PEACE! PEACE! PEACE!!! The Fall elections not being far distant, it is necessary that those ■who are OPPOSED TO A FRA TRICIDAL WAR, with all its nu merous consequences, should form their District, County and State or ganizations, in order to secure unity of action. So far as we have any knowledge of the politics of the State, this or ganization will be made without re gard to any former political parties, and will embrace in its folds ALL WHO ARE IN FAVOR OF A PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF OUR PRESENT DIFFICULTIES, and the MAINTENANCE of our STATE RIGHTS. . We therefore recommend that the voters of each election district as semble in primary meeting ou Saturday, August 31st, At 2 o’clock P. M, to select ten del egates to a County Convention, to be held in Bel Air ou Saturday, September 7th, At 12 o’clock M., to elect four re presentatives to a State Convention to be held in Baltimore on Tuesday, September 10th, for organization, and the nomination of State officers. Let every friend of Peace be at his post! Temale seminary, BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, Bel Air, Harjord County , Md. FPIIE Fifth Annual Session of this school i -L will commence on the first Monday in | September and continue until tiie last Fri-1 day in June. Pupils will be received for half the scholastic year if desired. Effi cient teachers are provided as they' are re quired, in the different branches taught in the school. Miss Davenport, grateful for the pat ronage she has received from the public, | solicits the continuance of it* favor. Terms are fully stated in Circulars, forj which apply to the Principal. I aul7-6t 1 Harford Academy. UPHIS Institution will be opened for the -L academical year on the first Monday of September, 1861. , A large amount of money has been ex pended in improving and modernizing the Academy building, as well as in beautify ing the grounds. The Institution has been furnished by the Principal with an exten sive Apparatus for illustration. For further particulars apply to the Prin cipal for a Circular. aul7 R. W. NEWMAN, Principal. YOUNG LADIES 7 SCHOOL. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Del Air and vicinity, that she in tends opening a SOHOOL for the instruction of Young Ladies, in the various English Branches, French & Music. Will give particular attention to small chil dren, and hopes, by strict attention, to merit a share of public prtronage. School to commence the first Monday in Sep tember. M. L. JOHNSON, Next door to Nathan Dean’s, au3 Bond st., Bel Air. ROOFING SLATE, AT CASH PRICES, IN EXCHANGE FOR GRAIN, At my (Quarries, Slate Hill, Harford County, Md., and Peach Bottom, York County, Pa. ISAAC PARKER. market price allowed for Grain in exchange. aul7-3m SCHOOL NOTICE7 THE Public Schools for Harford Coun ty will be opened again on MONDAY, the 2d day of September. The Executive Board of School Commissioners will meet at their office in Bel Air on Monday, the 29th Aug., to appoint and examine teach ers for the ensuing quarter. By order of the E. B. S. C. au!7 JOHN T. SPICER, Sec’y. ' NOTICE. THE County Commissioners for Harford County will meet at their office in Bel Air on TUESDAY, 10th September, 1861, for the transaction of such business as may come before them. Collectors for 1859 are hereby notified to meet the Board and settle up their accounts. By order of the Board, aul7 JOHN T. SPICER, Clerk. WM. H. WALLIS, (imral Cfflltdiir, Will attend promptly to the collection of all claims entrusted to him in Harford, Cecil and Baltimore counties. Office Bel Air, Harford County, Md. SHERIFFS SALE OF A VALUABLE NEGRO MAN FOR A TERM OF FEARS. IN accordance with the provisions of Article 30, Section 194, of the Code of Public General Laws of the State of Mary land, and with the judgment and sentence of the Circuit Court for Harford County, passed at the August Term of said Court last past, upon CHARLES RHOADES, A free negro, at said Term convicted of | assisting negroes to run away, the said sen tence directing the said free negro to be sold out of the State for the period of 8 years, as and for a slave to the purchaser for and during said term, I hereby give no tice that On SA TURDA Y, the 7th day of Sep tember, 1861, I will expose to public sale, at the Court House door in Bel Air, to the highest bid der for cash, the said Charles Rhoades, free negrb, Which when sold will become the property of the purchaser for and dur ing the period of eight years, as aforesaid. Charles Rhoades is about thirty years of age, about five feet seven or eight inches high, and in a sound and healthy condi tion. Sale to take place between the hours of twelve and two o’clock P. M. JOSEPH E. BATEMAN, an 17 Sheriff of Harford County, Sheriffs sale OF A VALUABLE NEGRO MAN FOR