Newspaper Page Text
f pORTL VNI) G VZETTK, PC HUSH Kb nr AD VMS & PAINE, |P &*ner af C.mrt and Federal Stmts. Part'and U. -Two* Dollar, per annum; BS,* ' *TTa0€e ,f not **'tl.m (be year. # J wo Dollar, an* Fifttr Ceuta. (£r\„ p;t. K per, discontinued till all arrearapi-s are paid, f . " * *h*" endeavor to m«ert advertisements » if*, t ie accuracy ; but we cannot be r**t»>n«I.V V* error, in an* mm. beyond the sm.rnnt rimmed «Or I tie tmblication. Torlmte Shell. m ii<T RcrKU ED. AND FOR «J\LE -0 I ieces First Quality Tortoise Shell, by THOMAS MERRILL, „ AW. S, Merrill's Rate Portland. Sc|>icrobcr 11. IIOU \CB SE WER I ERS f„r sale at Chambcra over tlie „ Portland Book Store, Merchants' Note, Middle Street, A Good Assortment of Eng lish and American COTTON and WOOLLEN GOODS, coniittin^t’ 7000 Hi*. Cotton V A R V from Whiting, Fletcher and Co* Man,if*. •torv, No, lrotu 7 to lb—2<*» lbs. do do tb-cii blue—dntt Ibt. COTTON 1 HRF.M), all number, mid rnl-i ours—2t»o lb, CANDLE WICKING—:t<i.<atii Yd*. GINGH AM, cheek andetriiu-d—2<mhi Yds Blue DENIM--2u0n Yard, BEDTICK ING, <ff different qualities— MILLENETTS— I 3tt,0t *0 Yd, Br SHIRTINGS and SHEET-! INGS—boon Yd,, bleach'd do.— 10ft Piece, •ATPINETTS, at different nrtre,—2**1 Ream* i Wrapping PAPER—900 do. Writing do No, i and 2—UK) do. Capp do—Ukk) !b< Binder’* BOARDS—7<KKt Bandbox P;t;>cr—-VtO Groce PASTEBOARD—7<*t do. American Glas, and Metal BUTTONS, verv cheap. , ALSO A Good Assortment of English Piece G O () I) S, JUST RECEIVED, COffSISTIXfi OF CHIN J Z—CALICOES—Furniture PATCH— ( OPPERPLATES— PIMOTIF.*5 Furniture tUMOTIES—CAMBRIC do.—PRINTS—.leans —Plain and Fig'd. MUSLINS, fee. kc.—Jim, One Case Superior British SF.W1NG THREAD Nos. from 20 to 160.—Elegant Gilt Coat and Vest BUTTONS—CAUPETI.NGS—Cnnimerrs St SPENDERS, BOMB.AZETTS,and American TAPES.. Bar and Windsor SO VP—20,000 Spanish and American CIGARS—Black and Yellow SNUFF —Ladies’ Leather and \iorocco SHOES,LOOK I.NG GLASSES, fee . tie. ALSO PLOUGHS, MILLSAWS, and AXES—20 doz Steel Plated HOES. The principal part of the above Good- ar just receiv ed, and are offered as rheap ns can he purchased in town for cash or approved credit. Portland, June H.1824. tf NEW GOODS, AND VERY CHEAP AT D. tfc D. BREWER’S, •A'o. I fe 2.. Varitf t-Square. upHEY' have just rereived a very LARGE J and ELEGANT ASSOR EVENT’ of China, Glass, and Crockery Ware, of the latest Importations, and Best Patterns consisting of Blue Printed Enameled and C. C. Ware.—Also, ABORTED CR ATT." tor country traders, and other Ware m the original parka.r es, unusually loir—Br«t English and American cat flint DECANTERS, Tumblers, Wines and Salt*, Globe Entry Lamps and LAMP GLASS ES, Table Mats, Single and Double Bordered AValters. Gilt and Mahogany Frame LOOKING GLASSES, fee fee. They have also . dded to their former Stock of W. I. Goods and Groceries, an ADDITION VL SUPPLY, which mak/s tneir Assortment COMPLETE, all of which they will sell Wholesale or Retail, for Ca h or Cred it. They have also, 800 lbs MIDDLESEX CHEESE, whirb has for several years jutsi. been so relehrated at the Exchange Co (ft e House in Boston, as lieing equal to anv ol the English IMPORTED CHEESE. For Salt, 10t»o lbs. BUTTER, 1000 do. CHEESE, 230 Bushels AY HITE BEANS. Portland, May 8, 1824._tf_ JOSEPH GOOLI) Jr HAS for sale, at his store, in lUest-Market Row Maine-atreet. [head of Green-street,] West India Goods an / Gnu-er-rs, j 0( all kinds, together with 7 by 9 <trd 8 by 10 iVin I dow (• LASS; PUTTY; JYAILS: IRO.Y If'ARE ; AV1NES. of ail kinds; a complete as sortinent of GRINDSTONES; 100 casks Thomas ton Lsmt. FEATHERS, in the greatest variety, wholesale or retail. BED4 fiPeJ on hand, to be sold at the cheapest rate, foi l cash or country produce, Portland, Sept, i. PKOBATE notices At* Court if Probate WJ at P <rtla id wi/Utn and for the county if C nutter land. on the thirty Jirst day of August, »« the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and hremiy four. IJLIPH \LET tiREt-XT, administrator of tne es J ute of JOHN Pf 1' TEE. late of Cumberland. m •aid County. Manner deceased, having presented hi* fit si account of the administiation ot Mid estate for allowance ; also the petition at tne widow 01 •aid deceased for the assignment of her Down. ORDERED. That the saijf administratot gtr» no tice to all persons interested by causing a copy ot this order to be published thra- weeks successively in the Poi bind Gaieue, printed at Portland, that they may appear at a Probate Court to be beid at •aid Portland on the first Tuesday of October pext, at ten of tha dock in the forenoon, and shew cause if any (hey have, why ihe tame should not be al lowed and granted. 