Newspaper Page Text
ißisccllancous. Prkskrvino Siitnoi.k* ON Hoofs.— Rome paint roof shingles after they arc laid. Tliis makes them rot sooner tlian . they otherwise would. Others paint the courses ns they are laid; this is a groat j preservative, if each shingle is painted I tire length of three courses. Hut about I as sure away to preserve shingles, and | that with little or no expense, is a mode | recommended in a letter to us by Hon. j David Hunter, of Clinton on the 23d j of February last. We publish so much j of his letter as relates to this subject, in | hopes that it may be of service to many | of our readers. '* There is one tiling more that nearly all people know, if they would attend to it; that rs, to sprinkle slacked lime on the roofs of their buildings in rainy days. Put it on considerably thick, so os to make the roofs look white, and you will never be troubled with moss, and if the shingles arc covered ever so thick with moss, by putting the lime on twice, it will take it nil off, and leave it white and clean, and will look almost as well as if it had been painted. It ought to be done once a year, and, in my opinion, the shingles will last almost twice as Dong as they will to let the roof grow all over moss. I tried it on the back side of my house ten years ago, when the shingles were all covered over with moss, and they appeared to be nearly rotten. 1 gave the roof a heavy coating of lime, and have followed it nearly every year since, and the roof is better now than it was then, ami to all appearance, if I follow my band, it will last ten or fifteen yearslonger. The shingles have been on the roof over thirty years. There is no more risk about sparks catching on the roof than on a newly shingled roof. Those who do not have lime near by, can use good strong wood ashes and these will answer a very good purpose to the same end. The action of the limn is to cleanse the surface of all impediments to the free and rapid passage of the rain water off. This enables the shingles to dry very soon, and consequently prevents rotting. Moss-covered roofs will rot very rapidly.— Rural Intelligencer. A Ur.MAitKAin.K lintTH.—The Journal dr* Anuonree, of Lisle, announces that a married woman residing in a commune near that town, and who has twice been brought to bed of twins, lias just been safely delivered of five children—three boys and two girls. All the children are well formed but small, and are in good health. A singular phenomenon is stated by the Journal to have attended the pregnaey of the woman. During the last two months all the objects before her eyes appeared to be several times re peated, but since her delivery her sight has returned to its natural state. P. I’. P. P. PItINTINO PIIKSSKS, I’l'L pitr and Pbtticoats.—These are the three great levers that govern the world. Without them the bottom would fall out, and society would become a clmos again. The press makes people patriotic, the pul pit religious, but women sway all things. There would be no going to church if there were no girls there, neither would there be any going to war were the soldiers to meet with no applause but from the masculines. Without the sunshine shed by women, the rose of affection would never grow, nor the flowers of eloquence germinate. In short, she is the engine of life, the great motive power of love, valor, and civilization. In proof of this, truth in all history speaks trumpet tongued. A SiMrt.E Rule. —To ascertain tho length of the day and night, at any time of tho year, double the time of the sun’s rising, which gives the length of the night, and double the time of setting, which gives the length of the day. This is a little method of doiug tho thing which few of our readers have been aware of. John Adams, the second Presi dent of the United States, was a practi cal business man and a careful husband ry of time. The following entry appears in bis diary recently published : 1 ‘F riday—Saturday—Sunday—Mon day—all spent in absolute idleness, or which is worse, gallanting girls.” '■Teddy, my boy, jiat guess how many ehcese is in this bag, au - fiuth I’ll give ye the whole five.” “ Five,” said Teddy. “ -Vrrnh. by my sowl, bad luck to the man that toold ye.” Jt-f/' “Simon,” said Hob, “ what are you doing now-a-days for a living?” “ Nothing particular. lam theowncr | of a ship.” “ Owner of a ship ? What ship ?” “ Steward-s/iM) at Sam Johnson’s col kr.” iff*" The editor of a paper in Schenee- i tady, in describing the effects of a squall 1 upou a canal bout, says that “ when the gale was at its highest, the unfortunate craft keeled to larloard, and the captain and another cask of whiskey rolled over board.” Xir?’Wife, said a married man, looking for a boot-jack after she was in bed, I have a place for all things, and you ought to know it by this time. Yes, replied she, I ought to know where you keep your late hours, but I do not. ti-iT Pious Darkey.