Newspaper Page Text
&PJ& GArden 4-7700 SENTINEL EH? A8 Thursday, March 24, 1960 INDEX • WCKVUKS —• • Hit'll IMI'IUIVK.MKNTS i INSI Ktl l IONS ft HIXI' WANI MI—M.AI.K IS HKI.P WAVIMI—H.MAI.K. 1 HKI.I 1 HANTKU—HOMKSTIC 17 HKI.I* H ANTKII —I* ARM IK HKI.P W ANTKII iMlIt-l'BMln... I I <AHK *ll MIMKI.I..ANKOIS Kill SAKE 15 !tllS< KKI.ANKIU S H AXTEII HKAI. ESTATE— SAKE <5 REAL ESTATE —RENT 4# HKAI. ESTATE—WANTED 47 TKAIIK OR SWAP K Automobiles eor sale LIVESTTM K— SALE ■' I.IVKSTIM K—WANTED DUOS. PETS. KENNELS 7 liIVEAWATH - W sl*E< LAI. NOTICES " AUCTION SALES Kit UIST AND I <ll Nil Kl COMINO EVENTS K SERVICES \ AI.UM. STORM WINDOWS and ! Doors, lalousios, Awnings and Alum. Screen Porches. Storm window repairs and glazing. Free estimates; work guaran teed. L. & M. Supply Co. Ph. WI. 8-9210, eves. WA. 7-6415. AUTO GLASS—We are equipped to handle any auto or truck •glass lob r< gardless of make or model. Rockville Glass Service, Commerce la. PO. 2-3801. tf-4532 CLOTHES DRYER VENTING SUPPLIES We carry a complete tock of venting materials for all make dryers. Also A complete line of repair parts for all major appli ances. We give FREE in ductions for the do-it-your self homeowner. BETTAR REFRIG. & APPLIANCE SERVICE 10503 Wheatley Street Kensington, Md. Phone LO. 4-7175 tf-R7<l? . COOK'S MOVING - AND STORT AGE —Local and long distance, large or small loads. Packing and crating. Agent for Grey Van Lines. Phone GA. 4-5158. tf-4175 .CRUSHED STONE Repair those drives, lanes and parking ~areas now; all sizes of crushed stone delivered; estimates cheerfully given. Call Rockville Crushed Stone. PO. 2-9307. • 1451 CUSTOM-MADE CABINETRY —Modern, superb styling. Mas ter fitting & finishing. Furni • ture for home & office made to , your specifications and taste. • Greater quality at no more cost ; to you than a similar mass-nro ! duced Item. Please call QUAL • ITY WOODWORK INC., rear ; 1068 31st St., NW. (in George town) Phone FEderal 7-7571. CARL TRAMMEL ELECTRICAL SERVICE Any Elnetricnl Installation! Spacial Circuits PO. J-T394 HA. 7-7143 41-8290-4-14 K| ELECTRICAL SERVICE Licansed Contractor Rasidantial Wiring • Dryars • Rangts • Spacial Circuits TWINBROOK ELECTRIC Ralph Burnay GArden 4-8309 POplar 2-9688 • ir FLAGSTONE PATIOS Steps, walks, all kinds of cement work, retaining walls, waterproofing, cellar floors and walls, terra cotta pipes, drainage from downspouts and lawns; repair swimming pools. F. Marcuccio. PO. 2-3588. t f 3970 FEDERAL A STATE INCOME TAX RETURNS prepared. J. Newman. VVH. 6-4754. Call be fore noon or after 6 p.m. tf-8256 INCOME TAX RETURNS ~ (Individual business corpora tion partnership! Prepare' 4 un der supervision of tax consult ant w ; th oxer 25 vrs. exp. Open everv ni"ht until 10:30 p.m. . Phone HA. 7 7511 If no answer call WH 2-7177 for appontment. Scott & Assoc.. Management. .Personnel & Tax Business Serv 4ces for the: Individual Profes 2>ions & Small Businesses. 124 □bommeree la.. Rockville, Md. - tf 1000-4 J 4 Income tax returns pee “•pared evenings. Call GA. 1- 8511 or GA 4 9799 Bt-4 7 STRUCTURAL STEEL Auto beams, pipe, angles, jrlates. small motors, odds and -ends of metal foi machinists •sand tool makers. Visit our vard 3n Rockville on the new 210 ly-pass. Montgomerv Iron and -Metal Works. PO. 2-3924. tf3630 “VETERANS SHEET MET4I UJCO.