Newspaper Page Text
r o I GArden 4-7700 SC kl Tlkl C I MONTGOMERY fc NT I N fc L COUNTY. MO. A12 Thursday, Fab. IS, 1960 INDEX ( SERVICES 1 ij HOME IMPROVEMENTS * , INS! RUCTIONS * ! HEI.r WANTED —MACK J HBM* WANTED— EKMAI.K 1 ]; HELP WANTED—DOMESTIC IT | HELP WANTED —FARM IS j HELP WANTED iSlllt-FVIMIH •* Ij < HIED I ARE ■ I , Mist EELANICOLS FOR SALE S 5 |7 MISt ELEANEOLS W ANTED 3# ] REAL ESTATE—SALE * ( REAL ESTATE— RENT | REAL ESTATE—WANTED T i TRADE OR SWAP <S jj AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE I j EIVESTIM K— SALE * I, LIVESTOCK—WANTED <M> f DOGS. PETS. KENNELS T jj CiIVEAWAVS T I SPECIAL MITIIES •* | J AUCTION SALES SO ( IAST AND FOUND *1 COMING EVENTS * ' j I ■ ■ l '■ 11 "■* ——— , SERVICES \ I ■ ' 11 ' ~~~ | ALUM. STORM WINDOWS and , Doors, Jalousies, Awnings and I' Alum. Screen Porches. Storm c window repairs and glazing. >' Free estimates; work guaran- l teed. L. & M. Supply Co. Ph. ] WL 8-9210, eves. WA. 7-6415. j tt-8317 j. AUTO GLASS—We are equipped , | to handle any auto or truck glass job regardless of make or ] model. Rockville Glass Service, . Commerce la. PO. 2-3801. tf-4532 | CLOTHES DRYER i VENTING SUPPLIES We carry a complete stock of venting materials I for all maka dryers. Also A complete line of repair parts for all major appli ances. We give FREE in structions for the do-it-your self homeowner. BETTAR REFRIG. & APPLIANCE SERVICE 10503 Wheatley Street Kensington, Md. Phone LO. 4-7175 tf-8107 COOK’S MOVING AND STOR AGE —Local and long distance, large or small loads. Packing and crating. Agent for Grey Van Lines. Phone GA. 4-5158. FENCE—Chain Link, Installed, 30c sq. ft., line post, caps, top rail, 11-gauge fabrics and alum, ties. SUBURBAN FENCE CO., JU. 5-4321. 935 Gist Ave., Silver Spring, Md. 4t-3-10 CRUSHED STONE Repair those drives, lanes and parking areas now; all sizes of crushed stone delivered ; estimates cheerfully given. Call Rockville Crushed Stone. PO. 2-9307. ELECTRICAL SERVICE Licensed Contractor Roiidontiol Wiring • Drytrs • Rongoi • Special Circuits TWINBROOK ELECTRIC Ralph lurnoy GArden 4-1309 POplar 2-9688 if FLAGSTONE PATIOS Steps, walks, all kinds of cement work, retaining walls, waterproofing, cellar floors and walls, terra cotta pipes, drainage from downspouts and lawns; repair swimming pools. F. Marcuccio. PO. 2-3588. tf 2970 ELECTRICAL WIRING Roiidontiol and Commercial CARL TRAMMELL Electrical Service HA. 7-7143 tf-7668 FEDERAL * STATE INCOME TAX RETURNS prepared. J. Newman. WH. 6-4754. Call be fore noon or after 6 p.m. tf-8286 INCOME TAX RETURNS (Individual • business • corpora tion - partnership) Prepared un der supervision of tax consult ant with over 25 yrs. exp. Open every night until 10:30 p.m. Phone HA. 7-7511. If no answer call WH. 2-7177 for appontment. Scott & Assoc., Management. Personnel & Tax Business Serv ices for the: Individual, Profes sions & Small Businesses. 124 Commerce la., Rockville. Md. STRUCTURAL STEEL Auto parts, beams, pipe, angles, plates, small motors, odds and ends of metal for machinists and tool makers. Visit our yard in Rockville on the new 240 by-pass. Montgomery Iron and Metal Works. PO. 2-3924. VETERANS SHEET METAL CX>.