Newspaper Page Text
THE SENTINEL, ROCKVILLE!, 110. SATURDAY, :::::: MAY 10, 1850. There is nt the present time no j power in this country but the Democrat ic organization that can be relied on to stem tho surging tide of Abolitionism. This is the party of obedience to the laws; of fidelity to the obligations of the Constitution; and whose compre hensive jtolicy is calculated to preserve the Uuion. Repudiating the demagogue ism that panders to sectionalism, it bears aloft the banner that waves over tho whole country ; and, relying on tho jus tice of its principles and measures, it appeals to the patriotic and the national for a verdict. On its side, as against the prevalent sectionalism, is a long line of illustrious statesmen. At their j head stands the Father of his country. If every Union injunction of the immor- j ta! Farewell Address is not a rebuke to this sectionalism, language has no mean ing. Read that address. Read its with ering denunciation of geographical par ties. Read its affectionate exhortation to cultivate the unity that makes one people. Read its indignant frown upon those who attempt to alienate one portion : of tho Union from the rest. Read its i touching memories of the times when Independence and Liberty were gained ! by “joint counsels and joint efforts;”! by “common dangers and sufferings and 1 successes.” Read all this, and then say ! how a patriot can now follow those in- i junctions without giving his support to a party against which is arrayed a com bination of factions, the success of whose measures would inevitably destroy that palladium of our political prosperity and safety. Hunky Clay and Fusion. —Wc com mend to all those editors and quondam Whigs, generally, who are desecrating the memory and attempting to tarnish the fame of llenby Clay, by connecting . his great, name with Know-nothingism, to the following language uttered by j that illustrious statesman sometime pre- j vidua to his death : “Rut if it (the Whig party) is to be merged into a contemptible abolition j party, and if abolitionism is to be in- 1 grafted upon the Whig creed, from that moment T renounce the party and cease j to be a Whig. Igo yet a step further. } Tf Tam alive, I will give my humble support to that man for the Presidency ! who, to whatever party he may belong, is not contaminated by fanaticism, rather than to oue who, crying out all the time that ho is a Whig, maintains doctrines utterly subversive of the Constitution and the Union.” Jti)~ The man who stops a newspaper because he is going to get married, pays a poor compliment to his intended, and probably expects to have no children to learn to read. The man who patronizes a foreign paper in preference to one of his own county, should be made to pay double for advertisements necessary to be published in tho county, and not be al lowed the privilege of inserting cither i obituary or marriage notices, without | paying for them rs advertisements; be sides, bo should be excluded from all posts of trust, profit or honor. The man who attempts to run for office without taking a county paper, should be struck with string-halt, ringbone, and spavin, all at once, if there be no other way to beat him. The man who orders a paper discontinued without paying up, is an unrelieved sneak, and ought to be set afloat on a peeled saw-log, and landed “on the other side of Jurding.” The man who takes a paper and pays for it in advance, or which is well enough, within the year, is a gentleman and a good citizen in every sense of those terms, and deserves well of his country. Mail Lettings.— The Postmaster Gen eral made known, on Wednesday last, his decisions on the proposals received for mail services in the States of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mary land and Ohio, for the regular contract time of four years from the first of July next. The following gentlemen re ceived the contracts in our county: From Rockville to Burnsville, Rknjamin Dooly —s3B9; from Laurel to Rrookville, RrciiAun ,S. Kirkb—o4oo; from Hood's Mill frt'Unity, R. 11. McCleayb; from Mount Airy to Damascus—no bid; from Washington to Rockville, Francis D. J*. Leonard —sl4s; from Rockville to Fred erick, F. D. P. Leonard $295 Democratic National Con vknvjon.- The hall of Smith k Nixon, at Cincin nati, capable of seating 2.000 persons, has been selected as the place to hold the Democratic National Convention. Mu. Fillmore’s Acceptance.