Newspaper Page Text
miscellaneous. “ Sact.ami;*to Sl'OKT.”—As if to illli- ! fate the Spaininrds’ method of obtaining amusement, over 3,000 persons recently , assembled within on amphitheatre in Sacramento to witness a fight between on imineiists grizzly bear, weighing 2,000 nonnds, and an untamed Spanish bull.— j The hear—a huge misshapen creature—j was chained by his leg to a post in the ; centre of the ring. The hull was then J let out, hut the animals seemed to have ] more consideration for each other than ; the brutes who looked on, inasmuch as they evidently had no hostile intentions. ; lie made one plunge at the hear, and , was caught by the latter tightly around i the neck, who held him a few minutes, when he disengaged himself, and they ( separated, gazing at each other compla- , eently. Every method was adopted to i make the animals tight; hut none with 1 success. Missiles were thrown, lighted hunches , of fire-crackers placed in close relation ship to their faces, hut the brute* resolute- ' ly refused to mangle and tear to pieces 1 1 each other for the purpose of edifying a j crowd of amusement seekers. Theaudi-!: enec finally remunerated themselves for the outlay necessary for admission by killing the animals themselves. The manager of the affair would have disap pointed no one if ho had simply an nounced that there would ho a fight be tween blood-thirsty brutes, without spe cifying the species of the animals who were to participate therein. A Pai'hktic iScbnk.*—The Milwakie American publishes the following inci dent : The wife of one of our sailors on the accent wreck was upon the deck with an infant, only three weeks old in her arms, to loam if her husband was alive or drowned. She was in a state bordering on frenzy. On beingtold that ho was dead, she gave one b(#g sob of agony; while the blue eyes of the babe were turned smiling ly to her face, sliti cried in accents of most heart-thrilling dispair, “O! is he gone, am I alone, is he dead—drowned? Is my man gone, and will he never come to me?” In this state she returned to her deso late home, no one ventured to offer words of sympathy. The light and warmth of this poor woman’s life had gone out for ever. All through the long hours she sat weeping and rocking to and fro, and pressing her child to her heart, for it was ill, till midnight. Then she heard a feeble step and a knock at the door; she said, “Who's there?” “It's J,” the familiar voice replied. She gave a scream of joy and admitted Iter husband. Nothing could exceed the woman's frantic delight. She threw herself upon j the floor and wept, and clung to her hus-! hand’s neck and laughed till the tears ! came again. Such a happy re-union was a foretaste of heaven. Love like this can but he repaid with a lifetime of devotion. The sailor, it seems, laid left the wreck and at the imminent peril of his life reached the shore and had walked twenty miles ere he reached his home. Noble Spirits. The following savors much of Douglas Jorrohl, and is a worthy sentiment: We love nolle men. i'ull them this way and the other, and they only bend, never break. Trip them down, aial in u trice they arc on their f t again. ISury them in the mud, and in an hour they would he out and bright. You can not destroy them, they are the salt of the earth. IV ho but they start, any noble! project? 'They build our cities', whiten the ocean with their sails, and Idaeken the heavens with the smoko of theircars. Look to them, young men, and catch the snarl: of their energy, and .when you feel the blood run Warm in your hearts at the thought of some noble purpose, do not let its flow he checked, even though the world bo ever so censorioss, or mis judging ; and though you may have seen many, a brave heart lacerated at tin world’s heartlessnesa falter not, hut pi *css on—try the steep pass; up, up its rag ged summit, and you shall attain its highest station. A Hfmkdy rou Lock-Jaw.—A cor respondent iu an exchange writes: “ 1 have noticed lately several deaths by lock-jaw, and for the information of all, I will give a certain remedy. When any one runs a nail or any sharp iron in anv part of his body, take a common smoke pipe. tiff it with tobacco, light it well, then take a cloth or silk handkerchief place it over the howl of the pipe, and blow the smoko through the stem into the wound ; two or three pipefulls will be sufficient to set the wound discharging. I have tried it myself, and five others, and found it gave immediate relief. If the wound has been some days striding, it will open again if the tobacco is good. Try it any one who may chance to "ot such a wound, (>n Timka.