WILLIAM SWAN, N* 3,U*nm R»w, AltT'Ie find, ■HAI tOt SALE bell Havanna Sugar in bo**t Hyfon and So«vho«g Teas, of a foperio quaity, Good retailing 1 abaeco, W I R « by hhd. Philadelphia Gm, pepper and Pimento by bag %3t, e Al'O—a iman additional ftoek of l*d,* Gao* til which will be fold at reduced pnees Portland, y*»< 15. I Dixville Read Lottery, d now drawing, and the followiag riel prze* are in the wheels, vis. 8 of 200 65 of 100 80 o 50, ff«. 1 of D 10,000 S of 1,000 1 of 500 Uudrawn Tickets at 6 dolls Quarters 1,6! For laie at S PATTENS Lottery Office and Book ftore ; where may he (ten a lift of th Blanks and Prizes in tbit and the New \ork Lottery Pr ze Tickets will be received in payment for uudrawn Tickets The follow ing numbers have drawn prise-, of D 7, and we* e told at the abuve ctfke, v.z —3556, 359 • SJ97, Hill, n ‘72, 11 *”8, I I ’98, 1*309, |23 9, 1*357, 12367, 12392, »2785, 1279J 12t96 Jmne 15, Enoch Moulton, FT AS juft received a new aud elegant af * *■ fortment of Tortoise Shelf Combs, for fate as cheap as can be bought in towo 15 Co-partnerjhip l or men. »pH£ fubfmiber* would inform their Friend* * and cuftomer* that they have formed a connection in the Boot isf Shoe-Making Bujincfs, Under the firm of M'iN TIER i» FIELD : Al ikcftgD of the Boot nearly oopoSie the Blaine Bank, Exchange ftreet, Portland— where Gentlemen's Boot* and Shoes— Mfo, Ladie* Shoe* of every deferiptiou are made at the ffiorteft notice iu a faithful and workmau like manner. On hand a general aflorimewt of Gentle men* BOOTS aud SHOES—Ltkewife Ladies. Miffe# and Children’* shoe* of every defenp tion A lfo 500 pair Morocco 7hoes of which Traders in general can be lupplied on reaion able term*. Juft received Lom the Factory at ( hauel town, SO doe Morocco ano Kid Skins, of va riou coh'ur* which will be told as cheap a* caLbe had at the Factory. CuUomers will rleate i ca l and examine for themtelve*. N B —MIntich V PiiiD Later them felves (tha by long eapei 'tnce to . the above butiuet* ) they can give general fatisfaction to a'l thole who may favor them wi-' Vip com tn.iud« s^affure ;hem ibe "Idii attention will be paid to cuftomer* a . every favor gta.e fuliy acknow%cdged. 7 TEPHEN M1NT1ER. Junt 15. STtiPHEN HELD. Dancing Academy. f* C SOHAFFEK., refpedfc fully informs the • Ladle* and Gentleman of Portland and its vicinity, that he intends opening a School, for the purpofe of indrudbug Mailers aud NhfTe* m the polite accomplillimeiu of Dan cing in all its variety, viz. the mod fashiona ble Englifh and French Cotillion* tod Comra Dances. Minue'i, Alamand*, Bailelts, Ganaud, acd Fancy Donees, tS's. School to be held at L**i•» Hull, Free Street, every Wednefday and Saturday at eruoon, from half pad 2 oclock to 7 ; to commence cn Wedntluay next, Jtmie 17th—for further particular* pleate to apply to F. C 6' at col J Burnhams where iatulaclory rccummenda tioos can be given N B. —Varentsand Guardian* who will »a ▼or him with the tuition of their chnldren, may rely that no pain* will be fpared in bring ing them forward in all the polite and morJ accomplilhmeut* of Dancing •§» Ladies and Gentlemen who wifh to take private infLuvl on* in Dancing, or practice the mod faftuouable Cotilion* aud Contra Dances, pleafe to apply as abovemtniioncd.a* he will t»e happy to wa ton them at their houie*, or at the Academy at any hour that may bed fuit their