— The American Orydn mutra that a letter has been received by a gentleman of Washing ton from Mr. Fillmore, in w hich lie says lie has not received the official announce ment of his nomination, hut that ho is at tho service of his friends. A*' Senator Docolas will accent our thanks for Public Documents received , Xit As the sultry days of Summer are approaching, a little good advice, ap propriate to that fiery season, will not, perhaps, prove unserviceable to “ grown children.” Imprimis, then, if you are an old bachelor, or an elderly virgin, of warm J temperament, get married before the ar rival of dog-days. The marriage state is admirably adapted to tho condition of persons of warm and vigorous constitu tions—enabling the recipients of its ad vantages to keep cool and pleasant, liachelors may depend on it, that they will, should they venture in it, have two clean shirts at least each week, while now they have only one ; their sheets will be nicely aired; their pantaloons kept wholesome, tidy, and neatly patched; all their little rips will be mended gratis, as the cobblers say; their stockings will be well darned; the chinches kept out of the seams of their garments; and, be sides, they will have their beads well combed by their wives, if they are too lazy to comb them themselves. We will merely remark further, that, after mar riage, they will be at no loss for some one to talk to, and may let their unruly member run on like a clock, meal-times | not excepted—winding up only at late bed-time. As the warm weather approaches sin-' gle ladies should not carry more than an hundred yards of ribbon on their bonnets; nor ought they to go a-sliopping with more—,, what d’ye call ’em”—than they ! can conveniently squeeze through the store doors. Old gentlemen who attend church will find it exceedingly comfortable to take a largo dog with them tn repose their heads on during sermon time ; they ought to be cautious not to snore so loud as to set their neighbor’s dogs to barking, or dis turb the slumbers of tho rest of the con gregation ; nor ought any one, however 1 heavy may be his eyelids, allow himself : to sink into dear oblivious sleep until the preacher has read his text, at least. ; Should a lady sitting before you, spread her shawl on the back of her scat, you will find a comfortable position for your \ legs by resting your feet on tho shawl. Persons, males, in mourning for fifti eth cousins, will not wear on their hats more than fifty yards of black crape— | nor will females put more than six times ! that, amount in their mourningdresess. In order to keep up a gentle perspira i tion during the summer, be sure to ob- 1 serve that salutary and benevolent j j custom which enjoins that you keep not less than a gallon of liquor always j ! on hand. ; Should there he any mudliolcs in town, conservators of the public health may de pend that, if left to gangrene in the sun, I no harm can possibly result to the swine which wallow in them, whatever two \ logged bipeds may suffer from the ma j laria they engender, nor can they be j filled up or drained off without detriment j to the practice of medicine. In purchasing a hat, he governed by | circumstances. If married, you are j bound to shelter and defend your partner , from the sun and rain; hut it is not ab | solutcly requisite that you should encum ber your scalp with a hat, the brim of ; which is wider in circumference than a ! large umbrella. The practice of smohing is a healthful one, in hot weather, as it rids the system I of superabundance of saliva, anil consc- I quently prevents excessive,' vulgarly termed sweating. First, pro- j vide yourself with, a cane sapling, not more than twenty-five feet in length, nor; so thick at the end to he held in the mouth as to split the face from car to car. ! Take a chair and seat yourself outside of your kitchen, facing the chimney. Call for a servant and hid him knock through i a brick in the chimney, and place an ! armful of damp leaves or straw on the ■ j fire—which done, you may thrust your | pipe into the aperture, and smoke away witk great gusto, and at no expense at j all. Should you he of a courteous, social j disposition, you can invite your female ! friends to come, bring their sewing or j babies, and smoke a month at your ! chimney. Should you, unfortunately, be chal longed, during the hot months, take the matter as coolly ns possible ; arm your- j self with a large syringe ; provide yottr- | self with a largo washtub ; invite your j antagonist to accoutre himself in thel j same manner, and meet you at some' stream, and take satisfaction suitable to' the weather. If, in this way you do not | cool your adversary’s will cool! i his blood, and not subject his noxious friends to funeral expenses. X-fT The. Charlotte (N. C.) Democrat says: “Know-nothiugism is responsible! for the abolitionism of Congress. Our, : southern Know-nothings now elaim only ' ' a party of about thirty members in the ! House of Representatives; hut before | they became ashamed of their northern brethren they boasted of having a ma jority in that body of at least fifty.” XJ!' The colmed Know-nothings of Ohio, a few days since, called a State Convention, to be bold at Columbus, on the lf!