Newspaper Page Text
;SENTINEL£S^n T DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS Tuesday- 4p. in. RATE $1.68. .. 7 LINES OR LESS 24c FOR EACH ADDITIONAL LINE G Arden .4-77 OO SERVICES LAWN MOWERS repaired and sharpened, all types. Rockville Supply. Call PO. 2-2929. tf-4473 INCOME TAX RETURNS PRE PARED State and Federal. Complete and confidential. Call Mr. Newman, WH. 6-4754. tf-6969 CUSTOM PLOWING & DISC ING Hay for sale, lespedeza $35 per ton del. Bluegrass and lespedeza mixed, S3O per ton. Ph. PO. 2-9280. 4-30-59 1 u COOK’S MOVING & STOR AGE—LocaI and long distance, large or small loads. Parking and crating. Agent for Grey Van Lines. Phone GA. 4-5158.' X tf-4175 FREE ESTIMATES on * ALUMINUM SIDING * ASBESTOS SIDING * STORM WINDOWS ; * DOORS * JALOUSIES * PORCH ENCLOSURES * ATTIC and RECREATION ROOMS * ADDITIONS * AWNINGS FHA Term* ... to 60 Mos. LO. 4-0759 ; Chas. W. Martin Co. 2306 Douglas Court SILVER SPRING, MD. a. All materials 1 labor guaranteed • ... Quality Products Only ... ” 4t-4983-4 9 VETERANS SHEET METAL CO.—Oil and gas hot air fur -2 naces. Roofing, new arid re • pair. Guttering and spouting; 7, roof painting, Humidifiers for • hot air furnaces. Additional • heat lines. Free estimates. Call ; PO. 2-2896 or PO. 2-3917. tf-1629 POWER MOWER : REPAIRS ■ Briggs I Stratton • Clinton Enginoi . . . Factory authorized • parts and sarvico. | JOHNSON'S Esso SERVICENTER • 490 Hungorford Driva, Rockville (Across from Hechinger's) Phono PO. 2-9889 l <4t-4955-4-J> e • ■■ ■■ 1 ; LOCK REPAIR SERVICE—We • repair locks for homes, autos, 7 trunks, etc. Waxers and Sand- ers for rent. Rockville Paint ’ and Hardware, 327 E. Mont • gomery Ave., Rockville. PO. 1 I 2-2447. tf-3994 1 STRUCTURAL STEEL Auto • parts, beams, pipe, angles, . plates, small motors, odds and ‘ ends of metal for machinists . and tool makers. Visit our l yard in Rockville on the new 240 by-pass. Montgomery Iron , and Metal Works. PO. 2-3921. t tf-2630 M & M Direct Mail Service "Hit Home* in the Heart of the Nation" FOR DIRECT MAIL SERVICE TO MONTGOMERY COUNTY We Specialize in Rockville Call HA. 2-3726 tf-6741 TV-RADIO SERVICE RCA.. Admiral, Zenith. Prompt serv ice. GA. 4-5790. We do not re move sets. tf-4422 FLAGSTONE PATIOS Steps walks, all kinds of cement work, retaining walls, waterproofing, cellar floors and walls, terra cot to pipes, drainage from down spouts & lawns; repair swim ming pools. F. Marcuccio. PO. 2 3588. tf-2970 CRUSHED STONE Repair those drives, lanes and parking area* now; all sizes of crushed stone delivered; estimates 1 cheerfully given. Call Rock-1 villa Crushed Stone, PO. 2 9307' - 14511 ♦ A10 —■ Thursday, April I, 19J9 WANTED WANTED TO RENT pasture for 10 head of stock for the ! season. In Travilah area. Phone i Carlton Mills, PO. 2-4224. lt-4-2 HOUSES WANTED A cash buyer, or we will sell, rent or trade your property. Free ap praisal. R. L. Smith Realty, 225 E. Montgomery Ave., Rock ville. GA. 4-7711, GA. 4-8795, WH. 6 6579. tf-4335 HOUSES WANTED Will pay top prices—any house—any lo ■ cation. Ail cash in 24 hours. I Call Mr. Berens, HU. 3-3800. .IUNK, PAPER, IRON Brass, aluminum, copper, cast iron, ! rags, steel sheet iron, junk cars. We call for large accu mulation. Yard in Rockville on Route 240. Tel. PO. 2-3924, Montgomery Iron & Metal Q>. • tf-2553 HAVE GUNS WILL SELL! We buy, sell, and trade New and Used Guns. Will buy one gun or complete collections, incl. antiques for CASH. Rock ville Trading Post, 117 N. 1 Washington St. PO. 2-3946. 