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THE SENTINEL.! KO4 KVILLE, MGD. FRIDAY,OCTOBER 17, 1856. ~D VMOC RAT 1C \OMLNATIO>S. For President* JAMES BUCHANAN, OF PENNSYLVANIA. For Vice-President, JOIIX €. BKECKIIiRIDtiE OF KENTUCKY. Presidential Electors, JOHN M. ROBINSON, WALTER MITCHELL, HENRY GOLDSBOROUGH, R. W. RINGGOLD, LEVI K. BOWEN, FRANCIS GALLAGHER, JOSIAH 11. GORDON, GEORGE W. HUGHES. ALL HONOR To PENNBYI.YAMA ! The election in Pennsylvania for State officers, Members of Congress, Ac., took place on Tuesday last, and the Democra cy achieved a most signal, complete, and glorious triumph. The contest was be- j tween the Democracy on the one hand, j and on tho other, Know-nothingism, ; Black Republicanism, Anti-Nebraska ism, and every other ism. The battle ■was very hotly contested, and tho coali-; tion professed to bo perfectly confident of success. Not more than a week ago j they published a statement setting forth tho number of votes they expected to poll, which was a large majority of the voters of the State, and their organs and speakers confidently asserted that they should carry the State by from forty to sixty thousand majority. The result was looked for with the deepest interest all over the Union. It was understood on all hands that the failure in Pennsyl vania would be a fatal blow to the coali tionists, and their efforts to secure suc cess were commensurate with this view of the importance of the result. That result is their disastrous overthrow.— The Democrats have swept all before them, by a large majority. Their tri umph is as signal and complete, as it is gratifying to every true friend of Demo cratic principles, and every honest sup porter of the Constitution and the Union, and every foe of intolerance and bigotry. The fusionists have met their over match in the old “Keystone.” Their combined forces have been totally routed. Reckless of all the lessons of experience, aud blind to the blessings which had sanctified this experience, they proclaim ed their determination to erect a new standard, and to substitute for the doc trines and the practices of the revolution, the pains and penalties of the Spanish Inquisition, the disabilities and disfran chisements iuflictcd by the English ru lers upon the Irish people after the rev olution of 1668. Invoking to their cause a host of prejudices which civiliza tion has vainly labored to pluck from the human heart, rallying every hatred, whether of caste or creed, summoning to their aid the most levelling theories of impracticable reforms, and holding out reckless promises of office and of power, to extinct parties and desperate leaders, they fondly imagined that their black banner would float triumphantly over the “ Keystone of the Arch.” Flushed with the recollection of recent triumphs of a most extraordinary character, and sanguine of a vaster success than any they had yet obtained, they forgot that they were on hallowed ground, and that while they were seeking to dishonor and to degrade the living, they were at the same time profaning and insulting the dead. They forgot that they, stood upon the soil watered by tho blood, and made sacred by the graves of some of the fa thers of tho Constitution they sought to violate. They forgot that their enginery of falsehood, their secret complications and secret bargains, and their projects of impossible improvement and reform, were all so many resurrections of the departed genius of oppression. The effect of this glorious and oppor tune result will prove most magical.— Like the surrender of Cornwallis, it will destroy the machinations of the enemies of our country, and restore concert and strength to a patriotic people. Like that event, it will establish on a firm and lasting foundation, the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Like that event, also, it will give an assurance to the world —a hope to the oppressed, on the one hand, and an admonition to the oppressors, on the other —that, however faction may rave aud traitors combine, pothing is more certain of being main tained than the institutions of the Amer ican Republic. Upon the approaching Presidential election this result in Pennsylvania can not fail to operate With salutary . The politicians who were attracted to the new party by tho hope of preferment, will haul off in disgust, and the mass of those who were deluded by its mumme ries will be glad to gather counsel and experience from tbe great victory in Pennsylvania, and to come back to the great organization, once more re-cslab- Jinhcd in invincible security upon the old ! foundations. Nothing can save the demagogues who now lead the piebald party. They arc