OCR Interpretation

Montgomery County sentinel. [volume] (Rockville, Md.) 1855-1974, August 06, 1959, SUPPLEMENT, Image 16

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016209/1959-08-06/ed-1/seq-16/

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BEAUTY IS THEIR GOAL, as attested by the
scale model in front of Woodrow W. Stever
son (lefti, president of the Hungerford
Towne Civic Association, and Jack Roth,
chairman of the Association’s Finance Com
mittee. The model shows tree plantings,
Hungerford Towne Sprucing Up
Last Saturday marked the
start of a fund drive to
finance beautification of
traffic entrances to Hunger
ford Towne, Rockville.
The Hungerford Towne Civic
Association will conduct the
door-to-door drive In Its commu
nity throughout August, with
an average of $5 per house
The money will be used to
spruce up the intersections of
'Cleon Bill
Fall-Out Tests Made
On Our Water Supply
Radioactive fall-out from H
and A-bomb testing, a matter
of nationwide Interest and con
cern, it closely watched by the
\yashington Suburban Sanitary
Oommission, custodian of water
supply for 600,000 residents of
suburban Prince Georges and
Montgomery Counties.
For several months, the State
Department of Health, coop
erating with the WSSC. has
run bi weekly tests for radio
activity in raw water impound
ed in the open reservoirs at
Brighton and Rocky Gorge on
the Patuxent River. All tests
have given the Commission
water a clean bill of health
no appreciable radioactivity.
The two Patuxent reservoirs
hold a combined total of ap
proximately 13 billion gallons.
A WSSC spokesman pointed
out this week that a number of
citizens are concerned about
IT'S HfW . . .
Scott Regular
t 27.9
lust Look hr the Sign el the
mm. mmiy jcokmah
At Hi* New Modern
260 N. Waihington St.
(Aereit Fraro W. T. Grant Ce.l
Operated by George Knill \
• Wo Specialize in
brick gateposts and a brick wall proposed
for Mt. Vernon ave. and Ritchie pkwy.,
Rockville. Steverson said a neighborhood
wide drive would be started to get enough
money to improve entrances of both streets
where they join Rockville Pike.
Ritchie pkwy. and Mt. Vernon
pi., where both streets join
Rockville Pike.
Woodrow W. Steverson, asso
ciation president, said plans are
to build a 32-feet long, concave
brick wall five feet high paral
leling the Pike front the South
side of existing Ritchie pkwy.
When Ritchie pkwy. finally is
dualized, the wall, made of used
brick, will separate the two
lanes. The name of the commu
nity will be spelled out on the
water supply In the event of a
direct attack on the metro
politan area. Civil Defense ex
perts state that an H-bomb
could be expected to destroy
much of the water system by
blast and heat and pollute open
reservoirs by radiation.
The best advice for those sub
urbanites who would hope to
survive an attack, the WSSC
spokesman slated, probably is
contained in a newly published
Federal Office of Civil and De
fense Mobilization pamphlet,
which advises citizens to stock
pile a two-week supply of water
(“a minimum of seven gallons
a person”) in a protected area.
The OCDM also recommends
that a home shelter area be
provided with a 20-gallon can
for garbage and a 10-gallon can
for human wastes, since refuse
collection and sewer services
probably also would be Inter
rupted by atomic attack.
wall which will be illuminated
at night.
Steverson said Donald E. Gin
gery, developer of Hungerford
Towne. has agreed to supply the
labor to build the wall if the As
sociation provides the materials.
Other projects will be plant
ing of 20-feet high maple trees
along both sides of Mt. Vernon,
one block deep from the pike.
Two brick gateposts will flank
the entrance of Mt. Vernon pi.
Work should start on the wall
and gateposts next month with
tree planting to follow, Stever
son said.
7 days a week 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Bethesda-Chevy Chase
Television Service
OL. 4-4744 • GA. 4-8772
( "ll f WHO SAID I knbwA If see FOR YOURSELF the
!;X jfg KPS
207 Diamond Ave., G'burg
Whether Or Not You Have A Will
Read This AJ Carefully!
you con insure your family's security
by having your attorney draw one up
immediately. Then, name an experi
enced Executor like this bonk.
review it see rf it's up to date. Your
attorney con make whatever changes
are needed.
