Newspaper Page Text
PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT BFL AIR, MD. bUUIiM UTS. The .Beil i, th* oklsei •rwgpttper with th* lerveat circulation of an* published lo Harford Count*. WORTHINGTON B&OlflERS John D. Worthington, Jr. Malcolm M. Worthington Editors TERMS—II.SO PER ANNUM BEL AIR, MD„ DECEMBER 22. 1922 AT rHRIBTMAH TfMK Ry In** May Fait Within an old r*th*dr*l dim The whit*-robed choir chant a hymn. That old. old alary o‘*r aaraln Of pear* on earth, good will toward men. A holy Kilcnre fill* the air. od every head I* bowed In prayer. Wliiic from the tower the Joy-foil* chime At ChrUtma* time. Far out upon (he brimy deep Th* mariner hla WSfoll doc* keep * For hi* bright, guiding TletMehem *t*r. The beacon light that shine* afar; And ■* he it* kindly ray*. ll* think* of home and other day*. Of loved one* in a dl*tant clime. At Chrlatma* time. Again at the old homestead'* door I tear friend* and kindred meet once more. To *ll around th* heerthutoo*'* glow And hark to bell* acroaa the *now, They talk of youth and hop* and love. And gently *pcek of tho** above. The miming one*, with faith sublime. At Chrlatma* tim*. OUR GREATEST FESTIVAL So often it df.played the familiar sign “Closed—Legal Holiday’’ on the entrances of our public buildings that a holiday of itself alone has become no rarity. Set aside by process of law for the observance of this memorial occasion, or designated by proclama tion for the celebration of that event of state or national importance, American holidays have arisen with Increasing speed and number. Ami now at tho end of our calendar year ccmes that greatest of all festal days, Christmas, observed alike by America and the rest of the Christian world. Throughout the history of nations have strong men arisen whose works shaped largely the destinies of their individual peoples and some there have been—supermen-whose influence help ed form world history for many gen erations. How insignificant their in Auence though when compared with that of the Man of Galileel Over nine, teen centuries have elapsed since His birth yet each new decade, each new cycle, aces his following increase by thousands. Once again America Wei comes the Joyous Christmas tide, once again ahe pledges her faith in Chris tianity, the ultimate hope of a troubled world. "Thou ahalt love thy neighbor os thyself" is no seasonal command but tho anniversary of the birth of Him who gave it sharply calls it to mind and urges us to greater observance. A large number of our people feel that the paat year from a business view point has been an unsatisfactory one. In many respects this is true but how f few of our people In Harford are gen ulnely hungry, how few scantily cloth, cd and without homes. Let those of w whose condition is more comfortabl? , seek out the few unfortunates in our midst and by personal attention or con. • trlbutlon to organised relief funds help bring to them needed Christmas cheer. The Joy of giving will be ample re ward for ourselves and the pteaaure thus brought to others not easily ex pressed in words. Nor should we be satisfied with the mere donation of money or goods. The sick, the aged, the bereaved, the little parentless child all loudly call for the gentle touch of human sympathy, the little heartening personal contact from you. Let us not forget them, dear Reader; let ua see that the holldtoy son son means to them, as well as us, Joy ■nd gladness To them, to you, to all ■‘our people, the Editors extend the sea : son’s greetings and sincere wishes for a Merry, Merry Christmas. HARFORD CHORAL CLUB One’s popularity in a community 1 does not increase if he accepts the po . eltlon of “public scold” yet the miser able attendance at the Choral Club's entertainment Wednesday night seems worthy of comment Few counties con boast of such a ; Creditable organisation as the Harford Choral Club. Composed of fifty mem bers, more or leu, many of whom live at * distance, these ladles and gentle men have faithfully practiced for sev eral months to give a public perfor mance of real merit. No idea of gree dy gain actuated them, no hope of pub die reward or private renown. An in nate love of music of real class alone prompted their membership and a keen . sense of duty has kept them faithful. S For both they deserve the thanks of a community where high grade enter ■' talnmnt of this kind is not frequently • afforded. It is reported that though presenting • a united front on Wednesday night amne friction had developed within Ike ranks of the members. With no desire to interfere in an organisation controlled alone by ita member*, we .would earnestly express the hope that for the good of the community and eounty such differences may be quickly smoothed out and harmony prevail. Though poorly expressed Wednesday night the people appreciate the truly public service you render through vol untary donation of your musical skill and we beg of you to “stick.” Let us have another concert later in the winter, preferably of light opera or something of the kind. Select a favorable date, advertise liberally and tee if your audience is not a record breaker. For your paat labor* we thank you; for your future we wish you well. COUNTY AGENT HAS BUSY YEAR In summing up hie year** work Har ford’s most efficient County Agent, Mr. B. B. Derrick says: “During the past year there were a tout of 14*9 visits made to farm* by County Agents, an average of 24 per sonal visits from farmers made to the County Agents office per day, and an average of £3 telephone calls ware also received par day at the County Agent's office, making a total of 47 personal or telephone calls per day. Lost year we had on avenge of M par day which shows an increase of 9 interview* per day ovqr lost year. Wa an glad to note that there it an inereaeed ten dency on the part ef the fanners of the oounty to use the County Agents' of fice. In addition to the above personal calls to farms, the county agents have attended 804 farmers’ meeting 1 : Be sides sixteen field meetings were held in pruning of orchards with a total at. tendance of 022. , The County Agents’ time has been divided os follows: 20.8% of the time was spent in the office attending to the above telephone and personal inter views, and 79.7% in tho field visiting demonstrations and holding meetings. A total of 0,252 official individual letters were Written and font out dur ing the year. This docs not include 14,028 circular letters sent out from the County Agents’ office, making a total of 23,280 letters. This is also an increase over last year's work of 5,114 letters. A total of 129 articles were prepared for publication., Under the head of boys’ club work wo are glad to leport that about 60% of the boys starting their demonstra tions have flnishesd. This is not quite as high a percentage as last year since lost year 73% of the boys finished their demonstrations, but we are satisfied that this average will compare favor ably with that of the State, since the State's average last year was only 40%. Among the county agents’ activities other than those mentioned above, has been the fostering and promoting of the following activities: Cooperative buying of 1900 tons of commercial fer tilizer at a saving of $9500 to the far mers of the county. We feel that this SO6OO is conservative, in as much a* we hove based it on a $5 basis. In addition to the fertilizer 18 tons of binder twine were also purchased at a small saving. Feeds and seeds were purchased at a considerable Having. This year while not so much wool was shipped through the wool pool, still 3000 pounds of wool was sent netting the farmers 08c per pound or a saving of |640. The 400 boys club members enrolled during the past year through their activities at the County Fair have won In premium money and trips equivalent to cash over S2OOO. The dairy cattle judging boys have estab lished a reputation for themselves from coast to coast. One of the dally newspapers of Spokane, Washington, had a picture of the boys and an ac count of their winnings in its paper. In addition about 23 papers to my knowledge have had their pictures and account of the work so that we feel that they have established their repu tation from const to coast. Another feature that has helped to advertise Harford probably in as great a manner as the dairy cattle Judging team, is that of the Harford County seed corn growers and their winnings at the Natlopal Corn Show. Briefly the general program