broken down com pletely, and must look to some new ex pedient to keep them alive. And for all this, Pennsylvania is en titled to the gratitude of a nation. Penn sylvania wins the enduring laurel-wreath of fame. Long may she wear it! Of all her triumphs, this is the proudest. At one blow, to annihilate-a public and ' a private enemy—to restore union and harmony and strength to the Democracy —to vindicate her illustrious dead, their ' deeds in war and their marvels in peace —and, finally, to trample under foot the profane and pestilent heresies that as- 1 pired to blot out the memories of those who fought and died for American lib erty—to do all this, and to do it so handsomely, and in a manner calcula- j tod to win tho grateful applause of a j whole people—this is indeed to ho worthy of her ancient fame. Let us honor her j for it! THE GREAT DAY APPROACHES. In less than three weeks from this I time the great day that is to decide the I | future destiny of our Republic will be I | upon us. IV e, therefore, most earnest-1 I ly appeal to every patriot in this county ! j to devote every possible moment of his j | time henceforward to tlie closing of the j polls on the fourth of November next— to arousing tho inactive, alarming the j unsuspecting, and undeceiving the de luded, to a full apprehension of tho mo mentous consequences involved in the pending Presidential election. Animated by the example just set us by our brethren in Pennsylvania, let us then—each and every one—rush to the rescue of our country, with renewed en ergy, with tho same heartfelt devotion, enthusiastic ardor and unconquerable determination to defend our glorious 1 nion and its beneficent institutions, that our fathers did to obtain them. Let us even, for the few days remaining, lay aside all temporary business affairs, and labor night and day, to perpetuate to ourselves and to our posterity, that wise j ly framed form of Republican Govern ment under which our great union of States has been so prosperous and hap py for nearly three-quarters of a century. Leave nothing undone that you can do, to undeceive the deluded, or hitter . indeed will be your remorse if you shall find your country ruined by tho apathy of tbe enlightened portion of the people. Let the masses fully understand the mat ters involved, and they will almost unan , imously aid in preserving the Union, by defending tho Constitution upon which it is based. Tho most fearful crisis our government has ever passed through is now upon us, and our country “ expects every man to do his duty.” A single vote may decide the fato of . our country. A single vote once elected a Governor of Massachusetts; and a sin t gle vote admitted Texas into our Union. Let us, therefore, neglect no honorable , means to secure each and every vote P possible in behalf of our glorious Con , stitution and Union, our country’s and our own dearest interest. THE MEETING AT POOLESVILLE. Wo attended the Democratic Mass • Meeting at Poolesville, on Saturday 1 last, and there witnessed tho same en i thusiasm that has characterized every I similar meeting in the county since the ' opening of the campaign. We have not space to speak of tho admirable arrange •, monts made by the Poolesville Buchanan I and Breckinridge Union, nor to present i even an epitome of the cloqnent and ar : gumentativo speeches made by Major i Gkoroe Petek, Alexander Kilooub, ; Esq., Gen. William Lino an Gaither, and William V. Bouic, Esq. Suffice > it to say that they were received with j unbounded applause by the hundreds of i Democratic auditors present; and from tho close attention paid to them by those i' of the American party in attendance wo l expect to hear good news from Medley’s on the night of the fourth of next month. Col. Robert J. T. White.—Wc no tice in one of our exchanges that this gentleman, elected hv the Whigs of the Loudoun district to the Senate of Virgin- , 1 ia, was recently chosen President of the Democratic club formed at Hillsboro, Loudoun county, and that Mr. James Kilgour, who was also a prominent whig in tho same county, was elected Vice President. Col. White’s standing and pupnlarity in bis county may be justly j inferred from the fact that, when a Whig, lie was elected to the State Senate over John Janncy, Esq., who was always re i garded ns a wheel-horse of Whiggery in the Old Dominion. With such acqui sitions as these to the Democratic party in old Loudoun, we should not be sur-! prised if Virginia would givo twenty thousand majority for Buchanan and Breckinridge. B4T A Democratic mass meeting was held at Snowhill, Maryland, on the ffd instant, which was addressed by Senator Pearce, Hon. John