Newspaper Page Text
Tjf£ SENTINEL, KfICKVILU; mi). SATURDAY, :::::: JULY 5, 1856. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. For President, JAMES BUCHANAN, OF PENNSYLVANIA. For Vice-President, JOII.Y C. HRECKIY'RIDCrE OF KENTUCKY. Xij~ To give our employees a chance j to observe the 4th of July, we send out our paper one day in advance. It is the duty of every patriotic American to ab stain from seeular employment on this I day, and engage in cxcroiscs worthy of the events which it commemorates. As there is to he no public celebration, wo intend to spend the day in reflection upon the blessings which have been vouch safed to us as a people, and in imploring the God of nations so to order the affairs of our country, that these blessings may be contiuued and enlarged to the end of time. Actions Speak Louder tuan Words. —Mr. Fillmore has just made a speech at Albany, N. Y., which his southern friends will doubtless repeat as an evi dence of the patriotic devotion to country of their candidate for the Presidency ■ It is true that he is eloquent in astonish ment at the sectionalism of the Black Republicans in presenting their ticket, and speaks warmly of the dangers to bo \ apprehended from the success of that ticket. If Mr. Fillmore has uttered his j true sentiments in this speech, his admi-! rers in the South have as much reason for astonishment at his continuing to be a candidate for the Presidency, as he has expressed at the action of the Republican convention. If be feels such horror at the idea of Fremont’s election, they will wonder why he docs not, by retiring from the field, place Fremont’s defeat be yond a peradventure, and take to himself the credit of helping to save the country from the disaster he so much deprecates. No Fillmore man in his senses will deny that, as matters now stand, every vote cast for him will contribute to Fremont’s chance of success, and that the only prac tical way for Fillmore to “make a clean breast of it,” is to co-operate with the host of national Whigs who are now man fully fighting in the ranks of the only party that can effectually restrain the Republicans from breaking asunder tho bonds of our Union, and spreading anar chy and civil war through the the land. After such an apparently patriotic out burst from Mr. Fillmore, if he does not immediately thank his friend* for the honor conferred on him by a nomination, uud then withdraw, he will have no right to complain of uncharitablencss should any of his old friends take it into their heads that his actions arc not quite as patriotic as his words, especially when it is remembered that the Black Republi cans rely, to a great extent, for the suc cess of their cause upon the very party at the North, of which Mr. F. is a mem ber, and that the only hope he can pos sibly have for anything like a respecta ble vote,is by dividing tho South between Mr. Buchanan and himself; defeating an election by the people, and devolving that duty upon the House of Representa tives, who would discharge it in the same spirit that resulted iu the choice of Banks as Speaker. For ourselves, we hesitate not to de clare tiiat we discern in this speech 'buncombe,' and nothing hut ‘buncombe.’ Mr. Fillmore, since his return from his European tour, has learned the circum stances under which he was nominated; lias heard of the scccßsionists and their proceedings; and has witnessed such ominous defections from Americanism to Republicanism, as not to leave anortherr. spot left upon which he can plant his standard ; and ho now (urns his eyes with holy horror, and extends both hands in supplication to the South to save him, and through him the country, from the consequences of his rashness, by com mitting an act of rashness herself that would betray her own folly, and probably terminate iu a calamity that would dig the grave of all she most dearly cherishes. X-&~ An effort was made in Congress, a few days since, to force the“ Topeka,” a free State Constitution of Kansas, through that body ; hut it fortunately failed In looking over the vote, we were not much surprised to find that H. Win ter Davis, the leading spirit of Mary land Koow-nothingism, hail dodged the question. His friends no doubt will feel themselves called upon to vindicate his course upon this subject,as they did upon his indirect support of Banks for Speak er. They then renewed their confidence in him as an exponent of their political creed, and we may now expect them to extol him ns a