Newspaper Page Text
PIGS AND VOI'TH TwMly-Htf Million DoUan For Oth er Notional Rraoorc**: Half a Million for Child Welfare And Education Recent statistics and facta have been forthcoming from Washington, informing the public of great strides that are constantly being taken for ward along lines of conservation and Improvement of natural resources and animal production. The Department of Agriculture, In which is located the Di vision of Animal Industry,- states that the second national pig survey is now under way; that experiments in the past along this line have proven so successful and have done so much good that instead of making a big national .survey of pigs only once a year, in the future it will be done twice. There has been spent for purpose of securing and distributing facts about our nat ural resources by the different federal departments $26,000,000 per year. Six million of this amount goes for better animals. On the other hand, the ap propriation of the Children’s Bureau and of the Bureau of Education com bined is only approximately $600,000 per year. This striking contrast brings the following expression of opinion from Mr. James E. West, Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America, who says: “1 do not begrudge one penny that is being spent by our Government on conservation of its natural resources and in improvement of the animal in dustry. The -country needs it. and it ♦h decidedly beneficial to all mankind. But from years of experience and atudy of conditions that affect the youth of our country, It seems to me a decidedly deplorable fact that in comparison, our Government cannot and does not do more for the invesli gation of conditions which surround our children and contribute either to their moral welfare or to their degra dation. The one thing that the dis cerning public needs presented to it today is not slushy sentiment about making better boys and girls, and the sanctity of the American home, and the beautiful parental relations that should exist, etc., but they want and need and should have cold, business like- concrete facts. The District At torney of New York County alone, makes the statement that 70% of the first offenders that come through our courts Uxby are under twenty-one years of age. This is only one fact of the many that could be discovered, and should be made known if the Gov. eminent would only take the trouble and interest to make a survey and pub lish the results concerning the influen. ces that have to bear on the youth of our country.” STATE COHN SHOW SET FOR FREDERICK A State wide com show, the first to be held in Maryland for a number of years, is being arranged by officials of the Maryland Agricultural Society and the Maryland Crop Improvement Association and will be staged nt Frederick, January 0 to 12. in connec. tion with the annual meeting of the Maryland Agricultural Society. According to the announcement mad* by J. E. Metzger, secretary of the Maryland Crop Improvement Associa tion, there has been a growing de mand among farmers for a revival of a state com show which was an annual event until 1917. The show will give the grower of com throughout Mary land a better opportunity to become acquainted with the types which have been winning at the International Hay and Grain Show at Chicago and some of the more recently developed varie ties. Com throughout Maryland is of ex ceptionally good quality this year, ac cording to Mr. Metzger, and the show should attract a large number of exr Mbits of merit. It is probable that It will be held in conjunction with a dis play of other farm products by Fred erick county farmers. The premium lint aa announced pro vide* for .even claanea. Three of the claaacH, including ten ear exhibits of white com, ten ear exhibits of yellow com and single ear exhibits, will be open to all grower*, including those from adjoining State*. Three classes hvHuding ten-car exhibit* of white com. ten-ear exhibits of yellow corn, and ten-ear exhibit* of white cap, will be open only to Maryland grower* who have not won priiea in State-wide or national com ehowa. The other cla* will be for ten-ear exhibit* by boy club member*. Five priae*. ranging from 110 to $2, are offered in each clan except hi the Inter-State classes for ten-ear exhibit*, each of which car. ry seven prixes ranging from $2.00 to SIO.OO. Exhibits nr* to be in place by 9.30 o'clock Tuesday morning, January 9. Judging will he completed before the opening session of the Maryland Agri cultural Sociaty. No entry fees are charged but exhibitors are urged to become members of the Maryland Cmp Improvement Association. “That locomotive factory that closed for inch of orders has started up again.” “Yas, they’re making whistles for the jass orchestra.” Insurance Man: “And if you hnve any kind of a (Ire, notify us inunedi atcly." Shopkeeper (feeling the business de pression) : "Next Thursday.” LOGICAL "Boyl" "MumT" “Stop that noise with your Christ mas drum I Do you want to deafen us?” “Yes'm: then you won’t mind the noise.'' —Ufa, Shirley Mason nSiSiSiSZSiSiSiSiSiSiSttiSISiSWS " BL ■ ghiiiey Maaan was barn In brook lyn, N. V* twenty years age. She la tbs daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bml’ Plugsrth and a atatar of VMa Dana and Edna Flugartb, alas screen favor ilea Shirley began bar Mags career at the age of three. She began bar so man career when only thirteen. FREEZING POINTS OF MANY GARDEN CROPS Object of Special Studies in Bu reau of Plant Industry. Experiments Being Conducted With Various Fruits and Vegetables Liable to Freezing In Han dling or on Market. (Prepared by the United Statu Department of Agriculture.) The freezing points of a large va riety of vegetables and fruits, which are likely to be subjected to freezing conditions during harvesting, handling, or marketing, have been the object of special studies In the bureau of plant industry of the United Htates Depart ment of Agriculture. Between 16,000 and 20,000 determinations have been made, including the freezing points of 26 varieties of apples, 22 kinds of strawberries, 18 varieties of potatoes, 10 different types of sweet potatoes, 19 tomato varieties, and many varie ties of chenW, grapes, peaches, plums, blackberries, raspberries, cran berries, and some cut flowers, particu larly peonies, roses, and lilies. Besides tills general study, the work Is being continued with the principal fruits and vegetables which are liable to be in danger of freezing either in transit or on the market. In this work the meth ods of detecting freezing injury, the rate at which fruits and vegetables freeze In constant low temperatures urc determined. The freezing points were determined for 18 standard varieties of Irish pota toes, grown under the same cultural conditions, harvested at the same time, and stored at the same temperatures. The freezing point apparently varies with the variety and shows a tendency to vary with the family group. It has been shown that potatoes can fre quently be exposed to temperatures much below their freezing points if they are not disturbed until the tern- Is*rature is again above the freezing point. Tills is an Important considera tion to potato growers and handlers. PERMANENT SOIL FERTILITY Ua* Umaaton* and Phoophat* and Plow Undar Qraon Manura, Eapaelally Clovor. Produce your own nitrogen for fer . tlllty Instead of buying It. Do this by using limestone and phosphate and by plowing under green manure, espe cially sweet clover, red clover or win ter vetch. This Is the basis of the Illinois system of permanent soil fer tility. A. L. Whiting and W. H. at the Illinois station, found that such crops plowed under in April or May decompose with aufllclent rapidity so that their nitrogen becomes available for corn or crops the same year. Temperature and moisture determine the time when nitrate pro duction In the soil will take place. The amount of nitrate that can be pro duced In the soil depends upon soil treatment. The decomposing sweet or red clover may furnish as high ns 00 pounds of nitrate nitrogen |*r acre, or twice as much as corn may take up In Its critical growing period between June 23 and July 13. "Htahle manure does not furnish nitrate so rapidly nor In such large amounts ns green ma nure, and should he applied ns neoi as possible to corn planting time." THE RIGHT THING */ the RIGHT TIME B, MARY MARSHALL DUFFHB DO YOUR BIT