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SATIN AND LACE cocktail dresses like this one worn by
Audrey Burch, will be presented during the Fall Fashion
Show-Card Party-Dessert to be sponsored by the Junior Wom
an’s Club of Woodside at 8:30 p.m. on October 29 at Park
lawn Mansion. Mrs. Theodore S. Potter, chairman of the
event, examines the dress worn by Mrs. Burch, one of the
models from the Katherine Mizell Keye Modeling and Finish
ing School who will participate in the show. The Anne-Verdi
design from Martins Originals in Silver Spring is of pure silk
satin and imported embroidered lace. It sells for $159.98.
—Staff Photo.
School Holds Series of Teas
Five more class teas are
scheduled at the Harmony Hills
Elementary School in a series
of afternoon gatherings design
ed to acquaint parents and
teachers. The teas, held at 3:30
p.m. each Thursday for a dif
ferent grade, are being arranged
by Mrs. Jackie Potts, teacher
recruitment and retainment
chairmen for the P-TA, and
Mrs. Pearl Isenberg.
Parents are pinned with iden
tification badges, indicating
their child’s name, and Mrs.
Theodore A. Miller. P-TA chair
man, is on hand to introduce
■ * 'X,. • t . .„■>
Mrs. Paul V. Long
Faye Temple Is Bride
Of Paul V. Long, jr.
Gowned in candlelight slipper
satin, Miss Faye Temple, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Parker
Temple of Kensington, recently
became the bride of Paul V.
Long, jr., son of Dr. and Mrs.
Long of Kingman, Ariz. The
bride's father is television star
Pick Temple.
Chevy Chase Methodist
Church was the setting for the
4 p.m. double ring candlelight
ceremony. Dr. Clifford Homer
Richmond officiated before an
altar decorated with candelabra
and white floral arrangements.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. Her gown
was designed with a low, v
neck collar of appliqued lace
and seed pearls to match her
pillbox headpiece. She wore a
fingertip veil and carried white
roses and ivy.
She was attended by Mrs.
Frank S. Weisel, Jr. of Norfolk,
Va., who wore a bouffant gown
of royal blue silk taffeta, a
matching pillbox and carried
blue carnations.
William Robinson of Erie, Pa.,
was best man and the ushers
the teachers.
Tea tables are set-up with sil
ver service and centered with
floral arrangements furnished
by the mother room representa
Sixth through fourth grade
teas were held during the past
three weeks. The third grade
tea will be held today and the
following dates have been set
for future teas:
October 27, second grade; Oc
tober 29, first grade (3 p.m.),
November 5, morning kinder
garten; November 17, afternoon
were Dr. David Cooper of
Alexandria, Va. and Frank
Weisel, jr. of Norfolk. The
bride's young brother, L. Parker
Temple, 3rd, served as junior
Nuptial music was provided
by Mrs. Horace Smithy.
During the reception which
followed at the home of the
bride, her mother received in a
gown of turquoise blue silk taf
feta. She carried a corsage of
yellow baby orchids on her
matching handbag.
The bridegroom’s mother
choose a moss green silk faille
gown with matching accessories
and a brown orchid corsage.
After a wedding trip to Mexico
City the couple will be at home
in Tucson, where the bridegoom
is working on his masters
degree in anthropology at the
University of Arizona Graduate
School. Both Mr. Long and his
bride are graduates of the Uni
versity of Arizona. He is a
member of the Gamma lota
Chapter of Alpha Sigma Phi.
The bride’s grandfather, La
fayette Parker Temple, sr., was
founder of Temple Business
And More
In Store
A triple treat is in store for
women who attend the benefit
Fall Fashion Show being spon
sored by the Junior Woman’s
Club of Woodside at 8:30 p.tn.
on October 29 at Parklawn Man
sion. 1160 Rockville Pike, Rock
ville. In addition to a display
of styles from Martins Originals
in Silver Spring, guests may
stay on for dessert and a card
party. The fashion show will
be presented by the Katherine
Mizell Keye Modeling and Fin
ishing School.