—Oil and gas hot air fur naces. Roofing, new and re pair. Guttering and spouting; roof painting. Humidifiers for hot air furnaces. Additional heat lines. Free estimates. Call PO. 2-2896 or PO. 2-3917. MELBIES BEAUTY SALON - With this clipping you can get a jiermanent wave complete. sß.oo. Hair coloring our spe eialty. PO. 2-6757. tf-6059 DRY WALL^-Taping St finish ing. sparkling. Plaster cracks repaired, permanent. Call WA 6 2068. _ 2U2-18 ELECTRIC MIRING—By for mer inspector specializing in in stallation of Heavy Appliances. Ranges, Dryers Incl. vents. Air conditioners, wiring repairs, kitch.. rec. ims. or attics. Add a circuit or a plug. Carl Tram mell, PO. 2-9391 or HA. 7 7113. ti-8290 fCkmfied_ Advertism? aJenwoo Deadline—Tuesday, 4 P.M. Rates: 7 Lines or Less (25 Words) $1.68; 24 Cents for Each For Publication Following Thursday ** Additional Line. Our Ad Takers Will Help You Phrase Your Ad. SIRVICIS 1 I CUSTOM HOME BUILDING —1 Remodeling; Dormers & Rec. i Rooms. For free estimate ] Phone WA. 6-0492. Chester L. Johnson, Rt. 1, Clarksburg, Md. j 4t-2-18 , SLATE ROOF EXPERT 2O 1 yrs. exper.; Garages, Rec. i Rooms, Dormers, Interior & Ex- < terior Painting, all kinds of, ; gutter & chimney work. For j ( free estimate, call R. L. McEl- t fish. WI. 8-9154. 24 hrs. or PO. 1 2-2666. HOME IMPROVEMENT i LOANS ARRANGED. _ 4t-2-18 t tax returns prepared— i Clark Sherwood, trading as Sherwood-Parker Co.. 112 2 0 Grandview Ave., Wheaton, takes pleasure in announcing the as sociation of M. L. Hauft, for merly with Internal Revenue service in Montgomery County. All State and Federal Income Tax returns prepared Day and evening appointments. LO. 5- 1232. 4t-3-10 INCOME TAX RETURNS pie pared evenings. Call GA. 4- 8511 or GA. 4 9799. Bt-4-7 , HOME IMPROVEMENTS 2 PAINTING SPECIAL Room S2O up. Work guaranteed., free estimates. Call RA. 3-4903. j 102-18 ADDITIONS Dormers, rec. rooms, garages, porches, kit ; chen and bath remodeling. All I work fully guar. No money i down. 5 yrs. to pay. Free es timate. Call night or day. Al lied Home Imp. Co., HA. 2-8316. j tf-8281 i TILE—New & repair, all types. Work guaranteed; free esti mates. Call UN. 4-3916 any time. Jim Mayes. 202-25 PAINTING lnterior, exterior, roofing. Guaranteed work. 25 yrs. experience. White median |ic. CO. 5-1141. 403-10 j INSTRUCTIONS 5 } r— ———____________ Instructions ALL INSTRUMENTS For Your Music and Supplies • Gibson * Goya GUITARS • Olds Band Instruments • Excelsior ACCORDIONS INSTRUMENT REPAIRS MUSIC l ARTS CENTER. Inc. TwlnbrooV Shopping Center <ln the Arcade. 2014 Velrs Mill Rd., Rockville GA. 4-9660 4t-Ss'.*S-a-10 HELP WANTED—MAH IS j JEWEL TEA CO. wants reliable young man between 25 & 35 to run an established route. Guar anteed salary, hospitalization, retirement & paid vacation. For interview appointment, call WH. 2-3401 between 6-9 p.m. BODY METAL MEN 5-day week: Salary & Commission; ! Pd. Holidays & Sick Leave. Call Mr. Major 9-5 at KE. 7-1300 after 7 p.m. HA. 2-9092. DRIVER SALESMAN for es tablished Dry Cleaning Route. Guaranteed Salary plus comm. - Apply Mr. Katz, Wolfson's > Store, Gaithersburg, Md. ■ lt-2-18 MAN with Maryland chauf [ feur’s license. Prefer one with experience in landscaping and | nursery work. Apply J. H. Burton & Sons of Rockville, Inc., 1428 Rockville Pike. BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR (Remington Rand) —And general clerical worker who is interested in advancing j with growing company. Call for appointment. Parlett Gas Com . | pany, PO. 2-4383 lt-2-11 HELP WANTED—PEMALE 16 ' IBM KEYPUNCH OPERATORS . —Experienced; full or part-time. . Kensington area. LO. 4-7527. . tf-5086 NURSES Registered; also li i censed practical nurses. All . shifts. Apply Nursing Office. ■ Suburban Hospital, 8600 Old . Georgetown rd.. Bethcsda. Md. • HELP WANTED County Building Cafeteria, Rockville. ;! Md. Apply 2 p.m. lt-2-18 I COUNTER GIRL Over 21, I white, slarts $35 week. Apply 9429 Georgia Ave., Montgomery i Hills, Md. _ : G A IT H E R S B I RG - ROCK VILLE • WOMEN Earn j $26.50 - $31.50 for 15 hrs. part ! time work. No experience re- J quired. Choose your hours. Call PI. 75253. lt-2-18 ) GIRL FRIDAY Promising ; new Research Company in the • j field of Information Retrieval ’ needs Girl Friday for office in Gaithersburg. Md. Duties will ' incl. typing transcription from . dictating equipmt., simple book j keeping, filing, answering tele -1 phone. Pleasant environment. , Call WO. 6 9019 after 8 p.m. ’ lt-2-18 SALESWOMEN For Luncheonette and Department Heads Full Time Hours, Employee's Discount, Rest Period, Pension, Vacation and Life Insurance. Apply in person S. S. KRESGE COMPANY Whaaton Plaia Whaaton. Md. HELP WANTED—PEMALE 16 NURSE—Doctors’ office. Tem porary work 6 to 8 weeks. Call : PO. 2-2595 for appointment. 