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SC kl TIM C I MONTGOMERY ENTI NC L COUNTY. MD B8 Thursday, July 7, 1960 Legal Advertisement Waldo Burnside Solicitor 4328 Farragut Street Hyattsville, Maryland IN THE CIR-JUI'l COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY MARYLAND Sitting as a Court of Fouity Equity No 2(228 WALTER R. HAHDISTY Larkin’s Hundred Edgewater, Maryland Plaintiff vs. 7. SANDY CORN % Harriet Corn RED, Germantown, Maryland 5. LOUISE GILES Montgomery County, Maryland 12. MARY W. GILL, / also known as MARY IRWIN WRIGHT GILL 1546 33rd Street NW. Washington, D. C 2. WILLIAM C. HALL Sandy Spring, Maryland 5. EMILY M. HARRIPAY, and RICHARD HAKKIDAY, her husband Box 509 906 Stonestreet Avenue Rockville, Mar\lard 9. ADOLPHUS HIGGINS 1527 B Street, S.K. Washington, D. C. 11. YORK D. HOLLINGSWORTH Trustee Security Exchange Bank West Palm Beach, Florida 11. LEON W. HOST W. (WILLIAM) G. HOST 8303 Garland Avmup Takorrm Park, Maryland 11. FRED L. LUTES, Trustee 12820 Baker Drive Silver Spring, Montgomery County. Maryland 13. VAN S. MALCOLM, and EVELYN MALCOLM his wife OPHA MAYS, and BELLE F. MAYS, his wife 8700 23rd Avenue Hyattsville, Maryland 10. N. (NORA) M. MUSGROVE Spring Grove State Hospital Catonsville, Baltimore County, Maryland 8. ALBERT C. SCOT! and MARY E. SCOTT, h;s wife % Richard Scott Sandy Spring, Maryland 12. PAUL E. SELMAN. Trustee 26 West Kirk Street Chevy Chase, Maryland 12 E. QUINCY SMITH Trustee % E. Quincy Smith Inc. 1418 H Street, N.W. r' ' Washington D. C €. ELIZA THOMAS, and JOSIAH THOMAS, her husband % Richard Thomas Spencerville, Maryland E UNIVERSAL CONTRACTING COMPANY % Allied Building Company, Inc. First National Bank Building Baltimore, Maryland 7. HORACE D. WATERS Montgomery County. Maryland AND all of the'r unknown heirs, devisees and succes sors, and spouses, it any, and all persons having or claiming to have, any in terest in real estate locat ed in Montgomery County, Maryland, and deciibed as follows: 5. Lot 4, Block 6, TI L. Eng land’s Second Adnition to Lincoln Park,’ containing 9,000 square teet and im provements, Fourth Elec tion District: 6. Parcel of land ir. Colesville District, containing 6.1 acres, Fifth Election Dis trict, as described in Liber JA 46. folio 111; 7. Lot, near Germantown, con taining 3.75 acres and im provements, Sixth Election District: 8. Parcel of land in “Olney District," containing 2.5 acres, Eighth Election Dis trict, as described in Liber 354, folio 429: 9. Parcel of land called “Wood st o c k,” containing 7.125 acres and lmpiovements, Eleventh Election District, see Liber EBP 10, folio 405: 10. Parcel of lano called “Re survey on Trouble Enough Indeed,” containing 8.545 acres and improc ements, Twelfth Election District be ing the residue of land de scribed in Liber 272. folio 314: 11. Part of Parcel B containing 9,344 sq. ft. and improve ments, “North East Corner Hudson and Garland Ave nues,” being part of tract called "The Samuel Fenton Farm,” adjoining Takoma Park, Thirteenth Election District, the whole tract be ing described in Liber 1909 folio 155; 12. Part of Lot 10, Block 9. “Forest Glen Paik.’ con taining 2.500 square feel and' improvements, bung the* southerly 25 feet of said lot, ! Legal Advertisement Thirteenth Election District; 13. Part of Lot 8, Block 60 “B. F. Gilbert’s Subdivision, Ad dition to Takoma Park," containing 17,653 square feet, Thirteenth Election District, being ail ot said lot not conveyed away prior to the tax sale; Defendants Order of Publication The object of this pioceeding is to secure the torec'osure of all rights of redemotion in the hereinafter mentioned proper tie? in Montgomery County, Maryland, sold on June 9. 1958, bv the Director of Finances for the said County, the Col lector of Taxes for the State of Maryland and Montgomery County to the Plaintiff in this proceeding. The properties so sold are hereinafter described in parcels of real estate sub stantially in the same form as the description appearing on the Collector’s tax roll, with the names of the owners named in the Bill of Complaint and other pprsons interested in the prop erties, as Defendants; the num bers stated are in accordance w’th the numbers of the para graphs in the Bill of Complaint. 5. Lot 4, Block 6, "H. L Eng lands' Second Addition’ to Lin coln Park, contains, g 9,000 square feet and improvements, Fourth Election Dislrct; as sessed owner Emily M. Ilarri day. This owner executed a mortgage on the property to Louise Giles, (Liber 1095, folio 337), who is made a party to tins suit. A release of her hus band, Richard Harriday of his dower is not consideren suffi cient to pass all rights, see Liber 917, folio 338. 