NOW Is the Henson for partlee of company, for week-end guests, and for excursions to pay protracted visits to counfry cousins. And you will And that It is not always the cleverest and wittiest person, the girl who talks best or the man who dances most perfectly, the one who tells the funniest story or plays the best rag time, who Is the most welcome guest or who la urged again and again to come back. It la the gueat who does hit part and a little more who la always popu lar with the members of the house hold upon whom devolves the task of running the house. Apd eventually It Is the one who never shirks who wins popularity for himself or herself. In these days when one can never count on steady servants as we could once there Is always the possibility that guests will have to turn to and help wash the dishes. “I am not going to turn In and do the work of a kitchen maid," grumbles the gueat when the hotel help have all Just walked out. “I didn’t come here to work and I’m not going to." Hut that Isn't the question. You wouldn't be doing the work of some striking kitchen worker. You would be helping In an all-around way to keep things going as usual. So, If you are olf with others, wheth er In a hotel or boarding house or whether you are merely with friends, bo sure that you don’t shirk your duties. Don't wait for others always to do the careful, graceful thing. IP by McClarv NDWaespsr SynOtctU.) HA I HAI •The bom Just discharged me." “Mo too. He's a regular aid lira, bug,’ ahT" GEORGE WASHINGTON FAVORED PUREBREDS Sires of Good Quality Are to Be Used for All Stock. Enrollment of Owners af Estate, La "tana Brothers, Regarded as af Par ticular Interest ta Breeders af Live Stock. (Pisgsrsd hr Oi Uult.d BUIs D|iartmml of Aartimllsrs.) Wakefield farm. Westmoreland coun ty, Virginia, has been enrolled In the “Better Sires-Better Stock" movement conducted by the various states and (the United Slates Department of Agri culture. Thla 1s the farm where .Georg* Washington was horn In 1782, and the present occupants, Latatie Brothers, come from straight Washing ton slock. It Is noteworthy that pure bred sires of good quality are hence forth to he used for all elaasee of live stork raised on title, farm which Is fa mous ss the blrtliphire of the Father of Ills Country. The stock on the his toric estate Include enltle, horses, swine, sheep and poultry. All slree are now purebred: the females are purebred, crossbred, and grade, and are to be gradually Improved. County Agent I- M Walker, Jr.. In terested 1-atane Brothers In the na tionwide movement for Improved live Mock, and John R. Hutcheson, director Of extension for Virginia, regards .the enrollment as of particular Inter est since George Washington was a good fanner and a lover of good stock- THE RIGHT THING Mtkt RIGHT TIME *r MARY MARSHALL DUFFEE CAHAVING PACKAGES RTT IS one of tins wholesome sign* *of the age," says a member of the Department of Agriculture, “that peo ple are breaking away from the Idea that a perfect lady or gentleman never carried a package.** It la really hard to remember that fiucli an opinion .ever waa held, and you may be sure if you know anyone wlio ntill clinga to the notion that it la beneath hla dignity to carry a bundle of any sort that that person is quite behind the tlmea and baa not kept pace tilth the tlmea. The only time when it ia bad form to carry packages or bundles ia when by doing so you might cause others annoyance or Inconvenience. A wom an should bear In mind that if she is going to be accompanied by a man, good breeding will demand that he carry any bundles or packages she may have. Sometimes a married woman on going out with her hus band curries an unnecessary number of bundles feeling that she may carry these herself if she chooses. To In sist on doing this will put her hus band in n bad light, for he will ap pear to have neglected to offer to tarry them. Again s hen you are going to be conveyed to your destination in a friend's automobile you should uot burden yourself with a lot of uuweiidy packages unless you have been as sured beforehand that your friend wishes to do ao. If you have to travel in n crowded car or train it is Inconsiderate to carry