THE SENTINEL.I ROCKVILLE, JLD. SATURDAY, :: ::: JUNE 28, 1856. DEMOCRATIC KOMISATIOXS. For President, JAMES BUCHANAN, OF PENNSYLVANIA. Fop Vice-President, JOII\ C. BRECKIIVRIDOE OF KENTUCKY. Presidential Electors. JOHN M. ROBINSON, WALTER MITCHELL, HENItY G OLDSBOROUGH, R. W. RINGGOLD, LEVI K. BOWEN, FRANCIS GALLAGHER, JOSIAH 11. GORDON, GEORGE W. HUGHES. X-iT The nationality of the Democrat ic sentiment is most strikingly illustra ted by its present manifestations in ev ery quarter of the confederacy. Since the voice of the Cincinnati Convention went forth, every State of the Union has witnessed unprecedented outpourings of the people, maintaining the same princi ples, and united in a common bond and a common brotherhood. Every hill and every valley throughout the country is sending up its cheerful echoes, and the upheaving" of the masses “attest at once their ardent attachment to the Union and the Constitution, and the triumphant success which awaits their standard bearers. Opposed to the Democracy are two untiring, unscrupulous and powerful factions, whose candidates are also in the field, who will hesitate at nothing to achieve a triumph. One professing a great love for liberty on their lips, but with treason in their hearts, seeking to array one section of our common country against the other, and willing to drench its fair fields in blood, in order to con trol its government; the other seeking to array one class of its citizens against another, solely on account of its birth or religious creed. One has nominated Fremont, the other Fili.more. Both are in alliance with the worst enemies of constitutional government, and have but one common purpose in view. They are leagued together against the peace, dignity and honor of the country, though professedly agreeing in no common prin ciple, and entertaining different views in ! regard to the policy of the country. If there be any evidence wanting of the little reliance that is to be placed, in ' time of peril, in that organization which makes the country hideous with its clamor that “Americans must rule Amer ica,” it is to be found in the conduct of j Southern Know-nothings. They see the combined forces of Frce-soilism, Ab olitionism, Black Republicanism, and their own dear Americanism in the North, arrayed to carry the next Presi dential contest upon a sectional issue and by a sectional vote. They see this un holy combination calculating upon no Southern electoral votes to win the next | Presidential contest, but purely upon their strength in the North—all for the ] purpose of making war upon and des-.i troyiug the South. And yet, with this combination staring us in the face, warn- 1 ing the South to be united for their own j interests and that of the ÜBkm, these j South Americans dare boldly to divide the slaveholding States by presenting a Presidential ticket of Fillmore and Don- ELSON to weaken the South by division, knowing, as they well do, that every vote taken from the Democracy is just so much added to the strength of the Republicans. While the stain of sectionalism clings to every faction of our opponents as te naciously ns did the blood to the hand of Lady Macbeth, Democratic national prin ciples are rapidly winning the support of thousands of those Union-loving Whigs who fought for groat principles under the brilliant Clay aud the massive Webster. The Democratic host and the old-line Whig host of the country will rally to the support of the Democratic ticket.— They look at the issue as it is. They see that it is an issue solely between the Democratic and Black Republican orgnn izafions. And here we would ask every member of the American party in this county who loves his country, what will be his action in view of Buch an issue ?