6. Parcel of land in Colesville District containing 6.1 acres as described in Liber JA 46, folio 111, Fifth Election District; as sessed owner Eliza Thomas. That her husband was Josiah Thomas. 7 Lot near Gprmantcwr con taining 3.75 acres and improve ments, Sixth Election District; assessed owner Sandy Corn, al though the Land Records do noi show any deed to he*, for it. It is possible, but doubtful, that Horace D. Waters acquired interest in the property by mortgage in Liber TD 15, folio 214, but he is made party to this suit. 8. Parcel of land in “Olney District” containing 2.5 acres, Eighth Election District, as de scribed in deed in Libei 354, folio 429; assessed owner Wil liam C. Hall. He executed a mortgage to Universal Con tracting Co., see Liber £66, folio 313. The property had been sola at a prior sale while as sessed in the name cl Albert C. and Mary E. Scott, his wife, see Liber 592, folio 129. 9. Par ce 1 of lard called “Woodstock” containing 7.125 acres and improvements. Elev enth Election District, see Liber EBP 19; folio 405: assessed owner Adolphus Higgins. 10. Parcel of lana cahen “Rp survey on Trouble Erough In deed,” containing 8.545 acres of land and improvements, Twelfth Election District, being the resi due of land described in Liber 272, folio 314; assessed owners Stephen J. Musgrove and N. (Nora) M. Musgrove Deeds at Liber 831. folio 387, and L'ber 1072, folio 464, show that Ste phen J. Musgrove is deceased. In Equity Case 20.332 Mrs Mus giove was alleged to be incom petent, but no final action has been taken in the case. 11. Part of Parcel B, contain ing 9,344 sq. ft. and improve ments. “North East Corner | Hudson and Garland Avenue,” | living part of tract caned “The Samuel Fenton Farm ’ adjoin ing Takoma Park, Thirteenth Election District, the whole tract being descrioed ir> Liber 1909, folio 155; assessed owners | Leon W. Kost and W (William) ; G Kost. That these owners ! executed a deed of trust on the pioperty to Fred L. Lutes and York D. Hollingsworth, Trus tees, see Liber 1909, foiio 170. 12. Part of Lot 10 Blcck 9, "Forest Glen Park,” containing 2.500 square feet and improve ments, being the southerly 25 feet of said lot, Thirteenth Elec tion District; assessed owner Mary W. Gill. By deed of June 30, 1902. Liber TD 22, folio 285, the property was conveyed by I the owner, as Mary Irvin Wright Gill to E. Quincy Smith and Paul E. Sleman Trustees foi the benefit o f the owner, who retained power to convey or devise the property. There are no further records in this Court or the Orphans Court as to this property or these parties. 13. Part of Lot 8. Biock 60, "B F. Gilbert’s Subdivision,” Addition to Takoma Park, con taining 17,653 square fee' and improvements. Thirteenth Elec tion District, being all of said lor not conveyed awav prior to the tax sale; assessed owners Van S. Malcolm and Evelyn Malcolm, his wife. That Opha '(lays and Belle F Mays, his wife, also have a pet interest in this lot, see Libet 1807 folio 556. The Bill states, among other things, that the amounts neces saiy for redemption have not been paid, although more than Legal Advertisement a year and a day from the date ot sale has expired. It is thereupon this 17th day ol June, 1960, oy the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland, in Equity. ORDERED that the Plaintiff shall by caus !ng a copy of this Ordei to be inserted in some newspaper published in Montgomerv Coun ty, once a week for foui suc cessive weeks beiore the 25th day of July, 1960, give notice to the said defendants and to all persons interested in the said properties, of the object and substance of the Bib of Com plaint, and warning them to be aru appear in this Cour* ir, per son or Dy solicitor or, or before the 29th day of August 1960, and redeem the property de scribed herein and in the Bill of Complaint, or thereafter a Final Decree will oe rendered foreclosing all rights of redemp tion in and to the various prop er'ies described m the Bill of Complaint, and vesting in the P'aintiff a title free and clear of all encumbrances CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County Maryland True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 4t 7303-7-141 c. i.. Ait: ixo Solicitor 725 15th Street, N.W. Washington. I). C. OKDI.It MSI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ONTGOMERY COUNTY As a Court of Equity No. 14480 Equity ELIZABETH WILSON ASPINWAI.L Formerly ELIZABETH WILSON LEE Complainant vs. E. BROOKE LEE. et al Defendants ORDERED, this 20th day of June. A.D.. 1960, by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, as a Court of Equity, that the Speeial Auditor's Report filed in the above entitled cause, be rati fied and confirmed, unless eaust to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 18th day of July next: provided a copy of this order be inserted in some newspaper published in said Montgomery County, once a week for three successive weeks before the said 18th day of July, 1960. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 31-7305-7-7 ROBERT E. BULLARD Box 21 Rockville, .Maryland NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans', Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters of Administra tion to Samuel H. Mobley. Administra tor in the Estate of HENRY CARLTON MOBLEY late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the deceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 24th day of December next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make im mediate payment. Given under my hand this 15th day of June. 1960. SAMUEL H. MOBLEY Clarksburg. Md. Administrator 6t-7287-7-28 John D. Bowman, Jr. Attorney Rockville, Maryland IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FCR MONTGOMERY COUNTY MARYLAND Sitting as a Court of Equity Equity No. 23227 RAYMOND T. JOHNSON 4200 Wisconsin Avenue. N.W. Washington 16, D. C. Plaintiff vs. HAROLD THOMAS MARY THOMAS Ashton, Maryland And any or all person-, having or claiming to nave any in terest in property ‘Parcel of land called 'Brother’s Con tent,’ containing I acre, and improvements.” Defendants Order of Publication The object of this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of all rights of redemption in the following described property lo cated in Montgomery County, Maryland, sold by the Collector of Taxes for the State of Mary land and County of Montgom ery to the Plaintitf in this pro ceeding. Said property is oescribed as the same is described on the Collector’s Roll as "Parcel of land called ‘Brother's Content,’ containing 1 acre, and improve ments.” The Bill states, among other things, that the amount neces sary for redemotion has not been paid although more than a vear and a day from the date 1 of sale has expired. It is thereupon this 21st day | of June, A.D., i 960, bj the Cir i euit Court for Montgomery , County, Maryland, in Equity ORDERED that the Plaintiff shall by causing a copy oi this i Older to be inserted in some newspaper published in Mont gomery County, Maryland once a week for four successive | weeks, before the 25th day of | July, 1960, give notice to the said Defendants cf the object and substance of this Bill of Complaint, warning their, to be and appear in this Court in per son, or by solicitor, on o> before the 29th day of Augus' next, and redeem the property as de scribed herein and in the Bill jof Complaint or thereafter a Final Decree will be rendered foreclosing all rights of redemp tion in and to the property de scribed in the Bill oi Complaint and vesting in the Plaintiff a title free and clear ot al> en cumbrances. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of the Circu t Court For Montgomery County Maryland True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk . 41-7302-7-14 Legal Advertisement JOHN D. BOWMAN Solicitor Rockville, Md. ORDER XISI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As a Court of Equity No. 22867 Equity In the Matter of the Deed of Trust from HARRY SILVERSTEIN and ANN M. SILVERSTEIN. hit vvift JOSEPH G. BERLIN and BARBARA F. BERLIN, hi* wifo to CECIL E. CUSTER KEITH L. SEEGMILLER Trustees ORDERED, this 20th day of June. A.D.. 1960. by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, aw a Court of Equity, that the Auditor * Report filed in the above entitled cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the con trary thereof be shown on or before the 18th day of July next: provided a copy of this order lie inserted in some new paper published in said Montgomery Coun'y, once a week lor three successive week, before the said 18th day of July. 1960. The last publication to be at least one week prior to the day on or before whrh objections may be filed. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk of Ihe Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 3t-7296-7-7 G. RICHARD PARK 200 Monroe Street Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS N 'TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters of Administration to G. Richard Park in the Estate of COWANS SMITH late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 24th day of De cember next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from ail benefit of said Estate. AH persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment Given under my hand this 21st day of June, 1960. G. RICHARD PARK 200 Monroe Street Rockville. "M. Administrator 6t-7294-7-28 Barnard Talbott Welsh Attorney at Law Rockville, Md. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY MARYLAND No. 23167 Equity JOAN TOMPKINS 3 Newlands Street Chevy Chase, Md. Plaintiff vs. FRANCIS TOMPKINS Address Unknown Defendant Order of Publication The object of this suit is to procure a decree of divorce a mensa et thoro from the de fendant by the plaintiff and that the Court award the cus tody of the child, James Tomp kins, unto the plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem proper. The Bill states that the plain tiff and defendant were married on the sth day of March, 1954, and ever since that time have been and now are husband and wife; that the plaintiff is a resi dent of Montgomery County, Maryland, and has resided therein for more than one year prior to the bringing of this action, while the address of the defendant is unknown; that as issue of said marriage there j was born to the parties a son | named James Tompkins, who was born on the 16th day of July, 1954, and whose address is unknown to the plaintiff. That on the 13th day of May, 1960, the defendant, without just cause, abandoned and de serted the plaintiff by leaving the residence of the parties hereto and taking with him the infant child of the plaintiff and secreting said child and keep ing his address unknown to the plaintiff, and that such aban donment and desertion has con tinued uninterruptedly since said date, and that the separa tion of the parties is beyond any reasonable expectation of a reconciliation. It is thereupon this 7th day of June, 1960, Ordered by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, as a Court of Equity, that the plaintiff, by causing a copy of this Order to be insert ed in some newspaper published in Montgomery County once a week in each of four successive weeks before the sth day of July, 1960, give notice to the said absent defendant of the ob ject and substance of this Bill, warning him to file his initial pleading on or before the sth day of August next, to show cause, if any he has, why a decree ought not to be passed as prayed, or in the alternative, by the service of a copy of this Order of Publication personally on the defendant, Francis Tomp kins, on or before one month before the said sth day of August, 1960. CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 4t-7244-6-30 Miller & M’ller Attorneys at Law Rockville, Maryland Assignee’s Sale Of Improved Real Estate in the 13th Election District “Allan wood” subdivision. Montgom ery County, Maryland, locat ed on Flint HU! Road. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage from R P M. Construction Company, a Mary land corporation, to Lestei H. vli ck and Theresa A Mock, dated the 12th day of February, 1960, recorded among tne Land Records of Montgomery Coun ty. Maryland, in Libei 2705 at Folio 246, and on the 14th day of June, 1960, assigned to James R. Miller, Jr., foi the purpose of foreclosure, the said James K. Miller, Jr., Assignee Legal Advertisement for the purpose ot foreclosure, will sell at public auction in front ot the Court House door in the City of Rockville, Mary land, on THURSDAY, JULY 14. 1960 AT 10:00 O'CLOCK A.M. The property by sairi mort gage conveyed, being particu larly described as Lot 6 Block D, in the subdivision known as “Allanwood,” Montgomery County, Maryland, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book No. 30 at Plat 1853 one ol the Land Records of said State and County. Said property is improved by a brick dwelling with full base ment, living room, kitchen, din ing area, three bedrooms, den, two-car garage, one bath, and two fireplaces, and is located on Flint Hill Road, Alianwooo Sub division. TERMS OF SALE: Ail cash upon ratification thereof by the C.rcuit Court of Montgomery County, Maryland. A deposit of ten per cent (10%) of the purchase price wiil be required at the time of sale; the balance of the purchase price *o bear interest from the dr te ot sale to the date of settlement All conveyancing, recording, feder al and state revenue stamps, transfer taxes, etc., to be at the cost of the purchaser Terms of sale to be compkeu with within five (5) days after final ratification thereof by the Cir cuit Court for Montgomery County; otherwise the property will be resold at the risk and cost of the defau'ting purchas er; taxes and any special im provement assessments or other assessments are :o be adjusted from the date of the sale. The property wil. be sold sub ject to a prior deed of trust, securing National Permanent Savings and Loan Association, recorded in Liber 2581 at Folio 384, among the Land Records of Montgomery County Mary land, and subject to a prior deed of trust, securing Lester H. Mock and Theresa A. Mock, re corded in Liber 2581 at Folio 380. among the Land Records of Montgomery County Mary land, the amount and terms of which trusts will be announced at the time of the sale JAMES R. MILLER, JR. Assignee 4t-7284-7-14 JOHN I. HMSK, .IR. 105 Jefferton Building Rockville, .Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans Court for Montgomery County ha issued Letters Testamentary to Ward Miller, Jr., in the Estate of (OKA M. MILLER late of Montgomery County deceased. All per <ns having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 30th day of De ee her next: they ma. otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my j.and this 7th day of June, 1960. WARD MILLER. JR. 8804 Mead Street Bethesda 14. Md. Executor 6t -7239-7-14 ALGER Y. BARBEE A THOMAS C. KELLEY Solicitors Rockville. Md. ORDER NISI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As a Court of Equity No. 17445 Equity MARGARET XANDER, widow, et al Plaintiffs ▼s. VICTOR J. XANDER. et al Defendants ORDERED, this 21st day of June. A.D.. 1960. by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, as a Court of Equity, that the Auditor’s Third Report filed in the above entitled cause, be rati fied and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 18th day of July next; provided a copy of this order l>e inserted in some newspaper published in said Montgomery County, once a week for three successi\e weeks before the said 18th day of July. 11160. the last publication to be at least one week prior to the day on or before which objections may be filed. CLAYTON K WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 3t-7297-7-7 PHILIP SHIN BERG JACKSON BRODSKY 10*30 ( unnectirut A\entie Kensinston. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to Arnold A. Heft and Herbert Heft in Lie Estate ot ROSE A. HEFT late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the d eased are hereby warned to present | the same on or before the 24th da> jof December next; they may otherwise! ;by law te excluded from all benefit of ! said Estate. AH persons indebted to setd Estate are requested to make im med ate payment. Given under our hand this 15th day of of June, 1960. ARNOLD A. HEFT 301 Hamilton Avenue Silver Spring. Md. Executor and HERBERT HEFT 3.'KU2 Flack Street Silver Spring. Md. Executor 6t-7288-7-28 William F. Prettyman Rockville, Maryland Trustees’ Sale OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of the power and authority contained in a certain j deed of trust from Abe Rasnek and Lawrence Hill bearing date January 27, 1960, recorded among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Maryland, iti liber 2701, folio 195, the un dersigned trustees therein named will, on JULY 27, 1960 AT 4 O’CLOCK P. >l. offer for sale at public auction on or near the premises, all of the property conveyed by said deed of trust, same being Lot 10-A, in a subdivision of land in said County known as and called “Lots 10-A and 10-B, Waugh’s Subdivision, Kensington" as shown upon a plat recorded among said Legal Advertisement Land Records in Plat Book 36, Plat 2464. The property is improved by a brick two story office building with seven rooms, two baths and half basement, designated as 10545 Metropolitan Avenue, Kensington, Maryland. Subject to the prior lien of a mortgage from the said Abe Rasnek and Lawrence Hill to The Citizens Building and Loan Association of Montgomery County, Inc., dated November 27, 1959, recorded among said Land Records in liber 2701, folio 192 securing the original sum of $20,000.00, and accrued interest, the exact amount of said en cumbrance to be announced at the time of sale. TERMS OF SALE: Cash, of which a deposit of $1,000.00 will be required on the day of sale. Balance upon ratification of sale by the court approximately thirty days later. Taxes and in surance to be adjusted to the date of ratification of sale. Conveyancing and all revenue stamps at cost of purchaser. LOUIS H. COHEN, SAMUEL GORDON, Trustees 4t-7291-7-14 CLITI S O. BOIIIDKAIX. .JR. Fire Department Building Rockville. Md. NOTICE TO (RED I TORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans' Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to Lu ella Hoover and Frank Willard Hoover, , Jr., in the Estate of FRANK WILLARD HOOVER. SR. late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 24th day of De cember next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said - Estate are requested to make immediate j payment. i Given under our hands this 21st day of June. 1960. LUELLA HOOVER and FRANK WILLARD HOOVER. JR. 3710 Marymont Road Silver Spring, Md. Co-Executors 6t-7295-7-28 HAROLD C. SMITH, JR. Box 509 108 Commerce Lane Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to Robe Henry Costello In the Estate of ESTELLE NEWTON COSTELLO late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 10th day of De cember next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. AH persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 7th day of June, 1960. ROBERT HENRY COSTELLO Brooks Avenue Gaithersburg, Md. Executor 6t-7240-7-14 JAMES B. DAVIS Professional Bldg. Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters of Administra tion to Claude B. Trevey in the Estate of ALVIN TREVEY late of Montgomery County deceased, j All persons having Claims against the deceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 24th day !of December next; they may otherwise ! by law be excluded from all benefit of saiu Estate. AM persons indebted to i said Estate are requested to make im i mediate payment. Given under my hand this 15th day of June, 1960. CLAUDE B TREVEY 549 Anderson Avenue Rockville. Md. Administrator 6t-7286-7-28 CHARLES W. WOODWARD, JR. Fire Department Building Kockxille. Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans Court for Montgomery County ha.. issued Letters Testmentarv to Brooke Brewer and Nan H. Brewer in the Estate of EDITH GREEN BAYLY late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 30th day of De ceml)er next: they may otherwise by law le excluded from all benefit of said Estate All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. i en under our hands this 7th day of June. 1960. BROOKE BREWER NAN H BREWER 3900 Falls Road Rockville. Md. Executors 6t-7238-7-14 j KAKDY A BRANNON Solicitors Silver Spring, Md. ORDER MSI AND NOTICE TO ( KEDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY. MD. Sitting as a Court of Equity Equity No. 23079 In Re: the Estate of MARY G. BURRE Incompetent This cause came on to be heard on a petition to sell real estate, exhibits and testimony filed herein, and upon con sideration thereof it is by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County. Maryland. Sitting in Equity, this 9th day of June. 1960. ORDERED that the contract made for the sale to the Bullis School. Incorpor ated. of the real property mentioned in these proceedings for a total sale price of Ten Thousand Dollars (S 10.000.00) be confirmed as to the interest of Mary G Burt*. Incompetent, and the sale of her interest therein be approved, unless cause to the contrary be shown on or before the 18th day of July. 1960, pro i vide a copy of this order be inserted !in some newspaper published in Mont gomery County. Maryland, once a week for four successive weeks prior to the 18th day of July. 1960 Ar’ it is further ORDERED thst all pe ons having claims against and all creditors of Mary G. Burre. Incom petent. shall file with the Clerk of this Court on or before the 18th day of July. 1960. a statement of their claims sub stantiated by vouchers: otherwise they may be barred from recovery of any such claim. THOMAS M. ANDERSON Judge of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Oar* 4t-7272-7-7 Gordon R. Kindness Attorney for Trus*ees 22 West Jefferson Street Rockville, Maryland Trustees’ Sale Of Valuable, Improved Real Estates, Located in Mont gomery County, Maryland, Improved by Premises Known as 306 Croydon Avenue. C’roy den Park, Rockville, Mary land. By virtue of the powet and authority contained n a Deed of Trust from Leonard R Cur tis and Betty Ann Curtis, his wife, to the undersigned Trus tees dated the 21st day of De cember, 1959, and recorded among the Land Records of Montgomery County Maryland, in Liber 2687 Folio 478 and at the request of the party se cured thereby, dcfau'i having occurred in the terms auo con- Legal Advertisement d'tions thereof, the undersigned Trustees named in saw Deed of Trust will sell at public auction in front of the Cour' House dr-or in the Town ot Rockville, facing on East Montgomery Street on MONDAY, JULY II 1960 AT 10:30 O’CLOCK A.M. ail that property in saio Deed of Trust described as follows: Lots numbered Twentv-five (25) and Twenty-six (26) in Block lettered “E,” in a sub division known as CROYDON PARK; as per plat recorded in Plat Book 3, plat 272 one ot the Land Records ol Mont gomery County, Maryland Subject to building restric tion line and all covenants of record. The property is improved by a dwelling house of two stories, frame, containing two bed rooms. TERMS OF SALE: The Cash deposit of Five Hundred Dol lars ($500.00) will be required at the time of sale. The bal ance in cash, with interest at six per cent per annum from the date of sale to the date of payment payable within two days after final ratification of sale. Adjustments on ail taxes, pub lic charges and