convenience. iy- Any Academy or Boarding School that wilh for ao iudrucL*, will p!eafe apply a* a boveotastn ned. *ttPe 13. Snbfcription paper* for Mr. SchatFer i Dancing Academy are left at the M F. and M In* Office, the U. M. and F. ln», Office, and at Gol Burnham’* tavern A H.ufe to Sril or r.xckjngc, \ LARGE and convech*ut Dwelling Houfe very p’eafanty fi.uited in WWfflull Maf» commanding a profpe«£k of the Town and of Merrimacc River, faid liou'c i* Tw 1 ftorie» high bai lix rooms on the floor *:iJ lii lodging chambers, and in excellent wed of wa lei ia the houfe, fuiuble for walkmg A uevei fails Haaan excellent Garden counted will the houfe with a plenty of fruit trees, Cour not Bullies fcc. The above fi uatlon will be fold at a redn ced ptice, and one half % ould be taken in \V 1. G> od«—or would be exchanged for a hanfi in Portland—For further particulars Bnquin JUSTIN KEN f, iDgrahxTt • Wharf, Port laud, June 1, 1812. TO LKT; HALF of the corner Houfe fituated on th corners of Federal ard Kiog ftreet, togethe with a fmxH (hop and a large bam capable c hdtfcrg 7 tons of hay a'oft, fruited on K'i:g ftree(—The bam H well ca’cuiated for a Tub' and t« hi an eligible frualica— Alft> one half o a three-ilory houfe in Federal ftreet, next doo above the one hr ft deferibed—Term* confer mabie to th* frm*< For particulars, ot THBOPHILU8 «T0VfiR t 1 fill) %ie 1 rPHE fubfcriber* eefpeafoHy inform tMit * friend* and the public that th-y Lavt uti r public that th y Lave formed a connetflion in bufmefs under the firm of MASON W MOODV, aud taken the new Store lately eredled on Federal Corner, oppoGte the one formerly occupied by laid Mafun, where they offer for (ale a general af fortmeut of Weft- India Goode if Groceries ; among wh’ch are the fo!low«ng WlNES Cogniac Brandy Holland Gin American do Jamaica Spir ti St. Croix Rust Antigua do Sherry, Tort, I.lib £*<1 " W T. Conway’* No 5 Green flreet, Bolton, and retailed by fpecial appointment by Stephen Patten, Bookfeller, Exchange Hsect, Portland, j Babfon, Wifcaflet ; Goodaie. liallowell ; Ellis, Augufta. W. Sewall Port office, New Brunt wick ; Todd, Saco ; Tappan, Portsmouth ; Thomas dc Whipple, Newiurryport; H Whip ple, Cuthiog and Appleton Salem ; Gtealon, NtW Bedtord and rnoft Drugelts and Book ie'ler* of respectability throughout the U. ,3. xi'here may be Lad Dr. Relft s Aromatic female pdlt, for obflructious &c. and which are equally conducive hi the health of married ladies unless takenpregnant at which time they muft not be taken Dr. Hunters celebrated Pills, a certain lafe and expeditious cure for all ftages of the veueriai ddcale, full directions and deicriptious of lymptom* fo that perfous of either lex may cure theml'el^es with fecrecy, accompany each box; if taken within 6 Hour* are a certain preventative. Pr>ce 1 doliar. fa" Afk for “ Dr. Hunter’s Pills” none are genuine unlest vgn id 11 W. 1' Conway” l« parts, ular ! firitifb Chemical L. quid Blacking in Glass Bottles, Price 1 dollar which needs but a trial to prove it* fuperiority to mod other coropolitiou*. Boat Top Keflofer, a beautifier v hich remove* ad fpots ftain«, l5*c aud reftorfs the Top to its oi igmal colour without injury to the leather, Price 50 cents. ffcj* Conway’s Lemmon Cyrup 1 One Bottle will make 3 or 4 Gallons of I em onade or Punch equal in flavor to the fiueft Lemon*; wilt keep in all climates for any length of time—*-thofe who value heaitn will not be without it during the Warn matter as it not only enhilerate* ihe (pirit*, hu't at the lame time cools the f; fleiu and aiiays thitft thereby preventing Fever \dfc. Dr. Jehk's cel• ebratei Lissament. for Rheumatilm, fprams, brui fet, numbneis, ftiffnela in the joints, dec — I he relief is immediate and were frequently in 24 hours, fa" Non: of the above are genuine unless Jigned M W. T. Conway” be particular ! *.