Newspaper Page Text
A8 October 22, 1959 SENTINEL DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS Tuesday- 4 p. m. RATE $1.68... 7 LINES OR LESS 24c FOR EACH ADDITIONAL LINE GArdrn 4-7700 SERVICES WELBIE’S BEAUTY SALON. With this clipping you can get a permanent wave complete $8.50. Hair coloring our special ty. PO. 2-6757. tf-6059 COOK’S MOVING & STOR AGE —Local and long distance, large or small loads. Packing and crating. Agent for Grey Van Lines. Phone GA. 4-5158. tf-4175 VETERANS SHEET METAL CO.—Oil and gas hot air fur naces. Roofing, new and re pair. Guttering and spouting; roof painting. Humidifiers for hot air furnaces. Additional heat lines. Free estimates. Call PO. 2-2896 or PO. 2-3917. tf-1629 TWIN-BROOK ELECTRIC SERVICE Residential Wiring • Dryers • Ranges • Air Conditioners (ROCKVILLE ONLY) Ralph Burney GArdan 4-8309 POpler 2-9688 STRUCTURAL STEEL - Auto parts, beams, pipe, angles, plates, small motors, odds and ends of metal for machinists and tool makers. Visit our yard in Rockville on the new 240 by-pass. Montgomery Iron and Metal Works. PO. 2-3924. tf-2630 FLAGSTONE PATIOS - Steps, walks, all kinds of cement work, retaining walls, waterproofing, cellar floors and walls, terra cot to pipes, drainage from down spouts & lawns; repair swim ming pools. F. Marcuccio. PO. 2-3588. tf-2970 CRUSHED STONE Repair those drives, lanes and parking * areßs now; all sizes of crushed ) stone delivered; estimates cheerfully given. Gall Rock ville Crushed Stone, PO. 2-9307. K*f* ' 1451 SCREENS ft STORM WIN DOWS —Now is the time to have your storm windows & screens repaired for Spring. Free esti mates. Call PO. 2-3801, Rock ville Glass Service. tf-4531 FENCE—CHAIN LINK 42"—95c per ft. Installed Also Wood Fence Free Estimates—Terms v WEbster 5-5791 st-5971-10-22 AUTO GLASS We are equipped to handle any auto or truck glass job regardless of make or model. Rockville Glass Service, Commerce la. PO. 2- 3801. tf-4532 PAINTING lnterior & exte rior. Free estimates. Small jobs our specialty. Claude E. Lane, ph. PO. 2-3100 or OL. 2-2051. tf-4583 'V CUSTOM BALING, Com Pick ing, Mowing, Raking, Plowing, Discing, etc. Hay for sale, Lev pedeza, Bluegrass orchard grass mixed. Ph. PO. 2-9280. 9HI-26 CIDER MILL at Landing Road Farm near Ilchester, is now open, and will run every Thurs day and Friday through the sea son. Bbls. and kegs for sale. Bring apples 8 a.m. to 5 p.m T\Apples, sweet cider, and aged vinegar for sale, daily 9 a m. to 5 p.m. Sundays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Located on Landing Rd. V* mi east of Ilchester Rd., 4.2 mi. east of Intersection of Route 29 and Route 103. H. B. Davis. Tel. RI. 7-4203. tf-5050-9-17 I PIGS, ALL SIZES Ph. W. D. I Good, WA. 6-1415. 4-10-22 MT. OLIVE SECTION, Mt. Airy, Md. Reg. American saddle horse; show animal when young. Won ribbons. 3 gaitor, gentle riding horse; western saddle IncL $225. Mt. Airy 375. lt-10-22 FOR SALE One Guernsey bull 15 mos. old, blood tested and T. 8., also farm wagon rub ber tires, call WH. 6-8384. lt-10-22 AUTOS FOR SALE TRUCKS—Crane, ’56 Chev., ! ton. $795; pick-up, ’55 Chev., >4 ton. $450; 2 wheel truck trailer, Bxll body, sllO. 346 E. Monu gomery Ave., Rockville, Md. ■ jk lt-10-22 M i i ■ ■. ■■■ ' 5 “14 FORD PICK-UP % ton; ; • St>d condition; newly painted, • 0 or best offer. Call GA. 4- *- lt-10-22 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. MD. WANTED #/#########• WANTED, UNFURNISHED 3 or 4 bedroom house in West End of Rockville before Xmas. Call GA. 4-9362. lt-10-22 I WANTED—Ride or riders from Comus Road to 