Newspaper Page Text
»b.i charfp (*hot) went through & f<vti »rwl Wrdgtd m the be*d ofone of bn ••ughiera, a child about threo fear*old. theu 10 bed with it* mother. The child eiuirel,«, • tew hour* —/{ong-r ft'/*. OKI) kl MED—In Bruin wick, on Wednesday Wh instant, to tbr order ut an evangelist, M ShibouOwii. l.Urodurtory prayer by Rrt Mr Woodward ol finm-wick Sermon by He* Air Dunbar of Niotdr borough. from tel, aviii tt. “ Thi* man an instructed in the way of U»« Lord, and being trrvrnt in the spirit, h S|«ake and taught diligently 'lie Miinp of the Lord, knowing only the baptism ol John.*' Con seemting prayer by krv. Mr. Cole of Lewis ton. Charge by Rev. Mr Woodward ol Brunswick. Right baud of fallow-skip by Res Mr Stearns itf Bath. Concluding pra\ er by ltev. g|r. Darrel on of Lewiston In this town, on the ‘id inst by Rev Mr Ten firoerk, Mr Saucri. CnLUta, merchant, of sa lea*, to Mitt Pant i t Ctt **01**, of this tow n— On Monday evenint l*»t, by Rev Mr Ten Broeck.Mr Jon* V PatiKCn, merchant, of New kotk, to Mi*s Ksthekise int-ux, of thi* town In Scarborough, on Tuesday evening lent, (•sutiu.i Metis*, E*q. ol North Yarmouth, go Mis* Mam SotrNstTk. In Cn,Mk, Mr. SupMli Dexter, Jr. in Miss Ptoomv S Pet» IMJR. In l-sstpoit Mi James VI Lincoln, merchant, to Mi** Ehta Ma-iida Rhimmer In Deway* vide Mr. Pel* K Reynolds, to Miss DelMiiah Wilder, dan*iitet of E <•’. Wilder, In V'us^alboro . Mr. Rcurl Goodwin to .Ml** Ha rfat Goodwin. la iVatersilh-, on Monday la-t, Milford P N'or to-, Esq Attorney at L«w, to Miss Sarah Anti, daughter of Nathaniel Git men, Esq. In H.-fm wrick, on Sunday evening 6th instant, b% R. D Dunning. E*q. Capt. Samuel Blake, of Portland, to Mi*s Caroline McMcnnus;—bv Abner Bourne. E*q Mr James Waldron, for merly of Boston, to Mis* .Mary Staples, daughter of Rev. Mr. Staple*. VIED, In this town, Mr. Natmas Sawvcr, aged a* Itout 31—Sali.v >WAis,a woman »»| color— found dead in the street. Her death i- supposed to have been occasioned by intemperance At Havana, Mi*Jnines L. Sawyer, of f'ape Elizabeth, mate ot tne brig 811.-010 Jane, of this port aged 21 years—a worthy young man. lo Jiis parents, hi* d&th.was pecnliaily afflictive. In llallowell, Miss Martha f. Liilev, for merly of Dresden, aged 19. Simmer M’C-ius land. suuol Mr. Aleiamier M'Cau.lanil, aged l!» mouth*. Drow ned in Litchfield, on Sunday last, David Tappan, son of Mr. Mitchcl Tappan, aged lo years. In Orono, Mr. Joseph Dudley, of Mt Vernon, aged 11*, ton of Mr. Benj Dudley. lo K ihbintion, Vtr. Williais Ills, of St. Andiews, aged 60 to Miss slaty JabutiM aged 16 In Havana. Aug. 2. Mr. Benjamin Smith, of York. Me aged a* out 20 In Dover, a child of Mr. John W. Mellen. In Leeds. Mr. Elias, sou of VI r. Kotieit Goo Id, aged 16 years. In Wayne, Mr. Guttavu* Foss. In Saco, on the Sih insc Mr. Moses Jacobs, aged 54. In Scarhoroogh. very suddenly Miss Margaret Coolbroth, aged 18. In Bath, Hiram Augustus, son of Hiram Has tings, aged 14 months. In VYiscassct, Mrs. Ann Xugusta, w ife of Doct. Philip E. Theobald, aged 26. In Bristol, on the 31st nit. Mr. Alesander Fns stet, aged I,XXL He arn«e in the morning in |>erfeel health, and in companv with his wife went on a visit to the house of a sou. During the visit he converted with his usual cheertul hv»3 aud sensibility, but when preparing for his teinni home, he was suddenly seized with a tit of fainting, and in about thirty minutes hr breathed his la«t. In Edgecomb, very suddenly, on the 7th inst. Mrs. Both Hood, aged 71*. maUine. port or _PORTLAND::_ » arrivals. WEDNESDAY—SI Cadet. Bobbin*. N. York, corn and fl'Mir to tint mastei ; scbrs. Mary. Cran dall, Noilolk, corn to Creeiy and Jont-t; k etuis. Walker, Bangor, lor ftaaton ; Maine, llettick, Cas tine. for do.; Bee, Wardweil, Xto do; Franklm Carpeuyei, do. do. , FRIDAY —Bng Maria. S*ephen«on, New Yoik ; etea. ‘ tioat Parent Porter, Boston, for Bath. Stunt <i*y — Hug \J do, Eaton. 