Newspaper Page Text
J'{V _I *t of Uit iHobnutitit Trmjtli memory of t ‘re m Ihr Mn*»f /.• Iff'*.] wgw fktie dome Jkn mr.pti *brtn«—the »it»-i»t tomb, (fhamlhiniiinjf stranger* toe* to coin*, W wpgre genius mourn*. The \a if—the solitary home ' tJf thee, |toot Hums ? Yafb-re*. that dome adorn* thy bed, T*h» given by Unite who •* arcrlv broad wj. n living gave tbee—not a abed T o bide thy tv ante ; lit now would o'er tby mouldering head, ] build monuments "be l ulr spot is thine. And who "W1 turn thee from thy tenure now '* ty lease is long, thy landlord true, Thy troubles coase ; m great pmaess no more than thou, From heaven'* lease. ■ of the .Nitb ! the wing was light, plum' - •* err whitest of the white, But wild ai d wayward was thy (light, From wave to wave ; course wts thine, head strong and bright, Ceu to thy grave. Swan of the Kith ! if aught in Ihr* Sullied thy whiteness, none should see Tb*- btr .i.>n J men should view like me, Thy tile’s snort dream, And let tny faults, tike swan's feel, be Sunk ui the siren mf. • Boms wii ejected from hi* farm by an on feeling tendlofit fli is »aid mat iiir stean think* bei feet a blera j ieii ami tbeiefoic seldom shows tliem N I- \V GOO I) S. PASCHAL BROOKS, A'e I, Merchantt’ Row, Middle Street, J’S now opening' narrow Black BOMBA ' ZINKS—Mu-im and Gingham KOBES— Very Sue 4-4 nd 6-4 I m. India MUSLIN—Fig ured and plain Swiss do --6-4 check CAM BRIC—-Lijht blue, pink,Buff and green flurence SILKS—YYh.te aud colored CK WATS— Black Can Ion CRAPES—Italian do. FURNITURES— BUTTONS—BUCKK \M—P ADDING—SICK— TWIST— lb. PINS—Sewing COTTON—Sea aland SHIRTINGS, lie. fee. Aug. 28, 1824 1 __ _ ___ ; Fishing Anchors. THOM AS~BK O W N E, -VO. 12, LONG-WHARF,— ' AN assortment oi Socket Fishing AN CHORS, warranted, iron) PI) mouth Fac- j lory. AESO, DUCK ; COUD.iGE ; English Sew j ing '1IVLVE ; St. Ubes S ALT. April 7, 1824. 6ui. {Q** American Goods, CHEAPER THAN EVER. HENRY 11. 1JOODY, Opposite Cumberland Bank, Exchange Street,j O PORTLAND, FFERS for sale, at reduced prices, bOOO lbs. Yarn, from No. 0 to to 22, blue . nu while , 1500 yds.GiNUHA.Vl, warranted colours ; liAHJ do Apron CD Ecu ; I0U0 do brown SHIRTINGS, very low ; lout) do do SHEEilNGS ; 1400 do Waltiiaui Stult t INGS, bleach'd ; A7**0 do Waltham SHEETINGS, do ; g-. 1000 do WaltbumCOT 1 ONs,uubleach dNo.2 1500 do Waltham SHIKtINGS, do; P blinker BLDTlCkiNCi ; knitting yarn ; SLACKS and Sewing COTTONS, «t alt colors aud superior quant). i ::ALSO:::: ' Gentlemen, Ladies, Misses Child ren s Morocco and Leather blioes and Hoots, Manufactured by tue best workmen. Mki.cha!«T3 in i ow n or Country, aud all others who wish to purchase any ot the above GOODS, will do well to cail, as they are from tlie Uidesi aud best Manuiaetory m America, and re- , eeived regularly every week, which give* them the superiority over any sold iu Towu. Feb, 18, 1823.__tf. ( La Fayette. LIKENESS of Gen. Ea Fayette, En graved by O. H.THBoor,printed on Satin, intended to be worn as a compliment to the 1 General. They are printed to answ er tor Belts 1 and Watch Ribbons.—Military Companies and Societies cau be furnisbed at tue shortest notice For sale at HENRY QU1NCI, k-Co’s, ki change Street, aud at 0. il. THROO!* S Engra ving Room. fS. B. Persons who wish to obtain them will please to call soon. Aug. 28. ’HENRY GODDARD, HASjiM received, by the Topaz, form Liver* pool. , I l(i casks Hard Ware Shelf GOODS, tor in in tr i w ilh Good* before on band, a more lull and complete assortment tnan lie ha* kad at any former period—of which are tne folio a mg: A Cask of SCREWS, of every size to use : A Cask of BUTl lllAGKs, do.; A Cask oi FILES, chiefly cast steel; A Package of BUTTONS; A Cask of FLAT IKONS; * A Cask of CAST STEEL; A Cask of BRASS WAKE; An assortment of CUTLERY, of tin'd and platrd SADDLERY, a lull assortment of SAW a CHISELS,PLANE IRONS, and other Mecha ic*' Tools, in general. A case or or two o * Heiumiug s Needles-plated, Britannia, tin f. iron, tea and table SPOONS—Spectacles— Pocket Book*—articles use 1 in bunding, and other* too aomwou* to specify—togclner with an assortment ot FONTS. From Flmadetphia, 1 8 c«*"*» MILL SAM S—X cut and Wood SAMs —SMOV A' it ALTERS U'PnJK Iom a* elsewhere, and Trader* will, hi.y lii*.