OCR Interpretation

Montgomery County sentinel. [volume] (Rockville, Md.) 1855-1974, April 21, 1960, SUPPLEMENT, Image 19

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016209/1960-04-21/ed-1/seq-19/

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compiled by
937 Pershing Drive, Silver Spring, Md.
from biographical information provided by the candidates and their answers to questions asked by the League.
The League of Women Voters, a non-partisan organization, works to promote political responsibility through the informed and ac
tive participation of citizens in their government. It does not support or oppose any political party or candidate; it may support
measures and policies in the public interest.
_ You Are Invited to a
Know Your Candidates
Know ,h. "CANDIDA®
THen Vou on My ,7 “ HOUSE”
Montgomery Room
The polls will be open WOODWARD & LOTHROP
7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wheaton Plaza
May 15, 1960, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
TO THE POLLS Meet the candidates in both parties
Admission free
1,1 " ■■■ ■■■■-" ■■■■■--■ ■— * — 1 — ■ ■' - ■■■■ ' " I '■
Check List of Candidates
For President For Congress For Judge of 6th Delegates to State
□ Lar Daly (vote for l) Judicial Court Convention
□ Andrew J. Easter □ John R. Foley (vote for 1) (choose 7)
□ John F. Kennedy □ Claude A. Taylor □ John E - Chdey □ Alger Y. Barbee
n Wayne Morse □ Stedman Prescott, Jr. □ William F. Fadler, Jr.
| j Tpp Ilf
□ Uninstructed Delegation O William A. Quinlan Irving A. Levine
□ Plummer M. Shearin n Edward S . Northrop
□ Ralph George Shure □ Frank B. Proctor
□ Margaret C. Schweinhaut
□ Paul C. Wamke
□ Charles W. Woodward, Jr.
For Congress For Judge, 6th Delegates to State Convention
(vo** for 1) Judicial Circuit (choose 7) □ carl R. Eby
□ James A. Buchanan, IV (vote for 1) D Richard W. Averill p McKendree G. Folks
□ R. Byng Duvall □ R. Duncan Clark □ James E. Bacon, Jr. q Emery Hertelendy
□ Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. □ John E. Oxley □ Wiffiam C. Bhrely □ Kalwey H. Johnson
□ Stedman Prescott, Jr. □ Charles S. Bresler q Mary Nelson Johnson
Q William A. Quinlan □ Robert E. Bullard q Haj Lad^y
D Plummer M. Shearin □ Mary E. Caldwell 0 Henry K. McHarg, m
D Ralph George Shura □ Edward J. Clarke q Denver I* Russell
□ Calvin H. Cobb, Jr. q Grace D.
□ W. Perry Doing q Newton L Steers, Jr.
Printed As a Public Stake bj the Montgomery County Sentinel, the Maryland Hews and tbe Record
By Authority o t the Treasurer, Mr*. David Brady, 380* Washingtua Ave., Chevy CM*
Presbyterian Church, YWCA, Chevy Chase Woman’s Club, Phi Delta Delta.
Precinct co-ehrm., 7-5; delegate to 1956 Republican State Convention; Repub
lican candidate, Co. Council at large, 1958; assoc, member. Young Repub
lican Club, past vice-pres. and revisions chrm., Rock Creek Women’s Repub
lican Club; parliamentarian, Federation of Republican Women of Montgom
ery Co.; former legislative chrm., State Federation of Republican Women;
chrm.. county government sub-comm.. Republican Research Comm.; Md.
chrm.. D. C. Republican Absentee Voters Bureau.
