Newspaper Page Text
C< tI'NT V ADVERTISER EXTS. Agricultural Implement AGMCY. Pooh'tivillr, lid. A CKNT.S for McIOKUICK’S COMBINED V UEU’i.VG AND MOWING MACHINE. Pk\n k s WIIKAT & GtANO DRILL, with lurla Rubber Tubes, and otherwise improved, fVr 1856. Leavitt's Latest Improved CORN and TOR MILL. Rkamxo’b CORN.SIIELLER—the most ccle brated aryl powerful horse-power slieller in ?.Ih> world, nnd will shell separate and fim from 100 tt> >SO bushels an hour. Penmm k's Hand and Horse-power CORN SHKLLEIt, with Separator. Whitman’s single and double Spout do. Sikoi, air’s do do Sinclair's CYLINDRICAL IIAV, STRAW and FODDER CUTTER. Whitman s Three-horse Allegany PLOW. Rich’s Patent Improved Ream do Whkblkr, Melick A Co.’s Railway TIIRESIT* I\G MACHINE, with Separator and Winnow er complete, which took the first premium at the Exhibition of the Montgomery County Ag ricultural Fair last fall. RRimreooLPH'H HOMINY MILL, kc. Ac. We have made such arrangements with se veral of the most extensive manufacturers of Agricultural Implements in the country, as to enable us to furnish any article in their manufacturers prices, from factory added. *** All orders by mail promptly at tended to. Pnotesyille, Md.,}April 5, 1856. bHAVITT’B LATEST IMPROVED Mi) CSS MILL. Young America Excelsior. F IIK ion of the Farmers of * Montgomery County, is asked to this eroallv improved .Mil,!, for Crushing and Ci i 1 ' and Col. Meal—Horse feed R( . n . l ' : —ud Meal from Shelled Corn. ll i.i now well known that nil animals arc imp: ~wd in every rc-pcct bv tile use of ground j 1 ’ heenuae of its more easy and complete ' dlg'lioil. i'i. is now well known llmt working nnimals * .r the same rcisnn, arc kept in good condition at h 1 si, by the use of food so prepared. Hill while these principles of true economy are so generally understood, mnnv have been 1111- willine to Or mure suitable Mills, expemive Iruotion—expefioWTrire before I 11,1,1 •‘ rn . ( “itiwisphiteseiist solid, n , " | 1 ’ Imrtiims <if the Mill, in " "...Jjf for tin •use (,f an average sized farm -tt-Tl we. tr smooth and become useless in about |l tv, • years ; aiming sm-h is the *' Little Giant,” “Granger's Magic Mill,” etc. ’a buying the EXCELSIOR MILL this ob ;••( lion L entirely obviated, as it is a Permanent lil!. The Grinding Plates, (the only parts that we ir out) being two detached rings, cast hvperuto from the main and expensive parts of tin Mill, each bolted on with three small bolts, ur 1 when worn smooth readily replaced in ten minutes at a cost of only $3. We n.i:iie among the other advantages this Mill ]•:>- cs.9es over thcother Portable Iron Mills in use. that the regulating of the fineness of grinding is done by simply turning one central act screw. The uaal instead of being scattered vround ns in other mills, is brought out at one spout and no weight is required on the rcarend of the sweep as a balance. Wherever the Young America Excelsior has been intmdsuitd it Tins superseded nil others of tin* hind. This mill will grind from 3 to 20 bushels ]>cr hour, according to fineness, and the grinding is light work for two horses. PRICE SSO, including an extra set of grind ing places ; making it equal to two ordinary Mills. They will >■ promptly delivered at any point on the Railroad or in the District of Columbia, freight from Haiti more added. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JKSSKK T. HIGGINS A IMO. Agents for Montgomery county, Mil., And Loudon county, Ya. Poolcsvllle, Md., April 12, 1850. For the sntisflictorv work of these Mills wc retfcr to the following enterprising farmers, •f Montgomery, who own them, viz : Win. O. Sellmau, Geo. W. Spates, Gassaway Sell man, das. (). Trundle, Will Pearre, Daniel Price, Win. dwell, Col. B. Skreve, K. W. Williams, Jesse Veira, Win. A. Cbiswell, Nnt’l OlageU, Fred. S. Poole, \V. 15. Magrudcr, Tlios. L. Jones, S. T. Stouestrect, Mrs. 15. A. Allnutt.SmuT Hardesty, ! Mrs. Ann Vinson, (.'has. Holland, J. A. li. Leonard. Jolm L. T. Jones, iMFBBT&IT TB MUSEKEEFERSI COOL) NEWS FOR THE L.