® regulated by Bestou price*, u they' *w«*td vary. [Aug Zb. Yorkshire Brand Cloths& Cas-j1 si me res. EDW ARD HOWE, .Vo 5, Merchant's R»*, Middle street, XT \ 5 pisirvcetved by lire an %ai of the Ship Arn at Boston, and now opening for bale, a hand*->.in- »u>i.imf»t ot blue and Black BRa4&-CLOfHS—CASSIMEKES. and Bin** LADIES’ CLOTHS.—These b»*iu? added to hi* I former Stock of El ROPEAX, INDIA and A-j MERICAN GOODS caaprisinc « hr.? assort-; ment, will be 'old very CUEAP for CASH ia Jan* Id, l o-4 * (tt) |c I Horace si:aver Ori'ERS tar **le at Chamber* over the fottlmd Bonk Store, Merchant* Haw Middle street, A Good Assortment of Eng Bab and American COTTON and WOOLLEN GOODS eun»iitiii)t of 7<MM) lb*. Cotton YARN,from W hiting, Pletcher and Co’a Manufactory, No* from 7 to 16—2U0 Iba. do. do. deep W*t—**• I ha. COTTON THREAD, all number* and col rn 2ttt lb* CANDLE WIC.ING—2ft>.'»J0 Y'da. GINGHAM, check and Mriped—2<1,*t Yd*. Blue DENIM-2009 Yard* BEDTICK IMi, of different qualities—MILLENETTS- — **,'■«» Yd* Br SHIK 11 NGS and SHEET INGS.—IMmii I’d*. Bleach d do.—KKI Pieces S ITTINETTS, at different price*— Hearn* Wrapping PAPER—200 do Writing do. No*. 1 and 2—100 do. Capp do—10U0 lb* Binder * BOARDS—7>w*0 Bandhoi Paper—800 Groce PASTEBO ARD—7«*> do. American Glasa and Metal BUTTONS, very cheap. ALSO A Good Assortment of English Piece G O O I) S, JUST RECEIVED, CO.XSISTLVG OF CHINTZ— CALLICOKS— Furniture PATCH COPPF.KPL ATES— DIMOT1ES Furniture Dl MOTIES—C AMBRIC do—PRI NTS—Jeans —Plain and Fig'd. MUSLINS, Me. kc.—.1t*o, No*, from 20 to Idrt.—Eleeant Gilt Coat and Vest BUTTONS—C ARPEtTNGS—Cawimere* SUSPENDERS, BOMB AZETTS, and American One Case Superior British SEWING THREAD TAPES. Bar and Windsor SOAP—99,000 Spanish and American CIG VRS—Blark and Yellow SNI FF — LaHkV Leather and Morocco SHOES,LOOK ING GLASSES, kc <te. .11 SO PLOUGHS, MILLSAW9, and AXES—20 dor Steel Plated HOES . The principal part of the above Good* are ju*t received,kind are offered a* rheerp a* can be purchased in town for cash or approved credit Portland, June 8,1824. tf 1 Fresh Yorkshire Broadcloths. PASCHAL BROOKS, .Yu. 1. .Merchants' Row, .Middle Street, IJ AS received bv tbe Inte arrival of tbe ** Ship Ann at Bo-ton, ti very extensive as sortment of «nperfino, fine and common Black, Blue, Brow n and Vlixt Broadcloths and Cassimeres. Also, just opened, am-. Case soft dres* IRISH LINENS—Worsted and Silk HOSIERY—Ban danna and Flag HI>KFS.—Linen SHEETINGS —Plain Svvi*s MUSLINS—Beaver and Kid GLOVES, kc. [t /'To la* sold at the lowest C VSH Prices. Portland, June lb, (if.) Iew STOlfi” FWNHE subscribers have formed a connex J. ion in business under the firm of C1WTE vV DAY/S, md taken ihe New BRICK STORF., on the cor •er of Frkk and Cross-strefts, opposite Messrs 4 is E. Shaw's, u here they intend keeping con stantly on hand, a good assortment of West 1. Goods, & Groceries, which they will sell at fair prices ; by strict at ention to business^ they hope to merit a share of mblic patronage. JOSIHI CHUTE, Jr. WILL MM S. DAVIS. N B.—Their friends from the Country are in cited to call. Portland, An^ust tilth, 1824. "feathers. EVERETT Hr STEELE, MaW-StREET. HEAP OF GRFF.N-STRFFT, f T AVE for sale, Northern and Southern live H- Geese FEATHERS, Duck, No. 1. Russian md common fowl do., which they are dispos ’d fosell cheap for cash. BEDS made and filled at short notice. March 17, 1S24 tfoaw. i T~ . m CASKS PACKAGES OF TI A R D-AV A R E. CtOMPRlSlN’G a great variety of articles t just rr reived bv NATIVE MITCHELL <t- Cn. 3reosiTF Umov-Row, Mi hole-street. V large assortment of GROCERIES r.> nsnal. N. B —AHpersons indebted to Nath’l Mitch- ; 'LL arc requested to moke immediate pax/went. Those who have been indebted to him ore. six walks, are in formed that unless payment is made mmerlialtly. their demands trill be left with an atoms u for collection. July 27, 1IB4 f.w DAVID S. ILSLEY, JE WELLER A.YD SI LI ERSM1 TIL Exchange Sired, J.J just received a handsome assortment FASHIONABLE JEWELRY, ‘ilv-ftr. Plated, Britannia and Fancy GOODS, ■onij-rising every article usually found in the iime line of business; to be sold at the lowest irices, for cash, or iu exchange for old Gold and Silver. If August 2. CHEAP GOODS. AT .