Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, Nov. I, 1959 SENTINEL COUNTY. MD. A10 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS Tuesday- 4 p. ni. RATE $1.48 ... 7 LINES OR LESS 24c FOR EACH ADDITIONAL LINE (■Arden 4-7700 SERVICES #### PLASTERING: Ist class repair and patch work, by white me chanic. All work guaranteed. Call Mr. Bowman. GA. 5-6753. lt-11-5 CHILD CARE: for pre-school child in my home, Gaithersbuig area. WAverly 6-3590. 2t-11-12 WILL CARE FOR 2 children in my home during day. Ages 1 to 4. Hot lunches A naps. Have 2 children of my own. Mrs. Thomas W. Sisk, 218 Croydon ave., Rockville. PO. 2-9462. lt-11-5 WELBIE'S BEAUTY SALON. With this clipping you can get a permanent wave complete $8.50. Hair coloring our special ty. PO. 2-6757. tf-6059 COOK’S MOVING A STOR AGE— Local and long distance, large or small loads. Packing and crating. Agent for Grey Van Lines. Phone GA. 4-5158. tf-4175 VETERANS SHEET METAL CO.—Oil and gas hot air fur naces. Roofing, new and re pair. Guttering and spouting; roof painting. Humidifiers for hot air furnaces. Additional heat lines. Free estimates. Call PO. 2-2896 or PO. 2-3917. tf-1629 TWIN-BROOK ELECTRIC SERVICE Residential Wiring • Dryers • Range* • Air Conditioners (ROCKVILLE ONLY) Ralph Burney GArden 4-8309 POplar 2-9688 STRUCTURAL STEEL Auto parts, beams, pipe, angles, plates, small motors, odds and ends of metal for machinists and tool makers. Visit our yard in Rockville on the new 240 by-pass. Montgomery Iron and Metal Works. PO. 2-3924. tf-2630 FLAGSTONE PATIOS Steps, walks, all kinds of cement work, retaining walls, waterproofing, cellar floors and walls, terra cot to pipes, drainage from down spouts & lawns; repair swim ming pools. F. Marcuccio. PO. 2-3588. tf-2970 CRUSHED STONE Repair those drives, lanes and parking areas now; all sizes of crushed ■tone delivered; estimates cheerfully given. Call Rock ville Crushed Stone, PO. 2-9307. 1451 SCREENS * STORM WIN DOWS —Now Is the time to have your storm windows & screens repaired for Spring. Free esti mates. Call PO. 2-3801, Rock ville Glass Service. tf-4531 AUTO GLASS We are equipped to handle any auto or truck glass job regardless of make or model. Rockville Glass Service, Commerce la. PO. 2- 3801. tf-4532 CUSTOM BALING, Com Pick ing, Mowing, Raking, Plowing, Discing, etc. Hay for sale, Les pedeza, Bluegrass orchard grass mixed. Ph. PO. 2-9280. 9t-11-26 CIDER MILL at Landing Road Farm near Ilchester, is now open, and will run every Thurs day and Friday through the sea son. Bbls. and kegs for sale. Bring apples 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Apples, sweet cider, and aged vinegar for sale, daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Located on Landing Rd. M ml east of Ilchester Rd., 4.2 mi. east of intersection of Route 29 and Route 103. H. B. Davis. Tel. Rl. 7-4203, tf-5050-9-17 CUSTOM CLEARING AND TREE CUTTING—WiII cut all your firewood, clear woods, clean up yards; $3 per hour, S2O per day. Call WA. 4-9284. CHEVY CHASE Elderly people; large room with meals; good care given; $l5O month. KE. 7-1844. lt-10-29 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PIGS Weaned, altered and wormed, $5, $6, $7 apiece. Wm. D. Good, WA. 6-1415. 4t-11-19 HAMPSHIRE PIGS for sale. Call E. L. Curtis, GA. 4-7707. 