bulky lug gage that will add to the discom fort of the other travelers. by McClure New a paper Hyrw-KcalO PEST HARD TO DISCOURAGE 1-lawMd, Universal Nulaanoo, Ha* Baan Known t* Orlv* Am a tour Oardanar to Profanity. A pigweed >■ both an Irresistible force and an Immovable body, blend ed Into one and working overtime. IMgweeds don’t aak anything of any body. They don’t need to. Even F>ame Nature turned round and went nway as soon aa she'd Introduced him. Books on gardening dismiss him with a jaunty direction to “Keep the weeds down.” But you can't ostracise a pig weed that way. A pigweed begins making trouble the minute he shows above ground. I never saw a pigweed that could look more like more kinds of young plants. You can’t tell by pulling 'em up, for the pigweed has a long, thin red root, | but pulling up little flower and vege table plants by mistake discourages , em. even If you admit your error and apologise. And. on the other band. It does not hurt the pigweed. Just let him He on the ground, and his roots curl Into It and he goes on growing aa If nothing had happened. If you mash one Into the ground with your heel, you just give him a better start. All they ask is to be near enough the ground to see It. I brought some Into the house and put them on tha window-sill, where they could see out by raising up a bit. and they all grew. You could lock them up In a closet, and If your hands were soiled when you handled 'em. they'd get enough nourishment to live on. The only nure way to get rid of OB* la to non him and burn the can.— Everybody’. Magaalne. HEALING “WOUNDS” IN STEEL Frenchman Hat Oavlaad Machine Which la Raally a Marvel af Inventive Ingenuity. Inventive Ingenuity. Very remarkable Indeed Is ■ ma chine aet up In Kranee for nuking re pair* to airplanes, remurka the Wash ington Star. Thla maehlne la aald to be the only one of Ita kind, and la dne to the Ingenuity of tlualave llabln. It may he described an a device for ecus- Ing "wounded steel" to "hear 1 Itaelf In something like the way that wounded llesh heals. The device la almnat automatic, la operated by electricity and la baaed upon the galvanic principle. It needa only one or two men to watch It, they being guided by a chart, ahowlng In many colors the piece of metal to he re|Mlred. the exact repairs necessary, the composition of the galvanic bath. 1 the current needed, the diameter of the conducting wires and the time of Immersion. Alt thla la worked out mathematically In the minutest frac tion. The machine Is employed to restore worn or broken parts of delicate mo tors, most of which sre difficult to re place. When an Amerhen observer saw It Him were lying oa a table be side It purls It hail Just repaired which would have coal <O,OOO and much lime to replace. In the week previous It had turned out 000 pieces, till of great Importance, for nothing leas Is confided to It. WHAT HE EXPECTED OF WIFE Old’s Attitude (asms Unreasonable Whan Thaaa Paw Small Things Wars All Ha Wanted. Beauty. Punctuality. Sweat temper. Economy Trust. And that she should he sound asleep whed be tame In. | And that he should not be questioned regarding the hour when he returned from linker parties. | Nor that aha should make any com ments regarding the strangeness of the tact that It was necessary to have on ion sandwiches at poker parties. | And that she should spend such eve- ( ttlngs as he played tinker nr stayed downtown or went to stag dinners with ! friends of the feminine sex. That she should slwsys understand , that tils flirtations were too mild for any uncalled Jealousy on her part. That It was quite a different thing for a man to he forgiven than fur a woman. I And that he wouldn't have ala wife make a fool of him as some wives he knew made of their husbands. With theee clear understandings at the start he knew that she would be very happy with him, for he would make her an Ideal husband. { But he had been a little too previ ous She saw now why two other wlvee had divorced him. And she saved time—by refusing to marry him! —Mary Oraham Bouner in Judge. destroTweevils in beans Carbon Bisulphide Will Kill Insoeti If Placed In Tightly Covered Vassal Over Night Weevils can be killed In beans