\V 4. EXCRA.XGE-STREET. STOJrl' black twitted S1I.K, slightly dam aged, at 7a cents per vd. ; bingham ROBES, from §\ 25 to 1 75 ; Ladies w bite Cotton HOSE, 20 cts. to 50 cts. pair; IVhite JE \ N. from 20cts. to 30 cts. per vard ; •♦It Coni BT'TTONS, at I2A cts. perdoz. ; L. tencia VESTING. 50cts. pattern ; Marseille* do. .‘lit cts pattern ; Bov's p<>cltet H \NDI"S. 10 cts. each ; D<*. Neck do 124 cts each; Vhile FT. VNVEL. 25 cts to 75 cts. ; Linen DAMASK, very cheap. •MARK S. G HALLY »!y2l. tf Cuter VIxEGART Q2^*t.esl Cider Vinegar. • ~V\ Mll.llLS or Merchants can he supplied I? w ittt karrauted of the first quality, as low as can ir purchased elsewhere .delivered in •iy quantity, from 1 to l<*i barrels, by apply - ng to the subscriber at Gorham, or to JOHN X)X, Portland. James Coil man. Gorham. July 12 ISM. New bury port Shooks. ^AONSTAN i LY on hand, and for sale. CHASE & BONNEV, t H idgerv * Wharf, w hart Cooperage is attend d to as usual. June 30. JAMES COOMDOE, Jr. COUli Tsril EET. H\S inst received from ttostnn, in assort. ment of elegant Valentia and Marseille» VESTING, entire new jwttf*m«, and of superior fabric Also, an assortment of English Silk VESTINGS, of various figures. O.V H.1.VD—An assortment of fashionable CLOTHING, via. Dress Coats. Superfine Blue ; do. Black do. Brown; do. Olive ; Oxford and other mlit. PANTALOONS. Superfine blue Pantaloons ; ✓ do. Black do. ; do. Drab do. ; do. Army do. ; do. Oxford do.j do. Hareback do. VESTS. Valentia, Strip'd and figur* J ; Marseilles, do. do. Cassimere Vests, 1st quality ; Blue do. do. J. C. having just returned from Boston, w here be lias procured the very latest Loudon Factions, and some ot the very j first rate w orkut.-n, he flatters himself that he j shall be able to please those who may favor him with their commands. H’anted.— Three or four journeymen tailors to whom the highest wages will he given—none need apply but those who are first rale work men. Portland. lOih Aug. 1824. Dye Stuffs. Paints and .Medi cines. JOHN" COE, Offer* for Sale, at his STORK, in Middle-Street, Bids. Ground Camwood ; 2ouo lbs. Blue VITRIOL ; IhOU do. Ground MADDER; 2 Cases INDIGO; 16 Carboys Oil VITRIOL ; 12 Tons LOG \\ OOD ; •4 Do. FUSTIC ; 2 Do REDWOOD; 1 Do. NICARAGUA; 7 Hints. COPPERAS ; 6 Bbls ALUM ; Woad—Ked Tartar—Nutgalls—Turmeric—Prrs* Plates—Screws—Press Papers—Tenter Hooks —Jacks—Cards, 6tc. kc. -ALSO— A LARGF AM) EXT* NS IVF. STOCK OF PAINTS & MEDICINES, Together with a great variety of other articles which will be sold in large or small quantities on the most reasonable terms for Cash or Credit,, 2 Boxes Hindustan OIL STONES, a superior] article. July 20th. (54w) JAMES HENLEV7 BOOT <Sr SHOE MANUFACTURER, .No. 6, Union Rove, Middle-Street, j j AS on hand a good assortment of Ladies and' *•-* Gentlemen's HOOTS Sf SHOES ; \ Boot Varnish—Cord—Webbing—Shoe Knives— Aw 1 Blades—Rasps—Tacks—Pincers— Punches—Knitt Irons—Boot Jacks,iie. HE CONTINUES TO MANUFACTURE TO ORDER, Ladies 4' Gentlemen's BOOTS and SHOh S, >f the first rate stock, and executed by the most kilful workmen. Soot m Shoe Trees—Lasts—Crimping Boards [UFSize Sticks and Bootjacks lurnishedat short notice. (UTAH orders will lie executed with matne md as much dispatch as the nature of the busi-i ieso will admit of. Jan. 3,1824. *f. JOEL HALL, — Hot for Sole— 170 brown Havana . SUGAR ; 1 ’ Pun cheong St. Croix RCM ; P* Pipe s Cognuc BR \NDY, superior quality; Bbls. American GUI ; “5 Rhls. Mess No. 1 BEEF ; Half bbls. Mess BEEF ; 30 bbls. prime PORK ; 60 Bbls. Genessee fnintly FLOUR ; I000 bushels North River Yellow CORN, in sacks ; 100 do. RYE, in sacks ; 66 Chests and half chests Hyson and Young Hyson TEA, Beaver's Cargo. Portland. Aug. 18, 1824. Mourning Articles. 