Newspaper Page Text
humorous. X3P A good Methodist minister at the West, who lived on a very small salary, was greatly troubled at one time > to get his quarterly instalment. lie had called on his steward a number of . times, but had each time been put of) j with some excuse. Ilis wants at length J becoming urgent, he went to his steward . and told hiui that he must have money, j as his family was suffering for the neces saries of life. “Money!” replied tho steward. — “ You preach for money? I thought you preached for the good of souls.” “/Souls/” replied the minister; “I can’t eat souls—and if I could, it would take a thousand such as yours to make a decent meal.” J[-0~ Hearing a man complain that political papers of all kinds “had Income such liars, that, for his part, he old not 1 believe any of them,” reminds me of the old story of the miller and his three sons. Coming into the mill and finding a grist in tho hopper, the old man cried out: “ Tom, have you tolled this grist?” “ Yes, sir.” “Bill, have you tolled this grist?” “ Yes, sir,” “ Sam, have you tolled this grist?” “ Yes, sir.” “You’re all a pack of lying scoun drels,” says the old man. “I don't be lieve a word you say—l’ll toll it myself.” IfST A Scottish parson was betrayed into more puns than ho meant to make, when he prayed for tho Council and the Parliament, that they might hang togeth er in those trying times. A countryman standing by, cried out: “ Yes, with all my heart, and the . sooner tlie better; it’s the prayer of all good people.” “ But, my friends,” said the parson, I “ I don’t mean as that fellow does ; hut I pray that they may all hang together in accord and concord.” “No matter what cord,” the fellow sung out, “so it’s only a strong cord.” itrT A gentleman saw a lady looking so lovely that lie could not help pressing her delicate cheeks and asking her “if lie had ought to do with the happiness of tho future.” “Yon are in the dreams of my coming days,” replied she. They are to bo married next month. “Sir,” said a blustering little man to a religious opponent, “to what sect do you think I belong ?” “ Well, T don’t exactly know,” replied the other, “hut to judge from your style and appearance, I should think you belonged to a class called the insect.” iff?" “Y ou bachelors ought to he taxed,” said a lady to a resoiuto evader of the noose matrimonial. “I agree with you perfectly, ma’am,” was the re ply, “bachelorism is certainly a lux ury.” A rich journeyman printer is found out west, lie is being exhibited with ling-tailed monkeys, wild hogs, shaved horses, three legged calves and other trinkets. A shrewd little fellow who had just read latin, astonished his father by the following translation : Ft>, a man, gin, a trap —Virgin, a man-trap. The man who couldn’t “trust his feel ings,” is supposed to do business strictly on the cash principle. “ Papa, have guns got legs ?” “No.” “How do they kick then?” “With their breeches, my son.” An artist painted a cow and a cabbage so natural that they had to bo separated, the cow having commenced eatfng the cabbage. Three things as good ns their betters —dirty water to extinguish fire, a home ly wife to a blind man, and a wooden sword to a coward. “ My lad,” said a lady to a boy carry ing out an empty mail bag, “arc you a mail boy?” “You don’t think Iso a female boy, do you?” “I am going to draw this bean into a knot,” as the lady said when standing at tho liymenial altar. To undertake to reason a girl out of love is as absurd as would l>o the attempt to extinguish Vesuvious with a glass of water. Mr. Smith, tho hogs are getting into your cornfield.” “Never mind, Billy, I’in sleepy ; corn won’t hurt ’em.” TO TOE 3POTM€ 'VX7S in k i‘is gmtrfhl ncknowli'ilg mentg to histYiends who hare heretofore so lilieruliy | him, would respectfully imnouuce to them nnd the citizens of Montgomery county generally, that lie still continues to prosecute the lIOt.SK Ctlil’EN'- TEItING and JOINING HI .SINK,ss! in tl,c town of Rockville, nnd that lie w ill lie at all times prepared to execute nil work in his line of business that mar I/O intrusted .to him, with durability, neatness and despatch. He will constantly keep on hand it SttpplAif suitable Corns Material, nnd furnish tVffins of every description, and attend to interments end all other business in his line, in nuv part oftlic county. Upon terms thut cannot fail to plve satisfaction to all who may be pleased to favor him with their custom. New .Shop, Court-house Square, one door South of the office of Johs llrewku, Kstp, w here be will be pleased to receive ail orders in his hue- JAMES \V. CAMPBELL uug 11—tf NEGROES WANTED. 