—“ Sam why you not talk to your niassa, and tell him to 1 lay up his treasure in Heaven ?” Practical Sam.—" What for? What dc use of laying up treasure dere, whore he uehersce ’urn agin, eh, nigger?” &it~ An Irish sailor, as he was riding, Miadc * pause, and his horse in beating off the flics, caught his hind foot in the stirrup, the sailor observing it, exclaim ed : “ Ilould now, Dobbin, if you are giong to get on, I will get off.” PLortiH roi vrx, i MOfLDBOAItDS & LANDSIUKS. of all I numbers and kinds; also, Wrought aud Cast PLOUCJHB, just received aud ftir sale he “r 29 D. h. BOI’IC. ’ I M nATturm, a..c.i ot^tcj anil size, are peculiarly suited for ludics. Elegant Jewelry. Diamond, IV-arl Florentine Mosaic and Ca meo Brooches, Earrings and Bracelets in sets and single pieces. Diamond Crosses; Diamond, Pearl, Ruby and Emerald Rings, Gold Chains, Lot kets, Seals. Keys, Breastpins, Pencils, Gold Thimbles, Wedding Rings, &c. Silver Ware. Solid Silver Tea Sets, Pitchers, Goblets, Cups, Napkin Rings, Table, Desert and Tea Spoons and Forks; Silver Desert Knives; Soup, Cream and Gravy Ladles; Sugar, Salt, Mus tard and Egg Spoons: Pie, (dike. Fish, and Butter Knives; Sugar Sifters; Ice and Salud Tongs ; Preserve and Jelly Spoons, Tea Strain ers, Nutmeg Graters, Pickle Forks, Ac. EXTEA PLATED WARE AND TABLE CUTLERY. Tea Sets. Cake Baskets, Castors, Waiters, Pitcher®, Goblets, Albata Forks, Spoons, But i ter Coolers, Ac. Also—Superior Table Cutle ry. Spectacles & Eyeglasses. 1 Gold, silver, fine steel S[K*rtacfes anti Eye ! Glasses, of all focuses. Particular at tention paid to tin* selection of glasses, suited to the eyes of wearers. nKaniifhctured to Order. * Every description of Gold and Silver Ware, . Diamond and other Precious Stones set in the most elaborate styles. ' WATCH REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. , Watches and Chronometers carefully repair ed by skilful workmen. Engraving of every description neatly executed, including arms, crests, and initials on stone. Particular nt f teiition paid to WEDDING CARD ENGRAV , ING and PRINTING. , Jf&B* All goods warranted at the lowest rates and as represented. M. W. GALT & BROTHER, No. 324 Pennsylvania Avenue, Between Oth and 10th Sts. Washington, July. 26, 1866. DORSEY Sc ERNEST, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in [fli pi!E, Fill FEE!. (EilßFine Teas, Wines, Liquor*, Cigar*., Ac. Ac. HIGH STREET, One door South of the Montgomery House, GEORGETOWN, I). C. N. B--COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in ex change for Groceries, and the market prices i gitren. mag it—Jy To the Fai’inei’K of Montgo mery county. THE undersigned are very anxious to know I the effects of the COL UMill A X GUA NO on the present Wheat crop: they, there fore respectfully request those Farmers who I have used this Guano, to inform them, by let ter or otherwise, the result of their experiment. Please state the quantity used per acre, anil whether used alone or mixed with Peruvian, and any other information in regard to its aj>- plication and effect that will be usefhl. Our object is to get reliable testimony, noth as to its application and effect, that we may be i enabled to inform our friends how to apply it. and what they may expect in return. We would he glad if our friends would write us as soon after harvest ns convenient. Address. MORGAN &. RHINE!!ART, Corner of 27t1 and G Sts., jum* 14— Ural Washington, D. 0. wlsical i writi u n\r ESTABLISHMENT. The Great Piano Forte, Munir anil Mu tual Instrument Entalilishment of Washington, D. C. MmE&Kmmmm ™K ADVERTISER l |( 'g s leave to inform & !)“ji bis friends and the j * * SI public in general, that ! lie bus converted bis immense Store into u I l’iano Forte, Music and Musical Instrument Establishment, am! intends keeping in future, j solely and exclusively n first class PIANO ANI) 1 MUSIC STORK. He has just returned from Boston and New York, where be has visited all the principal manufitctorlcs, and from them ! selected with print rare h large stock, and : made arrangement to receive eend-monthlv' supplies; and the stock will always lie the largest ever offered in any Southern citv. Consisting of Grand, Parlor (irnml, lauds £ IV. Square, Round, and other styles of PIANOS.’ We w arrant and guarantee every Instrument we sell; take old instruments of any kind ini' l>ai t payment: accept good endorsed notes, or L make liberal discounts for rash. \\ e shall always have on band the largest! variety of Music, Mclodcons, Guitars. Violins. Piute*, Violincollos. Piano Stools and Covers. ! banjos. Tamborines. Tuning Forks. Music Hooks and Pa|>er, Strings, Hows. etc. etc. Our Store is No. :iou Pennsylvania Av enue, between IHh and 10th streets, near Sa vings Hank. Give us a call and evnnnne our stork. Remember the Great Pianoand Music Storeof j may 10-tf JOHN K. BLLIS. j NOTICE TO THE LADIES!! j Opening of Spring Millinery.! WE have now opened jfVjt our SPRING stock of— J|l MILLINERY, consist- ■ ' n K of the largest and ’-KCr handaomeat assortment Kd®— of Silk, Lace, Crape | ■"X and Straw BONNETS: j RIBBONS, FLOWERS, dec., ctct of i fered in this city, and we cordiully invite , the Ladies of Montgomery county, visit ing our city, to give us a call, ns we feel assured that it will be to their advantage I!UTCIIINSON & M i UNO, No. .'llO, Pennsylvania avenue, np 12-tf Washington, 1). C. CA HAS. WOBX-BOX RS, SATUII- 1 ELS, Ac., just received, and sel ling extremely low for cash, at HUTCHINSON & MURNO’S Fancy and Millinery Store, No. 810, Pa. avenue, between Oth and 10th streets. : Washington, D. C. ap 12-tf. AOAV ori:\i\i., A FINK uMortmeiit of STONE CHINA and I.iveiqmol Ware. I mays WM. BRADDOCK #CO. I BALTIMORE ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 immu TOtmsK, FORMERLY THREE TUNS TAVERN, S. W. Corner Pratt and Paca Streets , BALTIMORE. THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that Ik* | haa taken the above bouse, and is prepared to | accommodate all who may favor him with a j sail; his HOUSE is large with many spacious ! ind well ventilated Chambers; his TABLE I .vill be supplied with the best the market can i itford. Terms Reasonable. CORNELIUS BHAWKN, I Baltimore, Jan. 26,1856-12 m Proprietor. | . It. PORTER. C. If. HOUSE. ROBERT B. PORTER & CO, MPORTERS OF HARDWARE, and dealers in Machine Findings, Bar Iron and Steel, I and Hollow Ware; Mill, Pit and Circular Saws; Axes, Hatchets, Spikes and Nails, Patent Horse Shoes, Anvils, Vices, Ac. Agents for Rees & Hoyt's Premium Lea ther Bands. Goodyear’s Metallic Packing— Foundry and Smith's Bellows. For sale on liest terms at 78 PRATT ST., BAL TIMOR E, MU . feb 2—Gin .Kill A TIAW, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in Clocks, Looking Glasses, ETC. ETC. ETC. TOILET BOXES, FURNITURE KNOBS. AND CLOCK TRIMMINGS, Of all kinds, kept constantly on band. 04 South Cliarlrs Sit., Between Lombard and Fratt Sts., BALTIMORE. mar 22—12 i CIUItUW men. THOMAS XOKIIIS. RICE & NORRIS, Manufacturers and Dealer® in a fl it It ’UL rt It. I L I Ml ' L EMENTS— MACHINES, SEEDS, GUANO , fr., Nos. 40 & 48 Light Street, near Pratt, Baltimore. Horse Powers, Thrashing Machines, Scott’s Little Giant Corn and Cob Crushers. Straw and Stalk Cutters, Portable Corn and Flour ! Mills, Snmt Machines, Wheat Fans, Wheat and j Seed Drills. Hay Presses, Vegetable Cutters, Portable Ciuer Millsand Presses, Hay and Grain | Rakes, Ox Yokes, Dirt Scoops, Harrows, Cul i tivalors, Grain Cradles, Plows; all kinds of j Farming and Garden Tools, Ac. ; Field and Garden Seeds, Trees and Plants. Agents f>r Herring's unrivalled Patent Fire and Jhirgtar Proof Safes. RICE A NORRIS. N. R. We would call particular attention of the Farmers generally to 11AV Baltimore, Jan. 2G —12m R. A N. TO THE FARMERS Ol‘ Jlonfgoiiirry County, And dealers in farming implfA MEXTS. —The undersigned beg leave ! most respectfully to inform all who aie deal- | j ing in or using the above articles, that we are i ! extensively engaged in the manufacture of Ini- ■ plements for farmers' use. Having fitted up an extensive establishment, we are prepmed toex eeute all orders with neatness and despatch. We name a few of tin* leading articles—viz: Horse Powers and Wheat Thrashers of the most approved kinds; Wheat Fans; Wheat Cradles ; Ploughs, in great variety—some new and useful improved patterns, much sought for by the farmers who have used them. Wc would j call special attention to our new* No. 1 and 2 Chesapeake Plough, w hich combines economy | and strength, and in its favor we could pro duce some llattering certificates, j Cultivators, different patterns; Harrows, of all kinds; Corii-Shclleis, for horse and hand | power; Wheat Drills, Shovels, Forks, Spades, i Trace Chains, Ac.; Horse Collars and I lames. Sausage Cutters and Stuffers, Machine and I Plough Castings, by the quantity or single j piece. Field and Garden Seeds, warranted fresh ! and good. We are also Agents for McCormick’s Reaper ' and Mowing Machine, and Montgomery's Wheat ! Fan. We would invite all interested to give us n call before purchasing elsewhere. CUTTINGIi;\M A JOHNSON, No. 150 Pratt St. Wharf, I Cor. Hollingsworth St., Baltimore. ! feb 2—l2m GRANGER’S MAGIC CORN AND COB MILL. THIS CELEBRATED MILL, which to dcs cribe its merits would make too length ened an advertisement, but we will state for the benefit of the Agricultural community, that wo are selling the No. 1 MILL, all complete,Tors2s—grinding 4 to H bushels per hour. No. 2 MILL, all complete, for $35 —grinding G to 10 bushels per hour. , No. 3 MILL, all complete, for $45 —grinding 10 to 15 bushels per hour. Which will put this Mill WITHIN THE REACH OF EVERY FARMER—AT TIIE SAME TIME FULLY WARRANTED. There is one of the MAGIC set up in mv! Warehouse, and can be soon at any time, worked by three men, performing the same work as i in other Mills requires a horse. JtO" Also agent for C. H. McCormick’s cel ebrated Reaping and MowLig Machines.