15th & K Sts., N.W. Willing to pick up riders along route. Hours, 7:30 a.m. to : 5:15 p.m. Call DI. 9-2078. lt-10-22 WANTED Small chicken ’ houses. Ph. WA. 4-9822. lt-10-22 HOUSES WANTED - Will pay top prices any house- any lo cation. All cash in 24 hours. Call Mr. Berens, HU. 3-3800. BUDNEY PAYS ALL CASH foi 1 your home; free appraisal; quick settlement; no commis -1 sion. Call LO 5-2750 or HE 4- 3906. TF-4496 HOUSES WANTED A cash I buyer, or we will sell, rent or trade your property Free ap praisal. R. L. Smith Realty, 225 E. Montgomery Ave., Rock ville. GA. 4-7711, GA. 4-8795, WH. 6-6579. tf-4335 1 TOP CASH FOR YOUR HOME Overnight settlement with no 1 delay. Free appraisals. Call Mr. 1 Goddard. OL. 4-3202 or OL. 4- ' 7922. tf-4840 i HAVE GUNS-WILL SELL! We buy, sell, and trade New • and Used Guns. Will buy one gun or complete collections, . incl. antiques for CASH. Rock . ville Trading Post, 117 N. . Washington St PO. 2-3946. JUNK, PAPER, IRON Brass, aluminum, copper, cast iron, . rags, steel sheet iron, junk I cars. We call for large accu rhulation. Yard in Rockville on ' Route 240. Tel. PO. 2-3924, ' Montgomery Iron & Metal Co. tf-2553 HELP WANTED WANTED IMMEDIATELY Man or woman to supply Con sumers with Rawleigh Products. Can earn SSO weekly part-time, SIOO &up full-time. Write Raw leigh's Dept MDI-102-336, Ches ter, Pa. 9t-10-29 BOYS FOR WORK after school and all day Saturday. Good pav. Call GA. 4-8718. tf IBM KEY PUNCH OPERATOR —exp. full or part time. Ken sington area. Phone LO. 4-7527. TF-5086-9-24 NURSES Registered; also li censed practical nurses. All shifts. Apply Nursing Office, Suburban Hospital, 8600 Old Georgetown rd., Bethesda, Md. tf-4485 SALES LADIES Immediate Openings Apply at Woolworth's 72077 Wisconsin Ave. Bethesda, Md. lt-4913-10-22 PART-TIME OFFICE HELP— For home builder on Glen Mill Road. All phases of office work. Call GA. 4-8550. lt-10-22 EXPERIENCED COUNTER MAN OR GIRL for night work, 6 nights a week. Must be capa ble of eventually taking charge. Good wages, excellent working conditions. Apply, Mr. Corey, Congressional Bowling Lanes, Congressional Plaza, Rockville, Md., 11 a.m.-2 p.m. any day ex cept Sunday or phone HA. 7- 7024 for appt. lt-10-22 WOMAN WANTED To care for two children in my home weekdays. Travilah Road. Call GA. 4-6805. tf-10-22 CLERK-TYPIST 5 day week. 1545 Rockville Pike. R. H. Best, Inc. See Mr. Wiseman, lt-10-22 BE A SANTA’S HELPER—Earn S3OO before Xmas. No invest ment, no delivering, no collect ing. Call CL. 3-2194. lt-10-22 WOMAN, WHITE PREFERRED —Permanent for GHW, part or full time. Gaithersburg area. Call Mr. Richie, WI. 8-9180. WOMAN FOR LIGHT HOUSE- W'ORK —Child care —for teach er. References required. Call WH. 6-0078 after 5 p.m. lt-10-22 CARPENTERS (2) Starting salary $2.50 hour. Work in Rock ville. building new homes & re modeling. Around a year and a half of permanent work. Ph. WH. 6-4510 bet. 6 and 8 p.m. lt-10-22 J HELP WANTED GENERAL OFFICE— With payroll exp., S7O-$75; reception ist-typist, $55; yg. man ship ping elk., sss; secy, with med. exp., $65. Rockville Personnel Service, S. Perry St., PO. 2-9416. lt-10-22 PART TIME MECHANIC—Eve j nings and weekends. Guar- j anteed salary. Apply Hickman j Esso Station, Rockville, Md. lt-10-22 FULL TIME MECHANIC Guaranteed salary, apply Hick man Esso Station, Rockville, Maryland. lt-10-22 MEN (2), not afraid of work! , Serve customers on food route in City of Rockville. Will con sider housewives. Write Box : 5071, Dept. S-3, Richmond, Va. 2t-10-29 WANT to make S2O or more i in a day for part or full time , route work? Man or woman. ; Write Furst-McNess Co., P.O. Box 371, Baltimore, Md. 2t-10-29 ! SALES CLERK (female) for selling & stock work in retail store. (5-day week.) Late Fri day hours, full day Saturday required. Retail exp. preferred, j May have slight handicap. Write briefly about your background & how you may be reached. Box 272-G, Rockville, Md. lt-10-22 ; SALESMAN OR SALESWOM AN Exp. not nec., full or part i time. For appointment call GA. ■ 4-6575, Hugh T. Peck, Realtor, N. Perry St„ Rockville, Md. lt-10-22 ATTENTION LADIES. Without ■ any experience you can earn money for your Christmas shop ping by selling Avon cosmetics & toiletries in your vicinity. Call JU. 5-2151 or write Dist. Mgr., 2715 Newton St., Silver Spring. lt-10-22 FOR RENT GAITHERSBURG—Furnished 4 room apt. 3rd floor home. All utilities incl. No children. Conv. to shopping and etc., private entrance. sllO per mo. Phone WA. 6-3657. tf-5690-8-27 APT. FDR RENT—Newly dec orated—3 rooms & bathroom— Stove & Refrig, included—Priv. entrance, front & back—address call SP. 4-5852, Brookeville, Md. 2t-10-22 OFFICE FOR RENT —3-room office suite with private bath, opposite courthouse, on Mont gomery Ave., in Rockville. SIOO. Avail., Nov. 1. Ph. GA. 4-5350 until 5 p.m. JU. 5-5909 after 6 p.m. 3t-10-29 4Vt% G. I. financing. SISOO 4 bdrms., 1H baths, h.w.h. Call 9 to 4 p.m., SP. 4-4142. After 6 p.m., SP. 4-9221. 2MO-22 FOR RENT 9O-160 acres of excellent farm land near Lav tonsville. Call or write B. Z. Kile, WA. 6-1454, Gaithersburg, R D., #2. lt-10-15 THREE BDRMS., bath, oil heat; possession Nov. 1, 1959. SBS mo. Town of Poolesville. Call Charles Jamison, WI. 8-9223. lt-10-22 WASH. GROVE 3,4 bedrm., 1 bath bung.; full basement, $125 per mo. G’BURG—Deer Park, 3 bedrm. rambler, wall to-wall carpeting in liv. rm.; air cond. Full basement; partly fur nished if desired. $135 per mo. Avail, immediately. Kay Bowl ing, R. E., 207 N. Frederick Ave., G’burg. WA. 6-2500 or WI. 8- 9250. lt-10-22 SMALL FURNISHEiTaPtT— Utilities partly furnished in cluded. Phone WA. 6-2780. lt-10-22 HOUSE 5 rms. & bath. On Route No. 355, opposite lake.j Phone WA. 6-0248. lt-10-22 NEW APARTMENTS One and two bedrooms in Gaithers-j burg. Ready November 15. L. C. j MacMillan. Phone OL. 4-3977. lt-10-22 F’OR RENT Two bedroom house in Damascus. $125.00 month. Phone CLearwater 3- 2193. 2t-10-29 APARTMENT Unfurnished, second floor, heat & electricity furnished. Call DI. 9-3635. lt-10-22 LOST ond FOUND FOUND Honey-colored Cock er male puppy at the AG Cen ter, Saturday night. Ph. WA. 6- 1516. lt-10-22 LOST, ANTIQUE BROOCH Small amethyst surrounded by pearls. Bet. Monroe St. and Grants store, or in Grants or Co-op store, then to 114 W. Montg. in cab. Reward. Phone PO. 2-2364. lt-10-22 PERSONAL HERMAN. COME HOME. All is forgiven. Just promise you’ll let Joe Hagan handle our in surance. Then we’ll know we have the best possible protec tion. His office is at 110 Com merce Lane. Rockville. PO. 2- 4302. P.S. The key is under | the doormat. lt-10-22 A \ rrrrirrn iiijjjjjj REAL ESTATE i 9 ACRE SMALL FARM, with . approx. 6 acres of open land and . 3 acres of woodland, 6-room . house and other outbuildings. I Located on Big Woods Road, about 2Vs miles from Dicker- I son. Contact owner at; Rt. #l. Box 147A, Colonial Heights, Va. 2t-10-22 FREDERICK COUNTY: 170 acre farm, (2) 8-room houses, all nec. outbuildings in excel, cond., long road frontage, near Mt. Airy, $55,000, very generous tarms. 