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IMpneti Ctwtfli Iratioel Wtiitm'i Page Editor Kathleen Leary. WHltahal) 6-509 S Thursday, February 19, 1959 Legislative Workshop Set Feb. 23 The Interbranch Council of i Montgomery County AAUW will present a Legislative Workshop at 8 p.m. Monday. February 23, at the Rockville Civic Center. The program will include a dis cussion of Legislative Process in Maryland presented by Richard Abell, Kensington Junior High School teacher; A Consideration j of Federal Aid to Education, byj Mrs. Andrew McClure and Mrs. I Bernard Moritz of Kensington, Branch; State Fiscal Policy by Mrs. Ruth Adler, of the Bethesda- Chevy Chase Branch; and a cur rent report on the Mental Health Study done by the state organi zation directed by Mrs. Robert Jachowski. State Library Bills. Juvenile j Court, State Education Bills. Ag ing, and the Development Loan - Fund will be examined briefly. The Workshop is open to mem- j hors and other persons interested in the program. The committee for -the Work shop includes Mrs. Robert Hun toon, Bethesda-Chevy Chase;.Mrs. T. C. Gordon Wagner, Rockville; Mrs. P. B. Morehouse, Silver Spring; and Mrs. John C. Merrill. Mrs. Andrew McClure and Mrs. W. G. Schweitzer, jr., of Kensing ton. Federated Women To Hear 4-H Consultant Dr. Glenn C. Dildine, consult-! ant in the Human Development-! Human Relations Program of the National 4-H Foundation, will ad dress the Montgomery County Federation of Women's Clubs meeting Tuesday. February 24, at the Marvin Memorial Methodist Church, Silver Spring, following the 12:30 p.m. luncheon. At the morning session, which begins at 10 a.m.. election of the nominating committee will be held and reports made by various I Federation chairmen. Local winners in the fashion-1 sewing contest will compete tel represent the Fifth District in the State contest. . Mid-Winter C ouncil Meeting Set in March Mrs. James W. Douthat of Silver Spring is assisting with arrangements for the 52nd an nual mid-winter meeting of the 1 Southeastern Council of the Gen eral Federation of Women's Clubs, to lie held in Annapolis March 3-5. Mrs. Douthat is vice president of the Maryland Fed eration. About 200 women are expected to attend from 10 states. Violinist, Poet Entertain Club Music and poetry were blended in a program arranged by Mrs. Marshall Mayes last week for the Woman’s Club of Rockville. Preceding a business meeting at Christ Episcopal Church club members heard violin selections played by Miss Zaida Booth, Richard Montgomery High School senior. Mrs. J. M. Chambers of Rock ville, read selections from her book of original poems, comment ing on how, when and where she composed them. The tea table, decorated with a Valentine motif, was presided over by Mrs. Maxwell Freeman, i Mrs. A. G. Watkins and Mrs. I Porter Ward. On March 12 the club will hear ! a talk by Mr. Edward Adams of the American Institute of In terior Decorators, illustrated with slides. Special guests for the lecture following the regular 12:30 dessert will be members of the Junior Woman’s Club of Rockville, the Rockville AATIW Branch and the Inquiry Club. Juniors Plan Buffet A Buffet Tea Dance for mem bers of the Junior Woman's Club of Rockville will be held on Feb ruary 22 at Brook Manor Farm Country Club from 5 to 10 p.m. The event is being arranged by Mrs. Thomas Donohoue, recrea tion chairman. Part of the proceeds will be donated to CARE. Real Estate... SALES—RENTALS Listings wanted. Members of Multiple Listing System Bridges & Peter, Inc. REALTORS PO. 2-4374 HELPING HEART DRIVE are Rockville lawyer Thomas M. Ander son, jr. and model Penny Cook. They are shown planning a 1 Fashion Show that was scheduled for today at the Heeht Co. i Photo by Cameraman. Suburban Club s Latest Project: Government in Action' Trips Sky larking jaunts to sec gov ernment in action are being planned by the Woman's Subur ban Democratic