1 THE lubeerilier will give the very high -4i yr est cash price fur Negroes tlint are young •At&and likely. Having located himself in Rockville, Mont gomery comity, Md., he can at all times be found at his residence, below the Catholic Church; or, if absent, any word or note loft at hid residence w ill he rufliriviil. All communications addressed to him at Rockville, Md., will be promptly attended to. augll—ly CM AS'. M. PRICK. , ~T TINWARE! A > AKirftffjEffVSrS: cetved and for sole lew, by ' 11 i). h. none, j COUNTY ADVERTISEMENTS. McCormicks COMBINED REAPING AND MOWING M&mM-z, WE RESPECTFULLY inform the Farmers of Montgomery county that we have tlic EXCLUSIVE AGENCY for supplying them with this invaluable Machine, for 185 C, and so licit their early orders. In buying McCORMICK’S REAPING AND mowing Machine, you make n exckui mknt. It has been long in use and well tested. The whole world knows it to bo the best, most complete working and thoroughly reliable Machine in use. It is very substantially made, with heavy w rought iron finger-beam, serrated sickle-edged Cutter, very seldom requiring to be ground ; the Reel draws up the grain to the Sickle, land ing it admirably on the platform to the Raker’s hand. It is easily adjusted to cut any height of stubble, from one inch to fourteen, without moving a bolt. It does its work perfectly and equally so, w hether the grain be heavy or light, tangled or fallen, wet or dry, nnd at any rate Of Speed. In Mowing, the Reel effectually clears the finger-beam of grass and other substances ; thus preventing the sickle from choking, leaving the grass beautifully spread for curing, and requir ing no other bund but the driver. It cuts a swarth near six left wide, and at a fair farm work gait does the work of Jive cradlcrs and mo leers. In evidence of the entire satislhctinn this ma chine gives, we stale, that of the 25U0 machines made and sold last year, placed into nil kinds of hands, and over the grain growing parts of the United States, not a siagle purchaser has given Mr. McCormick an intimation of a wish to return ltis machine. About eighty of our Montgomery Farmers (referred to below) own mid use them, all of " hom will cheerfully bear testimony to their thorough efficiency in doing their work us well for their great economy in their use by saving labor mid Gleaner saving of grain and grass : Joseph N Dawson William Cissell Henry Young Daniel T White Horatio Trundle B Jackson Cross Samuel C Young Nupoloon B Vinson Col Rob’t T Dade Daniel T Jones Richard Gott, sen licv C H Nourse Thomas Peter Simon Nicholla Thomas N Gott Robert Dick Henry W Talbott George W Peter Jonathan B Benson Leonard Hays B B Pleasants Gassaway Sell man Jesse Veirs Perry L Trundle Thomas Oxley William O Sellman Isaac Bice Thomas L Jones Stephen N r White Frederick 8 l’oole Nathan S White William D Poole Dr SN C White Col JA B Leonard Maj George Peter Samuel Dyson /lachariult Waters F S Key Johnson llonson Joseph Brewer Adaui Beall James E King Walter Magruder Samuel Biggs, of B Uriah Griffith Dr W B Magruder John W Darby Bemus Biggs Gassaway Watkins Titos Worthington Bushrod Gartrell Hazel B Cashell Robert W Carter Nathan C Dickerson Edward AV Owen Sam’l W Magruder Enoch B Hutton W Veirs Bouic Patrick Dunohuo Samuel Perry William Matthews Julius West Joltu Dawson John Brady Lawrence Allnutt William Price George Darby Samuel O Dorsey Frederick Dawson Biehard II Griffith Edward Chiswell Charles Holland L A Dawson Caleb Stabler Col Benj Shrevc Chas A C Higgins THE GRAND GOLD MEDAL ns awarded to this Machine at the Exhibition <>K ALE NATIONS nt ’aris lust year in com petition with the other most celebrated Reapers, (among them “Manny's” and “Atkin’s .Self linker,”) the Committee after many severe tests, saying: “Tins Machine did the Work BhJST IN KYKHY TRIAL.” This Machine lmd also awarded to it tho first premium, “The Uueat Council Medal,” at the World’s Fair, iu London, in 1851. banners consult their true interests to buy only the Machine that has been well and thoroughly tested— known to be good mid relia . • ‘ ’ Self-Rakers” can be exacted to do sa tisfactory work only when the conditions of the gnun ore favorable, and from their greater com plication of machinery are much more liable t° get out of order. New machines mag lie good, but you have to run too much risk, and when the harvest comes on, you have no time then to experiment. y’ i’- I'LE ASK ORDER EARLY, to insure eing supplied. We will give due attention to putting up and seeing under way every ma chine sold by us. Price $166, delivered iu Baltimore, freight thereon to be paid by the purchaser—sss cash, ml mice payable Ist December next, with inte rns t from the Ist of July—ss discount for all cash. mail promptly attended to. A BUI PLY of the various parts of the Rea per, tor repairing, always on hand ; deposito ry san* will also be found at Mr. ADAM HhAbL S. near Lay tons ville, and at the store ot Mr J H. HIGGINS, Rockville. JESSE T. HIGGINS & 880. Exclusive Ag'ts for Montgomery Go., Mil. „ , , Anil Loudoun county, Va. 1 oolcgville, M,1., April r>, 18.