1 BARRETT POTTER, Judge. A due Copy. Alt. Horatio Southgate. Keg. • THE subscriber hereby giees public notice to ah concerned, that tie ha* been duly appointed and taken upon himself, the tnr*t of Administrator of the estate of Dk.NlEL TUCKER late of Port land. in the count* of Cumberland. Esq. deceased, hy giving bond as the law directs — He therefore re quests all persons who are indebted to the said de ceased"* estate to make immediate payment; am. timer who have any demands thereon, to exhibit riw same fur settlement to the Commissioner. LEMUEL TUCKER. Portland, Aog 31,IU4. _Rt li U. ECONOMY. From th< Aiw England Farmtr. FARMER’S calendar. Seed*©f various ort* are now daily ripen I mg : cjit Iherefrire must be taken to gal'ier and dry them projieriv. Ibr on good needs all die future esceltenre of your crop* depend* ; and if you have morf than you want for tuur lown u*o, the *eed«man will either buy them | of yon, or exchange thorn for other*. A good cultivator will very rarch be under the ne cessity of laving out money for seeds, but will usually save enough to make them a source of profit, besides supplying his own want*. “ As to th'’ roefhoJ of preserving seeds t'svys Deanes Xew-Kngland Firmer) the dry I kind* are best kept in their ja>ds or outer cov ; unrigs : but the seed* of all soft fruits, as cu Combers, melons, Ac, inns' be cleansed from the pulp and mucilage winch surround them : d'.crwise 'he rotting of them parts will cor rupt the seeds, ** IV iien seeds are shout I al-^ ways be done in dry weather; and I Hen they mould be hung up in bags in a dry room, so! as to preserve them from air,” k* The selection of sc ds (according to the Domestic Encyclopedia) depend* principally on a proper choice of grains and kernels, as well as roots, from the mod vigorous vegeta bles growingunder our own inspection ; for though it be conjectured, that the constant cu'tivation of a particular phot from the s mie teed, and in the. some sod, will at length cause it to degenerde, yet numerous wed attested instances have occurred, in which the contrary effects have b -en evident. The more healthv stalks > r stems should therefore be selected for hearing seeds ; and such ns at tiin m turity .t lie earliest period in tin season, f light ti be preferred, especially if 'Uov grow at a distance from weakly plant* of the same species; lest fecundating farina of the latter be blown upon the stigma'a of the former, and an inferior kind, or succession be proluced. I up proper time For gathering1 seed* is •he period of their perfect maturity, which may be ascertained bv the drvm ss of ilie s'em ; because when the litter begins to dp civ, it becomes• bleached bv the oxvgen of the atmosphere,' and no further nourishment can then beconveved tothe ripened. \ trious expedients have been devised for the preservation of seeds ; the most consists in secluding to* m from tight and heat inttie hovels of Iheearth ; where thev wi! ret in (heir veget t ve poaer for several years.— I hns Dr. Darwin tn< ntions instance' ol mustard seed producing-t crop on diggr g "P *"il whprp jt h id remained in a state of rest for mmy years, and * as was believed, tv «for age.*.’ In the same rninner, the best cucumbers, and melons are raised fr.un seeds « hi» h .ire at least three or four years oi ' ; sh ugh some leners do not employ them till thev have Wen kept ten or t wive years. b appear* to he an opinion, which is settled ! I among the best prH« tical and scientific culti-i valors, that verv v,*tW advam .ge, iu common1 'ases. is denv. d ti im changing seeds from ! one countn >r climate to another ; and it is therefore best as a cuera1 practice, for a enl iv tor to mis - his seeds and roots on his o vn premises. This is the least troublesome, le st i \| ensive. most mdppenJent, and most (" ’til thle m . le of m magement ns regards terv ioi;inrta'it hr nchof rural economy I' ariT I kees. |l, in !,iOk ng over your or hard, von sho’ild happen to perceive anv baths ' V r-burdened with fruit, von will pick <df a part, or put props un !er the liinlis. or both. In must c s , vhen vou can | ossjhh atlord time, it w be he t ,o pick off the sn* l>ernuinerary apples, pi ..dies, Arc.