— | Address orders to B. M. RHODES, solo agent. No. I<l, West Pratt street, mar 1-y Baltimore. 1 GUANQ AGENCY. B. M. RHODES, G1 KNKIIAL COMMISSION MERCHANT r Agent for Me CORMA CK'S REAPING AM) MOWING M A CHINK, ntm. DmUr m AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of\ racry De.cri/Uion, No. 141 WEST PRATT ST. i near Light street, Baltimore, Md. (Mil. FHDSHATE OF 111 HAS TER, AND OTHER FERTILIZERS. PERUVIAN GUANO, No. 1, furnished at j the Government price, the ton of 224 U lb®, de i livered either from ship, w arehouse at the Point, or at my Warehouse, up town, on terms the most advantageous to dealers and consumer®. MKXU’AN GUANO, selected from cargoes, rich iu Phosphates. PHOSPHATE OP LIME, manufactured expressly for my agency. AIho —PLASTER and other Fertilizers. For the convenience of Farmers, their orders will be filled either at the Guano wharf, j or at mv Warehouse, No. 141 WEST PRATT STREET\ near Light, at all times without de lay. KxjH'nse avoided if possible, and made light when unavoidable. B. M. RHODES, No. 141 West Pratt street, Baltimore, fvb &—l2m DISTRICT ADVERTISEMENTS. Baker’s Franklin Hotel. ( Corner of eighth and D. Streets, WASHINGTON, I). C. THE subscriber has taken the above named well-know n house, recently and long kept |l3 Mr. Thomas Bakk.ii. The house lias un ; dergonc a thorough repair, internally and ox j ternally ; the Chambers fine and airy, have been refurnished ; the location very pleasant • and healthy, and centrally located between the | capital and all the official departments, and in full view of the patent and general and city ! post offices. ! The Table and Bar will always be furnished )in the best style the seasons can afford. The j domestic® of the house trusty and accommoda ting : and every exertion, by an experienced I proprietor, will be used to render this house one of the most desirable in the city. Travel lers and others are respectfully solicited to call. MA RT IN, Proprietor. N. B.—Attached to this house is a fine LIV ERY STABLE, where horses are kept at livery and Carriages and other conveyances always obtained. august 4 —y J. W. BARNECLO, Ag’t. DEALER IN FOREIGN &, DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Knots, Shoes, llats, Caps, lionnets, <fcc. No. 383 7th Street, between H and I Sts. WASHINGTON, I). C. N. B. All articles sold are warranted to prove as represented. jan 12—12 m NEW YORK FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. Vo. :;i. J. I>. LIKEN AX, MERCHANT TAILOR, AT WALL ,j- STEVENS’ IVnnsylvania Avrnur, | Five doors below the National Hotel, WASHINGTON, D. C. j april 12—1 y HUTCHINSON A, XIRH O, —DEALER®IN— Fancy Goods, Perfumery BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS GLOVES, HOSIERY, ke. Vo. 810 Fonnayva. Avenue, Between Ninth and Tenth Streets, WASHINGTON, D. C. mar 15—12 m WILLIAM r. IIAYLI, —DEALER IN — Plain & JTanfi) Stationery l*enn. Av., bet. lltli and liith Sts. WASHINGTON CITY. Caro Plates Engraved and Printed, inar 15—12 m W. H . BRERETON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Cilll'O'U.idO'L Corner 7lh anil F street*, WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. jan 19—12 m A. m-CTEY. Fancy and Variety Store, No. 492, 7th Street, between D and E, WASHINGTON, U. C. DEALER in Laces, Embroideries, Millinery Goods, Perfumery, Hosiery, Gloves, Worsteds, Jewelry, Ac. Ac. jan 19—12 m JOHN SAUL, NURSERY, SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST, GROWER OF Fruit, Shade, Ornamental Trees, Evergreens,lc AND IMPORTER OF ENGLISH GARDEN SEEDS , DUTCH BULBS, dv . 3f>7, Corner Seventh anl II Streets. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. j jan 19—12 in I MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN STOVES AND TIN-WARE. CORNER OF II AND SEVENTH STS. Washington, E). C. PARTICULAR attention paid to ROOFING A.