- If there be any Know-nothing who loves the Constitution afld the Union better than he loves “niggers,” who loves white men better than “niggers,” let him bury the recollection of the past, and come out as a pure patriot, as a truckman — come out as one who can sacrifice old prejudices upon the altar of his country, and work and vote for James Buchanan and John C. Breckinriuok, and help to swell the mighty avalanche which will, in November next, efface from American soil the last footprint* of poor “Samuel” ! and “Sambo.” XiT Wc omitted to mention in the j list of appointments by the Commission-, ers that R. Gkoomes was made a Consta ble for the First District and Wm. E. Mjpniv for the Second. ORGANIZE! ORGANIZE!! To-day the Democratic Association of Berry’s District meet at Colesville to ratify the nomination of Buchanan and BreckinridoE. We have assurances that, in point of numbers and enthusiasm, this gathering will surpass the imposing demonstrations that have been heretofore made in that good old Democratic Dis trict. Distinguished speakers are ex pected to address the yeomanry of Mont gomery there assembled, with stout hearts and willing bands, to ratify the patriotic and enlightened action of the Cincinnati Convention. We expect shortly to see the other Districts following the noble example set them by Berry’s. The Democracy of this county have no holiday work before them. They should advance shoulder to shoulder, aud step to stop, aud dis charge their utmost duty to themselves and the cause. They should face the foe with undiminished spirit, and with the unflinching purpose to conquer.— They have passed through arduous con tests, but, they have never lost their standards; and above all, they have never yet shown the white feather. It is too late to disturb such a record now, when they have the flower of the old Whig party fightiDg by their side. Every man then to his post! The peril that unmans the timid, but adds new strength to the arm, and pours new courage into the bosom of the gallant and the magnanimous. Let us, then, address ourselves at once to the duty of upholding and diffusing our principles,, and our organization, through which alone those principles can be maintained and extended. Talk to your neighbors; show them that the first object of the coalition that assails us, is to break down the Democratic party, and thereby sub vert the Constitution and the Union. They present you with no system of pol icy, but aim at the destruction of the political creed under which you have so long prospered. If successful, what I then ? They will have reduced every thing to political anarchy, and then will commence a fierce conflict, the contem plation of which should at once arouse every patriotic American heart to a sense of duty. All they bring now as recommendations to your favor are a warfare on the benign spirit of our laws, and a hunger for office, sucli as was per haps never seen before. Wt beg every I man in the county who loves his country j to ponder these things, and deal honestly ! and truly with himself and his country, j Stand by the only party that now stands by that country. There is no measure of public good or wise reform that the Democratic party cannot better carry out than any other existing organization. It is the party at once of conservatism and of progress—of strength and resolution. Lot every man rally under its proud flag. “Ten Cent Jemmy.” —Tho intollL gencc of the American people was never more grossly insulted than by the revi val of the calumny, which originated the application of the above caption to James Buchanan, than whom there does not live in this country a public man more deeply enthroned in the hearts of the la boring men. The great mass of the people understand that subject far better than the Know-nothing editors who pub lish such stuff. They know that the very speech from which this misrepresentation is pretended to be derived is ono of the noblest vindications of the rights and in terests of the laboring man, and should find its way into the hands of every ar tisan and laboring man in the country before November next. That speech will show that Mr. Buchanan stood up in the Senate Chamber, as the unflinch ing advocate of honest labor against the outside pressure of swindlers, shavers and speculators; the champions of a false, spurious, and irredeemable paper curren cy. As we remarked two weeks since, neither Mr. Buchanan nor his friends has anything to fear from the dragging up from the sewer of exploded calumnies such charges as this; on the contrary, when Know-nothingism indulges in ri baldry