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JTtPfJR- * • .' Mtrnr S' h>, c^'^^_^B3B^|4" I '^ K ir"~*.- -., V*> ■• I r a | ! W 9M S f / jl ' ' t .JT ~> ~'Olltr. < , ; . ... . #ecsm jr lkB&a LAST WORD IN ULTRA MODERN building is this four-story, glass, steel and porcelain structure now going up on a 28- acre tract along Western ave., Chevy Chase, that will house Big Insurance Firm’s New Home Almost Built The modernistic new build ing of the Government Em ployees Insurance Company, going up on a 28-acre tract along Western ave., Chevy Chase, is in its final stages of construction and should be ready to receive first com plement of 1200 employees December 1. Accountant Job Filled In Schools A special supervisor has been appointed to oversee instruc tional areas of the county school budget. Named to the new align ment by Superintendent C. Tay lor Whittier is Paul A. Henry, former teacher of business sub jects at Gaithersburg High School. Although Henry’s new title will be assistant secondary supervisor, his responsibility will compromise both elemen tary and secondary phases of the instructional program. His duties will involve help ing department heads make out their budget requests and re viewing the actual expenditures to insure they are in accord ance with budget provisions. Henry is 39. married and the father of two children. He lives at 210 N. Van Buren st., Rockville. Before coming here, he was a teacher at Collinsville, Pa., and * senior plant accountant with an Olean, N. Y., manufacturing firm. Camp Readied For Officers Of AAA Patrol Some 260 school safety patrol boys and girls from Montgom i ery County will attend an offi cers training camp at Benson, Md.. August 25 to 30. I Held at the Children’s Fresh Air Camp, the course will in struct the children in the duties and organization of patrols. Included will be classes on the care of patrol equipment and on pedestrian safety. The camp i 6 one of five for nearly 1000 patrol officers from Maryland and Virginia, being conducted throughout August bv the D. C. Division of the Automobile Associa tion in conjunction with the various area police depart ments. There are now some 18,000 youngsters engaged in patrol work throughout the metro politan area, according to George R. Hammond, manager of the traffic safety depart ment of the AAA. The Montgomery County con tingent is expected to number about 100 girls and 130 boys. Sherer Retires As Carpenter Harvey E. Sherer. carpenter st the National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, for the past 15 years, retired from federal service July 31. He got two promotions while st the Medical Center and once was commended for having ac cumulated 1000 hours of unused sick leave. Sherer lives with his wife at 4623 Rosedale ave., Bethesda. Wins Varsity Numeral Joseph P. Whitaker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Whit aker, 238 Dale dr.. Silver Spring recently won his Junior varsity team numerals as a 150-pound member of the Princeton light weight rowing crew. SAVE ON DAVIS TIRES and WIZARD BATTERIES AT YOUR FRIENDLY ... Damascus, Md. CL 1-2284 MI. AIRY 22 The four-story structure of glass, steel and porcelain panels eventually will be able to con tain 1600 workers, a GEICO spokesman said. Unusual features of the build ing include wide use of special glare-reducing glass, imported! from West Germany. Brown in exterior appearance, the glass! allows clear viewing from in side. By Mayor from P. 1 Bright Future Seen for City V One suggestion, for example, envisions E. Montgomery Ave nue as a pedestrian mall, with traffic routed around the edges of the business district. Another possibility is the complete redesign of the now blighted area between E. Middle Lane and Highway 355. This could involve new streets and public parks as well as planned commercial development. Slum portions of Lincoln Park and aimilar areas could be cleaned up and redeveloped in a more orderly fashion. Other areas, such as Stone street Avenue along the B&O tracks, could be opened to in dustrial development, now vir tually impossible because the land is cut up into tiny lots be longing