EDWARD J. CLARKE, Sumner, pres., Clarke Laundries, Inc. Attended
Catholic parochial schools, D. C. and Montgomery Co.; LL.B., Columbus U.,
1936. Campaign chrm., Merrick Boys’ Camp; chrm., legislative comm.,
Laundry-Dry Cleaning Assn; National Conference of Christians and Jews;
Washington Board of Trade; John Carroll Society; Society of Friendly Sons
of St. Patrick. Former ass’t. National Bank Examiner, 2nd Federal Reserve
District, N. Y. World War II and Korean War, ending duty with rank of
Commander. U.S.N., 1952. Chrm., 1960 Lincoln Day Dinner, and vice-chrm.,
finance comm.. Republican State Central Comm, of Montgomery Co.; former
co-chrm., Precinct 7-2; Neighbor-to-Neighbor award, 1958; pres., Mathias for
Congress Clubs. 6th Congressional District.
CALVIN H. COBB, JR., Chevy Chase, lawyer. 8.5., U. S. Naval Acad
emy, 1944; LL.B., Georgetown U. Law School, 1949. Chrm., Volunteers,
Health & Welfare Council of National Capital Area. 1957 to date; chrm.,
Volunteers, United Community Services, 1956-57. U. S. Navy, 1944-47. Pre
cinct chrm., 1955 to date.
W. PERRY DOING, Silver Spring, lawyer. Educated public schools, D. C.;
LL.B., Columbus U., 1942. Past Commander, Rock Creek Post 268, American
Legion; ex-pres., Reciprocity Club of Silver Spring; ex-treas, Sons of the
American Revolution, D. C. Board of directors, Wheaton Lions Club and Boys’
Club of Silver Spring; Montgomery Co. Bar Assn.; Glen Haven PTA. World
War II veteran; Captain. U. S. Army Reserve. Ran for House of Delegates,
Republican primary, 1958. Precinct chrm., 13-32. Member, Young Republican
Club of Montgomery Co.
CARL R. EBY, Wheaton, owner, Wheaton Door Co. High school, Salis
bury; Newspaper Writers Institute of New York. Pres., Wheaton C. of C.;
ex-pres., Wheaton Kiwanis Club; ex-Lt. Gov., Capitol District Kiwanis; Wash
ington Board of Trade; Principle’s Advisory Council, Wheaton H. S.; Army
Air Force, World War 11. Precinct chrm., 13-29, past and present.
MCKENDBEE GARRETT FULKS, Gaithersburg, dairy and poultry
farmer, owner, Laytonsville Poultry Farms. High school, 1 year College.
Montgomery Co. C. of C.; member and ex-director, Montgomery Co. Farm
Bureau: delegate to state convention of Farm Bureau; Upper Montgomery
Co. Farmers’ Club; chrm.. Road and Transportation Comm., Montgomery
Co. C. of C Precinct chrm., Ist District.
EMERY HKRTELENDY, Bethesda, civil engineer. Professionally regis
tered in Md. and D. C. Phillips Exeter Academy, N. H., 8.5., Mass. Institute
Technology; attended National Radio Institute. D. C Montgomery Co. C.
of C.; Bradley Blvd. Citizens Assn, (chrm., legislative and legal comms.);
Auxiliary Police, Montgomery Co. Civil Defense. Working on Md. Comm,
for Fair Representation in legislature. Member. Young Republican Club of
Montgomery Co. Republican precinct chrm., 7-15.
KALWEY H. JOHNSON, Rockville, vice pres.. Industrial Associates, Inc.;
manufacturer’s rep. to defense agencies. 8.A., Kent State; B.S. of F.S.,
Georgetown U.; 2 years Georgetown Law School. Pres., Luxmanor Citizens
Assn.; delegate. Civic Federation; trustee and chrm., finance commission,
N. Bethesda Methodist Church. Precinct chrm., 4-5, 1957-60; exec, comm.
Young Republican Club of Montgomery Co.
MARY NELSON JOHNSON, Takoma Park, housewife. St. Xavier Acad
emy. Chicago: Shimer College. Mt. Carroll, 111. Previously employed by Bell
Telephone Co., instructor in Commercial Dept. Takoma Park resident since
1949. Chrm.. library comm, hospitality chrm. Rolling Terrace Elementary
School. Worked with Brownie troop and Girl Scout troop; Sunday school
teacher, sup't of nursery group, Clifton Park Baptist Church. Charter mem
ber, Takoma Park Women's Republican Club; ex-pres, Takoma Park Wom
en's GOP Club; corresponding secy, vice pres, now pres. Federation of
Republican Women of Montgomery Co.; precinct chrm.. 13-22.