of work foi the year started with the organisa tion of the ealf club in January, 1922, when .')9 boys bought pure bred calves. This was closely followed by commu nity short course meetings in which information was given on the pruning and care of fruit trees ami of properly mixing home fertilizers Next was to start the boys’ club members in their potato and poultry demonstrations, which were closely followed by the com demonstrations and by the five acre corn contest conducted by 80 men who have won an enviable reputation throughout the country by their huge yields. These were closely followed by the starting of the tomato demon strations with boys anil men, and about June 1 starting of about 150 boys with pig club records. County Agents’ ac tivities were then devoted to visiting lys and men in carrying out their demonstrations. On July 1 a number of boys and girls were sent to the Co lege Park Short Course. Then’ fol owed tho exhibit at the Fawn Grove Fair, where a large number of boys took part ami brought back over 1100 In premiums. This was immediately followed on August 16th by having 102 boys and girls attend the Harford County Club Camp. Immediately fol lowing the camp was Timonium Fair, R* which about 40 of our boys wore actual exhibitors and brought back more than their share of premiums, hollowing the Timonium Fair the three Jersey, three Guernsey, and two Ayr shire boys were gfvt-n a trip to Spring field, Massachusetts, as a result of their work. Following this the three boys winning in the cattle Judging contest were given a trip to the Na tional Dairy Show, on account which has been given. In addition to the boys taking part in the National judg ing contest. over 100 boys in the coun. [y nave been engaged in Judging work. We feel that a* a result that w e have 100 more boys Interested and capable of carrying on dairy farming. Im mediately following and going right along with this work was the prepara tion for the Harford County Fair which .everyone knows and needs no explan*, tion. After the county fair the weigh ing up of the thirty (five acre) com contests, preparing for the National Seed corn show, securing record books on boys club demonstrations was next in order. This brought us up to th* Notional Hay and Grain Show and to the present time. We are now outlln. ng.our next year's work and conduct ing boys’ club meetings," Aberdeen New* Aberdeen, Dec. 20-The closing days nf duck shooting are favored with weather that is calculated to drive Hie better ducks down to our shores and sportsmen are reporting better shooting on the westward aide of the Bay. Some of the Aberdeen gunnera "•Ye had several recent good days The stores and shops about town have taken on * Christmas aspect and the salesmen are working over time for Santa Claus. Mrs. Prank E. Baker has issued in vitations for a card party on Thurs day afternoon during the holidays. Our young people are returning from the colleges for Christmas with “te Parents. Miss Elizabeth Rickey Maryland College and Miss Elizabeth Baker, of that institution returned on Tuesday to their reaper- M,* ho P?‘’* 4 t Perryman and Church v . •... M '“ Helen and Emma Baker Rini Mihs Willie Johnson, of Hanna More and Misses Mszie Riley and Martha Fletcher, of Juaniata College will return home on Friday. Miss Elizabeth Roberts, Enzma B Morgan uml E. Fclmalc, of Baltimore motored to Short Lane on Saturday afternoon and spent th* night with Mr, (icorge Roberts. . , M . n V* s - H reld Baker gave a delight, ful bridge party at her home on Thurs day afternoon of last week. The hon ors were won by Mrs, Bennett B. Mid dleton. A tempting repast of salad, iocs, cake and coffee was served at the can! tables. The guests were; Mrs. F. O. Vial*. Mr*. Howard H. Mitchell, Mis Harry P Strasbaugh Mrs. Frank E, Baker, Mrs, Hollis R. Baker Mrs. A. Lynn Baker, Mrs, Ryland L Mit chell, Mck Joel B. Pusey, Mr*. Ben nett B. Middletoon, Mrs. Norman J. Lew, Hiss Olie Moore and Miss Theo dora Morgan. SAYS IT’S MAKING A NEW MAN OF HIM Vansklter Declares Tanlac I* Feat Palling An End Te His Stomach Troubles “For fifteen year*,” says Charles Vanskiver, a well-known glass blower, of 229 Patapaeo St., Westport, Balti more, Md.. "1 suffered from stomach and intestinal troubles. During this time, I underwent two operations, and, counting the time lost from work, if I bad all the money I’ve spent trying to get well, I would never have to work another day. “My appetite was about gone, and the little t did eat caused me terrible suffering from gas, bloating, headache and nausea. At times this gas was su bad that I wa* dreadfully short of breath and if there’s any one thing that a glass blower does need, it U plenty of breath. I often had severe pains in my back, and was so nervous that restful sleep was impossible. 