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THK iBGIB ii noted far' Iti Reliable New* end Forceful Editorial* ezpreeeed in couar vative language. $1.50 PER ANNUM F. Bond Boarman XMAS GIFTS OF REAL USEFULNESS Carving Sets, Casseroles, Pyrex Baking Glassware, Serving Trays, Mirrors, Nut , Sets, Clocks, Automobile Robes, Electric Lamps, Thermos Bottles, Velocipedes, Wagons, Toy Autos, Kiddie-Kars WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT OF CHILDREN’S TOYS MALLEABLE RANGES What’s finer than a HUDSON OR ESSEX CAR For the whole family F. Bond Boarman BEL AIR, MD. gHHHHHanHHHBBaaanBHHmHnmHHmMHBHHIIiniigMMM E. TUCKER & CO., Inc. HARFORD’S BEST STORE For years we have had the Biggest & Best Assortment of Holiday Goods To be found in the County. This year our line Better than ever 1 I IN OUR TOY DEPARTMENT JvL in the basement, you will find TOYS galore to delight S the children. |[ C J inO__) Mechanical Toys, Dolls, Gaines, Books, Wagons, I SLEDS, TEA SETS, &c., &c. ALL THROUGH OUR STORE scattered everywhere are Suitable Articles for Gifts. Towels, Pillows, Collar and Cuff Sets, Bed Blankets, Table Damask, Bed Room Slippers, Neckwear, Box Paper, Handkerchiefs, Sport Hose, Gloves, Sweaters, Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, Holiday Hats, Etc., Etc. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Fresh Nuts, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Dates, Mince Meat ! Cranberries, Cakes, Etc. | FINE CANDIES AND CHOICE FRUITS. Candy from 12,c. a pound up IN OUR AUTOMOBILE DEPARTMENT NEW OVERLANDS AND FINE OLDSMOBILES. Also, Close-Tight Tops for Fords, Chevrolets and Overlands. Makes a Closed Car out of an open one at a very small cost. Extra Clerks and the Christmas Spirit Everywhere E. TUCKER & CO., Inc., FOREST HILL, MD. Stockholder.'Meeting REAL ESTATE BUSINESS DANIEL RIDER D-_l -T— , , FARMS SOLD, PROPERTIES '**' Art - Balu - Ml * iVCftl LiSl^tC hoST^oT'S 1 . gw™*- mnts <uMig CommUsion Merchant inga Bank will be held at eaid bank in CTABBRB. * -roTM M fo_ Selling, Buying, Renting and l j on . , . /0 „ u * wi * m,wkUt Wheat, Cm, (hit. Hay, Straw, Ac Loaning on Farms, Town Tuaday, January 2nd. 1923 in* booni l on. -omuau roi Lots and Houses. At n o’etock A. m, J. T. EVANS MILL FEED, CLUTEM FEU), COTTON SEED GEORGE F BIIRKIfY Dealer in Real Ertate HAL AND Ml CUE MEAL abSS.’md. WM T. ANDERSON, Caehier. BEL AIL MD. wUI mein muR elteation. Phone Aberdeen lOIM. THE /CGIS AND INTELLIGENCER BEL AIR,MARYLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22,1922 ATTORNEY’S SALE DESIRABLE FARM NEAR CALVARY, IN THE THIRD ELECTION DISTRCT OF HAR FORD COUNTY In puraunnee of the power vented In the undornlKiicd under n mortgage from Harriet A. Webster and huaband lo tbv Jarreltavllle Uulldlng Aaaorln llon, dated the 21at day of March. In the year 1917, and recorded among the Land Uecorda of Harford County. In Id her J A. 11. No. 166 folio 498. default having occurred under aald mortgage, I will offer at public auction at the Court Houle Poor, In Bel Air. Mary land. on Tuatday. January 2, 1923 At llllta o'clock A. M, all that Farm containing two hundred and alxly (lfl)crea. more or leas, all mill* hh iiiorcMald and lying on tile pub lic road leading from Calvary Pont Of fice lo the Bel Air and Churcbvllle road nml known an "Webuter’a Foregl." be ing the name farm whereon the lute William WebHler resided at the time of hIN death, and which the aald WII ■ lain Webster by hIH laal Will and Teg lament dated the lolh day of January. 1912. duly executed lo pass under the laws of Maryland, recorded among the Will Records of Harford County In Llbsr J A. No. If. folio S 3, devised lo the said Harriet A. W. Webster. .. , .. There Is a commodious and attrac tive mansion house on the farm and also two tenant houses, one with six rooms and one with four rooms, and also a corn house, carriage house. Ktnoke house, barrack with shedding attached for slock and horse stable This farm Is well watt red with about too acres in grass and " acres or ilmln-r About IIS aorea of the farm or.