2t-218 MAN OR WOMAN—Part time i ’ or full time, to handle National- ' ly Advertised Products with J rural customers in Montgomery 1 County. Free life insurance pro- ; gram. Should be over 25 years of age. Car or light truck re quired. Write Watkins Products, Inc., P. O. Box No. 5071, Rich- ; mond, Va., for full particulars 1 and personal interview. 4t-3-3 '• ] SECRETARY j i Responsible position in ( Legal Dept, of large firm, for young woman under 30. 1 ' ' 1 Excel, starting salary and j company benefits. For in- J terview call PO. 2-3476 lt-8522-2-18 ' I MAN OR WOMAN for City of 1 Rockville. Sales and deliveries, j 4- hrs. per day. Also will con- • sider older men, 50-75. Write i 1 Box 5071, Dept. S-3, Richmond, SILVER SPRING-WHEATON— ', Attractive housewives desiring ; part-time work. Sell Luzier Cos metics in your immediate neigh borhood. Your choice of day or ; evening hours. No car neces sary. DI. 7-8481. tf-7785 BE A SARAH GIRL Pleasant dignified work showing Sa r a h Coventry Jewelry seen on "Queen for a Day." No Investment, part-time job full-time money. Use of car & phone 2 or 3 eves, per week. Whife. Phone JU. 8-8613 7667-2-18 OFFICE POSITIONS OPEN Apply now for unusual full time openings for all types of I office positions with top com panies we represent. Let us di rect your talents to desirable j well paying jobs. Visit, tele phone or write Baker & Half ; leigh Associates, Management & Personnel Consultants, 2416 i Reedie dr., Wheaton. Md. LO. 5- After 6 p.m. call WH. 23018. tf-4996-1-21 SALESWOMEN FULL TIME RESERVE FORCE PART TIME In Our New WHEATON PLAZA STORE We have immediate openings for Women 18 years or older who are available to work. 2 or More 8-Hour Days Evenings and Saturdays 5-Day, 40-Hour Week Enjoy 20*4 discount on purchases and many other worth-while benefits. Apply Woodward & Lothrop WHEATON PLAZA STORE Wheaton Plaza, Maryland 2nd Floor—Porionnol During Rogulor Sforo Hourt ! HELP WANTED—DOMESTIC 17 HIGH SCHOOL GIRL to stay i with little girl 2-3 hrs. daily ; 5 days a week. Call GA. 4-5936 ; 1 between 4-6 p.m. lt-2-11 | CAPABLE - DEPENDABLE , person to live in 5 or 6 day I week. Must be able to do good , ; plain cooking, GHW & some . | child care—must like children. . j Prefer single person under 40. _ ] Must have recent ref., no sniok ' I lug or drinking. Call WH. 2- 3'3066. lt-2-18 HELP WANTED—DOMESTIC 17 WOMAN White - live In, nice country home, GHW, some plain cooking. Call WA. 4-4134. WOMAN TO WORK 3 days a week in country home; W. of Rockville; must be neat; drive own car. Call eves. WI. 8- 9257. lt-2-18 HELP WANTED—MaIe or Female 19 MAN OR WOMAN —Start the new year off right, serve con sumers in E. Montgomery Coun ty with Rawleigh products. Many earn $3.50 per hour from start. Part-time considered. Write Rawleigh’s Dept. MDA 10U1108, Chester. Pa. Bt-2-25 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN —Hugh T. Peck has openings for full-time and part-time sales- J men in his Rockville office. Leads supplied, many listings, bonus plan, exp. not necessary. We train. Call Mr. Keating for app’t.. GA. 4-6575. tf-4080 AM TRYING to find individuals with or without sales experi ence to represent our products, full or part-time. Your posi tion or association with this off'eo will ho one of dignitv, and there will be no demand on your time. Since being with this company, I made S2OO or S3OO per week because I am stupid enough to work. If you are in terested and have a car. call OL. 6-2570. lt-2-11 SECRETARY Mature shtd. nec. $80: Sec'y. Gen’l office S7O; ' Asst. Bkkpr. mature woman $80; (2) typists S6O; Assembly girls SSO a wk., Routeman for cleaners to S7O. PO. 2-9416. SITUATIONS DOMESTIC 21 WOMAN White, would like day work around Gaithersburg. Excel. Ref. Call WA. 6-1429. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 35 HOUSES BEING RAZED Ra diators, doors, windows, lumber, 1 shutters, plumbing items, angle irons, bricks, cinder blocks, steel beams, slate, gas and oil boilers. 801 Pershing St., Silver Spring, OL. 6-5473. 2t-2-18 GOOD MIXED HAY for stock, S2O per ton. P. L. Snyder. Ph WI. 8-9090. tf-7618-12-3 PENNSYLVANIA EVERGREEN SEEDLINGS t We have the beet for Christmas j Trees Pine*. Spruces, Firs. Send I I for listing today. * j SCH.ROTH S NURSERY INDIANA, fA. Bt-im-3-10 FIREPLACE WOOD—Well sea soned oak. $25 a cord delivered and stacked. Country Bov Stores LO. 5-2144. tf-8288 FREEZER OWNERS Qualiy Foods Low Pricai USDA CHOICE IOWA BEEF Local Fresh Killed Poultry and Meal Products Cut to Your Order and Quick-Frozen Complete Selection of Li wise-Frozen Foods in King-Size Packages FREE BROCHURE ON REQUEST OLNEY FOODS EST. 1934 Georgia Ave. Ext., Olney. Md. WH. 6-6161 and SP. 4-2351 tf-8287 HAY Timothy and Clover; at reasonable prices. Elmer B. Walter, Germantown, Md. Call WA. 61916. _ _2t-2 : 4 VICTORIAN SETTEE 4 matching chairs $450; TV Mag navox. table set, all new tubes, $25; Manley workbench with casters, 5 inch Columbia vise SSO. RA. 3-1127, lU2-18 DEEP FREEZE l6 cu. ft., good condition $175. Paul F. Briggs, Middlebrook, Md. Phone WA.6-3195. lt-2-18 EASTER CARDS; are now in. Rockville Stationery, Inc., Rock ville Shopping Center. PO. 2- 6115. lt-2-18 UNCLAIMED & RE POSSESS ED FURNITURE—Desk Chest S3O; dn. table & 4 chairs S3O; j occ. chair $6; kitchen table $3; : dresser sl2; school desk $4; an tique hall rack $5; file cabinet $6: beds $5; sectional sofa $30;) 9x12 rug $10; chaise lounge $39; early Am. sofa. Picture frames $1; innerspring mat tress $10; office desk sls; sofa bed $25; buffet $10; studio t couch S2O, what-not shelf $10; Fr. Prov. 3-piece sect. sofa.! Bridge chairs $1; bed rm. set l S6O. sofa & chair S3O; wing chair $10; Hollywood bed $22; Hide-away bed S4O; night table $2; maple bed $10: boudoir chair $5; bookcase $3. Open ’ daily 'til 9 p.m. Sun. 12-5. Credit terms arranged. HOFF- I MAN UPHOLSTERERS, 2447; ' 18th st.. NAV. CO. 5-5116. 1 11-2-18 OAK FIREWOOD The finest • seasoned wood for your fire • place cut in 2 ft. lengths. Call ’ 1 for delivery or haul your own, | : Graves Farm. Germantown. 5 Md. WA. 6-3639. lt-2-18 CEMETERY LOTS at Park lawn Cemetery. Will sell for reasonable price, $640 value SISOO. Call between 5-8 p.m. GA. 4-9469. lt-2-18 TRIM FORM MACHINE Brand new. Cost S3OO. Sacri fice $75. GA. 4-8695 after 6 P-m. lt-2-18 HAY 4 tons orchard grass, 15 tons timothy. Miles Farm.: Clarksburg. Call Wm. Oden. WA. 6-3540. lt-2-18 ACCORDION Hohner “Mar chesa" 120-base with case. Hard ly used, $l4O. Eves. WH. 2 8827. I lt-2-18, MISCELLANEOUS FOE SALE 35 ANTIQUES Williamsburg Brass chandelier, large magnifi cent framed oil painting, ladies walnut desk, pine blanket chest, Indian table, lamps brass ped estal. collector’s inkwell set, candlesticks, steins, fine bric brac, rugs, air conditioner. Great sacrifice! JU. 7-6321. | lt-2-18 FUR COAT Mouton. Blonde color, 4* length, size 8-10. Latest style, worn few times. S6O. Call OL. 4-4580 between 10-5. __ lt-2-18 KENMORE