2t-115 TWO GUERNSEY COWS, one reg. carrying second calf, and two Holstein cows, one carry- 1 ing second calf. Bangs vac. Ac credited herd. Edna P. Jacobsen.' Eethesda, M.d EM. 50315. lt-11-51 WANTED WANTED FLUTE: Student’s size, steel, call immediately. GA. 4-8859. lt-11-5 HOUSES WANTED - Will pay top prices—any house—any lo cation. All cash in 24 hours. Cali Mr. Berens, HU. 3-3800. BUDNEY PAYS ALL CASH for your home; free appraisal; quick settlement; no commis sion. Call LO 5-2750 or HE 4- 3906. TF-4496 HOUSES WANTED A cash buyer, or we will sell, rent or trade your property. Free ap praisal. R. L. Smith Realty, 225 E. Montgomery Ave., Rock ville. GA. 4-7711, GA. 4-8795, WH. 6-6579. tf-4335 TOP CASH FOR YOUR HOME Overnight settlement with no delay. Free appraisals. Call Mr. Goddard. OL. 4-3202 or OL. 4- 7922. tf-4840 HAVE GUNS-WILL SELL! We buy, sell, and trade New and Used Guns. Will buy one gun or complete collections, incl. antiques for CASH. Rock ville Trading Post, 117 N. Washington St PO. 2-3946. JUNK, PAPER, IRON - Brass, aluminum, copper, cast iron, rags, steel sheet iron, junk cars. We call for large accu mulation. Yard in Rockville on Route 240. TeL PO. 2-3924, Montgomery Iron & Metal Co. tf-2553 WE NEED HOUSES to sell or trade in Rockville, Wheaton, Kensington, Betresda or coun try property for clients with cash. Please call OL. 4-4522. W. C Barton Co. lt-11-5 HELP WANTED ############## BOYS FOR WORK after school and all day Saturday. Good pay. Call GA. 4-8718. tf IBM KEY PUNCH OPERATOR —exp. full or part time. Ken sington area. Phone LO. 4-7527. NURSES Registered; also li censed practical nurses. All shifts. Apply Nursing Office, Suburban Hospital, 8600 Old Georgetown rd., Bcthesda, Md. tf-4485 WOMAN WANTED To care for two children in my; home weekdays. Travilah Road. Call GA. 4-6805. tf-10-22 BOOKKEEPER short hours, $2.00 hr; Sec’y. (technical exp.) —s7s wk. Full time cashier, $46 wk; 3 Typists, $45-S6O; Sales man, exp. SIOO wk. Carpenter’s Helper—sl.6s hr. Rockville Per sonnel, Cor. Perry & E. Monfg. PO. 2-9416. lt-11-5 OFFICE OPENINGS NOW— Full time. We represent employ ers who need Secretaries, Ste nographers. Typicts, Reception ists. Bookkeepers, Comtometer Operators, Reservationists, Clerks. Call or write or visit Baker A Haifleigh Associates, Management A Personnel Con sultants, 2446 Reedie dr., Whea ton, Md. LO. 5-3714. lt-11-5 STRUCTURAL DETAILER and structural draftsman to work In Rockville vicinity. Call Edward L Vaughn, Jr. Consulting En gineer at HA. 7-7492. lt-11-5 HOUSEKEEPER-NURSE For elderly gentleman on farm near Rockville. Salary & pleasant liv ing quarters for 1 or 2 adults. The work Is not heavy. Call PO. 23648. it-11-5 HANDY MAN, white, part-time, $1.25 p. hr. outside work, also some inside painting, perma nent Vicinity Rockville, must have good ref. OL 2-2346. FARM HAND: with not over two children. House and usual allowances; must be sober and have references. Phone Wm. D. Good, WA. 6-1415. 2t-11-12 MAID— For cleaning and Iron ing on Friday of each week, must do both well. Provide own transportation. Phone Mrs. O’Neal at GA. 4-9105 after 5 p.m. PLUMBER OR PIPEFITTER, Jonrneyman or equivalent for maintenance A installation work on copper, Iron, cast-iron, lead lines, lab. fixtures A general plumbing work In research lab. building in Howard County. Ex cellent working conditions, pay, vacation, pension plan A insur ant*. Reply to Box 272-WRG, Rockville, Md., stating age A previous experience. 