Club's education i committee. Schedules of the coming events j were distributed Friday at the ; club's monthly luncheon when 150 members and guests heard George | Dixon, King Feature Syndicate columnist, speak at the Columbia Country Club. Mr. Dixon, in his usual humor i ous style, described some of his j experiences on his travels and! in Washington. He was intro- 1 duced by Mrs. La Verne Holt, luncheon chairman, with the new | president, Mrs. James Mann, pre-i ! siding. The “Go-See" trips will include' the Maryland Legislature, the; County Council and the Board of: Education. Match 3 has been set for a trip to Annapolis with a specially chartered bus leaving the parking lot on Leland st., east of Wiscon-i sin ave.. at 9 a.m. and returning! GOP Guest List Includes President's Daughter-in-law Mrs. John Eisenhower. daugh ter-in-law of the President, has i been invited to attend the 39th 1 annual luncheon of the Federa- 1 tion of Republican Women of t Montgomery County at 1 p.m. t Wednesday. February 23. at 1 Manor Country Club. Norbeck. < Guest speaker for the occasion will be Congresswoman Jessica 1 McCullough Weiss of New York ] State. ’ Others invited to he honor j; | guests include Miss Bertha S. j ' Adkins, Under - Secretary of j i Health, Education and Welfare; | 1 j Mrs. John Marshall Butler and Mrs, J. Glenn Beall, wives of Maryland Senators; Mrs. Peter] Gibson, president of the National j ] Federation of Republican Worn- . en; Mrs. Osborne Beall, president ( of the Maryland Federation; Mrs. , Robert O. Donnell, National ! , Maryland Committeewoman; Mrs. Henrietta Simm. Sixth Con gressional District , Chairman; Mrs. DeWitt Hyde and Mrs. Gerald D. Morgan. A receiving line will be formed at 12:15. HICKMAN'S PROMPT • COURTEOUS DEPENDABLE Phonos POplar 2-2700 PO. 2 2424 - PO. 2-9877 1 / NEWS OF AND FOR Women C3 at 5 p.m. The women will sit in on com mittee hearings, watch the Mary land Senate and House of Dele gates in action, have lunch at Carvel Hall with the Montgomery County Delegation and later take tea at the Governor’s Mansion. The entire trip, including lunch, will cost $4. Reservations and check should be sent to Mrs. John Truesdale, 6209 Verne st., Bethes da (OL. 6-0875). Car pools are being arranged for April 7 to visit the County Council meeting in Rockville. The) women plan to lunch together at; the Washingtonian Motel and re turn in time to attend the after noon Council session. Mrs. Wil liam Chaplin. OL. 6-7747, is in charge of arranging transporta tion. The school board visit will ix* held when meetings are resumed in Rockville on the second Tues day of the month. The Board is meeting Saturday nights for the next tw-o months. Presiding at the morning meet ing at 10:30 a.m. will be Mrs. Henry Allan, who calls the luncheon her “swan song.” She will retire following a two-year term as president of the federa tion following election of new officers. Chairmen of the luncheon are Mrs. Frederick T. Brown and Mrs. E. Frank Blanchard. Reser vations are being handled by Mrs. Burton Langhenry, WA. 3 1280. Vocalist Gene Archer will also j take part in the program. Hook Craft Guild A discussion on “How to Judge Hooked Rugs” will highlight the* | all-day meeting of the Hook Cralt Guild on February 25 at 10:30, a.m. at Parklawn Mansion, Rock-1 ville. /fF\ f Vi gal. \ DELIVERED TO j YOUR HOME Homogenized Vitamin D Milk HADLEY FARMS DAIRY BaMimkiif j 762-W or -J J | Mrs. Long ley Sews Prize Club Costume Top seamstress in the Junior Woman’s Club of Rockville is Mrs. Edward L. Longley, 13300 Midway ave. Her entry in the General Federation of Women's I Clubs Fashion-Sewing Contest was chosen by judges last week to be modeled in the County Fed-j erat ion’s contest on February 24. j The drawing room of Glenview | Civic Center provided an appro priate setting for the local con test. Four Rockville juniors! paraded their conception of the; "Ideal Costume