'JMIE subscriber km just received a good * variety of the above GOODS, among wills h ire: Black Sinchaws, Sarsnetts and Florences ; India and French Levantines ; Black figur'd Levantines and Gros de Naples, “ French and Italian Ctapes ; “ Press'd Crapes ; “ Kid and Silk Gloves ; “ Silk and worsted Hosiery ; “ and w hite Ginghams and Calicoes ; 5 ps. broad Bombazines ; 3 “ narrow* do. f. r Mantles ; Black Silk and Valenti* Vestings ; Black love Shawls; “ Zelias, Ribbons. k.c. k.c.. Cm. C. LYFORD. Portland, July 1?, 1824. 8w To 1st. llnlf of a large and convenient three story dwelling HOU'E, situated on pleasant street; slso half of an house situated on 'ree Street. Enquire of JOHN LEAVITT. Portland, Sept. 4. Notice. THEefeel* of George Cameron, late Sea *• man on hoard Brig Flora, who died in Ha aut s will he delivered to hi* le^ral represent* ive on application to HE/.. WINSLOW, ,Y# 14, Lo-ig It kerf August 28, 1824. / k4 l nitt <1 stati * Liti I a < Gazette. W r;4!b",5 J pro*T ,w vW#- for«w inform* ▼ w tv* hi of fboif * ho may wish to for** m jllf t opinion ot the merits end character of this u»j ette, that the editor and contributor* enraged.vr* pra-Uved w riters, end most of them well know n to the public *» contributor* to our best period ical publication* ; and we believe ourselves au thorised in stating that the reviews, essays, and miscellaneous articles offered to our readers, "«• the work of those, whose minds are a* highly gifted by nature and as well nurtured and disciplined by'study and composition, a* those employed in the support of anv literary journal in this country. It will lie our principal.object, to make the Gazette a General Literary Intelligent er, and w e 'halt spare no pain* to make the work not onlv /sdrattirt bat F ntrrteirnng. ft mav l*e welt al-o to state, that this work is ekgaper, than any other of the kind published in this country Karh No. contains the amount of 70 common 8vo pages. A* it maybe thought that we are sanguine with respect »o the merits of our work, we sub join the opinions of several of our most res pectable editors. CUMMINGS, HILLIARD k CO The Tnileif Slates Literary Gazette—Messrs Cumming*, HilBard t Co of this town Hite just published the second number ol a semi monthly paj»er under this title, which we wish to recoinmeud to the notice of our readers It •s printed in a very handsome stvle in the quar to form, on paper of remarkable fineness The literary execution is very respectable, and the I articles, which are all orieinnl, are of a charac ter, we should think, well adapted to the pres ent ta«teof the public. Tliev consist in a great measure of notices of recent publications, with other articles of literary anil scientific intelli gence. There are besides some short pieces in jurntry, w h!rh if they are fair specimens of what istole* expected in the future numbers, will strongly recommend the work to the public favor The editor of the paper is a gentleman <d extensive learning, and it is presumed he w ill have th» assistance of many literarv friends. The publishers have undertaken the work in a liberal spirit, which entitles them to the good will ol t:ie literary community, and it is to !»e hoped their efforts will be remunerated by a gen ro>?s patronage.—Boston Daily .ddvertiser. 1 he l nited States Literarv Gazette, published in Boston, 1ms reached the fith number. It is nnerpialed in typographical beauty and the qual ity ol it* paper, and is edited with much dili gence and ability.—Philadelphia. .XationalGaz The Literary Gazette—We have received from Messrs. Cummings si Hilliard, the publish ers, the first inumber of this work We have examined it with great mlerest. It evinces con siderable talent in its ecMor, and is higblv cred itable to the typographical skill and exactness ot the publishers. The editor. Mr Parsons, we know .to be a well educated scholar and a man ot talents, and the enterprise of Messrs. Cora .nin^s <i Hilliard ha* already ranked them n niong the very first book dealers and printers in llip l nited Spates. Bos Patriot. 