Newspaper Page Text
DEADLINE 1 FOR CLASSIFIED ADS | Tuesday- 4p. in. i RATE $1.68... 7 LINES OR LESS W 24c FOR EACH ADDITIONAL LINE ! GArden 4-7700 fERVICES ray r VTELBIE'S BEAUTY SALON, rath this clipping you can get igiermanent wave complete *SO. Hair coloring our special -4 PO. 2-6757. tt-6059 CIOK’S MOVING & STOR AGE—LocaI and long distance, large or small loads. Packing aid craving. Agent for Grey V Lil ts. Phone GA. 4-5158. tf-4175 VETERANS SHEET METAL CO.—Oil gas hot air fur naces. Roofing, new and re pair. Guttering and spouting; roof painting. Humidifiers for hot air furnaces. Additional heat lines. Free estimates. Call PO. 2-2896 or PO. 2-3917. tf-1629 TWIN-BROOK electric service Licensed Contractor Residential Wiring • Dryers * Ranges (ROCKVILLE ONLY Ralph Burney SArden 4-8309 POpler 2-9688 tf STRUCTURAL ST KIEL Auto parts, beams, pipe, angles, plates, small motors, odds and ends of metal for machinists and tool makers. Visit our yard in Rockville on the new 240 by-pass. Montgomery Iron and Metal Works. PO. 2-3924. tf-2630 FLAGSTONE PATIOS - Steps, walks, all kinds of cement work, retaining walls, waterproofing, cellar floors and walls, terra cot to pipes, drainage from down spouts & lawns; repair swim ming pools. F. Marcuccio. PO. 2-3588. tf-2970 ' CRUSHED STONE Repair I those drives, lanes and parking ' areas now; all sizes of crushed . stone delivered; estimates : cheerfully given. Call Rock- < ville Crushed Stone, PO. 2-9307. i 1451 I I AUTO GLASS We are equipped to handle any auto oils' truck glass job regardless of 1 make or modeL Rockville Glass ' Service, Commerce la. PO. 2- 3801. tf-4532 CUSTOM ROTARY MOWING: Wood Sawing, Barnyard Clean- 1 ing, Hay for Sale—Lespedeza— Lespedeza-Bluegrass mixed. Phone PO. 2-9280. Bt-l-21 INCOME TAX RETURNS (Individual • business - corpora tion - partnership) Prepared un der supervision of tax consul tant with over 25 yrs. experi ence. Open every night until 10:30 p.m. Phone POplar 2- 2220. If no answer call LOck wood 5-2114 for appointment. Scott & Assoc., Management, Personnel & Tax Consultants, 1000 Commerce Lane, Rockville, Md. tf-1000-4-14 FOR SALE (MISC.) ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, Old books, guns, tools, ox yokes, chinaware. Numerous items at Garland’s Antique Shop, Muddy Branch rd. ( Gaithersburg ,Md Phone WA. 6-0322. tf-5954 ATTENTION FARMERS— SMALL CONTRACTORS & HOME OWNERS. We have a lumber yard half full of good used bldg, materials that must be sold at a sacrifice. Nicely Mill & Lumbe. Yard, Gaithers burg, Md. WA. 6-0887. 2t-12-24 AWNlNG—Canvas for house trailer 18’ x B’. Best offer. Call GA. 4-5930. tf GOOD MIXED HAY —for stock, S2O per ton. P. L. Snyder. Phone WI. 8-9090. tf-7618-123 ADDRESSOGRAPH equipment. Printer and Relief-o-graph. Very reasonable. Call HA. 2-3726 after 6 p.m. tf ELECTRIC STOVE—4 - burner, lge. oven; working cond.; best offer. GA. 4-6805 eves., week ends. tf HAY —' 40-ton Timothy and Clover; at reasonable prices. Elmer B. Walter, Germantown, Md. Call WA. 6-1946. 2t-l-7 AUTOS FOR SALE ’55 Vt TON FORD Pickup, 8 cyl Roll-On Tire Co. . tf-6073 PLYMOUTH—'S6. 4-dr. straight stick—power pack overdrive. One owner. WA. 6-2558. 1957 CHEVROLET TRUCK—2- ton, heavy duty. Call GA. 4-6805 evenings, week-ends. 1953 MERCURY CONVERT— New top; low mileage; prlv, owned. Call CL. 3-2926. lt-12-31 HELP WANTED *###############< OFFICE OPENINGS NOW— Full time. We represent employ ers who need Secretaries, Ste nographers, Typists, Comptome ter Operators, Reservationists, Clerks. Interviews by appoint ment only on Tues. eves, after 7 p.m. and Saturdays. Call or write Baker & Haifleigh Asso ciates, Management & Person nel Consultants, 2446 Reedie dr., Wheaton, Md. LO. 5-3714. REAL ESTATE SALES WOMEN AND SALESMEN— Hugh T. Peck, the county’s liveliest Realtor, has imme diate openings for full time salesmen