\I)IES! The “Buckeye” 4 I.OITII> Washer and Wringer. PTMIKR.K is no article so much and so univer- JL sally needed ut this time, ns a really good Washing Machine. Wo-hare been n long time on the look out for one which would do the i work effectually, and could he recommended j with confidence to housekeepers, and, at great outlay, wc arc fully satisfied we Im re succeeded. . We arc now enabled to offer to the public the BUCKEYE CLOTHES WASHER, | llou . (hi as. Mason, the Commissioner of Patents, bus verv recently said the principle on which this Washing Machine is constructed, is the onfy one for effective a mi thorough wash ing of all the hundreds in the Patent Dttiuo. This is high recommendation, hut the praises lavished upon these machines hv the tens of' thousand persons using them in Ohio, Ken-j tacky, Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana. ! Michigan, North Carolina. Virginia, IYnnsvl- 1 vania, New York and other Eastern aud North ern States, are of much greater value. Ten or a dozen shirts, or their equivalent in | other clothes, may he washed in from tlVw m ; six minutes (according to the state of the clothes j :uid degree of preparation,) w ithout as much injury to them as in the ordinary washing by j hand—a button or hook ami eve beiug rarely 1 if ever broken off-—the process being nenrer to | the working by hand than any other. It is j very substantial aud durable—simple in con struction and easy to work, and has attached ! to it act* admirably working and efficient Wringing .Hachinc, operated by a crank. The Washer, with wringing attachment I complete, is sold at the low price of ftlT.OO— ] made in the very best manner. .Wc apeak with confidence when we sav that j this \S ashing Machine will be as highly ap proved, and as valuable In the domestic de partment, as McCormick's Heaping and Mowing Machine is in the wheat fields and meadows. It is no humbug, ami is travrutUed to yive txiti .*- foot ion, or the money trill Ik returned. ' As the demand w ill he very great and there is difficulty in getting them made, owing to the great press of work everywhere, it is ad to nnb r curly We have fifty in proctWS of Wing made, and will be receiving them in a few days. JKSfB T. HIGGINS k BRO., aug 22——If Pooiesvillc, Md. LIQUORS! LIQUORS!! (AHAMI’AGXK, KRKNCII BRANDY, Ar- J P 1.15 Ditto: Port. Madeira and Sweet WINES: OIJ BYE WHISKEY, Etc., ju.t re ceived and lui *al* hv i pal IV X) U. bul'lC. f HU. .>- MI.IIOUMIIIH .I*l*lllll*, Ilctween tth and lOthSts. Washington, July. 20, 1858. DORSEY & ERNEST, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in eg mans. tun. feed. SJlFine Teas, Wines, LiquoiM, Cigars Ac. Ac. VO- HIGH STREET, One Jour South nf the Montgomery l/oiisr, GEOBUETOWN, D. ('. X. JJ.—CWNTBY I'ltODdCE tuken in ex change for Groceries, and the market prices given. may 17—ly To llh* FanniTN of .Uoisfjio incrv county. f undersigned are very anxious to know 1 the effects of the (UtLUMBI \X GUA XO on the present Wheat crop; they, there fore respectfully request those Farmers who have used this Guano, to inform thorn, by let ter or otherwise, the result of their experiment. Please state the quantity used per acre, and whether used alone or mixed with Peruvian, and any other informat ion in regard to its a im plication and effect that w ill be useful. Our object is to get reliable testimony, noth as to its application and effect, that we may be enabled to inform our friends how to apply it, and what they may expect in return. We w ould be glad if our friends would w rite us as soon after harvest as convenient. Address, MORGAN At RIIINEI!ART, Corner of 27tli and G Sts., June 14—taul Washington, D. C. U IAI(1 \ t I VNTUni ENT ESTABLISHMENT. The (treat Piano Forte , Music ami Mu sical Instrument Establishment of IYuliiiigto!i' 11. V. ■cpj.■ THE ADVERTTSUI i lcgs lon vo to info T fric-.-U .-i>! 5 th lie Ims converted in- iinm'ns* >. | Piano Forte, Mum< mm I Mu.-ii ..u'ent' j Establishment md in ~ i- iveepit . t re. | solely and exclusively a fir.-' < U I': \NP 1 MUSIC STORF lb !i i- li- '"iii.ii.t from Boston and New York, where be lu> visited all the principal manufactory., .md from them ■ selected with great care a large stock, and j made arrangement to receive semi-monthly i supplies; and the stock will always ne the j largest ever offered in any Southern city.