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—SENTINEL D Yrhursd<y ' Apr! ' ”• '’ 4o — /y. We JC,ou, Finest in Music Is Her Goal By Kathleen Leary Woman’s Editor The opportunity for Mont gomery County residents to hear the finest in music is limited oniy by the number of members who join Community Concerts, according to Mrs. Elizabeth M. Lovejoy of Bethes da, Eastern Seaboard represen tative of the corporation. “The bigger the budget, the finer the artists," explains Mrs. Lovejoy as the annual member ship drive of the Montgomery County Community Concert As sociation approaches. Although Betty Lovejoy rep resents 15 widespread associa tions, she reserves a special feeling for Montgomery Coun ty’s. She is responsible for or ganizing the association here five years ago and is currently in town especially to assist with the annual membership cam paign. Three Concerts Guaranteed Anyone who enjoys good music is invited to join the non profit organization. Adult mem berships are $7.50 and student memberships are $4. Three con certs are guaranteed and if the number of memberships in crease there may be more. “About 700 local people al ready belong to the association, but we’d like a sell-out crowd of 1000,” explains Mrs. Lovejoy. “That would fill all the seats at Richard Montgomery High School, Rockville, where we hold the concerts.” Mrs. Lovejoy, a handsome silver-haired widow, became a Community Concerts represen tative six years ago following the death of her husband, who Dear Camp Echo Lake: I want to help send a needy and deserving Mont gomery County youngster to camp this summer. I am enclosing $ (check) (cash) to help i with this worthy cause. Sincerely, Name Address ....... j (S*nd this coupon to: Camp Echo Lake, P. O. Box 5825, Bethesda, 14, Md.) I ► mr~ . < ► f. ea™/mmw ; > if. ninnpf i * hog") Le, ' J i!i! Declare War ij lW MOTHS! j]| FREE All Your Clothes Are f MOTH-PROOFED j the ODORLESS way with SAN EX -BOX STORAGE i Clean Out Your Closets! j: COATS DRESSES SUITS j! BLANKETS DRAPES ij OTHER WOOLEN ARTICLES | II BE SURE-HHIPbOX STORAGE ij !: COMPLETE VALET SERVICE !| • PRESSING WHILE-U-WAIT 11 : Xf-tJr- • LAUNDRY SERVICE !: • SHOE REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF ALTERATIONS n : CENTER CLEANERS M j: CENTER SHOE REPAIR M, i i ;! 203 N. Washington St.—(Next Door) \ 'I 201 N. Washington St. GA. 4-9792^^^^*!; OPEN 7:30 AM. TO t P.M. ** • -4 V-f- - •'^ fcv^^Hß |||P , ||||T| jflKr -^■jg^f ■Pr' 1 ” 1 J^r TEAMMATES for the Montgomery County Community Con cert Association’s membership drive, April 25 through April 30, are Mrs. John C. Haltiwanger of Rockville, membership chairman and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Lovejoy of Bethesda, com munity concerts representative for the Eastern Seaboard. A non-profit organization designed to bring outstanding musical attractions to Montgomery County, the association is governed by local residents and admission is by membership only. —Staff Photo. had worked in the same capa- it gives a chance to “meet the city. nicest people in every commu- She likes her work because nity.” B3 “I’m always amazed and humbled,” she declares, “by the people's devotion to their com munity . . . how hard they work to bring ;s;mething good to the citizens. They are the salt of the earth, the ones with social conscience, the ones involved in j many other civic activities, too.” “Although traveling is ardu ious,” she explains, “I - enjoy seeing the country.” Mrs. Love joy is on the road nine months a year, starting in January and continuing through June. She has July and August off, starts I again in September and con ! tinues until December when she i has another month’s vacation. Perhaps the most exciting part of her work comes the last two weeks of November when she and representatives of 900 associations throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico go to New York City for a conference. They see dancers and hear distinguished soloists, great choruses and orchestras represented by Columbia Ar tists Management, an affiliate of Community Concerts. There are theater and opera parties and Mrs. Lovejoy meets and learns to know the artists. Suggests, Never Dictates Later when she visits the 15 associations she represents, Mrs. Lovejoy suggests artists for their future concerts. “I grow to know my associations,” Mrs. Lovejoy says, “and what they like. I suggest, but never dictate. Each board chooses its S Crusader