in our Rockville Office. Leads supplied, many listings to sell, monthly and yearly bonus. Experienced not necessary. We train you. Call Mr. Keating for app’t. GA. 4-6575. tf-4080 BOYS—Earn Christmas sss working after school and Sat urday. Call GA. 4-8718 for inter view. if DUE TO EXPANSION PRO GRAM DIANA SHOPS, Nation al Chain of Women’s Apparel Stores has positions available for Store Managers & Manager Trainees, to locate in Virginia, Maryland, & West Virginia. Sal ary, Profit Sharing Plan, Lib eral disc, on clothing. For inter view write: Mrs. M. Downey, Mgr., Diana Shop, Frederick, Md. or Miss Helen Lee, Diana Stores Corp., 450 West 41st St., New York City, N. Y. Tf-6099 ALERT YOUNG MAN—2S-35, to train to run mobile shopping service. All Company Benefits, guaranteed salary Must be will ing to work hard & sometimes long hours. Call for interv.-ap pointment. WH. 2-3401. Tf-7659 NURSES Registered; also ti censed practical nurses. All shifts. Apply Nursing Office Suburban Hospital, 8600 Old Georgetown rd., Bethesda, Md .white man with car, who would like to supplement present in come by SSO weekly. To ar range for person, interv., call CLearwater 3-2023 between 5 and 6:30 p.m. tf-6097 TRAINER’S ASSISTANT— must be capable dog handler, willing to undertake any job on commercial game preserve. Year round work. House and salary plus tips. White or colored, if qualified. Paul Pear son, Rt. 3 Gaithersburg, Md. PO. 2-3385. 4t-12-31 4 —LADIES FOR TELEPHONE SALES WORK. Day or evening hours. Rate SI.OO per hr. No experience necessary, no age limit. Apply Mr. Grim, Olan Mills Studio, 400 E. Montgom ery Ave., Rockville 2nd Floor— Rear. Wednesday, Dec. 30th be tween the hrs. 10-12 a.m. or 1-5 p.m. lt-12-31 CARD OF THANKS MRS. MARSHALL WALKER wishes to thank the Montgom ery County Sentinel and the many friends who have shown so many acts of kindness dur ing her recent bereavement. lt-12-29 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PIGS FOR SALE Ready to go. Phone W. D. Good. WA. 6-1415. lt-12-31 SPECIAL NOTICES THINKING OF NURSING HOME? The new Wheaton Nursing Home located at 11901 Georgia ave., will be open about Jan. L Call WA. 4-2141 for bro chure. Complete rehabilitation & recreation facilities, tf-6074 FRIENDSHIP HOME New 3 BEDROOMS, FULL BASEMENT FOR $11,300 ON YOUR LOT Truly an outstanding buy. See model to day. Two miles north of Damascus on Route 80. Phones: CL. 3-2004 Mt. Airy 283-J M-swa-s-m ▲ WANTED BUDNEY PAYS ALL CASH fo your home; free appraisal quick settlement; no commis sion. Call LO 5-2750 or HE 4 3906. TF-449* TOP CASH FOB YOUR HOMI —Overnight settlement with m delay. Free appraisals. Call Mr Goddard. OL. 4-7922 or OL. 4 3202. tf-484( WANTED DAILY RIDE froir Gaithersburg to Alexandria anc back; Monday through Friday: willing to share expenses Please write to Box 272-C oi call GA. 4-7700. lt-12-31 WE NEED HOUSES to sell oi trade in Rockville, Wheaton, Kensington, Betresda or coun try property for clients with cash. Please call OL. 4-4522. W C. Barton Co. lt-11-f HAVE GUNS —WILL SELL! We buy, sell, and trade New and Used Guns. Will buy on* gun or complete collections, incl antiques for CASH. Rock ville Trading Post, 117 N. Washington St PO. 2-3946. HOUSES WANTED - Will pay top prices—any house—any lo cation. All cash in 24 hours. Cali Mr. Berens, HU. 3-3800. JUNK, PAPER, IRON Brass, aluminum, copper, cast iron, rags, steel sheet Iron, junk cars. We call for Urge accu mulation. Yard in Rockville on Route 240. TeL PO. 2-3924, Montgomery Iron & Metal Co. WANTED: HOMES, FARMS, LOTS, ACREAGE, Top Cash immediate action. R. L. Smith Realty. GA. 4-7711-WH. 6-5579. GA. 4-8795. Tf-6335 PAPERHANGING and Painting inside and out. Free estimate, books furnished—Work Guar anteed. Call WA. 6-2537. 