— Oil and gas hot ait fur naces. Roofing, new and re •ftair. Guttering and spouting; Joof painting. Humidifiers for Diot air furnaces. Additional •Jieat lines. Free estimates. Call -PO. 2-2896 or PO. 2-3917. t tf-1629 ♦-MOVING Local or Long 1 >is -s*nce, call Allied Van Lines Rep resentative Bob McGinley, GA. •4-8280 for free estimate, tf-8849 Landscaping specializing ■in lawns, trimming & planting Jhrubbery & grading: also have .good manure for sale. Call -Troy Cox. WA. 6-2676 after 6:30 I* m. any time Sat. & Sun. tf-8850 ljK <s, O SERVICES 1 H EI.BIE'S BEAUTY SALON- With this clipping you can get a permanent wave complete, $8 50. Hair coloring our spe cialty. PO. 2-6757. tf 6059 TV - RADIO PHONO REPAIRS All Makes TUBES CHECKED AND SOLD TEUTON’S ELECTRONICS 430 E. Diamond Gaithersburg 301 WA-6-0181 It -8838 HOME IMPROVEMENTS 2 ADDITIONS Dormers, rec. | rooms, garages, porches, kit chen and bath remodeling. All work fully guar. No money down. 5 yrs. to pay. Free es timate. Call night' or day. Al lied Home Imp. Co., HA. 2-8316. PAPERING ft PAINTING— Contract or Hour rate, white, 30 yrs. experience Metropolitan area. GA, 4-6315. 3t-3-24 INSTRUCTIONS 5 PIANO Private & group. Call Farrar Club after 4 p.m. WE. 6-1835, Randolph Hills Sec tion. 4t-3-24 ROCKVILLE-TWINBROOK mu sic instructions for piano & woodwinds; classical & popular. Lydia Urban Hermann, PO. 2- 3970. 2t-3-24 HELP WANTED—MALE 15 A-l TRACTOR AND ALL AROUND DAIRY FARM HAND —Wanted immed. on one of Maryland's outstanding Hol stein farms. Man of good char acter, responsibility & willing ness desired. Will supply mod ern apt., good starting wage & the usual privileges. Apply in person at SUNRISE DAIRY FARMS, RT. 124, Gaithersburg, Aid., or phone CLearwater 3- 2052. 3t-4-7 CONCRETE FORM CARPEN TER Call WA. 6-0217. lt-3-21 .MAN to drive a tank milk truck between Carroll County and Baltimore. This is an excellent job for a man over 40. Steady work all year around. Send for application in your own handwriting. Do not call. Ap ply to The Milk Transport Com : pany, R.D. 3, Aberdeen, Md. : REAL ESTATE SALESMEN —Hugh T. Peck has openings for full-time and part-time sales ■ nien in his Rockville office. Leads supplied, many listings, bonus plan, exp. not necess-ry ' We train. Cal! Mr. Keating for app't., GA. 4-6575. tf-4080 SALESMAN for Men's Clothing I Excellent earning oppor tunity for qualified Men’s Clothing salesman. MUST BE EXPERIENCED Woodward & Lothrop Wheaton Plaza Store Wheaton, Md. It-8853-3-24 i -■ - . SALESMAN Garden Plants or Nursery Exp. preferred for \ selling in Company Garden I Shop. 5 day-42 hr. week; many Company Benefits; year round opportunity w/excol. chance for promotion to Dept. Manager. Apply to Mr. Sundav, The Hechingor Co., 625 N. Washing ton St., Rockville, Md. lt-3-17 SALESMAN—Make 1960 your banner year. Except, opport. w/established local firm. Sal ary, liberal comm., fringe bene fits. Exp. unnecessary, on job I training, car essential. No travel. Phone Mr. Giller 9-5 at 1 HA- 7-7444 or PO. 2-4348. lt-3 24 . SALESMAN Experienced to join small sales staff with large f sales potential. Excellent pay i plan, free demo & all Company benefits. See Tom Warfield, j Rockville Ford Co., Commerce i Lane, Rockville. Md. lt-3-24 I STOCKMAN —for electrical , Contractor, 30-45 yrs. old. Pre- I fer man w. exp. must have ex-1 I cel. local References; good op-1 • port, for advancement; pleasant working cond. Apply TRUN . : NEL ELECTRIC CO..' 7842 Wis icon si Avc., Bethesda, Aid., be ; tween 9-11 a.m. it-3-‘M j YOUNG MAN For outdoor I work or Greeter-runner, must I .enjoy helping people, have neat appearance, H. S. Graduate. I Steady yr. round wrk.: 42 hr. . week.; manv Co. Benefits. Ap I ply to Mr. Sunday, THE HECH . j INGER CO.. 625 N. Washing j ton St., Rockville. Md. lt-3-24 ; HELP WANTED—FEMALE U ‘ NURSES Registered: also !i I I censed practical nu roe* All ! 1 shifts. Apply Nursing Office. Suburban Hospital. 