25 days from Fal mouth, Jamaica, for Boston— rum, coffee, and pi mento; put in here on account of has ing ‘ sprung tier main mast and mam sail, and tieiug much mju red. firft ©o vessels at Falmouth. Tiehitg Argos. Dutch, of and lor New York, was to have seiied fr. Montego Bay. Auguat 15th Thursday. Aug 19. kat. 20, 30; Ion 83, 35, the Isle ol Pines bearing .V E 60 miles, end Cape Antonio N. W. 120 miles Hist at half past 4, l‘ M. civil ac’t saw a *a;l on the larboard bow,steering nearly for her soon dts coseied her to be a brig laying to on die larboard reck, main topsail to the mast, courses snug in the k>: tils, top-gallant sails handed, trysail, jib and staysail* down. Continued our course N. W. bv W. nearing the sail. At half past 5 when within Smile* of her, she disappeared; hauled dead on a wind, to ascertain what had happened to her, and soon saw her on her beam ends lighting slosvly, with fore and main-top-gailant yards and mast gone, topsail yards with their sails hanging by tbeir nines fo tlie lower yards. In a few minutes her main topmast went over the side, followed h> the itiainmast soon after, which stopped half wsy down Passed a half mile under her lee, saw no signal, or the !ea*i apnearaoce of any person being or having beeu on hoard, from the time we first dit covered her. She sunk down very moderately, and at one quarter past 6 disappeared. Tacked snip to the E. S. E. and fetched up into her position CooM discover nothing but a lew empty bnrrel*. most of which with one head nut—night coining on, end nothing flintier to be discovered. «e kept on rur course. The brig appeared from the sue of her sails, to he 260 tons or mote; her ruain tousatl nearly ir*. and foie topsail in good order. —S.-pt. 4th, lit. 36, 45. Ion. 72. 7. spoke sefir Her. ,**. of Eeatpoit. three and a half days from Phila delphia for Virginia. SATURDAY— Ac. sloop lion, Polleys, from Bo*>»n. with sundry, MONDAY -loop Jane, Ht’ich.|on, Qpqftn. vrccrisSPOKEN 27th July, lat so. mo bi* WttT tNDitS~ At Sc Pier**. 10»h uk. Ha Packet. Halt. cd New fettle, not told ; Lydia. I r.otnaa, Haiti, to . Cytwt, Patten, He u>t, t ; lianuatt, Stiaeon, of Saco, ar. I Oth. and went tu • ewti»d same day lot a market.——At at lie* >ai*4. IS i at' Ne«tor, Colima, brace, SO.—— A1 1 unity, tuguci 2U Me. hence, of Poet lend. ■ ■■ — %t Pi. Pet*a, August 19. Harriet, Leila. N York. > SupeiMM, do. 3; Soaaa 4r Wm. Cauie. it. Iw ant. Eli**, and La port. Portland unc. ; tlrapec, VncHi'ypnrt, 45. I itc biagrnt. tot Cap* Ann. titled time day At vuii«aiii, 13th nit Oilanth». Ruinkaia, Kea -.chunk.-At Dcmeraia, I0?h nit. \ mtut, llig ;mi. Bant, unc , I <yad. New ku-k. 12 , Hannan, Po.ilaud, disc e DOWEMIC--Ad*, at Near O,lean., a of 9. tlaaatd. link us, I urt luf'ruu.e—Ar. at Wiliam* itju, 25th, Heuey, Male., nf Belfast,Havana ; L* ander, Aldeu, Chanaitaa.— Ar. at Norfolk. let. Ac tive. Hath; tailed Hom the Hoads, Catherine, Ad inw, 1 ondoci. — A. at 1 redeitclpiiuig. 4th instant. Hue*. Uiegd-m, Boston. —Clean d at Kichmaod, *>h. Marv. Puningtoft, Bremen — Ar. at A.exao d«ia. 3d, Dolge Heely. Hatnorue, Tnoma*ion; At iniction, Haiti. New York— Cl. at Philadelphia, 4th. harah, Yotk St- Kma; 7th. Lmeiine Homm Boston —( at New 1 iirt, 5th, Concord. ^teveus M. TkMt«i l nued ^-ai -s. Downs, I'mcuttr ; ai wh, Mon tor. Prince. «.f Poitland. Moiau Lay ISth; a.lit I alcmi. .Murrol, Geoigeiowu, h. C i 15th; Fishi.awk, lialdnd-e. F.rd'-i-ksbuig. 8ih ; ■ 7th. ar. Lytlia Adame Mnaamau. .f 1 i.ocp*.ton Ja maica, 37, rl. Brother*. Lube* .Majestic, Port •anti; sailed, Iwooida*. Fiance —hailed from Bran ; Old. Conn. 5th. hHra. Bath.—At. at Piovidenve, I hth. Perseverance, Aug«i«ra-Ar. at Button 7Ui, Four Sitteit, Lindsay, Gotianhure; Matgatu ami j Amelia, Fredericksburg, 4hli., t rio ot Caalioe, Karpoit; Buitoa Bain ; the brig William Henry, jfioiii 11 .m..