-.0. Agricultural Implement agency. j. T. HIGGINS A: BRO. Foolesville, !Ul. \ <5 |mm T o, 5 1,r m, VOUMK K\S combined • Kiv! u’:,, AN,) m "'VINU machine. hula kM, *\'! KAT * fll’ANo DRII.L, with tor I Had U “ m * otherwise improved, mi'll' 1 " " I ' nlCSt Im l’ rovtd COEN AND COB hri^'!!" o .’* t'URKSHELLKR-the most cek _ rated and Itowerfal horsirpown shelter in the mi A i t * h , eU “Ptwß* and fan from 100 to 150 bushels un hour. sßKu:KffiVi!i; , t;^o 1 r' orec ' ro ' VCTCOBN - Lr^r iash t Jo,,blc s r‘ do - y,V. ,Nr)IUCAI ' BAY, STRAW and judder cutter. n, Tit rev-horse Allegany PLOW. Rtut 1 atent Improved Ream do ,V,, 'if'i'i'n , vo LUK * Co -’ Railway THRESH ■rrn,ui\! Sh i V ,h and Winnow- I the v, ! , Tf. "“' 1 took the first premium at ricuu'nral n ttr°.oery County Ag- IlttiDNNDouiu s HOMINY MILL. Ac. Ae. n , n ' l ' mßll o such arrangement* with Be xcrnl of the mn*t extensive ssan"fect M rers o' Agrtcultnral linidemente in the countrv, as to '“ 'V'J *° htfuish any article in their line, at nmmiftieturers price*, (tom factory lidded. All ordem by mail promptly attended to. Pooleavtlle, Md., April 5, im. WOW OPGXIXG. A FINK assortment of STONE CHINA and . Liverpool War*. “tt'.f J WM. I)HADDOCK J CO. BALTIMORE ADYKIITISEMENTS. m, FORMERLY THREE TUNS TAVERN, /S'. IF. Corner Pratt and Paca Streets, BALTIMORE. THE undersigned respectfully informa his friends and the public in general, that he hits token the above house, amt is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call; his HOUSE is large with ntanv spacious nnd well ventilated Chambers; Ids’ TAIILE will be supplied with the best the market can afford. Tkujis Rkahonaiu.k. . CORNELIUS .SHAWF.N, Baltimore, Jan, 20, 1850—bJiin Proprietor. K. H. I’oiiTr.K. c. li. house. ROBERT B. PORTER & CO. IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, and dealers in Machine Findings, Bar Iron and Steel uml Hollow Ware; Mill, Pit and Circular Saws- Axes, Hatchets, Spikes mid Nails, Patcut Horse Shoes, Anvils, Vices, Ace. fiS* Agents for Rees & Hoyt’s Premium Lea ther Bands. Goodyear’s Metallic Packing- Foundry and Smith’s Bellows. For sale on best terms at 78 PRATT ST. HALTI MO RE, Ml). fob 2 0m 1 ft. 111. Coming fc Son, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 113 J PRATT ST. WHARF, BALTIMORE have for sale at market price ; 500 Tons No. 1 PERUVIAN OCANO, ns well as nil other descriptions. Timothy, Y Orchard Grass [SEEDS. Herds Grass, | They also sell Gruiu and Country Produce ou commission. • jan 26 *}m CHAULM lIICE. THOMAS NORRIS. RICE &, NORRIS, Manufacturers and Dealers in a / RICCI. Tint AI. IMPLEMENTS MACHINES, SEEPS, UUA NO, Jr., Nos. 40 & 48 Light Street, near Pratt, llai.timoke. Horse Powers, Thrashing Machines, Scott’s Little Giant Corn and Col) Crushers, Straw and Stalk Cutters, Portable Corn nnd Flour Mills, Smut Machines, Wheat Fans, Wheat mid Seed Drills, Ilay Presses, Vegetable Cutters. Portable Cider Mills and Presses, liny mid Grain Rakes, Gx \ likes, Dirt Scoops, Harrows, Cul tivators, Grain Cradles, Plows; all kinds of Farming and Garden Tools, Ac.; Field and Garden Seeds, Trees uml Plants. Agents far Herring's unrivalled Patent Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. RICE A NORRIS. N. 11. We would call particular attention of the Farmers generally to HAY PRESSES. Baltimore, Jan. 26—12 m 11. A N. TO THE FARMERS or Montgomery County, AND DEALERS IN FARMING IMPLE MENTS.—The undersigned beg leave most, respectfully to inform all who arc deal ing in or using the above articles, that we are extensively engaged in the manufacture of Im plements for farmers’ use. Having fitted up an extensive establishment, we are prepared to ex ecute all orders with neatness and despatch. We iiuine a few of the leading articles—viz: Horse Powers and Wheat Thrashers of the most approved kinds; Wheat Fans; Wheat Cradles ; Ploughs, in great variety—some new nud useful improved patterns, much sought for by the farmers who have used them. We would call special attention to our new No. 1 nnd 2 Chesapeake Plough, which combines economy and strength, and in its favor we could pro duce some flattering certificates. Cultivators, different patterns; narrows, of all kinds: Corn-Sliellcrs, for horse and hand power; Wheat Drills. Shovels, Forks, Spades, Trace Chains, &c.; Horse Collars and 1 lames. Sausage Cutters and Staffers, Machine and Plough Castings, by the quantity or single piece. /Zif'Field and Garden Seeds, warranted fresh and good. We are also Agents for McCormick’s Reaper and Mowing Machine, and Montgomery’s W beat Fan. We would invite all interested to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. COTTINOHAM fc