Lutheran Church Vain Mill Read and Iroadwood Dr. Rockville. Maryland REV. PAUL R. MILHEIM, Palter Worship Services R:4S a.m. A 11 a.m. Sunday Scheol 1:45 a.m. A 10 a.m. ; VISITORS WELCOME Santa Claus Will Come / —. / To Your C 3 ’ If You Use a Classified Ad In Hie Montgomery County Sentinel To Sell Unwanted Household Articles Call GA. 4-7700 own musicians, according to its budget. I do believe, however,” she adds, “the association owes to its members to gradually lift their musical appreciation.” Betty Lovejoy came to Ta koma Park at the age of 10, attended Central High School and sang in the Trinity Church Choir. For 15 years she sang soprano at St. Margaret’s Church in Washington, D. C. During the months she is home in her Bethesda apart ment she enjoys her friends’ children, likes to cook and even takes in an occasional concert. I She admits “feeling as nervous I as the mother of the performer” when she sits in on the Rock j ville programs, however. Goes to Ball Games Her reading taste runs to mysteries, particularly when she is on the road. Not a TV fan, she likes to go to baseball games rather than sit home and watch them. “They are very different pn TV,” she explains, “and besides I like to get out in the sun and eat peanuts.” Although about 700 volun teers will be working on the membership drive for the Mont gomery County Community Concerts, Mrs. Lovejoy ex presses the hope prospective members will not wait for a worker to call upon them. Any one interested may contact headquarters, County Federal Savings and Loan Co., N. Perry st., Rockville (POplar 2-2245), for more information. Saturday, April 30, is the final day to become a member for the coming season. It is also the date of the association’s ' final concert of this season, an evening with the Bel Canto Trio, three young gifted singers [ whose selections from the ■ Faust “Prison Scene” to “My Fair Lady.” New members may ; attend the concert on their sub ■ scription stub. Gaelic Singers Coming [ Among next season's attrac i tions will be the Little Gaelic 1 Singers, a prize-winning Irish . children’s choir and champion . dancers. The choice of other , artists must wait until the , campaign for members closes I and the size of the budget is , known. That’s why the mem , bership list is definitely closed . at the end of the campaign , week. There are no single ad missions sold. The Montgomery Association ; currently has reciprocity with sister groups in Frederick and | Pikesville. Consequently, local members may also use their I membership cards to attend con ' certs in these two nearby cities. The annual campaign dinner, to which all workers are invited as guests, will kick-off this ’ year's membei-ship drive at 7:15 | p.m. on April 25 at the Motel | Washingtonian. ' Levin Comley, vice principal | of Richard Montgomery High School, is president of the asso ciation. Other officers are Frank Williams, first vice presi i dent; Mrs. Basil Mobley, sec , ond vice president; Mrs. Joseph ; Wilson, third vice president; ' Mrs. Mary Bouic Evans, secre tary, and Mrs. Harry Beall, : treasurer. Twenty area citizens, • musicians as well as laymen, i make-up the board of directors. -III,; * irnjpyyy. lime _ .. jjgg . K-g .4 v * x A PLUSH TOY for the Prevention of Blind ness Society’s benefit bazaar and rummage sale is examined by (from left), Mrs. Lewis Hopfenmaier, representing the Ladies af the Lions Club; Mrs. Alger Doland, collections chairman and Mrs. David Brinkley, bazaar chairman and wife of the NBC news com Detective to Describe Fight Against Narcotic Violators Real life detective stories drawn from experiences of Montgomery County Police combatting narcotics violations will be described at the 8 p.m. meeting April 25 of the Rock ville branch. American Associa tion of University Women at the Rockville Civic Center. The speaker will be Detective Lt. Fred P. Thrailkill, in charge of Bethesda Office of Detective Bureau, who will illustrate his talk with an exhibit of ar ticles captured in narcotics raids. Following the detective's speech, a business meeting will be held during which newly elected officers will be Installed Top Teen Models Chosen for New Workshop Class Thirteen young ladies have been selected from a large field of “Teen Modeling Course” graduates to participate in a “Teen Models Workshop” spon sored by the Rockville Recrea tion Department. Girls showing superior talent as fashion models were chosen by the instructor, Virginia Moore, recently crowned “Mrs. Maryland 1960.” The 12-week course covering all phases of fashion show production will include three fashion shows. Blair Mansion Inn will be the setting of the 1 p.m. luncheon show on April 22. Smart fash ions from Jean Matou on 13 “American Beauty Models” will be jointly coordinated by Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Delores Crump ler, a contender for the “Mrs. Washington, D. C.,” title, who heads Chris Presentations. ( TOM’S SEEN A DIABETIC FOR YEARS. BUT I NEVER WORRY ABOUT HIM SINCE LYNN'S PHARMACY IS IN TOWN. WE ALWAYS KNOW WHERE JO OCT RELIABLF DIABETIC ■■ Dr. Scholl's FOOT COMFORT ! 