— i Consisting of Grand, Parlor Grand, Louis XIV, i Square, Hound, and other styles of PIANOS, j We warrant and guarantee every Instrument ! we sell ; take old instruments of any kind in 1 ; part payment; accept good endorsed notes, or 1 make liberal discounts for cash. We shall always have on hand the largest) j variety of Music. Melodeons. Guitars, Violins, i j Flutes, Yiolincelloa, Piano Stools and Covers, j Banjos, Tamhorines. Tuning Forks, Music! , Books and Paper, Strings, Bows, etc. etc. i jggg. Our Store 1s No. 306 Pennsylvania Av enue, between 9th and loth streets, near Sa-j vings Bank. j Give us a call and examine our stock. I, Remember the Great Piunoand Music Store of I may 10-tf JOHN F. ELLIS. NOTICE TO THE LADIES!! | Opening of Spring Millinery. WE have now opened | our stock of JgaglVL JR' MILLINERY, consist- J Wgf.M * nH'j iug of the largest ami I iSffirk. handsomest assortment 1 of Silk, Lace, Crape, I and Straw BONNETS; i RIBBONS, I LOWERS, &c., ever of i tered in tills city, and we cordially invite I the Ladies of Montgomery county, visit | "ig our city, to give us a call, as wc feel; assured that it w ill bo to their advantage, j HITCH IN,SON' & ML UNO. No. 31tt, Pennsylvania avenue, ap 12-tf Washington, I). C. 1 (SAHAS, WORK-BOXES, SATCTI / r.i.S, &c., just revet red, and sol -1 ling extremely low for cash, at HUTCHINSON & MURXO’S Fancy and Millinery Store, No. 310, l*a. avenue, between 9tli and 10th streets, Washington. I>. C. ap 12-tf. I, MOW OPEVIXL, • A FIXE assortment of STONE CHINA ami Liverpool Warr. I nmyJ WM. CRADDOCK f CO. 5 ALT I MORE ADVERTISEMENTS. wiiSi ISSSE, fih i illM FORMERLY THREE TUNS TAVERN, S'. W. Corner Pratt and Paca Streets , BALTIMORE. THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he ias taken the above house, and is prepared to icconnnodnte nil who may favor him with a •all; his HOUSE is large with many spacious md well ventilated Chambers; his TABLE vill he supplied with the best the market can itford. Tkums Reasonable. CORNELIUS SIT A WEN, Baltimore, Jan. 26, 1856-12 m Proprietor. t. D. PORTER. C. 11. lIOUSB. ROBERT B. PORTER & CO. IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, and dealers in Machine Findings, Bar Iron and Steel, nd Hollow Ware; Mill, Pit and Circular Saws: Vxes, Hatchets, Spikes and Nails, Patent Horse dines, Anvils, Vices. Ac. Agents for Rees & Hoyt’s Premium Lea hcr Bands. Goodyear’9 Metallic Packing— ■’oundry and Smith’s Bellows. For sale on best terms at 78 PRATT ST.. HALT!M<>HE, AID. feb 2—Cm .JOBS'* MAAV Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in Clocks, Looking Glasses, ETC. ETC. ETC. TOILET BOXES, FURNITURE KNOBS. AND CLOCK TRIMMINGS, Of all kinds, kept constantly on hand. 11l Month Cli:ii'lt*M *41., Between Lombard and Pratt Sts., BALTIMORE. mar 22—12 CHARLES BICE. THOMAS NORMS. RICE & NORRIS, Manufacturers and Dealers in a fl it no 7. 77 AM A IMPLEMENTS— MACHIXPS, SEEPS, OPASO. ,fv., Nos. 40 k 18 Light Street, near Pratt. Bai/timohf. Horse Powers, Thrashing Machines, Scott’s Little Giant Corn and Cob Crushers. Straw and Stalk Cutters, Portable Corn and Flour Mills. Smut Machines) Wheat Fans, Wheat and Seed Drills, Hay Presses, Vegetable Cutters, Portable Cider Millsaud Presses, Hay and Grain Rakes, Ox Yokes, Dirt Scoops, Harrows, Cul tivators, Grain Cradles. Plows; all kinds of ; Farming and Gardeu Tools, Ac.; Field and I Garden Seeds, Trees and Plants. Agents for Herring's unrivalled Patent Fire and liurglur Proof Safes. RICE k NORRIS. N. B. We would call particular attention of the Farmers generally to HAY PRESSES. Baltimore, Jan. 26 —12m R. k N. TO THE FARMERS CO^^^B^LL, rpiUS CELEBRATED MILL, which to des- X crihe its merits would make too length ened ail advertisement, but wo will state fur . the benefit of the Agricultural community, that we arc selling the No. 1 MILL, all complete, for $25 —grinding 4 to H bushels per hour. No. 2 MILL, all complete, for $35 —grinding G to 10 bushels per hour. No. 3 MILL, all complete, for $45 —grinding 10 to 15 bushels per hour. Which will put thifl Mill WITHIN THE REACH OF EVERY FARMER—AT THE SAME TIME FULLY WARRANTED. There is one of the MAGIC set up in mv Warehouse, and can be seen at any time, worked I by three men, performing the same work as in other Mills requires a horse. Also agent for <\ 11. McCormick’s cel ebrated Reaping and Mowing Machines.— Address orders to J>. M. RHODES, sole agent, No. 141, West Pratt street, mar 1-y Baltimore. GUANO AGENCY. B. M. RHODES, r\ ENEHAI. COMMISSION MKISCHAKT: 11 .I mnl for McCOIIMA CK’S REAPING AND VOWING MACHINE; ato, Dtoltr in AGRICULTURAL IVIG.EVENTS, •/ a'cry Description, No. 141 W'KST I’KATT ST. near Light street, Baltimore, Md. 6im.FIBSPMtIIFLII.FIIS TER, AND OTHER FERTILIZERS. PERUVIAN GUANO, No. 1, tarnished at I the Government price, the ton of 2240 lbs. de livered either from ship, warehouse at the Point, | or at my Warehouse, up town, on terms the most advantageous to dealers and consumers. MEXICAN GUANO, selected from cargoes. ! rich ill Phosphates. PHOSPHATE OP LIML\ manufactured expressly