JOHNSON, No. 150 Pratt St. Wharf, Cor. Hollingsworth St., Baltimore, fob 2—l2m GRANGER’S MAGIC CORN AND COB MILL. THIS CELEBRATED MILL which to. des cribe its merits would limKe too length ened an advertisement, but we will state for j the BKNKKiT of the Agricultural community, that we are selling the No. 1 MILL, all complete, fors2s —griuding 4 to 8 bushels j or hour. No. 2 MILL, all complete, for $35 —grinding 0 to 10 bushels per hour. No. 3 MILL, all complete, for $45 —grinding 10 to 15 bushels per hour. Which will put this Mill WITHIN THE REACH OF EVERY’ FARMER—AT THE SAME TIME FULLY WARRANTED. There is one of the MAGIC set up in my Warehouse, and can l>e seen at any time, worked by three men, performing the same work as in other Mills requires a horse. Z-*T* Also agent for C. If. McCormick’s cel ebrated Reaping and Mowing Machines.— Address orders to B. M. RHODES, sole agent, No. 141, West Prattstreet, mar 1-v Baltimore. GUANO AGENCY. B. M. RHODES, GIENKUAL COMMISSION MERCHANT; r Agent for MeCORMA CK'S REAPING AND MOWING MACHINE: also, Dealer in AGSICCLTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of every Description, No. 141 WEST PRATT ST. near Eight street, Baltimiiiik, Mil. EIASB.FIBSPBATE DF LIKE, FLAS TER, AND OTHER FERTILIZERS. PERUVIAN GUANO, No. 1, furnished nt the Government price, the ton of 2240 lbs. de livered either from ship, warehouse at the Point, or nt my Warehouse, up town, on ♦crnis the most advantageous to dealers and consumers. MEXICAN GUANO, selected from cargoes, rich in Phosphates. J'JIOSPJIATE OF LIME, manufactured exprwdy for my agency. Also —PLASTER and other Fertilizer*. #jJ** For the convenience of Fanners, their orders will be filled either at the Guano a harf, or at my Warehouse, No. 141 1 VEST J*RA TT STREET, near Light, at all times without de lay. Kxjieiise avoided ii possible, Aud made light w hen unavoidable. B. M. RHODES. No. 11l West Prattstreet, Baltimore, fcb &—l2ui DISTRICT ADVERTISEMENTS. Baker’s Franklin Hotel. Corner of Eighth and D. Streets, WASHINGTON, D. C. THE subscriber has taken the above named well-known house, recently and long kept by Mr. Thomas Baker The house has un dergone a thorough repair, internally and ex ternally ; the Chambers fine und airy, have been refurnished ; the location very pleasant and healthy, nnd centrally located between the capital and all the official departments, and in full view of the patent and general aud city post offices. The Table and Bar will always be furnished in the best style the seasons can utlbrd. The domestics of the house trusty und accommoda ting ; and every exertion, by an experienced proprietor, will be used to render this house one of the most desirable in the city. Travel lers and others are respectfully solicited to call. MA RTIN, Proprietor. N. B.—Attached to this house is a fine LIV ERY STABLE, where horses are kept at livery and Carriages and other conveyances always obtaim l. J. W. BARNECLO, Ag’t, DKALHIi IN ** FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRYGOODS, Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Uonncts, itc. No. 383 7th Street, between H and I Sts. WASHINGTON, I). C. NU” N. 11. All articles sold are warranted to prove as represented. jan Hi—l2m NEW YORK FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. IVo. 81. J. I). LAKENAN, MERCHANT” TAILOR, AT WALL J STEVENS' Pennsylvania Avenue, Five doors below the National Hotel, WASHINGTON, D. C. npril 12—Jy HUTCHINSON A HI KAO, —DKALEIIS IN Fancy Goods, Perfumery BONNETS, Itl lilSt INS, FLOWERS GLOVES, HOSIERY, Ae. \o. 310 Pennsyva. Avenue, Between Ninth and Tenth Streets, WASHINGTON, D. C. mar 15—12 m tnixun p. iiailv, —DEALER IX Pain Sf iTawn Staticmcnj Penn. Av., bet. 11th and 12th Sts. WASHINGTON CITY. Card Prates Engraved aud Printed, mar 15—12 m W. H . BRER ETON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Corner 7l!i and I-' Streets, WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. jan Iff—l2m mm ix Fancy and Variety Store, No, 493, 7th Street, between D and E, WASHINGTON, D. (J. DEALER in Laces, Embroideries, Millinery Goods, PerfUmery, Hosiery, Gloves, Worsteds, Jewelry, kc. 4c. jan 19—12 m JOHN SAUL, NURSERY, SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST, GROWER OP Fruit, Shade, Ornamental Trees, Evergreens,Ac AND IMPORTER OP ENGLISH HARDEN SEEDS , DUTCH BULBS, dr. 397, Comer .Seventh nnl li Streets, WASHINGTON Cl TV. U. C. jan 19—12 m sH iSB AM i< i3(o23j'] -f 9 MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN STOVES AND TIN-WARE. CORNER OF H AND SEVENTH STS. Washington, 11. V. PARTICULAR attention paid to ROOFING A A /> SPOUTI A' (}, nnd all work in ltis line attended to at the shortest notice, jan 19—12 m *. Lewis, JEWELLER, Pennsylvania Avenue, Between Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets, WASHINGTON