R. Franklin, Ex- Gov. Lowe,, lion. Isaac D. Jones, Hon. John W. X'lisfield. and others. Hon. ■ Edward Long addressed a similar meet ing in Somerset county, Md., last week. Sam & Sambo both Dead. We have kept back our paper for defi nite news from Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. Wo received last night a spe cial despatch from the Union Office, upon which our friends may confidently rely— that Pennsylvania has given from three to jive thousand Democratic majority on the State ticket—Legislature largely Democratic, and again of ten Members of Congress. Indiana gives a Democratic majority of tea thousand for Governor, and a gain of six Members of Congress. The Democrats have gained nine j Members of Congress in Ohio—-several jof their prominent Black Republican candidates have been defeated. Another Old-Line Whig in the Field. — Alexander Kiloour, Esq., a prominent Whig of this county, ami who lias represented it more than once in our ! Htato Legislature, made a speech at | Poolesville, on Saturday last, in which lie announced his intention to support , Buchanan and Breckinridge, and pre \ seated powerful reasons why every South ern Whig should do likewise. There were many of his old Whig friends pres ent, who listened to his speech with marked attention, and we shall he much disappointed if the impression made liy it docs not manifest itself in tho vote of that district ia November next. Wo feel proud that friend Kilgocr has taken the stump and intends to can vass the whole county; because, being a favorite of the old Whig party, his ser vices cannot fail to promote the interests of the glorious cause in which he has engaged—tho cause of his country, her Constitution and her Union. Thanksgiving Day.-— The Governor of Maryland has set aside the :20th day of November next, as a day of Thanks giving on tho part of tho peoplo of this State. Maryland is thus tbe second State which has this year appointed a day of Thanksgiving. The Governor of Missouri had previously named the same day for the purpose. It is hoped that the good people of our county will givo all due respect to this day. jt<T Henry Wood, one of tbe Fill more Presidential electors in Virginia, bas declared in favor of Buchanan. Tiib Poetry of Physic. —Doses have always been associated in our minds with wry faces, and medicine has seemed from the days of childhood, another word for nausea and disgust. It.s remedies were the worst part of sickness, and pain was ■ not so hard to bear as tbe revolting po tions we are compelled to swallow for its relief. Dr. Ayer's preparations licrald another era. His Cherry Pectoral is like honey on the tongue, and healing balm on the stomaoh. Ilis Pills! Try them—they are sweet morsels to tho taste, and glide sugar-shoil over the pal ate, but their energy ‘although wrapped up. is there, and strikes with telling force to the very foundations of disease. [Cincinnati Citizen. PUnUC MEETINGS. Tbe 11 UNION ASSOCIATION," of Rock ville District will hold meet! tigs at the following places and times, at which the officers are re quested to lie punctual in Attendance, and to which the voters generally are invited toaUrnd, ns speakers will iie present nt each meeting to discuss the issues involved in the present con test. At DARNFHTOWN. on Saturday, the 1 Btli | of October, at 2 o'clock P. M. •! At PAPER MILL, on Thursday, the 30th of October, at 2 o’clock. I*. M. At ROBERT DICK’S WOOD'S, on Satur- I day, the Ist of November, at 2 o’clock, P, M. Due notice a ill lie given of further appoint ments. sep 19 IV. V. DOriC, President. COME ONE! COME AM,!!—The De mocratic Union Association of Derry's District I will bold meetings nnd Pole Raisings at W m.i Tarn's, near the. Cross Hoads, on AVI 7’/Vi‘- 11A V, tlo 11 it, instant, and at Jamkh Eai.vmk's on A’. ITI li 11A )’, the ]H//i instant. Tbe friends of Hit hanax and HatCKIKOIDUK, and all others, are cordially invited to attend. Mr. Clusky and others w ill address the meal ing on the 11th, and Jolts JiHEWKU, Esq. and others,on the lHth. oct 10—2 t TITOS. CONNELLY, Pres’t. I PUBLIC MEETING.