* cloarod. Thorn I. n Rood nr ohurd on tbo form amt tbo Inml I. of oxoollonl quullly nnd ha. boon woll fnrin.>.l for ninny yonr. I I.H M n UK u. Ono third of tbo purobaao monoy In on dny of aalo. one third In 1 month. nnd tbo balanjo In Iw.lvo mom bn. nr nil oaah on dny of aalo at iho notion of purohnner; Iho ere dll paymontn in hour Inloro.l from tbo dny of nnlo nnd lo bo noourod by Iho onion or bondi of Iho purchnnor with surety lo be approved by the under hTKVKNBON A WILLIAM*. Attorney named In Mortgage I W. Thommpson .Auctioneer FINE FARM FOR^SALE ABOUT 85 ACRES IN 2D DISTRICT well located. Large House with Hath, Tenant House, Hum, Corn House other necessary buildings, all in good repair. CANNING HOUSE Fine soil for corn and tomatoes. Priced to sell. HARRY W. ELSNER. Havre de Grace, Rid. Phone-Havre de Grace 150 F-22. Trustee’s Sale By virtue of s decree of the Circuit Court for Hsrford County, sitting ae a court ff equity pnased on ths Ith day of UeoMnbsr lt>A the undersigned trustee will offer st Public Auction i.i, the premises, situate on the public coed from Prospect to Mill Green, on Saturday, December 30,1922 . ...At Jl onlnyk A. M., nit *bnt LOT OR PARCEL OF UNO Containing 41 ACRES nor. or I-.., nod b#ln tti, mm, nnd .11 llni land dMorlbod In n dwd from Jnmro W. Me. N.hh, IruHl—, U> Mnry KIImIMIi Colbiw. Iron- IM dntod tbo .l.lh dny of Aou>l. UJ6 nnd nm..n lb, I.,nd Roronl. at HnHoid County In llbor A. L. J. No. St, folio 2t4. Tb, ImprovroiMt. oon*l.t of , a 7-nwm from, and briek iyflS 111 .I—l, . gwMkaq ■nnd Pl.t, roof b.rii ; corn BItrSyWVML noaro rhl.hon houro. nd o(h,r oulbulldlnK,. Thr, I, aim iilontr of fruit of mil kind, on th, pine,. TEEMS OF SALE Th, term, of Ml, tirrocrlb-d hy th, drorao ar,: Ono-lhlrd of tho iiunrhM, mon,y lo h, Kid In cash on dny of Mlo, ono-thlrd Ihar-nf < month,, and the rwldn. In 13 month,. Crodll pnyroantn to boor liUoraot from day of Ml, nod to bu Mcorod by th, not,, or bondr of th, punkoMr. Mmirity npprovl hy th, undor. •l,n-d truatw. EDWIN 11. W HARLAN. Tru.le. I. W- Thowpron. Auetlonor. r ¥'H ROUGH our long: ex- | 1 perience and careful buy- 8 mg, we are now in the pool- 8 tion to furnish you with the I “S. M.” Special Battery I For sl2 8 Fully Guaranteed We are fully equipped to render Battery Service TO ALL CAR OWNERS H. T. Crocker FORD AOCNT Phone 353. BEL AIR, MI). | C. T. SNYDER ; Mgr. Battery Department Over ZOO) satisfied cub- ! £ turners in two years. Let Miss Elizabeth K. Bradford 123 Main St., Bel Air (Telephone 18-J) Shop for You at HUTZLER BROTHERS CO. BALTIMORE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Thla la to give notice that the auberriher hea obtained from (he Orphana Court of Harford County. Md , lattera teatamentary on the es tate of REBECCA a. HOLLINOH WORTH late of Harford county, daeeaead. All paraona having claims against aaid daraaaad are harahy notified to axhiblt tha aarna with the legal voucher* thereof Oa ar befera the 17tb day ef May. IMS Or they may otharwlaa by law ha excluded from all benefits of aald aetata. All persons indebted to aald aatate are requeatad to make Immadiate payment. Given under my hand and aaal thla 17th day of November, IfW. f.RWIft E HOLLINGSWORTH, iMWtor. W. WORTHINGTON HOPKINS Attorney-at-Law BEL AIR, - - MARYLAND , Attorney's Sale OF | Peach Bottom Slate Lands ON SLATE RIDGE IN THE FIFTH ELEC TION DISTRICT OF HARFORD COUNTY NEAR CAMBRIA AND CARDIFF STA TIONS ON THE MARYLAND A PENNSYLVANIA EAILEOAD By virtu. o( lb. eow.r of sol. July Mll i In lb. und.r.lnJ nttomw nnmad In n molt ■nan from Tbom.. B. Proctor t ,1 to Lydln A. Cnktnnr. dntal tb. lth doy of April. IMS •nd weirded nntona tbo Lnnd Rocord. of Hnr ford County In Llb.r W. 8. F. No. 107 folio SOI, and duly nialsncd to Lydl. A. Cnitnor