Newspaper Page Text
MONTGOMERY COUNTY'S BEST VALUES—Leek For Specials In Seme Ads MONTGOMERY COUNTY'S MOST REPRESENTATIVE BUSINESS FIRMS YELLOW DIRECTORY of SALES & SERVICE USE THIS PAGE AS A HANDY REFERENCE and BUYING GUIDE MERCHANT - desoto yellow directory X winterize for> °' ! ‘ m \ merchant vauant each week your cari ..ho^ w -- m uoa> This Is Your Ideal Oppor- DEALER . I a™. ■ wil pay you to check Mark's I C** r-ity H Hi' Htwcm*r kSSZ* TO CHECK THE FIRMS MeTROPOUTAM '**'** “To.™ " TRY IT* MAR Ico!toM?o TORS -- that give you the best federal savings otor h w.,™ h *"=*. Supply Co. VALUES and SERVICE company CA 4.7700 fm A A CAAA 225 Commerce Lane. Rockville. Md. * kFkIIIIVh Bethr.dc. Md. Mercury—Edsel—English Ferd ftA FI FrTDir __ &A. 4-5400 ">• ' Yoor Best Reference for Thrift and Convenience | | po - HA ; I"""' - "■ '' ' I —■-■■■" " ' ' "" — 1 —— ' 1— ..■ ■■■ ■■■■ ..1 I ■ ■■■■ , I—— !—!■■ ■■■ —■ I. I | ■■ ■■■„ In Montgomery County RNE W ATCH REPAIRING XMAS jobs* I A-L- *? \ MEN'S rfijr | SPECIAL! Good*Government DIAMONDS - WATCHES CARDS TRACTORS cmd \~Twumiyheve WORK SHOM ||■] EAGLO PAINT ' REGISTER JEWELRY . SILVERWARE 53 Books coi iidmcmt Sparkling Clean VllimnACr ■-. °°xb JJg f Special 3.49 gal. . to Choose EQUIPMENT in Just Minutes \ VAKILUbt ujggagb VOTE \r /, n r From *■■ dab™ Just Minutes t \ „ r|Me| repaikino d.scontenled cou,m REPUBLICAN _.. „ „ JEWELERS Box Cards _ CAR BATH . Orthopedic Corrections 2.9 S GOP Headquarters 220 E. Montgomory Avd. REGIONAL ROCKVILLE WAXING & SIMONIZING Reltef With Rrtflfwillp Chnp H(Kn |I„L ;||. klj V ’ MOTOR COMPANY ELASTIC STOCKINGS hOCKVMIC JIIOC lIOSP. ROCKX/ILLE JU 5.0300 ' * sue ur* Supply Co. Tmetor Department 250 N. Washington St. *" BETH-MONT 12* fMnt mrv Avenue* baimt a urn JU. 5-9300 po TUT Commie. Opp. W. T. Grant. ■ po PA,NT 4 HARDWARE __J r OL. 4-8200 OL 4-8633 w 3*l Montgomery Ave. PO. *-*44t rrrTTTri ■ . HI Thwt! y ow ROCKVILLE'S ki*ll EIJ n• | JERRY 1. KING Our Pick-lip and Delivery L*J aa LH Investors Loan Corp. *£&%£&? cCm :: MIN , TON R>P° Hiller Fields Buick j l king prescription • SUPPLIES loams $25 TO SISOO i.n-VTV.m. CHAINSAWS SERVICE SPECIAL Floor Company Inc. IjP Stationery Greeting Cards ROCKVILLE MD ou * M ($■ 11) # UB Ilkßll storm Window* and PULL WHEELS AND *=rsr chick linings -vmimN iunds- |[W wrrrrrerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr PO. Variety of Vegrtablra Soles Rental • Service Annins. CHECK IRAKI FLUID —RETAIL AND Call fTcniaT FREE-PROMPT DELIVERY AND T “ "ti. ? MALONEY'S INC. R&B INSPECT WHEEL BEARINGS CONTRACT SERV,CE- PO. 2-9338 jl}g3 R 0C N Vi w!shin S , t an H r ery lllff SSSPaU RIDER’S RESTAURANT ~^ o gnJ ¥# - CONTRACTORS. *INC. Hiller Fields Buick 'bSSSE£‘ 10 5 1929 *rr U:„ M - JU 8 3333 124 C# T; e, 4 mo R#CkVl " # M -"V. S.rvic. Managar 2-457* ROCKVILLE DRUgT PO 2-411* LO. b-IYZY Rockville Plata Hotel JU. 5 