Newspaper Page Text
THEj SENTINEL.; Ka KVii.Li:. no. BATOSI \ Y,::::: Al'UI ST il, 1855. ' UK PIUNCIPUM. |i Wo co nience, to-day, the publica- * iiou of tli Montgomery Comity Sent uni, ] a paper d voted to general information, 1 the interc Ls of the comity, and special- 1 ly to the cause of Civil and Religious ' Liberty, j It i$ expected we should make known 1 the principles which shall guide our ca- 1 reer ai A public journalist. Communi ties, l|ce individuals, are often unduly 1 excited by. causes quite insufficient and unfounded. At such times, language is ' as ungtuirded and bitter, as thought it self is disturbed and unreasonable. Men pcak lmrshly and fast, whilst they catch, ' as drowning persons, at every exciting object, however trifling. The effects of ’ each "veitement are sad. Kind relations an- inks, moled-—cimrjfar is not practised, Him linen tveeun oi vii/icii,. - . pily f<'U iw. Who docs not see that such is the stite of society in which we live? A cry <*' alarm has been raised in our midst. The old god Can has invaded the uasa s, and his reign is attested by an alum.# universal panic. Dispassion ate <sai*ination of the causes for this dread is aside, and bo disclaimer from the ijjnnJ portion of community will be receive!. Facts—and many are ad vancci—lave no weight; whilst men shout,] detlaim and wax wToth in the face if all reasons to the contrary: <■ Witlfire a each ovend papers m-each hr. ml. They Ae, nerteand madden round the land. ' WJlopiwe this slate of things. We wotdnjkxtipoacc and quiet should hold their lontpl sway over a peojilc intelli gent, Industrious, and pledged to the cause Inf tr ue liberty. To effect this purpoi, we devote ourselves and our journm Wtlhull at, therefore, appeal to pas sion, (>t to roason. We shall deal in prnofijnot abortions; in facts, not sus picion! Wo bold no man an enemy, bceau! he liay think differently; ami W'C rcieCt kjinost convictions wherever they lily be found. Yet, wo feel it a duty tlsnmnpn to the bar of the com mon ilclligetcc those who would dis turb tligood frderof the Republic, and cmbittil soeiil relations. Wc would j know I wec’cbty cause which impels thefil, Id wo .pall not rosi satisfied with mere al patient, rumors an! fabrications, 'tn s* - c -I -ion of ill nf ‘j Vfught liberties Wo cling to the Witage of Civil and Religions i Liberty t oui forefulliers have transmit ted it t us. Never shall wc abandon wlmt is he lioast of our Constitution, and the ride ami happiness of our peo ple. 1 s is, beyond all question, just and pr or. Let those tlieu pause in their n 1 career, which hurries along maiiyw ‘hymen, who, in an unguarded I moment have committed themselves to ! a policy lliicb shall, in after years, crim son tli ■ fact with shame, and pain their 1 Irt with useless regret. Let them w ;h ureters well in the secret of their ov reflections, and looking beyond the pret t mojuent, canvass the results of a clu ;o in ,the Constitution, which the Km Nothing party seeks to effect. Let tl in renumber how, in times pas}, they wo 11 liavtj recoiled from any alter ation of hat ghrious instrument* and liow like ease# they would have thought it, to la; i desti tying hand on that pal ladium our ibertios. It has stool the test ihly, ml deserves the respect and love f evci ; truly American heart. Touch it ot! ine by one its provisions will disii! ear, \ lien once the desecrat ing ban, of ini tvafors shall have suc ceeded ii rasiu; a single feature of its present Ifauty a d perfection. Natura lization vty he f rbidden, and then the liberty t| serve jtiod according to the dictatesi■onsciiice may lie retrenched. Rut v I they top here? Men of the tv nth b l vou iKit abundant reason to fear that I heriskod institution will he invaded, ymr property stolen, when Abo litionists, #ng this party as they unques tionably % shall abolish the system of southern si cry? To do battle against these chants, wc conceive to he the du ty of cverl ood citizen; a duty render nl more ha rative by the means to lie employed leffect so unholy purpioses. A secret p yis adopted. The adhe rents of th iiarty are held together by an oath t< vccutc the plans of their lodges, wli are themselves controlled by leaders id these chiefly are North ern Abolil ists. The ultimate result may he co .Jed from them, the pre sent court lone is imposed upon the obedience he sworn conspirators. As ] one man, i-y