— In Columbia, S. C..the old English customs have not died out. The BtierilTof the Court still goes to the Judges residence attired in a cocked hat, and wearing a sword, to escort his Honor to the Court room ; and the Judge goes oovored with a long silk robe, in which he takes liis seat on tho bench. Habit in a child is at first like a spider’s web, if neglected, it becomes a thread or twine; next a cord or rope; finally a oable; and who can breuk it ? S&T Integrity is the first moral virtue, benevolence the second, and prudence the third; without the first, the two hit * * esnnet exist, ssil flic l**”* former tho latter would be often useless. Paints, Oils, &c. TI sT htTßlVED.—Lewis’s White Lead ! ( pure I Chrome Yellow, Chrome Green i arm.,,,, Green. UlusW (lit, Turpentine, etc. mi T nn ' l Piw Patent L imp G I Lp-mu un,l Glatilicr Salts ; MnsUug Uni ,, ‘ v r r"'o Tl | r o' : "'hhv Chalk; Precipitate; Castile. Chemical, amt Koala Soups, Lie. lor nt IJVl JV •Pd' L> if hoCIC. j COUNTY AD YE JIT ISEM EN TS. McCORMICK’S COMBINED MPlffi ffl liWII VA7T. KI'.SI'I'.CTIT LL\ inform the Farmers V of Montgomery county that we Imvc the KXCLt'SIVK AHUNOV for supplying them with this invaluable Machine, for ISSO, and so- J licit their early orders. In Inlying McC(IiIMICK’S REAPING \N'D MOWING .MACHINE, voe mask no kxckui vu.vr. It Inis been long in use and well tested. The whole world knows it to be tho lest must com], Me working aiul thoroughly reliable Machine in use. It is very substantially made, with heavy wrought iron liny, r-bcam, serrated siekle-cdgell Cutter, very sold.mi requiring to be ground ; the Reel draws up the grain to the Sic kle, land ing it admirably on tbe platform to the linker's hand. It is easily adjusted to out any height of stubble, from one inch to fourteen, without moving a holt. It does its work perfectly and equally so, whether the groin be heavy or light, tangled or fallen, wet or dry, and at any rub’' of speed. In Mowing, the Reel effectually clears the finger-beam of grass and other substances; thus preventing the sieklc from choking, leaving the grass beautifully spread for curing, and requir ing no other hand bat the driver. It cuts a swarth near si? feet wide, and at a fair farm work gait does the work of fire cradle re ami mowers. In evidence of the entire satisfaction this ma chine gives, we stale, that of the 2500 machines made and sold lust year, placed into all kinds of hands, and over the grain growing parts of tile l uited .States, not a single purchaser lias given Mr. McOorinick an intimation of a wish to return his machine. About eighty of our Montgomery Farmers (referred to below) own and use them, all of whom will cheerfully hear testimony to their thorough efficiency in doing their work as well for their great economy in their use by saving labor and cleaner saving of grain and grass : Joseph N Dawson William Cissell ! Henry Young Daniel T White Horatio TruiiHo 15 Jackson Cross Samuel 0 Young Napoleon J 5 Vinson ! Col llob’t T Dade Daniel T Jones Richard Gott. sen Rev CII Nourso Thomas Peter Simon Nicholls Thomas N Lett Robert Dick Henry W Talbott George W Peter Jonathan 15 Henson Leonard Hays 15 15 Pleasants Gassaway Sellman Jesse \ eir.s Perry L Trundle Thoiuns Oxley William O Sellman Isaac Rice Thomas L Jones Stephen N White Frederick S Poolo Nathan S White William J) Poole Dr SNC A\ bite Col JA 15 Leonard •Vfaj George Peter Samuel Dyson Zaehariah Waters F S Key Johnson Henson Joseph Grower Adam lieall James E King Waller Magrudcr Samuel Biggs, of R Uriah Griffith Dr W 15 Magrudcr John IV Darby Remus lliggs Gassaway Watkins Thos Worthington Rushrod Gartroll Hazel 15 Cashed Robert \\ Carter Nathan C Dickerson Edward W Owen Satn’l W Magrudcr j Enoch 15 Hutton W Veits Bouic Patrick Dunohuc Samuel Perry William .'I at thews Julius West John Dawson John Brady Lawrence Alluutt William Price George Darby Samuel <) Dorsey Frederick Dawson Richard II Griffith Edward •Chiswell Charles Holland Ii A Dawson Caleb Stabler Col Benj Shrove Chas A C Higgins THE GRAND GOLD MEDAL \\ ns awarded to this Machine at the Exhibition OF ALL NATIONS at Paris last year in com pel i lion with the other most celebrated Reapers, (union.' them “Manny’s’’ and “Atkin’s Self- Raker, ') the Oommittec after many severe tests, saying: “Tins Macuixk mn tub Work REST j\. t:\txy Tin il.” '1 bis Machine had also awarded to it the first premium, “Tin: Cliikat (.'oi’ncil Mkhal,” at j liie World’s "air, in London, in 1851. \ Farmers will consult their true interests to buy only Tin Machine that lias been well and j 1 thoroughly t ted —known to be yovil and velia- j “Sell-takers” can beaixpected to do sa-I : lutiietory work only ir/ien the conditions of the i ,/run arc fin'll-.tblc, and from tlieir greater com- . plication of machinery nre much more liahle to get out if order. New machines may lie | good, but yut have to run too much risk, mid 1 when the hiuvest comes on, vou have no time then to experiment. PLEASE ORDER EARLY, to insure being suppliid. We will give due attention to putting up ,nd seeing under way every luu j chine sold b u 3. ; Price delivered in Raltimoro. freight tm-reon tu I, paid by the purchaser—sss cash, uilunce payable Ist December next, with inte |H -t mini the Ist of July—ss discount for all cash. by mail promptly attended to. | ASt 1 I I.