1(41-5 j HAITHKSH-Over 21, fulPor part-time Wheaton a tea Call WH. 6-9444 for appt. lt-11-5 HELP WANTED WANTED— Settled lady to live in A companion melancholy lady. In Washington Grove, Md. 3 days per week. Call PO. 2-2467. lt-11-5 WAITRESS-CAR HOP & SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR. Apply in person. High-Boy Drive In. 800 N. Washington st. Old Route 240. lt-11-5 BOOKKEEPER EXPERIENCE PREFERRED Man or woman in Rockville araa, must hava good raferoncas. modernWrniture 331 E. Montg. Avo. PO. 2-6164 3t-4924-11-12 CHRISTMAS SELLING SEA SON is here. Prepare now for large profits selling beautiful Avon gifts. Call JU. 5-2151 or write Dist. Mgr., 2715 Newton st., Silver Spring. lt-11-5 MAN —White, experienced grill or short order cook. Full or part time. Wheaton area. Call WH. 6- 9444 for appt. lt-11-5 *##############################> AUTOS FOR SALE >*#*******#** 1956 CHEVROLET V-8 Belair Hardtop. Radio & heater. Very clean, $1,395. Rockville Ford. GA. 4-5000. lt-10-29 1952 PLYMOUTH 4-door. Radio & heater. Immaculate condi tion, $395. Rockville . Ford. GA. 4-5000. lt-10-29 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-door. Radio A heater. Very clean, $1,195. Rockville Ford. GA. 4-5000. lt-10-29 1958 FORD CONVERTIBLE Radio A heater. Whitewall tires. Immaculate, $2,095. Rock ville Ford. GA. 4-5000. lt-10-29 1954 STUDEBAKER Flat Bed Truck. 2-ton capacity, $495. Rockville Ford. GA. 4-5000. lt-10-29 1953 FORD M -ton pickup truck. $495. Rockville Ford. GA. 4-5000. lt-10-29 1955 FORD F-100 Pickup. M ton. $895. Rockville Ford. GA. 4-500. lt-11-5 1953 RAMBLER Conv. Radio & Heater, new top. $lO0 —or trade for a pick-up in running cond. WA. 6-0384. lt-115 1955 FORD RANCH WAGON— Radio A heater. Immaculate condition, $1,095. Rockville Ford. GA. 4-5000. lt-10-29 1956 FORD Custom 8 Tudor. Radio A heater, $1,195. Rock ville Ford. GA. 4-5000. lt-10-29 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-door. Heater. $995. Rockville Ford. GA. 4-5000. lt-10-29 ’SO TUDOR FORD Sedan; straight shift; excel. 2nd car; extremely econ. in gas; does not use oil; $l4O. Call WA. 6-0358. lt-11-5 BUICK —’SS Special, 4-dr., radio A heater, auto, transmission. Orig. owner. SBOO. WA. 6-1776 after 6 p.m. weekdays. 2t-11-12 ’55 /i TON FORD Pickup, 8 cyl. Roll-On Tire Co. tf-6073 1957 FORD F-100. M Ton Pick up. $1,295. Rockville Ford. GA. 4-5000. lt-11-5 1956 FORD F-600. Cab A Chas sis; 2-speed axle, $1,095. Rock ville Ford. GA. 4-5000. lt-11-5 1954 FORD Vi ton Pickup. Very clean. $795. Rockville Ford. GA. 4-5000. lt-11-5 1958 FORD THUNDERBIRD— -4 passenger. Power steering and brakes. Like new condition. $3,195. Rockville Ford. GA. 4- 5000. lt-11-5 REALESTATE " "" " " ROCKVILLE Custom Built 60 ft. 3 bed. 2 bath Brick Rambler, big lot, firepl., Din. Rm. big kitch., auto, dishwasher, disp., full bsmt., 2 car gar. Lg. trust will finance $28,500. OL 4-4522, C. W. Barton Co. lt-11-5 FREDERICK COUNTYt 170 er farm, (2) l-room houiat, all nac. outbuilding* in axeal. cond., long road frontaga, naar Mt. Airy, $55,000, vary ganarou* farm*. 60 ACRES: 35 minutat from Bothoida in Fradorick County, with wood* ond ttraam, a raal bargain at $275 par acra. DAMASCUS: Naw 1-badrm. brielt Kama with two firoplaca*, SISOO down to qualified buyer. DAMASCUS: Now 4-badrm. Capa Cod, 2 bath*, SISOO down to qualified buyer. DAMASCUS: 2-bedroom homo. Howard Chapal Drive; furnace and bath; ■ acre* ground at Etchiton. NEAR BROWNINGS VILIE, 9 acre* ground. Plenty af good buy* In Damaicu* ond Mt. Airy area*. Give u* a call . . . Open daily. George L. Kaetzel REAL ESTATE BROKER 21420 Kemptown Rd.. Damatcu* Phene Clearwater 1-2004 Mt. Airy 211-J U-MM-t-ZT REAL ESTATE $16,950, on TERMS—new brick rambler on 1 acre lot 3 miles from Ashton. Full basement, large kitchen, living room with fireplace, dining area, 2 large bedrooms. More acreage avail able. Also in same area, 2 acre lots $2,500 each. Sandy Spring Realty Co. WA. 4-2421. lt-11-5 WHEATON AREA: $14,950, all brk., semi-detached 3 bedrms. 