and pens by the nse of carbon bisulphide. To treat these put them la a Jar, tub or other reseel which can he covered tightly. Put Into a glass about one teaspoonful of carbon bisulphide for each ten gallons of apace In the en closure and place the gists In with the •leans. Allow them to remain In the fumes of the carbon bisulphide over night, then take them oat and place la dry Storage quarters. Do not taka lamps nr lighted matches near the mm terlal ami do not breath* the funsaa Stockholders’ Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of e Commercial ami Sav ings Bank will be held at said bank in Bel Air, on Tuesday, January 2nd, 1923 At 11 o’clock A. M, for the purpose of electing Directors of the bank for the ensuing year. WM. T. ANDERSON, Cashier. Hay, Grain Dairy Feed Poultry Supplies Nothing but the best handled. Expert advise given on feeding. Let us save you money on your next order. P-H. McCORMICK & CO. Bel Air, Md. Phone 349. Notice to Taxpayers Taxee are due aa soon a s levied, and County Tax boars interest after October Ist, 1*22, and SUte Tax after October Ist. 1922. On the first day of February, of each year the Treasurer is required to meke up a Hst of all delinquent tax payers, and the amounts for 1 which they arc rscpectlvely In arrears, addlag to each tell the necessary and legal costs, and publish the same in swo county newspaper*, tfivlng notice that if said taxea together with Interest and costs are not paid on or before the second Monday In April following, he will proceed on that day at the Court Bouse Door fit 10 o'clock A. M. to offer such property to the highest bidder for cash. Delinquents will not be served with other notice than that which appears in ths newspa pers. Interest on b&h State and County Texaa after October let, 1922 A discount on County I tax of Ift per eaat if paid to July. 1 per cant If paid in August, and * per sent If paid In. September will be sllewea. I Payments to be made to the treasurer at Bel! Air by cheek er money order. Mpr>tto put payouts on tax Mils will be c. a rouse. Treasurer of Harford County I Extoe BATTERIES you need sound advice, Expert Repair Work on any make of Bat tery, or a new long-lasting EXIDE let us serve you. Radio Supplies Maclean’s Garage Bel Air, Md. Coutiland St. Just East of Court House. NEW NASH PRICES l,owcr prices on 691 series NASH af feeties immediately F. O. B. FACTORY PRICES 5 passenger Tourm* t 240 7-passenger Touring 1890 2-passenger Roadster .... 1210 4-passengar sport 1395 Coupe 1890' i Sedan - 2190 i FOUR PRICES: Touring 2985 Roadster 916 Cab... 1195 Carriole 1275 Coupe... 1388 Sedan , 1546 (. o. b. Milwaukee All Nash models, both open and los s'!, have cord tires as standard equip ment. H. C. SCARBOROUGH Phone 2714, Darlington. Md New Low Prices Pure Spring Wheat Bran Diamond Dairy Feed S4B at Warehouse Seal of Minnesota Middlings S4O Seal of Minnesota Hour in bar rel lots at the warehouse $10.60 Am Harford agent for this Flour Our Groceries Are The lest S. 0. GOSWEILER CARSINS RUN. HD . I NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS AH persons are hereby warped not to trespass on the premises of the un dersigned during the entire gunning season with dog, gun or trap. ’ WAKEMAN B. MUNNIKHUYSEN, I MRS. RORET F. HANNA, A. 8. MAGNES.S DANIEL P. LYNCH, I HUGH V. WARD. 1 WILMER P. HOOPES, THOMAS F. CADWALAreER. EDWARD H. HALL. DR. LEWIS, • HENRY SCHILLINGER, I J. E. GLADDEN 1 J. G.HOOPER House Painter I and Grainer R-D. BEL MR. MD Phone 816 F t SHOES HARNESS REPAIRER E. F. KUEHN, MAKER Of Ahduoe ad Hud Made Hnest SHOES REPAIRED REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOM* Geneva Farm Guernseys Our Cows, on test, will average wall over 600 lbs. fat A Gud Place to Get a Bd Calf JAMES W. DAVIS * SOM. Phaet Cardlf MR22 Rocha, HA Famous Frederick Co. Line a MINK or WEALTK TO rASM ana Mnnafncturwd to ML J. GROVE LIME CO. LIME KILN, MD. Getting even isn’t half as profUUe as getting ahead. HENRY TARRING & SON Embabners and Funeral Directors BEL AIR, MD. AT YOUR SERVICE All work done at your request will be satisfactory not only to you but to the family. Equipment ample and modern. Temporary Phone Call Bel Air 341 Aberdeen 