*th of .May. Their white brethren, not to he outdone in patriotic labors have i called theirs for the 27th of -May, two i days in advance i TIIE PHILADELPHIA ELECTION. The result of the Philadelphia muni cipal election, which took place on Tucs- ! day last, is another conclusive evidence 1 of the rapidly dying power of the Know nothing faction. The Philadelphia vio j tory over that false and malignant polit ical heresy is nearly complete. Loss | than two years ago the secret order man aged to carry that great city by a ma jority of some nine thousand, and now they arc overwhelmingly defeated ! Less i than two years ago they came into power ; with every demonstration of rejoicing, and now they have fallen so low that there are none so poor as to do them rev erence. Less than two years ago their newly-elected Mayor erected the standard of political proscription and religious I bigotry at the very doors of Independ-! cnee Hall, and now a whole community revolts from tho disgraceful and humili ating sequel. The best men of the Whig party, who might have tolerated this new scheme at first, now stand aloof or openly, denouuec it. In spite of the vast patronage brought to bear, the final catastrophe has been achieved, and the secret conspiracy perishes upon the theatre of its proudest triumph. Tho victory of Tuesday last was not a mere party victory —n any honest Whigs have aided to bring about the happy result. All honor to the noble-hearted Demo crats of the. North. Already are they buoyant with fresh courage, and eager I (o fohow their time-honored standard fb | the next Presidential conflict. They arc rc.dy to unite on a common national platform with their brethren of the | I South, and they are resolved by the union j to achieve a common national triumph in the contest of 1856. They will stand 1 and act together on that platform, and j the result will add another proof that the safety of the federal Union is in the i union of tho national Democracy. WII.MTIOTON MPNIPAL ELECTION.— ! The whol Democratic ticket was elected in Wilmiigton on Tuesday last, by 80 majority. At the last election the Know-' nothings eirriod it by over 200 majority. Elkton, Mo.— Wo learn that at the | election for Commissioners at Elkton on Monday, tin Democratic candidates were chosen by mar fifty majority. JC-f Fron the Atlanta (Gcnrein) In telligencer we learn that Mr. Whitaker (Dem.) is dieted city judge over W. 11. • Underwood, (K. N.) Last fall the j Know-nothings carried the city of Atlan ta by a large majority. Bgoonv Dost.—We learn that, on Saturday last, a duel was fought on the line of North and South Carolina, be tween Dr. Wikins and Mr. Flanner, a commission merchant, both of Wilming ton, North (Jaioliua. On the first fire, the ball of the latter out off a part of the Doctor’s ear ; the second fire put his ball through the Doctor’s hat. Nothing daunted, tho later coolly remarked that his hat was a imv one—and desired that it should not bi aimed at. Tho seconds here interposed and used their best ef forts to reconcile the difficulty, hut with out success. "lie combatants then re sumed, when tie ill-fated Doctor was killed at tho firs. fire. The quarrel orig inated on politicil grounds. Skxator Don lass. —The Washington correspondent "f the Baltimore Sun says : “lion. Judge Douglass has conveyed to the Baptist delominatinn of Chicago, Illinois, ten acrei of land—a grove— beautifully situat'd within the city limits, | for the purpose if erecting thereon a j university—with a condition that the trustees shall lay he foundation of the edifice during the approaching fall, and | spend annually towards the building 025,00 ft until completed. The value of the land is estimated at 050,000. The Judge has also male a handsome dona i tion to the new Thrtoenth street Baptist church in Washington city.” Practical Amaisamatiox. —The lib i erty allowed under ft vs of Massachusetts for intermarriages hitween the white and black races is hut rarely taken advantage ;of in Boston. A fe* days since a col ored man of twenty-light years, born in Norfolk, Virginia, was married to a white girl of nineteci years. Formerly such marriages were forbidden by law there, but the prohibition had no practi i cal effect. Crops. —Accounts if the state Unil ; prospects of the growing crops in Ohio, ; Michigan. Illinois, Wiieonsin and Now York,concur in representing averygrat | ifying state of things; :nd it is predicted ! that the yield of breads uffs the present y ear will greatly exceec that of the pre ! vious one. Foh Kansas. —Abott one hundred j families will leave Louiivillc, Ky., for their now homes in Praise City and its vicinity, about the first o’ June next.