8600 Old I (Georgetown rd. t Bethesda, Md. I Classified Advertising Deadline—Tuesday, 4 P.M. Rates: 7 Lines or Less (25 Words) $1.68; 24 Cents for Each For Publication Following Thursday Additional Line. Our Ad Takers Will Help You Phrase Your Ad. HtLP WANTED—fEMALE U CLERK-TYPIST Young wom an; interesting work; perma nent position. Prefer someone in Wheaton, Kensington. Silver Spring area. BETTAR &EFRIG. & APPLIANCE SERVICE. Call LO. 4-7177. lt-3-24 FOUNTAIN CLERKS (Whit.) APPLICATIONS NOW BEING TAKEN PERMANENT POSITIONS 18 years or ov.r, advancement opportunities, experience not necessery. We will train you. Dis count privileges end other em ployee beneiits. Apply MR. C. A. HARRIS PEOPLES DRUG STORES CONGRESSIONAL PLAZA 1603 E. Montgomery Ave. Rockville lt-76H 3-24 j IBM KEYPUNCH OPERATORS —Experienced; full or part-time. Kensington area. LO. 4-7527. _ tf-5086 OFFICE POSITIONS OPEN | Apply now for unusual full time openings for all types of office positions with top com I panies we represent. Let us di- I reet your talents to desirable well paying jobs. Visit, tele phone or write Baker & Haif leigh Associates, Management & Personnel Consultants, 2446 Reedie dr., Wheaton, Md. LO. 5-3714. After 6 p.m. call WH. 2-3018. tf-4996 1-21 SALESLADIES Full-time & part-time. Exp. in ladies’ spe cialty store necessary. Excellent! opportunity for right person, i I Greta Stevens, 8 N. Wash. St., | Rockville. lt-3-24 1 SANDY SPRING OLNEY— ASHTON LADIES immed. open- [ ings for part-time work. 15 hrs. of own choice will earn you $31.50. No exp. needed, we train. Write Mgr. 11816 Valleywood Dr.. Wheaton, Md. lt-3-24 TYPIST CLERK General of fice work, experienced and de pendable— (full or part time). Rockville area. GA. 4-5300. WHEATON- ROCKVLLN Attractive housewives desiring pai i-unu; worn. sell uuzier Cos- j metics in your immediate neigh boihood. Your choice of day oi evening hours. No car neces sary. DI. 7 8181 tf-7783 WOMAN WITH CAR—To call regularly each month on estab lished Studio Girl Comestic cli ents in and around Rockville, making necessary deliveries, etc., 3 to 4 hours per day. Route wiil pay up to $3.50 per hour. Write Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dent. CL-344, Glendale, Califor nia; 3t 3-24 HELP WANTED—MaIa or Femala 19 ; BKKPR.—MaIe full chge. S9O; - Ass't. Bkkpr. (M) $55; clerk i typist, mature S6O; Clerk-dicta- i phone exp. $65; Bkkpg. maeh. optr. $65; (2) typists $45 to S6O. ! Rockville Personnel Service., I PO. 2-9416. lt-3-24 ! • F.I.F. INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED j Dealer for one of the Nations I largest Mutual Funds, has open ings for mature men & women to become registered representa tives in Montgomery County. Ex cel. full or part-time career op portunities in highly ethical pro fess ion. For details call FRED G. I' ZANDER, GA. 4-9639. 2t-8852-3-31 MALE OR FEMALE In Rock ville; no strikes or lay-offs. A better than average income the year around. Full or part time, men or women. Investigate Watkins Products, Inc., today. Write 5071, Dept. S-3, Richmond, Virginia. 4t-3-31 MAN OK WOMAN! Earn SIOO per week & up full time or S3O-S6O part time. Supply established demand for Raw leigh Products in E. Montgom erv Co. Write Rawleigh’s Dept., M DC-101-1115. Chester, Pa. 9t-4-28 MAN OR WOMAN $2.50 per hour or more for part or full time route work. Large repeat orders. Write MeNESS CO., P.O. Box 371, Baltimore, Md. CHILD CARE ' 20 WILL GIVE EXCELLENT C’ARE for your child in my own home. Rockville area. Call GA. <•5375. lt-3-24 SITUATIONS 21 FREE LANCE COMMERCIAL ARTIST Dasiras Ciiantala Contact: STANTON STUDIO 10312 LEWIS AVENUE DAMASCUS. MD. CLaarwatar 3-2849 llluitratinns Art Lay-Outs Custom Work 21-8840-3 jl MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 35 1 AWNINGS aluminum $9.50 per average window installed. Special on porch & patio awn ings terms. Call anytime. LI. 4-7951. st-3-31 B'BLES FOR EASTER, King James Version and Standard Re vised Edition at Rockville Sta tionery, Inc., in the Rockville Shopping Center. PO. 2-6115. CORRESPONDING St„ j TARIES use our Spirit Dupli -1 cator Free if vou buy your duplicator supplies Rock ! ville Stationery Inc. In the I I Rockville Shopping Center, PO. | 12-6115. it-3-3 