special or regu lar assessments will he made as ot the date of salp and there after be assumed bv the pur chaser. Title exanrnat.on, con veyancing, state and federal rev enue stamps and ail other costs incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Compliance with terms of sale shall be made within two days after final ratification of sa'e or deposit shaf be forfeit ed and the property resold at the risk and cost of the default ant purchaser. The property will be sold subject to a prior encumbrance, the balance of which is approximately Eleven Thousand Fifty - Four Dollars and Thirty-Six Cents (sll,- 054.36) Dollars. GORDON R. KINDNESS LAWRENCE A. WIDMAYER, JK. Trustees 41-7251-7-7 JAMES B. DAVIS Profi'hsional Kills. Rockville, .Md. NOTICE TO C REDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters of Administra tion to Claude B. Trevey in the Estate of LIT IE TREVEY lafe of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the deceased are her by warned to present the same on or before the 24th day of December next: they may otherwise • by law be excluded from all benefit of jsa Estate. AH persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make im mediate payment. Given under my hand this 15th day of June, 1960. CLAUDE B. TREVEY 549 Anderson Avenue Rockville. Md. Administrator 61-7283-7-28 A. E. BRAL'LT Solicitor 516 Transporation Building Washington, D. C. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY. MD. Sitting as a Court of Equity Equity No. 23110 VALLIE T. SNOOTS HERBERT O. SNOOTS, JR. HAROLD W. TIPTON. JR. ZADA M. TIPTON and VALLIE T. SNOOTS As Guardian and Next Friend of LAWRENCE L. TIPTON, an infant Plaintiffs vs. LAWRENCE L. TIPTON, an infant Defendant ORDER NISI ORDERED, this 22nd day of June. A.D.. 1960. by the Circuit Court for ! Montgomery County, as a Court of Equity, that the sale of real estate of Lawrence L. Tipton, an infant, made on his behalf by Vallie T. Snoots as Guardian of said infant, and this day reported to this Court by the said Guard ian, be ratified and confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before the 28th day of July. i 960, at 9:30 a.m.. next; provided a copy of this Order lie inserted in some news paper published in said Montgomery County once in ach of three successive weeks before the said 18th day of July, 1960. The report states the amount of the sale to be 820,000 all cash, subject to adjustment of existing taxes or other liens and subject to a sales commission pay able to the sales agent in the amount of $1,000.00. JAMES H PUGH Judge of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 3t-7321-7-14 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans Court for Montgomery County has issued Letteis of Administration to Li/n Rounds in the Estate of FRANCIS V SMITH late ot Montgomery County deceased. /11 persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the 3rd day of Decern ber next: they may otherwise by law be exclude** from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 31st day ol Vlay. i 960. LIZZIE ROUNDS Sandy Spring. Md. Administratrix 6t-7207-7-7 Notice of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the County Couitcil for Mont gomery County. Maryland, will conduct a public hearing on JULY 20. 1960 AT 8:00 P. M. in the Auditorium of the Coun ty Office Building, Rockville, Maryland, on a proposal to re peal and re-enact with amend ments Chapter 106, Montgom ery County Code 1955, entitled “Subdivision Regulations.” The hearing will be on a pro posed revision of the Regula tion for the Subdivision of Land foi the Mai yland-Washington Regional District as adopted by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission on April 13, 1960. Copies of the proposed regu lations will be available in the Office of the Clerk to the Coun ty Council, County Office Build ing, Rockville Maryland. LAWRENCE E. SPEELMAN Clerk, County Council For Montgomery County. Md. lt-7268-7-7 1 ft Legal Advertisement CHARLES IV. WOODWARD, JR. Fire Dept. Building Rockville, M<l. ORDER MSI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY As a Court of Equity No. 22706 Equity In Re: EDITH GREEN BAYLY ORDERED, this 28th day of June, A. D. 1960. by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, as a Court of Equity, that the Auditor's First A Final Report filed in the above entitled cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary therev,! be shown on or before the 25th day of July next: pro vided a copy of this order be inserted in some newspaper published in said Mont gomery County, once a week for three suv . r-ssivt weeks before the said 25th <Uy of July. 1960. the la.t publication to be at least one week prior to the day on or before which objections mav lie filed. CLAYTON V. WATKINS Clerk of the Circuit Court For Montgomery County True Copy—Test: CLAYTON K. WATKINS Clerk 3t-7327-7-14 H. ALGIRE MrFAUL Fire Dept. Bldg. Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Orphans’ Court for i.lontgomery County has issued Letters Testamentary to Jessie B. Dewey in the Estate of GEORGE I. DEWEY late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to present the same on or before the Ist day of Jan uary next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. AH persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 28th day of June, 1960. JESSIE B. DEWEY 8009 Glenside Drive Takoma Park, Md. Executrix 6t-7325-8-4 SIMPSON AND SIMPSON Fire Dept. Building Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tha Subscriber of Montgomery County has ob tained from the Orphans’ Court of Montgomery County, in Maryland, Letters Testamentary on the personal Estate of I KED B. LINTON a.k.a. FREDERICK B. LINTON and I . B. LINTON late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit tha same, with vouchers thereof, legally au thenticated to the subscriber on or befora the Ist day of January next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons in debted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 28th day of June in the year of our Lord, one thou sand nine hundred and sixty. FRED B. LINTON. JR. 2749 Spring Garden Road Winston-Salem, N. C. Executor 6t-7326-8-4 MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. FAS-180 (4) M-563-5-317 431-D Notice to Road Contractors Sealed proposals will be re ! eeived UNTIL 11:00 A. M. EDT, ON WEDNESDAY AUGUST 10, 1960 at Room 602, County Office Building, Rockville, Maryland, at which time they will be pub licly opened and read for the construction of River Road 400 feet west of Reddick Road west erly 1.3 miles. Major items in cluded will be clearing and grubbing, grading, flexible pav ing, and drainage. Plans, specifications and other contract documents may be obtained at Room 506, Coun ty Office Building, Rockville, Maryland, upon presentation of Official County Receipt for Ten Dollars <$10.00). No refunds will be made. Only contractors formally prequalified with the County will be eligible to submit pro posals. This Project is desig nated as Range A. The successful bidder will be required to be bonded to Mont gomery County, Maryland, to the sum of One Hundred Per Cent (100%) of the amount of his proposal. Each proposal must be ac companied by a Proposal Guar- - anty as prescribed. The bid bond or certified check of the bidder to whom the contract is awarded shall be forfeited in case the contract and bond are not executed within ten days after receiving contract for exe cution. All work shall be performed under this contract in accord ance with Specifications of Maryland State Roads Commis sion and Special Provisions which will be made a part of the Contract. The County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals; to waive technicalities as may be deemed in the best interest of Montgomery County. M. A. BUTCHER Director of Public Works For Montgomery County j Maryland 2t-7330-7-7 H. H INSHIP U Hr.ATI.F V, JR. 4319 Hamilton Street H>attville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th# Orphans Court for Montgomery County has issued Letters of Administration to H. Winship Wheatley. Jr., in tha Estata of JOHN JOSEPH BYRNE late of Montgomery County deceased. All persons having Claims against the de ceaseo are hereby warned to present tha t same on or before the 3rd day of Decem ber next; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said Estate. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. 1 Given under my hand this 27th day of May. 1960. H WINSHIP WHEATLEY, JR. 4319 Hamilton Street Hyattsville. Md. Administrator 6t-7213-7-7 JOHN E. OXLEY Attorney South P err* Street Rockville, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th# Subscriber of Montgomery County, b s obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Montgomery County. in Maryland. Letters of Administration c.t.a. on tha personal Estate oi FANNIE 8. WEN NCR late of Montgomery County deceased. AH person: having Claims against the de corsed are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with vouchers thereof, legally soi thenticated to the subscriber on or before the 10th day of December next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit ot sain Estate. Ail per sons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 7th day of June in the year ol our Lord, one thou sand nine hundred and sixtv. marie a. long 702 Maple Avenu, Rockville. Md. Admiunuatrut e.t.a. St-7241-T-M