vote the order of the j dark coantt and tr tor is the name of him who 1 sufficient moral courage to oppose his a suffrage to the decree ofj the order. Whither shall this course lead us? flml the plan, multiply the] councils—a*' which arc subordinate to, a grand cAil, from tho mandate of which therAio appeal—what will be come of thcß dom of election*? what will flic riMof .off,Mgr avail? The wSKbHmmtamammmtms* -c— —,saiKSBE despotism of a fcAliacknied jiolilieians, ! .themselves dyed fith fanaticism, will ■ usurp the place effiu government based ; on the free choici of the governoil, and representing the ilics of a and'illed i Sic expression of that choice. The essi fijal feature of a Re publican (Jovcrnm vt will disappear, and scenes like those wi.ijjh Robespierre, Ma rat, and their as; elutes, caused, will, in all likelihood, :ij re-enacted. The safety of our connirj is staked upon the issue, and if the p ilent system liecome that of tho entire Ujpuhlie, farewell to liberty, order and lurniincss, and anarchy shall eommenco its Jaik and bloody sway. Viewed in a mfirdfpoiut, what has he como of truth and -iiccrity by the work ings of this party ? . Denials, equivoca tions, base and unianly, are practis ed by its followers toi hide tlieir partici-* pation in a policy, of which they are heartily ashamed. Wo know not whom to trust. Old men-practice in the de cline of life, what ‘.key were flogged fol io Willem vouch ,#i childhood quick ly learns tho less in ol liupnciiy mm equivocation, will ho the end of all this? No one can properly estimate the amount of evil ibis party would, by these means, entail upon the present and j coming generations. Now to our own usk personally. Of malice aforethought.wy shall wound the feelings of no indicia®, as also by base truckling and servil. adulation, wo shall seek tlm favor of n io. The conscious ness of a just cam; ahull nerve us for the contest, and oir confidence in the power of truth and irfit shall sustain us in every emergent-. j In this thought, and with our chief -eiiancc on Him who . disposes all thing: t ivoctly, we throw i ourselves into the J( la, in the sanguine j hope of triumphal) s access. Mir Wo have sways disliked apolo gies, much more ijt there should ever be occasion for tli iJ, hut in launching our now hark upo: ilio tide of public fa vor, wc do feel imjaod to say to all con cerned that she is Jit as completely rig ged as w-e ffttend sl|c shall he. To drop the figure, we do qM wish our friends to consider this, tin first number of our pa per, as a spceimcujbf what they may here after expect; foi.when wc get our ■ fully set in order, {mil other a its, o ", j completed, wc ipipo to pro;,: j that will favoral iy compare w or of the same dirin-nkions in Fv' We scad ottr pajicr, . number whom ycr-: ifTi. * * c v-i eeev*to..\ VT l y tli -m, we shall continue to send . regularly and consider them subscri Jli Wo publish to-day *he proceed ings of theliockvill' Rtot-rictUiiiun Meet ing, hold in this town on Saturday, the | j 2 K th ult. It was truly gratifying to us I to witness such a concourse of sterling! i moil, irrespective of former party difler ! ouces, consulting together for the com ! mon good against the dangerous innova- I tions which the Know Nothings seek to | make upon the fundamental principles of our government. Our friends will per ceive that the candidates nominated for this district are altogether worthy of their confidence and support, and we predict their election by a very decisive majority. I -• * “ J£W A report being in circulation in I this District that a committee was ap pointed by the Union Mass Meeting of | the 2Nth ult., to ascertain whether or not j the candidates then nominated were worthy of confidence, we can assure our readers that the rumor is entirely un founded. The only matter confided to the committee was, to notify the cqjuli dates of their nomination aipl reporUheir acceptance or non-acceptance to the County Convention. ?' In another column will he found the list of premiums to be awarded by the Montgomery County Agricultural So ciety, at their Annual Exhibition, on the 13th of next month. The variety ami liberality of these premiums are well cal culated to engender a spirit compe tition that will necessarily bring togoth ' cr an unusually large concourse of visit ors and an unprecedented collection of articles for exhibition. The Society have been fortunate in securing the ora-! toraeal services of Hon. Asu>n£'v Hn:- ykxso.n, of Virginia, a gentleman, no less distinguished for his zealous and effi cient labors in the cause of agriculture. ! than for his patriotic services in the councils of his comity. /C*: During the past week every see-j tioti of this District was visited hy re- j pouted heavy storms, which did conside rable mischief. In our immediate vici- j ! nity the lightning was very fierce in itsj assaults upon trees and telegraph wires, | 1 as well as slightly damaging the dwelling )loose of the Misses Hvai.l in this town, | and the corn house of Mr. John Wiu.