\ of (lie various parts of the Rea- i per. lor repairing, always on hand ; deposito- ! ; ; V,r I r llls,> be found at Mr. ADAM m.ALI. tv tear Lnytousville. and at the store i ol •"■•••'; lUIKiGINS. Rockville, i .. ’ 'v'" 1 ' T. JUGGINS A BRO. Kxclu he Ag’ts lor Montgomery Co., Md. j | PoolcsvilU, Md., Ajri'rm". C ° l J’ V °- Agricultural Implement : AGENCY. J- T. HIGCINS A BRO. Poolrsiville, Md. J A' jl y '; ■ "-t'OItMICK’S COMBINED RbAPixt, and mowing mai'iiine ' : ImU l’nbt, .1 t'! KAT *BP ASO DRILL, with ' I for 185,; 1 'obea, and otlierwise improved, • mill' I”'* 1 ”'* , "" cst In T ruTO ' CORN axd COB 1 i bratol''t ( '°2? ; , S , HEIXE “-" 1 ”'<>st cclc -1 I world nut „°u j 1 ?' 1 j ■ ,,mM -‘-pown sheller in tlic ; to i mi’ i i i l "'iieß separate and fan from 100 iu i."o mtsMs an hour. SIIKM KlL* tt,u ' Horac-poww COHN-, ‘ tv K, V v ‘to Separator. ! j S,Ne™,u'/ ' i " Sl " “" 0 ‘ doUble P P° Ut ’ i Six'clami's CYLINDRICAL RAY ST It VW i ash I tiDDEU cI'TTEH. ’ ' ] j fliroe-tiorse Allegany PLOW. I biens Pan 01 Improved Ream } j„ ) !f IN j] u vc&tN U ‘ K . ? ''?•'* Railway THRESH- 1 - ! 1~, ~ I t.. N T lUl Separator sml Winnou- I wlildt took the first premium at ihe Lxhthitiiai of tlie Mnoti'nnif.rv iwa i ’ rieuitund Fair last fill " ' “• •, , Rriiii nooLeu’s HOMINY MILL, Ac. Ae 'j *J!"j c " Wilb * u,, h arrangements with se veral of tin- most extensive manufacturers of | Agricultural implements iu the country aa to I enable us to furnish any article in Uieir'line at' manufacturers prieis, from factory added. ' I '** All orders by mail promptly attended to Poolcsvillo, Md., April ft, IH56*. wow ori;\i\(i, VFINR assortment of STONE CHINA and . Liverpool Ware. ] may :t W.M. BRADDOCK J- CO. BALTIM(I iE AI*VEIITISEMENTS. mmM b a m i mm 9 m FORMERLY THREE >UNS TAVERN, <V. IT. C'lnirr Pratt and Paca Street, HALTIMORE. THE underse, nod respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he j lias taken the above house, and is prepared to accommodate nil who may favor him with a ! cal]; his IfOCSli is large witti many spacious | and well ventilated Chambers; liis TAIS HE will lie supplied with the best the market can afford. T’khm.s lIKABONAm.!:. t.'ORNKLICS SIIAWEN, Baltimore, Jan. 20,185 T, ■ 12m Proprietor. R. 11. PORTER. 0. 11. HOUSE. ROBERT B. PORTER & CO. | MPORTERS UF HARDWARE, mid dealers A in Maehino Findings, Rar Iron and Steel, and Hollow \\ ar/“ Mill, l’it and Circular Saws: Axes, Hatchets, Spikes and Nails, Patent Horse Shoes, Anvils, Vices, Ac. “ Agi iiLptbi' Rees A Hoyt's Prt-mium Lea ther Bands. Goodyear’s Metallic Packing— Foundry and Smith's Bellows. For sale on heat terms at 78 PRATT ST HA L TIM ORE, MD. f. b 2—Cm lI.IU. Centring &Scm, C\ OMM IS,SI ON MERCHANTS No. 113 ' PRATT ST. WHARF , HALTI MO RE have for side at market price : r>oo Tons No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO , as well as all other descriptions. Timothy, ") * Orchard Grass (SEEDS Herds Grass, j They also sell Grain and Country Produce on commission. . jan' 2G—3m - - (-IIARI.K9 RICE. TIIOMAH NORRIS. RICE &, NORRIS, AM FA(-TI’HERS and Dealers in AG \ ItJL lUCULTURAL IMPLEMENTS— MACIUXES. SEEDS, (,/WO. No,. ! 40 k 48 Light .Street, near Pratt, Haltimork. Ilorsc Powers, Thrashing Machines, Scott's Little Giant, (.'om nml (’oh Crushers, Straw nd Stiilk Cutters, Portable Corn and Flour Mills. Smut Machines, Wheat Fans, Wheat and Seed Drills, liny Prcs.-es, Vegetable Cutters, Portable Cider Mills and Pressis, Hay and Grain Hakes, Ox \okes, Dirt Scoops, Harrows. Cul tivators, Grain Cradles, Plows; all kinds of I Farming and Garden Tools, Ac.; Field and I Garden Seeds, Trees and Plants. Agents for J/rrrinfs nnri rolled Patent | Fire and Bur far Proof Softs. RICE* NORRIS. j N. R. We would call particular attention of • the Farmers generally to HAY PRESSES. | Raltimoro, Jan. 20 —12m it. AN. TO THE FARMERS Of iUoiil#onM*ry County, A N|) DEALERS IN PA It Mr XU IMI'I.P --' d x. MEATS. —The undersigned beg leave most respectfully to inform all who me deal-I | ing in or ikiing the above articles, that we are I | extensively engaged in the manufacture of Im- ! plements tor farmers’ use. Having fitted up nn i extensive establishment, wo are prepared to ex ecute all orders with neatness and despatch. We name a few of the leading articles—viz: Horse Powers and Wheat Thrashers of the most approved kinds; Wheat Fans; Wheat Cradles; Ploughs, in great variety—some new 1 and useful improved patterns, much sought for by the farmers who have used them. We would call special attention to our new No. 1 and '1 Chesapeake Plough, which combines economy and strength, and in its favor we could pro duce some fluttering