true defender of the faith. Democratic Victory. —J. W. Wcb atcr, Democrat, has been elected Mayor of Waterbury, Connecticut. The State is giving every sign she can give of her intention to veto for Buchanan and Brook - in ridge. Meeting at Colesville. —As we pre-1 dieted, the meeting at Colesville, on Sat- j Urday last, was well attended and highly enthusiastic. Speeches were made by ■ Mr. Crawford, of Washington City, Messrs. Bouic and Anderson, of Rock ville, and Fawcett, of Berry’s. We were not of the audience, hut have been assured that the speakers performed their parts with honor to themselves and with service to the cause. Three gentlemen, who were with our opponents last fall, publicly renounced Know-nothingisin, and announced their determination to support “Buck and Brack” next No vember. In another column will be found a card from one of those gentle men. Urge on the good cause, freemen of Montgomery; you have buckled on your armor for the fight; keep it bright and glittering, and our word for it before the battle of next fall is fought, you will be cheered by recruits from tho enemy’s ranks, and when it is over, you will re turn from tho field with glorious trophies. it-S" By reference to an article in an other column it will be seen that, among the appointments made by the C'anal Board at its late meeting, is that of Jas. P. Wade, of our county, as superintend ent of the Georgetown line of that work. Although the competition for this post was quite animated, there can be no doubt thaf*the result will give general satisfac tion to all acquainted with tho appointee, and especially to the Democracy, who know his qualifications for the duties of the station, his unswerving adherence to the principles of his party, and his inde fatigable and effective exertions in the cause which lie has ever had at heart.— We speak advisedly and sincerely when we say that this appointment is an inade quate tribute to tho services of tho in cumbent, and but a slight reward for his perseverance in the path of duty. As an officer, all connected with him in business will find that ho fully under stands his calling; as a man, all will appreciate his urbane and accommoda ting disposition. XitT On Tuesday last, Ist instant, the new Mail contractors entered upon their routes. Mr. Benjamin Cooley, from Rockvillo to Barnesville, and Mr. F. Leonard, from Washington to Frederick City. We cordially welcome once more amongst us our old friend and fellow townsman, Leonard, with his distinguish ed public spirit; especially as he has put upon the course such handsome and com fortable coaches and prime stock as to insure to passengers conveyance at a jol ly and very pleasant rate. We wisli him abundant success, for he well merits it. Wheat Harvest is now at its height and the weather highly favorable thereto, except that the heat lias been very in tense upon those engaged therein. We arc delighted to hear that the heads arc generally large and well filled, as it en | courages poor printers to hope for a cake of “sildom”on next Thanksgiving Day. XJT The “Patent Steel-Tooth Horse Rake,” advertised by Jesse T. Hig j gins & Brother, Poolesvillc, in this j county, may be seen at J. 11. Higgins’ j store in this town. We have examined i it, and although making no pretensions lo judgment in such matters, we have no reason to doubt that it will answer well tho purpose for which it is designed. X3f~ Wo learn that the Rev. Mr. Russell, of this place, delivered the oration at the Odd Fellows’ celebration, yesterday, (4th of July,) at Laurel. X-ti~Thc Post Office at Triadelphia, in this comity, has been discontinued. Unity, about one mile and a half distant, I is the nearest office. Massachusetts Politic*.—The Mas i sachusetts Know-nothing State Conven tion ratified, on the Ist instant, the nom ination of Fremont by a vote of 280 to 197 for Fillmore. The Fillmore men bolted, and held a separate convention j the same evening. X-ii" A memorial, numerously signed, j was on the 27th ult., sent to the Senate ' of tho United States, asking a retroces sion of Georgetown, I). C., to Mary land. Wanted. —Tho New York Herald ad vertises for a good, graphic, compact and complete history of tho birth, growth, expansion, decline, collapse, death and burial of the late great Know-nothing party, for the use of all the political block-heads of the day during the Pre sidential contest. Fremont and Gerard. —The Buffalo Commercial says that “when Fremont is elected President of the United Slates, 1 the people of France will probably call J j Gerard, the lion kilter, to the imperial 1 throne. The characters of these distin- ! guished men arc similar, hut Gerard is the greater hero.” Jf-et* The Sentinel, an old Whig paper of Henry county, Tenn., the editor of! which says ho was a Clay Whig for 1 twenty years, has come out for the Dcm- j ocratio nominees. Congress has been in session thirty-one | weeks, and ha 3 done little or nothing. Mr. Dallas not to be Dismissed.