for my agency. Also — PLASTER and other Fertilizers. t -JMCf- For the convenience of Farmers, their orders will be filled either at the Guano wharf, I or at m v Warehouse, Xo. 141 WEST PR A TT ! STREET, near Light, at all times without dc j lay. Expense avoided if possible, and made light when unavoidable. B. M. RHODES, No. 141 West Pratt street, Bultlmore. * leb 9—l2m DISTRICT AI)VERTISEMKNTS. Baker’s Franklin Hotel. Corner of eighth anil J>. .Streets, WASHINGTON, I). C. TIIE subscriber lias taken the above named well-known house, recently and long kept by Mr. Thomas Baker. The house has un dergone a thorough repair, internally and ex ternally : the Chambers fine and airy, have been refurnished ; the location very pleasant and healthy, and centrally located between the capital and ull the official departments, and in full view of the patent and general and city post offices. The Table and Bar will always be furnished in the best style the seasons can afford. The domestics of the house trusty and accommoda ting ; anil every exertion, by an experienced proprietor, will he used to render tlii3 house one of the most desirable in the city. Travel lers and others arc jespeetfullv solicited to call. MARTIN, Proprietor. N. B.—Attached to this house is aline LIV ERY STABLE, where horses are kept at livery and Carriages and other conveyances always obtained. august 4 —y J. W. BARNECLO, Ag’t, DEALER IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Bout*, .Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, dec. No. 383 7th Street, between H and I Sts. WASHINGTON, V. C. /T'li" N. IJ. AH articles sold are warranted to prove as represented. jun 11 12 m NEW YORK FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. Wo. 391. J. D. LAKENAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, AT WALL ,(• STEVENS' IVimsvlimain Avenue. Five doors below the National Hotel, WASHINGTON, 1). C. april 12—ly IHTCIII\M>\ Ac 111 ItMK • —DKALEBS IN Fancy Goods, Perfumery BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &c. \o. 310 I’ennsy va. Avenue, Between Ninth and Tenth Streets, WASHING TON, I>. V. mar 15—12 m WILMAX F. IIAVM, DEALER IN — plain S' i r amn Stationery l’enn. Av., hot. 11th and 12th Sts. WASHINGTON CITV. I 'ait" Pi.ateb Engraved and Printed, mar 15—12 in W. H . 3RERETON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Corner 7IIi :inl fi' 'ilrerts, WASHIJiGXO.N CITY, l>. C. jan 19—12 m A, LoliK’xLj Fancy and Variety Store, No. 492, 7th Street, between D and E, WASIIIXGTOX, I). C. DEALER in Laces, Embroideries, Millinery Goods. Perfumery, Hosiery, Gloves, Worsteds, Jewelry, &c. Ac. jau 11 12 m JOHN SAUL, NCUSBJt r, SEEDSMAN AND ELUUIST, QROWKR OP Fruit, Shade, Ornamontal Trees, Evergreens,4c ! ANU IVl’OU'lFll OP ENGLISH GARDEN SEEDS, DUTCH HULKS, <fr. 3!)7, Comer Seventh ami 11 Streets, WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. jnn 19—12 m Iri t j\:A £fi 3-1 .KijJilj If, MANCEACTEREIi AND DEALER IN STOVES AND TIN-WARE. CORNER OF II AND SEVENTH STS. Washington, I>. V. PARTICULAR attention paid to ROOFING .1 XU SPOUT!XO, and all work iu his line attended to at the shortest uotice. jan lit--12m H. LIIIYIS JEWELLER, IVnusyitanin Avenue, Between Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets, WASHINGTON CITY. mar 22—12 m KIRKWOOD HOUSE, .1. il. A. A. XV. KIRKWOOD, PROPRIETORS, Washington City, D. C. mar 22—tf .1. Jil.I.A lID ft MU'S PAINT & OIL STORE, PeuiiM Ivania Avenue, | WASII/XHTOX, 1). C. mar 22—12 T.J.FORRRST, !>ln mi fa tt uro r of I.allies' and Gents’ j BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS. —No. ** 1 ‘ennsylvama Avkme — | X’orth Side , between 1 'lth f* 1 Sth Sts. WASHINGTON, P. C. A TAN AYS on hand a very fine assortment of -*• X my own work, which 1 can warrant to be of the best material aud workmanship, jnn 19—12 m H. H. VOSS, Dealer in all kinds of famll.v cjkoi i:rii:s WINES, LIQUORS, CHJ ARS, &c. &c. Southwest corner of 10th St. ami I’enu gylvauia Avenue, Washington, I). C. feb 2—12 111 John J. McQuillin, IMHIITIKIK. EAST SIDE Ol l ' llltdl STREET, NEARLY orrORTTK EORRKST HALL, LFxißu;row\, i. r. ( Prompt attention to FUNER ALS. Mourning uud every Requisite furnished Jat all hours. [;s^p S—y A. MEINERS, ’! UPHOLSTER <t- PAPERII.IKGEIi No. 3G7,7th St, between I and K Sts. WASHINGTON, D. C. Will attend edits in portion of Montgo mery county, at the shortest iiotice. jan 9 Urn WBTBH'T ADvkktiskm ENTS. A. GREEN, Auctioneer and commission mer- CHANT, Corner of 7th