certificates. ('ultivators, different patterns: narrows, of all kinds; Corn-Shellers, for horse and hand power: \\ heat Drills. Shovels, Forks, Spades. .Trace Chains, kc. ; Horse Collars uml I lames. Sausage Cutters and Staffers, Machine and Plough Castings, by the quantity or single piece. Field and Garden Seeds, warranted fresh and good. We are also Agents for McCormick’s Reaper and Mowing Machine, and Montgomery’s W heat Fan. Wc would invite all interested to give us a } ! call before purchasing elsewhere. GUTTING HA M k JOHNSON, No. 1 f 0 Pratt St. Wharf, Cor. Hollingsworth St., Raltimoro. ! fob 2—l2m /T 5 allies c COM/ 3BMILL, rjMIIS CELEBRATED MILL, which to dc JL 'cribe it* merits would make too length ened an advertisement, but we will state for the bknkkit of the Agricultural community, that wc are Selling the No. 1 MILL, all complete, fors2s —grinding 4 to 8 bushels per hour. No. 2 MILL, all complete, for $35 —grinding G to 10 bushels per hour. No. J M ILL, all complete, for $45 —grinding 10 to 15 bushels per hour. Which will put this Mill WITHIN THE, REACH OF EVERY FARMER—AT THE SAME TIME FELLY WARRANTED. There is one of the MAGIC set up in im ; Warehouse, and can be seen at any time, wftrked , ■by three men, performing tbe same work a> in other Mills requires a horse. /pUP Also agent for C. 11. McCormick's cel- j eluated Reaping and Mowing Machines.— Address orders to R. M. RHODES, sole agent, No. 141, West Pratt street, ! mar 1-y Baltimore. ! CUAIMO AGENCY. B. M. RHODES, (lENKR.YL COMMISSION' MERCHANT: j J .Igtnt lor MCORMACK'X HKAPIXt! \ AX It MoM'IXG MACIUXE; /■•••■ Under . ' ,n AGKIVCI.TI'IiA l. tMfI.EM EXTS, if. rren/ Iheerijdinn, No. 141 \\ KST I’ItATT SI. ! near Light strev t, Bxltimouk, Md. EIABII. THUSriATE OF LIME. PLAS i TER, AND OTHER FERTILIZERS, PERUVIAN GI'ANO, No. 1, flirulahed at 1 the Government price, the ton of 2240 lbs. de livered either from ship, warehouse at the Point, or at my Warehouse, up town, on terms the j musi au vamageous io uuimii and conrutucrr. I MEXICAN GUANO, selected from cargoes. ! rich in (Phosphates. VItOS!'HAVE OP LIME, manufactured expressly for my agency. I Also —VL ASTER und other Pt-rtitizirs. I r.\P For the couvenieuee of Farmers, their ! orders will be tilled either at the Guano wharf, i or t tnv Warehouse, No. 11l I VEST PR A VT. ! STREkT } near Light, at all times without de lay. Expense avoided if possible, and inode light when unavoidable. 11. M. RHODES, No. 141 West Pratt street, Baltimore. I I fcb_0 —12 in ! DISTRICT ADVKRTIEMSEKNTS. Baker’s Franklin Hotel. i Corner of Kightlt ant! 5). Streets, WASHINGTON, D. C. THE subscriber lias taken the above named ■well-known house, recently and long kept jby Mr. Tiiomah Bake r. The house has un j dergone a thorough repair, internally and ex ternally ; the Chambers fine and airy, have j been refurnished ; the location very pleasant j and healthy, and centrally located between the 1 capital and all the official 'departments, and in I full view of the patent and general and city j post offices. The Table and Rar will always he furnished in the best style the seasons can afford. The domestics of the house trusty ami accommoda ting ; and every exertion, by an experienced proprietor, will be used to render this house one of the most desirable in the city. Travel lers and others arc respectfully s Jieiied to call. MARTIN, Proprietor. N. P.—Attached to this house is a fine LIV ERY STABLE, where horses are kept at livery and Carriages and other conveyances always obtained. august 4—y J. W. BARNECLO, Ag’t, VKALKIt J\ FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Hoots,Shoes,llats,Caps,Bonnets, Ac. No. 38&7th Street, between II and I St 3. WASHINGTON, I). C. 7F9P N. R. All articles sold are warranted to prove as represented. janlll2 m NEW YORK FORM! HIND ESTABLISHMENT. IYo. J. D. LAK EX AN, MERCHANT TAILOR, AT WALL .j- STKVEXS’ PrmiNylvnnia Avenue, Five doors below the National Hotel, . WASHINGTON, V. C. npril 12—ly Efl in IS? ASO \A fll > 1(0, —DKAI.EBK IN’ . Fancy Goods, Perfumery BONNKTS. RIBBONS, FLOWERS GLOVFS, HOSIERY, &e. A’o. 1510 IVnnsyva. Avenue, Between Ninth and Tenth Streets, WASHINGTON, l>. C. mar 15—12 in WliiU Mi r. BUM, —DI.AI.ZK IN' |3lain drinru Stationery Penn. Av.,bct. 11th nnil Pith Sts. W VSII I.NtiTON CITY. Gaho Plates Engraved and Printed, mar 15—12 m W.H. ESRERETON, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL Corner 70s :uil F Streets, WASHINGTON CITY, O. C. jan 1!)