3J We hate perused the first number of the l nited Mates Literary Gazette, from the pres*, of Messrs. Cummings v. Hilliard, and have been . much pleased with the outset of the work. It is | evidently conducted upon the plan of the Lon don Literary Gazette, e.nd will give the earliest notices and" reviews of such publications of merit as issue from the American press \ can did expression of opinion from an editor, and his associates, who have the credit of being fullv equal to the task they have undertaken, mav prove ot great service to the progress of litera ture and science in this country'. F'aenintr Gazette Litkrarv. We take pleasure in .announcing the appearance of the first number of the Fni teil States Literary Gnsetts, from the press of Cummings, Milliard, &l Co. of this city. It is a quarto pamphlet of sixteen pages, printed and stitched with neatness. The Editor is a gentle man and a scholar, capable of fulfilling all ex. pertation that may be raised by bis prospectus, j and of making Ids paper in all respects comport j with its title. If its success should be propor tionate to its merits, it will have an extensive circulation. Aete England Galaxy. The l’niter! States Literary Gazette contains a j description of Amgnra Falls w Inch has more el-1 oquence, because it has more truth, than anyj other account <>f those scenes we have met i w ith either in verse or prose. At tc York Ameriran. The C. S. Literal Gazette is to be publish -, ed semi-monthly, in numbers containing sixteeu ' quarto pages. The number before us is highly! creditable to the talents of the editor and bis literary associate.-, and gives promisQ of much fu'ureexcellence. It is also very correctly and! handsomely printed, on paper of fine texture! and beautiful complexion. The public are much indebted to the spirit,enterprise, and en-* lightened liberality of the publishers, for a w ork w hich lias long been wanted, anil we doubt not they will second so laudable an effort, by ding to it a prompt, extensive and efficient sup port. The first number contains brief notices anti re-. views of the following American works : “ Course of instruction in the Public Schools iu Boston," •* The Pilot,” “ Randolph and Er rata,” “ Abstract of Hill's New Theory of tne earth,” “ Mints on extemporaneous preaching,” “ Elements of Astronomy,” and “ Bryant's Poems”—besides an article on 4‘ Reliques of English Poetry,” and several miscellaneous pieces of great merit. Most of these articles are written in a tone of peculiar spriglitliuess and ease, and seem to be distinguished by manly criticism. The article descriptive of the scenery and falls of AVagora. is characterized by uncommon pow er and beau ly. It takes hold of the feelings with an interest not less intense than the most effective pictures iu our best modern novels. The style of this new work is in imitation of the London Liter ary Gazette ; ami its matter is of that diversi fied and spirited character w hich most recom mends itselt to readers iu general Among the poetic effusions which adorn the preseut num ber, we recognize a beautiful scripture piece from the pen of ByrasU, whom we may not be ashamed to introduce among the poets of any age or couutry. Boston Statesman? The United States Literary Gazette is pub lished on tue 1st. and 15th day of every month, each mincer containing lb quarto pages of three columns each, printed with new and handsome types, and on pa{ter of superior quality. TERMS—j’-j per annum, |>ayable in siv mouths fro in its commencement. C. H. Co. .igents—W M. HY l>E, Portland. H. GRAY 4i Co. and > „ _ ,, JOHN W. FOSTER, \ Por,*m<,uth Boston, bepl. 4, 1824. TO LET, 'pHAT convenient and pteasactly situated 1 Dwelling HOUSE, on Harris Street, lately occupied try the Rev. Thomas M. Smith, having a good Garden, well o! Water, a^c.—Apply to , August Jr* JON A TU C K ER. Two rooms in the New Budd mgu. Court STiect, to let—One lower room convenient for a Dry Goods Store the other on the second floor, convenient for an Office. Enquire of the printer. Portland. June 12. A"*. I A f, ,Varkrt-S'{uart. 