— Quebec , June 30.—The Canadian serew steamship North America, from Liver pool on the 18th instant, arrived at this port this evening, with four days later intelligence from Europe. The news from England is of a high ly important character. Mr. Dallas is not to be dismissed, and tho difficulties between the United States and Great Britain will probably ho amicably settled. Lord Clarendon stated, in reply to Lord Derby, in the House of Lords, that it is not the intention of the Government to advise the Queen to suspend diplomatic relations with America. The announce ment was loudly cheered. Lord Derby expressed his satisfaction with regard to tho announcement made by the Government, but regarded tho Government’s course as humiliating and as an acknowledgement of error. Lord Clarendon appealed to the House not to join Lord Derby iu pressing tho question ; and the subject then dropped. XdT A correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, writing from New Market, Frede rick county, Md., says: “The grain harvest in this neighbor hood will be generally commenced this week. Although many fields have suf fered much from tho ravages of the fly, !it is thought the general yield will be an | average crop. The corn so far presents no very flattering prospect. Most of the I farmers were obliged to replant as many as three times. Iu a ride to Brookville, Montgomery county, last Hat urday, I found that tin wheat crop of that county will compare favorably with our own county product this year. The corn is certainly much better than is found in this community. Fremont in California. —There are (remarks a cotemporary) hut two politi cal parties in California—the Democratic j and the Know-nothing. Tho Dcmo [ cratic party is cordially united upon Bu chanan and Breckinridge. The Know nothing State Council has ■'declared for Fillmore and Donelson with great unan imity, and will support that ticket.— Free-soilism has no strcugtli there. So Mr. Fremont has no party in the State he professes to call his home. Up with the Flag.—The Hollander newspaper, published at Holland, Otta wa county, the organ of the very nume rous Holland colony in and about that place, raises the Democratic flag, and says: “To-day the head of our columns is graced with the names of the Democratic nominees for the presidency and vice presidency of the United States—men whom it is our pleasure to support in the coming campaign, because we believe them to he men in whom the country can put implicit confidence. “ James Buchanan is emphatically the man of the people, lie is tho point to which now centre all tho conservative tendencies and influences of the country!” A Response from Texas.—The ac tion of the Democratic National Conven tion is cordially and enthusiastically en dorsed by the Democracy of Texas.— The Galveston News remarks: “ Tiie ticket is the strongest one the party could have made, and, in connex ion with the platform, will unite the full and entire strength of the Democracy.” The Civilian says: “ The Democratic nominations for President and Vice President, have our entire and hearty approbation. Better selections could not have been made.— Their success wo regard as beyond the shadow of doubt. They will unite the entire Democracy.” XJX~ “ Should I he placed in tho ex ecutive chair, I shall use mv best exer tions to cultivate peace and friendship with ajl nations, believing this to ho our highest policy, as well as our most im perative duty.”— James Jiuchantm. In connexion with the above, wo give i tho following from tho New York Com mercial Advertiser, a leading opposition paper: “ Mr. Buchanan has constructed his own platform on which to base the for eign policy of his administration, in tho event of his election, and it is*a sound one.” Xif~ As some slight evidence of what may he expected from tho Democracy of Tennescc in November next, wo make room for the subjoined telegraphic des patch : Memphis, June 27.