of that sort, it honors the object of its assaults, and heaps coals of fire on its own doomed and desperate head. XiU We arc requested by Thomas, Esq., President of the Dem ocratic Association of Berry’s District to give notice to all whom it may concern, that if there be any gentleman Know-no thing in Montgomery county disposed to hazard one thousand dollars or more up on the result of tho approaching Presi dential election ho can bo accommodated hy calling upon him at Poplar Hill, or addressing him at Cottage Post Office, Montgomery county, Md. lie is wil ling to risk one thousand dollars or as much more as may bo proposed, that James Buchanan will he inaugurated next President-of the United States, should he live till tho 4th day of next i March. Here’s a chance for those monied Know-nothings of our town whom wc i now and then hear so confidently prate I of Fillmore's brilliant prospects. XdC Ex-President Fillmore arrived at New York on Sunday night last, iu the steamer Atlantis from Liverpool. Another Almost “American Vic tory.”—-We do not begrudge to our Know-nothing noighbors the ciumbs of comfort that occasionally fall in their way. ! A short time since they threw up their ! hats and crowed lustily over what they deemed a defeat of the dominant wing of | the Montgomery Democracy iu the ap pointment of Canal officers. Indeed, so 1 elated were they that they were disposed to rejoice as much as if it had been a ! real “American victory,” although every 1 appointee was a sterling Democrat, and perfectly sound on the “goose question.” Here’s another chance for you, neighbors. Cannot your hearts find a drop of similar comfort in tho appointments made by the Commissioners last week? Do you not know that the Collector for this District and the School Treasurer have been identified with the same interest over whose promotion you so lately rejoiced ? Preparo your shouts of triumph and when ready to send them forth, let us know whether you desire assistance, and wo will lend you ours with hearty good will. X tlie, warranted, ‘ Do do Grass do uo Common and Patented Grass HNATIIB. Russell’s Graw and Grain RAKEH. 2, 3 and 4 Prong FOR KM, direct from tho ma nufactory. Also— A Lot of excellent LIQUORS. All of which will h(3 sold at District prices, I by BRADDOCK, KDMONHTON A CO. june 11—tf , ROAD NOTICE. WE, tho undersigned Commsssion ors, appointed by the Commis sioners for Montgomery county, to ascer tain whether the public convenience re quires a road to bo opened, commencing at the mouth of tho Poor’s House Lane to Mr. Orcndorf’s Mill, or near it, thence to some point on the llivor ltoad, at or near Hill’s Paper Mill, and from the Paper Mill to Fitzhugh’* Landing, on the I Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, passing through the Lands of Mrs. Hughes, Burgess AVillett, tho heirs of Evan Jones, Otlio Muneaster, Mrs. 11. Mun easter, nenr the line betweon Otlio Magru der, ’1 tins. S. Watkins, and John John son, John D. W. Moore, Perry Fitzhugh. 1 and J. G. "bite—-hereby notify those! interested, that we will meet on the, pre-1 mises, on MOXDAY, the. 21 si of duly 1 , vi .rt, at 100 clock, A. M., for the pur-1 pose of executing said commission. MADISON F. IIAItIUSS, JOHN OOUNCKLM.YN JOHN L. DU FIEF, jo 21—tJ Commissioners. PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber, intending to |*M remove a short distanoo from OJgL Rockville, will offer at public sale, at the Court House door, in Rock ville, on 77 AW/). 1J , the 22d day of .July next, a very DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT, adjoining tho property of Messrs. Har ding and Alinony, and directly in front of the public square. The lot is 200 feet deop by 75 front. The improve ments are two Dwelling Houses, a Car penter’s Shop, and other buildings. A further description of the property is unnecessary, hh any ono wishing to purchase will be shown the property by the subscriber, residing at present on the premises. Terms made known on the day of sale. Sale to take place at 1 o’clock, P. M. june 14-td HE/. W. VEILS. To Ihr I'ariiirrs r llontgu usury county. TIIK undersigned ure very unxlima 1 1 know the effects of the COLUMIIJAX