\ D SPOUTING, and all work in his line attended to at the shortest notice, jan 19—l‘2m a. LEWES, JEWELLER, Fruiisylvtinia Avenue, Between Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets. WASHINGTON CITY. mar 22 —12m KIRKWOOD HOUSE, J. 11. & A. AV. KIRKWOOD, PROPRIETORS, \\ashing ton i’tly, D. C. mar 22—tf .1. JILLAKU Si KO.VM PAINT & OIL STORE, Fen n*y laan in Avenue, WA S lUNII TON, D. C. mar 22—12 T. J. FORRRST, Manufacturer ol l.ndics' and Gent*’ BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS. —No. I ’KNXBVI.VANIA AvKNCK— North Side, between 12 th d- 1 '.Uh St*. WASHINGTON, D. 0. 4 LWAYSon hand a very fine assortment of -x JL my own work, which I can warrant to be of the best material aud workmanship, jan 19—12 m H. H. VOSS, Dealer in ah kinds of FAMILY GItOCDKI l>, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &e. &e. Southwest corner of 10th St. and Penn sylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C. feh 2—l2m John J. McQuillin, FA DERT AKER, EAST SIDE OF HIGH STREET, NRARLY OI|*OBITR FORKKftT HALL, u;okgi:iow\. d. c. Prompt attention to FUNERALS. Mourning and every Requisite furnished at all hours. [sup S- y A. MEINERS, UPHOLSTER <{■ PA PER HANGER Ho. 387, 7th St., between I and K St*. WASHINGTON, I). C. J*- Will attend calls ill portion of Montgo mery county, at the shortest notice, jan 9 12m DISTRICT ADVERTISEMENTS. A. GREEN, ArCTIONBBR AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Corner of 7th ami I) Streets. WASHINGTON CITY. I). C. ; Has on hand a large and extensive assortmnnt | of NEW FURNITURE, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Call and examine, I and I am sure I cun please you. j jan 26—12 m A. QR2KK, Auetionevr. By Hugh Dowling & Co. AICTIOXEERM! REGULAR DAY A EVENING SALES rTIIIE subscribers, determined to de- JL vote their whole attention to the Auction and Commission Business, respectfully inform the public that they are prepared to re ceive all goods consigned to their care for sale at public auction ; that no exertions on their part shall be spared to obtain ihe best prices for the same by fair and impartial representa tions ; and as "they intend to confine themselves to a strict cash business unless otherwise or dered, those sending goods to their sale shall he settled with immediately when the goods are delivered to the buyers. Goods sent to them for evening sales can he settled for next morning, if sold. A regular evening auction for the sale of all kinds of merchandise can hv this means be of great service to the commu nity, whose patronage is most respectfully so licited by the public’s obedient servants, HUGH DOWLING k CO. Auctioneers. Day Sales—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, at 10 o’clock, and every evening at. 7 ocloek, at the Stpre, No. 53, Yar nuni Buildings, Louisiana avenue, and at all other times and places where their services are required. Sales on the Market Square, oppo site the Bank of Washington, attended us usual on market days. Cash advances on consignments. IIUGII DOWLING k CO. Auctioneers. Washington, D. C., Jan. 20—12 m to vm rjMHE \ ndertaking business heretofore A carried on by the late .James F. Harvey w ill be continued by his widow. Mr. Okoruk llarvky (brotherof mvdeceased husband) lias been engaged to conduct and manage the business and is fully authorized to act in the premises. The public may be assured that every atten tion will be given to the business as formerly. Funeral calls attended to at sill hours of the day and night. | A large number of ready-made COFFINS, kept constantly on hand.' Particular atten tion paid to funerals in any of the adjacent counties, at the shortest notice and upon the most reasonable terms. MARIA E. HARVEY No. 410 Seventh Street, North of the Patent Office, Washsngton, D. C. april 2G—ly TOPHAMA NORPLET’S NEW AND CHEAP I SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK STORE, ! No. 499, 7th St. opposite Odd Fellows’ Hall, WASHINGTON, I). 0. | WHERK maybe found a large, neat and well-made | assortment of Saddles, Har- KijiCcr ness. Trunks, Valises, Carpet Ihtgs, Satchels, Fancy Boxes, Whips, Saddler’s Tools, Ac.. ' Particular attention paid to Covering Trunks, and Repairing all kinds of work, with neatness and despatch. N. B.—Harness of the finest make always j on hand, to which we invite the attention of j gentlemen. jan m— l2m I NEW YORK HATS TLK.MLX who arc in want 1 ration, consequently those who pay cash have the benefit of cash, and are not charged 25 l>er cent, extra profit to offset bad debts. The very best and most fashionable I)If ESS 1 If ATS. at $3.50, equal to anv usually sold at J and the best $3 hat south of New York : and a first rate, durable and fashionable Hat j at $2.50. A full supply of black and brown FEt T : HA TS. and Children's Fancy Goods, ut very I low prices. •Small profits and quick sales is the motto. I ANTHONY, Practical Halter, 7th St. near Pciiu. Av., opn. Dexter’s hotel Washington city, D. C. LI IIAYE made arrangements ! with one of the best Boot-mak