A TERM OF YEARS. IN accordance with the provisions of Article 30, Section 194, of the Code of Public General Laws of the State of Mary land, and with the judgment and sentence of the Circuit Court for Harford County, passed at the August term of said Court last past, upon JOSEPH PERRYMAN, 1 A free negro, at said Term convicted of larceny, the said sentence directing the said free negro to be sold in the State for the period of 8 years, and for a slave to the ' purchaser for and during said term., I here- I by give notice that | On SATURDAY, the 7th day of Sep tember, 1861, I will expose to public sale, at the Court House door in Bel Air, to the highest bid der for cash, the said Joseph Perryman, free negro, which when sold will become the property of the purchaser for and dur ing the period of eight years, as aforesaid, j Joseph Perryman is about 21 years of , age, about five feet seven or eight inches | high, very black, and in a sound and heal j thy condition. Sale, to take place between the hours of I twelve and two o’clock P. M. JOSEPH E. BATEMAN, aul7 Sheriff of Harford Countv. Jemima Curry, 1 vs. V In Equity. Isabella R. Currv. ) In the matter of the petition of James A. Amoss and others. ORDERED this Bth day of August, 1861, that the creditors of William T. Curry, late of Harford county, deceased, file their claims and the vouchers thereof with the Clerk of this Court on or before the 2d Monday in November next, provi ded a copy of this order be inserted in some newspaper printed and published in Harford county once a week for four suc cessive weeks before the first day of Octo ber next. JOHN H. PRICE. True copy, Test; aul7 WM. GALLOWAY, Clk, EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. npms IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub- J- scribcr has obtained from the Register of Wills of Harford county, Md., Letters Testament ary on the personal estate of RICHARD GREF' T , late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against said deceased are hereby noti fied to exhibit the same, with the legal vouchers thereof, on or before the B Hi day of June , 1862, or they may otherwise by law he excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted-to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment. Given under my hand and seal this 6th day of August, 1861. C, W. BILLINGSLEA, aulO-lawGw Sole Acting Executor. Balt. Exchange copy and send bill to this office. Church Dedication. THE Methodist Episcopal Church at FRIENDSHIP will be dedicated to the service of Almighty God on Sunday, August 18th, 1861, no Providence pre venting. Morning service at 10£ A. M.; Evening service at 7\ P. M. Eminent divines are expected to be pre sent and officiate upon the occasion. Neighboring clergymen, and the public, are cordially invited to attend. ADVERTISEMENT. 1 fimiTM k F° r the INSTANT RELIEF A\ I U 11/l fl an * PERMANENT CURB of iIU 111 mil. this distressing complaint use mnDrs BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by C. B. SEYMOUR k CO., 107 NAS SAU STREET, N. Y. Price $1 per box; sent free by post. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUQ&JSTS. # npl4-ly EVERY DESCRIPTION OF J" OB PRINTING Executed at this office, Cheap fur Cash. THE SOUTHERN jEGIS. . TSTOTICE TO j t Supervisors of Roads. . THE Supervisors of Roads arc hereby notified that hereafter they are requir- j ‘ eil to work out their allowances and pre-!, sent their accounts, duly j' the County Commissioners for settlement 1 1 before the first of December in each year. I By order of the Board, 1. mar 2 JOHN T. SPICER, Clerk. | ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. 1 1 rnHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the sub- , [ scriher lias obtained from the Register of Wills of Harford county, Md., Letters of Admin- j istration on the personal estate of WILLIAM BUCKINGHAM, ‘ late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against said deceased arc hereby noti- i fied to exhibit the same, with the legal vouchers . thereof, on or before the 2 5th day of May, 1862, or they may otherwise by law be excluded from , all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are request-I < ed to make immediate payment. Given under my hand and seal this 25th day of May, 1861. CHARLES TREUSCIT, jul Administrator. thomas Thompson’ (Established 1837,) IMPORTER OF sraitbics, din, Scotcjj®9jiis%, WINES, tftc. No. 20 South Gay Street, nolO BALTIMORE. LAPIDUM ON HANdT A LSO a fresh supply of LUMBER, ma il king up the usual assortment, at the old stand. Thankful for past favors, I beg to call the attention of former customers to the above facts, and hope to see them also on hand at Lapidum, with their teams and u tin.” B. F. HEATH. juß Successor to B. F. Heath &. Co. MILL FEED, in