Auto. Washer, bolt down type, excel, cond. SSO, dull red sofa & chair $25; or best offer. Call after 6 p.m. or week end. PO. 2-4659. lt-2-18 SADDLE & EQUIPMENT ; Western, Man Size; New $75 cash. H. R. Clower, Olney. Md. c/6 T. A. Ladson. lt-2-18 TIMOTHY HAY Early cut; no rain, $22.50 at barn. J. F. Hazen. Phone DI. 9-3676. FORMICA SINK TOPS Si COUNTERS. Discount prices. No middleman profit involved. NO. 7-7186, after 6 p.m. Call Kl. 9-0508. lt-2-18 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 36 HAVE GUNS WILL SELL! We buy. sell and trade New and Used Guns. Will buy one gun or complete collections, incl. antiques for CASH. Rock | ville Trading Post, 117 N. Washington st., PO. 2-3946. JUNK. PAPER, IRON Brass, aluminum, copper, cast iron, rags, steel sheet iron, junk cars. We call for large accu mulation. Yard in Rockville on Route 240. Tel. PO. 2-3924, Montgomery Iron & Metal Co. YOUNG WOMAN desires room within walking distance of Couvt House. Call GA. 4-9184 after 6:30 p.m. lt-2-18 RENTALS 37 CHAIN SAWS Skill saws, til lers, mixers, aerators, post dig gers, concrete grinders, elec, hammers, sanders, pumps, gen erators, steamers, bulldozers, loaders, etc. Rental Tool & Equipment Co. JU. 9-6881. REAL ESTATE—SALt 45 GERMANTOWN AREA: 3 bed rm., 1 1 a baths, mod. kitchen, nr. A.E.C.. Meadowbrook Es tates. Follow for sale signs on Route 118, Phone WA, 6-3924, A COMPLETE LOT OWNERS $5,195 3-BEDROOM ALUMINUM PACKAGED HOME by Kahler Craft Corp. (A I>ivtKln or X*tlA**l Honifoi Erected by U* on Your Slab Foundation (If on Basement, add s3B6> Sf+ Sample lluuse Today. 1545 KOCkVILLE PIKE (10 minutes north of Bethesda* out Wisconsin Avenue) ROCKVILLE. MD. HA. 7-7302 Eves.. WH. 2-7722 Phone or write for details tf-8133-2-4 SALE BY OWNER Two bed room house in Viers Mill Vil lage. Good condition. Near school and recreation center. FHA appraised. FHA financing arranged. Phone PO. 2-3940 for details. tf Capri Ramblers Sliver Spring 3 bedrooms, 2 full beths, sepa rate dining room, full batamant. Immediate possattion. $18,200 $18,950 Only $950 Down G.I. $1750 F.H.A. James C. Conley & Co. 9525 Georgia Avenue JU. 9-4134 FARMS A SPECIALTY, also Town & City Real Estate in Frederick County, Md. If you j are interested in a Farm CALL ME, I have been a Farmer all my life and also own several i Farms and can help you. Call after 6 p.m. MO. 3-3063, Fred , crick, Md. J. Austin Younkin, Salesman for Russell Z. Hor j man. Broker. 7t-3-31 PROPERTIES FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM now brick rambler; bath, util, rm., din. rm., tga. liv, rm. w/lovely firepl.; level I-aero lot w/shada. Bought farm—mutt *•11. Terms. $ 15,500. 3 BEDROOM brick rambitr; I '/* bath*; in popular Garrett Pk. Estate. Bus sarv, to door; liv. rm. w/firepl.: alum, storm windows; '/] bsmt. rac. rm.; shaded lot. Excel, forms, $ IF,BOO. 4 BEDROOM attract frame ram bler w/ don 6 firepl; patio & firepl.; sap. din. rm.; family silt aloe, kitch.; Ige. liv. rm.; I aero land. Excel, terms or trade; $21,500. 4 BEDROOM duplex homo in quiet country town, completely remodeled. Buy at an investment & homo—live in I apt. and lot the rant of the other pay tha mortgage. Small down payment A excel, terms; $17,900. MAYNE REALTY CO., INC. OLNEY, MD. WA. 4-2831 WA. 4-4000 REAL ESTATE—SALE 45 LAYTONSVILLE Attractive Country Home, 1-yr. old ramb ler; 4% acre good land facing State Rd.; living rm. w/firepl., dining “L”, big kitch., 3 bedrms., tiled bath, full bsmt. divided w/ garage space for 2 cars & day light space for rec. room or hob by shop. 15 min. drive to AEC, Gaithersburg or Rockville. “EX CELLENT LOCATION FOR COUNTRY DOCTOR OR DEN TIST.” Priced low at $20,500. 