60 ACRES: 35 minutes from Bethesda in Frederick County, with woods and stream, a real bargain at $275 per acre. DAMASCUS: New 3-bedrm. brick home with two fireplaces, SISOO down to qualified buyer. DAMASCUS: New 4-bedrm. Cape Cod, 2 baths, SISOO down to ( qualified buyer. DAMASCUS: 2-bedroom home. Howard Chapel Drive; furnace end bath; 8 acres ground at Etchison. NEAR BROWNINGS VILLE, 9 acres ground. > Plenty of good buys in Damascus and Mt. Airy areas. Give us a call . • . Open daily. George L. Kaetzel REAL ESTATE BROKER 28420 Kemptown Rd., Damascus Phono CLearwater 3-2004 Mt. Airy 283 —I tf-5693-8-27 | .— J ROCKVILLE 4 lge. bedrooms, 2 baths, built-in kitchen, dis-; posal, dishwasher, rec. rm.; i j block to schools. Transfer, own ! er selling; $20,500. Year old. Ex cellent terms. Call GA. 4-5692. lt-10-22 ROCKCREST—3 bedrm. house, full basement, lge. cor. lot. Fenced backyard. Take over 4M% G. I. financing. SISOO down, call PO. 2-3623. lt-10-22 Capri Ramblers Silver Spring 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, sep arata dining room, full basement. Immediate possession. $18,200 $18,950 Only $950 Down G.l. $1750 F.H.A. James C. Conley & Co. 9525 Georgia Avenue JU. 9-4134 ROCKVILLE New. 60’ 3 lg.- bdrm., brick rambler on % acre. Fireplace, din. rm., big kitch., dishwasher, disposal, full bsmt., ! 2-car garage. Choose your own decor. $28,500. Lg. trust. Will finance. OL. 4-4522. C. W. Bar ton Co. lt-9-24 ROCKVILLE RAMBLER 3 bdrms., vacant. Carport, anchor fenced yard, workshop, stair way to storage attic. Walk to shopping & transportation. Only $13,250. OL. 4-4522. C. W. Bar ton Co. lt-9-17 LOOK AT THIS 4 Bed rooms 2'/s Baths Sep.rat. Dining Room Largo Lot $22,950.00 ROGER H. SPENCER CO. GA. 4-5151 lt-6063-10-22 FARMS, NEW HOMES, FARM ETTES—For complete personal ized real estate service in Da mascus. Upper Montgomery Co and Frederick Co., call Geo. L. Kaetzel, Real Estate Broker, 28420 Kemptown rd., Damascus, Md. Phones CL. 3-2004; Mt. Airy 2835. tf-4647 For INVESTMENT FARMS INDUSTRIAL SITES COMMERCIAL SITES See John R. Spates President American Brokers Corp. P.O. Box 244 Rockville, Md. Phones; Home DI. 9-3581 Office PO. 2-9894 lt-6062-10-22 1 - UP-COUNTY 2 bedrm. home < on one acre-modern kitchen, i living room, dinette, no bath. < $7,500. Ward W. Fetrow, Real I Estate. WA. 6-2463. lt-10-22 FRIENDSHIP HOME J 1 New 3 BEDROOMS, FULL BASEMENT FOR $11,300 < ON YOUR LOT 1 i Truly an outstanding buy. See model to day. Two miles north of Damascus on Route 80. Phones: CL. 3-2004 Mt. Airy 283-J ti-jb92-S-27 j ‘ —___J C REAL ESTATE DAMASCUS AREA IV 2 story frame house on 1 ac., excel, (o --i cation, 3 bedrms., liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., full basement, i 2-car garage. Poultry house. sls. 500. Ward W. Fetrow, Real Es tate. Phone WA. 6-2463. lt-10-15 ! ROCKVILLE 3 bdrm. & den home on 280 ft. lot. 22-ft. liv rm., f. place, din. rm., bsmt., oil h.w.h., garage, trees. Not in a development. Asking $16,500. Make offer. OL. 4-4522. C. W. Barton Co. lt-9-17 FOR SALE (MISC.)^ MIMEOGRAPH MACHINE In excellent condition. Has just been completely overhauled. $125 or best offer. Ph. PO. 2- 9251 after 6 P.M. tf APPLES - APPLES - APPLES: $1.89 bu., and up—in your con tainer. Sweet cider, honey, home-made sausage, fresh coun try eggs. Open 7 days a week. Emerson’s Cash Market, Tra vilah rd. PO. 2-9757. TF-5972 ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, Old books, guns, tools, ox yokes, chinaware. Numerous items at , Garland’s Antique Shop. Muddy ! Branch rd., Gaithersburg .Md. I Phone WA. 6-0322. tf-59541 I DO-IT-YOURSELF WASHER PARTS Wringer and Automatic Filler and Drain Hoses Dryer Venting Supplies A. G. Watkins, Inc. 400 E. Montgomery Ave. Rockville, Md. PO. 2-2101 tf-5087-9-24 FURNITURE FOR SALE—One ! Charlton sofa-bed with bedding ! compartment, blonde wooden j arms; chair and coffee table to match. $45.00. Ph. HE. 4-4316. tf HAY FOR SALE-Approx. 