- ! son, a short distance on tho River Rood. We regret to learn that in some neigli- I borhoods the flood of rain was so violent 'as to demolish filings carry off shocks j of grain and gra. s. In sides Washing and , otherwise injuring the plowing cofp 'l' 114M5K TUK NOMINATIONS. \ As we anticipated, every Distriil ii:.,i | | fully represented' in the Anti-KYn,- 1 ! Nothing Comity Convention, hcldV-ivl on Saturday last, whoso hnrmoniousylc liborations resulted iu tho nominatimi of , a ticket that cannot fail to meet, not met - ; ly with the Seence, hut the cordv 1 support of every friend of civil and re gions liberty in the county. \ Particular attention is directed *tk tho proceedings .of the Convention id. another column, from which it will ap-\ pear that it was composed of substantial, discriminating and influential member, of the Whig and Democratic parties, who evinced a proud determination, by all fair and honorable means, effectually to suppress, in old Montgomery, the most absurd political monstrosity of this or any 1 other age or country. Wo have evidence of this determination in the spirit of their resolutions, in tho unanimity of their con sultations, in the enthusiasm of the occa sion—but especially .in tho formation of a Union‘Ticket, which mu t command the ■ .1 -.uu\ou}iting ei.'.ifidauce, of the people,"who will most truly repre sent the‘opinions and most faithfully Je i feud tho principles of those by whom they ] have been selected, and most assuredly lead them to a signal and glm-L-us victory over tho tusMt *mi 1 i-fc—rt i■ if Tfi it will encounter them under the dark banner of Know-Nothingism. It must he a source of gratification to every opponent of Know-Nothingism, to witness the demonstrations of delight with which these nominations are hailed. The hopes of tho opposition have already been blasted by the announcement of a ticket of so much talent and moral worth. They I can no longer console themselves with the fund anticipation of a division in out ranks, which constituted tlieir only hope of success. We doubt not that evory friend of freedom in the county will act as if 1m felt a consciousness of his own importance iu the present canvass, and ■ ] that his country imperatively demanded * ■ his services to save her from the misrule | ■ ofKiiuw-Nothingism. No man will por -1 mit himself to ho lcl away by false issues, addressed rather to his prejudices than ■ his reason. No voter will he so unsus - peeling as to he deceived by the covert, ] ! tifiei s of the leaders 01 tlic new faction, ; within the salutary influences of candid :; nd disinterested argument and appeal j from those who have discerned the bale ful tendencies of Kiiow-NothmgUnn, the eon qucucc of which will he to induce all who are devoted to tho dearest inter ests of their country, to buttle valiantly against the innovation which Know- Xothingism seeks to make upon the fun damental principles of our government, and which would rend our inimitable Constitution into shreds. JC-V' The following is the ticket nomi nated for tho House of Delegates by the Democrats of Baltimore City: John 8. Wright, Robert M. McLnnc, John V. To .McMahon, Hugh A. Cooper, Algernon It. Wood, Hugh Holton, Thomas Win ons, (leorge Evans, Willson C. N. Carr, ! William Devries. This ticket, headed by Jolm Nelson, who was nominated hy them for the State Senate a short time since, cannot fail to put to rout the forces of Know-Nothing ism in the monumental city. Dorciiestrii CotNTY.—The Democrats of this county on Monday last appointed the following named gentlemen delegates to the Democratic State . Convention : Messrs. Edward R. Goslin, Charles W. Rreorwood, Z. Lintliicum, and Dr. Le vin Hudson; and as alternates Messrs. Caleb Shepherd, JI. D. Wright, Win. T. Vickcra and Win. L. Drura. Democratic Nation a I, Convention.