CITY. . nmr 22—12 m KIRKWOOD HOUSE, J. 11. X A. W. ItlllK WOOD, PROP HIE TOPS, Washington City, l>. C. mar 22—U‘ J. .111/1/AICU A SO VS PAINT &, OIL STORE, Pennsyi \ jniia Avenue, WASiriNIITOX, V. c. mar 22—12 T. J. FORREST, Manufacturer ot I.allies' nnd Gents' BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS. —No. 30* I’kxxsvlvama Aykntk— I North Side, between 12 th <fc U)th Sts. WASHINGTON, D. C. ALWAYS on band ii vrrv fine nssnrtment of niv own work, which 1 can warrant to be ot the best material ami workmanship, jan 19—12 m H. H. VOSS, Dealer in all kinds of I'AiiiiA 4j!to< lima:*. WINES, LIQUORS, CIG ARS, Ac. &7. Southwest corner of 10th St. and Penn sylvania Aveuue, Wasiiinuton, B. C. fob 2—l2m John J. McQuillan, IHDERTAKER, EAST' SIDE OF HIGH STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE FORREST HALL, 4 POK4* KTOWI¥, 1. C. X-tT Prompt attention to FUNERALS. Mourning aud every Requisite furnished at, all hour*. ' [-j, S-y A. MEINERS, UPHOLSTER <(• PAPKRHAXQER No. 367, 7th Bt, between I and K St*. WASHINGTON, D. C. fJS" Vt, ill attend calls in portion of Montgo mery county, at the shortes utotwe. jan 9 1 2m DISTRICT ADVERTISEMENTS. ; A. GREEN, Auctioneer and commission met;- CIJAXT. Corner of 7th and I) Streets. I WASHINGTON CITY. I). C. i Has on hand a large and extensive assortmnnt J of NEW FURNITURE, which he will sell on j the most reasonable terms. Call and examine, J and I am sure I can please you. j Jan 26 —12m A, GREEN, Auctioneer. By Hugh Bowling & Co. AUCTIONEERS! REGULAR DAY & EVENING SALFS- I rTIIIE subscribers, determined to de- JL vote their wliole attention to the Auctiou and Commission Business, respectfully inform the public that they are prepared to re ceive all goods consigned to their care for sale at public auction ; that no exertions on their part shall be spared to obtain ihe best prices lor the same by fair and impartial representa tions ; and as they intend to confine themselves to a strict cash business unless otherwise or dered. those sending goods to their sale shall he settled with immediately when the goods are delivered to the buyers. Goods sent to them for evening sales can he settled for next morning, if gold. A regular evening auction lor the sale of all kinds of merchandise can by this means be of great service to the commu nity, whose patronage is most respectfully so licited by thcTmblic’s obedient servants, HUGH HOWLING k CO. Auctioneers. Day Sales—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, at 10 o’clock, and every evening at 7 ocloek, at the Store. No. 53, Vnr mun Buildings, Louisiana avenue, and at all other times and places where their services are required. Sales on the Market Square, oppo site the Bank of Washington, attended as usual on market days. Cash advances on consignments. HUGH HOWLING k CO. Auctioneers. 'ro wm reisifoT TTIIIE I ’miertaking business heretofore X. carried on by the late James F. ilarvev will be continued by his widow. Mr. Gkorue Harvey (brother of my deceased < husband) has been engaged to conduct and manage the business and is fully authorized to act in the premises. The public may be assured that every atten tion will he given to the business as formerly. Funeral calls attended to at all hours of the day and night. A large number of ready-made COFFINS, kept constantly on hand. Particular atten tion paid to funeral* in any of the adjacent counties, at the shortest notice and upon the most reasonable terms. MARIA E. HARVEY No. 410 Seventh Street, North of the Patent Office, W ushsugton. I). C. April 26—ly TOPHAM&NORFLET’S A'JiW AND CHEAP SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK STORE, No. 499,7th St. opposite Odd Fellows' Hall, WASHINGTON, D. C. IVIIERE may be found a large, neat and well-made assortment of Saddles, Har ness, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, .Satchels, Fancy Boxes, Whips, Saddler’s Tools, Ac. attention paid to Covering Trunks, and Repairing all kinds of work, with neatness and despatch. N. I).—Harness of the finest make always on hand, to which wc invite the attention ol gentlemen. jan 19—12tu NEW YORK HATS. il WISH ALL GEN TLEMKN who arc in want of HATS to bear in miml that the plan which I adop ted six months ago, of sell ing Hats and Caps at great ly reduced prices, for cash only, is in successful ope ration, consequently those who pay cash have the benefit of cash, and arc not charged 25 per cent, extra profit to offset had debts. The very best and most fashionable DItESS IIA TS, nt 53.60, equal to any usually sold at $5, and the best $3 hat south of New York : and a first rate, durable and fashionable Hat at $2.50. A full supply of black and brown FELT HATS, and Children’s Fancy Goods, at very low prices. Small profits and quick sales is the motto. ANTHONY, Practical Hatter, 7th St. near Penn. Av., opp. Dexter’s hotel Washington city, L>. 