* A liberal allowance to thofe w ho purchafc to fell , again ! To Men of Patriotifm, Courage and Enter prize. Every able bodied nun, from the age of *8 to 45 year*, who fluid he edited tor tl,r A,»r the United states lor the term * ot five vear», will be paid * >ouu y of SlXVEfcN DOLLARS in addition to their RjU »*, Monthly pay and CkMtomg ; and whenever he lhall have ierved the terra for which he enified.and obtained an honorable difeharge, fitting that he had 1 faithfully performed hi* duty whit 'i tn iervice, ' lie thall be allowed lod paid iu addition to I the aforefaid b uaty Three mmibt pay and i6o Acres of Land ; ' ’nd in cafe he fhou d he killed in a&iort or . me in the fervtce, his hei-s and rcpreleuutives iwill be entitled to laid three mouths pay and | one huodrrd and futy acres of Land to he de , fignated, furveyed, and laid off, at the public ; cxpeoce ^y. Healthy, adive boys between fourteen and eighteen years of age will be accepted, P ! provided they will bring the confent in wri [ ting, from their parent* or guardians, Rendezvous is opened in the chant* t her over No 10 Haynarkt-t R re, in FUR l - f ' LAND, where all who are deiirous of eater r|ing the United States fervice to defend - and futpport their country, may have an op portunity bv immediate application^ V LEMUEL BRADFORD, CJfiat* '>d SWEDES IRON. r — WILLIAM GODDARD, HAS for fate 65 ton* of SWEDES IRON, wellaJJorteJ, tlai and fquare bar*. Ain—A few ton* FAGCJO 1 IRON, fiat I and Iquare. (t f) P»rtLmd% Dtc 2 GEORGE CLARK, INFORMS the public that he couiinue* to * carry on the Cabinet-Making Bufinefs, at hi* (hop, head of Exchange utreer, uearly oppoCce Mr. Robert Boyd’* Aore-where be ha* conftantly for fale a varieiy of / •* * TURK, made of good material* and tu a tattft- , ful aud tailnonable manner, on readable term*. ^ r* JO n WaNTFD to purchase, A quantity of If atoned Birch ^ BOARDS—to pay iu Puruituie or Cam >t cacred foon . 14 Wejl-India Goods and Groceries. BRYANT & FREEMAN, 1.1 AVE record an addition.! lupp'y of 11 Weft-India Gods 6 Groceries of the firft qnaliiy, and now offer them for fale at th-eir (tore next door to the Po(t Office a* cheap a* can be purchafed eifewhere. They have a!fo for tale at llieir (lore at Limerick Corner, a general affortuicnt of hngli/b and Weft-India Goods, on the nod reafonable terms 8 i riaron Stanford & Ths Warren, n ESPECTFULLY ioform their friends and acquaintance that they have entered into pJtrtnerihrp under the firm of SI'aNIFORD & WARREN, and commenced bufinefs at the ftore formerly occupied by Mr. y&* Batuh, head of Ingra~° Pirn's Wbarf tiere they offer for fale a gen eral affortinent of Wefi-India Goods, Groceries, iffc. Which are of the firft quality and Will be fold ou realonable terms. C3* Ship*' Stores put up at tlx JJjort efi notice. . (tit) Feb. 10. E. GREELY, . Hat for fait, At No I, /,*■£• JPW 20 boxes Havanna browu Sugar# 