Units OK’d
By Council
The see-saw status of
apartment development in
Montgomery County tilted
up and down this week as
the County Council, await
ing restatement of apart
ment zoning plans by the
Maryland-National Capital
Park and Planning Commis
sion, decided 29 zoning
Some apartment zoning re
quests were approved, some de
nied, and some deferred.
Among those grantd was an
application by Isadore M. Gul
desky, owner of Contee Sand
and Gravel Co., for R-30 zoning
of 27.3 acres fronting on Geor
gia ave. and the Glenmont-
Colesville rd. He plans 400
apartment units there.
Denied was an application by
John E. McKeever, agent for
Sam Eig, who had hoped for
permission to build apartments
on one acre at Washington ave.
*nd East-West hwy., Silver
The McKeever application is
in an area where zoning tur
moil led to the defeat of a can
didate for Democratic precinct
chairmanship last week. The
voters didn’t want any more
Meanwhile, J. Newton Brew
er, chairman of the Montgom
ery County Planning Board,
told the Council Tuesday that
the restatement of apartment
policy they awaited in reality
was merely a technical staff re
port, and not a formally stated
policy of the Commission.
Zoning applications granted
by the Council Tuesday were
for three-quarters acre in R-30
(3000 square feet) at Glen
brook and Fairfax rds., Bethes
da; 7600 square feet from R-60
to C-l at 6104 MacArthur blvd.;
1.7 acres from R-60 to Indus
trial-1, in Lyttonsville, North of
Grubb rd„ Silver Spring; four
tenths of an acre from R-60 to
R-20 West of Lyttonsville in
dustrial rd., North of Grubb rd.;
5.7 acres from R-60 to C-l at
Southwest corner of Aspen Hill
rd. and Connecticut ave.; 16,000
square feet from R-60 to R-20
on Frederick ave., Kensington;
2.9 acres from R-60 to C-2 at
Connecticut, Farragut and Du
pont aves., Kensington.
Denied were 1 % acres from
R-60 to R-10 at Coleridge dr.
and Ellis st., Silyer Spring; 9.6
acres from R-A to R-20 East of
Georgia ave., South of Bel Pre
rd.; 1.2 acres from R2O to R-10 ,
at University blvd. West and
St. Paul st.. Silver Spring.
The Council also ordered its
staff to prepare a resolution
denying an application for R-90
zoning of 75 acres of land in
R-A zoning South of Bel Pre
rd. and East of Georgia ave.;
resolution to grant R-90 zoning
of 28.4 acres now in R-R zoning
North of the proposed extension '
of Rt. 29, West of Northwest
Branch, Kemp Mill Estates.
St. John’s Episcopal Church ]
In Olney will hold Its fall rum
mage sale November 13 and i
14, starting at 10 a.m. (
( hildrcn's Center
Outfitters to Children lnfants Through Boys 18
Winter Warm-up
' High Fashion for Cold Days
. Racoon-Collared, Melton
Comes in beautiful Loden
Green with coin buttons and
toasty-warm quilt lining.
Other Styles
available in wools, cottons
* and plastics. Many with
'</ {ffXmSffimßm. P'^ e I'nings.
from 9.98 22.98
J j Sites 3-6
/ / L hom 8,98 '* 18.98
Headquarters for
wl SuJte/i JsAmm
m America’s Favorite Children's Shoes
- —— -
Court House Square, Rockville
fey - v. v -
■■■& ’UP 8 ‘ -
LO FOX HUNT RITUAL is "blessing of the
hounds” performed here for the Goshen
Hunt at its season opener last Saturday by
the Rev. Thomas Dugan, S.J. at the home
of Edward W. Fletcher at Muncaster Mill.
Mounted at left is Joint Master of Fox
Hounds Marrian D. Curran while Frank
jg **" '• ■■ --mo ~
' ''' 3L
eral counsel of the Maryland-
National Capital Park and
Planning Commission, died
last week at his Brookeville,
Md., home of a heart attack.
The former county attorney
here and United States Dis
trict Attorney in Washington
was 54. He once was a White
House advisor.
GEICO Readies
For Bin; Move
Government Employees In
surance Companies will move
into their new, 1600-person
office building at Wisconsin and
Western aves. in Chevy Chase,
November 27.
The companies’ present staff
of 1200 has already been taken
on guided tours of the new
building. Headquarters will
still be maintained in down
town Washington.
Banks Close Wednesday
Banks in Montgomery County
will be closed Wednesday, Vet
erans Day holiday.
Fraley, professional huntsman, is on steed
at right. Part of the pack is in foreground.
The other Joint MFH this year is Stanley
P. Stabler and two new honorary whips
are Gordon C. Keys and Robert E. L.
Smith, jr.
Peter Grant Photo.
; In Rockville
On Drainage
Is Sought
Rockville will ask the gen
eral assembly next year for
the power to levy storm
drainage taxes by districts.
The legislative reform was
proposed as a method of more
equitable payment for storm
drainage in the city. If passed,
the amendment to the 1955 home
rule bill would affect every
municipality in the State.
The Montgomery County
Delegation to the General As
sembly will be asked to intro
duce the bill, which will carry
the endorsement, it is hoped, of
the Maryland Municipal League.
Basically, the new tax levy
would do this: abolish the re
strictive front-foot benefit tax
which pots te cost of a project
serving a whole area on just
the people whose property abuts
the project.
Also, it would stop levies of
taxes to cover debt
service on bond issues and nar
row the field of taxation to the
specific storm drainage district
When the General Assembly
in 1955 passed the home rule
bill, it cautiously added safe
guards so small cities wouldn’t
go hog-wild adding new taxes
for revenue.