1 actually lost thirty-one pounds and wa* Just a shadow of my former self. “My sister-in-law hod such Implicit faith in Tanlac she got me to try it. Two bottles of the medicine have cor rected my intestinal trouble—it is the mdicine I ever took that didn't aggra vate .this condition—and I now have a fine appetite and digestion, my nerves are steadier, I sleep soundly, seldom feel a pain, and I am considerably stronger. I’m going to keep on taking Tanlac t<ft it is fast making a new man of me.” Taniac is sold by all good druggists. BUSINESS NOTICES Tm (Mia • Du far Iral HimtUmi nii • mil • lint for Mck loM-rltan—7 word* to ■ I in* No *4- mtlifnntf inoortod for loo* Umm U WT*An elegant Xmas gift. Solid bone or stag handled Carving Set, only |3.96 at M. N. Stewart's Haraware Store, Bel Air. Md. For Sale—Ford Roadster, cheap, also 1919 Ford one ton chassis. C. Corliss Anderson, Joppa, Md. I Sole—Young Pigs and Shoots. W. F. Coale farm near Churchville, Md. 9^Be my lucky customer to guess the number of seeds in pumpkin shown in J. W. Richardson’s window. Cash prize of $2.50 or quart of milk for 30 days. Pumpkin cut New Years' Day. Calvin Norris, Milk Deader Bel Air, Md. —Pair of shell rimmed glas. ses between Rmmorton and Bel Air. Reward if returned to JEgis Office. Sale—Productive small farm at a bargain; 68 acres, 60 clear, 10 of which is permanent pasture. Watered by never failing spring and stream through pasture. House, bam and chicken yard watered from cistern sup plied by gasoline engine. 7 room house, hank ham 30x70, wagon shed and ga rage. All in excellent repair. With in 1 mile of railroad, rural delivery. All conveniences of a country home. Price $5600; S3OOO cash. E. C. Kirk wood, Bel Air, Md. Phone 56J. aWFor Sale—Two registered Guem. ey Bull Calves, C. C. Spencer, Forest; Hill, Md Phone Bel Air 821F22. ®F*Let -Santa Claus get * Sammie Car for your boy or girl at M. N. Stewart’s Store for Xmas. Special price $2. 80. ■Unwanted—A reliable man with help, to farm on shares. Farm situ ated on state road west of Forest Hill; tfood tenant house, all stock and im plements furnished. Address B. /Egis Office. ■•'Denatured Alcohol for your car 188 proof, 50c. per gallon at M N. Stewart’s, Bel Air, Md. fiF'Wintcd—Man to farm place on shares. Address E.. ACgis Office. EC*For Sale—Owner intending to qtilt farming will sell 3 Cows, 2 with heifer calves; 1 Yearling and i Bull. All registered Jerseys. Also several g ro * Cows. All T. B. tested. Estelle Everitt, Emmorton, Md. Phone 801PS1 , ■•'For Sale—2 Second Hand Un derwood Typewriter*. W. E, Robin son A Co., Bel Air, Md. E*”For Sale—One hundred purebred single comb white Leghorn pullets. A C, Smithson, Forest Hill, Md. Phone 816 r 11, ’■•“Genuine Weed De Lux Chains for your ears from 34.20 up. Bargains at M. N. Stewarts, Bel Air, Md. *r- Wit*,l—lau-ge Egg Coal Stove. Must be in good condition and priced reasonably. Phone Bel Air 827F3. ■•“ Wanted—A woman for general house work. Phone Bel Air 822F21 Mrs, Kate Campbell, Fullston, Md. ’ ■•“ For Sale—Barred Rock cocker els. Parks strain. Muscovy Ducks. Bronx* turkeys. All pure bred. Mr*. J. Hamilton Smith, Forest Hill, Md. Phone 814 F 32. ■•“ For Sale-Old Geese. Mrs. Hel en Harkins, Forest Hill, Md. Phone 814F3. ■•“ For Sale—Good wood, sawed ln * th ' Tel - Be* Air 824 F 11. William Joesting. ■•“ For Sale—Letz Grinder No 177 Price reasonable. J. R. Thompson. Forest Hill, Md. Phone Bel Air 806F2 Exchange—Nice eight year old Mare, sound and right, in foal to fin* hone to exchange far Ford Road. "t®r, in good condition or good driving horse. B. A. Weaver, Darlington, Md Phone Churchville 11F8. ■•“ Wanted—Position as automobile mechanic or battery man. Apply E care ASgis. J ■OFor Sale-Bay Mare, excellent !