60 cherts Souchong Tea 10 do Hyfon Skm Tea 50 bolts RuiUa Duck 50 pieces Raven’s do 20 bolts Enghili do 20 do Cotton do 10 hhds W I Rum ISO bbls Mackarel 300 bHIs Mels, Caigo No. 1,2 & 3 Beef 100 bbls Pork £0 hhds Mofafes 11,000 wt. Coffee 20*0 boxes Candles 200 boxes brown Soap CORDAGE By the gaLg or fmali quantity tfOR fale by the fubferiber, at his ftore m Foft-flrict, uearly oppofite the head of Long- IVl atf Cognise Brandy Bourdeaux do. Hollands Gin American d® Did Jamaica Spirits St. Croix do Antigua do Cherry Brandy Effence Punch Madeira, Vidoua, | Sherry, > WINES Lifbon, St. j Malaga J R.AIS1N3 Hyfon, foung Hyfon, I c*: £ H Hyfon Skin, Souchong and j £ * Bohea L.oaf, Lump, Havaua white, ) Brazil, and Brown Chocolate Do. Shells Nutmegs, Cloves Caifta, Peeper Ground do. > ui j j 1| ’ f > * J w Olive Oil Capers Brandy Fruit Rice, OatMeal Pearl Barly JFrefli Figs Mufcattl,') B'oom, ! Drum, St J Clk J Almonds Filberts Canary Seed Wiofor & bar Soap by box or retail Mould dip d Can dles, ditto ditto Table Salt Mats of ail kinds Brooms Rotten Stone Demi-Johns Stone Jugs Powder and Shot Flints Spanifli Cigars, fhfl quality Connecticut Cheefe Hard Ware, Bellows, Shoe Brufhes, l5*f.t5V pimento, Ginger ^ayeune. Milliard The above Goods are all of the firft quality, md will be fold on reafonahle terms. N. B.~Merchants and Ship Matters may >e (Applied with Cxbin or fliio Stores on rea onable terms.—Alfo, Families may be fuppli as low as can bputchafed in town, and ettle their bills quarterly. Conftant atten 'ance, and every favor gra efully acknowl edged. JONATHAN STUART. WILLIAM & S. H.-\SK.t.LL, I NFOH.MS their friend* and the Public that 1 thev have Amoved from Free ftreet to their Neve Store in Back ftreet.n-ar the Court Houfe—where they have on hand a variety 'of Cabinet Furniture—which they offer for iale on reafonabie terms—They acknowledgt pafl favor* and ioliot a couiiuuance of the lame. Every attention to cult utter* in the above branch of butiuefs, will be punctually attended to. W. /k S. H. Return the.r thank* to the public for their liberal adidaoce, which they have received with gratitude.__ American Manufactured Goods . AV 7, R(m>- . J OSEPH POPE, agent for Almy & Brcrtn, of Providence, who keep him cor.flantly fupplied'frotn their loug known and well ef tablilhed Factory at Pawtucket, with a gen eral affort meat of ^ American Cotton tioods, CONSISTING Ot Single Yarn tor Warp and Filhng 2 & S threaded white fit color’d Stocking • *t c White aud colored fewing Cotton* Shirting*—Sheeting*—Checks-—Stripes Ginghams—Chambrcy*—Bed Ticking, ^7* Shopkeeper* in town aud country at; people in general who wi£h to furniih them felves with the above articles, will b£ top plied at the Factory ptitfs. DOMESTIC R;vine and Spinning Machine. fPHIS vry important ar.J uefu! invention A f0f Koving and Spuming Cotton *f d Wool,haft beeu • retired to the tunicriber* by Letters Patent. A» it is unpolBble to give an adequate idea of machinery by deicription.it may be fufficieat tu hate, that the Machine ia very litnpie iu it» cooftrudioo and operaticmi, aad not more liable to be pat cut of repa:r than a common (pinning wneel, aud may be repaired by any ordinary mechanic. It will occupy about the lame room a* a bed : a child may learn iu a lhort time to (pin from -4 to 36 tkeins in a day, with a machine of twelve » ipinnies ; they nuy, however, bemcreafed to ( any delued number. The y am may be tpun to any required iiee.aud that lift prelerved with great eia&nelft If a perlon wiflie* to atcer* tain the pfohts of a Machine of la fpintlles. he may calculate Spinning in theufual way, 300lkein#at 5 C. . D. 15 With the Machioe,thif will require »0 day# labor at 2a 8 3.