-ion, is at ancbm off I.o ig Idaiid. C|. j Stifjerh, Belfaat } America, Portland. Tne sloop! j l.ih ity. Moody* he-on. has ar. at Newbury poet,' | so l is to return on Monday, w»ud and weather per imirth.g _Ci. at Been, hunk. Braver, Mitchell, I -Martmico ; Betsey, U i lls. >t Lilt*. ! Ar at Hath, from 5c! to 10th September, f'den Merritt, St Pierre* ; Hannah Kiitalicth. Thing. sl- Kma ; bawrrtu ShepUstid, l inks Island ; Frau* ns Augusta, Foster, Philadelphia; Franklin and Me**#ng»r, Boston; Statira, Patten, Si Kin*; |steam lioal Patent. Porter. Portland, in tow, bug : Bachel Ann. Hodnck. lately up^tt. and Hi ..muted I it sea ; Carpenter. Bailei, New York; Deiia Hi if Boston; Wil'iam A L.r-iiue, S j , j Bom Key, via Boston ; Betsey, >t. Andrews— I‘ailed hugs Atlantic E?dred, Bermuda ; Geoigr i 'own, F'ee nun, Antigua ; Cygnet, Failey, West Indies-—Ar at Wiscas*ct, schooner Hannah I and Jane. Clio and Sally, Boston ; cleared Hector new ] Gove. \\ e*t indies ; SophtOnia Doln, j Vt ade, do. ; Dexter, Boston ; Poltv, Harr man. Portland.-jr—\rat Newcastle, 3d inst Harri et Nit'ith, TohaJH, 30, rum to C. Bryant Ar. at Bn«ton, lllh, Sea Flower, Augusta ; Sy ren. Belfast; Llira Ann, of Wanen, F.astport.— <1. Merhanir, LincolD. Portland ; Alton a, do. ; Tantamount, do. 1 Ar at Holmes' Hole, "tli rust, schooner Susan. 'Croker, from New York, for Machias. On the mghi of the GtIt. w as run on buardof -Cor. Packet, of j Btickapnit. hetueen Newport and Gar Dead, and stove hei larlmurd bon, and broke the top timbers. W a h tiled by him,:*iul told that hi* vest- I u as |eak i.<» hailly.and could not fee* her t apt- C. cruis* . ed for the packet, bin did nor fill in with her— ex ! pe«'» site was much damaged. The ich. Packet, Boat Frankfort, for New York, i ’v'th spars, put into Newport. 6th inst. with Ins* of , bowsprit, how stove, deck ripped np, and can scirce l<v he kept afloat-was run aloul by anothet vessel j 'lie night previou. in a fog. Hum, ('offer, Molasses, &lc. 20 Puncheons W. Island Rum ; 5 do. Jamaica do.: 80t>0 Hu Havana COFFEE ; 2'> Hhda Havana and Guadaloupe Moln<res ; 6 Pipes Ain. BRANDY—Bids Am GIN ; Pieces Havens Duck—Bids Mns. SCO \R ; 40 M. Spanish CIGARS—Bids LIMES; •Mi Hds T. Island and St. lilies S ALT, Uc.Lc I or sale nt No. 7 and 8, Lon<r W harf, bv STEPHEN WAITE, Jr. Pent. 11,1824. b*i.) BANK OF PORTLAND™ THK ^to kbodtTs of the Bank of Port* t. a snare hereby notified that their Annu al Meeting will lie ’ holden at their Banking House, on Monday,the4th dav of October next, at 4 o clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of choosing seven D n et .r«, for the year ensuing, and transact'ng *uch other business relative to said Bank, nr may then come before them. Bv order of the President and Directors. ALFORD RICHARDSON, Cashier. Portland. Sept. 11, 1824. Music Tuition. FAYETTE BARTLETT O ESPEC TF( IJ,Y tcoders lus services to IV the inhabitants of Portland and its vicinity ** an Instructor on the Or®au, Pianoforte and Flute, &c. &ic. Those who have not instruments at home, can be nccoinmodated at his place of residence, in Church Street. He can also furnish, at short notice, Music and musical instruments of all kinds. I f 'Pianoforte* tuned and repaired. .dim—One PIANOFORTE lor sale or to let. Portland, Sept. 11 ir24. Tortoise Shell. Jt’*T RECEIVED, \ND FOR SALE 70 Pieces First Quality Tortoise Shell, by THOMAS MERRILL, .Vo. 3, Merrili't Row. Portland September II. Notice to Retailers, A:c. ’ I’HE Selectmen hereby give notice that thr meeting for granting Licenses to Retailers. Innholders and Common Vieiuallers. will be hold 1 »t their office on Tuesday nest, I4fh iust. S) t« 12 o'clock in the forenoon and froat 2 to ti o’clock in the afternoon IS B. Those who neglect to apply on that day named will be *|hjeet to pav one dollar addition •I. ISSAAC ADAMS, Chairman. Sept. 11 \1 tll ljDind dipt CANDLES—No. 1 and 2 SO%r—For side by Horton and Trowbridge, at the Manufacture, near the bead of Green-St. Sept. 8 Wanted Immediatelv V tot*NO M AN of intelligence and ad dress to procure subscribers to a new work —Apply at this office Sep. 11. J new t>M*c*hon, to be conducted by a Son ety of Literary Gentlemen. •yHE encouragement received, is sufficient to 1 justify the continuance of** thi War * ra ” Its publication will therefore be resumed in the course of eight or ten days —It will be issued from the Statesman Office, in this town. Portland, ept. 8 18*24. Removal. N. P. S. PRENTICE, rVENTlisT. reapectftiijy mforms the lOhab wLW itants of Portland and its vicinity, that hr aas removed te Court Street, where he will at tend to the various operations on the Teeth. Portland, Juna IVtfa. 