flfliifflflffletl (Twain §mtm\
Women * Page Editor Kathleen Leary. WHltehall 6-5099
f \A)e J^novu
Another First For Stella
By Kathleen l^eary
Woman’s Editor
Montgomery County's First |
Lady, County Council President!
Stella B. Werner, has added an
other “first” to her long list
of accomplishments. Local Ha
dassah Chapter members have
elected her their first honorary
Mrs. Werner, an outstanding
leader in her own church, Be
thesda Methodist, considers the
honor “a marvelous opportunity
to build an understanding be
tween faiths.”
Always interested in the inter
faith movement within her own
congregation. Mrs. Werner was
elected an honorary life mem
ber of the Women’s Society for
Christian Service four years
ago. She is one of seven dele
gates elected this year by the
Baltimore Conference, law-mak
ing body of the Methodist
Church, to attend the next Gen
eral Conference. Delegates are
named every four years and
twice before she was chosen to
be a delegate to conferences in
Minnesota and Boston.
Announcement of the honor
ary membership will be made
during Hadassah’s membership
meeting on Tuesday evening,
October 27 at the Montgomery
County Jewish Center. The event
climaxes Hadassah Membership
Week, proclaimed October 12 to
19 by the County Council.
Prizes will be awarded to the
women who have enrolled the
most new members, according
to Mrs. Harold Jarcho, member
ship vice president and chair
man of the drive. First prize is
a 14-day stay at the Grossinger
Hotel in New York State.
Highlight of the special pro
gram planned by Mrs. Arnold
Karavette, program vice presi
dent, will be a dramatic presen
tation, "A Bird’s Eye View of
Jewish Literature,” written by
Lawrence Frommer, former ra
dio and TV script writer, and
Illustrating the best of Jewish
folklore, humor and pathos
through the yefPS. Featured per
formers will be Stanley S. Tel
chin, former TV and radio ac
tor and member of the Catholic
University Players, and Mildred
Robinson, actress and teacher
of creative arts.
Mrs. Philip Kroskin of Nor
folk, Va., honorary vice presi
dent of the Seaboard Region of
Hadassah, will be the guest
There will be a gala Succoth
(Harvest) reception for the-'
*500,000,000 LOSS
Featherbedding on the r<..iroads pay for work
not done or not needed —is costing the Amer
ican people the shocking total of more than
$500,000,000 a year.
You pay for it every time you shop, because
featherbedding costs are hidden in the price of
everything you buy.
Obsolete union work rules, involving the rail
road operating employees, are responsible for this
gigantic burden. Right now, for instance, these
rules require every diesel locomotive to carry a
fireman —even though diesels have no fires to
stoke, no boilers to tend.
The forthcoming negotiations between the rail
roads and the unions are urgently important to
the whole nation.
In asking the unions to drop these featherbedding
rules, all the railroads ask for is a fair day's
work for a fair day's pay.
Thursday, October 22, 1959
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HADASSAH MEMBERSHIP WEEK is proclaimed by County
Council President Stella B. Werner (seated). Watching her
sign the proclamation is Mrs. Murray Foss, president of the
Montgomery County Chapter of Hadassah. Mrs. Werner will
be awarded an honorary membership in the local chapter of
the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, during a meet
ting next Tuesday evening at the Montgomery County Jewish
Community Center. —Staff Photo.
membership from 8 p.m. to 9
p.m. in the Eig Auditorium of
the Center, with Mrs. Murray
Foss, president of the chapter,
heading the receiving line. The
meeting, which will be held in
the New Auditorium, will be
gin with the invocation by Mrs.
Myron Kirstein, past president
of the chapter.
• • m
Big Family
Eyebrows rose at Normandy
Farm Restaurant last Thursday
when Helen Dake claimed the
prize designated for the mother
with the most children at the
weekly fashion show by the Be
thesda Modeling Agency.
1 “How many youngsters do
i you have?" asked commentator
Phyllis Boddie when Mrs. Dake
stood up.
“400!” retorted Mrs. Dake.
A resident of Garrett Park,
Mrs. Dake Is Home Finder for
the Montgomery County Welare
Board’s Foster Parent Program.
• • •
This and, That
Steve and Jo Stevens (she’s
society columnist for the Be
thesda Tribune), departed Sat
urday for Cuba where they’ll
attend the World Travel Con
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Vin
cent, 221 Wellesley la., Glen
Echo, entertained at a dinner
.Jewish Council
To Lunch, Hear
Talk, See Styles
Emphasis on youth will he
the theme when the Montgom
ery County, Maryland Section,
National Council of Jewish
Women, presents as guest
speaker at their kick-off lunch
eon, Ephraim R. Gomberg,
executive director of the 1960
Golden Anniversary White
House Conference on Children
and Youth.
The luncheon, an annual
event, will be held at th’ Wood
mont Country Club, on Tuesday,
October 27, at 12 noon.
Casual Corner, with five
stores in the Washington area,
will take over the second half
of the program with their
presentation of this season’s
fashions, entitled "Color Cap
sules for Fall.”
Proceeds from the luncheon
are used to support (he health,
welfare and educational activi
ties of council.
President of the Montgomery
County Section is Mrs Marvin
Bortz. Mrs. Jerome S. Antel,
jr., is chairman of the lunch
eon. Reservations may be made
by calling Mrs. Montague Lane,
OLiver 2-8499.
Rockville Juniors
Form Bridge Section
Mrs. Henry Ford has been
elected chairman of the newly
formed Bridge Section of the
Junior Woman’s Club of Rock
ville. The group was organized
during a meeting last week of
the club’s American Home Sec
tion at the home of Mrs. Rob
ert E. Allen, chairman. Mrs.
Roger Black was hostess at the
meeting and Mrs. Thomas E.
Boyle served as co-hostess.
The Bridge Section will meet
the second Monday of each
month in the homes of mem
party at Evans Farm Inn re
cently for the executive com
mittee of the structural divi
sion, American Society of Civil
Engineers, and their wives.
* • •
A number of County girls
have been pledged to Gamma
Theta chapter of Alpha Chi
Omega. The list includes Vic
toria Watts, Julie Schlaudecker.
and Carol Byrd of Chevy Chase,
Patricia Kempers, Marcia Hen
derson, Kathy Kensella and Bar
bara Whiton of Silver Spring,
and Leigh Eastman and Carolyn
Strickland of Bethesda.
* * *
Local residents made up sev
eral dinner parties at Water
Gate Inn last week. One group
included Mr. and Mrs. George
N. Lefelar of Rockville and Mr.
and Mrs. Ronald Alcan and Mr
and Mrs. Ontko, all of Takoma
•• • f
Mrs. Mae P. Smith of Wash
ington, D. C., entertained tn
honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. Fulton
Smith, 511 Beale ave.. Rockville
Only when generosity vanishes
from the community will
Support the helping hand that lifts \ ! PIINH i /
the hopes of the unfortunate... the \ f | /
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