— A large company, it is tail, composed J prieipally of citizens of I/juisville, have ! "If a town in Kansascalled Prairie j City. ; f'l.moiiimj ix April.—The Oreen j brier Kra says that there vns fincsleigh ing at Nicholas Court IJouse, Vn„ on the 24th ult., snow having fallen the day previous to the depth of seven inches. I'hc Know-liuthiig party in Washington city, on Mondsylnst, imUM S.laH 11. Hill, Ksq., „„ its cnmli ilato for Mayor of that city. X“- The Frederick Old. ) Herald says the pro-;peels f,,r an abundaat harvest never were,better in that ooanty than now K-4F The Hon. Philip T. lleriikrt, member of Congress from California, I shot dead, the head waiter, of Willard’s | Hotel. Washington, on Thursday last. ! An investigation of the affair is now going on. The Baltimore Fun of yesterday quotes fair to good white wheat at $1 filial 05; 1 inferior red and white at $1 OOnl 15. —— Dcatljs. Died, on Thursday last, tho 7th in stant, CHARLEF BECKWITH, in the J 07th year of his age His funeral will take place this morn ing, at 10 o’clock, from his late residence. Died, ou Monday last, ill Washington city, NELSON R. ROBERSON, aged about 37 years. &■s" The members of the Delta Theta Literary Society of Rockville Academy, intend holding a public debate, on FRI DA } E 1 ESI NO, the 23 d day of Aim/, 1850, in the Court House, comnieacipg at 7 o’clock, on which occasion the Hon. i R. J. Bowie will, address them. The | public arc most respectfully invited to attend. It. 11. CARTER, Sec'y. BSDSE-fAIISTilfli I fillUK. TIIE subscriber respectfully informs the I citizens of .Montgomery couuty, that lie I has commenced the HOUSE PAINTING AM) ! OliAZlXt} BUSINESS. lie assures tho public I that all work entrusted to him shall ho done | in a workman-like manner,with despatch, and on terms that cannot fail to please. All orders j addressed to him at Laytunsrillc, Montgomery j county, Mil., will he promtly attended to may 10 Ora CHARLES A. PORK. NOTICE. 11l AYE placed in tho hands of Kil aont c( \ or.\o, Notes and Accounts. | due mo for Printing and Merchandize), j with instructions to collect them at the ! shortest notice, as lay old business must bo closed without delay. JOHN RRADDOOK. Those (iHlelited, as above, are hereby notified that the undersigned must obey instructions, as business ar rangements require it. All claims, therefore, not arranged upon presentation will bo placed in legal course of collection, may 10-Ct Kll/1 OUR & YOUNG. m SICA L lASTIU lIEYT ESTABLISHMENT. The. (rrco.t Put no Forte, Music and Mu - steal Instrument Krtahlishmcnt of Washington* I). C. TIIK AIW Kilt IRE! I it begs leave to inform & fa h* B friends and the • U * public in general, that he has converted \ua inum-une Stoic into a Piano Forte, Music nml Musical Instrument Establishment, and intends keeping in future, solely and exclusively a first class PI A NO AND MUSIC STORE. 11c has just returned from Boston and New York, w hore lie has visited all the principal manufactories, and from them selected with grout caic a large stock, and made arrangement to receive semi-monthly supplies; and the stock will always oe the largest ever offered in any Southern citv.— Consisting of Grand, Parlor Grand Louis XIV, Square, Round, and other styles of PIANOS. We w arrant and guarantee every Instrument wc soil; take old instruments of anv kind In part payment; accept good endorsed notes, or make liberal discounts for cash. We shall always have on hand the largest variety of Music, Moiodeons, Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Violinccllofl, Piano Stools and Covers. Darios, Tamborincs, Tuning Forks, Music. Rooks and Paper, firings, Rows, etc. etc. Gur Store is No. .'UHi Pennsylvania Av enue, between oth and 10th streets, near Sa vings Rank. Give us a call and examine our stock. Remember the Great Piano and Music ft! ore of may 10-tf JOHN F. ELLIS. TRUSTEE’S SALE BY virtue of tho provisions of n deed of trust from Henry W. Har rington anil Adalinc Harrington, his wife, to tho subscriber, Lewis Welch, dated April 18th, in the year 1853, and now upon record amongst tho land re cords of Montgomery County, tlnf