1824 Hrr'r.) the let dies. If S. Ill BBS baa ju»t twnr«d a new, assortment of Mrs Cantelo'a rlrrant and ; lishio:nlile CORSETS and MIN KltV t BRACE. J very cheap. Her, simp is in Court, near Feder | al Sires t, where she exerntrs the Habit S' Drex* making buxine**, in a fashionable and faithful manner. Testimonial* in favor of the Baser and Con j **T aright be exhibited from a great variety of > MMirees—but the follow in#, from one of the mo** 1 eminent physicians iu the United States, must satisfy the ni*nt incredulous — Portland, >ept II, 1824. TO MRS. CAN rUl.O “ Are- York, .fug J*. 1824 “ I bare eniertained an npintow, that me »e\eial nice* And corset* inaiiufaeuio'd ai your esunhsb meiii iiare. wnr intrude,1 to give giace am) ne»ut> to llie form of Ihe wearer, with wit iniuiy to heWtlt I'hal it my opinio* still. Il »e> ms in ice ihai ttUey ran t»e del omental only hy onpmpet application m shore. This cemsik sppiies moic especially io tt:e .Vinrrra t-aee, calculated in secure an eiecl attitude in a young frma,e too prone in ca rs hei uead forward, and to break that vicious liahil, nun out compassing ihe chest, nr injutiug any oihv, pan of the txxly. “ Il an argument is to be deriertl ag, m«t the em nloyment of an article, tiecauae it ha* |.««u injud - eiou»Iy applied, then the lashi >naMr ma'.i war nei.t of the teei, aught to ptnsctibe the wearing ot shoes, and Am us all barefoot ** But liter, is uo nwd of curs ing ihe reform *o such an extreme. To giul up i e lom«, to carry a good iietd and to proloct Ihe feel, will be IcHinil i u-*tu! a* long as ihe figure ot man continues a* ill is; and ihe gteat in a aim in tie observed, t.» so ft. •nffin^e "ur a'Js, as not F> wnvert then int ■ nhstu I ele* Your*. SAMfKf. L. MITCHELL. | IT*115bitl,AM) i;.\\K. 5'UK Sr « kSoltlersOf the CUMBERLAND BANK arc hereby notified, flint their As | *1 IL Ail i mo, w ill be holder) aT their Banking ! Boom, on Monday, the -4th day of October next, ' lock, p. M for the purpose of choosm j Nine Directers for the yes- ensuiog, and to net ion any other busine s ill it mav t eo coire before itbcin. lij/ order of the President and Dirtriert. J. SWIFF, CAMI R. Portland, Sept 13,1824. m:\v coons. j SAWYER-^ QUINCY, I!AV E JUST RECEIVED. .it ,\o. ■>, .Mussrjf's How, .Midtlle-St. i CA AROLIN'E and Plaids—Boniba d rettv—Cassimere Shawls—Merino Ukf*.__ 'Calicoes—Cambrics—Muslins—Muslin Hkis—j I Cotton and Worsted Hose—black Silk—Silk, , f lag nod Bmrlannn Hkfjf —Bombazines—Ding. , bam* Gingham Rulifs, &c. lu. A good assort* j '.mentof BROADCLOTHS—CASSIMERE6 and SATIN ETTS. -ALSO j I Rale RED FLANNELS,! I of 1 superior quality. 6«r Sept. 8. Store to Let. ' ^ ORL No. 3. M <rket-Square, Main-St._ * ^ ?r t®rans> «Ppl> at No. 5, Massey's How. Portland, Sept. 8. WANTED, (H?33 oO {Shares in the Casco Bank, by S. LITTLE, No. 12, Ex St « here may be had. Bank Money tor approved Notes—3, 6, y ar,d jg months, and oOOO Dollars in {Specie, at a small premium. g NOTICE. •PHr.r"Mic«r. Ii.r. l.v f„forue. n,, lhe Bark Love Bridge is now undergoing some repair* ; it will be impassable lor some weeks !and no toll will be received until such repairs’ | are completed. GEp WARREN, Agent. \iUe\Wgeuce Office. ,'IMTF. public are informed, thit an INTEL HiFNCE OFFICE is established in the *ame building with the Commercial Xews lloorn, over No. 5 Exchange Street —were various kinds useful information, connected with busi ness, may be obtained. At this office, Houses and Stores are hired and let on the best possi ble terms —Mechanics supplied with journey men and journeymen xvitfl places—Infortna |tio" given, concerning Clerks, apprentices, ser- j vants in families, Hostlers —concerning Fe tnales, wanting places as Cooks Chambermaids, | Music ir together with various other kinds of information not here enumerated. Fees reasonable. Portland, Sept. 14. 