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE _35 CHERRY DINING ROOM TABLE Pennsylvania House, Duncan Phyfe, 36" x 54", ex tend.. to 68", with pad, excellent condition. JU. 9-5641. lt-3-24 CHILDCRAFT Childrens books; new; sacrifice, slls. Call CLearwater 3-3309. lt-3-24 250-300 CHICK ELEC. BROOD ER—mechanically perfect cond., 4 Feed Troughs & 2-fifty bird capacity nests. S2O. Cali WA. 4-4545. lt-3-24 EASTER CARDS are now in. Rockville Stationery, Inc., Rock ville Shopping Center. PO. 2- 6115. lt-2-18 ELEANOR meet me at quar ter of at The Surrey (Potomac) jto see their very new line of j skirts, slacks, blouses in array : of colors and prints. If you j can’t be there ’till half-past, call EM. 5-1250. _ lt-3-24 ELECTRIC STOVE - 4 burner, clean and in good working con dition. Call GA. 4-6805 evenings or weekends. tf-3-24 Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! Furniture Trade-Ins—Floor Samples—Used When You're Looking for Furniture Bargains Try Modern Furniture Co. Trade-In Department 331 E. Montgomery Ave. Rockville, Md. Open Mon., Wed., Fri. 'til 9 Thurs., Sat., 9-6 PO. 2-6164 tf-8843 ' FURNITURE Living room, dinm? room, sofa, chairs, tables. Complete dining room set, ma hogany. OL. (1-3547. lt-3-24 FURNITURE UNCLAIMED ft FROM ESTATES Bamboo sofa & 2 chairs, S3O: din. table, $10; china closet. $10; wash, ma chine, $23; Soc.-desk, $25; love | seat, S2O; Fr. prov. sofa, SSO; i kitchen table. $5; footstools, $2; : occas. chair, $3; coil springs, $6; sofa & chair, S3O; bedrm. set, SSO; picture frames, $1; beds, $5; Victorian love seat, S2O; chest-drawers. $10; Fr. prov. dinette set. S3O; Empire Fr. bed rm. set, $150; marble top wash stand, $18; marble top dresser, S3O; sofa bed, $25; Early Am. love seat bar. $18; rollaway bed, sl2; mirrors, $3; Hollywood bed, $22. Open daily ’till 9 p.m. Credit terms arr. HOFFMAN UPHOLSTERERS, 2447 18th St., N.W. CO. 5-5116. lt-3-24 FURNITURE Sleep sofa, up holstered chair, table lamps, double bookcase, bed, night 1 tables, lamps, chifferobe and dresser. S2OO or best offer. OL. i 4-4800 or HE. 4-4547. lt-3-24 GAS STOVE (Hardwick 36”) : and Serve! refrigerator. Both ! A-l condition. Best offer. GA. (4-6681. lt-3-24 GOOD MIXED HAY for stock, S2O per ton. P. L. Snyder. Ph. WI. 8-9090. tf-7618-12-3 FREEZER OWNERS Quality Foods Low Prices USDA CHOICE IOWA BEEF Local Fresh Kilted Poultry and Meat Products Cut to Your Order and Quick-Frozen Complete Selection of Loose-Frozen Foods in King-Size Packages FREE BROCHURE ON REQUEST OLNEY FOODS EST. 1934 Georgia Ave. Ext.. Olnev. Md. WH 6-6161 and SP. 4-2351 t f-8287 HAY Timothy and Clover at reasonable prices. Elmer B. Walter, Germantown, Md. WA. 6-1946. 2t-3-24 HAY Bright; clover-timothy hay $25 per ion. R. W. Janney. SPring 4-9403 evenings, lt-3-17 MISCELLANEOUS Comfort, new blue satin, handmade af gha.., men’s riding boots size 10 1 2 , gr. scatter rugs, maga- j zine table, food-mill, attache briefcase. vaiapak. wooden kitchen chairs. OL. 2-2609. 15 H. P. CENTURY MOTOR— w. Hammer Mill & power switch all for S2OO, also I.H.C. 1 double disc Harrow & Tractor Plow; 2-14" bottoms for $lOO l both. Call EV. 4-1824. 3t-4-7 PIGS - 10 weeks old. R. W. Jan ney, SPring 4-9403 evenings. SOF'A—IO4” all foam rubber, loose cushions & backs (8 sep. cushions) S9O; S3OO pr. import ed Danish walnut chairs, gold fabric, foam rubber, $65 ea.; Hide-a-bed, S9O. Call WH. 2- 2649. lt-3-24 TAYLOR•TOT STROLLER— Collapsible $3.50; car seat com bination $3.50, or both for $6. both in very good condition. Call LO. 5-1438. tf-3-24 WASHER Thor Automatic, good cond.; just overhauled; 30 Davs Warranty $75, delivere 1 & installed. BETTAR REERIG. & APPLIANCE SERVICE. Call LO. 4-7175. lt-3-24 j WEDDING INVITATIONS ft Announcements Raised, printed or engraved. Rockville Stationery, Rockville Shopping Center. PO. 