— The Democratic State Convention of Ver ! mont has appointed D. A. Smalley and i ! Jeffergetl I'. Kidder delegates at large to the next Democratic National Convention to nominate candidates for President anil Vice-President. itf " An inqiicxt was held, by Justice John Okfitt, on Sunday last, the 6th inst., on tho body ofaman unrecognized, ! found in tho canal near the Washington [ Aqueduct. From the decay the body I had undergone, it must have been in the water for a number of days. The verdict j of the jury was “death from causes un- j known.” £& The dead body of an Irishman j unknown, was found one day last week in the canal near Hence* Mills, in this’ county, we have not been informed of tho holding of any inquest thereupon. Butter is selling in different parts of , Ohio from 10 to 13 cents; eheOHi t> f. > 1 v cents, and egg- S to 10 cents. 3.’ — V.CJIS.C.. ~Jt - sc.nhj'.., mr 1 .--'-s TIli: KUKCTIOIsi. North Cauoi.ixa. \n Jiection was! lu ll! in this State on the ‘dd 1 instant, for Members of Congress, whieiJi-c'mlted in J tlm clioioo of six Dcmocial; and two; Know Nothings. Tlm popultiryotoshows ii largo majority against theney faction. | Tknnusskb.—On tho same May, this State Voted for (iovomor. and reelected •lonxsoN, tho Democratic, by a rVpeola- | | hie majority. \ KhntucivV. —An election was h\ld in tlfis State, on Monday lust, for tlovlriior ail members of Congress. The refcrus i-'i'ii too meagre to give any idea of the l ult. Wo tv-gret to leant that a teki b! riot between Americans a-.rl ForeiA. et at Louisville, resulting i! - thi death of about twenty/persons, ainW tl4 wounding of many odters; and also,' th burning of two bleaks of houses, atvong which was tig- printing office of ‘ ’t'he Signs of the Junes,” a 1) mocratie /taper. No satistt mry cause hjis ns yet ht'cn assigned f - this du'-rraeaful out k.r.t.k. A • .-.uxt - wt -'••• <*'y Stale vo*. i>r .or*"’*'- *’ l,i " ni ' turns have been t'eeeivel, imlieatfng tlm success of tlm Dcmocra candidate. dC-g-The intention ofj our patrons v | “ iliroctcit to the adverti inent cf I’F.hnt : ■ A Brother, Washingtu city, well ani j favorably known to tin I dealers of out j county for their'Btrict in ogrity iu Intsi- I ness, tlmir urbanity of u invierS, and uni formity and moderation if charges. As these young gcntlemci ire natives of our county, we feel privilcr d to r.eommend them to tho cnoouragu icnt of those of our friends, who have occasion to pur , cliasc goods in their lin in tlm District. The Temporal Pot er of tiie Pope. • i —Dr. Drown son, in letter written to tho editor of the X urecster (Mass.) . News, says of tlm IV):; “In matters pure',- temporal, T, as a Catholic, owe no obet nee ta tin- Pope, because lie lias receive ! from Jesus (’h cist no authority as a temp ral sovereign over mo. lie cannot m: !l) or Unmake the rights of the sovorei; l or the duties of the subject—abrogal the firmer or ab solve from the latter T Daw Ann to tub Cihlsapkikk and Ohio j Can it.—The < ulve at Middloknuff’s 11 ", on tfioDhesap: ako anil Ohio Canal, Mercerviile, <8 iiles west of town, was v i died out on Wed -1 ist, 'f ic Cumberland Al- J boats, loaded through the break i, and more puin . ii, Jerry Moore, im Da pun, were! V i ived front Mel - I , . t it. will require i as to repair the break.” t ,4 — K hcEAH.—-The Union a]ipointnient In' the ion. John E. Daw son. of PemAylvani;', to be (lovertior of Kansas, vice Heed r, removed. Mr. j Dawson was at able unubor of the hurt j Congress, and voted Sir the Kansas-Ne- j brusku hill; hut v. Inter he will he more successful than <V>v. JSfedi ■ in the execu tive luanugcuicii of *ffairs in Kansas, and in calming fowrithc excited state ' of the public in inti tkv l ', remains to be seen. Wheat Gojno -Vnito* i>. — For the first lime since January! will one single and unimportant except'm wheat was last week exported from New York. The Post states that 12,107 bushels, passed at the Custom-house daring the week.— About 1,000 bushels went forward in dune. This is all tint has gone before this year. Methodist Eihutotai. Ciiiircii South. —From the general iti nutea of the Me thodist Episcopal (‘litßvh, south, we ga ther the following flips: The number of travelling preacher* i- 1,912; mipcr ■ animated, 16t); local. l.'i.K); White mem , hern, 428,611; colored, 104,684; In dians, 3,767; grand total, (103,808. — Tho increase during tliey ar was 33,002. Politic* in Tu.uotU intt.