* l i lv S, r and saddler, perfectly safe, Bu tel' Touring Car. Stixtebaker Touring Car, Rubber Tire Buggy, Surrey, Cut ter Heigh. Having no ua for the above will sell at price and terms to suit purchaser. George Reynolds, Fallston, Md. Bc4 Air SBW. ■•“ For Sale—2 No. i Young Feder al tested Fresh Cows. W. E. Robin son, Vale, Md. ••‘E or Sal e—Pin* Registered Guernsey Bull. Jones and Ady, Sha ron, Md. Phone JarretUville 11-4. ••“Special unit Dec. 24th our two grades of Dairy Feed will mean about 15 and 20% protein for (36 and 144 P'rton. Peanut meal, cottqi seed meal and Salt for sale. l,et us grind your corn. Gresg * Noonan, Fountain Green, Md. ■•“ Wanted—Two good farm hands white or colored. Houae, firewood and garden furnished. Good wages for the right men. A. G. Kolk, Long Green, Md. Phone Fork 17F1S. „ ■•“ For Sale—l92l Dodge Touring Gar in good condition, MacLean’a Ga rage, Bel Air, Md. ••“If you want to aell your Chick ens and Eggs call John Rice, 806F31, Bel Air, Md. ••“For Sale—Ford Touring Car, 1921 model, In excellent condition. MecUan’s Garage, Bel Air, Md. ■•“! can now make immediate de liverv on Dodge Touring Cars and Koadsters. Have one Business Coupe on hand also. D. Lee. Harford Gar age. Bel Air, Md. ■•’Wanted—For clients. Money on first class first mortgages, amount* from SSOO up, S. E. Dame ron. Bel Air, Md. ■•“ Bought and sold—Second hand automobiles in any condition. Handle all kinds of parts. Located on Harford pike, 2 squares from town. Phone 869. If you need an extra tire call Sam Goldman, Bel Air, Head office Main St, at McComick’s feed store. I still handle all kind* of Junk. ■•“ Wanted—so men to work in wood*. C F. Murphy, Bel Air, Md. Phone ISR. MP Sawed Wood For Sale. C. F, Murphy, Bel Air. Md. Phene 16R. ■•'Wanted—All kind* of Junk, old Automobiles and all kinds of hides. Cash price paid for same. Orders promptly attended to. Phone 817F21 Bel Air, Isaac Plotaick, Forest Hill. DAVID B. GETZ, Pluur. D. SIMON GETZ, Jeweler A Optometrist GETZ BROTHERS BEL. AIR. MO. Opposite Court House A Store Full of Xmas Gifts Don’t worry what to give. We can suggest Gifts for every member of the family and your friends at prices to suit every purse. We mention a few items. Jewelry .Minors, Combs and Brushes Silverwear Toilet Stts (Ivory and Amber) Cut-Glass Cameras Clocks Perfumery Sets Ladies’ Handbags Hair Nets in Git Boxes Men’s Wallets Safety Razors Umbrellas Thermos Bottles Stringed Musical Instruments Eversharp Pencils Novelty Hair Ornaments Waterman Fountain Pens Manicuring Sets Fine Writing Paper Baby Toilet Sets Cigars and Pipes Ivory Picture Frames Ggar and Cigarette Holders Genuine Victor Victrolas and Records W e WrHe Your Name In Gold on arty Pocket Book or Um brella purchased of us. Pay us a visit, we will gave you money GETZ BROTHERS The Gift Shop of Harford County ■■Money to lend on mortage. Charles H. Mac Nabb, Cardiff,Md. WFarms Wanted—At once for out-of-town clients. 50 to 200 acres. State full particulars and Price. John T. Davis A Co.. 80-808-SC6 Gaither Bldg., 11l N, Cbarlee St, Baltimore, ■■Money to Lend in sums to suit W, Worthington, Hopkins, Attomey at-Law, Bel Air, Hd. ■■Dependable Trees—Fruit, shade and Ornamental. Hardy Shrubs, Fan cy and standard Evergreens, Hedge Plants, etc. Deal with ua direct Cat alogue. Grier Brothers, Nurserymen, Forest Hill, Hd., R. D. ■■'Don’t drag your Dead Animals out Call Fork 81. and aame will be taken away at once No animals mov ed which have been skinned. Georgs W. Standiford, Reckon!, Md. ■■“ For Sale Purebred Barred Rock Cockerels. H. Etta Day, Dar lington, Md., R. D. No. Z ■■'Ambitious—To the Boys and Girls of Harford County: 1 am giv ing a New American Ace Bicycle to the boy or girl securing the greater number of subscriptions to the Dear born Independent The Second prise will be a live dollar gold piece. The next 5 in order will get 1 dollar eacn. For each subscription you get 2&c In addition to the above plus. Contest closes at Noon Xmas Eve. For full information call Henry T. Crocker, Authorised Ford Dealer, Main and Courtland Sts., Bel Air, Md. ■■‘For Sale —Two Houses and 1 Store in Bel Air. Apply to W. Wylie Hopkins, Bel Air, Md. ■■Call Frank K. Hammond, Up per Falls, Md. for a truck when you need hauling dune. Both flat and dump bottom machines. C. A P. tele phone Fork 11FS, ■■For Sale —100 acre farm it .nlrit district 78 acres clear, practical!