6w. is. farm for HALF '■f'O be sold at public Auction on Wednesday, the 2l»th inst. on th» premises, at two of the clock P. M , the farm formerly owned bv Jeremi ah Prince, in Cumlterland, containing fifty Acres, with * convenient one story house, well furnished’ and a Baru 32 by 40,and other out buildings,ami a good well of water. Said farm is of an eseellent soil, well watered,and has considerable young wood growinfton the same said farm is about four hundred Rods from the Congregational Mee ting House in said town. .ILSO—All the Corn and potatoes now grow ing on said farm,and about si* tons of Hay in said barn. Terms of payment made easy for pur chasers. For further particulars enquire of STEPHEN GOOLU, ofl.isbon. Lisbon, Sept. 11, 1S2-1. * Institution for Savings. A 7 * meeting of the Board of Trustees of - 1 the Institution for Savings for the town of Portland and its vicinity, on the 12th day of Vugust, last— I otcii, “That a Committee be appointed to ieport a list of such Depositors as ought to be required to withdraw their deposits”—And the following Numbers have been reported by said 1 Committee—the owners of which are berebv respectfully requested to call on Sawcei Trssk, ' Esq Treasurer of said Institution, at his Coun ling Room, No. Ilf. Long Wharf, Portland, and receive their deposits, together with the interest »nd e*tra dividend up to the twenty first day of July la*t,trt which time iuterest ceased. No. 21 87 130 193 31 117 131 * 223 52 118 179 259 72 121 185 271 79 130 186 80 133 183 Depositors may know whetherthev are among ‘hose who are required to withdraw their de ,K»sits, by comparing the above numbers with their deposit books. ' J M GERRISH, Sec'rw. Portland. Sept. 7, 1824. Wanted VFFW THOUSAND DOLLARS, of Hallowed and Augusta, Wis*. asset and astine Mooey. TICKETS as usu. t. WILLIAM FKANCIS. Portland May 11,1824 u HIDES, LEITHER & OIL. LPHE S«h»cr'l»r» have formed a connex J ion in business under the firm of HARTSHORN & COLBY, •rid taken a stand in the new Brick Stow ». at the liead of Crau and Fret ■'ilrn/i, opposite Messrs A &. I., hw s w s, w here they intend to keep con stantly on hand, a general assortment of HIDES V LE A THEE, nr %i l aisns —THEY HAVE IN STORE— Heavy Sole Leather Hide*—Smltt d, do do. do. do. Dry, Lidit Upper do. do. do. do do. do. do. Salted, Calcutta do. do. do do. Horse Hid.-s for Trunks or Tanners, Philadelphia Sole Leather, very heavy a->orleii for Boots “ “ “ Light for Shoes i. Pumps. “ AA'ax and Grain Upper Leather, *• Calf Skins do. common AAax and Grain, “ Skirting and Harness Le ither, Black and Buff Burk Skins for Shoes. “ Chamois ki Buck Skin* for Printers’ Ball*. Cod OIL for ( urrierSy CURRIERS1 TOOLS < f every description. The above articles will lie sold on as good terms as they tan be purchased in Bo-ton or elsewhere. Tannera and Curriers, before carrying their! money out ollhe State, are respecttutlv inv ited , to mil. Hide, or Cash given for Leather of all kind-1 in the Tan. AA 'lifted. Bark Tint rj Shrep Skins, for which, j Cash ft«d tu« Liglie.-t |<ru« w ill be giveu O N HARTSHORN, JOHN C. COLBY. Portland, Sept. H>, 1824. It), tf. | S MITH aV OXXAUl), AUCTIOXtr COM \tlSa I OX MF.IiCHAXTSJ -No. 7. Central l ow. Core Slretl, HAW FOR SAI.F J GO Bills. Family FLOUR 1 21 h, MM.IIin... ;* 4 u'lailer Ca.-ks old Madeira AYLNE ; 4 Cn-e- Black, Blue, and Mixed BRO.lD-1 CLOTHS, from the Salmon Falls iVUuiufactory ;f 3 Cases GIN. i|| V M S ; 1 Ditto. STRIPES , *> Ca-e- Ai bales blench'd and brown SHEET INGS ; 2 ill. SHIRTINGS; 1 Bale TICKINGS ; 2 Cn-es 7-K DIMOTIES ; 1 do. White JEANS ; 3 p*. Kidderminster C ARPETING. Portland, Sept. 7, 1824. tiREEEEY & JOAES Offer J $r Sale, a* Am. 3 <y 4, /,««» H'hnrJ■— 500 11 urrels Fredericks- ] burg superfine, . „ 100 Do. Scratched, ground from new wheat, 100 do. Baltimore Howard Street Su- J w* peril lie, r Z 400 do. Geneesee, H« do. Scratched, 40 do. K Middlings 30 do. Middlings 100 barrels Pilot Bread ; 25 do. Wafer do. I.jOO Bndiels Virginia Corn; 3 I Bids. Leaf Tobacco; 20 Kegs No. 1 i. 2 manufactured do.; 4<> Puncheons St. Vincents, 1 15 do. Grenada, D IT \f . 