large or small quanti ties, for sale at Lapidum by B. F. HEATH. JUST IN TIME for Buckwheat. A j fresh supply of A. A. Mexican Guano, 1 received and for sale at Lapidum by B. F. HEATH. A Lot of good COMMON WHISKEY, by the barrel or five gallon keg, or demijohn, for sale at Lapidum by B. F. HEATH. A Few demijohns of prime old Beltz hoover WHISKEY for sale at Lapi- ■ dum by _ B. U HEATH. j ROOFING SLATE, in any for sale at Lapidum bv B.F. HEATH. HAY Forks of various sizes and Super- 1 ior quality for sale at Lapidum by B. F. HEATH. ONE and two horse power Threshing 1 Machines for sale at Lapidum by B. F. HEATH. ! CORN Shellers for sale at Lapidum by H. F. HEATH. STRAW and Fodder Cutlers for sale at Lapidum by B. F. HEATH. PLOWS and Castings for sale at Lapi dum by B. F. HEATH. EXAMINERS' NOTICE. THE undersigned examiners appointed by the County Commissioners for Harford county, for that purpose, will meet on the road leading from Hall’s X Roads to Bush near Josiah Lemmon’s, on Thursday the 22nd August, 1861, at 10 o’clock a. m. for the purpose of resurveying and widening said road where necessary, and immediately after on the road leading from Havre-de-Grace to Hopewell X Roads, and also on the road leading from Quaker Bottom to Rock Run, for the purpose of resurveying and widening both of said roads where necessary and the removal of all obstructions from said roads. WM. S. BOWMAN, JOHN BARNES, jul27 RENNET GILBERT. P. M7 QUINN, DEALER IN .Foreign and Domestic Liquoro, S. E. corner High and Hillen streets, At the old stand of Thomas Humes, J) ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of pur -1 chasers to his stock of WINES, ERAM IES, WHISKIES, kc.,kc., which he is pre pared to sell ou the most accommodating terms. mas-y SLAVES WANTED WE are at all times purchasing SLAVES, paying the highest cash prices.— Persons wishing to sell will please call at No. 282 Pratt street. Communications addressed to j u 4_l y b. M. & V r . L. CAMPBELL. DR. WM. DALLAM, HAVING resumed the Practice ofMed icine, offers his professional services to his friends and the public. al3-3m NEGROES! NEGROEsTnEQROES! I am at all times purchasing Slaves, paying the highest cash prices. lam also prepared to receive Negroes for safe keep ing, having erected a comfortable and se cure place for that purpose, on Green st., near Baltimore, immediately opposite the Western Police Station. Communications addressed to HENRY FAIRBANKS, fe4-y Gen. Wayne Hotel, Baltimore. JOHN W. RICHARDSON, Has taken and fitted up the Store NO. 12 GAY STREET, Adjoining Christ Church, where he is now opening a choice selection of superfine and medium Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vestings, With many other Staple Dry Goods, All of whicli he will retail on favorable terms. Having been fortunate in securing the services of Capt. ROBT. HALL, whose reputation as a first class cutler is well known in this community, he flatters him self he will be able to manufacture GEN TLEMEN’S CLOTHING, of every va riety, to please all who may favor him with a call. Pledging himself that no effort on his part shall be wanting to give universal satisfaction, he respectfully so licits a share of the patronage of his friends and the communitv in general. No. 12 GAY STREET,. Adjoining Christ Church, se2s-ly Baltimore , Md. /TV bIISKEYi \OAfiL/ The enterprising proprietor of CHESNUT GROVE WHISKEY, (The Purest Medicinal Agentever known,) has furnished the community a Stimulant, Pure, Healthful and Invigorating, at the same time a mild delicious beverage. It is calculated to do away with the vile drugged stuff that is palmed off on the community, and which is injurious to body and mind. In addition to the certificates beneath, he has received a Diploma from the STATE ARGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, and ad ditional testimony from DR. JACKSON, of Bos ton, who testifies under oath to its absolute purity. CERTIFICATES. Philadelphia, Sep. 3th, 1858. We have carefully tested the sample ofChesnut i Grove Whiskey which you sent us, and find that j it contains none of the Poisonous Substance 1 known as Fusil Oil, which is the characteristic and injurious ingredient of the whiskeys in gen eral use. BOOTH, GARRET k CAMAC, Analytical Chemists. New York , Sep. 3d, 1858. I have annalyzod a sample of Chesnut Grove Whiskey, received from Mr. Charles Wharton, Jr., of Philadelphia, and having carefully test ed it, am pleased to state that it is entirely free i from poisonous or deleterious substances. It ; is an unusually pure and fine flavored quality of ) whiskey. JAMES R. CHILTON, Analytical Chemist. Boston, March Ith, 1859. I have made a chemical annalysis of commercial samples of Chesnut Grove Whiskey, which proves I to be free from the heavy Fusil Oils, and