to many owners. All this can be done, under the urban renewal provisions, without permanently tieing up any city funds. “In the long run. It should prove profitable,” Greene said, "because the value of all land will be greatly increased.” First step In the program will be to assign the planning func tion to an appropriate city agency: the City Council itself, the planning commission, or a new body created especially for the purpose. Once a plan has the approval of HHFA, the city would buy all the land in the area involved, either through negotiation or condemnation. The land would then be re-sold to private inter ests for development in accord ance with the overall plan. Government financing would play an important role in all the transactions, absorbing a substantial portion of whatever loss might be entailed in the buying and selling. There may be at least a tem porary legal bar to some of these broad dreams. This is a provision in the state constitu tion prohibiting condemnation of land for other than “public | use.” Legal authorities are not agreed as to whether urban re newal property, although clear ly involving a “public purpose,” can be strictly interpreted as having a “public use.” To eliminate this possible re striction, a constitutional amend ment will be submitted to the voters in November, 1960, which would remove any doubt as to the legality of urban renewal procedures. In announcing the approval of Rockville’s request for parti cipation, the HHFA noted that the city’s population has leaped from about 7000 to about 25,000 since 1950. The Agency also took note of the city's development of hous ing, building, plumbing, electri cal and fire codes; the pending adoption of a master plan; and ! the adoption of a set of sub | division regulations. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS DEcatur 2-1933 Bex 211, Rockville, Md. NAVI YOUR SEPTIC TANK CLEANED end SERVICED BY A REGISTERED PLUMBER Cell Carlton Mills PLUMBING HEATING Oaitliaribarf, Md. PO. 2-4224 • WA. 4-0311 Air ioniprNMr Brnm 1600 workers of the Government Employees Insurance Co. The building is the size of two football fields laid end to end. Architect is Vincent G. Kling, of Philadelphia. The outer walls are of tex tured porcelain. They were pre fabricated in Texas and in order to get them through turnpike tunnels, all traffic had to be stopped so transport trucks | could pass under the exact cen i ter of tunnel roots. Each floor utilizes wide open | spaces, comparable to two foot * ball fields end to end, allowing County Girls Sweep Demonstration Event Montgomery County 4-H Club girls walked away with virtually all the prizes at the 4-H District Demonstration Day held July 28 at the Howard County High School, Milmo Hambleton, as sistant Extension leader, said this week. Not only did every girl win a blue ribbon for lier project, but 11 of the 13 entered emerged champions in their fields. Girls from Montgomery, Cecil Howard, Harford and Baltimore Counties took part in the annual event. Winners will represent their counties at the State Fair in Timonium this September. Winners from Montgomery County, and their projects, were: Ruth Ann Payne, Lay tonsville, dairy loods; Nancy- Election Statistics Compiled A new booklet called “Elec tion Statistics In Maryland, 1934-1958,” has been completed by the University of Maryland’s Bureau of Government Research and is now available in all Mary land public libraries. The booklet carries detailed information, by counties, for the offices of President. Governor, U. S. Senator, and Representa tives in Congress, as well as a To keep up with the latest happenings in Montgomery County, more and more resi dents are subscribing to Mont gomery County’s oldest and best newspaper, the Senti nel. Formal Wear A COMPLETE rjF • Full Dress • Cutaways mm f ° rmal wear KfcJH RENTAL and SALE I ACCESSORIES IHlarry Hr alan's | Rockville Center Damascus Electric Co., Inc. “The Home of Beautiful Kitchen s” POE PMB ESTIMATE HViy Not Consult Vs on Vour Investment Problemsf No Obligation [ JONES, KREEGER & Cftj £tUbll)hd 130 7730 WISCONSIN AVENUE, BETHESDa, MD, Open Evenings and