} levwr and in good state of eultivatiea, 25 acres woodland, 160,000 feet sae um ber, good buildings, well waters: and fenced. Price 27,600. SI,OOO down. S. E. Dameron, Bel Air, Md. MT For Sale —Several rood store Stands and btuines* propositions. S. E. Dameron, Bel Air, Md. HTFor Sale —Fresh Jersey Cow, 3rd Calf, T. B. Tested, our herd is on the accredited Hut C. E. Lloyd & Son, Bel Air, MdL Sale—Bench k Dromgold Saw Mill. J. W. Silver, Havre de Grace, Md. For Sale—Buggies, Carriages. Daytons, Jenny Linda Runt, about*, Milk and Light Spring Wagons* Theee wagons are handmade, only ■lightly used from Pfitmaylvania, bet ter than new ones now being made. Can be eold for about one-third of the price of new ones. Dr. D. T. Benson, Benson, P. 0., Md Phones Bel Air 809F11 and Wilna 19F3. Lout—On Saturday night, shock absorber spring, along road from Havre de Grace to Oookvllle. Finder notify George P. Cook, R. D. Darling ton, Md. Sale—Small Place of 20 Acre* House, bam and all necessary outbuildings.,M. S. Brookhart, Forest Hill, Md. B^Wanted—By March Ist Farmer on halves. John N. Wilkinson, Bel Air, Md. Phone Bel Air 820F2. 9F*Get your Christmas Cider and Apples at the Woodsidc—Waverly Or chard Co.*r Road Side House on Dr. Herbert Hoope'fi place on Conowingo Hoad. B mil** north of Bel Air. and 1 female Duioc Red Hog. No reasonable offer refused. Registry papers furnished. C. R. Cameron, Jop pa. Md. MILLARD B. TYDINGB. HnUciler ORDER OF PUBLICATION kElva MrFadden vs. Noah S. McKaddan In the ('limit Cnurt f Hsrfnrfi (aunty. In Kgnl'jr Ths object of this wit ia to procum * Sec pee of divorce A Vinculo Matrimonii. The Hill recite*; That the parti** were married October 17. WIT. at Cheater. Pa., where they rmided a* man and wife until December. ItlT. when the Defendant entered the U.S. Army, at which time Complainant removed to Havre de Grace. Md. to live with her mother to await her hue band* diet ha rye from the Array; that he re turn to civil life in January. 1918. and the parti a* lived together thereafter a* man and wife ia Havre de Grace. Md. and Cheater, Pa until October 1818. when they finally separated That one child about four years of age. a girl. Is the only living child result!nit from said marriage. That though the conduct of the Complainant towards her husband has always been kind, affectionate end above reproach, be ha* aban doned and deeerted her. and ha* declared his intention to live with her no longer: that *uch abandonment wa* without any just cause or reason and ha* continued uninterruptedly since October. 1818, and is deliberate and final and that the separation of the parlies I* beyond all reasonable hope of reconciliation. Thnt the Complainant Ka* resided in Har ford County. Md.. since October. 1818. sud that the defendant ia briicvd to be a non-resident of this state, maiding in the State of Pennsyl vania. The Bill Prays: For a divorce A Vinculo Matrimonii. For an Order of Publication directed against aald non-reaid*nt defendant, adult: and for eueh other relief aa may be required. It I* thereupon thia 14th day of December. 1822 for the Circuit Court for Harford County, in Equity, ordered that tba complainant. by esMaing a copy of thl* order to be inserted in name newspaper printed and published in Har ford County, once In each of four successive week* fifteen day* before the 7th day of Feb ruary. 