0. igPijp| I HAVE made arrangements with one of the best Boot-mak . , , ' j ers in Philadelphia to be kept ÜB&ja constantly supplied with the vc iKwd r .v best and most fashionable French Calf-skin sewed Boots, i French calf, or no j - which I offer for the un precedented low price of $3.02}. I have shown ! them to competent judges, who pronounce! them the best Boots for the price in the Unit ed States. 1 also have a splendid sewed QAITER ROOT, made of the very best French rail'! skin patent leather, all of the latest style, for! $3.50. j Conmetition is out of the question. All I j nsk is for gentlemen to come and see for them selves. Terms positively cash. N. B. As for my stock of Boots. I will bet' SIOO to SSO that they are the best Boots at the price, in a regular way, in the U. States, jan 20—12 in J. CONNELLY, ITN BEU I’A K UK, 7th Slivct, between J (, anil 11 streets, No. 4*29, would resjiect fully inform the citizens of Washington ami the 1 adjoining counties, that he i- prepared to at tend to all orders at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms, lie will spare no pains to give entire satisfaction on all occasions He guarantees to PRESERVE TllK UK.VI) in the warmest weather, for any length of time j large supply of READY-MADE OOF- ! FINS, of all sizes and qualities, constantly on ' lmml. s/t/iovns, c a an jacks, hearse,mil every other article, furnished of the best quality.j A share of the public patronage is respectful ly solicited. j (' j Washington, March 29, 18.7(5. S. P. HOOVER’S IRON HALL Boot, Shoe, and Trunk ESTABLISHMENT, Pennsylrania Avenue, bet. 9th and 10th Sts. WASHINGTON, D. C. IX THIS SPLENDID ESTABLISHMENT. which lias no superior in the United States! ' may be found, at all times, the most extensive stock in tins citv of every stele and quality of LADIES, GENTLEMEN', CHILDREN ,v n'rr. V ANT’S BOOTS ASI It IKS; also TRUNKS CARPET UAHS. VALISES. SATCHELS Ac' My stock of Fall and Winter Wear, rccentlt j selected from the most celebrated inamif.ictur-1 ers, is very superior. I promise to offer unusual inducements, and ' , roopectftilly solicit your putroimge and infl..- I g. i\ HOOVER. I 1\ S. *IOO prs. Coarse Hoots at tost. Washington, Jan. 10, 1H56. LIQUORS! LIQUORSH CIHAJIPAONK, FRENCH BRANDY, AP- A PLE Ditto; Port, Madeira and Sweet ! WIVES ; Old RYE WHISKEY, tic, just re ceivcd and for sale by 1 "roi if " d. h. Bone. I !•!. TRiiT ADVERTISEMENTS. ' J. R. M’GREGOR, (SUCCESSOR TO T. WHITTLESEY) DEALER IN Paints, Oils, Winslow Glass, CanipLine auJ JEtherial Oil, Lamps, Glasses, Brushes, Wicks, Clucks, &c. 5317th St., between Louisiana Av. and D Sts. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. j 1 1 IHE subscriber having purchased the stock A of Mr. C. S. Whittlesby, is prepared to famish the former customers of the house, and all who may give him a call, on the most fu vorabie terms, and hopes, by moderate prices and attention to the wishes of his friends, to ’, merit a share of their patronage. OILS. WINDOW"* GLASS. : Ethereal Oil Baltimoec First , 1 Cam phene Oil (lhcsajeake . Linseed Patapsco . Boiled Linseed Oil Bolton ’ Sperm Oil, Nos. 1, 2 French . Solar Oil From G-8 a 30-40 ! SS oil GLASSWARE. [ eoHIS. QUEENS WARE. . All kinds, dry Aground liribmnia, and : ArtUtht’Toois* colors Water Colors"'' n P w NTS ; CLOCKS. 7y “frkdr ’ All sizes and prices ! Fire Proof/Ac. warranted VARNISHES. „ . KAMI’S. 1 Copal, No. 1 A 2 Solar Lamps -• j Japan Coach, Asphal- ;V Ua ‘'“"{l 19 ■ turn Ac. Umpliinc Lamps j Spirit Gas Lamps ttT’ciTrnfi kanl Lumps TIiT )SIII'jS. Lanterns, kc. Paint, Varnish, White- Candle Sticks, kc. wash, kc. Lamp Shades Sash Tool-, Feather Gas Drop Lights Dusters, Fly Brushes Stand Lights, kc. jCif Putty, Resin. Patent Drier, Pumice Stone, Sand Paper. Oil Cans, Toilet Sets, Painted Tin ! Chamber Sets, Matches, Gas Lighters, China Tea Sets, China Vases, Fancy China Cups and Saucers, Spice Boxes, Key, Knife and Tumbler , [Baskets, Russia Hair Felt, Glue, kc. J. R. M’GREGOR. i Washington, Jan. 10, 1856—y Cl SAMUEL It. WAITS (Of late firm of C. Stott k Co.) MipiflUMMY, IVo. .vis, 71h Mtreel, El! 1 igOppotitc Coyle's Agricultural House, llLj WASHINGTON CITY. HAS on hand and is constantly receiving fresh supplies of genuine Drags aim Me dicines, for physicians and family use ; togeth , yr with all the most Medicines, amongst which arc— Dr. Jayne’s, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, Os good's India Cologogne, Wistar’s Balsoni, Hof land’s German Bitters, Ayrc’s Cherry Pectoral, Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture, Cannon’s Dys peptic Bitters, Rose’s Nervous Cordial and i Whooping-Cough Syrup, Tasteless Worm-de . J straying Drops, and n general Assortment