed adminitlrution of their general government \ to explain the embarraillnents thatha ve ar iifen to our country irom the non-fulfill ment of treaties, on the part of foreign na tions, who, after receiving the iiipulated price of a ruinous purchal'e, have fo long refufed to cjuietour pofTeffion of the wilder nefs : to recount the lodes of our plundered commerce by the free-hooters of even the leafl efficient cf the maritime powers *, to recite the impolitions which her agents are permitted to practife on our merchants, by creeling their confular offices into Cultom Houles, within the United States, for the fhameful purpofe of extorting fees on flop ping papers ; to enumerate the itnmedi ate Jittrefles to our manufactures, and the eventual injury to our agriculture from thefe ovations of treaties, and thefe piracies and exactions on commerce, would exhibit a Itatcment or abufes, degrading beyond the example or fuduring of any at;e or nation. In what page ol hiltory fhall we look for the precedent of a people, circumltanced as the United States are, fubmirting to ag gre&ions that fruilrate the industry, and de feat the enterprife of a neutral and unof fending nation—a nation too, which with due ex * uon on the part of its government, is in a capacity not only to arreft but to punifh the aggrcflions. That war is a great calamity, Sc ought,;by every mean confident with honor and fafe ty, to be ihunned, we (hall readily concede, but that the tame endurance of robbery and infuft, with all the evils that could attach to actual war, is a If ate of rational fuffering infinitely more aggravated and afHi<fting, 'muff alfo be admitted. injury and difgracc are the infeparable at tendants on national humility and concef fion— but fafety and refpeCt await the peo ple who are prepared fm war, and refolutc , lv determined to maintain their right. Does it any longer admit of a quedion, with the truly patriotic American, whether fer the mere gratification of party fpirit, artfully fomented by thofe who benefit from the prclent order of things, men utterly in competent td meafures of national dignity anJ defence, fhould be perpetuated at the head of affairs—or that, by bringing into the national councils the wifdorrt and vigor of firm, experienced and practical ftatefmert, we fhould reitorc our declining fame, re iumeour rank among nations, and give to our citizens thofe immunities, which mud always dow from a wife, impartial, and dig nified ad miniitration of the government ? Are we weak enough to fnppofe that the character of our rulers has no influence on the conduct of foreign nations towards us, or can we believe that their characters have not been completely analyfed, and ate not correctly understood ? L there a ltatefman iii Europe who is not informed of the opinions which Mr. Jefferfon entertains, and which have been publifhed, of the government which he now admiiulltirs ? Is there a frenchman who has not read, with equal contempt and fatisfaftion, the animadverficns in Mr. Jefferfon s letter tc Mazzei, on General Wafhington and his compatriots, who formed and afterwards adminiftered the conftttution—“ Tlnfe Sol * cmon< in council, and Samp forts the field, “ cu/yfi locks 10 re /horn by the luhore $f “ England r” — Is there an Englifhnian win* has not read, with equal repugnance and ciifguit, this illiberal and unfounded flriclure on his nation ? Js there a real American who does not reproach and reject the bale inhumation which that Uric.lire conveys againlt the l ather u: his Country ? Is tliere either American or Spaniard who is unacquainted with t ie *nean and fplenetic prscce ings w »icli teftored z foreign minif- ( ter w ith whom rnrercourfe had been refu fed by former adtniniftra'rons, for having groffty intuited the nation, in making, thro1 the newfpnpcYs, all appeal from its govern me.U to the peopr f Or U any one fg rwraftt of the ren tn which this iVrv mitv$ fer h'as rrraif- to Mr Tetlirfon', by repeat mp the in lidt with impunity I.s there an indivi oval5 of either* pher?, acquainted vith tfie hi ft or y of the American revolution, who is ignorant that Mr Jfile.His0 lhdicatrd the government of Virghriyat the very rv'meat when an in- | Vauiiqg enrrrr, threatened to ful>due his na-( tfiwft.'tc — ()t is ‘h-wr r r. an, who, ehhef politically or pliyftcally, combine*, the ideas, that would not inter the fame effect:, from the lame ceufe, fhouhi the occafion recur. And do we wonder at the conduit of foreign na ions towards us ? Do we look