* Balance in favour of the Machine ® 11 Thi» is however a high eflitnate for women # work j therefore a family who manufacture 100 yard* of woolen cloth in a year, wou d lave about twenty dollar*. 1 he luhfcriber* have received from the Paten ee an afFigutnent of “ the full and exclu livs right of making, uling, and vending to t> her# the ufe of” the above Machine in the Dili net of Maine and ftae of MaiTachufctt*. > Ferious wifhiug to purchale may ice a Machine and lea u the terms, by application to the lubferibert at No. l, Mulhey’ft Row, Portland Levers mutt be pfi or they will not be attended to—All perlon* are cau tinned againft uhng the (aid Machine within • he above Diftricft, as we will proiecute every offender with the utmoll rigor of the law — A generous reward wil he given to any perlon wno will give u* information cf trtfpairer* upo.4 the Patent, fo that a convidlion may be had JOSHUA SHAW, STETSON EOliOELL. Jum 22 _ FREACH Glods. ROYAL LINCOLN, HAS just received fresh French Goods, consisting of elegant 5 4 and 6 4 Damask and Levantine Silk Shawls; hue and com mon Linen Cambrtks ; Ladies silk and kid Habit Gloves ; Gentlemen* silk tin ; lLb bunds ; Double Florences ,|Sdk Hose, gn t n Umbrella Lustrings; Gentlemens Silk Uni brellas ; Fans &c. Al*o—First chop blue and yellow Nankin* ; fancy Muslins ; Linens ; Best-Westot Lug land Broadcloths ; tine factory Shining ; u<>. Ginghams; Ladies Parasols; Calicos., black Crape ; tlo. Cambncks ; Canibnck Muslins, some very ti: C „• Cotton Laces ; in dia Cottons all prices ; black Peisian-> ; Canton plaid silks ; do.,Black do ; Pongees ; Canton Crapes ; white, red anil yellow i Ln nels ; Blk. do ; Ladies wilt. & bine cotton hose: Gentlemens Slate and mixed do i Lace Veiling, 5 4 wice ; twdd Silks tor pe hses ; fine and common Broadcloths ; do. do. K-eisey meres ; red Broadcloths; white, red and But! Kerseymeres for Military Gen tiemen* Which together with his formet s ock compose an asortment ut almost evei\ article usually enquired ior, J une 1. 0- ASTHMA ! !! An aged lady of Bofton wat 16 years afflic ted with an afthma, attended with violent cough, difficulty of breathing, could not lay down in her bed for years, was induced to take £> Dr. Rrlfe s Aftbmatic Puls / when to her molt agreeaoie lurprite aud joy on taking the firlt box the whole ot the fymp torn* vamlhed. her deep wa* rellored, and on finifhingthe lecond her health was petfetftly eftablilhed. A young lady of Bolton was S years afflicted with violent cough, pain in her fide difficulty of breathiug, Ipmiug of blood, and every iymptom of coulumpuou ; and was cured by tatuug two boxes — tT" The above was coufidered paft reliet ! lhele puls give infant eafeiu dl cofJs, ecugbr, ajlLmas, J'jpuity cf b-eatbrng, iigbtr.cn >J ibt cbcjit tonsumpt^n, b>, ■uLeezir.gr. IS*. Recent eoiA are removes s* a ftzv bourt. The aged -willfind a rt.it/ equally agreeable even ubin the lungs are ajfccttJ— .me L* containing >2 pills frequently eflect a erne Price 1 doi !ar. |j- Mj'tf* ** Dr. Keifes Aflhmaiic Fnls