125 tons of hay. Some Alfalfa, tim ■ othy, clover and some orchard grass at S2O a ton. Located at the John Mclnerney Farm, nr. Darnestown, Md., on Berryville Road, abt. 2 miles off Rt. 28. Will sell in lots to suit pur- j chaser. For further info, call Mr. Gore. EMpire 5-2525. tf-58001 I BEEF , I FOR YOUR FREEZER Top Quality Beef Grain fattened on our farm, aged and cut just the way you want it at big saving to you. GRAVES FARMS INC. GERMANTOWN, MD. WA. 6 3639 lt-4914-10-22 CHICKERING GRAND PIANO - -Good condition, SBSO. Ph. WA. 6-2509. lt-10-22 SIIAGE Excellent pea vine and sweet corn silage $7 per ton at silo or $9 delivered. Every day delivery can be arranged. WA. 6-3639. lt-10-22 Having sold my home in Cedar Grove and moving very shortly, I have a lot of items for sale such as; STORM WINDOWS A DOORS WASHING MACHINE LAWNMOWER LOT OF WIRE FENCE POSTS LOT OF PIPE CIDER BARREL 9 CHICKENS AND LOTS OF OTHER ITEMS Stop in anytime and look around. C. O. GREEN Cedar Grove, Md. WA. 6-1222 It-6060-10-22 COLLIE PUPS 6 weeks old. Dame pedigreed, $5.00. Call CL. 3-2851. lt-10-22 DACHSHUND Female AKC. She needs a country home with , children. Call WI. 8-9052. , lt-10-22 , SLAB WOOD Cut for stoves 1 or fireplaces at mill or deliv- : ered. Miceley’s Mill, Clements ( & Steed Lumber Co., Gaithers burg, Md. Phone WA. 6-0887. 9t-12-17 ~TOR SALE (MISC.) FIREPLACE WOOD, $23 a cord. Slab wood sl4 cord. Free de livery. GA. 4-9739. lt-10-22 LIGHT HAULING. Call GA. 4 9739. lt-10-22 PLANT NOW For Spring beauty and summer shade. White dogwood and white birch 4-5’ $3.00: Franklinia 3-4’ $5.50; Redbud $1.50 and up. Chestnut, Flowering Crabs, Honey Locust, Pink Dogwood, etc., Pine Arbor Nursery Dilonardo’s, Dickerson Church Road., Dickerson, Md. Phone DI. 9-2189. lt-10-22 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Ladies coats, suits & dresses. Man’s topcoat $lO, also jacket and shoes. Bedspreads, mirrors, porch table, workbench, white roll style fencing, garden hose, glassware and silverware. Call WH. 6-3828. lt-10-22 SPECIAL NOTICES FOR SALE BY THE STATE ROADS COMMISSION OF MARYLAND Sealed bids will be received until noon, Tuesday, October 27, 1959, at the State Roads Commission Office, 300 W Preston Street, Baltimore 3, Maryland, offering to purchase as a unit 59 dwellings located |on the proposed Washington j Circumferental Highway, be- ! tween Georgia Avenue and Uni- j ! versity Boulevard, East, and j i proposed Sixteenth Street Ex-! tended at Georgia Avenue. All j of these improvements must be! removed down to the ground j | line by midnight, February 1, | 1960. Bid forms may be ob ! tained at the above address in Baltimore, telephone VErnon 7- 9003, Extension 543, or at the State Roads Commission Dis trict Office, Laurel. Maryland, phone PArkway 5-0690. lt-10-22 I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts incurred by anyone other than myself. Clarence E. Wallace, 4506 Gaynor Road, Sil ver Spring, Md. 3t-10-22 I WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts other than those con tracted by me. Robert Lee Haines. 