for tha: refpect from them, which we v* ith hold from ourfelves ? In what citimarion can that country, or its goveremem be held, whole finances are adminiffered by a man who when out of oilice, was an inceffant declaimcr againlt taxation, who, in office, has never propofed one beneficial fifeal arrangement, who on the deliberative lloor bad threatened “ to jhp cle veels of government”—and who, in Ins private capacity, has dared to pro (bribe ev ery citizen, who Ihould attempt to carry in to effect the law, of the United States ? Do Mr. Gallatin and Mr Jefferfon flatter themfelves that the conduit ot the Secretary ot the infurgeHt meeting at Parkinfon’s Per ry is buried in oblivion —or that either the fpecial injury to Pennfylvania, the fhock giv en to the whole nation, or the expence of one million tiro L indeed and fifty thou fund d'fd>‘s incur ted b\ the injur reclion% has ceaicd'o be felt ? 1 he lenity of the government fpared the culprit; but ages will elapse before the of fence and its conCequences are forgotten_ nor muff Mr. Jefferfon fuppoie the world ignorant that the fame man, the identical Albert Gallatin, who was fecr^tarv of the infurgents, was, immediately on Mr. JcfT erfon’s acceiliou to the Prefidency, appoin ted Secretary of the Treafury of the United I States ! An appointment Which contiadicled ev ery maxim of Jultice, and went to the ex cluiion of abler mep and better citizens. Is there a man at all conversant with cori grcffional proceedings, who has not feen the relolutiona that were Supported bv Mrt ALcdi/bn, for frqueltrating the debts due bv our individual citizens to the merchants of Great Britain ? Is there a diplomatic char acter, cither at home or abroad, wJlo, wit neifing the infults and injuries whfcli we | sre daily fuffering, 1$ not ready to eiclalrri — Where is the indignant Spirit that impel led Mr. Maddifon, when in congrels, and under a former admin iteration, to Support the lealt justifiable and vwidictive of war meafures, a fequeitration of the debts due from and to individuals ? Did this Warlike fpirit evaporate on his entrance into execu tive office, or had the genoiH of hiS pa tron been luffiered in this, as in every oth er inltance, to rebuke his underftar.ding ? . Can we fuppofe that foreign nation^ draw no inference from so palpable a con trail in the conduct cf Mr, Madifon, a member of congrefs, and the fame Mr. Madifon, Secretary of itate ? Can it be doubted by the moil timid that fuch a pow er as Spain, under a. knowledge that the beil refourceS of the United States would be brought into a£tion by a call of patriotic* capable, and efficient ltatemen to guide their councils,would not have long fince re linquillied her otFenfive & injurious conduct towards Us ? Or is it to be prefumed, that even Great Britain, under fuch a conviction would perlilt in meafures which derive their adoption aiid enforcement from the known imbecility of the government ; and which the firlt remonltrance of a vigorous admin illration would occafion t«> abandon But as ev£a a preparation for war would be a lignal for a fecond abdication of gov ernment; tlie abules of the nation mult be endured, that a leader who is-as dellitute of capacity as he ii of courage, may continue ill place. From fhc Norfolk Led^r—-Strpt. 12. Arrival cf late Tripoli fie Captives. TUESDAY arrived in Hampton Roads, the U. S frigate President, of 44 guns, Commodore Barron, captain ^mes Barron, S days from Gibraltar. By this fhip we are relieved from all anxiety upon this in terelling fubjccb, for sot only fdoes (lie bring the certain account of peace being concluded, and the releafe of our unfortu nate coimtrymCn, but (he 'has' brought capt. Bainbridge, his officers, and part of his crew a number of whom are now in town. We offer them out felicitations upon this happy o^cafibny and fmcetcly Hope that the pleas ures they wiH meet with in their native country, and in the embraces of rheir friends, will compenfate in a meafure their pall fuf ferings. We are forry to uni I er ft and Corn mod, ore Barfoil has returned in very b-v* health; Kxit ic ,rs which v:c r..r .; • cf trha* bat btr nol!e<fle<l n a'r/adv r I publilhed.