30- day possession. Call H & H DE VELOPMENT CO., Exclusive Agent, WA. 6-2877 or EV. 4-9515. lt-2-11 Henry W. Becraft GAITHERSBURG New brick ramblers; 5 different models fo choose from; ex cellenf location; high class neighborhood; $20,500 & up. CLARKSBURG—New brick rambler; 3 bedrooms, living room with fireplace; dining room, 2 bafhs; lovely kitch en, dishwasher; full bsmt. with garage; lots of closets; $24,500. GAITHERSBURG New brick; excellent section; center hall; 4 bedrooms, 2'/j baths, full basement, utility room off kitchen; 2- car attached garage. Only $35,000. DAMASCUS 4.5 acres; modern 3-bedroom house; beautiful shade trees, excel lent view; $19,500. GAITHERSBURG —— Beauti ful brick rambler; 3 bed rooms, 2 baths, finished recreation room; Ige. trees; lot completely fenced; over 1500 sq. ft. floor space. Reel buy at $25,250. Henry W. Becraft WI. 8-9292 lt-8109-2-13 •" ' FARMS & ACREAGE 1.1 acre wooded homesite, Damas cus, 32,000. I*4 acre in exclusive Ailamvond area on Marymount Road. 56.000. BOYDS—I2 acre farm with modern custom-built brick rambler. New 60-ft. * barn, double garage with power workshop. Many other extras. MT. AIRY—7S acre farm with 4 bedrm. Cape Cod A 8 rm. tent. hse. 15 acres timber & stream. New 64 ft barn and other bldgs. Only i 335,000. J Trades Accspted PO. 2-3140 SUBURBAN PROPT. MGT. lt-8284-2-18 MAI IST ATI—RENT 46 BETHESDA Modern air con ditioned Office Building under construction. Ready for occu pancy May. 1960. Up to 7000 sq. ft. office space & 3500 sq. ft. for stores. Ample private & public parking. OL. 2-2262, eves, at AX. 9-9027. tf-8316 MOVING? COMPANY COM ING? Need a room for a day or week? Call HOLIDAY MOTEL. Montgomery County’s new motel with th' 1 moderate rates. Open 24 hours; electric heat, TV. Route No. 355. between Gaithersburg - Rockville. Call WI. 8-9068. 7t-2-25 DAMASCUS Modern 2-Bed room House. Call CL. 3-2663. 3t 2-25 FURNISHED APARTMENT Attractive two rooms and bath in Gaithersburg. Centrally lo cated close to shopping, churches, and transportation. Wall-to-wall carpeting. Private entrance. Available March 1 for four months. SBS. mo. utilities included. Call WAverly 6-oni'S. NR. GERMANTOWN: 6 rnr modern farm home. 3 mi. from | Germantown, rentor mav share use of 2 beautiful ponds. SBS ’v”' mo., call for appt., \V\. 6- 3639. lt-2-18 APARTMENT: unftir. 1 bedrm. i new. eouole onlv. $95 ner mo . inclu. utilities. WI. 8-9250 or WA. 6-2500. lt-2-18 ROOM FOR RENT: furnished. 1 private bath, all utilities. 215 ;N. Frederick Avp.. Gaithers -1 hlirr " WA - fl-0205. It-218 | GAITHF.RSHURG - 2 Bedrm Contemp. House, firepl.. wood ed lot. Available mid-March. $125 per month short term lease available. Call WA. 6- h-38 after 7 p.m. lt-2-18 SENECA Darnestown area; unfurnished house. .3 bedrms., 1H baths, rent $125 per month. Samuel E. Bogley, Inc.. EM. 5- 1313. it-2-18 RANDOLPH H11.1.S AREA 3 bedrm. brk. split level, sep. dining room, 2 baths, finished family room w/ fireplace. As sume Ige. G. I. loan. Roger 11. Spencer Co., GA. 4-5151 or GA. 4-5809. lt-2-18 REAL ESTATE—RENT 46 HOUSE 4 rms. & bath. 6 miles S.E. Damascus, SSO mo. Call CLearwater 3-2541. lt-2-18 FREDERICK CTY. beautiful stone home 3O min. from AEC all modern, 30’ Living rm., wood panel walls, stone firepl., 3 bedrms., lli baths, 2 car garage, 25 acres pasture, barn. $125 per month. Bv ap pointment. Call OL. 2-3188 or OL. 4-6252. lt-2-18 REAL ESTATE—WANTED 47 BUDNEY PAYS ALL CASH for your home; free appraisal; quick settlement; no commis sion. Call LO. 5-2750 or HE. 4-3906. tf-4496 TOP CASH FOR YOUR HOME —Overnight settlement with no delay. Free appraisals. Call Mr. Goddard, OL. 4-7922 or OL. 4- 3202. tf-4840 HOUSES, FARMS, ACREAGE St, LOTS wanted for 1960 buy ers. For quick sale phone KEN McGREW REAL ESTATE, PO. 2-9633 or WA. 6-1050. tf-7010 HOUSES WANTED Will pay top prices—any house—any lo cation. All cash in 24 hours. Berens, HU._3-3800._ WANTED: HOMES, FARMS, LOTS, ACREAGE—Top cash; immediate action. R. L. Smith, Realty. GA. 4-7711 - WH. 6-5579. GA. 4-8795. tf-6335 PRIVATE PARTY WILL BUY direct from G.I. who is leaving territory; have some cash & can make good monthly payments. No Brokers. Please call OL. 6-7700. 