1M baths, heated finished rec. rm., screened rear porch, close to school, $999 down FHA or as sume G.I AM % lion. Owner, WH. 2-2619. lt-11-5 REAL ESTATE Colored or white; low priced living; I or 2 fami lies; or living quarters and work shop; $5,500 full price. Easy financing. WA. 6-3078. It-7716-11-5 FARMS. NEW HOMES. FARM ETTES—For complete personal ized real estate service in Da mascus, Upper Montgomery Co. and Frederick Co., call Geo. L Kaetzel, Real Estate Broker, 28420 Kemptown rd., Damascus. Md. Phones CL 3-2004; Mt. j Airy 2835. tf-4647 j REAL ESTATE LAYTONSVILLE AREA—J-rm. eld schoolhou**;water in property; no beth; on '/: ac.; price is $5,500 j with low down payment. WASHINGTON GROVE 3-rm. cinder block; newly built; water in kitchen; no bath; on I ac.; $8,500. GAITHERSBURG 7-rm. end bath, 2-story very neat home; priced at $12,500. .-..t.ETAOI LAYTONSVILLE RD. 3-bedrm. brick rambler, like new; full bimt.; carport; on '/i ac.; good buy at $22,500. CLARKSBURG—Modern 3-bdrm. masonry rambler; full bsmt.; on I 2/3 acre; $13,950 with S2OOO down. MT. AIRY, Frederick Co. —2OO ac. stock farm; 7-room stone and frame house; 2 barns; priced at $35,000. Marny Other Good Buys on Farms, Homos and Acreage. KEN McGREW Reel Estate PO. 2-9633 WA. 6-1050 WA. 6-0571. Eves. lt-6075-11-5 GENTLEMAN’S ESTATE. Up per Montg. Co. A showplace gentleman’s estate of 25 acres, with pre-Civil War 4-bdrm., 2M bath stone house. Rebuilt to last another 100 years, by builder for his own home. In an area of rapidly increasing land val ues, a place that defies descrip tion without being seen. Ideal for entertaining. Also 3-stall stone stable & new stone 4-car garage with beautiful apart ment above. $125,000 with sub stantial cash necessary. Addi tional land available. Selling be cause of illness. Directions; 13 miles above Rockville on Rt. 28, first farm on right after Dawsonville. H. F. Richardson Realty Co. Owner-Builder. DI. 9-4661. lt-11-5 LARGE HOUSE—3 car garage, 2 acres, heavily wooded. Rea sonable terms arranged. Cen trally located. Call PO. 2-2629 after 5 p.m. Small family can use as Income-producing prop erty. lt-11-5 GAITHERSBURG—S years old, 3 bedrm. rambler fully equipped and in fine condition. Fenced yard. $15,500. ROMER & COM PANY, REALTORS, WI. 8-9092. ROCKVILLE—3 bedrm., dining rm., bsmt.; fenced yard, trees; assume 4M% loan, SB4 per month, $13,900. NOT in develop ment Call OL 4-4522. C. W. Barton Co., 260 Highland Ave., Rockville. lt-10-29 FOR SALE (MISC.) MIMEOGRAPH MACHINE In excellent condition. Has just been completely overhauled. $125 or best offer. Ph. PO. 2- 9251 after 6 P.M. tf GERMAN SHEPHERD PUP PIES, male A female, 9 weeks old. A.K.C. registered. Purebred. PO. 2-3255. lt-11-5 FRIENDSHIP HOME New 3 BEDROOMS,'FULL BASEMENT FOR $11,300 ON YOUR LOT Truly an outstanding buy. See model to day. Two miles north of Damascus on Route 80. Phones: CL. 3-2004 Mt. Airy 283-J U-MU-S-2T FOR SALE (MISC.) ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, Old books, guns, tools, ox yokes, chanaware. Numerous items at Garland’s Antique Shop, Muddy Branch rd., Gaithersburg ,Md. Phone WA. 6-0322. tf-5954 FURNACE—Hot water, large 5-section with extra hot water hookup—sso.oo. Oil burner, SSO. New type small tube radiator, 104 sections, SIOO.OO. Rudd, fast recovery gas hot water heater, nearly new, $35.00. DI. 9-4661. lt-11-5 STEEL SHED—2O ft. by 50 ft. Galvanized roof only. Half price, $700.00. Call PO. 2-6146. lt-11-5 PAIR OF SEC O N D-HAND FALSE TEETH FOR SALE OR RENT—You wouldn’t bite for this one, would you? Well, den tures are like insurance. Each must be designed expressly for the individual. Let Joe Hagan put teeth in YOUR insurance program. He’s located at 110! Commerce Lane, Rockville. PO. I 2-4302. lt-11-5 j DO-IT-YOURSELF WASHER PARTS Wringer and Automatic Filler and Drain Hoses Dryer Venting Supplies A. G. Watkins, Inc. 400 E. Montgomery Ave. Rockville, Md. PO. 2-2101 tf-5087-9-24 SLAB V\Y)OD Cut for stoves or fireplaces at mill or deliv-j ered. Miceley’s Mill, Clements ! & Steed Lumber Co., Gaithers-! burg, Md. Phone WA. 6-0887. i 9t-12-17 FIREPLACE & STOVE WOOD. Free for the cutting. Green or seasoned. Professional woodcut ters invited. Call WA. 6-0839. lt-10-29 SHOTGUN, AN EXCEPT. BAR GAIN for someone who wants something better. 16 gauge, double, engraved receiver rub ber buttplate, beaver tail fore arm, new cond. $l5O value, firm asking price SIOO. WH. 2-9011. lt-11-5 FIREPLACE WOOD: Seasoned oak $24 measured cord by dump truck. Phone PO. 2-3794. lt-11-5 RABBIT DOGS—CaII.. CLear water 3-2091 after 6 p.m. lt-11-5 APPLES—S TAY MA N AND OTHERS for winter keeping, sweet cider & home-made sau- , sage. Emerson’s Cash Market, Travilah rd. PO. 2-9757. tf-!5972 ACCORDION (foreign make) good for beginner. Any reas. offer accepted. WH. 2-8296. ALL-PURPOSE CALENDARS —Rockville Stationery. Inc., Rockville Center, Rockville, Md. lt-10-29 PHOTO MURALS—Wah size; < $7.95 and up. Rockville Station ery, Inc., Rockville Center, ' Rockville, Md. lt-10-29 ( FOR SALE—Flourescent desk ! lamps. Rockville Stationery, < Inc., Rockville Center, Rockville, ' Md. lt-10-29 PERSONALIZED .. STATION- • ERY—lmprinted. Rockville Sta tionery, Inc., Rockville Center, ' Rockville, Md. lt-10-29 ! FOR RENT GAITHERSBURG—Furnished 4 I room apt. 3rd floor home. All utilities incl. No children. Conv. to shopping and etc., private entrance. sllO per mo. Phone WA. 6-3657. tf-5690-8-27 WASHINGTON GROVE 3Vi i bdrms., 1 bath, full basemt. lge. kitch. $125 per month; GAITH ERSBURG DEERPARK: 3 bd rm. rambler, wall-to-wall car pet in liv. rm., air cond., full bsmt. Partly furnished if de sired, $135 per month. Imme diate occupancy. ROCKVILLE: 3 bdrm. home in Maryvale, lge. : kitch., liv. rm., fenced back yard, near elementary school i and shopping area, S9O per month. KAY BOWLING, 207 N. Frederick Ave., Gaithersburg. Phonue Windsor 8-9250 or WA verly 6-2500. lt-11-5 HOUSE: Three bedrooms, fam ily room, liv. rm. A kitch., 2 baths and fireplace. $125 per month, in Frederick. Call SKy line 3-7677. 2MI-12 FOR RENT 1 TOWN OF POOLESVILLE— , 3 bedroom house, bath, OH, SBS t per month. Vacant, Chas. H. ’ Jamison, Poolesville. Phone WI. . 8-8223. lt-11-5 1 5 ROOMS & BATH—Opposite ; Summit Turf Farm, Gaithers -1 burg. Call WAverly 6-0248. lt-11-5 SMALL HOUSE NEAR AEC.— $60.00. John Beecher, CLear water 3-2912. lt-11-5 SMALL MODERN APT over garage. Suit, for 1 adult or couple, no children, all util, fur nished, $75 per month. Mt. Pros pect Farms near Travilah. PO. 2-2418. lt-11-5 5 RM. MODERN HOUSE with bath at Lewisdale, near Damas cus, with full bsmt., $75 month. Ph. CLearwater 3-2543. lt-11-5 ! ROCKVILLE [ NEW Summit Apartments Featuring: Air Conditioning, huge re frigerator, oversize range, ?iarbage disposal, exhaust ans, patio or balconies. Ample Parking Many Other Extras I bedroom $ 95.00 2 bedrooms ....SIIO.OO Ttnant pays gas and alactrie. Roger H. Spencer Co. Managing Agt. GA. 4-5151 GA. 4-5809 2t-4941-11-5 OLNEY - LAYTONSV ILLE AREA—4 bdrms., 1M baths, h.w.h. Call 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. SP. 4-4142. After 6:00 pm., SP. 4-9221. 