HAL LACKEY, Silver Spring, lawyer. Wake Forest College; Washing
ton College of Law. American U. Counsel, Senate Appropriations Comm.; pri
vate law practice, D. C. Chrm., Keep Silver Spring Beautiful Comm.; chrm.
Civic Improvements Comm, Allied Civic Group; ex-pres. Quaint Acres
Citizens Assn.; Silver Spring Rotary Club; Silver Spring Board of Trade;
trustee. First Baptist Church of Silver Spring. Active in Republican party;
nominee for County Council, sth District, 1958 general elecion.
HENRY K. McHARG, 111. Chevy Chase, investment counsellor; director,
Walker & Dunlop. Inc, mortgage bankers. Graduate, American U. Served
in all ranks from private to Lt. Col. in World War 11. Decorations from
Fiance and U. S. Chrm, Section 4, Citizens Comm, of Chevy Chase. Pres,
Dept of Md. Reserve Officers Assn. Precinct leader; deputy campaign man
ager in Judge Lawlor’s 1954 campaign.
DENVER L. RUSSELL, Bethesda, lawyer. Admitted to bar: D. C, 1951,
Ohio, 1952. B.A, Mt. Union College, 1947: Tau Kappa Alpha, forensic hon
orary and Pi Gamma Mu, social science honorary; Jur. D, G.W.U. School
of Law, 1951: Order of the Coif, honorary scholastic legal fraternity, and
Board of Editors G.W.U. Law Review, 1950-51. Amer. Bar Assn.; Ohio
State Bar Assn.; Un-American Activities Comm, of D. C Bar Assn. Chris
tian Anti-Communism Crusade; Montgomery Conservative Club; Council for
Better Education; Wildwood Manor Citizens Assn. A vice pres. Young Re
publican Club of Montgomery Co, 1960. and ex-corresponding secy.; Gold
Charter Member, Dick Nixon Club, 1960. Active in county politics past 4
years; Judge of Election, Precinct 7-17, 195a Received party award in
Neighbor-to-Neighbor drive, 1958; precinct chrm, 4-4.
GRACE D. SISSON, Silver Spring, housewife. High school graduate;
attended Wilson Teachers College and G.W.U. 13th District chrm. Na
tional Symphony fund drive, 1959; pres., Women’s Fellowship; Otrist Con
gregational Church. 1959-60; board member, Woodside Forest Citizens Assn,
1959-60. Ex-precinct chrm.; ex-area chrm, Wheaton; ex-membership chrm.
Federation of Republican Women of Montgomery Co.; Candidate, Republican
State Central Cbmm, 1958; vice pres., Wheaton Women’s Republican Club,
1960; chrm, program planning comm. State Federation of Republican
Women; key leader. Nixon Club.
NEWTON L STEERS, JR, Bethesda, pres.. Atomic Development Mutual
Fund, Inc. BA, Yale, 1939; Certificate in Advanced Meteorology, Mass. In
stitute of Technology, 1943; IX.B, Yale Law School, 1948. Montgomery Ok
Republican Finance Comm.; Capitol Hill Club; Chevy Chase Club; Metro
politan Club; N. Y. State Bar; chrm., finance comm, and trustee, Columbia
Lighthouse for Blind; former vice-pres, Binghamton, N. Y, Junior C. of C.
and N. Y. State Junior C. of C Formerly active in Republican Party in
White Plains and Binghamton, N. Y.; now member, Montgomery County
Republican finance comm.
Delegates to State Convention (Choose 7)
ALGER Y. BARBEE, Silver Spring, lawyer. Montgomery Co. States At
torney, 4 years; Assistant States Attorney, 3 years; Trial Magistrate. Rock
ville, 4 years. Active in civic organizations and groups concerned with legis
lation. House of Delegates, 1958 to date. Pres., Montgomery Co. Bar Assn,
1959 to date.
