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SENTINEL ESSSrSS. Thu " d **’ *'• '*’■ State to Appeal Farm Tax Ruling The attorney general has appealed the ruling of a Howard County judge that would throw out a State law giving fanners generous tax exemptions. Martin J. Jones, deputy attorney general, said the State contends that Judge James Macgill erred in ruling the farm assessment law of 1956 to be uncon stitutional. The measure allows land under cultivation to be assessed on its worth as farm property rather than on its actual market value. It was designed to protect bona-fide farmers whose taxes have skyrocketed because of the real es tate boom created by subdivision developments. Without the law, Jones said, some farmers might have to pay five times as much in taxes on their farm land. The measure was sppnsored by Blair Lee 111, chairman of the Montgomery County delegation. It was challenged in court by a group of Howard County taxpayers, including some contracting firms. Decision by the Court of Appeals is not expected until next fall. Meanwhile, Montgomery Colmty assessors will continue to value farm property at the lower levels until the Court of Appeals decision is handed down, and most other counties are expected to follow suit, according to Wilton T. Allen, chief of the county’s assessment division. The Maryland Farm Bureau described Judge Macgill’s ruling as “a blow to bona-fide farmers” and said the Bureau is fully supporting the appeal. State Merit System Moves The Office of the Commission of Personnel for the State of Maryland will move from its present location in Baltimore to the new State Office Building, 301 West Preston st. Saturday. The office is the central per sonnel agency for Maryland and L | Automatic GAS 0 tB (ht piping hot wuw ■ Ton’ll over want —with ___ _ __ _ Whlto• w■MFjha of WATED HEATER IPARKIINO CLEAN HOT WATER 1 **-*•—* ffOR Til LIFE Of YOUR HOME * t ♦ Fothieo Color Rnhll omMooHowomi n hArnkmMlmd 10-YEAR WARRANTY 4 50% longer guaranteed protection, for 15 years. Hot water to spare—with ©AS. When its speed you need, there is nothing like a White ©last Lined ©AS water heater to keep up a steady flow of rust-free, sparkling clean, piping hot water. We will install it right away and you can take up to 36 months to pay. — NO MONEY DOWN—PAY AS LOW AS GAS \ JR' oo — Ml* (A\ Delivered and lertelled COStS lOSS-'/grtij On Your Gas BID Try Me THOMAS C. KEYS PLUMBING DRAIN SERVICE HEATING Faucets Repaired Gas Hot Water Heaters Installed AS UTTU AS Sl.oo PIR MONTH ON YOUR DAS RILL fOR QUICK SERVICE CAll . . . PO. 2-4126 701 South Stonestreet Avenue, Rockville administers the state’s merit system. It is headed up by Rus sell S. Davis. Davis said that because of the moving problems, the office will be closed tomorrow and Monday but will reopen for business Tuesday. A2 fcrEsteu ' - * jH K. “WELCOME TO THE CLUB” says smiling Fred Steppe, presi dent of the Rockville Junior Chamber of Commerce, as he installs Jack Kelly, better known as TV’s Bart Maverick, as a member of the chamber. Maverick was In town at the weekend to publicize W. Evans Buchanan’s new homes for sale in the Aspen Hill development outside Rockville. Staff Photo. Hospital Bake Sale An all-day bake sale for the building fund of Suburban Hos pital Association will be held by hospital employees next Mon day in the alcove of the hos pital’s First Wing. Next project of the Building Fund will be the construction of the second stage: of a three-part to Be Held Mon. master plan of hospital expan sion. Pies, cakes and cookies for the sale will be baked by volun teers working at the hospitaL Shopping for .he IhUh.7 ** . , i Bh \ \ I jjfc? Isn’t gracious entertaining mainly a - — | X r- \ 1 matter of being sociable? Of doing things j \ ajV dr I I Ml i / that please your guests? Well, if they’re _—\ f 111 today’s trim, debonair people, they’ll . V \ n |m \ expect today’s light Pepsi. Reduced in _ Jf \ Li calories, it’s the refreshment of the sociable n 11 and smart and young at heart Hare — l .—\ enou S* l for a sociable evening. #! ‘ ' ' ”, 1 ’’ l ' I * l * V/CGiC " Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Washington. D. C. JJnder Appointment from Pepsi-Cola Company, New York Anti-Freeze Should Be Drained And Discarded, AAA Points Out Anti-freeze, whether it’s called “permanent” or not, should be drained p.nd discarded now that summer is near, George T. Viv erette, manager, emergency road service department, D. C. Di vision, American Automobile As sociation, reminded this week. "On the first really warm day of each year, the club's emer gency road service department can expect numerous calls for help from motorists who com plain of overheated engines,” Mr. Viverette said. “These troubles can almost always be traced to neglect of the cooling system.” “Even more serious problems 67 New TB Cases Found, Report Says Sixty-seven new active cases of tuberculosis were discovered in Montgomery County in 1958 according to the annual report of the Montgomery County Tu berculosis and Heart Association issued last week. The known active cases in the county now number 124, compared to 138 last year. Ap proximately nine county resi dents died of the disease last year,according to perliminary in vestigations. The number of new cases dis covered in the county each year appears to remain about the same, while deaths from the dis ease are declining and new cases in children and persons over 45 appear to be increasing, accord ing to the report. can develop later in the summer, or next winter even, unless the car’s radiator is cared for period ically,” he added. “What few mo torists sem to understand is that while the ice ‘inhibitor’ in the anti-freeze solution may be per manent, another equally import ant quality—rust inhibitor—is lost after one season. It’s the formation of rust and other de posits that frequently clog rad iators and engine water passages that cause over-heating.” The Road Service Manager suggested the following cooling system check list to insure good motoring during the summer: • Drain old water and anti freeze. • If cooling system seems reasonably clean, refill with clean water and add good qual ity rust-inhibitor. • If system seems rusty, or if it contains other deposits, use a high quality cleaner. Follow cleaner manufacturer’s direc tions, then refill as above. • Have all hoses and connec tions checked for leaks. • Re-check water level after a day or two of driving. Elton Britt's GOLDEN LAKE PARK OPENS MAY 30-31 Damascus, Md. Route 27 Jr. College Registration Advance registration for sum mer and fall sessions at Mont gomery Junior College is being held this week. Applications of TRUCK BARGAINS 'SB FORD 8-CYL RANCHERO Blue and white, new tire*. Looks and run* like new! $1899 'SB FORD 8-CYL. PICK-UP This i* your buy of the year! $899 DUMPS '56 CHEVROLET „ Air brakes. A real maney Series 1800 8-Cyl. maker for you! '54 INTERNATIONAL '53 FORD Model L-180 F-750 Call By or Phone for Prices on Above See JIM HOOD, Truck Manager MONROE COMPANY 1237 East-West Highway Silver Spring JU. 5-7804 prospective new students are being accepted, and names of present students eligible to re register have been posted Q t the campus.