25 do. Jamacia, D U III , j 20 do. St. Croix J 6 Pipes Cognac Brandy, entitled lo deben ture ; 15 do. Holland Gin ; 12 Qr. Cask* Malaga Wine ; 30 Bales Upland Cotton ; 60 Chests and Half Chests Young Hvson, Hyson Skin and Souchong Teas ; KXX) Lb*. Loaf Sugar ; 3o00 Lump do.; 6 Hlids. and 15 Barrels Muscovado do. ; 6 Boxes Rock Candy ; 10 Barrels Ginger ; 200 Boxes 6 by 8, 7 by 9, 8 by I0*and 12 Glass ; 200 Box » American Segars ; 300 Quintals Pollock Fish ; lOO Kegs White Leud ; Barrels No. 1 K. 2 B*ei. Portland, Sept. 4. 1824. Five Thousand Dolls. Keward. 'T'HE schooner Doi phin, of New-York, _ copper fastened and coppered, of 113 tons. Pilot Boat built, nearly new, was upset at sea on the 19th July, in hit. 34, Ion. 68, laden with a cargo ol Lumber, &c the bulk of which was wbite pine Boards, having in her cabin a Trunk and a Box, and in her run a Keg, containing about jf40,u0u value in Doubloons. A dismasted schooner, w ith her bowsprit stan ding, supposed to be the Dolphin, was fallen in with ip tat. 39, Ion. 69,about the 2<>th of Auiust, by the brig Elizabeth, from Barbudoes to Bath The above rev'.aid of £5,(MO will be paid bv 'he Atlantic »*n Amemcan Nsikamcf. Com panies, ot New York, to any persons who will deliver to the underwriters the *aid schoone and specie, or in proportion for any part thereof The late Captain of the Dolphin, who lias re cently been at Bath, and has seen Capt Reed, ot the brig FI zabetii, from whom he obtained information of the II ill! of a vessel he (Capt R , s*w at sea: he is well assured that it was tip hull ot the Dolphin. New York, 1 s»t Sept. 1824. D. «. I). BREWER’S, -Ao. 1 k. 2, .%arktt~ik]uarr. rPHEY have just rereived a very L AKG1 1 and ELEGANT ASSORTMENT of China, Glass, and Crockery Ware, >f the- latest Importations, and Rest Patterns onsisting of Blue Printed Enameled and C. C. A are —AsSOR 1 ED Clt \TEj for country raders. and other Ware in the original packag. “*> unusually loir —Be>t English and American rut flint DECANTERS, TutuMers, Wines and salts, Globe Entry Lamps and LAMP GLASS £3, Table .Mats, Single and Double Bordered Waiters. Gilt and Mahogany Frame LOOKING jL ASSES, ac &tc. They have also added to their former Stock >f W. I. Goods and Groceries, »n ADD! TION XL SI PPLY, which makes their Assort meat COMPLETE, all of which they will sell Wholesale or Retail, for Cash or Cred it. They have also, BOO lbs MIDDLESEX CHEESE, which has for several years past, been so celebrated at the Eacharige Coffer House in Boston, as being equal to any of the English IMPORTED CHEESE. Far safe, Hutu lbs. BUTTER, 1000 do. CHEESE, 250 Bu«heU WHITE BEANS Portland, May 8, 18*24. tf For Sale, A PLEASANTLY situated Lot of LAND in Hampshire Street, and will be sold in size to suit the purchaser, and on accommodating terms—Euquwe of >J DAVIS Portland Aug. © la24 ATT WOOD, CRAM A Co j HAVE FOR SALE, '•» Umdiug fmm Kkr. Climms./mm P*ttrdmrg\ t+»( r k BbK su|«rCue FLOCK, fn,m ■#« J J 1/ wheal , 5U keg* .No 1 TOBACCO #.v 3 route, * 150 chests and lintf'j rhe«U of Hyson, Young » TEAS l Hyson and Souchong J 100 kegs Crst quality matt jfartured TOBAC CO; li hlid*. leaf TOBACCO , 125 buses TIN. uwnrtcd sire* ; SO bundle* Sheet IRON ; lt» bale* Brunswick SHEETING , loo 1‘bls Richmond City, ( FLOUR, from new Wheat, S llas.l!*. brand 1 rase Philadelphia MILL-SAWS; A Kbl* Bloektin TE APOTS *, tin Ream* Letter PAPER ; 8 Bale* COTTON CHAI1V CABLES, Directfrom Ihr Memtfnrtnrtrt. DUPONT'S GUNPOWDER. IP) bid*. Summer OIL ; BO half baskets su|»-rior OHvt OIL ; 6 casks Bar LE AD: 15 rolls Sheet LEAD ; 10 Rolls Philadelphia SOLE LEATHER ; inon ib*. t assia. 15 Puncheons WEST INDIA RUM ; 10 Pipes Find Quality COON AC BRANDY September, 4 1824 FLETCTIEU & GREELEY,! Jigtnlt fur the Rostov tuprrfmt dnubU vUKtf CYLINDER POttDER, HAVE Jt’ST RECEIVED <A jPk(PN Ca«ks and 2000 Canni.ters of the -J se He highly esteemed POWDER ; which they will sell on as good terms a, can be perch us ed in this town. F. ^ G. can furnish any quantity of the above Powder at short notice. .duguttTi, 1824. FLETCHER ,V OREEI.EY HOT JUST RECEIVED FROH PIIII S DE l>H IA 1(A(A REAMS Writing and IW Letter PAPER. Auction & Commission business as mid. August 31. 