and I) Streets, WASHINGTON CITY\ J). C. Has on hand n large and extensive assortmnnt of NEW FURNITURE, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Call and examine, and I ain sure I can please you. jan 26—12 m A. GREEN, Auctioneer. By Hugh Dowling & Co. AUCTIONEERS! REGULAR DAY A EVENING SALES ITT IIE subscribers, determined to dc- JL vote their whole attention to the Auctiou and Commission Business, respectfully inform the public that they are prepared to re ceiveall goods consigned to their care for sale at public auction ; that no exertions on their part shall be spared to obtain ihe beat prices for the same by fair and impartial representa tions; and as they intend to confine themselves to a strict cash business unless otherwise or dered, those sending goods to their sale shall bo settled with immediately when the goods are delivered to the buyers. Goods sent to them for evening sales can be settled for next morning, if sold. A regular evening auction for the sale of all kinds of merchandise can by this means be of great service to the commu nity, whose patronage is most respectfully so licited by the public’s obedient servants, IIUGII DOWLING k CO. Auctioneers. Day Sales—Monday, Wednesday, und Friday mornings, at 10 o’clock, and every evening at 7 oclock, at the Store, No. 53, Vnr num Buildings, Louisiana avenue, and at all other times and places where their services are required. Sales on the Market Square, oppo-, site tin- Bank of Washington, attended as usual on market days. Cash advances on consignments. HUGH DOWLING & CO. Auctioneers. Washington. I). C.. Jan. 26—12 m - m rpiLKj'r ; H| lIIE T ndertaking business heretofore i JL carried on by the late James F. Harvey will be continued by his widow. • Mr. Geokoe Harvey (brother of my deceased husband) has been engaged to conduct and manage the business and is fully authorized to act in the premises. The public may be fissured that every atten tion will be given to the business as formerly. Funeral culls attended to at all hours of the day and night. A large number of ready-made COFFINS, kept oonstanstly on hand. Particular atten tion paid to funerals in any of the adjacent counties, at the shortest notice und upon the most reasonable terms. MARIA E. HARVEY, No. 410 Seventh Street, North of the Patent Office, Wushsngton, I). C. april 26 —ly TOPHAM A NQRFLET’S NEW ANI) CHEAP SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK STORE, No. 499, 7th St. opposite Odd Fellows' Hall, WASHINGTON, D. C. yfK WIIERK may bo found n large, neat and well-made *rt"' ,, t of Saddles, llar ■kidda ness, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Hoes. Satchels, Fancy Boxes, Whips, Saddler's 1 Tools, Ac. V'l"particular attention paid to Covering Trunks, and Repairing all kinds of work, with , neatness and despatch. N. IS.—Harness of the finest make always on hand, to which we invite the attention 'of gentlemen, jan lit—l2m NEW YORK HATS. I WISH ALL GEN r?>i r,*t£§a TLE.MFN who are in want of 11A TS to hi ar in mind that the plan which I adop- i SwiiSSHB s ' x mon tha ago, of .sell- j . _ in K Hats and Caps at great- j , reduced prices, for cash only, is in successful ope- ; j ration, consequently those who pay cash have ! the benefit of cash, and are not charged 25 per cent, extra profit to offset bud debts. The very best and most fashionable DRESS IIA TS, at $3 60, equal to any usually sold at $5, and the best $3 bat south of New York ; and a first rate, durable and fashionable Hat at $2.50. A full supply of black and brown FELT HATS , and Children’s Fancy Goods, at very low prices. .Small profits and quick sales is the motto. ANTHONY, Practical Hatter, 7th St. near Penn. Av., opp. Dexter's hotel Washington city, D. C. LI HAVE made arrangements with one of the best Boot-mak ers in Philadelphia to la* kept constantly supplied with the vc- ! ry best and most fashionable ‘ French Calf-skin sewed Booth, j warranted French calf, or no ! sale, which I offer for the tin- [ precedented low price of $1.62}. I have shown them to competent judges, who pronounce them the best Boots for the price in the Unit ed States. I also have a splendid sewed Cl A ITER ROOT, made of the very best French calf skin patent leather, all of the latest style, for $3.50. Competition is out of the question. Mil ask is for gentlemen to come and see for them selves. Terms positively cash. N. B. As for my stork of Boots, I will bet SIOO to SSO that they are the best Boots at the price, in a regular