— \lr. (Yxe savs, ** oo error is m ;r • universal tfian an anxiety for earlv prol’K.tiveness in an or chard. It is ge-vera'lv obtained at the ex 11use of iimcti ev n'ual pr fit, and by a great diminution of the size ,n-f vigour of the ir » s; believing early fecundity to he injuri ous to the vigor and perfect >n of plants, ] am a!ways attentive to pluck ftotn the frees these evidence- ofearlv maturity, in the first stagesof iliei exi'fe. ce ” Hushes Plus is tt.e rigid time of the year lor destroy ng the bushes winch infest your pastures. Wet weather is best far tlus purpose, because the sap will be discharged, the roots weakened, and eventually their power of ing new shoots will be anni hi'ated. Tfie sim.- may be said of thistles, which should he cut iu hot weather, before their seeds are rii>c. Dr. Deane observed that buabes which grow in clusters, as alder, and some other -oris, may be pulled up by oxen ; and tins is an effictiial way to mbdu them. The expense of it, I suppose, will not tie more than that of cutting them twice would amount to.” At Philadelphia, la*t week. Midshipman Kid '»ved the life of a man at tlie hazard <d his own This is the third or fourth instance ol a similar act on his part. Ot e instance vas in Boston in the winter of 1821, for which he received a Gold Medal of our Humane Society. Lord Byron protected a Greek Boy whose parents were massacred by she Turks He ‘i« now in Eng land with the Lrmster family and musses in tlie Grecian costume. On the night of 24th ult a piratical boat, with Wei., was taken in Utemptiug to go out of Havana, by the guard boat The pirates, who murdered the officers and -rew of the British ship Shannon, have been taken by the British brig of w ar Parthian. The U. 8. ship Hornet has landed Mr 'Vatts. Secretary of legation, at Laguira. rod tailed to cruize otf Cuba, i At Nate hex. for six successive weeks, there was i death each week by a stroke of the sun A letter fr.un New Orleans, dated Aug. 13 '»js** there has been no new case of ferer ' fire tlie 1s«t 48 hours.” A Yank ft patent machine we have lieard *f, *• which (says the story.) when properly wound up and set in motion, will chase a h.w iver a ten acre lot, catch, yoke and ring him.” with tlie utmost precision and the greatest alacrity. By a late law of the legislature of Ohio, at is made tlie duty of tlie master, at the expira tion of the service of an apprentice, to fumisl him (the apprentice) “ vntb a new hihle, and at least two suits of common apparel.” 1_BY THE MAILS._ Bo*to\, Ss£PT. 14. h ROM sr.ll.v. Capt Hay man, who arrived on Honda* from Malaga, whence he sailed on the 4th j ntt. informs, that il was reported the Frenc h k onsnl had been ordered to leave Gibraltar in eight days, and (hat 8000 British troop* find arrived at Lisbon, at which reports the Liberal* were much elated. News of distur bance* in the differs:nt parts of Spain were received a'uimt daily—and the day he sailed, H was rumoured that commotion* had occurred at Algeziras bs.trrr-e'1 the inhabitants and the French troops, owing to the former having hoisted the Spanish i1ag over the French.! dOOU persons had arrived at Malaga to bet transported to different fortresses, lor being conr-erncJ in the {Involution. As several British Gunboats were seen coining out of the Mediterranean, it was sup posed the war between England and Algiers was at an end. if the Fiench Consul has been ordered from Gibraltar we presume it is for some per sonal affair. No British troops had arrived at Lisbon—bat the manner in which the re port wag received in Spam shews the spirit which Still exist* there Detroit, Aug. 27. Pedctlriarivm.—Mr. Wilson, a young man recently from the state of Maiue, who came to ibis territory for the purpose of getting in ti* business as a surveyor, last Saturday morn ing started from the market house in this ci ty, ami in forty minutes and fifteen seconds went to a place called Vinegar-Hill, a distance ot five miles and three fourths of a mile, meas ured There had been showers through the tight, and about half of the way was render ed very slippery. lie performed the first mile in seven minutes—md the last in six minutes and a halt. This is superior to an , ■ »>t running that we h >ve heard of for some dine—all things considered.