—Thede -1 nioernts of this county litoi selected Mes- I srs. Daniel Lloyd, N. H. Siehol,-: and J. . N. Lowe, as delegate, *o the Htate Con vention. The whig '"f e county are to assemble in Easloi. on <■ 7th of Au gust, to determino up’s tbvir future ■ course. The Minurii ix I’rik lew ■■ ACm sty. — I Tlic Alexandria (Ws'tO'Mahw sob the clothing, I with tlie remains of the |s*rs4 r*’inil in I'rinii' (ieorge's county, M'i-. ii.w t n identified n tluwe of Or. tlriint, of Jliiltinirr, who uin in said eonnty for tin: purpose l>f purchasing a! farm. The (iaxettc nirthcT sAftflthat warrants have been issued for the anil of two men. suspected of having murder* the deceased. Tile family of Or. O, reaid'f i* iialtimore No Kaix.—Tlie Ontmi’hi Mil.) Satinet coniplaifis of a grisit eeareiU’ ia water in that town, and says there hr* hi en ..reefy suflieient rain there, for several ivories, tjlay the dust. The growing corn, in conscqwk*!, is suffering eousideruidy. J Dr. John C, Cauioiin, tlird son of the late lion. d.C. Cai.iioen, (I d in South Carolina on the 24th tilt., If eonsiinip tion. lie hud just returned fa. in Florida. lleai.tii or Cincinnati,— Boring July lliere were 603 deaths in Ciiy imiuti —of | j cholera H(i, consumption, summer | complaint till, cause not reported 112. 4 THE subscriber will give tlie very high- | QHt cash price for Negroesiliai ere young • mid likely. ! • ,| Havinglnertied himself in Rockvflh*. Moat-j ! goinory comity, Md., lie can cf nil time* nci! found at liih r M! idt ( (*, tho ('nllioliu | rim rub ; or, if tthwnt, nny or note hit utj * i I lift I'pßsduiue will he notlicD ul. All comiimuU*alioun iuMn*. t*l h> him ' HoekvHlu, Md . >ill U proiojulv attim.l.d h. , ,tu-: 11 Iv t in* >1 MM<*E awteiiiliMiiiuaa^sa— jjw it Hiai TICKET!!; .STATE AND COUNTY OFFICERS. For Commissioner of TuMic Works, llaj. (OiORLIi ITITIIR, , (Sul>j(Ct to the decision cf a Convention if held.) < For Congress. CII. Tsaois.v*. F. BOWII3. | (Sultjr t to the decision of a (fonvetltiui \f held.) For the House of Delegates, l)r. Washington RtivttH, lsr. Charles A. Sl:ii'disig, | For Judges of the Orphans' Court, i KOISKRT V. DUNJ/OP, Dr. .101 IN W. ANDKRSON, 11AZKL D. CASUULL. I For Stat i's Attorney, WILLIAM VEILS UOUIC. For Burvtyor, \WILLIAM K. DADK. m \ For-County Commisstonors, .v; , .* IIOWAUH■ Hit/I'TITH. .1 M 1/LI AM 11. OI’FUTT, sill “ WM, 11. SL’KNCKU. Fonsnoriit; RICHARD GROOM US. D3STRBGT OFFICERS. Clarkslitirß Bliti-U-t. For Siijtrm imr, MAItKKN. DUVALL. Medley’s District. For 'Tiixtiees if thr Peace, LHONAKD 11A VS, ANDKKW d. HOSKINSON, OTIIO DOSWKLL For ConxtaUix, JOHN W. POOLIS, JOHN R. WARD. For Sujr rnsnr, RICHARD I*. SPATES. llockvlltc District. Fur fluntices <>f the Pence y MADISON V. IIAItIUSS, (JKOIU3K 11. 15H ADDOI’K, JOHN UI'FI TT. For Ooiifrfaltlrs, MKMTAKL 11. LKTTON. lIODKUT (1. CONNELL. For snpcrrisnr t EUASMI'S PEIIUY. Berry’s District* For Just ins of the Pence t THOM AS FAWt'JKTT, THOMAS O. WILLSON, ELISHA I). HEUIIY, Jr, F r ( hi>' tilth'* . i TJh)M NS ( l riA EH VQtHLLA wTNi IIAM. | For Supervisory i GEOUHE W. HASH ELL. :■■y.irTTimTriM m it i ~ ~'•—.tjrzm PRAT 11* |)iei at hL n ‘Hidunce. in Hrecklin Di.-t' ict, on the .'tint ultimo, TIK)MA*S J. HOIHiS, in j the 52d year of his ajfo. THE MARKETS. llaltimohh, August V, (inai\\—-Wheat—Supply today rpmimra tivcly moderate, and not in very de ir.ilde con dition, ji jrood deal of it came. MiMcrs and nliippci'M houjjlit (frolty freely, About It,ooo bushels offm'd. Salt's prood tojirinu) whitest prices r a agio \t from ,H sto SI .05, very choice lots ji few cents more —good to prime red at Si. 75 a $1.85: ordinary <|ii;iU ties of white* and red £l'soto $1.60 lnr bushel, jis to quality. The market Moped Ft eddy Int not active. ( —We note a further decline* nu\}a dull mar ket. IJ livers disposed to hold olf. About .'L -500 hu.s!i< Is oHVrcd to-day, and saM of while at 02 a 05 cts.; yellow at 88 a 00 cents pur bushed. No mixed selling. OhUf —Only about !000 bushels Olfercd to-diiy, and sales of pood to prinu m*w Maryland Jit 35 a 40 cents per busli l. Kye—About 4fo bnsliclrt offered to-day. Sale- of ne*w Maryland at $1 a$ 1.02 per bushel. — Sun. i on SIIFURVIMOIt. I.TEELOW CITIZENS: At the wi licitotion of a largo number of friendH, I am