sub scriber, as Trustee, will offer at public sale, to tho highest bidder, for cash, on Honda) , Hit* llli day of An gusj next, at 12 o’clock, M., on the premises, the lands mentioned in said deed, lying and being in said Montgomery County in the State of Maryland, on the Biver Road, near the Cabin John Mills, ad joining the lands of Gnstavus White, John Moore, and others, and containing 118 Acres and 3 Roods OF LAND, more or less; of a good soil, with about forty acres of first-rate OAK ANbyiM’KORY WOOD. The Cabin Jolin passeK through these lands. There are no improvements except a small house recently erected. LEWIS WELCH, may 10—bi. Trustee. NOTICE. r1 Ml E undersigned, the Commissioners -*■ appointed by the Circuit Court for Moutgouiery county, sitting as a Court of Equity, to divide the Real Estate of Thomas Hull, deceased, late of Mont gomery county, according to the Acts to direct descents in tho State of Mary land, by virtue of a commission issued in the case of Elizabeth K Hall, Thomas R. Hall and others, vs. David If. Bouic and wife, do hereby notify ail concerned, that they will meet on the premises, on WEUNEHDA V, the \\th of Jam nr A, to execute said commission. CEO. W. DAWSON, DEO. W CHIHWKLL, JOHN C LOTT, JOSEPH BREWER. JOHN JONES, may 10—td Commissioners. Notice to Creditors. NOTICE i* hereby given that the *ub**riber' him obtained from the Orphans’ Court j of Montgomery county letters testamentary on the personal (state of Onto Maokuokii, late of mid county, deceased. All J>er*on having i claim* against said dewaxed are bc-ieby! warned to exhibit the Slype with the vouchee thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 3d j day of May, lfif>7; otherwise, they may, j by taw, lx* excluded from all benefit of Mid estate. Person - indebted to said estate ire requested to midi e immediate payment, (liven under iny hand this 20th dav of April. 185(1. EDWIN* M. MUNCASTKR, may —it Executor LANDS AT VSIVDIIB. BY virtue of a decree of tho Circuit Court for Montgomery county, as a Court of Equity,in the case of Levi T. I Hyatt, Administrator with the will.nn noxed, of Asa Hyatt, deceased, and Will son L. Foper and wife, the subscriber as Trustee, will expose to public sale, at the Court-house door, Oil Tm**day, tlic Bril (lay of JUNE NEXT, all those LANDS yingnnd being in the county aforesaid, which were conveyed by Asa Hyatt and wife to Willson L. Foper, and Violetta, his wife, by Deed dated May 14tb, 1847, and recorded in the Land Records of Montgomery county. I liber F. T. S., No. 3, folio 61), lying on tho left band side of tlm main road leading from Frederick to Rockville, about 1.1 miles from Hyattstown, and 2.1 miles from Clarksburg, having a large and commodious Dwelling House, Barn, Tobacco House, Ac. ku. TERMS OF SALE.—One-half of the | purchase money in hand, or on tho rati fication of the sale ; the residue, in twelve I months; tho whole to bear interest and I lie secured by bonds or single bills of the | purchaser,with sureties to he approved by I the Trustee. On the ratification of the sale, and the payment of the whole pur chase money, the Trustee will convey to 1 the purchaser at his cost, the lands sold, j free, clear and discharged of all claims i and demands of the parties to thiscouso, ! of all persons claiming under them. RICHARD J. BOWIE, may 10—ts Trustee. ROCKVILLE, AUYLAXD. TIIF SUBSCRIBER returns his thanks tn the citizens of Montgomery county and the public: generally for tile very liberal patron age lie bus remin d sinn* he* has been keeping public house in Rockville, and would avail himself of this occasion to inform them that, ow ing to the decline in the price of provisions, he has been enabled to make a considerable re duction in hi* charges, as will he seen by the following scale : Board liy the single week - - - §,:! OO Board by the day ------ 75 Dinner nml gallon oat.c for horse - 37A tSuppcr, breakfast and lodging, and horse over-night ----- 100 IDS TABLE will at all times be furnished with the best in the market; his Bar with the choicest Liquors, and his Stable attended toby careful and ftttentiye Ostlers. In fine, the sub scriber pledges himself that no pains shall be spared on his pari to minister to tho comfort and satisfaction of alt who favor him with u call. JARRETT ALMONY. may 3 —tf $250 REWARD. IOST. on the 24th ultimo, near the Market Jin Georgetown,nr on tin* road to Drovers’ Beit, a Roll of BANK NOTES, containing about ci-iht hundred dollars. A portion the notes were on tho Bank of Metropolis, and the balance on the Farmers and Mechanics Bank. I w ill give the above reward to any one wlm