'PHEY have just received a very 1. Alibi F * and ELEGANT ASSOK J MEM ai C hina, Giaiw, ami Crockery Ware, of tlx latest Importation*, and B«*t Patterns c*»u*t»ung of Blue Printed Lusmtird and C. C "»r»._„iim. Ab&OltTEH CHATEfe tor country traders, »uli other W are in the original paeftag ei, mxiuiy /ea — Hast aud American cut amt lUiAMEKS, TwuiUara, Wine* aud Salts, Globs Eairy Laiiy.s and LAMP t-LAss ES, fable Mat*, ntiwtr and Double Bordered Wader*, Gilt and Frame LUfkO GLASSES, aa at They base -lao added to Uxir former Stuck of W. I. Goods and C*roccric8( an ADDITIONAL sf l'PLV, whit make. their Assortment COMPLETE, all ol wInch they will fell W or Retail, fur Cash or Cred it. The/ have also, 800 lb*. MIDDLESEX CHEESE, which ha* tor several year* past been so celebrated at the Exchange Codes House in Boston, as being equal to any of tin English IMPORTED CltEEsE. tor Salt, ltx*t 11»* R1 ITER, WtK* do. CHEESEr ilod bushel. WHITE BEANS. Portland, May 8, lh24. tf Approved Family Medicines, Which .re ce.e r ».ed t... the ot must disease* that the human it subject to.—Prepare ! »ulv by the sola Propr.etor, T. W. I)VO I T, M. D. Grandson of the iatt c> !• braird Dr. Koberts on nof t-dinbisrph, ND f>r tale, wholesale and retail, at hi, Drug and Family .Medicine W arehouse, Nos. 137 aud 139. north tail comer ol second aud Hoc** street*, Philadelphia ; and retail by h i* Agent, aud every principal Druggist and Veadei of Ytadirina throughout the U* uln: .vtaiet. Vx here may t e had, gratis, I'huij hi*t. either iu English, German, Preach, or -T antsh, describing the qualities of each Medicine, with certificates of cures perform ed,Ate. DR. ROBFRTSO.V3 Celebrated Stomach FlUrr of Health for the cute of cough*, col> lung «<>i,sumption, hooping co ugb. asthma, paint in the breast, wt#i in the ttu muh, dyspepsia box a I complaint*, dy>en ter y, Ac.—Price one dollar and fifty cents per bottle.. UK. ROBERTSON’S - Vegetable Nervous Cordial, or Nature's Grakii Kk*to*ative — Ke« tr mended for the cure of ueiv us comptaiM* generally. inward weakne«s, de pression .H the spirit*, head a< he, tremor, faintness, hysteric fit*, uerv. ui debility, m temperHui e, mercuriil di«ea?e, impoteucy. diseases per titiar to females, 4 c.— Pric- one dollar and tif'y cuts per bottle. DK. BUI i ii f.'ON’c Celebrated Gout and Rheumatic Limps. A sate and effectual cure for t ie g»ut, rheumatism, lumbago, stone aud gravei, swelling? and weakness of the joiuts, .'prams, brui-es. pain* hi the he id and lace, fn-sted leet, Ac. — Price tiro dollars per bottle 1>R. ROB! ■< |'**() • •' ijluuitsciii' Ritters.— Celebrated Ur strengthening a w ak stomach, increasing the appetite, amt a certain pit ventive against the lei r and ague, ^c.— Price one dollar per bottle. UR. kOliEU I SUN’S In fallible Worm De stroying Lostnger. A iiiedii me universally e tot ined for expelling every ,£eoies f worms from the human body. — Price fifty cents per package ; laige packages one dollar. UiN. U\,f • I’! ' Patent hch Din mint. For pleasa toess, safety, expedition and certain ty of i me. i? uneq laiieri by any oiher medi cine iu use for the removal of this disagreea ble, tormenting complaint. It ha* no un pleasant *p*.e 11, and may be used on the youngest iolant with safety .—Price fifty cents per box. UR. DYOTT’S Infallible Toth Ache Drop*.—Price j fly cents, small rial* twenty fire cents. UR. DYOTT’S Anh Bilious Pills, which, ifadministe et) iu time to remove the bile om the stomach, will prevent all bilious complaints, malignant fevers, ague aud fever, bilious cholic, pleurisy, worms, dysei.toy head arhe, heart burn. loss of appetite, c ni« and coughs, dy -pep- i ->r indigestion, h * bit .. i Costiveuers. ici.- Price 25 cents per box ; large boxes 50 cents. The Restorative Dinlifice. For cleansing, whitening and pi. servn.fc the teeth 4 gum* Price fifty eents per box. Thr Circassian > ye Rater. Celebrated for curing iir-.'l di*ord. a of the Eye*. Price fifty cents, small n Is Zb ce its. d A H Y ’S Approved ’ taster Cloth. A sov ereign remedy tnr ad nt. ors and sores, sure breast?, boils, sore le -*, swellings, sprains, cuts, brui-es,- pains in the baca „nd tireasl, corns on the leet, 4c. Price twenty fire cews, fifty rents, and one dollar for each site Plaster Approved and ret uuiu.i uded by Dr. Kush, and Dr. Bhysick, of i’hitadelphia, aud by the nost eminent of tbe faculty iu the Uuited '-late*. 