207 Woodland Rd.. Rock ville, Md. 3t-10-22 FREE Wagon train Scout set or musical doll. Allow me to j show the Beautiful Fratex line i of home fashions, toys and gifts ! to five ladies in your home. For | details call CL. 3-2194. Offer lim ! ited. Act now. lt-10-22 ~wantTo~rent~ WANTED TO RENT— 2 or 3 bedrm. house, vicinity of Boyds, Germantown or Gaithersburg area. Four adults only. DI. 9- 5208. lt-10-22 SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED MUSICIAN 1e sires position as organist-choir director in Protestant church. References. Ph. HE. 4-1188. 3MO-11 COMING EVENTS #*###*#*#****####* Organization! may list thair picnics, suppars, carnivals, ate., in this column at tha rata of 10c por lino (I pt. lino) par week. OCT. 20-NOV. 20 Thrift Shop Rummage Sale Rockville 2lB East Montgomery Ave., 10-5 Daily, 'til 9 Thursdays and | Saturdays. Clothing, Shoes, j Toy 3, Books, Household Items,! etc. 2t-10-29 OCTOBER ALL MONTH Rummage Sale being held—47o9 Hampden Lane. Bethesda. Spon-1 sored by Beth-El Congregation. , Open Mon. thru Fri. 9:30 to 5:30; also, nearly new & new items to select from. Chairman: Mrs. Bernard Ash. 3t-10-29 I ■ SAT., OCT. *4— From 3 to 8 P.M.—Annual turkey & ham < dinner and bazaar—Grace Meth- j odist Church, Gaithersburg. | Adults, $1.50; children under 12, 75c. 9UO-22 : — 11 OCT. 54, 1959, SAT.— Turkey & , Oyster Supper Long Corner , Community Hall. Benefit How- ] ard Chapel W. S. C. S. Adults, : $1.50, children, s7sc. 3t-10-22 i OCTOBER 24 Oyster and I Country Ham Supper, Mt. Car- ! mel Church, Sunshine, Md. ; Route 97. 3-8 p.m. $1.50 adults; 1 children 75c. 6t-10-22 OCT. 24. SAT.—Turkey & Ham. j Poolesville Methodist Church. 4 i to 8 p.m. Adults $1.50, Children ] 65c. Dessert included. 2t-10-22 ] INSTRUCTIONS AIRLINES and women! Trtn for perma- and women coact to eoait and overmeai. nent careers with leading commercial We train you by advanced new meth atrlinee to R*eeiwatlon. odi. After low coet basic training you'll Communication., etc. Meet eetebrUle*. come to glamorous Miami. Florida, for Get FREE passe, to exciting places. final phae of training. You must be *■* dvanOTmen '' “(venture high school graduate. 17)4 or over. For and ROMANCE tn a glamorous Indus- exciting FREE details, fill in coupon try expanding for Ihe Jet age. U. S. and mall TODAY, airline* employ thousands of young men UNIVERSAL AIRLINES PERSONNEL SCHOOL 41-1245 International Airport, Miami, Florid* Pleas* rush exciting to formation about AIRLINE eareers. ( Address Phone Cllif.-ww..^y*.i.WMo l M|iieiMi.isi ttltt..— n--i.. timt.iii I ' OCT. 24 The women’s society of Christian Service of Oak Chapel Methodist Church, Lay hill and Argyle Club Roads, Lay ’ hill, Md., is sponsoring a family ’ style turkey dinner from 4 to 8 p.m. Tickets are $1.50 for adults : and 75c for children. A bake sale and bazaar will be held during the same hours. 4MO-22 OCT. 24, SAT. White Ele phant Sale Starts 1 P.M. at Norman Price Post 68 at Brookeville, Md. Antiques, etc. 3MO-22 OCT. 24 AUCTION, furniture & misc. items. St. Paul Method ist Church, Laytonsville, Md. Starts 10 A.M.; Lunch served. 2t-10-22 OCT. 24, 1959. SAT. Turkey and Ham Supper, Pleasant Grove Hall, 4 miles north of Hyattstown on Rte. 75. Tickets, $1.35, children 75c. 2MO-22 OCT. 24, SAT. COSTUME DANCE. American Legion Home, Damascus, Md. Music by the Nightingales. 10 ’til ? lt-10-22 OCT. 25 Beef Bar Que; 2 to 6 p.m. Potomac Walton Gun Club. Travilah Md., McCrossin Lane. 4t-10-22 OCT. 31, SAT. Turkey & Oyster Supper served family i style beginning at 2 p.m. Montgomery Methodist Church, Clagettsville, Md. Price $1.50. Bt-10-29 | OCT. 31-SAT.—Oysler, Coun try Ham and Chicken Salad Supper. Beg. at 2 p.m. at Om dorff Hall, Brookeville, Md. Sponsored by Brookeville Methodist Church. Adults $1.75. children 75 cents. 