Saturday OL. 4-3000 Members New York Stock Exchange Amp/e Free Parking even the largest of departments to work together unimpeded by walls. Fourteen air conditioning units throughout the building have a capacity of 1250 tons to produce 375,000 cubic feet of cool air per minute. Architect Vincent G, Kling, of Philadelphia, has provided park ing for 654 cars. Turner Const. Co., of New York, is the builder. Lechlider, Laytonsville, general foods; Nola Benedict and Mary Ann Lane, Glen Echo, general foods; Bettie Umstead and Bar bara Sherrill, Olney, poultry foods; Lois Jean Smith, Lay tonsville, framily life; Mary Margaret Smith, Glen Echo, home management. Also, Mary Englefried, Rock ville, clothing; Margaret Low (Montgomery County Farm Queen this yeart and Deena Nichols, of Laytonsville, elec trical demonstrations. In addi tion, Barbara Weller, of Boyds, recefved a blue ribbon for her demonstration of baked goods, while Lolly Beatty, of Gaithers burg, won a blue ribbon for her cherry pie. break-down on percent of votes by party. Community Square Dance at Takoma Park The Takoma Park Recreation Division will sponsor a commu nity square dance from 7:30 un til 9:30 p.m. this Sunday across the street from the Montgomery Junior College, at Albany and Takoma aves. kcMlfio'd [Plumbing & Heating; l Contractor j a ] \ PO. 2-6472 | Rockville, Md. j HICKMAN'S rm\ ' ■ Ml PROMPT • COURTEOUS Phones: PO. 2-2700 PO. 2-2424 - 2-9877 State Lists Action on Permits Suspension or revocation of the driver’s licenses of seven Montgomery County residents was announced last week by the State Department of Motor Ve hicles. Three others were reissued li censes lifted earlier. Persons affected were: Licenses revoked: Joseph J. Texan, 38, Hired As Traffic Aide Earl C. Williams. jr„ 38, an engineer employed by the city of Wichita Falls, Tex., for the past nine years, has been hired as Chief. Division of Traffic Engineering, Bureau of En gineering, of the Montgomery County Department of Public- Works. Williams expects to take up his new duties early next month. He will be paid $9897 a year to start. Among his duties will be the supervision and maintenance of .all street markings and signs under county jurisdiction, channeling of vehicular traffic, instigating of safety studies as they relate to pedestrians as well as motorists and working in cooperation with the State Roads Commission on speed limits, placement and main- ’Ttgggfj” RAMBLER jyjSiilsM Conditioningi Costs less than many makes without this comfort! 'y'yy. J " Rida healthier, happier, cooler in an air-conditioned "■ Rambler! Save money, too! Save up to $209 on first cost. RAMBLER America’s No. I And All-Season Air-Conditioning adds up to $125 more Succe** Car I to Rambler’s top resale value. Save on gas, on upkeep, co -, ..... ~ .. too. Breathe cool, clean, de-humidified air with dust and &ALIS Mirrrss romamta i most pollen removed. See your Rambler dealer. BONANZA I ( Bee raft & Bean Motor Co., 124 N. Frederick Ave., Gaither,bur,. Mary lead WE DO EVERY TYPE OF ELECTRIC^ga^HL. WIRING: Your Home Will Be More Enjoyable |—| | With Modern Effortless Electrical Ap- fmglEjlf TsEEgjQ pliances and Full Housepower. WE INSTALL— I f _ • COMPLETE ELECTRIC KITCHENS * Ranges * Air Conditioners * More Outlets 00 you know the answer to test yourself on today's * Dryers * Lighting Fixtures iirviCMriifM HOUSEPOWER * Complete New Electrical Systems PHOTOTEST? ” PHOTOTEST This may be a nuisance, but a I M 11 —blown fuse is a safety device that J~ V** r * *B® ®* average home ■ warns you something is wrong. Bad no more than 8 electrical . ** ... If your fuses blow often, than ■ Today the average Quality Bsually means uT" fc> 5 Bonded f Uflkt Workmanship M , he root ie.k, (b) M (d) 25 (b) you have a flat tin Though the number Of Qnd * Practical or decorativa U/ n 4out of sof today’s homes suf electrleal appliances in rraet.cai or dacorativa . . We Will fer from low HOUSEPOWER the home has Increased, I u * •" all your homa solwa> not enough wiring, outlets 4 out of 5 homes do not UwenSCQ liohtino and oth.r .u,*,;. . . * nd sw '*£hes to operate the have enough electrical , wiring to carry the cur- CieCTriCianS e# * Our lieensad _ . top efficiency. When your wir* rent the added appli- alactrieian. will do th Electrical “8 can’t carry all the current ances need. Actually, r _i your appliances need, a fuse .v/. v,y, _________ j 0 b riqhti • roDiems J - \ jumHl jU3! L*B most homes today have BVfi,nfdjl=l are [OWER! I <c) extreme humidity I as many as 25 electrical \ W | | < d > overloaded circuits appliances (d>. It’s easy blows If you checked (d) vour FREE. PROMPT AND COMPLETE ESTIMATES &UZ3Z£S Aa advertised m your HOUSEPOWER Rating LOOK ... i. It’s easy. To get a HOUSE POWER check-up ... as ad vertised in LOOK ... All your appliances will ~ have more pep if you have FULL HOUSEPOWER JBrTj fJ JEFCO W CORPORATION HOURS ■FAXifekv APPLIANCES AND KITCHENS ' -T TYT Call Us for a HOUSEPOWER Rating Today AU A Y j| {JkjRWM 4866 Cordell Avt. OLIVER 6-3500 I II DePrato, 10921 Bangor pi., Ken sington. Licenses suspended: Joseph Francis Dolan, 9509 Page ave., Bethesda; Edmund John Grady, jr., 5619 Madison st., Bethesda; Bruce Cleveland Montgomery, 6507 Alleghany ave., Takoma Park; George William Sheplee, 7907 Takoma ave.. Silver Spring: Kimball Takes Course William G. Kimball, of Ednor, was one of 30 Nationwide In surance agents attending a three-day training program scheduled to end today at the Tide Water Inn, Easton, Md. tenance of traffic signals, etc. Williams is a former resident; of Baltimore where he grad-1 uated from high school and Baltimore City College. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Mary land University and attended graduate traffic courses at Northwestern University and Yale University. He served in the Army Ait Corps and U. S. Air Force from 1943 until 1945. He started as an engineer with the city of | Wichita Falls in 1950 at a salary of $4200. He was pro moted to chief traffic engineer in 1955 at a salary of $7200. He j is married and has four chil- j dren. Albert H. Pusey, 9212 Quintana dr., Bethesda; John D. Thomp son, 345 Howard ave., Rockville. Licenses reissued: James Jo seph Dooley, 2006 McAuliffe dr., Rockville; Cordel) Allen Norris, 4502 Stanford st.. Bethesda; Paul Bennett Miller, 518 Hard ing dr., Silver Spring. 29 Farmers Vote in Wheat Referendum Although only 29 eligible wheat farmers in Montgomery County voted in the recently concluded wheat referendum, preliminary national figures in dicate that price supports for the 1960 wheat crop will be con tinued at 75 percent parity. The vote from Montgomery County was eight percent of the county’s total eligible vote, ac cording to a spokesman for the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Agency. The U. S. Department of Agri culture reported that 80.7 of the nation's wheat farmers voted in favor of continuing supports. Continuance of the supports de SENTINEL SSSS’S' A6 Thursday, August 6, 1959 pended on a two-thirds majority vote in favor. Four hundred and sixty-seven Maryland farmers voted in the referendum. Of the total, 354 were for supports, while 113 were against supports, accord ing to the USDA. In Montgom ery County, 20 were in favor, nine against. Advance Sale FALL and WINTER SUITS and COATS FOR MILADY (10°/o Off! Worth's ’ n P ii!i* 11414 Roekvilla Pika New Ultra-Miniature HEARING AIDS NOW AVAILABLE L STYLEAR Eyeglass Hearing Aids—so slirnly attractive you will marvel at their trim beauty. 2. PRIVAT-EAR Behind-The- Ear amazing examples of hearing miniaturization end precision at its finest. 3. In-the-Ear —An amazingly tiny hearing aid that fits entirely in your ear. Effective for mild losses. 4. Conventional Small, stream lined and attractive for pow erful correction without bulk nor weight. ! Please send your NEW BOOK- ! ! LET "Naturally You Can Hear j | Again," ava i able without cost | | or obligation. Come in, phone ! J or write for your copy TO- ' | DAY! ; NAME ! ! ADDRESS J ! CITY STATE .. j i ! I cousticon Complete Lines of Sick Room Supplies Hospital Beds, Wheel Chairs, Commodoi, Walkers. Excellent Selection of Invalid Supplies. SALES RENTALS —DELIVERY, |U. 5-2727- Fittine Room for Surreal Aeoliances Mimm burs.. Fri. 'til 9; Sat. 'tn a