0C7“Take notice, that, in order to prevent imp-ifition, all and each of the above genu tue niediciues are neatly sealed up with full direction? Ur using them, aud eigued on thej outside covers with the signatur. of the sole uranrislar T. W. Dyott, M. D. Since the introduction I these valuable medicines into the United States ol America, they have acquired the highest degree of cel ebrity for their unparalleled success in allevi ating and coring disease-, which, in a vari ety of instances bad befEad «~ri*W u>t out most experienced physicians. I lie extensive and increasing demand for them throughout the continent, lor these twenty years past, testi fies their interesting efficacy and importance to the public. For families and individuals,! whose residence or circumstances place them beyond the advantage of procuring a physi cian, they are peculiarly adapted; and for who-e convenience they are accompanied with every instruction appertmiuiug to the symptom* of diseases, and proper directions for using tb m. (Kr* considerable discount will be allow ed to Druggist*, Country Merchants, and those who purchase by the quantity. Ord ers promptly attended io, and the medicines carefully packed and forwarded to any part agr- cable to direction. A supply of the above medicines for sale by JOH N COF, Juo. Age:.I, o positethe head of Long Wharf, I'ott-it where may be had a general assortment ol .Medicines, Paints Dyt-Stujfs Portland, Juno 5jf, 1824. Removal. N. r. S. I* KENT ICE, Dt \ riST. respectfully informs the inhab itants of Portland and its vicinity, that he has removed to < oart Street, where he will at tend to the various operations on the Teeth. Portland, June Ihtli, 1824 .■" ........*.. .. . m Cough* mu! Cold*, Are , asm ed- nw«t tens ty ife* m, *f£*, '! S, I* • «*•»*'• i :.m»s*o Stoimu hie Elixir of Health. Ol Ihu universally oi.imu Medecm*, there are thousands tbrough. ul the t. fltUr. who have **| er re need it* Imm he mi t fleet*, ■'•thin ihe»e last HO years, and ran testify i* lU Latng the must see* remedy ever • tfeied U the public, l.*f tbe re lie I and cure «4 .-let mate ’Cough*,pain* »i> the breast, spitting t| blond, 1 appr.aching luouaphaa. hit. t #r*«ni stfi.c Ud with pulmonary cam pi abate * •4 disorders »| tbe braa*( and lung*, eveum the aio*i advanced elate, will hud immediate relief. Common Cought and Cold* which are ia general occasioned by obstructed perspira tion, will be lound to yield to tie benign tafia* f to e to a few hour*. In asthmatic or ron*ump<ive complaint*, ; hoar sene**, wheeling*, shortness ol tnealh, iand tb* hooping Cough, it will gtva i at me da* at* relief. j ll *• also an «factual remedy for the dysee .1 ,er? »t taX< the summer complaint ta children, , •«*•** gt.piug, and rnoat other disordcii 0i the bowel*. I'TSlhr' hy Dr• T W Dyott, and foe ...a an4hetlll, hlf D ^ family Medicine ,\. £. tJLr of Cecond end Race street., .ud toy bl, ^iut. ed agent* Uiroiignoul the b-iu4 Mates. * ace notice tnal each trout* u*« tba -gae tura of Iba *<••* pi pr.elot. T. YV. Dyott, Al. l>. Rheumatic Enins. Lumbago, swei tug* aau weaknwm of thy jotut*, sprausa, pan * ia lha hack, iwaitad I u> e, mill net* n| the neck, chi blame, gout, .cramp, rheumatism, 4c. are all speeduy and effectually cured, by the us* of tfr. Robert* son’s celt Prated Ciout and Rheumatic Drops. by «iplyiug tnese mops agree*«iy to the directions, which ia simply to rub well the parts affected two or three timet a d- y—alto m cases where it s necessary to lake internal ly from leu to lii t en drops on a lump ol su gar, they seldom or mr fail to perform the effect desired—*i« ; that ol a panaament cur* in a very short time. * For »*>e wholesale aod retail, at tbe pre* prietor s drug and Family Medicine wart* house, North r.a.t cotnei oi second and Race streets, Fbuadeiphia—and retailed by his * gent*. and eveiy principal druggist and ven der cl Medicines throughout the United ■'late* 2j Fake Notice that each botttr ,4 genu ine medicines has the signature oi the »4* tDrourieior. 