induoed to offer myaelf iih a candidate for Supervisor of tho Fourth Election District (Ibiekvillej at tho on- Htting election, and humbly aalc the uuf frago of the voters, .pledging myself to perform the dutios to the nest of my abil ity, if elected. aug 1! to JAS. 11 Cl. A0 ETT. NOTICE. To Ajijtliemits for Jlomtij Loud voder the Art of 1855, through lIOIiEHT W. WILLETT. NAMES of nemona nsidinff in Monlgromery county, Maryland, for whom It. IV. WII*- EKTT, made out. their iipji Ufa tions ft>r Bounty Land which are in my diarj/c: when desiring any information of their claim* they will ad dress me through the I*ost Ollice, die same will he furnijihcd tlicrn by jeturn mall. Ad dress. J(>lL\ T. NEELY, % Wiuliington city, l). C. Thomas Sherwood William (‘ Peareo Stephen Ball. dolin Babbitt Mrs Ann Conoway Beii© Hohlai II W Talbott ch nient dreert James Flynn Van Swearingen Jacob Majors Mrs Dorothy Williams Mrs Charlotte final Mr* June H Clugctt Mrs Sarah Bicketts VVm Lynch C B Nb holls I'liineas Ktelling William Poole Warren h'intf Uoliert Connell William <i Penn Jeffrey Easton William Harris (Jeorgc W Darby Mrs Eleanor John Lurmon Mrs Ann B (kadey Mrs Prir -ella f Pi her Mr Ella A Ollutt MrOWuh Ann King Mrs Eli m Johnson Mrs nittr’i Kitchen Mrs Bridyi t Whaluti Mrs Hojibiu Baker firs Uniuh Beckwith W J Johnson Mrs Mary Biley Abednego B<*dl Tsmiijis [Faison Mrs Eleanor Hopkins David King Mrs Tubitha Marlow Joshua Bh-sicr Jacob Lnrmon John II Huy las Mrs Sarah Allen Mrs liitrricL W'dllth c Siatdracb ifoall Mrs lather Pcimlitihi I Mrs h’li/Jil*cth Sliinf JeVeiri Mrs Elbyils-th TUbtdU Mis Nancy H. Brown j Mrs KIJ/.a Hhlplcy Daniel Mt.wtU'S Mr Mnlmlv Flcldit ( hmles IP tel If© John V Bklmi’l on i i i ■ri'j/‘. i ji> nmc-VR-'vgy-:cr ixn&aeimxnmK&Krjc: TRUSTEE’S S&LE OF VERY VALBABLE REAL ESTATE, IN- MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. B\ virtue of a Decree of the Circuit Court for Montgomery county, sit ting as a Court of Kquity, in the case of Charles 11. Anderson and others v>. Thos. O. Smith and wife, the subscriber will expose to public sale, at the Court-House dour, in Rockville, On TUIOSDAY, the BRth August, Inat. At the hoar of 11 o'clock, A. M. tlm f illowiug HUAL ESTATE, of which Richard S. Anderson, late of said coun ty. died seized and possessed, to wit: THE HOME FARM, at present occupied by diaries IL An derson, lying near the Baltimore rond, on Rock Creek, about two miles from Rockville, and within two miles of the Brookville and Washington Turnpike, and about the same distance from tho Rockville and Washington Turnpike, ip a healthy and desirable p£ighUs-4.*_' *' I MTACRES OF LAND, a fair proportion of which Js in WOOD, and a large quantity of prime MEADOW LAND, on Rock Creek mid its tributa ries. A fair portion of tl # farm is ara ble. adapted to whont. *<rn, eats and other grain crops; is very susceptible of improvement; has a good— APPLE AND PEACH OF.CHARO, is convenient to Churches, Schools, Mills, Ac. Tho society of the neighborhood is unexceptionable. Tho improvements . consist of a comfortable . . Epl FRAME DWELLING, feSjH i : ia KITCHEN, ST A RLE, JlOjift and all other necessary out-houses. The above property will he divided in to two farms, if purchasers should so desire. ON THE SAME DAY, will be offered, A WOOD LOT, about a mile north of Rockville, wy,'s3wcontaining ‘JO Acres, prot- ly well timbered with ouk and clicHtiut, with a right of way to the pub lic road. —ALSO— A UT I! K UUS CUIIII im. lying aliout a quarter of u mile.eaat of Rockville, between tho (ieorgotowu and Wadhington turnpikes, and adjoining tho lands of John llrower, L. A. Dawson, and John W. Spates, Esqs. Thero are two fine springs on this lot, which fur nish a sufficiency of water for tlie place. There are several beautiful building site's thereon. It will be sold in parcels to suit purchasers. TV 11 MS OF SALE, <i prctrVbcd by tlie Ih-en'e, ure (A jullottf: Ouo-third of tho purchase money to be paid on tlie day of sale, o* the ratification thereof, laud the residue in one and two equal an nual instalments, with interest thereon from tlie day of sale- -interest to bo paid annually- and the payment to he secur ed by tfi single bills of tho purchaser 'or purelis. ers. with two sureties to beap nrov ''Trustee; and ou the rati- i ) H.HW.