none are genuine unless Jigned “ . T. Cou^ay le particular l Prepared and foid wholeia e by the sole propriety W. T Conway, No 5, Greeu Street, Bolton, and retail by klr Stephen Pat ten, Bookleller, Exchange ttree! PortLud, Bab lou, WilcaMet ; Gooda^#, Hilbatll ; L is, Augulla; Sew all, Poft Office, New Brunswick; Todd, Saco ; 1 appan, Portfnjouth ; Thomas & Whipple, Newburypert; luthiag & /^pple ton, H Whipple Salens ; Gleafou New Bed ford ; and molt drugiiis aud bookiellers of ref pec, ability throughout the U S. where may be bad Atbicn Corn Rlaiftr 1 his planter utver caufes ;*»: leall pam, although it dillbives and chaw* the corn out by the root, but gives itn mediate eale a» loou as it is applied Cambrt- j m Toctb A.be Jills Thele pi'la give in ft ant eale in that moft painful malaoy the tooth ache, i wit.u nt the lealt injury to the tooth which is ioo ufien thg cafe with. many remethe*. Dr* j ReltJ i Aromatic female f ills, for obftructions See , ann which are equally conducive to the health of married ladie.? unit's when pregnant, a. wbuh time they m«ft not be taken—S years erper lence in America, together with SO years ex perience in England have damped their ex cellence * # * Conways Lemon oyr up. OiK bottle of this elegant campoficion will make Sor 4 gallon* of Lemonade, e^uat in fla vor to the fiuelt Lemon s—it not omy all&yi third, prevent* fever, but cool* the lyileci and eihi’eratea the lpifit*-“ no family ought to be without it. *#* Beauty and Elegance . Can never be combined without white teeth, and flored gums, both of which nwy be ob tamed by tbe ule of the “ Bnttjb Antueptu Den Urhef which not only render- black teeth U.U but reltorei the original efflorescence to the cum* at {he tametime tt impart# to the breath tU mft dtkcuU* iwetmttt. tSr AJ* J“ ‘ Brttifh vntifept c Dentifrice," •«.* g in* unUtf JigntJ '* W r Conway t»t~Ucul*r! «#» a .iberal allowance to thole who pur chale to fell aga^n I WILLIAM CROSS, ^^0 S Long wharf ha* for file, lOboit* cl brft quality Havana Brow* Sugar* 2 Toil of Ruffu Iron A quantity of Liverpool Salt. June 2* TO Lhl[ A Dwulino House io P.umb fir**’, ar| ** two tmalUKOPi iopFore itree — Like wife a futtab'e place for a Vi&uatiog Cellar, and a flore on my Wharf, winch hai improved by a Block Maker THOMAS BECK >« 22 Valuable Efiate for Sale, Situated in Falmouth, between thetw RquJi running tri m Stroud water bridge to Bum*, only live miles from Portland cophlting of* bout two hundred and twenty five acre* of «, good land as any in the C« un*ry under gu<5 improvement, well prop licned in ti age mowing, pafturing, anti *. od and, with twy Barns thereon almoA wol bold near ly one hundred ton , * wedotgood wa ter, pump aud oth*- veu r. i via the barn yard for wa.eriuy an’ farm is wC wa'ereW, and wouV -e two excellent fit mi n it fronts each 1 atorelaiu Hoad*—Altt all the flock, and i*r t uteufiS, occeffary for carrying on faid far *> will be it Id With it, »* agreeable to the pur *ier For further particular* enquire of SLOAN, hviug on the prcmUtvor ALLXr\N • DFR B ARK, of Norihyarmouih Fa'mou h. June ‘22, 1812 Alajj'acbujttts Mcuical Society. \T th*- annual mef< mg of the Fe'lows oftht Maffjibuttttt Meakal ' catty, CD the 3d oi Jure an ingenious difterta ion on the fuljeet of C/rauche Tra heaii? or Croup, was deitv. ered by Dr Hft ll of Leommfter. T^e Mlowmg gentlemen were elected