RCA .VO on tlit* present Wheat crop; they, there fore respectfully request those Farmers who have used tills Guano, to inform them, by let ter or otherwise, tho result of their experiment. Please state the quantity used per acre, and whether used alone or mixed with Peruvian, and any other information in regard to its ap plication and effect that will be useful. Our object is ttf get reliable testimony, noth as to its application and effect, that we may he enabled to inform our friends how to apply it, and what they may expect in return. We would he glad ir our friends would write us ax Soon after harvest as convenient. Address. MORGAN Ac. RUIN Ell ART, Corner of 27th and G Nts. ( june 14—tan 1 Washington, D. C. DUNCAN’S SPRING STEEL-TOOTH noitsii-RAiii;. rpillS is an exceedingly economical iniplc _l_ incut, aud very popular wherever it nils been used. Lost year fifty were sold in Frede rick countv, and such w as the satisfaction giv en that the manufacturer informs us his orders already received justify the belief that his sales will reach six hundred In that county for this harvest. Til E RAKES are for stubble only—very sim ple and warranted to rake up double as much grain as is done by the Revolving Rakes. FARMERS are freely invited to take them and use them, and if. lifter harvest, they are not satisfied and pleased, to return them. ‘J. T. JIIUUINS & IMO. I'oolo.svillo, Md. Resident Agents for Montgomery county. A SMALL SUPPLY ON HAND. A SAMPLE RAKE will be left at Rockville, Barnebvillb, Clarkhih na, Daunkbtown, Colkk- VILLK, II ROOK VILLI, M ECHAMICB VILLE, LAYTONS vii.Ik, and Handy HmiKu. june 7—4 t SIOO REWARD!! IfiLgj RAN AWAY from tho *ub*cribcr, siA living in Rockville, Montgomery Mil., on Snturday, Hint of May lust, NEGRO MAN, AL FRED, about 22 years of age ; 5 feet 7 ! inches high ; dark copper color, and rather good looking. lie bad on when lie left, a dark blue i and green plaid frock coat, of cloth, aud • ighter colored plaid pantaloons. 1 will give the above reward if taken out of the county, and ill any of the State*, or §SO if taken iu the county or the District of Columbia, and scoured so that I get him again. JOHN W. ANDERSON, june 7—tf DAN WEBSTER. rrilllH SUPERIOR STALLION for -X draft, will stand the present Reason, I | at the old Homestead, on Mondays ami! i Saturdays; at tho low price of FIVE I ! DOLLARS FOR THE SEASON, or I TEN DOLLARS for insurance. junc7-3t* K. M. MUNCASTEIt. NOTICE. rpi | E C( >-PA BTN El LSI IIP hereto X f orl , existing, under the firm of Thomas Fawcett A Hons, was dissolved 1 by mutual consent, on tho Ist of April, 1856. Thomas ami Benjamin Fawcett are authorized to settle the business of the late firm. THOH. FAWCETT, BENJ. FAWCETT, JOS. FAWCETT. may 81 —fit WOOL, WOOL. rpiiE UNDERSIGNED having pur-, X eliascd the Maxi rA<-ri itixn Estab lishment of the late firm of T. Fawcktt , A Sons, would respectfully inform his i , friends and the public, that he is prepared to servo them with all descriptions of i j SERVANTS CLOTHING, on reason-: I able terms, and at short notice. Messrs. Khaudouk, KdmoNston & Cm,! i of Rockville, will receive Wool, or or-| 1 ders for any description of goods, iu bis line. The subscriber hopes, by strict atton ' lion to bnsincss, to merit a share of pub* i lie putronago. BENJAMIN FAWCETT, Colesville, Montgomery County, 1 way 31—fit Maryland. ! SCHOOLEY’S PATENT SOLD BY G. M. WIGHT, Louisiana Avenue, No. Vamam’s New Block.—The Refrigerator preserves by forming a cold, dry current of air. It will keep beef without taint, or mould seven days, if not pre viously packed in ice. Fruits most liable to change in very hot weather can be kept for weeks, as no mould or moisture can remain in the preserving chamber while the ice chamber is supplied. It will keep batter any length of time fresh and hard. Milk can be kept pure for three days in the warmest weather. This Refrigerator is so constructed that a dry, cold air is ii* process of formation all tho time, air being admitted through a top register pass ing over the ice through into the preserving chamber and out through a sido register. It Ims been found that five pounds of ice in Hchoo- Icv’s Refrigerator