—12m $ > Isli CjJrJJio Fancy and Variety Store, No. 492, 7th Street, between D and E, WASHINGTON, I). C. DEALER in Laces, Embroideries, Millinery Goods, Perfumery, Hosiery, Gloves, Worsteds, Jewelry, Ac*. &e. jan 1112 m—l2m JOHN SAUL, .XCRSER F, SEEDS#. I .V AXD EL Oil IST, O IIOWER OK Fruit, Shade, Ornamental Trees, Evergreens,&c AND IMPORTER OP EXGI IIS II a. I PPKX SPUDS, DUTCH IIULUS, 3D7, Cornrr Seventh anil II Streets, wAstirsoTux cirr, d. c. jan 10—12 m LnliJiAiil J-l.l’iiJiJij jf 9 HA.yrPACrt RES AXD DEAI.ER IX STOVES AMD TIN-WARE, CORKER OP Jl AXD SE TEXV/f STS. tVnsliington, 19. C. PARTTGI’EAU attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING , and all work iu hi* line attended to at the shortest notice, jan 19—12 m S. MAVIS, JEW ELLER, Avenue, Between Twelfth mid Thirteenth Streets, WASHINGTON (ITY. mar 22—12 m KiJIKWOOD HOUS’D, .9. 11. A A. W. IiUUtUffOB. PROPRIETORS, Wasliinglon City, 19. C. mar 22—tt* .1. .ULIiAISC) A SOVS . ( PAINT &, OIL STORE, PcnnsylYmiin Avenue, WASHIXUTOX, 1). C. mar 22—12 T. J. FORREST, Manufacturer ol Ladies’ anil Gents’ BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS. —Ko. Pennsylvania Avkntk— North Side , hut tree n 1 '2th tp loth Sts. WASHINGTON, I>. C. A LWAYSbn hand a very fine assortment of j -kX. my own work, which 1 can warrant to be i of the best material and workmanship, jan 19—12 m H. H. VOSS, DKAI/KR in all kinds of i a viai.v l>(( WINKS, Llgl’OßS, CKSARS, ,Ve. &e. I Southwest corner of 10th St. and ]’i lift-1 sylvimia Avenue, Washington, I). 0. feb 2—12111 John J. McQuillan, r\i)i;RTAki:i(, EAST SIDE OF HIGH STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE FOII It KST IIALL, (jEORfiEIDUiI, ii. C. Rtf' Prompt attention to FfTNER \T,S. Mourning and every Requisite furnished at all hours. [sop 8-y A. MEINERS, UPHOLSTER ,1- PAPERIIAXOPR No. 317, 7th St, between I and K Sts. WASHINGTON l). C. Will attend calls in portion of Montgo- I inorjr county, at the shortca uto Ike. jan 9 12 m DISTRICT ADVERTISEMENTS. A. GREEN, ' A TJOTTOXE ER AND CO M MIiSSIOX M RR -4. Cl I A XT. Corner of 7th mid ].) Streets, WASUIXGTON CITY. !>. C. Has on hand a large and extensive assortmnnt <>i XEW FI UNITURK. which he will sell on the must reasonable terms. Call and examine, .•nd 1 am sure I can please you. jan 20—12 m A. GREEN, Auctioneer. By Hugh Dowling & Co. AICTIOIt’EfJM! REGULAR DAY & EVENING SALEB - subscribers, determined to de | A vote their whole attention to the ! Auction and Commission Business, respectfully J inform the public that they arc prepared to re j cciveall goods consigned to their cure for sale at public auction ; that no exertions on their i PNrt shall be spared to obtain jho best prices I tor the same by fair and impartial representa- I tioii3 ; and as they intend to confine themselves ! to a strict cash business unless otherwise or -1 dered, those sending goods to their sale shall j be settled with immediately when the goods j are delivered to the buyers. Goods sent to i them for evening sales can be settled for next j morning, if sold. A regular evening mo tion ' for the sale of all kinds of merchandise can by , this means be of great service to the eommu : nity, whose patronage is most respectfully so licited by the public’s obedient servants, HUGH DOWLING k CO. Auctioneers. Day Sales—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, at 10* o’clock, and every evening at 7 oclock, nt the Store, No. 53, Var nurn Buildings, Louisiana avenue, and at all other times ana places where their services are required. Sales on the Market Square, oppo site the Bankof Washington, attended as usual j on market days. Cash advances on consignments. HUGH DOWLING k CO. Auctioneers. Washington. D. C\, Jan. 26—12 m to tii Wmu®. rrillE Undertaking business heretofore A carried on by the late James F. llarvey will be continued by his widow. Mr. Georck Harvey (brother of my deceased husband) lias been engaged to conduct and i manage the business and is fully authorized to j act in the premises. The public may be assured that every atten -1 lion will he given to the business as formerly. | Funeral calls attended to at all hours of the ; day and night. A large number of rendv-maje COFFINS, ! kept constantly on hand. Particular atten j paid to funerals in any of the adjacent J counties, at the shortest notice and upon the ; most reasonable terms. MARIA E. HARVEY. Xo. 410 Seventh Street, North of the Patent Office, Waslisngton, D. C. ! npril 26—ly TOPHAIWA NORFLET’S A7vir AXU CHEW SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK STORE, No. 499, 7th ®t. opposite Odd Fellows’ Hall, WASHINGTON, I). (\ WHERE maybe found large, neat and well-made assortment of Saddles, lfar ness, Trunks. Valises, Carpet Bags. Satchels, Fancy Boxes, Whips, Saddler’s Tools, kc. / '"Particular attention paid to Covering Trunks, and Repairing all kinds of work, with neatness and despatch. N. 11.