—Gen. Eaton defervcs great cred : it i to bis ertterprife aiul courage we are ! principally- indebted for the attainment of thele Important objects. We underftand tliat Ceil. Eaton reached Derue, about the Idfl of April, when he inilantly attacked \ l)ie Eafhaw’h army, and defeated it with little lols, himfell being wounded in the right arm fo as to render it lifeler* The j L*w Americans who were in the a&ion, j difplayed a courage that confounded the | 1 urks ; t• ley were appointed to lead the . attack, which fervice they performed in a j manner that did honor ro their ceuutrV. We underftand that at the time Gen. Ea ton attacked the army by tend, that capr. ; Hull in the Argus, capr. Dent in the ttau t’!u\ , and Lictlc. Leans. of the Hornet bomb j ketch, attacked the batteries by lea. Gen. Eaton s army was, we underfland, cempofed of 1500 men, and that of the Balhaw s of 5000. 1 his intrepid little band j marched !loo miles acrofs tire Sandy L)cftKtst , throdgh a holtilc country, and had feveral partial actions before the deciflvc 011c at 1 Erne. Gen. Eaton was wounded when , in the act of cutting duw n a Setk of the Baifhaw’s army. 1 he refult of this action appears to have j been an immediate propafal front the Balh aw for peace i Col. Lear went immediately to 1 ripoii, and a treaty of peace w>s ligned ( on the 3d of |line, and our countrymen re leafed the next day* The terms we cannot ; tearn fully, but wr underftand that as far as we had Tripolitans they were exchanged man for man, for the balance of Americans, we are to pay C:c,ooo dollars. Some pro vifion, but what we cannot underfUnd, is made for the Ex-JSu/ ; his wife and fam ily who were detained as Holt ages, are to be liberated. As the dificial accounts are gone on to Waffling ton, we mult fulpend our curiohty as to rhe other articles for the pref cut. i he Prefidcnt left Syracufe the 7th cf July :—Ihe following was the deftribti tion of the American fqiiadrcn at that time. Ihe frigates Con Aitution, (Jonftellation, and Eflex, with the brigs Syren and Vixen, and bomb ketch. Hornet, were at Svracufe $ the Argus had failed for Egypt, and the Nautilus lor Mcfina. IKe frigate John Adams and two gun boats anchored the day the Prcfident tailed. Gen. Eaton failed for the United States in a merchant vcflel. j The Ex-Bafttaw was at Syracufe when the Prelident failed* I he Prefident on her paf fage to Gibraltar got near the Spanith coaft, was taken for a Britiih frigate, and tired Upon from the batteries. In addition to the above, we have it from Mr. Dove, who was on board one of the bombarding vefTels daring the attack c:i Dtrru, that out of 500 Americans engaged on Ihore, there were only five killed, which took place at the time Capt. O'Bcinon, who was fecond In command, had, with his lit 4 * “ r , * 9 tie band, lealed the walls and pulled down the Tiirkiili Hag in place of which he im mediately hoilted the American ftandard ! | The prefent* of TriftJy i< dated by our Officers to be i man of confiderable talent and bravery,mixed with great cruelry, 1 although they did not experience themfelves [ any uncommon lhare of the laft quality — | at one time on the attack of the brave Preble, when every man was driven from a fort but the Balliaw, he remained, coolly examining the operations with a fpy-glafs. After the action of Eaten s, that led to a peace, he •was heard t* declare, that if lie (liocM ap proach nearer to Ttipely, he would mafia cree every American, and every Chruttan in his power.* Mr. Lear has been blamed for making a treaty precipitately and before the appearance of the fleet, but as the clan ger of thfc prifoners was imminent, and their releafe the principal object of the war, it would appear that no moment that could attain this del;rable end was to be wafted in. calculations o! future fucccfs, and that m embracing the rrry firft op*ning to resale them from the cruelty of the Bafltaw^ and (hutting the door forever on the TC\\irn cf his caprice or the chance of future everts, he a&td whh the wifilom and p«recifioR' of a politician and patriot. The officers and men appear while in Tri />•/)' to have been liberally treated and fup plved by the confuls of fne chiidian nations there, atid from th_ir generofhy ro have , tafled ot the Vines denied to rheir Mahom ! matters*.