ers in Philadelphia to be kept j constantly supplied with the ve- i ry best and most fashionable i French Calf-skin sewed Boots, i warranted French calf, or no sale, which 1 otlVr fin* the nn- , preceded ted low price of $3.62 j. I lmw shown them to coni]K*tent judges, who pronounce them the best Boots for the price in the Unit ed States. I also have a splendid sewed GAITER j BOOT , made of the very best French calf skin patent leather, all of the latest stele, for $3.50. Competition is out of the question. All 1 ask is for gentlemen to come and see for them selves. Terms positively cash. N. B. As for iny stock of Boots. I will bet SIOO to SSO that they are the best Boots at the price, in a regular way, in the U. States, jan 20 —12 m J. CONNELLY, U.\ DP.RTA K Kit, 7th Street, between G and II streets. No. 4£3, would respect fully inform the citizens of Washington and the i adjoining counties, that he is prepared to at tend to all orders at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. He will spare no 1 stias to pi ve calico satisfaction on all occasions. lie guarantees to PRESERVE TIIE DEAD in the warmest weather, for any length nr time. ,vW' A large supply of READY-MADE COF FINS, of all sizes and qualities, constantly on hand. ; SHROUDS. CARRIAGES, HE A USE. and every other article, furnished of the best quality. A share of the public patronage ig respectful ly solicited. J. C. j Washington, March 29, 185 f. S. P. HOOVER’S IKON HALL Boot, Shoe, and Trunk ESTABLISHMENT, Pennsylvania Avenue, bet. 9th and 10th Sts. WASHINGTON, D. C. IN THIS SPLENDID ESTABLISHMENT, which has no su|ierior in the Halted States may be found, at all times, the most extensive stock in this cite of every stvle and quality of LADIES, GENTLEMEN, CHILDREN A SER VANT'S BOUTS A SHOES; also. TUHXK3 OAIiPET BAGS. VALISES, SATCHELS, Ac’. Wv stock of Fall und Winter Wear, recently selected from the most celebrated manufactur ers, is very superior. I promise to otter unusual inducements, and rcspeetftiliy solicit your juttronage and influ ence. S. P. HOOVER, p. s. 400 prs. Coarse Hoots at Cost. Washington, Jan. 19, 185 ti. CASH FOR NEGROES. j , THE SFIISCRIBKR is giving the highes / cash price for NEGROES, of both sexes . fc.snd of different sges and sire*. Any communication addressed to him at Washing ton City will meet with prompt attention, aug it—ly OWEN SIIECKELL. ! DISTRICT ADVERTISEMENTS. J. R. M’GREGOR, (SUCCESSOR TO T. WHITTLESEY) DEALER IN I Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Camphine and JEtherial Oil, Lamps, Glasses, Blushes, Wicks, Clonks, &c. 534 7th St., between Louisiana Av. and D Sts. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. THE subscriber liaviug purchased the stock of Mr. C. S. W MfTTLF.sKY, is prepared to . furnish the former customers of the hotrse, and ' all who may give him a call, on the most fa | voruble terms, and hopes, by moderate prices and attention to the wishes of his friends, to I merit a share of their patronage. OILS. WINDOW GLASS. Ethereal Oil Haitimoee First Oamphene Oil ('!iesa|>eake Linseed “ Patapseo Boiled Linseed Oil Bolton Sperm Oil, Nos. 1, 2 French Solar Oil From 6-8 a 30-40 Lard Oil Neatefoot Oil GLASSWARE. I Clock Oil COLORS Queensware. ! All kinds. d\y Aground “ r * , . nnni,l > a, ' a Artists Tunis A colors W ater ColonT PAINTS CLOCKS. I)rv and Ground, evo . „ . . ry variety AU “ ,es ■ U ‘ J P r *fs— Fire Proof, Ac. warranted^ VARNISHES. c , , pAMPS. Copal, No. 1 A 2 Solar Lamps Japan, Coach, Asi.bal- A,lm ~ ’ a n, 'Pß turn &<• Lamphine Lamps Spirit Gas Lumps i,i,.. Bard OM Lamps UKLfcHEfc. Lanterns, Ac. Paint, Varnish, White- Caudle Sticks, &c. wash, ko. Lamp .Shades Sash Tools, Feather Gat Drop Lights Dusters, Fly Brushes Stand Lights, &c. Putty, Resin. Patent Drier, Pumice Stone, Sami Paper, Oil Cans, Toilet Seta, Painted Tin (chamber Sets, Matches, Gas Lighters, China Tea Sets. China Vases, Fancy China Cups and Saucers. Spice Boxes, Key, Knife and Tumbler Baskets, Russia Hair Felt, Glue. &c. J. It. M’GREGOR. Washington, Jan. 19, 1856—y n SA ’*rati n. wa itk (Of late firm of 0. Stott k Co ) IDEffGWST fi APOTEECABY Vo. .ls, 7th Rlreet, HI tjjj Ojtjioeitc Coyle's Ayricultunil 11 Li WASHINGTON CITY. HAS on hand and is constantly receiving fresh supplies of genuine Drugs and Me dicines. for physicians and family use ; togeth er with all the most popular Patent Medicines, amongst which are— Dr. Jayne’s, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, Os good's India Cologogue, Wistar’s Balsom, Hof land’g German Bitters. Ayre's Cherry Pectoral, Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture, Cannon’s Dys peptic Bitters, Rose’s Nervous Cordial and Whooping-Cough Syrup, Tasteless Worm-de stroying Drops, and a