4-24 TOP CASH FOR YOUR HOME —Overnight settlement with no delay. Free appraisals. Call Mr. Goddard. OL. 4-7922 or HU. 3-4747. tf-4677 HOUSES Farms & acreage Wanted: We buy, sell, rent or trade. All cash, quick action, free appraisal. Ken McGrew, R. E., Travilah, PO. 2-9633. tf-4941 BUDNEY PAYS ALL CASH for your home; free appraisal; quick settlement; no commis sion. Call LO 5-2750 or HE 4- 3906. ‘ TF-4496 WANTED—PopIar Veneer Logs. We buy and pay cash on deliv ery for poplar veneer logs, five days per wk., Mon. thru Fri. Lo cated at the intersection of Rts. 124 & 115, near E. W. Holston Sawmill at G’burg, Md. Tidewat er Veneer Co., Fredericksburg, Va. G’burg 1492, G’burg 938-W-3. st-4-9 WANTED TO BUY—2 twin-size solid brass beds. Phone OL. 2- 9480. lt-4-2 ( SALE (MlSCr* HAY’ Choice clover and tim othy mixed. $25 per ton at barn. E. t B. Walter, German town, Md. Phone G'burg 511-R-l. 3t-4-2 SEASONED OAK FIREPLACE WOOD—S2O per cord. Round oak stove wood, sls per cord del. Clean gutters, roof and fence painting. Well rotted manure. Locust posts sawed $1 apiece delivered. Call PO. 2-6798. tf-4695 FOR SALE Party oods, plates, napkins, cups for show ers too. Rockville Stationery, j Rockville Shopping Center, PO I 2-6115. 2t-3-12 MANURE —for sale by basket or pick-up truck. Delivered. Call , after 4 p.m. PO 2 3398. 4t-3-26 WEDDlNG—lnvitations and an nouncements. Rockville Station ery Inc., 115 N. Washington St., Rockville, Md. lt-3-19 BABY CHICKS setjed, New Hamp. male, approx. 1500. Hatch date April 3. Price $lO per 100 or best offer for the lot. 1-aurel View Hatchery, PA. 5- 2744. 3t-4-2 WHEN YOU PEANT your gar den you want lots of vegetables. Southern States vegetable seeds are ‘‘Seeds That Really Grow." They're treated, adapted, tested, high in germination. See.them at Southern States Gaithersburg Cooperative. G'burg 91. lt-4-2 I'REEZER, 19 cu. ft., like new. $135. Store freezer, like new. for ice cream or frozen food, with ; top shelf & light, glass front. 6 ft. long, $155. Carbonator, good | working condition. $45. Ben Ray mond. 208 N. Frederick ave., Gaithersburg. Ph. G'burg 1593. ' lt-4-2 ' CEMETERY LOTS 6 site*, ' Parklawn Garden of Life Eter nal. Will sell as a unit, or will | divide. GA. 4 5644. lt-4 2 I MANURE For sale by basket or pick up truck. Delivered. Call after 4 p.m. PO. 2-3398. 4t-4 23 i CEMETERY LOTS—t sites or :{ 2 pairs in Parklawn Garden of . j Life Eternal. Reasonable price . for immediate sale. G'burg 797- .IJ-2. 2t-4- FOR SALE (MISC.) PLANT NOW—Redbud, White Birch & Chinese Chestnut Trees, $6.00. Dogwood, $1.50. Also a selection of flowering shrubs & evergreens. PINE ARBOR NURSERY. The Dilonardos, Dickerson Church Rd.. Dicker son, Md. Ph. DI. 9-2189. tf-4500 BABY CHICKS New Hamp., New Hamp. Wh. Rock, and Rock Cornish Game plus DeKalb chix, seed corn and sorghum. Day old, started, or ready to lay. Laurel View Poultry Farm and Hatch ery, PA. 5-2744 after 6 p.m. lt-3-5 ORDER NOW Chicks of All Kinds For All Poultry Equipment Southern Stetes of Gaithersburg Gaithersburg 9 I - tf-4474 'SB OLIVER series 88 tractor; 'SB 3-bottom plow on rubber; ’SB largest Oliver disc on