In either case come in with your
attorney and discuss it with our trust
Montgomery County National Bank
lt*btik*d 1814
•a vinos In OCKVI Ll I, MARYLAND
ropier 1-1998
TO uo.ooo "A growing child with a growing covingc account
k hooded for Miceotc and heppinett.”
The Oldest Xaiional Bank to Montgomery County
Over the Garden Wall
Edited by David E. Kidd
Ass’t County Agent
Sometime nature is too boun
tiful. For instance, sometimes
fruit sets on so thick that it
breaks the limbs. And then the
tree is crippled. If this is hap
pening to your trees, you’d bet
ter thin out some of the crowd
ed fruits rather than run the
risk of breaking your tree. You
will help both tree and fruit.
Disbudding perennials like
dahlia and chrysanthemum will
produce bigger, better blooms.
It’s just another form of thin
ning, and disbudding is the prac
tice that produces those huge
“flower show’’ specimens.
Earlier in the season, you’ll
remember that we told you how
you could increase the number
of blooms by pinching back the
stems. This forced some more of
the side branches to develop, and
this in turn produced more buds.
If you let them go, you’ll have
lots of flowers, but they’ll be
small. If you now remove the
side buds tall you need to do
is pinch off the bud after it has
formed) you’ll have fewer
blooms, but since the strength
.Miller - Fields Rutrk. area - * nrwrftt
Bulrl* Dealer. Complete auto aervice
on all make* of cars. We specialize
in Huirks. ( all
“CIV" MKKKY. Service Manager
PO. 2-4331 GA. 4-6363
POplor 2-4184
Got* Opens 7 P.M.
Shew Starts at DUSK
Fri., Sat., Aug. 7*B
Gary Cooper
Sun., Men., Aug. 9-10
David Nivan Shirley MacLaine
Tuut., Wed.. Aug 11-12
Marilyn Monroe
Jayna Mansfield
Thurs. Fri., Aug. 13-14
-Thursday, August 4, 1959
of the plant goes into fewer
flowers, they'll be bigger.
One of the consolations of mid
summer is that we don’t have to
mow the yard so often. Maybe
Junior is getting big enough to
handle the job. In either case,
a UTTIE LUXURY -*-■ - -- - z~?Z.V“Z.'t'.~:Z
n —— Mwnwiii 1A leading low-priced three that you ’v* got more front seat head
- I|._ ■PH IA T ves *°* *** convenience of room than all but one of the high-
I IlfF I HIS a■ ■ m crank-operated tent windows. priced cars! And Chevy’s front
m No awkward latches to fumble t hip room spreads up to 5.9
ICT AI (INF with... your knuckles and inches wnier than comparable cars.
LE I MLUIeE fingernails will appreciate iL
mm^m savings kbczSzsSi
Here’s solid proof that Chevrolet
squeezes more miles out of a gallon:
. , In the famous Mobilgas Economy
full coil ride Run, two Chevrolet sixes with
■ 1 , Powerglide took the first two places
W* • J You re the expert on ride, so you’ll i n their class. Winning mileage:
want to try Chevy’s easygoing 22.38 m.p.g. And that, friends,
bigger brakes for y° urself - MOTOR took top honors for Chevy from
yy ° TREND magazine can give you a ev€ry f u car!
Bigger, yes, and built with bonded hint of what you’re in for: . .
linings for as much as 66% longer the smoothest, most quiet, softest
life. And bow’s this for proof that riding car in its price class.” And
Chevy’s a real stopper: in a NAS- Full Coil springs, of eourse, never / //© ]
CAR*-conducted test of repeated squeak, never need grease. J
stops from highway speeds, Chev- M
rolet outstopped both of the fl \V*
“other two” time after time. V V I p JJ
*National Association for Stock Car *. —,/
Advancement and Research. /$&. f VsR ?\ ■■ >
award-winning engines jjaß higher trade-in
The NASCAR Outstanding fresh SgggN.A.D.A.* Guide Books prove
Achievement award goes to Chev- , > • . . *" .
* tvlm Mssrjiari
America’s most efficient V-tvn* POPITT *n anvurs year ’ for exam P le > averaged up to
Tr POPULAR SCIENCE magazine Jl2B higher than comparable models
o? B new ievil [ Jv * tho, !? r ht 111 of the other two cars in Chevrolet’s
of new levels of V 8 compactness look, then said it this way: In its field
combined with outstanding smooth- price class, Chevy establishes a •Naitomd AwomohiU Dealer,
ness.” And you can choose among new high in daring styling . . ." Association.
eight V 8 s and the Six that won You’ll find your own happy way of
the Mobilgas Economy Run for its saying that Chevy’s the only unmis
duan. takably modern ear in its class.