general Assortment of Hair,Tooth.Cloth and Shuving Brushes, Combs, Imported Soaps, Colognes, Lubin'f Perfume. Pomatum, Hair Dyes. Gradual Hair Coloring, Tricophcrnus, Kathairon. Eau Lust ml, Ac, Proprietor of Tyler’s Lincment for Horses and Human Flesh, price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. april 12-ly FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. JOHN K. RAWLINGS, No. 345 Southwest Corner 7th and K Streets, WASJI/N GTON CITE, JJ. C. HAS now in store ami is constantly re ceiving n large and well selected assort ment of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, con sisting of a very general anil appropriate vai i , It of TE IS. COFFEES SCOARS. W INES \ J t.IQUOHS , and everything suitable for city ; j and country customers, which lie Offers as low as can be purchased elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, and with a deter mination to accommodate and even anticipate I tile wants of the public, lie hopes to share a I merited portion of their patronage. Washington, Jan. 19, 1856. Notice to the Public. \\I I - ' have constantly on hand, and offer for v V sale at the lowest cash price, a good ns sortment of HARDWARE, STOVES, GRATES, FURNACES, RANGES, Ac., among which mav he found a good assortment of tAKPENTEHS TOOLS mol 11l ILJJ. /A fl MATERIALS, such as Locks, in every variety; narrow, broad and loose Joint Butts: Parliament and Patent Blind Hinges, Hooks a-1 Hinges, Strap Hinges, Bolts, Screws. Brads, Cut and Wrought Nails; in short all that is wanted jn our line tor building. In STOVES we have a heautifftl assortment for cooking with wood or coal. Parlor Stoves, also for wood or coal: Radiators. Air-Tight*, Salamanders, Cylinder, Gannon, Ac. To our stock we are constantly adding, direct from the mannfoctoric*, all the'new and useful improvements of the times, and to which we invite the attention of our friends and the public. JOHNSON, GUY, k CO., * North side Pennsylvania Avenue, between loth and 1 1 tit streets, Washington, D. C. mar B—ly To the lYoplc of'alon rj County. GREAT BARGAINS! fTMIK subscriber* respectfully invite the at- A tention of housekeepers and others of Montgomery to their large, complete and well selected stock of— iloiisp>l'iiriiiw|iin<e (looiln, SUCH AW— BUREAUS, SOFAS, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, LOOKING-GLASSES CHINA, GLASS A CROCKERY WARE. Together with every article useful for house keepers; all of which they will guarantee to sell cheaper than any oilier establishment in the city of Washington " lien you visit the city, we respertfully so- , licit a rail and a comparison of prices with other dealers. BONTZ A COOMBS, No. 3<it) 7th Street, a few doors above Dorsey’s Hotel, Washington, D. C. I jan 19—12 m Fans, darasols, &c.—iictcu insox * Murno have now on hand a large nnd beautiful assortment of fine FANS and PARASOLS, which they arc prepared to sell at reduced prices. No. 310, Pa. avenue, betwocn 9th and 10th streets, AVashingtou, D. C. ap 12-tf PERFUMERY, SOAPS. POMADE. kc. —We have constantly on hand a large supply of French Perfumery, 1 Pomades, Soaps, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Dressing Cases, Ac., which we sell 25 per cent, below the regular prices. HUTCHINSON & MURNO No. 310, Pa. avenue, ap 12-tf Washington, P. C. DISTRICT ADVERTISEMENTS. SCHOOLEY’S PATENT SOLD BY G. M. WIGHT, Louisiana Avenue, No. ST, Yarnuiu's New Block.—The Refrigerator preserves hv farming a cold, dry current of air. It will 'keep beef I without taint or mould seven days, if not pre- I vioualy packed in ice. Fruils most liable to I change in very hot weather can ho kept for weeks, as no mould or moisture can remain in the preserving chamber while the ice chamber |is supplied. It will keep butter any lemrih of tune fresh and hard. Milk can he kept pure 1 lor three days * the warmest weather. This Refrigerator is so constructed that a dry, cold air is in process of formation all Ihe time’ air being admitted through a top register paste ing over the ice through into the preserving chamber and out through a side register, it has been found that five pounds of ice in Sclino ley’s Refrigerator will keep as long as twenty in tlic ordinary kind. I am now prepared to supply all witli this valuable article in house keeping. * have also a large and well select c?. stoc 'k of I’arlor, Chamber nnd M* furniture, made in the best manner nnd of the best matts rials, and which I aut determined to sell ns lew as they can be had in Philadelphia or N. York, I have constantly on hand Kfutrlt and Hair Mattresses. Feather Beds and Pillows mado to order at the shortest notice. Onr stock is comprised of nearly every article used in house keeping. We have just received a lot of Childrens’ Gigs. Iron Bedsteads, Cribs, Settees, Flower Stands, Ac. Washington, May 17, 1856. CHAITHTCY warrixer, Watchmaker & Jeweler, AND Dealer in FINE WATCHES, JEW ELIIY, and SI LY KB WARE, would re spectfully solicit the attention of those who de sire a pood article to his choice variety of Lon don, Geneva and Copenhapan W‘ATCHES r selected with the view of time-keeping and du rable qualities, for which a suitable guarantee will be furnished those who purchase. Gold Seals, Fob and Yest Chains, Fine Jew elry, Silver Spoons. Forks, Goblets, Cups, &c. for sole at New York prices. REPAIRING. —The Chronometer, Duplex, 1 Lever. Cylinder, Rejieatinp, Musical and other I Watches repaired. Also, Jewelry, Ac. .No. 370 PKNN. ANENUE, between Sixth and Seventh streets, Brown’s Hotel Building, sign of the GOLDEN WATCH, j mat 22—12 m Washington, D. C. THE SIGN OF THE Large SPREAD EAGLE, I*o. 118 l'enn. Avenue, Between Four-aml-n-hnlf nnd Sixth Sts. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. Superior XVatelies. THE subscriber has just received snmo very fine Chronometer Watches, the | most accurate time-keepers in the world. Also I a fair lot of American, English, and Swiss gold I and silver Watches, of every stvle and quality ; some very small size for Ladies' use. Also, ve ry fine Magic Cases and heavy Hunters for gen tlemen. Rich Jewelry. Consisting in part of fine Mosaic work. Rich Pearl,.Garnett, Ruby, Jett Coral, nnd all other kinds of fashionable Breast-Pins. Ear Rings, and Bracelets, Lockets, Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, and Finger Bings, set with Emerald, O pal, Amethist, Pearl, Sapphire, Turquoia, Onyx and tine Diamonds, together with a good as sortment of Sett und Plain Gold Rings in great variety. l*nre Silverware. Coin Silver Tea Setts, Gol.lels, Cups. Nnpki Ptttgs, Dining and Desert Forks, Setts for chil- I'lren, Table and Tea Spoons, Fish, Pie, Fruit, and Butter Knives, Ladle*. Ac. Ac. All of which will be sold ut much LOWER PLIi ES than goods of like quality have ever Been ottered for in this city or section of coun try, ami every article warranted to liens repre sented at till' time of sale, so that all may pur chase equally cheap and safe. Watch Repairing. I have employed one of the Bust Watch Ma rkus in the United States, who xv ill engage to i put in good time order any or all the most dit lieult or complicated watchea; will make new and replace tint broken or defective part in the most superior manner, and warrant all work to give satisfaction, mar 15-12 m 11. O. IIOOD. L. F. CLARK, I pliolwtcr X Paperlinnger. Dealer in french and Ameri can Paper Hangings and Upholstery Goods, No. 248 Pa. Avenue, between 1 it;lx and I.tth Streets, would call attention to his extensive Kali stork, comprising u wel! selected and general assortment of Goods in his line sttclt a* Gold, Velvet, Satin, and common Papers, suitable for every description of work; French Landscape Views Decorations. Oak I angling. Ac.; \\ inflow Similes, Cornices, TimsHs. Gimps, Cords, kc. All orders for work executed with promptness, aud iu the best manner. Washington City, Get. C—6t Genuine Garden SeedsT F|V|IE undersigned begs leave to inform his A patrons and the public generally, that lie has just completed his supply of the above, di rect from England und the Continent; among which are. Extra early Peas. Rians. Early York. Large 7 ork, Flat Dutch and Drumhead Ualdwtocs Cauliflowers, Beets, Celery. Egg Plant, Rad ishes, Lettuces, Onions, Poplars. Tomatoes Carrots, Ac. with all other Vegetables Herbs’ Flower Seeds, Ac. in the trade. FRUIT TREES—Peaches, Apples, Pearr, Cherries, Apricots, Gooabcrrics, Currants. Rhu barb Roots. Ac.; all of finest quality, warrant ed correct to name, and at verv in. derate pri <-<*• JOHN SAI L, 396 7th Street, corner of H, ff’B 23 Washington, D. C. Trunks and Harness. " agon an’d Cariitonere’ Single and Double reins. Wagon Wh'ps and a tew very fine Trunks which wc are selling low J e * W RRADDOCK A CO. ' NEGROES WANTED. ft THE subscriber will give the very high {Ej. est cash price for Negroes that arc' toting —Bland likely. Having located himself in Rockville Mont gomery county, Md., lie can at all times be found at Ilia residence, Mow the Catholic Church : or. if absent, anv word or note left at his residence will be sufficient. All 'Communications addressed to him at Rockville, Md., will he promptly attended to _angll—ly CHAS. M. PRICE. i*ati:\t fir.nimi v A r 'J,‘ °. f ,hr mo ' t popular PATENT MEDf- XX. CINES can be found with W. BRADDOCK k CO. Who are also Agents for Holmnuswobtii’s Celebrated FLOATING BALLS, or Knuckle Washing Machine, (•ne of which we have now in uwj, and can be seen by any one w ishinpr to purchase. may 3 WM. BRADDOCK k CO.