—Thomas Carroll (deni.) elected mayor of Memphis by a majority of 391. Iff?'These Black Republican politi cians are certainly improving. Then- is hope in their case. They are not past praying for. They go against slavery and polygamy. In process of time they tnay take ground against sins positively prohibited in tho decalogue. Who knows hut they may yet come up to the scratch of putting a plank in their plat form against striding, especially as they have already pocketed about ail the pub lic plunder they are likely to be able to reach for some years. Many a sinner| becomes very penitcntafWliehaniott the power of enjoying the wages of iniquity J [Albany Argus. Murder.— Win. P. Stephens, a Jus tice of the Peace at Hyde J’ark, Pa.,’ was shot dead, on the 28th ult., whilst riding in his carriage, near that place.— Sir. W. Jones, a friend who was with hitn, was so frightened that he did not stop to look for the murderer. Persons who recently had a difficulty with hint are suspected. Tho deceased leaves a family. XtT Tho Philadelphia correspondent of tho Baltimore “ Sun,” under date of July Ist, writes : “ There was quite a scene in the Rev. Dr. Tyng’s church on Sunday in oonsc- " quence of that gentleman preaching an anti-slavery discourse. He denounced tho outrages in Kansas, the alleged ag gressions of tho slave power and con 'cludcd by urging his congregation to ex ercise their rights as freemen at the bal lot-box in staying tho progress of the evil. The sermon was listened to with out interruption until the speaker spoke of slavo breeding, rearing immortal souls (who were made for heaven) fori bondage, when Dr. Casper Morris, for merly a church warden, rose from his ! pew, and as ono of the original church ! wardens, entered his solemn protest against the desecration of the place and the day bv such services. Several other members left the church soon after the Rev. Dr. Tyng commenced his sermon. The Episcopal Church has always here tofore discountenanced the introduction of such topics in the pulpit, and the de parture from the custom on this occasion will ho a matter which will he laid be fore tho Bishop.” The Keating Subscription.—A sub scription for the relief of the widow and children of the late Thomas Keating, of Washington, was put iu circulation soon after the death of Keating, and the amount subscribed and paid is six hun dred and thirty-two dollars. The money j collected has been disposed of as follows: For the purchase of a two story house, j near the corner of E. and Twentieth : streets, which has been conveyed to the widow and two children as joint tenants, $690; paid for recording the deed SI .25; : paid to Mrs. Keating, $30.75." The j j foregoing amount was contributed by ! seventy-five individuals in sums from S i to ('.jO.— hit, Hi gen err. Hoe's Press in London. -The fol- 1 lowing is from the London weekly news paper, edited by Douglas Jcrrold : “Next week, we trust, these pages , will be printed on an engine planned by American brain, forged by American arms, and set up here on English soil by i American hands—most noble specimens , withal of our American brethren on the | other side of the wave. Now, what need iwe care for the rod tape when wo may | hind both sides of the Atlantic together with the tapes of the steam press ?” The Old-line Whigs. —Hon. W. C. Preston, of Kentucky, formerly an old lino Whig, stated ntCinciunati that ;hcrc were still two hundred thousand old-line Whigs, most of whom would vote for Mr. Buchanan. Colonel Sims, of Kentucky, another old-line whig, stated that ho and hun dreds of other old-lino whig* would vote j tho Democratic ticket this year. Chicago, June 30.—A Methodist j j Conference which assembled at Roches- I ter, Andrew county, Missouri, on the j 14th instant, received orders from a! number of pro-slavery men to adjourn \ immediately and leave tho State. Not ! complying with the order, a mob assem- j hied, entered tho church, and took the j presiding officer and tarred and feathered I him. An old man who attempted to prevent the outrage was shot. A CARD. Colesville, Montgomery Co., ) June 28th, 1856. f To the JUitor of the Montgomery Co. Sentinel: Sir : I desire to say in this public way that I have withdrawn from the Know j nothing ranks. I have been always a ; Democrat, and do not intend ever to cast another vote except to advance the cause i of Democracy. Fill LI l‘ J\ HOPKINS. £l)c itlnrlxcts. Baltimore. July :i, 1850. The flour market was sternly In-day, mid holders are firm. Howard .street mid (Tity Mills brought $0 25. Rye flour s:: i.S: 25.