1828. giving notice to the said absent defendant. Noah S. MeFadden. of the purpose and substance of thie Rill, and wanting him to be and appear in tkis Court by solicitor or In person, on or bofoie the Ttb day of Febru ary. 1818. tn show cause. If nay. why n decree ought not to be passed as prayed. D. GILPIN WILSON. Clerk. True Copy. Taut: D. GILPIN WILSON. Clerk- They Get Results What? Aegis Business Notices "Your 2Sr ad. gold almost a barrel of denatured alco hol for me last week." "I have been using Mu is bualneee notices ever since cumin* to Maryland, and hnwe never failed to ret (•milts." What we have done for other• we can do for you PHONE BEL AIR 394 and get results with your next adver tisement ENDACOLD INS HOURS Don’t Drug Yourself-Breathe A Cold Away While You Sleep Relief, from colds and grip misery comes at once. Ease for feverish, aching head. Tight, sore chest is loosen: d. Stuffed up air pasmges opened, choking mucus checked, nose stops running, pain goes. Sterling’s Vapor-Eie is the quickest safest, relief for bad colds in head and chest because it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and breaks up the conjeation, which colds feed. Get from your druggist a 26 cent jar of Sterling's Vapor-Eie. Apply a little on the chest and throat at bed time. Then, as you sleep the healing, germ destroying, antiseptic vapor enters every air passage, penetrates right down to where the cold is lodged and breaks it up. Sterling’s Vapor-Exe ia absolutely harmless. Mather, use it for the chUdrr n’s colds. Remember, the cost Is only s few cents. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Sterling's on every jar. MW ache and pain? 1 IMENTHOLATUM I gi-c .quick Jy New International DICTIONARIES are in um by buei nete men, engineer., banker.. Judge*. architect., physician., femur*, teachers, librarian*, cler gymen. ty easeful men aiuf < Women thm world aeer. Are Too Equipped to Wk7 The New International provide, the meant to euccew. It leanaO tatewing teacher, a uni venal quea* H you seek efficiency and ad vancement why not make daily use of this vast fund of inform ation? Set 111-tenltowk cTTii-i. natte. U,tt* cS— ! CHB tec. Fm - .1 <if WHAT FUN IT IS TO BE HUNGRY! \/OU can't be well end hearty un- Y lee* you are property nouriehed— you can't be strong unless your appetite i* good. For a keen ametite, nod duwetion. rich red blood, and the "pundi" and "pep” that got* with perfect health. 'iou need Gink's Pepto-Mangan Take Glide's for a duet tuna and I '3£.^M a * n “ to,hewv,w ‘ Your druggist hat rt-tiquid or tab let*, aa youprefer. Gude’s pepf°-Man^an Ttmic amd Blood Enricker The 1923 SUPERIOR Chevrolet 5-Passenger Sedan In 1922 Chevrolet led the world in closed car sales, chiefly because of new Fishes Body Sedan is completely eclipsing its pro- CCn irt^lcr improved by more artistic design and SERVICE Is now offered on a flat rate basis by 10,000 dealers and service stations. PRICES of the new line remain the same in spite of added equipment and mote expensive construction, which have greatly increased value. Some Distinctive Features Prices £. o. b. Flint, Mich. Streamline body design with high hood; vacuum feed and rear gasoline Two Passenger Roadster ’5lO tank oo all models: drum type heid c , „ _ lamps with legal lenses. Curtains open Five Passenger Touring - 525 with doors of open models. Closed Two Passenger Utility models have plate glass Ternstedt Four Passenecr Salanm regulated windows, straight side cord ro rassenget i * dsmette 850 tires, sun visor, windshield wiper and Five Faaaenger Sedan - - 860 * daA light The Sedanette is equipped Light Delivery Truck . - 510 with auto trunk on rear. [_ • See these remarkable cars Study the specifications Nothing Compares IVith Chevrolet The Motor Sales Company Opposite Country Club Inn, Bel Air, Md. J. M. WELLS, General Sales Agent ASSOCIATE DEALERS J. A. Snodgrass, Street, Md. Walter F. Forwood, Havre de Grace. R. J. Thomas, Darlington Christmas Sale The- undersigned will hold her CHRISTMAS SALK as usual, at her home on Main Street, Bel Air, opening MONDAY, DECEMBER Ith, 1822, In this collection will be found many use ful and novelty articles of needlework, including fancy and useful articles, and a variety of children’s clothes. Also homemade candy. ANNIE M. ESLEY. Trustee’* Sale By virtu* of a ilwrw* of the Circuit Court for Harford Courtly, siltimr a> a Court of Equity. th undersigned trustee will offer at Public Sale at the Court House door in Bel Air, Maryland, on Monday, January Bth, 1923 At II o’clock A. M„ all that VALUABLE AND BBAUTIFU LLT LOCATED RESIDENCE situate in the town of Bel Air fronting 4k feet mono or lee* on Broadway and lying between the lands of Mrs. Ida W. Hunter and Miss fhhel Smith and running back to n depth of 210 feet, more or lees and now occupied by Mr. I F. O. Farr. This property is a part of the es tate of the late A. Preston Gilbert and la a part of the land* conveyed to Mr. Gilbert by deed from the Vestry of Christ Church, Protestant Episcopal la St. John’s Pariah. Harford Coun. ty. dated the 10th day of April. 