rubber; ail in top condition. Farmed 75 ac. 1 year. For info., call Mrs. Bradley WAlker 4-3276. lt-4-2 LAWNMOWER 2l”—rubber tires, ex. condition. SB.OO. Phone GA. 4-8221. lt-4-2 WHY HESITATE? Buy good used Home Appliances with confidence Town & Country Electric 15 cu. ft. Freezer SSO EASY Spindrier Washer $95 Refrig, (ell sizes)....s4o to $125 Gas Ranges $25 17 cu. ft. Freezer $125 (Beautiful Upright) NORGE Twinline Elec. Dryer, $75 All guaranteed in good operating Condition We are prepared to deliver, install and service Town & Country Electric 100 E. Montgomery Avenue E. Montgomery Ave., Rockville PO. 2-3905 .. GA. 4-5140 It-SO*JS-4-2 FISHING TACKLE, rods, reels, nets, hip boots, etc. Big selec tion! Bank on it lf it’s fishing tackle or anything in sporting goods we have it. But a look is worth a thousand words. See for yourself at Rockville Trad ing Post, N. Washington st.. Shopping Center. lt-4-2 FARMALL CUB TRACTOR in good condition with quick hitch, plow & harrow. A. M. Haviland, Haviland Mill rd., Brinklow, Md. SPring 4-5231. lt-4-2 RUBBER STAMPS— Save time on envelopes, on checks, for laundry marks for camp. Get yours at Rockville Stationery, Inc., Rockville Center, Rockville, Md. lt-4-2 REGULAR SCOTCH - TAPE— Mending tape, double coated (both sidesi, plastic, strapping tape, all at Rockville Stationery, Inc., Rockville Center, Rockville. Md. lt-4-2 MAGIC MARKERS Rockville Stationery, Inc., Rockville Cen ter, Rockville, Md. lt-4-2 PERSONAL STATIONERY Im printed. Select yours at Rockville Stationery, Inc., Rockville Cen ter, Rockville, Md. lt-4-2 EIGHT MILLION chicks can't be wrong. They proved Southern States Starting and Growing Mash was right for them. Your chicks will too. We have a fresh supply waiting for you. South ern States Gaithersburg Coop erative. G'burg 91. lt-4-2 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SADDLE HORSE SALE. Wed. April 1 & 15 at 7 p.m. Our spring consignment sale April 18 at 11 a.m. in Thurmont. All horses & ponies must be catalogued be fore April 4. Will sell tack, carts, etc. Box stalls available in our race horse barn. Would appre ciate cataloguing your horse or pony. Contact Eyler Stables. Mrs. Joe Eyler, Agt. Thurmont, Md. Phone 6411. 2t-4-2 COW —Purebred Guernsey with 2-week-old calf. Good family cow, plentiful milk. SP. 4-9249. lt-4-2 AUTOS FOR SALE ’55 FORD —Ranch Wagon. 8 cyl. atd. trans., R. H„ new rubber, seat belts; complete overhaul; has had excellent care. Gas mile age 16-8 city; 21 highway. SIOOO. Call office, JU. 5-6311 or WH. 6- 7805. lt-4-2 1957 CHKV. Good condition; new tires; $65.00. Also one 10 h.p. gasoline engine, same as new; sell for half price. GA. 4-8073. lt-4-2 PERSONAL HARRY—Come back. All will be forgiven if you take me to Grants House Furnishings Sale, Friday or Saturday. lt-4-2 GIVEAWAY WILL GIVE AWAY 3 half collie puppies. Phone G'burg 548. lt-4-2 HELP WANTED NURSES Registered; also ll | censed practical nurses. All shifts. Apply Nursing Office, Suburban Hospital, 8600 Old Georgetown rd., Bethesda, Md. tf-4485 MEN AND WOMEN Use your spare time to increase weekly income $25 to SSO or more. One full time vacancy. For information write Raleigh’s Dept. MDC-102-326, Chester. Pa. Bt-4-30 WOMAN WITH CAR to call regularly each month on estab lished Studio Girt Cosmetic clients in and around Rockville, making necessary deliveries, etc. 3 or 4 hours per day. Route will pay up to $3.50 per hour. Write | Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dept. CL-15, Glendale, California. 