1 !; Products lei T-Ti ry. mentator. The trio is pictured on the sunny porch of the Brinkley home, overlooking the Potomac, during a tea for volunteer work ers. The sale is set for April 20 to 30 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The location will be an nounced. —Staff Photo. by Mrs. Robert W. King of Be thesda, member of the national AAUW membership committee and former Maryland State AAUW president. Officers to be Installed are Mrs. J. Earl Lehman, president; Mrs. William C. Hall, corre sponding secretary; Mrs. John Bohling, first vice president in charge of program; Mrs. David Holmes, second vice president in charge of membership; Mrs. Robert M. McKisson, recording secretary; and Mrs. Thomas D. McCall, assistant treasurer. The hostesses will be Mrs. Wasley Schierloh and Mrs. Don ald Spencer. A new member Is Mrs. Woodrow W. Stevenson, 841 Bowie rd., Rockville. Branch members planning to BE REALLY REFRESHED AROUND THE CLOCK! Serve this Seafood Barbecue with Ice-cold King Size Coca-Cola for dinner. Broil frozen rock lobster taila on an hibachi or table grill until browned. Make a tangy oriental butter sauce by adding a few drops of liquid pepper to melted butter. Serve lobster tails with butter sauce, slice of lime, heated crinkle-cut frozen French fries and lettuce and tomato. TRY THESE TEMPTING TREATS WITH BIG KING SIZE COKE •M. U. |. RAT. 0 99. - At lunch, serve this “Penny-Checkers" Chef’s Salad with Ice-cold King Size Coca-Cola. Use strips of luncheon meat, bologna, salami, sliced yellow cheese. Garnish with tomato and hard-boiled egg. serve with grssns and French dressing. Only Coca-Cola gives you that cheerful lift.. .that /. /v cold crisp taste that brightens every bite... L ffflTik A that makes any pause “The Pause That Refreshes’* V Smjmm j Bottled slider authority of The Coca-Cola Company by COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC., 1110 East-West Highway, Silver Spgng attend the State AAUW Conven tion at Salisbury on April 29 and 30 are Mrs. Lehman, Mrs. T. C. G. Wagner and Mrs. Heidi Hargitt. WELBIE'S BEAUTY SALON 706 Rockville Pile*, Rockville, Md. (0. C. Simmon* lulldlnq) MRS. WELBIE HUDSON, Owner be a NEW YOU in ’6O mrW ...HIGHLIGHT THAT STYLE WITH COLOR... ‘W SPECIAL SQSO PERMANENT O r r *2 9 jrff-7 evening hours ; rV/plCir 4-0/57 ]| IY APPOINTMENT i! Tuesday thru Saturday 9 to 6 , Closed on Monddy AMPLE PREE PARKING Business Conference Set April 30 Invitations have been issued for a Woman’s Conference on Business in the dining hall of the University of Maryland from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Satur day, April 30. Hosts for the event are the directors and officers of the bank in coopera tion with the University of Maryland. Four speakers are featured on the program. In the morn ing Dr. Spencer M. Smith of the University will speak on “Your Dollar’s Worth,” and Mrs. Nancye B. Staub, trust officer of the Trust Company of Morris County, Morristown, N, J„ will discuss “Estate Planning.” After the noon luncheon, talks will be given by Earl H. Lentz, trust officer for the Equitable Trust Co., Baltimore, whose topic is “Avoidance of Common Mistakes in Trust Planning,” and Mrs. Ruth G. Adler, associate manager of the Bethesda branch of Jones, Kreeger & Co., who will talk on “The Wealth of Women.” Church Women Plan Style Show The annual luncheon-bridge fashion show sponsored by the Women of St. John’s Church, Olney and St. Luke’s Church, Brighton, will be held at noon on Wednesday, April 27, at St John’s Parish Hall, Olney. Fashions from Miss Harper of Congressional Plaza will be shown by the Wheaton Studio of Modeling with commentary by Micke McMullen. For reservations telephone WAlker 4-9443 or SPring 4-9249. Mrs. James Ford Kelley, 4605 Great Oak rd., Rockville, is chairman.