6t-10-29 OCT. 31, SAT. American Le gion Masquerade Dance, Nor man Price Post No. 68, to be held at Burtonsville Fire Hall, Burtonsville, Md. 9 ’til 12. $3 per couple. For tickets, phone SP. 4 4019 - WH. 3-1296 - WH. 2-8023. 2t-10-29 NOV. 5 Turkey supper to be held at St. Marks Episcopal Church, Fairland, Md. begin ning 5-8 p.m. 3t-11-5 NOV. 7, 1959, SAT.—Come one, come all. Fried Oyster & Coun try Ham Supper. Baked goods & Country Store. Boyds Presby terian Church Hall, Boyds, Md. 64-11-5 NOV. 7 Turkey supper at the Damascus Methodist Church, sponsored by the WSCS begin ning at 2 p.m. 6t-11-5 NOV. 7, SAT. The Women’s Society of Christian Service of the Colesville Methodist Church will hold a Turkey Dinner, with hot vegetables. From 3 to 8 p.m., in the basement of the Chapel. st-11-5 NOVEMBER 7—St. Peter’s Epis copal Church, Poolesville, Md. Annual home - cooked, country style, complete turkey dinner ($2.00 adults, 75c children under 12) and bazaar. At Poolesville High School auditorium from 4 to 8 p.m. 4t-11-5 NOV. 7, 1959 Annual Turkey Dinner & Bazaar beginning 3 p.m. ’til ?. Epworth Methodist Church, Gaithersburg, Md. 4t-11-5 NOV. 7. SAT.—IO a.m.-2 p.m.— Rummage Sale. St. Martin’s Church, Gaithersburg. Bake sale & lunch. Everyone welcome. 3t-11-5 NOV. 14, SAT. —Annual Turkey Dinner, 4-8 p.m., St. Peter’s Church. Olney, Md. Christmas Decorations Booth, Toy Mart, hand-made Gifts, Home-baked Goodies. Adults, $1.75. Children under 12, 75c. 4MI-12 NOW 14—Turkey Dinner (fam ily style) at New Liberty Grove Methodist Church Social Hall, Burtonsville, Md. 4 to 8 p.m. $1.50 and 75 cents. Variety Store and Bake Table also. Sponsored by WSCS. 4MI-12 NOV. 14 —Harvest Festival Din ner and Bazar at Christ Epis-' copal Church, Rockville. 5-8 p.m. Adults, $1.65; children, 85c. Bazaar and snack bar opened at 11 a.m. Movies and games for children. 6MI-12 SAT„ NOV. 14TH 3 8 p.m. Smorgasbord & Christmas Ba zaar, Damascus High School, benefit of St Paul's Church. llt-11-12 NOV. 14—Annual Turkey Din ner (family style) served at the Hunting Hill Methodist Church , Parish Hall. 4-8 p.m. Bt-11-12 / SAT. NOV. 14—Beginning at 3 c p.m., Annual Turkey SuMaer & • Bazaar —St. Paul Methodist . Church, Laytonsville. Md. r Adults, $1.50, children 75 cents. ; BMI-12 NOV. 21 Annual Turkev din ’ ner at Mt. Tabor Methodist j Church Hall. Etchison, Md.. be • ginnig at 2:30 p.m. Bt-11-19_ ' NOV. 21, SAT. —Oyster and Hath 1 Dinner. Home-made potato sal ad, cole slaw, strg. beans, apple • sauce, hot rolls, etc. Adults, ■ $1.50. Children, 75c. From 4-8 ' p.m., at the New Ashton Meth-' 5 odist Church, Rte. 29. Ashton, ‘ Md. Also, bake sale and bazaar. st-11-19 > NOV. 21, SAT. Turkey sup per beginning at 4 P.M. Hyatts t town Firemen’s Hall. Benefit t Hyattstown Methodist Church, t st-11-19 ; NOV. 26—Annual Turkey Din ’ ner, Kempton Church Hall. Tur ; key with all the trimmings. ' Adults, $1.35. Children, 75c. 1 Cakes and pumpkin pies for ' sale. SMI-19 ! NOV. 26 (Thanksgiving Day) Annual Turkey dinner, Wesley • Grove Meth. Church, Wood i field, Md. States Route 124, be i ginning 1 p.m. Menu includes ! turkey with all the trimmings. ' hot vegetables and homemade : rolls. Bazaar & baked goods. r 6t-11-26 In Memoriam BETTY GAYE KIDWELL. In loving memory of our daughter ' and sister who passed away Oc -1 tober 25, 1958. They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget But time so far has only proved How much we miss you yet. , Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Poole and daughter Virginia i j— —* i Marriage ; Licenses I The following Is a list of mar riage licenses issued in Rock ville last week to residents of ! Montgomery County. Cecil Hensley. 