One of those safeguards was
the proviso that Maryland Mu
nicipalities could not impose
new methods of taxation not
then in existence. This is the
Rockville's Only Complete Camera Shop!
Camera Fan!
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Choose your still or movie printing
camera from such quality
names as these: 2 4-H.., Service ee I
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PO. 2-2744 AVi^/riVnl
section that must be amended
if the Rockville-s ponsored
amendment is to succeed.
The legislative proposal comes
at a time when Rockville stands
on the threshold of vast new
water and storm drainage pro
grams designed to keep pace
with constant expansion. It
would have direct effect on
storm drainage proposed for the
Croydon Park, South Washing
ton st. and Rockerest subdivi
sions slated for storm sewer
relief. A little more than
$700,000 has been earmarked
for these projects.
Meanwhile, (he Mayor and
City Council decided Tuesday
night to go ahead out of general
fqunds and construct emergency
storm drainage relief for the
Park rd. underpass of the B & O
Railroad. This area floods every
time a good rain falls.
Thurt., Fri., & Sot.
Nev. 5. 6. ft 7
Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas
and Laurence Olivier
"The Devil's Disciple"
Weekdays—7:3o, 9:15
Saturdays—s:46 continuous
Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed.,
Thurs., Fri., ft Sat.
Nov. 8. 9, 10. 11, 12. 13, 14
James Stewart ft Lee Remick
"Anatomy of a Murder"
Sunday—3:2o, 6:20. 9:20
Weekdays—7:3o—l Show Only
Saturdays—6:2o, 9:20
W. Rockville
3 Authors
Will Visit
Book Fair
Will Barker. Washington
area author, will speak at a
program of the West Rock
ville Elementary School
Book Fair Friday between 7
to 9:30 p.m. Appearing with
him will be Bill Perry, park
naturalist, who will show
live wild animals to the chil
dren and their parents.
Dr. Hileary Deason, director
of programs for the American
Association for the Advance
ment of Science, will also ap
pear. Elementary science books
from the AAAS are being dis
played at the school during the
week-long book fair which ends
Sponsored by the school’s
P-TA, ihe fair will also feature
Mrs. Esther Douty, Washington
area author, at a Story Hour
for the children from 3 to 4:30
p.m. Friday. Mrs. Douty is the
author ‘‘Ball in the Sky” and
“Patriot Doctor.”
Mrs. Flora Jacobs, Washing
ton author who write “The Doll
House Mystery,” will show
slides of her miniature antique
doll house furniture collection
Monday from 3 to 4:30.
Book Fair hours are from 10
to 3 p.m. today; 10 to 4:30, Fri
day and Monday; 7 to 9:30
p.m., Friday; and 10 to 3 p.m.,
Rockville, Md.
PO. 2-6186
Fri.. Sot., Nev. 6-7
"Paratroop Command"
"Submarine Seahawk"
Plu Cartoon Festival!
Sun., Men., Tues., Nev. 8-9-10
I M-O-M Prevent*' "•*
In ClnemaScope and METROCOLOR
"White Feathers"
Wed.. Thurs., Nev. 11-12
®For all offices—Dial JUnlper 8-5000
Suburban Trust -n
TV'V Administration Bldg. & Bonking Offico
Av A A dk'm.JLN jL 6495 New Hampshire Ave. JUniper 8-5000
SILVER SPHNOOmCf WMOwrgkAvenne | HTATTSVIItf OFfICE 5214 Baltlmon Avcoae
• ■Mill riDIIAt eirOIK IN SWI AN Cl COirotATION
u ——— _ Jk
Olney Residents
To Have Column
Starting in thin issue, the
Sentinel will publish s each
week a community column
reporting the news of the
community of Olney. It will
be written by Mrs. William
S. Kleishell, jr. News items
should be relayed to her at
WAlker 4-9174. You’ll see
this week's column on Page
Birely Is Elected
William C. Birely of Ashton,
has been elected a trustee of
the D. C. society of the Sons
of the American Revolution.
Tuesday. Proceeds from the
book sales go to the school li
Book Fair chairman is Mrs.
Margaret Wysong, assisted by
Mrs. Aimee Harper, librarian,
and Mrs. Frank Williams.
WORTH S on-the-pike
SPORT COATS in twaads, flan
nal*, ate.. smartly styled by
Botany, Rockingham and other top
t name brand manufacturers. Regu
lars 37-40; Longs, 37 to 48;
SLACKS, flannels, worsteds, whip
eordi. iheon covert,, ote. W,i,t
At Door Parking Open Daily 9-9
Saturdays 'til 6
SENTINEL &T™ ME^ YThu ” d *V’ i. .959-
Greater Simplicity
In Funerals Is Goal
Seven Maryland churches
and synagogues are forming a
society to promote simplicity
and dignity In funerals.
An organization meeting will
be held November 16 at 8:30,
in the Co-op Hospitality Room,
8547 Piney Branch rd., Silver
Rev. David H. MacPherson.
of the Universalist Church in
Silver Spring, has called for
establishment of a non-profit
memorial society to spare be
reaved families from the bur
den of making “irrelevant and
costly funeral arrangements” at
a time of emotional stress.
At the meeting officers will
be elected and a constitution
adopted for the “Maryland Sub
urban Memorial Society.” The
meeting will be open to all
members of the community who
are interested In the objectives.
Sponsors of the meeting arc:
Universalist Church of Silver
Spring; College Park Unitarian
Church; Temple Emanuel;
Temple Israel; Temple Har
Tzeon;' Rockville Unitarian
Church; and the Unitarian
Church of Montgomery County.
Browne Is Elected
Duffey Browne, sophomore at
North wood High School, has
been elected second vice-chair
man of the Maryland Youtn
Safety Leaders.