3333 A. 4-4SBO 300 N. Wash. St., Reckvllla HAil.w.ed 7-7227 . ‘ ”, - " ~ —i— JUNk' ’ * Br Gi™. Ir• READING coal 11 S * N -J ,r *" d ' at SAV O E caI 1 I s° s V U parts JUniV • ChZ • LUMBER MEN'S WEAR savings and V WASHER PARTS P SSCJALS Lamps rueN,Tun. COM-ANV PP ,eS WORTH'S ASSOCIATION I SUPPLIES •Gifts iwmmmmmm THOS. W. PERRY on-the-Pike • insured accounts S S“PP MONTGOMERY rl . w 77 ri, INCORPORATED BOTANY • McSREGOR • CURRENT DIVIDEND 4% .r Call PO. 2-412* A G WdtkinS InC ,r 0" 4 Po e 2°m4° mpany Pcee r JT ".'Tee ne.ivrr, - ~ ' COUNTY FEDERAL Th<>maS C. Keys 400 E-* Montgomery Ave.* 300 Hungarford Drive Rockville GA. 4-8545 Wed., m.. -• Mlt Che ni' n^c y k,Tii°e r *pik. SAVINGS & LOAN Regi.tered Plumber Rockville, Md. Reckvllla Tee... Thar... *-• net., -l:se OL. t-1800 opm - Saturday 'in • Caurt Haul# Square—Rockville 701 Steneitreet Avenue rO. 2-2101 - ■ "fr : In Montgomery County LISTINGS NEEDED SH °“ ** * ~ , EXPERT BOWUlig TeamS °°rS^SZiStyle I W. Are Specialist* v|Wl BETTER BUY BOGLEY her truly con- s&te. Narrow Widths AWL* WantpH l BARBER SHOP Problem fen- your Expert Fitting at BAI.ES - RENTALS seienfiou., de- Specialists WAlvrl Men.. Than!* e’p.m. ONE STOF Teenage Daughter? Corrective Shaat for RESIDENTIAL • FARMS pendeble i.rv- AAAA ta EE BED AID C Wed. 1 p.m.—n'ny hour 'net. or Man. For tha Whale Family y- /’I Childran COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL ic# {n se,,in 9 er Sixes 3to 12 KCi AIKO FREE BOWLING INSTRUCTION X LOtO/lV HfadC|Uart#r* For APARTMENTS renting, call Headquarter, for ly Carttfiad Watchmaker BY APPOINTMENT Samuel t. Bogi.y, i„t. Bridges i Peter Inc. Naturalizers Rockville Jewelers “fftSA c— JL,JAYE S BOOTERY REALTORS The Mae with the beaaHfal ftt nULRVIIIC JCtTCICIS ROCKVILLE GA. 4-77T0 I'a.hlonwt.e Teenager, and Junior. 100 ContmarCd Lana 332 E. Montgomery Avo. 12 S. Perry St.. Roekvilla Alhoo <sh***>9 107 N. Washington St. Rnwlinn fpritpr Court Heu.t Squ.ra, Reckvllla tockviik ro. 2-41.1 po. 2-4374 AibeeMoes Downng Lenter J,. N. wN.,.... PO. 2-6414 is N. Wuahington st.. Roekvili. Kr ’ 90 Bridge St. • PO. 2-9569 Rackvilla Open Until * Thurj. I Frl. *-wwi-T j: . 1 ■ " . . '4 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS Tuesday- 4 p. in. RATE $1.68... 7 LINES OR LESS 24c FOR EACH ADDITIONAL LINE GArden 4-7700 COMING EVENTS M# ########## ### Organizations may U*t tbair picnics. suppars. carnivals, ate., in this column at tha rata ot 10c par lina (• pt. linal par waak. NOV. IS—l-6 p.m. Nov. 14—10 a.m.-6 p.m. Rummage Sale at Si. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church. Laytonsville, Md. 2MI-12 NOV. 1314 Good as new Clothes at Rummage Sale prices, 232 E. Montgomery ave.. Rock ville. Sponsored by Rockville & Montgomery County Unitarian Churches. lt-11-12 NOV. 13 t 14 -Fall Rummage Sale. St. John’s Episcopal Church of Olney. Friday, 10 a m.