4t-12-31 REAL ESTATE ROCKVILLE—3 bedrm., dining rm., bsmt.; fenced yard, trees; assume 4%% loan, SB4 per month, $13,900. NOT in develop ment Call OL. 4-4522. C. W. Barton Co. lt-11-12 FARMS, NEW HOMES, FARM ETTES—For complete personal ized real estate service in Da mascus, Upper Montgomery Co. and Frederick Co., call Geo. L. Kaetzel, Real Estate Broker, 28420 Kemptown rd., Damascus, Md. Phones CL. 3-2004; Mt. Airy 2835. tf-4647 UP • COUNTY New Brick Rambler; 1 acre; 3-bedrm., full bsmt.; carport; modem kitcn., ceramic tile bath OHWH, plenty closets; lots of shade; in excel, location; SIB,OOO. R. L. Betson, Poolesvllle, Md. DI. 9-4542 after 6 p.m. lt-12-31 FOR RENT BDRM. Modern Duplex Apt., Laytonsville, immed. possession, SBO per month. 4-BDRM. Colo nial House & 3-car garage; in excel, condition; large liv. rm., with fireplace; 12701 Geo. Ave.; $175 per month. MAYNE REALTY CO., WA. 4-4000, WA. 6-2112. 2t-l-7 FURNISHED APT. FOR BENT in Laytons ville; living rm., bed rm., kitch., bath and porch priv.; entrance; adults. Call WH. 62504. lt-12-31 HOUSE—4 rooms & bath, near Boyds, Md.; S6O per nonth. Call WA. 6-0839. 2t-l-7 MODERN 4 ROOM COLONIAL HOUSE Porches, stove & refrigerator. Couitry setting. to bus, achot>. churches, etc. Near Ashton. Immediate occupancy. Call WA. 4-4720. tf-6100 GAITHERSBURG 3OO DEER PARK DRIVE Apt. unfur nished or partly furnished 2 bedrms., liv. rm., kitch., bath, H.W. Heat, $75 mo., utils, extra call at house before 5 p.m. or phone LI. 3-0846 after 6 p.m. lt-12-29 SBEDROOM BRICK RAM BLEB in Randolph Hills, Base ment, fenced yard, near elem. school, close to Bethesda. WH. 6-0497. tl lego! Advertisement M. Tu -k r N. A. Hillman ; Solicitors i- Annapolis, Md. - IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 5 FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY MARYLAND C Sitting as a Court of Equity j Equity No. 22764 . EDWIN N. RUDDOCK . 646 Kelker Street ) Harrisburg, Pa. . CHARLOTTE D. BRASHEARS , 639 “G” Street, N.E. I Washington, D. C. ; LANCELOT C. RUDDOCK 501 Eye Street, N.E. . Washington, D. C. L KATHERINE JANE . RUDDOCK BROWNE r 10114 Ostend Avenue , Cleveland 8, Ohio . MARTHA PEARL RUDDOCK i 2705 Torbett Street . Nashville, Tenn. i vs. ERNEST RUDDOCK ! Son of JACK RUDDOCK ' Address Unknown ( CHARLES RUDDOCK > Son of CHARLES RUDDOCK, SR. Address Unknown AUBREY RUDDOCK Address Unknown JULIA RUDDOCK Address Unknown And all of the unknown heirs, executors, adminis trators, and personal repre sentatives of CHARLOTTE Y. RUDDOCK CHARLES RUDDOCK JACK RUDDOCK AUBREY RUDDOCK and JULIA RUDDOCK Whether residents or non residents of the State of Mary land Order of Publication The object of this suit is for the partition sale of real estate in Montgomery County, Mary land. The Petition states that Char lotte Y. Ruddock, single, depart ed this life on or about July 31, 1956, intestate, seised and pos sessed of a tract of land situate in Montgomery County, being part of a tract called "Flint Hill” containing six (6) acres, more or less, acquired by deed dated October 11, 1941, from E. Olivia Perkins, widow, said deed re corded among the Land Records 1 of Montgomery County in Liber No. 852, folio 154; that the Com plainants and Respondents con stitute all the heirs at law of < the said Charlotte Y. Ruddock; i that the estate of Charlotte Y. ■ Ruddock, deceased, was ad- 1 ministered in the Orphans’ Court for Anne Arundel County; that the Complainants are ' tenants in common with the Re spondents of undivided interests and because of the nature of the property, it is not suscep tible of partition in kind be tween the parties hereto, with out loss or injuries to their respective interests therein, and that it will be for the best in terest and advantage of ail par ties, thereto that the said real estate be sold and the proceeds be divided among them accord ing to their respective interest that the Respondents are non residents of the State of Mary land. IT IS