and Annin B. Cutnnr u Joint lonnntn. with rlaht of nurvlvornhlp. dnfnull It.vlna oocurrnd undnr tbo torn, of .aid moriansn, I will olfnr for ul at public suction t the Court House door In Bel Air, on Wednesday, Jan. 3rd, 1923 At IK o'clock M.. nil that certnln Parcel of Land oompoMd of several contlnguoua parcel*. and of tract* or part* of tract* or parcel* eallad "Montgomery’* Delight". "Hawkins’ Chance and "William*’ Birthright" or by whatsoever qlher name* known, or of wh*t*o*ver o4hsr tract* eompoaad. oonUlnlng 86 Acre*, 1 Rood and 17 Square Perches more or la**, and more particularly described In *ald mortgage, and situate In aald County. Slate Ridge In mid Fifth Daotlon District, on or cloaa to {We main vain* of P*ach Bottom Mints* deposit* and adjoining or contiguous to th* quarry land* generally known a* th* Proc tor Quarries, th# Baltimore Peach Bottom Slate Company's land*., and also th# Miller tract or parcel, and Ilea on Iho public road from Slate Ridge to leva’s Mill. TKRMB OP BALK Onethlrd of the purchase money In ca*h on Ihe day of sal# one-dhlnl In 6 month* therefrom and the balance In 18 month* therefrom. or all cash on day of sale at th* option of the pur chaser. th# credit payment* to beer Intereet from the day of talc and to be duly secured by the note* or bond* of th* purchaser with sure ty or sureties to he approved by m*. th* under- HTKVRNHON A. WILLIAMS. Attorney named In said Mortgage. C. C. Richardson, Auctioneer. SIOO,OOO 5 Per Cent. Public School Im provement Bond* of Har ford County, Md. Notice I* hereby given tht the County Com missioners of Harford County. Btata of Mary land. will rfreivu sealed competitive bid* for (he purchase of $100,000.00 aerial, coupon. Five per cent (6%) "Public School Improvement Bond* of Harford County, Maryland,” l**u*d on th* faith and cradll of Harford County, Of th* ssld Issue $96..090.09 thareof are In the denomination of SI,OOO and $4,000 theraof are In the denomination of S6OO. Said bond* will bn dHled January let, 102.1, Of tba said Issue. $11,600 00 thereof will ma ture and become payable January let, 1924. and an equal amount will mature ami become pay able annually thereafter until the entire iaeue has matured and bean paid. The bomb* ma turing January Ist, 1124 are known as Barles A and those maturing annually theraafter in a like amount are known aa Berlss B„ Scries C, Sorias I>, Series K.. Series F, Series O and Kories If, iwepectlvely. Bald bond* are l**ued and offered for salt pursuant to th* power and authority conferred by Chapter lOR of the "Act* of the General Assembly of Maryland". Saaelon of 191$, and are Issued In the manner and tovm apd lor the purpose* thereto inueMlsd. Vher SMN* anpt from State, County and Municipal taxa tion. Bach bid shall be sealed and directed to th* County Commissioners of Harford County, at Bel Air, Maryland, and shall be accompanied by a certified cheque or bank draft, payable to the order of said County Commissioners, or by cash in an amount squnl to 6% of th* princi pal sum of said bonds bid for as a guarantee that the succeasful bidder or bidders will re ceive and |Hy for suld bonds upon delivery, miles* same ar# rejected on legal ground*. No bids will be received after December 27th. 11122. The (Vmnty Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Bids will be opened at the office of the County CommlMionsrs In Bel Air. on Wadnee day, I let-ember 27. 