-6 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 24-11-12! NOV. 14-SAT. American Legion Dance, Norman Price Post #6B, to be held at Burtonsville Fire Hall, Burtonsville. Md. 9 'til 12.1 $3 per couple. For tickets, phone SP. 4-4019-WH. 3-1296, WH. 2- 8023. 2t-11-l2 NOV. 14, SAT.— Annual Turkey Dinner. 4-8 p.m., St. Peter's Church, Olney, Md. Christmas Decorations Booth, Toy Mart, hand-made Gifts, Home-baked Goodies. Adults, $1.75. Children under 12, 75c. 4MI-12 NOV. 14 —Turkey Dinner (fam ily style) at New Liberty Grove Methodist Church Social Hall, Burtonsville, Md. 4 to 8 j $1.50 and 75 cents. Variety Store and Bake Table also. Sponsored, by WSCS. 4t-11-12 i NOV. 14 —Harvest Festival Din ner and Bazaar at Christ Epis copal Church, Rockville. 5-8 p.m Adults, $1.65; children, 85c. Bazaar and snack bar opened at 11 a.m. Movies and games for children. 6MI-12: NOV. 14— Annual Turkey Din ner < family style • served at the Hunting Hill Methodist Church Parish Hall. 4-8 p.m. Bt-11-12 SAT. NOV. 14 —Beginning at 3 p.m.. Annual Turkey Supper & Bazaar—St. Paul Methodist Church, Laytonsville. Md. Adults, $1.50, children 75 cents. St-11-12 NOV. 14— Turkey dinner, 4 to 8 p.m. at the Washington Grove 1 Elementary School, sponsored by the Washington Grove P-TA. Adults $1.50, children 75c. Ev eryone welcome. 3t-11-12 NOV. 14 —Annual Smorgasbord I and Xmas Bazaar, 3-8 p.m. at ' Damascus Hi. Sch. Featuring turkey and dressing, ham and raisen sauce, fried oysters, Swedish meat balls. Xmas novelties, toys, handmade gift; items. Candies, fruit cake and| delicious home baked goods, i Adults $1.50, children 75c. Bene j fit St. Paul’s Church. 3t-11-12 NOV. 14 Marvin Memorial "Musicale,” Saturday, 7:30 p.m. i An exciting show of Junior High Talent. Acts of majorettes, tum bling, modern Jazz. Charleston, pantomime, Hawaiian dance, etc. Bake table and Gift table. I Free Will Offering—No tickets, j lt-11-121 COMING EVENTS NOV. 19th A 20th—Rummage & Bake Sale. Pythian Sisters at Knights of Pythias Bldg., Sum mit ave., Gaithersburg. 2t-11-19 NOV. 20-21—Rummage Sale at the Grove Methodist Church, G’burg. Clothing, Household Goods, Dishes & Silverware. Fri. Aftern. & Sat. Morn. NOV. 21 Annual Turkav din-: ner at Mt. Tabor Methodist Church Hall. Etchison, Md„ be ginnig at 2:30 p.m. 81-11-19 NOV. 21, SAT. —Oyster and Ham ] Dinner. Home-made potato sal-1 ad. cole slaw, strg. beans, apple sauce, hot rolls, etc. Adults, j 51.30. Children, 75c. From 4-V p.m., at the new Ashton Meth odist Church, Rte. 29, Ashton, I Md. Also, bake sale and bazaar NOV. 21, SAT. Turkey sup per beginning at 4 P.M. Hyatts town Firemen’s Hall. Benefit Hyattstown Methodist Church. SUNDAY, NOV. 22 Oyster Roast, sponsored by the Poto mac Walton Gun Club, McCros sin la., Travilah, 1-5 p.m. Tur key shoots. lt-11-12 NOV. 22 —Sunday 1-15 p.m. Oy-j ster Roast and Turkey Shoot. Sponsored