-.1 islii! hA tTfir-lHlis' (Sr- 1 le.uit Court for Montgomery county, as a j Court of Equity, and on tlie payment of the whole purchase money, and not be -1 fortv tlie Trustee, by a good and sufii ei nt deed, to be executed and ueknowl , edged agreeably to law, will convoy to i (lie purchaser or purchasers of said pro perly, to Ins, her or their heirs, (lie pro perty to him, her or them sold, free, clear and discharged of all claims of the parties to this cause, and of any person or persons claiming by, from or under ' i them. A'*!' I’ersons wishing to purchase will lie shown tho above property by tlie Trustee, or Ciiahi.ks 11. Andkhson, who resides thereon. THOMAS O. SMITH, aug 11—bl Trustee. TRUSTEE’S SALE. BY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, sit ting as a Court of Equity, in the ease of Benjamin Hawkins and others r. Kras ’ >nus Cooly and others, the subscriber will . expose to public sale, on Saturday, tlie Ist of September next, at tlie hour of 2 o’clock, F. M. on the pro ■ miscs, the following I' siajAai ajs'iPAiPsß. i late the property of Henry Cooly, to wit: . All that tract of Land, called “Wheat’s . Choice,” part of“. Johnson’s Discovery,” , part of “Reed's Neglect,” part of “None . Left,” and part of “Austin’s i’usture,” containing in the whole— I &EUS & 31KHDIIFUIL I more or less. Tlie improvements consist aof a lAMs mvixiiiivu and necessary out | This farm lies Immediately on the road • from Rockville to llarncsvillo; fifteen miles from the former and throe from the ; latter place; is in a tolerahlostateof cul tivation, and highly susceptible of im i provement; is well watered, and has on ; it a fair proportion of WOOD, A MEAD OW Land, and adjoins the lands of John j White, and others. j TEEMS OF SALE, nt pn.rril/eit hut/i- dm m ureitf ji Jit lira: One-third of 1 the purchase money to ho paid on tho day of sale, or tho ratification thereof: the residue in one and two equal annual instillments, with interest thereon from i i the day of sale- -interest to he paid an-1 nually- and tho deferred payments, to Im secured by the single bills of the pur chase* or purchasers, with sureties to bo I approved by tho Trustee; and on the[ ratification of the sale, and tho payment of the whole purchase money, and not I before, the Trustee, by a good and suf- • ficient deed, to be executed .and acknowl ■ edged agreeably to hu', will convoy to the pureh'uti r or pdi '4iasersol r said pro|>-; ! orty, to his, her or their heirs, thojirop j erty to him, her or to ui sold, free, clear i i and discharged of all ( kitm* of the par , tics to this cause, and of any person or! ; jsirsous claiming by .from or nnder them J(>UN IHIKWEH aug ll t.- Tru-tee.. ] PI'MPHRiY & NORTON iiHirn & mmm. riIHK umkrsignod ImViaf ontcred into 00-L -L INirtnurship for the prosecution of tho above businoDvi, respectfully inform tho citizens of Rockville and the county generally, that they arc prepared to render their services in all its branches to nil who may desire them, upon terms moderate and accommodating. All work confided to them will be attended to with promptness, and executed in a manner that will ensure satisfaction. scription, with other suitable material forlnter ments, and attend to burials In any part of tho county upon as accommodating terms as tho required services will justify. New .Shop, in the northern part of Rockville, nearly opposite the Mdlmdist Episcopal Par sonage, where all who lmvo business in their line are requested to call. WM. E. rrMPHRRr’ JAMES il. , h°K: n-iMMK-il at their hands, anil hopes that tlio new armnoement ho has catered Into will not only secure a cioutlnuance of tho same, *bnt will L'reotly extend the sphere of his asefulnesii. _i! 11—tf ’ w TFJK sub,\xibcr, in return ' : !''•■■ -rajiiul ueknowledK u - rmtiuit io mtri>|!(is Avho have herf'tofore so nbcrully patronized vim, would announce to them and to*, citizens of Montgoir*jj*v county g* icrally, that jytill continues to Dipsocutc the lIOITHE OAitPw- TERTUa and LINING RUSINESB, in tho town orVockvUle,\nd that he will lc at all times prei>Wd to execute all work in ids line of business tluiNnay be hsrusted, to him, with durability, non\ess and denpatldi. lie will conStamjy keep on band a supply of suitable Corns M alwuai-, and tmiish Cofflns of every description, hod attend to interments and all other business hj his line, in any part of the county, upon tenni that cannot fail to give satisttiction to all who. may be plcusod to favor