4t-3-3 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 60 1957 CHEVROLET TRUCK—2 ton, heavy duty. Call GA. 4-6805 evenings, week-ends. 1955 CHEVROLET Station Wagon, VB, power glide, R & H. $1095. Rockville Ford, Com merce la., GA. 4-5000. lt-1-28 1953 FORD Convertible; good top; flame red; white walls, $395. Rockville Ford, Com merce la., GA. 4-5000. lt-1-28 1955 FORD FAIRLANE—4 door Fordomatic; R & H. $995. Rock ville Ford, Commerce la., GA. 4-5000. lt-1-28 1955 FORD Ranch Wagon; 2- $895. Rockville Ford, Commerce la., GA. 4-5000. __ lt-1-28 FORD —1955 Country Sedan; Fordomatic. R& H. Immacu late, $1095. Rockville Ford, Commerce la., GA. 4-5000. 1956 FORD l4-ton Pickup; VB, heater. Clean, $895. Rock ville Ford, Commerce la., GA. 4-5000. lt-1-28 1957 HILLMAN 4-door; im maculate. $995. Rockville Ford, Commerce la„ GA. 4-5000. i PLYMOUTH—’S6. 4-dr. straight ' stick—power pack overdrive. One owner WA.. 6-2558. 1955 FORD—Convertible; new top: Fordomatic. R&H: $1095. ; Rockville Ford, Commerce Lane, - GA. 4-5000. lt-2-11 STATION WAGON ’s7 De- Soto Fireflyte, push button drive, power brakes & steering, R&H. etc. Only 39000 miles. Retail book value $1940. Will sell $1495. Call WH. 6-3611. 56 FORD CONVERTIBLE Owner going overseas. Fordo matic, radio, heater, new top, excellent condition, $1,095. EM. 3- lt-2-18 1955 OLDS MOBILE $8 Red & White, 2 dr„ R&H back-up lights, auto, trans., W.W. tires. Good Cond. Re-isonable. Call Mrs. Quinn at SPring 4-8 1 21. lt-2-18 DOGS, PETS, KENNELS 67 STUD Boston Bull Terrier, AKC Registered Male. 3 vears old. Price 1 pup. Call JU. 7- 6741 after 5 p.m. lt-2-18 SPECIAL NOTICES 7S I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts other than those in curred by me. James T. Hun gerford, Germantown, Md. TO MY MANY FRIENDS who keep inquiring: mv new phone number is UNderhill — Piano & Reed Organs tuned & repaired. Ivan T. Lawson. Il.amesville, Md. 2t-2-25 I SHALL NOT BE RESPON SIBLE for debts contracted by anvone other than mvself. Julian Leigh Richardson Jr. 3t-3-.3 S’-’E OUR GIVE 4WAV SPE CIAL Page 15 Section A. MARK MOTOR COMPANY, Old Route 240, Rockville, Md. COMING EVENTS 5 FEB. 20 —Sat. beginning at 2 p.m Oyster, Country Ham & Chicken Salad Supper at Orn dorff Hall, Brookeville, Md. Sponsored by Brookeville Meth odist Church. Adults $1.75. Chil dren, 75c. 3t-2-18 FEB. 20—Sat. Card Party. 8 p.m. Laytonsville Firehouse Benefit of Lavtonsville Aux. of Fire Dept. Refreshments, door prizes. Admission, SI.OO. _ 3t-2-18 FEB. 20 Dance. St. Peter’s Church, Olney. Sponsored by Norman Price Post, Am. Legion. 9 ’til 12. Admission. $3.00. 3t-2-18 UEB. 27—Dance at Burtonsville Fire Hall. Saturday. 9 ’til 12, sponsored by the Ladies Aux. For tickets call WAlker 4-41.38 or WAlker 4-9352. 6t-2-25 COMING EVENTS S 5 FEB. 27 Sandy Spring Fire house; Country Sausage, Cream ed Chicken, Waffles & Pancake Supper prepared and served by the firemen, 4-8 p.m. All you can eat for SI.OO Sausage for sale while it lasts. 2t-2-25 Feb. 27—Roast Beef Dinner to be held at the Woodfield Hall, sponsored by the Methodist men, beginning at 3.-7 p.m. Adults $1.50; Children 75 cents. FEB. 27—Sat., 3-8 p.m. Country Ham & Oyster Supper at Flower Hill Church of the Brethren, Redland, Md. Benefit of the Re modeling Fund. Adults, $1.50; children, 75c. 3t-2-25 MARCH 1— Shrove Annual Silver Tea & Bake Sale, sponsored by Christ Church Al tar Guild, 2:30-5, Episcopal Rectory, 107 S. Washington st., Rockville. 