way, in the U. States, jan 26—12 m J. CONNELLY, UNDERTAKER, 71h .Street, between G and II streets, No. •4‘23, would resj>eet fully inform the citizens of Washington and the adjoining counties, that he is prepared to at tend to all orders at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. He w ill spare no pains to give entire satisfaction "n all occasions. He guarantees to PRESERVE THE DEAD in the w annest w eather, for any length of time. J&TA large supply of READY-MADE COF FINS, of all sizes and qualities, constantly on hand. SHROUDS, CARRIAGES, HEARSE, and every other article, furnished of the best quality. A share of the public patronage is respectful ly solicited. J. C. Washington, March 29, 1856. S. P. HOOVER’S IRON HALL Boot, Shoe, and Trunk ESTABLISHMENT, Pennsylvania Avenue, bet. 9th and 10th Sts. WASHINGTON, D. C. IN THIS SPLENDID ESTABLISHMENT, w hich has no superior in the United States, may be found, at all times, the most extensive stock in this city of every style and quality of LADIES, GENTLEMEN, CHILDREN & SER VANTS BOOTS A SHOES; also. TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, SATCHELS, Ac. i My stock of Fall and Winter Wear, recently selected from the most celebrated manufactur-1 era is very superior. I promise to offer unusual inducements, and j respectfully solicit your patronage and influ-1 once. 8. 1*- HOOVER, j P. S. 400 pm. Coarse lloots at Cost. Washington, Jnu. 19, 1856. CASH FOR NEDROES. f , THK SUBSCRIBER is giving the bighta / c.-sh ]'l ice fi.r NEGROES, of Both sexes , i.and of different apt* and siacs. Any ■ communication addressed to him at Wnshing i ton (fftv will meet with prompt attention. 1 augil—ly rfa-fiN SUECKELL. DISTRICT ADVERTISEMENTS. J. R. M’GREGOR, (SUCCESSOR TO T. WHITTLESEY) DEALER IN Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Camphine and iEtherial Oil, Lamps, Glasses, Brushes, AVicks, Clocks, &c. 534 7th St., between Louisiana Av. and D Sts. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C, THE subscriber having purchased the stock 1 of .Mr. C. fci. Whittlesey, is prepared to furnish the former customers of the house, and all who may give him a call, on the most fa vorable terms, and hopes, by moderate prices | and attention to the wishes of his friends, to merit a share of their patronage. OILS. WINDOW GLASS. Ethereal Oil Baltimoce First Camphenc Oil Chesapeake Linseed “ PatapicO Boiled Linseed Oil Boltou Sperm Oil, Nos. 1, 2 French Solar Oil From 6-8 a 30-40 Lard Oil Neatofoot Oil GLASSWARE. Clock Oil COLORS. , QrE ™ A,iK ' , All kinds. dry Aground Ja P ! ?'V and Artists Tools A colors W Lte r ' ( '’ o U.rT e Dry eve- ... CI^ KS .' ry variety wa™n*d Fire Proof, Ac. warranted VARNISHES. c , , ?' AMPS - Copal, No. 1 4 2 Solar Lamps ■Japan Coach, Asphal- Astra Lamps turn Ac. Umpiiino Lamps Spirit (.as Lamps Lard Oil Lain jis BRLSHES. Lanterns, ate. Paint, Varnish, White- Candle Sticks, &c. wash, Ac. Lamp Shades Sash Tools. Feather Gas Drop Lights Dusters, Fly Brushes Stand Lights, Ac. Pntty, Resin. Patent Drier, Pumice Stone, l Sand Paper, Oil Cans, Toilet Sets, Painted Tin j Chamber Sets, Matches. Gas Lighters, China Tea Sets. China Vases, Fancy China Cups and Saucers, Spice Boxes, Key. Knife and Tumbler Baskets, Russia Hair Felt, Glue. Ac. J. R. M’GREGOR. Washington, .Tan. 19, 1856 —y t SAMUEL B. TVI ITU (Of late firm of C. Stott A Co.) 11I6GIST SIMMY, .Vo. .TtJH, 71l Mlreet, CSSfI I wffi Opposite L'oyli 's Agricultural MSI | ||| House, Jilt I WASHINGTON CITY. HAS on hand and is constantly receiving fresh supplies of genuine Drugs and Me dicines, for physicians and family use ; togeth er with all the most popular Patent Medicines, amongst which are— Dr. Jayne’s. Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, Os good’s India Cologogue. Wistar’s Balsom, Hof iand’s German Bitters. Ayre’s Cherry Pectoral, Hampton's Vegetable Tincture, Cannon’s Dys |Mj>tic Bitters, Rose’s Nervous Cordial and Whooping-Cough Syrup, Tasteless Worm-de stroying Drops, and a general Assortment of Hair.Tooth.