by the St. Mary’s School Bus Association at the St. Mary's Picnic Grounds, Barnesville, Md. 2t-11-19 NOV. 28 —Annual Turkey Din ner, Kempton Church Hall. Tur key with all the trimmings. Adults, $1.33. Children, 75c. Cakes and pumpkin pies for sale. st-11-19 NOV. 28 (Thanksgiving Day) Annual Turkey dinnei, Wesley Grove Meth. Church, Wood field, Md. States Route 124, be | ginning 1 p.m. Menu includes i turkey with aH the trimmings, j hot vegetables and homemade rolls. Bazaar A baked goods. 6t-11-26 j NOV. 28—At Sandy Spring Fire i Fire House, Sausage A Waffle ! supper and Hot Cakes and ! Creamed Chicken. All you can ! eat. Adults sl, Children $75 cents. By the Sandy Spring Vol. Firemen. Also sausage for sale. i 81-11-28 1 COMING EVENTS DEC. 4—Annual Bazaar and Bake Sale at 8:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the Wash ington Grove Methodist Church, sponsored by the Wesleyan Service Guild. DEC. s—Contin ued at 10:00 a.m. with LUNCH EON served from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Adults SI.OO, 1 children 50 cents. 4t-12-3 j wanted” HOUSES WANTED - Will pay j top prices—any house- any lo ! cation. All cash in 24 hours. Cali Mr. Berens. HU. 3-3800 BUDNEY PAYS AEL CASH foi your home; free appraisal; quick settlement; no commis sion. Cad LO 5-2730 or HE 4 3906. TF-4496 HOUSES W ANTED A cash j buyer, or we will sell, rent or trade your property. Free ap praisal. R. L. Smith Realty, i 225 E. Montgomery Ave., Rock vtlle. GA. 4-7711, GA. 4-8795. WH. 6-6579. tf-4335 TOP CASH FOR YOUB HOME Overnight settlement with no delay. Free appraisals. Call Mr. Goddard. OL. 4-3202 or OL. 4 7922. tf-4840 HAVE GUNS - WILL SELL! We buy, sell, and trade New and Used Guns. Will buy one gun or complete collections, incl. antiques for CASH. Rock ville Trading Post, 117 N. Washington St. PO. 2-3946. JUNK, PAPER, IRON - Brass, aluminum, copper, cast iron, rags, steel sheet iron, junk cars. We call for large accu mulation. Yard in Rockville on Route 240. Tel. PO. 2-3924, Montgomery Iron A Metal Co tf-2553 WE NEED HOUSES to sell oi trade in Rockville, Wheaton, ] Kensington, Betresda or coun- j try property for clients with cash. Please call OL. 4-4522. W C. Barton Co. lt-11-5 To7iZi (MISC.) HEATROLA—CoaI or wood.; sls; call WAverly 6-0747. lt-U-12 1 FOR SALE (MISC.) MIMEOGRAPH MACHINE In excellent condition. Has just been completely overhauled. $125 or best offer. Ph. PO. 2- 9251 after 6 P.M. tf ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, Old I books, guns, tools, ox yokes, i chinaware. Numerous items at Garland’s Antique Shop, Muddy Branch rd., Gaithersburg ,Md. Phone WA. 6-0322. tf-5954 SLAB WOOD Cut for stoves or fireplaces at mill or deliv ered. Nieeley’s Mill, Clements A Steed Lumber Co., Gaithers burg, Md. Phone WA. 6-0887. 