- j (lorn meal—city $2 fi7|, country $2 25 if 2 37. | Wheat—whitesl 05h$1 70to$l 73u$l 75, ns I |lo quality; red $1 30a $ I 40. Com—\vliil< I -J3uso to 54<i5G < üb>; yellow JBas2 to 5j.~ j Oat* 29u30 sent*. nM,Trw aw \ POMTI C A 1. XOTr V E. JSO-TJIK DEMOCRATS and anti-Know- ] nothings of Rockville District are requested to j 1 meet at Rockville, on S.t TURD A Y A FT KID ‘ NOON, the 20 th instant, for the purpose of i forming a Duel anan and Bredkinridge A-tsoci- I ntion, and attending to any other business that 1 ( may be brought before the meeting. | july s—td MONTG’Y CO, AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. ROBERT DICK, Msq,, having declined; the Presidency of this .Society, a meet-, ing will be held on TUF.SDA Y NEXT, the HUh \in riant, for the fuirtMiae of filling the vacancy. I jyO-lt W. VKIHHBOUiC, Secretary. ROCKVILLE ACADEMY. riuiE A tinual Kxntnination of tho JL Htudentg of the Rockville Academy t will Ikj held at the Academy Building on Wed- 1 nesday, the 17th iustunt, commencing at 8 o’clock, A. M. ” cl- The Exhibition w ill take place on ! Thursday, the 18th instant, at 8 o’clock I*. M. The Annual Address will v* r 4 by Mr. Jambs f). Thomas. [july 5-2 t UNDERTAKING. HAVING purchased the farm formerly,own ed by (leo. D. Hpencer, Esq., about one mile from Colesville, and permanently located myself, I would respectfully Inform the citizens of Berry’s District, and- the county generally, that 1 have prepared myself with materials tier carrying on the UNDERTAKING BUSINESS, ■ and hope, from long experience, attention to j business,,and moderate charges, to share a lib- ! cral portion of the nubile patronage. fiXT* J will attend Funerals in any portion of the county. July 6 —if JAMES HICKS. I Ordered by the Pott Office Department to be pub lithe? in the paper having the LARGEST CIRCULATION in the county. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the post office, noth of Julie,qjLßfift. Persons calling for adver tised Letters, will please say they are advor- j Used. All Quarterly postage must be paid in ! advance, ami which law will not be violuted ! in any case. Adams VVm J P Mvers John baker John W Magruder Martha W Horry Rebecca Marshall II Roost Charles Nicholson Mr Hlair Ann Orme Mary E Howie R. w Perry Erasmus Connelly Helen M Rabbitt E ( reamer Eliza Rennie James Cutntnir C F P Roing Jaron Duvall Washington 3 Rabbit Marv C Resell ii m Janies Rad cl iff J T Desell uni John T 2 Stull Maria j Davis A R 2 Sellinan George i Donghce Patrick Shipley Lurkino Gaither \\ m L Saunders Jolni Hebron M iranda Smith Conrad Hare wood Thomas N Steward Sophia Hills \\ in c Turney Jamas hiding C K Trail Perry Jeunison Charles 0 Turnbull Mnrgarctt | Lafitte Theresa Wilbee William Wills Ren jam in July s—3t CHARLES M. PRICE, P. M. MM IT FEW! virtue of a fieri! of trust from Mary Maccubbin, Tlioman M. Mac cubbin, ami Znchariah Maccubbin, to the undersigned, will bo exposed at public *ile. boforo tlio Court llouso door, in Rock vile, oil Tiirstlay, ‘2Ol li day of July, instnnt, at 12 o’clock, M. t all the undivided in terest and estate, at law or in equity, of I honius M Maecubbiii, of, in and to all (huso tracts, pieces or parcels of Land, i lying in Montgomery county, Maryland, railed “ Huntington,” or part of “Hunt ington “Pritchett's I’ureliase,” or | part of 1 ' Fritchott’s Purchase,” con stituting tiie farm on which Thomas M. j elnccubbin now reskles, and containing 302 Acres of Land, i more or less. These lands are eligibly ! and bountifully situated, equidistant from Georgetown and ltockville, on the line ■ I of the Metropolitan Rilroad, about half : a mile from the Georgetown Turupike, I i and in a neighborhood possessing every agricultural and social advantage. Terms of sale—cash. 1UCIIAH1) ,1. BO Will, july 5-ts. Trustee. ROAD MOTBCE. WK, the undersigned Commissioners, appointed by the Commissioners tor Montgomery county, to ascertain whether the public convenience requires a road to beopenod, commencing at or near Dawsonsville, thence to Seneca Mills, to the Chesapeake nnd Ohio Ca nal, passing through the lands of Joseph liu sard, George Byrd, Mrs. Tiphena : Dyson, Lawrence Allnutt, Mrs. B. Ann , Allnutt. N. If. Vinton, Bcnoni Allnutt, C. 11. N'ourse, the heirs of John Peter, I John Darby and son---hereby notify j lliose interested, that we will meet on i the premises, on MONUA Y, the 18 th of j .I a I‘,l't , at 10 