2-6115. tf-8105 ; 'i " MUCELLANIOUS WANTED U HAVE GUNS WILL SELL! We buy. sell and trade New and Used Guns. Will buy one gun or complete collections, inrl. antiques for CASH. Rock | ville Trading Post, 117 N. Washington st., PO. 2-3946. MISCELLANEOUS WANTIP 36 FARMER to buy or operate large Virginia Beef Cattle Farm. Call 301-WA. 6-3515. JUNK. PAPER. IRON Brass, aluminum, copper, cast iron, rags, steel sheet iron, junk cars. We call for large accu mulation. Yard in Rockville on Route 240. Tel. PO. 2-3924, Montgomery Iron & Metal Co. RENTALS 37 CHAIN SAWS Skill saws, til lers, mixers, aerators, post dig gers, concrete grinders, elec, hammers, sanders, pumps, gen erators, steamers, bulldozers, loaders, etc. Rental Tool & Equipment Co. JU. 9-6881. REAL ESTATE—SALE 45 FARMS A SPECIALTY, also Town & City Real Estate in Frederick County. Md. If vou are interested in a Farm CALL ME. I have been a Farmer all my life and also own several Farms and can help you. Call after 6 p.m. MO. 3 3063, Fred erick, Md. J. Austin Younkin, Salesman for Russell Z Hor man. Broker. 7t-3-31 ROCKVILLE, WEST END 4 rooms and bath with expand able attic, full bsmt. gas HAH, Ige. lot. Convenient to every, thing. Reduced for quick sale, call PO. 2-2980. lt-3-24 SALE BY OWNER Two bed room house in Viers Mill Vil lage. Good condition. Near j school and recreation center. FHA appraised. FHA financing S arranged. Phone PO. 2-3940 f or details. tf WHEATON PLAZA AREA—By OWNER; brick rambler, 6 lge. rms.. full din. rm., plus den and big scr. porch, patio, air-cond., I w.-w. carpet and drapes; sl7- 950 with SISOO dn. LO. 4-7168, no agents. lt-3-24 I REAL ESTATE—RENT 44 BETHESDA Modern air con ditioned Office Building under construction. Ready for oceu pancy May. 1960. Up to 7000 sq. ft. office space & 3500 sq. ft. for stores. Ample private & public parking. OL. 2-2262. eves, at AX, 9-9027. tf-8316 BOYDS, MD. House, 6 rooms & bath; heat & light incl. Call LA. 6-7469 or Poolesville 9-2044. lt-3-24 GAITHERSBURG Conven ient Location, 2 Bedroom House w. Basement; lge. lot; fully equipped; excel, cond., $87.50 per mo. Call OL. 2-6968, lt-3-24 j OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT— -150-300 sq. ft. suits. Excellent ! Rockville Pike location. Very economical. ROGER H. SPEN CER CO., GA. 4-5151, 2t-3-31 RENT RENT RENT G'BURG—Nice I-bedrm. ept. in 4-unif bldg. Couple only $95 per mo. incl. all utilities. Lovely yd. available. ROCKVILLE TWINBROOK - ! bedrm home w/fireplace; carport and covered patio; din. el; nicely equip. Icitch.; washing machine; $I I 5 par month. KAY BOWLING 207 N. Frederick Ave., Gaithersburg, Md. WI. 8-9250 WA. 6-25011 It-8232-3-24 ! ROCKVILLE Apt. available I April Ist. 2 bedrooms, kitchen & j bath, large liv. rm., private | parking, convenient to bus, sllO ! per month. PO. 2-2406. lt-3-24 ROCKVILLE Room w/kitchen privileges. Write Box 272 D„ Rockville, Md. lt-3-24 ROCKVILLE--3 bedrms.; large storage rm.; enclosed porch, slls. Call PO. 2-6357 eves. & week-end. lt-3-24 SILVER SPRlNG—large attrac tive furnished room, semi-pri vate bath, private horn*' for em ployed gentleman; $45 per month; call a.m. till noon eves. 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. JU. 9-3178. tf ROCKVILLE Convtnianf Naval Hospital, NIH AEC ft IBM LUXURY APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED Pictura windows with beautiful draperies, balconies, patios, gar bage disposals, air conditioners. 1 Bedroom $95 2 Bedrooms sllO SAMUEL E. BOSLEY, INC. PO. 2-6151 lt-7678-3 34 REAL ESTATE—SALE 4S "WALNUT HILL" Gaithersburg's newest and fastest growing "upgrade Community" quality brk. houses. Do not classify this with those cheap development houses!!! If you are look ing for the best at modest prices we have it from $20,500 and up. Brick with fireplaces, full basements, all plastered, BBGHWH, town water, macadam streets. Some ready to move in within three weeks. All completed houses are sold and occupied by satisfied buyers. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION HENRY W. BECRAFT REALTORS Wl. 8-9292 lt-81UU-3-24 L REAL ESTATE—RENT 4ft TWINBROOK: Clean 4 bedrm. small playroom, kitch. and din ing area, liv. rm w. fireplace, fenced yard w. garden space. Avail. April Ist., $l3O per month. Call after 6 p.m. WA. 6- 2961. lt-3-24 REAL ESTATE—WANTED 47 BUDNEY PAYS ALL CASH for your home; free appraisal; quick settlement; no commis sion. Call LO. 5-2750 or LO. ,5- 1299. tf-4496 HOUSES, FARMS, ACREAGE & LOTS wanted for 196 C buy ers. For quick sale phone KEN McGREW REAL IST ATE, PC) 2-9633 or WA. 6-1050. tf-7010 HOUSES WANTED Will pay top prices--any house—any lo cation. All cash in 24 hours. Call Mr. Berens, HU. 3-3800. WANTED: HOMES, FARMS, LOTS, ACREAGE—Top cash; immediate action. R. L. Smith, Realty. GA. 4-7711 WH. 6-5579. GA. 4-8795, tf-6335 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 40 1953 BUICK—4 dr. A very clean car with a lot of good trans portation left in. A buy at $395. Rockville Ford, Commerce Lane, Rockville. GA. 4-5000. 1954 BUlCK—Century 4-door; has new paint job & is nice and clean throughout. Only $495. Rockville Ford, Commerce Lane, GA. 4-5000. lt-3-24 1955 BUlCK—Special hardtop, 2 dr. One of the best buys on our lot, $895. Rockville Ford, Commerce Lane, Rockville. GA. 4-5000. lt-3-17 1955 CADILLAC—4 dr. full power; immaculate & a prestige buy for you, $1495. Rockville Ford, Commerce Lane, Rock-' I ville. GA. 4-5000. lt-3-17 j 1952 CHEROLET—Good trans j portation & a steal at $295. | Rockville Ford, Commerce Lane, ; GA. 4-5000. lt-3-24 ! 1955 CHEVROLET—"2IO” 4 dr. ; station wagon, R & H, power glide. Right for family use, $895. Rockville Ford, Commerce Lane, Rockville. GA. 4-5000. CHRYSLER—Late ’55 Deluxe New Yorker; 4-dr. sedan; ps, pb, ! p seat; r and h, ww firestone tires; 2 new snow tires; new brakes, new mufflers, ice green perfect paint; garage kept; one owner; looks and runs like new, only $985. Call OL. 2-3954. 1954 DE SOTO—4-door; plenty oi good transportation left In this one, $395. Rockville Ford, J Commerce Lane, GA. 4-5000. j lt-3-24 I 1956 DODGE—Lancer, 4-door; auto, trans.; R & H; immac. & a real buy, $995. Rockville Ford, Commerce Lane, GA. 4- 5000. lt-3-24 1955 FORb Custom Ranch i Wagon. 6-cylinder, $795. .An other good family wagon. Rock ville Ford, Commerce Lane. ! Rockville. GA. 4-5000. lt-3-17 I 1958 FORD—Victoria with Ford ! omatic, R & H; here is a real ( buy that will satisfy your pride jof ownership: look it over, $1695. Rockville Ford, Com ' merce Lane, Rockville. GA. 4- ; 5000. lt-3-17 1953 FORD Custom 2-door, j very good condition, low mile age. Call OL. 4-1254 after 6 p.m. :1955 FORD Pick-up Truck. 8- cylinder. With heater. Fordo matic, $695. Five others to choose from, Rockville Ford, Commerce Lane, Rockville. GA. 4-5000. lt-3-3 1954 FORD—Custom, 2 dr. For only $495 you have a second car you and your wife will love. Look this - one over. Rockville Ford, Commerce Lane, Rock ville. GA. 4-5000. lt-3-17 1959 FORD Convertible. Fordo matic; R&H; power steering. $2595. Rockville Fo.’d, Com merce Lane, Rockville. GA. 4- 5000. It-3-3 1957 HILLMAN—4 dr., one of the best of the compact cArs where you get a lot of mileage per gallon. A giveaway at $895, Rockvil'e Ford, Commerce j Lane, Rockville. GA. 4-5000. ' lt-3-17 ; $100—1952 KAISER De Luxe 2- door black Sedan with cream colored wheels. Good tires-good looking. Call EV, 4-9619, lt-3-24 1956 MERCURY Custom 4 door; H/T; fully equipped; good cond. Going into service. For quick sale, S9OO. Call 301, WA. 6-3043. 