— Gazelle. T'he delegates or ciiiefs of the Foxes, We lominees, tSioux, fee. who have been on a vis it to the President of the United States, arri ved here last Wednesday, on their return uotne. The) appear to have been well provi ded for duri ig their journey. Messrs. Talia ferro a id Kennedy, and several interpreters, accompaoy them.—ib NEW ORLEANS. Last Saturday night some viiiams entered the house of Mr. Lar.met, The lady of the •use being aw kened by the noise, laid her Minds on one of ihe robbers, who, in exei lions •o escape, tore off that part of Ins clothing vhi* h she held; she then called for help, and me of the villains fired a pistol at her, but for i mately missed Ins aim ; the patrol, who hap pened to be in the vicinity, hastened to the ■.pot, and succeeded in taking two of the Vil nius. One of them has the mark \1 in his •and, tor some offence committed m the state of Mississippi. Several new cases of yellow fever, we un derstand, were reported yesterday, and the disease seems to be gaining ground. Charleston, Sept. 2. The Board reports five new cas^s of Yel low Fever—one in State street n* ar the Mar ket, one in Queen street near King, one in Stroll g Alley, and one on Gadsden’s wharf Many of the citizens of Charleston retreat ed to Sullivan's Islandto avoid the Yellow Fe ver, but there have been 8 or 9 ca-es there of that disordei, although it is supposed the dis ease was taken in the City If it is not con tagious, there may be no danger to those who do not visit the oily. BALTIMORE, Sept. 9. Porto Cavtllo—The schooner Eliza, Guar nego, arrived yesterday in 15 days from Porto J Cavello. The only American vessel left was the Esther, of Warren, B. I. which was tilting out as a cartel for Havana, to convey lliitfier the officers and crew of the Ceres, captured Iconic time ago by the Colombians. A fleet of I transports, having on board 3500 troops, sailed on the 21st ult. for Chagres, to join the army of General Bolivar. They were under the convoy of the sloops ot war Piachica and theca, com manded by Com. Daniels. The sloops of wai are ordered to Philadelphia, after having seen the troops safely landed. — The Alexandria Herald, of the 8th inst contains the following article. &7/JAJVOJVZ). ile springs. Mr. Ninian Edwards has been in the imme diate neighborhood of the Shannamiatc Springs for several weeks past—where hii life had been despaired of, at one time, in con sequence of a violent swelling with which lie ha.l been suddenly attacked in the back of the ruck ; but he survive ■ it and is on the recov •'tv. The Hon. J. C. Calhoun arrived at the S(wi >gs on Monday last, and arrangement; Sad been made to receive the Hon. Wm. H Crawford. Cincinnati, Onto, Aug. 20. We are infoimed that on the 14th inst. z man by the name of Asa Alien, while employ • ed in hoeing potatoes on Ins farm, in Perry township, Brown County, was shot through the heart ; a man by the n moe of Miller, is the supposed murderer, who has been taken up and confined in Georgetown jail to await his trial. As was stated in our last, Gen L \F AYETTF returned to New York Sunday 5th m*iant On Monday he dined with the Society of Cincinnati On Tuesday be visited the Academy o Xrts. Free Schools, Hospital, Alms House, fee On Wednesday the Fortifications. On Thurs day the Fira Companies of New York eihibitec to the General their grand fete : there were 4c engines in a circle, worked by I2l>0 Firemen, at the same time ; in the centre was a pyramic formed of the fire implements, ladders, fee.; it was a grand display and attracted about 15,000 spectators. On Friday he dined with Col. N Fish, an old comrade, and visited Vauxhai! ir the evening. On Saturday last he dined wilt the French gentlemen, and visited the Chatham Garden Theatre in the evening. On Sunday h« was to enjoy'a day of repose and entire seclti don Last evening w as to be given a Grant Xlditary Ball at the Castle Garden, which hat !«een splendidly fitted up for the accommoda lion of I50u curst*—after which he commence; his tour for West-Poiat, Albany, fee —Pal. ~ At the Cincinnati Dinner at New-Yurk ■ *sn. La Payette having been called upon fw a toast, ruae and addressed the Society a« fo! lows : “With inexpressible delight atoitr brother If meeting, with most affectionate thanks t< i VOM a I, dear, very dear friends and compan onsin arms, 1 promise the following toast i I 'm Sacred principles lor winch we have i "“-tht an ! bled—lAOirty, fifii'ifify, A'afienof frufrp,rulence, may every nation of the earth, hi adopting them, drink a bumper to the oid 1 »' TRoy, (Y.J Sept. 6. JMtbrry.