will keep as long ns twenty iu the ordinary kind. I am now prepared to supply all with this valuable article in house keeping. T have also a largo and well select* ®d stock of I'arlor, Chamber and WflEI Kitchen //p FURNITURE, made in the best, nmliner and of the best mate rials, and which 1 am determined to sell as low as they can lie had in Philadelphia or N. York. I have constantly on hand Shuck and Hair Mattresses. Feather Beds and Pillows made to order at the shortest notice. Our stock is comprised of nearly every article used in house keeping. We have just received a lot of Childrens’ Gigs, Iron Bedsteads, Cribs, Settees, Flow'd* Stands, &<>. Washington, May 17, 1850. DORSEY & ERNEST, Wholesilc and Retail Dealers in ill ms, mi. feed. I- Fine Teas, Wines, Liquor*, t%aix, &c. Ac. llllill BTHBET, One door South of the Montgomery House, GEORGETOWN, ]). C. N. B.—COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in ex change for Groceries, and the market prices given. may 17—ly Belly-bands. Halters, Wagon and Cart Harness, Single and Double reins, Wagon Whips and a lew very line Trunks which we arc selling low. jo 7 W. BRADDOCK & CO. White Grease. 1' AIIGE SUPPLY OF WHITE GREASE, J received this week, tho best article made for greasing Buggies, -Carriages, Carrioles, Wagons, Stages, &<\, that has ever been used; far excelling tar or anything else, as the warm or cold weather does not affect It. For Bale by jttno 11 if D. ii. Boric. For Hire, \ NEGRO BOY, about 1 I or 15 years old, . who has worked on a farm ui.d is a good j house servant. For further particulars apply at tills office. my 31 tf WANTED 10 HIRE \GO< >D CO()K, without i hildren, to whom . the highest wages will be given. ALSO—A HOUSE SERVANT. The best references will be required. Apply at the res idence of the subscriber, on the cast side of tho Plunk Hoad, three milcH from Washington City, I). C. THEODORE MOSHER, may 24—3 t Wagon Bows I AM nuw manufacturing superior WHITE OAK BOWS, suitublo for Carrioles, Farm-wagons, Ac. Also somo with round tops, expressly for Market wagons. Isliuuld bo lmppy to supply any orders, small or great. J. It. HOFFMAN, mar 1 —tf Rockville, Md. Nilotic Ware. IFST received a ljnrgs supply of HTONE FITCHKII.S, JARS, MlUv FANS, JIHJS lite. WM. BRADDOCK A CO. may p Ploughs & Castings. II ’ ST received a general assortment of Minor and Horton’s PLOPGIIS and PLOUGH CASTINGS, direct from the* manufacturer's, to which we invito the attention ot farmers, may 3 WM. BRADDOCK Ac. CO. Harvest Goods! PRIME KNO FISH WALDRON CRASS AND GRAIN fICYTHEH. HNKATHRH, RANKS, RIFLKH AM) W/IKTSTO.NKS for ■sale nl DUtrict prl.'es. by je 7 U .M. HKAODOCK k CO. For Sale, \ VALUABLE NEGRO MAN, about 27 years of age, a first rate farm hand. For further information apply to the Editor of tho Sentinel, may 31—tf Paints, Oils, &c. IUST RECEIVED.-—Lewis’s White Lead, (pure.) Chrome Yellow, Chrome Green, i Pari/dun Grceu, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, etc. Ai ho Kthcnal and Pine Oil; Patent Lamp I Oil; Epsom and Ghiuher Halts ; Mustang Lini ment; Cream Tartar; Bed and White Chalk; | Blie Slime; Red Precipitate;Castile,Chemical, I and Rosin Soaps, Etc. For sale by npril |> H. BOmC. I.iulii-N, <;4>n(K a CliiilrFiiK’ SHOES, &C. II IA VE as good, if not the best, Rtoek -of BID)EH ever brought to this market, and at the LOWEST PRICES, sqgli as— Gents Calf Congress SHOES • Do Do BOOTH Ladies Black and Fancy GAITERS I)o Congress Do Do Morocco, Calf & Leather Shoes. With a general assortment of Chil drens’ Shots. D. 11. BOUIO, april 19 CASH FOR NEOROES. ) , TIIK SI'RHCRIIIKR in giving the hlghes !/ m H price- Ibr NTXIUOKB. of Ootli sexes . k.null of dilfi rent Ujnod sires. Any t roniniunieiilioa addressed to hint 1. 1 \\asliiug : ton Citv will meet with prompt attention, j \ y n'VKV MHKCKKLL, I'AKANOU* A DM lilt DLL. AB. IT, ST received, direct front the msiiufiKtur* , „„ , Mrilenl a,.ortnnt nfl’AKA j rill LA AND i'Mo.'LM.LAS, * which we call j the attention of par' lin*' - mu) -| W B.HUAI)DOCK k CO. TINWARE! \LOT of well assorted TINWARE, (mado l.y Mr. Ksi.ihii, of this place,) put re edved and for wile low, hy 'mu r !’) D. n. BOUIO,