(’loth and Shaving Brushes. Combs, Imported Soaps, Colognes, Cubin's Perfume, Pomatum, Hair Dyes, Gradual Hair Coloring. Tricopheraus, Kathairon. Kau Lustml,Ac, JE+T' Proprietor of Tyler’s Linemcnt for Horses and Human Flesh, price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. april 12—ly FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. .TOTIX K. RAWLINGS, No. 345 Southwest Corner 7th and K Streets, WAS 111 A G TUN city, d. c. HAS now in store and is constantly re ceiving a large and well selected assort ment of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, con sisting of a very general and appropriate vari ety of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS. \YL\ES I LIQUORS, and everything suitable for city! and country customers, which he Offers as low as can be purchased elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, and with a deter- * ruination to Accommodate and even anticipate the wants of the public, he hopes to share a merited portion of their patronage. Washington, Jan. 19, 1856. Notice to the Public. WE have constantly on hand, anil oiler for sale at the lowest cash price, a good as sortment of HARDWARE, STOVES, GRATES, FURNACES, RANGES, Ac., among which mnv lie found a good assortment of C ARD EX TEIi S TOOLS awl 111 IL D- j IXG MA TERIALS, such as Locks, in every j variety; narrow, broad and loose Joint Butts: ! Parliament and Patent Blind Hinges, Hooks’ and Hinges, Strap Hinges, Bolts, Screws. ; Brads. Cut and Wrought Nails: in short all that is wanted in our line tor building. In STOVES we have a beautiftil assortment for cooking with wood or coal. Parlor Stoves, i also for wood or coal; Radiators, Air-Tights, Salamanders. Cylinder, Cannon, Ac. To our stock we are constantly adding, direct from the manufactories, all the new and useful improvements of the times, and to which we invito the attention of our friends and the public. JOHNSON, GUY, & CO., North side Pennsylvania Avenue, between 10th and 11th streets, Washington, D. C. nnir B—ly To the People of Montgome ry Comity. GREAT BARGAINS! THE subscribers respectfully invite the at tention of housekeepers nnd others of Montgomery to their lurge, complete and well selected stock of— I IloiiNe-Uiirniliiiig Goods, —SCCH AS— BUREAUS, SOFAS. BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, LOOK ING-GLASSES CHINA, GLASS A CROCKERY WARE. Together with every article useful for housc kee|erß; ail of which they w ill guarantee to sell cheaper than any other establishment in the city of Washington. \\ hen you visit the city, we respectfully so licit a call and a comparison of prices with other dealers. BONTZ A COOMBS. No. 309 7th Street, a few doors above Dorsey’s Hotel, Washington, D. C. jan 19—12 m Fans, parasols, &c.—Hctch inkon .v Mmxo have now on hand 1 a large nnd beautiful assortment of 6ne FANS and PARASOLS, which they are prepared to sell at reduced prices, j No. 310, Pa. avenue, between 9th and | 10th streets, Washington, D. C. i np 12—tf PERFUMERY SOAPS, POMADE, Ac.—We have constantly on huud I a large supply of French Perfumery, 1 Pomades, Soaps, Tooth nnd Nail Brushes, i. Dressing Cases, Ac., which we sell 25 1 per rent, below the regular prices. HUTCHINSON A MURNO No. 810, Pa. nvonne, ap 12—tf Washington, D. C. DISTRICT ADVERTISEMENTS. SCHOOLEY’S PATENT SOLI) BY U. M. WIGHT, Louimuua Avenue, No. *l7, Varmint’* New Block.—The Refrigerator preserve bv forming a cold, dry current of air. It will keep bw'.f without taint or mould seven days, if not pro ! viously packed in ice. Fruits most liable to change in very hot weather can be kept for i weeks, as no mould or moisture can remain in the preserving chamber while the ice chamber !is supplied. It will keep butter any length of | time fresh and hard. Milk can be kept pure i for three days in the warmest weather. 1 This Refrigerator is so constructed that a dry; cold air is in process of formation all the-time, air being admitted through a top register pass ing over the ice through into the preserving chamber and out through a side register. It has been found that five pounds of ice in Sehoo jcy’s Refrigerator will keep as lung as twenty in the ordinary kind. I am now prepnred to supply all with this valuable article in house keeping. I have also a large and well select ed stock of Parlor, Chamber awd W FURNITURE, made in the best manner and of the best mate rials, and which I am determined to sell ns lew as they can be had in Philadelphia or X. York. I have constantly on hand Shuck nnd Hair Mattresses. Feather Beds and Pillows made ’to order at tlie shortest notice. Our stock is comprised of nearly every article used in house keeping. We have just received a let of Childrens’ Gigs. Iron Bedsteads, Cribs, Settees, Flower Stands. Ac. Washington, May 17, 1856. CIIAUYC Y WAKKIXUK, Watchmaker & Jeweler, A ND Dealer in FINE WATCHES, JKW -lA. ELItY, and SILVERWARE, would re spectfully solicit the attention of those who do -1 sire a good article to his choice variety of I.on ! don, Geneva nnd Copenhagen WATCHES, selected w ith the view of time-keeping and du rable qualities, fi.r which a suitable guarantee w ill he furnished those who purchase. Gold Seals, Fob and Vest IShains, Fine Jew elry, Silver Spoons, Forks, Goblets, Cups, Ac. for sale at New York prices. PEPAIRIXG.