2t-3-31 1955 MERCURY - Hardtop; white walls; R&H; $795. Rock ville Ford, Commerce Lane. Rockville. GA. 4-5000. lt-3-17 HEAL ESTATE—SALE 45 —B_ KppiL * FOB SALE 60 1957 PLYMOUTH 9p niel Station Wagon. $1595. Auto matic transmi sion; R&H. Rock ville Ford, Commerce Lane, Rockville. GA. 4-5000. It-3-3 1954 PONTIAC—4-door Station Wagon; in immac. cond.; won derful second car, $595. Rock ville Ford, Commerce Lane, GA. 4-5000. lt-3-24 1956 PONTlAC—Catalina H/T; auto, trans.; R&H, $995. Rock ville Ford, Commerce Lane, GA. 4-5000. lt-3-24 SELLING YOUR CAR? Automoble Display Service, Inc., will display your car on our large lot at 5120 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., and find a buyer for you, or we will list your car. Our cost for displaying your car is $3.50 per day. We will set a maximum charge. Call us for information at EM. 2-4746. It-8985-3-24 NEW 1960 TRIUMPH SPORTS CAR $2675 p.o.e. Ideal for all weather motoring —— designed for comfort with outstanding performance. MERSON & THOMPSON Triumph Dealer 4721 HAMPDEN LANE OL. 2-2615 2t-8987-3-31 AGAIN by MARK UNIQUE USED CAR SALE Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sun. HERE'S WHAT TO DO: Bring Your Pencil: Figure Your Own Deal— Trade, Payments, Terms! We'll Listen to Any Deal You Write. PARTIAL LISTINGS OF FINE CARS AVAILABLE '57 MERCURY 4-DR. H/T '57 MERCURY 2-DR. H/T '56 MERCURY 2-DR. H/T's (3) '55 MERC. 2-DR. SEDAN '56 CHEV. V-8 4-DR. H T '59 ENG. FORD ANGLIA 'SB EDSEL 2-DR. H/T '56 PLYM. V-8 STA. WAG. '54 PLYM. 2-DR. '53 PLYM. 2-DR. OTHERS TOO!! Some Have Auto. Trans, and Power Steering. Most Have Radios. All Are Guar anteed!! MUST BE SOLD Mark Motor Co. MERCURY—COMET— ENGLISH FORD (On Rockville By Pass) HA. 7-7313 P.S. Similar Savings on all '6O Mercury Passenger Cars. Com plete Select ion. lt-8847-3-24 LIVESTOCK—SALE iS BULL—Purebred Poll Hereford, papers. Selling, can’t breed to own calves, $350. EV. 4-1888 or Mt. Airy 285 W. 2t-3-24 DIXIE HUNTER ft JUMPER SALE—Over 200 fine horses & ponies at absolute auction. Montgomery County Fair Grounds, Gaithersburg, Md. 2:00 p.m.. Frida/, April 15th. Hunt ers, jumpers, show horses, •ace & steeplechase horses, polo po nies, young thoroughbreds, shew ponies, brood mares, jun ior horses, etc. English tack, new & used trailers & vans. A few additional consignments wanted. Sale secretary, 10600 Burbank drive, Bethesda, Md. AX. 9-9428. 3t-4-7 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS— Six weeks old. AKC registered. Excellent playmates for chil dren; protection and show dog possibilities. JU. 8-8824. lt-3-24 HORSE ft PONY CONSIGN MENT SALE Saturday, April 30th at 12 noon. Our fifth sale of this type to sell all breeds of the better class horses. Please call or write your con signment to us by April 12th— registered listings sell first. We’ll have tack, carts, trailers, etc. Mr. Hutt will be here with new & used tack March 30th at 7:30 p.m. Eyler Stables. Thur mont, Md. Phone CR. 1-6411. j l t-3-2 ‘ PIGS Weight about 80 lbs. Priced $14.00 each. Call CLear , water 3-2446. lt-3-24 POOS, PITS, KENNELS 47 SAMOYED PUPPIES Beau ; tiful all white, pure breds. 2 fe males, 6 wks. old, shots and wormed. Make perfect EASTER I tIIFTS- CaH GA. 4 5139. lt-3-24 TALKING MYNAH BIRD fur Sale. Call WA. 6-0527. lt-3-24 GIVE-AWAYS 70 GENTLE BROWN ft WHITE DOG 5 mo. old. good w. chil dren, needs a good home. Call PO. 2 6744. lt-3-24 GArden 4-7701 DOGS, PETS, KENNELS 67 WILL GIVE AWAY TO RELI ABLE PARTY who is fond of pets, aduh male cocker spaniel, honey-buff color. House dog, 6 vrs. old. Accustomed to gentle Chile.. Call WH. 6-4628. lt-3-24 SPECIAL NOTICES 75 FRED N. ft DOROTHY T. Me- LAIN, Box 405, Gaithersburg, Md., wilt not be responsible for any debts other than those con tracted by them. 3t-4-7 LOST AND POUND 81 LOST 2 FOX HOUNDS one female; light tan one male red & white, no collars, left ears tatooed. Vic. Patuxent River, Montgomery & Howard County. CaU EV. 4-1963 or EV. 