4t-4-2 MEN BRANCH MGR. TRAINEE Train for 6 months to earn $9500 to $15,000 a year. Immediate earn ings $l2O per wk. plus. Age 20-35. PHONE GA. 4-5227 lt-4517-4-2 PERSONABLE, intelligent yng. woman under 30 wanted as typ ist and girl Friday in the phar macy at Rockville Medical Cen ter. Salary open. Call for inter view-appointment. PO 2-4371. lt-3-19 BOYS (white) age 12 to 15 for part time work. Report ready for work at 9 a.m. Saturday. 215 E. Montgomery ave. Rockville. TF EXPANSION in our sales field requires the service of two ag gressive salesmen or women in j the Rockville-Gaithersburg & | Damascus area. Weekly earn ings S2OO or more. For appoint ment, call MOnument 3-6103, Monday, April 6, 10 a.m.-l p.m. lt-4-2 ! DRUG CLERK (female), exp preferred. References. No night 1 or Sunday work. Drug Town, Veils Mill Shopping Center. lt-4-2 TV SERVK 'EM A N~—Part-time. Call GA. 4-6141 between 9 a.m. | and 9 p.m. lt-4-2 j HELP WANTED, Male— IntellT ! gent hard working man for warehouse work. References re quired; fulßime position. Apply, in person only. Bargaintown U. S. A., 1540 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Md. lt-4-2, CASHIER CLERK (female), | no experience needed for the right person. Ref. required. Ap- i ply in person. Bargaintown U. S. A., 1540 Rockville Pike, Rock ville, Md. lt-4-2 DESIRE live-in baby sitter—to care for children in return for room, board and small salary. | Located near Brookeville. Call SP. 4-7382. lt-4-2 ROCKVILLEWHEATON Da mascus & G’burg area. Can you spare 10 hrs. and earn $35-$45 per week. Pleasant dignified sales work; no delivering, no col lecting, no Investment. For fur ther info., call CL. 3-2194. lt-4-2 GIRLS: Radio A TV survey ; work from your home; no sell ing. Write for full particulars j to Box 272-D, Rockville, Md. lt-4-2 ' CLERK TYPISTS (2)—sso-$55. | Bkkpr. Posting NCR 31, exp., $65. Reservation clerks (3 girls), $75. Maintenance man (W) night $175 per month. Rockville Per sonnel Service, 110 Commerce la.. PO. 2-9416. lt-4-2 CLERICAL ASSISTANT (fe male) for upper northwest syna-! gogue. 35-hour week; must be j Rood typist and able to learn to operate a variety of office ma- i chines. Salary, S6O. EM. 2-7100. lt-4-21 WE ARE OPENING a paint store in Rockville in July or August. Need experienced paint man. If interested, would want | : you to work in our main store,! ! 922 New York ave., N.W.. Wash-1 i ii'gton, D. C., to learn our paints' | before we open. See Mr. Snee. | W. R. Winslow Co. 2t-4-9! FOR RENT ROCKVILLE—4 bdrms. base ! ment, equip, kitchen, din. rm., j ! fenced, conv. location. Avail. April Ist. $120.00. Ph. PO 2-4686.! 2t-4-2 COTTAGE FOR RENT In Gaith ersburg. Nice 3 rooms with shower, stove, refrig. One child acceptable, no pets or dogs. Ref erences required. Avail, now. Ap ply In person, 465 N. Frederick Ave., Gaithersburg, or phone G’burg 458. 3t-4-9 FITtNISHED COTTAGE 2 rms. and bath, located on Mid dlebrook rd. SSO a month. Ideal for couple. Call Gaithersburg 78- R. lt-4-2 TWO BEDROOM house for rent at Spencerville. Call SPring 4- 2119. lt-4-2 FOB RENT —Large housekeep | ing room. Stores A shopping across the street. Newly deco rated. Stove, refrig., gas, light A heat furnished. G'burg 1593. 