9t-12-17 APPLES—ST AYM AN AND OTHERS for winter keeping, sweet rider & home-made sau sage. Emerson’s Cash Market, Travilah rd. PO. 2-9757. tf-!5972 ALL • PURPOSE CALENDARS —Rockville Stationery, Inc., Rockville Center, Rockville, Md. lt-10-29 PHOTO MURALS—WaII size; $7.95 and up. Rockville Station ery, Inc., Rockville Center, Rockville, Md. lt-10-29 FOR SALE—FIou rescent desk , lamps. Rockville Stationery, 1 Inc., Rockville Center, Rockville. j Md. lt-10-291 PERSONALIZED ~STATION-1 ERY—lmprinted. Rockville Sta tionery, Inc., Rockville Center, Rockville, Md. lt-10-29 TOY~POODLE—SiIver, female, AKC reg., 6 months old. All shots; housebroken. $125. Call P.O. 2-6533 after 5 p.m. lt-11-12 j GOOD AS NEW clothes at RUMMAGE SALE prices. A tre jmendous selection in excellent condition. Fri & Sat. only, Nov, ! 13-14, 323 E. Montgomery ave., Rockville. lt-11-12 (Tchoice burial SITES—2 or 4 sites in beatuiful Cascade Garden, Parklawn. Reasonably priced for quick sale. PO. 2- 2640. lt-11-12 WASHING MACHINE HOT POINT 3 years old in operat ing order, $25. Call GA. 4-8398. 1 lt-11-12 FOR SALE (MISC.) Vi TON TRAILER with cattle racks, best offer. Also walnut Dining Table, seats 12 persons. Call WA. 6-1423. 2t-11-19 HALF BOTTLE OF “HAPPY PILES”—I used to be a worrier but not any more with my in surance program In the capable hands of Joe Hagan. If you’d like to be worry free too, call him today at PO. 2-4302. lt-11-12 DRESSER, MAPLE, WITH MIRROR, new condition, also dressform with adjustable stand. Call EV. 4-1843. lt-11-12 W INTER CO A T Avacoda Green, size 14, worn only six times, better than brand new. Reasonable. Call WAverly 6- 2292. lt-11-12 PlANO—Chickering Baby Grand, in excellent condition. Call WAverly 6-2509. lt-11-12 OIL SPACE HEATER—43 room heating capacity. Excellent condition. $35. Call WAverly 6- 2783. lt-11-12 CHICKEN HOUSE—I6’ by 40 and two home-cured hams. Call SPring 5-6538. lt-11-12 I THREE-PIECE MAPLE Liv , ing room suite, 1 17" Motorola | Television set, $65 for both. See at 308 Woodburn rd., Rockville. lt-11-12 REGINA HEAVY DUTY Floor- Waxer & Polisher In very good cond. Reas, offer, also Steam table, best offer. Call WH. 6- 4946. lt-11-12 HAY, MI XED— A I so~ls ac. till able open land, timber for lum her and blue grass sod., call Mt. Airy 172-W-l. 2M91-19 juvestock:”for”sale” PIGS Weaned, altered and wormed, $5. $6, $7 apiece. Wrn. D. Good, WA. 6-1415. 4t-11-19 HORSE * PONY t SALES at Eyler Stables, Thurmont, Md.,! on Wednesdays, Nov, 18th, De cember 2nd & 16th, at 7 p.m. We have horses for sale at. all Umu. CK. 1-6411. 11-1112 SFNTIKIFi NONTOOMBRT Tburtd.y, Nev. It, ItM— JC IM 1 lls CL COUNTY, md. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HALF ARABIAN COLT with papers; liver-chestnut, 2 shots and blaze. $l5O or best offer. Call Mt. Airy 286W5. lt-11-12 LOST and FOUND LOST 8 SHOATS, white and spotted, strayed from property on Monday, vicinity of Martins burg, Reward. Charles R. Rick etts, DI. 9-3843. lt-11-12 FOUND Boat adrift in Po tomac River at gas line. To claim ownership call PO. 2-4385. 