3tn. Very interesting Correspond*.tier. JUST PUBLISHED And for sale at the Auction Room nf FLETCHER \ GREELEY, MemU's slow, Fore-Street, V REVIEW of the Corrkspokdence be tween the Hon. JOHN ADAMS, late President of the United '•fates, and the late WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM, E»q.beginning in 1803, and ending in 1812, by the Hon. Timothy Pickering. Together with an APPENDIX, containing a [variety of public Documents which ought to be kept m everlasting remembrance. Sept. 1, 1824. BHUS. Clear No. 1, am! prime POIlK — Boxes Havana brown SUGAR—Bags Cal cutta white SUG AR—Whole and halt Timesuf RICE -Boxes of STARCH—Bats PEPPER— Sacks of CLOVES—Bags COFFEE—Malts of CASSI \—NUTMEGS—Bengal INDIGO—Box es of PIPES—Pipes of Cognac BRANDY— Pipes Holland, and hhds. and obis. Anietican GIN—Hhds. Jamaica, St. Croix, Grenada and Tobago RUM—9Casks Sicily, Madeira,Lisbon, Red, Sweet and Dry Malaga WINES—Chests and Boxes Hyson, Young Hyson, Caper Sou chong and Souchong TEAS—('ask RAIH.NS —Kegs of MUSTARD—Bhls. Bright ROSIN— Sperm OIL—Boxes Superior Powchong TEA— tcc. &.C. For Sale at JEREMI AH GORE, Ik's, Commission Store, -Vo. 6, South side of Long Wharf. (isbvv.) Portland, July 28,182-1. Hledicines, Paints *y Dye Stuffs. MERRILL &. MITCHEI.I. HAVE JUST RECEIVED an addition to their former Stock of MEDICINES, which renders their assortment as extensive as can be found in town—The medicines were •elected w ith great cate by Dn Mi krill, and are believed to be as good as the market atfords PAINTS. White, Red, and Black LEAD-FRENCH. PATENT, KING’S, and CHROME YELLOW — PRUSSIAN BLUE—SPANISH BROWN—VE NETIAN RED—ROSE PINK—SI IP BLUE— VERMILLION—SPIRITS TURPENTINE LINSEED OIL, tc &r C A.YTPE ACHY LOGWOOD—MOUNT AIN REDWOOD—SRAZILLETTO WOOD—FU» nc—BI CF. VITRIOL—COPPERAS-ALUM MADDER—MANILLA fc. BENGAL INDIGO ’av RUM, i,c Also, a quantity of HINDUSTAN OIL STONE. try chenp The above goods will be sold on the mn«t rea sonable terms for exsn,Or approved Credit N B. All persons indebted to the late firm «■ MERHILLk DAVIS are reminded that thei ccounls & notea liave beeome due, and are re quested to settle them without delay Portland. June 7. * (euftf) PuOBaTE notices. At a Court of Probate held at Portland, within ana frr the county f Cumberland, on tke thirty firm day of Aug ait, in the year of our Lord eigatee. hundred and twent 'our. I/LIPH ALL r «;R LV, admiuistrat.’ r ct tf>ee* late of JOHN PI ITU. ;»te of CaurberUnd. in said Co< nty, Mariner deceased, laving presenter iris first account of tbe administration q! Mid estate for allowance ; also lire petition of the widow ol said deceased for tire astigtineiu of her Dower. ORDERED. That the said administrator give c* iice to all persons interested by causing a oopy o. • bis Aider to be published three weeks successively in tbe Port, tad Gaxette, printed at Portland, Hu they may appear at a Probata Court to be hekl raid Portland on tire first Tuesday of October next at ten of tbe docs in the forc»0>>n. and she* caur if any they have, why ibe same should not be lowed and granted. BARRETT POTT F R. JuJg: A true Copy. Att. Horatio Southgate, Reg * *PHE subscriber hereby gives public notice to a * concerned, that be ha* l«ea duly ajy *«•. tod taken upon bimaelf, tire trust ol Admtaistrar. of tbe estate <d DANIEL Tl’CKER. late oi P,j, land, in tbe count* of Cumberland L*^. decease by giving bond as tbe law directs—He tbe<cf >re re quests ail persons wbo are indebted to tbe s*>J dr ceased’s estate to make immediate payment; at. tboee who base any demands tbereoa, to exhib< tbe same for settle meat to use Commissioner LEM ILL TICKER. Ten!sad, Aug 31.1914 <'o.nlis and 1‘aqBMPl AT .H i 1 ’ ‘ L hu. n»t ^•vURf irSftit H.JullN II i.\KI>N£Wr\fj f A' \v 6, t\ mlrat Hair. .V clot* a 't^Bjfl§§§ ;rf: -•HI do/.. mi|k nor Horn ('orflBl .