1922, at 2 P. M. By order of the County Commissioners of Harford County, Stats of Maryland, dated tba 4th day of December, 1922. JAMRS H. PHILLIPS, Pres, of Ihe fount; Commieelonars of Harford County, State of Maryland. NOTICE TO CREDITORS This Is to ■lv, nolle, that tho milm-nln . hnv, ohtoinad from th. Orphan, Court of ll.r -ford County, Maryland, latter* of admlniutra tion on tha aatata of KLORBNCR K. BALDWIN lata of Hnrford County tloe#aaad. All itersons having elaima against said deceased ara hereby nutlflad to exhibit th# *am with th# legal vouch*ra th*r*of On *r hefar* Ik* 14tk day af May. 192$ ur they may otherwise by law ha excluded from all benefits of aald aatate. All persons Indebtsd to aald *ala*s ara requested to make Immediate pa* mint. Given under my hand and s*al this 14th day of November, 1923. HARRIETT I. BADWIN. EDWARD A. BALDWIN, Administrators. NOTICK TO CKKDITOBB Thtt ia (o giva nolle* that tha subaerlber haa obtained from tha Orphana Court of Harford County, Md., lattora of administration e. t. a. on th* aatat* of i JOHN D. WORTHINGTON Ist* of Harford County deceased. All persons ] having olaima against said dacsaed ar* hereby notified to exhibit th* earn* with th* legal j vouchers thereof On or kef erg the 14th day *f May. 192$ or they may otharwlsa by law Im excluded from all benefit* of aald aatat*. All paredns indebted to laid aatat* are requested to msks Immediate payment. Given under my hand and seal this 14th daf of NHfernker, 1922. JOHN D. WORTH NG’lOif, Jr., Administrator. WALTER H. ARCHER BKNRON. MD. Funeral Director -AND EMBALMER ar New AalaßaUc Hearse ftes* Day at Wlgfci-Rel Air 9 II I J. G.HOOPER | House Painter end Greiner ; a-D. BEL AIR. MD Phone 816 F 6 SHOE & HARNESS REPAIRER K. F. KUEHN, MAKER OP MscUm ud Hud Kd Haraess SHOES REPAIRED ; REPAIRING PROMPTLY DO MR , WANTED j During the Ysar 10,000 Cords Peeled Poplar and Gum Palp Wood for shipment from any point on the B. A 0., Pennsylvania or Mainland & Pennsylvania Rail roads. JOHN CONNER A SON. ! Street, Md. Mw duNmmi rm DAUGHERTY'S IMPEACHMENT PROMISES NEW EMBARRASS MENT FOR HARDING Spectator* of the Republican at tempts to impeach and oust Harry M. Daugherty from the office of Attorney General foresee that, whatever Con gress may do with the charges the whale proceedings will be an issue In the presidential campaign In 1024. Opponents of Preiddent Harding's re nomination are aura to derive u good deal of satlafactlon and not a little political capital from the struggle to remove a member of his Cabinet from his position. The fight on Attorney General Daugherty had lu inspiration and re. ce'ves It* impctua wholly from Repub. Means. The Democrats In Congress, although they believe that Daugherty’s appointment and retention as Attorney General hove proved deplorable and detrimental, have not undertaken to impeach him. They are willing that the President shall lar the responsi bility for his Attorney General’s arts and omlsaians. ITenhlent Hauling is pretty certain to exert hln Influence with the Repub lican reactionarlen in the Huune and the Senate to defeat the attempt at eliminating and humiliating Daugher ty. There is little likelihood that Im. pearhment will he voted, but there Is every prospect that the effort, of Daugherty', friends to prevent a rec ord tdtte will be made the eubject of n gcod deal of publicity. It i. thin Presidential Interposition In Daugherty's behalf that will Inflame n goat) many Republicans In Congiese and outside of It. Thoee Republican, who already regard Daugherty n. a heavy liability are indignant that he has given an excuse far Impeachment and will be very angry If he la "white., washed"—aa they feel ho will ho—by the Republican House acting on the assumption If not upon the Intimation that the adminlstrntloon would suffer by thin outcome. If Daugherty ia acquitted of the charges which Republicans have pre ferred against him there doubtless will lie a strong belief that powerful in fluences saved him. If he is convicted, either after u formal trial or In tho court of public opinion, lie will con tinue to be a deadweight on the Repub (lean administration. Republicans in Congress have no thoroughly discred ited Mr. Harding’s Attorney General that he Is sure to furnish one faction of his party with a war cry against the other and corroborate Democratic charges that Mr. Daugherty began hie career In the Cabinet as a political ml.