THEREUPON this 22nd day of December, 1959, by the Circuit Court for Montomery County, Maryland, sitting in Equity, ORDERED that the Complainants by causing a copy of this Order of Publication to be inserted in some local paper published in Montgomery Coun ty, Maryland, once a week in each of four successive weeks before the 25th day of January, 1960, giving notice to the non residents Respondents of the object and substance of this Bill and Order, requiring them to In Memoriam r In sad but loving memory of our N darling son Thomas W. Tay ij lor who passed away 14 years . a'd six month* ago on Christ mas T>ay June 25th, 1945. ; The blow was great the shock ’ severe To part with one we loved so dear ’ Only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without j farewell. . Just when life was the dearest ■ And you could have lived your . best . The gates of heaven opened . And God called you home to [ rest No one knows how we miss you No one knows the bitter pain We hive suffered since we lost you Life will never be the same yr ui memory is a keep sake With which we will never part. Though God has you in his I eeplng w < still have you in our hearts S.nep in Peace Dear Thomas - Mother Annie Taylor — f In Memory of our dear little ® eor * e E. Nehouse, who •1 Jan. 3rd, 1953, aged twelve ;#rs. t ou ar * not forgotten; loved I one a Nor will you ever be. ■As long as life and memory ■ last m We will remember thee. Daddy, Mommie and Sister Mary j Legal Advertisement file their initial pleading [on oi before the 26th day of February 1960, to show cause, if anjy they may have, why a Decree should not be granted as prayed herein. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 4t-7764-l-21 ZONING AMENDMENT DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION AND LICENSES MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Rockville, Maryland A public hearing on the fol lowing application for Zoning Amendment will be held in the auditorium of the County Office Building. Rockville, Maryland, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1960 AT 8 P.M. or as soon thereafter as it can be heard. NUMBER C-344, David Mac donald, Attorney for John S. Stubbs, and Associates, Inc., Applicants. It is proposed to amend the text of the Zoning Ordinance for the Maryland- Washlngton Regional District in Montgomery County to permit automobile repair and service stations in the C-2 Zone across the street from, or abutting resi dential property, provided such residential property is recom mended for commercial or industrial use on & Zoning Plan adopted by the Commission. Copies of this petition may be obtained in the Office of the Di rector, Department of Inspec tion and Licenses. E. W. BUCKLIN Director Department of Inspection and Licenses lt-7757-12-?9 Sheriff’s Sale Of Valuable Personal Property STATE OF MARYLAND Montgomery County, to wif: By virtue of Distraint for Rent issued by Rockville De velopment Corp, landlord, and to me as Sheriff of said County, directed' at th# sift of Rockville Development Corp. vs. Albert Whisman, I havt'this 16th day of November, 19*. seized and taken Into execiftion all the right and title, clglm, Interest and estate both it law and In equity o/ the said Albert Whls man of, in, to and about the following described property, to wit: 1 Davenport 3 Chairs • 1 Stand 1 TV, 17” 2 End Tables 1 Radio 1 Floor Lamp 1 Iron 1 Heater 1 Buffet 1 Stand 1 Coffee Table 1 Record Player 1 Kitchen Table w/4 Chain 1 Stand 1 Kitchen Cupboard 1 Metal Cabinet 1 Washer 2 Hot Plates 1 Table 1 Double Bet) 1 Dresser 1 Sewing Machine 1 Chair 1 Stand 1 Dressing Table 1 Chest 1 Cot 1 Stove 1 Refrigerator I hereby give notice that I will sell all the right, title, interest and estate both at law and in equity of the sai# Albert Whlsman of, in, to and about the above described property to the highest