— 4 gentleman in the vicinity of the transaction has politely furnished us with tin following particulars of a robbery which took pj^.ce in Steplientown. a few day* since. 4%(>n the night of the‘26th August msf. one of the «yo«.t infernal transactions look place in Stephentown, ill this county, tliat has perhaps been heard of within the in.on »ry of our old est inhabitants in that quarter. The house of Mr. Griswold Deniston a worthy inhabitant in that town, wasenterodby three ruffians, who ordered him to give them something to drink and they then proceeded to demand his mon ey : the sum of about eighty dollars w .s de livered. the robbers not satisfied with that, demanded more struck him u;>on the breast and acros* the face and injured him severely . Previous to this Mrs. Deuisttm had 'succee ded in waking the hired man, who ou enter ing the room was fired at by one of the gang and thrown mtottie bed where Mr. Deniston was, but afterwards taken and kicked under the bed. The robbers not getting as much money as they expected, perhaps was the reason of the last violence cotumited upon Mr. Deniston. In the mean titae Mrs. Don ! iston had succeeded in rallying seme of the neighbours Mr. Deniston, on :bc condition his life was spared him. had be-m forced to get «(>on his knees and kiss tee bible and |swear not to m ike complaint in43 hours. [ The greatest exertions tnve been made to jarres; the offenders, which Ins finally proved successful. One was soon taken, part of the in mey obt one I, the other was taken, on Fri day, and .mother piece of property found on Inin; on Saturday list, in the Tternoon the Hurd rubber was ascertained to he upon the hill near Stephentown meeting house, and on ibeing pursued turned aril fired at the prison in pursuit, twice. The alarm was general, it j-pread quick, tiie mountain which he was jupon was immediately surrounded and watcb jed all night, by men wed armed, but with no •effect The next morning however he was arrested, and we are glad to state the whole three are safe in goat in this city, to await .their punishment : they are two of them old J offenders, and one of them undoubtedly, a , !great a villain as was ever tn tint part. Great credit is due to the citizens for then | prompt assistance ! Fill Trainings.—The accidents that bap j pen at and after these meetings nre, and w« fear wdl continue to be, consequent upon tht [Carelessness of dismissed militia. We havi just heard of a fatal one: A \oung gentlema ofTorrington, named Hiram Phelps, .geJ 24 an>l only son of (Japt Benjamin Phelps, on re iirmug from i muster of Hie corps of ' ry to winch he belonged, thought proper U discharge ins pistols on the road, rather that ; to cam them loaded. They were enclosed ii flannelcases made to fit the inside of the bo! biers, lie diew one, and being ou horseback with one hand to Ins bridle, attempted to pul 'off (he case with his teeth. When it was partly drawn, the pistol went off, took effeei i • liis left breast, and killed him instantly We will not charge upon the memory of Hit '• fine young man, who met with this sad mis I fortune, any tiling like gross carelessness—foi nine of teu use fire-arms with less caution Nor do we insist that any one, who does mill tan duty, should entertain any ridiculoti dread of liis own weapons; but no cautior can be extreme m their proper management I This article is headed “ fall trainings,” be Jcau,e they are now about to take place, ani I this occurrence may put others on their guart j- and if properly considered, may save limb , and lives. Con. Jlir. Capl. Pat ridge's School.