'I. it. llVOTT. \i l> DU. m o I T’S Approved unti-bilwus Pillst V« it itt prevent and cure alt Bilious Com plaint*. MALIGNANT FEVERS, Ac. 1 he»e t ills it timely administered, will 'counteract the causes which cubirx u!y pro duce Fellow or Humus Fever, Ague or Fall Fevers, Bilious Cholic, Pleurisy, i'y.entery, i Worms, Sick and Foul Stomacli, Head Ache*, Loss ot Appetite, Flatulence, Fpdeptic Fits* , ilypochondria and Hysterical Complaint’ Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, Dyspepsia or In! digestion, Ate. They remove Habitual Cos veoesi, Colds, and Coughs, Asthma, -bang uary, Gravel, Rheumatism, Gout, Scurvy, scuroulic Blotches ; Impurities in tbe,.Boul<i, Female Complaints, &c. If they are takeu about once a fortnight during the Spring and Summer months, they will prove a certain preventive against the Ague and prevailing Fall Stckuese. A Bill of Directions for taking them, ac companies each Box of Pills—Small Boxes, 25 cents, large Boxes, 50 cent-.—Liberal al lowance made to tboa who purchase to tell again. ,*#For sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the Proprietor’s Drug and Family >ledi< me Ware house, Nos 137 and 139, N h. coroar of Second and Race streets, Philadelphia, and | by his Agents in every principal lily and iown tnioughout the United Status. (fc/“Fake Notice, (hat each W< x of Genu ine i ILLS lias the Signature of the Sole Pro [ pr ietor, T. W. Dyott AI. D. Tfljfcr ITCH. This disease i. must c. uiin >niy communicated by lection, U gentia.iy appeals on v. m*. oi laiwus lo* huger*, alwnvauls u aUvc.s p* arm*, leg*. Jpc. These pustuies are alien..iu wun an mis erable 1 itching, especially when tin- pa tin is warm i» bed or sit* by the fire, souieinigts. mured n . skin i* i covered with large blotches m «abs. anu other lime* w ub a while scintt or scaly eruption. foi safely, pieasaiiuies*. txpeuilion and certainty of coie, loi this most uisag.eeable and lonnenung disoiuer , Dr. Dyoil's 1’aient itch Ointment is recommended as the most effectual remedy, 1 be a wive Utulun m it so < e .,.u in its operation | that it has never failed, in any one ms ance, of ef fecting a cu.e, though applied to many thousands, hisftee fiomaii) (ii**v«e* smell "ind may be used on tue youngest lulant ymb lately. Fo* sale V> hotesa e and Retail, at the proprietor’s Drug am. Fanny Medicine Wait hoove. Nos. 137 .nu 133, .V i... ,..,nei ot Second and Race streets Philadelphia, and ietailed by his Agents and every I principal Dniggivt aud vendei of Medicine, ttoiough out t ie Lnueii Mates. Puce buy cent* per bo*, with full directions for using. tO”Take notice, that each box of Genuine Oint ment, nas me signature of live sole proprietor, T. W . Dyott, 31. D. MAIIY’S Approved Planter C loth, l RffomaroiM bj Dr. B. Rush, Dr. p. S. Ptryskk and the moat eminent of the Faculty in tba UNITED STATES. Thi. PLASTER CLOTH ha. h, it. benefic a! ef feet* and surprising cures, procurer] tbe appratwiion and recoin mend* iiun of tie most eminent Physician, It is a »ura and .ale remedy for inveterate 171 jceis, at! sores. Wounds, Quinsy, Scrofula, fistula i v' hi,e dwellings. Cancers, Sore Breasts. Sore Legs, Whitlows, felons. Cun Braises, Scald* Burns, Msieogers of lire Negroes, Pam. in the b eaa» i V\ t aknett of tbe Joint.. Sprains. Kheamatism. Qwl« P»:ns and W esknes. in the Back and Lows —It b also successfully used for u.« cure of Corns, Frosted Feet, Dressing Issues, ^c. ^e. A Biii of Direct!out for using it. arrelnpanie* each P.aster—Small Site 15 cents. Middle do 5# cents. Large do. 1 dollar.—Libera: allowance made to ih-ose who purchase to sell again. £j^7~Fot sale. Wholesale and Retail at the P«®> pr blot's Drag and family Medicine W ate bouse. Nos. 137 ami 139. N. K. coinei of Second and Rac* Streets, Philadelphia and by hi* Agent* la every principal City and Town throughout the United Mates *’.Observe that each genuine Plaster has U* Signature of the «oie ornpuetor. . T. W. Dyott, M. D. All the aboee Medicine* are for sale hy JOHN COE, Jr. A cent, Opposite the .read of Long Wha.:, Portladl'fl All kinds of PRINTING ere- j cuted at this often, with accuracy ami dispatch. v