for the Clubwom-1 an’s Wardrol>e” lx*fore a panel of judges and members circling the fireplace on lounge chairs j and sofas. Mrs. Longley's winning design was a dress with jacket in a black-brown-beige weave. She competed with Mrs. Harris! Leland, club president; Mrs. Rob ert E. Allen and Mrs. Frederick ; Pavay. ■Judges were Phyllis Cavan-! augli, sewing instructor for the Montgomery County adult educa tion program; Dottie Knutti, I manager of the Young Colony Shop, and Peggy Sante. owner of I Textile Town. The program was arranged by Mrs. John H. Magruder, fine arts chairman, and conducted by Mrs. Thomas Boyle. Countians Will Attend | Washington State Fete Many Montgomery County resi dents are expected to attend the annual George Washington’s birthday-dinner dance of the Washington State-Alaska Society j on Saturday. February 21, at Patton Hall, Ft. Myer, Va. Alaska salmon, king crab and tiny shrimp have boon flown in especially for the event which | begins with a 6:30 p.m. reception, j : Dinner will be served at 7:45 j with dancing until midnight. For reservations contact Mrs. Frank N. McCartney of Alex andria, Va. | League Plans 'Go-See Trip To Annapolis Thursday. February 26. will lx* the date of the Montgomery County League of Women Vot ers annual "Go-See" Annapolis trip to observe state government in action. Non-League members are invited to join the group, which will also include a number! of foreign guests. Car pools will be arranged, leaving Montgom ery County at 9 a.m. The morning will be spent at tending committee sessions, in cluding Senate Finance Commit tee hearings on the budget. Luncheon with Sen. Edward Northrop and members of the county delegation at Carvel Hall's Colonial Dining Room will ho followed by visits to the House of Delegates ami the Senate. Tentative plans also call for a meeting with Governor Tawes. The party will leave Annapolis at about 3:30 p.m. Cost of the trip will he $2.25. Reservations must be made by , Monday, February 23. For infor i mation call Mrs. Norman Salz man, WHitehall 2-3336; Mrs. A. G. Roberts. HEmiock 4 8732; or j Mrs. Alan Trick, OLiver 4-1152. ST. LUKES LUTHERAN CHURCH REDLAND, MD. WILLIAM H. MERCER, Pastor "LENTEN SERVICES" Thursdays at 8:00 P.M. Mrumnr I# Film: "THE UPPER ROOM” Kmuon: “Wm VOI THERE WHEN < IIKIHT HAVE THE IIOEV KEEPER?" tY) February :! Film: "RtTKAYAL IV (iKTHSKMANK" Hrrmon: “HERE VO I TII Klt E Wlf E X i HltlHT WAH HE TKAVKIir (Vn) Permanents jj Starting at s |o°° || : n try our slenderizing service Open Every Evening By Appointment I nu su, WI MARTHA E. BLAND " ' 24-B SOUTH PERRY STREET ROCKVILLE, MD. TELEPHONE: POPLAR 2-2010 n People We JCiow Abe's 150th; Kathrine's 90th By Kathleen Leary Woman’s Editor Any gloom suffered by Repub lican defeats at the polls in No vomlx'r was not apparent at last j Thursday evening’s Lincoln Day Dinner. The big ballroom at In dian Spring Country Club was brimming with enthusiasm and gaiety. Guests came early in groups, lingering over cocktails at the club rather than stopping off at homes before dinner. Pretty young hostesses wear- I ing High black “Mr. Lincoln” hats | escorted ticket-holders to their ; tables where the menu featured j sauteed pullet. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Aublnoe land friends at their table were in a particularly celebrative mood In the group was their son. Al vin, jr., and his bride-to-be, Carole, | Jeanette Morrell of Rochester, Mich., who have announced April wedding plans. The party also in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Jay P. Con l ger and Judge Kathryn J. Lawlor. i The arrangements committee, headed by Jim Buchanan, pro vided Mr. Lincoln with a promi i nent vantage point. A huge pic ture of Abo hung over the head table the work of William S, Fleishell, Williamsburg Village Newlywed Harveys Residing in Rockville Of interest hero was the recent wedding in Amaranth, Penna., j which united Miss Neva Elenora i Layton, an employee of the Mont | gomcry County Board of Educa j lion in Rockville, and Mr. Charles ! William Harvey. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Goldie Elenora Layton and ihe late Mr. Chester I W. Layton of Amaranth, and Mr. Harvey is the son of Mr. and I Mrs. Lee J. Hortch of Washing- I ton, D. C. Jerusalem Christ ian Church was the scene of the 2 p.m. cere mony at which the Rev. Ray Mal low of Flinstonc, Md., officiated. The candlelit altar was hanked | with baskets of white gladioli, j | chrysanthemums and hyacinths. Mr. Harper Layton gave ids sister in marriage. She wore a gown of white chiffon taffeta de signed with a sabrina neckline, fitted bodice and bouffant skirt descending into a chapel train. Her fingertip veil of illusion was held in place by a half-hat of taffeta leaves trimmed with pearls .and she carried a cascade of white rosebuds centered with 1 a white orchid. The bride's honor attendant was her niece, Miss Jam* Ryder of Mcrcersburg, Penna. She wore a strapless waltz-length gown of: 1 blue not and carried pink rose-! buds. Miss Ora Ann Looper of Rock ville, a cousin of Ihe bride, also served as an attendant. She was! gowned in azalea not and car ried yellow rosebuds. Mr. Alfred Schnell of Norfolk. Va., was best man, and the ushers wore Mr, Rood Layton, brother of the bride; and Mr.! Gary Hortch, brother of the i bridegroom. For her daughter’s wedding Mrs. Layton wore a rose beige suit and the bridegroom’s mother wore a royal blue dress. Eaeh Announcement EYE SERVICE AVAILABLE at the GAITHERSBURG MEDICAL CENTER Mon., Thurt., and Frl. and by Appointment 1 p.m. to 6 p.m 108 N. Frederick Ave. Gaitheribiirg, Md. I commercial artist and nephew of Esther Fleishell, executive score ■ tary of the Republican State Cen ■ tral Committee. Dave Scull, chairman of the ■ Stale Central Committee, intro duced honored guests, Meade Al i corn gave his address and the eve I ning wound-up with an hour of dancing. ! Party Parade A reception on Sunday after noon honored Mrs. Kathrine L. Humphrey of Rockville on her 90th birthday. The affair look place at the Washington, D. C., home of her nephew and nicoe, Mr. and Mrs. Merwin 11. Browne, 4711 Albemarle st„ N.W. In ad | dition to members of her family, 1 guests included Mrs. Humphrey’s i former associates at Ihe Bureau I i of Printing and Engraving, where she began working as a printer’s assistant in 1911. She was an examiner when she retired after 25 years of service. Co-workers present for Sun day’s party were Mrs. Carl Her-i her ger, Mrs. Belle Swink, Mrs.) Mae Orlando, Mrs. Lola Payne I Marsha and Mr. Glen Feeney. Mrs. Humphrey makes her home with her granddaughter, Mrs. Paul R. King, 1001 Deßeck r -r ™"' ~ sqmvwmMm . •> • • >... > v Mr. and Mrs. Ilarvcy j had a corsage of white carna tions. After a reception in the church hall, the couple departed on a wedding trip through Southern Virginia. They are now making their home at 713 W. Montgom ery ave., Rockville. Mr. Harvey is employed as a mechanic at the Rockville Motor Company. “REASON IS THE ONLY FACULTY WE HAVE WHEREWITH TO JUDGE” j • (Author’* Name Below) When you purchase any medicine or health-aid there are many good reasons why you should only get them from a pharmacist. It really takes much knowl edge to know how to store them so that they will al ways be potently fresh. We are taught how while at college. Often we can give sug gestions for better results and cautions when neces sary to protect you from possible harm. It costs no 1 more when you get medi cines and health-aids from us. Your considered judg ment of these reasons, should influence you to de pend only on your phar macy. •** YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE GAITHERSBURG 163 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us. A great many people entrust ; us with their prescriptions. May