—It is stated in the Middletown (< on.) Gazette, that the sub scription for the establishment of the Ameri can Literary. Scientific >ud Military Acade my, of ('apt. Alden P,trulge, in that city, has been completed ; and that Contracts have be n entered into to have the buildings finished tv the of July next. Boston, Sept. 13. Master Hubbard bas arrived at \ew York, in the ship il mnibai from Liverpool. This is a young genius who has attained astonishing celebrity in all the pnneipai towns in Great Britain and Ireland. In Liverpool he has been their most attractive object for months in succession. During their grand musical festival last autumn, his rooms were constant ly crowded with visiters of the fir rank and fashion. And so lately as his concluding e vening there, which was on the 3d ult. there was so great a press of company that many were obliged to return without being able to gain admittance. The talent for which Mas ter Hubbaid is so celebrated, is tlrt of being I able to delineate at a glance, every object of I n tture or art with the utmost accuracy, Uste, and spirit, simply with a pair of common scis j-ors, witliout any aid from the pencil, io tin* ! manner be tak-s the most striking likeness es in bust, with such amazing rapidity, that the visiter is scarcely seated before the like cess is finished. He has brought out a fiue exhibition of bis cuttings; all of which have been extolled by the connoisseurs of w.irksof , taste and art in Lngiand. Scotland, and Ire land. The exhibition consists of classical rep resentations, sporting subjects, military fig ure*, portraits of distinguished individuals, f unity groups, animals, landscapes, trees and flowers. Painters seldom rank high in raore than one branch of their art, but this kale prodigy is allowed to excel to ail. The culprit Trask, who. it will be recollect ed, was some years since acquitted of the murder of Williams, a fellow prisoner in the state prison, on the ground of insanity, and who since has killed two persons sleeping in 1 he ceil with him at bis own request, ha* been very heavily fettered ever nine* hi* Mtavie rom the old jail, and recapture at Waltham. Mi* fetters were of steel, case hardened lit was carried into an entirely new building \ ind yet he i»:*s contrived to cowpeal some tut lenient, by which be can free lihn«elf from In* shackles. A few days ago one of link of hie principal chain, was di wove red to he severed, and tbs piece cut out was so ir.geni .nislv replaced by rivet*, that it would not readily be detected bv t’oe naked etc II cntild thus at pleasure relieve himself fro«i» •h* weight of his fetter*. 11c appeals now to be rational enough, and c inverses without hesitation upon common -tilj. cl*.—£v. tjeu. Mschcas, S» rr. 9. TXxrmigt by L>~hl*in<'.—On Saturn .> «v«. mug last, w.- e\f ar'enced a severe thunder shower. The lightning was extremely vivid It struck the forema«t of the -ck-mn-r Two II rot lie is, lying near Pot Head, Crotch of the River, ready for sea. and shivered it so tnuen that it will be necessary to replace it by a new one. The bands on board had just left the forecastle, where they bad been to work, and were m the cabin at the time the light ning struck the vessel. wwM^wMaMnwamnii .... ■> ■ i wwusw* PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY. MP1. 15. tBJ4 -J THE ELECTIONS. Cumberland District■ [» Senators.— From the returns received, it tr appears that Messrs. Dunlap, Duun, and U Churchill are elected. Represent tires. —Portland, Joseph A lams. h Joshua Hichardsou, Samuel Fe*«en<leu - Cape Elizabeth, Woodbury Jordan.— Westbrook, ft Jonathan Smith. — Bran stack, Roger Merrill. —blandish, Hetjartnu Poland. — Gorham, S. Stephens >n. -Freeport. Solomon Dennison. — Durham. Allen il.Cobb. The following list contains all the returns ot votes we have received tor Representative to “ Congress. Longfellow. •Anderson. Portland, 575 431 Cape Elizabeth, * 16 60 Westhmok, 49 237 North Yarmouth, 150 19 Neve Gloucester, 96 104 Gray, 33 122 A Poland, 40 151 ri Brunswick, 116 US Falmouth, 42 94 Raymond, '9 -75 Scarborough, 17 77 Standish, 56 133 j Gorha-n, j|f» 9<j | Liauvilie , 13 45 Wi dham, 32 71 „ Freeport, 75 04 z Durham, 63 46 1491 lozrs t *OiK COUNTY. Senators, Joseph Prime, John U. Parsons, and George Scam ooo are, in all probability . j elected, I REPRESENTATIVES— Wells,NahumlVIo - rill. — Kenntbunk Joseph Dane. - Kenntbunk \ Port, Roben Towne.—»Alfred, John Say- I ward,Jr.— Shaplei&h sends nouc.— )i»r4,Lii»u j Bragdou.-KilUry Joshua T. Cnase.—Eliot. | John Hamm nd. — Biddtjord, Seth Spring.— i banft'd sends none_Saco, John Spring — Be.rdck, \\ m. Weymouth. ~S. Berwick, | | Nathaniel low—1.gnats, Nathaniel iitll.— , j iJ ateiboro', PhinearKicker.— Bus on, >»teph 1 j llobro ■, Jun.— Hollis, obn Smith. In all the towns except Alfred, Buxton, Cor nish and tYat tr borough, the whole number ot 1 votes tor member ot Congress were Mr. Burleigh 2S49 Me Intire 924 Me Donald b49 Mr. Burleigh is therefore reelected. LINCOLN. REPRESENTATIVES— Bath Jos. F. Win gate.