perfectly ] pure and unadulterated. The fine flavor of this | Whiskey is derived from the Grain used in manu fatnring it. Respectfully, A. A. HAYES, M D., State Assayer, No. 16, Boylston Street. I For Sale by C. WHARTON, Jr., Sole Principal Agent, nolO No. 116 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Guano! Guano! Guano! JOHN H. SWEANY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, DEALER IN Guano, Phosphate r Bone and Plaster, NO. 113 N. HIGH STREET, between Gay and Low, would respectfully call the attention of his friends, and the public in general, to his large and well selected stock of Flour, Fish, Bacon and Seeds. TO THE FARMERS He would call their special attention to his stock of PERUVIAN, CALIFORNIA &. MEXICAN GUANOS, Super-Phosphate of Lime, Bone and Oil of Vitriol, all of which are warranted pure, and will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, and as low as can be purchased elsewhere in the city. Produce bought, for which the highest price will be paid. NO. 113 NORTH HIGH STREET, Next door to the Black Horse Hotel, ap2l-6m Baltimore. To the Farmers of Harford. THE UNDERSIGNED has taken and fitted up in a comfortable manner that well known hotel known as the FRANKLIN INN, Comer of High and Hillen streets, Where he will be happy to receive a call from his Harford friends. Every effort will be made to render his patrons com fortable, no 13 _ THOS.T. To the Traveling Public. THE snbscriber takes this method to inform his friends and the public general ly, that he has taken the well known public stand, the FIVE MILE HOUSE, on the Harford Turnpike, formerlyje*H| kept by Thomas T. Rutledge, where he will be happy to wait upon them. His table will be supplied with the best the market affords, and his bar with the best of liquors, cigars, kc. a!3-3m P. BORNS. Nervous Headache By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of Nervous or Sick Headache may he prevented ; and if taken at the commencement of an attack im mediate relief from pain and sickness will be ob tained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Headache to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels, —removing Costiveness. ' -17 For Literary Men , Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary Habits, the valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to to the digestive organs, and l restoring the natural elasticity and strength of whole sys tem. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investigation and carefully conducted experi ments, having been in use many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, originating in the nervous system or from a de ranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composi tion, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any changes of diet, and the absence of any disagreeable taste renders it easy to administer them to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine has five signatures of Henry C. Spalding on each Box. Sold by Druggists and nil other Dealers in Medicines. A Box will be sent by mail prepaid on rcccpt of the IPHICE 23 CENTS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New York. THE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING’S CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. As these Testimonials were unsolicited by Mr. Spalding, they afford unquestionable proof of the efficacy of this truly scientific discovery. Masonsville, Conn., Feb- 5, 1861. Mb. Spalding. Sib: I have tried your Cephalic Fills, and Hike (hem so well that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few out ot the first box I got from you. Send the Pills by mail, and oblige Your ob’t Servant, JAMES KENNEDY. Havebfobd, Pa., Feb. 9, 18G1. b. Spalding. Sir: I wish you to send me one more box of your Cephalic Pills, I have received a great deal of bene fit from them. Yours, respectfully, MARY ANN STOIKHOUSE. Spruce Creek, Huntington Co., Pa., \ January 1861. / H, C. Spalding. Sib : You will please send me two boxes of your Ce phalic Pills. Send them immediately. Respectfully yours, JNO. B. SIMONS. P. S.— l have used one box of your Pills, and find them excellent. Belle Vernon, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1861. Henry C. Spalding, Esq. Please tind inclased twenty-five cents, for which send me another box of your Cephalic Pills.— They arc truly the best Pills I have ever tried. Direct A. STOVER, P. M. Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co., O. Beverly, Mass., Dec. 11, 1860. H. C. Spalding, Esq. I wish for some circulars or large show bills; to bring your Cephalic Pills more particularly before ray customers. If you have anything of the kind, please send to me. Onn of my customers, who is subject to severe Sick Headache, (usually lasting two days,) ivas cured of an attack in one hour by your Pills, which I sent her. Respectfully yours, W. B. WILKES. finis' A single bottle of SPALDING’S PREPAR ED GLUE will save ten times its cost an nually. “SSi SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE PIECES! ECONOMY! DISPATCH! “ A Stitch in Time Saves Nine.” As accidents will happen, even in well regulat ed families, it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Ac. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and nohousehold can afford to be without it. It is always ready, and up to the sticking point. “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE.” N. B.—A Brush accompanies each Bottle. — Price, 26 cents. Address HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDAR Street, Now York. CAUTION. As certain unprincipled persons are attempting to palm off on the unsuspecting public, imita tions of my PREAPRED GLUBf I would caution all persons to examine before purchasing and see that the fall name, Af-SPALDING’S PREPARED is on the outside wrapper; alt others are swin dling counterfeits. , noil r GREEN & YOE, FAMILY GROCERS. AND DEALERS IN PURE OLD WINES and LIQUORS, No. 88 BALTIMORE STREET, (Near Holliday Street, Baltimore,) HAVE constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of Family Gro ceries, consisting in part of FRESH TEAS: Green and Black, of varioos prices and flavors. COFFEES: Mocha, Java, Laguyra and Rio. SUGARS: New Orleans, Crushed, Powdered, Loaf, Granulated, C. Yellow and Clarified. Italian Maccaroni &. Vermacelli; Coop er’s and Cox’s Refined Gelatine; Fresh Salad and Olive OILS. CHEF.SE—EfngHsh Dairy, Rine Apple and Sap Sago. Sardines; French and Spanish Olives; English and American Pickles—Gerkins, mixed Piccalile, Chow Chow, Cauliflower, Walnuts and Onions. SAUCES—John Bull,Harvey, Reading, Soho, Mushroom and Worcestershire. BRANDIES: Jas. Hennessey &. Co.’s Vintage, 1840; Otar, Dupuy St Co., 1846, Native Cataw ba, and Champagne. FINE OLD WINES: London Dock Port, Sherry, Madeira, Lis bon, and We Moselle. WHISKIES: Scotch, Old Rye, Calhoun, old Rapp and Bourbon, (some very old and finej Pure Holland Gin, Jamaica Spirits, &.c. Imported and Domestic Segars and Tobacco. All of Which they will sell at reasonable prices, and respectfully solicit a call. fe23-ly "sewing machines. PRICES REDUCED from Dec’r Ist, to $45 and Upwards. A Machine complete, with Hemmer, $45. Methodist Book Concern, ? 200 Mulberry st., New York, \ Dear Brother: —Being in constant re ceipt of inquiries from our brethren res pecting SEWING MACHINES, with requests to recommend and purchase, we have, in> conjunction with some- lady friends, carefully and thoroughly examin d the various Machines of practical value ; FOR FAMILY SEWING, and find those made by the WHEELER & WILSON Manufacturing Company, Agency , 205 Baltimore Street , Baltimore,, to fully com bine the essentials of a- good instrument, and as sucli Wv Can Confidently Recommend. . They are now furnished to ministers, and for charitable purposes, at the reduced prices. Hav ing oocn so favorable results from their use in onr own and the households of our friends, we are desirous that their benefits should be shared by all our brethren, and hence have interested our selves in their behalf. With best wishes, your Brethren, Abel Stevens, Thos. Carlton, James Floy, J. Porter, Daniel Wise, J. Bsnj. Edwards. David Terry, Wm. A. Cox. Office of the j WHEELER k WILSON MANUFACTURING CO., 205 West Baltimore st., Baltimore. s!sy B. B. PERKINS. JOHN EMORY. , PERKINS & EMORY, ■ mo AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JVb. 4 Bowly’s Wharf, Baltimore , Md. E ARTICULAR ATTENTION given to selling GRAIN and PRODUCE, and 1 to filling or is for all descriptions of Merchandise. In addition to the usual assortment of Groce -8 ries, we have on hand a superior article of ROCK > SALT (for slock,) which we will furnish by the i ton or smaller quantity, at the lowest market price. Our personal attention will be given to all bu • sines.i entrusted to us. mal9-y PERKINS b EMORY. TO THE PUBLIC. CONFIDENCE in the ultimate triumph of Law and Order, through fidelity to the Constitution aud laws of our Country, without which the capacity of man for sel government will be problematical, has en couraged the subscriber to offer the usual full assortment of IRON, STEEL, NAILS, P HARDWARE, GRINDSTONES, ' Plows, Corn Shelters, Castings, &c., &c. 1 Peruvian, Californian, American, Mexican and Sombrero I . Also, other Fertilizers, including a supe rior article of BOHSTE 33XJST, LOW for CASH or GRAIN, at market prices. - ss*All kinds, sizes and qualities of Iron not on hand, on short notice will be fur -3 nished, ae low as it can be bought in Bal timore or elsewhere. R. L JACKSON, ) near Darlington, Md.