—The Democratic Association of Tenuellytuwn will hold a pub lic meeting in the woods adjoining Tenneilr town, on 711 AN 11A the 28 th instant, at the j hour of 2 o’clock, P. M. j .Some of the most popular speakers of the day will be present, and address the meeting. Tile voters of Montgomery county, without j respect to party, are invited to attend. By order of the PRESIDENT. oct 10—2 t lilliililT P¥MIE Co-partnership heretofore cxist ing between the undersigned, trad ing under the firm of Braddock, Ed monston A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to settle on or beforo the 10th instant, as after that time their claims will be in the hands of Mr. S. Brown ing for collection according to law, JOHN BRADDOCK, EDWARD O. KDMONBTON, JAMES F. BRADDOCK. October 1, 1856. [oct 3-8 t Fall and Winter Supply —OF— DRY GOODS. JJ'BiBH a. MMW, \o. HO Kotilh Nide RridgcSt. GEORGETOWN, D. C. HAS recently received from the larpe Im porting Auction nnd Commission Houses of New York, a larro ami well selected assort ment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS) to which he invites tle attention of his cus tomers and purchasers in Montgomery county. The following comprises only the leading arti cles in his stock—viz : LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. Fancy and Black Silks (Newest Styles;) Ombre Satin, striped, fig’d and plain (all wool) De Laines: Large assortment printed, new ttft/fc do at 25c.; liich (all wool) Plaid Merinos; Lupins’ best Freneli Merinos (all colors;) Bl’k Bombazines, Merinos, double-width De Lainee; Alapaceas, Coburg Merinos and Cashmeres; Mouslin Debages, French and American Ging hams; 500 ps English and American prints (best style) Fig’d, siriped, plaid, and plain Swiss and Jaconet Muslins; Cambrics Nainsooks, Dimities and Brilliantcs: Worked feambric and Swiss Collars, Sleeves, and Setts; Bl’k and White Lace Collars, Sleeves and Setts: Worked cambric and Muslin Trimmings; Tarletons, Netts, Laces and Edgings; Bl'k Lace Falls, Crape Veils and Collars; Double Black Thibet Merino and cloth Shawls: Bright colors, and White Ground Stella do.; Brocha Slmw Is and Scarfis; Heavy, New Style, Bay State Shawls; Square and Double do. (for children:) Rich Bonnet. Sash, and Trimming Ribbons; Bl'k Velvet Ribbons, best and all No.’s; Col’d Dress and Cloak Trimmings; Embroidered Tucked and Ilcm-stttchcd Linen Handkerchiefs; 200 doz. Plain, corded, nnd bordered handker chiefe, from C>\ to 25 cents; 75 doz. best white, bl’k and col’d Paris Kid Gloves, from No. 0, to 8, at 87} cents. —ALSO,— Cloth, Moire Antique, and Velvet Cloaks; Silk, Cashmere and Cotton Hosiery (all sizes:) ! GENTLEMAN’S k BOYS’ GOODS. French, Black, Blue, Green and other cloths; Bl’k French Doeskin and fancy Cassimeres; Tweeds, Safinetts, Plaid and Plain Jeans; Silk, Cashmere and Satin Vestings; Merino and woolen Undershirts and Drawers; Flannels twilled nlld plain, white and colors; Beal Welsh and Gauze do.; Merino, lamb’s wool and cotton Half-hose; Kid. buck, napped, Silk, and chamois lined Gloves; Napoleon Ties, Cravats nnd Rcarflfs; Silk, gingham, and cotton Umbrellas; Silk, colored, nordered, mid white Hem-stitch ed and plain Linen Ilankerehiefs. ALSO —A firstratc assortment of best Bed Blanketts; Mackinaw and col’d Blankctts for servants; white Mursaillcs Spreads; Damask Table-cloths (all sizes;) Table Damasks (all widths;) Damask Napkins; Towelling of all kinds; Linen and cotton Sheetings; Best makes of Irish Linens; Shirting Cottons of all the most approved makes—heavy and fine; Bro. shirting and sheeting Cottons; Heavy Full’d Cloths; Penitentiary plaid Linseys, Plaid cotton apron and shirting Cheeks; Cotton Osnahurgs; Woolen Yarns, etc., etc. Having facilities for getting th n newest goodH that are produced, upon the very best terms, purchasers may de|*eud upon receiving atten tion, nnd having bargains offered. An early call is solicited, oct 17-tf J. 11. SMOOT. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. rriHK subscribers would inform the citizens JL of Montgomery county and its vicinity, that they have opened a large and well selected assortment of DRY GOODS, for Fall and Win ter wear. IN DIIESS GOODS, Wc have Striped and Plaid Silks; Plaid, Striped and plain Black Silks; Striped Damn sines; Plaid Mcrinoes; Plain French Merinoe* of various shades of colors; Coberg Cloths; Striped and figured ail wool Mouslines; Mous line I)e Bege; Plain and figured Mouslines from 12} to 111} cents. MOURNING GOODS. Black Bombazines, from $1.12} to $1.75; Nor wich Cloth; Blaek Alpacas; Black French Me rinocs. and Coberg Cloth; all wool aud com mon Black Mouslines. SHAWLS, CLOAKS AND SCARFS, Stella, Brocha, Cashmere and Plaid Shawls; Cloth Cloaks, and Mantillas of new styles ; Brocha Searfs of various grades. GLOVES, AND HOSIERY, Of all kinds; Velvet Ribbons, and other trim mings ; Bonnet Ribbons; Elastic Belts; Silk Cord, and Tassels. FRENCH WORKED COLLARS. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, of new styles, with h good assortment of low priced Linen Handkerchiefs, from 0] cents up, FOR GENTLEMEN AND BOYS, We have, Black ami Brown Cloth; Plain and Plaid Cassimeres; Plain and Plaid Cassinets; Kentucky Cass!meres and Jeans : Light Plaid Cassimeres: Cashmere and Silk Vestings; Silk I Handkerchiefs and Cravats. DOMESTIC GOODS, AC., Of best and most durable Fabrics consisting of Heavy Bleached, and Brown Sheetings, nnd ! I Shirtings: O.mabur;*; Domestic Plaids; On- j nnburg Calicoes; Plain and Plaid Linseys; | Full Cloths; Sheeps Grey Cabinet; Table I Linens; Bird Eye Russia, and Huckaback Dia pers. kc. Which with all other Goods in our line will he sold at the very lowest market prices by MAYFIELD k BROWN, No. I£l, Bridge Street, oct 17 3m Georgetown, D. C. Those Real Irish Poplins MADE to our order in Ireland, that we I have been expecting for some weeks jmst l have this day arrived, in all colors, the shades and qualify of which are unexceptionable. The plain blacks and grays are selling very! fast, and we would suggest to those ladies that ' have been waiting their arrival to call early! and make their selections. Also in store, a vast stock of Dry Goods complete in all departments, for general family consumption. To all of which our Northern nnd Eastern correspondents send us daily ad ditions. One price only ; no deviation. Consequent ly no person is overcharged. All bills presented July Ist will be settled be fore new ones are commenced. The extent of otir trade renders It undesira ble for us to open any new accounts, but very desirable to discontinue all bills that arc not settled promptly. This is not intended in any figurative sense. * Good articles, low prices, and fair dealing, may be relied on in all eases. PERRY k BROTHER, li Central Stores,” west Building, opposite centre Market. Washington city, oct 17-tf [Marl. Gaz.] Notice to Creditors. |VI OTICK is hereby given that the subscriber iXx bath obtained from the Orphans’ Court; of Montgomery County letters of administro-j tion on the personal estate of Alfred Whkklkk, late of said countv, dec'd. All persons having claims against said deceased,are hereby warn ed to exhibit the same, with the vouchers there of, to the subscriber, on or before the 10th day of October, 1857 ; otherwise, they may, by law, l*o excluded from all benefit of said es tate. Persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 7th day of October, 185 ft. BASIL ROBEY, oct 10-4( Administrator. Twenty-Fourth INSTALMENT. WE OPEN TO-DAY the Twenty-fourth Instalment of our celebrated Housowifo Cottons. 200 pieces house-wife Cottons. 200 pieces ladies’ Cotton. The above brands are very similar in rela tive value, weight, and finish, nnd are regard-1 ed the best goods produced in the country, at I their price, for ladies’ and children’s under garments. Price 12} cents per yard by the piece, for parts of pieces 14 cents per yard. 200 pieces Shaker Long Cloth, an admirable shirting cotton, 12} cents per yard. 200 pieces Everlasting Shirting Cotton of enormous weight, yet flexible and soft. They have proved to wear astonishingly well; pjice 12} cents per yard. We have all the above brands made to our order and our name is stamped on each piece as a guarantee of their superior excellence of fabric. It will, however, be understood that the brands of themselves amount to nothing : but from the fact that we originated and adopted them as trade marks, to ho placed on such goods as we had made of extra quality that our customers might know when they saw our names and either ot the trade marks on the goods that thej were placed there for a sub stantial reason. It is therefore quite apparent that any persons appropriating on v trademarks to their use are actuated by the highly honor able motive of desiring a share of the reputa tion of an article that cost them neither brains nor dollars. —Also, in Store,— 300 pieces Shirting Cottons of other known makes, of tested merit. 100 pieces Irish Linens, thick and thin, all grades, the best ones made in Ireland to our orders. 25 boxes stitched Shirt Bosoms, all styles and prices. New supplies daily. One price only ; no deviation. All bills presented July Ist must be settled before new ones are opened. c prefer not to open any new bills. Good articles, low prices, anil fair dealing may be relied on in all cases. FERRY k BROTHER, “Central Stores,” west building, oppo. Centre Market, Washington. I). 0. oct 17—If [Marl. Gaz.] FARM FIB SALE! r PITU subscriber will offer nt public * sale, on the premises, on HA THE DA Y, Ist of November 1, between 2 and 8 o’clock, I*. M., the Farm on which ho now resides, containing UJ ACRES OF LAND. It is well enclosed, well watered, and laid off into seven fields, with a fair proportion of well timbered WOODLAND. ■ Tho improvements consist of f.n comfortable DWELLING lii;;|j& HOUSE AND HAHN, and other necessary Out-liouscs.