of Hair,Tooth.Cloth and Shaving Brushes, Combs, Imported Soaps, Colognes, Lubin’s Perfume, . Pomatum, Hair Dyes, Gradual Hair Coloring, Tricopheruus, Kathairou, Eau Lustral,&c. NO" Proprietor of Tyler’s Linement for Horses and Human Flesh, price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. april 12-ly FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. JOHN K. RAWLINGS, No. 345 Southwest Corner 7th and K Btreots, WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. HAS now in store and is constantly re ceiving a large and well selected assort ment of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, con sisting of a very general and appropriate vari ety of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, WINES LIQUORS ’ and everything suitable for city and country customers, which he Offers as low as can be purchased elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, and with a deter- J ■Yuination to accommodate and even anticipate j the wants of the public, he hopes to share a merited portion of their patronage. Washington, Jan. 19, 1856. Notice to the Public. WE have constantly on hand, and olfer for i sale nt the lowest cash price, a good as sortment of HARDWARE, STOVES, GRATES, FURNACES, RANGES, &c., | among which nmv be found a good assortment of CAR I' EXThll'S TOOLS and Ill'll,D --j IN(l MATERIALS , such as Locks, in every j variety; narrow, broad and loose Joint Butts'; [ Pnrilameat and Patent Blind Hinges. Hooks and Hinges, Strap Hinges,* Dolts, Screws. : I Brads, Cut and Wrought Nails; in short all ' that is wanted in onr line tor building, i In STOVES we have a beautiful assortment i for cooking with wood or coal. Parlor Stoves, I j also for wood or coal; Radiators. Air-Tights, j .Salamanders, Cylinder, Cannon, Av. j I To our stock wc are constantly adding, dirts i | j from the manufactories, all the new and useful ; improvements of the times, and to w hich we I invite the attention of our friends and the public. JOHNSON, GUY, A CO., North side Pennsylvania Avenue, between 'loth and lltli streets, Washington, D. C. mar B—ly To the People ol'.Montgome ry County. GREAT BARGAINS! npilK subscribers respectfully invito the at- X lention of housekeepers and others ol j : Montgomery to their large, complete and well ; selected stock of— lloiise'FlirniMitiiiK Ciood*, SI CH AS BUREAUS, SOFAS, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, ('HAULS, LOOKING-GLASSES CHINA, GLASS A CROCKERY WARE. Together with every article useful fur house-' keepers; nil of which they will guarantee to sell cheaper than any other establishment in the city of Washington. M lien you visit the city, we respectfully so licit a cull and a comparison of prices with other dealers. UONT7, & COOMBS, No. tint! 7th Street, a few doors above Dorsey’s Hotel, Washington, D. C. jan 19— 12m AXS, PARASOLS, Ac.—llutcii - IXBO x aMi uxo have now on hand a largo and beautiful assortment of fine IANS and PARASOLS, which they are prepared to*sell at reduced prices. No. 31(1, Pa. avenue, between 9th and! I 10th streets, Washington, 1). C. ap 12—tf IjEKFUMERY, SOAPS, POMADE, Ac.—We have constantly on hand, |n largo supply of French Perfumery, j Pomades, Soaps, Tooth and Nail Urvihes, i i Dressing Cases, Ac., which we sell 25 | per cent, below the regular prices. HUTCHINSON A MURNO No. 810, Pa. avenue, ■ “P 12—tf Washington, D C. ; DISTRICT YPVFimsKMK.STS. ! CHATUCY \VAItttL\ER, Watchmaker & Jeweler, ' A XD Dealer in FINE WATCHER, JEW- A ELItY, and SILY ERWAItE, would re spectfully solicit the attention of those w ho de sire a good article to his choice variety of Lon- I dun, Geneva and Copenlmgnn WATCHES, selected with the view of time-keeping and du rable qualities, for w hich a suitable guarantee ■ will be furnished those who purchase. 1 Gold Seals, Fob and Vest Chains, Fine Jcw l clry, Silver Spoons, Forks, Goblets, Cups, &o. -for .-ale at New York prices. REPAIRING,'—The Chronometer, Duplex, ’ Lever. Cylinder, Repenting, Musical und other Watches repaired. Also. Jewelry, &c. No. 370 PENN. ANENUE, between Sixth and Seventh streets, Brown's Hotel Kitildim*, sign of the GOLDEN WATCH, mar 22—12 m Washington, D. C. W. M. GAIiTABROTHEU, DEALERS IN Fill WATCHES, JEfffflY, SILVEB vmt, asm NO. 324 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE Between 9th and 10th Sts. WASHING TON CITY, D. C. OFFER an assortment of goods in their lihe, which, for variety, quality, stvle unit cheapness, is not surpassed in this country. They euumerate in part— Superior Ciold Watches, in magic hunting eases, which cun he worn ns a hunter, or changed at will by the wearer in to the ordinary open lace Watch, Copenhagen or Jurgcnsou Pocket Chonometers and Watch es: Ladies' Enameleddo. studded with diamonds and pearls: Ladies’ and Gent s elegantly en