C CMT I M p I MONTGOMERY J t IN I I IN c L. COUNTY, Ml). Thursday, February 19, 1959 Jessie M. King Mrs. Jessie M. King, 62, the wife of Lee M. King died Feb ruary 7 at her home in Cedar Grove. Mrs.. King was born in Brooklyn, N. Y„ the daughter of the late William and Lillian Burke King. She was a member of the Salem Methodist Church at Cedar Grove, its WSCS, and of the Ctnlar Grove Home makers. She is survived by her hus band, Lee M. King; a daughter. Mrs. Neal L. Shortsleeve of Sharp Park, California; four grandchildren; three sisters and a brother, Mrs. Vera Vassar, - Frank King, Mrs. Lillian Kelly r and Mrs. Ethel Johansen, all of Brooklyn. Funeral services were held February 10 from the Salem Methodist Church in Cedar Grove. Burial was in the church cemetery. Learn to Plan Family Finances The sixth lecture in the Family Financial Planning program, con ducted at Blair High School, will be held at 8 p.m. February 24. Speaker will be George Bras field, of Alexander Brown, Inc., who will speak on “Wise Invest ment Program.” Our Regular Stock . . . Fabulously Beautiful COSTUME JEWELRY Regularly $1.25 Beginning Friday, Feb. 20 2 1.25 Vi OFF Better Jewelry Reg. $lO to $35 ODDS AND ENDS TABLE THE SEA HORSE N. Washington St. Shopping Center Rockville Driving an Imported Car f CUSTOM GOODYEAR Is The Tire You Need Complete range of 13", 14" and 15" sizes. We've got your size. See usl EASY TERMS! Montgomery Tire Service, Inc. On Route 35S (old 240) Next to Maloney's Concrete, Inc. PHONES: PO. 2-4401 HA. 7-7055 GA. 4-7727 II I .11l II 111 ■w- JOLLY ROGER Dist#unts Says: jK”" “poor distributors;” •sSSISF^ ROBBED AGAIN! Washington's Birthday •• • ”" d “* dii “ imt to brin " _ _ _ _ you these stupendous buys on 5 XV LEI Washington's Kirthday MONDAY, FEB. 23 ONLY 3 FEB ‘ 23 ' ONLYI 91" TV PHONOGRAPH....SI4.BB | | | ######### BENDIX ECONOMAT AUTOMATIC WASHER TRADE-IN TV $9.88 .3,9....... TDAIIC Iki U/A CUED CO 00 nationally advertised TRADE-IN WASHER...S9.BB ]r po RTABLE jy YdCUUm Llcancr A!! aQQ Aluminized Tube; Carrying Handle AH Attachments 1A" 8 * ‘74 “ MU H q (NEW |N CARTONS | Many Other I term on Sale—Some New, S owe Uied, Some One and Two of a Kind JOLLY ROGER DISCOUNTS Ro *±, s SsK&T WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY SALE . . . CEILING TILE W | NDOW SAS „ Discontinued Lots ... . . u „ _ . , 12" x 12" l6" x 16" d *° f ° r Hof Bedi) 5 c - 50 c SEE Other Bargains in Our Bargain Barn STANDARD SUPPLIES, INC. EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDING TRADES 110 E. Middle Lane—ROCKVILLE GA. 4-5350 f DON'T MISS TEXTILE TOWN’S Washington's Birthday SALE! 1 Day Only—MON., Feb. 23, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Gold-Striped BUTTONS! POLISHED ] BUTTONS! COTTON ALL you can grab in one hand—Just 10 Colors—Was 98c yd. Yd. ! Hundreds of but tons are in our button box. This PLISSE is your chance to fill your own with PRINTS, 4 yds. for SI.OO one grab. Many SOLIDS, 5 yds. for SI.OO of same kind in our collection. • Dan River Twill yard 49* • Cotton Suitings yard 39ft • Denims yard 49* FLANNELETTE, solids and prints ...4 yds. for SI.OO . • Corduroy Prints yard 59* • Quilted Fabrics yard 59* Pure Silk Taffeta, Chiffon & Shantung yd. $1.59 TEXTILE TOWN FABRICS, INC. 105 N. Washington Street—Rockville Center ROCKVILLE Limited Quantities on Sale Items. No Seles to Dealers. B7 ~Z, PRICES HUT WAY DOWN FOR OUR WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY SALE! Monday, Feb. 23 y f'unppiup 'SO Nash 4-dr. $22.22 '52 DeSoto 4-dr. $222.22 / Heater, Automatic Transmission 8 Cylinder, RAH. Auto. Transmission. Goad Rubber. V-dfSp* '53 FORD, 4-dr $422.22 . *S6 CMV $1222.22 . ’55 FORD $1122.22 Ftird-n-maiio, R *v If, 8-c.vl. Beautiful 310 DF.LRAY. Clean, perfect finish, Bow- VICTORIA H.T. $-cyl. Perfect finish, Ilhie finish. crgllde. R A H. one owner. gimrsnrtvU. Furd-o-mettc. food rubbery-oili owner, WAGONS WAGONS WAGONS ■56 PLYMOUTH WAGON, 4-door $1322.22 '57 VOLKSWAGON Kombi Station Wagon. $1622.22 musl s,v " Us one - Guaranteed. . l-r** Ilian 10,000 mU.-s, eeeoams & some. This ear la like new. ’53 WILLYS Station Wagon $622.22 ’57 PLYMOUTH Wagon, 2-door $1422.22 Ibis is a one owner car. Auto. Trans. A Heater. One owner car. tAcrilrnt runditlon. Guaranteed. MARYLAND MOTORS, INC. 219 E. MONTGOMERY AVENUE, ROCKVILLE GA. 4-5400 | , v j | Hr Saturday, Monday, Feb. 20-21-23 i *** wY^ :z aI ■Hi HHHHHHHHHBHHHHHHHHHHHBHHHHHHHHHMHHHHHMHHHHHM^^MH