Every cent realized from the
venture will be turned over to
the Montgomery County Society
for Crippled Children and
Adults. Admission is by dona
tion of $1.25.
Mrs. Theodore S. Potter (JU.
7-7818) is chairman and Mrs.
Robert W. Barton (JU. 5-2297)
is co-chairman. The club presi
dent is Mrs. Joseph C. Tiehy, jr.
All sorts of card games will
be played during the evening
with guests at each table choos
ing their own favorites. A num
ber of door prizes will also be
Mrs. Page Heads
New Hungerford
Homemaker Club
Mrs. Virginia Page is presi
dent of the newly-organized
Hungerford Homemakers Club
of Rockville. Other officers are
Mrs. Mary Jean Martin, vice
president; Mrs. Norma Holli
day, secretary, and Mrs. Doro
thy Flaherty, treasurer.
The club was formed during
a meeting of 15 area women at
the home of Mrs, Page. They
heard a short talk and demon
stration by Mrs. June Hall and
Mrs. Dorothy Poole of Twin
brook Homemakers Club No. 1.
Another guest for the evening
was Mrs. Joseph Boyle, a mem
ber of the Potomac Home
When the group met on
Wednesday evening they heard
Mrs. Catherine Rhoads, Coun
ty Home Demonstration Agent,
speak on “Choosing the Right
Way to Launder New Fabrics..”
The topic at the November 18
meeting will be “Choosing
Foundation Garments” and a
candle - making demonstration
and party are planned for De
Calling All
and SAVE A HEART is the slo
gan for a new series of classes
for homemakers scheduled Oc
tober 27 and November 3 at the
Montgomery County Tubercu
losis and Heart Association.
Although designed especialy
for handicapped homemakers,
the classes are open to anyone
who’s seeking to organize house
work with the greatest effici
ency in time and effort. Time,
energy and work savers, all
based on basic principals of
body mechanics and efficient
placement and use of tools and
equipment, will be introduced
and tailored to the particular
requirements of individual par
Both daytime and evening
classes have been arranged and
application blanks are available
upon request from the Tuber
culosis and Heart Association
at 3746 Howard ave., Kensing
ton; telephone LOckwood 4-6050.
or from any of the co-sponsoring
agencies which include the So
ciety for Crippled Children and
Adults, County Health Depart
ment and the Home Extension
Speech on Alaska
The largest State in the
Union Alaska will be the
topic featured at the Rockville
branch meeting of the Amer
ican Association of University
Women on Monday, October
26, at 8 p.m. at Rockville Civic
Bruce Burnside, 505 Calvin
ia„ Rockville, Navy Instrument
engineer, will be guest speaker.
He will illustrate his talk with
colored slides from photographs
taken on a recent tour of Alas
ka. His wife, who is a mem
ber of the AAUW, accompanied
him on the Alaskan trip.
Executive Meeting
Mrs. Slater Clarke will be
hostess to the Executive Board
of the Suburban Woman’s Club
of Montgomery County at 8
p.m., this evening at 5401 Kirk
wood dr., Washington 16, D. C.
$ * : **mSks*i <
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Miss Anderon
Miss Anderson,
Senor Restrepo
Engaged to Wed
Dr. and Mrs. Otis Leon An
derson of Bethesda annouce the
engagement of their daughter,
Sandra Jane, to Senor Bernardo
Torres Restrepo, son of Dr.
Bernardo Torres Barreto and
Senora Paulina Restipo de Tor
res of Bogata, Columbia.