•«u»rted M*r», «o«ir \ rry large, ulid MM t li nt intilH.1 of •»hell , l||||||f| .'-i do* I*orr COMBS , K|$ is 40 dot Shelf do wMR l!’»* J »- Ken jaimn * *<*n llraeb iMbtd BB STRAPS ji 1 ‘I’ N* ’ M V i ' Mil- nA/OR» £* 1 to «-». <-UrnC ■<( ..I I*0< K F.T fit HJk?BfO 1 V..' hilt I I i *1.10-— I I'll I | \ Fs—W A • iith'-II.M II. « H.S--I - PF.NDI. I* H I'll Mf.MOit\\|.| VI n K'i> -gi n cr. % 1% ' § . Il 1 2 (K l.Ol A . MU day, *, i * j l elegant 'rime Pieces, srt mdi: AUharter; fj ’iL W • i \lnlia>ter Watch Stmirfffrjj new i.lnif, • : iTaTujware coc >flft 1 AT AUCTION. On SATURDAY.Ik* J.-fA »».*f at 10•>/«*, J. jgB ? I»v JOHN I). GARDNER,/ A A*, ft, 11 ntral Raw, 10 Do*. German Steel Hand SAWS* 12 Du*. Panne) ditto. ; 5 l>oz* Enf'i'h SHOVELS No. 21 1 C*.c Dutc h IIONES ; 10 Dos. Norfolk I.ATCIIES . 501Hz. 11 .tt HINGES; ‘20 Du*. Cork INKSTANDS; 4 Do*. Fry PANS • 6 ANVILS; 5000 feet Genera Window CLASS, Ac. 4c. Portland, Sept. 4. Iff*, Medical Book# at Auction. O.Y THVRSDAl%Hu :tk Any ,/ October next, at lu a dark. J. M at ' Fletcher iV Greeley's Office, 4 Valuable Medical l.ibn.*v, Misrellaner tn» * ' BOOKS, ix.—belonging to the Estate of a |Gentleman deceased. Catalogues may be bad at ihe OtBce previous to the sale. | Sepv 7, IS24. Public Stic. | ^1^^ ®L SOLI) by order of the Jirlge at j A Probate, on the premises, on Monday 27th |dt.V of September neit, at 4 o’clock P M me I EW in Ihe new Meeting Mouse in Gorham, be - : longing to the estate of Si! * Chitdboiirne, |«*» I°1,!^orhan'-deceased, subject to the Widows * i tlardi or dower therein. NAIIU.M CHADBOURNE. Adrar Gorham, August 23, 1824. JVew Style Vestings. BIiACK SILK VE TINGS, with the por traits of Ln Fayette, Washington, Jaelrmn, j and Clay, are received at No. 8. .Vfii'«ev • Row. . Middle-Street, by SAW YER L QUINCY. Portland, Sept. 8. 3wi* 3wos j Cold Spring Starch, Bran dy, SCc. JOHN L). GARDNER, •V«. 6, CEXTRAL ROW, H AS just received per schr. Aretas. from Philadelphia—Union, from New-Yu-k* jund Augustus, from East port, 100 boxes Cold Soring ) STARCH, ra-mmtruy | 20 Shi,. do. do. S ”m*' 6 pipe* New-York BRANDY-4th proof , 6 hhds. Grenada RUM ; 10 puncheons St. Vincent RUM ; ..ALSO. 30 puncheons St. A iuceut RUM. entitled to debenture. Portland, Aug. 24. * jokjTTiall, —lint far Sale— |7() Roxes brown Havana sugar ; 25 Puncheons St. Croix RUM *, lo Pipes Cognac BR ANDY, superior qualify , 4o Bids. American GIN ; 75 Bbls. Mess No. 1 BEEF ; Half bbls Mess BEEF ; 30 bid*, prime PORK ; SO Bbls. Genessee family FLOUR ; 1000 Bushels North River Yell jw CORN, iu >ack h ; 100 do. RYE, in sacks; 06 Chests and half che*t* Meson and Young Hyson TEA, Beaver’s Cargo. Portland,Aug. 18, 1824 10 Packages of New Goods. BRADLEY &. DOW, -V* ft, Mu$sry'» Pov. HAVE receited » few package* of LW GOODS, consisting of striped LEV IN UNES* new and elegant article ; a fine a«soi1 mentol PLAID NANKEEN SILKS— Black a d colored SARSNETS—Pl-id SCARFS—Plain oid Damask CRAPE SH AWLS—Bordered and Figured CASSIMERE do—Light PRIN'fS— Mourning GINGHAMS, cheap—40 pieces white CAMBRICS, very low—Plain Ml SLIMS— Black and col d Nankin and Canton CRAPES —2“ Doe worsted HOSE—Figured black Silk VESTINGS-Thread LACES-Caioluie PLAIDS, tee- itc. • i*U. August 22, 1824. Plaids and Hombazett** BRADLEY & DOW » HAVE RECEIVED 200 PLAIDS and, BLACK BOM BAZ FITS. </• _ Black Nankin Crapes. Case superior /Slack Aankin CRAPES, Barton dye, ju«t received by A.MJltEW SCOTT, 2"; __ Aw«_ tixckangn Afreet. r Wanted to Chart*#* A good substantial BRIG or SCHOONER, of about ISO to IBS klo« to proceed from the Port <>: t Darien, Georgia, to the City o! artunjitou, (OiHrict of Columbia.) to carry gtity thou**1 ' feet of Lumber, ropeifteiai i.t i.ure. The umber will average 94a 40 fret For further particular* enquire of JOHN D . vRDNKK, No. ft, Central Row, Fore Street Portland, Augu«t 23,18*4. For Sale, Freight or Charter. The fi't > ilii: g S lionrf : THOMAS HALL, built to Virgin,* of w&ite oak A Pitah pine, copper _fastened 8T too* burthen, two ears old, aad to complete order Apply to GREELEY la JONES, Jo. 3, Long Wharf Sept 4, 1^4