— There is also a thriving YUNG OR CHARD. This farm is situated in Montgomery County. Md., about 4 miles from Lay tonsvillc, on the road leading to Damas cus, about 5 miles from the 11. & O. Railroad, nnd 25 miles from Washington, 1). C., and adjoins tho lands of Col. Lydo Griffith, Walter Griffith and Perry G. Ktcliison, Esqs. TEEMS OF SALE. —Two-thirds cash on tho day of sale, the balanco in two equal instalments at one and two years, the purchaser giving bond with sureties to be approved by tho subscriber. Upon the compliance with the terms of sale, the subscriber will execute to tho purchaser a gooil and sufficient deed for the above described land. Possession given on the Ist tiny of December next, oct 17-td WILLIAM GRAY. LATE SHERIFF’S SAM. BY virtue of n writ of venditioni ex ponas, issued out of tho Circuit Court for Montgomery county, nnd to me directed, I will offer at public sale, for cash, at the Court House door, in Rockville, on FUIDA Y, the Ith thy 'j Norrmhrr vert, at tho hour of 11 o’clock, A. M.. all the right, title, cl aim and interest, both at law and in equity, of Thomas M. Macubbin, of, in and to the following pieces, parcels or tracts of land, called “Huntinoton and Rich ardson's Pubciiask,” containing 802 ACRES, more or less; and all that tract of land called “Short Island and Du.nh Hill,” containing 16 ACRES, more or less. Seized and taken as tho property of tbe said Tlios. M. Macubbin, at tho suit of Samuel Hardesty, and will bo sold to satisfy the name. M. FIELDS, Oct 17-ts. Irate Sheriff, j PUBLIC SALE. TIM IE subscriber intending to go west, ! " will, offer at public sain on Tl/f/JtS DAY, the ill )th instant, at ilis residence, j about one mile northeast of Gaithers-' burg, all bis Personal Property, consist ing in part as follows : FIVE HEAD OK HORSES; ! 12 HEAD OF CATTLE, six of them j milch cows; 5 HEAD OF SHEEP; and 25 HEAD OF HUGH. FARMING TTENSILS—SuMt as; | Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Forks, j , Hoes, Rakes, 1 Four-horse Wagon, One I Spring Carriole, I Wheat Fan, 1 now | Wheat Drill, witli grass seeder attached, A set of Wagon Harness and Plow Gear, Ac., kc. A CROP OF CORN, A crop of Rye, A crop of Potatoes, Hay, Fodder and shucks; 1 onc-horso Carriage and liar-, ness, Ac. A LOT OF POULTRY, such ns l Chickens, Ducks nnd Turkrys lUHJBEHOLD AND KITCHEN j I FURNITURE -Such to Beds, Red- < steads and Furniture, llireaus, Tables, < Chairs, Looking Classes, Ac.; 1 Hath-! way Patent Cooking .4tovc; and many i other articles too tediras to enumerate, t TEEMS OF SALE.—A credit of nine months will Ire given on all sums of I five dollars and ovtr, the purchaser or purchasers giving note with approved security, bearing interest from tLu day of sale; all sums under five dollars, cash. No property to bo removed until the terms are ceinylied with. Sale to coirtncncent 10 o’clock, A. M. PERKY TRAIL. P. S.—l will also offer on tho same day, if nft sold previously at private sale, TWO NEGROES—a Woman, slave fot life, and a Boy, to serve for a | term of years. P, T. j oct .o—ts SEAL ESTATE FOB SALE. B\ virtue of a decree of flic Circuit Court for Montgomery County, as I a Court of Equity, in the ease of Aonks Clarke and others vs. William Gi.ovnr ! and wife, tho subscriber, ns Trustee,will I offer at public sale, on MON DA Y, th, .’!(/ day of November next, at tho hour of 11 o’clock, A. M., nt the Court House door, iti Rockville, tho following LOTS Oh 'I IIE REAL ESTATE, of which the late Hanson Clarke died seized, lying in Montgomery County, about eight miles from Washington city. LOT No. 2.—This lot lies contiguous to Lot No. 1, purchased by Oliver 11. !’■ Clarke, at a previous sale, on the one side, and on tho Hladcnsburg road on tin' other, and on the road from Colos villo by Bond's Mill to Washington city on a third side. A largo proportion of it is in uncom monly line OH ESN UT nnd OAK TIM liKR; the residue is in PINES and open land unimproved. It is we'll wa tered, lies well for cultivation, nnd may he easily improved. There is a small ( Tenement upon it. It. contains 180.1 I ACRES OF LAND, moro or less. I’AIU’ OF LOT No. B—Adjoining l.ot No. 2, framing on the Washington road from Coltsville, and containing I 11.4 ACRES 01* LAND, moroorless. It lots on it a novir-fkiling spring of un commonly pure water, besides other sup plie.s. Tho timber land and soil arc similar to that of lot No. 2. LOI No. 7. 'I iis lot was formerly sold to Thomas Rigbies, and will lie re sold at bis risk. t lies nearly south of and unjoins Lot ." o. 5, now owned by ( . 