bidders for cash at 404 Blandford Street, Apt. No. 4, Rockville, Maryland, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1060 AT 10:80 A.M. Terms of Sale: CASH LUKE J. BENNETT, JR. Sheriff Montgomery County, Md. 2t-776W-7 ZONING AMENDMENT, department OF INSPECTION AND LICENSES MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Rockville, Maryland A public hearing on the fol lowing application for Zoning Amendment will be held In the - auditorium of the County Office Building. RockviUt, Maryland, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1660 AT 8 P M. or as soon thereafter as it can be heard. NUMBER C-331# John E. Ox ley, Attorney tor Frank Ertter and Gladys Ertter, Applicants, 1 for the reclassification from the . R-R and R9O Zones to the R-20 Zone of P rt ot * tr>ct colled 1 "St Mary’*." located Just eff I Baltimore Road between Rock ville and Norbeck, adjoining c Union Cemetery and U. S. Ar- t mory, containing 7.49 acres, more or less, la the 4th Election J District, as more particularly T described in the application on p file for public inspection in the f Office of lhe Director, Depart- Z m ent of Inspection and d I u-etses. n f. W. BUCKUN jo jv rector ID Ijspartment of Inspection d< and Licenses lt-7737-12-291 fi | Legal Advertisement r ZONING AMENDMENT ' DEPARTMENT OF 1 INSPECTION AND LICENSES ■ MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Rockville, Maryland A public hearing on the fol lowing application for Zoning Amendment will be held in the auditorium of the County Office Building, Rockville, Maryland, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1960 AT 8 P.M. or as soon thereafter as It can be heard. NUMBER C-334, C. Edward Nicholson, Attorney for Deal Funeral Home Inc., Applicant. It Is proposed to amend the text of the Zoning Ordinance for the Maryland-Washlngton Regional district in Montgomery County to permit funeral chapels or undertaking establishments as special exceptions In the R-90 Zone, and as permitted uses in the R-60 Zone. Copies of this petition may be obtained from the Office of the Director, De partment of Inspection and Licenses. E. W. BUCKLIN Director ; i- Department of Inspection n and Licenses lt-7759-12-2! it - . e SUMMER WOOD Solicitor s II S. ferry Stmt j. Rockville, Md. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE a THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that th. Subscriber has obtained from the Or phans' Court of Frederick County, Ir r Maryland, Letters Testamentary on thi Estate of * THOMAS A. MONROE . late of Frederick County, Maryland, de ceased. All persons having claims 5 against the deceased are warned to ex . hlblt the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, - wi or before the 27th day of June, 1960 next; they may otherwise by law he ex cluded from all benefit of aald Estate. Those Indebted to the deceased are desired to make Immediate payment. Given under my hand this 16th day of December, 1959. . WALTER E. FOX i Executor SUMNER WOOD, SR. Agent and Attorney True Copy —Test: THOMAS M. EICHELBERGER Register of Wills For Frederick County, Md. 6t-7889-l-28 ZONING AMENDMENT DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION AND LICENSES MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Rockville, Maryland A public hearing on the fol lowing application for Zoning Amendment will be held in the auditorium of the County Office Building, Rockville, Maryland, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1960 AT 8 F..M. or as soon thereafter as it can be heard. NUMBER C-338, James R. Miller, Attorney for John S. and N. D. Samperton, Applicants, for the reclassification from the R-60 Zone to the C-0 Zone of Lot 12, Block 23C, Edgemoor Sub division, located at 5005 Elm Street, Bethesda, containing 5453 square feet, more or less, in the 7th Election District, all as