1 lt-4-2 COMING EVENTS Organization* may list thair picnics, suppars, carnivals, ate., in this column at tho rata of 10c par lina (I pt. lina) par waak. THURSDAY, APRIL 2—Spag hetti Day Chicken Ciacctore. Plantation Dining Room, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. lt-4-2 APRIL 4 Turkey and Coun try Ham Supper at Mt. View; Church in Purdum, Md. Be- i ginning at 3 p.m. 6t-4-2 APRIL 4—Card party at Lay tonsville Fire House, 8 p.m. Given by Ladies’ Auxiliary. Door prizes A refreshments. SI.OO per person. 2t-4-2 APRIL 4—Turkey Dinner with all the “fixin’s.” At Sandy Spring Fire Hall, 4-8 p.m. $1.50 , and 75c. Also Bake Sale spon sored by WSCS, Ashton Meth- 1 i odist Church. 6t-4-2 SUNDAY, APR. 6—Fried chick | en A ham dinner with hot veg. ' & homemade rolls. Mt. Airy Fire Hall, Mt. Airy, Md. Noon until 6 p.m. 2t-4-2 ' APR. 9-10-11—Good as new sale at Damascus Fire House, April [' 9: 3 to 9 p.m., April 10: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; April 11: 9 a.m. till noon. Benefit St. Paul's Church, j 3t-4-2 i APRIL 11 Oyster A Country Ham Supper to be held at Fire [ Hall at Hyattstown, sponsored j by the Hyattstown Methodist j j Church WSCS, beginning at 3 p.m. on. st-4-9; i APR. 11 SPAGHETTI DIN-! NER, 4-8 p.m. Sandy Spring Fire | 1 Hall, SI.OO-50c. Charity Fund, I < Olney Rotary Ann’s. 4t-4-9 ; GALA FASHION SHOW—Fash- i ( ions by Greta Stevens. Spoil- , sored by: Ascension Chapel, , Gaithersburg, on Wednesday, ; April 15, at 8 p.m. in the Gaith | ersburg High School. Refresh j ments! Door prizes! 2t-4-9 SAT. April 18—Fried chicken & 1 country ham supper. Hyatts- j • town Fire Hall. Beginning at 4 1 p.m. $1.50 adults, children 75c.' ! Benefit Hyattstown Christian 1 ! Church. 6t-4-16 j SAT., APR. 18—Roast Beef sup ' per. 4 p.m. on. Long Corner | Community Hall Benefit How- 1 ard Chapel Cemetery Fund 3t-4-9 ' APRIL 25, Sat. —Fried chicken & Country ham supper, 2 p.m. i on. Home made rolls, hot veg. ; j Bake table. Montgomery Meth ; odist Church, Clagettsville. Md. $1.50-75 cents. Bt-4-23 APRIL 25 —Fried chicken and country ham supper, Mt. Car mel Church, Sunshine, rte. *97. 3 to 8 p.m. $1.50 adults, children ; 75c. Hot veg., rolls, etc. 4t-4-231 APRIL 25 Sat. Fried chicken supper, family style. Neelsville I Presbyterian Church, German- ' j town, Junction Rts. No. 355 A | No. 118. Beginning at 2 p.m. Adults—children 75c. Spon sored by Men s Fellowship. 6t-4-23 SATURDAY, MAY 2—Smorgas bord at Damascus High School by St. Paul’s Catholic Church, turkey, dressing, ham, Swedish i meat balls, fish, cheeses, assort- ( ed salads, relishes, baked beans, rolls, etc. $1.50-75c. 3-8 p.m. Music during dinner. Door prize. MAY 2 —Baked chicken and ham supper. Ridgeville Methodist Church., rte. 27, 1 mile south of Mt. Airy. Hot veg. A homemade rolls, etc. $1.25-65c. From 3-8 | p m. st-4-30 ; MAY’ 2, SAT.—Fried chicken A country ham supper. Clarks burg Methodist YV.S.C.S. 3-8 p.m. 7t-4-30 j ' MAY 2 Annual Supper, fried i chicken and country ham, begin ning at 3 p.m. at the St. Paul’s Methodist Church, Laytonsville, Md., benefit Laytonsville Dis trict Vol. Fire Dept. Adults, $1.50; children 75c. 7t-4-30 MAY’ 8-9 Rummage Sale 1 Grace Methodist Church, Gaith ! ersburg, Md. May 8, 2-8 p.m.;! | May 9, 9-12 m. Mostly linens, i | househofd items, etc. 6t-5-7 MAY’ 9 —Fried chicken and coun- I try ham supper, Mt. Tabor Church Hall, Etchison, Md. be j ginning at 2:30 p.m. 7t-5-7 I MAY’ 9 —Chicken A ham dinner, j St. Peter’s Parish Hall, Olney. 