WILLIAM F. FADI.ER, JR., Silver Spring, lawyer. 8.5. L., LL.B, LL.M.,
G.W U. Pilot, World War 11. 13 decorations. Major, U S. Air Force Reserve.
Private law practice; contributor to legal periodicals. Member, Red Cross,
American Legion. Active in Young Democrats and Democratic Party over 12
years; pres, 13th Dist. Democratic Clubof Montgomery Co.; precinct chrm,
13-10; guest speaker, Md. Democratic State Convention, 1958.
BLAIR LEE, 111, Silver Spring, property management A.8., Princeton,
1938. Vice-chrm, MNCPPC, 1949-51; exec, officer, National Capital Planning
Commission, 1951-54; Md. House of Delegates, 1955 to date. Ex-pres, Silver
Spring Board of Trade; ex-pres, Md. Press Assn.; ex-vice-pres., Montgomery
Co. Civic Federation. Awarded Evening Star Trophy by Civic Federation,
1952 Chrm., Co. Council’s Committee on Soil Erosion and Open Spaces. Dele
gate, Democratic National Convention, 1948; delegate, Democratic State Con
ventions, 1948 and 1950. Chrm., Precinct 5-3, 1953-59. State director, Volun
teers for Stevenson, 1956; Co. Chrm., Kennedy-for-President Committee, 1960.
IRVING A. LEVINE, Silver Spring, lawyer. Attended G.W.U., LL.B,
G.W.U. Law School, 1949. D. C. public schools. Montgomery Co, Md. State,
and American Bar Assn, Legislative Comm, Montgomery Co. Bar Assn.
Board of Governors, Montgomery Co. Citizens Planning Assn.; Montgomery
Co. Mental Health Assn.; PTA Legislative Comm.; Precinct chrm. 13-34; area
chrm, Montgomery Co. 1958 Dollars for Democrats Drive; deputy chrm.,
Montgomery Co. 1959 Dollars for Democrats Drive; pres., Kensington-Whea
ton Democratic Club, 1959, 1960; exec, comm. Young Democratic Club, Mont
gomery Co. Delegate to state exec, comm. Young Democratic Clubs of Md.;
delegate, 1959 National Convention, Young Democratic Clubs of America.
EDWARD S. NORTHROP, Chevy Chase, lawyer. LL.B, G.W.U. Senator.
Montgomery Co.: chrm. Senate Finance Comm, Majority Floor Leader. Ex
pres, Western Suburban Club; precinct leader.
FRANK B. PROCTOR, Silver Spring, public information officer. Applied
Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins, Silver Spring. 8.5., business administra
tion, U. of Md, 1952; graduate work. American U. Lifelong resident, Mont
gomery Co. Employed by MNCPPC 5 years, summer recreation program.
Military service, 1952-55; Armed Forces Atomic Weapons and Guided Missile
Schools instructor. Participated combined Civil Defense, Armed Forces
Atomic Blast exercise Yucca Flats, Nev, 1955. Associate member, American
Rocket Society. Member, Marvin Methodist Church. Montgomery Co. Young
Democratic Club.
MARGARET C. SCHWEINHAUT, Kensington, housewife. Educated, pub
lic schools: attended G.W.U, National Law School. Precinct chrm, 6 years;
League of Women Voters; Business and Professional Women; Catholic Daugh
ters; Girl Scouts; Health & Welfare Board; Western Suburban Democratic
Club; Chevy Chase Women’s Democratic Club. Second term. House of Dele
gates: Ways and Means Comm, Education and Labor Com ms. Chrm., Md.
Commission on Aging.
PAUL C. WARNKE, Westmoreland Hills, lawyer. Partner in law firm
of Covington & Burling. A.B, Yale, 1941; LL.B, Columbia. 1948. Lt. U. S.