2MI-19 LOST—Vicinity Rockville court house, 29 Oct. 3-color cat, white stomach and paws. If found, call A. C. Hansmann, LO. 5-3496 oe tween J 8 to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. IM--12 HELP WANTED BOYS FOR WORK after school and all day Saturday. Good pay. Call GA. 4-8718. tf WOMAN WANTED To care for two children in my home weekdays. Travilah Road. Call GA. 4-6805. tf-10-22 HOUSEWIVES: If you have been active in club or church wor kor community activities, you can qualify to represent World Book and Childcraft in your community. Par.-time or full time position available to assist with Christmas business. For complete information, call J Mrs. Frances E, Brown, Dist i Mgr., at WHitehali 6-3956. 2MI-12 I DENTAL ASSISTANT, white, typing, receptionist exper. pre- j , fcrred, but will train. Pleasing j i personality & appearance. Call PO. 2-6345. lt-11-12! II SALESMAN R. E. Unusual op i i port, to learn now & earn after ijan. Ist. Expert night training j given starting Nov, 15, exper.! ' not needed, Car essential. For a career In top earnings call John | ,; Beers, Beers Bros. Inc., Real- I tors, 916 Sligo ave., Silver ! I Spring, Md., JU. 8-7610. lt-11-12 j HELP WANTED MAN TO WORK ON FARM Must have experience with n| chinery and farm work. Fumil reference. Would want to maj change about January Ist. Bo No. 272-W, Rockville, Md. 2t-ll- WANT TO MAKE s29~oTmo! a day for part or full time rou work? Man or woman. Writ FURST-McNESS CO„ P. j Box 371, Baltimore, M<j. 2t-11-j MAN OR WOMAN for CityJ Rockville. Sales and <*slfVtrj| 4 6 hrs. per day. AlmF will ■ sider older man, 50-75. W1 Box 5071, Dept. S-3, ItichmorL, Virginia. 2t-11-19 MAN, white, married, to learn tire business. Age between 21- 35. Call WH. 2-3100, Mr. Smith lt-11-12 MAN, white, with small family to work on Dairy Farm. House, fuel and milk furnished. Write Box 23, Derwood, Md. lt-11-12 AVON COSMETICS are in de mand. Customer acceptance highest in history. Territories now available in Potomac, Da mascus & Lewisdale. Call &i once. JU. 5-2151 or write Distr. : Mgr. 2715 Newton Street, Sil ver Spring, Md. lt-11-13 WOMEN*WANTED to fill Gait tilers burg Menonite Church, Mills rd., G’burg, Tuesday morn ing at 10 a.m., afternoon at 1 p.m, Ruth Stulzsus, formerly the sponsor of Heart to Heart ' Radio program, will apeak on the role of ‘‘Mother and Under standing Our Teenager*.” Mr*. Stulzsus, from Harrisonburg, Va., is well qualified to speak j on these subjects as she pres ently assists in family coun seling. lt-11-13 WANTED—GirI to do house. work on Saturday—Gaithers, burg. WL 8-9057. lt-11-13 WANTED SALESMAN to set) Utility and Contractors Equw ment. Salary and Commission. Call WA. 6-0366. 3t-iy Classified Ads iiJ , Continued on Pago A9