2t-11-5 LAYTONSVILLE Apt., un furn., 4 rooms and bath, mod ern, utilities incl. Call WA. 6-1634. 2t-11-5 SMALL FURNISHED APART MENT: Utilities partly included. Phone WA. 6-2780. lt-11-5 NR. ASHTON—Nice modern two bedroom cottage. Prefer working adults. Call SP. 4-3741. lt-11-5 TRAILER: for rent, couple only, only. Middlebrook Trailer Court, Phone WA. 6-3768 or WA. 6- 2329. lt-11-5 COMING EVENTS Organization* may lift thair picnic*, luppar*. carnival*, otc.. in thi* column at the rata ot 10c por lino (I pt. lino I por wools. NOV. 5 Turkey supper to be held at St. Marks Episcopal Church, Fairland, Md. begin ning 5-8 p.m. 3t-11-5 NOV. 7, 1959, SAT.—Come one, come all. Fried Oyster & Coun try Ham Supper. Baked goods & Country Store. Boyds Presby terian Church Hall, Boyds, Md. 6t-11-5 NOV. 7 Turkey supper at the Damascus Methodist Church, sponsored by the WSCS begin ning at 2 p.m. 6t-11-5 NOV. 7, SAT. The Women’s Society of Christian Service of the Colesville Methodist Church will hold a Turkey Dinner, with hot vegetables. From 3 to 8 I p.m., in the basement of the Chapel. st-11-5 NOVEMBER 7—St Peter’s Epis copal Church, Poolesville, Md. Annual home - cooked, country style, complete turkey dinner ($2.00 adults, 75c children under 12) and bazaar. At Poolesville High School auditorium from 4 1 to 8 p.m. 4t-11-5 NOV. 7, 1959 Annual Turkey Dinner A Bazaar beginning 3 p.m. ’til ?. Epworth Methodist Church, Gaithersburg, Md. 4t-11-5 NOV. 7, SAT.—IO a.m.-2 p.m— Rummage Sale. St. Martin's Church, Gaithersburg. Bake sale A lunch. Everyone welcome. : 3t-11-5 NOV. 7 —SAT. at 3:30 p.m. on, annual turkey and oyster sup per and bazaar in Adamstown church. 2t-11-5 NOV .7-Sat.—Dance, American Legion Home, Damascus, Md. Music by the Nightingales. 10 ’tlL lt-11-5 NOvT~d 1058— 2:15 p.m., 327th session of the Montg. County Singing Convention, Emory ' Methodist Church, Oakdale, Md. lt-11-5 NOV. 11 —WED., Turkey sup per. Salem Methodist Church, , Cedar Grove, Md. Beg. at 2 p.m. 2t-11-5 , NOV. IS—l-6 p.m. Nov. 14—10 a.m.-6 p.m. Rummage Sale at St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, Laytonsville, Md. 2t-11-12 , NOV. 13 A 14—Fall Rummage Sale. St. John's Episcopal Church of Olney. Friday, 10 a. : m.-6 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 2t-11-12 i COMING EVENTS ■ NOV. 14-SAT. American Legion i Dance, Norman Price Post -#6B, to be held at Burtonsville Fire . Hall, Burtonsville, Md. 9 ’til 12. i $3 per couple. For tickets, phone SP. 4-4019-WH. 3-1296, WH. 2- 8023. 2t-11-12 NOV. 14-SAT. Turkey A Ham dinners, Jr. Order Hall, Cabin John (Christ Methodist Church) -4:30-9:00. Adults $1.75, chil dren 75 cents. lt-11-5 NOV. 14, SAT. —Annual Turkey Dinner, 4-8 p.m., St. Peter’s Church, Olney, Md. Christmas Decorations Booth, Toy Mart, hand-made Gifts, Home-baked Goodies. Adults, $1.75. Children under 12, 75c. 4MI-12 NOV. 14—Turkey Dinner (fam ily style) at New Liberty Grove Methodist Church Social Hall, Burtonsville, Md. 4 to 8 p.m. $1.50 and 75 cents. Variety Store and Bake Table also. Sponsored by WSCS. 4t-11-12 NOV. 14—Harvest Festival Din ner and Bazar at Christ Epis copal Church, Rockville. 5-8 p.m. Adults, $1.65; children, 85c. Bazaar and snack bar opened at 11 a.m. Movies and games for children. 