o'clock, A. M., for tije purpose of executing pnid commission. * WILLI VM <). SELLMAN WILLI A.M A. (IIIISWELL, HORATIO TRUNDLE, j july 5 td Commissioners. FIRST, OI K acknowledgements arc duo to our numerous cnsli and punctual credit nistomcrfl for a large increase in the amount of their purchases during the pant .season in ad dition to assure them of our increasing ability disposition to serve them annually better. Second—To stab- that wo shall expect to re j ccive the amount of all hills due us by July l,in cash or notes at short dates, j Third—To say we have hut one set of prices and one set of terms for all, and that we nei ther bargain or arrange for delay in closing bills. Fourth—To admit in all sincerity and can dor that it will afford us pleasure to dispense with all accounts and hills not settled promptly by cash or note. • FERRY A imOTHEU, “Central Htores,” west building, opposite Outre Market, june 28 City of Washington. LAST NOTICE! 1 1 HEREBY notify all persons who have disregarded my former notice by failing to settle their ta\c 1 duo to I’. J. Cox .ULt,, Collector, for the years 185 j; ! and 185-S, that circumstances render it absolutely necessary for mo to mako the: ! same by distress forthwith without reserve, I fear, favor or affection. I impe this no- j j tico will not he misunderstood, hut that I all will give it their attention by at once ; paying their taxesjo me or to W. Vkirs ! 800k 1 , Eiq., at his office in Rockville,! on or before the loth day of August next. M. 11. LKTTON, Dep’y for I*. J. Co.vnku,, Lute Collector, jnne 28—tf FOR SALE, VVF.IiY likely MiG BO GIRL, ten ! - years of age, and to serve until she ! is thirty years of age. She i t sold for no fault. For further particulars, apply at'this office, june 28 • Ait To School Teachers, IT Oil the convenience of all persons! holding drafts on tue, as Treasurer! td the Reboot Fund, 1 have arranged to] have them paid by DAVID If. JJOUIC’, at his store in Rockville, je 28 Cl/AH. M. PRICE. Notice to Creditors. NOTICK is hereby given that the subscriber. ] have obtained from the Orphan*’ Court of Mont; joinery county letters HtHincntiirv on the personal estate of (lllAßkfi-S IIECKWITII, late of *uid county, deceased. All \itr*on having claim* agaimdnuid deceased arc hereby wained to exhibit the same with the voucher* thereof, to the subscribers on or before the 28th day of June, 18.77 : otherwise they may, i by law, he excluded from all benefit of said estate. Persons indebted to said estate are r©; quested to make immediate payment. Given under our hund* this 24th dav of Juue, 1850. j M. FIELDS, A. F. BOSWELL, june 28-4 t Executors, i Nlunc Ware. • JUST received a large supply of STONE! FITCHEW*, JA RS MILK FANS, Jl’OH Kle. WM. BFADDOCK * CO. m*y 3 I ROAD NOTICE. WE, the undersigned Cmnmsssiou ers, appointed by the Commis sioners for Montgomery county, to ascer tain whether the public convenience re-, quires a road to be opened, commencing at the mouth of the Poor’s llouso Lane to Mr. Oreudorf’s Mill, or near it, theneo to some point on the River Road, at or near Hill's Paper Mill, and from the Paper Mill toFitshugh’s Landing, on the Chesapeake nnd Ohio Canal, passing through the Lands of Mrs. Hughes' Burgess Willett, the heirs of Evan Jones, Otho Muncaster, Mrs. 11. Mun easter.near the line between Otho Magru- I dor, Thos. S. Watkins, and John John- i son, John I). W. Moore, Perry Fitzhugh. and J. G. \V bite—hereby notify those interested, that we will meet on the pre mises, on Vox/).I Y, the 2let of July nut, at 100 clock, A. M., for the pur pose of executing said commission. MADISON V. IfARRTSS, JOHN OOUNCELM AN, JOHN L. DI'FIEP, jo 21-td Commissioners. FOR SALE, ONE op Zimmeuman’h SWEEP HORSE POWER THRASHER and CLEANER, complete and in good order. It requires no farther description, ns the ma chine is admitted to he superior in performance and durability to all others, having taken the ; first premium at all the State and county fairs where exlubited. It is too large for my furui int: purposes, the only reuson I have for dispos ing of it. J* 1 Have a very fine SADDLE MARE, yj£*vjbhuk, 14 hands high, fine style and ac tion. which I will Bi ll low if applied for soon. They can he seen at my firm, t’ot tatre Park,’ near Aaron Gffuti’s former reai dcnce. W. C. FOWLER, juue 21 —.