22. and Delores Vernon. > 18. both of Takoma Park. William E. Goodrich. Jr., of Atlanta. Ga,. and Ruth M. Murray, 18. of Silver Spring. Romeo Bouthillier. .10, of Tampa. Fla., and Marie McCollam, 48, of Silver Spring. George Daniel Darnell. 21. of Takoma 1 Park, and Michelle Jean Cucci, 17, of Silver Spring. George E. Stanell. 47. and Catherine C. Edwards, 58, both of Rockville. Herbert Eugene Whitetoek, .10, of Hyattsvllle. and Nancy Roome Leek, 29. of Stiver Spring. Irvin Waymond Mahan, 30, and Nancy Jane Butler, 24. both of Silver Spring. Marvin P. Johnson. 32, and Ruth Ar lene Cole. 20, both of Bethesda. Wayne Scofield Blewer. 31, of Bloom field. N. Y.. and Dorothy Louise Mead. 27. of Bethesda. Lawrence A. Durfin, 27. and Alethla M. Morris. 27. both of Rockville. Everett Junior Walton. 24, of College Park, and Nancy Geraldine Segreti, 19, of Bethesda. Maynard Arthur Wetzstein. 27. and Ruth Eleanor Cromwell, 25. both of Rock ville. Wellington Edward Shirlev, 49. of Darnestowm. and Helen Marie Jackson, 27, of Seneca. Blair M. Hartman, 68. of Commodore. Pa., and Constance C. Howard, 41, of Chevy Chase. Raymond P. Patton, 54. of Takoma Park, and Beva Ellen Clarridge, 54. of the District. Robert John Butka, 23. of Jersey Citv, N. J and Barbara Mae Sharkley. 24, of Takoma Park. Harry S. Rahn. 27, and Fanny Plata, 20, both of Takoma Park. James H. Marchbank. 24. and Nancy L. Hanson. 23, both of Bethesda. Kenneth Phillip Malone. 22. of Boyda, and Elsie Lee Smith. 23. of Sellman. Barry J. Carney, 24. of Stiver Spring, and Lorraine E. Guiliani, 20, of Lake side. N. J. Frederick E. Woodruff, 24, of Dewood, and Janet M. Morris, 21. of Rockville Jaseph Roscoe Andrews. 20, of Pooles ville and Arvella Carolyn Smith, 17. of Gaithersburg. Richard Wayne Keefe, 18. of Silver Spring, and Carolyn Anne Williams Hev key. 17. of Takoma Park. Herman Mlnnick. 16. of Spencerville. and Mary E. Ritenour, 16, ol Silver Spring. X-Ray Unit Schedule The Tuberculosis and Heart Association’s mobile x-ray unit will be at the following places on the dates and times shown: Stull’s Grocery, Dickerson, November 2, 3 to 8 p.m.; Thomas’ General Store, Barnes- I vill e. November 3,3 to 8 p.m.; Peoples Drug Store. Twinbrook, November 4. 1 to 8 p.m.; Piney Branch rd. and Flower st., Sil ver Spring, November 5,1 to 8 p.m.; Giant Food Store. George town rd., Bethesda. November 6,1 to 8 p.m.; Fenton and Ells worth dr., Silver Spring, No vember 7, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bookmobile „ October S 3 Colesville. .3:15 to 4:30; Rock Creek Gardens, 3:15 to 8:30. Conncctlcus Avenue Estates. 3:15 to 4:30. a • October ?4 - Darnestown. 9.15 to 10:15: Poolesville, 10:30 to 11:30: 1? to 1: Dsmaseus. 2 to 4: Wood field, 4:15 to 4:45. Oe®S.4-r 28 —Bamesvllle, 3:1 to 4:30: Alta Vista, 3:15 to 4:30; Piney Branch, 3:15 to 4:30. y 21 - Georgetown Vil- S- 1 * y> 4:30: Bronkmont. 3:15 to 4:30; Oakvlew, .3:15 to 8:30. October 2* - Brookeville. 3;15 to 3:45; Unity. 4 to 4:45: Maryvale. 830 10 4 30; Northwe " t Park. 3:15 to a Grtober 28—Harmony Hills. r'i I \i2j :3 2 : .P , '' vy rh ***' 3:15 o 8:30; Glen moot. 3:15 to 4:30. Hebrew Poetry Mrs. Morrl* Gordon will de liver a talk on Hebrew poetry to a study group of Beth El Congregation today at 12:30 at the home of Mrs. Morris Klein erman, 7004 W. Greenvile pkwy., Chevy Chase. This will be the first of a series of meetings on Jewish arts.