6t-11-12 NOV. 14—Annual Turkey Din ner (family style) served at the Hunting Hill Methodist Church Parish Hall. 4-8 p.m. Bt-11-12 SAT. NOV. 14—Beginning at 3 p.m., Annual Turkey Supper A Bazaar—St. Paul Methodist Church, Laytonsville, Md. Adults, $1.50, children 75 cents. Bt-11-12 NOV. 14—Turkey dinner, 4 to 8 p.m. at the Washington Grove Elementary School, sponsored by the Washington Grove P-TA. Adults $1.50, children 75c. Ev eryone welcome. 3t-11-12 NOV. 14 —Annual Smorgasbord and Xmas Bazaar, 3-8 p.m. at Damascus Hi. Sch. Featuring turkey and dressing, ham and raisen sauce, fried oysters, Swedish meat balls. Xmas novelties, toys, handmade gift items. Candies, fruit cake and delicious home baked goods. Adults $1.50, children 75c. Bene fit St. Paul’s Church. 3t-11-12 NOV. 21 Annual Turkey din ner at Mt. Tabor Methodist Church Hall, Etchison, Md., be ginnig at 2:30 p.m. BMI-19 NOV. 21, SAT. —Oyster and Ham Dinner. Home-made potato sal ad, cole slaw, strg. beans, apple sauce, hot rolls, etc. Adults, $1.50. Children, 75c. From 4-8 p.m., at the new Ashton Meth odist Church, Rte. 29, Ashton, Md. Also, bake sale and bazaar st-11-19 NOV. 21, SAT. Turkey sup per beginning at 4 P.M. Hyatts •town Firemen’s Hall. Benefit Hyattstown Methodist Church. st-11-19 NOV. 26 —Annual Turkey Din ner, Kempton Church Hall. Tur key with all the trimmings. Adults, $1.35. Children, 75c. Cakes and pumpkin pies for sale. st-11-19 NOV. 26 (Thanksgiving Day) Annual Turkey dinner, Wesley Grove Meth. Church, Wood field, Md. States Route 124, be ginning 1 p.m. Menu includes turkey with all the trimmings, hot vegetables and homemade rolls. Bazaar A baked goods. 6t-11-26 SITUATIONS WANTED STENOGRAPHER-SECRETAR IAL WORK part-time, experi enced, efficient, dependable, ex cell. ref. Call Mrs. Crawford, Damascus, CLearwater 3-2317 after 3 p.m. lt-11-5 SPECIAL NOTICES THINKING OF NURSING HOME? The new Wheaton Nursing Home located at 11901 Georgia ave., will be open about Jan. 1. Call WA. 4-2141 for bro chure. Complete rehabilitation & recreation facilities. tf-6074 WILL BUY HOUSE: At area sonable investment price. Have substantial cash and approx. SIOO a month. May be older house needing repairs A redec. By white private party. Phone or write Mr. Raymond, WI. 8- 9024, 208 N. Frederick Ave., Gaithersburg, Md. lt-11-5 HOUSEWIVES: If you have been active in club or church wor kor community activities, you can qualify to represent World Book and Childcraft in your community. Part-time or full time position available to assist with Christmas business. For complete information, call Mrs. Frances E. Brown, Dist. Mgr., at WHltehall 6-5956. 2t-11-l2 LOST and FOUND LOST HEREFORD STEER, 1100 lbs., strayed from Carr's farm at Spencerville. Please call SPring 4-2119. lt-11-5 WANT TO RENl""''''’ WANTED TO RENT—3 Bed room modern house in Damas cus area. Call CL. 3-3130. lt-11-5 < Damascus : Ist Period Honor Role Is Listed By Marion Griffith CLearwater 3-2682 Here is the list of honor roll students at Damascus High for the first marking period: Grade 7, Cynthia DeWitt, Sherry Du vall, Mary Lou Mullinix, Margo Miles, Karen Wallen, and Ron aid Teeter; Grade 8, David Beall, Barbara Buxton, Michael Floyd! James McCarville; Grade 9, Marilyn Doolan, Marilyn Haek ett, Terry McCreery, Anna Sla cum, and Harriet Stripe; Grade 10, Joanne Duvall, Gilein Mead ors, Martha Slaton; Grade 11, Maurice Browning, Linda Bur dette, Jerry Duvall, Sam Hitch, Gloria King, Sharon Moxley, Mary Kesler, Sylvia Pope and Elaine Tobin; Grade 12, Darlene Lyons, Susan Petrie, Joanne Warfield and Paul Welsh. The WSCS meets today at 1 p.m. at the church. Hostesses are Mrs. Claude Burdette, Mrs. Luther Moore, Mrs. Lee Martz and Mrs. Herman Usher. Pro gram will be led by Mrs. Wil liam Waters whose topic is Social Creeds and Moving Populations.” Next week will be National Education Week. In observance of this the Sr. MYF of the Damascus Methodist Church will be in charge of the morn ing service next Sunday. The high school chorus under the di rection of Donald Murphy will provide the music. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mullinix and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Burke were guests of the Gaithers burg-Washington Grove Fire Department at their annual ban quet and dance Saturday at Peter Pan. Thursday guests of Mrs. Mol lie Giadhili were Mrs. Mary Baker, Mrs. Helen Bowman, and Mrs. Helen Robert. Mrs. Lillian Roelky, Mrs. Hazel Shriner and Mrs. Mollie Giadhili were overnight guests last week of Mrs. Mehrl Giesler. The Damascus WSCS will serve a turkey and country ham supper at the church Saturday beginning at 3 p.m. There will be a bazaar and bake sale at the same time sponsored by the Wesleyan Service Guild. The Damascus Homemakers will meet next Thursday at the home of Mrs. Willis Campbell at 8 p.m. with Mrs. H. O. Mc- Daniel and Mrs. Robert E. Price as co-hostesses. Topic for the meeting is ‘‘Choose the Right Way to Launder New Fabrics.” The Damascus Garden Club met recently at the home of Mrs. Ralph Wells. The group voted to sponsor a community Christmas tree to be placed somewhere in the center of Damascus. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Williams spent three days last week in Loudonville, Ohio where they visited a former classmate of Mrs. Williams’ whom she had not seen for thirty years. The officers and directors of the Bank of Damascus held their annual meeting and ban quet last week at Peter Pan. Those attending included: Her bert S. Hyatt, president; Alva A. Moxley, chairman of the board; Delaney F. Brown, vice president; B. M. Woodfield, vice president; Waiter C. Brown, cashier; Susie G. Poole, assist ant cashier; Donald DeLash mutt, attorney and Dorothy Warfield, Betty Allnutt, Mar jorie Green, Joyce Burke and Charles Rhinehart, Jr., clerks; also the following members of the board of directors: Dr. M. McKendree Boyer, George W. Boyer, Delaney F. Brown, D. Pearl Brown, Raymond G. Brown, Donald A. De Lashmutt, Garner W. Duvall, Edwin D. Fry, Upton Giadhili, Herbert S. Hyatt, John L. King, Alva A. Moxley, Alba Thompson, Jerry T. Williams, Bradley M. Wood field and Henry H. Woodfield. The family Community Gar den Club delivered flowers sup plied by Gude’s during National Flower Week to the community schools, churches, bank and 13 shut-ins. Mrs. Raymond Snapp was chairman of the committee assisted by Mrs. Emerson Sla cum and Mrs. Roger Day. The club's next meeting will be Friday at the home of Mrs. Marion Howes with Mrs. Leon ard Tolley as co-hostesses. Mrs. Roger Day will speak on dried flower arrangements. Damascus’ cross country team defeated Walkersville 21-41 last week. Arthur Johnson was first for Damascus and Tom Hern don second. The soccer team finished their season undefeated last week as they won against Glenelg 6-1. Paul Welsh scored two goals and each of the following scored one goal; Michael Burdette Druid Clodfelter, Bobby Stup and John King. The Wesleyan Service Guild is selling shelled pecans as a fall project. If you are inter ested call Mrs. Harold Morton on Oak dr.