1871. and recorded among the Land* Record* of Harford amply in Liber A. L. J. No. 28. folio 884. This property I* Improved by a good sub stantial Frame DWELLING. . containing 8 rooms and bath l/fl)L> l. and lighted by clerririty, la welt lor acted ami worthy of anyone wanting a nice home. TEEMS OP SALE One-third of the purchase money cash on day of sale, one-third in six month* and the balance in twelve months from day of sale, credit payments to beer Interest from day of sale and to be secured by the notes or bonds of the purchaser with surety to be approved by the Trustee, or all cash at the option of the purr baser. NOBLE I- MITCHELL. Trustee. C. C. Richardson A Bro.. Auctioneer*. Xmas Card Party 500 AND EUCHRE For benefit of ST. JOAN OF ARC CHAPEL to be held at the AMERICAN LEGION HALL ABERDEEN Tuesday, Dec 26,1922 AT 8.00 P. M. Handsome Prizes Awarded. Refreshment* Served Ticket* 75 Ct*. J. RDWIM wnsni. HteMter ORDER NISI In Ik- matter of Ik. mte of tte Uorlm-rd Bml estate and pananal Plotter:, dterrihad la a amrlsan frma Oik.. SUarkar and -if. *> Katlkow r. Milton. dated Ike Sad da, •f ftepunter ia Ute raar ISM and mdd amona Ik. Land Bteord. ol Harford Coast, ia Liter J. A. a No. ITS (alio Si*. tetenlt kaa ias urrurred Iterate la Ik. I'irrmH Caarl far Harfard Caaal,. la Malt, Onterad Ikia Ho> da, o( Dmnte. IJt. that tka aataa of Raal Mute mad. and ra ported ia (ka akoara aatltted raaaa b, J. Edam Wateter. Attorn*. nanad ia martcasw te Sa allr aonSrated. antaat raaaa to tka aoatiar? \ Iteraof te tkaarn on ar tehua tka Ilk da, ( Jaaaarr, . prarldad a too, of thU onter be inserted hi asms newspaper published in Harford Count, afarateld aaea la aarh af Ikia# waste tefara tka Ml, da, of Jaaaarr. IMS. Tka latmrl atoteo tka aaanmt of sate, to te |ltt( M , D. GILPIN WILSON, dark. Teas cow. IW: D. GILPIN WILSON, Clark The Mutual Fire Insurance Company in Harford County Nottee Is kmaktf aMoa ttet hi paraaaaaa ad the Charter of anM Company, an election for President and Directors thereof wit! be held at tta ofdee la M Air. au MONDAY. JANVABY 1. 18*8. at II e’etotk M. to aarvu far tba ea suing year and for tka trans action af sack atbar bwrtnew aa asay aw be far. tte <—•> o>o#<n| CAS. u — t Is tear tel*, was* MUM to teat Ttete ■ k, iarsstias tkis mark, wk, ast sars ter to fs you for fifteen mere years? The SUNBEAM FARM-LITE plant will do it. It ia automat*. ** ■MitolMl and safe WM. H. STTBQLEB B 00-. Dsßlawr*. Md. H ************* Get The Best For Your * Christmas Dinner £ From Either of Our Stores *L Turkeys HUTS, RAISWS,fIfiS-£~ J Chickens DATES, MINCE MEAT % * Ducks * * Select Only the Best £ * Oysters G r ood ’ c ° rricd * * f Prompt Dclivcnei % 'W Main Meat Market % vf Phone 42 * J. R. COALE, BEL AIR, MD. * oj} Phone." 343 ***££*££**£*£ CHRISTMAS GIFTS WHEN YOU THINK OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS, THINK OF KILLING’S Fir at, think of Brand New Columbia Records at 49c EACH All these the very Utett and direct from the factory Be sure you stop here first and see our BIG STOCK. We can please in both quality and price. We have Cut Glass, Perfumes, Grafonol&s, Kodaks, Candies and Writing Paper in Fancy Boxes, White Ivory Goods These are just a few items we mention. Come in early and see the many pretty things we have. Prices have been cut way down thisjyear. If TQT IMP *Q °pp°- Pot,office - st. IVKOL.IiIVJI sJ Phone 33 / M Air Md ___ BEl_ AIR. MARYLAND THE STORE OF USEFUL XMAS GIFTS Do your Xmas Shopping where selections are big and prices are right. We have some Beautiful Presents for the entire family. See Us first For Ladies’ and Gents’ FmnisJngs ©. GETZ BEL AIR, MD. A Null reetrihetlea by each nmWf f tba family will parthaao a SUNBEAM FARM LITB ptaat lor Ma and Dad. Taka this m> with your brothers and riatera. It bmbi com fht, eoaeealeaca. atartria Iron, waahinc mm hlBo; aad power for water, wood aad pralu. * Oaa you heat HT Write far priaaa today. WM. & STIEGLER * CO, Baltimore. Md. AEGIS ADVETISEMENTS GET RESULTS