Coast Guard, 1942-46 (Anti-Submarine and Amphibious Service). Board of
Trustees, Potomac School, McLean, Va. Membership comm. Health & Wel
fare Council, National Capial Area. Pres., Western Suburban Democratic
Club, 1958-60; candidate for delegate to State Convention, 1958; vice-chrm,
7-7, 1956-60.
CHARLES W. WOODWARD. JR, Rockville, lawyer. Attended Montgom
ery Co. public schools; B.A, U. of
1948. Md. State Bar Assn.; Montgomery Co. Bar Assn.; Appeal Agent,
Selective Service Board. Official Board, Rockville Methodist Church. Rock
ville Lions Club, American Legion. Formerly active in Community Chest,
Montgomery Co. T.R. Assn, Red Cross. Member, House of Delegates 1954
to date: Judiciary Comm.; vice chrm. Motor Vehicles Comm.; member.
Legislative Council subcommittees on mental health and revision of elec
tions laws. Cochrm, Montgomery Co. Volunteers for Stevenson-Kefauver,
1936; active precinct worker.
RICHARD W. AVERILL, Bethesda, lawyer. B.S, U. of Md.; LL.B,
American U. (cum laude). Mason, local 204, Bethesda; 32nd degree Mason,
D. C. Sponsor, Greater U. of Md. Fund; Sigma Nu Alumni Assn.; Delta
Theta Phi Alumni Assn.; Historical Society of Montgomery Co. Pres, Young
Republican Club of Montgomery Co, past precinct chrm, 7-15; area chrm,
supervision of five precincts.
JAMES E. BACON, JR, Silver Spring, businessman. B.A, G. W. U.;
Montgomery Blair H. S.: Civic activities include March of Dimes, Community
Chest Vice chrm. National Federation of Young Republicans, 1957-59; pres.,
Young Republican Club of Montgomery Co, 1955-56; delegate, Republican
" State Convention, 1936; Inaugural Comm., 1957; co-chrm. Inaugural Guide
book Comm.; national committeeman, Md. Federation of Young Republicans,
1955-57; candidate. State Central Comm, of Montgomery Co, 1958.
WILLIAM C. BIRELY, Ashton, exec, vice pres, and treas, Birely & Co,
investment banking firm. Active in many organizations, such as Montgom
ery Co. Historical Society, Washington Board of Trade, Conn. Ave. Assn,
American Legion, D. C. Sons of the American Revolution. Precinct worker,
chrm. 12 years; ex-pres. and treas, Montgomery Co. Young Republican Club;
delegate to State Convention, 1952 and 1956; member, General Inaugural
Comm, 1953 and 1957.
CHARLES S. BRESI.ER, Chevy Chase, builder, Charles Bresler Corp,
U. of Md, G. W. U. Board of Directors, Camp Echo Lake; United Commu
nity Services; Volunteer Advisory Board, Red Cross Accident and Safety
Council: Junior C of C; Symphony Assn.; White House Conference; Com
munity Chest Speakers Bureau; Masonic Order; Scottish Rite and Shrine.
Public relations chrm. United Republican Comm.; treas. Young Republican
Club of Montgomery Co.; liaison, Inaugural Comm.; finance comm. Repub
lican State Central Comm.; board of directors, Republican Conference;
worked on local and national campaigns for last 12 years.
ROBERT K. BULLARD, Silver Spring, lawyer, LL.B, American U,
1951. Company commander, Silver Spring National Guard unit 5 years; va
rious bar assn, offices and comms. District chrm, 13th District
MARY E. CALDWELL, Chevy Chase, housewife and mother of 3. A.B.
and LL.S, G. W. U.; member, D. C. Bar. Resident, Montgomery Co, 15 years.
7 years as attorney, Federal Communications Commission. Secy, and
public relations chrm. Camp Echo Lake; former PTA officer and comm,
chrm.; membership chrm, Montgomery Co. Historical Society; League of
Women Voters, and research assistant in preparation of League handbook,
“This Is Montgomery County.” Member, Women’s Assn, Chevy Chase

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