*, take which hoa since become a public misfortune. W.S. SHIPLEY JOPPA, MD. BUTCHER Fresh and Salt Meats PROVISIONS Special attention to telephone order*. Satisfaction guaranteed. Clve taken Monday and Thursday Phone WUae in WE SELL KAH M B -AND- Country Homes List with ua if you wl*h to sail. Ab solutely no charge unless we eall. F„ A. ST ROUT FARM AGENCY The l.argeet In The World FRED. C. JONES Agent DARLINGTON, - MARYLAND rnmmr HI eg w Pennsylvania Vacuum cup ▼ CORD TIRES "TheSoundofSufety n goes along with your car wherever you travel telling you at all time* that wet, slippery pave* ments are as safe at dry ones with the mile-mak* ing Vacuum Cup Tread , on guard. I Whatever the motorist needs, we have it, from Vacuum Cup Tires and "Ton Tested” Tubes to I accessories, all at tho - lowest prices you can I bay quality goods for —plus topaotch tervice. ! ALEX. Y. WATTERS JarretUville. Md. . I ' C Harry Magness j Justice of the Peace SHARON, MD. Collections Made Promptly. Geneva Farm Guernseys Oar Cow*, on teet, win average well over (00 lbs. UX. A Good Place to Get a Bull Calf JAMES W. DAVIS ft SON, Pbea* Cordlg SSB22 Reck*. Md. DEDICATED TO THE BEST INTERESTS of ear Oseaty, Btate aad Rettee VqL. LXVII-NO. 51 IT CAME UPON THE MIDNIGHT CLEAR It came upon the midnight clear. That glorious song of old, Erom Angela bending near the earth, To touch their harpa of gold: "Peace on the earth, good will to men Erom heav'n'a all gracloua King." The world In solemn atillneaa lay To hear the angle* sing. O ye, beneath life'* crushing load. Whose forma ale bending low, Who toll along the climbing way With painful atepa and alowl Look now, for glad ami golden houra Come awlftly on the wing; 0 ieat beaide the weary road, And hear the angela aing. Ear 10l the days are haat'ning oi\, By prophets seen of old, When with the ever circling years, Shall come the time foretold, When the new heav’n and earth shall own The Prince of Peace their King, And the whole world acini back the aong Which now the angels alng. —Edmund H. Seam, HOME MANAGEMENT PROBLEM* INTEREST EXTENSION WORKERS (■renter emphasis on household man. agoment us a phaae of homo economics teaching was urged during the course of the conference of the home econo mics section of the Association of land Grant Colleges hold In Washings ton. In several States the work has begun with kitchen improvement, the underlying Idea being to embrace grad, ually all the many sides of the subject. Miss Martha Van Renssaluer, of New York, said that home economics teachers would be neglecting an Im portant part of their subject If they did not develop household management to the fullest extent. The term house hold management applies to the man agement of everything that pertains to household and the care of It, Including its expenditures and the standardisa tion of Its equipment, according to Miss Van Rensselaer, The organisation of the household was considered a proper fleUI for re search In home economics departments of colleges and other Institutions, by Ruth Wardall, of Illinois. Heretofore, Miss Wardall pointed out, home'econo, mlcs workers have concerned themselv es largely with food In Its many as pects. Clothing, shelter and house hold organisation should receive attan, tlon next, as well as research In coops, ration with such departments of a uni versity as chemistry, medicine, liberal arts, sociology, and engineering. Representatives of the Department of Agricultuie home economics ami ex tension work Invited those present from the State colleges to make suggestions at any time as to what problems the department might assist with. The grentcr part of the conference was concerned with home economics prob lems of a general administrative nat ure, the improvement of cellege teach, ing and special problems of extension and research. (HHIMTMAH GREENS VANDALISM Thar* hu* b*tn u much vandallam In recant