him with their custom. ’ New *Slmp, Court-home Square, one door south of the office of John Brewer, Esq., where he will bo pleased to receive all orders in Uiß line. JAMES W. CAMPBELL, aug 11 —\t HOFFMAN’S BL&CKSMiTH AID MACOIIE SIIIF. at the Noirrn end of t/ik town OF ROCKVILLE, ON THE FREDE RICK ROAD. TIIK sulisorißor having erected a new blioji, and employed miperior OSE&S33 workmen, is now ready to do nil kinds ol' Bli A (’KHMITIHNU, at tlie sliortest, notice, In tho Best manner, and on tlie iriont reasonußle terms. MACHINES REPAIRED, HOUSE PO.WEJIH, THRESHERS, SBPA HATOKS, REAPERS, WHEAT FANS, Ac. Ac. repaired at the shortcut notice. The snhtH fihcr Being grateful for pant favors Would redactlul solicit a continuation of the Maine. He earnestly requests those indehted to hint to call and Mettle, as a further proof of their good wishes. aug 11—tf J. 11. HOFFMAN. TWELFTH INSTALMENT. Il’iST received three nines of our celebrated “ Housewife Cotton*.” They are consider ed flie Best article for ladies' and children's n** extant* , L a^,aaaj r l< S'h/ik/.r Lonc-clock,” a shade or iv*o neavtrr man the •* ir< 1 cellont article fur shirting. The above kinds are made to our order ; WO . lake all the mills produce of those Brands. 5 cases Hssort d extra fine shirting*, Hales. New Vork and other mills. 100 pieces plaid and plain white Cumhriea ) and Jaconets. 75 pieces Nansook and Swiss Muslins. 100 pieces pure Irish Linens, all qualities. Also, Linen Sheeting, Pillow Linens, mid Tahiti Damasks, uff widths and styles, in ' great profusion. Bath Towels, Towellings, and Napkins. Seekers of pure linen goods should not fail to examine our stock, which id thoroughly as sorted throughout the season. 75 pieces white Flannels, from medium to the extra tine nlubbers. 5 pieces rich and glossy plain black Hilks, at $1 per yard, well worth $1.25. Mourning goods of all kinds; a full and complete stock kept up tlie entire year. Our stock of all kinds of goods for general family Consumption yet remains unbroken. New goods daily leeched, i One iM-ice only. Those who arc not judges of gooaa have touch to gain in making their I purchases where oere ia one proverhiaily low . price*. Delay in closing any hills wc present is not 1 expect'd to occur. bloods cannot he taken or sent from the 1 storo for inspection or on approlmtion, except U) invalids, it invariably creates confusion In occoubU > OuMtomcrs sending wrvanUi to purchase fa* . them will lie exficctcd to send orders. We are thus particular, not from the want ofa spirit of accommodation, hut to guard against errors and irregli lari tics in hills. (*ood articles, low prices, and fair deiding : may hi* relied on in nil cmh a. i PEUBY k BBOTHETt, Stores,” west buildings. op. (antral Market, Washington, D. 0. ; nug 11 __ __ _____ PUBLIC SALE. BV virtue of an order from the Orphans’ Court of Montgomery county, tlie sulse ri ’ l*r. administrator of Wiliiam J. Bright, late | of Montgomery county, deceased, will olfor at f public sale, ON MONDAY,(he 90tli Dujr of August inst., at tlie late reiddeuce of said doceaseil, I about four miles west of Bockville, all the 1 PERSONAL PROPER TY of said deceased 1 -—to wit: 1 HOllftE; t COW and 1 WARLIKD ; 2 HOWH h 'i\ BHOATS ; I Two-liopm; Wagon; A SMALL LOT OF FARMING I TKNHIIX; One-half or a Miuall OIIOP OF WHEAT ; 1 Do do CHOP OF OATH; Do do DROP OF CORN ; i llorsEflol/D AND KITtniEN FCRXI* I TURK. —Much as Buds, Bedsteads and Furnl * I ture, Clmirs, Tables, Ac. With many other I articles not necessary to enumerate. I TERMS OP SALE. | AII sums of five dol : j lars arul under, ruth : ou all sums over iivedoi : | lars, a credit of six month* will he given, the 1 1 purchaser giving note with a:jiroved menrity, | liearing lutcri’St from the day of sale. No property to be removed until tho terms rs 1 complied with. M. FJKLDF, aug 11—ta Atimi nUt rotor. COLLECTOR’S SALE. IVY virtue of a dintruin for tho Stuto I J nod County tnxon, duo Koliort W. | Carter, True too for Tlfotuiui F. W. Vin !i, Ule oollootor for tho yofim 1841 and IHI2j I will oxjxwo nt pnlillo Halo, on tho jircmiM*, <m ft A Tun DA Y tho l"t day of Septum!,l-r next, for ennli, nil that TKAUI' of LAND, culled “jiartof,Jo iKiali ” lutimncMed UiZndoek liuiriMi,mcl will bfl Hold to Hiitinfir tho hiuiic. -W. W. ALLEN, Doputy for 11, W. CaRTZu, Trurtttn* of I'IWH F. \S \ lv-it*, Ltf, I'ollectnt aug 11 An