we compound yours? mywn fc Summit Avenue Gaithersburg ’Quotation Iry Joeeph Butler amiivat Copyright I*f* #llW2h f| dr. She has one sister, Mrs. James -j 11. Browne of Washington, D. C., -and three great-grandchildren, Carol, Christopher and Laurie > King, ail of Rockville. Ttie Dandy Lions wives of Rockville Lions Club memlters f gave a farewell card party lasi Thursday night for Mrs. Alec Lazor, organizer and second pres ident of the club (1955-56). She ' and her husband, former owner •I of United Carburetor Service in Rockville. departed Saturday to • make their homo in Florida. Tito Valentine decoration theme ■ carried out for tHo gathering at • Citizens Savings and Loan Com munity Room featured a “tree • of hearts” created by Mrs. Donald Golden. Others assisting with the ' party were Mrs. Herbert Butts, ' Mrs Kenneth Wilson and Mrs. Manny Walters. The honor guest 1 was presented with a going-away gift hy club president, Mrs. Mil ton Clogg. Stork Story Mrs. Ernest Hover, 1217 High , j land dr., Silver Spring, just re ! turned home from a visit with . her newly-born granddaughter. The infant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kindred of New York City, arrived February 11 and has been named Drewry Ann. Mrs. Kindred is the former Joan Hover, a fashion photography model (see February “Good Housekeeping") and network tele vision commercial performer for such sponsors as TIDE. A former Trl-Delt sorority sis ter of Tippy Stringer at the Uni versity of Maryland, Joan eager ly received the news of Tippy's approaching marriage to Chet Huntley, because it means the girls can share their interest in TV together in New York, This and That Georgie Bridget- has announced plans to dissolve her share of th partnership in Old World Service Gift Shop, Silver Spring, as of March 1. She has been associated with Lucy Ragonne! (who opened | (he business in 1952), for the past | two years. Mrs. Bridget-, wife of Dr. Roy H. Bridget, is current president of the Montgomery County Sorop timist Club. Georgie says her only plans are to take a rest. Mrs. Marvin Willig, president | of the Montgomery County Sec tion of the National Council of j i Jewish Women, will serve as del , egate to the organization’s hien y pi WHEN YOU IN FKCC STALL A NEW AUTOMATIC HjEX r*|J GLASS-LINED MJLcmj HOT WATER HEATER Your Sink Faucets repaired and your GAS Furnace inspected without charge. cV tDEWUI/t ojf Plumbing and ipr Heating Repairs DAY OR NIGHT INSTALLATION I PO. 2-2900 A REX Automatic GAS Hot Water Heater gives you plenty of hot water with fast, dependable, economical service! • IST by SfftVfCf TEST for 50 YEARS UK far THIS EMBLEM— m A " jrouTl get the hat ■'A* //\K7) row nd all th* Urn* tf Ai))/</ j r®u bMT thr Um REX -rna /,V/. 1 *r rx <uj fr n* mmm ’ f NO MONEY down A AQ PAY AS LOW AS uMo )\ does more IM \ $ C .00 w OOStS leSS!/ yQ j \ O# •• Y# <n Mil *0 * n< * 15 y- warranty 30 or 40 or 50 gallon cap. .. nial convention in Los Angeles, February 22-27. Mrs. Roixu-t Fulmer and Mr. Ernest Gill represented United Cerebral Palsy of Montgomery County at a joint meeting of the Southern and Southeastern UCP regions last weekend in Atlanta, Ga. Easter Seal Luncheon To Feature Fashions Reservations are still being accepted for the annual Easter Seal fashion luncheon spon sored hy the Montgomery Coun ty Society for Cripphsl Children and Adults. The event will take place at 12:30 o'clock on Thurs day, February 20, at Congres sional Country Cluh with .liilius Garfinckel staging the gala style show. Mrs. Robert Moran, chair man- is being assisted hy Mrs. John Mackey, Mrs. Melvin Reese, Mrs. Samuel E. Bogley, Mrs. John Eckhardt and Mrs. Sterling Rul'llii Maddox. For tickets contact Mrs. Jolin Snmporton, OL. 2-8942. Limited Time Only! Save 50° on m amt TICKETS! AT ALLIED FLORISTS AND GARDEN CLUBS Advance Price Admiaion at I \ Door SI 50 ' March 6 thru 12 National Guard Armory