Com* fe lor* ‘ox (he fol owing year, v:z t— lift id f . mffu.k — Ducton Hayward, Town fend, Warren, Weliffi, Erviog, Deiter. Spooner, Fleet, Rand, jun. Bahard, Coffin, Dixwetl, Jackfoa, ShunlcfF and Warren juu. Diftria »/ F-JJex—Doctor# Hnlyokc. Fillier, Sawyer, Kutredge, Tteadwell, Oliver. Prelcott, Pick, mao, Gardner, of Lynn, Cleveland. D ifit id of Mfodleft*—Doctors Brook*. Bar: let , Hurd, Gamage, Filke, Bancroft, Thuraa*, Hey wood. Dtjtnd of IVo>cefitr— Doctor* Fiike, Otgoud, Babbit, Hatkell, Whiton Flint, Alien Dijitid cf Htmfjb >e— Doctor# Brewer, Starkweather, B-yant, Howe, Holland. Diftnti of £e- ijcttt'— Doctors Chddi, Sargent Towner Burghardt. DiJirMef iW/,/*—Doctors Tu ts, Holbrook, Mann, Hartiert, Kiciiardlon Miller. DifU id >Jlt, Brown, S ot v bridge. ■ The Counfelors at their meeting cn t!it 1th of June elected the following officers JOHN WARREN, P"JiJent. JOSHUA FISHER, J'.ct Preflic it. Csmsor?—David Towpifend,Thoroa» Welili, Aaron Dexter, Jofuh Bartlett, William Spoon er, Thomas Welih, Correfponding Secretary. John C Warren, Recording Secretary. John Flee:, Librarian. John G Coffin, Treafurer. CrMjone cf ihe Diftrict Society of Wore#* ter—Oliver Ft lie, Josaihan Olgood. Th* mas Babbit, Abraham Haikell, Aulho Hint. The following gentlemen have been admit* ted Fellows of the Society in courie, during the paft year, vi*. Henry H Child*, Pittsfield—John GrefUj Woreeftvr—Benjamin James, Bofton—Andrew Nichols, Danverte—Nathaniel Peab dy Salon —George C. Shat'uck, Bofton—iawread' Sprague Mewburyport. The following gentlemen have been elec ted Fellows during the laft year, v.t. Moses Adams, hlfworth—Wm Alpinwa » jr Brookline—Abial Hall, Alfred—Pearfott Keodail, Sterling—I.aac Mullikm.Townlend— Jonathan Shearer, i aimer—IiFacher Snell, Winthrop—Silas Wheelock, Shrewsbury— John WiFianis, Cambridgeport • Ihe following have been admitted Licea tia.e* to the practice of Medicine, viz. Ephraim Buck, Woburn—Moles H. Ehot, Andover—George Hayward, Bofton—Paul L Nichols, Freeport—Uiher Parfooe, Alfred— John Revere, Bofton—Benjamin Reed, Town* fend—Peter St. Medard, Bofton— Jofeph Stone, Shiewbury—Silas Weft, Tilbury The Counfellors have determined that a perfect knowledge of the following works, ihall t e coufi leaed indifpenfible for Candt* dates for esamma ion by the Ccnfori, viz Anatomy - Edinburgh Syftem of Anatomytc‘ Belli; Auatomy , Ih fMgy— Haller’s PbyOology , Boerbaavt* Inlliuies. ,. Cb.m,/try—Chaptal’s Chemlftry, or Henry* Chemit ry. .. . . j n j _ OturflU" lYiuiet;n i copos a of he .vlafTachufett* Medical Society Thatcher'• Difpenta ory ; Lewi*’* or Murfay1 Materia Mecbca .. Smrgfy— Cooper’* Surgery; Bell* (Bco; Sylleni cf .surgery ; Default or Boyer oa lo cale* of the Bones; Hamer (John) on Lufl Venerea -4 Midwife,,—Burn’s Anatomy of the Grav.a Uterus ; Deutnan * or Smithes M dwitery. Patbol gy aui Tbtrafftu,- Cullen* do, KritUneti Tboma,’ Practice of PhyfiC . Sydenham • Work*; Saunder* on the Liver , Curry on Water, Rufli’* Work.; Underwood on Diieale*of Chiidien Ik fide* the above the, Councilor. have re commended for the perufal of Student* cfVeOr ictue a lift of the moft important med.ca worM which may be teen by application to the ac cording Secreta-y PMAtdby Order, J c. WARREN, Recording Secretary* • Thofe who have not eiprefsed their »* cepanre a*e 00; confidercd lellow* J Law* of he Society* June 22