3-8 p.m. Adults $1.75, children 75c. 6t-5-7 MAY 9 —Fried chicken A coun try ham supper served family style, 4-8 p.m., Boyds Presby. Church Hall, Boyds. Md. Adults $1.50, children 75c. Sponsored by Women’s Assoc, of the church. ‘ st-5-7 MAY’ 16 Annual Fried Chick en & Country Ham Dinner. Wes ley Grove Methodist Church. Woodfield. Md. Beginning at 3 p.m. 10t-5-14 MAY 23 Fried chicken and country ham at the Damascus Methodist Church beginning at 2 P.M. Bake sal* by the Wes leyan Service Guild. llt-5-21 ! JUNE 6 —Fried chicken and ham dinner. Grace Methodist Church, f Gaithersburg, Md., from 3 to 8 p.m. Adults $1.50, children un der 12, 73c. lOt-6-4 REAL ESTATE BETHESDA Furnished house nr. Naval Hospital & NIH. 2 bd rm and den, full basement, ga rage. Available immediately. No objection to one child. $160.00 j per mo. Call Ernest H. Lung, Agt., DI 7-2221 or owner G’burg 1315 after 4 p.m. lt-3-26 FARMS! FARMS! FARMS!— WHEN YOU SEE THIS FARM, YOU WILL FEEL LIKE SAY i ING ’’IT'S HOME!”—I99 acres adaptable to either dairying or stock raising, it has 70 acres of well watered pastureland, 128 tillable. The buildings are in good condition and include a large chicken house and triple garage. The main house is of stone, completely rebuilt and beautiful; there are a new ten ant house and tenant apart ment; two barns, two silos, other outbuildings and pond. FINE BLUE GRASS PASTURES: this low priced 164 acre farm is excellent for either stock or horse raising. It contains mag nificent high building sites and with ample water for two ponds, it can be made one of the most beautiful farms in the county. The location is good. FOR MANY YEARS THIS 400 ACRE FARM HAS BEEN CONSID ERED ONE OF HARFORD COUNTY’STINEST: Ground is fertile, stone free; fences are good, two to three miles are white board paneling; new, 88 stanchioned dairy barn and mod ern dairy house with 700 gallon milk tank; three silos and a great complement- of outbuild ings in excellent condition. Thir teen room main house, masonry construction, completely and tastefully restored; three tenant houses. Can be bought un equipped or completely equipped with uptodate farm machinery and large, fine Holstein dairy herd. Owner ships to Washing ton. WE HAVE ONE FINE POULTRY BATTERY: With a husband and wife operation, this beautiful, electrically mechan ized egg and hatchery business can net SIO,OOO annually. Mar kets are established. Buildings in excellent condition. WE HAVE MANY MORE FARMS. VARIED IN PRICE AND IN ACREAGE. Write for informa tion to LULA MARTIN DOLIN SKI, BROKER, RFD No. 1, Bel Air, Md. Telephones: Bel Air 1752 or Bel Air 1262. 2t-4-2 BOYDS Country home on level lot Choice residential sec tion. walking distance to church A store, post office & R. R. Sta tion & 4 mi. from AEC. 6 rms. & screened frt. & bk. porches. By owner. Call DI. 9-4694. lt-4-2 ROCKVILLE —Now building. 4 bdrms., 2 baths, basement. LO. 5-1243. G'burg 1164. 