year* In cutting Chrlutnuui tree*, mutilating ami destroying holly, laurel, and other {item along the i highway*, that in* utmot vigilance •huuhl lie practiced at thl* time of th* year on tha part of all land owner*, t and thow Interaaled In the praaarvaa . tion of tha natural heautlea of tha : roadaldea. To check thl* ahuaa, the Maryland laglulatura, In 1918, chapter 171), *n acted a law making It a mladamaanor, , •übjact to a Ana of $25, or 0(1 day* In\ prUonment, or both, for any peraona to "remove, take, cut, break, Injure or destroy any tree, ahrub, vine, flow, er, moan, or turf from the land or premleee of another" without the writ, ten conrent of auch owner, or under hi* peraonal direction. The Maryland State Hoard of For entry la cooperating with land owner* <7 and other* Interented in the enforce ment of thin law, by providing printed notice* to poet along the highway* and . on private property, In order to publiah the law and to give protection to land ' owner*. You are earnently rei|ue*ted to aid jj| In thl* enforcement of the law, to poet * notice* on your own property and to ’ report any violation that you may die. t, cover to the local police nuthoritlea £ for prompt action. The State Hoard of Forestry, Hl# Calvert HulliMng, upon request, will , furnlah you an many card board pout' / er* a* you can une to advantage. I SUPPLIES RUSHED TO GREECE Arrival of the relief Stuyveaant, Coeur d'Alene and Hog Inland at I'lneu* the port of Athena, ha* Iteen announced today by caM* from Dr, A. Ilo** Hill, In charge of the American Red Crow* unit In (Ireece. The huge shipment* of Red Crone food V aupplle* in the three cargoe*, Or. Hill report*, the food *ituatlon among the refugee* quartered throughout Greece nd on the i*land* of the AOgesn He* well In hood. The combined value of the cagroe* I* g 475,000. The mo*t preaalng need now, Dr, Hill report*, I* for clothing ami Rad Cron* Chapter* throughout the I 'niterl State* have been urged by National Headquarter* to work at top aimed to aupply garment* fur men, women and children and layette* fur the newly born in the refugee camp*. Four Red Cro nurae* who liave hod experience in F.urope, are nailing next, Saturday on the Steamahlp Rotterdam V. to Join the unit now at work in Greece. They are Mlaae* ChriMtln* M. Mu no, Alice (J. Carr, Mary M. A, Wel* and Ml** Eleanor Dove. Mian Nuno ha* lieen in charge of the Red Croae nura. Ing office In New York city and octlv* In maintaining the Rsyshur* Con vale*. cent Home for nurae* dlaabled In the World War. The next nhlpmenl of Red Croa* food supplies I* due to leave New York on December 15, combating of 1,500 ton* of flour and 1000 ton* of wheat, taking half the cargo tonnage of the elevm xhlp Manltowa, chartered by the Am* erlcan Relief Adminlatratlon. Th* , other half of the cargo I* conaigned '/> Odea** for famine *ufrer*r* In th* Ukraine. KKKN INTEREST SHOWN IN KDU. CATIONAI. FARM FILMS Ketume from a questionnaire on mo. tion picture*, *ent to aome .'I,OOO exten. afon agent* by th* U. fl. Department nt Agriculture, Indicate that county agent* and other extenaion worker* ar* keenly interested In educational (lima, Of 982 agent* reporting, RID are In fa. vor of owing motion picture* in their work, Dl uppoHed to them, and M 6 noncommittal. About one-third of th* agent* re porting **y that they u*e motion pic ture*, and about one-half of thoee who une picture* have had experience with portable projector*. Only 8 per cent of thoee who u*e portable projector* have found them unsatisfactory. There I* ntrong demand for more Aim* on llve-atocl* subject* club work, •oil Improvement, and cooperative marketing. Many agent* oak for "more fun" or "more human intereat’ In educational Alma, and there I* conalderable com plaint of alow distribution. Thl* laat objection the department hope* will be met eventually by th* eatablixhment of adequate State distributing center*.