will be shown in the applica tion on file for public inspection in the Office of the Director, Department of Inspection and Licenses. E. W. BUCKLIN Director Department of Inspection ■nd Licenses lt-7760-12-29 ZONING AMENDMENT DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION AND LICENSES MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. Rockville, Maryland A public hearing on the fol lowing application for Zoning Amendment will be held in the auditorium of the County Offkce Building, Rockville, Maryland, MONDAY, FEBRUARY A/MM L AT 8 P.M. 7 aUr as sooi thereafter r it can a be heard. t NUMBER R. Miller, Jr., Attorney for Robert D. Riggs, Applicant, for the re f) classification from the R-R Zone to the I-l Zone, of pait of a tract of land known as Damascus V. F. D.* Inc property, located on Lewis Drive, Damascus, con taining 1.1644 acres, more or 1 less, in the 12th Election Dis trict, as more particularly de scribed in ifie application on file for public inspection in the Office of,the Director, Depart ment r t inspection and Licenses. E. VV. BUQcLILi Director Department of Inspection and Licenses lt-7761-12-29 ZONING AMENDMENT DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION AND LICENSES MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. j Rockville, Maryland A public hearing on the fol lowing application for Zoning Ar ridment will be held in the au .norium of the County Office Bt 1 Hrig, Rockville, Maryland, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1960 AT 8 P.M. or as soon thereafter as it can be h ard. NUMBER C 337, James R. Miller. Attorney ror Armstrong Tire and Accessory Corp., Ap plicant, for the reclassification from the R-R Zone to the I-l Zone of property known as Bur dette Garage, located 1% mile north* of Clarksburg, containing i one ajere In the 2nd Election ' District, as more particularly i described in the application on i file for public inspection In the Legal Advertisement Office of the Director, Depart ment of Inspection and Licenses. E. W. BUCKLIN Director 1 Department of Inspection and Licenses lt-7762-12-29 t DMA B. WALDROP *7Ol Oeor*l Awnun silver Spring, Maryland NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, that the Orphans Court for Montgomery Coun ty has Issued Letters Testamentary to Eula Forester Britt In the Estate of JAMES ROBERT BRITT a.k.a. J. ROBERT BRITT and JAMES R. BRITT late of Montgomery County deceased. All prisons having Claim* against the deceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 25th day of June next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of aald Estate. All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate Payment. Given under my hand this 16th day of December, 1959. EULA FORESTER BRITT 8806 Coleeville Road Silver Spring, Maryland Executrix 6t-7691-12.8 G. O. BOt RDF.AUX, ESQ. Rockville, Maryland NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, that the , Orphans' Court for Montgomery Coun ty has Issued Letters of Administration 1 to Louie D. Bell In the Estata of MARY F. ALLNUTT late of Montgomery County deeeaaed. All persons having Claims against the ili-’snssd are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 25th day of ( June next; they may otherwise hy law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons Indebted to said / Estate are requested to make Immediate v payment. Given under my hand this 16th day of December, 1959. LOUIS D. BELL c/o C. O. Bourdeaux, Esq. Rockville, Maryland Administrator 61-7692-1-28 r J. FONTAINE HALL Attorney 6004 Poindexter Road Rockville, sfd. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' Court for Montgomery County, has Issued Letters of Adminis tration to Gertrude H. Cunningham in the Estate of WILLIAM BROOKE CUNNINGHAM late of Montgomery County, deceased. All persons having Claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with vouchers thereof, legally authenticated to the subscriber on or before the 11th day of June next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of aald Estate. All persons Indebted to aald Estate are requested to make Immediate payment. Given under my hand this 4th day of December, 1959. GERTRUDE H. CUNNINGHAM Administratrix Kruhm Road Burtonsvllle, Md. Notice Beer and Light Wine License Notice is hereby given that application has been made by: Raymond G. Boccabella Reno W. Boccabella For a Beer and Light Wine License, Class A, Off Sale, for Sale, for the premises known as Market Center, which premises are located at: 502 Hungerford Drive Rockville, Maryland A hearing on this application will be held in the County Coun cil Hearing Room, County Office Building, Rockville, Maryland, on: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1960 AT 10:10 A.M. Any person desiring to be heard on said application should appear at the time and place fixed for said hearing. BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISSIONERS FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY By: E. W. BUCKLIN Secretary 2t-7663-12-29 JACOB S. LEVIN Solicitor T9M Now Hgmpiihlro Afffliio HUver spring. Md. ORDER NIM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY An a Court of Equity No. 22001 Equity In the Matter of the Deed of Trust from ; FRANK MURRAY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY to HOWARD BERNSTEIN and JEROME MAUN , Trustees ORDERED, this 15th day of Derember [ A.D., 1950, by the Circuit Court for , Montgomery County, as a Court ol 1 'Equity, that the Male made by Howard i Rernstetn and Jerome Malln, Trustees to Texas Frontier Development Corporation and reported in the above entitled rau* )be ratified and confirmed unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the llth day of January next; provided a ropy of this order be Inserted 1 In some newspaper published in said Montgomery County, once a v-eek for three successive weeks before the said llth day of January, 1960. • The report states the amount of the t sale to lie #7,000.00. C LAYTON K WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court , For Montgomery County True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS , Clerk 31-76H6-12-S1 SIMPSON * MIMPMOV Fire Department Hid*. Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO ( RKIIITORH NOTICK IH HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' Court for Montgomery Coun ty has Issued Letter* of Administration to Rotate I. Carr in the Estate of DKAVER PACE CARR late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the deceased are hereby warned to present the same on or liefore the 25th day ol June next; they may otherwise by law Vie excluded from ail benefit or said Estate. All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 36th day of December. 1959. KOSMIK I CARR 34520 Columbia Hoad Montgomery County. Md. Administratrix 61-7690-I*2B STATE OF MARYLAND STATE ROADS COMMISSION Notice to Contractors Sealed Proposal for the fol lowing project: STATE ROADS PROJECT MONTGOMERY COUNTY CONTRACT NO. M-517-3-320 COST OF PLANS *15.00 Grade, drain and surface, Mary land Route 193 from Valley View Avenue to Viera Mill Road; 0.243 miles (Rigid Pave ment). Project Classification "A.” will be received by the State Roads Commission at its officee, 300 W. Preston St., Baltimore 3, Maryland, until TUESDAY. JANUARY 12, 1960 AT 12:00 NOON EJS.T. at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. Pre-Qualification of Bid ! dera Required. V Bids must be made upon the! SENTI NF I MONTGOMERY T J r. OOTTNTY, MDI Tuesday, December 79, 1959 Legal Advertisement blank proposal form which' with specifications and plans, g will be furnished by the Com mission upon application and cash payment noted. No Rd fund