—The Chronometer, Duplex, Lever. Cylinder. Repeating. Musical and other Watches repaired. Also, Jewelry, &e. .Vo. 370 I'E.XX. ANKXTK, between Sixth and Seventh streets, Brown's Hotel Building, sign of Ihe GOLDEN WATCH, ltmr 22—12 m Washington, 1). C. THE SIGN OF THE Large SPREAD EAGLE, No. Between Four-and-a-half and Sixth Sti. WASHINGTON CITY, D. (j. Sii|t*rior IVatchr*. f I HIE subscriber has just received some A very flue Chronometer Watches, th* most accurate time-keepers in the world. Also a fair lot of American, English, and B;vis<s gold and silver Watches, of every style and quality ; some very small size for Ladies’ use* Also, ve ry fine Magic Cases and heavy Hunters for gen tlemen. Rich Jewelry. Consisting in part of line Mosaic work. Rich Pearl, Garnett, Ruby, JcP Coral, and all other kinds of fashionable Breast-Pins, Ear Bings, and Bracelets, Lockets, Gold Chains, Beals, Keys, anil Finger Rings, set with Enierehl, 0- pai. Amethist, Pearl. Sapphire, Turqnois. Grtvx and fine Diamonds, t .gether with a good as sortment of Sett and Plain Gold Rings in grewt variety. Pure Silverware. Coin Silver Tea Setts, Goblets, Cups, Napkin Rings. Dining and Desert Forks. Setts for chil dren. Table and Tea Spoons, fish, Pie, Fruit, and Rutter Knives, Ladles, Ac. &r. All of which will be m M at much LOWER j PRICES than goods of like quality have ever j been offered for in this city or section of ..oun | try. and every article warranted to tie as repre | seated at the time of sole, so that all n.ay pur chase equally ( heap and safe. Walcli Repairing. T have employed one of the Best Watch Ma- Ki-Kf* in the 1 nited States, who will engage tr | put in good time order any or all the iu.jbt dif ficult or complicated watches; will make new ; and replace any broken or defective part in tl.c most superior manner, uud warrant all work to give satisfaction. mar 15-12 m 11. O. HOOD. L. F. CLARK, UpliolMlrr A: Paperhasigf r. Dealer in french and ameri- CAN Paper Hangings and Upholstery Good?, No. 248 I’a. Avenue, between J2 4 n ; and 13th Streets, would tail attention to his j extensive Fall stock, comprising a well selected j and general assortment of Goods in his lice, i such as Gold, \ civet, {Satin, and common i Papers, suitable finr every description of tvorV; French Landscape Views, Decoration® Ork Paneling. <fcc.; \\ widow {Shades, Cornices, Tassels, Gimps, Cords, &c. All orders for , vvwrk executed with promptness, and in the [ best manner. Washington City, Oct. 6—6 t Genuine Garden Seeds. UpilE umh mgnc.! brga leave to inform hi 1. patrons an.l Bin public generally, that l.e has just completed his supply of the above, di rert from England and the Continent; among which arc.- Extra early Pens, Beans, Early York, Largo York, Flat Dutch nnd Drumhead Cabbages, Cauliflowers. Beets. Celery. Egg plant, Ked ;, Lettuces, Onious. Peptrera. Tamapjcs ! Carrots, Ac. with all other Vegetables, Hert s' | Flower Seeds. Ac. in the trade. FRUIT TREES—Peaches, Apples, Pears, Cherries, Apricots, Gooslarries, Currants, Rhu barb Roots, Ac,: all of fir st quality, varran'.- , ed correct to name, and at verv modr.rat. • ri ces- JOHN SAUL, 396 7th Street, corner o? If, b'b 23 Washington, D. C. Trunks and Harness. '' ' Belly-bands, Halters. Wagoii and Cart Harness’, | Single nnd Double reins, Wagon Whips and a few very fine Trunks which w are selling low je 7 W. BBADPOCK NE9ROES WANTED, C THE sub- rilwr will give the verv hich | cash price for Kegrtfc* luat are‘young and likely. Having loeaiod himself In RorkritV tlont gomery county, Md.. ho can at ail Hmc 1c found at his residence, Mow- the Catholic Church : or. if absent, any word or note left at his residence will be sufficient. All communications addressed •„ „• j Rockville, Md., will be promptly attended to augl l—ly CHA3. Jl. riilC*. PATENT MUniC I\Ks: A L ,V moM popular PATENT iILDI. CINES can be found with , „. L W MB.'DDOCK A CO. M ho are also Agentr for llou.:ar.gwaai' Ctlebrated FT.OATING B M.l.h on Knnckte tVaxhlng Machine. One of which we have ao vto 11 . and am I-s seeu by anv one v i i icg to \ . -haw 1 3 WM. BRADDOCTC 4 CO.