‘ft FOR SALE, A McCOItMICK’S-R F, ,\ p ER, in good order, only used two seasons. It will be sold a bargain, or will trade if for young stock cattle, if applied for soon. It can be seen at my farm, near the Union Meeting-house, jo 21-3 t JOHN li. DITFIEF. Notice to Creditors. NOTICE is hereby given that tbcHubfCriber ( liM obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Montgomery county letters of administration on the personal estate of Samuel Connell, late of said county, dec’d. All persons having claims against said deceased are hereby warned to ex hibit the same with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 21st day of! | June, 1857 : otherwise they mav, by law, ! jbe excluded from all benefit of pifld estate.— ! ; Persons indebted to said estate are requested Ito make immediate payment. Given under 1 my hand this 17th dav of June. 1850. ELIZABETH MARY CONNELL, june 21—4 t Administratrix. PUBLIC SALE. TIIE subscriber, intending to J rTM remove a short diatanee from ! I"*" Rockville, will offer at public ‘ale, at the Court llouso door, in Rock | villc, on TUESDAY, the'lid day of ! July next, a very DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT, adjoining the properly of Messrs. Har ding and Almony, and directly in front of tiie public square. Tho lot is 200 feet deep by To front. The improve ments are two Dwelling Houses, a Car pcuter*H Shop, and other buildings. A further deseription of the property is unnecessary, as any one wishing to purchase will be shown the property by the subscriber, residing at present on the premises. Terms made known on the day of sale. Sale to take place nt. 1 o’clock, 1\ M. june 14-td HKZ W. VEIILS. To Farmrrs of* 11 on I co lliery county. FTVIE undersigned are very anxious 1 > knov J. tin effects of the COLUMBIAN GUA ! NO on the present Wheat crop; they, there fore respectfully request those Farmers who have used this Guano, to inform them, by let- j ter or otherwise, the remit of their experiment. Flense state the qimntitymsed per acre, and whether used alone or mixed with Peruvian, and any other information in regard to its ap plication and elite 1 that will be useful. Our object is to get reliable testimony, noth | in* to its application and effect, that we may be enabled to inform our friends how to apply it, | and what they may expect in return. We would lie glad if our friends would write I Ud us soon after harvest os convenient. Addrcivi MORGAN Ac lllllSEll ART, Corner of 27th and G No., june )4—(mil Washington, 1), (*. DUNCAN’S SPRING STEEL-TOOTH lIORttH-RAKII. FJTIIIS is an exceedingly economical itn|l<~ X merit, and very jxipular wherever i* juim been used. Last year fifty were sold in Prede- i rick county, and such was the satisfaction giv en that the manufacturer informs us his orders I alread y received justify the belief that his sales j will reach six hundred in that county lor this harvest. THE RAKER an; for stubble only— vc*r> sin-1 pie and warranted to rake* up double as 'much grain as h done by the Revolving Rakes. FARMER# are freely invited to take them' and lie them, and if, after harvest, they are not I satisfied and pleased, to return them. J. T HIGGINS A DUO. FoolckviUo, Md. Resident Agents for Montgomery county, j A SMALL .SUPPLY ON HAND. A SAMPLE RAKE will be left, at Rockville. Bar\Li- villi;, Clark biho, Dahnuhtow n. (old, | VILI.K, BROOK VII.LK, MKCIIANM HVILI.K, LaYTOvH ! v ills, Hud Handy Simuno. june 7 It SIOO REWARD!! VUy RAN AWAY from the Kubacribcr, living in Rockville, Montgomery <Y*w county. MJ., on Hat unlay, Jilatofj laat, NEGRO MAN, AL FRED, about 22 years of age ; 5 feet 7 inches high ; dark copper color, and i rather good looking. He had on when ho left, a dark blue j and green plaid frock coat, of cloth, and .ighter colored plaid pantaloons. 1 will give the above reward if taken out of the county, and in any of the '< States, or if taken in the county or ■ the District of Columbia, and secured (o that I get him again. J JOHN \V ANDERSON june 7—tf !, ■ 1—- l White Grease. LARfiE Ht'FI’LY OK WHITE GREASE, received this week, the best article made! for greaning Baggie. Carriages, Carriole., Wagour, .Stages, *<]., that liua ever tx-en used; far excelling tar or anything c-lsc, as the warm r ootd weather docs not alft'.t it For .ale by ;i june 14—tf D. H. BORIC NOTICE. rpilE CO-PARTNERSHIP hereto fore existing, under the firm of Thomas Fawcett & Sons, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the Ist of April, 1856. Thomas and Benjamin Fawcett are authorized to settle the business of the lute tirm. TIIOS. FAWCETT, BENJ. FAWCETT, JOS. FAWCETT. may 81—Ct WOOL, WOOL. nPIIK