Sef how much more Chevy has to offer—visit your local authorized Chevrolet dealerl
w-i-r-e n-o-w teasm
00 TOY WOW m IKSWB ID HT towvy ON Wn tto. rrsn
housepower f iganß Him
Th may be a nuisance, but a fcad no more than 8 HectncM |I ‘ ]i,mJ ■
blown fuv is a safety device that Wa wanpa s
wirm you something is wrong. fcmny tatags
aniah^means ohe “’ *“* HhmBHB
W root leaks (c) extreme hiuntditv W M 88) 21
<W you have, flat tiu. W) ovwk-ded orcurts Though the number of most horns today have
4out of sof today's homes suf- blows If you checked (d) your electrical appliances inas many as 25 electrical
fcr from low HOUSEPOWER electrical know-how ia topa .the home has increased, appliances (d). It’s easy
not enough wiring, outlets Why not find out exactly what 8 out of 5 home* do notfor you to get a HOUSE
and switches to operate the your HOUSEPOWER Rating have enough electrical POWER Rating on your
home's electrical appliances at is. It’s easy. To get a wiring to carry® the cur-home. As advertised w
lop efficiency. When your wir- POWER check-up ... as ad *vnt the added appli-LOOA ..,
•ng can’t carry all the current nertisedin LOOK ... ance* need. Actually,
your appliances need, a fuse
•off yaw HOUSEPOWER SPSCiAUST today* *"* I,O * W *FOIVI EPtOhUST today!
mimm T^T 111 ' -r.0..V.
- Kabag on roar hone.
Thtt vmirt homemaker tt coi> power. Tha Tmmuf tw ■
POWER for her bema. Full *> •“ "tW eamsai m LOOd ... ,rea that are too small provide
HOUSEPOWER k s ,.%fla:
<a) prevents drifts HOUSEPOWER. still found ■
<b) increases v.luc of home M 9 out of K) home.
W wpairs leaky f.ueeta (b) 4 out of 3 home.
HI eliminates termite* All your appliance* will M 2out of J home.
You can’t run today’s appliance* i xx L 88) I out of JO home.
and lighting at top efficiency hav# HlOrG DGD It you hav# ewt hdiiccociu/cb
without enough wiring, outlets, r ' l" 1 •JOUSEPOWER meant
and switches You’re ibsolutely FULL HOUSEPOWER T.V'T’ o,tleU * nd
right ifyouspotted(b)M the cor- nuujcrUYTW rL'' C^„?e^ m * P °ff era ?
reel answer. Let your HOUSE* ! .1 r tf and a Prl*ancs f-
POWER Specialist show you if * h * ck **
your home's wiring needs to be "T *ll, h S n ?
=psf; - OLNEY ELECTRIC CO.sgMil:
Olney, Md. ■ ES! ?L
WH. 6-6606 WH. 6-6606
Catl Us for a HOUSEPOWER Rating Today
check these lawn mowing haz
ards. How do you rate?
Do you police the yard of
toys, tools, sticks and stones be
fore you start? A rotary mower
can make a mess of most any
object it hits. What’s worse, a
broken piece of blade is dan
gerous as shrapnel.
Do you mow in your bare
feet? You’re asking for trouble
if you do. Keep your shoes on.
You can take them off after
you’re done.
Do you have control of your
mower at all times? Don’t let it
pull you, if it’s self-propelled.
And if you have to leave tt for
even a few seconds, shut it off.
If you’re teaching Junior to
mow, make sure he knows how
to stop the mower as well as
start it.
Do you mow with people
around? It's not only impolite—
it’s dangerous! That's worse yet!
There’ll be plenty of time to
visit after you’re done. And this
is a good time to visit. Com
pare other gardens with your
own. Get new ideas for next
year’s annual garden and jot
down the names of outstanding
Arthritic* Asked
To Sign Up
“Overwhelming response” to
a Statewide effort to register
arthritis sufferers has led to
the continuance of the program
through this month, according
to Tilton H. Dobbin, president
of the Maryland Chapter of. the
Arthritis and Rheumatism
Persons with, or suspecting
they may have, arthritis may
sign up to get free medical in
formation at any registered
drug store In the State.

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