3t-416 WHEN YOU HAVE HOT WATER PROBLEMS CALL CLARKE FIRST DEPENDABLE FAST 24-hour Service on Water Heaters Replacements by Expert Registered Plumbers AUTOMATIC GAS WATER H EATER >RHEE MG LAS Keep your family "hot water happy." Gas / TOuG/ (A/Vl/L \ heats water as you / . - \ use it, the fastest way j of\ (X* UhtiXBAJ VJUXX&As i every hour of the \ U , i J day. Just turn \ s Q//JbflA/£s ; / on the tap and out it comes—billows of clean, crystal-clear hot water. Your m lhjllhjilll water heaters registered plumber M give a wi ." h . el ,P you I lifetime of select the proper gas H .... wafer heater for H ,ov * cost serv,cel VOUr familv't H Since Tv* been In the plumbing bust • ' nest a long, long time, I've had to leer* growing needs# ngp water heatera inside and out—l've in stalled and repaired hundreds of differ ■pßg ent makes and thee and I can tell yoe from experience that Rheem water 50% longer guaranteed protection, for 15 Mt.r. er. , our beet investment. The, u . . . r . , _ ' .... give you moro hot water faster, and years. Hot water to spare—with GAS. When epecM Rheem construction features it's speed you need, there is nothing like a • MUf * '**P ndat >ie Rheemglas Lined GAS water heater to keep P o flow of riMt-freo, .porkling cloon. SKSSTSKCSSTS piping hot water. We will install it right ***<*, n > away and you can take up to 36 months to ecxFiRT installation! f m 1 e DEPENDABLK SENVICEI I UnO I]\ NO MONEY down-jpay as low as I does more lA\ SC.OO I costs less!//A\ J PER MONTH / Delivered and Installed ON YOUR GAS BILL ALBERT B. CLARKE, Jr. WHitehall 6-6040 WHitehall 6-6040 | LOST ; LOST ui vicinity of Rockville, . paper bag containing day’s re . ceipts. Substantial reward. , Phone MA. 2-0281. lt-4-2 ) • Legal Advertisement < 1 JOHN HOLT MVERS 4650 Mud Stri-vt C hevy Chute 15. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the > Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County . has issued Letters Testamentary to Helen Lewis Holley in the Estate of i JULIAN L. HOLLEY . late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ' ceased are hereby warned to present the . same on or before the 3rd day of Oc • tober next: they may otherwise by law ! excluded from all benefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay , j ment. Given under my hand this 26th dav of ' March, 1959. HELEN LEWIS HOLLEY 1 5404 Blackistone Road Washington 16. D. C. Executrix 6t-5005-5-7 PLUMMER M. SHEARIN Suites 411-413 Ei* Building Silver Spring, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County 1 has issued Letters Testamentary to Wil liam J. Link in the Estate of JULIUS C. LINK late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 3rd day of Oc tober next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from ail benefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Es tate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 26th day of March, 1959 WILLIAM J. LINK 0915 Ridgewood Avenua Chevy Chase, Md. Executor St-5006-5-7 MARTIN *. BECKER • 9311 Bruqe Drive Silver Spring. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to Doro thy Bloom Rein in the Estate of SOL REIN a.k.a. SOLOMON REIN late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 3rd day of Oc tober next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment. Given under my hand this 26th day of March, 1959. DOROTHY BTuOOM REIN 2910 Daniel Road Chevy Chase, Md. Executrix 6t-5007-5-7 CHAS. W. PRETTYMAN South Perry Street Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued letters Testamentary to Doro thy R. P. Moyer In the Estate of ANDREW J. MOYER late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 3rd day of Oc tober next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. Given under my hand this 26th day of March, 1959. DOROTHY R. P MOYER 7111 Beech wood Drive Chevy Chase, Md. Executrix 6t-5006-5-7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to M. Estelle Beane in the Estate of JOHN M. BEANE A.k.a. JOHN MURPHY BEANE ’ and JOHN BEAN late of Montgomery County deceased. AH persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 3rd day of Oc tober next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Es tate. All persons indebted to said Es tate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 26th day of March, 1959 M ESTELLE BEANE Olney. Md. Executrix €t-5008-5-7 Legal Advertisement Sheriff’s Sale Of Valuable Personal Property State of Maryland Montgomery County, to wit: By virtue of Writ of Fieri Fa cias issued by the Circuit Court foi Montgomery County, and to me as Sheriff of said County, directed at the suit of Transit Sales & Service, Inc. vs. Thomas Parran, T/a Suburban Transit Company, I have this 24th. day of March 1959 seized and taken into execution all the right, title, interest, claim and estate both at law and in equity of the said Thomas Parran, T/a Suburban Transit Company of, in, to and about the following described property, to wit: 1 A.F.C. Brill Coach Bus, Se rial No. IC4I-835, Bus No. 65. I hereby give notice that I will sell all the right, title, interest, claim and estate both at law and in equity of the said Thomas Parran, T/a Suburban Transit Company of, In, to and about the above described property to the highest bidder for cash on TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1959 AT 10:30 A. M. on Reed Bros. Storage Lot on Hungerford Drive, Rockville, Maryland. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. LUKE J. BENNETT, JR., Sheriff Montgomery County, Md. 2t-5015-4-9 Notice of Hearing Notice is hereby given that the County Council for Mont gomery County, Maryland, sit ting as a Board of Health, will conduct a public hearing on pro posed regulations considered to be a supplement to the law and regulations of the State of Maryland already in effect in Montgomery County pertaining to the production, processing, storing and selling of milk and milk products, on FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1959 at 8:00 P. M. in the County Auditorium, Coun ty Office Building, Rockville* Maryland. Copies of the proposed Or dinance may be obtained in Room 615, County Office Build ing, Rockville, Maryland. Lawrence E. Speelman, Clerk County Council for Montgomery County, Md. 2t-5027-4-9 JOHN H. BOWMAN, JR. Rockville, Maryland NOTH E TO C REDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to Persia D. Luebbing In the Estate of HERMAN H. LUEBBING late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 3rd day of October next; they may otherwise by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons Indebted to said’ Estate are requested to make Immediate payment. Given under my hand thla 31st day of March, 1959. PERSIS D. LUEBBING Clarksburg, Md. Executrix 6t-5010-5-T