graved mid plain do., with duplex, lever and horizontal movements, all warranted perfect time keepers. Rich Jewelry. . Diamond, Ruby, Pearl and Florentine Mosa i icßroaches, Earrings and Bracelets in sets; Dia I inond Crosses; Diamond, Pearl, Ruby and Em ■ crald Finger Rings, Gold Chains, Lockets Heals, Keys, Breastpins, Pencils, Gold Thiiu hies, W edding Rings, &c. WEDDING & OTHER PRESENTS. , Solid Silver Tea Sets, Pitchers, Goblets, i Cups, Napkin Rings, Table, Desert mid Tea Spoons and Forks; Silver Desert Knives; Soup Cream and Gravy Ladles ; Sugar, Salt, Mus tard and Egg Spoons; Pie, Cake, Fish, and , Butter Knives; Sugar Sifters; Ice and Salad Tongs; Preserve and Jelly Spoons, l’ickle , forks, Ac. Also—Pearl, Ivory, Spanish and other Fans. EXTRA PLATED WARE AND TABLE CUTLEBY. Tea Sets, Cake Baskets, Castors, Waiters Pitchers, Goblets, Albata Forks, Spoons, But . ter Coolers, &c. Also—-Superior Table Cutlery Spectacles & Eyeglasses. Gold, silver, fine steel extra plated Spectacles and Eye Glasses, of all focuses, with perifbenl, penseopic, and parabola Glasses. Strict atten tion paid to the selection of glasses adapted to the eyes of wearers. JraiHilhctiiri-fl to Order. Every description of Gold and Silver Wore such ns Testimonials, richly wrought with a;/ propriate designs. Diamond and other Pre cious Stones, set in the most elaborate styles. Arms, Crests and Initials cut on stone anti me tal. WATCH REPAIRING. Watches and Chronometers carefully retir ed, and warranted to perform accurately. Al so—Jewelry and Silverware neatly repaired. STRANGERS VISITING THE CITY Are invited to examine our stock, if hut for their amusement. NiJ" All goods warranted at the lowest rates and us represented. M. W. GALT k BROTHER, No. 224 Pennsylvania Avenue, Between nth and 10th Sts. Washington, Aug. 18, 1855. THE SIGN OF TIIB Large SPREAD EAGLE, i\o. IIS I’cim, Avenue, Between Four-antUi-half and Mirth Ms. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. Superior Watehes. f | YIIK subscriber lmsjn.streceived somo A very finej('hronometcr Watches, tho most accurate time-keepers in the world. ANo a imr lot of American, English, and Swiss gold •anil silver \7 utehes, of every stvle and qualitv • some very email size for Ladies’ use. Also its rv fine Magic Cases anil heavy Hunters for gen tlemen. ° Rich Jewelry. ((insisting in part of fine Mosaic work. Rich carl, Garnett, Ruby, Jett Coral, and all other kinds of thshtonable Breast-Pins, Ear Rings I mid Bracelets, Locked., Gold Chains, Seals’ : h 7 , > aml , F ’"Ffr Rings, set with Emerald, 0- i pal, A met lust. Pearl, Sapphire, Tnrqiiois, Onvx and (me Diamonds, i ether w ith a good As . sortment of Sett and Plain Gold Rings in great ' variety. ° Purr Silverware. j Coin Silver Tea .Setts, Goblets, Cnps, Napkin ! Rwg*, Dintng and Desert Forks. .Set!* for < iiil dren Table and Tea Spoons. Fish, Pie, Fruit, j and Butter Knives, Ladies, kc. kc. All of which will be Sold at much LOWER PRICKS than goods of like quality have ever been oliefod for in this citv or section of coun try, and every article warranted to bens repre sented at the time of sale, so that all may pur chase equally cheap and safe. H atch Rcpairinir. I have employed one of the Re>i Watch Ma kkbs in the United States, who w ill engage io put in good time order any or ull the most dif ficult or complicated watches: will make new' I and replace any broken or defective part io lh most superior manner, and warrant all work i to give satisfaction. mar 15-12 m 11. O. HOOD. —— ft L. F. CLARK, PplioMur A Paprrlianffry. Dealer in french and am i n CAN Paper Hangings and Upholstery | Goods, No. 248 Pa. Avenue, bctu,.,, i ;p and 13tli Streets, would call attend, /to "/> extensive Fall stock, comprising „ wen vlcett d and general assortment of Gi ods fu l; s ] H .. I such as Gold, Velvet, Satin, and common Pniiers, suitable for every description of r. or!. French Landsci>e Views, Decorations ti Paneling, Ac,; Wiudow Slmdts, Cornices Tassels, Gimps, Cords, Ac. All orders f, i work executed with promptness, ami in tlx best manner. WashingtonCitv, Oct. C—Ct Genuine Garden Seeds, IMIE undersigned begs leave to inform Ins patrons anil the public gcncntllr, Hint he has just completed his supply of the above di rect from England and the Continent; amom■ which are. Extra early Peas, Means, Early York Lap e 1 lork. Slat Dutch and DiuUil.eud (M,l Cauliflowers, Beets. Celery, Egg Plant, iu,;l | isaes, Lettuces, Onions, Pepper- Tm i < Carrots, Ac. with all other W-gctt/blcs Perl ■’ Flower Seeds, Ac. in the trade ’ FRUIT TREES—Peaches ' U„V ]>. Cherries. A|wirots. Goosherrfes, Currants I 1,',/ barb Roots, ic.; all of finest quality w/mn t [ ed correct to name, and at v. r , „.misrule • , <li4 - JOHN SAUL, -,, „„ 396 Street, corner of H,_ , u Washltigtan, d. (*