w ill return the money to me, or to , 111 v brother at Drovjrs’ Rest. may 3— tf WM. A. ME A NS, .Tn. NOTICE. PKRHONB indebted to I’. J. Onnnell for fees in Berry’s, (Vacklin, Clarks burg anu Medley’s Dittricls nro hereby 1 notified that if they are not paid before tho 15th of Mny.l will proceed to collect them in tho shortest notice, without re spect to persons. W. W. ALLEN, Dep’y may 3 For F. J. Cornel, Late Sh’ff. PARASOLS &. UMBRELLAS. T(' IST received, direct from the manuftictur •l cr'n, '"ii 1 teellcnf a dfrtnu nt of PA PA SOLS AND T’MRtIELLAS, to which we call the attention of purchasers, may 3 WM. BHADDOCK k CO. Slone Ware. II’ST ri- civi-il a large simply nf .STONE PITCHERS, JARS, Mil,g RANK. .IUUK. Etc. WM. ItKAIHIOI'K & CO. limy f VOW 01*K\ I\, A KINK assortment of STONE CHINA and Liverpool Ware. iua,v J WM. WIADJJOffK .J CO. Ploughs & Castings. ru ST received a general assortment of Minor and Horton’s PLOUGHS and PLOUGH HASTINGS, direct from the manufacturer’*, to which wo invite the attention*of fanner*, may 3 WM. BUADDOCK Ac CO. PATENT JII.IMCIAFS! ALL of thefnost popular PATENT MEDI CINES enu he found with W. BRADDOCK k CO. Who are also Agent* for Hollingsworth's [Celebrated FLOATING BALLS, or Knuckle Washing Machine, One of which wc have now in use, and can be seen by any one wishing to purchase, may 3 WM. BRADDOCK k CO. NOTICE. ( I’ITIE undersigned, citizen* of Mnnt- JL ginnery county, hereby give notice, that they will, on TUESDA V, the 17 th tiny of June next , petition the Commis sioners of said comity, for a road to be opined, beginning at or near Kemp’s Mill, and running through the lauds of! William C. Pierce, John P. Dodge, Dr. \ Washington I 'avail, the Misses Dunohue, | Henry Harding, and others, over the nearest and most practicable route to j intersect the Washington turnpike road, . at or near Samuel C. Ycir’s Mill, oi l Mrs. Noland's Bridge. H. O. JUGGINS, W. DUVALL, TilOH. FAWCETT, EDWARD DAWES, JOHN T. BAKER, TIKtS. REYNOLDS, ELBERT SHAW, JOHN HARDING, Ji. 11. MARLOW, inny 3-Ul And other*. Notice to Creditors. |VT OTICK is hereby given that the subscriber J.l hath obtained from the Orphan*’ Court of Montgomery county h iters test amen trtff on ilia personal estate of ICLIKH A W. WILLIAMS,' late cf ••’H county, dccenaod. All person* having claim* against said decauxcd are hereby warned to the aMW with the vouchers thereof, to The subscriber, on or before the lbth day of April, 1H57 : otherwise they mv, by law, be < xeluded from all benefit of said estate. Persons indebted to said estate are re <pn -ted to itiake immediate payment. Given under my hand this 15th day or April, lH5t. J up lit— It JANE WILLIAMS, Executrix. • Commissioners Notice. ORDERED, this 21>tli day of April, 1856, by the •Commissioner* for Montgomery Comity, that, in all petitions for opening, closing, or altering roads, where the examiners make an unfavor able report, the expenses incurred shall be paid by the petitioners. Persons petitioning for roads, arc re- . ferred to the following sections of an Act ( passed at January session, 1853, Chap. 220, Fee. 8 : , “ And Iw it enacted, That the county , commissioners, to whom the return as aforesaid shall he made, shall determine whether the damages adjudged by the 1 examiners us aforesaid, shall he paid by the persons petitioning for the said road or roads, or levied on the county, or may direct the said damages to he paid by the i petitioner and the county, in such pro- i portion as the county commissioners may | deem just. ‘‘Sec. 12, “And be it enacted, That | the said examiners shall 1 o entitled to ( receivo a compensation for their services ( and attendance not exceeding two dol lars a day, to be ascertained by the | county commissioners to which the plot i or certificate with other proceedings shall | be returned, which, together with all i charges arising from the survey or at-', tendance of witnesses, or other expenses, shall, in the discretion of the said county commissioners, he paid by the petitioners, or levied, collected and paid by the j, county, or apportioned between the pe titioners and tho county us heretofore ', directed.” Ordered, by the Commissioners (hat a ! copy of tlie above order and extracts from tho law he published once a week ! for three weeks in each of tho news- 1 papers published in the county. Copy test: U. FORK EFT, may 3-3 t Clerk to Com’rs. Tin tin SALE. BY virtue of a decree of tho Circuit Court for Montgomery county, sit ting as a Court of Equity, in a cause in 1 Haiti Court pending, in which Lonthnnncr Hull and others arc complainants, and ! William Fayer is defendant, I will expose 1 to public sale, to the highest bidder, at tho Court-house door inltnckille, On Tuesday, Ih<* 2Hli day of May, instant, at the hour of 11 o’clock, A. M., the ( Real Estate in said proceedings men- ( tioned, consisting of Four or 5 Acres of Land, 1 on the road leading from the Cross Roads, on the Washington Turnpike, to Dr. Benjamin Duvall’s Mill, commonly known as Newport Mills. The improvements are a sub- A32S| .slanted ONE HTORY LOG I.m.iM DWELLING, two rooms above und two below, with a good Log Kitchen. TERMS OF SALE.