4-6106. lt-3-17 LOST—Sum of money in cur rency in Damascus Acme store. Money urgently needed and if young boy who found it will re turn he may keep reward of $lO. WA. 6-0593. lt-3-24 MALE HOG—Strayed to my farm Feb. 20. Owner can have same by paying expenses. D.C. Hottel, Brookeville. Md. 2t-3-31 TOOL BOX ft TOOLS—Lost be tween Laytonsville & Shady Grove. Reward. C. R. Jefferson, WA. 6-3570. lt-3-24 YOUNG MALE COLLIE—Lost vicinity Derwood, Md.; tan with white ruff & white feet. Call after 6 p.m. GA. 4-5819. lt-3-24 COMING EVENTS 8S MARCH 25-26 Rummage Sale 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Radford’s Used Furniture Store Benefit Montgomery Chapter No. 93 OES. 2t-3-24 MARCH 2G Turkey Dinner, all the trimmings, served family style. Brighton Hall, Brighton, Md. Benefit St. Lukes Church building fund. 4 p.m. Adults $1.50, Children 75c. Also baked goods for sale. st-3-24 MARCH 26 Country Ham & Fried Chicken supper. Mont gomery Methodist Church. Clag gettsville, Md. Begin at 2 p.m. Adults $1.50. st-3-24 MARCH 26—Ham & Oyster Supper, served family style. 4-8 p.m. New Educational Building, Emanuel Methodist Church, Scaggsville, Md., Rt. 216—Adults s'.so Children 75 cents. 3t-3-24 MARCH 26—Card Party, 8 p.m., Laytonsville Firehouse, Lay tonsville, Md. Benefit; Ladies Auxiliary of Fire Dept Door Prizes. Admission, SI.OO 3t-3-24 MARCH 26 Fried Chicken & Ham Dinner. Oak Chapel Methodist Church, Layhill & Argyle Club Roads, Layhill, Md. 4-8 p.m. Adults $1.50, Children under 12 yrs. 75c. 3t-3-24 MARCH 30 ft 31 Roast Beef Dinner, Potomac Church Par ish House, S. Glen Rd„ Poto rr 2. Adults $2.00, children $1.50. st-3-31 APRIL 2 Saturday, Roast beef and oyster supper. Dick erson Methodist Church. Begins 4 p.m. st-3-31 APRIL 7—Thursday, luncheon. I Epworth Church, 13 Brooks ! Ave., Gaithersburg, 11 to 2. 2t-3-24 ! APRIL 10 The Choir of Ash ton Methodist Church will sing I a Cantata "The Crucifixion” on Sunday evening, at the 1 Church. Directed by Mrs. Mar j garet Harris with Mrs. Jane Shaffer at the organ. All are welcome. 4t-4-7 APRIL 23 Fried Chicken & Ham Dinner, String Beans, Spiced Beets, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, home made French Bread, Bftter, etc., $1.50-75c; 4-8 p.m. Sponsored by W.S.C.S. Ashton ■ Methodist Church. 7t-4-21 ' APRIL 30 Fried chicken and ham supper, Neelsville Presby terian Church beginning at 2 , p.m. Adults $1.50, children 75c. Sponsored by the Men’s Fellow ship; 9t-4-28 ; APRIL SO—Fried Chicken & Country Ham Supper. Hyatts town Fire Hall. Beginning 4 p.m. Adults, $1.50; children, 75c. Benefit H.vattstown Chris , tian Church. (it-4-28 . MAY 7 Annual Country Ham & Fried Chicken Supper. St. . Paul’s Methodist Church Hall, Laytonsville, Md. Benefit Lay tonsville Vol. Fire Dept. Begin. ( 3 p.m. Adults $1.50. Bt-5-5 • MAY 14 Fried Chicken & Country Ham, hot veg., home made rolls, fancy table. Begin • ning at 3 p.m. Wesley Grove . Church Hall. Woodfield, Rt. No. 124. Sponsored by WSCS. $1.50 : adults, 75c children. Take-out r dinners 15c extra. 9t-5^12 • MAY 28—Fried Chicken & I C untry Ham Supper beginning 1 at 3 p.m. at the Damascus Meth -1 odist Church, Damascus. Md. sponsored by the WSCS. 10t-5 26 Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends 1 & neighbors for their many : deeds of kindness and expres sions of sympathy at the death of our Husband & Father, LON MOORE. We especially thank those who sent flowers and food, services of the Minister, 1 Gardner Funeral Home and all who assisted us in any way. 1 MRS. ADA MOORE and Sons. A new privilege for U. S. Sav ings Bond savers: if you want 1 yrur interest by check instead ot its being adde ’ to the cash 1 values of your E bonds, you can now exchange E’s for H's in any amount, and not have to pa;, income taxe on the E bond interest until you cash the H bond.