— Topsham, Win- Frost—Bourdons, Sol omon Eaton. YORK' COUNTY COURTS. By a Resolve of the Legislature passed at their last session, provision was made for ascertaining ( the sense of the people o! York on the question whether the Judicial Courts should be alt held in one place for that County. The same resolve further directed that if this question were settled in the affirmative, the votes of the people should ’ be taken at the September meetings in the seve ) rai towns whether the place to he designated hotild be Kruntbunk or Alfred The following statement of the votes in ill the towns except Cornish, we have received by a slip from the office of the kennebuuk Gazette. Ktnntbunk. Alfred ’ Welts, 509 UO Kennebunk, ' 454 t . Kennebunk-porf, 435 2 ' Alfred, 0 289 Shapleigh, 2 391 j York, 402 10 Kittery, 120 10 ’ Eliot, 108 34 * Hiddeford, 173 10 Sanford, 131 166 ! Saco, 3i3 23 Berwick, 250 46 i South Berwick, 54 139 Lyman. 183 77 Parsomfield, . 34 326 f Limerick, 4*j ldf# Buxton, 3t! 261 Hollis, 132 1‘26 i Limmgton, 37 254 Newfield, 17 171 Cornish, unit, uok. YY aterborough, 10 362 Lebanon, 7 324 Total, 1485 3124 The |>eople, therefore, have decided that the . Judicial Courts and County offices shall be located at kennebunk | REORGANIZATION OF THE INSTITUTION • FOR SAVINGS FOR PORTLAND, AND i ITS VICINITY The Bye-laws of the Institution have been re vised a.Id amended. Instead of the Officers formerly established, they have now a President, ‘ one vice President, and ttttn Trustees, a Tnat “ ’ urer, and ^tertiary, Such is the difficulty of loaning money o the I security required by the bye-laws,that the* rate of II interest is at present reduced to four per cei l. i' But the corporation have provided that the via-! positor* «bafi ivtthw, by way of eitra sHv^deml*, »t Hi* end of S year*, orwae profo* above the four per rent annually d«r«rfrrf, and they pledge the in-el vet that tbe rate of interas* *hai! he rais ed, a* mi, and as high a* practicable lb peril, are to be' made retry W'Ysfaewfcy. from 11 4 Putt *-• ■* the Coasting Ru hi of Mr Stun ul Treat, the Treasurer, No, lb, Um t Wharf. The number and amount of drj««„it» have be romtw great, I bat no deposit* wifi in future lie received from peraoua living out of the County of Cumberland And it he* become necessary to requite some who have made deposits to with* draw them. Tbe smallest som which will be received a* a i|e[inait m one dollar. Tbe smallest tuns which will be put on interest i* hm Julian, and the Jlarrtstrm. *.» Jive A toad red Jivtun j The UHsuey ’da;«>*itedsl ’it t In? urv e*tc J ie pub lic or pnvafe stuck*, or tney be loaned to mu nicipal Cor-potation* , or it may be loaned to f private | tersest* on security of storks, not escee j ifing ninety percent. on the per value of -web -l»*cks, in such manner u may be ronsnlerf d safe and adventtenon*, at tbr diwretktn of the [ Trustee*. And when no preferable opportuni ties are presented, they may loan the same en ! personal securities ; provided that in all such cases at least three responsible name* shall be required ; and the security increased, having I regard to the amount nndlengtb of tbe loan, in 'the number of names required; and in all cates giving preference to securities on slock*, or loans to corporations. Ill money deposited shall he pieced hv the Treasurer for *afe keep ing in some Bank in Portland, untill tbe same -nail be invested as above prescribed. The act of making a deposit will be consid ered a sufficient assent, on the part of the deposi tor, to the By-laws and lugnhiuoiu of the ln-ti tut on. , Some other alterations of less imjKMrtance have been made in the By-law*. The officers for the present year are a* follow* ; Stephen Lokgeeli.ow, President. Levi Letter, Vice President. Trust*cf .— Asa Llapp—James Neal—Albert \ewhall—Joshua Hichar iion—William Swan —Samuel Trask—Jo*. M. Gern*h. Samui l Trask. Treasurer. Jo*. M.Gerrish, Secretary, Per order of the Trustee* J. M. GERRISH, Sac'ry. Portland, Sept. 15,1H24. David Haves. Esq. ha* been appointed Tost Master at Saccarappa, vice Luther Fitch, Esq. resigned. MAIllNK. post or ::PORTL.hKD:: ARRIVALS. TUESDAY—Brig Merit«nic, Lincoln, am* Al mira, Boston—‘loop* Augustus. Ha f, Eastport, {(inilsUHKi, fi*h and cedar po-t»; Ira veil*!, (■ >rt, Gloucestet, floor and coin; .America.Mmcii bo»t.