—One-third of the purchase money tube paid in cash on the day of salo or on the ratification thereof by the Circuit Court of Mont gomery county, as a Court of Equity, ihc residue in equal instalments in one and two years from the day of sale, hear ing interest from the day of sale, and the payment thereof to he secured by the bonds of the purchaser, with a surety or sureties to be approved by the Trustco. j And on the ratification of said sale by j the Circuit Court for Montgomery coun-j ty, as a Court of Equity, and the pay- 1 ment of the whole purchase money, (and j not before,) thu said Trustee by a good | and sufficient deed, to be executed and . acknowledged agreeably to law, will | convey to the purchaser of said proper-, ty, and to his or her heirs, at his or her cost, the properly to him or her sold, j • free, clear and discharged of all claim of tho parties to this cause, and of any per son or persons claiming by, from or un der them. IVrsonn wishing to piircltnuo will rail on Tlionmu 11. Kabhitt, Turner Alfred Hall, or Wm. Saver. W. V. HO I TIC, in ay 3—ts Truntco. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. I WISH to inform my customers and the pub lie generally, that I have just returned from Baltimore with the largest and best umirtincuf i of GOODS I have ever had the pleasure of allowing them; and I shall endeavor to keep up inv stock throughout the season, ho im to he I aide to supply all who limy favor me with their patronage. The following is a part only of which I have received this week—such a* KY GOODS, HATS AND GADS, HOOTS AND HOOKS, LIQUORS, HARDWARE, DRUGS, FAINTS, OILS, AND PINE OIL, Etc. Etc. all of which will he ►old an low they can la: purchased in the county or District of Colum bia. Call and examine my stock, april lit I>. H. BOUIC. NOTICE. rTUIE undersigned, citizen* of Mont- J ginnery county, hereby give notice, that they will, on TUESDA F, the. 17 th of June next, petition tho Uoumiission el* of . a.<l county to clone the county road, purporting to lead to Beltsville, beginning at John Harding’*, on the Cob ' ville road, and pus-dug through the lundif of John Bureroft, Mr*. Ann Brown, Mi** Ann Dawe* and William Burford, on to the Prince George’* line, where it atop*. JOHN II CULVER, B II MAHLOW, T. Y. CONNELLY, N. I*. MOORE, -IAS. P. SOPKIt, 'J’IIOH. CANBY, JOHN PORTER may 3-tnl • And other*. ESTRAYS. CAMIt toth* .utmerilior'*. on or 'xiCSvi .it. out tin: ZOthof tin entlier liot, 11 IT ru n s7’}, l,Ji.s, in.tii nutrlud .iU*j mi uiidvi bit in each ear ; *nppo*ed to he j about three year* old. The owner i*; requested to come forward, prove proper ty, liny charge*, and take tin to away. WILLIAM T JONES juu 1, 1850. [may 3-3 t TRUSTEE’S SALE. BV virtue of a Decree nf tho Circuit Court for Montgomery county, sit ting as a Court of Equity, in a cause in said court pending, in which Win. V. Bouie and others are complainants, und Sarah E. R. Kahle, administratrix of Samuel Locke, lute of said county, de ceased, are defendants, the subscriber will expose to public sale, to tho highest bidder— Oil Tuesday. I Ik* 20lh day of ill ay nest. at 11 o’clock A. M.. on the premises, a M HOUSE and LOT, ■ ■IB situated in the eastern part of i—IM. the q\,wn 0 f Rockville, one door west of the residence of Mr. Wal ter If. Adamson, and nearly opposite the Store of Mr. David 11. Bouie. TERMS OF SALE.—One-half of the purchase money to bu paid hi hand on the day of sale, and the residue in twelve months, to bear interest from tho day nf sale and tho payment thereof to he secured by the note of tho purchaser, I with a surety or sureties to he approved i by the Trustee. On the ratification of the said sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery couu ty, as a Court of Equity, and the pay , meat of tho whole purchase money, (and : not before,) the Trustee will convey to 1 the purchaser, and to his or her heirs, at j his or her cost, by a good and sufficient ! deed, to he executed and acknowledged agreeably to law, the property to him or her sold, free, clear and discharged of I all claims of the parties to this cause, | and of any person or persons claiming by, from or under them. W. V Ellis BOUTC, apr 20-ts Trustee. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. (,'o-|iiiitiin*liip existing he -1 tween ITMIMIJIIiV NORTON, in tho Carpenter and Undertaking Uuainc**, i* llii* day, by mutual consent, dissolved. Persons indebted to the late firm, are re. qnestod to make immediate payment. The accounts have been placed in tho hands of Messrs. Bukwkk & Pktkk for collection. PUMPIIREY k NORTON, april 1!) JC-tf" The httsiness, in nil its various branches, will he tarried on as usual, at tho old stand, by the undersigned, 110 takes this occasion to return his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage hereto fore extended, and hopes, by strict at tention to business to merit a continu ance of the same. WM. E. PUMPIIREY. april 2(l—tf SPRING and SUMMER DRY GOODS. n, mv \. HO MonUt miilc Ilritlgchil. (1 El) HUE TO II jV, I). <’. H AH rcucivcd, per recent arrivals from New York Hint I’liibululpliia, a largo and very complete an, oi tiiicnt of SPRING AND .SUMMER GOODS, to wbich he. nil Is the attention of bi* Mont uomkuy cthtomekh, and ill I oilier* who mako their purehn.-B** In the District. Having pur cliiiaeaa grmtiminv verv desirable Goodasrltm NEW YORK AND IMIILADELIMIIA AUC TIONS, he b ; prepared to otter very great BARGAINS to CASH BUYERS. In the ua- I Hortinent will be found— | Rich col’d Spring ityfu Dress Silks and Robes; I BiHchofth k Semper fdcan Black Silkit; ) Rich Rerege, Organdie and Lawn Robes; j ('rape Meretis (black and colored,) ! Lupin* blk Mode* mid bright eol'd Bereges j Black and bright eol’d (,'lmlloysand .Moiiailn do I Lainof.: ’ Uieh printed and striped Clialley and Berego do Lai lies; Bl’k Satin tiiped Tissues and plain Grenadine*; I Bl’k Bombay,ines, Alpuciib ami EnglLsk Grapes; , j Ricli French Organdie Lawns and Muslins; IMain col’s and printed Freiich Lawn*; Plain, green, blue, pink and.buff French Cam bric*; 150 pieces Portsmouth and Engli.sli Lawns, (fa:t colors,) at 12jc; 50 piece* new style English and French (Jing liarn.s; ?,() piece* LnticasfCT and Tmnortad do., at 12§c 200 pieccrt Hoyle English Culirocj. at 12k; 30 piece* neat, style*, white and eol’d Brilliautn; 75 pieces plaid and striped Muslin*; 100 piece plain, Swinw, Nain-ook and Mull do; I 40 piece* figured ami dotted Muslins: ; 50 pities Jaconet ami Cambric Muslin*; 125 Parasols, (all color* and prices;) ! 200 pieces plain and striped Bonnet und Ka*h Ribbons; i 250 dozen ladies’, iniwr*’, gent*’ and boy*’ Hose and Half-Hose; ; 50 do/.cii Jlaiou*A Alexander’* Kid Glove*; j 100 do/am Silk. Lisle thread and Cotton (.loves, (Indie*', gents' and mi**e*’; j 200 dozj*n Ladies’ Linnen Cambric I.'d’kfk, (hetu-stitched and plain;) 75 Gents’ w hite and col d. iiordercl, do. Mohair, Gmss, .Manilla and Corded Skirt*; Black Lace aild Silk Mantilla*, (new style;) Stella, Cashmere and Thibet Shawls a Scarft; Lace, Kmh’d, Muslin and Caudiric Sets, (col lar* tindalcsves:) Worked Dollars, in great variety, curat: Worked Muslin and Cambric Bands and Ruffles; Lace Falls, Grenadine, Tissue and Btregu, (for Veils;) Black and white Lawns, Ginghams, and En glish prints; w ith u first rate assortment of GKNTLKMKNS’ AND BOYS’ WKAIL Cloths, Ca simen I>iilfing'f*, Tweeds, Linens, Cottonades, V sting*, etc. With a complete assortment of Table Cloths, : Table DifTmodc, Damask Napkins, Bird Eye, 1 lack aback Toweling, wil’d bordered Towels, Linen und Cotton Slieetingu Pillow Cotton and Linen*, Bright plaid Table Covering, Cloth and Linen Table and Piano Cover*; I cuse S. Y. Mill* Shirting Cotton; 1 ease Bati n .Mills, (undrcHHcd;) I case Lomdale, fine at I2|e; I 1 ease extra soft finish, monufactufed for J. If. Hhoot, 12^c; 1 ease, very heavy, do do, 12Jo; with a varl- I ety of lower grades, from tl| to 10c; i 50 piece* Bi< liard*orw, Dunbar, Dickerson, and other mm Irish Lineiru J :;o dozen stHehcd SHIRT BOSOMS; Also, a large as ortment of the very l*e*t makes of brown Colton*, Osnaburgs, TwHIAI I Duck, striped Osnabiirg*, plaid Cottons, Far m<*rx Drills etc.: to whi< haddition* of FUKSII I GOODS arc made throughout the H'msou. js<t* Afl good* sold warranted a* repre sented. * ap nv-y JOHN If. SMOOT. Faints, Oils, &c. 11 NT RE( El V ED.- Iwwb W hite l^ad, (pure,) ChroiiH) tellow, Cbitime Parisian Green, Linued Oil, Turpentine, etr. Auo Ethcrial and Pirn* Oil; Patent fatiup Oil; Kponi and Glnuhrr Salts ; Vnsteng IdnL nwMit; CreKiii Tartar: Hot and While (‘hulk; Blue HlOf.e; Um| p/ecipilate; Ca I Chcmil ftl, h nil Jb*in Nvai , Etc. Fur sale by uprii 2‘i D 11. BOUIC.