for Return of Specifica tions and Plans. * No bids will be considered y unless accompanied by a cerV 1 tified check or bid bond pay' able to the State Roads Com, mission of Maryland, in the l amount as set forth in the pro t posal form, as required by Sec [ tion 13, Article 898, Annotated i Code of Maryland, 1951 Edition. ' The successful bidder will be ’ required to give bond and com” ply with the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland respect ing contracts. The Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids, By Order of the State Roads Commission this 22nd day of December, 1959. -< . JOHN B. FUNK Chairman and Director " of Highways C. R. PEASE Secretary Order No. H-2857 2t-7703-l-7 Robert H. Symonds. Solicitor for Trustees 918 Sligo Avenue Silver Spring, Md. Telephone: JUniper 7-6655 Trustees’ Sale Of Valuable, Improved Beal Estate, located in Montgom ery County, Maryland, lm proved by premises known am it 3014 Lantern Drive, Silver ' Spring, Maryland. t By virtue of the power and | authority contained in a Deed of Trust from John Parker and Myrtle E. Parker; 1 his wife, to the undersigned Trustees dated the 17th day of i July, 1959, and recorded among the Land Records of Montgom ery County, Maryland in Liber 2625, Folio 343, and at the re ; quest of the parties secured thereby, default having oc curred In the terms and condi tions thereof, the undersigned , Trustees named in said Deed of . Trust will sell at public auction i at the premises on , JANUARY 25, 1960 At 4:00 P.M. all that property in said Deed of Trust described as follows: ’ j Lot 23 in Block C ir. the sub* . division known as CONNECTI ; CUT AVENUE HILLS as per plat of said subdivision re corded in Plat Book 42, plat 3108, one of the Land Records for Montgomery County, Mary land. , The property is improved by j a one and one-haif story brick , dwelling with full basement and gas heat. TERMS OF SALE: A cash der posit of ten per cent of the purchase price will be required at the time of sale, the balance to be payable in cash within five (5) days after the ratifica tion of the sale by the CSrcult I Court for Montgomery County, Maryland. Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter be assumed by the purchaser. Title examination, conveyancing, State and Fed eral revenue stamps and all other costs incident to settle ment are to be paid by the purchaser. Compliance with terms of sale shall be made within tivb days after final ratification of sale or deposit shall be forfeited and the property resold at the risk and cost of the defaultant purchaser. The property will be sold subject to a prior n- f cum bra nee, the terms and con ditions of which will be an nounced at the time of sale. * Jk MITCHELL C. RASBERtyr * / 3 GLENDA I. BLANCHARD Trustees. 4t-7701-l-21 C. O. BOURDEAUX. UMQ. Fire llrptflnirnl HMA. KorUville, Md. j NOTICE TO I KMlITlI’j * NOTICE IS HEKKHY GIVEIV that thMS Orphans’ Court for Montgom*#/ Count?* ha* iftsued I+l for* of Airnlnl|raf ion to Murray L. Walker and Milton ft. Walter In the Estate of MAKHAIX M. WAIJCEVI late of Montgomery County d^eosed. All persons having Claims agalnat the dweased are hereby warned to present the same on or l>efore the Ist day of July next; they may otherwise by law be excluder! from all benefit of said Entate. All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment. Given under their hands this 22nd daV of Decemta-r, 19.Vf MURRAY L. WALKER MILTON M WALKER Gaithersburg, Md. Administrators St-7766-1-4 To the Stockholders of the Maryland State Bank of Montgomery County Th* Annual meeting of the stockholder! for the election of director* for th* year 1960 end for any other necesteiV { t usinets will be held in the > t lain Office Building nt n.-}* M Summit Avenue, burg, Maryland on January 12, 1960 at o'clock P.M. A Very truly Robert M. Cashier . 11