Miss Anderson graduated
from Mt. Vernon Seminary for
Girls and attended the Univer
sity of Florida and Ohio Wesley
an. She was a feature writer on
the Florida University Alligator,
campus newspaper, and took
leading roles in college dramatic
Her father, former Assistant I
Armour’s ★ or Briggs’ Smoked
full shank full butt BACON
.£,430 iL S3, [ 39 e
g E ~ 45‘ I LETTUCE 3s a 19'
STOCK-UP NOW ON .. . "n Grade A Eqas
Roxbury BULK CANDY , M 2 T r
! Candy Corn iTSTnIT 2“ mp S®*** 79 ’
1 ..■■=. DRINK Rump Roast i£S£?’ i " *99*
i LO,,, P°P S w cou-t. . —pl, Round Roast i!- 50 -** <**• si.os
t7.40c O 46-<*. CQc nouno nuasi i***, —*. I
Wrapped Treats ry *. 49 Zm Ou Boneless Roast , 89‘
Hershey Miniatures SLu.„ -ft *1 f Chuck Roast 7B*
Chccolate Bars X?” ~*! roECCE Chuck Roast !£Ml2“£* s9°
Almnnd Bart “r*V , £*| WUrrCE Pcrtorhcuso . | l5
KrTcarlis ~ ~ •■— ‘•*
I Bubble Bubble Gum /Ss69 c £ gy c
•uTiintmtn ir ■- % Frozen FoOil TreutS • |
.,Q|U,U| l„H,( IWIB,
bhop SAFfeWAY. Eel-air Potatoes ESS* 2 £ 35c
VELVEETA gUSTii, Pl , 2 , £; 79 mu* ?>< s=* z
CHEESE FOOD ST _JS 79 c BM " i * ~ **
CHEESE SPREAD 2 a 69* 1 ~ I
CHEEZ WHIZ £1 s3l * Chunk Tuna B'tT’l
Pure 7|p cu nQt Spaghetti ’*X*39*
®uncc 4ir W 4- Z 3 Sliced Beets 4 ~ 48-
IBTHffHf Kpr&gS Chili Con Came Stt --49*
Kl||Ui|||fl Mushrooms BSrJ?S 3 39*
Orange Juice 2 86*
Thuriday, October 2J, 1959-
Club Leader
Due Oct. 30
The Montgomery County Fed
eration of Women’s Clubs will
conduct a leadership workshop
for all club members on Fri
day. October 30, at the Silver
Spring public library. 8901
Colesville rd.
A panel of four, Mrs. Charles
O. Middlekauf, Mrs. Roy C.
Bowker, Mrs. Warren E. Tyd
ings and Mrs. James W. Dou
that. Maryland Federation
president, will present subjects
for discussion, such as Good
Planning, Ethics, Fundamentals
of Parliamentary Law and Re
ports and Reporting.
Individual dub members and
clubs planning to attend should
contact Mrs. George Eastment,
Workshops Committee chair
man. by Tuesday, October 27,
at MAyfair 2-0814.
Surgeon General of the U. S.
Public Health Service, is now
medical laison representative of
the Washington office of the
American Medical Association.
Senor Restrepo graduated
from the University of Florida
and is now associated with the
Rockefeller Foundation in Co
lumbia. He will return to this
country to study for his master's
degree within a year or two.
No date has been set for the
waml mA HlP**
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PLAN RECEPTION: Mrs. Waiter A. Smith,
jr., vice chairman of the Montgomery Coun
ty Welfare Board, and William E. Royer,
director, go over plans for the annual recep
tion for foster parents to be held at 8:30
p.m. on October 28 at the Rockville Civic
Center. The guest list will be made-up of
Sisterhood Sale
The Sisterhood of Temple
Shalom, 6520 Wisconsin ave.,
Chevy Chase is operating a
Montgomery County’s 365 foster parents.
Charles Scott Beam is chairman of the af
fair, which will include entertainment, music
and refreshments. The reception is sponsored
by members of the Welfare Board, headed
by the Rev. John F. McClelland, 9516 Thorn
hill rd., Silver Spring. —Staff Photo.
Thrift Shop and Rummage Sale
at 218 East Montgomery ave.,
Rockville, 10 to 5 daily and ’til
9 on Thursdays and Saturdays
through November 20.
■ On October 24 the Sisterhood
1 will hold a Square Dance at
; Sligo Junior High School from
9 to 12 p.m.