UNDERSIGNED having pur chased the Manufacturing Estab- I t.tsiiMKNT of the late firm of T. Fawcett A Sons, would respectfully inform his friends ami the public, that he is prepared to servo them with all descriptions of SERVANTS CLOTHING, on reason tilde terms, and at short notice. Messrs. Bkaddock, Eumonston A Co., of Rockville, will receive Wool, or or ders for any description of goods, in bis lino. The subscriber hopes, by strict atten tion to business, to merit a share of pub lio patronage. BENJAMIN FAWCETT, Colcsvillo, Montgomery County, may .81—(St Maryland. SCHOOLEY’S PATENT mmmmwAmm, IiJOLP BY G. M. WIG 1 It Louisiana Avenue, No. *s7', VanTuni’s New Block.—The P.H’rifroratoi* pricrxes bv forming It colli, clrv cum*nt of air. It will keep beef without taint ov mould seven days, if not pre viou. Iv packed in ice. Fruits most liable to change in very hot weather eau be kept for weeks, as no mould or moisture can remain in i he pre l i ving chamber while the ice chamber is supplied. It will keep butter any length of time fresh and haril. Milk can he kept puro fur three days in the warmest weather. Thl i Refrigerator is so constructed that a dry, cold air is in process of formation all the time, air being admitted through a top register pass ing over the ico through into the preserving 1 handier and out through a aide register. It has heru found that five pounds of ice in .Hehoo ley’s Refrigerator will Keep as long a twenty in the ordinary kind. I am now prepared to supply all with this valuable article in house keeping. I have also a large and well selsct- V' . luin- ( u Mt,,< k Parlor, Chamber and /A* FURNITURE, made in the heat manner and of the best niuto* rials, and which 1 am determined to sell ns low ns they can he had in Philadelphia or N. York. ! I have constantly on hand Shuck and Hair J Mattresses. Feather Reds and Pillows niado !to order at the shortest notice. Our stock ia ( otnprlted of nearly every article used iu house keeping. We have just received a lot of Childrens’ Gigs, I rod Bedsteads, Cribs, .Settees, Flower Stands, kc. Washington, May It, 1850. DORSEY & ERNEST, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in jgg EMM. FLEUR. RED. iS Teas, Wines, Liquor*. Cigtira, Ac. Ac. J*- If rr HI BTHKKT, W One door South of the Mnntyomenj Jfmttc, GEORGETOWN, I). C. N. n.—OOtiNTItV PlttJMl’Cß taken in cx change for Groceries, umithe market pricea given. may 17—ly Trunks and Harness. ’' nn^ Ih ll.v-haialj, Ihilt.TS, Wag.m and t 'art Harsiaw) Single an.l Ihiahlc n ine, Waaou YVbi|w ami a Ihw very line Trunks whj. h we are selling low je 7 W. riKADIIOC'K A CO. l.adicM, Unite A E liitlrniV SHOES, &C. IU A \ E as good, if not tbo boat, Stock of SHOES ever brought to thin market, nnd at the LOWEST PRICES, aucb an—■ GrnteCalf CongroßS SHOES Do Do BOOTS I.adicH Black and Fancy GAITERS I>o Congroßß Do *D>> Morocco, Calf k Leather Shoott. Willi a general naMorlinent of Cliii drcim’ SliocH. D. H. BOUIC. april lit For Harvest, WK HAVB RKCKIVKD— Waldron’s la st GRAIN SCYTHES Do do GRASS do Mil ml s .Silver-,Steel Grain Scythe, warranted, Do do Gru-R do do | Common and pAtemted Grass SNATHS. UupmcU’n Grass autl (iruin RAKhiS, 2, .; ami 4 Prong FORKS, direct from the ma nufactory. Also A Lot of excellent LIQUORS, All of which will be sold at District price®, by BRADDOCK, BDMONSTON k CO. , june 14 -tf Harvest Goods! PUIMK K.NIIUSII WAl.lillON GRASS A311) GRAIN SGVTHKS, SXKATIiE.B, , EAKKS, KIKI.KS AM) WHETSTONES for* at iJlxtrlct J.rirex, l.y je 7 WM. BRADDOCK A CO. For Sale, \ VALUABLE NEGRO MAN, 1-V about 27 years of ago, a fir.-it rato farm hum!. For further information ajqdy lo the Editor of the Sentinel, may 81— tf CASH FOR NEGROES, t I THE NrBSF'RfBKR Is giving the hfghes / cash price for NEGROES, of both sexes 2.:iml of different ages and gi*s. Any 1 communication addressed to him at Washing* I ton City will meet with prompt attention, a tig i 1 —ly OWEN SIIKCKKLL. Ploughs & Castings. JU.ST received a general nssortm<*nt of Minor and Horton's I’LOI'GHB A*o PLOUGH CANT4NGH, direct from the manufacturer’s, to which wo invite the attention ot &rmer§. may 3 WM. BRADDOCK Ac CO. PAItAMOL* Ac 17MISKELLA9. IUST recaivatl, direct from the manufactur er’s, sn excellent assortment of I'ARA 80LS AND UMBRKLLAH, to which we call the attention of purclmsera. may 3 WM.RRADDOCIC k CO. TINWARE! A LOT of well a.iiortcl TINWARE, fma.lo by Mr. KIUO, of lhi place,) juat ro ceived and for fala low, by mar l D. H. BOCIC.