11. Clarke. A mweu! road runsthro’ it. It is a very beautiful lot., well wa- ' tered and timbered, and contains 51.1 ACRES OF LAN I), moro or less. All persons wishing to purchaso are requested to examine tin property, which will be shown by the Messrs. Clarke, who reside in tho neighbor!io'*l. TERMS OF SALE.—One-third of the purchase money will be required to be paid in cash ou the day of snlo, and tho residue in equal instalments in one and two years from the day of sale, and hearing interest from the day of sale ; and tho payment thereof to bo secured by the bonds of tho purchaser or pur chasers, with a surely or sureties, to ho approved by the Trustee. On tho pay ment of tho whole purchase money, and not beforo, tho Trustee will convey, by a good and sufficient deed, to bo executed and acknowledged aceording to law, to tho purchaser or purchasers, and to his, her or their heirs, the property to him, her or them Hold, free, clear and dischar ged of all claim of the parties to this cause, and of any person or persons claiming by, from or tinder them. W. 4'EIRS lit)III6, oct 10—td Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SUE. BY virtue of a docrco of the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, as a Court of Equity, passed in the ens of James W. Higgins vs. Joseph Lloyd, his wife and others, the subscribers, as trustees, will expose to public sale, in Monthly, the Ad ihty of November next, at the hour of 10 qfclock, A. M., Lot numbered 2, in the Sur veyor’s plat and in the Commissioners return in said case, being part, of tin lands of which James B. Higgins, latei of Montgomery County, died seized,and lying and being in said county, near the turnpike road, about two miles from Rockville, and ton from Georgetown.—- The land sis kind, nnd well adapted to the uso of Guano, but unimproved. It contains 72 acre*, clear of foul land, and is immediately on the piko. There is a sufficiency of Wood on it. I'ersons wishing to examine the prem ises, will please call on Mr. C. A. C. Higgins, living adjoining tho satno. TEEMS OF SA/.E, One-third of tho purchaso money to be paid in cash on the day of Halo, nnd the residue in one nnd two yenrs from the day of sale, in equal instalments; the credit pay ments to boar interest from tbe day of! sale, nnd tho payment thereof to be se-i ! cured by the bonds of the purchaser I with a surety orjsuretios, to bo npprovr. 1 1 jby the trustees; and on the ratification j of the sale by the Circuit, Court of Mont- ! I gomery County, ns a Court of Equity, 1 nnd the payment of tho whole purchase I I money, and not beforo, the trustees, by i j a. good nnd sufficient dootl, to be executed ; and acknowledged agreeably to law, will convey to the purchaser of said property, I to his or her heirs, the property to him i or her sold, free, clear and discharged of, i all claims of tho parties to this cause, and of any person or persons claiming by, ; from or under them. W. VEILS BOUIC. JNO. M. KILCOI'R, oct 10-ts. Trustees. NOTICE. 'rilK undersigned, Commissioners op pointed by tho Circuit Court, for Montgomery county, as a Court of Equi- j ty, to divide tho real estato tof Aden D. Allnutt, late of said county, deceased, hereby fcive notice that they will meet! on the premises, on MO ADA Y, the 17 th titty of Awe other, next, at tho hour ofj 10 o’clock, A. M., to execute said com-! nwsion. All persons interested, are no tified to be present. N. C. DICKERSON, THOMAS GRIFFITH, ( HARLEM H. MURI’HY. WASH!NGT(>N WATERS, SAMUEL RicoH, o. it. oct 10 til Commissioners. NOTICE. A LL Notes given for purchases nt J\. the sale of tho Personal Estate of Korkkt Y. Rumor, deceased, will ho due on the 25th of October, instant, nnd will bo found in the hands of J. BREW* ER A PETEK, for collection. Prompt i payment is requested, otherwise they will! Ibe collected by suit, [oct 17 j - i J- MS Ordered hg the Cost Office Department to-.t/e. pub lished in the pager having the CAR OESI’ CIR CUE A TION in the county. LIST OF LFTTKRS, I CHAINING in tho Post Office, i IV 80th of September, IftfiO. Per sons calling for advertised Letters, will ; plcaso say they arc advertised. All Quarterly postago must be paid in ad vance, and which law Vill not ho viola ted in any ease. Burke, Margaret House,’ Edward Barrett, Edward Hodge, Rachel Bright, Elizabeth Johnson. Jennette 2 Bilker, John E. Klopthr, O. O. linker, John \V. Lahudic, J. K. S. 2 Beall, Joint If. I.ep/ingcr, John Blirhy, S. (’, Muilicun. Jmnes Blair, T- !’. 2 McNutt, Sam’l Oinvtlerv, .1. X. Norris, liliz. (’. Coyle, Thomas oit’utt, (’. V. Casey, Mr. a Perry, Dr. lien!. Unsliell, Mundy Power, Margaret Creamer, Jr I!. Ihunsev. 