2t-2-25 MARCH s—Oyster and country ham dinner at the Damascus Methodist Church sponsored by the WSCS, beginning at 2 p.m. MARCH 5 Ham & Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings. Sponsored by the Pythian Sis ters of Gaithersburg at the Knight of Pythias Hall. Adults $1.50, Children 75c. Beginning at 4 p.m. 'til. 3t-3-3 MARCH 5 Beg. at 3 p.m. Turkey & Ham Supper, at the Mt. Airy Elem. Junior High School under the auspices of Prudence Chapter No. 95 O.E.S. Adults $1.35, Children 75c. Hot Veg., Homemade Rolls & Baked Goods for _sale. 3t-3-3 MARCH 6 —2-6 p.m. Oyster Roast, American Legion Home. Prospect rd., Mt. Airy, Md. Danc ing, free beer. $3.50 per person. MARCH 12 Saturday Annual Firemen’s Supper, Turkey, Ham and Oyster beginning at 4 p.m. Adults $1.50; children 75c at the Hyattstown Fire Hall, benefit Hyattstown Volunteer Fire Dept._ st-3-10 MARCH 12 Dance; Potomac Walton Gun Club. McCrossman Lane, Travilah, Md. Music by Johnny Glaze, $3 per couple. 9 p.m. - 12 p.m. 4t-310 MARCH 19 4-8 p.m. Hem and Oyster Dinner, Hunting Hill Methodist Church, Parish Hall. tIARCH 19 —Turkey supper with all the trimmings, at Bovds Presbyterian Church Hall, Boyds, Md., 4-8 p.m. Adults, $1.50; Children, 75c. 7t-3-17 MARCH 19 —Sat. Turkey and fried oyster supper, Salem Methodist Church, Cedar Grove, Md. Beginning at 2 j>.m. 6t-3-17 MAY 14 Fried Chicken & Country Ham Supper. Begin ning at 4 n.m. at Hyattstown Firemen's Hall. Sponsored by Hyattstown Methodist Church. ’SB Blizzard Is Recalled The weekend’s snowstorm couldn’t begin to measure up to the big blizzard almost exactly two years ago. Whereas the snow that start ed falling Saturday afternoon measured less than a foot in most places when it was over, the storm that started Febru ary 15, 1958, piled up 18 inches. Wind piled up drifts 20 feet high in places. As if that weren’t bad enough. Mother Nature dumped another blanket of wet snow on the County on March 20 that year. While the second snow that year wasn’t nearly as deep as the first, it was extremely wet, heavy snow that spelled havoc to telephone and electrical wires. Scores of families were ma rooned lightless, hcatless and waterless, in the case where families used well pumps. Many in the rural sections could even make telephone calls. But in neither case could 1958’s snows compare to the hoary blast that buried the county under 32 inches in 1888 —7O years ago. Baseball Team Sponsor Sought A brisk turnout of 41 boys marked announcement of for mation of a boys’ baseball team in the Randolph Hills’ Civic As sociation area. They range in age from 10 through' 13 years. Parties in terested in sponsoring a team of these lads may speure informa tion from Francis Thompson, at WHitehall 2 4703. Legal Advetisement 40HN~17 MKIMK. 18217 Tjburti Terrace Kethewl*. Mi MlTirr. TO f RFPITOES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tha S'lbsrr!her of Montgomery County has obtained from the Orphan*' Court of Montgomery County. in Maryland. Letter* Testamentary on the penonai Estate of CATHERINE A. OKABER late of Montgomery Countv ilix-i-ased. Alt persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with vouchers thereof, legally au thenticated to the subscriber on or before the 19th day of August next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from ail benefit of said Estate. All persons In debted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand thia 16th day of February In the year of our tsird, one thousand nine hundred and slxtv. s LOIS M. L. SHANKS 6500 Winnipeg Road Rethrsda. Md. Executrix et-8531-3-24