-—Harness of tlic finest make always (*n hand, to which we invite the attention of gentlemen. jnn 10— 12m NEW YORK HATS. iTLEMEN who are in want of HA TS to bear in mind that the plan which I adop ted six months ago. of sell ing llats and Caps at great ly reduced prices, for cash only, is in successful ope ration, consequently those who pay cash have the benefit of cash, and are not charged 25 per cetft. extra profit to offset bad debts. The very best and most fashionable DRESS HA TS. at 54.50, equal to any usually sold at •>5. and the best S 3 hat south of New York ; and a first rate, duiable and fashionable Hat at $2.50. A full supply of black and brown FELT HATS, and Children’s Fancy Goods, at very low prices. Small profits and quick sales is the motto. ANTHONY,* Practical llatter, 7th St. near Penn. M .. opp. Dexter’s hotel Washington city, D. C. LI HAVE made arrangements with one of the best Boot-nmk- I ers in Philadelphia to be kept I constantly supplied with the ve- | ry best and most fashionable I French Calf-skin sewed Boots, j Lwarranted French calf, or no j ----- _ ..-.r-.Asale. which 1 offer for the un- 1 preccdented low price of $3.625. 1 have shown ! them to competent judges, who pronounce' them the best Boots for the price in the Unit- ! ed States. I also have a splendid sewed G AFTER \ Foot, made of the very best French calf | skin patent leather, ull of the latest style, for ■ $3.50. Competition is out of the question. All I ask is for gentlemen to come and see for them- i selves. Terms positively cash. X. B. As for my stock of Boots, I will bet SIOO to SSO that they are the best Boots ut the price, in a regular way, iu the U. States, jan 26 —12m J. CONNELLY, ITN DERTAKKR, 7th Street, between j J G and 11 streets. No. 4*23, would respect- ■ fully inform the citizens of Washington and the j adjoining counties, that he is prepared to at tend to ail orders at the shortest notice and on ; the most reasonable terms. He will spare no j pains to give entire satisfaction on all occasions. He guarantees to PRESERVE THE DEAL) in the warmest weather, for any length of time. Zfr'A large supply of READY-MADE COF FINS, of all sizes and qualities, constantly on . hand. SHROFFS, CARRTA GES. HEARSE, and every other article, furnished of the best quality. A share of the public patronage is raqxrctftil ly solicited. J. (L Washington, March 29, 1856. S. P. HOOVER’S IKON HALL Boot, Shoe, and Trunk ESTABLISHMENT, Pennsylvania Avenue, bet. 9th and 10th Sts. j WASHINGTON, D. C. IN THIS SPLENDID ESTABLISHMENT, which has no superior in the United States, , may be found, at all times, the most extensive | stock in this city of every stvle and quality of! LADIES. GEXTLKMEX. CHILDREN A HRR VANT’S BOOTS k SHOES: also. TRUNKS i CARPET BAGS. VALISES, SATCHELS, & c . My stock of Fall and Winter Wear, recently ' selected from the most celebrated munufactur- 1 ers, is very superior. 1 promise to offer unusual inducements, and ! respectfully solicit your patronage ami influ ence. S. P. HOOVER. P. S. 400 prs. Coarse Hoots at Cost. Washington, Jan. 19, 1856. LiqrOltS! LIQUORS!! - C1 II \ MPA (INK, FRENCH BRANDY, AP / I’LE Ditto; Port, Madeira and Sweet WINKS; Old RYE WHISKEY, Etc., just re i reived and for sale bv i April 19 D H. BOCIC. 1 ! DISTRICT ADVERTISEMENTS. J. R. M’GREGOR, (SUCCESSOR TO T. WHITTLESEY) DEALER IN Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Camphinc and /Etherial Oil, Lamps, Glasses, Brashes, Wicks, Clocks, &c. 534 Tt'a St., between Louisiana Av. and D Sts. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. THE subscriber having purchased the stock of Mr. C. S. Whitti.kbey, is prepared to I furnish the former customers of the house, and I all who may give him a call, on the most fa | vorablc terms, and hopes, by moderate prices and attention to the wishes of his friends, to merit a share of their patronage. OILS. WINDOW GLASS. < Ethereal Oil Baltimore First ('ampliene Oil Chesapeake Linseed 11 Pntapseo ‘ Boiled Linseed Oil Bolton j Sperm Oil, Nos. 1, 2 French 1 Solar Oil From 6-8 a 30-40 i Lard Oil ! Uudfou 011 GLASSWARE. COLORS. QFEKNSWARE. ' All kinds, dry Aground Ja P?"’ I , lr , i^ nnia . Artists Tools it colors at " '' arc \\ ater Colors FAINTS. CLOCKS Dry and Ground, eve- ! Ij , rv varietv All Slzc * a,|, ‘ I> r >ccs — 1 Fire Proof, Ac. warranted VARNISHES. „ LAMPS. Coital, No. 1 k 2 Solar Lamps Japan, ( oaeh, Asplinl- ;' sti ' ft . Lai, !l ls turn Ac ' amphme Lamps Spirit Gas Lamps Lard ( )il Lamps i BRUSHES. Lanterns, Ac. . Paint, Varnish, White- Candle Sticks, &c. wash, Ac. IrHiiiji Shades j Sash Tools, Feather Gas Drop-Lights I Dusters, Fly Brushes Stand Lights, &c. j Putty, Resin, Patent Drier. Pumice Stone, i Sand Paper, Oil Cans, Toilet Sets. Painted Tin i Chamber Sets, Matches, (ins Lighters. China Teas Sets. China Vases, Fancy China Cups aijd Saucers, Spice Boxes, Key, Knife and Tumbler Baskets, Russia Hair Felt, Glue. Ac. J. R. M’GREGOR. Jan. 10, 1856—y n SAMI7XDL 11. \VA KT£ (Of late firm of C. Stott k Co.) !IBST&MI£MY. !Ve. .WH, 7li street, |||| E| Opposite Coyles Ayr (cultural {'Hi If lfouze, WASHINGTON CITY. | FAS on hand and is constantly receiving I I. ft-csli supplies of genuine Drugs and Me dicines, for physicians and family use ; togeth er with all the most popular