54 ' 1878 1922 J. C TAYLOR & SON MARBLK WORKS ALL KINI’S OP MARBLE AND (XANTE MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES cep, piioxic JARRETTSVILLE, MD B. GETZ BEL AIR. MARYLAND THE STORE OF USEFUL XMAS GIFTS Do your Xmas Shopping where selections are big and prices are right. We have some Beautiful Presents for the entire family. See Us First For Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings 8. GETZ BEL AIR, MD. || With its many new re finements and even more II complete equipment, at no | extra cost to you, the Ford I Sedan is now more than Si ever the world’s greatest I enclosed car value. Terms I I Henry T. Crocker | Ford Dealer, Bel Air, Md. | GRANVILLE C. BOYLE Licensed Auctioneer Heal Estate and Personal Property Satisfaction guaranteed. R. D. ABERDEEN, MD. Phone Churchville 2FS, John t. isennock Auctioneer Of Real Estate and Personal Prop erty. FOREST HILL, MI), R. J. BUNCE Auctioneer Of Real Estate and Personal Prop erty. Satisfaction guaranteed. DARLINGTON, MD. George w. knopp Auctioneer Of Hen) Estate and Personal Prop erty. ROCKS, MD. Wiliam w. lee auctioneer Of Real Estate and Personal Prop erty. DARLINGTON. MD. CHAS. E. HORNBERGER Funeral Director & Embainer BENSON, MD. ■avK runcaasao a raw aim "■*— PKONPT SERVICE MT OB MCI laiit assistant Faaenls attended enywheie ie the Stew or Baltimore City m. oau. as. am see* MIGHT MOM WILMA IMS C ASTORIA In Um ForOvr3oYan yjrHand* chapped^V I mektkqutuml WM. PEPPER CONSTABLE ATTORNEY AT LAW roo-roj Maryland Trent Building Baltimore, Maryland tunoN, Many lamd <M ■.ETON >N TUW'tTt REAL ESTATE B*ses, Mdtog Lots ud Farm S. E. DAMERON Phono Bal Ur SM (U L AIR, MD. HERBERT S. BAILEY STATE LICENSED Undertaker mo hkahsk DARLINGTON. MARYLAND Phene U-W RILEY | Licensed Auctioneer Real Estate mad Personal Property 1 FALLSTON, MD. c. C. RICHARDSON & BRO. Auctioneers Real Estate aad Personal Property SoU. Paper approved tad Clark fen nished when Desired. Satisfaction BBL ISAAC W. THOMPSON Auctioneer For the Sale of Real A Personal Prep arty- Tanas IVh par cent. John w. Walter AUCTIONEER BEL AIR, MO. THE Mutual Fire Insurance Co.| IN HARFORD COUNTY, MD. I Fire Insurance, Windstorm Insurance Automobile Insurance LOW RATES, PROMPT SETTLEMENTS Applications can be made at the Office or to any of the following Directors and Agents in Harford County: JOttKPH B. Haim WAV, Joup*. Md JAMRB W. WILSON. IMHUton, Md. CHAKLKM B. BILVKK. Hint d. Qm, Md. W. BKATTV HAKLAN, Oharcbvtlle. Md. CAIBNBB. JamtUTllle. Md. JOHN W. UAI.BKKATH, Kim. Md., R. U D. GILPIN WILSON. Darlington. Md. WILLIAM N. HM'OHAI. Bel Air de Oreoe. Md. ALFRED M. WILSON. U. D. Abrrdepn, Md. RICHARD DALLAM, PrssMsm SEORBE R. CAIRNES. Sscrstsry and Trsssww. ('■ and P. Phone No. SIB. ~sisxriXEr~ 51.20 Nujol g9c JJ.OO H. K. Watnpoles Tasteless Cod Liver Oil 74c 25c Kellogg's Tasteless Caster Oil 21c 80c Honeola, a Honey Cough Syrup for children. ...21c <2sc Line Stearate, one ounce 19c 25c Peredixo Tooth Paste 19c FREF A 35c. Bottle of Noxzema Shampoo absolutely Free with each 50c Jar of Noxzema Cream. Heals and soften* the skin. Both for 50c. BOYD & FULFORD ” BEL AIR, MD. a In order to move quickly we quote: I 6x20 Sap Cypress Shingles SIB.OO M. | 6x20 Heart Cypress Shingles $24.00 M. | F. 0. B. Baltimore, Md. BUY NOW. PRICES ARE GOING UP I J. L GILBERT & BRO, LUMBER CO, "T f | LUMBER-MILL WORK COAL HIXAEBmMIISSIMI Better than the Best Anth racite you are using and cheaper. Free from dirt, slate and clinkers. To be had only from N. P. Corbin C. H. Wilson BEL AIR FOREST HILL McCOMAS BROS. BEL AIR, MD. GOODYEAR TIRES Genuine Oliver Chilled Plows and Repairs American Field Fence Estimates Carefully Furnished on Lumber, Millwork and All Kinds Building Material IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Universal Vacuum Cleaners Universal Electric Irons Universal Thermos Bottles Electric Curling Irons Electric Toasters Mirror Aluminum Ware Pyrex Ware Carving Sets Bicycles Everel,dy Fl “ hli * hts Velocipedes Children’s Automobiles Flexible Flyer Sleds lightning Guider Sleds Coaster Wagon Kiddy Cars Nif-Tee Cam Jiffy Oats The HARDWARE SUPPLYCO. hon * 79 BEL AIR, MD. 1 HONEST NEWS HONEST VIEWS HONEST ADVERTISING