—tbls, perhapj, might have igiven the IS a thaw an idea that the Air.eri * cans in their different attacks were «h link, * for he often laid, when our vcflels ilouti in * fo Ivd l!y, and m.i V Inch near approaches to V.»fort'. *!i •' ii H«re ill drunk— I if the attack was made in the afternoon, thcv had hton drinking at dlniitt-—-it jn the morning, they liad been drinking atl ni-^hr — none but madmen, drunkards or devils wouhl run inch rifles— and in this wav he apojogiiai to hiiufcif lor the uefertion and llight ot his own men. NOTfi. • Nothing can be more ridiculous th;.u this ©bfVr vation. If a threat of destroying the American prilou ern could have had any influence, it had Wen irhd . yet the new expedition iliews it could have no eft ct on government. Bolides, if fears could have driven the Bafh.iw of f ripoli to the facriflce of our country men, it woulj hate been when the gallant Preble made the walls of Ids city tremble ; and when the Commo dore prerented the Bafhaw a fpecimtn of the vengeance he was taking, by fending back to him the he had captured. If fear or rage, could have influenced the daftard to affaflination, then would have been the time. No—No—The Bafluw knew our cap. ti\e crrjntrymcail were the beft guarantee for his life, in cafe the city fiiould be taken. The pretence, we ha\ e good reafon to fay, has been made to cover the jcaloufy and envy of the negotiators of the Peace, left the glory of conquering Tripoly, emancipating hi> countrymen, and placing on its throne an ally of the Ihiited States, riiould belong to General EATON. If the public will examine the fubjedl of the treaty they Will be convinced, that to an ungcucrous iealoufy have the fair profpect* of Gen. Eaton and the Ex-Ba thaw been facritfctd. ^Ve heard of this jca!oufy a long time fince ; we lament it; and we have evidence to fupport an opinion, that had the Peace been delay ed two months longer ■, had a fquadron of our fltet cheerfully ce-opcrated with Mr. Eaton, and after the capture of Dcrne and Bengali, had tranfpor ted liis victorious tfob^s acrofs the bay Sidra* our Countrymen would ‘have beer: Released without Ranfem —the Rightful Prince would have been Rcjlirtd fo the Throne cf Trig zb;: und the American I:leig would be now Trium phant/) flying over that City.— GENERAL RAJ ON. V. y * Urn , W* nave held in ou> pofft-Oion for fomc time paft, a very interelting letter from General Eaton, written at the time he was about to enter the Lybian Defart in his operation* againft Tripoly, to one of his eorrefpondents in this State. We havefereborne lay ing it before our readers, left its publication might pofiibly prejudice the important expedition he was engaged in -.—But it now being ascertained that th* expedition has been abandoned ; and that our gallant and Jifappuinti i Countryman, together with the Bath awHamet, add.about 90 bf tlicir faithful followers, have escape*! to racuf*. vc fjv efuMpedy for we are told, that thefolJkry which had been embodied by Gen. Eaton, and the Ex-Baihaw, and who were flufhed with the proipectof sharing the piilage of the Ulurper’s ter ritory, on finding, in the Peace which had been con cluded, the fruftrations of all their hopes, became out rageous, and their vengcanpe had like to have been fa tal to Both tHe General and the liafhaw)—we think it no longer neteflary to withhold it from the public. At prefem \ve fhall flot make any other comment on the extracts we give, than merely to fay, they delineate a deep and aide Politician,united with the cool, perl'e vering and intrepid Bartizan, and that they will b4 rtad v ith £ieat intercii. — Cent. “ l'-gvpt—Province of Be fora, village if UinUinfour, fan. 25, 1805. n ARcr touching at Malta, the Argus aimed ,ac Alexandria [Egypt] on the 26 November, 1804. We received frem 'the Britifh R dident at Cairo, and Cornu l at Alexandria, every afflltance which the na ture of our affairs and their duty could re quire and admit. At Alexandria it was in timated to me, that Hamet Bashaw,. ~jhc F.KifeJ Prlrre f "Tripolij r/as not to be had without application to hif flex, to whom lie had attached himfcIf \ bot !i of whom were ir. upper Egypt a&ing with the JVhm tiukt* Beys againil tke Otomin government; And tb whom aciefs was barred by vhc Tur ilh atmy. Under theft difcourageing ap pearances ami contrary to the advice of eve ry body on the fcaccaR, on the 'cth Nov ember 1 bft Alexandria, for grand Cairo, with three officers. Incut. O^Bannan, Me firs Maim and Dame Ucn ; ami *j few men frt>m the bVig ; vcho, together with force other , recruited on the fpot, at Rosetta, niXic ari efcort of eighteen, '1 his precaution was ucct ITary on ;xc. unt of the banks » f the Nile being mfcfkd b\ the wild Arabs ct .the Defert, atltl by draggling Ainaut delcrt ers from the Grand Seignior's army ;—the the former fubftft by p|m.«.er ;—rh« latter rob and murder Inriifdiminately every de tencelcfs bemg th ntife appearance denotes ; property. Both n:uve in bodies, and have ; rendered themicRea terrible throughout i. oypt.