11. A. t'onions, Mrs. liohorson, N. A. K Colehorse, Menj. Babbitt, I'hlvrnrd Carey, /, or his Heirs. Stevens, I!. \Y. Cummings, A. Smith, 11. A. Domnin. Clmrhillo Smilli, Abb, T Davis, Maliltin Sullivan. \Y. | I'lgin, Clms, F, ,Smilli, Conrad Fields, Jetson (1, Stabler, Aliee A. j bulks, Ignatius Taney, Joseph A. j I oven, M. Tyson, l.tiey < Hammons, Win. Thomas. John •hitimll. M. Willson, H. S. Huddleston. John Willson. Surah Hamilton, Philip White. Franklin Williamson, Alexander oct ;t CIIAULKS M. PIHCK, P. M. Notice lo Creditors. NOTICE is hereby given that thosnUeriber ban obtained from the On,loins’ f'oori of Montgomery rounly letters of administration •hi the personal estate of Jonv Buim>ktt Into "J f l '' 1 comity, deceased. All persons having eliuiHs said deee.i ed arc hereby warned lo exhibit till! same with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the loth day of October, 18.17 ; otherwise, they mnv, bv law, be excluded from all benelit of said estate.— I ersnns indebted to said estato pro requested lo make immediuto payment. Given under my hand Hals 7th day of October. ISfid. GKO HUE W. HILTON, oct 10—It Administrator. ELECTION NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to the Judges of Elections and to the Voters of Montgo mery comity, that an Election will behold and take place In Hie several Election Districts of Montgomery county, at the usual places of holding said elections, on Tt 'liSI/ A F, th, \th dag of November next, for eight Electors’ of Pre sident ami Vico President of the United .States oet |- —to 811,AS HKOWNING Sh'lf For Sale, A V, ; : [ !V LIKELY NEGRO ROY, 7 tears V old on tho Ist day of July, 185 ft, oust we|l grown, and is lo servo until ho Is thirtv tears of ngo. For further pauticuhirsapply lo CnARCKB M. PlttCK. „,'g j,. BICKFORD & HOFFMAN’S DRAIN <(• till AND DEI LL. (A A N lie si“cii at the Store of fltiAnnoca, J hoMirwrox & Go., with whom nil orders h it will meet with prompt attention. BENJAMIN W. WHITE qm> .\ r , ,,t NOTICE. Dt RING ruy iihseace (Voni Montgomery county, I desire my friends, having luiai noaa with me, to call upon .Mr. 0.0. Hiikckku. of Washington city. ’ or! J lit ' GHAH, M. Pltlt'K. FOR RENT, 14I1L FARM, tho lata residence of Otiio Maokiidkr, Esq. This Farm is large, and in a good state of cultiva tion. Any person wishing to rent wilt apply to Nathan Cookk, Sen’r, or 11. D. Cooke, for terms. aug 15 tf Notice to Tax-payers. 11IIE Tax-payers of Rockville Dis trict are hereby notified that I will be ill Rockville on TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS of each week, to receive their taxes. In my absence, Waltkk 11. Adamson, Esq., is authorized to re ceive aud receipt for taxes duo mo. H PRATHER, aug 29—tf Col. 4th District. HANDS WANTED. L'ICHT fill TEN GOOD HANDS, to work J i in a stiiiiu quarry, will learn where they gel ronstant employment and the highest wag -1 es, hy immediate application at this otlicc I sep 12— at f i KNTLE.MUN'S NETT SHIRTS - Yl A fine assortment of Gents’ Mori -10 and heavy Yarn HIIIUTN, just received and | .’oAtle, hy j 9 WILLIAM BRA DROOK & CO. I 19 Quality Hill, Rockville. DOTH 11UU1RU1T. SAMUEL HUNT, ! Manufacturer of SADDLES, HAIU IN ESS, TRUNKS, Air.. No. 202 Hnlti more. St. hetneen St. Paul an l Charles Sts., Rai.tiviorz, r if AYE removed to the spurious Stoic, Xo. yot* Bulliinoro Htmd, Baltimore, hut a •short divtniif e from my former pla<*o of husi ncK‘i, whero I am ( k’lisivoly in tho ntniiiiftii’lure of TR.i VF.LI.V(i VKI'NKS of '■very d</niption of a superior * TrtA - \’ l'Lisg /; i a, v, i mui:,s 1 //a t nn V HS VIL / VA’.Y, ,y \ S. fhhl, /, v n /?//> /, //,y // \USFSA. vf’. of every description, mado of the vfry he i material* and in tho moM work- Himi like fttylcfL I uiir lanti; mi hand a laryr stock of Wlili* .'l'urs, Hrlnkiny Flasks, Buckskin tlaantlets! , and Chamois Skins, linll'alo ltohcs, flv Nets ■ He. Ac.; alt ol which wiii he soldyiii tho tuoatuc j conmindating (ereix. : iiityrs o i tent i.iek-eresiiii v- ISO HAHN ESS, kept eonulantly on hand, or made to order, at short notice. fit, AFE*! AND Bl itGI.AIt PIIOOF BAFKS. It ia well known that llcrriny'i Patent I <'hampion Haft* is the very heat In the world. I Those in want of ri Safe that is In he retied upon, should ptirclttixf one of Ht:aio,vo’s Pitixt. This unrivalled Haft* ia sold In Baltimore city otdg liy the aulw rita rs, sole ayciiui fur this HUitc. The various sizes kept constantly on hand, at manufacturer * prices. Gall and see the Champion .Safes. RICK tejeMt * 1 LIQUORS! LaJrMfo! C1, FBKNt'H IIHAItItY, AP- J PI.K Ditto; Port. Madeira tfctd Hweet WINKH ; Old HVK WIII.SKKY, Ke , just re ceived and for sale by ’ * '‘prill* DU. BOUIC. TINWARE! A LOT of well assorted TIN WALK, I made hy Mr., of this place, ) just re ; -<rtve >ui<l for low, by ; a D. u, bouic, I