«i CLEARED^ bugs GJmimM Enact. Sir Andrews, by Uaac Stuidivam— Maine, Moulton. Bunavwta, by Joseph Johnson. VESSEL'' SPOKEN.—Aug. 5. guii.g into Gihrat ur, Lucinda, 22 day* (rom Trie ate. - 3lu lag 29, 28, Ion 64, 24, Florida. 12 day* f*. N. York, tor | Pnnidad.—2d inst lat. 39, on, 71 1-2. Hoi la, [ ’I Poiiland. 36 hours fr. N. York. - 7th, lat. fc , 10, 38, Ion. 69 1.2, Mar*. Lord, 47 dry* fr. (lire. |kj| nock, lo. Halt —9th, on E- part id Geo'ge’t. »\>op Betsey, fr. Well-.— 26th, lat. 40, 20, loo 67, K*. ineie. 3 from Castine. EUROPEAN.—At Malaga, Aur.4, Eight Son*. Foote from Norfolk, ar. 2d. (ielt Hampton Beads, July 3.) " E>T INDIES. —At Pt. Petre, Aug 21, Export, loading for N. York ; '>u«ani$' Satah, and Co«t! * la, do. for Portland; Eliza, Levant, and WIlllini. itn'g; Harriet unr. when, to touch at St M ulitii. for tail The 1 unidt, McMuinu*. 22 days fioui Bath, lying off and on.- l’he Hynation, Ibchaid*. for t iiarle-ton, left Jain. Aug. It, in a convoy At Demerara Aug. 11, Mary Ann, Hannati, Ellen. Reindeer. Portland-——At St. I homa-.- Aug. 21, Richmond, dis'g. Saw a light, full tigged bug. gotn{j into Grand Tutk. 28th. 24th, Ion t>9, previous .to ar. at latter place, taw a *ch. with • Milo" in foretopaatl outward t-ound - 25th, saw sch. North Star, of Bath, going through Turks Island Passage. (She cl. at Bath, July 20. for Jam.) 27<!t, saw a sharp sch. do. do.-Sailed from St Barts. 22d, (ar. 21st) Missionary, Gould, from Bordeaux, for Mexico.-The At.n h. of Saco, has beea at Dominique, and proceeded for Guadaktupe and a market. DOMESTIC—Ar at Fredericksburg,8th, Lincoln. John-on New York-Cl. at Richmond, Jno. Vla.ihail, Drummond. Cork. Ar. 6ih, Active. Bath. Sailed, Globe.Hill. Bostoo-Ar. at Baltimore Sth, Fait American, Si, Bart*-Cl. at Phila delphia 9<b, Independence Havre*. St. John N. li. -At. at New York 8th, Tom, Wilcoa, To bago; Packet and Herald. St. Audens; liuirpen dence and Julia. Machia*; Mary & Margatet, Proa peel. Adv. France* Miller, Lamport and Lobec. Ar. 10th, Superior, Sweet«ir. Point Petie; Colum hia, Bradfoid. Ea*tj*.ct; Dolphin. Emery. Saco; Mary. Butler, Castine. Cl. Eugene, Deri, Mobile, Union, Emery, Saco. Ar. 1 l»h. Fair Amcican, Stutsm, E»«tport. 30 pa*«enger* ; L tirabeth. St Andrew*; Henry. Kconebonk ; Cicero, V'. i>ca*»ei; Kunn alv Machia*-—Ar. at Providence. 12th. France*. Bath; P.oyal Hope, and Betsey ami Pul ley, do..—- Bug Warren, Owen, of Ba'h, from St. Lucie, La* ar at Falin null, C. C Lettet* to Aug. 25 were received by Iter-Ar. at Bos fo. II eh. J.i«per, Chase, of Hallow ell. Cadiz, 42. IJtn, Metcatoi. CoggiD*. To*’»eo { Rambler, of ElUwurth, Barbvdoe*; ha.ait, Sitaomon, Suri nam Cl. Jasper. Cha*e, Bath Midi**, Norfolk. 'ailed. Cltampton. Ea«tpo.t ; Midi*. Norfolk. Ar. ai Salem, 12th, Bvinn. Gould, Jackmct, for Kennebunk.-Ar. at Newlmrypnrt. I Orb, Drake, York ; Sally. Well* ; Bee. Canine ; Find tin. do ; Polly and Hannan. d<>. ; Mercy, Bayne*. Deer Die ;«ev Vf Hannah. Datuensctma ; tarolicc, Smith, eaatwaol.-Ar. at P'<i*inouU> 11th. Mary >now, f.**t, T»HHna«t.m Sa- e-l. Victory, Wipin, Eastporl: Adeline, Gibb*. Belfast—————CL at Arliavt. 21, Samuel A John. W hitney. Ileyti It at Frankfort. Boston Packet, A rev St Peter?. -Ar. at Cattioe, Sth, Car.ova, Wnitoev, Ltver poai 33 - Sturtiaffet* (Coo.'; Sept l -Capt Orcutt. of *ch. 'ally, wlm it. here 25tti nb. inform* us that on th« morning of the 2Wb. off OuM-ho.rweh. (Maine) he fell in with 'be ureick of a small vm*l, ftppn«*ntly from 15 to 20 ton*. No name, or at et mark, could tie found upon he*- He picked up, near the w rck • Bible,in wbkh w»« written in several place*, -he name of Freefone Mudgri ; and in one place," rrm iatt Curbs, ker^riperff 1810.r Likewise pieced up a na -1 hat. a small pair of children’* oorkiig*, and a cb--t. marked with the name of JVWAns - in the cheat were several old q uit* e abirt, and »h*»n «atie jacket. The wind bad been blowing a gale •luring the night; end it «a« »np >o*ed the vernal must have ‘truck a reef of rock* near by, and imme diately went to piece*. Every je -on on hoard probehty ttthlwd >ch. Marne. Lewi* Tbnchev, from Swn, honed M the 'p*n*sh Maine, eaprrlrBced a severe gale I0tta| of Aug. let 37 30, long. fiS, acid is rounding in was knocked down oo her beam en>>». After cutting sway he* u»a*t« the righted. On the 24th Aug. the • wea spoken Liverpool, N S heanng N. 5 league* .jj distant. aokii.g fot the the fir* purl - Last Scrd.