Patent Medicines, amongst which are— Dr. Jayne's, Perry Davis' Pain Killer, Os good's India Cologoguc, Wistar's Baisom, Hof land’s Ocrnian Bitters. Ayre's Cherry Pectoral Hampton's Vegetable Tincture, Cannon's Dys peptic Hitters, Hose’s Nervous Cordial and Whooping-Cough Syrup, Tasteless Worm-de stroying Drops, and a general Assortment of Hair,Tooth,Cloth nnd Shaving Brushes, Combs, , imported Soaps, Colognes, Labia's Perfume. | Pomatum, Hair Dyes, Gradual 11% Coloring, j Tricophenuls, Kathairon, Kan Lustrai,<irc, ,W~ Proprietor of Tyler’s Lincment for Horses nnd Human Flesh, price 2D and DO cents a bottle. april 12-ly FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. JOHN K. KAWLIXGB, No. 345 Southwest Corner 7th and K Streets, WASHINGTON CITY. I). C. • HAS now ill store nml Is constantly re ceiving a large nnd well selected assort ment of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, con sisting of a very general and appropriate vari- I ctyof TEAS, COFFEES. SEGA US, WLXES LIQUORS , and everything suitable for citv | and country customers, which lie Offers as low as can be purchased elsewhere. 1 Thankful for past favors, and with a deter ruination to accommodate and even anticipate the wants of the public, lie hopes to share st merited portion of their patronage. Washington, Jan. 19. 1856. Notice to the Public. UfE have constantly on hand, and offer for \ sale at the lowest cash price, a good as ! sortment of HARDWARE, STOVES, GRATES, FURNACES, RANGES, Ac., ■ among which mav be found a good assort men! ! of CAR DEXTER'S TOOLS and BUILD /.\ MATERIALS , such as Locks, in every I variety; narrow, broad and loose Joint Butts: ! Parliament and Patent Blind Hinges, Hooks | un d Binges, Strap Hinges,* Bolts, Screws. ; Brads, Cgt and Wrought Nails; in short all | that is wanted in our line tor building. I STOVES we have a beautiful assortment 1 1 for cooking with wood or coal. Parlor Stoves. : j also for wood or coal ; Radiators, Air-Tights. Salamanders, Cylinder, (.kmnon, See. To our stock we are constantly Adding, direct • from the manufactories, all the new and useful I improvements of the times, and to which we 1 j invite the attention of our friends and the! public. JOHNSON, GUY, & CO., North side Pennsylvania Avenue, between 10th nnd lltli streets, Washington, D. C. I mar B—lyB—ly To Ihe People of ry Comity. GREAT BARGAINS! nnilE subscribers respectfully invite the nt- A tent ion of housekeeper* and others of; Montgomery to their large, complete and well ! selected stock of— House-I’iirniahins (>ooiN. —KITH AS— nrr.KArs, sofas, bedsteads TABLES, CHAIRS, I.UOKINO-dLASSES CHINA, GLASS * CROCKERY WARE. Together with every article un-ful for house keepers; all of which they w ill guarantee to j sell cheaper Ilian any other establishment in : | the city of Washington. ! When you visit the city, we respoetfullv to. ■ Beit a eaU anti a comparison of prices with i other dealers. BOXTZ * COOMBS, No. Butt 7th Street, a few doors above Dorsey’s Hotel, Washington, D C ! | jan 19—12 m IJIANB, PARASOLS, Ac R Ivso.n & Vli hno have uuw on liand! n large and beautiful assortment of fine 1 PAN 3 and PARASOLS, which they are I prepared to sell at reduced prices. ! No. 310, Fa. avenue, between 9th und 10th streets, Washington, D. C ap 12—tf IpERFUMERY, S&APS, POMADE L Ac.—Wo have constantly on hand ! a largo supply of French Perfumery, ! Foinadcs, Soaps, Tooth and Nail HrTi*hos Dressing Cases, Ac., which we sell 25 i, per cent, below the regul;ir’prices IIUTCHiXSON & MI.'UNO No. .110, Fa. avenue. *P *-~tf Washington, D. C DISTRICT ADVERTISEMENTS. cm LACY niKRIVIII. Watchmaker & Jeweler, AND Dealer in FIXE WATCHES. JEW ELRY, and SILVERWARE, would re spectfully solicit the attention of those who de sire a good article to his choice variety of Lon don, Geneva and Copenhagan W ATCD selected with the view of time-keeping and (la mbic qualities, for which a suitable .irantcj i will be furnished those who purch i 1 j Gold Seals, Fob and Vest Chains. i i:.e .K • - j elrv, Silver Spoons, Forks,*Goblets, Cup.-. Lc. ' j for sale at New York prices. • REPAIRING.—The Chronometer, Duplex, ' Lever, Cylinder, Repeating, Musical and other Watches repaired. Also, Jewelry, See. No. 370 PENN. AN EX IK. between Sixth and Seventh streets, Brown’s Hotel Building, sign of the GOLDEN WATCH, mar 22 —12m Washington, D. C. XV. .11. LAL I A liIIOTUEK, DIALERS Itf FI WATCHES. JIM. SILfIS . WjBS, | N 0.324 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE Between 9th nnd 10th Sts. WASIJJXGTOX CITY, D. C. OI FEU an assortment of goods in their line, which, for variety, quality, style and j cheapness, is not surpassed iu this count! v. They enumerate in part— Superior C.old Watches, in magic hunting cases, which can be worn ns a hunter, or changed at will by the wearer in to tlie ordinary open face Watch, Copenhagen or Jurgensen Pocket Phonometers and Watch es; Ladles’ Enamcleddo. studded with diamonds and pearls; Ladies’ and Gent’s elegantly en graved and plain do., with duplex, lever and horizontal movements, all warranted perfect time keepers. tlich Jewelry. Diamond, Ruby, Pearl and Florentine Mosa ic Broaches, Earrings and Bracelets in sets: Din mond Grosses : Diamond. Pearl. Ruhr and Em ornld Linger Rings, Gold Chains,' Lockets Seals, Keys, Breastpins, Pencils, Gold Tliim hies, Wedding Rings, Ac. WEDDING & OTHER PRESENTS, Solid Silver Tea Sets, Pitchers, Goblets Gups, Napkin Rings. Table. Desert and Tea Spoons and Forks; Silver Desert Knives; Soup, I Cream nnd Gravy Ladles: Sugar. Salt. Mus i turd and Egg Spoons: l ie, Cake, Fish, and j Butter Knives; Sugar Sifters; lee and Salad I Tongs; Preserve and Jelly Spoons. Pickle lurks, Ac. Also—Pearl, Ivory, Spanish and other Funs. EXTRA PLATED WARE AND TABLE CUTLERY. Tea Sets. Cake Baskets, Castors. Waiters, Pitchers, Goblets, Aibatn Forks. Spoons, But ter Coolers, Ac. Also—Superior Tabic Cullen . Spectacles & Eyeglasses. Gold. Silver, fine steel extra plate l Sp< t u-b - and Eye Glasses, of all focuses, with perilhcrl, i penseopie, and parabola Glasses. Stroe -oteit : lion paid to the selection of glnssiadapted or i the eyes of wearers. .Hiiniifarliircd lo (irdrr. Every description of Gold and Silver Ware ; such as Testimonials, richly wrought with np j propriate designs. Diamond and other Pre : cions Stones, .set in the most elaborate styles. Arms, Crests and Initials cut on stone and me tub WATCH REPAIRING. M atches and Chronometers carefully repair ed, nnd warranted to perform accurately. Al so—Jewelry nnd Silv<T:rc ncntlv repaired STRANGERS VISITING THE CITY Are invited to examine our stock if but for the ir amusement. All goods warranted at tlic low est rates j and its represented. ■'!■ W. G ALT A- BROTHER, No. 22-t Pennsylvania Avenue, . ' Between 9th and loth Sts. aslungtor. Aug. 18. 18D5. THE SIGN OF THE Large SPREAD EAGLE, l\o. 41* I*t nn. Avenue, Iletircai Pnur-aud-a-half anil Sixth Sts. WASHINGTON CITY, d. C. Superior Watches. ITIIIK subscriber liasjustreceived some 1 Very finejt Uironometcr Watches, l lie most accurate time-keepers ill the world Ai-o a fair lot of American, Kiiglbh. ami Swiss gold ami silver Uatihes, of everv stvle and quality ■ some vi n small size for Ladies’ use. Also tel rv fine Magic Cases and heat t Hunters for gen tlemen. ° ISich .Itiulry. ton -ting in port of line Mosaic work. Rich earl, Garnett, Ruby, Jcf Coral, and all other kind* or fti.shioiifil.k- Breast-Pins. Ear Bings i" a<l Bracelets, Lockets, Gold Chains. Seal*’ | ,u ’. vs . •! linger Rings, set with Emerald, tk pal Ametliist, Pearl. Sapphire, Tnrquois, Onv* ami fine Diamonds, (. geihcr with a good as sorlmeut of .Sett and Plain Gold Rings in great variety. ° ® i*Bir> Silverware. i oi fiD-’r Tea Setts. Goblets. Cups, Napkin bmps, l.nm,g and Desert Fork.-. Setts for kill jdren ralueand Tea Spoons, Pieh, Pic, Fruit ami Butter Knives, Ladles, Ac. Ac. ’ "hi. h will he sold nt much LOWER : KB l-.s than goods of like quality have tier | been offered lor in this city or section of conn- I in, and every article warranted to ben* repre | M ' u,o<, . at 1 ;<•’ of Sale, SO that aU may pur chase equally cheap Olid safe. (Sepiiirin^. I have employed one of the I,kkt W vic „ M a . the I nited States, who will engage to P"1 “l good lime orde r any or all the most dip hetiit or complicated watches ; will make new ami replace any broken or defective part in tlm most superior manner, uud warrant all ijork ; to give Satisfaction. mar 15-I2m 11. O. IIOQD. L. F. CLARK, I |>liulU‘i’ A IVri'vo IN FFvENCII AND AMERI .•I V P “P cr and Ppholstcry l.oocls, No. 218 i'a. Avenue, between 12ti and l.illi Streets, would call attention to Ins i l xa '" s ' v< ’ alwk, comprising a well selected ; and general as-ortment of Goods in liis line such ns Gold, Velvet, Satin, and common i '“I 1 * 1 '!’ V" lrt lle fur l ' vr ‘ r , v description of work; Preach Landscape \ i. tvs, Decorations, Oak landing. Ac.; Window Shades, Cornices, las-els. t.iinua, lords, As-. All orders for work executed with promptness, nnd in tho uest manner. WasjiingtonC'ity, Oct. C—Ct Genuine Garden SefSjhh rT HB undersigned begs h ave to inf-n^K 6, *. }.atr..ns and the public generally, that ML, las just complete, his supply „f ,he above, di-T which ar ttnt Continent; among v Sn? lri l i ' c ‘ nns ’ Early Yuilu Large ?. or i i .' l at fbitcli anl Drumhead (’aVbagcs, LMUflowm, Beets. Celery, Egg Plant, Ra/i - Onion*, ivppcrs, TatiwtrMj. t arrote &c with all other Vcgetablos. Herbs, Flower Poe,ls. kc. In the trade. MU IT Tit EES—Peaches, Apples, Pear*, ( herries. Apricots. Gooal.errive, Currants. Rhn barl. Roots, Ac.; all of finest qualitv, wnrrsm ed correct to name, and at very moderate pri fe - JOHN SAt’L, ~ 306 7th Street, corner of D, ftl > 23 Washing*™, D C.